"Totalitarian communist regime" - what condemned the PACE? History of Bulgaria. Other public organizations and movements

Communism (from Lat. Commūnis - "Common") - in Marxism, the organization of the Company, in which the economy is based on public ownership of the means of production.

After the XIX century, the term is often used to designate a predicted in theoretical works Marxists of the socio-economic formation based on social ownership of the means of production. Such a formation, according to the works of the founders of Marxism, assumed the presence of highly developed productive forces, the lack of division into social classes, the abolition of the state, changing the functions and gradual dieting money. According to the classics of Marxism, the Communist Company implements the principle "Each for the abilities, to everyone according to needs!"

Various definitions of communism

Friedrich Engels. In the draft program of the Union of Communists "Principles of Communism" (the end of October 1847): "Communism is a doctrine on the conditions for the release of the proletariat.<…> Question: What should this new social system be? Answer: First of all, the management of industry and all industries will be withdrawn from the hands of individuals competing with each other. Instead, all industries will be carried out in the jurisdiction of the whole society, that is, they will be carried out in public interest, according to the public plan and with the participation of all members of society. Thus, this new social system will destroy competition and put an association in its place.<…> Private property is inseparable from individual industry and competing. Consequently, private property should also be eliminated, and its place will stand in general use of all the products of production and distribution of products under the general agreement, or the so-called community of property. "

Karl Marx (1844): «<…> Communism is a positive expression of the abolition of private property; At first, he acts as universal private property. " "Communism as a positive abolition of private property - this self-denial of man -<…> There is a valid resolution of the contradiction between man and nature, man and man, the true resolution of the dispute between the existence and the essence, between the defining and self-affirmation, between freedom and necessity, between the individual and the family. He is a decision of the riddles of history, and he knows that he is this decision. "

Dictionary Vl. Daly(1881, Orphography of the original): "Comunism, political scientist on equality of equality, the community of owned by Vladѣyi, and the rights of individuals for someone else's property."

Philosophical Dictionary (1911): "Communism - a doctrine, rejecting private property in the name of the human good.
All evil in public and government relations stems from uneven distribution of good.
To eliminate this evil, communism advises to preserve property rights only for the state, and not for individuals. The first recommended by the communist ideal was Plato (Wed. His "Politia") ".

Desktop Book for Sacred Countries(1913): "Communism preaches forced communion of property, denying all types of private property. Distributing the principle of collectivism, that is, the generality, not only for the production and distribution, but also on the most use of produced products, or on their consumption, and subordinating all this to public control, the communism thereby destroys individual freedom even in the trifles of everyday life.<…> Communis-preached communication leads to the overthrow of all justice and to perfect destruction of the welfare and order of family and public. "

Erriko Malast in the book " Brief system Anarchism in 10 conversations "(1917):" Communism is a form of a public organization at which<…> People will connect and enter into a mutual agreement, having a goal - to ensure everymost well-being for each. Based on the principle that the land, mines and all natural forces are just as accumulated wealth and everything created by the labor of past generations belongs to everyone, people with a communist strict one will agree to work together in order to produce everything you need for everyone. "

V. I. Lenin(December 1919): "Communism is the highest stage of the development of socialism, when people work out of the consciousness of the need to work for general benefits."

Philosophical dictionary. Ed. I. T. Frolova (1987): Communism is a "socio-economic formation, whose features are determined by the public property for the means of production corresponding to the highly developed social productive forces; The highest phase of the communist formation (full communism), the ultimate goal of the communist movement. "

Dictionary of foreign words(1988): "1) Significant capitalism is a socio-economic formation based on public property, on the means of production; 2) The second, the highest phase of the communist public formation, the first phase of which is socialism. "

English-language dictionary Merriam-Webster (one of several values): "The totalitarian system of government in which the only authoritarian party controls the means of production in state ownership." Since the 1990s, in this meaning, the term is also used in the Russian-speaking literature of Russia and other countries of the former USSR.

Sociological Dictionary N. Abercrombie, S. Hill and B. S. Turner (2004): "Under communism, it is rather not real practice, but a certain doctrine. This concept is indicated by societies in which there is no private property, social classes and division of labor. "


IN modern video The word borrowed in the 40s years XIX century out frenchwhere Communisme is derived from Commun - "Common, Public". The word was finally formed to the term after the publication of the "Manifesta of the Communist Party" (1848). Prior to that, the word "commune" was used, but it was not characterized by the whole society, but its part, a group whose members used the common property and the general work of all its members.

History of communist ideas

In the early levels of development, primitive communism on the basis of the common property was the only form of human society. As a result of the property and social bundle of the primitive-communal system and the emergence of the class society, communism from the actual practical practice has passed into the category of the dream of a fair society, the golden age and the like.

Communist views with their origin relied on the requirement of social equality based on common property. One of the first formulations of communism in medieval Europe was attempts to modernize Christian theology and politics in the form of poverty philosophy (not to be confused with poverty). In the XIII-XIV centuries, it was developed and tried to apply representatives of the radical wing of Franciscans in practice. They equally opposed the mystical or monastic ascetic and the absolutization of private property. In poverty, they have seen the conditions of equity in the world and the salvation of society. It was not so much about the common property, how much about the overall refusal of property. At the same time, the ideology of communism was Christian-religious.

The slogans of the revolutionary struggle for radical participants of the Gusitsky movement in the Czech Republic XV century. (Jan Gus), the Peasant War in Germany XVI century. (T. Münser) became calls about the overthrow of the power of things and money, on the construction of a fair society on the basis of the equality of people, including with common property. These ideas can well be considered communist, although their foundation was purely religious - all equal to God and possession or not possession of property should not violate this, compliance with equality in religious rites. Several centuries later appear egalitarian communism - the main component of the "bourgeois revolutions" of the XVII-XVIII century, in particular in England XVII century. (J. Winstanley) and France. End of the XVIII century. (Babymof). There is a secular ideology of communism. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a community is developing, in which freedom and equality of people are being implemented in front of each other through the total community ownership of the property (or eliminating the conflict between individual and collective property). Property is no longer denied, but an attempt is made to her subordination for the benefit of the entire community.

The theoretical development of the first systematized ideas about the communist lifestyle was based on the ideology of humanism of the XVI-XVII centuries. (T. Ma, T. Campanella) and French Enlightenment XVIII century. (Morelli, Maby). The preaching of universal asceticism and equalization was characterized by early communist literature, which made it aimed at countering progress in the field of material production. The main problem of society has seen not in the economy, but in politics and morality.

The following concept of communism appeared in the context of working socialism - from S. Fourier to K. Marx and F. Engels. There is awareness of the economic contradictions of society. The Center for the Company's issues is the work and its subordination of capital.

In the first half of the XIX century. Proceeds of A. Saint-Simon, S. Fourier, R. Owen and a number of other utopian socialists appeared. In accordance with their ideas, in a fair social structure, the ideas about labor as a pleasure, the breakdown of human abilities, the desire to ensure all its needs, centralized planning, distribution proportionally work. Robert Owen not only engaged in the development of the theoretical model of a socialist society, but also in practice, carried out a number of social experiments on the introduction of such ideas into life. At the beginning of the 1800s, the factory village of New Lenarka (Scotland) serving a paper-grade factory, which Owen was a director, he conducted a number of successful activities for the technical reorganization of production and ensuring social guarantees workers. In 1825 in Indiana (USA), Owen founded the "New Harmony" labor utility, the activities of which ended in failure.

Early Socialists-Utopists saw the need to introduce into the communist society of the developed apparatus of the suppression of individual freedom in relation to those who in one way or another exhibits the desire to rise over common level Or managing the initiative that the procedure established above, and therefore the Communist State as needed to be based on the principles of totalitarianism, including autocracy (T. Toampanell).

These and other Socialists-Utopists have enriched an idea of \u200b\u200ba fair social development ideas about labor as a pleasure, the breakdown of human abilities, the desire to ensure all its needs, centralized planning, distribution proportionally work. At the same time, private property, property inequality, was allowed in utopian society. In Russia, the largest representatives of utopian socialism were A. I. Herzz and N. G. Chernyshevsky.

In the 40s of the XIX century, the class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie was made to the fore in the most developed countries of Europe (the uprisings of Lyon weaves in 1831 and 1834, raising the movement of English charters in the mid-30s - early 50s., Weat uprising In Silesia in 1844).

During this period, German thinkers K. Marx and F. Engels in the spring of 1847 were joined to the secret propaganda society "Union of Communists" organized by the German emigrants with which Marx met in London. On behalf of the Company, they amounted to the famous "Manifesto Communist Party", published on February 21, 1848. They proclaimed the inevitability of the death of capitalism on the hands of the proletariat and led a brief program of transition from capitalist public formation to communist:
The proletariat uses its political domination in order to snatch from the bourgeoisie step by step the whole capital, centralizing all the tools of production in the hands of the state, i.e., the proletariat organized as a dominant class, and it is possible to more quickly increase the amount of productive forces.

This may, of course, happen first only with the help of despotic intervention in the right of ownership and in bourgeois production relations, that is, with the help of activities that economically seem insufficient and untenable, but which in the course of the movement will develop themselves and are inevitable as a means for the coup. In the whole way of production.

The program itself contains 10 points:
These events will, of course, are different in various countries.

However, the following measures can be almost universally applied in the most advanced countries:
1. Expropriation of land ownership and the appeal of land rental on public spending.
2. High progressive tax.
3. Cancel the right of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of the loan in the hands of the state through the National Bank with state capital and with an exceptional monopoly.
6. Centralization of all vehicles in the hands of the state.
7. Increase in the number of state factories, produced guns, clearing arable land and improving land on the general plan.
8. The same labor commitment to all, the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Compound of agriculture with industry, promoting the gradual elimination of the difference between the city and the village.
10. Public and free upbringing of all children. Elimination of the factory labor of children in its modern form. Compound of upbringing with material production, etc.

This arose Marxism. Karl Marx, however, severely criticized the utopian "rough and unproduced communism" of those who simply distributed the principle of private ownership of everyone ("General Private Property"). Rude communism, according to Marx, is the rationing of the World Envy.

Many of the anarchists, the contemporaries of Marx, also advocated public (communal) property (Peter Kropotkin called his system "Anarcho-Communism"), but they denied the centralization, which is promoted in Marxism, due to restrictions of individual freedom. In turn, Anarcho-Communism is inclined to individualism in freedom issues.

In 1864, the Marxist first intermenimal was created. Marxists founded the Social Democratic Parts, in which the radical, revolutionary direction and moderate, reformist. The ideologist of the latter was the German Social Democrat E. Termstein. In the second internationally created in 1889, a revolutionary point of view prevailed in the international intermenimal. At the congresses, decisions were made on the impossibility of the Union with the bourgeoisie, the inadmissibility of entering the bourgeois governments, protests against militarism and war, etc. In the future, however, reformists began to play a more significant role in the intermenimal, which caused accusations from radicals in opportunism.

