In a paragraph that begins with words, there is an unexpected tremor in the voice. If your voice betrays excitement when speaking in public

are constantly worried about what others will think of them or what may happen to them

psychotropic drugs to maintain mood, which is why it is so important to be

attentive and not confuse those who are nervous with those who simply accept


make decisions because they are too worried about the consequences of any

deed. They can be neurasthenic and endlessly worry about the fact that

someone told someone, and in fear of expecting what will happen now. Too much

preoccupied with their future, they deprive themselves of the present and give in to surprises,

that life brings them. They don't feel solid ground under their feet,

numerous life adversities.

When such a person finds himself in a difficult position, his face is often covered

tremble. Fear takes possession of him and desperately wants to please and gain approval.

With my client Chelsea, we worked hard on her psychological problems... She

needed the approval of others, and this was due to the fact that her father never

approved of anything she did. Stopping obsessing over the opinion of her

others, for the first time, Chelsea was able to relax the muscles of the throat, including the vocal muscles, and

began to speak quite calmly. Having achieved this result, she noticed

that people began to communicate with her much more willingly and they began to like her more

society. People started smiling at Chelsea and didn't look so tense anymore.

unfriendly and competitive. The aggressive nature of their style

communication is manifested in a periodic increase in voice during a conversation. it

looks as if they are constantly gripped by hostility and are leading

machine-gun fire of hatred or anger to the interlocutor. These inappropriate, sudden

screams unnerve their interlocutor, who regards these frantic vocal

attacks as not relevant to the subject under discussion.

discussing an issue - for example, what people did over the weekend - creates

the impression that these days he was on the battlefield and survived God knows what,

although in fact he had a great rest. However, irritation and hostility,

overwhelming these people left their mark on their tone.

They constantly see other rivals and always, even in the simplest

conversation, looking for a way to "beat" the opponent (which can be anyone with whom

they are talking). Therefore, in order to be heard, they must

be the first to verbally attack the interlocutor. Thus, they get the feeling that

managed to achieve a victorious advantage.

3. Nasty whiners who move their jaws

Often they are unfairly characterized as not too smart and not reckoning with

those around them. Because of their nerve-racking voice, they seem

intolerable and constantly complaining about something - however, in most cases

conducted by Gallup, showed that this feature of the voice relates to

one of the seven most annoying: almost 70 percent of respondents found it

just repulsive.

Nasty whiners talk as if they need something from you or something, according to

their opinion is being done wrong. They are often the object of ridicule.

surrounding, therefore, in a conversation they usually defend themselves and attack without any

necessity or, if they have learned to laugh at themselves, play up the peculiarity

family ") and Fran Drescher (" The Nun ") made their careers precisely on their nasal

Whiners usually make others laugh. I myself laughed at first when in my office

Fran Drescher came and asked me to help her get rid of her bright

pronounced dialect of a resident of Queens. I even decided that someone was kidding me

and for this very purpose he sent a lady with a hilarious voice to me. In the middle

of our class, I asked Fran to finally stop pretending and admit who

he sent her. In response, she informed me that this is her usual way of speaking.

and was sent by manager Elaine Rich.

Fran and I worked hard on her dialect and finally succeeded. The whole trouble

was that with her new, non-wearing voice, she could not get in

Hollywood has no work, so she went back to her nasal

pronunciation and, acting in TV series, has earned millions.

One evening at a secular reception, I heard a man talking very

he certainly isn't easy to deal with. Later I found out that it was very hard

a person whom no one loved. I happened to hear how several of him

colleagues told rather unpleasant stories about him. Apparently, this

was an irritable bully who always insists on his own. Clear,

I said to myself. This is rude and ignorant, aggressive, domineering and despotic.

Dianne has a new man in her life and she wanted me to listen to the message,

which he left on her answering machine. He asked Dianne out on a date, but she

some doubts arose about him. She did not know what exactly her

worried, just a strange feeling. Hearing his voice, I

used different affectionate words such as "darling" and "baby", but

it was still very unpleasant to listen to him. Dianne asked what he produces

impressed me.

I replied that judging by the way the man speaks, he is very irritable and

most likely this is a domineering, despotic type and a bully. "Of course!" She exclaimed

Dianne. - The way it is! That’s why I don’t want to see him. He is ignorant.

He is rude to waiters, his children and even me. He gets annoyed easily and endlessly

complains about his partner, ex-wife and children. Honestly, I'm fed up with them

throat. And then, he must always be right! And don't feed him with bread, just give

lead someone. "

Everything cleared up in Dianne's head. She realized that this man was not at all for her.


