Where is the woman's button. Vis Vitalis - Woman

In the musical segment of show business, there is such a thing as "second album syndrome". This is when a new band "shoots" their record to platinum status, collects all possible awards, earns good money, has all the available fans and rests on its laurels for a while. However, time goes by, and star status begins to need reinforcements. This is where the aforementioned syndrome arises: what if it doesn’t work out like the first time, what if it turns out worse, and the project will be buried with all its shaky glory?

I also experienced something like this syndrome when I began to work on this book. After all, everything that I could state on the topic of the relationship between M and F, I have already done, leaving nothing in reserve, in my first two books (“Woman: where is her button” and “Woman: take and use”). The books turned out strong and rightfully became bestsellers, but why write further?

However, after thinking, I realized that in this topic there are still places where no human has set foot. There is more to tell the boys. The third book may become such that it will not need to be compared with the first two according to the criterion of “better or worse”. This one may be completely different than the first, but no less impudent, groovy and, most importantly, necessary.

And how I did it, you be the judge ...

Vis Vitalis

Moscow, October 2008

A man is a hunter who easily falls into all the traps of a woman.

Since I am a renowned humanist, I must warn the reader that reading this book can be dangerous. Subtly feeling and not very stable natures after reading my text may develop paranoia. In fact, I would generally allow this book to be issued, like a firearm, only after presenting a certificate from a doctor about complete mental health and the absence of various addictions.

Nietzsche described a woman as a "little dressed-up lie", and this is true. A woman is made up of manipulation. Some of them are carried out consciously, most of them are not. But, one way or another, a woman is constantly trying to manipulate a man. It is in her genes as a result of a long evolutionary process.

After reading this book, once you have learned to see these manipulations, you will be amazed at how many of them there are and how widely they are used by women. In the end, you may even be afraid or hate women for their (let's face it, sometimes quite nefarious) behavior.

But don't. Let's say no to paranoia. It is still impossible to fix a woman. Yes, this is not necessary ... Therefore, just enrich yourself with knowledge, do not let yourself fool your head, do not get angry and get only pleasure from communicating with women!

Manipulation: Theory

Welcome to the show

We women love sincere men who say what we think of ourselves.

Dorothy Parker

Women, like the dead, love it when only “good or nothing” is said about them. My previous books have become weighty stones thrown into this swamp of female pathos and narcissism. Of course, after this broad gesture, I was subjected to the most, so to speak, captious criticism. The girls did not like it when their names were called what they used to hide. I was accused of misogyny and chauvinism, speculation was made about my mental health and (for some reason) sexual orientation, I was insulted, provoked and even pitied.

Thank you ladies, it's all worked out for me. The bulk of your letters confirmed my conclusions, which only added to my confidence. Not to mention the fact that I finally understood: gender fascism really won unconditionally. The bulk of modern women really consider themselves a superior race, believing a man to be the simplest single-celled, untermensch and a hybrid of a vibrator and an ATM. That such thinking is now extremely common is a sad and indisputable fact, as well as the fact that women adhere to the policy of double standards that is fashionable in our time and allow themselves to say and do things that even in our thoughts will not be allowed to you and me, brother.

Most men point blank do not see such an attitude towards themselves. Go to any bookstore and see what books are now more in demand by women in the field of relationship psychology. You will not see there manuals on the topic, for example, "How to become a good wife", "Relationships without conflicts", "Love and understand a man." Well, in short, some positive advances. But such opuses as “50 ways to manipulate a man”, “Secrets of training men” (the cover shows a kneeling man and a woman with a whip), “How to make a man do whatever you want”, “Control a man like a machine” are presented in abundance. ”, “Man: selection and exploitation”, etc. This is not to mention the multi-volume “Bitch Library”, where the word “bitch” is capitalized.

All of these books (the titles are slightly changed so as not to promote this waste paper) are more or less similar in style and set of techniques.

All of them are based on the idea of ​​​​the unconditional superiority of a woman and a dismissive attitude towards a man (say, in one opus we are called nothing more than a “two-legged beast”, “a trained pet” or simply a “pet”).

All of them are designed to teach the reader, to one degree or another, the dirty tricks of manipulation in order to turn her into a puppeteer, and you, my friend, into an obedient puppet.

Many women (to be fair, I’ll clarify that not all of them) perceive this information with interest and use it to their advantage. They take it for granted and are sure that men, in full accordance with the policy of double standards, should not be given any opportunity to resist this onslaught.

... many men believe that "being under a skirt" is an extreme degree of humiliation of man's dignity. Alas, you are mistaken, our precious ones! If you were allowed under a skirt, you were unexpectedly lucky. This is the highest male happiness! And we are certainly pleased that some of you have already begun to understand this.

Zh. Golubitskaya, "A man as an object"

Like this. Some of us have even begun to understand this. Let us honor their memory with a minute of silence: although they still remained in the world of people, they have already left the world of men.

So, it is clear that a modern woman has long been considering a man as an object for control, manipulation and training. The modern man, as usual, shows an inexplicable good-heartedness and does not pay much attention to it, becoming more and more vulnerable under the onslaught of theoretically savvy bitches. It would seem that here they are, maps of enemy headquarters - freely available, in any bookstore! Read these women's manuals, draw your own conclusions and don't let yourself be fooled, because you are a man, you simply have to be smart and independent! But... in bookstores, boys usually don't go beyond the departments of science fiction and computer literature, so they don't even suspect the scale of the subversive work that is openly being waged against them.

But - calmly.

After all, I'm on your side.

Knowledge can only be opposed to knowledge.

A woman who wants to be your puppeteer deserves to become a puppet herself.

Well, future Master of puppets, are you ready?..

Then welcome to the show!

What is this book about

Every woman should remember that a man is looking for his life partner, not her mistress.

This is the first part of the trilogy “Woman. Where is her button.

1. Woman. Where's Her Button (2003) (this volume).

2. Woman. Take and use (2003).

3. Woman. Submit or Conquer (2008).

You can order and purchase a paper version of this and other books by the author on the official website of Vis Vitalis: www.visvit.ru

The book, written by musician and director Vis Vitalis, is a kind of "masculine" answer to the books in the How to Become a Real Bitch series.

For men of all ages, truthful and cynical information about women is presented here for the first time. The book debunks many myths and misconceptions about the fair sex, explains their goals and methods for achieving these goals, describes the peculiar thinking and features of the female world view, as well as typical female ways of manipulation.

This book will be of invaluable service to both youths just entering a difficult and dangerous sex life, and adult men who want to understand why communication with women in our time is fraught with so many problems.










... And God created a woman.

The creature came out vicious, but funny.

Statement of fact

Preface to the first edition

You should talk about a woman only with men.

F. Nietzsche

So, if you are a woman, you better put the book back and forget about it forever.

What? Won't you? Well then don't say you weren't warned.

And while the world feminist league has not declared a hunt for me, I want to say a few words, namely: I love women, and with mutual love. But ... men are much closer to me, and therefore I fight on their side.

