How to learn to speak beautifully. The ability to follow their speech is an important basis for the art of communication

For those who want to know how to learn how to speak and beautifully, we have some very good tips. As we have already spoken, in one of the previous articles "" Summithing skills can help you succeed in any of your undertaking. And there are perhaps the most important of all self-testing skills - this is a skill of beautiful speech.

If you know how to speak beautifully and express your thoughts, you will immediately begin to stand out against the background of all your competitors. In medieval times, according to the ability, it was possible to judge the origin of man and the attitude of him to the noble race. Nowadays, even very educated and smart people Sometimes, as well as everyone else, you need to say the ability to speak beautifully. The fact is that our education system is less and less aimed at the development of oral speech skills and is increasingly focused on raising average general level Errudia and its checks using testing. As far as it is effective is not a question for discussion in this article, but the fact that people in schools and institutes have become less and more writing is a fact.

Our advice, how to learn how to talk right and beautiful:

1. Just slowly!

First, slow speech in people are associated with self-confidence. Fast speech are associated with uncertainty. Most often, a quick speech is more inherent in women. They seem to try quickly, quickly tell their idea, because they are afraid that a person will not listen to them for a long time. From the point of view of self-sustaining, it is a big mistake. If, in general, your speech is built correctly, it does not contain unnecessary departures away from main topicIf it is clear and understandable, it will be much better if you speak slowly.

Secondly, slow speech gives a speaking time to think. Maybe we sometimes think that the speed of thought is equal to the speed of light, but the speed of our ability to formulate it is not so impressive, so it is always great to leave himself a little time to think about what you want to say. As an example, you have never noticed that when you ask any question to public people, they try to rephrase the end of the question loud to give themselves some time to think about the answer? You can also sometimes use this small life.

2. Read and retell read.

Reading is certainly expanding the vocabulary, but in order to speak beautifully and express their thoughts just enough to read. Reading is all the same more passive process, and the formation of a skill of a beautiful speech on the contrary is active. Therefore, if you want to develop the ability to speak beautifully, you need more retelling read. That is, if you have read a scientific article or artistic book, try to immediately try to reproduce it out loud. If I am not mistaken, it was a favorite method of the main character from the book "Diary of Memory." In order for his speech to be beautiful, Noah tried to read the books and poems aloud.

3. Do not be afraid to say nonsense.

Fear rolls. Fear confuses thoughts. Beautifully says the one who speaks relaxed. You just need to accept the fact that you can say nonsense, she may seem funny to another person, and there is nothing terrible, because all people, absolutely everyone, sometimes they say nonsense. Being funny, especially before the big public or cause the inappropriate views of other people, is not the most pleasant occupation, but it is inevitable and not deadly. And over time, when you learn to speak beautifully and set out your thoughts and stop feeling clamped, you will probably learn to translate any incident to a joke or simply stop paying attention to it.

I would also like to give a little advice on how to get rid of fear. The best way is to visualize your biggest fear in my head. What exactly are you afraid and who specifically and what will say about you. A couple of such detailed analysis in your head and will be easier for you.

4. Pyramid rule.

The pyramid rule is a rule of information in this form so that people are interested in reading and listening to people. Any pyramid expands from top to bottom. So you must build your speech. This means that the main idea should be at the very beginning of your story. Remember! This is the most important point, the main idea at the very beginning. Then you already join the details and details. Most people simply do not have enough patience to wade through the debris of details and details to the essence of your story.

If you have some kind of fucking in your story, which requires to start published, it is best to prevent the listener that it is possible that these details seem not related to the case, but if he listens attentively for about five minutes, then everything will fall on His places.
There is even a special allowance written by one woman - scientists about the right and more detailed use of this rule, if you are interested, then be sure to look for this book on the Internet.

5. Speech must be appropriate.

What does it mean? This means that it is necessary to correspond to that time in which you live. And we live in the 21st century do not forget about it :) That is, you probably met people who try to speak or write too highly, as the writers of the 18th century wrote. At the same time write a book, the events of which occur in our time. As a result, such a speech and such texts seem fairly artificial and unreal, because they do not have a component of the truth. Because there is a beautiful speech in our time all the same different from a beautiful speech 200 years ago.

