Year of the creation of the Russian Empire. Territorial composition of the Russian Empire

Prince Igor 912-945

According to the chronicle, Prince Igor accepted power in 912 after the death of Oleg, being already in adulthood. After the death of Oleg, felt a weaker hand, the Dvlyan refused to pay the established tribute, but the prince of Igor docused the riot and made the Drevlyan obey.

Igor committed a number of hiking, but such good luck, like Oleg, was no longer. In 913, under the leadership of Igor, a trip was made on the coast of the Caspian Sea, the approaches to which were under the control of Khazar. Therefore, as a fee for a passage, it was promised half the production. The mining was really huge. Half Rusichi, as promised, gave the Khazara. Due to the second half, on which the Khazara also began to claim, a terrible battle was broken, as a result of which almost all the prince of Prince Igor was destroyed.

At the board of Prince Igor, Rusich's territory was first attacked by Pechenegs. In 915, Igor, Igor managed to conclude an alliance with them, and 5 years they did not disturb Russian lands. In 941, Prince Igor took a campaign to the Tsargrad, which ended very sadly for Russian troops: the so-called "Greek fire" was applied by the Byzantines and most of the prince's troops was destroyed.

Wanting to wash off a shame after defeating the first campaign to Tsargrad, Prince Igor gathered the second campaign. In 944, the combined army of Rusich, Varyagov and Pechenegs went south. Warned by Bulgarians and Khazari "about Russia without a number", the Byzantines offered the world on favorable conditions for Rus. After consulting with wise warriors, Prince Igor accepted the emperor's offer. The following year, Kiev and Tsargrad exchanged embassies and concluded a new peace treaty.

After this campaign, Prince Igor had no longer fought and even for the collection of Dani sent his boyrin of his boyar Sveneldeld, which began to affect the welfare of the squad of Igor himself. In his squad, Igor soon began to raise: "The rasters (the warriors) of Sveneldd rich in weapons and dress, and we are nagi; go, prince, with us for tribute, and you will add, and we". (Karamzin) After a long persuade, Prince Igor went with his buddy to the Treasure land for tribute. Considering the tribute to be insufficient, Prince Igor decided to collect tribute once again. Restored by such arbitrariness, the ardent of the eradicated, killed a small squad Igor, and killed him. This happened in 945.

Prince Igor was married to Pskobovyanka Olga, which, for one of the legends he chose Oleg in 903, and had the Son Svyatoslav. Prince Igor Rules 32 years old.

Princess Olga 945-962

According to the evidence of chroniclers, Olga married Prince Igor in 903. Regarding the origin of Olga Chronicle disagree. According to one, Olga is a simple rural girl from Pskov, who met Prince Igor on the hunt and who loved him at first sight. Others hint that Olga - Daughter of Prince Oleg and his name accepted his honor. After the death of her husband, Princess Olga, the state of the state until the advent of her son Svyatoslav. She was helped by two famous governors: Asmud and Svneldeld.

Olga took an active part in the management of the state and during the hints of Svyatoslav. She cruelly suppressed the rising Drevlyan, avenge the death of her husband Prince Igor. Traditions themselves say that after the murder Igor Drevlyan chose the best husbands and sent them to Olga with a proposal to marry the prince of them. The first delegation of the ambassadors was dropped together with the rook to the pit and the land was falling asleep. The second delegation was burned in the bath.
Having gathered a hike against Drevlyan, Princess Olga appeared at the eraser and, by fueling the Trenza on her husband, ordered to destroy the inhabitants of the city. So began a long, launched almost a year, siege eraser. Only the cunning Olga managed to destroy the city. The princess demanded tribute from each yard: 3 pigeons and 3 sparrow. Dani delighted as small size, the inhabitants of the eraser hurried to fulfill the desire of the princess and brought birds. Olga ordered to bind to their lapes smoldering pass and release to the will. I carry the fire with you, the birds returned to the nest and thus set fire to the city. After taking the eraser, Olga with a friend went through the villages and cities by setting the size of Dani.
The special page entered the princess Olga to the history of Christianity. She was the first princess Christian. On the slope of the years, Olga's pagan wanted to become a Christian and went to Tsargrad in 957 to adopt Christianity from the Greek Patriarch. Emperor Byzantium Konstantin Bagrynorovnoy became her godfather. In Baptism, Olga adopted the name of Elena in honor of the Mother of Emperor Konstantin. Returning to Kiev, Olga wanted to turn Svyatoslav into the Christian faith and his son, but Svyatoslav was afraid to seem like funny to his branching warriors.
The years of the reign of Olga were characterized by the expansion of international relations Kievan Rus: Relations with Byzantium were strengthened, embassies were exchanged with the German emperor Otten I. Contemporaries were celebrated in the nature of Olga, the combination of an outstanding mind and energy inherent in an outstanding state leaders. "The legend was correct by Olga helico, the church - sacred, history - wise." (Karamzin)
Princess Olga died in 969, banning before death to protect the pagan Trenzna. She was buried in Christian custom. Later, by the will of her grandson, Vladimir Saint, the remains of Princess were buried in the tintan church. The Russian Orthodox Church was killed by Olga and ranked her for the saints.

Svyatoslav 962-972

Svyatoslav was the son of Prince Igor and Princess Olga. After the murder of Drevlyans, Prince Igor Svyatoslav was too small to rule the state: he was only three years old. Prior to its majority of the rule of Princess Olga. The chronicle has retained a description of the beginning of the Military Career of Svyatoslav. Wanting to take revenge on her husband, Princess Olga gathered a big army and headed into the Drevalnskaya Earth. The army of Kiev "met with them, and the young Svyatoslav himself began the battle. The copy, abandoned in the enemy, the weak hand of the excuse, fell to the legs of his horse; Asmud and Svendeld, encouraged the warriors an example of a young hero and with an exclamation:" Friends! For the prince! "- rushed into battle ...". (Karamzin) So since childhood, the life of Svyatoslav - Prince-warrior was determined.

The chronicler so draws Svyatoslav. It was a born warrior, a knight without fear and reproach, "unusually hardy in campaigns, unpretentious in everyday life, he could sleep under the open sky, laying his saddle under his head, was not debid in food, fast and decisive in movements. Svyatoslav never attacked the enemy without warning him: "I go to you." Starting from 964, he made a number of campaigns on OKU, in the Volga region, to the North Caucasus and Balkans, freeing slavic tribes From the power of the Khazar and attaching new land to its territories.
In 965, Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Kaganat. In 968, at the request of the Byzantine Emperor, Svyatoslav fought with the Bulgarian kingdom (Danube Bulgaria). As a result of this campaign, a number of cities were captured, including Pereyaslavl (Preslav) and Dorostor (Tristor). This country liked the prince so much that he decided to even postpone the capital of his state here.
Constantly while in long abuse, Svyatoslav, all the management of the state shifted on his mother's shoulders - Olga Princess. In 969, when Svyatoslav was in Pereyaslavs, the Pechenegs attacked Russia and besieged Kiev. In the city, hunger has already begun, when the inhabitants found out that on the opposite bank of the Dnieper, there is a small detachment from the squad of Svyatoslav under the leadership of the pretice governor. The governor did not even suspect about the plight of Kievans.
The chronicle leads the legend of the young man who, risking life, managed to warn a detachment. Kiev was saved. And the great princess was sent a message with reproach: "You, prince, are looking for someone else's land and dishes it, and from my own, we almost took Pechenegs with my mother and children. If you do not protect it, they will take us. Isn't you Sorry or your debris, nor old women, or your children? ". (Karamzin) Svyatoslav hurried to Kiev and drove Pechenegs to the steppe.
But the peaceful life of Kiev did not like the prince. After the death of Mother - Princess Olga (969), he again went to Bulgaria. Before the campaign, Svyatoslav shared the state between the sons: Yuropolku gave Kiev, Oleg got the land of Drevlyan, and Vladimir went to Novgorod. So Svyatoslav tried to strengthen the great power, replacing local managers with their children. In the meantime, power in Byzantium captured John Tsimischius, who was not satisfied with such a militant neighbor as Svyatoslav.
Combining with Bulgarians, the emperor declared War Svyatoslav. In the battle near Pereyaslavts, Svyatoslav won. Brutally punishing the Bulgarian for an unreasonable reception, Svyatoslav adopted the delegation of the emperor with a proposal to take rich gifts and forever leave Bulgaria. But Svyatoslav considered his Earth, and the proposal of the emperor with anger was rejected. The new war of Prince Svyatoslav with Byzantia and Bulgaria began (970-971). The troops of the Byzantines and Bulgarians were siege to Dorostol, where the main forces of Svyatoslav were located. After a two-month siege, Svyatoslav was forced to enter into a peace treaty with the emperor of Byzantium.
Greek historian Lev Deacon Kalaysky, telling about the meeting of Svyatoslav with the emperor, leads a description of the appearance of the prince: "The view he was as follows: medium height, nor too high, nor too small, with dense eyebrows, with blue eyes, with a flat nose, with a british beard and dense long hair hanging on the top lip. He was completely naked he head, but only on one side I was hung a curl of hair, meaning the knowledge of the genus. The neck is thick, the shoulders are wide and the entire mill is pretty slim. He seemed gloomy and harsh. In one ear, His gold earring was hung, decorated with two pearls with ruby, in the midst of them inserted. The clothes were on it white, nothing but purity, from others is not excellent. "
After the conclusion of the world with Byzantia, Svyatoslav went to the Dnieper thresholds, on the way I inspired in Belobasch. In the spring of 972, the squad of Svyatoslav leaned by the campaign took a fight with Pechenegs. In this battle, Svyatoslav was killed. From Svyatoslav Svyatoslav, the Pechenezhsky leader smoking ordered to make himself a bowl and drank from it during the festivities. Prince Svyatoslav before the end of his days remained a pagan and did not succumb to the mother's persuasion - Princess Olga - to adopt Christianity.
Svyatoslav had three sons: Yaropolk and Oleg (from Grechany Prshawy) and Vladimir (from Knyagini Knyagini Olga Malushi).

