Summary of the comedy of the auditor in phenomena. Review: A brief retelling "Auditor" for actions

The "Auditor" is a comedy in five actions written in 1835 to make an impression of the work, you can read the summary of the "auditor" on actions and phenomena. The Comedy describes how in the county city of a random passage takes for the auditor from the capital.

Main characters comedy

Main characters:

  • Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov - "official" (as residents of the city belong to) from St. Petersburg. Increigable young man 23 years old, dressed in fashion and somewhat rustic. Interested in a card game, loves a rich life and seeks to "show yourself."
  • Osip - servant Klezlekov, already aged. Plutish man. He considers himself smarter than Barin and loves him to teach him.
  • Gingerbread - an elderly arrogant man, bribward.
  • Anna Andreevna is a glood wife, provincial coquette. Very curious and vain. Compare with your daughter for the attention of the cavaliers.
  • Marya Antonovna - Gardening daughter, naive provincial girl.

Other characters:

  • Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky - two extremely similar to each other in the city landlord, they say a lot and always go together.
  • Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin - Judge, considers himself enlightened, actually read only a few books.
  • Artemy Filippovich Strawberry - a trustee of the godly establishments, pronyr and plut.
  • Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin - E-mailmaster, to naivety is simple.
  • Luka Lukich Flap - a caretaker of school.

"Auditor" very brief content

The action of the play occurs in the first half of the XIX century in the provincial city of N. Gingerbread reports to all officials of the city N, which the auditor from St. Petersburg must come to the city.

Officials are afraid of testing of the auditor, because they all work poorly, take bribes, etc. Immediately, officials learn that Mr., similar to the auditor, stopped at the local hotel. Officials do not know that in fact this gentleman is not an auditor, but a small officer of the Khlestakov, a stupid and frivolous young man.

Gingerbile comes to the hotel and meets Hellestakov, who immediately accepts for the auditor. Gingerbread offers the "audio" to move to him to the house to live in the best conditions. Khlestakov like this sudden hospitality. He does not recognize that he was accepted for the auditor.

To back up the "auditor", officials give him large amounts of money allegedly in debt, but in essence it is bribes. Having received a round sum, whipping finally understands that he is considered to be an auditor. He is going to urgently leave the city until he was exposed. Khlestakov writes a letter to a friend to St. Petersburg, which tells about the nonsense of officials. He also has time to make the proposal of the daughter of Governing. He happily blesses this marriage. Gingerbread is glad to breed with such a "influential" person as Khlestakov.

Khlestakov leaves from the city, but promises to return (in fact, he, of course, does not think to return). Meanwhile, in the mail, the postmaster reveals the letter of the horstykova and detects his deception. All officials learn that Hellestakov was not an auditor and that he would not return to them their money. At the same time, a real auditor arrives in the city. This news leads officials to horror.

Compressed Piece of the Auditor

In the county city, from which "Three years, you will not attend anyone to anyone", Gingerbread, Anton Antonovich Lukovnik-DMUKHANOVSKY, collects officials, in order to inform the most infurinal news: he is notified by a letter from the acquaintance that in their city rides "Auditor from St. Petersburg incognito. And with a secret prescription. "

Gingerbread - all night there are two rats of an unnatural value - premonished bad. The reasons for the arrival of the auditor, and the judge, Ammos Fyodorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin (who read "five or six books, and therefore a few volunodumen"), suggests the war-inflated war.

Gingerbile Meanwhile Topics advises Artemia Filippovich Strawberry, a trustee of godded establishments, put on patients with pure caps, to dispose of the fortress of the Kuchadnaya, tobacco and in general, if possible, to reduce their number; And meets the full sympathy of strawberries, honoring that "a person is simple: if he dies, he will die so; If he recovers, then it will recover. "

The judge of the city indicates "domestic geese with small traces", which is sinking under legs in the front for seekers; At the assession, from whom, from childhood, "gives a little water"; On the hunting arapist, which hangs over the wardrobe with the papers. With the reasoning about bribes (and in particular, the bozes puppies), the Gingerbile turns to Luke Lukich Flap, the caretaker of the school, and crushes strange habits, "inseparable with the scholarship": one teacher is constantly building the faces, another explains with such a heat that he does not remember himself ("It's, of course, Alexander the Macedonian hero, but why break the chairs? From this loss of treasury").

Epitemaster Ivan Kuzmich Shpekein appears, "simple to naivety man." Gingerbread, fearing the denunciation, asks him to view the letters, but the postmaster, a long time ago, reading them from pure curiosity ("other letter with pleasure with pleasure"), I have not yet met anything about the St. Petersburg official. Fauling, the landowners of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky and, remembering each other, they talk about visiting the hotel restaurant and a young man, observant ("and looked at the plates"), with a seek expression in his face, - in a word, it was the auditor: " money does not pay, and does not go, to whom to be, how not to him? "

Officials concernly disagree, the city decides "to go to the parade to the hotel" and gives hurry orders a quarterly relative to the street leading to the restaurant, and the construction of the church in a burning institution (do not forget that she began to "build, but burned", and then Flap Who is that And not built at all). Gingerbread and Dobchinsky leaves in great excitement, Bobchinsky cock runs behind the trees. They are Anna Andreevna, the wife of Governing, and Marry Antonovna, his daughter. The first brawls daughter for non-keptores and in the window asks the leaving her husband, with the Usami whether there are visits and with what mustes. Antended failure, she sends an avdot of trembling.

In a small hotel room, a servant Osip is lying on the Bar ash bed. He is hungry, complains to the owner who lost money, on his mindless waste and recalls the joy of life in St. Petersburg. Is Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, a young silly man. After the pass, with the increasing timidity, he sends an Osip at lunch - and will not give, so for the owner. For explanations with the restaurant, the servant follows a rubbish lunch. Having devastated the plates, Khlestakov is scolding, the city's city is coping with this time. In a dark room under the staircase, where Khlestakov, there is a meeting.

The original words about the goal of the travel, about the Grozny Father, who called Ivan Alexandrovich from St. Petersburg, are taken for the skillful fiction of incognito, and the cries of him about the reluctance to go to prison Goryanki understands in the sense that the visitors will not cover his misconduct. Gingerbage, lost from fear, offers coming money and asks to move to his house, and also inspect - the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of the city, "somehow the beige and others." The visitors suddenly agreed, and, writing two notes, strawberries on a restaurant bill, strawberries and his wife, the cities sent with them Dobchinsky (Bobchinsky, who diligently listened under the door, falls along with her on the floor), and he himself goes with Khlestakov.