In addition, I would like to mention that the ability to speak beautifully can include a variety of accents, but if one accent or a dialect that is present in your speech, most people have an association with an illiterate speech, in order to achieve a beautiful speech, over it also It will be necessary to work.

Also speaking about the relevance of speech, do not forget about your target audience. That is, if you speak with a young man, then you can safely use modern terms and you definitely understand each other. But if you speak with older people, you should not include them in your speech. Ideal if you learn to speak in the language of your interlocutor.

6. Speak simply!

In the last sixst rules, I would like to say that the best speech is simple. Do not try to use climbed words whose value is known only to you and Einstein. In general, a beautiful speech is always a simple and understandable speech.

I want to immediately say that if you only want to learn how to learn how to speak correctly and beautiful, but not ready to do anything to do, then your it will not be more beautiful from reading this article. Beautiful speech is first practical use All these tips and rules.

The ability to speak beautifully will be useful to each person, regardless of the profession. The interlocutors always react positively to a given voice, good diction, competently constructed phrases and justified intonation. We master the entry into the art of rhetoric.

Among professions in demand in latelyMost are based on the ability to beautifully and correctly speak. Lawyers, politicians, speakers on numerous television and radio channels, teachers, those who work with customers - in short, representatives of a huge number successful people Must say so that they are listening to them, they admired them.

Therefore, work on its speech includes three main directions:

  • training of diction (clear pronunciation);
  • work on the technique and the content of speech;
  • increased your vocabulary and development of speech.

In addition to verbal (verbal), there are non-verbal means of speech:, intonation, mimic, communication with a look, etc. True, these funds will begin to "work" if the main tool is your beautiful speech - will give your fruits.

The correctness of speech, the clarity of the origin of vowels and consonant sounds, the change of intonation, the vote is allocated - all these characteristics of your speech will help you to influence almost any person, to arrange it to yourself, convince you to continue with you further cooperation.

Dictation training

Start training is needed from the right breathing. If it is incorrectly breathing, then this can entail a breakdown of voice, protracted pauses, distortion of the meaning of the phrase. Therefore, during public speeches, speakers are not common in conventional breathing, but a speech. Conventional breathing may simply not be enough, so it is important to learn to spend the air and restore it on time. In this case, use diaphragm breathing. It develops a whole system of respiratory training, but they require perseverance and plenty of patience.

  • Write your reading of any text on the voice recorder.
  • Listen to the resulting entry.
  • Give it to listen to it.
  • Match your opinion and someone else's.
  • Select the main disadvantages.

The most commonly encountered the following pronunciation errors:

  • improper pronunciation of vowel sounds in a weak position (without stress);
  • "Evidence" of individual consonants;
  • loss of vowels;
  • improper connection of consonant sounds when they are connected;
  • curply pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds;
  • improper utility of soft sounds, etc.

It is advisable to deal with the correction of diction. Now there are many organizations where speech therapists work. Of course, mainly classes are designed for children, but you can take private lessons in order to quickly achieve the right effect.

All classes need to be started with exercises to relax muscles responsible for the correct articulation. It is better to observe a certain sequence of exercise. Starting the exercises are needed from the easiest, gradually moving to more complex. You need to do every day. Go to the workshoot of the next exercise only after complete assimilation of the previous one. Every day you need to put new goals and objectives. The results achieved from time to time you need to maintain the repetition of the main exercises.

Work on the content and technique of your speech

One of the frequent speech errors is too fast. When a person is in a hurry, what is called, taraturt, it is difficult to perceive. You need to learn to control the tempo of your speech. To begin with, it is possible to pronounce at a very slow pace of any speech material that does not require much understanding. It can be a sequence of numbers, for example, up to one hundred, names of months, cities or countries, a list of male or female names.

It is better to record this sequence so that words can be pronounced in direct and reverse order. Over time, remembering this sequence, it is better to play in memory, simultaneously training and memory. Then you need to move to the repetition of the text on the rumor. And it should be recorded in the fast pace, but it will be necessary to repeat at a slow pace.

How to "put" voice

Of course, the term "voice formulation" more relates to musicians, actors and other creative professions. It means that you need to train the voting force, its range and timbre. The voting force can be trained if the texts of various character are loud and clearly pronounced: poems, fables, odes, poems in prose.