At first I wanted to clarify that the purpose of writing this book was not to give vent to my complexes, to assert myself at the expense of women, to prove anything to myself or to humiliate and insult a woman as such, but then I thought that I didn’t care what there will be a reaction from the public. This book is bad or good, but if you hold it in your hands, it means that you are interested in it. And, of course, it can be useful or harmful: like any other book. But whether it will harm or benefit is up to you.

My task was to write this book, and I did it. Now you step in and do your part well. Agreed, partner?

If this book makes you angry or disappointed, try rereading it carefully.

If it turns out to be useful, I will be glad that I managed to cover your back in this endless war of the sexes.

Most likely because of this book, most ladies will fall into hysterics.

And most men mentally shake my hand.

But... Among women there will be those who, after reading my text, which is certainly hooligan and provocative, will simply shrug their shoulders and remain silent, smiling.

It is to them that I dedicate my book.

P.S. I would like to express my special gratitude to Tatyana Aptu, without whose insistence, participation and help this book would not have been possible.

Moscow, November 19, 2004

Preface to the second edition

Readers of this book, know:
Reading with dispassion, you will understand everything.
Do not drive yourself into the paint in vain:
You will not find malicious infection here.
And don't expect perfection
Special, although there is not without funny.
Do not pick me another argument
Among the painful torments of the century:
More accessible to laughter, not crying, word,
Then, that laughter is a property of man.
F. Rabelais. "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

The first edition of this modest work garnered a decent crop of reviews.

Half of them compared my book to Twisted Sister singer-songwriter Danila Dee Snyder's famous Teenage Survival Course. Of course, I am very flattered by such a comparison, but I want to note that I did not focus on Dee Snyder's book in the process of work (although, perhaps, in vain).

The first edition of the book had a second subtitle, "Hip-Hop Relationships". As a result, many critics wondered what this book has to do with hip-hop. Especially for stupid ... in the sense, for critics, I explain that I have long been captivated by the inherent uncompromisingness of rap, energy, recklessness in judgments, hypertrophied masculinity and a certain frostbite. All this is characteristic of myself, my music and (at least I tried) my book. Although her subtitle could look like "Relationships in the style of punk", because punk and rap, in principle, are adequate to each other. But since the essence of the concept of "punk" in the public mind has long and irrevocably been distorted, then, in general, I had no choice left.

So, hip-hop in general and rap in particular - at least in the sense in which I understand it - imply the utmost sincerity, lack of equivocation, maximum truthfulness and disregard for any conditions and conventions that go against the position and beliefs of the author . And since in our world, where there is a struggle between cynicism and hypocrisy (in other words, between hip-hop and pop), I am unconditionally on the side of cynicism and hip-hop, this explains the mentioned subtitle (although in this edition it is taken from technical reasons, the essence of the book from this, of course, has not changed).

Farther. The first edition of this book was formed in an extremely short time, which is why many issues were covered rather concisely. For someone who can read between the lines and draw independent conclusions from what they read, this was quite enough. The rest of the readers, among whom, of course, the majority of women, remained at a loss, not understanding where the very notorious button, which the title so enticingly reported.

Therefore, in the second edition, I decided to slightly deviate from the previously chosen compressed system of presentation and present information in more detail. I tried to analyze questions in more detail, to call a spade a spade more often, and in general I tried to be more specific in general, so that after reading everything would become clear to any blonde (although I’m not sure that this is possible in principle).

Some I rewrote, some I simplified; almost completely transferred the history of feminism and reflections on it to the appendix (by the way, I do not advise you to neglect it, there are a lot of interesting things there). To make the text more interesting and varied, I added a number of accessible examples - well, this is for easier perception (and also to make the book thicker, because thick books sell out much better).

Some of these stories are more like anecdotes and are taken directly from the Internet by me (after all, any anecdote is a kind of parable, sometimes illustrating a thought better than volumes of abstruse reasoning). So in this regard, I want to express my gratitude to the sites "Jokes from Russia" (http://www.anekdot.ru and http://ostrie.moskva.com) - all such stories are signed with the names or nicknames of their authors.

And lastly, in this book you will find not only the answers, but also the questions themselves. And in the end you will have to answer these questions that life itself puts before you every day. My work, perhaps, will be for you only some help in this.

However, I'm not asking for anything more.

Well, are you strapped in?

It remains only to say "Let's go" and ... wave your hand!

Moscow, 2008

Preface to the third edition

...Times are changing much faster than we notice it ... and than we would like it to.

This book was actually written on a bet during one summer month in 2003.

13 years have passed since then, but I still receive letters of gratitude from men and women. And although there are also enough critics, everything is clear according to the Hamburg account: the book turned out to be both useful and necessary. The cheerful, dashing and provocative text found its readers and fans, and the uncompromising and by no means simple ideas presented in it were developed in subsequent books by other authors. My book helped thousands of men find themselves, taught them how to navigate relationships with women, and most importantly, gave them a reliable foothold in the inhospitable world of ever-changing times.

I am glad that I created this text, although writing books, and even on this topic, was never part of my plans. However, it happened - and, as it turned out, for the better. Therefore - read, my inquisitive friend, re-read, memorize, study, take notes, give this book to a brother or son, be impartial and independent, stand firmly on your feet, remain confident in yourself, and do not be afraid of anything. Times will change more than once, but one thing must remain unchanged: you are a Man, which means you are right.

Vis Vitalis
Moscow, 26.01.2016


He said "intro," Beavis! This is great!

Click the button and get the result.

Technology group

Teach better than your spiders!

I will take the liberty of asserting that in the field of applied psychology of scammers, the majority are not dusty work, and respect with respect is guaranteed.

Almost all works on the topic of applied psychology are written by non-professional psychologists (on the same shelf where you got this volume from, nine books out of ten were created by amateurs). Well, if a non-professional begins to bring his hobby to a commercial level, then one of two things: either he just loves his job very much, or ... he cheats.

I draw such a harsh conclusion from the fact that although a lot of books have been written on the topic of relations between the sexes, I somehow did not come across any really useful ones among them. There are more and more various kinds of fraud, common words, ancient ideas, runs and watering. And even then - writing on this topic is easy and simple. Human relations are such a delicate matter that no one really understands anything, but anything happens in life, so you can shoot recklessly: there are many goals, you can hit some. Well, they're on fire.

Everyone writes on a topic with the general title “How to cheat a sucker of the opposite sex”: women and men are professional psychologists (amateurs are terrible, but professional opuses should be avoided even more carefully) and Internet compilers, leaders of totalitarian sects and half-educated philosophers.

The variety of benefits is Homeric: how to get acquainted, how to conquer, how to find a common language, how to keep ... well, and so on. Tutorials for women look especially touching (you probably know: “How to marry the man of your dreams”, “How to get married successfully”, “How to become irresistible”, etc.).

But it seems that no one has ever written a clear guide for modern men on how to communicate with modern women.

