How to learn to speak after the removal of the larynx. Exercises for the male esophageal voice

  • esophageal voice
    the same as...
  • VOICE in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone crying...
  • VOICE in the Dictionary of Musical Terms:
    a set of sounds of different height, strength and timbre, resulting from the fluctuation of elastic voice ...
  • VOICE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • VOICE in Medical terms:
    a set of sounds made by a person with the help of a voice ...
  • VOICE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    see "Russian magazines ...
  • VOICE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    newspaper, 1863-84, St. Petersburg. Received subsidies from the Ministry of Public Education. In the 60s. protective, since the 70s. moderate opposition...
  • VOICE in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    a set of sounds of various heights, strengths and timbres emitted by humans and breathing lungs with the help of the vocal apparatus. G. are accompanied by ...
  • VOICE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    in the physiological sense - tones voluntarily or involuntarily emitted by animal organisms during the passage of a more or less strong stream of air through ...
  • VOICE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • VOICE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a set of sounds of various heights, strengths and timbres made by humans and animals with the help of elastic vocal cords. In most vertebrates...
  • VOICE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -а (-у), pl. -a, -ov, m. 1. A set of sounds resulting from vibrations of the vocal cords. Loud, quiet city of Pevchesky ...
  • esophageal
    Esophageal voice, the same as the pseudo-voice ...
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "VOICE OF RUSSIA", state. radio company, Moscow (broadcasting to a foreign audience). Formed in 1993 on the basis of Moscow. intl. radio. Leads a story from…
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VOICE SINGING, characterized by height (soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone and bass), timbre and mobility (coloratura, lyric, drama, etc.), range ...
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "VOICE OF MOSCOW", daily. newspaper of the Octobrist Party, 1906-15, Moscow (ed. and ed. A.I. ...
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "VOICE OF THE SEA", infrasonic waves arising above the sea surface in strong winds as a result of vortex formation behind wave crests. Because the propagation speed...
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "VOICE OF THE PAST", journal of the history and history of literature, 1913-23, Moscow, 65 books. Main IN AND. Semevsky. Documents and articles on the history of societies. …
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "VOICE OF AMERICA" (Voice of America), governments. US radio station broadcasting in foreign languages. country. Main in 1942, Washington; is included in…
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "GOLOS", daily. newspaper, 1863-84, St. Petersburg. Ed.-ed. A.A. Kraevsky. In the beginning. 1860s received subsidies from the Min-va Nar. enlightenment. From the 70s. …
  • VOICE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    VOICE, a set of sounds that are diverse in height, strength and timbre, arising in terrestrial vertebrates as a result of fluctuations in elastic. vocal cords. V …
  • esophageal
    food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, food bottom, ...
  • VOICE in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    go "los, voices", go "los, voice" in, go "los, go "los, voices" m, go "los, voices", go "voice, voices" mi, go "lose, ...
  • VOICE in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    About strength, loudness; about the character, purity, duration of sound. Babi, velvety, bass, uninterrupted, colorless, faded, bleating, heroic, fast, wadded, squealing, shuddering, ...
  • VOICE in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • VOICE in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms:
    Sound produced in the larynx by the vibration of tense vocal cords close to each other under the pressure of the exhaled ...
  • VOICE in the Popular Explanatory-Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, pl. , voice "a, voice" s, m. 1) Sound, sound resulting from the vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx when air is exhaled from ...
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    Without it, not...
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    Syn: See...
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    Syn: See...
  • VOICE in the Dictionary of synonyms of Abramov:
    voice, screech, boom, sound, scream. (Voices: alto, baritone, bass, treble, soprano, tenor, fistula. Bleating, squealing, howling, buzzing, croaking, croaking, screaming, ...
  • esophageal in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    adj. 1) Related by value. with noun: the esophagus associated with it. 2) Peculiar to the esophagus, characteristic of ...
  • esophageal in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin.
  • esophageal in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • esophageal in the Spelling Dictionary.
  • VOICE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    Lib inner motivation, awareness of something G. conscience. G. honor. G. mind. G.'s inner voice is an opinion, a statement by G. the reader. Submit Mr...
  • VOICE in the Dahl Dictionary:
    husband. the voice of the church sound, ringing, viscous noise of various kinds; sound or tongue from the larynx of a person or animal. What a voice...
  • esophageal
    esophageal, esophageal (anat.). App. To …
  • VOICE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    voices, pl. voices, m. 1. The sound of the vocal cords, screaming, speech, singing. A voice was heard in the distance. Scream with a loud voice. In full voice. During…
  • esophageal in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    esophageal adj. 1) Related by value. with noun: the esophagus associated with it. 2) Peculiar to the esophagus, characteristic of ...
  • esophageal in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
  • esophageal in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adj. 1. ratio with noun. esophagus associated with it 2. Peculiar to the esophagus, characteristic of ...
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    - zones with a cuff to stop bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus. It is a three-lumen probe - drainage is performed through one lumen ...
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Cancers of the larynx are among the most common among all types of oncological tumors. Almost all cases of these ailments require radical surgical treatment - complete removal of the larynx. In this case, the patient's breathing is carried out through a tracheostomy and he forever loses the ability to speak. But modern medicine has some possibilities for restoring voice after removal of the larynx.

