As you can quickly calm down in the stressful situation. How to calm down in a stressful situation: three effective relaxation methods

The accelerated pace of modern life obliges tirelessly colliding with stressful situations. It's not always possible to calm down in time, and the help of a psychologist for many is inaccessible - it simply does not have time, possibilities or desire. Therefore, to comprehend science self-control emotions. Otherwise, it is not possible not only to "fall into the dirt face" in a responsible moment, but also to undermine their own health.

What do specialists say? Their advice: start training on trifles, for example, in eternal queues in the clinic, in small slaughter in public transport, etc. It is possible to learn how to wrap the stressful situation into the usual everyday phenomenon and stop worrying.

Where does stress come from?

Speaking simple languageStress appears in the form of a reaction to a strong brain voltage. The failure in the work of the body of thinking leads to a violation in the functioning of all organ systems: a person falls into a stupor, wild headaches appear, there is a zeal to make something not peculiar to him earlier.

When most often the human brain is in suspense? Undoubtedly, in the workplace. Standing stress sooner or later leads to depression. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, experts advise practicing a number of special techniques that will quickly calm down in stressful situation.

3 best way to overcome stress

Let's wonder what methods help calm down in a stressful situation. For the convenience of the perception of information, we bring them to the table:

Breathing exercisesDue to the breathing exercises, blood is enriched with oxygen, gets rid of adrenaline. At the time of stress, experts advise:

  • deep breathe, stay and count to ten;

  • make a somewhat deep, unfinished inhale-exhalation. Next, restore your breath for a few seconds and resume the session;

  • start breathing somewhat deeper than usual. Focus on the respiratory process, presenting how air is in the lungs;

  • sharply breathe and strongly squeeze the fingers in the fists and pull out the fingers. Repeat 10 times.

MassageMassage of finger pads will help to cope with stress (each finger is massaged for 3 minutes).

You can also focus on the point in the middle of the chin. It must be massaged by circular motions in both directions alternately (9 times).

An alternative option is to actively lose the uche, whiskey.

MeditationThe task of the methodology is the creation of a peaceful and relaxed image. For this purpose, you can use affirmations - positive internal statements that help quickly change the direction of thoughts. Repeated phrases should be simple, laconic do not contain particles "not". For example, "I am absolutely calm", "harmony reigns inside me", etc. Several such repetitions will help calm the nerves and remove stress, the main thing is to believe.

8 additional weapons against nerves

Often used techniques in the fight against stress do not end. Take yourself in the hands in time and back to full life will help another behavior tactic. Among them:

  1. Exercise stress. Exercise helps "burn" a hormone of stress, replacing the latter on the hormone of happiness - endorphin. Therefore, at the time of emotional overvoltage, several simple exercises must be made. If you have time, you can go to the gym, swim in the pool or affect aerobics.
  2. Aromatherapy. Remove the emotional oil tension of orange, lavender, mint, as well as Melissa, Bergamot, Cedar. Oil can be used by applying it to the area of \u200b\u200bthe temples, wrists (in small quantity) or to use the aromalamp. At the bottom of the lamp, a round candle is installed, the top is filled with water by 5-10 ml. In the liquid you need to drop a few drops of the selected oil, light the candle and inhale the flavor.
  3. Laugh. To gain peace of mind in stressful situations, you can see a comedy or plenty of positive pictures, remember fun stories from life. It will relax well and give confidence the presentation of the object of its irritation in the comical image, say, boss with deer horns or orlin beak.
  4. Dreams. The main task at the time of stress is to postpone the attention to something positive and pleasant. It may be a paradise island, a kebab in nature, a favorite sofa and a cup of coffee, children's hugs or a chocolate bar. The main thing is that the visualized thing causes pleasant feelings, which will have to delay in memory within a few minutes. A particularly effective technique will be at the time of excitement before an important meeting or exam.
  5. Water time. Soothe the broken nerves will help warm shower. Water "flushes" negative emotions, eliminating a person from stress. You can try contrasting water procedures, however, it is not worth overdoing to avoid excitement nervous system. It is important to take exactly a shower, not a bath.
  6. Screw agents. Universal option - a boxing pear. The usual pillow is suitable, which can be widged. How to be if stress found at work? You can take advantage of special anti-stress things. We are talking about plasticine, a soft ball or a toy styled by miniature balls. The easiest option is a towel in the desktop bedside table: when the situation is glowed to the limit, it can be squeezed, squeeze (like washing) and throw sharply.
  7. Dance. Motor meditation will calm the nerves in two bills. Expression in the dance will help to remove clips and destroy the corporal blocks, contributes to physical relaxation. At the same time, it is not necessary to stick to any specific rules - you can dance, giving will with emotions. In the process, it is not necessary to think about the beauty of movements, the actual task is to calm down.
  8. The technique of calm contemplation for obsessive thoughts. During the practice, you need to be in a quiet place, close your eyes and try to observe the arising images. At the same time, it is important not to respond to them, not evaluating - to allow thoughts just to go to your man. We gradually appear pauses that will help to feel the completeness of being. The tactics of a third-party observer for thoughts will not allow the negative to take the top, it will come to the thought, will help the situation to resolve themselves.

