Acceptance of learning to audit in English lessons. Technique learning to audit

Both domestic and foreign methodologists traditionally allocate three stages of working on auditation:

  • · Previous stage (Before Listening)
  • · Stage of your own hearing (while listening)
  • · Fallow-Up Activities

Consider each of these stages.

Prepare stage:

  • 1. An introductory conversation, as a rule, in the "Teacher-Class" mode, in order to identify background knowledge of students. Sometimes it is advisable to conduct an introductory conversation in the "Student-Class" mode, where the student has been playing the role of a teacher prepared by the teacher. This technique - "Learn to Be a Teacher" - is traditional, contributes to the intensification of students and the intensification of the educational process as a whole. Of course, the correct use of this reception during the lesson requires a teacher of certain temporary costs and efforts. During the introductory conversation, it is also possible:
    • · Teacher's orienting comments on the importance of information contained in the text;
    • · Forecast of possible text content for its heading / first sentence;
    • · Consider support (verbal: keywords, credentials, plan, issues; visual / non-verbal: pictures, schemes, cards, etc.).
  • 2. Removing difficulties (language / linguistic: phonetic-lexico - grammatical and meaningful) text.
  • 3. The presentation of the student of the installation before listening to the text.

Thus, on the bottom stage, the three most significant points are distinguished: the introductory conversation, the removal of difficulties and the presentation of the installation. These moments are mandatory and on the thoroughness of the preparation and the teacher of the continuing stage depends on the further success of the stage of the lesson, which conducts audience training.

Stage of its own hearing - text presentation:

If the purpose of this audit stage is only the development of audience skills, i.e. The audience acts here as the purpose of learning, then the text is listened to the students only once, without dismissed difficulties and immediately after listening to the text it is monitored.

If a detailed discussion of the text is organized and at the same time develop the skills of speaking, that is, as mentioned above, the audience is a means of learning another type of speech activity, the text is presented to students twice, while before the second listening it is necessary to change the installation before the second listening.

An interesting point of view of foreign methodists for a possible amount of listening / presentation of text during the lesson is considered: the text may be made by students more than 2 times, as much as necessary - 3 or even 4. This is possible if the text is large enough by volume or Very difficult for students. We are closest to the traditional position of Russian methodologists: a large text in volume can be divided into several parts and, accordingly, working in parts, and the level of text must comply with the language of ownership of the language of students, in addition, the text can be adapted by the teacher and pay more attention to the removal of difficulties on the pretext Stage. More than 2 times to present the text of students in the lesson is hardly advisable. However, in any case, the teacher should always be focused on specific training conditions.

Text may be a message, a description of informative purposes, an interesting connected story, a joke, a riddle, a thematic message, instructions for any actions.

The installation can be given common to the whole class, you can vary by options, you can, considering the differentiated approach, give different settings with different students depending on their level of owning foreign language.

Of course, all this requires an individual, differentiated, creative approach of the teacher to the lesson planning, which in turn demands from the teacher of additional costs and time and strength, but the desire to achieve good results, give students real, strong knowledge, as a rule, in the present The teachers "won the victory" over all the difficulties of both an objective and subjective nature.

The postcase stage is controlling the understanding of the listened text.

This stage should be immediately behind the direct listening and includes various exercises aimed at monitoring text understanding. All methods of control, as a rule, can be divided into 2 large groups: Speech and Sneust.

Sneust methods for monitoring understanding usually include such tasks as: Raise your hand, having heard ..., Testing, select the picture, place pictures in the desired sequence, select (from several proposed) header to the text.

You can attribute the following tasks to speech methods to control the understanding of the sound text: Answer questions, ask each other, agree or object, come up with the title to the text, place the offers in a logical sequence, come up with your option to complete the text.

As can be seen from the above proposed nerve and speech control methods, they can all be successfully used at the initial stage of training.

After listening to the text and after performing a number of exercises to it, it is possible to continue to use it for the development of oral and written speech skills (draw up the story plan, describe the pictures, answer questions, continue the text).

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that when learning to audit, it is important to comply with all three stages: the continuous, the stage of its own hearing, the postcase. At the bottom stage, an introductory conversation is carried out, the removal of difficulties and the presentation of the installation. Text can be placed once or twice, depending on the purpose of learning in the lesson. And on the postcase stage, an understanding of the listened material is monitored.

Outlining the foundations of the methodology for learning to audit at the initial stage, we turn to the development and description of the exercise system, which were used during pre-diploma practice.

In real communication, we have to listen to a lot, and how exactly we perceive the information obtained, can determine our subsequent actions. Speech communication is a bilateral process. One of the parties to communicate along with the hearing is to audience. These two terms are opposed to: if the "hearing" denotes the acoustic perception of the speech, then the concept of "auditing" includes the process of perception and understanding of the sounding speech.

Auditation is a very difficult type of speech activity. First, it is characterized by a disposable presentation. Consequently, it is necessary to learn to understand the text from the first presentation, because in real situations of communication, repeats are often simply excluded. Secondly, we are not able to change anything, we cannot adapt the speech speaking to their level of understanding. Thirdly, there are a number of objective difficulties that impede the understanding of speech from the first time.

Auditation serves and a powerful learning means.

Through the audience there is a mastering of the lexic composition of the tongue and its grammatical structure. At the same time, the audience facilitates mastering speaking, reading and writing, which is one of the main reasons for using auditing as auxiliary, and sometimes the main means of teaching these types of speech activities.

The main tasks of the teacher at the audience lesson:
- Prepare a child in listening through a variety of pre-listening tasks to cause interest, focus on the topic and actualize vocabulary before listening;
- Helping while listening - During-listening to remove difficulties while listening and to focus on some important points and to teach you exactly the necessary information;
- Discuss, draw conclusions after listening - post-listening, not only to check how well it is understood by the content of the audio material, but also to consolidate knowledge, and also is a motive for auditing.

Pre-listening, during-listening and post-listening are three stages of the lesson of the so-called PDP reception.

And I find that the most important part of PDP is pre-listening.

It seems to us that in real life we \u200b\u200bdo not prepare for the perception of speech, but it is not quite so. Subconsciously we, for example, ordering lunch in the restaurant, are ready to hear, and we know about what we will answer the waiter. And at the lesson, the student should also be ready to perceive the audio material on a particular topic, since the level of its understanding depends on the way we will be able to prepare students.

So what are the first stage goals - pre-listening?

1. Establish the situation, the topic of which will be discussed - to give an idea what will be discussed.
2. Call interest in the topic - possibly affecting the topic of the future dried material on personal experience. So, if there is a speech about animals - talk about the zoo or about what animals are found in the forest, in the field, etc.
3. To actualize knowledge on the topic - what do you know about ...? Where are they…? What it is? What problems are they facing? Why are they important?
4. Activate vocabulary on the topic - for example, in the form of microgging type of brainstorming "Kto knows more words: (verbs, nouns, adverch) on the topic?"
5. Predicting the content - an attempt by header, theme, illustrations to guess what it can be discussed.
6. To introduce new words - unfamiliar words should not interfere with the perception of speech.
7. Check an understanding of the goal of the audience - make sure that students understand the task of auditing, have some ideas about the content.

In the process of directly auditing During-listening, students should:
- determine what we are talking about where events occur, etc.;
- to pay attention to what remained incomprehensible and formulate a question about it;
- confirm or refute your guesses made in the pre-listening process;
- Make conclusions, evaluate.