Yaropolk 972-980

The chronicle has kept a little information about the period of the reign of Yaropolk - the eldest son of Svyatoslav and Prennia. The Kiev throne and the title of Grand Prince Yaropolk received in 970, while the father's lifetime, to the holy shit at Bulgaria. He was then only 11 years old. Right hand The young prince was an experienced governor Sveneld. Once on the hunt, the son of Sveneldd was accidentally killed, lyut. This happened due to Oleg - Brother Yaropolk. Wanting to revenge for the death of the Son, Sveneldeitic did the Yaropolka to go to his brother, who ruled the land of Drevlyan, and take these possessions. Yaropolk went war to Oleg and won it. During the flight from the city of Oleg killed.

The younger son of Svyatoslav and Kleisuitsa Malushi Vladimir, who received the Novgorod region in the will of the father, having learned about the death of Oleg's consolidated brother, fled from Novgorod for the sea to Varyagam. Yaropolk sent his governor to Novgorod and for two years was the ruler of all Russian lands.
Modern historians suggest that Yaropolk tried to implement a number of reforms similar to those who conducted his grandmother, Princess Olga. There is information that Yaropolk sent an embassy to Germany and Rome. Apparently, he accepted Christianity as the princess Olga.
In 980, Vladimir returned to the Varangian army in Novgorod and began to prepare for the battle with Yaropolk. Yaropolk locked in Kiev, but, yielding to the persuasion of the Voivpeople of Blud, whom Vladimir bribed, left the capital and locked in a small town of Ram. Here in the year 980, by order of Vladimir, he was treacherly killed.
Yaropolk was married to Julia, waiting for him a child. After the death of Yaropolk, Vladimir took a pregnant woman to his supervisory. From the marriage of Yulia and Yaropolk, Svyatopolk was born, which will later enter the story under the name "Okayan".

Vladimir 980-1015

Vladimir Svyatoslavich is the younger son of Prince Svyatoslav and Knyagini Knyagini Knyagini. From 969 he ruled in Novgorod. In 980, Vladimir, killing his pylon brother Yaropolk, became the Grand Duke Kiev. Vladimir was a consecration ruler of Russian land. Chronicles subdivide the time of Vladimir's reign for two periods: Vladimir - Gentham and Vladimir - Christian.

In the "pagan period" of his board of the chronicle they write about Vladimir as a person cruel and immoral. According to his order, the heir was killed the heir to the throne Yaropolk, his pregnant widow Vladimir took his concubine. Vladimir had five legitimate wives and many concubines: in Vyshgorod - about 300 concubines, in Belgorod - 300, in the village of Berezov - about 200. The first wife was the princess Polotsk Rogned, which he took to his wife forcibly. To achieve Roggeds, Vladimir captured her hometown of Polotsk and killed her whole relatives: Father and brothers.

His political activities Vladimir began with an attempt to reduce the belief of various tribes in one. He put on his yard an idol of the most revered gods: Perun, Dazhbog, Stroboga and others. Top rituals, sacrifices made in front of these idols.

But soon, disappointed in paganism, Vladimir began to look for another faith. The chronicles describe the legend about the choice of faith. Vladimir sent ten "prudent husbands" in different countries. The ambassadors saw Mohammedan temples "with sad prayers and sad faces of" believers, worship Catholic "with rites without any greatness and beauty."

In the Constantinople Church, the sacred solemnity and the sacrament of rites, the beauty of the icons, the fragrance of Fimiam conquered Russian envoys. They also told their prince: "When the Greek law was not better than others, then your grandmother, Olga, the wisest of all people, did not think of accepting him."

After listening to advisers, Vladimir decided to dwell on Orthodoxy. The adoption of Christianity Vladimir was bypassing. In 988, a campaign was made to Chersonese (Korsun). After a long siege, the city was taken by the army of Vladimir. By the Byzantine emperors Vasily and Konstantin was raised by ultimatum: or they give their sister Anna marry Kiev Prince, or Vladimir goes war to Byzantium.

However, the emperors put their condition to Vladimir: to marry the Byzantine princess, he must adopt Christianity. The chronicle tells that "the prince sneezing at the time of her eyes during baptism." After baptism, Vladimir's marriage with princess Anna took place. Upon returning to his homeland, Vladimir baptized his children and all the people.

The estimated date of adoption of Christianity in Russia on August 1, 988. From this point on, the chronicles speak of Vladimir as a man with the Holy and Pious. There were temples on the spot of pagan capits. The adoption of Christianity influenced the policies and culture of ancient Russia. The Church of St. Vasily and the Church of the Virgin ("Tenty") was built in Kiev. Books with the texts of worships began to translate from Greek to Slavic.

Many did Vladimir to strengthen the borders of the state. He made hiking on Vyatichi, Radmich and Lithuanians. During the prince of Vladimir on the banks of the river, the Battle of Pechenegs took place. The prince of Vladimir Svyatoslavich is considered a period of raising Russia. By the beginning of the XI century, the state included almost all major unions of the Eastern Slavs. The people's memory retained the image of the Grand Duke in the episons and legends. It was at that time that a number of epic appeared, the hero of which, along with Ilya Muromers, Dobryna Nikitich and Putya, was also Prince Vladimir Red Sunshine.

Vladimir Sveti died on July 15, 1015 during preparation for the campaign against his son Yaroslav, who was rejected in Novgorod. Prince Vladimir loved the people. Having learned about his death, "people agreed without a number and cried on it: boyars as in the intercession of the country, the poor, as about their intercession and the feeder." ("Tale of the time year")

Prince Vladimir was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church and ranked saints.

Svyatopolk 1015-1019
Svyatopolk - the adoptive son of Vladimir Saint, was born from Marriage Yaropolk Svyatoslavich and Julia. Lately, he tried to organize a conspiracy, whose inspiration began to arrive in Kiev with the bride for Svyatopolka Bishop Rainburn. The plot was revealed, the conspirators were planted in the dungeon. After some time, Svyatopolk was released and sent to a small town of tours, not far from Kiev, under the supervision of Vladimir. After the death of Vladimir, the Great Svyatopolk collapsed the power in Kiev.
In an effort to remain the Grand Duke of Kiev, he ordered to kill his summary brothers Boris, Gleb and Svyatoslav. Only the prince Novgorod Yaroslav was able to resist Svyatopolkol. In 1016, a battle between the army of Svyatopolk, who called on the help of Pechenegs, with the army of Yaroslav, occurred. As a result, the United Kyiv-Pechenezh army was broken, Svyatopolk fled to Poland, to his test of Boleslav.
The king of Polish Boleslav helped him return the Kiev throne: in 1017 the battle took place on the BUG, \u200b\u200bin which Yaroslav was defeated, fled to Novgorod and began to collect a new army. Poles who came to Kiev along with Svyatopolk, began to create riots in the city. Then, with the silent consent of the prince of Kiev, Kievans destroyed the Polish garrison. The insulted Boleslav led his army to Poland. After this quarrel, the Svyatopolk had no longer to count on the aid of a former ally.
Taking advantage of the moment, Yaroslav again attacked Scholopolka. In 1018 on the Altea River, on the place where Prince Boris was killed, a battle occurred. Svyatopolk was broken and fled. According to the chronicler's testimony, "When he ran, the devil attacked him, and loose all the members of him, and he could not sit on a horse, and carried him on her stretchers. And the fizzles with him brought him to Borsechius. He said:" Run from Me, chasing us ... and there was no one who would chase them, and further fled with him. He lay a bitten nervous and, while typing, said: "Here are already chasing, oh, they chase, run." He could not endure in one place, and he ran through the Polish land, persecuted by God's anger, and came ran into a deserted place between Poland and the Czech Republic, and there he fondly graduated from his life. "(" Tale of the time year ")
For his atrocities, Svyatopolk received the nickname "Okayan". He died on a foreign land, in Bohemian deserts.

Yaroslav 1019-1054

Yaroslav I Wise is the son of Vladimir the Great. After the death of the father and brothers - Gleb, Boris and Svyatoslav - Yaroslav spoke out against the Svyatopolka who captured power in Kiev. For a short time (1015-1017), Yaroslav expelled Svyatopolka from Kiev and the rules by the state, remaining Prince of Novgorod. With the help of the Novgorod troops and the Vorazhsky squad, he won the final victory over the Scholyopolk. In 1019, Yaroslav became the Grand Prince Kiev. Its ownership did not include only two principalities: Tmutarakanskoye, which ruled Mstislav Brave, and Polotsk - the possession of the descendants of Roggeda and Vladimir.

