Other causes of the manifestation of the disease: psychosomatics of pneumonia. Other respiratory diseases

The list of pulmonary diseases includes quite a few types of ailments, but we will focus on the most common (but this will not affect the disclosure of the topic, since the main thing here is for the reader to understand the main psychological cause and consider it through the prism of a particular disease).

Pleurisy - inflammation of the pleura of the lung (this is the serous membrane that covers the lungs). It can have different physical causes: infection, smoking, dirty air at work, etc.

Pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs, namely the alveoli (these are balloons where gas exchange takes place). When they become inflamed, they fill with fluid and cease to fulfill their function. Physical causes: infection, chemical damage, trauma, etc.

Emphysema - expansion, swelling of the lungs, and then, and the chest. It can appear as a complication during pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. It occurs especially often in older men.

Pulmonary tuberculosis - an infectious disease transmitted by Koch's bacillus through the air. If the immunity is strong, then the mycobacteria are destroyed, and the disease does not occur.

Lung tumors - oncological neoplasms, when the lung tissue grows pathologically. They are mostly benign.

Lungs' cancer - malignant neoplasm, when the mucous membrane of the lungs is reborn. For a specific reason, the organ cell changes its usual behavior and begins to behave like an egoist and an aggressor. Older men suffer more often.

Breathing is a vital function of the lungs: together with the air we breathe life. To breathe freely means to live freely. At the same time, a person takes air - and gives off carbon dioxide. There is an interchange, interaction with the outside world.

I have highlighted the key words that we need to understand the causes of lung diseases on purpose so that the reader can see the weak points.

So, the psychosomatics of pulmonary diseases is associated with the fact that something or someone (it may be himself) interferes with breathing - freely (meaning spiritual freedom, when nothing presses inside, it is easy on the soul) to live.

Moreover, if we look at the statistics, older men get sick more often. Why? What negative experiences associated with life accumulate in the soul of aged men, which is a signal in the form of pulmonary diseases? I think we will get the answers from a detailed examination of each disease.

Psychological causes of lung disease

  • First: a person does not allow himself or someone does not allow himself to "breathe" freely - to live. In the first case, for some internal reasons (maybe psychological trauma that came from childhood), he is sure that he has no right to live. In the second case, as a rule, close people do not allow to breathe freely.
  • The second reason is closely related to the first: a person does not live a full life (the expression “to breathe deeply” is inapplicable to him), denies himself this. Often because he is afraid.
  • The third reason: there is no fresh breath of air in a person's life. He perceives everything monotonously, monotonously oppressively, hopelessly. Further, discontent appears in a person, which over time can develop into aggression.

Note that almost all lung diseases are accompanied by coughing, sometimes attacks of suffocation. What is causing them?

If there are unspoken claims, a cough, bronchitis begins.

Asthma attacks provoke intense fear when a person does not trust life.

Pneumonia is known to be preceded by an emotional shock of great strength or despair. Being in a negative situation, trying to overcome it, a person feels that his life and mental strength is running out. He was tired, because the negative accumulated for a long time and drained his strength. Finally, this accumulated negativity manifests itself as pneumonia.

Pleurisy, as a rule, occurs in a person who lives with discontent, anger at life. Only this negative he holds back, keeps in himself. Should he change his dissatisfied perception of life or speak out, free himself from the negative negative that destroys him, he would have avoided the disease.

Emphysema occurs when a person wants to occupy, outline his space of life, which is not allowed to him to freely do. As a complication of bronchitis - the desire to speak out about this.

Here we recall that older men suffer from emphysema more often. So why are they suffering so much? Maybe because, by this time, they had not been able to occupy their space in life and this does not give them rest.

Tuberculosis occurs after a long deep depression, a life of sorrow, a life filled with painful thoughts. This time is accompanied by an unwillingness to live. A person mentally withers away from a hopeless life, feeling himself a prisoner of the circumstances of life.

Causes of Lung Cancer

To clarify the psychological causes of cancer, let us recall the behavior of a cancer cell (egotist and aggressor).

So, the first reason is egoism, life only in oneself, isolation from the world, inflated ego, pride.

The second reason: a deadly old unforgiven grudge against life, a deep disappointment in life.

From these reasons follows the third: a person, due to the prevailing circumstances and events in life, does not see the point of living. He cannot and does not want to change, what life expects from him, changing circumstances (for example, removed from a high position). To continue living, a person needs to accept what gives him life, but he refuses. Perhaps you have heard such words: "it is better to die." It is such a position in life, a position against life, that a person takes.

The fourth reason: there may be a personal tragedy that a person hides, and internal self-isolation (again, an association with the behavior of a cancer cell).

Again, according to statistics, older men are more likely to suffer from lung cancer. This may be due to the fact that by this time a person begins to rethink his life, sums up some results. Sometimes the conclusions are not very comforting, but it also happens that a person finds himself in a dead end: he tried all his life, worked, and now - nothing good, and in his heart too. Was it in vain that he lived his life? It is known that such painful reflections offend precisely the male psyche. And this is just one example of mental suffering that causes bodily suffering.

Cancer as a karmic disease

Many well-known authors usually refer to cancer as "karmic diseases." What does it mean? Do not be afraid of this strict word "karma". The Law of Karma is nothing more than the Law of Cause and Effect, which our ancestors knew very well and passed on to us through the proverb: "What you sow, you reap." Only, for some reason, we ignore this Law in our lives, forgetting that each of ours is not the same as an act, each thought, emotion becomes a cause from which a corresponding consequence follows.

Therefore, karmic illness is a disease that is a consequence of our long-term negative thoughts, feelings and behavior. Here, we recall that scientists have long found out that the mental component of a person is immortal and after a while comes back to our world in the body of a newborn.

This explains a lot: why children in the same family with different characters, why they have different unequal abilities, personal qualities, destinies, diseases, etc. Because a newborn baby already has an immortal soul with its accumulated baggage (thoughts, feelings, actions, knowledge, achievements, mistakes, etc.), which was collected in past, so to speak, lives.

You may ask: how is this connected with serious illnesses, especially in infants (what are they to blame for)?

Unfortunately, this very strict moral (Divine) Law of cause and effect has never been deceived by anyone, even if you have a baby's body (the soul is the same!).

Imagine that a person lived in violation of Divine Laws, for example, rejecting Love (with a capital letter, since we remember that God is all-encompassing Love): he himself did not love anyone, with his behavior he “killed” Love in others, etc. When the body gave signals in the form of diseases, not yet so serious, he, instead of reconsidering his mental suffering, became even more bitter and spread mental pain around him. Old age has come, and the negative baggage of the soul is overflowing, and there is no time to rethink and correct it (and someone does not admit their mistakes even before death). And this negative baggage is carried over into the next life, becoming the reason for the corresponding negative consequences: failure, illness, etc.

That is, indeed, a person who sowed evil begins to reap its own fruits, only with a certain delay in time. And, for some reason, only after that begins to think: “What is wrong? What have I done that backfired on me? " And the body is happy: at last, I am thinking! So we will live!

From the above it follows that such a disease as cancer is a kind of "medicine" for the salvation of the soul, which for a long time has chosen a life without love.

Healing soul and body

A striking example of cancer healing is the case of the famous writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn. His biography explains why he contracted cancer (deep frustration and struggle with the system, prisons, camp, exile). But he managed to be healed (this stage of his life is described in the work "Cancer Ward").

