Polotsk land in 12 mid 13th century. Polotsk Principality - Russian Historical Library

Polotsk Princess - public education in the X and 2nd third of the XII - the end of the XIII centuries, political education in the composition Old Russian state and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Stom-Li-Ca is the city of Lotsk. In the 2nd half of the IX - 2nd half of the centuries on the OS-no-ve-non-th-su-darissed volume of -Vi-whose). The alder-neck of the Terr-Ryarium of the Polotsky principality of the prosecutor of the procurement of the Western Movie river and her at the river in Lo-Th. At the beginning - the middle of the XI century, it is Ras-Shi-Ri-las in the mea-du-rep-month of Western Movy and Lo-Vasy, at the Mer-Bow-Gda, the same in CO-becoming The terri-Riya Ras-Sea-lesion of the Northern Dre-go-Wisi with the price-tra-mi in Go-de on the Me-on River (watch in the article Minsk) and Go-ro-di "in-Mo-Chek" (watching in the article in Slavl), as well as earthly on the river to do. Since the beginning of the XI century, Dan-Ni-Kami is the Lots-Knya-Zey would be whether if you, chur and land and land, lit-wa and part of the Lat-Ga de G. In 1021, in the Polotsky Principality, Gor-RO-Da Us Vyat and Vi-Tebsk with OK-RE-ST-NI-MI.

In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the prince of Roshki Princess was the prince of Rog-Lod (SO-VRA-VRAS, SCAN-Di-Ma - - Hog de-Nia). About 978, the Prince of Vlad-Di-World Communication-Slap HIV SO-Ver-Shil in the course of Lootsk, killed Prince Rog-Lo-yes, on Sille, but took Sea-Be "Well, his daughter Rog-non-Du, and in the next, in the case of the Tia of Kie-Va, including Chil Polotsk Principality in co-becoming an ancient Russian state.

Around 988, Vla-Di-World Communication-Slap HIV You-de-Lil Polotsk Principality in the Der-Jellis of His Star She-Mu Syu-Well, from Horn-Nuth Iza-Sla Na-di-Mi-Ro-Vi-Chu (? - 1001), in the same time, right there until the quarter of the XIII century is traveled. In the right-le, Knya Zey, Brya-Chi-Slaya, Iza-Slat-Vi-Cha (1001 or 1003 - 1044) and all-Slaya Bry-Chi-Slah-Vi-Cha (1044-1067, 1071-1101) Polotsk Principality of Ossen-Ma Lo Dos-Ta-point - but the dish-linous of the ancient Russian state, in Lots- Kney Knya-Zya Red-Ko-St-P-Wa-Vashe in the Obro-Rus-Russian Ak-qih. The Polotsk Principality of Ras-Shi-Los-Lose on the CE-PO-PA de-SO-YUZ-NI-COP and Dan-Nich Ti-ke, in the south - due to the sub-chief of the Northern Group-Pya-go-w-whose; At the se-ve-ro-ke in Ho-de Warters, the Keezuz-yam was Udz, the first-nomed-rhods for the co-battle . In 1069, the Polotsk Principality would be under-Chi-non-Ki-Evosky Knyazay Iza-Wom Yaro-Slat-Vi-than, on the right-LEVI-PHIM on the CNI, Lotsk his own symbols - essay - the Musty Slaya-Va-Wa-Vi-Cha (1069) and the bonding-half-ka Iza-Slah-Cha (1069-1071).

In the case of the Summary of All-Slaya-Va-Chi-Slam-Vi-cha, a fraction of the Polotsk Principality of Me, Ri-du, of his many numerical sym-novels , the venge role of the Sre-di-rye in the 1100-1110s of the Ig Rhal Min-Sky Prince Gleb all-Slaya HIV. At the Lots-cue Table of Form-Mal-Ras-Tam-Sia "Sta-Rey-Shim" for Iza-Slachy, while from the Polotsk Principality of Factory Ti-Che The Li-Socy-Bi was the Main-Ski-Sch-St-in, the Dutz-Kone, the same-st-in and the Vi-Tex Knee, the same-century. In the 1st half of the XII century, three major Lots-Wasy-Wisi (Min-Ski-Bo-Wi-Chi, Drutz Kie Rog- Was-Lo Di and Vi-Tete-Slav-Slav-Ski-Slav-Wi-Chi), pre-becoming - Lyu-sew in the - Hisi Prak-Ti-Che-Ski Raughty Si-Lians. In this, in the XII-XIII centuries, pre-Ten-Den-you on the Lots-cue table, the table is not-edged-to-Ko-Ka-Lezher. In the 1st Treat XII century, his per-Ni-Ma-Lee Ro-Man is all-challenging (ve-RO-Yat, 1101-1014), yes-kind of all-Slaya HIV ( RO-Yat-BUT, 1114-1127 and 1128-1129), Horn-Log - Bo-Rice All-Slat HIV (1127-1128). Surrely giving Slaya-Wisi-Wisi-Wi-Di World of All-Lo-Di-Di-Mo-Mah (1113-1125 ) and the Musty Slava of Vla di-Mi-HIV ve-Li-Kii (1125-1132), which in 1116 and 1127 co-ver-shi-whether on them. In 1129, the Musthe Glot of Vosh Di-Mi-RO-HIV, you-glory of pain-tire-st-in-Tom, all-chali-va Brya-Chi-Wi-chai in reference in V -In-Tyu, OB-Vi-Niv in the on-rooms-neck of the Cre-Stow-Lo-Viya (Iza-Slah-Vi-Chi - - FIRST IN WHO-DE ON PLAY-CEV). PRA-VI-LA-MI POLOTSKY DIRECTRY STIERE SY-NIA KIU-EV SKOVA KNAYA - IZA-GLOVE MSTI SLA HIV (1129-1132) and Communication-Regiment -Slah-HIV (1132).

In addition to the Summary of the Must-Slaya-Van-Di-Mi-Wi-Chan to Voshi in Polotsk Principality Ver-Nuzheza Slaya-Vi-Chi. In the Plot-ke, the UT-Ver-Dil-Smi Prince Va-Sil-Ko-Slav-HIV (1132 - about 1143/1144). In the case of his Summary of the BA for power in the Polotsky Principality of Once-Ver-Nas-Li-Dru Druz Ki Rog-Lo-Di-Cha Mi and Min-Ski Gle -o-vi-cha mi. In the middle of the XII century, blah-di-di-on-static bra -kam, they would be in-tag-ri-vas, in the lyric life of South Ro-Si: in 1143 daughter Vas-Sil-Ko-Slah-Wi-Chan-La-La-Ku-Du-th black and ko-nov-go-go and ki-e-night prince -You, all-in-lo-vi-cha; In the same go-do, Drutz-Kury Prince Rog-Log (Va-Si-Lii) Rog-Lo-do-HIV (Bo-Ri-Co-HIV) same-nil-Xia Ri-Re-Yas-Lav-Ko (in Bu-Doochy Ki-Ev-Kh), Prince of Iza-Slah-Va Msti-Slat-Vi-Cha; In the 1140s or 1150s. All-Slave Vas-Co-Co-HIV-Nil-Xia on the pre-Che-Ri-Len-Kh-go (late Ki-Ev-Kh) Prince Ros-Ti-Slaya Va SLA-Vi-Cha. In the re-Zul-Ta-Te-those in the Polotsky Principality in the middle of the 2nd half of the XII century, the SMO-Lensky Rosty -Sla-Wi-Chi (Pre-J. All-go, Prince Da-type Ros-Ti-Slay HIV) and Cher-Ni-Wa-Cee-Vekh Ol-go-Vi-Chi. At the same time, the Ros-Ti-Slat-Vi-Chi in the 1160-1170s de la Li-ku on the Vi-Texa-Slav-Wisi, and in the 1180s Ope-to-Xia on the Drutz-Kih Horn-Lo Doshai. In your opinion, Ol-go-Vi-Chi at the end of the 1150s and in the 1190s, you, stu-pa-whether on a hundred-ro-non-Duz-Kih Rog-Lo Doshai , And at the beginning of the 1180s, actions, in Syu-Ze, with Vi-Texi-Slav-Vi-Chai.

