The results of the Second World War for all countries presentation. Great Patriotic War Great Patriotic Wars of the Soviet people

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Clade 2.

Periodization of the Great Patriotic War 1 period - June 22, 1941 - autumn 1942 - the attack of Germany to the USSR. The defeat of the Red Army in the first months of the war. The defeat of the fascists near Moscow. Failing plans of the German "Blitzkrieg". 2 period - autumn 1942 - 1943 - a radical fracture during the war. Stalingrad and Kursk battle. The collapse of the offensive strategy of Germany and its satellites. 3 period - January 1944 - May 9, 1945 - Completion of the Second World War. Liberation of Europe from invaders. Defeat fascist Germany. 4 period - August 8 - September 2, 1945 - the defeat and capitulation of Japan. The end of World War II.

Slide 3.

The results of the Great Patriotic War - the victory of the USSR and the defeat of Germany and its allies. - preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the USSR. - the liberation of the peoples of Europe from the German occupation and the restoration of their statehood. - the elimination of fascism and Nazism as state ideology and politics. - entry into the USSR of new territories ( Eastern Prussia, South part of Sakhalin, Kuril Islands). - Increasing the international authority of the USSR. - the presence of the USSR itself powerful army in the world. - Huge human and material losses.

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Human losses during the Second World War (killed on the battlefield, died from wounds, died in death camps)

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The reasons are exorbitantly high losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. Wide scale of hostilities on the Soviet-German front. The policy of the Genocide of the German fascism in relation to prisoners of war and civilians in the occupied council of the territories. Low combat capability of many parts of the Red Army, miscalculations of the Soviet command. The requirements of the highest command carry out combat missions at any cost, without stopping any victims (the nature of the Soviet totalitarianism).

Slide 8.

Causes of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. - Huge mobilization capabilities of the Soviet society. - Unity of the front and workers of the rear. - Unity of the peoples of the USSR. - Patriotism of Soviet people, mass heroism at the front and in the rear. - the colonical talent of Soviet military leaders. - Help allies on the antihytler coalition. - Huge spaces and unusual natural climatic conditions for the enemy.

Slide 9.

Victory value Soviet Union In the Great Patriotic War. - The world-historical importance of the victory of the Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War is that: 1) the most bloody war was completed in the history of mankind; 2) the threat of establishing world domination by the states of the Hitler's block was eliminated; 3) the peoples of Europe found freedom and restored their statehood; 4) Dictatorial fascist regimes were eliminated.

Clade 10.

The results of the Second World War 1. The defeat of Nazi Germany, the fascist Italy and imperialist Japan - the invader states where they have developed totalitarian modes. Italy has lost its position in the Mediterranean; Germany, being occupied and divided into zones, stopped being an independent subject of international relations; Japan on Far East And in Asia lost those positions that she won over a number of decades. 2. The antihytler coalition won - countries, with various public systems, pursuing directly opposite goals, who managed to find ways for agreed actions during the war years. 3. The USSR in World War II suffered the greatest losses and the greatest sacrifices. But by the end of the war, the USSR possessed a huge military force, and international positions were strengthened, the authority grew up. 4. The victory over fascism contributed to the rise of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of colonial countries and the liberation of them from colonial addiction. 5. Europe, passing through the war, overcame the traditional idea of \u200b\u200bthe limited political role of the state and recognized the responsibility of the state for maintaining high level Economic growth for the viability and security of the country.

Clade 11.

The consequences of World War II 1. Huge sacrifices (60 million people). 12 million people Have lost contact with the homeland. 2. Economic devastation. 3. A huge moral shock as a result of crimes against humanity - mass extermination of civilians, bullying of prisoners, abuse on democratic principles and human rights.

The purpose of the lesson:

To identify the reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 through the generalization of students' knowledge;

Tasks lesson:

Familiarize students with the reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

Assess the importance of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

Develop information and communicative competence through participation in work in small groups;

Relieve a sense of patriotism for their homeland.