POST-LISTENING stage is no less important. He shows:
- How deeply students understand the audio material;
- As far as he is interesting to them;
- Whether their suggestions were correct.

For this you can: - to analyze and draw conclusions on the listened material;
- summarize information, perform this in the form of oral statements or presentations, or drawing dialogues, etc.

Help the following exercises:
- perform the task "Fill in Blanks with Suitable Word" in the text of the audio material;
- Multiple Choice, True / False, Short Answer, Paraphrase \\ Summary;

Answer the questions;
- illustrate the episode;
- make a plan, retell;
- Compare with a situation of life, etc.

Teacher's speech also plays an important role and occupies a considerable part of the lesson, therefore large demands are presented to it. The main one:
- speak short sentences;
- speak grammatically simple suggestions;

Intonate speech;
- allocate keywords;
- limit statements within the framework of only one topic, further expanding the number of topics;
- use repeating words, phrases, suggestions;
- to rephrase statements;
- Be sure to give pauses between statements;
- the size of the statements to increase gradually - first the word, then phrase, one sentence, several sentences, full text or dialogue;
- organically use facial expressions and gestures, pantomime techniques;
- ask questions to make sure you understand you;
- give clear correct tasks;
- use visual supports in the form of pictures or later - support for text;
- at the initial stage of tasks also illustrate;
- to systematically check the understanding of teacher's speech students;
- comply with English speech rules.

Teacher's speech is not only the tasks in the language, but the learning process itself. It is advisable at the stage of the introductory interpretation of the exercises Listen-and-Do: Learning with children a lot of songs and poems, use games, accompany their pictures, actively use gestures, facial expressions of movement. Musical tasks incredibly facilitate perception and help to form and improve the skills of auditing.

1, the simplest task is dictation.

1) Listen & Write A Letter.
2) Listen & Write Only The First Letter.
3) Listen & Write A Word.
4) Listen & Write A Sentence.

2. For the development of audience skills, we use songs.

At this stage of the audience, I would like to stay in more detail.

First, determine the type of song.

It may be:

1. Special Occasion Song ("Jingle Bells" and so on), (SPESIAL OCCASION SONG)

2. Then in combination with the game (Game Songs).

3. Action Songs (Action Songs).

There are also songs:

    on certain grammatical structures; songs filled with repeated vocabulary (songs on a certain vocabulary); songs with vocabulary on a certain topic; Songs - story.

Take for example the well-known song "Alouette"

Listen to the Song and Draw All The Parts of the Body That You Will Hear.

Make Up A Story about "Alouette"

1.Listen To The Song and Choose The Right Word.

(8,2,5) Little (Monkeys, Bears, Dogs)

Jumping on the (Table, Desk, Bed),


Mother Called (The Teacher, The Doctor, The Father)

And ......... ..said

"No more ...... .. Jumping on the ......

Give full lyrics

For the development of oral speech we ask questions:

What Else Can the DO?

What do it like to do?

The word monkeys replace on other animals (bears, squirrels, etc.)

Is it a Funny Song?

Are the Wild or Domestic Animals?


Another song:


First spoke difficult phrases.

Give Your Associations To the Word Fish (Sea, Gold Fish, A Fisherman, Fishing, Wish)

holidays, Camping, Activities, Hobbies.

Is Fishing Our Hobby?

And I would like to say about one type of task.

III. Learn with pencils.

Effective admission at the initial stage of learning, when children do not speak letters skills to ia - combine audience with the favorite occupation of children.

1) .do you know colors well?

Listen and Color Please - on the topics "Colors and Toys"

2). Sunny Day. Listen and Color Please - on the topics of Holiday and Prepositions.

Literature and Internet resources:

"A Framework for Planning A Listening Skills Lesson" by Nik Peachey, Trainer and Materials Writer. The British COUNSIL / The Primary English Teather S Guide by Brewster, J. Ellis, G. Girard D. Pearson Education Ltd. "Intensification of learning to audit at the initial stage" "Iyash" resources of educational sites.

www. EIF-English. Ru

www. EgliseXercises. Com.

5. Touries of other sites

K.A. Krylova.

english teacher

MOU OOSH number 8

Technology learning to audit or how to teach listen and understand English speech in class

Learning to audit is very relevant today, since without auditing it is impossible to speech communication. The concept of audition includes the process of perception and understanding of the sounding speech.

The audience is definitely an important aspect in learning English.

Knowledge of all difficulties allows you to correctly assess the level of difficulty of auditing, take into account them in the organization of educational auditation, to remove them, and sometimes create artificially, as close as possible to the training session for real communication situations. This article will help to understand that the audit learning should be approached with all seriousness, carefully planning the wording, tasks and forms of control, given the factor in the language and speech training of students.

INprocesslearninginschoolauditionconcludesinlisteningandunderstandspeech:on thelessonpostsclassmatesteachers.Out ofschoolsnotexcludedhearingandunderstandingcarrierslanguagelisteningradio-andtV showsleagueon foreign oneslanguage.

Auditioncloselyrelatedfromotherseespeechfigure(speaking, reading). It can enter dialogical communicationinqualityhisreceivecomponentforit islistenerandspeakingmaybeperiodicallychangeroles.

Teacher's actions when learning to audition:

Definitionconcretetasksbylearningaudition(samy main thing for the teacher is to find outaudition in this particular case of learning orteaching meansotherseespeechactivities,t.e.communi.cabin or educationalaudition).

Selectionorcompilationtextforauditionfromaccountingprogram requirements, specific training conditions (the most important condition - the level of proficiency in the language of students)and the interests of students. Sometimes a partial adapt is neededtiontextofBooksforteacher(Teacher'sBook)orbenefits B.helpteacher.Textcanbea littleconsisting ofseveralproposalsandintegralfordevelopmentcertain mechanisms of audience (auditory memory, entyptionguessescomprehensionandt.d.).

Analysispossibledifficulties(Linguistic/ linguisticmeaningful) of thistext.

Determining the conditions of text presentation (using audioentriesordirectlyvoteteacherorunfamiliar voicefromusedepartedsupportorwithoutthem).

Definitionpreparatoryworkon theexplosionstage taking into account the selecteddifficulties.

Formulationinstallationsbeforelisteninganddefinitionnumberlistening/ presentationstext(one or twofold), which depends on the target supplied by the teacher: the audience is the goal or a means of learning. Hereconsidernecessarymark,whaton theelderstagelearninginstallationshouldnamepupilson theunderstanding content, not facts from text), therefore, based onofforegoing, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formmoulirovkainstallationssoassuccessunderstandingtext studentsinmanydependsfromshe.

Determining how to control text understanding: usevialanguageorneyazakovymethodscontrol.

Text audit learning can be built bycertain scheme . The educational process provides:

the entrance conversation of the teacher, setting the goal in the process of work;

linguistic difficulties that are found in the text;

task wording;

primary listening of text;

quest control;

formulation of a new communicative task;

secondary listening of text;

monitoring the implementation of the communicative task;

exercises of speaking based on the listened text;

summing up work on the text.

Thus, the ownership of auditing as a type of speech activity should ensure a successful communication process, develop the skill of students to speak and understand a foreign language, and since this process is complex and difficult, then in schools it is necessary to pay more attention to this procedure. It is very important to increase and motivating students to understand foreign speech by rumor. But to improve the process of learning to audit, there are all prerequisites: the technique in modern times is developing in high rates, and teachers have more opportunities to use various types of ICT tools, taking into account various audience training technologies.