This type of character is formed in childhood. Informal research,

carried out in several preschool institutions and primary schools showed

that children who speak rudely and unceremoniously are considered by teachers to be very

irritable and look at them like hooligans who terrorize the entire

Class. It also turned out that it is these children that peers most of all do not

When people speak in such a deliberately sexy and breathy voice,

purring seductively, rest assured: they are just playing with you, and this

especially unpleasant if you hear that, after finishing a conversation with you, they immediately

address other people in a similar manner. It all looks insincere

offensive and indicates a desire to manipulate interlocutors. This people

believe that they can "seduce" another person and force him to do everything,

whatever they want. They think too highly of themselves and consider it possible to play

others. Those who speak with aspirations are not taken seriously. Susan Hayden

Elgin, professor of linguistics at the University of San Diego, writes that their

are considered untrustworthy people.

You will immediately feel the falsity in these sexually speaking personalities,

when you hear that they have kept their tone, even realizing that they are not successful with

the one they tried to seduce. Watch their voice immediately become

normal as soon as they realize that they are not able to achieve the desired reaction nor

A dentist friend of mine hired a woman with such a sensual voice to work in his

receptionist. He hoped that by her presence she would help to improve

his image, but in fact the woman only hurt him. The new employee is not at all

liked his patients. They simply did not believe in her competence and tried

make an appointment with a doctor not at her place. They also did not believe in what she can do.

handle their insurance documents and invoices correctly.

Several studies have shown that aspirated speech sounds unconvincing and

inspires confidence. This was another reason why the woman in the reception

the dentist made such a bad impression on everyone.

6. Speaking like a madman

Alice speaks a hundred words a minute, just scribbles like a machine gun. She brings

the interlocutor to complete exhaustion and is always in a state of mental

crisis. Life for her is a continuous roller coaster. Then she lost her cat

either Alice is waiting for you because she cannot get a taxi, or she has lost her receipt

book, otherwise she left important documents in the bank.

Something always happens to her, and Alice informs you about it, trying to defeat

information on the spot. At first she seems adorable and sweet, interesting and

attractive; perhaps you even anticipate what you will experience with her

many adventures in wonderland. But this invariable manner of communication "point-blank"

quickly becomes boring to someone who is "on the other end of the line" and at the same time

reveals all the ins and outs of the one who talks to him like that.

This type of people likes to suppress the interlocutor, control and always own him.

attention. God forbid you ever try to turn the conversation over to yourself and

discuss any of your own problems. Do not doubt that

she will not show you a share of the participation that you have shown for her, and rather

only one of two things will happen: Alice will talk about her problems again or, if

you will stubbornly continue to talk about your own, will fall on you with reproaches. Your

cases, in her opinion, cannot interest anyone.

worries about the fact that her husband left her for the sake of his secretary. Discuss

this with Alice turned out to be useless - she began to tell Donna in detail about

all the grievances that she has ever suffered from all men who are "bad with

she was admitted. "

Alice showed no sympathy for Donna and barely allowed her to say anything.

This pissed off Donna, and she gave free rein to emotions. There was a terrible quarrel, during

during which Alice accused Donna of being selfish and thinking only about

herself, while she, Alice, "tried so hard to help her."

These people are usually unruly, manipulative, and very selfish.

When it comes not about them, nothing touches them. Relationships on an equal footing they are not

recognize. And it is very likely that they have serious psychological and

mental problems that they should consult with


at such a speed they are usually in a state of irritation.

act as if someone upset them or they are in conflict with someone. Their combat

the manner of scribbling like a machine gun can also be associated with the phenomenon of "compressed"

speech, which is common in people with bipolar disorder if

this violation is not compensated. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that in the body

people who talk this way may be out of balance

chemical substances.

This does not mean that everyone who speaks incessantly suffers from bipolar

violation. The positive side of this manner of speech is that with its

with help, a person easily captivates his listeners. He makes them support him

project or take part in it. Such people are able to ignite the audience and awaken

she has an interest in almost any undertaking. It's always very curious behind them.

observe, because they seem to have inexhaustible energy and experience

enthusiasm for everything they do.

The problem is this: they don't understand what they say, and

make plans that may not be to your liking and not affordable. That's why

be careful and beware lest you get sucked into something you don't need.

7. Speaking too fast

These people are very nervous, restless, and maybe irritable.

Studies have shown that they are usually insecure and suffer from low

self-esteem. This is why they subconsciously tend to rush and try.

express everything that they have accumulated faster. This is mainly due to the fact that

they think people are not interested in what they want to say. And if

had more self-esteem, they would pause and others would better understand

the meaning of what they reported. "Taratorki" can also by their nature

be of type "A", that is, be assertive and ambitious people who

usually speak quickly and aggressively.

Speaking too fast is one of the eight most annoying speech habits;

over 65 percent of Gallup survey respondents felt

the presence of people who speak too fast is very embarrassing. And by

according to psychologists Dr. Matthew McKay and Dr. Martha David of California

university in San Francisco, these people usually make others feel


Many people who talk too fast were brought up in large families. V

in this they are like those who speak too loudly and who also needed

shout down your brothers and sisters. People with a fast speech rate try

have time to say everything before they are interrupted.