Anna Andreevna, in impatient and worrying expecting Westa, still annoys the daughter. Dobchinsky resorts with a note and a story about the official that "not a general, but will not give way to General," about his throat first and mitigate subsequently. Anna Andreevna reads a note, where the transfer of salt cucumbers and caviar is interspersed with a request to prepare a room for the guest and take wines from a merchant Abdulin. Both ladies, quarreling, decide which dress to wear. Gingerbreading with Khlestakov is returned, followed by the earthquake (who in the hospital had just fallen off Labardan), flaky and indispensable Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky. The conversation concerns the success of Artemia Filippovich: since its entry into position, all patients "like flies, recover".

Gingerbread pronounces about his disinterested diligence. The discrepanied whip is interested, whether it is impossible to play cards in the city, and the city, of course, in the question of catching, strongly speaks against the cards (not embarrassed by Nimalo with his winning winning in Clason). Completely developed by the appearance of ladies, Khlestakov tells how in St. Petersburg accepted him for the commander-in-chief that he was with Pushkin on a friendly leg, as he managed by the once department, which was preceded by the persuasion and sending to him thirty-five thousand some couriers; He paints his unparalleled severity, prevents his quick work in Feld Marshals, which brings the panic fear to the surroundings, in which fear is diverged when Khlestakov is removed to sleep.

Anna Andreevna and Mary Antonovna, having disappeared, who watched the visitors more, together with the Gingerbie, ask Osip about the owner. He meets so ambiguously and evasively that, assuming an important person in Hollyakov, they only approve in that. Gingerbile casts police officers standing on the porch, in order not to let merchants, petitioners and anyone who could complain. Officials in the House of Governing are advised to take, decide to give a bribe and persuade Lyapkin-Tipkina, a nice eloquence of her ("that neither the word, then Cicero from the language flew"), be the first. Khlestakov wakes up and scares them. Broadcasting Lyapkin-Treipkin, entered with the intention to give money, can not even be able to answer, for a long time he serves and that he drove; He drops money and honors himself hardly not arrested. The money raised the money asks them to loan, for "in the road it was in the way."

Chatting with the postmaster about the pleasures of life in the county town, offering the caretaker of the Sigar School and the question of who, on his taste, preferably - brunettes or blondes, confusing strawberries to the comment that yesterday he was lower than hence, everyone alone he beetted loan "under the same pretext. Strawberries diversify the situation, denunciation at all and offering to state their considerations in writing. The coming Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky Khlestakov immediately asks a thousand rubles or at least a hundred (however, he is content with sixty five). Dobchinsky bites his firstborn, born before marriage, wanting to make him a legitimate son, and encouraged. Bobchinsky asks if you say in St. Petersburg to all nobles: senators, admirals ("Yes, if Edak and Soverev will have to, say and sovereign"), that "lives in such a city Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky."

By sprouting the landowners, Hellekov sits down for a letter to the buddha to Petersburg in order to set out a funny case, as he accepted him for the "state person." As long as the owner writes, Osip persuades him to leave him more and time in his arguments. Osipa with a letter and horses, whipping takes merchants, which loudly hampers the quarterly Derportord. They complain about the "inhabitancy" of Goverling, give the requested five hundred rubles a loan (Osip takes and a sugar head, and much more: "And the rope is useful on the road"). Conduct merchants are replaced by a lamp and a non-commissioned officer with complaints on the same city. The rest of the petitioners repel Osip.

Meeting with Marya Antonovna, who, right, did not go anywhere, but only thought whether Mama was not here, she was taking confession to love, the kisses the Klezlekov juncked and repent of his knees. Suddenly, Anna Andreevna, anger in anger, puts her daughter, and Khlestakov, who finds it still very "appetizing", falls on his knees and asks her hands. He is not confused by the confused confession of Anna Andreevna, that she is "in some way married," he suggests "to retire under the draft jets", for "there is no difference for love." Unexpectedly, the run of Mary Antonovna gets dragged from the mother and the proposal of his hand and heart from still standing on the knees of Klezlekov. Granted, frightened by complaints of merchants burst into the Khlestakov, and begs not to believe fraudsters. He does not understand the words of his wife about matchmaking, as long as Khlestakov does not threaten to shoot. Not too understanding what is happening, Gingerbread blesses young. Osip reports that horses are ready, and Hellets announces a completely lost family of glooming, which goes to one day for a rich uncle, again dults money, sitting in a carriage, accompanied by granny with households. Osip carefully takes a Persian carpet to the litter.

Having conducted Klezlekov, Anna Andreevna and the Gingerbird indulgence in the dreams of St. Petersburg life. Are designed merchants, and the triumphant gingerbread, whining the great fear on them, the joy let go of everyone with God. One after the other comes "retired officials, honorary faces in the city", surrounded by their families in order to congratulate the family of gondo. In the midst of congratulations, when Gingerbreading with Annoy Andreevnaya Introduction Introducts, I am a general read, runs postmaster with a message that "the official we accepted for the auditor was not an auditor."

The printed letter of the horstykova to the rag is read aloud and alternately, since every new reader, reaching the characteristics of his own person, will be blind, raging and removed. The crushed granule pronounces an accusatory speech is not so helicopter Khlestakov, like "Small-paper, piece of paper", which will certainly insert in the comedy. The overall anger appeals to the Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, let the false rumor, when the sudden phenomenon of the gendarme announced that the official "who came by the name of the name from St. Petersburg demands you to this hour to himself," turns you in the likeness of the tetanus. A dumb scene lasts more than a minute, in continuation of the time no one changes its positions. "The curtain is descended."

See also: The work of "Dead Souls" was written in the second half of the 19th century. The poem in summary of chapters can be read below. The first volume was published in 1842, the second volume was almost completely destroyed by the author. And the third volume was never written. The plot of the work was suggested by Gogol.

First action

Happens in one of the rooms at home Governing

Phenomena I.

Gingerbread gathering officials and informs them the "most example news" - an auditor with a "secret prescribed" will soon arrive in the city. All excited, Ammos Fedorovich even expresses the assumption that the war will soon be, and the auditor sent to find out if there are no traitors in the city. But the gingerbread rejects this assumption: from their city, "at least three years I have been downloading, to no one state that you will do," what is the treason? He distributes orders, lifting all the problematic places of the city - patients need to be moved into clean and desirable to reduce their quantity. From the pretty places to pick up the parties divorced there and remove from the "hunting arapy" from the papers. It can be returned when the auditor leaves.

From the assessment all the time "gives Vodka", and this is also advised to eliminate, for example, to eat onions. Educational institutions, whose teachers have "very strange actions, are naturally inseparable with the scholars": one crusts the faces of the students, the other breaks the furniture ... that before the "small sins" officials, then the city nothing has against this: "This is so God himself arranged. " The judge is calmer, it is justified by what takes only "kick puppies", and this is much better than rubles or a fur coat.

Phenomena II.

It includes mail. He, too, heard about the arrival in the city of the auditor, and I am sure that all this is not just happening, but from the fact that the war is nearing the Turks. "This is all the Frenchman shit," he says. Gingerbread convinces the mailman that no war will not, and then shares his experiences with him. His "confuses merchants and citizenship", which he doesn't like it - there would be no donos on him. Gingerbage is asks for the postmaster, "for the general use of our use," to print and read the brought letters, he agrees, at the same time, which is what other people's letters read - from curiosity.

