Why communicating a person? Why do people communicate with each other? Psychology of communication people need communication.

"Only communication is healing from self-addiction, robust, stupid arrogance, only a free and casual exchange of views allows you to study people, feel, recognize and compare ourselves with them." © Wuhung

Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and whole groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist.
So why do you need to communicate a person? Without communicating with other people, a person cannot normally develop as a person. Communication with people also plays a huge role in the healthy formation of a person's psyche.

Communication between people helps them exchange information, perceive and understand each other, adopt experience and share their own. In the end, communication in human life distinguishes it from other biological creatures on this planet.

If a person had been deprived of the opportunity to communicate from birth, he could never grow a social personality, civilized and culturally developed, would remind a person only externally. Here is another answer to the question: "Why do you need communication?"

In the process of interaction and communicate with people, a person not only communicates with information or emotions, but also satisfies its needs.

1. The need to receive new impressions
2. The need for recognition. With the recognition, social confirmation of the personality from other people occurs, thereby confirming its self-identification.
3. The need for stimulation, that is, when communication with people initiates human activity in actions, and the communication itself raises the mood.
4. The need for recognition, the satisfaction of which is associated with the positive experience of a sense of self-esteem and self-esteem and other individual needs.

The fullness of communication is determined by the quality and satisfaction of needs, as well as depends on the relationship of participants in communication to each other.

Communication can occur at different levels

Levels are determined by the overall culture of people, their individual and personal characteristics, features of the situation, social situation and other factors.

The actual level of communication. Ensures a simple exchange of replicas to maintain a conversation in conditions when communicating is not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Standard communication, in which replicas are simple and there is no deep meaning. Normal communication dictated by the rules of etiquette and norms of behavior in certain situations.

Information level communicationwhere the exchange of interesting information is exchanged for the interlocutors. This level prevails in conditions of joint activities or at a meeting of old friends. This level of communication contributes to the active inclusion of a person in the communication process.

Personal level of communication - characterizes such an interaction in which subjects are capable of deeply in the very disclosure and comprehension of the essence of another person, himself and the surrounding world. Personal level is highly moral: it removes all sorts of restrictions when interacting precisely because they become completely superfluous.

What is needed for effective communication? Understanding in communication

The process of perception by one person of another acts as a mandatory component of communication and is what is called perception. In communication, each of the partners shall like themselves to others: participants of communication have to take into account not only the needs, motives, the installation of another, but also how this other understands my needs, motives, installations. All this leads to the fact that the analysis of awareness of itself through another includes two sides: identification and reflection.

Identification - It is nothing but the likelihood of itself to another person, which contributes to the understanding and understanding of people in communication. In real situations of communication, people use such an example when the assumption of the internal state of the partner is based on an attempt to put itself in his place.

What else is needed for effective communication? Ability to empathize. Empathy

Of course, not any person can put himself in place of another. For this, a person must have such a personal quality as an empathy or a special way of perceiving another person.

The condition for success in relationship is the corresponding lifetime of the emotional personality sphere, which, above all, is manifested whether a person can empathize with other people, rejoice and disappear along with them.
Empathy allows a person in communicating not only to rationally comprehend the problems of another person, but also emotionally empathize with his interlocutor.

Empathy - the ability to emotionally perceive another person, penetrate his inner world to take it with all his thoughts and feelings. The ability to empathy in people is very individual. A man with a low level of empathy can, communicate with the interlocutor, to exercise a kind of blindness to the state, experiences and intentions of the interlocutor.

In the course of communication, a person with a middle level of empathy arises fragmentary ideas about the experiences of another person. But empathic people are distinguished by the ability to immediately enter the state of another person not only in certain situations, but also throughout the entire communication process.

In any communication necessarily there is a reflection

Reflection in communication - This is a form of knowledge of the personal characteristics of yourself and other people. Reflection helps a person during communication with others to logically analyze some signs and make a certain conclusion about another person and his actions.

The process of understanding each other is "complicated" by the phenomenon of reflection, because awareness is aware of the existing individual of how it is perceived by a partner for communication.