In the first years of the prince of Prince Yaroslav, he did not have serious encroachments. Only in 1023, the prince of Tmutarakan Mstislav brave declared his claims on his possession. The battle between the princes of the city of Defament in the Chernigov region ended with the victory of Mstislav. Prince Tmutarakansky suggested that Yaroslav divided the principality into two parts: Yaroslav began to prince in the western part of Russia with the center in Kiev, Mstislav - in the eastern centered center in Chernigov.
Only after the death of Mstislav in 1036, Yaroslav managed to unite all of Russia under his power, excluding polotsk land. Despite the peace-loving foreign policy, Yaroslav successfully reflected encroachment on their lands. During his reign, a major victory over the pechenegs (1036) was observed. After that, the battle of the recreation of Pechenegs on Russia stopped. Becoming on the defense of compatriots, Yaroslav made a campaign on Byzantium, the last in the history of the relations of the two countries.
The Russian state under Yaroslav Mudrome turned into one of the strongest in Europe. Yaroslav approved the power of the Russian state in the West Bank Child Lake And tried to ensure the way out of Russia to the Baltic Sea. Strengthening the borders of the state, Yaroslav founded several cities, including Yaroslavl (1010 year). In Kiev and Novgorod, the cathedrals of Saint Sophia were built. Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery was founded near Kiev. His monks wrote the chronicle and rewritten the books. Yaroslav Vladimirovich himself knew how to read and forced to learn others. In Novgorod and Kiev, about 300 children were taken by the decree and gave "learn books." In the Cathedral of Saint Sophia, the library of Slavic and Greek books collected by Yaroslav.
Yaroslav is also known as the first Russian legislator. In his jurisdiction, the Code of Laws was released, which became a story called "Russian Pravda". The prestige of the Russian Orthodox Church rose. In 1051, for the first time, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Illarion, was elected for the first time for the short history of the Russian Church, without the participation of the Konstantinople Patriarch (Sons of Yaroslav. For their activities, Yaroslav is nosted wise.
Slava Yaroslav acquired international scope. The rulers of European states were considered to be his allies and relatives. Yaroslav Anna's daughter married the French king Heinrich I, Anastasia became the wife of the King of Hungarian Andrei I, Elizabeth - the wife of the Norwegian King of Garald III. Yaroslav himself was married to Ingegere Swedish (in the baptism of Irina) and had ten children. Before his death, Yaroslav divided his state between sons. From this point on, the specific printed system begins to develop. As a result of the section of Russia, the eldest son Yaroslav - Izyaslav received Kiev and Novgorod, Svyatoslav - Chernigov, Vsevolod - Pereyaslavl, Vyacheslav - Smolensk, Igor - Vladimir Volynsky. Yaroslav Wise died in 1054 and was buried in Kiev in the Church of St. Sophia.

Izyaslav 1054-1078
Izyaslav Yaroslavich is the eldest son of Yaroslav Wise. When the principality section, he got Kiev and Novgorod. After the death of Yaroslav, the struggle between princes for the dots began. The first calm violated the nephew Yaroslavichi - Rostislav Vladimirovich (son Vladimir Yaroslavich). Rostislav did not receive a lot, so the Tmutarakan principality trapped himself, but soon he was poisoned with the Greeks.

However, at this time, Prince Polotsk Vyslav began hostile actions against Pskov and Novgorod. And Yaroslavichi, they were forced to united, defeated the detachment of Vascus, and his deception was captured by his deception. In Kiev, he was imprisoned. In 1068, the first attack of the big forces of Polovtsev had happened. Izyaslav tried to reflect the onslaught, but suffered a defeat and was forced to hide in Kiev. At this time, a popular uprising occurred in Kiev: the population required the issuance of weapons to protect the city from Polovtsy.

After the refuse of frightened Izaslav, people themselves seized the warehouse of weapons. Izyaslav left the city and fled to Poland. In his place, Kievans were invited by the prison of Prince Polotsky Vyslav Bryachchalvich. About eight months, Vseslav Bryachlivich wore the title of the Grand Duke Kiev, while Izyaslav Yaroslavich, together with the Armage of Polish King Boleslav, did not return to the city again.

At this time, Russia was a huge battlefield, which was among themselves the descendants of Yaroslav. In the 1070-1071, a number of large unrest on religious soil occurred. Unhappy with the politician Izaslav, his younger brothers Svyatoslav and Vsevolod united and again forced Izaslav to escape. In 1073, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich was proclaimed the Grand Duke.

Only after the death of Svyatoslav (1076), Izyaslav again occupied the Kiev throne. Soon the children of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, Oleg and Boris, entered the struggle for the "Best Slice". Their campaign on Chernigov (1078) ended in failure. But this battle was the last for Iaslav: He was fatally injured in the shoulder.

Izyaslav Yaroslavich was married to the daughter of the Polish king Boleslav and had four children.

Participated in the compilation of "Truth Yaroslavichi"

Yaroslav Zaslavich died in 1078 and was buried in the temple of the Virgin in Kiev.

Vsevolod 1078-1093

Vsevolod Yaroslavich is the son of Yaroslav Wise. He received power after the death of her older brother, Izyaslav. Vsevolod was a meek, peace-loving man, did not like violence and cruelty. However, during the years of his reign, the internecine struggle for the dots broke out with even greater force. Polovtsy used internal confusion, who made raids on Rus several times. To fight with external and inner enemies, his son Vladimir Monomakh, Prince Chernigov, helped Vsevolod. Only due to the victories of her son, Vsevolod retained on the throne.

Vsevolod Yaroslavich was an educated person for his time. He knew five languages, loved books, took part in the compilation of the "Truth of Yaroslavichi".

Vsevolod was married twice. The first wife was Anna, the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin IX Monomakh. The name of his second wife was not preserved. It is known only that she was a half. Vsevolod had two children: Vladimir Monomakh and Rostislav.

Oleg, being in old age, passed power to the son of Rurik Igor. He himself returned to the north, where he soon died from the bite of the snake. Igor was married to Olga's upright, which met in Pskov Forests. After the death of Oleg, Treland and Pecheneg were rebuilt, but Igor managed to break their resistance. Igor also managed to implement Oleg's plans: Capture Taman, Kerch Strait, Tmutarakani. In 941, Igor took a campaign on Byzantium, but Russian ships were burned by Greek fire. In 944, Igor was attempted to conquer the Tsargrad, which was crowned with success. Byzantium again began to pay tribute to Russia, another number of contracts were concluded. Rus in the Union with Byzanthya became known as Russian Earth. Igor was killed by the Trees during the collection of Dani with them.

Olga Board (945 - 962)

At first, the princess revenged the ridge for killing her husband. She made a campaign on the settlements of Drevlyan, killed their ambassadors, restoring control over them and condemned to tribute. Olga conducted the first reforms in Russia. If before the collection of Dani did not have defined normthat gave rise to the dissatisfaction of the people, then Olga introduced lessons. Certain sizes. And the floors appeared at Olga - the place of collecting Dani. This gave the impetus to the development of Rus tax. Having order in the country, the princess took up foreign policy. In the year 957 caused a visit to Constantinople. He strengthened the Military Union with Byzantia, sending him against Khazaria and the Arab world. Under the influence of Byzantium, Olga adopted Orthodoxy. The fact is that by that time the whole of Europe abandoned paganism, in mind, he was ahead of Russia for several hundred years in its development. The fact is that paganism has applied to the phenomena of nature, and Christianity to the foundations of morality and human psyche. Having adopted Christianity, the government repented of atrocities in his politics. Understanding that the further development of Russia without Christianity is impossible. Olga's attempt to baptize Rus turned out to be vigorous.

Board of Svyatoslav (962 - 972)

The desire to introduce Christianity in Russia Olga caused discontent with the pagan top, which removed it from power. Rus passed into the hands of an ardent pagan, son of Igor Svyatoslav. With it, Rusi entered Vyatichi, who felt before this tribute to Khazaras. Svyatoslav improved the country management system. Leaving the war, he left his governor in Kiev, the eldest son Yaropolk, the second son of Oleg sent to the ridge to the Ridge, and Vladimir - to Novgorod. In foreign policy, Svyatoslav was so strong that he was nusted by Alexander Macedonian Eastern Europe. In 964, the prince set himself a goal to crush Khazaria. First of all, he defeated the Allies Khazar: Burtasov, Volga Bulgarians on the Middle Volga. The capital of Bulgaria was crushed. Holy Svyatoslav went down the Volga, defeating Khazar Kaganat, in particular his capital ITIL. Then Svyatoslav went to the Caucasian possessions of Khazar, defeating Ossetians and Circassians. On Don Prince Strait from the face of the Earth, the fortress of Sarkel. After the hike of Svyatoslav, the Khazar state suffered Fiasco. After conquering Kaganata, the prince rushed to the Crimean possessions of Byzantium. However, the Byzantines paid him gold for changing the course of military policy on the Danube. Taking gold, but pursuing a purely personal interests, Svyatoslav smashed the Bulgarian king's army on the Danube with a lightning pace. Rus switched the fortress Pereyaslavl, all the Northern Black Sea region, with the exception of the Crimea. The influence of Svyatoslav did not like the Byzantine, so they concluded a union with Bulgarians and knocked out Russian troops from Danube cities. At the same time, honeying the Horde of the Benegs of Byzantium was asked by Kiev. Svyatoslav had to return to the capital to break them. In 969, Svyatoslav gathered a new army, in which the friendly Bulgarians and Hungarians entered, for the war with Byzantium. At first, the prince returned the huge lost possessions. And from Byzantium took a huge redemption for peace. At that time, Emperor John Tsamiysky came to power in Byzantium, which in 970 entered into battle with Svyatoslav, but was defeated. Nevertheless, Svyatoslav's troops, which rushed to the Tsargrad were stopped. As a result, the world was concluded, according to which Byzantium recognized the ownership of Russia on the Danube and continued to pay her tribute. In 971, the TsamiShiye army collapsed on the Bulgarian ownership of Russia. At this time, the Allies left Svyatoslav, so he retreated in the fortress Dorostol, who suffered a long precipitation of the Byzantine troops. In the decisive battle, John's troops fled, but the Russian army was exhausted. Svyatoslav concluded a peace treaty with the enemies, according to which the conquered territories of the Danube had to give. On the way back to Kiev, in the fall of 971 years old, the Russian squad fell into opal to the Pechenegs. Therefore, I had to make a pass in local villages until the winter of 972. When trying to move across the Dnieper, the army was destroyed, along with the leader.