Attention! We must not forget about the miraculous effect of some folk remedies. Calm the nerves will help the infusion of vibrations (1st art. L. Herbs per 500 ml of boiling water). However, this method can be resorted for no more than 2-3 times a week.

You can quickly reassure yourself in the next stress situation, however, none of the practices guarantees the lack of further stress. That is why it is very important to try to work on your emotions, change their charge, turning out of negative in positive. And one more important point, which is worth taking into account: on human feelings Manipulators are very skillfully able to play. Reference, probably, your condition is simply beneficial to a third-party person, but does it need you?

There are difficult situations when there is a need to calm themselves, let's find out how best to do it.

I can not calm down: what to do?

your location is in a strong stressful situationYou feel the excitement, nervous experiences, it is difficult for you to stop in place.

Perhaps in the field of solar plexus there was an unpleasant feeling, heartbeat is rapidly.

All these are signs that you are in state of nervous voltage.

If you are very worried, try not to scroll through the thoughts negative plot and a bad way to develop the situation.

You are worried, start thinking about bad, as a result stress and excitement are even more strengthened.

Therefore, first of all, we should provoke negative emotions.

How to learn to calm yourself?

To learn how to calm themselves quickly, it is master self-control skills. If you have a strong nervous system, you greatly retain self-control in a variety of situations, it is easier to calm down.

However, the inhabitants of megacols daily affect a huge number of stress factors. Eventually the nervous system is increasingly loosened, And every time calm down becomes more difficult.

Methods of co-condominium with their nervous system:

Methods without drugs

When we are nervous, then try to resort to help soothing. The problem is that they can lead to the opposite effect.

Before entering the office, make some deep and slow breaths. Do not drink too strong soothingOtherwise there is a risk to seem inhibited, and mental activity will become slow.

Customize yourself that even if you are not taken at this work, this is not the end, there are many other options. Imagine that this is a game where you try your hand.

How to fall asleep?

How to calm down before bedtime?

For residents of large cities, the problem of insomnia is more than relevant. Each at least once came across the inability to fall asleep.

How to get yourself to sleep? There are several rules and recommendations.:

  • do not look before bedtime TV, terrible and dramatic films filled with experiences;
  • come to a minimum communication in social networks if they cause you stress and irritation;
  • drink warm milk with honey, if there are no contraindications to these products;
  • do not eat before bed too tight. If appetite appeared, then it is better to use a glass of kefir;
  • lighten meditation;
  • walk before bedtime will help to sleep;
  • stick the day mode, teach yourself to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • strong overwork contributes to bad sleep, adjust your schedule and load.

If insomnia becomes a reason for constant malaise, contact your doctor.

Don't worry

- Natural phenomenon.

Almost every woman passes through the child's birthday process. Now technologies are on high level , Doctors track any changes in the state of women in the manual, so risks are minimal.

Birth - Natural process. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Psychologists work in the maternity hospital, you can sign up for consultation. Do not watch the video of childbirth, if it causes you stress and negative experiences.