PER-BO-NA-CAL-BUT OF US-PEN in the fight for the Polotsk Principality of the CO-Poot-St-Val, Rog-Lo-Du (Va-Si-Lii) Rog-Lo-Du- Vi-Chu (Bo-Ri-Co-Vi-Chu) (circa 1143/1144 - 1151), in the facts of the pre-station-Vi-Liu Min-Ski-Boy-Wis -You Gle-Bo-Vi-Chu (1151-1158). At the end of the 1150s, with under-destroy-ke, Cherno-Nikov-Ko-go Prince-Slay-Va-Ga-Vi-Cha in Plotsk Vel-Zul-Sia Rog-Lod (Va-Si-Lii) Rog-Lo-Del-HIV (1,158-1161), and with efforts of Ros-Ti-Slay - Chely at the Lots-cue table in Nälv Vi-Tex Prince All-Slav Vas Sil-Co-HIV (1161-1166, 1166 - Ve-Ro-Yat-but, not at 1181 ). In 1166, his rights-resort-Vas-Vas-Vre-voca-Vre-Mou-Hwa-Vnyu-Lo-Da-Rem Gle-Bo-Vi is .

In the 1100s of the SO-YUZ SO-SO-YUZ, GLE-Boy-Wisi and Drutz-Kih Rog-Lo Doshai, at the Vedasy to Sta-Bi Lie In the limit-ri-li-tichastrician in Polotsk Prince. WHO WHO, in the early 1180s in Lots-ke, non-Dol-job of Knyu-lived Dr. Kii Prince Gleb Rog-Lo-Du-HIV (not Ra-181 - about 1184). In the fact, on the length of the time of the Plot-cue table, the table was the name of the pre-Sta-Vi-Tel Min-Ski Knya Zey-Di-World of Wa-Lo-Dae HIV (about 1184 - 1216). Around 1184, Vla-Di-World of the Lo-Dae-Re-HIV time-re-sewed Ma-Nar-Du-in-ve-to-deposit of Ka-Li-Vi-Zim. In 1184, 1206, 1208, 1216 years old Prince Ak-Tiv, but at all-Shi-shaft in CO, by-tiya in the Bal-Ti, one-on-ko could not -Te-to stand in the one-fo-no-du-du-du-du-du-la-gav-shih in Western Ni-it, the Western Rivers On the Knysti Er-Si and Kok-non-CE under Kon-Troli Ryzhki Epi-Ski-d.

The death of V's di-Di-Ra-Lo-Da-Vi-Chai-Zva-La-vu-Zva-La Nui Boo for the Polotsk Principality. 17.1.1223 SMO-LEN-SKA-SKA Duz-Ti-Lotsk, Swatching Pravdz-Shih Here Knya-Zey-Ri-Sa and Gle-Ba (their at Light to one or another Lots-Knya-Zey is not Us-Ta-Nov-le-on). At Lots Kim Knya-Zer (1223-1232) became the provision of the Gloria of the ISTI-Slay-HIV, the old son of the Ki-Ev-Khi Prince Assa-Slah-Wa-Ma CHA STA-RO. Vi-Di-Mou, names, but in Lots-cue Prince Communication-glory of the Musty Slaya HIV and Vi-Texa Prince Bry-Chi-Slav (Vas Sil-Ko HIV? ) UPO-Mi-Fo-Leng-Mu Princess of the Musty Slah-Wu Da-Vi-Du-Vi-Chu in his pre-Go-of Goy and "Goth-skimbe-re-gom" (1229).

In the first time of the ear, the binding of the Must-Slah-Chan on the Knea-SMO-Lensk (1232) of the Pra-Vi-Lem of Polotsk Principality, ve-roos Yat, but became Vi-Texa Prince Bry-Chi-Slav (Va-Sil-Co-HIV?). His power of Opi-Ras-las on the genus-vital and Cercian Squies with Northeast Ru Sue. Even in 1209, Vla-Di-Mir-Sky Prince, all-Lod, Yur-E-HIV, the major nests-until-Nil-Xia 2nd scraps on co-foundies, pre-Che -the-night prince va-ka Brya-Chi-Slat-Vi-Cha (i.e., throughout the Vi Di-Mo, CE-ST-REBRA-SHI-WA), and In 1239, the Bry-Chi-Gloxy himself, he gave his daughter to her husband for the new Rhodes, Prince Alec-San-Dr. Yaro-Slat-Vi-Cha. At the end of the 1230s, the pro-isosh-lem-cruiser of the Value Davith in the Polotsk Principality from the station of the Li-Tovskiy Kney Zey. In Vi-Di-Mu, for the power of them before 23.5.1254, the Prince of Kon-Stan-Tin without-Rosch (not late 1245 - about 1258) from "Lie-Von-Ski-Mu Oh-de-Well, on Earth in the bottom under-visa and tribute from Lat-Ga deals.

About 1258-1263 in the Polotsky Principality of Pra-Villa (according to the first-chapter of Lo-Chang) Plem Myan-Nick of the Li-Tovsky Prince Min-Dov-Gi-Tov-Ti-Vil. In 1262, like you-Sal Great Prince Vlad-Di-Mir-night Alec-San-Dr. Yaro-Slat-Vi-Cha Nesh, he is at na-small teaching in Ho -We for the city of Derpte (not Tar-TU). In addition, in the fight with the Li-Tovsky Prince Tre-Nya-Toy (three-on-Tom), the Polotsk Principality of Pere-Ru in Ro-Ki Prince Her De-nya (1264-1267). His own Vi-Tie Principality, and the Vi-Tie Principality, that the name of the Polotsk Principality is called the Polytsky Principality from the station of the Polotsk Principality. In 1266-1267, with my own pisc now and Nov-Rod-Tsev, Prince Dov-Mont Oder-Panting A series of stones over Her de Him, who was killed in One of the battles. ON-A-CO in Lots-KE UK-PIL-SIL-SAL Li-Tovskius Prince Wozher-Ka - Iza-Slav (WHO MO-BUT, PRO-IS-HO-DIL MIN -sko-bob-visa; the same, ve-ro-yat, that he is a li-tian with a horses-blind prince Iza-Wom, whose mo-de-peace in 1257 Once-of-grommers, Mongolian War Ska under the co-mandovania Noah-o-on bu-rune-giving). Under-tel-diva, like Ra-her-day, the back of the new pre-first-thief with Ri-Goy and "Got-Ski-Rom", Prince Iza-Slav could not - Over-no-neck with the S-Sed-Ni-Mi Russians.