In the first half of the 20th century, communist parties were distinguished from the most radical wing of the Social Democracy. Social Democrats traditionally performed for the expansion of democracy and political freedoms, and the Communists who came to power first in Russia in 1917 (Bolsheviks), and then in a number of other countries, were opponents of democracy and political freedoms (despite the fact that formally They stated their support) and supporters of the state intervention in all spheres of society.

Therefore, in 1918, Luxembianism arose, opposing on the one side by the surge politics of the revisionist social democracy, and on the other, Bolshevism. His founder was the German radical Social Democratry Rosa Luxembourg.

On March 4, 1919, on the initiative of the RCP (b) and personally, Her leader of V.Lenin for the development and distribution of ideas of revolutionary international socialism, the Communist International was created in opposition to the reformist socialism of the second international.

The views of a number of theoretics of communism, which recognized the progressive importance of the October Revolution in Russia, but criticized its development, and some even rejected the socialist nature of Bolshevism, seeing state capitalism in it, began to call left communism. The left opposition in the RCP (b) and WCP (b) in the 1920s advocated an internal partner democracy, against "NEPMAN, Kulka and Bureaucrat".
The "left opposition" in the USSR ceased to exist as a result of repression, but the ideology of her leader L. Trektsky, expelled from the country, (Trotskyism) became quite popular abroad.

Communist ideology In the form, in which it became the dominant in the USSR in the 1920s, was called "Marxism-Leninism".

The exposure of Stalinism at the 20th Congress of the CPSU, the Soviet course for economic development in the policy of "peaceful coexistence" was caused by the dissatisfaction of the leader of the Chinese communists of Mao Zedong. He was supported by the leader of the Albanian Labor Party Enver Khoja. The policy of the Soviet leader N.S. Khrushchev was named revisionist. Many Communist Party of Europe and Latin America Following the Soviet-Chinese conflict, split into groups oriented to the USSR, and so on. "Antreeszyonist" groups oriented to China and Albania. In the 1960s, Maoism enjoyed considerable popularity among the left intelligentsia in the West. The leader of the DPRK Kim Il Sen, having labored between the USSR and China, in 1955 proclaimed the ideology of "Juche", which is presented as a harmonious transformation of the ideas of Marxism-Leninism on the basis of the Ancient Korean philosophical thought.

Politics and theoretical substantiation of activities of a number of communist parties Western EuropeIn the 1970s and 1980s criticized the leadership of the CPSU in the world communist movement, the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the lack of political freedoms in countries who adopted the Soviet model of socialism was called "Eurocommunication".

"Scientific Communism"

The concept introduced into the USSR in the 1960s, which was designated "one of the three components of Marxism-Leninism, which reveals common patterns, paths and forms of the class struggle of the proletariat, the socialist revolution, the construction of socialism and communism. The term "scientific communism" ("Scientific Socialism") also consumes in a broad sense to designate Marxism-Leninism as a whole. "

Also the name of the educational subject in the universities of the USSR since 1963. It was mandatory for students of all universities along with the "History of the CPSU" and "Marxist-Leninist philosophy" until June 1990.

Within the framework of scientific communism, the need for the dictatorship of the proletariat to achieve communism, although the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism, as a public-based society, does not indicate a political structure of such a society.

The term "scientific communism" appeared in late XIX. century to allocate Marxist communist ideas from others. Adding a "scientific" appeared because K.Marsk and F. Engels substantiated the need for changes in the social structure of changes in production methods. They emphasized the objective nature of the historical movement to communism. G. V. Plekhanov wrote that scientific communism does not invent a new society; He studies the trends of the present to understand their development in the future.

Friedrich Engels predicted a number of main features of the Communist Society: Anarchy in production is replaced by a planned organization of production on the scale of the whole society, the accelerating development of the productive forces begins, the separation of labor disappears, the opposite of mental and physical labor disappears, the work turns out of severe burden in the vital need - self-realization, Class differences are destroyed and the state itself, instead of managing people, the production proceeds will be managed, the family will change fundamentally, religion disappears, people become the owners of nature, humanity becomes free. Engels foresaw unprecedented scientific, technical and public progress in the future. He predicts that in the new historical era "People, and together with them all the branches of their activities will make such successes that they will eclipse everything done so far."
Concepts formed using the term "communism"

Primitive communism

According to Engels, the most ancient human communities of gathet hunters that existed before the occurrence of classes can be called "primitive communism". Primitive, or primitive, communism is characteristic of all peoples located in the early levels of development (T.N. The primitive Common system, on archaeological periodization coinciding mainly with the stone age). For primitive communism, the same attitude of all members of society to the means of production is characterized, and, accordingly, one for all means of obtaining a share of social product. No private property, classes and states.
In such societies, food mined is distributed among members of the Company in accordance with the need for the survival of society, that is, according to the needs of members in individual survival. Things produced by every person for themselves were in general access - public property. In the early stages, there was no individual marriage: a group marriage was not just the main thing, but the only form of regulating relations between the floors. The development of workers of labor led to the division of labor, which was the cause of the appearance of individual property, the emergence of some property inequality between people.

Utopic communism

The work of Thomas Mora "Utopia" (1516) is a classic expression of this type of communism (1516), in which the idyllic picture of primitive communism is painted, opposed by feudalism. TO XVII century New, more developed versions of utopian communism, expressed in the views of Mella, Morelli, Baboyfa, Winstinley are generated. His apogee utopian communism reached in the XIX century in the concepts of Saint-Simon, Fourier, Owen, Chernyshevsky.

Military communism

The official name of economic practice in Russia during the civil war in the territory Soviet Russia In 1918-1921. The elements of military communism were introduced by the majority of the participating countries 1 and 2 of the world wars. The main goal was to ensure the population of industrial cities and army weapons, food and other necessary resources in the context, when all previously existing economic mechanisms and relations were destroyed by war. The main measures of military communism were: the nationalization of banks and industry, the introduction of labor service, food dictatorship based on the priority and the introduction of the soldering system, a monopoly on foreign trade. The decision to terminate the military communism was made on March 21, 1921, when NEP was introduced at the X Congress of the RCP (b).


The European Communismunism is the conditional name of the policy of some Communist Parties of Western Europe (such as French, Italian, Spanish), criticized the lack of political freedoms and the alienation of the party and the authorities, in their opinion, existing in the countries who adopted the Soviet model of socialism countries. The transition to socialism, according to supporters of the European Communist, should be carried out by the "democratic, multi-party, parliamentary" by. In its refusal of the dictatorship of the proletariat, European Communismism was close to Social Democracy (although the European Communists did not identify themselves with them). Russian followers of Eurocommunication, or non-abuse communism, are often mistakenly called Trotskyists, despite the authoritarianism of the Trotsky himself and the lack of any traces of preference to the Trotskyist branch of Marxism itself.


The socio-economic and political teaching on the establishment of a state-of-state society based on the principles of decentralization, freedom, equality and mutual assistance. The ideological foundations of Anarcho-Communism were laid by the famous scientist and revolutionary Peter Alekseevich Kropotkin. The most famous milestones in the history of anarcho-communist movement were the rebel movement of Nesor Makhno during the civil war in Russia, as well as the actions of the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalists during the Civil War in Spain. 1936-1939. In addition, it should be noted that Anarcho-Communism is a ideological base of anarcho-syndicalist international international in winter, founded in the winter of 1922-1923.

Forecast transition dates to the communist form of society

May Day demonstration of 2009 in Severodvinsk

V. I. Lenin in 1920 attributed the construction of communism by the 30th - 40th of the 20th century:
The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. S. Khrushchev announced in October 1961 at the XXII Congress Congress, which by 1980 the material base of communism will be created in the USSR - "The current generation of Soviet people will live with communism!".

Full communism as the highest phase of the communist formation

According to Marxism, the "Communist socio-economic formation", or, briefly, "communism" consists of two phases: lower - which in Marxism is called socialism and the highest - the so-called "complete communism". With socialism, there is a state, and state power is stronger than with other formations, elements of bourgeois law and other remnants of capitalist formation. Also, with socialism, there is a personal property, there is a small private production (household plots) and small private trading (markets). However, large private property under socialism is also absent. Since the means of production become common property, the word "communism" is applicable already to this phase.

By Marx,

At the highest phase of the Communist Society, after the enslavement person will disappear subordination of its division of labor; When the opposite of mental and physical labor disappears along with this; When labor ceases to be only a means of life, and will be the first need for life; When, together with the comprehensive development of individuals, the productive forces and all sources of public wealth will be pulled out with a complete stream, - only then it will be possible to completely overcome the narrow horizon of bourgeois law, and society will be able to write on his banner: "Everyone according to the abilities, everyone - by the needs".

Anarcho-communists with the concept of two phases do not agree and believe that for the onset of complete communism and the liquidation of the state, the preliminary stage of strengthening of the state is not needed.

Many authors have repeatedly noted that the needs of a person are endless, so if any, even the highest productivity of labor, distribution and restriction mechanisms are required, for example, money. Marxists answered this as follows:
The state will be able to measure completely when the society will take a rule: "Everyone according to the abilities, everyone according to needs," that is, when people are so accustomed to comply with the basic rules of the hostel and when their work is so productive that they will voluntarily work in abilities. The "narrow horizon of bourgeois law", forcing the calculation of the Sheilok, not to recycle the extra half an hour against the other, would not get less card than the other, this narrow horizon will then pass. The distribution of products will not require the normalization by the Company society obtained by each product; Everyone will freely take "for the need."

From the point of view of the bourgeois, it is easy to declare a similar public device "clean utopia" and to divert over the fact that the socialists promise each right to receive from society, without any control over the difficulty of a separate citizen, any number of truffles, cars, piano, etc. ...
... "promise" that the highest phase of the development of communism will come, no socialist occurred to the head, and the foresight of the great socialists, that it comes, suggests and not the present productivity of labor and not the current manual capable of "in vain" - it seems like Bursaki at Pomonya - spoil the warehouses of public wealth and demand the impossible.

In fiction

The path to the stars are paving the Communists. Postal block of the USSR 1964

In the Soviet Union, communist motives in science fiction were of paramount importance from the very beginning of the genre in the country.

Our business is to turn Soviet science fiction in the weapon of the struggle for communism and for the distribution of communist ideas throughout the world by increasing the artistic and ideologicalness of works.

However, in the 1930-1950s, it was mainly "Fiction in the near sight", describing the transition to a communist society, but not this society itself.

I. A. Efremov vividly and positively described the humane communist society of the future in his famous novel "Andromeda Nebula", according to which the eponymous film was shot. The development of the ideas of this author about the people of the Communist Future is given in the story of the heart of the snake and the romance of the hour of the bull.

The vision of the Communist Future was given by A. Bogdanov ("Red Star"), the Strugatsky brothers ("World Human"), Martynov ("Gianai", "Guest of the abyss"), G. Altov ("Clearing Mind"), in . Savchenko ("For Pass"), V. Nazarov ("Green Doors of Earth") V. Dvyanovich (Moscow 2042).