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The main events of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945g.g

Subject. Causes of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The purpose of the lesson: to determine the causes of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. Develop information - communicative competence through participation in the work of small groups. Relieve a sense of patriotism for their homeland.

Work with the historical documents. Task: Find out the reasons for the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War?

Causes of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War 1941.-1945. The Soviet leadership organized a country under the slogan: "Everything for the front, everything for victory." I.V. Stalin.

Outstanding commander of the Red Army. GK Zhukov kk Rokossovsky I.S. Konech

Resistance and heroism soviet soldiers. The photo of Politruk 12 thousand people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 104 people -Well, 3 people - three times.

Superiority Soviet military equipment. T-34.

Partisan War. S.A. Kovpak. Girls - snipers.

Help allies. The assistance of allies on Land Lisa amounted to: airplanes - 19 thousand tanks - 12 thousand cars - 400 thousand - food - 392 thousand tons

Soviet culture. Lydia Ruslanova. Claudia Shulzhenko.

The war acquired a nationwide and liberation in nature against the German fascist invaders.

The reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: The Soviet leadership organized the country under the slogan: "Everything for the front, everything for victory." Outstanding commander of the Red Army. Resistance and heroism of Soviet soldiers. Superiority of Soviet military equipment. Partisan war. Help allies. Soviet culture.

The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War is a miracle or historical pattern?

Task: Enter the names of the commander. Alphabetical list of names of the commander, which V.M. Molotov mentioned in his toast: I.X Bagramyan, S.M. Budne, A.M.Vasilevsky, K.E. Voroshilov, L.Agovkov, G.K. Zhukov, I.S. Isakov, I.S. Konev, N.G. Kuznetsov, R. I, K.K Rokossovsky, K.A. Meretkov, Malinovsky, S.K Tymoshenko, F.I. Tolbukhin, I.S. Yumashev.

Homework. Write an essay: "What decides the outcome of war - technique or heroism?"

Memo. How to write essays - essays. Revealing the essay theme you need to know: show your knowledge on the topic. It is clear to understand the theme essay. Must express your attitude on this topic. Use terms that are necessary for the disclosure of the topic. Create examples from history, public life, your own life experience in support of your position. Memo. How to write essays - essays. Revealing the essay theme you need to know: show your knowledge on the topic. It is clear to understand the theme essay. Must express your attitude on this topic. Use terms that are necessary for the disclosure of the topic. Create examples from history, public life, your own life experience in support of your position.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Theme lesson. The reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

The purpose of the lesson: to identify the reasons for the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 through the generalization of students' knowledge; tasks of the lesson: familiarize yourself with the reasons for ...

May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945).

Methodical development classroom hour Patriotic topics. Duck in students 8-9 classes. The main goal is to expand students' knowledge about the heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Otech ...

The scenario of the music and poetic composition to "Salute Victory!", Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

We are a generation, in the name of which millions of our grandfathers and great-grandfather gave their lives, remember the price of the Great Victory! ...

The article "Schools of Moscow in the days of the Moscow battle" describes the situation, the role and significance of secondary schools in the years of the Second World War, the degree of involvement of them in the task of the front and implementation school Education In this East ...

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Plan lesson

  1. Offensive operations of the Red Army in 1944-1945.
  2. Battle for Berlin.
  3. Allies.
  4. Defeat Japan. Results of war.
  • Slide 3.

    Question class

    Why was the 2nd front allies been opened only in 1944?

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    1944 - "Ten Stalin's Boots"

    For the first time, "ten strikes" were listed personally I.V. Stalin in the first part of the report "27th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution" of November 6, 1944 at a solemn meeting of the Moscow Council of Deputies of Workers.

    Slide 5.

    The expression "Ten Stalin's Botocks" was caused to life not only and not so much by the cult of the personality I. V. Stalin, how much the fact that these ten strikes were defeated by the army under the leadership of the Supreme Commander, then Marshal Soviet Union, I. V. Stalin (Similar to the "Suvorov transition through the Alps", "Lenin Plan of Goello").