In the state strictly Belarusian lands before IX century. Minor principalities prevailed, which were isolated even from their closest neighbors. Each of these mini states had its capital. In the IX-X centuries. It begins the growth of cities, crafts, shops, which caused the beginning of the centralization. This was also facilitated by the role of the Orthodox clergy, which was a supporter of the idea of \u200b\u200ba strong state. On the territory of Belarus, several principalities were raised. The most significant of the early refortion principalities was Polotsk. It became the source of statehood in the Middle Ages. Polotsk is first mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" in 862. The first chronicle of the prince Polotsk was a rogvody. During this period, Polotsk is in one degree or another of the Kiev principality. The princess starts at Branch, who has reigned from 1003 to 1044, and a breakdown with his son Vesla wrestling, which was reigning from 1044. Until 1101, the center of the state was 40-50 thousand km, if in the X century. In Polotsk ≈ 1 thousand inhabitants, then in the XI century. ≈ 10-15 thousand people. Polotsk conducted a gross policy. In 1066, Paulochane plundered Novgorod. In response, South Russian princes united and in 1067 there was a battle on Nemig. Vyslav Corrod to the deception was captured and thrown into prison in Kiev. But in a year, the Kievans expel their prince and Vyslav the magician becomes Kiev Prince. After 7 months, he ran away from Kiev and again became Polotsky Prince. But Vslav Wizhard also divided his country between the 6th sons. Again, small states fall into dependence. It was a pan-European process, but centralization was already unfolded in Western countries. For the Polotsky Principality, a developed political system is characterized. In the principality of Rules, the prince, Rada, Veche. Higher ranks: Postener, pranquen, a thousandrd, the keysticker and representatives of the Orthodox Church of the Bishop and Igumen - the reisons of the Orthodox Church. In joining the throne, the prince gave oath and concluded a contract between the top of Polotsk and the prince, which promised to fulfill laws and norms. The laws published a glad, but the members of the Rada appointed the prince. There was a social hierarchy, where the highest level was occupied by princes and boyars, and the lower layers - scenery, Radovichi, procurement, slaves. Well, the elevation of Polotsk is evidenced by the construction of the majestic temple of Hagia Sophia. The Turov Principality was also powerful during this period. Already in the X century. It is planned flourishing until the XII century. Tours got rid of the custody of Kiev princes. The Turov Principality itself was out of Turov, Pinsk, Slutsk and Dumpling. The city existed that even elected Episcopa. In the late XII century. - First half of the XIII century. Polotsk and Tour Principality entered into the period of feudal fragmentation. In the XII century. The Minsk Principality begins to rise, but his elevation causes hiking kiev princes And the Minsk Earth could not become the center of unification of the Belarusian lands. In the XIII century. The rise of Grodno, Novogrudsky, Volkovysk principalities begins, and the external threats from the Crusaders and Mongol-Tatars will speed up the process of combining Belarusian lands.

IX. Smolensk and Polotsk. Lithuania and Livonian Order


Polotsk curvichi. - Rogvoda Polotsky and Rostislav Minsk. - Stringing the shelter. - Dvinsky stones. - Interference of Smolyan and Chernihiv in Polotsky Troubles. - Solar Polotsk. - St. Euphrosynia. - Cities and limits of Polotsk Earth.

Spasskaya Church of the Eposinev Monastery in Polotsk. Built in the 1150s.
Image Author - Szeder László

The story of the Polotsk of the Earth after the return of the princes from the Greek imprisonment is extremely dark and shot. We see only that the Troubles of South Rus, the struggle of Monomakhov, with Olgovichi and Uncle with her nephews, helped Polotsky Earth completely free from Kiev dependence. Rivalry of different generations in the offspring of Yaroslav I gave Polotsky all the opportunity to always find allions. Since the Smolensksky Monomakhovichi, and from the east, and from the south - Kiev and Volynski, then all-in-laws were made by the natural allies of Chernihiv Olgovich and defended their independence with their help.

However, Polotsk reign did not reach a significant strength and fortress. It had too weak resistance when it was necessary to defend from the innovative enemies, who endured from the West, from Lithuania and the Livonian Order. The main reasons for its weakness were as in the lack of internal unity between exclusive, so equally in restless, the population attitude towards their princes. The coups made in the Polotsk land by Monomakh and his son Mstislav I, a repeated capture, moving and then the expulsion of Polotsky princes, of course, confused the generic scores between the descendants of numerous sons of all. We do not find here the rather strict order, which was observed in relation to seniority, for example, in the role of the princes of Chernigovo-Seversky or Smolensk. The main polotsky table becomes the subject of strife between the grandchildren of the Allian; But the one who managed to take possession of them, it usually does not use the great value between other their parents, the specific princes Polotsky. The latter often seek independence and follow their own policies in relation to neighboring lands. This can be said about the princes of Minsk. Throughout the century, proceeding from the return of all the time in Polotsk until the time of Tatar and Lithuanian conquest, we do not meet any personality in the Polotsky table marked by the seal of energy or a debris.

The distribution of absolutes, in turn, contributed to the weakening of the princely power and some successes of the government, or the pending beginning. Such a start, seen from Smolensk curvacies, was even more manifested in Polotsk, who in this respect are even closer to their miniments, the cryviches of Novgorod. It is especially strongly affected by the inhabitants of a capital city, which is similar to others. oldest cities It seeks not only to solve transplant times, but also subordinate to their decisions the population of junior cities and suburbs. No wonder the chronicler noticed that "Novgorod, Smolnyan, Kievans and Polishan, as in the spirit, converge in the evening, and on which the older will put on, and the suburbs will become."

The character of Polotsk history in this era was brightly reflected in the struggle of two grandchildren of Veslav, cousins: Borisovich Polyvolod and Rostislav Glebovich Minsk.

Married to the daughter of Izyaslav II Kievsky, Rogvolod was in some subordination from Monomakhov. Maybe this circumstance and served as a source of displeasure against him from the Polochante Glebovichi Minsk, i.e. Rostislava with brothers. In 1151, Citizens of Polotsk, secretly conspiring Rostislav Glebovich, grabbed the rogvolod and sent him to Minsk, where he was put into custody. Rostislav took a Polotsk table, although, in fact, did not have rights; Since his father Gleb never occupied this table. Fearing Interventions of Monomakhovy, Glebovichi was given to the patronage of Svyatoslav Olgovich Novgorod-Seversky and swore "to have him father and walk in his obedience." Rog Volodya was then freed from the captivity, but did not get back his volosts, and in 1159 he was a resort with a request for assistance to the same Svyatoslav Olgovich, now Prince Chernigovsky. Glebovichi, apparently, managed not only to dissect with him, but the Polotsky population itself was excited against themselves. At least we see that hardly Rogvolod received an army from Svyatoslav Olgovich and appeared in Polotsk Earth, like more than 300 husbands Druchane and Polucan came to him towards him and introduced it to the city of Drurtsk, from where he drove the Rostislavov son Gleb; Moreover, pound his own yard and the courtyards of his warriors. When Gleb Rostislavich rushed to Polotsk, there was also a confusion; The people were divided into two sides, Rogvodov and Rostislavov. The last many gifts managed to calm the opposite side, and he again brought citizens to the oath. Citizens kissed the cross on the fact that Rostislav "the prince" them "and what God forbid" live with him without an assumption. " He went with the brothers in Vsevolod and Volodar on a rogvolod to Drutsk; But after unsuccessful his siege, opponents were made up, and Rogvolod received some other parish. However, confusion in Polotsk did not slow down to resume. Stropive half-grains, forgetting a recent oath, began to secretly be demolished with the Rogvoda. The Messengers spoke them to such speeches: "Our princess! We were sinned before God and in front of you that you got up on you without guilt, the imbey of yours and your squads were plundered, and you were given to Glebovichi on great flour. But if now they do not remember that What we did in our madness, kiss the cross on the fact that you are our prince, and we will give your people. Rostislava will give your hands in your hands, and do what you want. "

Rogvolod kissed the cross for the obligation of past treason and let go of ambassadors. Then the Polotsky Eents conceived a treacherous way to grab their prince, which, obviously, surrounded by precautions and did not live in the city itself, and was in the country princess of the courtyard behind the Moto on the Belchica River. Polochanas called the prince in Petrov Day to "St. The Mother of God", on Brother, who was arranged or a whole city, or any arrival in the temple holiday. But Rostislava had root, who informed him about evil intent. They arrived at the feast, having under a cloak of armor and with a decent number of squads, so that citizens did not dare to take anything against him on this day. The next morning, they again sent him to call him in the city under the pretext of some important speeches. "Yesterday I was with you; What are you not brought to me, what's your need?" - said Prince Messengers; However, sat on the horse and went to the city. But expensive he was met by "Children's", or one of the younger warriors, who secretly left the city to bring the prince about the treason shelter. At that moment, they worked against the prince; Meanwhile, the predatory Mobile has already rushed to the courtyards of the main twigs, began to rob them and beat the princes of officials who came into her hands, i.e. Tiunov, mints, etc. Rostislav, due to open rebellion, hurried to grind in Belchitsa, gathered his squad and went to Minsk to Brother Volodary, fighting Polotsk parish, taking cattle and man. Meanwhile, Rog Volodya from Drurtska came to Polotsk and sat down on his grandfather's table and his father. But at the same time, his war with Glebovichi Minsk resumed. Rogvolod received help from his native uncle's wife Rostislav Smolensky, but not for nothing: he gave way to Vitebsk and some other border paroxy. Rostislav Smolensky soon moved to the Great Table of Kiev and continued to help the rogolody against Glebovichi. However, the war with the latter was not successful for Polotsk Prince. He went to Minsk several times and could not take this city. In 1162, Rogvolod was siege to the town, in which Volodar Glebovich was defeated with the army recruited from neighboring Lithuania. Here, the Volodar is an inadvertent night attack inflicted such a defeat of a rogolody, after which he did not dare to seem in the Undernight City; Since I lost many polochantes killed and prisoners. He went to his former specific city of Drurtsk.