The range is quite possible to expand if a variety of text exercises at the highest or lowest colors. At the same time, the voice ideally should become higher or lower, depending on the ultimate goal. The same voice depends on overtones, that is, from an additional tone, sounding as a kind of echo. Oberton appears at the moment of reflecting the sound from the wall of the natural resonator (its own skull, chest cavity, larynx and others).


Unfortunately, modern people are increasingly tonasky, cannot competently express thought, confused in words. This is explained by many reasons.

First, they read little now, as you spend more time at a computer monitor or a TV screen.

Secondly, the samples of competent speech are heard too much. After all, it is no secret that even from the TV screen rarely hear samples of the right and beautiful speech. There are no talk about radio stations in general: DJs communicate with radio listeners just as used to communicating with friends, - speaking their speech by fergular words and expressions.

Thirdly, rarely watch theatrical productions. After all, the theater requires a special style of clothing, it is necessary to behave culturally, the most important thing is to understand the content of individual Misaneszen, the complexity of the character of heroes. All this requires from people's excess efforts, so it's much easier to go to the movies, eat popcorn and "scatter".

However, if you are firmly confident that your speech is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary, abundance of speech mistakes and improper construction of proposals, and you intend to learn how to spend the attention of the audience, then you just need to urgently start working on your own speech.

Learn to speak beautifully

So, here are the advice that will help learn to master the beautiful and competent speech.

1. Build proposals

An illiterate and monotonous speech is given primarily incorrect offers. When a person painfully selects words to continue his thought, makes long pauses, and as a result he gets a "coronal" thought, this suggests that he does not own the technique of properly building proposals.

It is necessary to study the right construction to start with written exercises, recording interesting thoughts, observations, aphorisms in a separate notebook. In the future, immediately before the performance, you need to make text in advance on paper, retelling on the finished plan, repeating individual expressions.

You can generally keep a diary (it is fashionable, judging by the TV shows like the "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva" and those like him), writing impressions for the day, some kind of observations, reasoning. All this contributes in general to the development of speech, well, and the correct construction of proposals in particular.

2. Increase vocabulary

Poverty of the speech gives a poor vocabulary. If a person expresses his assessments, judgments, comments among the same words, this suggests that it is difficult for him to express his thoughts due to the lack of knowledge. Therefore, this speech produces a repulsive impression, and the person himself will not have authority, especially among those who speak well a speech.

Agree, in our time, let's say, the Kosonasky Director of the School is nonsense. He simply will not be able to speak in front of the teachers, which means that it will not be able to conquer the authority among his colleagues or among the students of his own school. After all, even illiterate students understand that the teachers, and even more the director, should be competent in all senses of this word.

How to diversify your speech? Of course, first of all, to work with an intelligent dictionary. Hearing a new word for myself, you need to find its meaning in the dictionary, write out and remember. And remember the word only in the context, that is, in the sentence. Used without context, the word may be incomprehensible or perceived in distorted meaning.

It is not bad to solve at least crosswords or scandards, because there are also the meaning of words, and sometimes in an allegorical or ironic sense, which helps learn to understand the meaningful words. It is also important to read articles in various magazines - not only in glossy.

For example, reading economic news will help to understand the financial and legal spheres and will significantly enrich your speech by terms from these areas. If you are interested in medicine, even if you look like a "live great" and similar to it, it can be understood in a variety of medical concepts, ranging from elementary injection and ending with narrowly special terms.

Reading articles on psychology, you can expand your vocabulary with a lot of fairly modern concepts, because we have almost everyone or a psychologist yourself, or a doctor himself. Ideally, it is better to expand the circle of your communication. After all, supporting relations with lawyers, specialists in the field of IT technologies, doctors, teachers, etc., you will freely or unwittingly hear new words for you, starting gradually to understand in their sense, and then introducing into your own speech.

3. Learn to allocate the main

Attention to the details is good for observation. But, especially public, excessive detailing can lead to a weakening of interest and boredom. Therefore, it is important to learn how to compress any information. Via computer programs Compress the amount of information is quite simple. And how to do it with the text?