Of course, there are many other examples of cancer healing. It's not about examples, but about the fact that healing is possible! And it depends on the person himself!

Let's start with the fact that "cheerful people do not get cancer" (I think that they practically do not get anything serious). This is natural: their body has no reason to signal the presence of an internal negativity with an illness - it is not there. And even if something appears, it is immediately rethought and changed to a plus sign. Agree that such a life position is very beneficial!

Hence, the best medicine for healing soul and body is Love for life and Joy of life. But first, it is necessary to free the soul from negativity through forgiveness and acceptance of life itself.

I hope my article serves as a hint to someone.


Pneumonia is an infectious or viral lung disease. Pneumonia begins acutely. Its main symptoms are fever, general malaise, severe fatigue, muscle pain, headache, cough, and chest pain. See the article EASY (PROBLEMS), with the addition that a person has a hard time going through some unexpected event that threatens the entire course of his life.

From the book Your body says "Love yourself!" by Burbo Liz

PNEUMONIA Pneumonia is an infectious or viral lung disease. Pneumonia begins acutely. Its main symptoms are fever, general malaise, severe fatigue, muscle pain, headache, cough, and chest pain. See article EASY (PROBLEMS) so

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3.8. Pneumonia Pneumonia is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the lung that occurs as an independent disease or as a manifestation or complication of any disease. Untreated pneumonia is fatal. The severity of the course of the disease depends on the type of infection, age

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Pneumonia Currently, the widespread and timely use of antibiotics has significantly changed the prognosis for acute pneumonia, which claimed many hundreds of young lives in the pre-penicillin era. Treatment for pneumonia should be started as early as possible, preferably at

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Pneumonia General Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs characterized by symptoms of a respiratory tract infection (fever, cough, sputum, chest pain) and radiographic signs of acute infiltrative changes in the lungs.

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Pneumonia Pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lungs. In the occurrence of pneumonia, various microorganisms (pneumo-, staphylo- and streptococci, some viruses, mycoplasmas, fungi, etc.) play the main role. Pneumonia usually develops after acute respiratory

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Pneumonia Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that occurs with the involvement of all structural elements of the lung tissue and the obligatory damage to the alveoli of the lungs, arising independently or as a complication of other diseases.

From the book Encyclopedia of Diagnostics and Treatment from A to Z the author Liflyandsky Vladislav Gennadievich

Pneumonia Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory and infectious disease in which all components of the lung tissue, including the alveoli, are affected. More often children under 3 years old are ill. Etiology The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, helminths, foreign bodies.

From the book Nurse's Handbook the author Khramova Elena Yurievna

Pneumonia Unlike bronchitis, in which only the respiratory tract is affected, pneumonia is a viral or bacterial infection of the lung tissue, that is, the air sacs themselves. (There are other forms of pneumonia, but we will not talk about them, this is a more special

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Pneumonia Pneumonia is an acute pneumonia characterized by symptoms of a respiratory tract infection (fever, cough, sputum, chest pain) and radiographic signs of acute infiltrative changes in the lungs. In the occurrence of pneumonia

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Pneumonia Pneumonia is an acute inflammatory and infectious disease in which all components of the lung tissue, including the alveoli, are affected. More often children under 3 years old are ill. Etiology The disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, helminths, foreign bodies.

From the author's book


From the author's book

4.16. Pneumonia Inflammation of the lungs is a serious illness from which people died very often in the last century. Then antibiotics revolutionized the principles of treating infectious diseases, and deaths became significantly less. However, at present, due to uncontrolled reception

If pneumonia is diagnosed, psychosomatics is not excluded, and its definition can help in identifying the cause, will become an assistant in the treatment of the disease. Each disease is based not only on physical factors, but also on psychological ones. It is possible to determine these reasons by the functioning of the affected organ, but psychosomatics helps to eliminate them. Lung diseases signal that a person is short of air.

Psychosomatic illnesses do not arise from the penetration of viruses or bacteria into the body. The reason for such violations is any psychological factors or problems, which are a kind of backlash. It indicates that under the influence of negative emotions in a specific part of the body, the activity of an organ is disrupted.

Features of psychosomatics

The relationship between the body and the psyche is very close. A simple example can be given of how psychosomatics manifests itself in asthma. According to the medical point of view, this ailment is aggravated under the influence of an irritant, an attack occurs, it becomes difficult to breathe. These signs are sent by the body as a signal that a person does not want or is not able to live a full life, believes that he should not live his life (this applies to those who constantly use an inhaler). This is evidence that a person is used to taking a lot, but is not capable of giving.

The presence of an allergen that provokes an attack indicates that a person cannot bear something, he subconsciously protests against any circumstances, but cannot resist them. He is not able to give himself free rein and throw out his inner protest because of his upbringing and stereotypes that have developed in society. In addition, he is overly afraid of the opinions of others. It is just the regular ignoring of these factors that causes the development of the disease, for the same reasons, the ailment goes into a chronic phase. Any disease can be understood using asthma as an example.

The role of psychosomatics in the development of diseases

Psychosomatics is closely related to diseases that arise against the background of psychological factors, for example, against the background of stress. Psychological factors can also affect the appearance of other ailments, for example, migraines, endocrine disorders, and tumors.

Often psychosomatics is hidden under the signs of a somatic illness. It can manifest itself as an ulcer, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, weakness, fatigue. When such manifestations occur, the patient goes to the doctor. The doctor prescribes the necessary tests and treats the diseases found. But these medicines can alleviate the condition only for a while, after a certain period of time the disease recurs. In this case, it can be assumed that this is manifested by psychosomatics. This is a signal from the subconscious to the body that it is impossible to eliminate the root of the problem with a medication, that the ailment has hidden causes, which psychosomatics can help determine.

There is a large list of psychosomatic diseases. Many psychologists working in this direction have created their own schemes, in which they described the influence of psychological factors on the development of a certain disease. For example, Dr. Louise Hay considers physiological disturbances as a consequence of psychological problems. In its development, various negative factors in human life are used that can cause diseases. For example, pneumonia, in her opinion, occurs due to despair and fatigue from life, when a person is not able to resist.

Psychosomatic factors

Psychosomatics manifests itself in various diseases, but its symptoms are similar to each other. In almost all cases, the disease begins with a mental factor, for example:

  • mental trauma;
  • emotional stress;
  • neurosis.

The action of these factors can be:

  • short-lived, for example, the death of a loved one;
  • prolonged, for example, lack of understanding in the family, lingering illness;
  • chronic - insoluble problems due to personality traits (inferiority complex, ugliness).

Stress is one of the key factors in the development of psychosomatics. Psychological stress leads to stomach ulcers or serious disruptions in the digestive tract. These are scientifically proven facts, scientists have conducted experiments on animals that prove this fact.
In people, severe emotional stress can cause serious consequences. Among them are oncological diseases. Emotional stress is the main cause of diseases of the cardiovascular system, neuroses, diseases of the stomach and intestines, infectious diseases.

In different people, the same stress contributes to the occurrence of different reactions and diseases. This is due to a hereditary tendency to ailments, characteristics of a person's character and his emotional type. Pneumonia arises, according to scientists, due to the fact that a person cannot breathe life in full breast, he is afraid to relax.