The first gravestone in Russia (972 - 980)

After the death of Svyatoslav in Kiev began to edit Yaropolk. Trees were rallied around Brother Yaropolk, Oleg. Kievans, though they were not delighted with the tendency of Yaropolk to Christianity, but still supported the prince in the fight against the rates. Yaropolk made a campaign on the Drevlyan Earth and subjugated to themselves. Oleg himself died. Having learned about this, the third brother Vladimir fled from Novgorod to Varyagam. Yaropolk put his governor there. Russia has become united for a while. In a few years, Vladimir subordinated to himself a Varyaja squad and seized Novgorod, then Polotsk, then Kiev. Taking advantage of the displeasure of Christianity Yaropolk among the princely troops, Vladimir plunged the opponent.

Vladimir Board (980 - 1015)

Vladimir at the first time was a tary pagan, and was obliged to his analogues in the seizure of power. Therefore, the prince increased the influence of polyterism in Russia: installed idols of the pagan gods from his palace, introduced the sacrifice of people. Then, for three years, he returned herd to the influence of Kiev in the orbit. He sent his sons to pronomize to other cities: Vyshgorov (and after Yaroslav) - to Novgorod, Boris - to Rostov, Gleb - in Murom, Svyatoslav - to the Ridge, Vsevolod - to Vladimir and Volyn, Mstislava - to Taman. Vladimir made a campaign against Danube Bulgaria, but met strong resistance, so he concluded the world. With Vladimir, the opposition of Russia with Poland began. At first, Chervenskaya Rus with cities of Cherberry and Movshley became an apple of discord. Vladimir subjugated these lands. At this time, Russia experienced Natishki Pechenegov, who controlled the Northern Black Sea region and part of the preime of the prenieprovye, robbed caravans and cities. Wishing it to stop, Vladimir began to build strengthening on the left bank of the Dnieper, in particular the Fortress Belgorod was founded. Fortresses were equipped with signal towers. At this time, the legends of Ilya Muromster began to be born, Dobryne Nikitic, Alesh Popovech and TD.

Baptism of Russia

  • By the end of the 80s of the tenth century, Christianity had already adopted a good half of the Russian nobility.
  • The introduction of the monotheism contributed to the compound of the unstable state and the pate of the princely power ("one God is one people - one prince").
  • Almost all of Europe at that time was Christian, and the adoption of Christianity in Russia contributed to the improvement of relations with Byzantia.
  • Christianity had special moral standards that strengthened family values.
  • Christianity contributed to the development of culture and writing in the country.
  • Christianity could give an ideological explanation to the dismemberment of Russian society on rich and poor.

Vladimir did not immediately come to Christianity. He sent his ambassadors to different countries to find out about Judaism, Roman Catholicism, Islam. But because of the war with the Khazars and the East, and the desire to establish relations with Byzanthya, he stopped in Christianity. The role of Byzantium in the baptism of Russia is difficult to overestimate. The fact is that in 987 they began the affected war with Bulgaria. Vladimir provided great support to the Byzantine, in return, they gave Vladimir to the wives of Princess Anna and baptized Rus. But during all this, Byzantium violated a number of contract conditions and Vladimir began the siege of G. Chersonese in the Crimea. Broken the local water supply, Russian troops seized the city. In 990, pagan idols were overtaken and dropped into the Dnieper. Kiev residents were forced to come to the Dnieper and take the baptism, which was committed by Kherson and Byzantine priests. Then the other Russian cities were baptized. In Novgorod, the pagan faith was very strong, so it was "fire and sword" to baptize him. In 996, a huge temple was built in Kiev, whose construction Vladimir gave the tenth of his income. Therefore, the church began to be called a tintan. Despite the baptism of Russia, many Slavic-pagan traditions reached the present day. After baptism, schools, libraries, monasteries began to appear in Russia. Significantly increased the moral appearance of the prince itself.

Second Grace in Russia (1015 - 1019)

Vladimir died on July 15, 1015 from illness. After the death of Prince Novgorod, Polotsk, Tmutarakan and some other regions came out from under the influence of Kiev. Vladimir bequeathed the throne to the son of Boris, who began his politics with a campaign to Novgorod. Taking advantage of the absence of a consolidated brother, the adoptive son of Vladimir Svyatopolk declared himself a ruler in Kiev. Returning to the capital, Boris refused to fight for power. After that, the squad betrayed the heir and in the end he was killed by the Svyatopolka People on the Alte River on July 24, 1015. Boris had a brother Gleb, who was reigning in Murom. Svyatopolk deceived gleb lured in Kiev and as a result of the actions of the new prince, Gleb was killed on the road. Approximately the third son of Vladimir Svyatoslav was also killed. The murder of the brothers shook Russian society and later they were ranked saints. After the holy Svyatopolk received the nicknamed. The fourth son of Vladimir Yaroslav was against him. Svyatopolk enlisted the support of Pechenegov, and Yaroslav helped Varyagi. In the winter of 1016, battle occurred between the princes of the princes. Yaroslav's army moved across the Dnieper on the rooks and defeated Kiev. Svyatopolk fled to Poland, and enlisted with the support of the Polish king again seized Kiev. Yaroslav fled to Novgorod. The Poles captured Russian cities, robbing them, met desperate resistance. It helped Yaroslav to occupy Kiev again. Then Svyatopolk escaped to the Pechenegs. The final battle between the opponents took place on the site of the death of Boris. Then Yaroslav once again managed to defeat the Svyatopolka, who ran first to Poland, died on the way to the Czech Republic, having lost the reason. Rule in Tmutarakani Mstislav, who conquered territories North Caucasus, I did not want to obey Kiev. In 1024, he broke the army of Yaroslav, later captured Cherven cities. However, died in 1036 and Russia united under the rule of Yaroslav Wise.

Board Yaroslav Wise (1019 - 1054)

The Board of Yaroslav is characterized by a large flourishing of Russia in all spheres of public life. According to the examples of the ancestors, the prince sent his sons to pronomize to other cities: Vladimir (then Izyaslav) - in Novgorod, in Chernihiv - Svyatoslav, Vsevolod - to Pereslavl. The rest of the sons distributed in Rostov, Smolensk, Vladimir-Volynsky. In an effort to establish order in internal affairs, Yaroslav introduced the first set of laws in Russia - the Russian truth. This set regulated public order, provided for serious punishments for beatings, injury, murder. However, blood revenge was still allowed, but only close relatives of the murdered. If there was no close relative, the killer paid fine 40 hryvnia. In Yaroslav, Kiev became one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, the capital has greatly expanded its limits: a 13-chapter Sophia Cathedral was built following the example of Byzantine, many churches. Yaroslav founded the city on the Volga and called in his honor. Also, the prince founded Yuriev (now Tartu). In foreign policy: Lithuanian tribes outstanded from the West of the Lake Military Union, he concluded a military union with Poland, gave his sister to the Polish king to the wives, he himself was married to the daughter of the Swedish king, supported friendly relations with Norway. In 1036, Yaroslav had a crushing defeat of the Pechenegs, that their raids on Russia would continue to almost cease. In 1043, the prince began the war with Byzantium, due to the murder of Russian merchants in Tsargrad. The Russian fleet fell into the storm, the remains were broken by Byzantine. In 1046, peaceful relations with Byzantium were restored. By the end of Yaroslav's life, all his children entered into dynastic marriages with the heads of other states: the daughter of Anna married the French king Henry, Anastasia became the wife of the Hungarian King Andrew, Elizabeth became the narrowed Norwegian King Harold, and after the wife of the Danish king. Rusi's boundaries in Yaroslav Mudrome stretched from Carpath to Kama, from Baltic to the Black Sea region. The population has increased to 4 million people. The death of Yaroslav Wise gave rise to new gravestones.