Research has also shown that people speak faster when they are angry. High

competition between people in large families and large cities maybe

leads to the fact that they are more likely to experience stress and irritation, and this affects

It's not what you say, but how. Ask in a kind tone of someone

do something for you, and usually he will. But if you show in

in his tone, a certain, quite definite attitude towards a person, then almost certainly

make him rebel and cause a verbal squabble or worse,

fight. As the Bible says, "all the power of the word is in the tongue." But the power of the word is in the tone,

to which the person is talking.

ready to fight and run into trouble.

Always ready to point the finger at

someone else, they always feel like victims that everyone offends, and

looking for someone else to blame.

in a tone they seem to say to them: "Well, wait! Just touch me, and I will

I'll show you! "or" Just tell me what I don't like, and I will

I will print that you will not even peep! "

resentment, because they feel that they are being attacked for no reason.

Since this tone is also aching, you may also experience

the impression that these people are tired of you.

In some sectors of society, a similar manner of speech is used to express

a certain mood, a bad mood. Such people in their tone

constantly challenge and argue with others. If someone with

I disagree with them, they are always sure that he is wrong. In essence, in its tone

they want to say: “Never try to argue with me - I know everything better than anyone!

And everything will be as I said, or not at all! "

These people are constantly ready to open verbal fire on someone. Costs them

just get angry, and they instantly turn into fire-breathing dragons and

they burn everyone and everything in their path with the flame spewing from their mouths. The main thing,

what advice can be given to those who have to deal with such people -

third-degree burns may occur.

9. Abrupt, chopped speech

This is usually the talk of prim, self-righteous and very harsh people who

lacks flexibility. People of this type always dot all the i's. They are stubborn and

act contrary to others. They find it very difficult to change their minds or


They are somewhat reminiscent of teachers. primary grades who talk to children

short, simple sentences. Hearing such a speech, you often think of

their first days at school. Of course, no adult wants to be with him

talked like a child, but, unfortunately, people with such abrupt, chopped

speech is absolutely unaware that their tone is simply offensive to everyone,

who are over five years old.

It was with such a person that my client had a chance to talk, very

successful businessman when he came to my class one day. In my

receptionist, he ran into another client, a beautiful actress who

arrived earlier than the appointed time. They chatted for a while until I

freed herself and did not invite the businessman to her office.

The first thing he said to me about his conversation with this actress: "What

a pity! Such a prim person! What a contrast between stunning external

the data and manners of a strict classy lady! She would have a bun on her head and a dress with

high collar, and there will be a poured classy lady! Seeing her, I was just

struck on the spot, but listened as she speaks, and everything vanished as if by hand. To my mind,

she spoke down to me as if I was much shorter than her. "

His opinion about this actress was absolutely correct, and he guessed everything from

it's different with him. But I was glad that the actress managed to reveal herself to him even before

of how something happened between them. The businessman understands it perfectly.

She was an arrogant, prim, and judgmental woman, and my client

I realized this simply by listening to her abrupt, chopped and too clear speech.

10. Nasty whiners with trismus (clenching) of the jaw

Such people are much more irritable, tend to judge others and love

complain than whiners who don't have a trismus of the jaw. While the last

sometimes they have a sense of humor, the former usually do not.

Award-winning actress Nina Foch once said that while practicing with

an actor or actress before filming, the first question she asks when

sees their immobile lower jaw, this: "On which of your parents are you

angry and why? "Young people are often shocked,

defensive and deny that something is wrong with them, but

subsequently, with tears in their eyes, they admit that there are still problems. Sometimes

they even begin to sob, giving vent to the accumulated and suppressed

irritation and other emotions caused by one of the parents or

some "poisonous" person from their immediate environment.

With their jaws tightly clenched, people sip on words and speak through the nose, but this does not produce

too pleasant experience. Usually such people are considered prim and

limited, and often such an assessment turns out to be absolutely correct.

seclusion, prim and depressed, and in most

cases this turns out to be not too far from the truth. Often these people experience

so as not to let anyone get too close to you.

fear of exposure. They are so afraid that someone will guess their true

state of mind, that they speak in an indifferent tone, trying not to

By talking to such an apathetic person, you start to speak more energetically,

to get at least some response from him, but, as a rule, nothing

it turns out. The complete absence in a person of any reaction usually causes

others are frustrated and frustrated. Inability to get a reaction to your words

sometimes gives rise to feelings of resentment, and this is especially likely if you repeatedly

tried to communicate with a person, and each time to no avail. And also she can

create grounds for various misunderstandings, because people who say

absolutely emotionally uncolored tone, it is often difficult to convey to

others their thought. Their interlocutors are simply deprived of the opportunity to catch the subtlest

nuances of intonation, which give a particular message a special meaning.