The description of the communist society in the fiction of the West is presented in the "Star Path" series. In addition, the Communist Society of the Future was described by G. Wells ("People as Gods", "Time Machine", W. Le Guin "Defects", T. Starjon ("Arts of the Planet Ksanada").

Communist regimes of Asia created in the second half of the twentieth century, had its own characteristics:

1. In Asia, in contrast to Eastern Europe, there was no single block of socialist states, so the death of socialism in the USSR did not lead to the automatic death of Asian communist regimes.

2. It is much stronger here than in Europe, there were nationalist sentiment.

3. The ideas of the leadership of the Communist Parties are much more successful than in Eastern Europe and in Russia, the whole society was imposed.

At the same time, the communist regimes in different countries of Asia differed noticeably from each other.

The most powerful communist regime in history was created in China. He won the final victory over the Khan Kayshi Gomintandan regime during the Civil War 1946-1949. At first she was unsuccessful for the Communists. In July-October 1946, the troops of Chan Kaisi seized about 100 cities in the territory of the controlled PDA, including the capital of the "Special Area" Yanan, but by the end of 1947 the strategic initiative passed to the Communist Army, called the name People's Liberation Army (NAK). In the spring of 1948, she beat Janyan from the Khomintandanov, and then in the battle of the Juanhe River (November 1948.- January 1949) defeated the main forces of Chan Kaisha, who lost a quarter of his army in this battle. After the NAK took both Chinese capital, Beijing and Nanjing, the remains of the Khomintan troops fled on about. Taiwan, and the entire mainland China was ruled by the PDA and her leader Mao Jedun.

The formation of a new, communist regime began in China already during the Civil War 1946-1949. In busy parts of NAK, the provinces of the main form of power became military-control committees (WCC), to which all other local authorities submitted. The WCC was eliminated by the old Homintandan administration and created new provincial authorities - local national government (executive authorities) and conference of people's representatives (analogous to the Russian congresses of the Soviets 1917-1936). In June 1949, the Congress of the Left Chinese Parties (PDA, Revolutionary Homintandan, Democratic League, etc.) began work - preparatory committee on the convening of a political advisory board (New Chinese Parliament). Formed at this congress People's Political Advisory Board (NPS), de facto - the Chinese Constituent Assembly, began its work in September 1949. He proclaimed the creation of a new state - Chinese People's Republic (October 1, 1949) and adopted a general NPC program (de facto - Constitution of the PRC). NPCs itself has assumed functions Of the All-China Assembly of People's Representatives (HDP) and became his first session, which was elected the highest authority of the PRC authority - Central People's Government Council (CNPS). He formed other central government agencies - State administrative council (the highest executive body, analogue of the Soviet SNK), People's Revolutionary Military Council (command NAK), Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Prosecutor's Office. Together with the CNPS, all these bodies were Central People's Government PRC. Thus, the democratic structure of the new Chinese state was created. It featured different parties and organizations united in Popular Front. The PRC in the general program of the NPCs was proclaimed "the state of the People's Democracy", founded "at the Union of Workers and Peasants and uniting all the democratic classes of the country", etc. But de facto in China in 1949 was established totalitarian communist mode.

Many principles of democracy did not act in the PRC - the separation of the authorities (the Administrative Council was not only an executive, but also by the legislative body; "People's Courts", the creation of which began in 1951, included in the structure of local governments), representative democracy (the first elections in the NDP It was passed only in 1953-1954. And not in all areas of the PRC, the assembly of people's representatives did not find out).

Huge power was concentrated in the hands of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the CPC Mao Zedong, who in 1949 also made posts by the Chairman of the Central People's Government, Chairman of the People's Revolutionary Military Council and the head of the central nervous system. As a result, the dictatorship of Mao was established in China, de facto.

Mao regime still during the civil war began the policy of mass repression, which continued in the 50s. Hundreds of thousands of prisoners of Komintanovs became the first prisoners logi (correctional labor camps that combined the "re-education" of prisoners and their isolation from society). During the agrarian reform, the beginning of the 50s. About 5 million Chinese peasants were killed, and about 6 million sent to Logai. In 1949-1952 2 million "gangsters" (criminal elements related to prostitution, gambling business, the sale of opium, etc.) were destroyed and 2 million were thrown into prisons and camp. In Loghai, a super loose mode was created. Torture and murders were widely used (in one camp concluded - the priest died after 102 hours of continuous torture, in other camps the head of the camp personally killed or ordered the burial of 1320 people alive.). There was a very high mortality of prisoners (in the 50s. Up to 50% of the prisoners of Chinese camps died for six months). The rebellion of prisoners (in November 1949 1 thousand people in November 1949, who participated in an uprising in one of the camps were alive in the land). The minimum detention period was 8 years old, but on average, they sentenced to 20 years in prison. By 1957, 4 million "counter-revolutionaries" (opponents of the communist regime) were destroyed in the city and in the village of the village. Mass character accepted suicide among the trendy and convicts (in the 50s. There were 700 thousand, they ended up to 50 people in the canton). As a result of the campaign, the "Straw Colors" (her slogan was the words of Mao "Let hundreds of flowers be flowering, let thousands of schools compete") In 1957, the Chinese intelligentsia was defeated, which did not recognize the domination of the communist ideology and the dictatorship of the CCP. About 700 thousand people. (10% of the Chinese scientific and technical intelligentsia) received at 20 years of the camps, millions were temporarily or lifelongly sent to certain areas for "admission to rural labor".

The tool terror was the powerful repressive apparatus - security forces (1.2 million people) and militia (5.5 million people). In China, the most powerful in the entire history of mankind was created prison-camp system - About 1 thousand large camps and tens of thousands of medium and small. Through them until the mid-80s. 50 million people passed., 20 million of them died in conclusion. 80% of prisoners in 1955 constituted political prisoners, in the early 60s. Their number decreased to 50%. It was almost impossible to get out of the conclusion. The trendies were kept in the centers of detention (investigative insulators) for a very long time (up to 10 years), they were serving small (up to 2 years) deadlines. Most prisoners were sent to the Logai camps, where they were divided into an army principle (on divisions, battalions, etc.). They were deprived of civil rights, worked for free and very rarely received dates with relatives. In the camp laoziano The mode was softer - without fixed deadlines, with the preservation of civil rights and salaries (but the main part was subtracted for food). In the camp jue. They contained "free workers" (twice a year they received a short-term vacation, had the right to live in the camp with their family). In this category before the early 60s. 95% of prisoners exempted from the camps of other categories fell out of the camps. Thus, in China 50s. Any time automatically became lifelong.

All China's population was divided into two groups - "Red" (workers, peasants - poor, servicemen of NAK and "Revolutionary Martyrs" - persons affected by Chan Kaishi mode) and "Black » (landowners, wealthy peasants, counter-revolutionaries, "" harmful elements "," right-wing shkonists ", etc.). In 1957, "Black" was forbidden to take in the CCP and other communist organizations, in universities. They became the first victims of any cleaning. Thus, the "equality of citizens before the law", proclaimed by the Constitution of the PRC of 1954, was a fiction.

Until the mid-60s. Chinese totalitarianism disguised as "democratic" institutions. In January 1953, the central nervous system adopted a decree on the convening of the All-China Public Representatives and Local Assembly of People's Representatives. In May 1953, the first in the history of China, the general elections, protracted until August 1954, began at the first session of the new NPC (September 1954) was adopted The first constitution of the PRC. She proclaimed the task of building socialism (in the "General Program" of 1949. This task was not put), consolidated some democratic freedoms (the equality of citizens before the law, national equality, etc.) and made some changes to the state system of the PRC. Entered post Chairman of the PRC (heads of state) with broad powers (commanded by the Armed Forces, the development of proposals "on important state issues" and others). The administrative council was transformed into State Council (the highest central control body).

However, at the end of the 50s. Chinese "Democracy" begins to coagulate. At the expense of representative bodies, the influence of the party-state apparatus increases. The legislative functions of the NASP moved to its Standing Committee (Chinese Government), the powers of local meetings of people's representatives - to the People's Committees (analogue of the Soviet Executives), the composition of which fully coincided with the composition of the provincial, urban and county committees of the CCP. Part ofcoma replaced the court and the prosecutor's office, and their secretaries are judges. In 1964, the campaign began to "learn the style of work at NAK", during which the approval of the barracks in all spheres of public life began (according to the Mao formula "the entire people - soldiers"). The army was subordinate to the police, since 1964, army patrols and posts appeared on the streets of cities and in the villages.

Thus, by the mid-60s. In China, the foundation of the Mao military-bureaucratic dictatorship was laid, but for her complete victory he had to hold "Cultural Revolution" 1966-1976

Its main purpose was to strengthen the regime of the personal power of Mao, shaved as a result of the failure of the "Big Jump" of 1958 in the early 60s. Under the pressure of the right, moderate wing of the PDA Mao had to abandon its economic utopia. The peasants returned a part of their property returned during the "agrarian reform" of the 50s. (Cattle, Agricultural Inventory, etc.) and household sections. Industrial enterprises restored the principles of material interest. The post of Chairman of the People's Republic of China took the leader of the right-hand Schaoqi, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPC, its like-minded man Dan Xiaopin.

Mao with a grouping of Liu and Dan, the Chinese youth first became the army first. At the same time, the nature of the "cultural revolution" was contradictory, because It connects the struggle for power within the Chinese elite, an anarchic riot of marginal layers of Chinese cities (in connection with this, the French historian J.L. Margolen called the events of 1966-1976. In China, anarchic totalitarianism) and a military coup.

The "cultural revolution" began in May 1966, when the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPC, MAO, announced the resignation of a number of senior party leaders, governments and the army, and the headquarters of the Cultural Revolution was created. Group for the "Cultural Revolution" (GKR)In which the nearby environment of Mao was included - his wife Jiang Zinn, Secretary of Mao Chen Boda, secretary of the Shanghai PCD CCP Zhang Chunqiao, Secretary of the CCP Central Committee, who oversees state security authorities, Cannes Sheng and others. Gradually, the GCR replaced the Politburo and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee and became the only real power in the PRC.