You need to learn how to control the tempo of speech so that there was a time to stop before you have time to bloat. Let it be better to be a small pause than "Ecane" and "Beckan". This requires self-discipline, permanent self-control, but the result is definitely worth such victims.

5. Expand spoken practice

Now, in the age of testing and writing offended homework, it is rarely given the opportunity to perform with monologic speech. Therefore, there are also former schoolchildren and students and then come to work with oblique. Therefore, if you go out to learn how to speak correctly, it is important to use all the possibilities for a public speech at school.

Oral responses in the lessons, performances on various scientific and practical conferences, performances in front of classmates, on stage - all this will help not only become confident, but will make it comes to talking, competently, convincingly.

Of course, it will help reading classic artistic or popular science literature, because you can always give examples from books or modern reality. And nothing is more convincing, as bringing a large number of arguments.

Use gestures that will allow you to feel more comfort, while in front of the audience, and the listeners will cause the right associations. If you first play, peeping into the abstract, then frequent and prolonged performances will soon help you feel confident even during direct communication with the hall or a certain circle of people.

First of all, you need to eliminate several mistakes that are most often found in speech. To do this, write down your public speech or just a meeting with colleagues on the recorder. Then analyze your speech on these items to understand what you need to work:

In the preparation of a public speech or a working meeting with the client, we think in advance that you want to say, sketch the exemplary plan and phrases that you seem successful. In no case do not need to read on a piece of paper. If you feel that without your entries, you can not do, the preload of small cards with keywords - This method often uses American students and not only.

How to learn to speak beautifully and competently? If you have doubts about the correctness of some stress and in general in speech structures, check them with an online dictionary. Be sure to clarify the value of words, in the use of which you are not sure.

A good public speech should not be boring and too long. To keep the attention of the listeners, ask a couple of interesting questions in the hall (for example, "Who has already tried it?") And ask the participants to raise hands. A successful addition to the speech may be distributing material, which contains information on the topic.

How to learn to speak beautifully: exercises

The development of the speech is relevant not only for the children of the younger school age. Most adults also would not hurt to make this issue.

  1. Find inspirational examples. To do this, you can listen to online lectures, for example, TED. There you will definitely find speakers who like. Analyze their performance and take the note successful techniques.
  2. Read more. The richer is your vocabulary, the brighter will be your speech! When preparing K. public speeches Do not forget to use the synonyms in the vocabulary to get rid of repeats in the text.
  3. Make short stories. How to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts right? Choose five arbitrary words and try to make up a small connected text with their help. This is perfectly trains logic and imagination!
  4. Write your future performance on the voice recorder. So you can fix possible shortcomings in advance.

Walking through the spaces of the Internet, you can notice invitations to many courses and lectures on how to make your speech special. But what is this in the usual seemingly the ability to talk? Competent, beautiful speech is what the person stands out, which makes it recognizable and well-adopted in society. On how to achieve skill of oratory art, we will talk in the article below.

I spoke early. Chatted with mom and dad about what beautiful cars and dolls. Then the school time began. From the flow of my speech, like from clay, the teacher of Russian and literature began to sculpt something worthy. Then the University, the Faculty of Philology. Here I had to be revealed to complete: it was required to study standards. Of course, on the formation of me as a speaker affected the fact that a large amount of books, interesting articles and conclusions of other people were read.

We could not remain in the bins of consciousness as the letter "P" in front of the speech therapist. Of course, the most important factor affecting proper speech, influences the ability to competently formulate thoughts. And about the first, and the second will be said enough, which will allow everyone to master the basics and start independent trip To successful spoken Russian.

Exercises, thanks to which you can learn about oratory

In order to have the action described below, you need the right attitude and frequency in training. So let's go!