"He's so weird. I don't like him at all. Are you sure he breathes and

not dead at all? I never know what he thinks about. It's all the same to talk to him

what's with an empty space ".

This was one of the reviews that John overheard about himself in the closet. He

was the owner of a rapidly growing company, and his main problem was

relationship with staff. John did not like his employees and did not understand why.

But this conversation overheard by him opened his eyes, and he realized that it was all about

his extremely boring tone.

People who speak in a boring and lifeless tone tend to annoy others. You

you cannot reach them, and they deprive you of your strength, because with them there is no

no feedback. Under normal conditions, in the course of a conversation, everyone has something

gives and takes. If you spend energy on conducting a conversation and get nothing

instead, you feel extreme disappointment and regret the wasted loss

When you are in the company of such people, you try to speak more lively so that

get at least some reaction from them. But if it doesn't, you

usually feel particularly devastated, worried that you were rejected, and very

get angry.

If someone you know has always talked with enthusiasm and

something is wrong with him. And most likely this person is upset about you or

because of what happened to him, or he is just experiencing depression.

Your interactions with a boring, sluggish bore tend to have a secret connotation.

hostility, because such people irritate others. They usually

are very passive-aggressive, because they hide some information and do not

are completely frank.

People who speak in a boring and lifeless voice all the time

misunderstand, because they are not able to convey the true meaning to the interlocutor

their words, and sometimes they are even considered vile and dishonest.

Laura was always so sugary sweet that she could easily bring a person to

insulin shock every time I opened my mouth. With your honey-flowing voice

with viscous intonations, she continually spoke to those around her sweet, flattering words.

Laura pretended to work hard for a company that specializes in relations with

public, and did not miss a single opportunity to stab her

colleagues. They could not stand her and endlessly complained about her to the boss, and

he always willingly took her side until one day he finally

I received my sight. At that time, Laura managed to trip the boss himself, taking away from him

the best client, promising to do the job better and at a lower cost. Then she

left the company, began to work for this important client, but he soon realized

that Laura is manipulating people, and fired her.

Those who speak so sweetly all the time are hard to trust. Rising

are dissatisfied. Having seen enough of such people in their practice and

having received the sad experience of communicating with them as business partners, I now have

everybody's right to say that they are really very irritable.

They are the type of passive-aggressive people who can attack you without

warnings. They cannot be trusted because they, figuratively speaking, do not

real. Normal person can't always be so cheerful

happy and friendly. People experience a wide range of emotions and may not always

sound in the same vein, even if others like it.

Nor could Laura, who eventually stopped fawning over

boss to enlist his support. She began to do a minimum of work

and, without ceasing to pretend to be a loyal employee, interfered with his business and

beat off the most valuable clients.

In general, as soon as you hear a sugary-sweet tone, keep your ears open - this

the kettle is ready to boil. Try to catch the falsehood in words and deeds in time.

It is one thing that a person promises, and quite another thing - what he will actually do.

Prepare for trouble.

This manner of speech creates the impression that a person is always asking questions about what

no matter what he says. Even when such people just say what their names are, they are like

as if they ask you the question: "Hi! Am I Mary Jones? Am I from Kansas?" Women more often

than men, resort to intonation indicating that they hesitate and do not

sure of what they want to say. The intonation proves irrefutably that they

lack of self-confidence.

I had a client who worked for the same company for twelve years, but her

always got promoted and she didn't understand why. In the end someone

sent her to me, and I immediately guessed what was the matter. Even though

that the woman knew up and down her company and what would be required from

in her new position, she spoke as if she was working the first day.

Almost all the phrases that flew from her lips sounded as if she asked

Anyone asking permission or asking a question. One day a woman suddenly blurted out,

that I’m not really sure if I can handle all my new

responsibilities and spend much more time at work. She liked her

company, and she wanted to earn more, but she doubted whether she had enough

The woman was raising children without a husband, and the possibility of increasing the load frightened her.

testified that, thinking about new job, she doubted herself.

When in our classes we began to work on increasing her self-esteem, the height

feel more confident. She did not speak more interrogative

tone, ceased to be afraid of the new appointment and the additional

responsibility and hired a babysitting assistant.

suffer from low self-esteem. Some of them might just work out in themselves

the manner of speaking typical of adolescents and young people who want

better fit into the environment of their peers. There is nothing terrible in this, that's all

is like speaking a specific "cool" language that gives young people

feeling of belonging to a special circle. But if you speak it for

outside this circle, then you may have problems.

