nET. The protracted dispute indicates that both parties are wrong - the newspaper "Private shop" - indicates that they



glasses, nsv., uPOTR. compared. often

Morphology: i testifying, you testify, he she it testifies, we testify, you testify, they are indicate, certificate, testify, testified, testified, testified, testified, indicative, evidence, hanging, testified, testifying; sv. witness; sUD , from. testimony

1. If anything specifies O. something, it means that any fact is a confirmation, an indicator of something.

The natural color of the tree indicates good qualities of the product. | The article indicates the erudition of the author.

2. If anything testifies to the oppositeThis means that any circumstance, any fact challenges the truth of anything.


3. If the numbers specifies O. Come - either, then this means that they prove something.

The numbers convincingly indicate achievements.


4. If anyone specifies O. Chem, then this means that anyone gives testimony at court against anyone or in favor of anyone.

Son can not testify against the father.

Give testimony

5. If notary testifies Anything, this means that it officially certifies the authenticity of anything.

Testify signature. |


Notary was invited to witness the correctness of the testimony.


Dictionary Russian Language Dmitrieva. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.

Watch what is "testify" in other dictionaries:

    Testify, testify, testify, impeller. (Book.). 1. (perfect. Witness) What, about what and with the Union that. Make sure the truth of what a witness was, to confirm as a person, a well-known circumstance ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Give an indication, show (in court), certify, assert; Certificate, issue a certificate. Show falsely. He argued under the oath. The case speaks for itself. Cf. touch Synonym dictionary

    Testify yours, tweak; impeller. 1. What about Certify as a witness, eyewitness. S. About theft. 2. About. Confirm, prove. Figures testify to successes. 3. What. Certify the authenticity of what n. (official). C. Signature. four.… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    testify - irrefutable to testify ... Dictionary of Russian idiomatics

    testify - Research is evidenced by the subject, the demonstration of the story shows the subject, the demonstration of experience shows the subject, the demonstration of practice shows the subject, the demonstration results indicate the subject, demonstration ... ... Verbal combination of unforeseen names

    I Nesov. Couch. and Nearby. 1. To certify the truth of anything as a witness, eyewitness. 2. serve as evidence [Certificate I 2.]. 3. Nearby. Give testimony at court. 4. Travel. Officially certify the authenticity of what ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    testify - (confirm, to prove that l.) What and what. 1. What (statute). Notes to "Russian History" are evidenced by the extensive scholarship of Karamzin (Pushkin). 2. What. My task was the most modest to tell at least minor cases, ... ... Dictionary control

    testify - Svidel, you, twist ... Russian spelling dictionary

    testify - (i), Sideways, Watch, Vyat ... orthographic dictionary Russian language


  • Conversations of the icon painter, Archimandrite Zinon (Theodore), Icon is born from the living experience of the sky, from Liturgy, so the iconography has always been considered as church ministry as a liturgy. Very high moral places were presented to the iconographic ...

To the plot of "Colored snow in Western Siberia" that in nature there is a phenomenon when it falls out of an extraordinary color, it is known for a long time. Historical chronicles They even say about the bloody red snow, which, according to the ministers ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

What is the truth? - N. N. GE "What is the truth?" Christ and Pilate, 1890 ... Wikipedia

testify - (confirm, to prove that l.) What and what. 1. What (statute). Notes to "Russian History" are evidenced by the extensive scholarship of Karamzin (Pushkin). 2. What. My task was the most modest to tell at least minor cases, ... ... Dictionary control

Witness testifying evidence - I. In the Old Testament 1) the concept of the witness in the PEC refers to the legal sphere and denotes a person who gives testimony during the court to deal with both in favor of protection and in favor of the accusation; The latter, however, occurs more often (number 5:13; 35:30). Kr ... Biblical Encyclopedia Brockhausa