Main reasons

Psychosomatics causes pneumonia if a person does not accept life, does not take what he needs from it. Dr. Sinelnikov interprets this phenomenon as the inability of a person to live at full chest, the confidence that he is not worthy of the best, that others will not like it. Another reason for impaired lung function is mental and physical fatigue from life.

As a result of such factors, the psychosomatics of the disease manifests itself.

In children, the personalities of the parents play a key aspect in the development of the disease.

1. PNEUMONIA- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Despair. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that are prevented from healing.

I freely breathe in Divine ideas filled with breath and the mind of life. This is a new beginning.

2. PNEUMONIA- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Driving to despair. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that cannot be healed.

Possible solution to promote healing

I easily accept Divine ideas filled with breath and the mind of life. This is a new moment in my life.

3. PNEUMONIA- (Liz Burbo)

Pneumonia is an infectious or viral lung disease. Pneumonia begins acutely. Its main symptoms are fever, general malaise, severe fatigue, muscle pain, headache, cough, and chest pain. See the article, with the addition that a person has a hard time going through some unexpected event that threatens the entire course of his life.

4. PNEUMONIA- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

Despair, fatigue of life leads to pneumonia. Emotional wounds grow in your soul, and they are not allowed to heal.

A young woman came to see me with complications from pneumonia.

- Svetlana, - I asked her, - now turn inside yourself and ask your subconscious mind: "What recent events in my life led me to sickness?"

The woman closes her eyes for a while.

“I know the answer,” she says worriedly. - I already guessed about it before, but now everything is completely cleared up. You see, I believe that a husband should be able to earn money and provide for his family. Therefore, I have always looked for such a man. And a few months ago such a man appeared in my life. We began to live together. He has a big house, farm, car. At first, my head was even spinning from such wealth. And now I cannot breathe freely in this house. Our relationship is not officially formalized, and I do not feel like a hostess.

- What prevents you from feeling like a mistress? I asked her.

- I think he feels that in the first place in our relationship is money, not love. And all the time I try to prove the opposite to him. To do this, I have to work hard myself and earn decent money in order to show him my material independence. I am tired of this, and my strength is running out.

And the faster the better. " However, it often turns out that health problems are not connected at all with the body, but with the psychology of a person, and his state of mind. In this case, we are talking about a psychosomatic illness.

A psychosomatic disease is considered to be a disease that affects the state of the human body, but lies in his soul. You don't have to go far for examples: a person is alarmed, he does not know what to do next minute, he is afraid of something and ... his head starts to hurt. Thus, an unsatisfactory state of mind affects the health of one of the body parts. To say that a person's state of mind affects his physical condition is to say nothing. Many scientists are absolutely convinced that% of all physical diseases of a person are psychosomatic. But what are the remaining% of physical diseases? Ordinary accidents, moreover, sometimes extremely banal - a person walked, slipped, and out of the blue got injured. Moreover, if a person falls, in most cases he will receive a minimum of a bruise, a maximum of a fracture, and it does not matter at all whether he was in a playful mood or depressed by something. The rest of the diseases, whether we like it or not, are related to our spiritual state.

Often, his lungs suffer from the unsatisfactory state of mind of a person, which leads to diseases such as pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis. It would seem that a person does not drink, does not smoke, goes in for sports and, holding on once again to the area of ​​the lungs, which reminds of himself with both dull and acute pain, looks enviously at a neighbor who both smokes and drinks, but whose nothing hurts. It may seem unfair to a person, but everything has its own reasons.

Before understanding the psychosomatic causes of lung disease, lung function should be considered. The lungs are necessary for a person in order to absorb oxygen with air, which is vital for a person for normal life. Thus, the lungs absorb the very life of a person, both the good and the bad side of it. Based on this, we conclude that a person's lungs can begin to hurt in two cases:

1. A person absorbs negativity, which very upsets him and leads to psychosomatic diseases.

2. A person does not accept life at all, does not take from it those benefits that are really important to him, those that are needed like air.

It is believed that psychosomatic lung diseases occur when a person is not able to completely relax, fearing to breathe deeply. A person can perceive life as a marathon, and according to the state of his respiratory system, one can get information about how well he is walking along the distance of this marathon. When there are problems, then a person should slow down.

Why can't a person take all the blessings from life and breathe deeply? The main reason lies in the person himself, who is able to change his life for the better, but for some reason does not do this, making peace with his environment, a dysfunctional family, work, etc. Thus, a person consciously puts up with the circumstances that do not allow breathing "to the fullest." A person even begins to repeat to himself: “What kind of life? You can't breathe calmly, "believing that he is uttering a formulaic phrase, but in fact it is the" cry "of his lungs, which, if a person does not change anything in his life, risks becoming the last.

Another common cause of psychosomatic lung disease is the absolute belief that he does not have the right to “breathe deeply”, that he must put up with the state of affairs that takes place today. This problem has its roots in childhood, when many parents unconsciously inflict a merciless blow on the child's self-esteem, scolding him for every offense.

Paradoxically, but qualities that are considered to be virtues - modesty, decency, correctness and conscientiousness - lead to psychosomatic problems with the lungs. A person denies himself the opportunity to “take everything from life”. He is sure that taking everything from life is the lot of impudent and ill-mannered people, but he is not like that, and let him deny himself everything, but in the eyes of those around him he will always be honest and correct. In addition, if a person “breathes deeply”, others will not like it and may harm his family, but he would not want to allow this. Denying himself everything, a person believes that he gains calmness, proves his decency, etc., but this is just a figment of his imagination. The only thing he will get in real life is absolute limitation and pulmonary diseases.

The third major cause of lung problems is spiritual exhaustion and physical fatigue. It may be fatigue from being overworked and lack of rest, or it may be fatigue due to the monotony of life, which you just want to change, but the person does not dare to do so. When a person constantly sets goals for himself and, completely not caring about his health, persistently approaches them, but feels spiritual and physical exhaustion, he should stop for a few minutes and say to himself: “What are all my problems and achievements really worth? in comparison with the fact that through their fault my lungs, which nourish me with life and which I urgently need, are suffering and gradually perishing ?! ”. A person should not just say this - he should think it over, feel it inside himself, and only then will he take the first step on the path to victory over fatigue.

From the very childhood we are taught to be correct, diligent, to sacrifice our interests for the sake of others, thereby ... spoiling our life. When a person only gives, but does not receive anything in return, he depletes his reserves, he lacks life, and this leads to the appearance of psychosomatic problems with the lungs. Remember - by emptying yourself physically and spiritually, you significantly increase your chances of receiving a “reward” for your immense dedication not only to lung problems, but also to other psychosomatic diseases.

Your lungs display not only the ability to give, but also the ability to take.

Naturally, in order to get rid of psychosomatic diseases, you should change your lifestyle, your beliefs, and most importantly, your style of behavior. You should stop dissolving in the problems of other people and pay attention to yourself, stop blaming everyone and everything for your troubles, but not yourself, and also not keep evil and unpleasant memories. You should also rest more often, because it is during sleep that the work of all vital organs is resumed. If a person is not able to cope with a psychosomatic illness on his own, he should contact a specialist who, using the NLP technique or hypnosis, will help him get rid of the illness.