The modern world (first of all, I'm talking about the urban world in which I live myself and in which you probably live) dictates certain conditions of behavior for us. And to me, and to you, and to the ladies around us as well. We are brewing in the same pot, and the rules adopted here and now affect all of us. Women play by these rules especially willingly... They generally love to play by the rules, provided that these rules are beneficial to them... But more on that later.

And so I decided to write such a book, after reading which any man would begin to understand what kind of rules a modern woman lives by, what she wants, what she aspires to, where she is moving and what ways and means she chooses for this.

Moreover, everything is quite simple.

In this book, I will not be smart, load you with psychological terms, puff out your cheeks, lead you by the nose and hang noodles on your ears. This is of no use to me. I am also an amateur, I am not a professional psychologist, not a bookworm, not a journalist, not an empiricist and not a theorist. Everything I'm about to tell you here comes from, you can trust me, more than a rich experience of coexistence with women, many years of successful communication, beautiful operations, convincing victories and instructive defeats.

However, I must immediately warn you: it is foolish to hope that, after reading this work, you will immediately achieve impressive success with women and remove Don Juan and Casanova combined in the first round. This, alas, is impossible ... yes, however, it is not necessary.

It is much more important just to learn to see the world as it is - without conventions and illusions, to look under its casing, to understand what are the mechanisms that move women in this world, and where are those ropes, pulling which you can manipulate them. Well, and, of course, to find out and understand how and why the ladies manipulate you - and that they are constantly trying to do this, I think, is no secret to anyone in our time.

And since women are an important part of this world, by understanding them, you will be able to understand the world in many ways - and therefore yourself.

I didn't write this book for money or fame, so you can be sure I'm not cheating. My task is to make your life easier, dispel misconceptions and help you avoid troubles in dealing with women - you probably already had enough of them (troubles, not women)), because girls always strive to pour this goodness with a vengeance.

So, that's enough.

This number will not work with you again.

Just read carefully - and by the way, keep in mind that this is a very cynical book, so hide your rose-colored glasses in advance so as not to lose sight when they break into smithereens.

Also, do not try to show this book to your girlfriend or discuss the topics covered here with her. If she is not smart enough, and this is most likely, in women this is actually a secondary sexual characteristic, then the reaction will be completely predictable. And you will have one more problem, while our task is for you to have no more of them.

Keep in mind that I'm not trying to create a collection of clear recipes for all occasions. It is impossible in principle. Moreover, the great teachers bequeathed: the main thing is not the method, but the method. That is, life is infinitely diverse, you can’t foresee everything, but if you know the right approach and are able to think logically, then any situation will become transparent for you, and each time you will find your own way of solving the problem, and the most suitable one.

Therefore, the main task of this book is to teach you to correctly understand women, the strategy and tactics of their behavior and get rid of illusions. I will give you the tools with which you can get out of any situation, if not a winner, then at least not a loser.

Well, of course, to instill confidence in you. After all, self-confidence is perhaps the most important thing that each of us needs.

Of course, I'm ready to be slandered as a sexist, male chauvinist and misogynist. Well, what can you do - the prophets are always hard).

Well, if you, the reader, wandered into these pages specifically in search of the button mentioned in the title, I have to disappoint you: the title is just an advertising ploy, and if you bought this book, then it worked).

In fact, a woman does not have any such special button inside.

It would be too easy.

I understand that straightforward male thinking involves just such a mechanized approach, and you hope to get a universal master key to female psychology in the form of this book: click - and you're done! (At this point, for some reason, I was reminded of an old barracks joke: it would be nice if a woman immediately after sex turned into a big pizza and a pack of beer.)

But no, of course not. No sufficiently complex mechanism is controlled by a single button (unless it is an emergency shutdown button), and a woman, despite all her simplicity, is still a rather complex mechanism. In our case, it can be compared ... well, for example, with a three-row harmonica: there are obviously more buttons than one, but not so many that any man could not learn how to play the instrument at the very least. Moreover, on any three-row, as on any woman, all the buttons are located in the same way and when pressed, they give out approximately the same sound.

And in this book, we carefully dissect women's thinking in general and its modern features in particular. Figuratively speaking, you can look behind the scenes, look at radiographs, see the secret in the obvious, pull the hidden threads and get into the cloth row with a kalash snout ... uh ... sorry, delete the last one, this is not from this opera ... Although ... The expression "cloth row" in this context, perhaps not so ridiculous).

I repeat - women are simple, like three-row harmonicas, and obey the pressing of approximately the same keys.

And how well you can play them, I already said, depends only on you. I think girls will be very offended by the term "button", but what can you do, this book is officially declared as a man's book. So if you, girlfriend, climbed in here out of your curiosity, then behave quietly and be glad that you weren’t kicked out.

I also ask you to take into account that all the generalizations in this book do not claim to be one hundred percent true; when I say “women”, I do not mean absolutely all women; when I say “men”, I mean all men. I tried not to force or simplify, but to remember that Plato is my friend, but the truth is more precious, well, and all that.

In short, brother, you understand: cabbage soup in the boiler, loaf on the table, water in the keys, head, I hope, on the shoulders ... Comments and wishes - to the email address [email protected], and ... ambets preamble!

Part I. Basic data and main performance characteristics

Chapter 1

We mature and improve when we understand a woman more deeply.

N. V. Gogol
1.1. No need for illusions

There is a lot of unpleasantness in a woman as such.

N. Smirnova

Much has been written and said about women. And since men have always been worried about this issue, it was they who most often spoke out about female nature. Note that women themselves (not numerous among them are writers, philosophers, directors, etc.) do not particularly extend to this topic. And not because they want to hide something. They just know very well that the question is not worth a damn. They see the problem from the inside and are aware: women are arranged very simply and even primitively (in fairness, I’ll say that men, too, are not the pinnacle of design thought)).

The main problem of the perception of a woman by men is the overestimation of her qualities. And both good and bad. The range of opinions is wide: from “holy, angelic beings” to “all women - b ...” (by the way, both are true, because in principle one does not exclude the other).

A man usually attributes to a woman such traits that he would like to see in her, but which, as a rule, she does not have. That is, by virtue of the straightforward logic inherent in us, we are trying to understand a woman through the prism of our own nature, endowing a woman with our well-known qualities. In fact, women are designed in a different way - even physically. They have depressions where our bulges are, and vice versa.

And so, arguing in this way, a man either sees in a woman some ennobled man; or, realizing that such a perception is untrue, is disappointed and in retaliation endows a woman with the most negative qualities that he can think of. At the same time, a certain demonization of the female image occurs, and the unfortunate loser begins to be afraid of a woman, and therefore tries to get rid of this unpleasant feeling in every possible way. This is clearly seen in teenage and youth informal societies and hangouts, where a dismissive and derogatory attitude towards a woman is just a way to disguise one's misunderstanding of female nature and the fears caused by this misunderstanding.