Immediately after this, squads created in Chinese schools and universities. hongwebinov ("Red Guards"), in December 1966 - detachments tszaofani ("Bunters"), which consisted mainly of young unqualified workers. Significant part of them was "black", embittered discrimination and sought to increase their status in Chinese society (in the canton, 45% of the "rebounds" were the children of the intelligentsia, whose representatives were considered to be the second grades in the PRC). By performing the call of Mao "Fire at the headquarters!" (Made at the Plenum of the CCP Central Committee in August 1966), they are with the help of the army (its parts suppressed the resistance to "rebel", controlled communications, prisons, warehouses, banks, etc.) defeated the party-state vehicle PRC. With its posts, 60% of staff leaders, participants of the "great campaign" were shifted 1934-1936, including many senior officials - Chairman of the People's Republic of China Liu Schaoqi (he died in prison in 1969), Foreign Minister Chen and, Minister State security Lo Zhuycin and others. Radically updated party guide. The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPCs Dan Xiaopin was shifted from their posts, four deputy chairmen of the CPC Central Committee from five (the only deputy Mao remained - the Minister of Defense Minister Lin Biao). The state apparatus was paralyzed (with the exception of the army, which, before the order, Mao did not interfere in the events). As a result, China was in the authorities of Hongwebins and Zsaofans. They were unpunished with everyone who was considered "class enemies", by the intelligentsia (142 thousand teachers of schools and universities, 53 thousand scientific and technical workers, 2,600 writers and other cultural figures, 500 professors of medicine), officials, "black " etc. 10 thousand people They were killed, mass searches and arrests went. In just the years of the "cultural revolution" 4 million CCP members from 18 million and
400 thousand military. The usual was the rude interference in the personal life of citizens. It was forbidden to celebrate the Chinese New Year, wearing modern clothes and shoes of the Western sample, etc. In Shanghai, Hunvibina cut off the braids and shaved painted hair to women, tear up narrow pants, broke shoes with high heels and narrow noses. At the same time, the attempts of the "rebels" to create a new state (their detachments actually turned into a "parallel compartment", in schools, in administrative buildings they created their forensic system - cameras, torture rooms, etc.) failed. As a result, chaos began in China. The old party-state apparatus was destroyed, the new was not created. The civil war went - "Bunters" with "conservatives" - defenders of the pre-revolutionary state (in Shanghai, they reflected the robust of the Hongwebins of the Party of Party), various groups of "rebar" with each other, etc.

Under these conditions, Mao in 1967 tried to normalize the situation, creating new authorities - the VVCOMA, based on the "three in one" formula (representatives of the old state-party apparatus, "rebar" and the army). However, this attempt to achieve a compromise between "rebellion", "conservatives" and "neutral" army failed. In a number of provinces, the army united with "conservatives" and caused a heavy defeat of the "rebel" (their detachments were broken, the Emissaries of the GCR were arrested), in other regions "Buntari" began the escalation of violence, which in the first half of 1968 reached apogee. Shops and banks were looted. Buntari captured army warehouses (only on May 27, 1968, 80 thousand units of firearms were abducted from military arsenals), artillery and tanks were used in battles between their detachments (they were collected on orders of the Tsaofans at military factories).

Therefore, Mao had to use his last reserve - the army. In June 1968, army parts easily broke the resistance of the "rebar", and in September their detachments and organizations were dissolved. In the fall of 1968, the first groups of Hungaibins (1 million people) were exiled to the remote provinces, by 1976 the number of "reels" increased up to 20 million. Attempts by resistance were brutally suppressed. In the city of Azhdow, the troops were used against the "rebar" of artillery and napalm, in other provinces of South China, hundreds of thousands of "Bunters" were killed (in Guanxi - Zhuang autonomous region - 100 thousand people, in Guangdong - 40 thousand, in Yunhan - 30 thousand). At the same time, the army and the police, painting with the "rebel", continued to be repristed and with their opponents. 3 million officials removed from the work were sent to the "Research Centers" (Camps and Prisons), the number of prisoners in Logai even after Amnesties 1966 and 1976. It reached 2 million in the inner Mongolia, 346 thousand people were arrested. In the case of the People's Party of Inner Mongolia (in 1947, it was joined in the CCP, but its members continued to be illegal), as a result of 16 thousand people killed and 87 thousand is crippled. In South China, with the suppression of unrest of national minorities, 14 thousand people were executed. Repressions continued in the first half of the 70s. After the death of Lin Biao (according to the official version, he tried to organize a military coup and after his failure died in a plane crash over the territory of Mongolia in September 1971), cleaning in NAK, during which tens of thousands of Chinese generals and officers were repressed. Cleaning was also in other departments - ministries (from 2 thousand employees of the Foreign Ministry of PRC were repressed with 600 thousand), universities, enterprises, etc. As a result, the total number of victims during the "cultural revolution" amounted to 100 million people, including those killed - 1 million.

Other results of the "cultural revolution":

1. The defeat of the right, moderate Wing of the PDA seizure the power of the ultra-level grouping Mao Zedong and his wife Jiang Zinn.

2. The creation of a model of barren socialism in China, the features of which - a complete refusal to economic management methods (planting "folk communes", cruel administration, equalized in salary, refusal of material incentives, etc.), total state control over the social sphere ( Equal clothing and shoes, desire for the maximum equality of members of society), the limiting militarization of the country's lifetime, aggressive foreign policy, etc.

3. Organizational and legal registration of the results of the "Cultural Revolution" by the IX Congress of the CCP (April 1969), X by the CCP (August 1973) and the new Constitution of the PRC (January 1975), which was a complex and contradictory process. On the one hand, the party-state apparatus (Politburo and Central Committee of the CPC, Provincial Party, Primary Organizations of the CCP, Komsomol, Trade Unions, etc.) was restored by the "cultural revolution", which was repressed during the "cultural revolution" returned , including the leader of the right-hand Dan Xiaopin. On the other hand, Mao's group consolidated the fruit of his victory in the "cultural revolution". Almost all its headquarters (GKR) became part of the Politburo of the CCP Central Committee. The Revcoma was declared the political basis of the PRC (in the Constitution of the PRC of 1975). Liu Schaoi, Lin Biao and other opponents of Mao were convicted. Especially brightly, this inconsistency was manifested in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China 1975, which caused a heavy blow to the system of Chinese representative authorities (De Yura Revcoma was declared permanent bodies of local meetings of people's representatives, de facto - replaced them, because collections of national representatives All the years of the "cultural revolution" did not convene, and their powers were transferred to the VVKOMAM, the PCP deputies were not elected, but were appointed; the powers of the NPC and its standing committee were dramatically narrowed) and other elements of Chinese "democracy" (the post of Chairman of the PRC was eliminated The authority was transferred to the Chairman of the Central Committee of the CPC, the prosecutor's office and autonomous regions were abolished, articles about national equality and equality of citizens were disappeared before the law, etc.), but at the same time legally fastened some concessions to the right (the right of members of the commune for household plots, recognition of the main unit Agricultural production is not a commune, but a brigade, declaration of the principle of payment by labor, etc. .), Although in practice, the system of barren socialism remained and strengthened. During the new political campaign, "Studying the theory of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat", initiated immediately after the adoption of the new Constitution of the PRC, was the fight against the right (Dan in early 1976 was again removed from all posts), and their requirements (distribution of labor, the right of peasants For household plots, the development of commodity-money relations, etc.) was declared the "bourgeois right" to be limited. This led to the destruction of the latest elements of the market economy and the victory of the administrative command system in China. The PRCs were eliminated by the measures of material incentives and household sections, overtime work was the usual phenomenon. This led to the exacerbation of the socio-political situation in the country (strikes and demonstrations began in China).

Thus, by the mid-70s. The Mao dictatorship was finally formed, and a brutal totalitarian regime was installed in China.

However, the Apoge of the dictatorship of Mao was short-lived. In the mid-70s. In China, the struggle between the two groups in the highest leadership of the country aggravated: radicals led by Jiang Qing and pragmatists, headed by the head of the Chinese government Zhou Egnulam and the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC Dan Xiaopin. The death of Zhou (January 8, 1976) weakened the position of pragmatists and led to the temporary victory to the Levatskaya grouping of Jiang Qing. At the meeting of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee in April 1976, the resignation of Dan Xiaopin was decided from all posts and his link.

However, the death of Mao (September 9, 1976) and the arrest of the leaders of the radicals of Jiang Qing, Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenuan and Van Hongwean, whom pragmatists nicknamed a "gang of four" (October 6, 1976), led to fundamental changes in the alignment of political forces in China and a decisive change of the course of his leadership. Pragmatist leader was elected Deputy Chairman of the CCP Central Committee, but the de facto his role in postmaoist China was higher than the role of the official leaders of the PRC, Chairman of the Central Committee of the CPC and the Chairman of the PRC; It is not by chance that the new political course was called "Dan Xiaopin".

Under the leadership of Dan in China, a number of radical socio-economic reforms were conducted, which led to a change in the economy of a military-communist type by a multi-way market economy, sharp acceleration of the pace economic Development (The average growth rate of the Chinese economy in the 80-90s. amounted to 10% per year, in some years to 14%) and a significant increase in the standard of living of its population.

In agriculture, administrative management methods were replaced by economic. The land of the commune and the brigades were divided between the peasant families who were entitled to free disposal products of their farms. As a result, in 1979-1984. The volume of agricultural production and the average income of the peasant yard doubled, yield increased dramatically (grain yields in 1984 exceeded 400 million tons, 2 times more than in 1958 and 1.5 times more than in 1975), And for the first time in the history of China, a food problem was solved. At the same time, the main role in the rise of agriculture was played by the private sector (independent peasant farms), and in the public sector in the 80s. Only 10% of the Chinese peasantry remained.

The industry began the creation of free economic zones (they were allowed to invest foreign capital and the effect of civil and labor law of capitalist states, the export of profit and higher salary), joint and other foreign enterprises were allowed, and individual labor activity was guaranteed. As a result, a modern highly developed industry was created in China, the products of which in the 80s are. won the world consumer market.

In the social sphere, the Chinese leadership refused the course of equality in poverty and the violent suppression of wealthy segments of the population (Dan put forward the slogan "to be rich is not a crime"), and the formation of new social layers - bourgeoisie, wealthy peasantry, etc.

The democratization of the Chinese state and law began. In 1978, amnesty was announced for 100 thousand prisoners. The cities returned 2/3 of the exile era of the "cultural revolution", the rehabilitation of its victims and payment of compensation for each year, carried out in the conclusion or referenced. Mass repressions have ceased. Among the new court cases, political affairs amounted to only 5%. As a result, the number of prisoners in China in 1976-1986. It has decreased from 10 million to 5 million (0.5% of the population of the PRC, as much as in the United States, and less than in the USSR in 1990). The position of prisoners has improved noticeably. Labor camps management was transferred from the Ministry of State Security to the Ministry of Justice. In 1984, ideological processing in prisons and camps (in the 50s was not less than 2 hours a day during the whole period, sometimes continued continuously from one day to three months) replaced professional learning. Guaranteed a return to the family at the end of the term. It was forbidden to take into account the class affiliation of prisoners (when determining the term and regime of the conclusion). Preceded early liberation (for exemplary behavior). Judicial system was removed from the party control. In 1983, the competence of MGB was limited. The prosecutor's office received the right to cancel illegal arrests and consideration of complaints of illegal police actions. Number of lawyers in the PRC in 1990-1996. rose twice. In 1996, the maximum punishment for administrative misconduct was one month of imprisonment, the maximum term in Lao Azian - three years.