Public Cornelius Tacit - the "Tacit" request is redirected here; About the Roman emperor, see Mark Claudius Tacit. Publists Cornelius Tacit Publics or Guy Cornelius T ... Wikipedia

Trade - (Trade) Definition of Trade, Trade History The Definition of Trade, Trade History, Basics of Trade Content Contents 1. History Trade in the history of trade developed world Trade in the 20th century 2. ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

chapter 16. Encyclopedia mythology

chapter 16. - decay and low-rise gods however, despite the wide popularity of ballads written in the form of dialogues between Oysin and St. Patrick, some of the traditions persistently argue that the saint managed to turn the glorious hero in the Christian faith. ... ... Celtic mythology. Encyclopedia

Agata Kievskaya - Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name of Agata (values). Agatha (Agafya, English Agatha) Spouse Edward exile, heir to the English throne, and the mother of Edgar eteting and Margarita Holy, Queen Scotland. The origin of Agatha ... ... Wikipedia

Ellulul - (Ellul) Jacques (r. 1912) Franz. Sociologist and cultureologist, education lawyer, participated in the movement of resistance in France, in the last decade of prof. Uncle Bordeaux. E. No special. works devoted to the theory of culture. The sphere of his ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

High Priest - The first place among the Israeli priesthood belonged to the High Priest. We first encounter this name in the lion. 21: 10, Heb. "Kogen Gadol", i.e. the Grand Priest or the High Priest (number. 35:25 and gave). As a representative of the Jewish priesthood ... ... Dictionary of biblical names


  • Materials for the latest history of Novorossia. Toma, the purpose of this publication is the codification of documents and monuments that are important for the work of future historians. The first volume of the meeting included the fundamental DPR, L HP and Novorosii ... Series: Publisher: Alethey, Buy for 1248 rubles
  • Jacques French. In memory of Gulag, Rossi Jacques, Sard Michel, Jacques-French - so-called People's Friends Jacques (1909-2004). Linguist, Polyglot, artist, convinced communist, secret agent Comintern, prisoner, who has seen in Stalin's prisons and ... Series: Criticism and Esseism Publisher:

1. Nothing indicates that life will not end after death. Not reasonable and reverse. You will know everything yourself, and soon soon. What is worried about?
2. Historians do not report whether there existed somewhere and someday the religion based on rationalism. Beliefs serve as a crutch for people not strong enough to stand without support. And yet most of the people contain their religion, as if dandruff, they spend their time and money on it and, as if, they would get a significant pleasure.
3. Sin is to hurt people with no need. All other sins are a contrived rather. (Having pain himself is not sin, but stupidity) "enough time for love .."

While you think about how to breathe correctly, you will no longer think about anything. That is, about the crisis too. And when you don't think about something, it's no matter how.

Too many people spend the money they did not work, on the things that they do not need only in order to impress people who do not like.

Time passes, here is the trouble. The past is growing, and the future is reduced. Less likely to do something - and everything is offended for what did not have time.

Good deeds that are not committed from love for people and are not careful about them, but to save their own soul, not good. Where there is no love, there is no good.

All shouting "you need to be able to forgive," and no one is even stuttering that you need to be able to not offend and not hurt!

Before making pain, think, suddenly this pain will break him all his life.

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. Lying himself and his own lie listened before it comes out that no truth does not distinguish between any truth, but it becomes disrespect and to others. Without respect for anyone, ceases to love, and in order not to have love, take himself and entertain, indulge in passions and coarse sweets, and comes to all adequate in their vices, and all from the continuous lies and people themselves.

A person does everything on the contrary. Hurry up to become an adult, and then sighs about the last childhood. He spends health for money and immediately spends money to fix health. Thinks about the future with such impatience that neglects the present, because of what has no real, nor the future. Lives as if he can never die, and dies as if he never lived.

Everyone has enough forces to dignify life worthy. And all these conversations about what is the hard time is now, this is a cunning way to justify your inaction, laziness and different dullness. It is necessary to work, and there, you look, and the times will change.