Phenomena III

Included, fattening, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. They just saw the expected auditor at the hotel. This is a young man, "a non-free outside, in a particular dress", he "walks the room on the room, and in the face of a certain reasoning ...". This young man lives the second week in the restaurant, does not pay money and does not go away. Everyone unanimously decide that this is no one as an auditor. Gingerbile is extremely excited - a lot of unpleasant incidents took place in these two weeks: "Unter-Officer's wife was carved! Arrestants did not give the provisions! On the streets of Kabak, unclean! ". He makes a decision to urgently go to the hotel and requires a bailiff, officials disagree in their institutions.

Phenomenon IV.

Gingerbread remains in his room one.

Gingerbile requires trees (double horse moss) new hat and sword. Bobchinsky is linked for him, he is ready to run behind the trees "cock, cock," just to watch "in a slit" on the auditor. Gingerbile Melting Quarterly Purrently Pretty Street, leading to the restaurant.

Phenomenon V.

Finally is a private attracting. Gingerbage hurry distributed instructions on the improvement of the city: to put high quarterly on the beauty bridge, stamp (break) the old fence, because "the more breaking, the more means the activities of the Grador". And if anyone will ask, why the church is not built - so answer that she started to build, but burned. Already in the door, he gives an order not to release half-naked soldiers into the street.

Phenomenon VI

The wife and daughter are running, they quarrel. Anna Andreevna tells the daughter of the same minute to run over the trees, peep, everything is designed, and in particular - what color of the eye of the auditor, and it is a moment to return back.

Second action

Little room in hotel.

Phenomena I.

Osip lies on the Bar ash bed and angry at the Barin, which all the money "profiltil" in the card. And now for the second month they can not take home from Peter. You want to eat, but the debt is no longer given. In general, he really liked him in St. Petersburg: everything "delicately", the life is "thin and political." Only here Barin and did not do things there, and all the money from his father was descended. "The right, in the village is better: it is at least there is no publicity, and less concerns," says Osip.

Phenomena II.

Glastakov enters, gets Osipus for being lying on the bed again. Then requires uncertainty (almost asks) the servant go down at lunch. Osip refuses, saying that they will no longer give them anymore, but then agrees to descend and call the owner to Khlestakov.

Phenomena III

Khlestakov alone. He argues himself about how he wants to eat. In what kind of "bad town" it was listed - here even in the shops do not give a debt. And in everything the infantry captain is to blame, who absorbed him into the cards. And yet Khlestakov would like to fight him again.

Phenomenon IV.

Included a restaurant servant. Khlestakov looks in front of him, persuades him to bring lunch and "cut" the owner: that man and may not eat day, and Khlestakova, like Barina, it is impossible.

Phenomenon V.

Holetakov reflects what to do if dinner does not bring. "Ugh! Even nauseous, so I want. " Then begins to dream, as he returns home in Petersburg clothes and will recompret himself as an official from St. Petersburg.

Phenomenon VI

Bring lunch, it is not good and consists of just two dishes. Khlestakov is dissatisfied, but eats everything. The servant tells him that this is the last time - the owner will not give much more.

Phenomenon VII.

Osip reports that Klezlekova wishes to see the city. Khlestakov is frightened: And suddenly the innkeeper has already managed to complain and will he go to jail now?

Phenomenon VIII.

Enter Gingerbread and Dobchinsky. Histakov and Gingerbread Some time in fright look at each other. Then the city explains that he came to see how Khlestakov lives, because his duty is to take care of the coming well. Holystakov scared, he justifies that everything will pay, he will send from the village. " Then she declares that the innkeeper is to blame himself, he feeds him badly, threatens to go to the Minister. Gaining his turn is frightened, promises to understand and asks him not to root - he has a wife and children. He calls Klezlekov to another, better, apartment, but Khlestakov, thinking that he was going to take him to prison, refuses. Gingerbile offers him money so that he pays to the innkeeper, Helleaks willingly takes, and the city is vulnerable to turn to him four hundred rubles instead of the required two hundred. The attitude of the horstakov to the city change changes: "I see you a noble man." He agrees to go to love to live. Gainting decides that the auditor wishes to keep incognito, and that it is necessary to keep the Ear Egor.

IX phenomenon

A restaurant servant comes with a score, the city drives him out, promising sending money.

Phenomenon X.

Khlestakov, Goryztaki and Dobchinsky are going to inspect urban institutions, and from inspection of prisons of Khlestakov categorically refuses, but the god-free institution attracts his attention. Gingerbile will send Dobchinsky with a note to his wife, so that she is preparing to take a guest, and to the strawberrian who is responsible for the beiges. Dobchinsky swallows the door from the Klezlekov room, going to go out. Outside, heels Bobchinsky - it flies to the floor and spreads his nose. In the meantime, there is a well-to-move the shelter's things to love.

Action third

First action room

Phenomena I.

Wife and daughter Governing are waiting for news standing by the window. Finally, Dobchinsky appears.

Phenomena II.

Anna Andreevna reproaches Dobchinsky for the fact that he came so soon, asking him about the auditor. Dobchinsky gives a note and emphasizes that he is the first (with Bobchinsky) "opened", that this is a real auditor.

Phenomena III

The wife and daughter are preparing to accept the auditor and are wrapped. It is noticeable to rivalry between them - each tries that the second one put the dress is not suitable for her.

Phenomenon IV.

Includes Osip with a suitcase on the head. He is accompanied by a servant of Governing. Osip asks to eat, but he does not give him, explaining this by the fact that all the eats are simple, and he, as a servant of the auditor, is not this. Osip agrees to any food.

Phenomenon V.

Quarterly rector of both parts of the doors. Glastakov includes: His Gingerbread, then the Trustee of God-Bogogenic Vehicles, the caretaker of school, Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky with a plaster on the nose.

Khlestakov talks to the city. He is very pleased with how everything is arranged in the city - it is satisfying it and showed "good establishments." In other cities, this was not. Gingerbread replies that this is because in other cities, the city-poraters care more about their benefits, and here - about how to please the bosses. Khlestakov is interested in where it would be possible to play cards. Gingerbread life is that he himself does not take the cards and in his hands, although not further than yesterday I "paid" from the official hundred rubles.

Phenomenon VI

Anna Andreevna and Maria Antonovna are included. Gingerbread presents their xlestakov.

Lunch begins. At the dinner of Khlestakov boasts: in St. Petersburg, he is the main person, everyone knows. He is "on a friendly leg" with Pushkin himself, and he himself wrote a lot of good things, for example, Yuri Miloslavsky. The daughter of Government recalls that this work has another author, but she is wicked. Daily Hellets in the palace and on the BALAH, and once he even managed the Department. On the packages he is written "Your Excellency", foreign ambassadors play in Vist with him, and a watermelon is served on the table for seven hundred rubles. In the front, waiting for his awakening, usually "the counts and princes are interpreted" ...