New gravestics in Russia

At first, at the head of Russia, the son of Yaroslav Izyaslav stood. Svyatoslav Rules Chernigov, Vsevolod - in Pereslavl. But in 1073 he went to the fact that Izyaslav wants to be the sole ruler. Then Svyatoslav and Vsevolod moved to Kiev. Izyaslav fled to Poland, and then to Germany. Rus went into the hands of Svyatoslav, but in 1076 he died. Vsevolod returned Kiev, and returned to Chernigov himself. The brothers shared among themselves Russia, pushing the sons of the deceased Svyatoslav. Pereslavl Vsevolod gave to the eldest son to Vladimir. The eldest son of Svyatoslav Oleg fled to Tmutarakan, where he told Polovtsy on her uncle, allowing nomads to destroy their countrymen. Oleg was defeated on a unclean Niva, but Isyaslav was killed in this battle. Kiev went to Vsevolod, Chernigov - to Vladimir. In 1093, the last son of Yaroslav - Vsevolod died. Began struggle between the grandchildren of Yaroslav Wise. The princely throne went to the son of Iaslavava Svyatopolk, and Vladimir, who ruled Chernigov, and Oleg Svyatoslavich was sitting in Tmutarakani for the second prince. Taking advantage of the fragmentation of Russia, the Polovtsy made a campaign for Russian lands. Of all the princes, only one Scholyopolk rushed into battle, the rest considered that the enemies would be better offended, because the country is not ready for war. The defensive hike was still held, but Fiaisko suffered together with the Kiev friend in Trepoli. This played Oleg's hand, who decided to take Chernigov. By enclosing the Union with Polovtsy, Oleg went to take the city. All attempts to master Chernigov were repulsed, but the situation was hopeless. Therefore, Vladimir lost his brother a generic nest, instead for the saved life. In 1095, the Polovtsi was aspired Pereslavl, Vladimir asked the brothers about the help, but one Svyatopolk responded. Danger passed. In 1096, the Polovtsy undertook a new raid, Oleg again refused to help brothers. When Svyatopolk and Vladimir dealt with Polovtsy, they took the Chernigov from Oleg, resetting it in Murom. Taking advantage of Polovtsy raid, Oleg moved to Kiev and looted the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, broke the son of his son Vladimir Izyaslav, who ruled in Murom. Having learned about this, Vladimir wrote Oleg with a request to stop, in return promised not to revenge for the death of his son. But he answered with refusal. Then the sons of Vladimir broke the last squad of Oleg, after which he asked the world. In 1097, the princes gathered a congress in Lisher, the purpose of which was the suspension of the grooves. It was attended by: Svyatopolk Izyaslavovich, Oleg and Dov. Svyatoslavovichi, Vladimir Monams, David Igorevich, Vasilko Rostislavovich. At the congress, the princes prayed and swore, that they would not continue to destroy Russian land, but these words were empty, because after the Congress of the princes Svyatopolk and Davyd, Vasilko's eyes were thrown and threw in the dungeon. This caused dissatisfaction with the rest of the princes and they moved to Kiev with the united army, as a result, Vasilko was released. Nevertheless, the fragile world in Russia gave impetus to the fight against Polovtsy. So in 1100 another congress was held in Vetichev, where further actions of the fight against the enemy were discussed. However, the campaign took place only 1103. The campaign was so successful that the new Polovetsk invasion on Russia occurred only in 1106, when Polovtsy once again were defeated. In 1111, Vladimir Manakha launched a grand hike against the Polovtsy, who betrayed the importance of a crusade. The purpose of this campaign was to reach the heart of Polovetsky lands, all the princes participated in it, including Oleg. Thus, the steppe capital of Schorakan was captured. The city of Sugrov was a stuff from the face of the earth. Russian army Winches a number of victories on Don. On the influx of Don, 10 thousand polovtsov were interrupted. News about russian cross campaign Distributed in many foreign countries. War with Polovtsy demanded large material costs. Therefore, wild taxes were charged with a simple population. The difference between rich and poor has increased in geometric progression. Dependent, poor people became more and more, which fell into Kabalu to Roshchists, major landowners. The oil into the fire poured disassembly between princes. So in 1113, Svyatopolk died, which led to new manifestations of the struggle for power in Kiev. People's discontent led to the fact that they were armed with various workers of labor and began to attack Kiev to know, which called for the help of Vladimir Monomakh. The prince suppressed the uprising and became the sole ruler of Russia.

Vladimir Monomaha Board (1113 - 1125)

Monomah climbed the grand-pendant throne aged 60 years. First of all, he adopted a new law "Charter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich". It has maintained a lot of the "Russian truth of Yaroslavichi", primarily the provisions of human rights. The law limited the arbitrariness of the Roshovistors and other nobles, improved the position of the poor, many taxes were eliminated. However, these laws were sent not so much to improve the situation of people, no matter how much for the savings for the savings from the riots. Monomakh restored the unity of Russia, the separatism and insurgent in the boyar edges were tough. If earlier the Polovtsy made raids on Rus, now everything was exactly the opposite. The prince expanded the influence of Rus on the Danube, which was dissatisfied with Byzantium. Therefore, the Byzantines presented the rich gifts to the prince, among whom was the famous Momomakh hat. At the end of his life, Vladimir wrote memoirs under the name "teaching." He died on May 19, 1125, in a small house where Boris was killed.

Mstislava Board (1125 - 1132)

Under the lifetime of Father, Mstislav Rules in Novgorod, after death took power over the entire country. His reign was short-lived, but fruitful. Polovtsy were pushed out for the Don and Volga, and some for JiQ (Urals) and Transcaucasia. Mstislav secured the tribes of Esta and Lithuanians who were worried about Russian lands.

Any educated person in our country knows who Igor Old. So called the prince of Ancient Russia, the son of Rurik and the relative of Oleg Great, nicknamed.

Consider in more detail the life and activity of this ruler old Russian state.

Brief biographical information about birth and childhood

According to chronicle sources, Igor old lived relatively long life for those times. He was born in about 878, and died (also approximately) in the 945th.

The years of the reign of Igor Old covers the period from the 912nd to the 945th.

The hero of our narration was the son of Rurik, who, according to legend, came to Russia with his brothers and began to pronomize in Novgorod, and later became the sole ruler of all the then Russian state. After the death of Rurik, Igor was small for years, so the functions of the prince fulfilled his relative Oleg (according to one version, he was a nephew of Rurik, and on the other - his wife's brother).

Most likely, the young Igor accompanied Oleg in his military campaigns, where he acquired the skills of the commanders and a politician. It is known that he took the throne of the father not to achieve his age and marriage, but after the death of Oleg (according to legend, he died from the bite of a poisonous snake).

Brief biographical information about the family of the prince

According to the official version, the year in which Oleg died, nicknamed, is the beginning of the Board of Igor Old. This, as already mentioned, 912. By that time, the young prince had already a family.

In the chronicle sources, when Igor was 25 years old, he was married to the girl named Olga (she was only 13). However, their son Svyatoslav was born only in 942 (it turns out that at that time Olga had to be 52 years old, which is impossible). This circumstance is indicated by many historians, therefore it is believed that the age of Olga - the future great Princess And the foundation of Christianity in Russia - was smaller. There is also an assumption that Olga and Igor had more children, in particular, some historians mention two sons - Vladislava and Gleb, who probably died in young years.

Also, Byzantine sources indicate that the Prince had other relatives (cousins, nephews, etc.). However, in Russian chronicles, there are no mention of these people. Most likely, they did not possess any lands and powers, but entered the squad of Prince Igor. Modern historians consider such a version the most reasonable, because, most likely, in ancient Russia, there was a tradition characteristic of European states, according to which only the ruler was mentioned in official documents, his wife (wife) and children, about the other relatives (and therefore , and applicants for the throne) did not say a word.

Military trips to Tsargrad

Igor old glorified himself as an experienced commander. It is known that he made not one military campaign on Byzantium. Orthodox peoples inhabited Byzantine empireThen they suffered from raids of the barbarians, which they called deres.

Historians celebrate the following military hikes Igor Old:

1. According to legend, Igor sailed in the Byzantium in 941, accompanied by thousands of ships called "Ladyami". However, the Greeks applied the most advanced weapon of that time - the so-called "Greek fire" (a mixture of oil and other combustible substances), which burned the majority of warships. Warning defeat, Igor old returned home to Russia to collect a new army for a new military campaign. And he succeeded.

2. In his military meeting included representatives of all the tribes of the then Old Russian state, both Slavs and Rus, Pechenegs, Trees, and others. This trip turned out to be more successful for the prince, as a result, he concluded a peace treaty with Byzantines, providing for the payment of certain material resources. In this contract, the text of which the Greeks retained, referred to as Igor himself and his wife Olga and their common son Svyatoslav.

Igor Old

The prince became famous in centuries as a strict man and demanding. A successful conqueror, he joined his new lands to his state, and then lasted tribal conquered by him. The Board of Igor Old I was remembered by the gracious of the streets and tivers, the Drevlyans and many other nations.

The strongest resistance to the prince was Rude (conquered them occurred at the dawn of the government of Igor, in 912). They refused to pay tribute, but Igor, with his buddy, ruined the Radiast settlements and obliged the local residents to pay even more than before. The Drevlyan fasten the heart agreed, but a strong offense at the prince in their hearts was hidden.