    Slide 6.

    First hit

    Punch: January 1944 - a strategic offensive operation in order to defeat the Germans to Leningrad and Novgorod.
    Result: January 27, 1944 - Removing the blockade of Leningrad.
    Meaning: Created favorable conditions for the liberation of the Baltic States and defeat the enemy in Karelia.

    Slide 7.

    Second strike

    Defeating the German "South" armies and "a" army groups on the South Bug River and throwing them to the remnants of the Dniester River, soviet troops They freed the entire right-bank Ukraine and the Kovel, Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Balti, were released.

    Slide 8.

    Third strike

    Third Strike: Odessa Operation (1944), Crimean Operation
    Crimean operation (8.04. - 12.05.),
    On April 13, Simferopol was released, on May 9 - Sevastopol.

    Slide 9.

    Fourth kick

    Fourth Punch: Vyborg-Petrozavodsk Operation
    As a result, Soviet troops defeated the Finnish army and liberated the cities of Vyborg, Petrozavodsk and most of the Karelian-Finnish SSR.
    (June 10 - August 9, 1944) - the offensive of the Soviet troops in Karelia, in order to eliminate the threat of Leningrad, as well as the removal of Finland from the war.

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    Fifth kick

    Fifth Punch: Belarusian Operation Bagration - Large-scale Soviet Offensive 23 June - August 29, 1944.
    Meaning: Belarusian Group of Army Center "Center" was liberated almost completely defeated.
    Medal Participant Operation "Bagration"

    Slide 12.

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    Sixth strike

    Sixth Punch: Lviv Sandomira Operation (July - August 1944).
    Soviet troops defeated the German grouping under Lviv.
    Result: Western Ukraine is released; Soviet troops forced the Vistula and formed a powerful springboard west of Sandomiir.

    Poster "Ukraine Free!", 1944

    Slide 14.

    Seventh strike

    Seventh Punch: Yaszo-Chisinau Operation, Romanian Operation (August - September 1944)


    • defeat the major grouping of the German Romanian troops,
    • moldovan SSR released
    • the Alien - Romania is derived from the war, and then Bulgaria,
    • the path for Soviet troops in Hungary and the Balkans was opened.

    Monument in honor of the liberationMoldova in the center of Chisinau.

    Slide 15.

    Eighth strike

    The eighth strike: the Baltic Operation (September - October 1944). Tallinn, Memelskaya, Riga, Monsundskaya, etc. were held. offensive operations.
    Result: Soviet troops were cut off from Eastern Prussia, isolated in the Baltic States (Kullyndsky boiler) and crushed more than 30 German divisions, pressing them to the coast between Tucum and Libava (Liepaja).

    Slide 16.

    Released: Estonian SSR, Lithuanian SSR, most of the Latvian SSR.
    Finland was removed from the war.

    Slide 17.

    Riga meets the Red Army of Liberators.

  • Slide 18.

    Ninth strike

    Ninth strike: East Carpathian operation, Belgrade Operation (October - December 1944): offensive operations conducted in the northern part of the Carpathians between the rivers of Tis and Danube, and in the eastern part of Yugoslavia.

    Slide 19.


    • locked the German group of the army "South"
    • painted most of the territory of Hungary,
    • transcarpathian Ukraine was released
    • provided assistance in the liberation of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia,
    • the former alliance of Germany Hungary is derived from the war.
  • Slide 20.

    Tenth strike

    Tenth Strike: Petsamo-Kirkenes Operation, October 1944: Operation of the troops of the Karelian Front and ships Northern Fleet By defeating the 20th Mining German Army in Northern Finland.

    Slide 21.


    • the area of \u200b\u200bPechengi is liberated and the threat is eliminated by the port of Murmansk and the Northern Sea Paths of the USSR.
    • On October 25, he entered the limits of Union Norway to liberate it from the German troops.
  • Slide 22.