If you have children, you better advise them not to speak with such intonation.

at home or at school. If it becomes familiar to them and they talk

so in Everyday life, it can have a bad effect on how they will be

perceive adults, and negatively affect their future as salaried

workers or businessmen.

14. Speaking too slowly

Like those who speak too fast, people who speak too slowly often fail to

understand the feelings of others because they suffer from low self-esteem. Their

slowness and slowness are associated with the fear of making mistakes, but at the same

time they are arrogant, arrogant and articulate words clearly, so that for sure

And even if they notice that you are bored and your eyes are drooping, then just this

will be ignored and will still buzz in your ear. You just don’t

exist. They are too selfish and preoccupied with

your thoughts in your head, and therefore do not want to pay attention to you, your

facial expression or posture. It's kind of a forceful trick - downright rude

a way to ignore a person's reaction — and an act of undisguised hostility.

Sometimes these people feel discouraged and self-absorbed. Relationship studies

It is important not to confuse this manner of speech with that of southerners, who usually

The sounds of a human voice when singing usually do not stretch evenly, but decompose into a number of separate parts, each of which is accompanied by a pulsating amplification. Following quickly one after another, they cause that phenomenon in sound, which is called vibration of the voice. Moderately available vibrations in the singing voice give it beauty, softening the sometimes existing shortcomings. Due to this and the positive role that vibration plays in full-fledged sound production, it can be considered a necessary and important condition for the singing sound. But for a number of singers, vibration is replaced by a negative phenomenon in the presentation of the singing sound, which is called "tremolation" of the voice. The same voices, where vibration is present either with a very large or small amplitude of vibration, are considered not worthy of performing attention.

While the physiologically legitimate vibration of the voice is, depending on the quality of the vibration, the phenomenon that greatly adorns the voice, tremolation of the voice is an extreme and extremely painful disadvantage for the singer. Tremolation is more often observed when singing in vocalists approaching the end of their singing work; but it is often possible to meet with this phenomenon among young people who are just embarking on the path of vocal activity. From an acoustic point of view, the tremolation of the voice is the same pulsatory thrusts of sound that follow one after the other, but these explosive thrusts are rough, without a smooth transition from one to the other.

Vibration and tremolation of the voice are phenomena of the same order, but with a completely opposite way of influence and perception by the ear of another person. As much as, as already mentioned, vibration adorns the quality of the singing voice, which in the absence of vibration is sluggish and boring, so any tremolation of the singing voice sharply degrades it. The more evenly the vibration of the voice is made, the better it reflects on its quality. The best for sounding is considered to be at least six vibrations per second. A vibration frequency of less than four per second makes the voice unpleasant.

Many guesses have been made about the true reasons for the tremolation of the voice. They said that the essence of tremolation consists in the oscillations of raising and lowering a sound with a simultaneous amplification and attenuation of it. Vibrations from tremolation are distinguished by smaller fluctuations in pitch and sound strength. It was believed that tremolation depends on the unevenness of the vocal cords.

It can be stated that voice tremolation is a rather widespread defect among vocalists, and if the voice tremolation is great, then it can be fatal for a given person, since it is pointless to practice singing under such conditions, which will cause a negative reaction in the listener. Whether the tremolation of the voice is a disease or just a defect in the vocal school, there is still no final decision. It must be said that in those rare cases when a doctor or teacher manages to achieve a decrease or disappearance of tremolation, the result for the most part is not long-term due to constant returns to this manner of sound production. The phenomenon called "sound interference" can be considered applicable to explain what vibration and tremolation of the voice is. The explanation and proof are the following data.

In order for the simultaneous sounding of two oscillating bodies to give a continuous flow of sound, it is necessary that these two bodies be absolutely precisely in unison. Thus, they must certain time give absolutely exactly the same number of oscillatory movements. With the slightest deviation from this requirement in one direction or another, interference must necessarily appear, and in end result- trembling.

Observation of the size and structure of the vocal cords, as over other paired organs of the human body, very often reveals their unequal size and location. Small deviations are more common than complete coincidences. This property was not avoided by the vocal cords, which are often different in both their length and thickness. All our senses are not quite the same on the right and left. A close examination can always reveal some difference in accuracy, power of perception and functioning of organs on both sides. This phenomenon is fully related to the functions of the vocal cords and the undoubted difference in the simultaneous work of both of them.

Both vocal cords are not always exactly the same. In most cases, we meet, although with little noticeable, but still with incomplete coincidence in the size and thickness of the vocal cords. The result is a lag of one of them and incomplete sound in unison.

The law of acoustics says that when two bodies sound together, the lag of one of them by one vibration per second gives one tremor per second, two vibrations - two tremors. This is why the joint sounding of two not completely symmetrical vocal cords should produce a jitter in sound. These hypotheses deserving full attention of Dr. Levidov were confirmed by stroboscopic observations. If, during their vibration, two bodies are subjected to a stroboscopic examination, which differ from each other by a very small number of vibrations, then when one of them appears to be completely motionless, the other will seem to move slowly. Further, if one body appears to be slowly swaying, the other may at this time appear to be in complete immobility.