Nice results It gives a visit to special studies for pregnant women, where the consultant will tell you how childbirth goes, will teach correctly breathe and behave in the process and after them.

Before flying by plane

At first glance it seems that it is very scary to climb the sky. However, if you pay attention to the statistics, you will see that the plane is one of the safest modes of transport.

On ordinary roads, the catastrophe occurs daily, the aircraft successfully come to the destination. We are scared, because the accidents with aircraft are voiced in the media, they are usually large.

We are accustomed to autoavaria and consider it a natural accompaniment of modern life. Do not look into the portholeIf it causes you an unpleasant feeling. Turn on a pleasant and relaxing music, remember the breathing practices.

Before surgery

Doctors and psychologists have long noticed that the success of the operation largely affects the patient's patient.

Stop cheating and thinking about bad. If you have any fears, discuss them with your doctor.

Do not discuss the operation With people who do not have the appropriate knowledge.

Before important day try to avoid additional stress, do not see dramatic films, do not listen to people who can configure you to negative. Tell me that everything will be wonderful.

After a quarrel

How to calm down after a quarrel with her husband? Relations inside the family are often the cause of stress and increased nervousness. A cloth with a close person for a long time knocks out of the rut. What to do:

  • try at the time of finding out the relationships do not cross the person, even if the partner is trying to do it;
  • keep composure;
  • finish the conflict first;
  • resentment is not the best way to calm yourself, try not to develop this feeling in yourself;
  • each person has the right to his own opinion, so the best option is to search for a compromise;
  • think what is more important for you - the subject of the dispute or the preservation of relationships with relatives;
  • drink a glass of water or mint tea;
  • relax and remove stress will help the bath with aromashals or sea salt.

If it continues, go out into the street, raise the fresh air, go around the house - physical activity will help reduce the level of stress and calm down.

In trouble at work

If you overtake trouble at work, think about what you can always find another employment. Hold on to the position, which is the cause of constant stress, is not worth it.

Work is part of our life, but she is not so importantTo worry about it because of it.

How to pay off anger in yourself if all infuriates?

If everything infuriates and annoys, it is necessary to find why it happens. Often the reason becomes the problem with the thyroid gland - in this case the doctor will recommend the appropriate treatment.

If you are observed, go to a psychologist, he will hold a primary consultation, will give recommendations.

Irritated nervous system there is no reason. Often our bad mood Signals about problems inside the body, so it will be worthwhile to go to the therapist and a full survey.

Pay attention to the following tips:

  1. Learn to perceive the world more calmly. What annoys you? Noisy neighbors, a crowd in transport, stupid people? Many little things are not worth our attention, just try to ignore them. An annoying crowd in transport - go on foot, buy a car or order a taxi. Do not like the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation - a great reason to move. Irritate work - and what keeps you on it - find another, the reason that it is difficult is just an excuse.
  2. Find a hobby, which will enjoy.
  3. SportsMove more, activity allows you to get rid of negative emotions.
  4. Diverse your life, do not limit yourself to the house and work - meet with friends, go to the movies, go to the weekend to another city - your body and psyche need a shakement and a change in the situation.

In many ways, the reason for our nervousness - unbalance of the nervous system. Change lifestyle, it is easier to treat situations and surrounding people, and then the reasons for experiences will be much less.

How to calm down? Methods:

Modern life is invariably connected with constant stress. A complex work schedule, a quick pace of life and other factors fold into a serious impact on the psyche. Overcoming stressful situations is a useful skill that can only be purchased. Fighting with nervous experiences must be able to be able, because

the experiences affect negatively not only in the state of the nervous system, but also on health as a whole. So how to calm down in a stressful situation and stop worrying in vain?

Serious conflict or problem absorbing a person completely, posing by his emotions and attention. It is not surprising that stress appears immediately. Try not to take the whole blow to yourself. Just imagine that all what is happening is a movie or a roller you see on the screen. Experiment: Scroll through the events like a black and white film, reduce the volume or reduce the size of the picture. You will notice that the situation ceases to cause the previous heat of emotions. Knowing situations with this method, you can not feel your involvement in each problem.

