Fun shine a month over the village of Nikitin. "Winter night in the village" and

« Winter night In the village "Ivan Nikitin

Fun shy
Month over the village;
White snow sparkle
Blue lights.

Months rays
God's temple is obliged;
Cross under the clouds
As a candle, burns.

Empty, lonely
Sleepy village;
Blizzards deep
Hazard listed

Silence is dumb
In the streets of empty
And not audiba
Pots guardian.

Prying to God
Sleeps peasant people,
Forgetting alarm
And hard work.

Only in one hut
The light burns:
Poor old woman
There is a sick.

About your orphans:
Who sticks them
How she will die.

Like a long time!
Both youngsters,
There is no mind in them;

How to walk shame
In the courtyards of others -
Ovenly to contact
With a man evil! ..

And here the road
Not good lies:
We will take God
Loss shame.

Lord have mercy
Give them a mind-power,
Whether you are in the stronghold! ..

And in a copper lamp
The fire is growing
Lighting pale
Lick of saints icons,

And the features of the old woman,
Full concerns
And in the corner of the hut
Dormant orphans.

Here is a rooster sleepless
Somewhere shouted;
Midnight calm
Long hour has come.

And god news renewed
Songbook Liya
Suddenly rushed in the field
With a triple removed

And in the frosty gave
Quietly power
And singing sadness,
And longing rags.

Analysis of the poem nikitina "Winter night in the village"

Nikitin rightfully deserved the title of one of the most remarkable masters of the Russian landscape. In the poem "Winter Night in the Village", dated December 1853, he with amazing warmth and penetration describes the pictures of the native land. The work is characterized by the clarity of the expression of thoughts, simplicity, accessibility, realism. This is due to the creative position of the poet. He was confident that the whole charm consists of simplicity and truth. Nikitin's landscape lyrics are little similar to the poems created by representatives of "pure art" (Tyutchev, Fet, Annensky). In Ivan Savvich, nature is closely connected with a man, his rest or difficulty, which is visible in the "winter night in the village".

The work can be divided into three parts. At first, the poet represents the reader the picture of the night village - shines a month, the snow glitters, there is silence, even a dog barking does not hear. Next, from the total plan, Nikitin goes to a private. Changes the place of action. The author's attention is focused on the hut, where the sick grandmother lies. Does not go to her sleep. The thoughts of the old woman are occupied by the coming fate of orphans located on its care. She is afraid that orphans can roll on the curve track, contact bad people. The third part of the poem is a newly small landscape sketch, which is peculiar to the composition. Rural sleepy calm is disturbing the first fastener of the rooster, then the passage on the top three "Lich Songnik". In the final, the work arises in its place - the village again envelops silence.

Religious motives play an important role in the poem. In the representation of Nikitin Rus, the traditional, Russia is obligatory Orthodox Russia. In the "Winter Nights in the village" the poet mentions the temple, the cross of which under the clouds looks like a candle. Peasant people go to sleep only after prayer. Appeals to the Lord and the old woman. She asks God to give children a mind-power, to be a stronghold. Naturally, the grandmother has a red angle in the hut. He also draws attention to the readers of Nikitin, telling about the lampade, whose fire illuminates the "Lick of Saints Icons".

"Winter night in the village" - the work of the stage in the work of the poet. It is in it that it is important for the lyrics of Ivan Savvich tradition: to write poetic novels, including the descriptions of popular life, and the plot. Often Nikitina is called the successor of Koltsov, chanting the life and labor of ordinary peasants.

Class: 3 B.

Lesson: Reading

Subject: I. Nikitin "Fun shines a month over the village ...". A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening".

Purpose: purifying the children of love for poetry, familiarization with the poetic works of winter.


    Repetition of previously read works (S. Yesenin "Bereza" and M. Privina "Trees in the Forest");

    Familiarization of children with poems I. Nikitina and A. Pushkin;

    The formation of the ability to feel the mood of the poetic work;

    Clarification of unclear children words and expressions;

    Development of the ability to compare, summarize, draw conclusions;

    The formation of the ability to analyze the literary work;

    Education of love for nature, to Russian poetry.

Equipment: pictures depicting the winter nature, tutorial.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

- Hello guys! My name is Aishe Serovna and today I will spend your reading lesson. Remove everything excess from the desk.