The explanation of the tremolation of the voice turned out to be especially convincing when, with natural vibration, it was not possible to establish the uneven work of the vocal cords with stroboscopically. Certainly logical results were obtained when examining persons with tremulous voices. In these cases, a significant discrepancy between the vibrations of both vocal cords was clearly revealed.

This picture was even more pronounced in those singers where, in addition to tremolation, there were nodules on one or both vocal cords.

Dr. Levidov proved his assumption by the fact that while singing, he produced faradization of the larynx. Then, when singing sounds were made, the character of the tremolation of the voice changed and it began to resemble vibration. Then it became clear that with tremolation phenomena the ligaments do not vibrate in the same period. Tremolation can result from uneven tension on the vocal cords.

All these studies and observations on the true cause of voice tremolation give a fairly strong reason to believe that voice tremolation can be considered a real functional disease that requires special treatment. So the view that voice tremolation is one of the types of incorrect setting is not entirely justified.

It is known that there are cases when experienced singing teachers manage to achieve some satisfactory results in reducing or weakening this defect after long and careful voice training. It is very rare to achieve complete cessation of tremolation. Such phenomena occur only when the form of tremolation is very small and light. Then she can succumb to pedagogical influences.

Everyone knows that some disorders of the vocal apparatus can disappear after the methodological classes on the correct formulation of the voice begin.

It is also known that many disorders of the functions of the vocal apparatus are the result of a violation of the elementary attitudes required when practicing singing. This, on the one hand, and on the other, they can appear with inept teaching and the wrong approach to one or another inclinations and vocal material of a given student. If EJ in some cases, through diligent and correct vocal training, can reduce “or completely destroy the tremolation of the voice, then in no way can the character of the physiological vibration of the voice be changed. All attempts in this direction, as a rule, turn out to be negative, and even doing this is an unnecessary violence against the voice. They can do great, and sometimes irreparable harm to whomever these aimless experiments are carried out on.

The following fact seems interesting. Essentially, the vibration and tremolation of the voice are different manifestations of the same acoustic phenomenon. Why do they make a diametrically opposite impression to the ear? The pleasant effect of vibration on hearing is based on a positive perception of intermittent stimulation. On the contrary, continuous irritation tires the organ of hearing and thereby dulls its receptivity. When the frequency of tremors becomes very significant, the ear does not have time to follow each of them separately. The sound becomes unpleasant, acquiring a shrill and harsh roughness.

When comparing vibration and tremolation, it turned out that the latter occurs at a slower pace. It is possible that this property of vibration is the main reason for the unpleasant impact of such a tremulous voice on the listener.

As mentioned earlier, vibration differs from tremolation not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. When tremolating, the transition from one pulsation to another occurs without the gradualness and softness that occurs with vibration. This transition is made abruptly, in jerks. The sound does not vibrate, but sways.

If we cast a superficial glance at the history of the development of solo singing in Europe, we will see that its origins originate in Italy.

Each epoch puts forward new requirements, raises questions of the method of teaching singing in a new way, - outstanding figures of vocal art different countries Europe, each in its own way to resolve these issues.

Without dwelling on the various stages of the development of solo singing, we will move on to practical issues related to vocal pedagogy.

Our body is a very complex mechanism, which is not fully in our power to control. One problem that comes up unexpectedly and is difficult to cope with is the appearance of tremors in the voice. Why does this phenomenon arise and how to deal with it?

Why is the voice trembling?

  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • organs of the speech apparatus;
  • heredity.

However, the problem of voice jitter that occurs intermittently is psychological nature... To a person who finds himself in stressful situation, due to strong excitement, various actions or signs that are atypical for him in a calm state are characteristic. So, during excitement, some pull their hair, occupy their hands with any objects, feel trembling of the upper limbs or their sweating, and may also feel a tremor in their voice.

Why is the voice trembling most often during public speaking, concerts, answering exams, or other situations accompanied by fear or intense excitement? During such situations, a person needs to speak or sing, if it is an artist. That is, at this moment, the voice is the main instrument for performing the activity on which the success or defeat of a particular situation depends. Self-doubt or fear of public failure is the reason this phenomenon... Their roots are hidden in our subconscious, often these experiences are caused by previous negative experiences.

What to do if your voice trembles

According to experts in the field of linguistic psychology and speech therapy, a person who suffers from a periodic appearance of tremors in his voice needs to understand the situation in the past that gave rise to this phenomenon.