Since that time, the chronicles do not mention more about Borisov's Rogvoda. But there is another kind of monument, which, apparently, speaks of the same Prince nine years after his defeat under the city. The versts are twenty from the city of Orsha on the road to Minsk in the field there is a reddish boulder, on the flat surface of which the cross with a support is carved; And around the cross is Izised the following inscription: "In the summer 6679 (1171) May on the 7th day of the cross, the cross of this. Lord! Pomping Slave to your Vasily in Baptism, the name of the Rogolody, the son of Borisov." It is very likely that this Rog Volodya Vasily is the former Polotsk Prince Rog Volodolod Borisovich, who, at the end of his life, was to be content with the Bulitsky Doodle; And the married stone is on Earth, obviously belonged to this lot. It is curious that, besides the rogvolution, several more similar stones have been preserved in the direction of Western Dvina. Namely, slightly below the city's city in the most thorough portion of this river rises in the midst of her granite gray boulder with the image of the cross and the inscription: "Lord, Pom Solving Your Boris." Below another boulder with the same inscription and the cross. There, on Dvina, there are several more stones with inscriptions that cannot be disassembled. In all likelihood, Borisov Stone belongs to the father of the rogvolod, the great prince of Polotsk. And the pious appeal to God with a request for help was, of course, a prayer 6 prosperous end of the enterprise; Most likely, it belonged to the construction of temples.

Soon after the events of the events of the events, Polochan was planted at the table Vasilkovich, one of the great-grandmothers of the famous Veslav. This Vasilko was in a property with Smolensk princes and only with their help held at his desk. But one day he was defeated from his rival Volodar Glebovich, Prince Gorodetsky, and his allies of Lithuanians, and was forced to seek refuge in Vitebsk from David Rostilavich, then one of the specific Smolensk princes. Volodar captured Polotsk, led the inhabitants to the oath and then moved to Vitebsk. David Rostislavich defended the crossing through Dvina; But he did not give a decisive battle, because he waited for the help of his brother of his novel Smolensky. Suddenly, at midnight, some kind of noise was heard in the Volodar camp, as if the whole rhe was driving through the river. Friend of Volodar preparing that it was a novel on her, and David wants to hit on the other side. She rushed to run and fascinated by the prince. In the morning, David, having learned about the flight of enemies, hurried to the chase and captured many worn in the forest. And Vyslava, he again planted in Polotsk (1167), which thus found himself depending on Smolensk, and the latter provided him with a patronage against other neighbors. For example, in 1178, Mstislav the brave went with the Novgorod to the Polokhan, to take away the Novgorod graveyard, captured by once all the Bryachlivich. But Roman Smolensky sent his son to help Vasilkovich Vasilkovich, and Mstislav sent to discourage from the campaign. Brave listened to the elder brother and turned back from the great onions. But the dependence of Smolensk was very unpleasant for shelter; Equally sensitive for them was the assignment of Vitebsk. Therefore, Polytsky's princes began to search for unions with Lithuania and Chernihiv. They finally managed to turn the Vitebsk lot, when David Rostislavich received an audacity in Kiev Rus (Vyshgorod). Vitebsk switched to Bryachovu Vasilkovich, Brother Veslav Polotsk.

In 1180, a wonderful meeting of Smolensky princes with Chernigov in Polotsk land took place. David Rostislavich has just been stained in Smolensk by the death of an elder brother; And in the drutskoy, his girlfriend Gleb Rogvodovich was sitting, of course, the son mentioned above the rogvolode Borisovich. At that time, the struggle of Monomakhov and Olgovichi because of Kiev was in full swing, grand Duke Kiev Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, returning from his campaign to Vsevoda Suzdalsky (about which after), he drove in Novgorod the Great, where his son was contacted. Hence he went to the Polotsky Earth; At the same time, his brother Yaroslav Chernigov and cousin Seversky came on the other hand, having hired Polovtsy, and headed for Drurtsk to take it away from Smolensk Bersery. David Rostilavich hurried to help Gleb Rogvodovich and tried to attack Yaroslav and Igor ("give them a regiment"), before the Svyatoslav Kievsky arrived, with whom most of the Polotsky Princes, including both brothers Vaclklkovich, Vitebsky, with Lithuanian and Livonian mercenary detachments. But the Chernihiv-Seversk princes dreamed of a decisive battle, and took a strong position on the nasty coast of the friend, and both rati stood here a whole week, limited to a shootout. When the Grand Duke came Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich with Novgorod and the brothers began to shut up to Gatch across the river, David Smolensky left home. The Grand Duke was burned by the Ostrog and the outer fortress of drutsk, but did not take the city himself and, dissolving the allies, turned into Kiev. Polotsk land, thus, found out depending on Chernihiv Olgovich, but before the first change of circumstances. In 1186, David Rostislavich took advantage of Polovtsy Pogrom Olgovichi to humor to humor. He took on them a winter campaign from Smolensk; And his son Mstislav, who was contacted then in Novgorod, went to the rescue with Novgorod; On his side there were two more specific Polotsky Prince, Vsslav Drurtsky and Vasilko Log's. Polochana was embarrassed and put such a decision in the evening: "We cannot become an anti-Novgorod residents and Smolnyan; if you let them in your land, they will have much to create an evil before making the world; better come to them on the submetone." And did: they met David on the border with a bow and honor; Many gifts raised him and settle peacefully, i.e. Agreed, of course, on his demands.

At the request of David, Vitebsk was given by his son-in-law, one of the grandchildren of Gleb Minsk. But Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was opposed to this order, and from here there was a new clash of Chernigov with Smolyanov, in 1195 we have seen higher than the meeting of opponents in the Smolensk limits and how Drutsky Prince Boris helped Chernigov won the battle. Vitebsk was taken away from David's son-in-law. It seemed that the Smolensk influence on Polotsky affairs was finally given to Chernihiv. But, on the one hand, the troubled in South Rus distracted Chernihiv's attention; On the other hand, hostile innings more and more crowded polotsky land from the West. Therefore, Smolensk supremacy again prevailed. Proof of this is the well-known contractual grades of Mstislav Davidovich with Rigo and Gotland. The main artery of the Earth by Polotsk, Western Dvina, the Smolensk Prince recognizes free for merchant ships for all of its flow, and at the end of the diploma announces an agreement obligatory not only for the Smolensk "parish", but also for Polotsk and Vitebsk. Consequently, the latter were then dependent on Smolensk.