Gingerbread and others, with respect, listen to the boasting of Khlezkov, and then escort his relax.

Phenomenon VII.

The remaining discusses the horstykov and converge that he is a very important person. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky argue that Hollyakov, probably, General himself, and then generallyssimus. Then the officials diverge, and the strawberry says Luka Lukich, that he is still scary to him. "Well, how to sleep yes to Petersburg wave a report?"

Phenomenon VIII.

The wife and daughter of Glastakov look at whom she watched Hellekov during breakfast.

IX phenomenon

Enters the tiptoe of the city. He is no longer happy that he was drinking a guest: Even if half of the said Histakov - the truth is, in public entrusted. Anna Andreevna is sure that everything will be fine, because Khlestakov is "educated, secular, higher tone man." Gingerbread is surprised: how did Kleztakov reached such ages so much? "It's wonderful now all started in the world: at least the people would have been prominent, and then thin, thin - how do you know who he is?".

Phenomenon X.

Includes Osip. Everyone runs to him, wondering whether xles is sleeping. Gingerbage is asked to what the barin pays the most attention. Gives the mask money for tea and on the ram. I am interested in my wife and daughter, "what eyes are more like" Khlestakov. Then everyone diverges, Gingerbile Melting Quarterly Do not let in the house of outsiders, especially with requests.

Fourth action

The same room in the house of Governing

Phenomena I.

Carefully, almost on tiptoe, officials, as well as Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, in full parade and uniforms. They all gathered in order to give a whip bribe, but can not come up with how it is better to arrange. In the end, the decision is made to enter a single one and talk to the eye to the eye: "Identify it one way, yes between the four eyes and that ... as it should be - so that the ears do not hear. That's how the landscaped in society is done! ".

Phenomena II.

It turns off whispan eyes. He slept perfectly and glad about how he was taken here: he loves the guilty. In addition, Khlestakov noticed that the daughter of Gorodnikovaya is "very thorough", and the mother is such that "you can still ...". Such life he likes.

Phenomena III-VII

Ammos Fedorovich enters Ammos, the money drops and is very frightened. Holetakov, seeing bills, asks to give him a loan. The judge willingly give money and leaves. Then consistently enter the postmaster, Lukich Lukich, strawberry. Each Help asks for debt and receives certain amounts. The latter appear Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, whose Khlekakov already directly requires money. They don't have much: for two only sixty-five rubles. Khlestakov takes, saying that "it's all the same." Dobchinsky has a request to the auditor: to recognize the legatives of his son. Khlestakov promises to assist. At Bobchinsky, the request is even easier: so that Khlestakov, when will go to St. Petersburg, would say everything, including the sovereign, that "Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky lives in such a city."

Phenomenon VIII.

Khlestakov alone. He begins to guess what he is taken for the "state person," and writes a letter about it to her friend, a journalist, so that he makes fun of the officials.

IX phenomenon

Osip persuades Klezlekova to leave more. He agrees. At this time, noise comes from the street: merchants came with the petitions, but they are not allowed a quarterly. Khlestakov managed to accept everyone.

Phenomenon X.

The merchants are brought by Khlestakov wine and sugar heads. They ask to interfere with them - the merchants of the city, deceives and robes. Khlestakov promises to figure out and takes money from merchants; He does not happen and the silver tray, and Osip takes the remaining gifts, up to the rope: "And the rope is useful on the road."

Phenomenon XI

Women, marsham and unbeat officer come to Khlestakov. They also complain about Governing: that is not anything in the Unter-Officer. "Go, I will dispose!", "Says Khlekakov, but the requests are tired of him, and he tells anyone else to let anyone else.

Phenomenon XII.

Khlestakov speaks Marya Antonovna and kisses her. It fears that the visits simply laughs over it, "provincial". Khlestakov convinces that they fell in love with her and to prove it, rises on his knees.

Phenomenon XIII.

Anna Andreevna is included. Seeing the husk kneeling, she comes to indignation and drives her daughter away. Khlestakov decides that both "it is also very thorough" and again rushes on his knees. He assures Anna Andreevna in eternal love and comes even to the fact that she asks her hands, not paying attention to the fact that it is already married: "There is no difference for love ... We will delete under the Senage of the jet ... Your hands ask!"

XIV phenomenon

Running the daughter of Gully, seeing Klezlekov on his knees, cries: "Oh, what passage!". Histakov to avoid scandal, asks Anna Andreevna's hands her daughter.

Phenomenon XV.

There is a breathtaking granule and begins to convince Klezlekov not to believe the merchants: they deceive the people, and the Unter-Officer "herself herself." Anna Andreevna interrupts Governing Joyful News. Gingerbread beyond his joy, blesses Khlezlekova and Marwe Antonovna.

XVI phenomenon

Osip reports that horses are ready, and the xles rush to go. Gluently he says that rides to a rich old man, and promises tomorrow to return back. For goodbye, he kisses the handle of Mary Antonovna and once again asks for the government in debt.

Fifty action

The same room

Phenomena I.

Gingerbread, Anna Andreevna and Mary Antonovna.

The family is enormous rejoices, imagining a rich life in St. Petersburg. Anna Andreevna wants her "the house is the first in the capital and so that ... in the room it was amber, so that it was impossible to enter and it was only necessary to sculpt the eyes."

Phenomena II-VII

All congratulate Governing. He hills the merchants for the fact that those beds to complain. Now he has become an important person, and merchants are so simply not separated - everyone must bring rich wedding gifts. Officials are asking for Governing not to forget them in St. Petersburg, he promises, but Anna Andreevna is unhappy: there her husband will not have time to think about "all Meloge".

Phenomenon VIII.

Epolemaster appears with a printed writing in hand. He tells the amazing news - he was not at all adopted for the auditor at all. The postmaster reads the letter of Kleskov to a friend-writer: "First, Gingerbread is stupid, like a blue Merin ...".

Here the granule interrupts the postmaster: it can not be there this is written. The postmaster gives him a letter, then written in hand, and everyone reads an impartial truth about himself. The mail makester drinks bitter, the strawberries look like a "pig in Yermolka", the caretaker of the collapse of the whole propacue, and the judge "to the strongest state of Movetona." "And however," the letter is completed, the people are hospitable and good-natured. "

All are angry, especially the Gingerbread, which is afraid that they will fit in some comedy. "What are you laughing at? Laughing with yourself, "he says. But Klezlekova is no longer catching up: he was given the best horses. They begin to find out how at all it was possible to take "this hertoprach" for the auditor - not otherwise, how God took away the mind. All accused Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, because they brought the news about the auditor.