Lungs and psychosomatics

Each disease is based not only on physical causes, but also on psychological ones. You can find them out by the functions of the affected organ, and psychosomatics will help to eliminate them. The lungs are one of the organs, the disease of which clearly indicates that you do not have enough air.

In all senses. Let's take a closer look.

Psychosomatic causes of lung disease

The lungs provide our body with air, saturate the blood with oxygen, make life itself possible. Hence, any problems with them indicate that you cannot breathe freely. Whether you yourself do not allow yourself to breathe deeply or something prevents the free flow of oxygen into your lungs, you desperately lack freedom.

Since breathing is a vital process, only good, significant reasons can lead to disruption of their normal functioning. Usually it is grief, disappointment or fear, and one that makes you "breathless."

There is a feeling of being crushed, a dead end, from which it seems impossible to find a way out, hands give up, everything seems meaningless, I don’t even want to live.

At the same time, the event may not pose a real danger to life, but it may cause a powerful emotional outburst that requires a great return of energy and strength.

On the psychosomatics of pneumonia: is it possible to cure the disease without drugs

Inhale-exhale, inhale-exhale ... like this, barely noticeable, starting from birth, we breathe, supply our body with oxygen and positive energy, exhale, get rid of unnecessary gases with negative energy. Free breathing is the gratitude of nature and spirit. But suddenly, sometimes something happens to a person's soul, and frightened, intermittent inhalation or exhalation, suffocation, spasms disrupt the usual course of life, lead to lung problems, the development of pneumonia, tuberculosis.

Inflammation of the lungs: psychosomatics

Let's remember what doctors say about pneumonia. Pneumonia is a viral or bacterial inflammation of the lung tissue, alveoli. The acute form is characterized by the sudden development of the disease, high fever, chest pain, chills. In the chronic form, not only the lungs are damaged, but also the bronchi, circulatory or lymphatic systems. Untreated or untreated pneumonia can be fatal.

An equally dangerous disease that affects not only the lungs, but also the internal organs is tuberculosis. Tuberculosis bacillus, or Koch's bacillus, is in the air, enters the environment with the sputum of sick people. Surprisingly, bacteria are in the air, but not everyone gets sick. And if they get sick, then not only socially disadvantaged citizens, but also well-to-do, purposeful natures.

Why is that? Psychologists argue that the psychosomatics of various forms of pneumonia and tuberculosis in adults is associated with dissatisfaction, hidden resentment, anger towards oneself or others.

help yourself

Can you help yourself? Of course you can, but better for prevention purposes. A sick person should not refuse medical care, because the pathologies are so serious that delay can be fatal.

Pneumonia: Causes According to Louise Hay

Louise Hay (American psychologist), claims that emotional, untreated trauma, life fatigue, despair lead to the development of pneumonia.

What to do, how to help yourself?

  1. Start with a deep analysis of your psychological problems, think about why the disease has come.
  2. Understand the causes of stress, assess the possible development of the situation.
  3. Come up with solutions, even the most unrealistic, fantastic, remember that there are no insoluble problems.
  4. Don't let bad thoughts, whining, and anger build up in your soul.
  5. Do not be angry with people who accuse you, forgive them for your own good.

Pay attention to this affirmation L. Hey, repeat it like a mantra:

“I freely breathe in divine ideas filled with the breath and intelligence of life. This is a new beginning "

Tuberculosis: psychosomatics

According to L. Hay, negative traits - cruelty in thoughts, thirst for revenge, selfishness, wastefulness lead to the development of tuberculosis. Find in yourself, in your soul, the root causes of this disease. If you feel like you:

  • the most wonderful person in the world, but not confident in their abilities;
  • constantly engage in self-criticism;
  • deny yourself all positive emotions;
  • work for the good of society without rest, days off;
  • consider only yourself to be guilty of all life failures;
  • revel in your life problems, despair;
  • mentally, constantly replaying all your negative situations, it means that you are at risk, you have an increased likelihood of getting to know Koch's wand more closely and settling it in your body.

Help yourself with Louise Hay's affirmations:

“By loving and approving myself, I create a calm and joyful world for life in it”

If you find it hard to figure out your soul on your own, you can turn to the advice of a wonderful Estonian healer, parapsychologist Luula Viilme, who writes that illness comes for a reason. Illness is accumulated stress that has exceeded a critical threshold and caused the development of pneumonia or tuberculosis:

  • “Pneumonia (acute) is an acute malice towards accusations.
  • Tuberculosis is the fear of being accused of dislike. The disease of lamentation.
  • Tuberculosis in children is a constant stress.
  • Tuberculosis of the genitals - complaints about the disorder of their sex life.
  • Brain tuberculosis - complaints about the inability to use the potential of your brain.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis - fear of expressing anger, but at the same time constant lamentations, self-pity, complaining about an unhappy life "

    Ask for forgiveness from those you were angry with, forgive yourself, your body. Forgiveness is the most important life-giving force in the world.

    Causes of psychological pneumonia in children

    The child has pneumonia ... What is the reason? Is poor immunity to blame? Didn't the teachers see it, nanny? Did your grandmother forget to wear a hat? Yes, it also happens. But most often the cause of pneumonia lies in the child's psychological discomfort:

    • feelings of resentment towards parents, constant humiliation;
    • misunderstanding, despondency;
    • decreased sense of self-worth;
    • lack of confidence in their abilities;
    • family conflicts, screams, quarrels, insults.

    Terrible phrases: you are nothing, why did I give birth to you, but you are not capable of anything - a fatal blow to the psyche of an unripe soul. How to restore harmony to a child's soul? Dear parents, save your children. So that they do not develop psychosomatic respiratory diseases - bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, create harmony and comfort in your home:

    1. Consider not only your interests, but also the interests of the child, do not let unspoken words squeeze his little heart and lungs.
    2. Find out family misunderstandings, your own relationships so that the children do not hear. Don't involve them in your conflicts. Don't find out who they love more - mom or dad.
    3. Do not compare your child with others, more successful, smarter, stronger.
    4. Explain to your child why today you are unhappy with him, find together ways to resolve the conflict that has arisen.
    5. Give children some freedom, take into account their opinions and desires.
    6. Allow to attend those circles, sections that interested them. And nothing that after some time preferences will change - and your son or daughter will want to sign up for a new section. Thus, the child tries, searches for himself, his place in life.
    7. Confess your love for your child, show tender feelings for each other.
    8. Be attentive to the experiences of your children, support, sympathize, help and ... just love!

    Harmony and peace, a house you always want to come to, psychological comfort are better treated than pills and injections.

    Treatment or prevention

    Serious diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis cannot be treated on their own. If you are already sick, entrust yourself to specialists, a pulmonologist, a phthisiatrician. If you suspect, or have already decided for sure that the main cause of respiratory diseases is psychosomatics, ask for help from a professional psychotherapist, psychologist, neurologist.

    Still, it is better to prevent pneumonia and tuberculosis. Put your thoughts in order, tune in to a benevolent attitude towards yourself and those around you. Trust your loved ones - their love and support is very important to your well-being. Help your body with hardening, water, air procedures, take a massage course.

    Use positive affirmations from Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, Sinelnikova, Zhikarentsev. You can use relaxing meditations that will help restore mental balance, improve relationships with the world around you.