In conclusion, it should be noted that these recommendations will avoid errors in teaching students to be engaged, will help to properly build their own algorithm, based on the technology of learning technology in the school language at school.


Kashina, E.G.Traditions and innovation in teaching techniques

foreign language: studies. Manual for students of philological faculties of universities \\ E.G. Kashin; Ot. ed. A.S. Greenstein. - Samara: Publishing House "Universa Group", 2006. - 75 p.

Kolker Ya.M. Practical learning method for foreign language: studies.

Allowance / m. Kolker, E.S. Yustinova, TM Enalyeva. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 264 p.

Lurie A.S. Technique learning to audit. - M., -1988. - 32 s.

Mirolyubov, A. A. General Methods of Learning Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin

high School / A. A. Mirolyubov, I. V. Rakhmanova, V. S. Zetlin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1967. -504 s.

Fidcist PI Study Guide for Pedagogical Students

universities and pedagogical colleges / edited by P.I. Bidcisters. Moscow, 1998.

Polit E.S. New pedagogical and information technology in

education system / edited by E.S. Polit, Moscow, 2002

Sakharov T.E., Rabinovich F.M., Rogova G.V. Methods of learningforeign languages \u200b\u200bin high school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

Selko G.K. Modern educational technologies: educational

benefit. - Moscow, 1998

Solovova, E.N. Foreign Language Training Method: Basic

course of lectures: manual for students ped. universities and teachers / E.N.Solovov. - 4th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2006. - 239 p.

Filatov V.M. Methods of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the initial

and the main educational school: a textbook for students of pedagogical colleges (sub. V.M. Filatova) / A series of "secondary vocational education". - Rostov N / D: "Phoenix", 2004

Chechel I.D. Pedagogical design: from the methodology to

realities // Methodology of the educational project. - Moscow, 2001

Yastrebtseva V.N. Methodical recommendations, Moscow, 1992

Buchakina M.Yu. Multi-learning technology //

Foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school // Scientific and Magazine, №3, 2003

English magazine. All for teachers! № 6 (42) June 2015

Ig "base"

Technology learning to audit in English lessons.

Learning in the method of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis given great importance in the method of teaching foreign languages, since the perception of foreign language speech by ear - the process is complex, requiring the highest attention, and from the teacher - consistent preparations for the development of this type of speech activity. Therefore, it is necessary to make a methodologically correct organization of the learning process of auditing, which means that the method of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bis worth the task properly organize and plan this process that the level of formation of audit skills of students responded to the demands of modern society.

In GEF is to develop a Wood. In the process of listening, all Wood develops: informative, regulatory, personal and of course communicative.

Audition - a receptive view of speech activity (VDD), which is the simultaneous perception and understanding of speech on rumor and as an independent ADD has its own goals, tasks, subject and result.

it is closely related to other VD: audience and reading are aimed at perception and semantic processing of information, and this explains the community of speech mechanisms serving recipe WDD.

Auditation and speaking are two sides of a single phenomenon called oral speech.

Types of audience:

Educational audience - acts asmeans of education , serves as a way to introduce language material, creating strong auditory images of language units, is the premise for mastering the oral speech, the formation and development of communicative audience skills.

Educational auditation allows multiple (during self-work) and 2-fold (with audited work, under the guidance of the teacher) listening to the same material. Repeated listening provides a more complete and accurate understanding of the audioxthext, as well as the best memorization of its content and language form, especially when the listened text is used for subsequent reconnaissance, oral discussion or written presentation.

Communicative audience - receive VD, aimed at perception and understanding of oral speech on rumor with its disposal listening. In the foreign and domestic methodology, it is customary to allocate types of communicative audience depending on the communicative installation (learning task) and the ratio with an expressive oral speech.

Depending on the communicative installation that focuses on what the latitude and depth of understanding should be, stand out:

    skimlistening- audience with understandingbasic content ;

    listening for detailed comprehension -s. audience full understanding ;

    listeningforpartialcomprehension. - Auditting S. selective extraction of information;

    critical.listening - Auditting S. critical estimate .

In the program N.I. Bykova and ppm Pospelova to the textbook "English in focus" (according to which I work) notes that in line with the audience, a graduate of primary school should perceive hearing and understand:

Teacher's speech and classmates in the process of communication in the lesson and verbally / unnecessarily react to the heard;

Understand the basic information of the heard (small texts and communications when communicating and perceiving audio recordings;

- toxize specific information from the heard;

- verbal / non-verbally react to the heard;

- Understand the rumor different types of text (short dialogues, descriptions, rhyms, songs)

- use a contextual or linguistic guide;

- Do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.

Training Audit is carried out3 stages:




Prepare stage:

    Opening conversation , as a rule, in the "Teacher-Class" mode,in order to identify background knowledge Pupils. During the introductory conversation, it is also possible:

    • orienting comments Teacher on the importance of information contained in the text;

      forecast possible text content by his heading / first sentence;

      presentation (verbal: keywords, credentials, plan, issues; visual / non-verbal: pictures, schemes, cards, etc.).

    Removing difficulties (Language / linguistic: phonetic - lexico - grammatical and meaningful) of this text.

    Present students installations Before listening to text.

Thus, on the bottom stage, the three most significant points are distinguished: the introductory conversation, the removal of difficulties and the presentation of the installation. In case listening acts as a goal of learning another type of speech activity, most often - speaking, then these moments arebinding And on the thoroughness of the preparation and the teacher of the precision stage depends on the further success of the stage of the lesson, which conducts learning to audit.

Text stage - text presentation:

If the purpose of this stage of the lesson isonly the development of the skills of auditing ,those. audition acts here asthe purpose of training then the text is listening to students onlyonce , without removed difficulties And immediately after listening to the text, its understanding is monitored.

If there is a detailed discussion of the text and at the same time develop the skills of speaking, i.e., as mentioned above, the audience is a means of learning to another VD,text is presented Students twice , wherein before the second listening necessary be sure to change the installation.

It seems interestingpoint of view of foreign methodists For a possible amount of listening / presentation of text during the lesson: it is believed that the text can be made by students more than 2 times, as much asneed -3 or even 4 . This is possible if the text is large enough by volume or quite difficult for students. We are closest to the traditional position of Russian methodologists: a large text in volume can be divided into several parts and, accordingly, working in parts, and the level of text must comply with the language of ownership of the language of students, in addition, the text can be adapted by the teacher and pay more attention to the removal of difficulties on the pretext Stage. More than 2 times to present the text of students in the lesson is hardly advisable. However, in any case, the teacher should always be focused on specific training conditions.

Postcard Stage - Control understanding the listened text

All methods of control, as a rule, can be divided into 2 large groups: Speech and Sneust.

Technology learning to audit

Teacher's actions:

    Determining the specific task of learning to audit (the most important thing for the teacher here is to find out whether the audience is in this particular casepurpose learning or actor Education to another VD, i.e. Communicative or academic audience).

    Selection or text compilation for auditing, taking into account the requirements of the program, specific training conditions (the most important condition is the level of proficiency in the language of students) and the interests of students. Sometimes it takes partial adaptation of the text from the book for the teacher (Teacher.s.Book) Or any benefits to help the teacher. The text may be small, consisting of several offers, and are intended for the development of certain mechanisms for auditing (hearing memory, anticipation, guesses, comprehension, etc.).