In order to recreate sonorous speech, the patient needs to artificially create a phonation organ that compensates for the absence of the larynx. In addition, a restructuring of conditioned reflex connections in the central nervous system to brand new ones. Naturally, it is impossible to restore the voice that a person had before the operation, however, rehabilitation measures aimed at creating an artificial voice of speech can help the patient as much as possible in social adaptation as well as communication with others.

In order to form a pseudo-voice for the patient, doctors make a new physiological formation in his esophagus, which resembles the glottis. Pronunciation of sounds occurs during the closing and opening of the walls of the esophagus. Each person has a kind of air cushion inside the esophagus, and in order to make a speech, it is necessary to develop a mechanism to retain most of the air in it, this will help making a speech.

After surgery for resection of the larynx and after radiotherapy, all patients should undergo speech therapy courses of special corrective classes in order to develop the ability to normally control their new vocal apparatus.

Before starting voice rehabilitation classes, the patient should be examined by a loroncologist to make sure that there are no oncological tumor metastases and other contraindications. In the presence of severe irritation or inflammation near the tracheostomy, narrowing, recent myocardial infarction or hypertension of 2-3 degrees, corrective exercises are also contraindicated.

The esophageal voice is nothing more than a normal belching of air. But this method of restoring voice functions has several significant drawbacks: the voice sounds low and intermittent, in addition, it is unintelligible. Quite often, the contents of the stomach can be thrown into the esophagus, which causes the development of reflux esophagitis or stenosis of the esophagus, which further complicates the patient's serious condition.

Practice shows that not all patients can learn to speak using the esophagus, so almost 40% of patients cannot master this type of speech.

Preparatory stage. At this time, psychotherapeutic methods of correction are used. Of the exercises, playing the harmonica is used, as well as physiotherapy exercises aimed at developing breathing skills using a tracheostomy.

Formation of a pseudo-voice mechanism inside the esophagus, as well as skills in esophageal pronunciation. Exercises involve imitation of vomiting movements with an open mouth in a standing position and lying down several times in a row. At first, the patient learns to pronounce words beginning with the consonants K and T. Classes last no longer than five minutes.

The automatism of the formation of esophageal speech is being worked out. The patient should pronounce the shortest sentences and achieve intelligibility. The first to learn are those phrases that the patient will need in everyday communication.

At the last stage, the range of speech is expanded and the timbre of the voice is practiced. The patient can even read poetry and sing songs.


This method consists in the use of a specially invented instrument - the electrolarynx. A sound generator is applied to the neck area under the larynx at a time when the patient wants to pronounce a word. In this case, it is necessary to learn a special articulation, which causes the sound generator to vibrate and pronounce sounds. This technique has the following disadvantages: the voice becomes metallic and is not pronounced clearly. In addition, there is a lot of interference and noise, the patient speaks like a robot, without expression and tonality.

Often, even after acquiring such a device, a person tries not to use it, trying to find non-verbal ways of communication.

To date, this method is considered the most effective and progressive. In order to restore voice function, it is necessary to bypass the trachea and esophagus, as well as valve replacement.

The essence of the method is that the patient is made an anastomosis between the esophagus and the trachea, and a special silicone prosthesis is sewn into it. The valve functions by passing some air from the trachea into the esophageal cavity, while the contents of the esophagus do not enter the trachea.

Closing the tracheostomy, the patient directs the air and pronounces the words. At the same time, the voice becomes sonorous, clear and even. Today, there are special filters that do not even need to be covered with a hand. A qualified specialist will help you choose the right model.

Now, even after a laryngeal resection surgery, voice restoration can be achieved using advanced methods for prosthetics and the creation of voice generators.

Exercise 7

«Sol» small octave |

"Si" » » | Third

Exercise 8


Exercises 7 and 8 can be varied: starting with exercise 8, go to exercise 7. Vocal exercises should not cause much tension, that is, from the two proposed, you should first choose the most accessible to the patient.

After these two exercises will not cause difficulties, proceed to the next.

Technique for restoring sonorous speech after laryngectomy

Exercise 9

"Sol" small octave A

"C" » » U Triad

"Re" of the first octave )

"Re" of the first octave A

"Si" small "U" Triad

"Salt" " " )

Exercise 9 should be performed extremely slowly, making pauses every 2-3 minutes. At the same time, long-term singing of one sound in the available range is recommended. If there are no difficulties in performing these exercises, they switch to the performance of familiar melodies in the available ranges.

Singing musical phrases from familiar popular songs stimulates fluency and modulation in the esophageal voice.