    Results of strikes

    • As a result, 136 enemy divisions were broken down and disabled, of which, about 70 divisions were surrounded and destroyed.
    • Under blows Soviet army finally collapsed block of the axis countries; Germany - Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary were disabled.
  • Slide 23.

    3 years of war

    At the end of 1944, the entire territory of the USSR was cleared of the German fascist invaders, and hostilities were transferred to the territory of Germany and its allies.
    The successes of the Soviet Army in 1944 predicted the final defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945.

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    1945 year

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    VOLOR-ODER OPERATION (January 12 - February 3, 1945)

    • In the course of the Volo-Oder operation, an enemy group was defeated, defended in Poland (600 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers died during the operation).
    • On February 3, 1945, Soviet troops came to Oder.
    • At the end of March - the first half of April were released: Hungary, the eastern part of Austria.
  • Slide 27.

    Berlin Operation (April 16 - May 8, 1945)

    From April 16 - May 8, 1945, a concluding Berlin Operation was held, the leadership of which was carried out by Marshals G.K. Zhukov, KK Rokossovsky and I.S. Horseback
    On May 8, 1945, an act on the unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.
    On May 9, Soviet troops liberated Prague.
    This day became a day of victory.

    Slide 28.

    Egorov and Cantaria hoists the Banner of Victory over Reichstag.

  • Slide 29.

    Berlin in 1945

  • Slide 30.

    Prague meets liberator warriors.

  • Slide 31.

    Marshals of Victory: Zhukov, Konev, Rokossovsky

  • Slide 32.

    Slide 33.

    Allies. Conference of the leaders of the antihytler coalition.

    The calculation of Hitler on the fact that the Soviet Union in the upcoming war will remain without support and in complete international isolation was not justified.
    Immediately after the beginning of the war, the Government of England and the United States made statements about the support of the USSR.

    Slide 34.

    The folding of the anti-Hitler coalition began with the negotiations of the USSR with the United Kingdom and the United States, which ended with the signing of July 12, 1941. In Moscow, "Agreements between the Governments of the USSR and the UK on joint actions in the war against Germany", according to which both parties have pledged to make a separate world with Germany.
    On August 16, an economic agreement on trade and loans (LEND-LIZ) followed.
    On January 1, 1942, an antihytler coalition was formed from 26 states.

    Slide 36.

    Tehran 1943.

    On November 28 - December 1, 1943, a conference of the heads of governments of the three Allied powers - I. V. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill took place in Tehran.
    The conference has reached an agreement on the opening of the second front in Europe. The second front was opened on June 6, 1944 by the landing of Anglo-American troops in the north of France.

    Slide 37.

    Vichy, Reich

  • Slide 38.

    On June 6, 1944, the landing of allies in Normandy.

  • Slide 39.

    General Dwight Eisenhower, Commander of the Allied Forest in Normandy.
    General Charles de Gaulle, leader of the French resistance movement.

    Slide 40.

    United Nations

    February 4-11, 1945 In Yalta, the 2nd meeting of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill took place.
    The conditions for unconditional surrender, occupation and demilitarization of Germany were agreed, the principles of the United Nations (UN) - an international organization for maintaining and maintaining peace were developed.

    Slide 41.

    D. Nalbandyan. At the Crimean Conference.

  • Slide 42.

    Slide 43.

    July 17-2 August 1945 in Potsdam took place last meeting "Big Troika."
    It was decided to preserve Germany a single state, new European borders were established, Eastern Prussia was rejected from Germany, Polish lands.
    Germany and Berlin were divided into four parts, the same fate was both Austria.

    Slide 44.

    Slide 45.

    Periodization of the Great Patriotic War
    1 period - June 22, 1941 - autumn 1942 -
    German attack on the USSR. Defeat red
    Army in the first months of war. The defeat of the fascists
    under Moscow. Failing plans of the German "Blitzkrieg".
    2 period - autumn 1942 - 1943 - Native
    Fracture during the war. Stalingrad and Kursk battle.
    Collapse of the offensive strategy of Germany and her
    3 period - January 1944 - May 9, 1945 -
    Completion of the Second World War. Liberation of Europe from invaders.
    The defeat of fascist Germany.
    4 period - August 8 - September 2, 1945 - defeat and
    Japan's capitulation. The end of World War II.