Phenomenon Last

It includes gendarme: who arrived from St. Petersburg, the official stopped at the hotel and demands everyone to himself.

Silent scene.


According to the writer himself, in the "Revolution" he "decided to collect in one bunch of all bad in Russia, which I then knew, all injustice, which are done in those places and in cases where most of all is required from the person justice, and in one When you laugh at all. " The Auditor's comedy action takes place in modern Gogol Society, and almost all the vices of this society are brightly displayed in this work. Indirect proof of this can serve that the play for a long time did not want to put. It took Zhukovsky's intervention, who personally convinced the emperor in the fact that "there is nothing unrealized in the comedy that it is only a fun ridicule over bad provincial officials."

The comedy immediately liked the audience, many phrases of it were separated and became covered. Yes, and today, the work will definitely seem interesting and relevant. After reading the summary of the auditor, the heads are very advised to find the time to familiarize themselves with the full text of the plays.

The plot of the "auditor" in 3 minutes by actions

The comedy action occurs in the first half of the XIX century in the small provincial city of N.

First action

In the house of Goverling in the city of N. Gingerbread collects all officials of the city and reports that the auditor from St. Petersburg should come to them. He asks officials to keep their institutions in order to check. It also turns out that the hotel of the city lives Mr., similar to the auditor. Gingerbread decides to go there and personally meet a possible auditor.

Second action

In the hotel's hotel N. In his room, a small official of Hellakov has been living for several weeks. Young man rides from St. Petersburg on vacation to parents. He spent all his money and lives in a hotel in debt, not knowing than to pay. At this time, Glastakov arrives in the city. Khlestakov is afraid that he wants to arrest for the debts to the hotel. Gingerbread chatting with Khlestakov, and decides that a young man is an auditor from St. Petersburg. Gingerbile takes on the payment of debt for the hotel and offers Khleztakov to live in his house. Histakov willingly agree without knowing what's the matter.

Action third

In the house of Governing. The wife and daughter of Governing are preparing to take a dear guest, the "auditor" of Khlezkov. Gingerbird sends dear wine. Meanwhile, Khlestakov gets acquainted with the officials of the city and visits their institutions. Officials do not guess that they are not an auditor before them, but a small employee from St. Petersburg. Histakov, with turn, does not suspect that he was accepted for the auditor. Khlestakov settles in the house of Governing, where he gets to his wife and daughter. In a conversation with the officials of Khlestakov talks about his allegedly luxurious life in St. Petersburg. He is lying that he is friendly with the ministers, Pushkin, etc. Officials willingly believe in his lies. They are increasingly afraid of such a "respected man."

Fourth action

In the house of Governing the next morning. Officials come to Khlestakov. Khlestakov asks money to debt for each of the officials. Officials perceive it as a good moment for a bribe. They give Khlestakov in advance cooked large sums, hoping to draw the "auditor". Having gathered from officials a round sum, Khlestakov finally realizes that he is taken for the auditor. He writes a letter to his friend to St. Petersburg, telling about the nonsense of the officials of the city N. By sending a letter, Helfakov is going to leave the city to avoid exposure. Meanwhile, merchants and other residents are suitable for the windows of Klezlekov and complain about Governing. Khlestakov promises to help everyone. The merchants also give him money and and gifts. Before the departure of Khlestakov, he has time to ask his daughter Marya from the Governing Hand. Gingerbread blesses this marriage and rejoices, which gives the daughter for such a "influential person." Khlestakov says goodbye to the family of Gorough and promises to come back soon.

Fifty action

In the house of Governing. All city officials congratulate Governing with the upcoming wedding of his daughter and the capital "auditor". Gingerbread building plans about his future luxurious life in St. Petersburg. The postmaster suddenly resorted to the letter of Horstakov to a friend, which he opened in the mail. Epitemaster announces that Hellets is not at all an auditor. Officials are amazed by this news. Immediately comes gendarme and reports that a real auditor arrived in the city. From this news officials fall into horror.

It is interesting: the play was written in 1835. The work that at one time caused a lot of senses and is reputed, is considered the first Russian household comedy. With the help of heroes - small officials and merchants - the writer reflected the way of life of St. Petersburg of the 1930s of the 19th century.

Video summary auditor

There is a version on which the plot of the comedy of the "auditor" Gogola suggested Pushkin. And the story of the friend of Gogol, A. S. Danilevsky, was preserved, about how they were played by the auditors on the way to St. Petersburg, and were taken everywhere with great honor.

) Collects fathers of the city and informs them the most examples: "The auditor is going to us." Officials are amazed and frightened. Most of all the city itself is worried: there are many disorder in the local economy. In the front of the judge Lyapkin-Tipkin, the Storam hold a geese with husenki, and the assessment constantly smells as if he had just left the distillery plant. Patients in the hospital of the guardian of strawberries are dirty and look like the Kuznetsov, and teachers in the colleagues of the caretaker clams have a freelance expression. (See the images of officials in the "Auditor", Lyapkin-Tipkin - Characteristics with quotes, strawberries - characteristics with quotes, clams - characteristic with quotes.)

Phenomenon 2.. By the congregation, the postmaster Shpecin joins the meeting. (See Shhekin - Characteristics with quotes.) Gingerbread assumes that the auditor could be sent as a result of any denunciation, and it is wondering if the mail "a little" will be printed by letters and "from the precaution" to get acquainted with their content. The postmaster says that it has long been practicing such printing from curiosity. Some letters come across ash, and in other playful places.

Gogol. Auditor. Performance 1982 Series 1

Phenomenon 3.. To the urban, frowning, resorted two local landlords - Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. (See Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky - Characteristic with quotes.) Interrupting each other, they talk about a suspicious guest of a city hotel. It is a young man of 23-24 years old, who already refuses to pay the second week in the restaurant, strives to lunch without money, and recently goes into the snack room and looks into all the plates. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky suggest that this strange strange thing - and there is an auditor.

Phenomenon 4.. Gingerbread is put on Mundir and the sword, hastily calls the quarter and orders him with the dozen immediately reciprocating the street that leads to the restaurant.

Phenomenon 5.. Gingerbread goes to the restaurant, to the auditor.

Gogol "Auditor", action 2 - summary

Phenomenon 1.. The man whom Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky accepted for the auditor, - in fact Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, a young horse, an official of the lowest rank, which now also played in the card. (See the brief description of the Klezlekov.) Hellets turned out to be in the city by chance, travel from St. Petersburg home to Saratov province.

The servant of Klezlekova Osip, lying in the absence of a Barina on his bed, argues about how his lord is lightweight. (See Osip - Characteristic with quotes, monologue of the Osip.) Hellets exists only on the father sent by the father, which immediately descends in the kits. Now they and Osip are sitting hungry: they have nothing to buy lunch.

Phenomenon 2.. The widged Khlestakov drives an Osip to the Tavern - take a domestic dinner. Osip says that the owner already refuses to feed without money. Khlestakov sends him to call the innkeeper. (See the dialogue of the Klestakov and Osip.)