Change the scale of the problem

Another similar method proposes to learn how to change the scale of conflicts and problems. If you do not know how to calm down in a stressful situation, and the stress is growing, think about everything as about bustle. What will happen if you look at the city from above? Or present our planet in space? The scale of the problem will significantly decrease. If the stars are not too inspired, try otherwise. Imagine that since the events exciting you have passed the years. What will you feel in ten years? Maybe not even remember the conflict? Or does the problem cause a smile? After such an analysis, spoil the nerves and spend time on experiences will want much less.

Fight negative thoughts

How to calm down in a stressful situation if the whole problem is constantly overwhelming you alarming thoughts? The development of events for the worst scenario again and again scrolls in the head, depriving the ability to soberly look at the world, stress increases, and the problem begins to move along a closed circle. Certain thoughts can be concentrated on external objects. Try to relax and look around. It doesn't matter what to attract your window or some object of the interior. Just focus on it, turn on everything and allow negative thoughts at least temporarily leave you. Since it is sometimes extremely difficult to calm down in a stressful situation, combine this method with measured and deep breathing. So you can withstand the tension also physically. Over time, smooth breathing and ability to concentrate on abstract things will be in a habit, and stressful situations can no longer control your feelings and thoughts. You will respond to what is happening adequately, staying away from the problems, and therefore solving them without a threat to your own health.

Stressful situations climb us at every step: at work, in public areas, at home.

Everyone can face hostile or aggressive behavior, becoming an eyewitness of the road accident, to be in a situation where health threatens a serious danger or just hear the unpleasant news.

The body's reaction turns out to be predictable: the level of adrenaline increases, the heartbeat is rapidly and the breath is shot. What to do to quickly calm down and return to the usual state? We offer several working methods that will help to do this in 5 minutes or less.

Slow account in mind

This method is relevant when you are provoked to an outbreak of aggression. In order not to demonstrate uncontrolled emotions around others (especially children who do not listen), the easiest way to silence for a few seconds and start slowly read in mind.

It is enough to reach ten or twenty, every time representing a number in the form of a physical object. Drinking to the visualization, you will gradually return to a resource condition and are more likely to solve the problem with a civilized way, without screams and hysterics.

Stabilization of breath

Respiratory techniques are the first assistants in the fight against stress. Proper breathing will help within a few minutes to significantly reduce the level of adrenaline. Scientists explain this by the fact that with uniform respiration, the muscles are obtained more oxygen, and the amount of adrenaline in the blood is automatically reduced. We offer three simple way breathe so as to quickly calm the nervous system.

The way to calm down 1.

Make alternately 3-4 deep and as much fast inhale-exhalation. Inhale the air through the nose, and exhale through your mouth. Take a five-second pause and repeat the exercise again, and then another 3-5 times. This will help remove the nervous tension and stabilize the breath.

The way to calm down 2.

Inhale as deep as possible in the usual rhythm. Concentrate on each breath and try to breathe correctly, without jerks. So you calm the body for 3-5 minutes.

The way to calm 3.

Do a sharp breath, at the same time squeezing fists. At the outlet, throw thumbs forward and relax them. Concentrate equally and breathing, and in hand. There are enough 10-12 repetitions to prevent a nervous splash in an emergency situation.

Visual shift clip art

In this way, you must connect fantasy and the ability to visualize the objects seen earlier. To quickly calm down, draw water in your imagination. She, as well as items and white background, are very well chosen. If possible, take a convenient and most relaxed pose, close your eyes. Slowly inhale and exhale, representing the sea coast or waterfall on the background of a light blue sky with white clouds. Try to feel how the water gently touches your body, enveloping and washing it, and then drains, carrying out experiences and bad thoughts. Keep the concentration within 4-5 minutes.

Contact with water

Go from imaginary water to the real one. It is not necessary to take a bath or stand in the shower under the jets - you have enough conventional tap with water. First prepare: Loosen the clasps on clothes, blossom hair (if you have) and get rid of everything that prevents easier. Open the cool water and substitute your hands.

After a few seconds, attach wet palms to the neck and massage it with the pillows of your fingers, applying a small force. After 2-3 minutes of massage, wash your hands again and imagine that the circumstances that put you into the stressful state were taken to the drain.