    Results of the Great Patriotic War

    - The victory of the USSR and the defeat of Germany and its allies.
    - preservation of territorial integrity and
    Sovereignty of the USSR.
    - the liberation of the peoples of Europe from the German
    Occupation and restoration of their statehood.
    - the elimination of fascism and Nazism as state
    ideology and politicians.
    - entry into the USSR of new territories
    (Eastern Prussia, South Sakhalin,
    Kurile Islands).
    - Increasing the international authority of the USSR.
    - The presence of the USSR is the most powerful army in the world.
    - Huge human and material losses. Luxury losses in the years of World War II
    wars (killed on the battlefield, died from wounds,
    Died in death camps)

    Germany losses (killed, wounded,
    missing and prisoners of war)

    The reasons are exorbitantly high losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

    1. Wide scale of hostilities on
    Soviet-German front.
    2. The policy of the Genocide of German fascism in
    relationship of prisoners of war and peaceful
    population in the occupied Soviet
    3. Low combat capability of many parts
    Red Army, Soviet Officers
    4. Supreme Command Requirements
    perform combat tasks at any cost, not
    Staying any victims
    (Nature of Soviet Totalitarianism).

    Causes of the victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War.

    - Huge mobilization opportunities
    Soviet society.
    - Unity of the front and workers of the rear.
    - Unity of the peoples of the USSR.
    - patriotism of Soviet people, mass
    Heroism at the front and in the rear.
    - the colonical talent of the Soviet
    - Help allies on antihytler
    - huge spaces and unusual for
    enemy natural climatic
    Conditions .- World-Historical Victory
    Soviet Union in the Great
    Patriotic War is that
    1) was completed the most bloody
    War in the history of mankind;
    2) the threat of establishment was eliminated
    world domination from states
    Hitler's block;
    3) the peoples of Europe found freedom and
    restored their statehood;
    4) dictatorships were eliminated
    Fascist regimes.

    Results of World War II

    1. defeat Nazi Germany, fascist Italy and imperialist
    Japan - the invaders, where totalitarian regimes have developed.
    Italy has lost its position in the Mediterranean;
    Germany, being occupied and divided into zones, stopped for a while
    be an independent subject of international relations;
    Japan in the Far East and in Asia lost those positions that she
    won over a number of decades.
    2. The antihytler coalition won - countries, with various
    Public systems pursuing directly opposite
    Goals who managed to find ways for agreed actions during the war years.
    3. USSR in World War II suffered the greatest losses and the largest
    victims. But by the end of the war, the USSR possessed a huge military force, and
    The international positions are strengthened, increased authority.
    4. The victory over fascism contributed to the rise of the national development of the peoples of colonial countries and liberation
    them from colonial addiction.
    5. Europe, passing through the war, overcame the traditional performance
    about the limited political role of the state and recognized
    State responsibility for maintaining a high level
    Economic growth for the viability and security of the country.

    The consequences of World War II

    1. Huge sacrifices (60 million people). 12
    million people Have lost contact with the homeland.
    2. Economic devastation.
    3. Huge moral shock in
    As a result of crimes against
    humanity - mass extermination
    civilians mockery
    prisoners, abuse
    democratic principles I.
    human rights.

    Lessons of World War II

    1. Second world War showed that all severity
    Wars falls on the shoulders of the peoples. They carried all her
    Human loss tragedies and deprivation
    lives, grief and suffering.
    2. The war is much easier to start than to cum. War,
    Starting, further develops in its
    Own laws, and its outcome to schedule
    almost impossible. Not always victory
    Comes to the one who untied the war.
    3. War cannot be planned nor on scale nor
    The nature of the applied funds.
    4. Warning of the war needs unity
    Action of peace-loving forces. During the preparation period
    The Second World War it could
    prevent Measures have been repeatedly proposed in
    This direction. Many agreed with them, but
    The unity of action was not achieved.