Reflection in communication is no longer just knowledge or understanding of the other, but knowledge of how another understands me, a peculiar double process of mirror reflections of each other, a deep, consistent relationship, the content of which is to reproduce the inner world of the partner, and in this inner world, in turn, is reflected my inner world.

Mark Twain said: "It is better to pray and seemed a fool than to open your mouth, and finally dispel doubts." And probably was right.

Definitely the development and formation of such qualities as balanced, the ability to manage their behavior in various situations, not to mention empathy, the rules of etiquette, the presence of elementary communicative skills and other individual qualities of the person.

Individual communicative qualities contribute not only to effective communication, but also the emergence of friendship between people, interest in each other. Such qualities of communication include sociability, sociability, charismatic, leadership qualities of a person and others.

The sociability of a person, for example, characterizes the ability to find optimal communication methods leading to the development of benevolent relations. And sociability characterizes the ability or tendency to communicate, establish contacts and connections.

Communication is a concept close to the concept of communication, but expanded.

Develop the necessary qualities in order to be not just a friend, but a true friend and interesting person. After all, communication is not only the pastime, but also helps to seek life success.

The need for social contacts is one of the basic needs of a person. To stay in the state of internal harmony, we need to communicate with others, their emotional support and recognition of our advantages. People who have many friends and acquaintances in various spheres and regions are successful and have the opportunity to take part in solving the problems of their loved ones. But in some people the need for communication can be understated. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different. It is necessary to deal with whether a person has always been such, became unlike with age or after the stress suffered.

When loneliness got into habit

Habits for loneliness must be distinguished from the need for loneliness. If a person is used to a single lifestyle, this does not mean that he suits him and brings satisfaction. The one who is truly satisfied with his everyday life, does not even think about the fact that he lacks communication.

The inconvenience is experiencing those who are alone forced, or imperceptibly for themselves. For example, people who work at home. At first they are attracted to the ability to independently build a free schedule, but then it becomes obvious a lack of communication with colleagues.

If a person lives one for a long time, it is formed certain habits. It is not easy for him to come together with a new partner, because for this it will be necessary to change the household structure, learn to hear and understand each other, somewhere to give up and look for a compromise in controversial points.

As a rule, a reduced need for communication is observed in people with a certain character. By type of temperament, they are introverts. The introverts tend to keep all the experiences, and do not share them with others. Also, they are not in a hurry to tell other people about their joys and victories.

Inverters prefer passive rest, avoid noisy, crowded places. Most likely, such a person will have one or two close-up each other, meetings with which it happens infrequently, or communication is mainly by phone.

Sometimes a person is forced to limit contacts with others because of excessive employment at work. Not all professions require daily contact with people. Someone performs purely mechanical work, or communicates with colleagues to a minimum.

Also, a person can be unlike nature, as a result of too strict upbringing, excessive shysteriness and internal complexes.

The complete absence of the desire to contact the surrounding, and even the desire to avoid human society, cannot be called a normal phenomenon. It can act as a symptom of mental disorder, especially if the need to join the conversation generates fear, panic or aggression.

Closed in itself as a result of strong stress

A person experienced stress entails the consequences of both physical and psychological terms. In the physical exacerbation of chronic diseases, disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system, the occurrence of headaches and other unpleasant symptoms.

A common form of the post-pole state is closed. Some people to restore the strength and reserves of energy after transferred stress are trying to keep closer to people, looking for support from friends. Others, on the contrary, closes. They do not want to see anyone, do not come to contact, be afraid to entrust your feelings to anyone. The outside world is losing their appeal.

The tendency to closure after stress is found equally often in men, and in women. Women are inherent in cases when they consider to seem to contact the surrounding with the problem - for example, after violence. Men do not like to share the details that exhibit them in a vulnerable light. Often case - a man closed in himself and deeply worries because of a sudden dismissal at work. Anxiety does not leave him because of not the confidence that he will soon find a perspective place.

Also, the closure occurs in children. Since their psyche is deeply vulnerable, experienced shock and stress can entail the consequences in the form of a delay of speech development or a tendency to hysterics.