Phenomenon 3.. Osip leaves, and Hellestakov complains himself: I want to eat terribly, but I didn't have to have lunch at that - in Penza, he cleared in a card game one infantry captain.

Phenomenon 4.. Osip returns with a restaurant servant, which confirms: Khlestakov and so much owed the owner, so it will no longer feed it for free. According to the servant, the innkeeper is going to convey to the defaults of the hollykov in city. Khlestakov sends the owner to the servant.

Phenomenon 5.. Ontieving one, Khlestakov reflects: Do not sell pants? To drown down the flour of hunger, it begins to dream. It would be nice to rent a carriage, creep into the livery, to issue yourself for rich and ride at the best houses ... (see the monologue of Klezlekova.)

Phenomenon 6.. A restaurant servant brings lunch, but warns: the owner gave it without money for the last time. Hungry Hollytakov rushes to plates and begins to pronounce a servant for the fact that lunch is bad: some feathers are swimming instead of oil, and beef in hot so hard that jaws hurt from her chewing.

Phenomenon 7.. Osip informs Khlestakov: he asks him who came to the hotel Gardening. Khlestakov comes to terrible excitement. He believes that the gingerbread arrived on the complaint of the innkeeper and will now drag him into a debt prison.

Phenomenon 8.. Gingerbread enters the imaginary auditor. Khlestakov, confident that now he will be in prison, it is beginning, but then shouts: "I will complain to the Minister!". Gingerbread, herself, believed, believes: "Auditor" wants to complain about the ill control of the city. Khlestakov explains that he cannot leave the hotel, as he does not have a penny. Gingerbread takes it for extorting bribes. He is immediately "the auditor" of 400 rubles and invites him to his home. Undelly amazed Help does not fully understand what is happening, but more and more encouraging and begins to keep himself with a little bit down. (See the dialogue of Klezlekov and Governing in the Tavern.)

Phenomenon 9.. At the request of Khlezkobova, Osip gives an interpreted servant. Having now money, Khlestakov wants to pay through it with the owner. But the city orders the servant to get away away.

Phenomenon 10.. Gingerbile invites Khlezkov to ride together in urban institutions. He refers to his wife with Dobchinsky note, where orders to prepare at home a good reception "Auditor".

Gogol "Auditor", Action 3 - Summary

Phenomenon 1.. The wife and daughter of Governing, seeing the Dobchinsky window, hurry him to tell the news about the auditor.

Phenomenon 2.. Dobchinsky reports Anna Andreevna a note from her husband and reports that the auditor, although not a general, but will not give way to the general formation and importance of actions.

Phenomenon 3.. Preparing for receiving the auditor, the daughter and wife of the governor argue about what dress will go most of them.

Phenomenon 4.. A servant Osip brings the house of the crucible suitcase with the things of Klezlekov and demands to feed itself.

Phenomenon 5.. Khlestakov and the fathers of the city return to the house of Goverling after breakfast and trips to institutions. Khlestakov praises a treat and aware, there is nowhere to play cards. Gingerbread, seeing insidious trick in such a question, is responsible for never playing, because it does not want to lose time that can be spent on the benefit of the state.

Phenomenon 6.. Gingerbread represented by Khlestakov wife and daughter. Khlestakov is drawn in front of them. He begins to tell about his Petersburg life and, imperceptibly for himself, is more increasing. Khlestakov assures that he has been familiar with Pushkin and he himself wrote a lot of writings, for example, the "marriage of Figaro" and "Yuri Miloslavsky". He says that his house is the first in the capital, that in his admission he is interpreted, the buzzing, like a bumblebee, princes and graphs. Once he, allegedly, managed the Department, and 35 thousand couriers were sent to ask him about joining this position. Now it will soon be produced in Field Marshals. (See the full text of this very false monologue of Kleskov.)

Phenomenon 7.. Khlestakov goes to bed, and the guests diverge from Governed, sharing respectful impressions of the "Revolution".

Phenomenon 8.. The wife and daughter of Glastakov, the wife and daughter argue about whom Khlestakov paid more attention.

Phenomenon 9.. Gingerbread, putting Klezlekov, comes out of his room in an ultimate excitement.

Phenomenon 10.. Gingerbread with his wife and daughter is hearing the servant of the "Auditor", Osip. Osip already understands that his host adopted for someone else, but decides to take advantage of the case. He tells: his barin is very influential, strict and strongly listens to his, Osip, advice. I rush to lean the servant, the granted money is "on tea and a ram".

Phenomenon 11.. By calling the quarterly whistles and Kuarporto, the city orders no one for the "auditor" to "the auditor" to the people, especially the merchants, did not bring him any complaints.

Gogol "Auditor", action 4 - summary

Phenomenon 1.. City officials, standing at the room of sleeping husking, is hotly discussing how to give it a bribe and not to join the conflict with the law. No one wants the first to go to offer the money "the auditor", everyone pushes another.

Phenomenon 2.. Khlestakov wakes up in his room and remembers the last day with satisfaction.

Phenomenon 3.. Khlestakov includes Lyapkin-Tipkin's judge with money in a compressed fist. Not knowing how convenient to suck them, the judge is stued so much that it squeezes the hand and drops bills. Histakov, seeing money, not lost and immediately asks them "loan." Lyapkin-Tipkin gladly agrees to give and hastily leaves.

Gogol. Auditor. Performance 1982 Series 2

Phenomenon 4.. In the room of the horstykova includes postmaster Shpekin. "The Auditor" no longer expects when he relieves money, but asks for a loan itself. The mail makerster with the joy "draws" three hundred rubles.

Phenomenon 5.. In exactly the same way, Khlestakov "occupies" another 300 rubles from the caretaker School of Clap.

Phenomenon 6.. Another 400 rubles gives him a trustee of the godly fabrication of the strawberry (which is also trying to jabing on the postmaster and judge).

Phenomenon 7.. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky are found for the "auditor" only a much smaller amount: only 65 types for two.

Phenomenon 8.. Having gathered from all the money and remaining alone, whipping is divided, what a fool manages this city. He decides to write about his cheerful adventures familiar journalist Raguccin to Petersburg: let that "Encommmunicate" this case in some newspaper.

Phenomenon 9.. The new Osip advises Khlestakov to be removed from the city, as soon as possible: it is clearly taken for another person, and the error can be revealed from the minute for a minute. Khlestakov agrees, but before leaving, the master instructs the mail to the mail for the raguchan. Outside the window suddenly heard the voices of merchants who came to the "audio" with the petition. Quarterly Derportord tries to detain them at the gate, but Hellets, looking out the window, manages to let.

Phenomenon 10.. The merchants with offerings in the hands bring a "audio" complaint to the arbitrariness of Governing. Khlestakov promises to lay a word for them in the capital and with pleasure takes 500 rubles from the merchants.