Let me remind you that most of the most cruel sex maniacs, as psychiatrists found out, bloodthirstyly pursuing women, were actually simply very afraid of them and expelled their own fears with their reprisals, proving their strength to themselves.

I say all this only so that you understand the main thing: almost everything written by men about a woman is a lie, delusion or romantic dreams. A woman is no better and no worse than a man, runs about the "better half of humanity", etc. - this is all garbage.

Women are just different. There is no need to be afraid of them. Overestimate too. They are elementary, their variability is very low. Scientists have calculated that there are only five or seven female psychotypes (men have many times more), they want about the same thing and achieve what they want in the same ways. And learning to understand women is quite easy; it is enough not to imagine too much.

1.2. Us and Them: What is this book about?

A woman is like a handbag - you cannot find what you are looking for in it.

Ryszard Doroda

This book, as you might have guessed, is about women.

And in it I will tell you everything about them in such detail, dispassionately and frankly, as no one has done before. You will be surprised how elementary and naive they are, how easy and simple it is to deal with them, how funny and cute they are, in fact, in their attempts to be smarter, more cunning, more insidious, etc., and also why they need it and what drives them to do so.

You will also find out how difficult it is for them to live in our time. I’m sure you think that it’s difficult for men right now and that “the girls are completely pissed off” - well, this, of course, has its own truth ... But you can’t put a real man in a dead end, this is, by definition, unrealistic. But girls in our time are initially driven into a dead end, although many themselves do not understand this. That is, they have everything they want, they have rights and money, opportunities and prospects, but they still feel that something is going wrong and, as they say in a sad joke, “Christmas decorations are not real.” I will show you the world through their eyes as well - you will understand them and, I hope, you will treat them a little more condescendingly, this is very important in order to avoid problems in your relationship with them.

I will tell you in detail how the dualism of her thinking affects the behavior of a woman, how a woman wants to remain the same as everyone else, but at the same time somehow stand out from the crowd. You will find out why women in general are so similar to each other, and why their main kookies practically do not vary and do not depend on nationality, place of residence, age or education. Indeed, throughout the entire history of the human race described, female nature has not changed - this is easy to see in the wells of folk wisdom, historical documents, the works of philosophers and in the fiction of all times and peoples.

Such female stability that does not depend on anything is explained by the fact that the biochemistry of her body affects the mental state, behavior and thinking of a woman. None of us men have inside such a small chemical factory that is constantly working in any woman. This cyclically producing various hormones factory, in fact, makes women women, but in return guarantees their extremely low variability: certain hormones have a certain and always the same effect on them. This is the intention of nature. Since men do not have this, we cannot even imagine what it is and how dependent women are on the processes that go on inside each of them.

In this book, I will also talk in detail about the biochemistry of the female body, about how and what they feel, carrying their own hormonal production, how hormones affect their behavior and how to relate to all this.

Chemistry is chemistry, but, on the other hand, being also determines consciousness. And a woman, as a creature easily adapting to almost any conditions, without much effort, obeys the laws and rules adopted in a particular society. If “this is the accepted way”, if “everyone does it this way”, if “this is how it should be” - a woman will do just that and nothing else. The most zealous guardians of rituals and traditions are women, by nature they are prescribed to be conservatives - well, there, keeping the hearth and all that. Basically, they do a great job of it. Until the distortions of mass consciousness begin to occur in society, which we are now seeing in modern white societies on all continents. Then these distortions are called feminism, the traditional role of a woman as a guardian and a conservative is declared a consequence of their oppression and enslavement, gender roles begin to change, problems arise and grow in relations between the sexes, and the whole civilization comes to a standstill.

In most of the remaining healthy (read, patriarchal) societies, where feminism is not growing as rapidly as it is here and now, the rules of gender roles are simple, logical and natural for both sexes. In addition, these rules are focused on keeping the demons lurking in a woman, which are in abundance in each of them. In general, the problems of relations between the sexes in such societies are much less, and they are completely different.

And in this book I will tell you a lot of interesting things about feminism and how, in addition to feminist trends, the modern world affects women, how women react to these influences, how their thinking and behavior are changing today ... Well, of course, you will find out how you can benefit from all this knowledge or at least avoid problems).

But once again I remind you that neither here nor further I say absolutely everything women. There are exceptions. Although women are always so similar to each other that small variations could be neglected. But we will not do this - it is good that there are such ladies, and therefore we respectfully put them out of the brackets.

And for the remaining 99 percent, my book will be a fairly complete guide for you. And although, perhaps, in other places and societies (in the countryside of Russia, in religious enclaves, in societies imbued with a national patriarchal spirit, etc.), women are different, if not in essence, then in everyday manifestation, then I will that you and I are surrounded, then everything will be right.

Because in this book I have described only what I know well, and I will tell about the type of modern white woman, characteristic of our urban civilization. Exclusively.


My heart is fourteen years old...

B. Grebenshchikov

I'll tell you for sure (if you don't believe me, ask any of your girlfriends) that women consider you and me to be big children. Here is how, for example, this attitude is reflected in a poem by Irina Snegova:

... You are getting more and more obvious,
Why are you so -
To the graveyard -
shamelessly abandoned
tragic age
A teenager?

Almost all women both grow up in the period of 14-20 years, and then live with approximately the same level of ordinary “adulthood”. resistant organisms. A man is incomprehensible to them with his enthusiasm, impulsiveness. But basically, women's confidence that we are children is based on the following male characteristics.

Men are spontaneous and can maintain a freshness of perception and the ability to be surprised throughout their lives.

Almost all men, until old age, are able to get involved in something and devote themselves to such things that a woman is not able to perceive otherwise than pampering. A man's hobbies are infinitely varied and can be anything: rock and roll, writing, street racing, scuba diving, karting, kiting, rock climbing, DJing, collecting, inventing, political activity, etc., etc. Yes, at least notorious sawing with a jigsaw. A man who is passionate about his business will spend all his time on it, will not spare any expenses, will deny himself food and sleep, but will not betray his business - without his business a man is not a Man, if you understand what I mean.

A woman, on the other hand, regards everything that has nothing to do with her, her beloved, family, or, in extreme cases, health, as a waste of time, fooling around and a wasted hobby. “Whatever the child amuses herself with, if only she doesn’t hang herself,” the woman sighs, not understanding why a man can devote so much energy, time and feelings to things that are completely unnecessary and incomprehensible to her.

While still a student, Andrey became interested in bookbinding - he studied old techniques, ordered an oak edge press with a gobel tongue, knives for leather scraping, stamps, cash registers and other useful things, he added foil, leather, voschanka, mica paper, cypress and beech planks, he learned to weave silk captal and sew overhead locks ...

P. Krusanov "Bom-Bom"

A man who is carried away, “burning”, forgetting everything for the sake of his work, and in fact often behaves like a child, and a woman can only wonder why he “does not grow up” for so long.

It is explained simply. Usually, girls very early find for themselves the most interesting hobby in life: their own appearance plus romantic and family relationships - and devote the rest of their lives to this.