The desire for communication was initially laid in each person. In some periods of life, it becomes stronger, and some weaken. A significant role in this is playing age.

Little children always pull to others - to their peers, older children, adult people. They like to repeat a variety of words and actions. It has a positive effect on the development of the child.

For teenagers, friendship and recognition of peers are especially important. During the period of the formation of a person, this directly affects their self-esteem. Loneliness in a transitional age is experiencing particularly acute. Of course, when a child is a pronounced introvert, it will manifest even at the age of 3-4 years. If you observe the group of children in kindergarten, you can see how some kids prefer collective games, while others spend time for toys alone.

The older man, the more difficult it is to make new friends. This is due to the fact that adults spend a lot of time at work, they have a lot of worries, sometimes all the free clock occupies communication with children. Therefore, middle-aged people often complain about lack of time to meet with friends. Even if the desire to communicate is present in excess, it is hampered by external circumstances.

The desire to hold your leisure in full solitude, the unwillingness to make contact with old friends, noncommunicability is considered socially harmful habits in the modern world. Sometimes you need to consciously fight. For example, the seller consultant successfully promotes career, it is obliged to communicate and have potential buyers.

To increase the level of communicability, you can pass a variety of trainings and courses. This will help learn to find a common language with others and find new friends. Open, sincere person is rarely lonely.

A man is socially social in nature.

He is intended to cooperate and show communication skills. Communication acts in the form of interaction with itself like, a person adapts the experience, shares experiences, he needs to feel in society.

The size of the society is determined by the needs of the individual, for someone there is enough loved person, the other needs a large team. We are learning to communicate from the very birth, this is the first mastery of the skill.

In this article we will answer the question why a person communication.

Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.


Why do we communicate?

Communication stands, first of all, as the ability to contact with other people. People having a large number of friends and acquaintances are appreciated everywhere. Communication, as a way to interact between people, allows you to share experiences, receive new knowledge, look for a partner and make many other actions. Without words, we are literally unarmed.
  1. To fully interact with other individuals.
  2. Develop as a person.
  3. Accumulate knowledge and experience.
  4. Expand the horizon.
  5. Feel warm and support.
  6. Most fully interpret your thoughts.
  7. Live in society.
  8. Find a partner.
To live by a rejection and not to come to contact with anyone - all this will negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of the person. Thoughts and feelings should find a way out. Even a conversation with a person of the opposite point of view will give you an emotional discharge.

Ideally, for a full-fledged and happy life, people need like-minded people. Support, understand and help to understand the situation can friends and loved ones. Communication helps to build harmonious relationships with young in love. The mutual discussion of difficulties reduces the risk of being incomprehensible or not heard. This verbal therapy minimizes possible conflicts.

Communication benefit

Daily communication with positively configured people helps a person feel. Communication with senior, experienced, or successful representatives of Homo Sapiens, expands the horizon and gives a feeling of fullness.

Communication benefits are expressed in:

  • Emotional unloading.
  • The emergence of new ideas.
  • Feeling in society.
  • Feeling fullness.
Communication helps not only to share the bright moments of his life, but also unloads from gloomy thoughts, anxiety and problems. Speaking of failures with another person, we cleaned our lack of. Dividated for two problems loses half of heavily. Completely spoken, a person feels free.

To cope with life troubles alone is hard enough, but having shared a problem with a friend, one can ease their mental state. In collaboration and support consists of emotional unloading.

Startups, business ideas often appear by discussing them with a friend or colleagues. Discussing plans for life, you share your own thoughts, perhaps for someone they will become a real discovery and give impetus to implement the idea. Smart, well-well-well-well-noticed people give excellent advice from which the inner fire is lit, a desire appears to create.

Communication with yourself similar allows you to feel part of a certain social group (, friends, working team, etc.). This is the feeling of what they take you, your opinion appreciates, consider you a full-fledged member of society.

What helps people to communicate?

Naturally, our language is the main tool of communication, and the ability to express their thoughts. Native speech, jargonisms, cuts, new fashion words allows us to fully transfer information.