Phenomenon 11.. Plumbing comes to complaining "the auditor" to the fact that her husband illegally surrendered to the soldiers, and a non-officer widow - that he ordered her to carve. Other petitioners are breaking to the hall of the husking room, but the hurry to leave the Osip pushes them.

Phenomenon 12.. Faced with the daughter of Gully, Marya Antonovna, Khlestakov begins to make fervent, non-harmony compliments, then tries to kiss her shoulder - and finally falls in front of her knees with love confess.

Phenomenon 13.. In this position, the mother of Maria Antonovna, Anna Andreevna, caresses them. Under the reproaches of Mother Maria Antonovna leaves in tears, and windy xles begins to kneel to explain in love Anna Andreevna. (See the dialogue of Khlezkov and Anna Andreevna.)

Phenomenon 14.. This scene sees the returned Maria Antonovna. Holetakov immediately grabs her hand and asks Anna Andreevna to bless him and Masha on a lawful marriage.

Phenomenon 15.. Having learned about the visit to the "audio" of merchants, Gingerbread resorts to say that they were all the lists. But the wife sinks his news: Khlekakov asks his daughter's hands. Both parents bless young.

Phenomenon 16.. Suspending Marwe Andreevna, Helpakov unexpectedly declares that now he needs to go for a day to the living in the neighborhood of uncle. He takes an overlooking one more 400 rubles and, together with Osip, hastily leaves.

Gogol "Auditor", Action 5 - summary

Phenomenon 1.. Gingerbread and Anna Andreevna reason for luck, which helped them to encourage almost with no one, and make plans for the future. Gingerbile expects the general rank soon, and his wife is to build a brilliant house in the capital.

Phenomenon 2.. Gingerbage will scold merchants who decided to complain to him by the auditor, and informs them that this auditor will now be his son-in-law. The merchants persuade publicly not angry and do not destroy them.

Phenomenon 3.. Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin and the Dear Citizen Rastakovsky congratulate the family of Goverling with extraordinary happiness.

Phenomenon 4.. Governing congratulate the influential citizens of Lulis and Korobkin.

Phenomenon 5.. Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky so hurry to witness respect Anna Andreevna and Maria Antonovna, which, kissing the handles, even face foreheads.

Phenomenon 6.. Congratulations come by a caretaker of colleges and his wife.

Phenomenon 7.. Congratulations continue now from all the city society immediately. Anna Andreevna declares countrymen that they intend to move to St. Petersburg with her husband. Congratulations are asked by Governing about the protection of their children.

Phenomenon 8.. In the midst of universal turmoil, the postmaster Shpekin runs up and announces that the man was adopted for the auditor who was not at all. Shpekin printed a letter sent by Khlestakov Ragkin, and found out from there, who was actually his author. The gathered read this letter with all the offensive characteristics that Hollekov gave them there. The granted cherryman who came to the rage is knocking on the floor and with the words: "What are you laughing? Laugh on yourself! " - He threatens to erase all paperwork writers into the flour.

The name of this writer forever entered the story. And not in vain. Him, Nikolaev Vasilyevich created many works.

All of them are impregnated with a sparkling humor and filled with a variety of heroes. The works of it are studied in schools and universities. According to their motives, films are removed from both of us and abroad. It's hard to say an off town, how many works created this great writer. And all his works entered the story as masterpieces of world literature. One of the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is now and consider. It is called "Auditor". For the first time I saw him in the cinema, in the sense of Telplekact. I remember. That in the lead role was Andrei Mironov and the play struck, but then, when I read the book itself, I realized that otherwise it simply could not be. The film director simply did not have the right to remove badly. But back to the great writer.

2) Summary of the Auditor's play.

First, I would like to clarify why you need a brief content. I remember my studies at school, especially in the spring, it was not at all to lessons, because we worry all day on the street. But study is still going. And the lesson is not learned. In high school, I remember, in the textbooks it was written a summary of this or that work, and right in the lesson you will quickly read and look, stretch to "Troychka". There were of course the incidents, but mostly came from hands. Well, okay, closer to business.

The first action.

A small overwhelming Gorodishko, in which there is a city and other officials .- "- the Gingerbile reports to its officials that the auditor goes to them. It is going secret. Based on this, the garde puts the tasks: Epothermaker-to open letters and read them to read them To own information. The rest is in order all your affairs. Two officials with the names of Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky report that some xles settled in the hotel, which may well be this audio. This whipped in the city of days eight back, for the room and food does not pay , Everything buys in debt. Gingerbread goes to the hotel to pretend that he is a sort of guardian behind passing. At the same time, the wife and daughter of Governing are sent to the servant for intelligence, to the hotel, to find out who is this whip. Before leaving the city has a challenge His quarterly. In order for the central street, yes, instead of the demolished old fence, some veils, even if they were from straw. And so that each intersection put Ankarm.

Action second.

Deployed in a hotel room. There's Osip-servant Horstkova and he himself. Osip grumbling under the nose charges of the Klezlekov, losing all his money in the card. Khlestakov argues out loud that he would sell clothes, but he goes to the estate to his father and must arrive in proper form. At this time, the city with the question does not have complaints from tenants. (Such a trick with his parties). Khlestakov recalls how in Penza it robbed some kind of infantry captain, because he was dissatisfied with the city and people. Histakov is outraged that in this city he is not allowed. And it receives this loan from Governing, and not 200 requested rubles, and twice as much. And although the "auditor" now has money, he decides until not paying the hotel debt, pay, they say then. Gingerbile sends a note with his spouse. And one more note-chairman of the facility-strawberries.

Action third.

A spouse with a daughter of Goverling receive a note from him, in which he informs them that a high-ranking official will be found in the city. It is Osip, who brought the horstykov suitcase. Holetakov, inspected by the city and tightly lunch, prettyly using alcohol, begins to paint the ladies and everything else, what is he an influential person. What's there, in St. Petersburg, he and Pushkin on a short leg, and in general - the crash. And the emperor knows him personally and is advised to him. In general, a man was smashed. He scares the owners of the house even more by his story, does not even scare, but I put in a panic. - Gingerbile tells himself into his nose., _ But if at least half of that truth, then?

The fourth action.

Lyapkin-Tipkin comes into business. He builds rank officials so that they submit complaints and passing the audio. At the same time, the nobility is trying to give an audio a bribe. But the auditor is very "honest" and takes money traditionally "loan." At the same time, each of the nobles ask Klezlekov that he shook the word for them before the sovereign. It only comes to the main character that it is clearly confused with someone. And not postponing to "Long Box, unsubscribes about these events to your friend Ragachin, St. Petersburg correspondent, so that he wrote about everything in the newspaper. The servant Osip hints Hellakov, which would not hurt them to leave, and then the real auditor will come , then there are no troubles. They are leaving, but not immediately, before that, the so-called auditor is might and by a flirting with mom and a daughter of the city, who take his courting, right up to rivalry. And continues to take visitors with the petition, including the delegation of merchants with A complaint about the city, who does not give them to work normally .. Then still decreases from the city.