The most important settlements in the land of Polotsk Curvich were located on the shores of its main river, i.e. Western Dvina. On the upper part of it, on the border with Smolensk Earth, was Vitebsky. The city of Vitebsk was built while pushing the river Votba in Dvina on the pretty sublime left bank of the last and, being well fortified, also had a ship's marina, one of the most important on Dvina. On the average of its course, on the right bank, when the river is shifted, the capital city of Kriva Land Polotsk was blocked. His main part, or the Kremlin ("Upper Castle"), was located on the coast of the hill, which rises when merging the cavities with Dvio. To this Kremlin from the East adjoined the outside city ("Lower Castle"), separated from him with a moat and fortified by an earthen shaft with wooden walls. Podgorodl villages located on the opposite shores of both rivers were a swollen and valve. In Polotsk Kremlin, except for the Terems of Prince and Episcopsky, according to custom, the main shrine of the city was concluded, the Cathedral of St. Sofia, about seven tops and chapters. Its naming him shows that it was built on the likeness of the temples of Kiev, which served as samples for all Russia. In addition to the Sophia Cathedral in Polotsk, as in other capital cities of the Russians, there was still a cathedral temple in the name of the Virgin, who in the second half of the XII century was already called the "Virgin Old", judging by the history of Rostislav Glebovich.

Like other capitals, and here, in addition to the temples, pious princes are early building monastic monastery both in the city and in its surroundings. Borisoglebsky's male monasteries are most famous: the names of the martyrs are especially common in the formation of Polotsk princes. This monastery was on the gauge, in the middle of groves and shrubs, on the slope of deep dell, for the bottom of which the River of the Belchik, flowing in Dvina. He was founded by Boris at all, they say, thereby built Polotsky Sophia. Near the same monastery there was a country princess yard. It is known that Russian princes for the most part loved to be not in the city's city, but in the country, in which various economic institutions were arranged, especially their favorite fun, i.e. hunting. Country living attracted them, of course, not with one clean air, spacious, and economic amenities, but also some distance from the noisy pier and the plump city ink. At least such a conclusion can be derived from the above-mentioned history of Rostislav Glebovich.

Holy Efrosinia Polotsk. Icon 1910.

Between the women's abode, Spaso-Evphrosinievskaya was most famous here. In Polotsk, the advantage of the other capitals was a lot of princess and princes dedicated to the monastic life. Between them is the first place occupies St. Evphrosinia, who worn the secular name is pre-sissels. Life is decorated with legends; But his historical basis is not subject to doubt. The beginning of the night of chapters in the time of the pursed Polotsk Prince Boris Veslavich, who she had a niece, being a daughter of his younger brother George and, therefore, the granddaughty of the famous Veslav.

Even in adolescent years, when I was preparing marriage, preface secretly left the parental home to my aunt, the widow of Prince Roman Veslavich, who was the urgent female monastery, which appeared to be the Cathedral Sophia Temple. Here, pre-sisteva, he was raised under the name Euphrosynia, to the great chagrin of his parents. At her request, Bishop Polotsky Elijah allowed her for some time to live in a cell attached to the cathedral, or so called. "Blue". Here she was engaged in writing church books and money obtained from this work was distributed by the poor. Soon the thoughts turned to the usual desire of the pious Russian princes, to the arrangement of their own female monastery. For this purpose, the bishop gave her her neighboring Selo, where he had a country house with a small wooden church in the name of the rescue transformation. Place it lies in the versts in two from the city on the right bank of the cans. Here, Evphroshnia arranged a new abode, which was set by Jugumen. In the number of His Inokin, she, to the new chagrin of his father, attracted his native sister Gorislav-Evdokia and a cousin Zagislav-Efrazia Borisovna. With the help of relatives on the spot of wooden, she built and decorated the stone Savior-Preobrazhensky temple, which was consecrated by the successor of Elijah Bishop Dionisia in the presence of a princess house, with a numerous propelusion of the people. Evphrosinia was not limited to and to have their own priests, founded the male monastery in the name of the Virgin. In his monastery, she peacefully survived a thunderstorm, which took place over her race during the Mstislav Monomakhovich Kiev, who expelled Polotsk princes to Greece. Passed the time of this exile; Princes have grown. The time of civilians of the cousins \u200b\u200bof her, Rogvolod Borisovich and Rostislav Glebovich and Rostislav Glebovich. Evphrosinia managed to cut two more prinjon in the nun, her niece. Having reached old age, she wished to visit the Holy Land, according to the pious mood of his century. This, apparently, was at the time when her nephew was sitting on Polotsky Table, Vasilkovich, and the Byzantine emperor was Manuel Comnon. His monastery of Holy Igumena left Evdokia's sister's care; And herself, accompanied by a cousin and one of the native brothers, went to Constantinople. Worshiping the shrines of Tsaregradsky, she sailed to Jerusalem, where she was sheltered in the Russian stirrerian house at the Theodosiyevsky Monastery of the Virgin Mary. There she died and was buried in the focus of the monastic temple.

Evphrosynia's face was made by the subject of special reverence in Polotsk Earth. And the wonderful monument to her piety serves as the temple of the Savior Transfiguration erected by her (accommodated in the main parts), small in size, but elegant architecture, like all samples of the Byzantine-Russian style of that era. In the temple, the Cross of Euphrosynia was kept in 1161; It is a six-pointed, wooden, silver-ridden and decorated with precious stones, which encompass particles of power. One of the successors of Euphrosynia on Igumery was her niece - Rev. Parasivia, the daughter of Rogvolod-Vasily Borisovich, who gave the Spassk Resident all his estate and led her in a very flowering look.

The band under the north of Dvina represents a few hilly lake area, which, apparently, did not have a thick population. Polotsky limits here converged with Novgorod near the rover of Lovati and the Great. The only significant city, famous for the chronicles on this side, was to dwell, lying on the lake of the same name, on border with Smolensk and Novgorod earth. The greatest and better settlement of Polotsk Earth extended to the south of Dvina; She hugged the region of the right Dnieper tributaries, friends and Berezia. This area represents a wooded sandy-clay plain, in the northwestern of its lane is often exalted and hilly, and in the southeast - lowland and swampy; The latter is imperceptibly merged with the Tours of Woodland. The most prosperous edge in this area was the Minsk Delo, which had a dry and fertile soil, with an admixture of chernozem, with deciduous forestry and rich pastures. The capital city of Footing Minsk rummaged on the coastal hills of the Svislodi River (the right tributary of Berezina). This is one of the oldest curve cities, along with Polotsk and Smolensk. Under the very city fell into the Svisloch small, but the historical river Nemiz. On her shores took place famous battle All Veslav with Yaroslavichi in 1067. The singer "Words about the regiment of Igor" melted this battle in such images: "On the nehism sheaves, the heads of the heads are hammering, the stomach is put on the current, the souls of the body are sown; the bloody shores of nems are sown, sown by the bones of Russian people." Not far from Minsk, to the north-west, on one of the tributaries of the Svislodi, Leslavl lay, built by Vladimir Great for Rogged and her son Iaslav. Even a little further north on the Goyna River, the influx of Berezina, there was Logozkov, and on Berezine herself - Borisov, founded by Boris Veslavich. Arguing from him to the east, we encounter one of the most significant Polotsky cities of Drurtsk, in the terrain is very wooded and swampy. In the southeast, the extreme Polotsky cities were Rogachev, when a friend of friends in Dnipro and Strezhev, somewhat lower on the Dnieper; These cities lay on Chernigovo-Kiev border.

In the West, the limits of the Polotsk land were lost in the forests of Lithuanian, which gradually penetrated the settlements of the curvist. Such settlements were inevitable by trade relations, partly the force of weapons. The princes of the Russians impose a tribute to the neighboring Lithuanian peoples and on the comfortable coastal hills struggle Russian towns, from where their warriors went to collect Dani and where the natives could change the prey from their beasts on shopping guns, fabrics, women's decorations and other Russian goods. Lithuania is quite easy to obey the influence of a more developed Russian citizenship and its gradual division was subjected to its stirrene; In the XII century, we meet the auxiliary Lithuanian detachments in the XII century. But the restlessness and lack of unity in the most Polotsk Earth prevented the strength of Russian domination in these deaf edges.