A family guest is talking to an eight-year-old girl.

- What do you want to be when you grow up?

“I don’t know,” she replies.

- Well, why are you so, already such an adult girl, but you still don’t know what you will do in life?

- Don't worry, I'll finish school, then I'll go to college, and there - once or twice - and I'm pregnant!

Ostrie website. RU

A woman, as a rule, is close only to what ... is close to her. That is, all these female things are always in the foreground for them, all the rest of the diversity of the world passes rather in the background and is suitable only for the role of short-term hobbies, and some forms of male occupations are completely incomprehensible to a woman. Most women look at life as if through an embrasure, not realizing that beyond this degree of vision lie vast areas that she has not explored.

Appearing within the studied zone, a man tells a woman a variety of information about the world and places that lie outside the space that she surveys. But the woman does not understand this. Yes, however, she, even understanding, does not feel any interest - after all, she also has enough of the explored area: romantic relationships, her own appearance, everyday issues, etc.

In the fourth year we were taught psychology.

Faculty of Second Higher Education. Students are quite conscious healthy uncles. 30–40 years old.

The teacher, a miniature young girl resembling a dandelion, in love with her subject and herself, chirps cheerfully.

This is the first part of the trilogy “Woman. Where is her button.

1. Woman. Where's Her Button (2003) (this volume).

2. Woman. Take and use (2003).

3. Woman. Submit or Conquer (2008).

You can order and purchase a paper version of this and other books by the author on the official website of Vis Vitalis: www.visvit.ru

The book, written by musician and director Vis Vitalis, is a kind of "masculine" answer to the books in the How to Become a Real Bitch series.

For men of all ages, truthful and cynical information about women is presented here for the first time. The book debunks many myths and misconceptions about the fair sex, explains their goals and methods for achieving these goals, describes the peculiar thinking and features of the female world view, as well as typical female ways of manipulation.

This book will be of invaluable service to both youths just entering a difficult and dangerous sex life, and adult men who want to understand why communication with women in our time is fraught with so many problems.










... And God created a woman.

The creature came out vicious, but funny.

Statement of fact

Preface to the first edition

You should talk about a woman only with men.

F. Nietzsche

So, if you are a woman, you better put the book back and forget about it forever.

What? Won't you? Well then don't say you weren't warned.

And while the world feminist league has not declared a hunt for me, I want to say a few words, namely: I love women, and with mutual love. But ... men are much closer to me, and therefore I fight on their side.

At first I wanted to clarify that the purpose of writing this book was not to give vent to my complexes, to assert myself at the expense of women, to prove anything to myself or to humiliate and insult a woman as such, but then I thought that I didn’t care what there will be a reaction from the public.

This book is bad or good, but if you hold it in your hands, it means that you are interested in it. And, of course, it can be useful or harmful: like any other book. But whether it will harm or benefit is up to you.

My task was to write this book, and I did it. Now you step in and do your part well. Agreed, partner?

If this book makes you angry or disappointed, try rereading it carefully.

If it turns out to be useful, I will be glad that I managed to cover your back in this endless war of the sexes.

Most likely because of this book, most ladies will fall into hysterics.

And most men mentally shake my hand.

But... Among women there will be those who, after reading my text, which is certainly hooligan and provocative, will simply shrug their shoulders and remain silent, smiling.

It is to them that I dedicate my book.

P.S. I would like to express my special gratitude to Tatyana Aptu, without whose insistence, participation and help this book would not have been possible.


Preface to the second edition

Readers of this book, know:
Reading with dispassion, you will understand everything.
Do not drive yourself into the paint in vain:
You will not find malicious infection here.
And don't expect perfection
Special, although there is not without funny.
Do not pick me another argument
Among the painful torments of the century:
More accessible to laughter, not crying, word,
Then, that laughter is a property of man.

F. Rabelais. "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

The first edition of this modest work garnered a decent crop of reviews.

Half of them compared my book to Twisted Sister singer-songwriter Danila Dee Snyder's famous Teenage Survival Course. Of course, I am very flattered by such a comparison, but I want to note that I did not focus on Dee Snyder's book in the process of work (although, perhaps, in vain).

The first edition of the book had a second subtitle, "Hip-Hop Relationships". As a result, many critics wondered what this book has to do with hip-hop. Especially for stupid ... in the sense, for critics, I explain that I have long been captivated by the inherent uncompromisingness of rap, energy, recklessness in judgments, hypertrophied masculinity and a certain frostbite. All this is characteristic of myself, my music and (at least I tried) my book. Although her subtitle could look like "Relationships in the style of punk", because punk and rap, in principle, are adequate to each other. But since the essence of the concept of "punk" in the public mind has long and irrevocably been distorted, then, in general, I had no choice left.

So, hip-hop in general and rap in particular - at least in the sense in which I understand it - imply the utmost sincerity, lack of equivocation, maximum truthfulness and disregard for any conditions and conventions that go against the position and beliefs of the author . And since in our world, where there is a struggle between cynicism and hypocrisy (in other words, between hip-hop and pop), I am unconditionally on the side of cynicism and hip-hop, this explains the mentioned subtitle (although in this edition it is taken from technical reasons, the essence of the book from this, of course, has not changed).

Farther. The first edition of this book was formed in an extremely short time, which is why many issues were covered rather concisely. For someone who can read between the lines and draw independent conclusions from what they read, this was quite enough. The rest of the readers, among whom, of course, the majority of women, remained at a loss, not understanding where the very notorious button, which the title so enticingly reported.

Therefore, in the second edition, I decided to slightly deviate from the previously chosen compressed system of presentation and present information in more detail. I tried to analyze questions in more detail, to call a spade a spade more often, and in general I tried to be more specific in general, so that after reading everything would become clear to any blonde (although I’m not sure that this is possible in principle).

Some I rewrote, some I simplified; almost completely transferred the history of feminism and reflections on it to the appendix (by the way, I do not advise you to neglect it, there are a lot of interesting things there). To make the text more interesting and varied, I added a number of accessible examples - well, this is for easier perception (and also to make the book thicker, because thick books sell out much better).

Some of these stories are more like anecdotes and are taken directly from the Internet by me (after all, any anecdote is a kind of parable, sometimes illustrating a thought better than volumes of abstruse reasoning). So in this regard, I want to express my gratitude to the sites "Jokes from Russia" (http://www.anekdot.ru and http://ostrie.moskva.com) - all such stories are signed with the names or nicknames of their authors.

And lastly, in this book you will find not only the answers, but also the questions themselves. And in the end you will have to answer these questions that life itself puts before you every day. My work, perhaps, will be for you only some help in this.

However, I'm not asking for anything more.

Well, are you strapped in?

It remains only to say "Let's go" and ... wave your hand!


Moscow, 2008

Preface to the third edition

...Times are changing much faster than we notice it ... and than we would like it to.

This book was actually written on a bet during one summer month in 2003.