    Analysis of possible difficulties (linguistic / linguistic, meaningful) text.

    Determining the conditions of text presentation (using TSO or directly, with a teacher's voice or unfamiliar voice, on unfolded supports or without supports).

    Determination of preparatory work at the bottom stage, taking into account the highlighted difficulties.

    Formulation of the installation before listening and determining the amount of listening / presentation of the text (one - or two-time, whichdepends on the goal Posted by the teacher:is to listen to the goal or a means of learning. Here we consider it necessary to note thatat the older stage Learning installation should target students to understand the meaning, and not facts from the text. ) So, based on the foregoing, the formulation of the installation needs to be paid to special attention, since the success of the text understanding of the text in many ways depends on it.

    Determining how to control text understanding: the use of speech or non-systemic control methods.

Preparatory exercises in auditing:

Here are some examples of preparatory exercises:

    raise your hand, having heard ... (animal name, word on the topic ..., noun in a plural, action that happened in the past, etc.);

    listen and raise your hand if the offer is correct, refers to you;

    listen, remember the list of commands (sequence of actions in the pictures) and perform these actions / position the pictures in the desired sequence;

    guess the riddle (the answer is given in Russian - if necessary and foreign languages);

    listen to 2 sentences and determine what they differ;

    listen to 3 logs and repeat only the one in which there is sound /..../..../, or the word that means ......;

    listen to 3 words and find "unnecessary", for example,

cat , dog , student : a Cat, A Dog, A Pupil;

rain , apple , snow : Rain, An Apple, Snow;

milk , bread , crocodile : Milk, Bred, A Crocodile;

    listen to sentences. If they relate to the right picture, raise your right hand if left to the left is left.

In many exercises proposed above, words, phrases, suggestions can be grouped both by lexical and grammatical sign.

Return to K. speech and Sneven Methods of Control .

Sneust control methods:

    raise your hand, having heard ....;

    raise your hand if the offer does not match the picture / text;

    follow commands;


    collect a portfolio, arrange the furniture (in a puppet house, pictures - on a magnetic board, etc.), doll and the like. in accordance with the listened text;

    draw, make a table, scheme in accordance with the text content;

    select a picture;

    place the pictures in the desired sequence;

    remove the paragraphs of the plan in the desired sequence;

    guess, about com / than text;

    select (from several proposed) header to the text;

    place the verbs in the sequence reflecting the development of basic events in the text.

As can be seen from the above proposed non-echoous methods of control, almost half of them can be used at the initial stage of training, however, and for the middle and older stages, you can also choose and successfully use non-items of control.

Speech methods :

    answer the questions;

    listen and repeat only those proposals that correspond to the content of the text;

    ask each other;

    agree or obje;

    make proposals that do not correspond to the content of the text, and contact classmates;

    guess: the riddle, about whom, about which city, writer, literary hero, book, country, are in question;

    choose (from several offered) a suitable proverb, explain your choice;

    come up with the title to the text;

    make a plan;

    complete the sentences;

    what is the difference between just listened and previously read texts;

    what is the difference between text and picture;

    what is the difference between two listened chips;

    write down keywords for the negative;

    compare the content of the text with the facts of my own life;

    take output;

    complete the content of the text by other facts known to you;

    find a phrase that is not suitable;

    position the proposals in the logical sequence;

    what was before ... what happened later;

    come up with your version of the text completion;

    make samples from listened: What, where, when, who, what did you do? etc.;

    liked or not, why, well, or not, why?;

    explain, prove why, how, why? etc.;

    retelling text: Frontal (in the "Student - Class" mode), in a chain, in pairs (different options: horizontally, vertically, replaceable composition), "Snowball".

Material for learning to audit must also meet the following requirements:

1. Compliance with the age characteristics of students and their speech experience in native and foreign languages.

3. Holding different forms of speech.

4. The presence of redundant information elements.

5. The naturalness of the situation presented in it, characters and circumstances.

6. Material ability to cause a response emotional response.

7. Preferably the availability of educational value.

UMK "English in focus" N.I. Bykova pays great attention to audience. In my lessons, students regularly work with audio recordings in class and at home. They constantly hear the speech of native speakers, which should contribute to the formation of adequate pronunciation. Listening and repeating the speakers of the language (and these are their favorite heroes of Larry, Lulu, Nanny and Monkey Chacks), students imitate them intonation and sounds and easily assimilate the rhythmic-intonational features of the English speech.

In the 2nd grade, children are invited to listen to a small text or dialogue.

Before listening, we repeat the necessary lexical material. In the picture you can determine the estimated topic (the pretexty stage).

Then the audition itself occurs (text stage) and control

(Finding stage). In the second and third classes, it is usually a non-ejective way to control (spend a line, arrow, put a tick, letter, etc.). Gradually, you can connect the speech method of control (ask each other, agree or object, compare the text content with the facts from my own life). Thus, develop communicative and personal skills.


1. Foreign Language Teaching Methods: Basic Lectures Course: Manual for Students Ped. Universities and teachers / E.N. Solovov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. P.124 - 139.

2. Workshop to the basic course of methods of teaching foreign languages: studies. Handbook for universities / E.N. Solovov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004. P.98 - 112.

3. Galskova N.D. Modern method of learning foreign languages: manual for teacher. - 3rd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Arcta, 2004. P.175 - 181.

4. UMK "English in focus» N.I. Bykov

Exercises "Comparison of Present Simple - Present Continuous" (with answers)

1. Select the verb from brackets in the correct form. Translate proposals.

    He ... (Works / Is Working) for a Big Insurance Company.

    Water Always ... (Boils / Is Boiling) AT 100 Degrees.

    I ... (Wait / Am Waiting) for My Doctor At the Moment.

    Bob, Stop! You ... (Eat / Are Eating) TOO FAST.

    She ... (HAS / Is Having) Four Brothers.

    Switch off the Radio, Please. You ... (Don't Listen / Aren't listening) to it.

    I know My Bad Habit: I OFTEN ... (Talk / Am Talking) Too Loudly.

    Look At The Picture. An Elegant Lady ... (Rides / Is Riding) A HORSE.

    Give me Some Salt, Please. I ... (make / am making) Seafood Salad.

    Mary Never ... (Speaks / is speaking) to Strange People.

2. Use the verb in brackets in one sentence twice: in Present Simple and in Present Continuous.

N.- r: Tom usually ... In The Office But Today He ... at the exhibition. (Work) - Tom Usually Works in The Office But Today He is working at the exhibition.(Tomsually working in the office, but today it works at the exhibition.)

    I ALWAYS ... Orange Juice But Now I ... Peach Juice.(Drink)


    Mum Often ... Cherry-Pies But This Evening She ... An Apple-Pie.(Bake)

    AS A Rule We ... to Football Matches But This Sunday We ... to a Hockey Match.(GO)

    Marta usually ... Jeans But Today She ... A Dress.(WEAR)

3. Translate into English.

    My parents live in Australia.

    Do you like nuts?

    You constantly take money!

    I use the mobile phone every day.

    Today we dress up a New Year tree.

    Carl has no brothers.

    Why are you laughing?

    John speaks three languages.

    It's not raining now.

    We do not remember his address.

4. Select the right verb approaching the meaning and put it in the presentation in the form of Present Simple or Present Continuous.

to Stay - To Eat - To Play - To Wash - To Cry - To Wait - To Watch - To Wear - To Start - to Ride

    Every Thursday They ... Fish.

    Hurry Up! The Kids ... for you.