    Pay attention to nutrition. The diet must include foods rich in magnesium and vitamins. It is useful to drink juices, eat fruits, salads from fresh vegetables. Carrots, beetroots, tomatoes, oranges, melons take care of lung cells, protect them from the negative effects of viruses and bacteria.

    Walks in nature, in a coniferous forest or a birch grove have a beneficial effect on health. In summer, you can take a trip to the sea. Nature and positive emotions are so important for psychological comfort.

    Often the causes of tuberculosis and pneumonia are rooted in the psychosomatics of a person. So that the disease does not upset your health, determine the mental causes of the disease, get professional medical help, resolve all your psychological conflicts. And be healthy.

    Psychosomatics: lung diseases

    The list of pulmonary diseases includes quite a few types of ailments, but we will focus on the most common (but this will not affect the disclosure of the topic, since the main thing here is for the reader to understand the main psychological cause and consider it through the prism of a particular disease).

    Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura of the lung (this is the serous membrane that covers the lungs). It can have different physical causes: infection, smoking, dirty air at work, etc.

    Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, namely the alveoli (these are balloons where gas exchange takes place). When they become inflamed, they fill with fluid and cease to fulfill their function. Physical causes: infection, chemical damage, trauma, etc.

    Emphysema - expansion, swelling of the lungs, and then the chest. It can appear as a complication during pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. It occurs especially often in older men.

    Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease transmitted by Koch's bacillus through the air. If the immunity is strong, then the mycobacteria are destroyed, and the disease does not occur.

    Lung tumors are oncological neoplasms, when lung tissue grows pathologically. They are mostly benign.

    Lung cancer is a malignant neoplasm when the mucous membrane of the lungs degenerates. For a specific reason, the organ cell changes its usual behavior and begins to behave like an egoist and an aggressor. Older men suffer more often.

    Psychosomatics of lung diseases

    Breathing is a vital function of the lungs: together with the air we breathe life. To breathe freely means to live freely. At the same time, a person takes air - and gives off carbon dioxide. There is an interchange, interaction with the outside world.

    I have highlighted the key words that we need to understand the causes of lung diseases on purpose so that the reader can see the weak points.

    So, the psychosomatics of pulmonary diseases is associated with the fact that something or someone (it may be himself) interferes with breathing - freely (meaning spiritual freedom, when nothing presses inside, it is easy on the soul) to live.

    Moreover, if we look at the statistics, older men get sick more often. Why? What negative experiences associated with life accumulate in the soul of aged men, which is a signal in the form of pulmonary diseases? I think we will get the answers from a detailed examination of each disease.

    Psychological causes of lung disease

    • First: a person does not allow himself or someone does not allow himself to "breathe" freely - to live. In the first case, for some internal reasons (maybe psychological trauma that came from childhood), he is sure that he has no right to live. In the second case, as a rule, close people do not allow to breathe freely.
    • The second reason is closely related to the first: a person does not live a full life (the expression “to breathe deeply” is inapplicable to him), denies himself this. Often because he is afraid.
    • The third reason: there is no fresh breath of air in a person's life. He perceives everything monotonously, monotonously oppressively, hopelessly. Further, discontent appears in a person, which over time can develop into aggression.

    Note that almost all lung diseases are accompanied by coughing, sometimes attacks of suffocation. What is causing them?

    If there are unspoken claims, a cough, bronchitis begins.

    Asthma attacks provoke intense fear when a person does not trust life.

    Pneumonia is known to be preceded by an emotional shock of great strength or despair. Being in a negative situation, trying to overcome it, a person feels that his life and mental strength is running out. He was tired, because the negative accumulated for a long time and drained his strength. Finally, this accumulated negativity manifests itself as pneumonia.

    Pleurisy, as a rule, occurs in a person who lives with discontent, anger at life. Only this negative he holds back, keeps in himself. Should he change his dissatisfied perception of life or speak out, free himself from the negative negative that destroys him, he would have avoided the disease.

    Emphysema occurs when a person wants to occupy, outline his space of life, which is not allowed to him to freely do. As a complication of bronchitis - the desire to speak out about this.

    Here we recall that older men suffer from emphysema more often. So why are they suffering so much? Maybe because, by this time, they had not been able to occupy their space in life and this does not give them rest.

    Tuberculosis occurs after a long deep depression, a life of sorrow, a life filled with painful thoughts. This time is accompanied by an unwillingness to live. A person mentally withers away from a hopeless life, feeling himself a prisoner of the circumstances of life.

    Causes of Lung Cancer

    To clarify the psychological causes of cancer, let us recall the behavior of a cancer cell (egotist and aggressor).

    So, the first reason is egoism, life only in oneself, isolation from the world, inflated ego, pride.

    The second reason: a deadly old unforgiven grudge against life, a deep disappointment in life.

    From these reasons follows the third: a person, due to the prevailing circumstances and events in life, does not see the point of living. He cannot and does not want to change, what life expects from him, changing circumstances (for example, removed from a high position). To continue living, a person needs to accept what gives him life, but he refuses. Perhaps you have heard such words: "it is better to die." It is such a position in life, a position against life, that a person takes.

    The fourth reason: there may be a personal tragedy that a person hides, and internal self-isolation (again, an association with the behavior of a cancer cell).

    Again, according to statistics, older men are more likely to suffer from lung cancer. This may be due to the fact that by this time a person begins to rethink his life, sums up some results. Sometimes the conclusions are not very comforting, but it also happens that a person finds himself in a dead end: he tried all his life, worked, and now - nothing good, and in his heart too. Was it in vain that he lived his life? It is known that such painful reflections offend precisely the male psyche. And this is just one example of mental suffering that causes bodily suffering.

    Cancer as a karmic disease

    Many well-known authors usually refer to cancer as "karmic diseases." What does it mean? Do not be afraid of this strict word "karma". The Law of Karma is nothing more than the Law of Cause and Effect, which our ancestors knew very well and passed on to us through the proverb: "What you sow, you reap." Only, for some reason, we ignore this Law in our lives, forgetting that each of ours is not the same as an act, each thought, emotion becomes a cause from which a corresponding consequence follows.

    Therefore, karmic illness is a disease that is a consequence of our long-term negative thoughts, feelings and behavior. Here, we recall that scientists have long found out that the mental component of a person is immortal and after a while comes back to our world in the body of a newborn.

    This explains a lot: why children in the same family with different characters, why they have different unequal abilities, personal qualities, destinies, diseases, etc. Because a newborn baby already has an immortal soul with its accumulated baggage (thoughts, feelings, actions, knowledge, achievements, mistakes, etc.), which was collected in past, so to speak, lives.

    You may ask: how is this connected with serious illnesses, especially in infants (what are they to blame for)?

    Unfortunately, this very strict moral (Divine) Law of cause and effect has never been deceived by anyone, even if you have a baby's body (the soul is the same!).

    Imagine that a person lived in violation of Divine Laws, for example, rejecting Love (with a capital letter, since we remember that God is all-encompassing Love): he himself did not love anyone, with his behavior he “killed” Love in others, etc. When the body gave signals in the form of diseases, not yet so serious, he, instead of reconsidering his mental suffering, became even more bitter and spread mental pain around him. Old age has come, and the negative baggage of the soul is overflowing, and there is no time to rethink and correct it (and someone does not admit their mistakes even before death). And this negative baggage is carried over into the next life, becoming the reason for the corresponding negative consequences: failure, illness, etc.