13 years have passed since then, but I still receive letters of gratitude from men and women. And although there are also enough critics, everything is clear according to the Hamburg account: the book turned out to be both useful and necessary. The cheerful, dashing and provocative text found its readers and fans, and the uncompromising and by no means simple ideas presented in it were developed in subsequent books by other authors. My book helped thousands of men find themselves, taught them how to navigate relationships with women, and most importantly, gave them a reliable foothold in the inhospitable world of ever-changing times.

I am glad that I created this text, although writing books, and even on this topic, was never part of my plans. However, it happened - and, as it turned out, for the better. Therefore - read, my inquisitive friend, re-read, memorize, study, take notes, give this book to a brother or son, be impartial and independent, stand firmly on your feet, remain confident in yourself, and do not be afraid of anything. Times will change more than once, but one thing must remain unchanged: you are a Man, which means you are right.

Vis Vitalis

Moscow, 26.01.2016


He said "intro," Beavis! This is great!


Click the button and get the result.

Technology group

Teach better than your spiders!


I will take the liberty of asserting that in the field of applied psychology of scammers, the majority are not dusty work, and respect with respect is guaranteed.

Almost all works on the topic of applied psychology are written by non-professional psychologists (on the same shelf where you got this volume from, nine books out of ten were created by amateurs). Well, if a non-professional begins to bring his hobby to a commercial level, then one of two things: either he just loves his job very much, or ... he cheats.

I draw such a harsh conclusion from the fact that although a lot of books have been written on the topic of relations between the sexes, I somehow did not come across any really useful ones among them. There are more and more various kinds of fraud, common words, ancient ideas, runs and watering. And even then - writing on this topic is easy and simple. Human relations are such a delicate matter that no one really understands anything, but anything happens in life, so you can shoot recklessly: there are many goals, you can hit some. Well, they're on fire.

Everyone writes on a topic with the general title “How to cheat a sucker of the opposite sex”: women and men are professional psychologists (amateurs are terrible, but professional opuses should be avoided even more carefully) and Internet compilers, leaders of totalitarian sects and half-educated philosophers.

The variety of benefits is Homeric: how to get acquainted, how to conquer, how to find a common language, how to keep ... well, and so on. Tutorials for women look especially touching (you probably know: “How to marry the man of your dreams”, “How to get married successfully”, “How to become irresistible”, etc.).

But it seems that no one has ever written a clear guide for modern men on how to communicate with modern women.

The modern world (first of all, I'm talking about the urban world in which I live myself and in which you probably live) dictates certain conditions of behavior for us. And to me, and to you, and to the ladies around us as well. We are brewing in the same pot, and the rules adopted here and now affect all of us. Women play by these rules especially willingly... They generally love to play by the rules, provided that these rules are beneficial to them... But more on that later.

And so I decided to write such a book, after reading which any man would begin to understand what kind of rules a modern woman lives by, what she wants, what she aspires to, where she is moving and what ways and means she chooses for this.

Moreover, everything is quite simple.

In this book, I will not be smart, load you with psychological terms, puff out your cheeks, lead you by the nose and hang noodles on your ears. This is of no use to me. I am also an amateur, I am not a professional psychologist, not a bookworm, not a journalist, not an empiricist and not a theorist. Everything I'm about to tell you here comes from, you can trust me, more than a rich experience of coexistence with women, many years of successful communication, beautiful operations, convincing victories and instructive defeats.

However, I must immediately warn you: it is foolish to hope that, after reading this work, you will immediately achieve impressive success with women and remove Don Juan and Casanova combined in the first round. This, alas, is impossible ... yes, however, it is not necessary.

It is much more important just to learn to see the world as it is - without conventions and illusions, to look under its casing, to understand what are the mechanisms that move women in this world, and where are those ropes, pulling which you can manipulate them. Well, and, of course, to find out and understand how and why the ladies manipulate you - and that they are constantly trying to do this, I think, is no secret to anyone in our time.

And since women are an important part of this world, by understanding them, you will be able to understand the world in many ways - and therefore yourself.

I didn't write this book for money or fame, so you can be sure I'm not cheating. My task is to make your life easier, dispel misconceptions and help you avoid troubles in dealing with women - you probably already had enough of them (troubles, not women)), because girls always strive to pour this goodness with a vengeance.

So, that's enough.

This number will not work with you again.

Just read carefully - and by the way, keep in mind that this is a very cynical book, so hide your rose-colored glasses in advance so as not to lose sight when they break into smithereens.

Also, do not try to show this book to your girlfriend or discuss the topics covered here with her. If she is not smart enough, and this is most likely, in women this is actually a secondary sexual characteristic, then the reaction will be completely predictable. And you will have one more problem, while our task is for you to have no more of them.

Keep in mind that I'm not trying to create a collection of clear recipes for all occasions. It is impossible in principle. Moreover, the great teachers bequeathed: the main thing is not the method, but the method. That is, life is infinitely diverse, you can’t foresee everything, but if you know the right approach and are able to think logically, then any situation will become transparent for you, and each time you will find your own way of solving the problem, and the most suitable one.

Therefore, the main task of this book is to teach you to correctly understand women, the strategy and tactics of their behavior and get rid of illusions. I will give you the tools with which you can get out of any situation, if not a winner, then at least not a loser.

Well, of course, to instill confidence in you. After all, self-confidence is perhaps the most important thing that each of us needs.

Of course, I'm ready to be slandered as a sexist, male chauvinist and misogynist. Well, what can you do - the prophets are always hard).

Well, if you, the reader, wandered into these pages specifically in search of the button mentioned in the title, I have to disappoint you: the title is just an advertising ploy, and if you bought this book, then it worked).

In fact, a woman does not have any such special button inside.

It would be too easy.

I understand that straightforward male thinking involves just such a mechanized approach, and you hope to get a universal master key to female psychology in the form of this book: click - and you're done! (At this point, for some reason, I was reminded of an old barracks joke: it would be nice if a woman immediately after sex turned into a big pizza and a pack of beer.)

But no, of course not. No sufficiently complex mechanism is controlled by a single button (unless it is an emergency shutdown button), and a woman, despite all her simplicity, is still a rather complex mechanism. In our case, it can be compared ... well, for example, with a three-row harmonica: there are obviously more buttons than one, but not so many that any man could not learn how to play the instrument at the very least. Moreover, on any three-row, as on any woman, all the buttons are located in the same way and when pressed, they give out approximately the same sound.

And in this book, we carefully dissect women's thinking in general and its modern features in particular. Figuratively speaking, you can look behind the scenes, look at radiographs, see the secret in the obvious, pull the hidden threads and get into the cloth row with a kalash snout ... uh ... sorry, delete the last one, this is not from this opera ... Although ... The expression "cloth row" in this context, perhaps not so ridiculous).

I repeat - women are simple, like three-row harmonicas, and obey the pressing of approximately the same keys.