In addition to traditional speech, there are other ways to transfer information:

  • Emotions;
  • Mimica;
  • Gestures;
  • Television.
With the help of only one movement, we are able to understand what the interlocutor wants to say to us. The main thing is to include attention and do not miss this fleeting gesture.

They are used when words can be heard outsiders or if it is impossible to communicate with speech. These non-verbal signals are part of our communication.

If we talk about the traits, it is appropriate to be called:

  • Friendliness.
  • Activity.
  • Social wiping.
  • Template to new acquaintances.
  • Communicability.
All listed items pushes us to a conversation institution. Shy people are difficult to say "Hi", so it is so important to develop communication skills in yourself, they will always be useful. Confident guy with ease will suit the girl you like, when the young man's insecure in his power will hope for a successful case.

"I do not have a hundred rubles, and I have a hundred friends"

The saying is incredibly old, but it is relevant today. You do not stop the internal conflicts with money, you will not be able to heal the mental wounds and do not share the innermost thoughts. Availability of friends, like-minded people, family and beloved people here are the key to everyday happiness. The larger and more often the person interacts with pleasant people, the higher the level of his happiness.

Communication is the key to successful cooperation, this applies to any sphere of human life. Resentment, ignoring and refusal to interaction negatively affects the inner state of a person.

No events should affect a person so that it refuses communication with other people.

Do you have days when you do not want to come to contact? Tell about it.

Communication is a complex process of establishing contacts between individuals and whole groups. Without communication, human society simply will not exist. From the very appearance of the first person, it caused the key to the emergence of society and civilization. Modern people cannot do without communicating in any field of their lives and activities, despite whether a person loves loneliness or a company, he either or introvert. There are almost always someone around us - spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and even absolutely unfamiliar people. This implies constant communication, both desired and unexpected.

Why man communication?

If you briefly answer this question, the answer can be divided into six points:

We communicate to satisfy your need for communication.

By nature, people are social creatures, and just as in dire need of other people, as in food, water and roof over their heads. Two people can chat on different trifles for hours, and a few days later none of them remember what was discussed. Because the deep goal of their conversation was not a discussion of some burning topics, but satisfying the need for communication.

We communicate to improve and maintain our idea of \u200b\u200byourself.

With the help of communication, we learn what we are, what we are good, how people react to our behavior. This affects our concept and on the idea of \u200b\u200byourself in this world.

We communicate for the implementation of social obligations

We say: "Hi, how are you?" A man with whom a few years ago was sitting at one desk. So we fulfill social obligations. With these words, we confirm that they learned this person, we continue to consider it "your own" and are not arrogant.

We communicate to build relationships

Through communication, we first get acquainted, and then we build relationships with other people.

We communicate to exchange information

Part of the information we get through observation, reading, media, and part - through communication with other people. There is a considerable number of situations, like "What to wear?" Or "for whom to vote?" In which we just need to consult with others.

We communicate to influence others

There is hardly at least one person who never tried to influence others. It is not necessary to manifest itself at the global level - each of us convinces people that a kind of film is not worth watching which restaurant should be chosen. And even an interview with a potential employer is the desire to convince him that we are worthy to work in this position for a certain salary.

For greater understanding and in order not to violate the freedoms and the views of others, some rules of communication with people were invented. It is noted that when using at least the basic rules of communication, people often seek the location of others and have a reputation as a pleasant interlocutor. Such an ability to properly affect the career growth.

We have to communicate with different people, therefore, in every environment we try to use the right rules, for each need an individual approach. Communication at work is strikingly different from communicating with his family or with friends on fishing.

Receptions, allowing to achieve success in communicating with people

In order to learn to better understand the interlocutor in the process of communication, be able to adapt to his emotional state and style of communication, psychologists recommend to drag their communicative abilities. For this purpose, you can use the following techniques:


Watching your interlocutor, noting the features of his behavior, speech, style of clothing, gestures, etc., you can make certain conclusions about this person (about its field of activity, belonging to a social group, etc.). Based on the conclusions made about the interlocutor, it is fairly easy to choose the Manera and the style of communication in order to find a "common language" with him.