Black chocolate or honey

Two or three pieces of bitter chocolate will help reduce the level of stress and raise the mood. The main thing is not to abuse this method and choose dark chocolate with a large content of cocoa beans - from 60% and higher. The editorial board clarifies that the teaspoon of natural honey has similar properties.

And if you cannot fall asleep due to nervous overvoltage, spread it in a glass of warm milk and drink slow sips. If the stressful situation does not require immediate interference, you will fall out for a few minutes.

Light self massage

The two main zones that need your attention is the head and hand brushes. First experts are recommended to massage using a conventional brush. Slowly comb hair for 5 minutes - it will help to normalize blood supply and relax the muscles of the head. Additionally, make a point massage of the area located above the nose between the eyebrows. Palms just just actively lose each other until they become hot.


People with centuries use smells for treatment, and calm the nervous system is one of the few possibilities of fragrant oils. It is not necessary to include the aroma or to light the aromaways, even 2-3 drops of oil are suitable, confused between the palms. Some formulations successfully neutralize chemical substanceswhich activate the nervous processes in the human body.

Sweet orange, ylang-ylang, lavender, geranium oils cope with this feature. They calm the nerves, help relax and cope with disappointments, normalize sleep. If you are outside the house, use oils in the form of spray.

Hot drink

Fans "Theory Big bang"Surely you are familiar with the peculiarities of Sheldon Cooper's nature (actor Jim Parsons played in the series). Sometimes its principles are very useful and able to help in a stressful situation. For example, a divergent friend Sheldon always offers a cup of hot tea.

This method works, especially when it comes to herbal tea, chamomile decoction or rosehip. In the editorial, I bought it. I checked: these drinks are really able to stabilize blood pressure, normalize breathing and relax the intense organism.

Easy rearrangement

This method is suitable for those who try to quickly remove stress in a familiar room - for example, at home or in the office. According to oriental practices, to get rid of sorrow, you need to move 27 items.

Do not immediately grab soft furniture And tables with chairs. It is enough to move the flower pots, stationery items and decor, swap pictures or frames with photos. Perhaps with unusual it will take more than five minutes, but the result is worth it!

Fixing thoughts on paper

If you are about to explode, take a handle or pencil in your hands, sit down and start writing what bothers you. Do not worry: You will not live a stressful situation again, and rethink it, posing on paper, as well as get away from the main stimulus.

To achieve the greatest effect, burn a letter or destroy it in any other way, imagining that with him the reason for heavy anxiety goes.

To evaluate how tense you are in lately, Editorial Find out. offers you to take a test and find out: What do you feel right now?
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Sometimes stress can caustize you by surprise and seriously damage your productivity. In his book "Without stress. A scientific approach to the fight against depression, anxiety and burnout ", the author and doctor Mithu Storoni shared emergency ways, which will be useful to you to cope with emotions in the stressful situation.

In our fussy eyelid, stress for the most part has a psychosocial nature: we are exhausted by rude passersby, demanding authorities and eternal problems on the roads. Our emotional compatibility hospitably smashes the doors before stressful factors.

Previously, such a reaction would help win time and save your life, today, on the contrary, becomes a threat. Such a sensitivity of the emotional brain can play with you a cruel joke: if he sees the tsunamis in a light storm, and he accidentally pushed you a passerby perceives as an earthquake, then an ordinary rainy day is felt as the last day Pompeii.

Over time, the emotional brain gets used to being in constant voltage And unable to come back, although it is much easier to survive a rainy week than seven days of hurricane.

Emotion management

The emotional brain resembles a fire for carving physiological stress. As soon as the sparks hit it, a stress reaction flares up. Due to chronic stress, the emotional brain constantly works at the limit of opportunities, and even a small flame tongue is able to cause a fire. This should be avoided.

Understanding that the emotional brain is about to touch, try to calm and distract it, switch to something else or just do not react. Of course, you must have untreight excerpt.