And how well you can play them, I already said, depends only on you. I think girls will be very offended by the term "button", but what can you do, this book is officially declared as a man's book. So if you, girlfriend, climbed in here out of your curiosity, then behave quietly and be glad that you weren’t kicked out.

I also ask you to take into account that all the generalizations in this book do not claim to be one hundred percent true; when I say “women”, I do not mean absolutely all women; when I say “men”, I mean all men. I tried not to force or simplify, but to remember that Plato is my friend, but the truth is more precious, well, and all that.

In short, brother, you understand: cabbage soup in the boiler, loaf on the table, water in the keys, head, I hope, on the shoulders ... Comments and wishes - to the email address [email protected], and ... ambets preamble!

Part I. Basic data and main performance characteristics

Chapter 1

We mature and improve when we understand a woman more deeply.

N. V. Gogol

1.1. No need for illusions

There is a lot of unpleasantness in a woman as such.

N. Smirnova

Much has been written and said about women. And since men have always been worried about this issue, it was they who most often spoke out about female nature. Note that women themselves (not numerous among them are writers, philosophers, directors, etc.) do not particularly extend to this topic. And not because they want to hide something. They just know very well that the question is not worth a damn. They see the problem from the inside and are aware: women are arranged very simply and even primitively (in fairness, I’ll say that men, too, are not the pinnacle of design thought)).

The main problem of the perception of a woman by men is the overestimation of her qualities. And both good and bad. The range of opinions is wide: from “holy, angelic beings” to “all women - b ...” (by the way, both are true, because in principle one does not exclude the other).

A man usually attributes to a woman such traits that he would like to see in her, but which, as a rule, she does not have. That is, by virtue of the straightforward logic inherent in us, we are trying to understand a woman through the prism of our own nature, endowing a woman with our well-known qualities. In fact, women are designed in a different way - even physically. They have depressions where our bulges are, and vice versa.

And so, arguing in this way, a man either sees in a woman some ennobled man; or, realizing that such a perception is untrue, is disappointed and in retaliation endows a woman with the most negative qualities that he can think of. At the same time, a certain demonization of the female image occurs, and the unfortunate loser begins to be afraid of a woman, and therefore tries to get rid of this unpleasant feeling in every possible way. This is clearly seen in teenage and youth informal societies and hangouts, where a dismissive and derogatory attitude towards a woman is just a way to disguise one's misunderstanding of female nature and the fears caused by this misunderstanding.

Let me remind you that most of the most cruel sex maniacs, as psychiatrists found out, bloodthirstyly pursuing women, were actually simply very afraid of them and expelled their own fears with their reprisals, proving their strength to themselves.

I say all this only so that you understand the main thing: almost everything written by men about a woman is a lie, delusion or romantic dreams. A woman is no better and no worse than a man, runs about the "better half of humanity", etc. - this is all garbage.

Women are just different. There is no need to be afraid of them. Overestimate too. They are elementary, their variability is very low. Scientists have calculated that there are only five or seven female psychotypes (men have many times more), they want about the same thing and achieve what they want in the same ways. And learning to understand women is quite easy; it is enough not to imagine too much.

1.2. Us and Them: What is this book about?

A woman is like a handbag - you cannot find what you are looking for in it.

Ryszard Doroda

This book, as you might have guessed, is about women.

And in it I will tell you everything about them in such detail, dispassionately and frankly, as no one has done before. You will be surprised how elementary and naive they are, how easy and simple it is to deal with them, how funny and cute they are, in fact, in their attempts to be smarter, more cunning, more insidious, etc., and also why they need it and what drives them to do so.

(ratings: 1 , the average: 4,00 out of 5)

Title: Woman. Where is her button?

About the book Woman. Where is her button? Vis Vitalis

Vis Vitalis is a famous musician who has released 9 albums of different musical styles. At the same time, he is a documentary filmmaker and author of a trilogy about women. His books caused a public outcry, they were very unusual. Many women considered his work an insult, but the men were delighted with them. For them, they have become a real revelation, from which they draw smart thoughts and ideas. Most note that the author's books helped them better understand female psychology and now they are much less likely to get into unpleasant situations. The first work of the writer “Woman. Where is her button? became a bestseller in the blink of an eye and a kind of answer to the publication "How to Become a Real Bitch". In his book, the author reveals many secrets that help in communicating with beautiful ladies.

Vis Vitalis in his work “Woman. Where is her button? quite cynically stated the truth about women. He debunked many myths and misconceptions about them. A huge plus of the book is that the writer is trying to understand the psychology of the fair sex. In it, he tries to understand their goals, actions, methods of manipulation. Thanks to the systematic work of the author, it will be possible to avoid many traps that the ladies set. Men will also be able to manipulate women later. If you use the advice that is set out in the book by Vis Vitalis “Woman. Where is her button? ”, You can avoid a number of unpleasant situations and build a successful relationship. Many men think that a female boss is a real tyrant. But if you use the tricks described in the work, then you can easily turn evil into good and skillfully communicate with the boss.

The book will be useful both for young guys who are just starting to get acquainted with the fair sex, but also for adult men who have been confused or embarrassed by ladies more than once. Thanks to the advice of the author, they will be able to tame any woman and manipulate her. At the same time, she will not know about it and will use her tricks much less often.

Vis Vitalis in the book “Woman. Where is her button? approached the ladies with deep irony. Many women may not like this job, because they recognize themselves in it. You can treat this work differently, but it's worth reading.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book “Woman. Where is her button? Vis Vitalis in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Quotes from the book "Woman. Where is her button? Vis Vitalis

Any man can be a normal person.

You can immediately take into account for the future: the less a woman is obsessed with a complex of her own appearance, the more intelligent, balanced, tolerant and reliable she is.

I say all this only so that you understand the main thing: almost everything written by men about a woman is a lie, delusion or romantic dreams. A woman is no better and no worse than a man, runs about the "better half of humanity", etc. - it's all garbage.

Nothing pleases a woman so much and is no better compliment for her than the statement that she:
a) better than all other women;
b) unique and unlike anyone else.
Use it to win a woman over to you.

Women are just different. There is no need to be afraid of them. Overestimate too. They are elementary, their variability is very low. Scientists have calculated that there are only five or seven female psychotypes (men have many times more), they want about the same thing and achieve what they want in the same ways.

Girls begin to be interested in love issues from the age of 12-13, “twisting novels” with older boys, consulting sisters, mothers, girlfriends on emerging problems, gradually gaining practical experience.
So by the time when amorous affairs are already beginning to interest their peers-boys, the latter are faced with a well-trained enemy who knows the area well, is well-armed, has an idea of ​​​​the strategy and tactics of battle and is determined to win at any cost.

Most girls will not find it shameful to eavesdrop, peep, read other people's letters, hide the truth and frankly lie, hold on or distort any information in their own interests, snitch, gossip, slander, arrange all sorts of dirty tricks, hypocrisy, slander, and so on. And most girls do all this, do it with pleasure, without worrying about any moral imperatives.
Are you getting a chip?