According to some signs, the Polotsky Princes owned the flow of almost to the very Baltic Sea, that is, they collected the tribute to the native Latvian. But they did not take care to strengthen the mouth of this river by building strong Russian cities and, apparently, did not occupy fortified places on her next two castles, who worn the Latvian names: Gersika (now Creicburg, lowering Dvinsk) and Kookinos (Chenguzyen). From the side of Nemman, the Polotsky borders crossed the Vilius and sent to its average flow. On the River Holy Influx of Vilia, we have a city with the Russian name Wilkomir, then Novgorod, on one of the left Nemnysky tributaries, and is rude, on the high right bank of Nemman when the river is shifted. The remains of the beautiful Borisoglebsky temple (known for the name of the "Colozensky") clearly show about the prosperity of this last city), the foundation of which dates back to the XII century and which only in our time is destroyed by the action of a sandy shore of Neman. This temple is especially remarkable by many of his vote, i.e. The clay oblong pots, are attached to the walls, as it should be assumed, in order to give more pleasantness to the sounds of church singing. The city and Novgorod served as the stronghold of the Crivian Earth by the Wild Camanoman Tribe of the Yatvägov.

The first mentioned mention of Dvinsky stones is found in the XVI century in Strykovsky in his chronicle. He tells the following. He happened once to go among other stiffers on the stages from Vitebsk in Dynennd. Here he heard from one Dissensky merchant that in seven miles from Polotsk below the dvina between the cities of Drissau and the disney there is a large stone on which the cross "Russian way" and the Slavic inscription: "Creation of Lord's slave of Boris, Son Ginvishago." When the stroke sticks to the night near the place, the Strykovsky traveled himself in the shoon to watch it. He explains that this inscription was made by order of Boris Ginvilovich in memory of a safe delivery from Liflandia Deli in bricks, alabaster and other materials for building a temple in Polotsk (Kronika. I. 241 p. Warsaw. Edition). Another historian of the Lithuanian region of Koyavich in his Historia Litvaniae, by the words of Strykovsky, repeatedly repeated his news about the same inscription, translating it in Latin; Miserere, Domine, Mancipio Tuo Boryso Ginvilonis Filio. But the news of Stroykovsky turns out to be incorrect, and hardly he himself considered the inscription during his evening trips to the shoon. Sementic, secretary of the Vitebsk Statistical Committee, in writing its "monuments of the old Vitebsk province" (St. Petersburg 1867) presented drawings of five Dvino stones; Of these, three others can now read the name of Boris; on the one says Strykovsky, the inscription is very well preserved; But the words "Son Ginvice" nor on one stone there are no traces. They turned out to be the approach of Strykovsky. Hereinafter, for these Dvinsky stones and Rogvodov, see Keppen (Scientific. Zap. Ak. N. 1 and 3 separates. T. III, Vol. I. SPB. 1855). Platers (Collection Rubon. Wilno. 1842), Narbut (Viteb. Gubern. Ved. 1846. No. 14). Shpilevsky ("Travel in Belarus". St. Petersburg 1858), in the newspaper "Vilensky Bulletin", edited by Kirkore (1864. № 56), c. K. Ttyshkevich "On the ancient stones and monuments of Zap. Rus and Podleokhi" (Archaeologica. Bulletin, published, edited by A. Kotolevsky. M. 1867), Krycinsky and Schmidt (works of the first archaeol. Congress LXX - LXXVI) and finally c. Uvarova (antiquity of Moscow. Archaol. Societies. T. Vi, Vol. 3). Sapunov "Dvinsky, or Borisov, stones" (Vitebsk 1890).

The main source for Polotsk history is Rus. Chronicle, mainly in the Ipatiev List. Strykovsky, referring to some old chronicler, in his chronicle, he says that the direct generation of excavation ceased in the second half of the XII century; What Polochanan was introduced by the Republican Board with the veche and thirty vessel elders at the chapter; that the Lithuanian Prince Mr. Polotsk, and his son ginvil entered into marriage with Tver, and accepted Christianity; What Ginvilu was inherited by his son Boris, the one who built St. Sophia with some other temples and left a memory of Dvinsky stones about himself. Boris was inherited by Rog Volodolod-Vasily, who turned the shelters of their elderly customs taken by Minongail; And the fighter inherited the son of his Gleb, with the death of which Miigailovich's death ceased in Polotsk (Kronika. 239 - 242). The same in Pomniki Do Dziejow Litewskich. Ed. Narbut. Wilno. 1846. (So-called. Chronicle Bykhovtsa.) Some writers concerned with the history of Western Russia continued to repeat these news until later without a critical relationship. (Including August Schlezer - Allgemeine Nordische Geschichte. II. 37.) And meanwhile, Karamzin pointed to their incredibility and complete inconsistency with chronology (K t. IV, approx. 103). Dvinsky stones, as we saw, finally exposed to Strykovsky in the increase of the words "Son Ginvice". If we accept his testimony, it would have emerged that Boris built Polotsky temples in the XIII century, while his son Rog Volodolod-Vasily rejected in XII; For the latter stone is clearly designated 1171, etc. Pogodin and Solovyov also rejected the existence of Polotsk Mingalilovich, equally, Belyaev ("Sketch of the History of the Grand Principality of Lithuanian." Kiev. 1878). In proof that in the first half of the XIII century, the Russian dynasty has also rejected in Polotsk, and not Lithuanian, I will add the following instructions. First, Heinrich Latvian reports Polotsky Prince Vladimir, in which the ruled of the Germans in Livonia was accomplished. Secondly, a marked commercial agreement of Smolensk with Rigo and Gotland in 1229; The contract includes Polotsk and the Vitebsk parish without any hint on any change in their princes. Thirdly, the direct news of the Russian chronicle (on Sundays. And Nikonov, the list) that Alexander Nevsky in 1239 married the daughter of Polotsk Prince Bryachland. Relatively remembered Prince Vladimir there is some perplexity. Henrich Latvian's news about him hug a whole thirty years (1186 - 1216); Meanwhile, the Russian chronicles do not know him at all. It was suggested that this Vladimir was not anyone else, like Vladimir Rurikovich, later the prince Smolensky and Grand Duke Kiev, see the Lyzhina "Two Pamphlet, Anna John" (Izv. Acad. N. T. VII. 49). The assumption is, however, too bold; Vladimir Rurikovich was only born in 1187, however, there is also little likelihood that Vladimir also reigned in Polotsk to 1186, and in 1216. At Tatishchev under 1217 (vol. III, 403) there is a story about Polotsk Prince Boris Davidovich and his second spouse, the princess of Pomorian. Holy to deliver the reign of his son Vladimir Vozechi, slandered the battles of the two stepsille and knitting before the prince. This story ends with a perturbation against her shelf and beating her accomplices Pokorun. According to Tatishchev, the story is borrowed from the chronicle of Yeropkin. In a leaning above his reasoning, the sizes considers the whole romantic story of pamphlet, which was directed against the German government, Anna John and is composed by Yeropkin himself. Opinion is still a question. For this issue, see G. Sapunov "The accuracy of passing from the Polotsky Chronicle, placed in the history of Tatishchev under 1217" (Thu. O. I. from 1898. III. Mix). He proves the existence of Polotsky chronicle, where this story borrowed Yeropkin. From the new works on the history of the region, the main place is occupied by Professors of Dovanar Zapolsky "Essay in the Criminal and Dresheich lands until the end of the XII century." Kiev. 1891 and Danilevich "Essay on the history of Polotsk Earth to the XIV Art.". 1897

For archeology and ethnography of the North-West Territory, we point out the trail. Proceedings: Sapununa "Vitebskaya Older". T. V. Vitebsk 1888. His "Polotsky Sophia Cathedral". WIT. 1888. His "inflatants". WIT. 1886. Sementiary "Belarusian antiquity." Vol. I. SPb. 1890. Romanova "Belarusian Collection". 4 issues. 1886 - 1891. (Tales, songs, etc.). Published by Batyushkov "Belarus and Lithuania". Spb. 1890. (with 99 engravings and card.) "Ancient times of North-West, edge". Published. Archaeol. Commission. Spb. 1890. Pavlinova "The Ancient Temples of Vitebsk and Plock" (Proceedings of IX Archaol. Congress. M. 1895). Eremenka and Spitzina "Radmatic Mounds" and "Estimated Lithuanian Kurgans" (Zap. Archayol. Viii. 1896).