Someday you will understand that there are people who never betray, but for this will have to go through a lot of betrayals.
Someday you will understand that the external shine is nothing compared to inner beauty. Because everything outside is up to the first rain. What inside is always burning. Let even it fade to bare-visible coals. But, it is enough to fold the lips with a tube and affectionately, the fire will gradually defeat and warm you.
Someday you will understand that many formulas and aphorisms that you grabbed in the surrounding world - empty, albeit beautiful, sets of words - nothing more. Only those truths that you have come to have come true.
Someday you will understand that kindness, tenderness, caress and care is a manifestation internal force, not weakness.

  1. testify - testifying, " nsv. 1. What about what. Confirm, certify As a witness, eyewitness. S. About theft. // express, talk about what Traditions of the people testify to its antiquity. The inscription testifies to Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  2. testifying, " Nesov. 1. Travel (Statute.) Or what and with the apparent additional. Tell As an eyewitness or awareness, a knowledgeable person. Small Academic Dictionary
  3. testify - testify yours, tweak; Nesov. 1. What about Certify as a witness, eyewitness. S. About theft. 2. About. Confirm, prove. Figures testify to successes. 3. What. Certify the authenticity of something. (official). C. Signature. 4. Someone. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  4. testify - see taking Explanatory dictionary of Daly
  5. testify - testify to I Nesov. Couch. and Nearby. 1. To certify the truth of anything as a witness, eyewitness. 2. Certificate Certificate I 2. 3. Nearby. Give testimony at court. 4. Travel. Explanatory dictionary Efremova

The art of entertainment has always been, but it should take his place. Flowering entertainment industry testifies About incorrectly understood freedom.

The ultimate goal of all things is the one that her first creator and engine meant. But the first organizer and the engine of the Universe - the mind, as will be shown below. Consequently, the ultimate goal of the Universe should be the good of the mind. But the good of the mind is the truth. Consequently, the truth should be the ultimate goal of the whole universe; And wisdom should be directed primarily to its consideration. That is why Divine wisdom, enhanced flesh, testifiesthat she came to the world in order to reveal the truth, as John said: "I was born on that and came to the world to testify About truth "(John, 18:37). But the philosopher determines the first philosophy as "knowledge of truth"; not any truth, but that which is the source of any truth, that is, it refers to the initial being of all things; Therefore, his truth is the beginning of all truth, for the location of things in truth is the same as in being.

About Tsiolkovsky: The results of his pioneering works are obvious to everyone who works in the field of astronautics today. He left us mathematical calculations that are necessary to understand the problems associated with the construction of multistage missiles. In his research in the field of EDR, the initial positions from which the design of modern rocket equipment begins, for example, engines for the carrier rocket "Saturn-5" ... is testifies The fact that the requirements for the design of the FDMS, formulated by Tsiolkovsky many decades ago, and today did not lose their meaning. His theories withstood the time check.

The cult of the body is always a sign of youth, because the body is beautiful and flexible only in youth, while the cult of the spirit testifies About the will to aging, for the Spirit reaches the top of its development only when the body comes in the period of decline.

The fact that for me there is nature, the world of culture, the human world with his social forms, etc., indicate The fact that for me there are opportunities for relevant experience.

I am well aware of his thinking. Essentially, it demonstrates the aggressive essence of Armenia. This country is in the vice of problems. The number of people leaving this country is measured tens of thousands. The country's economy is in full crisis - poverty, need, hopelessness. There is not a single normal enterprise. If there are no foreign donations, foreign patrons, then this country will perish. Despite the fact that the real population is 1 million 800 thousand people, these people claim the original, historical lands of Turkey. They believe that the Nagorno-Karabakh question solved. They are mistaken. Nagorno-Karabakh is Azerbaijani land and remains Azerbaijani land. The time will come when Azerbaijan or peaceful, or military will restore its sovereignty over Nagorno-Karabakh. But speak with territorial claims to such great countrylike Turkey? This is simply testifies The fact that in the heads of these people something is missing. They live not in the real world, but in the world created by the world. They must wake up from sleep, return to real world And at least compare yourself with Turkey. You can not compare elephant and ant.