Legally mitigating the political regime was issued by the Constitutions of the PRC 1978 and 1982. In the Constitution of 1978, the provisions of the Constitution of 1954 were restored about national equality, guarantees of civil rights and the prosecutor's office (in this regard, it was restored), but Revenue was preserved (they were eliminated in the early 80s.). In the 1982 Constitution, all institutions born by the "cultural revolution" were eliminated, and the state system was restored, designed by the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, 1954, at the same time, at the expense of some restriction of the powers of the Chairman of the PRC (on the new Constitution, he is not the commander-in-chief of China's armed forces and has no The rights of the convocation of the Supreme State Meeting) were expanded the rights of the PC NNP and the State Council of the PRC. The 1982 Constitution also legally secured the multipliness of the Chinese economy based on state, state-capitalist and private property. At the turn of the 80-90s. The Constitution of the PRC was a number of amendments that secured the results of Dan reforms - about private peasant farms, inheritance of land, multiparty, "social market economy", etc.

The overall result of all these changes in the Chinese society of the last quarter of the 20th century met a simple Chinese, who in a conversation with a foreign journalist said: "I used to eat my cabbage, I listened to the radio and linked. Today I look at a color TV, which is a chicken leg and arguing about problems. "

At the same time, the dismantling of the totalitarian system in China was not communicated to the end. A single-party system is maintained in the PRC: Chinese Parties under the Constitution of the People's Republic of China 1982 are operating under the formula "Multi-Park Cooperation under the Guidance of the CCP". Its leaders occupy all higher state posts - chairmen of the People's Republic of China, the State Council, the NPC and others. Opposition Communist mode is brutally suppressed. The leader of the Chinese Democrats Wei Jingshan, who stated that Maoism is a source of totalitarianism, and tried to create a socio-democratic movement in China, twice was arrested and convicted. In 1979, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the transfer of secret information to a foreigner (contact with a foreign journalist), in 1995 - by 10 years in prison for "actions aimed at overthrowing state power." Student unrest under anti-communist slogans in 1989 on Tiananmen Square was suppressed with the help of an army. More than 1 thousand people died in Beijing, tens of thousands were injured and arrested. More than 30 thousand people were arrested in the province, hundreds are shot without trial and investigation. Thousands of participants in the democratic movement were convicted, its organizers received up to 13 years of imprisonment. China remains 100 thousand political prisoners, including 1 thousand dissidents.

The Chinese state-legal system did not become quite a democratic. In the Criminal Law of the PRC, there is no Institute for the Presumption of Nevinosity, such a composition of the crime is maintained as "counter-revolutionary conspiracy". Court sessions remain closed, the sentences are treated hastily, without careful preliminary investigation. The Chinese Communist Elite, which is closely associated with a new bourgeoisie, de facto is excluded from the scope of law (members of the CCP account for 4% of China's population and 30% of persons involved in the Court in the 80s, but among their executed only 3%). China occupies 1st place in the world in terms of mortal executions (more than half of all executions in the world are performed here, although the PPC population is only 1/6 of the population of the Earth). In 1983, more than 10 thousand people were executed here, many executions were public (although it is prohibited by the PRC Criminal Code 1979.).

Thus, the Chinese totalitarianism at the end of the 20th century has not turned into democracy, but in authoritarianism (de jure, according to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, 1982, in the Democratic Dictatorship).

A peculiar communist regime ("State - hermit") was created in the second half of the forties in North Korea. In 1910-1945 Korea was a Japanese colony. In August 1945, North Korea (north of the 38th parallels) occupied Soviet troops, South American. In the Soviet zone with the help of the USSR, the Communist regime of the Stalinsky sample was established, whose leader became Kim Il Saint (until 1945 - the commander of a small partisan detachment who fought with the Japanese in Manchuria). Kim's rivals, the leaders of the Korean Communist Party were destroyed.

The totalitarian nature of the North Korean regime masked "democracy" of the type of Soviet or Eastern European. In 1946, elections were held in provincial, urban and county folk committees (analogue of Russian councils), in 1947 - in rural and volost folk committees. In 1948, the Korean People's Republic was proclaimed Democratic Republic (DPRK) and its Supreme People's Assembly (North Korean Parliament) was elected, which in 1949 adopted the Constitution of the DPRK.

However, de facto in North Korea was not democracy, and mass repressions began. 1.5 million people. Died in camps, 100 thousand - during party cleansing. 1.3 million people. Died in an unleashed Qimes of the Korean War of 1950-1953. Thus, for half a century, about 3 million people became victims of the communist regime in North Korea. (All population of the DPRK -23 million people.).

The instrument of communist terror became state security agencies. In 1945, a public security department (political police) was created in North Korea, transformed later to the Ministry of National Security
(from the 90s. - National Security Agency). The staff of these special services created a system of total control over the entire population of North Korea, from the elite to ordinary citizens. All Koreans once a week "are invited" to political classes and the "RESULTS OF LIFE" (sessions of criticism and self-criticism, at which it takes at least once every time in political misconduct themselves and at least two times - their comrades). All the conversations of the North Korean bureaucracy are listening, their audio and video tapes are constantly checked by the staff of the NSA, which act under the guise of plumbers, electricians, gas supplies. On any trips, an agreement is required from the place of work and the resolution of local authorities. North Korean camps contain about 200 thousand prisoners. Of these, about 40 thousand die each year.

In the second half of the 40s. Citizens of the DPRK were divided into 51 categories, which depended on their career and financial situation. In the 80s, the number of these categories has decreased to three:

1. "Society" or "Center" (citizens, loyal regime).

The victims of the genocide in North Korea were physically defective people (disabled, dwarfs, etc.). The new North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, the Son Kim Il Senya, said: "The breed of dwarfs should disappear!" As a result, the latter was forbidden to have offspring and began to send them to the camps. The disabled is evicted from large cities and refer to remote areas of the country (in the mountains, to the island, etc.).

Totalitarian regime has a huge impact on North Korean law. The DPRK Penal Code calls 47 crime-calarated teams. In North Korea, they execute not only for political crimes (state treason, rebellion, etc.), but also for criminal (murder, rape, prostitution). Execution in the DPRK is public and often turn into a linch. The character of punishment is determined by belonging to one of three categories (citizens of the "Central" category for rape not executed). Lawyers appoint party bodies. The proceedings in North Korea simplified to the limit.

At the same time, the communist regime in Vietnam arose with the North Korean regime. In the first half of the twentieth century He was a French colony. In 1941, Japanese troops occupied it, but as a result of the August 1945 revolution, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (DRV) was proclaimed. Power in it belonged to Vietmin's organization (the full name - the league of the struggle for the independence of Vietnam), which was a Vietnamese analogue of European folk fronts. The main role in it was played by the Communists, the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV). From the first days of its existence, this party conducted a communist terror policy. In 1931, when creating the Soviets of the Chinese sample, the Communists were destroyed by hundreds of local landowners. Immediately after the August revolution of 1945, the Vietnam began the extermination of members of other Vietnamese parties, actively participating in the fight against the Japanese invaders (nationalists, trotskyists, etc.). The state security authorities of the Soviet Sample and the Sturm and Destruction Committee (analogue of Hitler's Storms), members of which, mainly urban lumens, were arranged in Saigon, the French pogrom in Saigon, which killed hundreds of France, during which hundreds of citizens of France died in Saigon.

After the invasion of the Vietnam of the French, British and Chinese (Khomintan) troops (autumn 1945), the protracted Indochinese war began 1945-1954, during which repression on the territory controlled by the Communists, increased. Only in August - September 1945, thousands of residents of Vietnam were killed, tens of thousands were arrested. In July 1946, the physical extermination of members of all Vietnamese parties began, except for the CPIK, including those that actively participated in the national liberation movement. In December 1946 in Northern Vietnam (the south of the country at that time was occupied by French troops) political police and camps were created for the enemies of the communist regime. In these camps, two thousand French prisoners of war were killed from 20 thousand, captured in 1954 (causes - brutal beats, torture, hunger, lack of medicines and hygiene). In July 1954, Geneva agreements were concluded, according to which the French troops were displayed from Indochina, but before holding general elections (they were appointed in 1956, but were never held) only Northern Vietnam remained under the control of the Communists (north of 17th parallels).

The construction of a socialist state began here. In 1946, the People's Parliament and the Government of the Republic were created in Northern Vietnam and the DRV Constitution was adopted, according to which the president was founded by broad authority. This post was taken by the head of the CPIK Ho Shi Min, de facto - the North-Vietnamese dictator. Under his leadership in Northern Vietnam, mass repressions began. During the agrarian reform of 1953-1956. About 5% of Vietnamese peasants were repressed. Some of them died, others lost their property and were thrown into the camps. Torture was widely used in the economy. In 1956, the most grandiose in the entire history of Vietnam of the Socialist Epoch, the cleaning of the party-state apparatus began. 50 thousand people (0.4% of the population of the DRV) were executed, 100 thousand were thrown into camp and prisons. The victims of cleaning were 86% of the members of the CPIK, renamed in 1951 in the Party of Workers of Vietnam (PTV), and 95% of the participants of the antifranzuz resistance.
In 1958, when, under the pressure of China, the Vietnamese "thaw" began in 1956, 476 intellectuals announced by the "Sabetaments of the ideological front" were sent to the camp.

The new round of repression was associated with the beginning of the New Vietnam War, against the United States (1964-1975). In the Southern Vietnam in the second half of the 50s, pro-American military regime was created, and the civil war began between his troops and the procrimonial national tour of the liberation of South Vietnam, created in 1960 in 1964. The American army came to the aid of the South Nights removed from Vietnam only in 1973 (by Paris Agreement Prisoner in January 1973). In the conditions of war with Americans in the south, alternative to the Saigon regime was created political structures (temporary revolutionary government, the Advisory Council of the Republic, etc.), in which the Communists dominated. However, the Republic of South Vietnam proclaimed in June 1969 was a puppet state, fully subordinate to the DRV authorities. This has proven events
1975, when parts of the regular North Vietnamese army, with the help of the Troops of VRP RUV, took the entire territory of the South Vietnam. Immediately after that, mass repressions began in the south. About one million people of 20 million living in South Vietnam (intelligentsia, students, clergy, politicians, etc.) were sent "to re-education" (in camps). Thus, the number of prisoners in the south with a new mode has increased fivefold (prisoners of the pro-American Saigon regime were only
200 thousand) Private soldiers of the Saigon army held three years in camps, although they promised only "three days of re-education", officers and officials - 7-8 years (instead of the month promised). Having broken the resistance to the communist regime, the DRV authorities conducted a merge of Vietnam. In 1976, the country held the general election (National Assembly and President) and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) was proclaimed.

In the second half of the 80s. Under the influence of the Soviet "restructuring", the transformation of the totalitarian Vietnamese regime into authoritarian began. In 1986, the majority of political prisoners were released in SRV and reached freedom. The last victims of the "Revilization" of 1975 were released in 1988. The death branches camps in the mountainous regions were closed in Vietnam, in the 90s. The market reforms of the Chinese type began.