"Life Evphrosnia" in a power book. I. 269. Stebalsky Dwa Swiata Na Horyzoncie Polockim Czyli Zywot SS. EVFROZYNII I PARACKEWII. Wilno. 1781. "Life of St. Princess Polotsk E Euphrosnia" - Speaking (West. South-West. And the West. Russia. 1863. Nos. XI and XII). "Monuments of old Viteb. Lips." - Sementic depicting the Cross Euphrosynia. The inscription on it concludes a spell so that no one dare to take this cross from the monastery of St. Savs. The same inscription indicates that silver, gold, expensive stones and pearls for 140 hryvnia are used to decorate it, and that the master who made him, called Lazar Bogus. About Euphrosynia and Paraskeva at Sapunov Viteb. Starina. T. V. "Minsk Province" - Lieutenk. Zelensky. Spb. 1864, and "Grodno Province" - Lieutenk. Bobrovsky. Spb. 1863. (Mater, for geoHro. And Stat. Russia - officers, General, Headquarters.) "Grodno Sellic Church" (Bulletin West. Russia. 1866. KN. 6). The memorable book of the Vilna Governor-General in 1868, edited by Sementical. Spb. 1868 (with some historical and ethnographic notes). Starozytna Polska Balinsky and Lipinsky. Tom. III. Warsch. 1846.

And it originated on the way "from the Varyag in the Greeks". It was this path that contributed to the rapid elevation of the principality, its strong economy and the famous culture. The desire for independence, the struggle against the Kiev princes, and then changed their Lithuanians - the story of Polotsk Principality. Briefly, it looks like this: the more Kiev pressed into Polotsky, the more powerful the resistance and the desire of Polotsk to independence became. However, war with Kiev weakened the principality, and in 1307, Polotsk went into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Education and related by the principality

In Russian chronicles, Polotsk is mentioned in 862. In the middle of the X century, Polotsk appears his own Vladyka - Rogvolod Polotsky, whom, at the end of the X century kills, and his daughter takes his wife. Which allows you to attach this land to Novgorod possession. In 987, Prince Vladimir appointed Prince Polotsk to the heir of Izyaslav, and the city of Izyaslav became the capital.

Being already adults, Prince Izyaslav rebuilt Polotsk, having moved the capital of the principality to the left bank of the river, the most infarks and high place. Under it, the presence of the principality from the rule of Kiev was laid. It should be noted that at the beginning of the XI century, Polotsk Land occupied the huge territory of North-Western Russia. The large benefits of the principality gave the location of Polotsk at the intersection of waterways of the Western Dvina and the Upper Dnieper. Not a small role in the independence of the Principality played iron maker production.

Board of All Sorreys (1044 - 1101)

The largest blurred principality acquired at the grandson of Izyaslav - at all of the Bryachichovic. After a hike at Torkov, in 1060, Vslav began a long struggle with Kiev for the ownership of North-Western Rus. In 1065, the prince committed an unsuccessful attack on Pskov. Failure did not break the prince, and the next year he attacked Novgorod and looted the city. However, then luck turned away from Vyslava and in February 1067 Kiev Princes Yaroslavovichi attacked Polotsk Principality, capturing Minsk.

On March 3, a significant battle under the River Nemig happened. For several days, opponents were not solved to start a battle, not inferior to each other in stubbornness and not going on compromises, and on the seventh day, Vseslav Polotsky decided to drive Yaroslavovich from his native land. This battle was described in the word about the regiment of Igor, as well as Kiev chronicles. The prince itself escaped captivity and fled to Polotsk. According to the legends, the prince was a wizard-clutter and escaped from the battlefield in the image of the wolf.

In the summer of the same year, Yaroslavovichi invited Prince to Kiev for peace negotiations, promising in front of his cross to him. His word, however, did not restrain Kiev, and Vslav was captured. In 1068, Yaroslavlov had to defend their native land against the Polovtsy. However, they lost the battle on the Alte River, and fled. Kiev also remained without protection. On September 15, 1068, the Kiev uprising had happened, and the Kiev residents were liberated by all the Kiev, appointing him the Grand Duke. Yaroslavlov, such a turnover did not like themselves and they ran away for help to Poland.

When Vseslav heard that Yaroslavovich's army went to Kiev, he threw the city and escaped to his native land - Polotsk. They say, at home and walls help, and Kiev needed, like a wolf second tail. It helped him little, and Izyaslav captured Polotsk, putting his son to pronomize there. In 1072, Vseslav returned Polotsk, after which the rapprochement of Izyaslav and Veslav began. With the rest of Yaroslavlov, he fought irreconcilable.

Joining polotsk to incl

Having in the family a lot of sons, Vslav the magician divided the polotsky land for 6 cars, which further crushed more and more. In 1127, Kiev captured Polotsky lands, devastated them and sent Polotsk princes to Byzantium. However, after three years, the authorities came to one of the Polotsky Princes, and after his death, a fight for the throne between the three dynasties, the descendant of Vsomlav, which was finally undermined by the combat capability of Polotsk, and in 1216 the Livonian Order in the lower reaches of Western Dvina.

Through the century, the principality obeyed the Great Principality Lithuanian (incl). Finally, the principality ceased to exist in 76 years, when Lithuania canceled Polotsk autonomy.

Education incl. Features of the state. And socio-economic system.

The formation of the Commonwealth. The crisis of the state and the 3 of its partition.

1) Written sources indicate that in 6-8 centuries of our era, curvice, radar and dregovich existed state Education in the form of princes. The reign in the opinion of Shtyukov is not the Iron Age tribes, and the so-called tribes unions. The princes consisted of volosts and principalities, which were created on the site of the former birth communities. In each prince's volost coexisted his prince and evening. Legislative authorities belonged to the veche. The features of the prince were quite diverse: he had to protect the territory of the principality, protect trade routes, exercise the court. Tribal princes were chosen from among the volost on the right of seniority and moral and leadership qualities. Princes were usually formed from among the generic elders, as well as Varyagov, immigrants from the Scandinavian Peninsula. Varyags could either be invited to the local population, or capture power by force in their own hands.

The threat from the Varyagov, the Cossack and other peoples contributed to the unification of the Eastern Slavic tribes into a single state - Kievan Rus. Written sources point out that initially Crivichi, Novgorod Slavs were slightly controlled by Varyags. But then they expelled them out of them. The Slavs had universities, and to avoid them again, Varyagi was invited, in particular Rurik. On the territory of Eastern Europe. Two union of princes: the North Prince, which was headed by Novgorod and the southern Union of the princes heading Kiev. The northern union of the princes was headed by Rurik, who sent one of his governors to Polotsk. This was not liked by the Kiev princes Oslochadu and Dira who in 865 made a campaign on Polotsk and captured him, subjugate to Kiev. After Rüric's death, Oleg became a full-fledged politician in Novgorod, who was the guardian of Prince Igor Rurikovich.

In 882, Oleg seizure Kiev and kills the local princes of Osconda and Dira. He is the creator of Kievan Rus and establishes his power over most East Slavic tribes. In 885, radars were attached to Kiev who paid tribute to the Casarats. Also, the Kyiv city of Russia entered the territory of the Belarusian suspension and subttage. As for Dregovich, they preserved their independence to 980, but the sweat was included in Kiev. Prince Igor carried out two hikes on Byzantium in 907 and 942, with this in the first of them they took part in radar and curviti. Soon Igor was killed by the rallies, trying to take a tribute to them. His wife - Olga, dealt with the Drevlyans. Son Igor Prince Svyatoslav, significantly expanded the borders of Kiev Rus. He defeated the Kazakh kagonat, Hair-Kama Bugaria, and also defeated Yasov and Kosokhov. His greatest power of Kievan Rus reached the wise at Yaroslav. From the 11th century, the process of crushing of Kievan Rus and its gradual weakening begins. Regarding the statehood of Eastern Slavs. Two positions: Normanist and Antinormanskaya. In the Norman theory, researchers in the West and some Russians adhere to the researchers. According to this theory of state. Eastern Slavs was created by Varyags. Anti-Normannsky argue that the state. The Eastern Slavs had initially, and Varyagi only gave rise to princely dynasties. Kievan Rus was a fragile state. Education. She included various peoples who tried to get out of Kiev's subordination at any cost.