Exercise 10. V. Solovyov-Sedoy, "Moscow Nights", the first phrase.

Exercise 11. I. Dunaevsky. “Wide is my native country,” the first phrase.

Exercises for the female esophageal voice. When working on the female esophageal voice, additional difficulties arise. The lack of modulation and the low tone of the esophageal voice are extremely traumatic for women. First, exercises are applied to increase the modulations, and then to expand the range.

Exercise 12

"Do" \ "Sol""I

"Mu" g first octave "Mi" G first octave


"Do" L

"Mi" At first octave

"Salt" ;

S. L. Taptapova

™ i? G bH ° DIMO note > that for greater efficiency and stability of the timbre, some patients who have a special

with N and O m H ost T and WORSE **™°» esophageal rZ "a, depending on their mood and general condition, it is recommended to repeat it yourself necessary exercises for a long time, no longer visiting a speech therapist

Restoration of sonorous speech in patients after resection or removal of the larynx. - M., 1985.

S.L. Taptapova

Fundamentals of phonopedia

||, V modern society the number of voice-speaking professions is constantly increasing. Large vocal loads also impose increased demands on the vocal apparatus, in connection with which there is a “necessity! the development of preventive measures to preserve the health of the voice and the search for the most rational ways to restore it in cases of violations. Pedagogical techniques for establishing voice were singled out in the speech pathologist section - phonopedia. Phonopedia is a pedagogical pro-based on the physiology of voice formation and didactic principles. The study of the mechanism of voicing provided a physiological justification for phonopedic techniques and confirmed their leading role in the functional training of the vocal apparatus. Phonopedia can be defined as the cultivation of the skills of proper elo-knowledge with a minimum load on the voice sharat of the larynx and the gradual activation of the muscular sharat.

Phonopedia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. developed along the lines. In Germany, one of its founders was N. Gutzmann, in France, G. Taurneau. In Russia, phonopedia began to develop at the beginning of the 20th century. V.N. Niki-Shin and A.F. Ivanov (1910), E.N. Malyutin (1924) pointed out the need to correct the voice using ^dagogic methods, and also suggested some schemes for normalizing the voice function. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, E.N. Malyutina (1924), F.F. Zasedatelev (1925), who described the various exercises proposed for setting the voice. In the works of German authors, Published with late XIX v. and to this day, much attention is paid to articulation exercises. French and Italian authors focus on physical exercises.

S. L. Taptapova

Fundamentals of phonopedia

Difficult to perform. Naturally, with patients whose voice disorders are accompanied by neuropsychiatric disorders, voice restoration classes are carried out against the background of drug treatment prescribed by a psychoneurologist or psychiatrist.

All the methods developed and described by us have been introduced into the practice of domestic healthcare, and some of them are also used abroad.

Dmitriev L.V., Telelyaeva L.M.; Taptapova S.L., Ermakova I.I. Phoniatry and phonopedia. - M., 1990. - S. 155-157.

S. L. Taptapova

In the 30-40s in the works of F.F. Zasedateleva (1935,1937), I.I. Levidova (1938), E.M. Voronina (1939) gave clear indications of the need for differentiated use of phonopedic exercises in various diseases of the vocal apparatus, and also outlined the scientific foundations of voice production.

During the Great Patriotic War The primary task of doctors and speech therapists was to restore the voice in connection with injuries to the vocal apparatus. In the monograph M.I. Fomichev "Fundamentals of Phoniatrics" (1942) much attention is paid to phonopedic exercises.

In the 50s, in the works of domestic scientists, a significant place was given to the restoration of the voice function after surgical interventions for neoplasms of the larynx [Bokshtein F.S., 1954; Sendulsky I.Ya., 1954; Zimont D.I., 1958; Svetlakov M.I., 1964]. In the same period, works appeared devoted to the study of the acoustic structure of the sounds of the Russian language [Varshavsky L.A., 1955; Litvak I.I., 1959]. In the monograph by A.T. Ryabchenko (1964) describes a combination of breathing and phonopedic exercises recommended by the author for functional voice disorders. Studies on the acoustic structure of vocal speech conducted by V.P. Morozov (1967), for the first time made it possible to talk about the biophysical possibilities of the singing voice at the level of modern scientific knowledge. The study of the mechanisms of voice formation, the determination of the acoustic parameters of the voice, the use of electronic laryngostroboscopy allowed speech therapists to develop differentiated phonopedic techniques.

The basis for phonopedic exercises is the correction of phonation breathing, which changes with most voice disorders. Complexes of purposeful differentiated exercises, easy to remember, were developed by E.Ya. Zolotareva (1984). Breathing correction is carried out in parallel with phonopedic training. The methods proposed by us are compiled taking into account the physiology of voice formation, the acoustic parameters of the voice and the observance of didactic techniques. The patient should only do effective exercises which are justified physiologically and not

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