Common exercises

  1. To set the correct mood, it is necessary to set the correct mood before classing each time, charged by motivation. Be sure to pronounce: "I want to learn to talk right!", "I want to collect stadiums!". Remember that thoughts have a property come true.
  2. Build offers correct. It is very important, since if you make all the words in a bunch, the interlocutor may not understand you at all. Speak with the arrangement, organize the flow of words in the desired, harmful order.
  3. Get the notepad in which you will record the heard interesting phrases or dialogs. They will help to see something new, unnoticed earlier, to make experiences.
  4. Replenish your inner saddled dictionary or increase the vocabulary. Have you heard a new, interesting word? Find it in the sensible dictionary! By the way, when an abundance of phraseologism is manifested in a speech of a certain individual, a person begins to seem more competent and read. Find out the values \u200b\u200bof many phrases and words will help " Dictionary Live Great Russian Language "V. Daly.
  5. Read Kni! Writers in their texts often use incredibly beautiful speech turnover, the use of which will reduce the public with the mind (unless, of course, read not postmodernists and those who worked in the Era of Decadane). The language of the greatest writers serves as an example for many generations, allowing the latter to get an incredible pleasure from reading and paving the plots, also help novice speakers. Remember that paper friends will teach you differently.

Make public speeches
Public speaking is, of course, direct practice, without anything. They teach to find words in a situation of stress, take themselves in hand, help to liberate. Remember that learning to learn to speakers without viewers is impossible. People set up on the desired way, create a surroundings and an atmosphere necessary to the speaker to acquire experience and self-confidence. What to do in order to succeed and on this hard field?

  1. Watch out for the public reaction! According to her mood and behavior, you can understand what it is worth saying, and what is not.
  2. Write down the speech on the voice recorder to hear your mistakes and understand what you should work more.
  3. Agree to small audiences, but do not forget about the growth. Looking for new opportunities to develop and practice learned knowledge again and again.
  4. Be prepared for obvious, expected issues. Immediately memorize the answers to them or read the theory so much to understand for sure.

Train facial and gestures

Live conversation usually obliges talking man Help your listener to understand yourself with the help of gesture. Gestures, as if to build a portal between people, saturating the emotion dialogue, giving him an emotional color. Using the movements of the speaker, as if it transmits to his listeners what he is valuable and close.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no meaningless twigs and clumsy movings. Everything should be logical and accurate, useful and verified.

Training of facial expressions and gestures should occur during the speech itself (because the result may not refuse), and during periods between events, in front of the mirror. Start a conversation, after selecting the topic, and proceed. It should also be paid to the fact that open, a direct look will help you success in your endeavors and will help you choose the need to choose the necessary television. Thanks to training, you can allow the body and thoughts to be in harmony, and this will definitely affect positively in oratory.

Recognize goals and aspirations

Any business, started forcibly and without desire, is doomed to failure. It is 100% applicable to oratorical art. In order to achieve something on this field, you will need great perseverance and work, but every step passed, even small, will be a success and motivation to continue the path.

Train confidence

Exercises that will help learn to express and formulate thoughts

Non-understanding among people is an eternal problem, pursuing humanity for many centuries. Many conflicts, quarrels, wars occur precisely because of him. However, if misunderstanding arises between the speaker and the crowd, it can put the cross on the career of the first, completely breaking the way to success. How to solve this problem when even friends can not understand you?

First, you should not be afraid to make mistakes and panicing when they happen. But, of course, it will be better that they happen when numerous spectators do not look at you (and during training). Secondly, it is worth preparing for your speech in advance. In order to competently express your thoughts, starting the exercise standing on paper. Thanks to its property, save and hold the written you can look at the next day to look out the fresh look and understand where it was not right, correct errors. After reading your notes, you will hear how they sound - harmoniously or not, is it possible to add this to speech and in the speech, or not.

Thirdly, feel free to use the dictoon. Record yourself, listen to what sounds from the mouth of the novice speaker well, and what is bad that you can do better, which is removed at all. At times, the ideas for improving texts do not come immediately, you should wait for a while. However, keep a notebook with you! Muse can catch you at the best time.

Summing up

So it turns out that learning to learn from oratory is quite difficult, but perhaps. For this, a strong interest will be required in the case and a great desire to engage (time for training, too, it is necessary to find, without them nothing will happen). If you bring all the rules together, summarize them, it will be quite simple: read books (books about the topic studied too), charge yourself with confidence in what you are doing, train your movements in front of the mirror, do not forget about the practice and speeches, develop vocabulary and firm steps follow success! Paying enough attention to every exercise, you will certainly learn to speak beautifully and correctly, clearly express your thoughts, enveloping them in a beautiful and attractive form.