This is clearly seen in teenage and youth informal societies and hangouts, where a dismissive and derogatory attitude towards a woman is just a way to disguise one's misunderstanding of female nature and the fears caused by this misunderstanding.

It is well known that a woman remembers not at all what you DID for her, but just the opposite - what you DID NOT do for her.

Vis Vitalis

Woman: where is her button?

A guide for the urban cynic: get pleasure from a woman, not problems.

... And God created a woman.

The creature came out vicious, but funny.

Statement of fact


You should talk about a woman only with men.

So, if you are a woman, you better put the book back and forget about it forever.

What? Won't you? Well then don't say you weren't warned.

And while the world feminist league has not declared a hunt for me, I want to say a few words, namely: I love women, and with mutual love. But ... men are much closer to me, and therefore I fight on their side.

At first I wanted to clarify that the purpose of writing this book was not to give vent to my complexes, to assert myself at the expense of women, to prove anything to myself or to humiliate and insult a woman as such, but then I thought that I didn’t care what there will be a reaction from the public. This book is bad or good, but if you hold it in your hands, it means that you are interested in it. And, of course, it can be useful or harmful: like any other book. But whether it will harm or benefit is up to you.

My task was to write this book, and I did it. Now you step in and do your part well. Agreed, partner?

If this book makes you angry or disappointed, try rereading it carefully.

If it turns out to be useful, I will be glad that I managed to cover your back in this endless war of the sexes.

Most likely because of this book, most ladies will fall into hysterics.

And most men mentally shake my hand.

But... Among women there will be those who, after reading my text, which is certainly hooligan and provocative, will simply shrug their shoulders and remain silent, smiling.

It is to them that I dedicate my book.

P.S. I would like to express my special gratitude to Tatyana Aptu, without whose insistence, participation and help this book would not have been possible.


Readers of this book, know:

Reading with dispassion, you will understand everything.

Do not drive yourself into the paint in vain:

You will not find malicious infection here.

And don't expect perfection

Special, although there is not without funny.

Do not pick me another argument

Among the painful torments of the century:

More accessible to laughter, not crying, word,

Then, that laughter is a property of man.

F. Rabelais. "Gargantua and Pantagruel"

The first edition of this modest work garnered a decent crop of reviews.

Half of them compared my book to Twisted Sister singer-songwriter Danila Dee Snyder's famous Teenage Survival Course. Of course, I am very flattered by such a comparison, but I want to note that I did not focus on Dee Snyder's book in the process of work (although, perhaps, in vain).

The first edition of the book had a second subtitle, "Hip-Hop Relationships". As a result, many critics wondered what this book has to do with hip-hop. Especially for stupid ... in the sense, for critics, I explain that I have long been captivated by the inherent uncompromisingness of rap, energy, recklessness in judgments, hypertrophied masculinity and a certain frostbite. All this is characteristic of myself, my music and (at least I tried) my book. Although her subtitle could look like "Relationships in the style of punk", because punk and rap, in principle, are adequate to each other. But since the essence of the concept of "punk" in the public mind has long and irrevocably been distorted, then, in general, I had no choice left.

So, hip-hop in general and rap in particular - at least in the sense in which I understand it - imply the utmost sincerity, lack of equivocation, maximum truthfulness and disregard for any conditions and conventions that go against the position and beliefs of the author . And since in our world, where there is a struggle between cynicism and hypocrisy (in other words, between hip-hop and pop), I am unconditionally on the side of cynicism and hip-hop, this explains the mentioned subtitle (although in this edition it is taken from technical reasons, the essence of the book from this, of course, has not changed).

Farther. The first edition of this book was formed in an extremely short time, which is why many issues were covered rather concisely. For someone who can read between the lines and draw independent conclusions from what they read, this was quite enough. The rest of the readers, among whom, of course, the majority of women, remained at a loss, not understanding where the very notorious button, which the title so enticingly reported.

Therefore, in the second edition, I decided to slightly deviate from the previously chosen compressed system of presentation and present information in more detail. I tried to analyze questions in more detail, to call a spade a spade more often, and in general I tried to be more specific in general, so that after reading everything would become clear to any blonde (although I’m not sure that this is possible in principle).

Some I rewrote, some I simplified; almost completely transferred the history of feminism and reflections on it to the appendix (by the way, I do not advise you to neglect it, there are a lot of interesting things there). To make the text more interesting and varied, I added a number of accessible examples - well, this is for easier perception (and also to make the book thicker, because thick books sell out much better).

Some of these stories are more like anecdotes and are taken directly from the Internet by me (after all, any anecdote is a kind of parable, sometimes illustrating a thought better than volumes of abstruse reasoning). So in this regard, I want to express my gratitude to the sites "Jokes from Russia" (http://www.anekdot.ru and http://ostrie.moskva.com) - all such stories are signed with the names or nicknames of their authors.

And lastly, in this book you will find not only the answers, but also the questions themselves. And in the end you will have to answer these questions that life itself puts before you every day. My work, perhaps, will be for you only some help in this.

However, I'm not asking for anything more.

Well, are you strapped in?

It remains only to say "Let's go" and ... wave your hand!

Moscow, 2008


He said "intro," Beavis! This is great!

Click the button and get the result.

Technology group

Teach better than your spiders!


I will take the liberty of asserting that in the field of applied psychology of scammers, the majority are not dusty work, and respect with respect is guaranteed.

Almost all works on the topic of applied psychology are written by non-professional psychologists (on the same shelf where you got this volume from, nine books out of ten were created by amateurs). Well, if a non-professional begins to bring his hobby to a commercial level, then one of two things: either he just loves his job very much, or ... he cheats.

I draw such a harsh conclusion from the fact that although a lot of books have been written on the topic of relations between the sexes, I somehow did not come across any really useful ones among them. There are more and more various kinds of fraud, common words, ancient ideas, runs and watering. And even then - writing on this topic is easy and simple. Human relations are such a delicate matter that no one really understands anything, but anything happens in life, so you can shoot recklessly: there are many goals, you can hit some. Well, they're on fire.

Everyone writes on a topic with the general title “How to cheat a sucker of the opposite sex”: women and men are professional psychologists (amateurs are terrible, but professional opuses should be avoided even more carefully) and Internet compilers, leaders of totalitarian sects and half-educated philosophers.

The variety of benefits is Homeric: how to get acquainted, how to conquer, how to find a common language, how to keep ... well, and so on. Tutorials for women look especially touching (you probably know: “How to marry the man of your dreams”, “How to get married successfully”, “How to become irresistible”, etc.).

But it seems that no one has ever written a clear guide for modern men on how to communicate with modern women.

The modern world (first of all, I'm talking about the urban world in which I live myself and in which you probably live) dictates certain conditions of behavior for us. And to me, and to you, and to the ladies around us as well. We are brewing in the same pot, and the rules adopted here and now affect all of us. Women play by these rules especially willingly... They generally love to play by the rules, provided that these rules are beneficial to them... But more on that later.