Touching communicative skills

Communicating with different people, both familiar and strangers, you can not only develop communicative abilities, but also overcome the barriers to communicate. When entering into a dialogue with strangers (asking time, specifying the route, talking to a random fellow traveler, etc.), a person can learn to intuitively adapt to the interlocutor.

Expansion of own horizons

The ability to "read" the emotions of the interlocutor and control their own emotions

Since a significant part of the information is transmitted to a non-verbal way, the ability to distinguish between the various emotions of the interlocutors will be the key to understanding and effective interaction with other people. As a rule, people with developed ability to empathy are more successful in communicating with others, because they are in the process of dialogue oriented not only on the words of the interlocutor, but also on his emotions and mental state.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette and norms adopted in society

Another mandatory component of successful communication. The psychology of communication with people in general and the psychology of business communication in particular determines the norms of behavior and the rules that need to be adhere to when communicating, as they are adopted in wide circles of society.

Not everyone is recognized that they are dependent on communication. For a person, being in society is a vital necessity. Why a person communication is in what its meaning and benefit. Why the need to interact with other people is so important for personality. What problems may arise with a shortage of communication and how to avoid them. All of these questions you will find answers in the article.

Why do you need communication

A little-known fact: if a person is for a long time to isolate from society for a long time, he will begin to degrade. There will be changes in the psyche. A person is an old creature, and we cannot live normally and develop without communication and interaction.

Psychologists under communication understand the interaction with the help of words, gestures, body positions, facial expressions, facial expressions. Man is very important that there are the same people around

Why is it important to communicate?

  1. A person receives confirmation of his "I" from others. An identification of personality occurs. It does not seem significant for consciousness, but it is very important for. We look in others, like in the mirror, and they show us who we are.
  2. Communication allows you to compare yourself with others. We get an assessment of your qualities, actions and actions. So a person establishes for itself the framework - moral barriers.
  3. We get approval, sympathy and support, as confirmation that our feelings are correct and justified. When the same as we tell us, that they felt in such a situation the same thing, it becomes easier to experience the stressful situation.
  4. A person is enjoyed when he shares his feelings with others. Joy will not be complete if there is no one who might be glad for you. And the grief alone is even more difficult to survive. This is also the property of the psyche: consult, share.

That is why communication is important for a person. Thanks to him, he does not lose himself. He focuses on other people, compares himself with them. So the societies of people in which it is not customary to kill, humiliate. People build a peaceful life convenient for the majority. ASOsocial personalities have been always, but they are rather an exception that only confirms the rule. For them, in our society there are special correctional institutions: the abilities of psychologists, psychiatrists, prisons.

If people lived apart, did not communicate with each other, we would have a world like a mental hospital. A person cannot be mentally healthy, being a long time in isolation. Remember Robinzon Cruzo: He spoke with the ball. If he did not do this - it would be crazy.

Understanding in communication

This is perhaps the basis lying on the surface. It is mutual understanding that people consider the main benefit of communication. That's why a person communication: he feels that others understand it. He realizes that if others come and feel also, it means that he is right.

Not every person will achieve mutual understanding. This is influenced by many factors.

For example, different temperatures: if the melancholic shoes in three streams, choleric will only get angry and condemned such a reaction.

Another example: different living conditions. When the poor walker loses his wallet, it is perceived much harder than if it happens to rich.

They say: "Folded hungry is not a comrade." And this is true. If a single girl is late for a date and tell about this his married girlfriend, she will not understand the depth of her disappointment.

Also affects. People who love to speculate about the depths, universe, discuss some high topics, will not be able to do it with people of a different mental structure. So, the candidate of science on philosophy will not talk about with his classmate, which is interested only fashionable handbags and the latest news. Many felt it on themselves: not with all classmates managed to find a common language. Just all different. And without understanding the relationship will not work.