    Ron is in italy now. He ... at a 5-Star Hotel.

    Normally Mike ... Work AT 9 A.M.

    They ... Billiards at Weekends.

    She ... a Bike Right now.

    Little Nick IS A Quiet Boy.HE NEVER ....

    Dad ... TV news regularly.

    My Sister ... The Floor in the Kitchen at the moment.

    My Wife ... Contact Lenses Every Day.

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Development of lesson

Learning to audit in English lessons


english teacher

A.Yu. Kashintsev


1. Theoretical part

1.1 What is audience

1.2 Difficulties when auditing

1.3 Survey mechanisms

2. Practical part

List of used literature

Attachment 1

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.


In the modern educational standard for foreign languages, mastering the skills of auditing is considered as one of the objectives of training in the framework of the development of language competence. Undoubtedly, the skill of audience is key to the formation of language competence of students, since audience is also a learning tool.

The purpose of this work is to familiarize themselves with the main difficulties in learning to audit and listening mechanisms, familiarize yourself with the system of exercises to develop audience skills, and consider auditing as a means of learning a foreign language.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 What is audience

Auditation is a receptive view of speech activity, which is the simultaneous perception and understanding of speech on rumor.

"The term audience was introduced into the domestic methodology not so long ago and means the process of perception and understanding of speech on rumor. In English, this term is not used. "Listening comprehension" (perception and understanding from hearing), according to foreign methodologists, most accurately conveys the essence of this independent type of speech activity. "

Externally, this is an unbearable process, therefore, for a long time in the history of the development of the methodology, the audience was not considered as an independent type of speech activity, and considered the passive process and the "by-product of speaking." In the modern method of teaching English, the audience is given a significant role, since this is a skill contributing to the development of other major language skills. Today, auditing is a means of learning foreign languages.

"Working with audio texts, we simultaneously process lexical, grammatical and phonetic skills. Audio texts give information to discuss that in turn involves the further development of speaking and writing skills. " Thus, auditing is a learning tool.

1.2 Difficulties when auditing

The audience is one of the most complex types of speech activities. "Firstly, it is characterized by a disposable presentation, since in real situations of communication repeats often simply excluded," secondly, it is not possible to adapt the speech to the level of understanding of the listening. Thirdly, the speaker's speech has a number of individual features (accent, manner talk, dialect, pronunciation features, etc.), therefore it takes time to get used to the sound of the voice speaker, which creates certain difficulties for understanding.

E.N. Solovov highlights three groups of objective difficulties in auditing: difficulties caused by the conditions for auditing, the difficulties caused by the individual characteristics of the source of speech and difficulties caused by the language features of the material perceived material. Also, the author highlights possible linguistic difficulties arising due to precision words - numeral, names of the days of the week, month, own names and geographical names. These words do not carry personal significance and poorly remembered from hearing. The words of this group are a significant obstacle not so much to understand how much to memorize speech from hearing.

When learning to audit, the teacher must take into account these difficulties and select the audio material in order to teach students to overcome these difficulties. It is advisable to start learning to audit from video material, since the presence of a speech source greatly facilitates understanding. Then, gradually go to audio texts. The material for training the audience skill must contain interference and background noise, as it brings to the perception of speech perception in the real language environment. It is very important that the students had the opportunity to listen to men's, female, children's and teenage voices, as well as elderly people and people from different layers of society. Because the speaker spent spectacle will differ even from the speech of the middle class representative and differ very much from the speech of the representative of the working class. Given the role of English as an international communication language, at the later stages of training, it is necessary to include audio records of people speaking English with a variety of accents. As for the level of excessively unfamiliar vocabulary in an audio material, it is not reasonable to be too high. As noted by E.N. Solovov "When learning to audit, the teacher focuses on speech experience of students, adjusts it and selects the appropriate structure of working with an audio set. Understanding the potential difficulties that one or another text presents for a specific audience can help competently organize the training of the necessary speech skills. "

All of the above difficulties can also play a positive role in learning to audit, as they can be used as a "call" or incentive to study the problem. Of course, this is possible in a lot of multiple writing material.

Suppose, the student cannot disassemble some words and expressions due to background noise (the dialogue occurs in the mall).

To solve the task, he has to listen to the record several times, carefully listening and try to remember those lexical units that he met in a similar context earlier.

If the text is replete with an unfamiliar vocabulary, it encourages the student to understand the meaning of words, grammatical structures and, in particular idiomatic expressions.

Thus, it is involved in the process of independent research and "hiding knowledge", and, as you know, knowledge obtained in this way is much more functional than the knowledge obtained from the material presented. Thus, when choosing and preparing the audio material, it is advisable not to try to remove or anticipate the possible difficulties of understanding, but on the contrary, use to stimulate the development of language skills, i.e., to force difficulties to work on the result.

1.3 Survey mechanisms

To determine the correct method of forming skills and skills in auditing, it is necessary to take into account all of the above difficulties and mechanisms of audience.

In the domestic methodology, four main audit mechanisms are distinguished: speech hearing, memory probabilistic prediction and articulation.

"Speech hearing provides perception of oral speech, dividing it into semantic syntagids, phrases, words. Thanks to this mechanism, recognizing familiar images in the speech stream "(E.N. Solovov). There is a system of exercise for the development of speech hearing, which necessary to allocate the place in almost every lesson.

In the process of understanding speech on rumor, two types of memory are involved - long-term and short-term. Short-term memory holds heard, and long-term participates in the processing of perceived material. In the process of learning, another type of memory is formed - RAM. This is a short-term memory capable of holding information longer when installed on memorization.

"Probabilistic prediction is a generation of hypotheses, anticipation of the course of events." The knowledge of context and compensatory skills are connected with the probabilistic forecasting mechanism. Eliminate semantic and structural forecasting. Semantic prediction is determined by the knowledge of context and speech situations possible in this context. This must be considered when choosing a audio material. Thus, in profile classes with an in-depth study of computer science, the text for auditing affecting programming problems will be quite appropriate and even useful as a substantive material. Whereas in biological profile classes, work in such an audio set will not make sense. Also, in the selection of the audio material, it is necessary to take into account the age of students and their interests, as well as individual characteristics. If all the above conditions will be taken into account, the mechanism of semantic forecasting will work most effectively when auditing. There is also linguistic forecasting based on the volume of the semantic field, knowledge of lexical and grammatical structures, speech situations and speech models. "Linguistic forecasting is supported by the semantic and vice versa" (E.N. Solovov). However, it should not be installed entirely to rely on probabilistic prediction when performing control tasks for auditing, since confidence in the knowledge of the context or lexico-grammatical structures can be misleading, weakening attention and lead to incorrect task. For example, in the task for elementary school, combine pictures with the days of the week, the student most likely decides that the picture "Picnic" refers to the resurrection or Saturday, whereas in the audio text we are talking about the departure of the school on a picnic on Thursday.

You can easily make a mistake when answering questions with an interview with the representative of the Arab world. When asked, for what days the interviewed is engaged in a favorite sport or resting with his family, representatives of European culture are likely to choose Saturday or Sunday, whereas in the Arab world the weekend is Thursday and Friday. Thus, it can be said that probabilistic prediction is extremely important for auditing and it is necessary to apply a lot of effort to its development in students. However, it is impossible to fully and completely rely on the semantic and linguistic forecasting when performing control tasks when auditing.