Igor Old was distinguished by new ways to collect Dani, which he himself called Fully. This procedure was as follows: the prince every year together with his buddy climbed the territory subject to him and collected the "tax" from those tribes that lived there. Tribute he took in a natural way: both grain, muco and other food products and wild animal skins, honey of wild bees and so on. Often the warriors of the prince behaved like bold conquerors than a lot of inspired by ordinary people applied.

Foreign Policy Successes Igor

What else I remember the contemporaries Igor Old? The internal and foreign policy of the prince had a conquesting character, which is not surprising, especially if I remember what Igor himself was (historians noted that the prince was distinguished by a steep and hot-tempered temper).

His successes in the military also can not be called modest. He behaved like a real barbarian, fire and sword under the window "Window" to Europe of that time - the Byzantine Empire.

In addition to the above-mentioned two military trips to Byzantium, Igor made the same campaign to the Caspian Sea. Arab sources tell about him, but in Russian chronicles, it is not even mentioned. About the results of this hike little, however, however, the Khazar authors believe that he had some consequences: Igor's army received rich trophies and returned home with a worn.

Also, some historians, relying on Hungarian sources, believe that and with the Hungary signed the Union Igor Old. Foreign policy The prince in relation to these tribes was allocated, it was possible that certain relations of Rassens and Hungarians took place, allowing them to organize joint military campaigns to Byzantium.

Personality puzzles

The board of Igor Old, though it lasted for many years, but not fully studied due to the lack of information about the nearest surroundings of the Prince and its actions.

The scarcity of information about this historical personality, as well as some discrepancies (for example, regarding the dates of his life, years of government, family and death), which are found in various sources, lead to the fact that in the biographies of this person there are many white spots.

So, there are different assumptions about who Igor's mother was. For example, V. Tatishchev - the historian of the Petrovsky era - it assumed that it was the Norman Princess Efanda. The same Tatishchev believed that the truly hero of our narrative was called inger, and only later his name was transformed into Igor. Nickname Old prince I received not during the board, but much later, thanks to the Russian chronicles, who named His "ancient" or "old". And all because Igor was one of the first Rurikovich.

Basic Igor Board Idea

Very firmly entered Russian history Prince Igor Old. The results of the board of this Russian rulers are associated with the strengthening of the young Old Russian state. In fact, Igor continued his father's politics and a relative of Oleg: he expanded the state, committed military campaigns, who brought a lot of wealth, concluded a peace treaty with Byzantines, introduced a system of taxation of his subjects.

Igor was also able to leave behind the powerful heir of Svyatoslav, who continued his business. The theme most old not only strengthened his dynasty, but also strengthened his state.

Death of Prince

One of the most famous episodes of the life of Igor became his tragic violent death.

The Russian chronicles describe this event: Prince Igor Old, conquering Dudain, was annually to them to collect Dani. He also enrolled in 945. His squad belonged to rallies with disregard, revenge a lot of hardness than caused their obvious discontent. In addition, the Drevlyan had his ruler named Mal who perceived Igor as the winning opponent.

Having gathered from the Dani with the Dani, the prince went with his buddy further, but on the way back he thought about what he did not take as much as he wanted. It was at this moment that Igor Old Mother's Fatal for himself made a mistake. The events of the subsequent day proved this.

The prince let go of his big squad and returned to the rallies for a new trunk with a small army. Those seeing that Igor had little strength, cruelly dealt with him, and with his people. According to legend, the prince tied to the tops of the mighty trees and let them go. That such a lid death took Igor from allegedly conquered Trees.

Revenge Olga

The Russian chronicles tell us not only about the death of Prince Igor, but also about the exquisite and terrible revenge, which his wife used is a widowed Pskov, who remained with the three-year-old Son Igor Svyatoslav without care of her husband.

So, Olga betrayed the Messengers from the Ruther cruel execution (burned alive), and after he made a military campaign to the estimate and, taking his attack, ruthlessly dealt with the inhabitants. According to legend, she demanded 3 pigeons from each yard and 3 sparrow. Having received a kind of kind "tribute", Olga ordered to bind to each trunk and sulfur, light them at night and let go. The calculation of the cunning princess was faithful: the birds returned to their nests, under the roofs of the houses ... later the son of Igor Svyatoslav planted to pronounce over the rallies of her son Oleg.

Meaning of the Board of Igor

Historians converge in the opinion that the policy of Igor's oldy generally wore a positive character and benefited Rus. He laid the foundations of statehood, which relied on the identity of the prince, the power of his military squad and diplomatic skills. Sometimes it is severely and unceremoniously subordinate to the neighboring tribes, Igor, nevertheless, built a new system of relations, which made it possible to switch to a new level of development - from the birthbroken community to the state device.

Domongolskaya Rus in the chronicles of the V-XIII centuries. Gudz Markov Alexey Viktorovich

Prince Igor (912-945)

Prince Igor (912-945)

In 913-914. Ruus roys made a military campaign to the South of the Caspian. Apparently, the initiators of the enterprise were the merchants of ITILE and the sevendire, who sought to control the trade routes who were leading to Baghdad and other cities of the East. In the first decades of the X century. The safety of caravan paths, south and east of the Caspian, was at risk and Itily needed an external force capable of correcting the situation.

Ruses failed to restore the safety of trade communications of the Khazar Kaganate. The fate of the rules who left for the South of the Caspiana was sad.

And in Kiev in 913 sat on the table of Polyansky princes Igor. It is very likely that Igor was the descendant of the princes of Polyan. A year earlier, in 912, Konstantin VIII was proclaimed in Byzantia, Emperor was proclaimed. His Board accounted for 912-959, and his fate was closely intertwined with Rus.

Meanwhile, the Union of Drevlyan "postponed" from Kiev. In 914, Igor gathered to ruffle and, moving the Teteryev River, joined the dreamed forests belonging to the Drevlyans. Drevlyan came to meet Igor. Won in the fighting Kiev squad, consisting of professional warriors who gathered from everywhere from Scandinavia to the forests of Mary and Cui and from land of the Baltic Venenov to the NIV, cultivated by Sloves, Curves, Polyans. The kernel of the Kiev squad was, perhaps, and it is small, but the fighters in it came out excellent. The tribute to the Dran was laid, more than charged with Oleg.

Weapons: Combat ax, arrows, six-edges, spurs. XII-XIII? BB. Migm.

Among the Danikov, Igor Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe mentions the Slavic Union of Lylandziang, the lands of which were in the upper reaches of Western Bug, on the border between Russia and Poland. The fact is that Poland at Meshko I (960-992) began to be actively united. Czech Republic and Russia avened a few of Poland in the association, which later led to numerous border clashes between Slavic States.

In 915, Pechenegs came to the southern frontiers. These were Turkic nomads who were walking in the footsteps of Ugrome in the center of Europe. Prince Igor made a trip to the Lower Danube and concluded peace with Pechenegs. Apparently, in the Lower Danube there were the main factory of pechenegs.

Konstantin VIII Bagranogenic left the story about the Pechenegs. According to its description, until the end of the IX century. Pechenegi nomaded in the steppes spread between rivers Volga and the Urals. At the end of the IX century. The bonds, as well as Pechenegs, formerly Turkic nomads, crowded the latter to the west of the Lower Don right up to the Gyrla Danube. On the watershed between the Dniester and Syret, Pechenegs were collided with refined in the west of Ugra and expelled them for the Carpathian mountains to the center of Europe.

In the middle of the x century. Pechenegs were divided into eight districts or knees, four on the right and left banks of the Lower Dnieper. The districts, in turn, were divided into forty-particles. At the head of the Pechenezh associations stood the Khans that were their own hierarchy.

In 914-916. In the Balkans, the war was blown between Bulgaria and Byzantia. Greeks, as more than once happened in history earlier, requested help from the Turkic nomads, this time that were pecked. In fact, the Greeks did not receive help from Pechenegs, but Bulgarians were traded by the city of Andreanopole.

In 920, the squad of Igor again made a campaign on Pechenegs. It should be noted that in the VIII-X centuries. Slavs lived on Don, at the mouth of the Voronezh River (Vänkitichi), on the lower Dnieper, with its omission (desilence) and on the lower and middle day, Prude and Siret, right up to the Danube Gyrla (Tivers). All these Slavic unions in the X century. Tested the most severe hazards from Pechenegs and other Turkic nomads. As a result, in the XI century. The border of the possessions of the eastern Slavs turned out to be moved to the north, in the strip of the forest-steppe east of Europe, on the classic frontiers of the Defense of the Kiev Rus. It is to defend the Slavic unions of Vyatichi, streets and tivers and a squad of Igor in 920

In 922 part of the population Volga Bulgaria Accepted Islam. In 929, the Balkans continued to shake the war, walking between Bulgaria and Byzantia. And in 934, the Ugry of the Maritsa River Valley broke through to the walls of Byzantium. Roman, co-programmer Konstantin VIII, managed to conclude a world with ugilities. However, the UGRs continued to invade the Balkans, and first of all in Greece, during the entire period from 934 to 987.