With the Vietnamese regime was closely connected by the communist regime in Laos. French, and then the American invaders supported the right monarchical regime here, Vietnamese Communists - the local communist organization of Poll Lao. The civil war between these political forces was held until 1961. In 1962, the Coalition Government of National Unity was created in Laos, which included representatives of the Royal Government, Communists and other political forces of the country. However, after the start of American aggression (1964), the war began again in Laos. American aviation subjected to permanent bombardments of the eastern regions of the country, where the "Ho Chi Mini" trail was held (a strategic road from Northern Vietnam to the South), and the royal troops began an offensive to areas controlled by the Communists. In 1973, an agreement was concluded on the restoration of peace and national consent, according to which the Communists not only legituted their control over the eastern regions of Laos, but also received the right to introduce their troops in its capital. As a result, by 1975, they controlled 75% of Laos's territory, which lived a third of its population. As a result of the victory of the Communists in South Vietnam (May 1975), the pro-American regime in Laos. The troops of the People's Revolutionary Party of Laos, created on the basis of the CPIK, almost without resistance took the entire territory of the country.

The National Congress of People's Representatives, convened in December 1975, adopted the king's renunciation and proclaimed the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LNDR). Her higher authorities were coalition. The head of the Lundar government was the relative of the king of Prince Sufanavong, and the Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Sudvan Fuma received the post of a special adviser to the new government. However, a purely communist mode of the Vietnamese sample was installed in Laos. Almost all officials of the old regime (about 30 thousand people) were sent to "classes" (in the camps) in remote areas in the Vietnamese border, where they spent on average five years. Three thousand army officers and police were thrown into the camp strict regimeAnd many of them died in conclusion. In 1977, the royal family was arrested, and the last Crown Prince died in prison. Escaped from repression, 300 thousand people. (10% of the population of Laos), including about 90% of the intelligentsia and officials, fled to Thailand. After withdrawing from Laos, the 50,000th Vietnamese army and the beginning of market reforms in Vietnam, the mitigation of the political regime began in Laos. The number of political prisoners in this country in 1985-1991. decreased from 7 thousand to 33 people. The border with Thailand was opened, and the coagulation of communist propaganda began. Thus, the totalitarian communist regime in Laos turned into an authoritarian.

The most terrible Totalitarian regime in the history of mankind was established in 1975 in Cambodia. This country since 1863 was the French Protectorate Khmer Kingdom (Khmer - the main population of Cambodia). The head of state in it was the prince of Nodom Sianuk (his father after Cambodia in 1941 was occupied by Japanese troops, hesitated from the throne in favor of his son, but he did not cry). He managed to prevent Cambodia in Indochian War in 1945-1955. And to achieve independence from France in peaceful way (1953).

In 1970, the head of the Cambodian government, General Lon Nol, made a coup and proclaimed the Khmer Republic. The prince fledged from the throne ran into the jungle to the "Red Khermam" (Cambodian Communists, which from the mid-60s. Led guerrilla War against the royal government) and together with them began a civil war against the pro-American regime of Lon Nola (1970-1975). Already during these years, mass repressions began in Cambodia. In the "Centers of Renewal" (concentration camps) sent prisoners of the soldiers of the Lonnolovsky Army, their relatives, Buddhist monks, "suspicious" travelers, etc. Most prisoners and all children shortly died in these camps from hunger and epidemics. 10 thousand people It was destroyed after the seizure of the former Royal Capital Udong.

After the fall of the Lon Nola (April 1975), Sihanuk lost real power (although he remained the head of state until 1976, when Cambodia was proclaimed by the Republic "Democratic Campuchea"), which moved to the leader of the "Red Khmer" Sarot (Since 1963 - Secretary General of the People's Revolutionary Party of Campuccia, established in 1950 on the basis of the CPIK). Thus, a totalitarian communist regime was installed in Cambodia.

Its main feature is unprecedented even for totalitarian genocide modes. The entire population of Cambodia was divided into three categories:

3) "hostile elements" (bourgeoisie, officials, military personnel and policemen Lonnolsky regime, intelligentsia, clergy, etc.).

The third category was subject to complete destruction, the second - "cleaning" and "re-education", the first was considered a support of the new government. However, in practice, all three categories became the object of genocide. In 1978, during the suppression of the uprising in the eastern zone, which was under the control of "Red Khmer" from the 60s, out of 1700 thousand inhabitants of this area of \u200b\u200b200 thousand were destroyed, and the survivors were deported and died in "cooperatives" ( concentration camps) northwestern zone. In one of these "cooperatives" in a few months, Vietnamese troops found about a hundred deported from three thousand, the rest were killed. The exact number of victims of the Communist Genocide 1975 - 1979. It is impossible to determine. The leader of the "Democratic Campucci" Paul Pole called the figure of 2.5 million, Vietnamese propaganda and the providen authorities of Cambodia of the 80s - 3100 thousand. Some categories of Cambodia population were destroyed in whole or almost completely. All newspaper photographers, about 90% of doctors, 83% of officers of the Lonnol Army, were killed in Democratic Campuccia. school teachers and university teachers, 52% of persons with higher education, 42% of metropolitan inhabitants. The goal of the genocide was to minimize the Cambodia population (the formula of the new government was "the country that we build enough one million good revolutionaries," therefore 7 million people. Of the 8 million residents of Cambodia, they were "superfluous" and mercilessly destroyed them) and the creation of people fully controlled by the communist regime.

Another feature of the communist regime in Cambodia - the creation of a society unprecedented in the history of humanity - without a family (marriages were held by order of the authorities), cities (all the urban population moved to the village), religion (all 2800 Buddhist temples were closed or destroyed, 100 thousand Buddhist monks killed), industry (the power plants were blown up, the factories were destroyed), education (the training of children at the age of 5-9 years was limited to one hour of classes a day, taught only reading, writing and revolutionary songs, and all other educational institutions, from secondary schools to universities , closed), cultural institutions (all theaters, cinemas, libraries and museums were closed) and the media (radio, newspapers, there was no television in Communist Cambodia). The entire population was driven into "cooperatives" and turned into absolutely powerful slaves. They worked for 12-16 hours a day (at the norm at 11 o'clock) and received super-robberies - 250 g rice sheds (it was prepared from four rice tea spoons) by 5-8 people with a minimal pre-revolutionary rate of 400 g of chowder per person.

At the same time, not only a unique society was created in Cambodia, but also a unique totalitarian state. It did not have ordinary for totalitarian modes of a uniparty system. The Communist Party in Cambodia was a very small and weak partition (in 1971 it was 4 thousand members, in 1975 - 14 thousand), which could not control the country with a population of 8 million people. In this regard, Sar Sarot relied not on the party, but for the army, the core of which was children and adolescents (they were mobilized from 10 years). Therefore, the party and her leader after the climb of the Lonnol regime for two years "disappeared". Communist Party in 1975-1977 I did not show any signs of life, and later it was replaced by an unparalleled organizational structure of Angk, which actually merged with the army. Since April 1975, Sarah Salot's name disappeared from official messages, and only in April 1976, he became the head of Cambodian government under the new name. According to the official version, distributed by "Red Khermers", Sar Sarota "died underground", and Paul Pot - "Work of Rubber Plantation". There was no police in the Politional Cambodia, including political, and other law enforcement agencies (the army replaced), the court and the legal system. For the four years of the domination of floodplains in Cambodia there was not a single trial, and for the same "crime" prescribed completely different punishments. Prisons and camps, in contrast to China and Vietnam, were not a means of "re-education", but an instrument of mass extermination of prisoners (they were given 250 g rice sheds for 40 people).

Another feature of the regime of "Red Khmerov" is a radical "solution" of the national question. The decree of the political government was announced that "in Cambodia one nation and one language - Khmer", therefore "from now ... there are no other nationalities." After that, the systematic destruction of national minorities began, during which 38% of Cambodian Chinese and Vietnamese killed, 40-50% of the crays (the largest people of Cambodia), etc.

In 1978, the crisis of the pollovation regime began. The Eastern regions began the uprising of the army parts of the local population, supported by the Vietnamese troops involved in the country (it was the answer to the permanent attacks of floods to the border Vietnamese villages, accompanied by the mass destruction of the civilian population of Vietnam). In December 1978, Vietnamese troops and the Armed Forces of the Protection Uniform of the National Liberation of Campucci (Cambodia in 1976 was renamed Kampuchea) began the attack on the capital of the country. In January 1979, they occupied the penetration and all other cities of Cambodia, the Red Khmers preserved control over a strip of 300 km along the Thai border and the army of 40 thousand people. As a result, in the 80s. In Cambodia, actually had a drochor. Most of the country's territory, including all cities, were under the control of the Vietnamese troops and fully subordinate to the administration from the former floors (de Jura, this was decorated in June 1981. The People's Republic of Kampuchius), in Western regions dominated " Red Khmers. "

After the withdrawal from Cambodia Vietnamese troops (1989), the process of national reconciliation and the transition from the communist totalitarian regime to democracy began. In 1990, the Supreme National Council of Cambodia was created, which included floods, providen forces and monarchists. In 1993, the monarchy was restored (Sianuk became the king), free parliamentary elections were conducted under the UN control and a coalition government was formed, which included representatives of all the political forces of Cambodia (monarchists, Lonnarols, floods and providen elements). He was headed by two prime ministers - the Military of Monarchists Nodod Renarite (illegitimate Son of the King of Syanuk) and the leader of the Primetnamed People's Revolutionary Party of Cambodia Hong sen. However, the period of national consent was short. In 1994, the National Assembly of Cambodia announced outside the "Red Khmer" law, which boycotted elections and led martialctions Against the UN troops and the government army, and after a few months the fighting between the communists and monarchists began in Phnompene. The split and in the camp "Red Khmer" began. In 1996, 10 thousand fighters of the Pollip Army were transferred to the Government's side, and in June 1997, he was shifted from all posts, he was arrested and sentenced to life-lifelong home arrest Paul Pot, who tried to start another cleaning among his associates. After his death (April 1998), the remains of the "Red Khmer" surrendered to government troops.

Higher government officials feared the possible collapse of the communist regime. The top of the CPSS split. A. Gromyko and M. Gorbachev ratified for the update of socialism, V. Grishin and G. Romanov feared any change. The first grouping won. As a result, at the April 1985, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU General Secretary was elected young and energetic Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev. At C. Chernenko Gorbachev became the second secretary, the meeting of the Politburo. Gorbachev was unusual for the Kremlin's owner, just 54 years old. The leaving from Stavropol, he graduated from the law faculty of Moscow State University and the Local Agricultural Institute. As a secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, M. Gorbachev supervised the agriculture, promoted a food program, a filling abundance of food products 262. The coming to power of the young, energetic leader inspired not only the communists, but most citizens of Russia. The Company covered hope for changes for the better.