  • Work is needed to improve your own confidence and self-esteem.
  • Today there are various methods and trainings for self-improvement and overcoming psychological barriers.
  • A big step toward solving a problem is being able to admit, "My voice is trembling." Once you recognize the problem, you will try to deal with it.
  • Perhaps the activity you are doing is uncomfortable for you, you should reconsider your professional or social choices.

If you cannot solve this problem on your own, you need the help of a psychologist.

Probably, many have faced such a problem as a trembling voice. I wonder why this is happening? And sometimes it even becomes a stumbling block in communication, which gives rise to complexes. Let's figure this out.

What can the voice tell you?

From it, you can determine the character, recreate the image, draw up a physiological and psychological picture of a person. The voice broadcasts to others about the current state of the personality. By tone, you can read a person's emotions (anger, sadness, joy, jealousy, nervousness).

What gives out a tremor in your voice?

There can be many reasons for this. And the main ones are excitement and fear, which, as a rule, are unfounded. But first, you still need to see a neurologist. You may then have to drink antidepressants, visit a psychotherapist.

If during the examination (thyroid gland check, blood test), doctors did not reveal a physiological cause, most likely it is necessary to work with the psyche. If the tremor in your voice increases with excitement, we are talking about an anxiety disorder.

Why is this happening?

There is an explanation from a physiological point of view. It's about the adrenaline that's in stressful condition begins to be produced in huge doses. A person suffering from increased anxiety can get agitated by anything, for example:

  • at school when called to the blackboard;
  • from communicating with strangers, as well as powerful and high-ranking people;
  • upcoming presentation with a report to the public;
  • in a dialogue with a beloved person and so on.

Let's talk about the fear of communication

And now we will find out why the voice trembles when talking. It often happens that before the upcoming dialogue, the opponent begins to experience panic attacks. It seems that the spoken words will be ridiculous, cause laughter or censure. It's easier to just step back into the shadows and keep quiet, but this is not an option. If this phenomenon is extremely rare, then you should not worry, this can be attributed to Bad mood... When this is repeated systematically, and a working phone call generally becomes a disaster, you need to think.

To understand why the voice is trembling, it is necessary to find the root of the problem. Of course it works defense mechanism... You may have been severely insulted or humiliated in the past. And then, in your subconscious mind, a saying was formed, why communicate with people if it hurts. Therefore, it turns out that you are protecting yourself. And this happens unconsciously, and this is not good.

It is necessary to understand that without communication it is impossible to achieve high goals, even just to live normally. After all, a happy life requires a prestigious high-paying job, a family that needs to be created, and so on. Only after realizing this truth, you can move on, look for existing phobias and get rid of them.

Consider the reasons

  • Critics. But this is not about healthy criticism. When it is tough and rude, not only shortcomings are indicated, but exaggeration and exposure to the public also occur, it is extremely difficult to endure such pressure.
  • Bullying. Rather, it refers to school age when the child is humiliated. Then he closes himself in, closes himself off from everyone, fearing ridicule.
  • Inability to build a dialogue with the opposite sex. For girls, this could be due to the upbringing of a strict and despotic father, for boys, on the contrary.
  • Unsuccessful performances in the past. Never mark time. Everyone needs to analyze the situation, extract what is useful and move forward. This does not mean that the mistake will be repeated again.
  • Shyness. Shyness gets in the way. But everything is good in moderation. Of course, but it's better to be more relaxed, you need to raise self-esteem.
  • Inability to formulate thoughts. Everything is simple here: you need to improve yourself, read more, master techniques and practical advice, which will help you learn how to correctly build thoughts and speech.

Often psychological trauma stretch out of virginity, the main thing is to understand this, and try to fix the problem. If you can't do it yourself, contact a specialist.

  1. Make eye contact. Start small, communicate first with social networks, go shopping, for example, talk to sellers.
  2. If it is difficult to communicate with your opponent live, talk to him on the phone.
  3. And gradually move on to a lively dialogue. Try to make requests to strangers.

The fear of communication must be overcome, because otherwise it will not be possible to socialize and develop normally.

How to overcome the fear of communication?

  • You should not model the upcoming outcome of the event, especially in a negative way. This will not solve the problem, it will only make it worse.
  • Don't worry about the opinions of others. If they think something, it is not for long, for a few minutes. Think about how much you remember the faces of people passing by on the street or speaking in the pulpit, if they are not celebrities. Literally five minutes, no more. So your mistakes are forgotten just as quickly.
  • Don't be afraid of dialogue. Make homework that will help in communication, later it will not come in handy.
  • Look at your opponent, his gestures, facial expressions, perhaps he does not have a strong interest in you, so do not worry.
  • Don't focus on your fear. If panic attacks begin to sneak up, abstract yourself into anything: the taste of coffee, a nice cup, an accessory on the interlocutor, and so on.

You will not get a quick result, but you should not give up, in the process of constant self-control and improvement, everything will work out.