    That is, indeed, a person who sowed evil begins to reap its own fruits, only with a certain delay in time. And, for some reason, only after that begins to think: “What is wrong? What have I done that backfired on me? " And the body is happy: at last, I am thinking! So we will live!

    From the above it follows that such a disease as cancer is a kind of "medicine" for the salvation of the soul, which for a long time has chosen a life without love.

    Healing soul and body

    A striking example of cancer healing is the case of the famous writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn. His biography explains why he contracted cancer (deep frustration and struggle with the system, prisons, camp, exile). But he managed to be healed (this stage of his life is described in the work "Cancer Ward").

    Of course, there are many other examples of cancer healing. It's not about examples, but about the fact that healing is possible! And it depends on the person himself!

    Let's start with the fact that "cheerful people do not get cancer" (I think that they practically do not get anything serious). This is natural: their body has no reason to signal the presence of an internal negativity with an illness - it is not there. And even if something appears, it is immediately rethought and changed to a plus sign. Agree that such a life position is very beneficial!

    Hence, the best medicine for healing soul and body is Love for life and Joy of life. But first, it is necessary to free the soul from negativity through forgiveness and acceptance of life itself.

    I hope my article serves as a hint to someone.

    Psychosomatics: lungs. Pneumonia and tuberculosis

    What are the lungs doing? They take in the air they need to live. In fact, they take in life itself.

    What does lung disease mean? This means that a person does not accept life, does not "absorb" it, does not take from life what he really needs. What matters is like air.

    Allow yourself to breathe!

    This happens for various reasons, as the theorists and practitioners of psychosomatics Sinelnikov, Malkiny-Pykh, Alexander and others write. For example, a person consciously puts up with the fact that "presses" on him, does not allow him to breathe "deeply". For example, with an unloved environment or work. “You can't breathe freely” - this is the exact definition of the situation.

    The second, but very common reason is when a person himself, deep down in his soul, is sure that he has no right to “live life to the fullest”, “breathe deeply”.

    Most often, unfortunately, this happens to people who are decent, correct, modest and conscientious. A person subconsciously denies himself the fullness of life. He is sure that he is not worthy to live, because he is still imperfect. And that “taking everything from life” is not good and wrong. This will disturb those close to you, it will not please those whose opinion is dear. This does not correspond to the way relatives live. As a result - pulmonary diseases.

    Mental and physical fatigue from life is another, third reason for lung problems. Someone needs to change their lives and diversify it, someone just needs to relax and throw off the “burdens”: “What are all my problems and achievements worth compared to the fact that because of them my lungs, which feed me with life, die, acutely necessary for me ?! "

    One of my acquaintances, starting from a young age, consistently had problems with the lungs. Earlier, oddly enough, there were none. Two pneumonia a year is not a mosquito sneezed. And he got rid of it at once, when. started making good money.

    Very responsible, conscientious, unpretentious, reliable, ready to take off and give the last - he was brought up as a "gift for others", but not for himself. The role of a man-earner and a "stone wall" had been prepared for him since childhood, but for a long time he did not succeed, no matter how he exhausted himself. This drove him to despair.

    My personal observations show that people who cannot cope with the role of “giving life” to others often suffer from lung diseases. Or they simply could not stand it and devastated themselves.

    The lungs, says Dr. V. Sinelnikov, personify the ability not only to take, but also to give.

    Psychological causes of tuberculosis

    I would like to saturate the blog with only positive examples of recovery, but it will definitely not work. Otherwise, it would become a one-sided lie. So let's take for example a story with a bad ending and a negative flow. So that at one glance at her one would not want to cultivate negativity in any way.

    Last year, tuberculosis led to the logical ending of an acquaintance, an elderly man. Chronic alcoholism, several years of tuberculosis and refusal of the patient from treatment. No naturally strong health could withstand this forever. But the man did not value his good health at all. He considered himself deeply offended by life and people.

    Already during his illness, he talked about what an unfortunate fate he had. I blamed everyone: the parents, who were “not given,” and the state, which “ran a roller,” and the wife, who “did not understand”. The disease developed in him after a major loss, which is consistent with the principles of psychosomatics: he broke up with his family on the basis of excessive alcohol consumption.

    He did not particularly try to regain the respect of his loved ones, but plunged into despondency, sadness and melancholy. Psychosomatics names all these three emotions among the probable psychological causes of tuberculosis. Surprisingly, he vividly felt all his emotional trauma forty years ago, twenty years ago. No, to "spit", to forgive, at least to understand yourself. What kind of desire is there to live, and not that "breathe deeply"? It’s probably hard to read that, and writing about a real person is even harder.

    But his children do not suffer from lung diseases at all. And they managed to make their life really better than that of their father. Although there seems to be a childhood trauma, and it seems there are reasons to consider parents to be bad and the world to be unfair. Just by the example of their father, they realized that, of course, a person has the right to chew on his sorrows and despair. But this means depriving yourself of the opportunity to improve your life and spoil your health as well.

    There is no doubt that only a few people bring themselves to such a state, and now many people "cling" to tuberculosis. But the general features of the denial of life and the world, say psychosomatics, to a small or greater extent take place in all pulmonary patients.

    Other causes of the manifestation of the disease: psychosomatics of pneumonia

    Psychological factors can also cause the development of chronic diseases of the respiratory system. Pneumonia, bronchitis, or a debilitating, lingering cough can be caused by an unfavorable family environment.

    Leading psychologists confirm the fact that children living in dysfunctional or socially disabled families are more likely to experience colds. Louise Hay, a famous modern psychologist, claims that the psychosomatics of pneumonia has a place to be, and every disease has a psychological cause.

    The pills don't work? A desperate person visits the fifth doctor in a week, who just throws up his hands and reports that, despite the therapeutic measures taken, there is no change in the study results. What to do in such cases?

    The reason must be sought in the depths. Which doctor is able to help in such cases and how to act. What to do when the reason for the inactivity of viruses - the answer to this question must be found.

    Psychosomatics - the cause of bronchitis in adults

    It is the respiratory organs that most often suffer due to an unsatisfied state of mind. A latent resentment towards the world around you can cause the development of tuberculosis, pneumonia or bronchitis. A person can lead an absolutely healthy, measured lifestyle, living in an ecologically clean region and suffer from chronic respiratory tract infections.

    The video in this article will acquaint readers with the general concepts of psychosomatics.

    According to psychologists, a person through the lungs receives not only oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism, but also energy. All stress marks pass through the respiratory tract, and during periods of despair, inflammatory foci are formed in the lungs and other organs.

    The psychosomatics of pneumonia can be as follows:

    • constant contacts of a person with negative emotions;
    • deliberate rejection of life's benefits;
    • the impossibility of changing your own life for the better;
    • lack of rest and constant physical overload;
    • the desire to look for the cause of life failures exclusively in oneself;
    • endured grief, leading to a maelstrom of incomprehensible despair;
    • lack of ability to say goodbye to your own negative memories.

    The provoking factors in the development of psychosomatics may be the following reasons:

    • decreased self-esteem and self-doubt;
    • constant and unlimited control of one's own behavior (when a free person independently limits his desires, denying himself everything);
    • extreme decency and correctness.