In 939, Prince Igor mastered the city standing on the West Bank of the Taman Peninsula and laughed in the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait. The city belonged to Khazar Kaganat and was called Sumkecz. That was the heir to the Greek city of Fanagoria and the Forerunner of the Old Russian Tmutarakani. Hold samkester Rus did not manage. Kahagan Khazaria mobilized Turks, and in 940 the campaign of the Khazar Kaganate forces was taken on Russia. At the head of the campaign stood Pesach.

The first thing for the Rusov was taken away by Taman and the city of Sumkecz. Following the way, Peisak arms crossed in Crimea and began to empty the southern bank of the peninsula. Of the Greek cities, only Chersonese survived. Further, the army of Kaganata passed the Perekop's shelters and rushed under the walls of Kiev. Igor gave a spill and in the capital of Russia, the army of Kaganata was not allowed.

It can be said that events of 939-940. Before the forerunner of the victorious campaign of Svyatoslav Igorevich to Khazar Kaganat. Svyatoslav learned from the father's mistakes and realized that it was necessary to twist all the kaganat, and not to turn part and expect the reaction.

In 941, the Khazar Kaganat again sent the army of Russia to the South of the Caspian to protect its economic interests. The Rusians captured the fortress of Berda, which controlled the lowering of the river the chickens. But the fate of the Russian campaign was as sad as the fate of the campaign 913-914. Almost none of the goals from the Rues from those campaigns returned.

In the spring of 941. Under the Kiev Mountains, Prince Igor gathered from three to ten thousand Ladi and Chelny, who had fallen almost everywhere from the Slavic lands of East of Europe. We were joined to the army and varana, who inhabited in Russia.

Failures 939-940. Respect Russia did not add, and Prince Igor, like predecessors, taking care of the prestige of Power, was in a hurry to defend the benefits of Russian foreign trade in the Empire of Romaev.

Bulgarians reported on the release of Russian flotilla in the Black Sea in Byzantium. The forces of the empire were sprayed, and on June 10, no one managed to prevent the Igor's army to land in the north-west of Malaya Asia, in the provinces of Viphinia and Paflogonia. The suburb of the cities of Nicomediya and Heraclei, and in the country of Romeyev began a terrible devastation.

After some time, with the eastern and western provinces of the Empire, the troops approached Byzantium. Pretty metropolitan sanovna know. Rus was given a battle. The so-called "Greek fire" was let down. By evening, Rus retreated to the shore, at night, plunged into the rook and sailed from the land of Anatolia. Rus went north, in Kiev.

The campaign did not give the expected results, and upon returning to Russia, Igor began his hassle on organizing a new campaign to Byzantium. In all the ends flew the message about the upcoming campaign.

In 942, Olga gave birth to Igor Son, named by the beautiful Slavonic name Svyatoslav. And indeed the Holy Glory accompanied the prince in life. She did not leave him after death.

In 943, Igor again led a huge army under the walls of Byzantium. Under the arm of the prince gathered Varyagi, Polyana, Sloves, Curvichi, Vyatichi, Tivers and of course Rus. And Russia had immigrants from various Slavic unions, which blued around Kiev and became the basis of a new nationality, as in the XIV century. Moscow became the stronghold of Russian and Russia.

Slavs sailed to the sea in the rooks and chelny on the Dnieper. On land, the shore of the Dnieper, Pechenegs went south. Their Igor attracted to the campaign "Naya. Molded them about them Poimash "(taking the hostages).

Crimean Greeks sent to the novel to say: "CE HAVE RUSSION UNDER THE NOTE WARDS, Covered the essence of the sea ships." Soon the Bulgarians came to the Byzantium, confirmed the news of Russia, yes they added about Pechenegs, their long-time enemies - "Go Russia and nailed the essence of Pechenegs."

Greeks frightened Russia. We remember that in 934-987. The empire was shaken up the grits. Byzantium, not a bag, sent ambassadors to meet the prince Igor. Caught the ambassadors of Igor in Lower Danube just in time. Rus Greeks offered the world and gave a spill. Igor began to consult the warriors, and they asked the prince to accept the conditions of the empire. At the same time, Igor said that the goddess of the war capricious, and the Greeks themselves prayed without the battle to take tribute, similar to the one that Oleg took, and even more.

Returning to Kiev, Igor rushes with Byzantia, and in 945 the capital of Russia adopted the amburch's ambassadors. Igor sent his ambassadors to Byzantium and commanded them to update the old world of previous times. And in Kiev, in the then Christian Cathedral Church of St. Ilya, the Greeks swore over the text of the new treaty. The document was signed by the names of those Greeks. Then the Greek ambassadors brought a novel a contract and sent Igor's speech.

At the end of the diplomatic moves of the parties, Igor led the Greek ambassadors to the hill near Kiev, where the idol was standing Perun, and swore into loyalty to the world enclosed with the Empire of his weapon.

In 945, a lot of Christians lived in Kiev. There were especially many of them among the Varangian community of the city. Collected Christians in the Church of St. Ilya, standing on the stream among the Kiev Mountains. To this church and came the Greek ambassadors to tell about the speeches of Prince Igor. And speeches were merciful to the Greeks. Saying goodbye, Igor gave ambassadors to the rapid, male and wax.

And at the same summer, 945, the squad of Igor complained by the prince, saying that the ravines of the Prince of Prince Svendeld "washed with weapons and ports, and they naga."

Indeed, until 945, Prince Igor gave the tribute to the Union of Werit, Sveteland. The governor took several trips to the land of the streets and mastered the center of the Slavic Union, the city was crossed by the city. A similar policy of Kiev in relation to the streets led to the fact that the Earth south of the River River was very soon in the power of Pechenegs.

Apparently, after the Dniechegian nomads settled in the rash, in 942, Svenelde received from Igor, the right to collect Dani in the Razdan land. This finally indisposed the squad of the Kiev prince.

Meanwhile, the rock-level for Igor autumn 945 was adjacent to the time of the annual winter leaving of the land, subject to Kiev. By the future spring, it was necessary to collect the mountains of the Ferns for trade with Byzantium. No wonder so much was spent by human lives and funds for mercenaries for the sake of concluding contracts with the Greeks.

Everything would have done, Igor's sakes to keep myself at the time when the treasury may have been empty, but the squad grumbled from displeasure. The princess wanted to quickly replenish the treasury of the state and to delve a friend of the squad. But on the misfortune of Igor, they had their own, quite common look at things.

Trees gave Igor's ordinary tribute. On the way back, Igor decided to return to the land of the Drevdan, to stay. Igor released a squad to Kiev, and he himself returned to the ground "wanting a big estate" with a small squad.

We learn from the chronicler that in the land of Drevlyan in the middle of the X century. The own princes were sitting, although we gave Kiev to Kiev, but the rules of the Drevlyan lands almost independently. Drevlyan will be able to respond about their princes in a conversation with Olga: "... Our Kunyzi Dobry's essence, the land of the village of the Earth ..."

Bright princes are involuntarily remembered, by Oleg, who appeared in Rus agreements with the Greggles of the head of the IX-X centuries. The question arises: why the princes of East Slavic unions of the IX-X centuries, who have their own centers and squads and their own tributes on their own lands, yet they are to Kiev?

We know that it was Kiev in 860 who initiated the organization of the campaign forces of the Slavs of Eastern Europe on Byzantium. And in the future, it was Kiev and his princes performed on the face of Slavs in disputes with Khazaria, Byzantia, with Pechenegs, with Volga Bulgaria and even with Germany. Eastern Slavs in the IX century. No matter how objected to the championship of Kiev. The chronicler proclaimed the Kiev Mother of Russian cities and invested the words in the mouth of Oleg. And the more Kiev and more richer rumped up, the smaller resistance provided east Slavs His hegemony.

Kiev in the IX-X centuries. He became the Taran, or a locomotive, which, choosing the power of the individual Slavic unions of the East of Europe, was prolamed the barriers, reminiscent of Russia neighbors. No Union of Slavs could independently defend its trade and economic rights in front of Byzantium or before Khazar Kaganat And the same Varyags. Only Kiev and the strength flattened around him were able to solve the tasks giving up for Russia, arising in the IX-X centuries.

In the XII century In Russia, the reverse decentralization process began. But it's ahead.

And yet the Slavic unions and know them in the X century. Not yet looked off from respect for our own interests. Let us turn to the chronicler's testimony: "Hearing Drevlyan, Izo again to have (Igor) and worse with the Kunyazm, you will be Malc:" In someone to enter the Evil in Ovice, then to endure the flock, not to kill him. Tako and smiling - do not kill him, then go to ruin! " And lump to him, verbolly: "Hope of the idea again - caught Esi Visu Dan." And do not listen to their Igor. And the exhaust of the village of the eraser is contradicted with the army, killing Igor and his squad, there are few of them. And Igor was buried, and there could be him for the eraser of the hail in the woods and to this dick. "

From other sources it is known that the Drevlyan tied Igor to the trunks of two trees prone to each other and the prince was broken into parts.

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Chapter VI Prince Igor. G. 912-945 Riot Drevlyan. Phenophle phenomenon. Igor's attack on Greece. Treaty with the Greeks. Killing Igor. Igor in the mature age of her husband got the power dangerous: For contemporaries and offspring demand greatness from the heirs of the Sovereign of the Great or despise

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The pupil of Oleg - Prince Igor after the death of Prince Oleg in Kievan Rus in 912-945, the son of Rurik was reigning - Igor. Predied by Victory, Igor, obviously, adopted from Oleg attitudes towards the Tsargrad and as a desired source of enrichment, and as a bridgehead for

In the chronicles of the X-XI centuries, the son of the legendary prince Rurik, Igor, mentioned with the addition of the word old. This happens because it is precisely the beginning of the dynasty of the Russian princes Rurikovich. Such a name went into use, and was widely used by historians in later times. We will not retreat from the established tradition.