If a husband dreams of a steep wheelbarrow and travels in a funny company, and the wife wants a lot of children and their home, such a couple exists long. Understanding is a coincidence of views, thoughts, preferences. That's what communication needs. The contact installed on this base. Such people become friends.

Communication benefit

Not every person has friends. So it happens: there are people who are seriously getting used to others, they differ very different from others. There are those who simply do not crave talking or does not find time to get close to others. For such people in the situation of stress, psychotherapists are recommended. That's what you need to communicate to a person: it heals.

Even if you have no friend to whom you might trust, talk about your problems and get support, communication is necessary for the psyche. When a person does not trust the surrounding, everything keeps in itself, the problems accumulate. So there are muscle clips in the body that can provoke any disease, except for the syphilis. As one satirik wrote: "All diseases from nerves, only syphilis from pleasure."

If we talk about the problem, it can be resolved in whole or in part. In any case, there is a discharge. Communication benefits are invaluable. As such a discharge, psychologists advise to conduct a personal diary. But it is much more efficient to find support in the face of the interlocutor.

Knowledge and experience

Why man communication? A brief answer - to exchange information. This gives knowledge and experience. In addition to our own experience, we adopt the experience of other people. Moreover, in spite of the opinion, you can learn from children, not only from the older generation. Through contacts with other people, we get new knowledge about everything. This contributes to personal development. Our environment greatly affects us, forms us as a person. Therefore, parents are often worried about their children who choose their friends from the discharge of hooligans. What can they teach Choo?

But this opinion is controversial. Anyone has a certain set of qualities. And even psychos has something to learn. It all depends on the person: we ourselves decide what to "take" from others. After all, educated people with good reputation can learn bad. For example, arrogant. And hooligans can teach how to stand up for themselves. They can explain that it is impossible to throw a friend in trouble, show what. All people without exception are equal in this regard. And in each there is a virtue and negative side. That is why a person needs to communicate: contacting with different people, we choose what features to adopt. But in any case we receive knowledge and life experience.

View on things

Why do you need communication? People do not always know exactly how to enroll in one situation or another. Often we take the desired for the actual and act on the basis of incorrect motivations. Communication helps to consider the problem at a different angle. Man begins to better understand the situation when talking about her with someone. The experience of other people allows us to adjust your actions and do not make mistakes. This is what the person gives communication. If, of course, a person is smart enough to listen to the other.

Help and support

Communication allows us to have not only moral help close. Tell us about your misfortune to truly close people, they will help to solve the issue. So, by communication, a person acquires helpers. The old Russian saying reads: "I do not have a hundred rubles, and I have a hundred friends." People help their friends and in response they are counting on the same help. This is called reciprocity. It is characteristic of friendly relations, because relatives we do not choose and they do not always look like us in our views. Of course, the unlawful law prescribes relatives to always help each other, but not everyone do. And friends are people who are not obliged to each other. As a rule, it is for them and you can count.

Ability to empathize: empathy

Empathy - term meaning the ability to empathize. Empaths are people who accept someone else's misfortune to heart like their own. In essence, it is a heavy burden, but here we do not choose. Empathy - non-produced habit, and a congenital trait, as temperament and character.

Empaths are wonderful interlocutors, good friends. They always help, because they also experience the pain that fell out to their relatives. Such virtue is not good, especially for the empath itself. They are experiencing many times more than other people.

How to distinguish empath.

  • Can cry when watching a movie.
  • Drags homeless animals in the apartment.
  • He is a good listener.
  • Helps not only advice.
  • Responsive.
  • Often worries on trifles.

Such people are deeply susceptible. They are wonderful friends. And this is another reason for communication: you will sympathize, you will feel relieved when someone will experience identical feelings when you hear about your problem. Empathy is peculiar to every person, but in varying degrees. As a rule, friends show empathy towards each other.

Reflection in communication

A very important property of communication - through it we are engaged in, including self-knowledge. The interlocutor can pay attention to how you think you perceive certain situations. It allows you to better know yourself, understand how you think. This is called reflexia. Without communication, reflection is one-sided. And so harder to be objective.