    Attention! Psychosomatic pneumonia and bronchitis most often manifests itself in purposeful people who live by the motto "I see the goal - there are no obstacles." According to psychologists, excessive purposefulness literally takes away vitality and takes away the ability to breathe deeply.

    The disease is not incurable; in order to normalize one's own well-being, it is necessary to reconsider one's life beliefs and learn to live without sorrowful memories of the past.

    In advanced cases, it is impossible to find the factor provoking the problem on your own. This is due to the fact that people believe that they lead an adequate daily life and are no different from those around them. a psychologist and a psychotherapist come to the rescue in such cases, but according to the experts themselves, it is possible to establish full-fledged contact in no more than 30% of cases.

    The difficulty lies in the fact that modern people are not able to speak "frankly". In such cases, hypnosis helps to establish the true cause of the manifestation of psychosomatic pneumonia.

    Why do children suffer

    Everyone knows that the child's psyche is more vulnerable and this is partly why children get sick more often than adults. Undoubtedly, this fact will be disputed by immunologists and infectious disease specialists, who believe that the cause of the development of the disease is infection and reduced immunity, but the reason may be hidden at the psychological level.

    The reason for the development of the disease may lie in the child's own experiences and uncertainty in his strength. Psychologists often face such a problem, children come to them, whose parents assure that their baby is nothing. Such an assessment of their parents' lips is a "nuclear" blow to the child's psyche. But the reason for the development of an ailment in a child may be not only mental trauma.

    Another desire of the parents can make the baby vulnerable. Often moms and dads force the baby to share everything and with everyone.

    The child, therefore, always puts his own interests below the desires of his peers because he gets used to giving everything, receiving nothing in return. The cost of such upbringing is extremely high - the formation of an insecure and unhealthy personality.

    The psychosomatics of pneumonia in children can be as follows:

    • conflict relationships within the family;
    • accumulation of resentment and misunderstanding;
    • constant depression;
    • feelings of resentment, humiliation and psychological fatigue;
    • lack of opportunity to define your point of view.

    Parental scandals often traumatize the psyche of children, and this can be seen in the photo.

    The following instruction will help parents to establish the emotional background in the family, create harmony and prevent the development of psychosomatic pneumonia in a child:

    1. You cannot put your own interests above the interests of the child, his opinion should always be taken into account. Unspoken thoughts and emotions literally constrict the lungs and bronchi. According to Louise Hay, against this background, bronchial asthma develops in children.
    2. Parents should not sort out their own relationships in the presence of the child. The tense atmosphere in the home causes insecurity in the family.
    3. Complaints and anger should not only be expressed, leaving the baby alone with them, but discussed.
    4. Adult criticism and constant comparison with other children. The kid should grow up confident in himself, and be the best for his parents.
    5. Freedom of intellectual and physical development. The child must independently decide which sections to attend, how to spend leisure time, and in which university to get an education.
    6. A child should grow up in an atmosphere of harmony, and learn on his own, filter his experiences and hold on to such a flurry.

    Having identified the psychosomatic source of pathology, you can cope with the disease without drugs. Psychologists say that the harmony of a person and the world around them is a strong tandem that ensures the body's resistance to many diseases.

    How to solve the problem

    To cope with a disease that is not caused by viruses and bacteria, the algorithm of actions described in the table will help.

    Psychosomatic causes of lung disease. Pneumonia, cough, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma.


    The lungs represent the ability to take and give. Lung problems arise because of our unwillingness or fear to live life to the fullest, to “breathe deeply”. Something prevents you from taking everything you need from life. Some of your thoughts and emotions literally "press on your chest" and do not allow you to breathe freely. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, pneumosclerosis are just different manifestations of a latent subconscious unwillingness to live in this world.


    Despair, fatigue of life leads to pneumonia. Emotional wounds grow in your soul, and they are not allowed to heal.

    A young woman came to see me with complications from pneumonia.

    - Svetlana, - I asked her, - turn inside now and ask your subconscious mind: "What recent events in my life led me to the disease?"

    The woman closes her eyes for a while. “I know the answer,” she says worriedly. - I already guessed about it before, but now everything is completely cleared up. You see, I believe that a husband should be able to earn money and provide for his family. Therefore, I have always looked for such a man. And a few months ago such a man appeared in my life. We began to live together. He has a big house, farm, car. At first, my head was even spinning from such wealth. And now I cannot breathe freely in this house. Our relationship is not officially formalized, and I do not feel like a hostess.

    - What prevents you from feeling like a mistress? I asked her.

    - I think he feels that in the first place in our relationship is money, not love. And all the time I try to prove the opposite to him. To do this, I have to work hard myself and earn decent money in order to show him my material independence. I am tired of this, and my strength is running out.


    Basically, bronchitis is a reflection of unspoken anger and pretensions.

    The family has a very nervous atmosphere, there is no peace and harmony. Arguments, swearing, screaming. A rare lull. In such cases, children are very sensitive indicators of the atmosphere in the family. They immediately react with diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

    One man came to see me with his 5-year-old son. Every month the child has inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, cough.

    - Who do you live with? - I ask him.

    - Besides me, my wife and child, my mother still lives with us.

    - And what is your relationship with your mother, what is the atmosphere in the family?

    - Terrible! - the man answers. - She is constantly dissatisfied with something. I am dissatisfied with the fact that I am not working now, but my wife is working. Believes that we are raising our child incorrectly. We, especially me, have constant conflicts with her. The calm comes only when the child is sick. Then we all unite around the sick child.

    - It turns out that the child's illness helps you at least for a while to reach an armistice? - I ask him.

    - It turns out like this. But you are absolutely right, - the man answers. “I never thought about it that way.

    - When you learn to find a common language with your mother, then the disease will not be needed.

    “But shouldn't the mother herself change? - he wonders.

    “Should,” I say. “But you are in front of me now, not your mother. If you change, it will change.

    - Yes, it will be difficult to do, - the man sighs, - but I will try.

    “Try,” I say. - After all, the health of your child depends on your efforts.

    Three months later, I met this man's wife, she worked as a secretary together with my acquaintance.

    “You know,” she said, “since my husband visited you, my son has never been ill, and there is peace and tranquility in the family now. We are very grateful to you.


    This is the desire to bark at the whole world and declare yourself: 'Look at me! Listen to me!" In this case, learn to express your feelings, do not suppress your emotions. Feel free to say what you think.

    In some cases, the cough acts as a kind of brake. If you condemn people's behavior, express out loud dissatisfaction and criticism, then coughing "helps" you to maintain good relations with other people and learn to express only approval aloud.

    Tatyana had a busy week of work and on the weekend she decided to take a break and enjoy the privacy. On Saturday morning, Tatiana began to collect the things she needed for the trip to the country. Imagine her surprise when her husband told her that guests would come to their dacha for two days.

    - Sergei, but why didn't you tell me before?

    “You didn’t ask,” the husband replied.

    “But you know I don’t like these people!

    - And I need them for work.

    This ended the conversation, but the wife still had unspoken complaints about her husband. Further more. When the hosts and guests met at the dacha, Tatiana began to irritate literally everything: the appearance of the guests, and the topics of conversation, and the barbecue prepared according to a different recipe. The woman mentally condemned the guests all the time. She soon developed a sore throat. She ignored it. In addition, the position of the hostess obliged to be cordial and hospitable. Tatyana could no longer restrain her emotions, but she did not want to spoil her relationship with her husband either. As a result, she developed a severe cough, and she, as a patient, removed herself from society and was finally able to “enjoy” loneliness.