2) In the 70s, Polotsk managed to get out of the power of Kiev. In Polotsk at this time, the prince of Rogwall, who was Varyag, begins to edit. After the death of the Kiev Prince Svyatoslav, the stubborn struggle for the Kiev throne begins between his sons: Kiev Prince Yaropolk and Novgorod Prince Vladimir. Each of the brothers tried to enlist the support of Polotsk, by marriage with prince raggeda. Ragged as his chosen one, elected Kiev prince Yaropolk, but Vladimir was refused, saying that he did not want to be a wife "slave." It offended by Vladimir, who made a campaign on Polotsk, burned the city, destroyed the rogvolode and his sons, and Ragnated forcibly took the wives. After that, Vladimir defeated his brother Yaropolk and became Kiev Prince. After an unsuccessful attempt on the life of Vladimir, he, having consisted with his boyars, decided to send Ragnaud and her son Izyaslav, back to his homeland, on Polotskaya Earth. Izyaslav began to rule Izyaslavl, and then became Polotsky Prince. Izyaslav died the young and became famous as an exemplary peasant who regularly visited worship in the temple. After the death of Izyaslav, the Polotsky Principality was headed by his son Bryachlis. With it, Polotsk began to carry out aggressive foreign Policy. The goal of Polotsk was the defeat of the Novgorod, as the main competitor on the path "from Varyag, in the Greeks", while the task of capturing the cities of Vitebsk and combate. Bryaclav captures Novgorod in 921 and takes greater booty in the city. His action caused a reaction from his native uncle, Kiev Prince Yaroslav. Kiev Prince Nastig a Polotsk army and caused him defeat. A peace treaty was concluded between and Kiev and Polotsk, according to which Polotsk received Vitebsk and Combat. After the death of Broix, Polotsk began to rule his son Veslav, who was called - a magician. With it, the Polotsk kingdom reached its power. In 1065, Vslav made an unsuccessful attempt to seize Pskov. In the next 1066, Vseslav seizes Novgorod and returns with rich prey to the Polotsky Earth. Kiev Prince collects a huge coalition and invades polotsky land. He burns Minsk and in 1067 there is a battle on the Nemig River, which ended in a draw. Kiev Prince invited Veslav and his sons to negotiations, where the last treacherously was captured. All the sons were delivered to Kiev, where they were imprisoned.

In 1068, the uprising occurred in Kiev, and the townspeople proclaimed the Kiev Prince, which was released from prison. Vslav Rules in Kiev is only 7 months old. The army of the former Kiev prince Isaslav and his father-in-law, the Polish king Borislav approached Kiev. And Vseslav was forced to go to the Polotsky Earth. In 1071, he expelts the son of the Kiev Prince from Polotsk and becomes re-rule by the principality. After the death of Veslav, Polotsk region broke up into a number of cars, in particular, the Minsk, Torovskoe, Vitebsk and others were formed. The main thing remained Polotsk. At this time, the Son of All Common Minsk Prince Gleb was active. His goal is to strengthen the Minsk Land at the expense of the capture of the Dnieper River basins and Prip. Gleb captures Orsha, smoke and controls the Dnieper pool. Gleb's activity caused concern about the part of the Kiev Prince. In 1116, the Minsk Principality invades the coalition of Russian princes and Gleb was forced to conclude peace with Kiev Prince. He came out of Minsk with his wife, but in 1118 the coalition of Russian princes invades the Minsk Earth, Gleb is in captivity and being planted in Kiev, and dies. Polotsk princes always showed their failure to Kiev. They refused to participate in the campaign on the Polovtsy, who organized the Kiev Prince Mstislav. In St. Petersburg in 1129, the coalition of Russian princes led by Kiev Prince invades in Polotsky Earth. Polotsky princes were sent to Byzantium and only some of 1139 were able to return to their homeland. Thus, from the beginning of the 12th century and up to its end, a period of feudal fragmentation occurred on Polotsk Earth. He was expressed in the fact that various dynasties of the heirs of Allians were fighting for Polotsky throne. In 2-0-30, the 12th century in the Polotsk Earth increased the role of the vessel, in which merchants and boyars played the main role. The princes were elected in the evening, and if the prince did not like the townspeople, the prince was expelled from the city. The Turov Principality was formed in the south of Belarus in the River Pool of the Pripyat. Until the end of the 10th century, it developed independently and here the rules of the local princely dynasty. The first prince was the legendary tour, which a number of researchers, consider the brother of the Rogwall. In the history of the Tour Earth, several stages can be distinguished: the end of the 10th century, and it is associated with the activities of Prince Svyatopolka, the end of the 11th - the beginning of the 12th centuries, the Tours of the Principality belongs to Kiev, which the rules of the Dynasty of Izyaslavovich, from 1112 to 1154 tours Vladimir Monomakh's heirs and representatives of the Dynasty of Chernihiv Prince Olgovich, the 50s of the 12th century, were to edit the heirs of the Dynasty of Izyaslavovich and the city at this time comes out of Kiev.

Features of the Tours of the Principality:

1. The city was subordinate to the Kiev princes for a long time.

2. In the absence of the prince in the city there is the landan rules.

3. The townspeople themselves elected the local bishop.

3) In the 13th century arose the largest state On the territory of Eastern Europe - incl.

You can distinguish several reasons for its formation:

1. The development of agricultural production, crafts and trade, contributed to the enrichment of the local political and economic elite, which was interested in creating a powerful state

2. Lithuanian and Belarusian lands threatened danger from the Crusaders and Mongol-Tatars

3. Lithuanian and Belarusian feudal feudalities believed that the Single State would help them keep the lower layers of society in submission.

The center of incl becomes the top low, now it is the territory of the Grodno region. In the top ponymny high level reached agriculture, developing crafts (Novogrudok, Volkovisk, Slonim). This region has supported close economic contacts with Polish and Czech lands, as well as with Byzantium and a number of other states. The top ponym did not make the attacks of the Crusaders and Mongol-Tatars, and the Polotsk Earth was weakened by the struggle with the Crusaders. Education inclusive associated with the activities of Prince Mindovga. In 1246, Mindovg turns out to be in Novogrudok, chosen by the local population as a prince and accepts Orthodoxy. After that, Mindovg begins to subordinate the top low-speed Novogrudok. This policy of Mindovga did not like the Galician-Volyn Princess and the Livonian Order. With whom Novogrudok had to fight. To defend a young state, Mindovg concludes a union with the Livonian Order and in 1253 he takes Catholicism and the title of King. In 1254, the world was concluded with the Galician-Volyn principality. Here the son of Shindovga played a big role. Under the condition of the contract, the son of the Galico-Volyn Prince, and the daughter of Mindgog was given to marry another son of this prince. Voycelk goes to the monastery, which is also founded. In 1263, Mindovga and his juvenile sons kill hired killers, by order of the Zhmut Prince Troyany. For a short time, Troynat become the Grand Duke Lithuanian. Voycelk also dropped the rjas, begins to rule in Novogrudok and jointly by the Mindzka tribesman by Polotsky Prince Folseville expensive from the novel's ravend. Troyat tried to destroy his rival, he managed to kill, but he himself dies in 1264 from the hands of hired killers. The ruler ON becomes Voishelk. The Galician-Volyn Principality, with whom Voycelk concludes a contract. He gives inclusion to the son of Galico-Volyn Prince Schwarc.