Articulation is a very important audience mechanism. "When auditing, there is an internal progress of speech, i.e., articulation. The more clear, the higher the level of audience "(E.N. Solovov).

With the "ascending" process, understanding is considered as the process of decrypting heard. The level of lexical and grammatical language competence is the starting point for the "ascending" information processing when auditing.

The heard is analyzed for a familiar vocabulary and knowledge of grammatical structures allows you to build links between offers and parts of audio text. According to Clark, Clark (1979) briefly, this mechanism of perception can be described by the following stages:

1. Students perceive speech and retain its phonological image in working (operational) memory;

2. They immediately try to organize the phonological image into directly components of the proposals, determining their content and function;

3. Students build proposals in a logical order;

4. Having determined the semantic meaning of the heard, students retain the meaning of the text of the text in RAM, and not the phonological image. Thus, the exact words of the audio text from memory are displaced.

With the "ascending" information processing mechanism, listening mentally splits the text on the components, which allows you to allocate the main thing in each of the components.

D.S. Richards leads the following example to illustrate the above-described audit mechanism:

Once heard such a phrase:

"The Man I Sat Next To On The Bus This Morning On The Washion To Work Was Telling Me He Runs a Thai Restaurant in Chinatown. Apparently, IT "S Very Popular AT The Moment."

Listening mentally breaks it to the following components: The Man / I Sat Next to On The Bus / This Morning / Was Telling Me / He Runs a Thai Restaurant in China Popular / At the Moment.

The separation of the heard components helps determine the implied value of the importance. Namely, the components are built into the finished proposals describing the picture of what is happening:

I Was On The Bus. There Was a man next to me. We talked. Not SAID He Runs A Thai Restaurant. IT is in chinatown. IT "S Very Popular Now.

These proposals are saved in RAM, and not initially heard text.

The level of grammatical competence affects the correctness of building semantic proposals. Intenuation of the speaker allows you to determine the emotional spokeering color, which also contributes to the best memorization.

In order for students to use the "ascending" information mechanism for the processing of information when auditing, they need to own a wide range of vocabulary and extensive knowledge of grammatical structures and laws for building proposals in English.

Unlike the "ascending" method of processing information when auditing a "downward", the method implies the use of background (suspension) knowledge when an audio text understanding is understood.

Whereas with the "ascending" way to understand the language structures to the value, then with a "descending" method, on the contrary, from the value to the language structures. The background knowledge necessary for understanding speech may be previously obtained knowledge of lexical units on this topic, similar situations and possible causal relations between them.

For example, we hear the following statement:

"I Heard on the News There Was a Big Earthquake in China Last Night."

If we learned the word Earthquake, we are interested in find out the following:

Where Exactly Was The Earthquake?

Did it Cause A Lot of Damage?

Were Many People Killed or Injured?

What Rescue Efforts Are Underway?

These issues guide an understanding of follow-up information into the right track. They focus our attention on the main thing.

In real language situations, both "ascending" and "descending" ways of processing information information during auditation are found. The predominance of this or that mechanism depends on how well the sign is familiar with the topic, content and saturation of audio text information, as well as from what purpose this material is listened.

For example, if a listened audio material is a culinary recipe, then listening to certain culinary experience will use a "descending" information processing mechanism by comparing the proposed recipe with its knowledge in this area. Whereas, a newcomer in cooking will carefully listen to each word, trying to write down all the details using the "ascending" method of processing information when auditing.

1.4 Exercise Exercise System

"Building a system of exercise for learning to audity is one of the main problems associated with learning this type of speech activity. There are various classifications of exercises. Exercises are divided into linguistic and speech (I.V. Rachmanov), language, predish and speech (S.F. Shatilov), conditionally communicative, conditionally speech and communicative, speech (E.N. Passs, L.V. Skalkyn ). The basis of these classifications is the orientation criterion of exercises on the development of language skills or speech skills. " (M.L. Weisburg, E.A. Kolesnikova).

In addition, training and speech exercises (Weisburg ML, 1965, Morozova, I.D., 1965, Morozova, are distinguished. From the position of the activity approach I.L. BIM proposes in relation to all types of speech activities to allocate: orienting, performing and controlling exercises.

E.N. Solovov offers the following system of exercises for the development of audience skills: Repetition of foreign language speech for the speaker (development of articulation), exercises for the development of speech hearing, exercise for memory training and exercises for probabilistic forecasting training.

This classification is characterized by a practical orientation and helps to properly organize work with an audio set in the lesson. Consider each type of exercise of this system in more detail.

Repeating an input speech per speaker - basic exercise. E.N. Solovov believes that this type of training exercise is developing all four audience mechanisms.

The heard text is divided into syntagma, recognizes familiar words and structures, which contributes to the development of speech hearing. To repeat the text, it must be remembered, and this is the development of memory. Probabilistic prediction allows you to fill the forgotten with a language guide. The most effective in this form work is being developed articulation. E.N. Solovov believes that the synchronous repetition of the text for the speaker is very useful, but at the same time a very difficult exercise even for people well and actively owning the language.

Synchronous repetition of the text on the speaker (Speech Shadowing) - technology for the first time applied L.A. Chistovic in the 50s for studying the mechanisms of perception of speech and problems of stuttering. When synchronous repetition, the interval between speech and repetition is 254-150 microseconds, which corresponds to the utterance time of one syllable in speech. Although externally, a person will only repeat the words, syntactic and semantic information processing processes occur in his mind. This type of work is suitable for the final stage from the audio sext and its level of execution shows how successfully work with this material has passed.

It is advisable to enter a synchronous repetition by a speaker on a rumor with the so-called "echo reading" (Shadow Reading). "Echo Reading" is the method for the first time proposed by M. Geddes and D. Stertridge (Marion Geddes and Gill Sturtridge). The first stage of "Echochynia" is to read the text of the text of itself, in its pace for its complete understanding in its pace. The next stage is a repeated listening of extinguishing. The final stage is to use the recording to repeat the text on the speaker on proposals, parts and completely, relying on the printed text of the visually.

This approach allows you to comprehensively develop language skills and audit mechanisms. However, I would like to note that in the case of working with texts of audio recordings for the audit tasks, the Audio Opening Text itself should be submitted only after performing all sorts of tasks to understand speech on rumor.

To see the advantages of this method for the development of audience skill, it is necessary to note the distinctive features of the conversational audio text and the printed text.

Audio text, as a rule, has a linear structure. Text unit - part of a complex offer.

Working with an audioxthector with simultaneous visual support on printed text gives a synergistic effect.

First, it allows you to identify the features and differences of a conversational audio-text and use these knowledge for probabilistic forecasting.

Secondly, this type of work trains the correct articulation when reading the printed text, which is important both for the formation of phonetic skills and for the formation of oral speech skills. Also, such a method allows you to combine the visual mechanisms of perception of information and thereby achieve the most complete understanding of all sorts of aspects of the language under study.

And the most important thing is one of the most effective ways to use auditing as a means of learning a foreign language. The systematic use of "Echo Reading" in English lessons allows students to acquire the right strategy for the study of other foreign languages.

It is necessary to form this proper habit from the very first lessons of the English language.

The Shadow Reading method and the synchronous repetition method (Speech Shadowing) are well applicable in home reading lessons. To do this, select a guide to read with sound accompaniment. Students only use sound accompaniment when performing a homework, and the printed text they see only in the lesson.