Participants of April (1985) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee talked about the need for deep change in all spheres of life. Higher hopes were imposed on the acceleration of the country's socio-economic development. Priority attention was paid to machine-building industries. The Chairman of the USSR of the USSR, the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Foreign Ministry, the Secretaries of the Communist Party of the Most Union republics were replaced. In September 1985, N. Ryzhkov was appointed Chairman of the Council. E. Shevardnadze became Minister of Foreign Affairs. By the beginning of 1987, 70% of Politburo members were replaced, 60% of the secretaries of regional party organizations. In February 1986, the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU V. Grishin was shifted from his post. At his place was appointed secretary of the Sverdlovsk Communist Party of the CPSU B. Yeltsin. Politburo included associates of the CEC Secretary-General: E. Ligachev 263, M. Chebrikov 264, E. Shevarnadze 265. Secretaries of the Central Committee of the CPSU became B. Yeltsin and A. Yakovlev. The permutations of the highest state leaders were not accompanied by stabilization of the economy. Deficit state budget In 1985 amounted to 18 billion rubles, and in 1986 he grew three.

Becoming the Secretary General of the Central Committee, M. Gorbachev allowed to criticize the previous rulers. He did not have a clear program, or the Secretary General feared it to immediately put forward 266. The first slogans of the reformer looked quite vague: "Perestroika", "Acceleration", "Glaznost". "Perestroika" what, on what basis? "Acceleration" caused association with a great jump. The older generation remembered the Stalin five-year plates, the Khrushchev seventellae. The new leader has advanced ambitious tasks: until 2000, it is 2 times to increase national income and labor productivity. Each USSR citizen by 2000 promised a separate apartment or house.

Perestroika did not change the country's economic exchange rate. M. Gorbachev fucked by the creation of district agro-industrial associations, the development of a collective contraction in agriculture, attempts to control product quality. In 1986, rental groups produced on one operating two more products, but earnings had the same as the rest of the enterprises. In May 1985, M. Gorbachev and E. Ligachev initiated a "dry law", ignoring domestic and foreign experience. Speculation of alcohol has become a mass. The state has lost the monopoly control over the production and sale of wine of vodka products. Moonshit flourished. The budget lost solid amounts. In September 1988, partial cancellation of the "dry law" followed.

Much more successful was the policy of M. Gorbachev in the sphere of publicity. The media played a decisive role in its implementation. The Mirror of the socio-political life of those years became the magazines "Ogonok", headed by V. Kotetich, "New World" S. Zalina, "Banner" of Baklanov. Significantly increased the circulation of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", "Moscow News". Several later, television and radio were included in this process. Acute programs, such as the "look", "before and after midnight", the "searchlight of the restructuring" and a number of others were in the epicenter of socio-political sentiments, threw people for living. In the media, the flow of letters hurried. Many journalists have become later well-known politicians. Thus, the department of "morality and letters" of the magazine "Ogonёk" in those years was headed by V. Yemashev, the future son-in-law B. Yeltsin and the head of his administration. M. Gorbachev allowed the publication of previously prohibited novels. The books of Rybakov, Dudintsev, Grossman changed the mentality of the reading public, showed that communism and humanism are incompatible. From March 1987 to October 1988 It was returned to the general funds of libraries of 7930 publications. In other words, the compositions of Bukharin, Trotsky and other oppositionists became accessible to ordinary readers. Previously, to read these books required a special permission of the KGB. However, in 1988, in special storage facilities remained inaccessible readers 462 of the edition of the anti-Soviet nature. In 1989, the magazine "New World" publishes the "Harvest" R. Conquest. Collectivization estimates, data on the victims of hunger 1932/1933 affect the society shocking. In the same October issue of the "New World" published two signs for the debate of socialism of the work - "Archipelago Gulag" A. I. Solzhenitsin and "1984" J. Orwell 267.

During the restructuring, the criticism of communism went further than with N. Khrushchev. In 1989, the first articles of domestic publicists (V. Solowhina, Nilova) appeared in which an attempt was made to debunk V. Lenin. The founder of the Soviet state appeared before the participants of the restructuring no longer "the most humane man", and bloody tyrant, a principled opponent of humanism not burdened with respect for the Russian people and his culture.

Publicity M. Gorbachev was not supported by rational economic policies. The deepening of the criticism of the communist regime proceeded against the background of empty shelves of food stores. Under these conditions, the restructuring policy began to be perceived as lying. There were quite strong nostalgic moods along the past, stable life. Many people again imbued with respect for the Communists, began to warmly protect Lenin.

M. Gorbachev tried to update the CPSU, revive the mass batch. At the 27th Congress of the CPSU (1986), the delegates condemned the "stagnation" together, the former leadership. Slightly corrected the program and charter of the CPSU, leaving the basic Marxist-Leninist dogmas in the inviolability. M. Gorbachev learned from the past "Three lessons": 1) Lesson of Truth, 2) determination, 3) mass support. Scholasticism of the Supreme Officer testified to the lack of a real exit program from the crisis, about the fear of serious reforms.

Every year the restructuring added disappointment to people. In 1987, it was 70 years of October Revolution (communist coup). Glasnost helped spreading anti-communist ideas. Many have become clear that 70 years have moved to the "deadlock." It was not decided to openly declare this opposition of the liberal and anti-communist state media. The press began to call the oppositionists of the Interregional Deputy Group. Thus, its ideological orientation denied, and focused on the unification of deputies of various regions. The opposition offered the equality of all forms of ownership, the market economy, the depoliticization of the army and the state, the reduction of military expenses, the allocation of land farmers. Liberal opposition was headed by talented scientists and publicists A. Sakharov 268, Popov, Yu. Afanasyev and others. There was a revival of Russian liberalism destroyed by V. Lenin. The head of the Moscow party organization B. Yeltsin joined the liberals. E. Ligachev and M. Gorbachev made criticism B. Yeltsin. Criticism Boris Nikolayevich only added his popularity. B. Yeltsin's rating as a man of an optional, bandy, repeatedly increased, especially after the publication of the book "Confession on a given topic". Not surprisingly, the book exposed the privileges of the hated people of the nomenclature. As a result, the former secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Candidate of Members of Politburo B. Yeltsin began to be perceived by the public consciousness as a consistent democrat and liberal.

The 1988 Party Conference (June 1988) demonstrated the desire of the team M. S. Gorbachev a lot and loudly talk about past shortcomings, about the need for new thinking and radical reforms. It is significant that the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU avoided the term "crisis", and enjoyed another, softer concept - "braking mechanism" 269. M. Gorbachev did not explain to delegates why it began this notorious braking. He only indicated that "braking" was manifested in the thirties.

The miscalculations of M. Gorbacheva skillfully used B. Yeltsin. Being the youngest in the Politburo, he accused the whole old manual in the "stag". As a result, B. Yeltsin offered to bring the guilty old people from the Politburo and thereby opening him the road to the supreme power.

Taking advantage of publicity, democratic intelligentsia deepened criticism soviet system, made more radical transformations 270. For example, a well-known sociologist T. Zaslavskaya noted that the restructuring is with difficulty. The ministries sought to keep all the complete power over enterprises in their hands. The Supreme Council was regarded by the population not as a real institution of power, but decorative. The most important decisions took the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Academician A. Sakharov sharply opposed the bureaucracy: "The bureaucracy is far from unselfish. Blooming the demagogic phraseology, it tramples social justice in all spheres of material life - such as the problem of housing, the quality of health care (most of the population, in particular, is deprived of the possibility of acquiring modern medicines) of high-quality education. The salary of a significant part of the working people is artificially understated ... At the same time there are elite groups of the population with huge socially unfair privileges "271.

According to A. Sakharov, the country's agriculture was in a state of permanent crisis, as a result - poor nutritional quality of the population, poor assortment of food stores, the need for grain purchases and other agricultural products abroad. According to Publicist L. Batkina, due to the low life expectancy, due to the high child mortality, due to accidents, injury, crude efforts, production of non-needed goods, barbaric consumption of electricity, metal, wood, due to What we do not know how to work, learn, keep, - "Maybe it's quietly and almost imperceptibly every month explodes in Chernobyl? Or every week? " 272.

The ropot of the population forced Gorbachev something to do. The team of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU decided to revive the Leninist idea of \u200b\u200bthe Soviets. At the 19 Party Conference, contrary to historical facts, the main communist of the country praised socialist democracy. In 1988, they returned to the slogan of 1917. "All power to the Council!". The euphoria of the election campaign was fed by the illusion of huge, allegedly, not implemented by the capabilities of the Soviet system. In the consciousness of many people raised by communist propaganda, the conviction remained that party bureaucrats did not allow the advice to correctly lead the country. Elected congress of people's deputies consisting of 2250 people. A third of the deputies were not elected at all, but appointed from public organizations. For example, 100 people from the Communist Party were assigned to the CPSU Central Committee. All media worked for communists.

In May-June 1989, the first congress of People's Deputies of the USSR opened. Most deputies were communists. For everyday leadership, public affairs, the congress chose the Supreme Council, which was also very conservative. The congress elected M. Gorbachev Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. At the ICEZDE of People's Deputies, the first secretary of the Cherkasy Pomsomol of the Komsomol of Ukraine, a deputy from the VLKSM, Sergey Chervonosky, subjected to a sharp criticism of A. Sakharov allegedly for insulting the army. An outstanding scientist tried to justify a person who lost both legs in Afghanistan. A. Sakharov reminded the delegates of the congress that he opposed the input of troops to Afghanistan. Nevertheless, delegates to insolent shouts and whistle chasing A. Sakharov from the stands. Cossack teacher from the Tashkent region said: "Comrade Academician! You crossed your entire activity with your one act. You brought an insult to our entire army, all of the people, all the fallen who gave their lives. And I express universal contempt you "273.

The experience of the field of people's deputies convinced A. Sakharov in the need to change the main law of the country. Academician has developed a new draft constitution. M. Gorbachev and B. Yeltsin did not support the project A. Sakharov and did not bring him to the discussion of the next congress of the Soviets. At the end of 1989, the salary of the party apparatus workers was significantly increased. Party functionaries began to create banks, firms, to make party and state money to their hands. In May 1990, B. Yeltsin became Chairman of the Supreme State Deputies of the RSFSR.

The lack of food and widespread consumption goods convinced state leaders in the need to develop market relations. The Folk Deputies of the USSR decided to start moving to a new model of economic development. It was planned to reduce state intervention in the management of the national economy, renewal of property relations and market formation. 28 Congress CPSU (June 1990) supported the course for the development of a market economy. The congress adopted a program statement "to humane democratic socialism." Back in 1968, the document with the same name adopted the Czechoslovaki communists. After that, the armed intervention of the USSR into cases of Chekhov followed. Twenty years later, the leaders of the CPSU, adjusting to the mood of ordinary communists, spoke themselves about humane socialism. However, their understanding of the problem was much already what the Chekhov. The statement of the 28 CPSU Congress contained the most general phrases about the updating of the Leninsky party, which significantly inferior to even offers N. Khrushcheva 1956-1961. Communist leaders did not want to share power with anyone. In solving the Supreme Forum, the CPSU recorded: "The congress does not consider the right to deprive the communists in the army, the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs to membership in the party ..." 274. At the 28th Congress B. Yeltsin announced the exit from the CPSU. He offered to transform the CPSU to a batch of democratic socialism and nationalize its property.