Listen to the poem.

Enchanted invisible
Dorming forest under sleep fairy tale.
Like white Kosynka
Pine tied).

- Guys, as you think, what time of the year is the author in this poem? (About winter)

- Indeed, this poem of S. Yesenin wrote about the Russian Winter. This time of year inspired and admired many. Everyone wanted to express his feelings in his own way. You can draw winter in different ways: words, music, paints.

    Actualization of reference knowledge

Guys, let's remember that you were taught on the past lesson.

At the last lesson, you learned the poem of S.A. Yesenin "Birch".

Guys, what Yesenin saw Berezu? (The poet saw the winter birch of beautiful, elegant, snow-covered, fluffy, in a white vacation).

Guys, what do you think, what time of day the author paints?(morning)

Why do you think so?(Dawn, sleepy silence, Ins have not melted after frosty night)

And now let's tell me the poem of Yesenin "Birch" by heart.(Children tell)

Well done!

    Respiratory warmth

- Guys, and now we will spend a breathing workout.

- Sit smoothly! Spins align.

(Try in one breath)

Homka, Homka, hamster
Alpine barrel.
Homka rises early
The cheek washes, the neck tert.
Homka Hatku sweeps
And goes to charging.
Homka wants strong to become.
One, two, three, four, five!

Well done!

Open the tutorial on page 6.

You were set homework Read the story M. M. G. Proshina "Trees in the Forest".

What is the saying about the story? (Children's responses)

Now let's read the story expressive.(Reading the story)
-Very good. Well done!

    Message Topics lesson

Guys, today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of Ivan Savvich Nikitina and the work of A.S. Pushkin.

    Work on new material.

a) Primary reading poem I. Nikitin.

Open the tutorial on page 8.

The obedience of Ivan Savvich Nikitina about Winter.(Reading teacher poem Ivan Savvich Nikitina)

And now read the poem to yourself and imagine how you will read it.

I ask 3-4 students (reading a poem fully)

Guys, and you listen and give an estimate to classmates.

b) analysis of the work.

What is the mood of this poem?

What pictures can be drawn to this work?

Fun shy
Month over the village:
White snow sparkle
Blue lights. (When the moon shines, then it seems that the snow drops blue)

What is the mood of this passage? What words the author showed it? Read these words.

1 Stanfa - Highlight. (fun, sparkles like a candle burns)

2 stanza - loneliness. (empty, lonely, silence, not audio)

3 stanza - Peace. (forgetting the alarm and hard work)

And now let's read the poem entirely, expressing when reading his mood.

So guys, we met with a wonderful poem, which reflected the mood of the author and his vision of winter nature.

Let's take a little rest.

Fizminutka (video)

c) primary reading poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Evening".

Now you listen to another poem and try to catch his mood.

And so that you all in this poem it is clear, let's discuss the meaning of some words and expressions.

Maggred - opaque air (from fog, dust, smoke)

Dilapidated -estimated from time

Laccho-small bad breathing

The spindle is a device for manual spinning of yarn, one of the most ancient means of production

(There is a brief discussion of words of words: MF \u003d Darkness; Roofing \u003d Roof Coating, Old, Bad, Old; Shaha \u003d Small Bad Hut, House)

Pushkin wrote this work when he was in exile in the village with his nanny Arina Rodionovna.

Now listen to the work.(Reading a poem teacher)

d) Analysis of the work.

What is the difference between this poem from the previous one? (Other mood - storm, anxiety, unprotected).

From whose name is the story? (on behalf of the author)

What state of the soul gives the poet in his work?(Anxiety)

Read the poem to yourself.

Guys, what is said in the work of Pushkin about the dwelling, in which people are there during the storms?

What pictures would you like to draw to this work? Describe it with words.(Children describe)

    Outcome. Homework.

What's new you learned today in class?

What works did we meet with you?

What mood passed these two poems?

So, the guys, today in the lesson we saw that it was possible to draw nature with the help of a word, and that this description of nature sometimes helps the author to express their thoughts, feelings, experiences.


At home you will read these poems, trying to express all the feelings.

Page 8-12. Expressive reading poems.

Thanks for the lesson, thanks!