    Choking attacks

    Strong fear of life, distrust of life leads to respiratory tract spasm.

    A man came to my appointment, who for several years periodically had attacks of suffocation.

    “Doctor,” he says to me, “these attacks were rare before, but after the New Year they began several times a day. They are accompanied by trembling, numbness of the left side of the body, fear.

    With my help, the man made contact with the subconscious and asked the question: "Were there any events in my life that caused the appearance of suffocation?"

    Judging by his expression on his face, he began to receive some information from his subconscious mind and after a while told me the following:

    - Three years ago I went into business and invested a large amount of money in one enterprise. Right after that, I started having seizures.

    - What are your thoughts, feelings and emotions then served as the reason? I asked him.

    - Fear and anxiety! He replied. - I was afraid then to lose this money. True, everything ended well for me. Then my family and I moved to Crimea. For a while, I felt very good. The attacks stopped completely. Probably, climate change, and the situation. Here I also started doing business. And last fall everything happened again. And the reason was again the situation with money. But this time I lost a large amount of money.

    - What feelings and emotions did you experience this time? I asked him.

    - Well, what else can a person experience in a similar situation? Resentment, anger, anger, irritation. And after that, the attacks began almost every day, and since January, even several times a day. My friends advised me to rest, but the money runs out, the family needs to be fed. In Moscow, I was offered a job, but how can I go there in such a state?

    - Yes, in such a state it is contraindicated for you to engage in any work at all, and even more so related to money. You urgently need to change your attitude towards money.

    - But how to do that?

    - Look here. A person already has a home, a car, a VCR, a TV, a telephone, and other material goods, and he seeks to acquire more and more, forgetting about other spheres of life. It turns out a life for the sake of money and for the accumulation of material wealth. But this cannot and should not be the goal of all life. After all, a person cannot take it all to the grave.

    “You're right,” the man agrees.

    “Imagine a glutton,” I continue. - Food for him ceases to be just a means to replenish energy costs. He is using her for something else. And if there is no food, then he begins to get angry, irritated, worried. The body is gaining reserves for future use in the form of fatty deposits. But with every extra kilogram, it becomes harder and harder for a person. And now, finally, what he made the goal in life brings him suffering and illness, and then death. That is, what he is hooked on kills him. Your situation is the same. You have made money a goal in life, and money should be treated as a means.

    - But won't I become indifferent to money? The patient asks. - I will stop striving to earn them.

    But I have a family to feed.

    - If a person treats money as a means, and not as an end, then God gives him as much money as is needed to implement his intentions. What pleasant sensations does money give you?

    - Calmness, above all, and stability.

    - So, the more calm you are in relation to money, the more money you will attract into your life.

    In the meantime, the anxiety, fear and anger associated with money not only led to the loss of money, but also began to take away your health. You need to understand that it was not money that caused your health problems, but your attitude towards money.

    - Doctor, I understood everything. But what about the offer to work in Moscow?

    - Of course, to agree, because the family needs to be fed. But before that, be sure to work on yourself. Review all the situations in your life that have been associated with money, and go through them many times over again, with new feelings: calmness, gratitude and joy. Mentally thank God, the Universe, your subconscious mind for those situations in which you were infringed on money, deceived, offended, where you lost money. Thank those people who, through their immoral behavior, taught you the right attitude to money. Now the amount of money in your life and your health depend on how and how quickly you change your outlook. You still have time before leaving for Moscow.


    As a rule, asthmatics do not cry at all in life. Such people hold back tears, sobs. Asthma is a repressed sob and is often a source of some childhood conflict with the mother; for example, the child's unfulfilled desire to confess to the mother some of his wrongdoing.

    I noticed that asthmatics are people who are very dependent on their mother. This connection has been traced by me in almost every case of asthma.

    Asthma is an attempt to express something that cannot be expressed in any other way. You suppress certain emotions in yourself. You have no emotional self-control.

    Let's see how an asthmatic person behaves during an attack. He cannot breathe on his own. He needs some outside help. He is convinced that he has no right to breathe (and therefore live) on his own. There is a strong dependence on external factors (in childhood it is a strong dependence on parents, more often on the mother). Such people are not able to breathe for their own good, to enjoy life.

    Asthma in children is a fear of life. Strong subconscious fear. Unwillingness to be here and now. Such children, as a rule, have a strongly developed sense of conscience - they take the blame for everything.

    As a homeopathic doctor, a woman came to my appointment with her son, who periodically had asthma attacks. The homeopathic treatment I prescribed gave very good results, but the disease did not completely go away.

    Immediately at the first session, I noticed to myself that the causes of my son's illness are hidden in the behavior of his mother. This was one of those women who control their children in everything. With their “care” they literally do not let them “breathe freely”. Further study of the mother's subconscious program of behavior showed that constant fears - fears about life, herself, her son - led to the son's illness. She inherited these fears from her mother, who was afraid of literally everything.

    During the conversation, the woman repeatedly used the following phrases: “I am suffocating from life”, “I rush somewhere and cannot stop and take a break.”

    It has been noticed that the condition of asthmatics improves in the mountains or at sea. Being in the mountains, they feel higher, near the sea - cleaner. Such natural conditions help them to cope with their inner impurity, which is caused by "dirty" thoughts.


    First of all, such emotions as depression and sadness, despondency and melancholy lead to tuberculosis. They appear due to the fact that in the subconscious for many years aggression has accumulated on the world and people, on life and destiny, and this aggression does not allow to live and breathe deeply.

    Such people do not want or cannot perceive life. They don't live full, fulfilling lives. What advice do doctors give to TB patients in the first place? Breathe fresh and clean air and eat well, that is, full.

    “My father was recently diagnosed with cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis,” one of my patients tells me. - What do you think is the reason?

    - How often in your father's life there were depressions, thoughts about the injustice of this world? I ask.

    - Constantly. The fact is that my father is a very talented person. He has many inventions, rationalization proposals. And I often heard from him that he was tired of fighting the stupidity of officials. He often criticizes the government, our state system.

    Blames others for interfering with his realization in life, creating obstacles.

    - This is the reason for his illness. On the one hand - anger and hatred towards the system, and on the other - resentment against life, fate and unwillingness to live in this unfair, as he thinks, world.

    I have noticed that people with a strong sense of possessiveness are susceptible to tuberculosis. It is when something to which they are strongly attached is taken away from them that an unwillingness to live arises. The question immediately arises about the meaning of life.

    “Advise me what to do with my parents,” an acquaintance turns to me for help. - A year ago I got married and left for another city. Some time after that, the father was diagnosed with a darkening in the lungs, and they do not know whether it is cancer or tuberculosis, and the mother began to quickly gain weight.

    - The thing is, - I explain to her, - that when you left your father's house, your parents had an emotional emptiness, because you were their only joy and meaning of life. Your mother decided to fill this void with food and therefore began to recover, and your father accumulated a lot of grievances about life and fate. And this situation became the impetus for lung disease.

    - Yes, you are right, - the acquaintance agrees. - The parents did not have love for each other. And they have repeatedly said that they live together only for the sake of the child.