How to quickly deal with the anxiety before public speaking?

  1. Deep diaphragmatic breathing will help. It relieves stress and anxiety. Take 20 breaths. But you must breathe with your belly.
  2. Yawn. 10 times with a closed and open mouth. Feel free to make accompanying sounds.
  3. Go for tactile sensations. A great technique to get rid of the anxiety during the performance. When it starts to come, take an ordinary paper clip in your hand, it is small, so it will be invisible. Feel, focus on the material from which it is made, what is the surface, the shape. Thus, attention is switched to another object, and the excitement recedes. Now, it doesn't matter what people think of you.
  4. Exercise before performing. Sing loudly and expressively or read the text of the lecture.

And of course, don't forget about good mood... When you radiate inner warmth and joy, smile, you will receive the same energy back. Imagine that they are sitting in front of you kind people who wish happiness and then the excitement and trembling in the voice will not appear.

Let's talk about the "grounding" technique

The main thing, remember, is not to tell yourself "calm down", this will not help, but will only increase the anxiety. When the panic attack has escalated and you are unable to control yourself, look for five things with your eyes that you can see, four for touching, three for hearing, two for smelling, and one for tasting. This technique will bring you back to reality, sober up and relieve you of the excitement and tremors in your voice.

And one more tip to get rid of a panic attack, remember two truths:

  • Don't be afraid of her.
  • And don't try to suppress.

That is, the release of adrenaline (fear hormone) occurs within 90 seconds. The rest of the time you are experiencing not a true phobia, but your "fear of fear." It is necessary to hold out for the first minute and a half, and then the panic attack will recede.

And the main thing is to understand that all fears are often invented by us. Improve yourself, learn self-control, and then you will not have to fight the excitement and trembling in your voice.

A tight voice is a problem that accompanies many vocalists. Generally, the higher the note, the more constricted the voice will sound, and the more difficult it becomes to continue chanting. A clamped voice most often sounds like a cry, and this cry results in the fact that "kicks" occur, the voice breaks down or, as they say, "gives a cock."

This problem is essential for the singer, so getting rid of it is not easy, but, as they say, nothing is impossible. So let's talk about how to remove a constricted voice?


In vocals, as in sports, everything is based on physiology. We must physically feel that we are singing correctly. And to sing correctly means to sing freely.

The correct singing position is an open yawn. How to make such a position? Just yawn! You feel that a dome has formed in your mouth, the small tongue is raised, the tongue is relaxed - this is called a yawn. The higher the sound, the more you stretch the yawn, but keep the jaw in one position. In order for the sound when singing to be free and full, you need to sing in this position.

And also, do not forget to show everyone your teeth, sing with a smile, that is, make a "bracket", show a funny "smiley". Direct the sound through the upper palate, take it out - if the sound stays inside, it will never sound beautiful. Make sure that the larynx does not rise, and the ligaments are relaxed, do not press on the sound.

A striking example of the correct position is the performance of Polina Gagarina at Eurovision 2015, watch the video. While singing, Polina can see a small tongue - so she opened a yawn, that is why her voice resonates and sounds free, as if her capabilities have no limit.

Maintain the bracket and yawn position throughout the singing, both in the chants and in the songs. The sound will then become lighter and you will notice that it has become easier to sing. Of course, the problem will not go away after the first attempt, the new position needs to be consolidated and become a habit, the result will not keep you waiting for years.


The chants to get rid of the tightness of the voice are also based on physiology. When doing the exercises, the main thing is to keep the position and the bracket.

  • You can sing “Bdeya, bdeya, bde, bde”, “Briya-briya-briya-briya-brie”, “Miya-miya-miya-miya-mi”, “Luya-lyuya-lyuya-lyuya-lyu” by 5 key sounds, for example: from "G" to "C" in C major. Remember to keep the jaw in one position and keep the larynx and ligaments free without changing position.
  • Sing E over the notes do-sol-fa-mi-re-do, staying in the same position on the high and low sounds, gradually raise the key.
  • High notes are often picked up by shouting, so try singing them softly, gradually increasing the strength of the sound. If it started to work out, then freedom has come to the voice.

The famous vocal teacher Marina Polteva (she is a teacher in the shows "One-to-One" and "Just the same" on Channel One) works according to an excellent methodology based on feelings. You can attend her master class or find a lot of material on the Internet and take a lot of useful things for your vocal development.

Desire, faith and work

Thoughts are material - this is a long-discovered truth, so the key to success is belief in yourself and visualization of what you want. If it did not work out after a month, especially a week of exercise, do not despair. Work hard and you will definitely achieve what you want. Imagine that the sound goes by itself, without any clamps, visualize that it is easy for you to sing. After trying, even the most difficult songs with a huge sonic range will obey you, believe in yourself. Good luck to you!