March 15, 1990. The third congress of people's deputies elected M. Gorbachev by the President of the USSR. The President of the country remained the general secretary of the Communist Party. The Supreme Council conducted decisions approved by the CPSU Central Committee. Soon the structure of the presidential power was issued. One of its links was the presidential council, transformed into the Federation Council, and then to the State Council. The transition to the presidential system of power in the USSR meant the crushing and liquidation of Soviet power.

The breakdown of the CPSU was the first step towards creating a multi-party system. Since 1990, the transition to multiparties has become a question that demanded an immediate decision. III junction of People's Deputies of the USSR changed the edition of Article 6 of the USSR Constitution of 1977, to identify the provision of the CPSU as a guideline and guiding strength of the Soviet society and the core of the political system. Nevertheless, the communist dictatorship continued to rule on behalf of the Soviets. People's deputies turned into assistants of officials. The new dictatorship blocked the actions of an anti-communist opposition in Moscow and St. Petersburg. For example, M. Gorbachev allowed the mayor of Moscow. Popov selling small stalls to private owners, but forbidden to exhibit large department stores.

Regardless of political reforms, the economic situation of Russians has deteriorated. Wage delays, high inflation, high cost, - all this undermined the confidence of people to reform. Reducing agricultural production has negatively affected the food supply of cities. Industrial production growth rates continued to decline and reached a zero-level in 1989. In December 1990, the head of the N. Ryzhkov government stated the collapse of the economy and resigned. The next chapter of the government of V. Pavlov decided in 1991 for the exchange of money and price increase. The inflation rate sharply jumped up. If in early 1991, for one US dollar gave 10 rubles, then at the end - 110 rubles. In 1990, the first restaurant "McDonals" opened in Moscow. The Law of March 6, 1990 allowed the Russians to own several apartments.

At the end of 1991, in connection with the collapse of the CPSU and the USSR, M. Gorbachev lost the power and finally left the Kremlin. The restructuring policy ended. The next attempt failed to update the CPSU and Socialism. In the good endeavors M. Gorbachev, most social groups were disappointed. The top management took a course on the privatization of state ownership and the establishment of authoritarian authorities appealing to national patriotism. They were actively supported by the military. Thousands of workers and employees turned into "Chelnts". Many pensioners and the so-called "state employees" were rallied under the banner of the new communist leader of Zyuganov and began to call the restructuring "betrayal." The youth received long-awaited freedom from every upbringing and several entertainment channels on television. The intelligentsia was able to improve their financial situation. In the early 1990s, the majority of the population of Russia associated their hopes no longer with attempts to improve socialism, but with a market economy. Russians unfolded 180 degrees and rushed after a new guide star.


What is communism

Communism is Utopic philosophical idea about the ideal economic and public arrangement of the state where equality and justice flourishes. In practice, this idea turned out to be non-visual and unrealized by virtue of many reasons.

What communism is simple words - briefly.

Simple words, communism is the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a society in which people will be provided with everything necessary, regardless of their capabilities. Ideally, with a communist strict, there was no need to be a poor and rich class, and all the resources of the country should be evenly distributed among all citizens equally. In this scheme, there is no private property as such, and all people work to create a common good. Naturally, this ideology refers to the category of utopian due to the nature of the person himself.

The essence of communism.

Before you begin to understand the essence of communism, you should understand the fact that the initial idea and her practical implementation, these are completely different things. If the idea itself, in principle, can be called quite and idealistic, then the method of its incarnation, so we clearly do not call. Thus, this expensive and large-scale social experiment on the construction of an ideal society was to fully reform the power and strengthening the role of the state. The implementation of the Plan included such items as:

  • Cancellation of private property;
  • Cancellation of the rights of inheritance;
  • Property confiscation;
  • Severe progressive income tax;
  • The creation of a single state bank;
  • Government property for communication and transport;
  • Government property for factories and agriculture;
  • State control of labor;
  • Corporate farms (collective farms) and regional planning;
  • State control of education.

As can be seen from this far from a complete list of reforms, civil society was limited in many rights, and the state took control of almost all aspects of human life. From this it can be concluded that despite the declared high ideals, the essence of communism was to transform citizens into a born population under the control of the state.

Who invented communism. The emergence of the theory of communism and the basic principles.

Karl Marx, Prussian sociologist, philosopher, economist and journalist, is considered the father of communism. In collaboration with Friedrich Engels, Marx published several works, including the most famous called - "Communist" (1848). According to Marx, the utopian society will be achieved only when, there will be a single "without civilian" and classless society. He even described three stages of actions to achieve such a state.

  • First, a revolution is needed to overthrow the existing regime and complete eradication of the old system.
  • Secondly, the dictator must come to power and act as a single body for all matters, including personal affairs of the public. Then the dictator will be responsible for bringing everyone to follow the ideals of communism, and also guarantee that property or property is not in private property.
  • The last stage would be to achieve a utopian state (although this stage was never achieved). As a result, the highest equality would be achieved, and everything would be willing to share their wealth and benefits with others in society.

According to Marx, the banking system will be centralized in the ideal communist society, the government will control education and work. All infrastructure facilities, agricultural products and industries will be in state ownership. The rights of private property and the rights of inheritance will be canceled, and large income taxes will be charged.

The role of Lenin in the construction of communism and military communism.

At the time when many countries of the world shifted to democracy, Russia was still a monarchy, where the king had all the completeness of power. In addition, the first world War led to great economic losses for the country and the people. Thus, the king, which continued to live in luxury, became an extremely unpopular character among ordinary people.

All this tension and chaos led to the February Revolution on February 19, when the workers of the closed factory and soldiers in the mate raised slogans against the unfair regime. The revolution spread as a forest fire and forced the king to renounce the throne. The rapidly formed temporary government of Russia has now replaced the monarch.

Taking advantage of the chaos that established in Russia, Vladimir Lenin, with the help of Lion Trotsky, formed a Bolshevik Prommunistical "Party". Since the Provisional Government of Russia continued to support military efforts during the First World War, it also became unpopular among the masses. This caused the Bolshevik revolution, which helped Lenin to overthrow the government and seize the Winter Palace. Between 1917 and 1920, Lenin initiated "Military Communism" to ensure its political goals.

Extreme measures were used to establish communism in Russia, which marked the beginning of the Civil War (1918-1922). After that, the USSR was created, which includes Russia and 15 neighboring countries.

Communist leaders and their policy.

To establish communism in the USSR, the leaders did not have absolutely no methods. The tools used by Lenin to achieve their goals included man-made hunger, slave labor camps and executive executions during the Red Terror. Holodomoras were provoked by coercion of peasants to sell their crops without profit, which in turn had affected agriculture. The slave labor camps were places to punish those who did not agree with the authorities of Lenin. Millions of people died in such camps. During the red terror of the voice of any unnecessary civilians, prisoners of war of the White Army and supporters of tsarism were muffled by mass murders. In fact, it was his own people.

After Lenin's death in 1924, his successor Joseph Stalin, followed the policy of established by Lenin, but also took a step forward, ensuring the execution of communist comrades who did not support him 100%. Grew. After the end of World War II, the period of the Cold War began when a democratic society was opposed by the spread of communism in the world. The racing of arms and energy prices strongly shakeped the imperfect planned economy of the USSR that strongly affected the lives of the population.

Thus, when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985, he accepted new principles to rejuvenate the Soviet economy and reduce tensions in relations with the United States. Cold War Communist governments ended in the border countries of Russia began to endure fail due to the softer Gorbachev policies. Finally, in 1991, during the presidency of Boris Yeltsin, the Soviet Union formally collapsed to Russia and several independent countries. That is how the most significant era of communism in the world ended, without considering several modern countries living in such a strict.

The results of communism.

The results of communism is quite difficult to reason if it is approached from the point of view of the perception of its citizens "Sovki". For someone, it was the times of hell on earth, and someone recalls the scoop as something good and warm. Most likely, discrepancies in opinions for the most part are caused by different factors: class, political preferences, economic situation, memories of youth and health and similar things. However, in a dry residue we can rely only on the language of numbers. The communist regime was insolvent in economically. In addition, he brought millions of killed and repressed. In some way, the construction of communism can be called the most expensive and bloody social experiment on Earth, which should no longer be repeated.

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The map shows "Countries of People's Democracy" Eastern Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ruitsia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania and GDR.

Communist regimes occur in Europe and Asia

Under pressure from the USSR, the influence of communists in Eastern Europe has increased. There were countries of the "People's Democracy", in which multiparties and various types of ownership were initially admitted.

Gradually, the Communist Party and Socialists began to unite and capture power. Then in 1947-1948. According to very similar schemes in a number of countries, "conspiracies" were disclosed, and opposition parties were defeated. Now the communist regimes have already been established in the countries. In our newspapers, we read about the victory of communists in elections in Eastern Europe, as well as the onset of the Chinese Liberation Army.

For me, it was natural (and I experienced satisfaction) that the peoples of liberated countries "stand on the path of socialism" (this is a common newspaper stamp of that time). I was only surprised that these countries do not enter the Soviet Union. After all, I remembered the words of Stalin:

"Surging from us, Comrade Lenin bequeathed to us to strengthen and expand the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I swear to you, Comrade Lenin, that I honor this to fulfill this commandment. "

I now seem to be that Stalin, without having yet atomic bombs, Bid, afraid to give a reel to the United States and England to carry out atomic bombings of Soviet cities. Nevertheless, nothing prevented him, acting extremely carefully and observing the "legality" to consolidate the conquest achieved.

In Eastern Europe, Stalin was precisely such a policy, consistently "enshrining" territorial acquisitions achieved during the war. Freeing Eastern European countries from German occupation, Soviet troops remained for a long time on the territory of these countries, introducing a temporary military administration regime. This made it possible to suppress dissenting parties and lead to power the prommunist groups and parties, although it was apparent as a result of people's will.

Communist regimes after World War II fell over the world. All events in Eastern European countries, as well as the victory of the Communists in China, Korea and North Vietnam were filed in the Soviet press as successful democratic transformations of countries, rejected capitalism and human exploitation by a person and stagnant to the socialist path of development.

I was pleased with the successes of these countries, the victories of the Communists, the expansion of the socialist camp, the camp of the world, opposed by the capitalist camp, the camp of the war of war.

In the previous phrase, I consciously led the terminology (the next stamps of Soviet propaganda), which was used at the time by Soviet propaganda.

But I thought that way and thought it was exactly such stamps. These words were in me in me.


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