    May 9 - Victory Day soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

    Presentation prepared

    student 6 "in" class

    MBOU Gymnasium number 8


    Galtsova Ariana

    1418 days and nights Soviet people led the bloody war against fascist aggressors and crushed them. The people defended the freedom and independence of their fatherland, saved world civilization from the fascist enslavement. 1418 days and nights Soviet people led the bloody war against fascist aggressors and crushed them. The people defended the freedom and independence of their fatherland, saved world civilization from the fascist enslavement.

    The Great Patriotic War was an integral part and the main content of the entire Second World War, in which more than 60 states were involved in the orbit. The fighting was carried out on extensive spaces of Europe, Asia and Africa, on the sea and ocean spaces. The German-Italian-Japanese fascist block, expanding the aggression, stubbornly sought to conquer world domination. On the way to this goal, the Soviet Union stood an insurmountable obstacle.

    The fate of the entire Second World War was solved on the Soviet-German front - he was the main front of the struggle against fascism. The USSR took over and pulled the majority of the fight against the aggressor. It was our country and its armed forces who belonged to a decisive role in the victorious outcome of the Second World War.

    Initially, the German fascist troops managed to seize the strategic initiative. They desperately rushed to the vital centers of the Soviet Union. But nonsense plans lightning war It was not destined to come true.

    The Great Patriotic War was the largest armed clash in the history of mankind. On the huge front, stretching from Barents to the Black Seas, on both sides, from 8 to 12 million people were fighting at various periods, from 5 to 20 thousand tanks and self-propelled artillery plants, from 150 to 320 thousand guns and mortars, from 7 to 19 thousands of aircraft. The history of the wars still did not know such a huge sweep of hostilities and the concentration of such a large mass of military equipment. The whole country stood on the fight against enslavers. At the front and in the rear of people of all nations and nations united one goal - to stand and defeat.

    History of the holiday Victory Day is conducted from May 9, 1945, when in the suburb of Berlin, the head of the headquarters supreme Command General Field Marshal V.Kaitel from the Wehrmacht, Deputy Supreme Commander of the Marshal of the USSR George Zhukov from the Red Army and Marshal Aviation of Great Britain

    A. Tderom from the Allies, the act on the unconditional and complete surrender of the Wehrmacht was signed.

    Berlin was taken by May 2, but the German troops had a fierce resistance of the Red Army for an even more than a week before the fascist command, in order to avoid in vain bloodshed, was finally decided to surrender.

    But even up to this point, Stalin was signed by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that from now on on May 9, he becomes a public holiday to Victory Day and is declared a day off. At 6 am Moscow time, this radio decree was read by Levitan speaker.

    The first day of Victory was celebrated as, probably, there were very few holidays in the history of the USSR and Russia. People on the streets congratulated each other, hugged, kissed and cried.

    On May 9, in the evening, the victory was given in Moscow, the most ambitious in the history of the USSR was given: from a thousand guns were given thirty volleys.

    However, on the day off on May 9, only three years remained. In 1948, the war was ordered to forget and all their strength to quit the restoration of the destroyed war of the national economy.

    And only in 1965, already in the era of Brezhnev, the holiday was again represented by merit. On May 9, again became a weekend, parades resumed, large-scale salutes in all cities - heroes and commemoration of veterans.

    Abroad, Victory Day notes 9, and May 8. This is due to the fact that the act of surrender was signed in centrally European time

    May 8, 1945 at 22 hours 43 minutes. When in Moscow with her two hour difference in time, it was already on May 9th.

    On May 9, all the country's veterans take congratulations on the Day of Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

    I want to repeat this day after the lines of Olga Bergolts: "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

    After all, if it were not for the great victory, there would be no us.