This type of work increases the motivation and interest of students to work with the artistic work and at the same time allows you to actively develop the skills of auditing, phonetic skills, reading skills, expand the lexical range and work out grammatical structures. In the practical part of the work, a schematic plan for the home reading lesson using artistic work audio recordings is presented.

Exercises for the development of speech hearing - "This is auditing with a visual support. Support can act as the printed text and pictures.

An excellent example of such audience is educational videos, where the picture almost completely reflects the text content. " (E.N. Solovov).

The video film can serve as a good material for the development of almost all auditing mechanisms. You can use the video excerpt according to the following scheme:

1. Presentation of the name of the video movie and discussing assumptions about its possible content;

2. View video movie with sound off. Students draw conclusions about the loyalty of their assumptions and build new ones. Also, they constitute the extremes of possible lexical units, which, in their opinion, they will meet in the passage studied. This type of work can be performed both in Russian and in a foreign language, depending on the level of ownership of foreign language students. This develops forecasting skills and long-term memory is activated;

3. Perform typical settings for listening to the stage. It is especially important to include discussion of issues / statements in such exercises. As noted by E.N. Solovov "After this exercise, even skeptical students will listen carefully, because the case is not only about some kind of text, but their insight. The task becomes personally significant ";

4. Viewing a movie with the sound turned on and the execution of typical tasks "while listening";

5. In a set of exercises like "After listening", when working with a video, you can also include the "voice" of the studied passage. As a rule, this type of work accounted for most of the students, regardless of their age. In addition to the development of such mechanisms as articulation and speech hearing, the successful performance of such exercises is good motivation for further work.

Exercises for the development of speech hearing also include "directional audience. This is auditing to recognize specific words, structures, extracting specific information. It may be accompanied by action. For example, students should clap your hands, get up, show the card. " (E.N. Solovova).

To exercises for training in memory of E.N. Solovov refers the following types of exercises:

Answer questions, agree or refute the allegations after listening to the text;

Listen to the text, and then compare it with printed and find discrepancies;

Remember all dates, names, geographical names, etc., used in the text, and repeat them in the same sequence;

Listen to words and group them according to any sign;

Listen to words and repeat only those of them that belong to any one topic.

The following activities can also be offered to the memory training:

Listen to the message and arrange excerpts from this text in the correct order. For this type of work, you will need to cut the text of the audio message to individual pieces;

Listen to the story and lay pictures depicting events, in the correct order. Such a task is very well suited for elementary school and, as a rule, really like children;

Write the text of the audio material. Such an exercise is suitable for independent work performed at home. Many mechanisms of audience develop very well, as well as the skill of students to independently determine the difficulties arising from the understanding of foreign speech by rumor;

Write a summary of the listened.

To the exercises for training of probabilistic forecasting E.N. Solovov refers the following activities:

1. Choose definitions to words;

2. Create possible phrases with noun / verbs, adverbs, adjectives;

3. As part of concrete situations, make up the most typical phrases. Cliché and translate them;

4. Exercises in the logical development of the plan, which suggest the ability to finish the phrase, text;

5. Determine the content by header, illustrations, keywords, questions, etc.

The task is to assume how events developed at the beginning and in the middle of history on the basis of the heard end of history, it can also contribute to the development of semantic forecasting. Also, a good exercise can be considered the following type of work: Suppose that it was said by the interlocutor at the other end of the wire.

When performing tasks of this type, semantic and structural prediction develops.

Structural prediction is well evolving when performing tasks of the type - fill the pass. Before listening, students predict what type of information they will need to fill the passes, thereby configuring their attention to specific information: dates, names, geographical names, activities, etc. You can also predict which part of the speech is likely to include words and phrases Pass.

For example, students are invited to perform the following task:

You Will Hear A Telephone Conversation Between Jenny and Paula. For Questions 1-5, Fill in the Missing Information.

Tasks for the formation and development of probabilistic forecasting in this case may be the following:

1. What Part of the Speech Is the Word in Number 1? What do it denote?

2. In Which Questions Are You Expected to Fill in Centuries or Decades?

3. What Building Can Be Converted Into A House?


Such tasks also contribute to the development of lexical and grammatical skills.

For the system of exercises for the development of auditing skills, foreign methods offer a system of strategies for an understanding of foreign language speech by ear. (Jack C. Richards "Teaching Listening and Speaking"). Strategies are how students go to the fulfillment of a task to audit. Mastering students with proper strategies to understand speech on rumor involves students in the process of listening and allows you to effectively develop this skill. Allocate strategies (BUCK 2001): Cognitive (cognitive) and meta-cognitive.

Cognitive strategies include: understanding information, saving information in memory and call information from memory.

Meta-cognitive strategies include: assessing the situation, planning, monitoring, self-esteem and self-control.

GOH and YUSHITA (GOH, YUSHITA, 2006) conducted an experiment at Singapore School for children of 11-12 years of age, meta-cognitive strategies for the perception of text on hearing and received the following results:

Students have become more deeply understood by English and to make aware of the possible difficulties that arise when auditing;

Students began to fulfill tasks more confident;

Students easier overcame difficulties arising when auditing;

The results of students on the audit exam have increased significantly.

Undoubtedly, in the educational process it is necessary to pay attention to all sorts of strategies of understanding speech on rumor. "Students must learn to independently choose the text of the perception of the text depending on the communicative intention or the communicative task and the features of the audio advertist." (M.L. Weisburg, E.A. Kolesnikova).

It is also important that in the structure of skills and skills that provide possession of various types and strategies to the audience, along with specific skills and skills, there are general skills and skills for all types of speech activities. Consequently, you need to teach students to use the acquired audition skills as a means of studying a foreign language.

1.5 audition as a means of learning

The audience is not only the goal, but also a learning means. Conduct a clear face here is not easy. The audio advertists provide information to discuss that, in turn, implies the further development of speaking and writing skills ...

Even the term "oral speech" initially suggests both audience skills and speaking skills. Dialogue as a form of oral speech communication is impossible without well-formed audience and speaking skills. " (E.N. Solovova, 2006).

"Recently, such a term as" Critical audience "began to meet in the methodical literature (Elukhina N.V. 1996, Kolesnikova I.L., Dolgin A.O., 2001).

This type of audience has tremendous value for the personal development of students and the development of their value orientation as well as the skill of critical thinking.

An important role in the use of audition as a means of learning playing "Conscious Information Perception" (Schmidt, 1990).

Conscious processing of the heard information allows you to include new knowledge in your language competence and apply from oral and written speech. Schmidt (Schmidt, 1990) distinguishes input information (INPUT) and learned information (INTAKE). The learned information is those lexical units, phrases or grammatical structures and techniques that were not just heard and understood, but also attention was drawn ("THAT PART OF THE INPUT THAT THE LEARNER NOTICES", Schmidt) is the information on which deliberately "registered" by the RAM and serves as the basis for the further development of language competence.

In order to properly use audition as a means of learning, it is necessary to distinguish between situations in which listening as an understanding of the heard played the main role and the situation where further work with the audio set is advisable. Which way to use the audio material depends on its content and form. (Richards, 2008).

There is a type of task to audit, which are called learning audit (Guided Listening). It is believed that learning audience - directly acts as a means of learning, serves as a way to introduce language material, creating strong auditory images of language units, is the premise for mastering the oral speech, the formation and development of communication skills of the audience. In the process of studying audition, there is a speech ear and the skills of recognition of lexico-grammatical material and the skills of understanding and evaluating the listened one.