Brief preface

Before starting the conversation, it should be noted an extremely important detail - about all the events in which, one way or another, Igor Old, today is known from a number of written monuments, often contrary to friend Friend. Therefore, taking a conversation about those long past times, it is customary to follow the most common and generally accepted version, and should not be surprised if it does not fit the data from any secondary sources.

Regent and Trustees of the Young Prince

As evidenced by the compiler of the "Tale of Bygone Years" - the chronicler Nestor, after the death of the legendary prince Rüric, who followed in 879, remained his young son and the heir to Igor, born a year earlier. Because by the youngster, he still could not start the princess, then before his disturbance, the board was carried out by a relative of the well-being ruler - Prince Oleg - the one who entered our story with the title prophetic. He was also the closest trustee of his father.

Soon after the acquisition of Power, Oleg subordinates himself free, until then, Smolensk, and then approaches his buddy to Kiev. The chronicler says that the Kiev princes of Askold and Dira, he hits the cunning from the fortified city, and kills. Taking power thus, and wanting to give her legitimacy, Oleg points out to Kievans on young Igor as a legitimate heir of power, he also assigns the role of a certain regency. In fact, it was a custody, since he did not release power to death.

The marriage of Prince Igor

About how the youth of Prince Igor was not known, and in the next password, the chronicler is his reader who has already matured, however, not yet released from Oleg. It is he who leads the young prince of the bride - a very young thirteen-year-old (and for some sources, in general, ten-year-old) Pskovtyanka with an unusually poetic Starrog Slavonic name discontinuished.

Further, Igor Old (who then was almost 23 years old), hesitated with love, marries young beauty, but for some reason he gives his bride a new name - Olga. An explanation of this act can be two - or this is a consequence of a momentary whim, or the cause is more serious.

Probable relative of the thing Oleg

The fact is that Olga is a Scandinavian name, which is the derivative of the form from the male name Oleg. Therefore, it is a suggestion that the trustee and Tender simply sucks the heir to his relative, wanting to strengthen the impact on the mature young man.

One way or another, but in the history of Russia, this woman entered the name of Knyagini Olga - the first Russian Christian, ranging from the saints. She is the grandmother of the Baptist of Russia of Holy Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir. The son of Holy Svyatoslav Igorevich, who inherited power became the fruit of her marriage with Prince Igor, and became a cruel persecutor of Christians as opposed to his mother. In addition to Olga, the prince was a lot and other wives, but she always remained his beloved.

Under the burden of power

In 912, after the unexpected death of his guardian, which was so poeticly inflamped by A. S. Pushkin, Igor old found, finally, all the completeness of power. Until this time, he was an independent ruler of Kiev only in 907, when Oleg left him with his governor during a hike in Byzantium, during which he mastered the Tsargrad and nailed his famous shield on his gates.

Power, which has become the property of another inexperienced in the reign of Igor, brought a lot of worries with him. In particular, learning about Oleg, rebelled and refused to pay the previously established tribute to the Tribes of the Drevdan - East Slavic peoples who in those years the territory of the current Ukrainian Polesia.

As a result, the prince of Igor, Igor, was forced, gathering a squad, to doubt the rebellion that he did in 913, and so that he would continue to unwind, put them in tribute, twice the previous one.

Asian deceit and ambitious dreams

The next time, the military campaign was committed by Prince against Pechenegov, who first appeared in Russia in 915. Going to Byzantium to help her in the reflection of the Bulgarian attack, these steppers did not have aggressive intentions regarding Igor Igor, and the prince agreed to miss them. However, performed cunning, he struck from the rear on their arrigargard, and as a result she won a pretty light victory, mastered property and the province.

It was a success, but could he compare with the glory that his predecessor and guardian covered himself - prophetic Oleg? Thoughts about it did not leave the consciousness of ambitious and envious Igor. To indispens your name, he needed something capable of eclipsed by the previous victories. Dreams of their own shield on the gates of Tsargrad filled his life. And in 941, the campaigns of Igor old on Byzantium begin. There were two of them, each of which is interesting in its own way.

Sea campaign on Byzantium

Prince's first campaign carried out by sea, putting all his numerous army on the rook. How many of these small and very primitive ships needed to move along the sea coast from the mouth of the Dnieper to Constantinople, to translate a very significant number of people, it is unknown. Nestor Chronicler reports about 10 thousand courts, the European sources speak only about a thousand.

In any case, it was a fairly impressive flotilla. At approaches to the Byzantine capital, she managed to defeat a number of minor victories, but then an unexpected happened. The defenders of the city were applied against them quite unknown in Russia, the weapon included in the history called Greek fire.

Lightning coming from the sky

Judging by the remaining descriptions, it was a kind of contemporary flameth. It was the matter that with the help of special siphones in the direction of the enemy under pressure, a jet of a burning mixture was ejected, not even falling into the water. What it consisted exactly unknown, but a number of preserved records, as well as laboratory experiments, give reason to believe that its components were forgeous lime, sulfur and oil.

The effect of the use of this weapon was colossal. Not only, with his help, he went to the bottom of a good half of the princely flotilla, but also at the survivor, the appearance of a flying fire made an indelible impression. It is known that they fled in a panic, and returned to their homeland, told about a certain miracle - lightning that came out of the sky and destroyed their military. Thus, the first Byzantine pancake came out at Igor's big bloody com.

Army Marauders

Significantly successful formed a second trip, which Igor Old Taken in 944. He brought if not military Slava, then, in any case, fair prey. A year before, the son was born - Svyatoslav Igorevich, and during the lack of his father, he was nominally considered the ruler, although, of course, these functions were performed by the mother - Princess Olga.

This time, the princely army was divided into two parts, one of which moved on land, and the other, as the last time, was located on the rooks. To achieve, finally, the desired triumph, Igor gathered a huge number of warriors under his banner, among which the representatives of all the tribes were included with which the contacts were established. The desire to be impunity with impunity and enriched at someone else's account connected in its ranks of Rusich, Varyagov, Pechenegs, Krivichi, Polovtsy and many of many other crackers with light profit.

Tit in the cage

Moving along the coast of the Black Sea towards Byzantium, this Horde left after himself the dead scorched land, and the news of the desires created by it by it was broadcast far in the surrounding lands. When these rumors reached the Byzantine emperor of Roman I Locapina, he came to horror, and the invalid to try to somehow take trouble from his state, especially since the ingeneses have already achieved the shores of the Danube.

To this end, he sent towards the army of ambassadors with gifts so rich that, having consisted, the warriors decided not to continue the campaign. In this was his reason - to go ahead, and risk your head to multiply the already rich prey, no one wanted. As a result, remembering once again that the title is better in a cage than the crane in the sky, everyone turned back. In addition, the tit of them got, although not received by the fame of victory, but very fat.

Trekking to Denha

Returning out of the campaign, the prince did not suspect that his life was already approaching his life, and one was not old age, although he was over 67 years old, and greed, which has always made an integral part of his nature. One day she ruined him.

The fact is that the Board of Igor Old kept exclusively on the strength of his squad, who served him as a support in the fight against other applicants for power, which, as always, was a lot. Therefore, it was extremely important for him to maintain due relationship with warriors. And once among them, there was a discontent with the fact that in the squad of Prince Svenelde - Igor Verovod, warriors are richer and better armed than they.

Not wanting to carry expenses yourself, and at the same time, trying to calm the dissatisfied, he decided to harm together with them to the rabble and the robbery committed under the guise of Dani collection, solve the problem. The warriors willingly support him, and the numerous squad led by Prince went to foreigners.

At first, everything went exactly as it was conceived. The tribute was collected by presets, and in anticipation of the division went home. But here in the heart of the prince made a snake, but more terrible than the one of Oleg stroked. She is called greed, and thoroughly thwart her bites. So Igor sank to the soul, that if you return with a small number of people, and even to be bored, then Kush will come out elder, and it will have to share it for a smaller number of mouths.

He did not consider only the fact that every ruler must know - it is impossible to even bring the most submissive people to extreme, otherwise the trouble. So it happened, seeing the prince returning with the small forces, and understood his intention, the raft rebelled. By interrupting the security, they betrayed the prince of Lyutoy death - tied to the legs to the legs in each other, broke off in half. So silently graduated from his life kiev Prince Igor Old, whose biography, hoped from the ancient chronicle arches, was based on our story.


In complete, we note one curious detail - in the "Tale of Bygone Years", this ruler is twice called "Prince-Wolf". There is no doubt that such an expressive and very taller image largely transmits its true essence. Both the outer and the internal policy of Igor Old has always pursued the purpose of his own enrichment and glorification, and was not aimed at the interests of the state. It is characteristic that the noun wolf besides direct valueIn antiquity, used for expressions of such concepts as a robber, thief and robber, which, in fact, was Igor old. Death became worthy of reward for his affairs.