Communication from the Psychology

Psychologists have long established that closed people who do not have friends and communicate little, become asocial. It threatens the emergence of psychological problems. Some are focused on themselves and their states. So the hypochondria appears. Today, this problem is very common. Other people do not share experiences, keep everything in themselves. They experience the gravity of Noshi loneliness and become rude, worry.

It is communication that makes people people. This is the most important mechanism, it is laid in man in nature. And people should not forget about it. Yes, without communication it is possible. But it will cause, with time, his comfrep on the psyche. Whereas in communication a person heals.

The role of communication

Let us summarize the foregoing and list the main positions of communication in the life of a person.

  • The acquisition of knowledge.
  • Help and support.
  • The opportunity to assess the situation is comprehensively, based on the opponent's opinion.
  • Empathy.
  • Protection.
  • Identification of personality.
  • Psychological discharge.

All this person receives through communication.

Terms of communication

There is a certain charter of interactions of individuals. For colleagues, it is typical to greet the nod, exchange smiles, express approval gestures. These are types of non-verbal communication. View, body position, face expression. Loves can communicate without opening the mouth. Close people have long learned to understand each other without words.

There are other conditions. Friends and loved ones are customary to call each other by phone. Condition for communication with foreign people - respect. We appeal to the "you". To the elder by position - by name and patronymic. This condition is called subordination. The young people are accepted to exchange special handshakes, jump into each other on his back. Even the podrotage can serve as a form of communication. A form depends on the conditions: as far as people are close, as they can interact. Here, education and culture, and socialization also affect the influence.

Stages of communication

Standard set:

  • visual contact (people see each other);
  • greeting (people inform gestures or words that they noticed each other);
  • exchange of courtesies - let's call them conventions

This conversation may end with the phrase that signals the desire to stop the interaction. "Okay, I have time," "See you, hello to my wife." If people have common topics, they are discussed, after which the conversation passes to the final stage.

  • Completion of the conversation.

Communication structure

Conditionally allocate three categories of communication:

  • communicative;
  • interactive;
  • perceptive.

Communication is a way to transfer information through words. This is a dialogue. Interactive communication - joint actions. Perceptive - mutual perception. All three components are single and do not exist separately.

Interaction of individuals has a number of functions.

  • Transfer information.
  • Self-knowledge with intrapersonal communication.
  • Getting benefits.
  • Secular communication, which does not carry information benefit: People talk to generally accepted themes.
  • The possibility of self-confirmation.
  • Impact on the opponent, manipulation.

Types of communication

There is a division on varieties of communication.

  • Primitive - objects do not receive benefits, only exchange courtesies.
  • Formal - an adopted form of greetings from any meaningful phrases.
  • Roller - subordination, people take roles allocated to them and perform rituals of communication.
  • Spiritual - deep understanding of each other. Usually it happens from friends or loved.
  • Secular - restriction by common phrases.
  • Manipulating - communication in order to gain benefits, affecting a person or situation.

What helps people to communicate

Communication is based on verbal and non-verbal signals. People always catch underwent at the subconscious level. For example, if a person is annoyed, but it does not show it, the opponent can recognize it on gestures: crossed hands, eyes aside, inflated nostrils. But this happens on the subconscious level, a person does not analyze the behavior and gestures of the interlocutor - it makes his brain, sending signals to the subconscious. People call it a sixth sense, when an employee suddenly understands that now it is not worth asking for a vacation, although the chief did not give a reason to think so. The brain has already scanned his behavior and sent a signal.

People help communicate not only words. Communication occurs at the level of views, gestures, body position. An experienced psychologist will immediately calculate, which of the couple in the cafe is in a quarrel, and what is happy. People who are passionate about each other delay playful glances, their shoulders are completely deployed to each other.


Communication is the most important human need. It is necessary for him on a psychological, conscious and subconscious level. This is the device of our psyche: without communication, a person loses touch with the world, loses himself, is not far away. It is for this reason that psychologists call a spiritual conversation - the best tool from stress and depression. Communicate, contact with loved ones, raise new acquaintances - it takes everyone to psychological health.