Educational auditation allows multiple (during self-work) and 2-fold (with audited work, under the guidance of the teacher) listening to the same material. Repeated listening provides a more complete and accurate understanding of the audioxthext, as well as the best memorization of its content and language form, especially when the listened text is used for subsequent reconnaissance, oral discussion or written presentation.

Depending on the method and nature of the work with the text for listening in academic audity, allocate:

INTENSIVE - intensive;

EXTENSIVE - extensive audience.

Applying audition as a learning tool in English lessons gives good results to form meta-conductive regulatory skills, when working with artistic work for home reading, when working with news information (political, social and popular) and when studying grammatical designs.

The use of audition for the formation of meta-cognitive regulatory skills is primarily in the formation of the skill carefully and respect the interlocutor. This also an important educational role of this type of activity. It is very easy to organize oral speech practices. When students listen to the performance of their classmates. They can perform tasks to extract specific information from the story or the analysis of the most frequently found grammatical structures and lexical fullness of the statement. For example, when listening to a monologue on the topic "History of My Life", you can ask the class to record all the dates encountered in the message and events with them related. Then, make a brief message using the records and check their correctness using the narrator. Also, in the future, you can summarize the information obtained when listening to all messages, to summarize, find regularities and draw conclusions.

Tasks, developing skills listen carefully, must be installed when listening to presentations and protection of projects in school. Students do not just listen to the message and watch presentations, and fill the tables or respond to pre-proposed questions. For example, students represent short presentations on Festivals in Britain. Listening to their classmates answer questions, filling out the following table.

Table 1:

After the performance of the speech, the listeners ask questions a storytellor to fill the information that they did not have time to write or did not hear. It is advisable to give such tasks when information is submitted earlier than students (when aware of the results of design and research activities). It can be said that attracting audition when monitoring monologuistic speech contributes to the development of "academic audience" skill (ACADEMIC LISTENING) - Skill "Actively" listen to lectures.

Another, no less important meta-delta skill - the skill of goal-setting and choosing ways and means of their achievement, is formed when working with the skill of listening, when students learn to understand the tasks for the exercises to audit and classify them.

In the method of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bthere is a very large number of audience classifications by type. So I.A. Dehert allocates two main types of audition: with a common understanding of the content and with a complete understanding of the content. I.L. Bim allocates auditing with a complete understanding, listening to the understanding of the main content and listening in selective understanding.

There is also a separation of audience for introductory, declaring and activity (L.Y. Kulish).

Foreign methods The above-mentioned types of audition are defined as Skim Listening (listening to superficial understanding), Listening for Gist (listening to understanding the basic support), Listening for detailed comprehension (listening to a complete understanding of the content and meaning, or detailed audience), Listening for Partial Comprehension or Selective Listening (auditioning with selective extraction of information or "clarifying" audience (Kulish, 1991).

To form the skill to set goals and tasks of training activities, find ways with ways to solve them, as well as the skill carefully read the instructions. It is advisable to exercise exercises to identify the type of audition based on the wording of the task.

For example, students are offered the following exercise:

Table 2. - "Match The Following Instructions for Listening Exercises to their Types":

Types of Listening Exercises

You Will Hear People Talking ABOUT EVENTS THEY ATTENDED. Choose Form The List A-F Which Event Each Speaker Attended.

You Will Hear A Woman Talking on Local Radio About Different Events in An Arts Festival. Fill in the Missing Information.

You Will Hear A Woman Giving Her Life Story. In Which Century Do You Think She Lived?

Listening for detailed comprehension

You Will Hear A Programmed About Reintroducing Native Species from Areas Which The Have Disappeared. For Questions 1-10, Fill in the answers.

Selective listening

Listen to a Quiz Show. Choose The Correct Dates.

Listen to a Short Detective Story. Write Its Summary.


You Will Hear An Interview with A Famous Travelled and Adventurer. Write Down The Names of The Countries He Has Visited Do Far.

Listen and Write The Correct Day Under Each Picture.

Listening for gist.

Put The Utterans of the Dialogue in The Correct Order. Then Listen and Check Your answers.

Using auditing on home reading lessons is possible if the artwork exists in both in print and in audio formats.

The principle of work is as follows: Students receive only audio media for homework, the printed text is present only at certain points in the lesson.

Stages of work:

- "To listening": predicting possible content on the basis of the name, predicting lexical units and grammatical structures (verb time);

- "During listening", it is performed at home and in the classroom: understanding of the total content, the extraction of specific information (filling in permits, tasks of the type - is true or incorrect, information ranking), dictation;

- "After listening," is performed in the classroom:

Working with text for a detailed understanding of the content and for a complete understanding of vocabulary and grammar;

Text exercises for the development of vocabulary (allocate and transform the lexical units of a certain group of words, pick up synonyms or antonyms), grammar (allocate grammatical structures, explain their use in the text, ask questions, build negative offers) and oral speech skills (retelling, discussion, forecasting further development of events).

The use of audience to work with the news information of various orders is very exciting and interesting for students, since it contributes to their personal development, the formation of a personal value field and the development of critical thinking. Online space is an inexhaustible source material for this type of work.

You can use the Air Force Sites, as well as the site "", where you can disagree adapted information of different difficulty levels for learning English. The value of this approach is that the teacher may select the text corresponding to the age characteristics and interests of a certain group of students. Also performs such a requirement for text to audit as its relevance. The subject of discussion becomes modern events and phenomena, which increases the motivation and efficiency of information perception.

This type of work presents an example of an activity approach to the study of a foreign language, since it implies further independent study of the problem with the help of the Internet.

The study of grammatical structures using audition is possible when performing exercises like "Listening in time". This is an exercise for attention:

Unsubscribed in the text of the verbs in the past time;

We define how many times the dividing issues are used;

Restore reduced grammatical forms, etc.).

The testing of grammatical designs and phenomena is possible in the text stage of working with the audio material, when grammatical structures are allocated in the text, their purpose and use is explained, additional exercises arising from context are performed.

One of the simple and pleasant ways to study and work out grammar is grammatical songs.

Unfortunately, very little material for this type of activity, but there is a series of so-called "synthetic songs" Mr. Monday recorded by the English group called Solid British Hat Band in the 80s.

These songs are manifested in these songs: Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous, Future Going To, Future Will and some types of conditional suggestions:

Table 3. - "Mr Monday, by The Solid British Hat Band":

Present Progressive, Baby


Dream of a City Man

IT "S Only Half Past 3


Tomorrow Will Be Wonderful


If you go to rome

I "M Sitting All Alone

PRES Perfect Progressive.

The value of this material is that the teacher himself can make exercises of various types by taking the text of the song as a basis. These can be exercises for filling the perishes, to predict grammatical structures, restoration of reduced grammatical structures, transformation and transformation (negative, question deals). For example, can Did You Use to Be Like Me Song? In the following way:

A) Students listen to the song with the aim of understanding the general content, the system of the statements of the type IT is a story about ...

B) Students listen to the song and fill the pass:

C) Students analyze the use of lexical units and the grammatical design of Used to DO, explain the semantic load, which transmits this design in the story being narrated.

D) Students write a short history based on the content of the song using a new vocabulary and grammatical structure Used to Do. The story begins in words: Once There Was A Man Who ...

The use of this material for auditing implies creative tasks - drawing up its grammatical songs in the image and similarity, to compose or choose music to grammatical songs or writing artistic stories on the content of songs using the grammatical structures being worked out.