If you do not want negative emotions, develop self-control skills and learn to regulate your behavior. People who know how to keep themselves in their hands, better cope with stress: they are less likely to regard various events as stressful and react calmer to irritants. When studying images of the brain, it was possible to detect at least one section of the rational brain involved in the formation of self-control, we are talking about the dorsolteral region of the prefrontal bark, or DLPFC.

Photo: Unsplash.

It also participates in managing behavior - an extended version of self-control. With long-term stress DLPFC is damaged, which increases the likelihood of depression.

People practicing meditation, focus easier. To hone the skills of emotion management, you need to train: redirect attention from emotional stimuli on something pleasant or just switch to something else. For long-term concentration, a certain share of shutter speed will be required.

You can go to another way: try otherwise look at what might cause stress. This approach is called cognitive revaluation. It provides a clear rational brain. It is usually selected by several emotion management strategies: depending on the severity of the situation, it will select the most suitable option for you, and you will calm the emotional brain.

Photo: Unsplash.

For example, if someone pushed you out on the street, you can convince yourself that it happened by chance, and the approaching anger comes to no. If a terrible accident occurred on your eyes, you will try to throw away from your head, because it will not work out.

In stressful situations, it is almost impossible to combine emotions and reason. That is why, being in an depressed state, you can not focus and calmly think about the problem. If you want attention to not elude, and emotions did not take the top of the behavior, the rational brain should always be fully armed.


If you are upset, but trying to restrain the avalanche of negative emotions, you need to dreamed of something. It is important to take the rational brain as soon as possible by the task requiring unconditional concentration. To do this, absorb all the attention of the game on a smartphone, training work memory and logic.

The effectiveness of this approach has proven the authors of a small controlled randomized study: they asked eleven healthy volunteers to cause all the most undelivered events of life, and for the background, turned on gloomy music to introduce sorrow and sadness tests.

Photo: Unsplash.

When the participants reached the necessary condition, they were given a task in which the working memory should be used, or they were offered to play Tetris - the game developing spatial thinking.

In the first case, volunteers were shown on the screen numbers and asked for each new number to the previous one. Members of the control group all this time simply watched the cross on the computer screen. Tomography of the brain confirmed that Tetris and performing tasks for working memory help reduce the activity of the emotional brain. At the saddled tests, employed, the activity of the almond-shaped body was lower than that of the control group.

  • If you can't come to yourself after a stressful situation, play the game like Tetris or make exercises for workout workout. Continue until you manage to fully immerse yourself in the game and at least temporarily forget that you are worried about.

Enter the stream state

For the first time, the concept of the flow was offered Mihai Chixentmichia. The stream state implies a complete immersion in the process of activity when all the thoughts and sensations are disappeared. The case should be quite difficult to interest the rational brain, and at the same time, the sought so that you will not be scared too high difficulty or stress with which you can encounter when it is fulfilled.

It is best if the activity includes several small tasks and to solve each of them you need to try well. One task makes it impossible to immediately begin for the following, spursting rational brain.

  • Gradually, a continuous carousel from new tasks, satisfying from their completion and motivation is gaining momentum, for a long time holding a rational brain in working condition. At this time, the emotional brain is very difficult to pester you with useless negative emotions. They often appear when we are boring; In the Book "Flow" Chixentmichei describes many people who manage to cause the state of the flow while working and cope with the boredom. For example, a worker, collecting parts at the factory, can put a goal to collect as much details as possible for the smallest time so that one thing is not bored with him. According to the author, the state of the flow often arises when practicing yoga, music and sports.

Photo: Unsplash.

  • You can burn out from gloomy thoughts, overcoming you as a result of stress, causing a stream immediately after a tense situation. The longer you will be in such a state, the longer you can keep the emotional brain in the ultrasound. People who enjoy this useful skill in everyday life, it feels better and less worried. The state of the stream cannot be achieved during relaxation or rest, it can be experienced only with active activities.
  • Try to cause a stream state immediately after stress experienced.
  • Look for as many ways to enter the stream state.
  • If you start a new business, try to organize it so that it looks like a call, and not a set of simple (and boring) items.

Perceiving your work as an opportunity to enter the stream state, and not as a source of stress, you will feel happier.