... arguing with many and with many in the church and about the church, he did not leave the church, he did not leave the split. Tested by many screaming injustices and sorrows, faith did not lose. It is in the thrust of your life about. Pavel - Witness of Faith: He testified That belief Orthodox does not depend on career or financial response measures. His faith, swept through the camps, he did not exchange for vulgar Internet scandals.

Be your Holiness are convinced that I am now, and I will always, so moderate to hold on to the side, as far as possible, from each enterprise that can testify About hate to Catholic religion. No, rather, I will use all the opportunities, gentle and generous behavior, completely delete all the sinister suspicions on this score, because we all must confess the units of one indivisible Trinity and one crucified Christ, we can unanimously unite in one faith.

Associate Abraham, why did he see three, and worshiped one, because it was written: "And the Lord who came to His Dubravoy Mamre, when he was sitting at the entrance to the tent, during the daily daily." And then it is said: "He erected his eyes, and looked, and now, three husbands stand against him." Therefore, as we already mentioned at the beginning, God appeared to him, as it was written, and it was not said that one person appeared in front of him, and three came to him. It has been proven with certain that the one who came to him is one in essence, and with three horses. And the words of Abraham himself too indicate About this when he says: "And said: Vladyka! If I gained your favor before your eyes, do not pass by the slave of yours. And they will bring some water, and your legs are omotive; And relax under the SIM tree. "

The needs and motives of society and states differ from the needs and motives of people living on the other side of the border. The very fact of the border indicates the recognition of the fact that part of people are derived from under control and is not obliged to obey the power. The very fact that barbarians are usually called robbers, robberry and invaders, testifiesthat geographic binds that are perceived as "natural borders" by one society are not perceived at all with another society, which sees artificial bindings in them created by pure political means. The policy (universal) state aimed at establishing borders is encouraged for obstacles and within the country, by the merchants pursuing their private interests, as well as former colonists, ambitious politicians and military, etc., which for the sake of their personal interests look abroad . Thus, the assembly of border interests is tied, - interests, directly opposing aspirations of the center.

Military idea should penetrate through and in all directions all our service, in each particular case of life, defining its vitality exactly the decision that testified It would always be about the primacy of this idea in the service, in everything and no matter what.

IN everyday life He was not surrender, - not Muschun, but spoke always briefly, and sometimes wept, however, for the most part, without the rear thoughts and calculated highliests. Even joked: in Spartan, Lapidarly, as if he dug the word on the stone and tried to be smaller. The peak of wit for such a person, throughout, there would be a joke without words: a joke-gesture, a joke-action. Testifying: Due to Tsoi and such.

The characteristic given by the glades can largely be attributed to Northerners, but the latter differ in pronounced fades and a somewhat narrower face (p.60)

The first sign of damage to public morals is the disappearance of the truth, because the truthfulness is at the heart of every virtue and is the first requirement for the state ruler.

Disadvantages of humans as it were to continue its merits. But if the advantages continue more than necessary, it is not found when necessary, and not where it is necessary, then they are disadvantages.

To the number the greatest discoveriesto which came for lately The human mind is undoubtedly belonging, in my opinion, the art of judge about books without reading them.

The society is to blame for all that is committed within its limits; Any dedicated personality itself indicates some lack of a public organization.

I do not need evidence. The laws of the exceptions do not tolerate and this is clearly different from the rules and correctness like, for example, grammatical.

Love and faith in the head by subjudices are a direct consequence of his relationship to the latter and mostly those internal qualities they differ.

The process of creativity is characteristic of the fact that the Creator is his own work and its results produces a huge impact on those who are next to him.