The fifth action.

The wife and daughter of Governing are dreaming of what will move to Petersburg when the service will be enhanced by the service, because they now have such connections. Gingerbile wishes to deal with merchants that the auditor complained about him. He mentally is configured to move to the city and takes greetings from his subordinates about this. The full triumph of Governing, but here the Chwestster appears, with a letter from Klezlekova. The letter is consistent out loud, and in it such a stroke descriptions in the address of all those present that at least from shame burn. Only after reading the letter of all those present it was painted that there was no auditor, nor externally, nor by age, he does not reach the auditor. The clarification begins who the first one has entered the rumor that the kennels of the auditor. These are the same not-known Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky. And watot moment in the room enters gendarme and announces the arrival of a real auditor, which requires a government. Even the report felt that the real auditor bribes would not even be borrowed, as well as flirt with his wife and the daughter of Governing. It follows a colorful scene.

Our Russia Mother is unchanged. That's how many years have passed since the writing of the play "Auditor", but not anything changed. Also, officials take bribes, and similar auditors often appear in society. I can bring in an example the case that happened recently in my city. Also, like the Gogol audio, there was one day a certain man appeared, like from Moscow.

But he did not shust the ruffies, beat on less high-ranking people. Weekly used a sauna, without paying a penny, I took money off the taxi drivers, dinner in expensive restaurants, never paying. And then dissolved on the expanses of the native country. And the remaining people remained only to guess what it was.

Piece "Auditor" - Comedy in five actions of the Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

Summary "Auditor" for actionsit cannot fully disclose the spirit of events, and there will be only superficial events, without being introduced into the details of images and actions. But if there is not enough time to read the play fully, you can fully read the "auditor" in reducing.

"Auditor" summary in chapters

Existing persons "Auditor":

Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky - Gingerbile.
Anna Andreevna - his spouse.
Marya Antonovna is their daughter.
Luka Lukich Flap - a caretaker of school.
Wife Luke Lukich.
Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin - Judge.
Artemy Filippovich Strawberry - a trustee of godly ordinary institutions.
Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin - E-mailmaster.
Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky and Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky - City landowners
Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, official from St. Petersburg.
Osip, servant it.
Christians Ivanovich G. G. Lebid.
Fedor Andreevich Lulukov
Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky
Stepan Ivanovich Korkin - retired officials, honorary faces in the city.
Stepan Ilyich Ukhukhertov, private attracting.

Action First "Auditor"

Room in the house of Governing

Phenomena I.
Gingerbread informs the official news entrusted to them: an auditor is going to the city, and with a secret prescription. Officials are lost in guesses, if the official was not attached to find out, there is no betrayal on the eve of the war.

Gingerbile is alarmed, but not up to the same degree: "Ek where enough! In the county town of Treason! Yes, from here, at least three years I have been downloading, no one will you reach the state. " Himself the civil order did some orders and advises everyone to do so, "so that everything was decent." In the hospital hospital, in order to be clean, and "the patients would not like the Kuznetsov, as usually they go home ... and above each bed in Latin or in another language ... all sorts of disease ... it's not good, so that you have such a strong tobacco They smoked ... and better if they were less than ... ".

Judge Gingerbread advises to remove geese from the reception, where they are acquired, and it is better not to dry over the papers of a hunting arapist ... Then ... From the assessment hurts a strong spirit, maybe onions eat ... Well, the judge justifies that it takes only greyhounds puppies.

Gingerbile is unhappy that the judge does not go to church. He justifies that about the ideas about the creation of the world reached his mind, what Gingerbread says: "Well, in a matter of fact, a lot of mind worse than it would be quite on it." Now about the educational institution. The teachers are crowning faces of the pupils, it hurts hot. "Yes, such is the inexplicable law of destinies: a clever man - or a drunkard, or there will be such a sictrict, that at least saints," says Gingerbie.

Phenomena II.

The postmaster that appeared is afraid, does not mean the arrival of the auditor to an ambulance war with the Turks, "this is all the Frenchman shit." Gingerbread, rejecting the postmaster on the side, asks him to open and read all the letters ("Whether there was some denunciation on me"). The mail is not the first to do - it is generally very curious.

Phenomena III

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky run. Sent somewhat after run, turmoil, interrupting each other and rummaged, they declare that the auditor is no one else like Ivan Aleksandrovich Khlestakov, allegedly traveling from St. Petersburg to the Saratov province, but now the second week living in a borrowed duty. Gingerbread, starting to ask about the details, more and more swears: After all, it was in the past two weeks that the Unter-Officer's wife was carved, the arrestants did not give the provisions, etc., and so on. Gingerbreading decides to visit the Tavern, "Whether passing troubles ". The remaining officials are hastily scattered in their departments. Dobryinsky and Bobchinsky are linked for the city.

Phenomenon IV.

Gingerbile requires a sword and a new hat. Bobchinsky in the trees does not fit, decides to run after "cock, cock". Gingerbile orders purely fit the street to the restaurant.

Phenomenon V.

Gingerbread scores appeared finally a private bailiff, who has all the staff ruled on their affairs or drunk. Gingerbread row is engaged in camouflage of the old bridge: let it stand on the bridge a high quarterly buttitsyn; To break the old fence at the shoemaker and put the sand, it seems to be planning ... Lord, but with all this garbage what to do? "What is this bad city! Only somewhere put some monument or just a fence - the devil knows them, and they will apply any rubbish! " I remembers half-or-old soldiers - orders not to produce them to the street.

Phenomenon VI

Wife and daughter are running away. They burn from curiosity, whether the colonel is visiting the auditor, and he has black eyes ... send the maid to all come true.

Action Second "Auditor"

Little room in hotel.
Bed, table, suitcase, empty bottle, boots
Phenomena I.
The servant Osip, lying on the Barski bed, complains of hunger. They have been with the owner for the second month from Peter. That all the money was profined, in the card lost, everything chose the best ... I like the master in St. Petersburg, especially when Barinov will send the father of money. And now here is not given.
Phenomena II.
Clamp appears. A decisive-leecause tone sends an Osip to say in the buffet, so that they gave dinner. Osip proposes to bring here the master itself.
Phenomena III
Hellets, remaining alone, complains about former losses, complains of hunger.
Phenomenon IV.
A restaurant servant comes with Osip. Asks that Barina is pleased. The owner said that it would no longer feed, while they pay for the previous one.
Phenomenon V.
Khlestakov dreams how he will arrive home on the carriage in St. Petersburg clothes, and Osip so that he was behind in the livreye. "Ugh! Even sick, so I want. "
Phenomenon VI
A restaurant servant, with plates and napkins, reports that the owner gives for the last time. Food is small. Khlestakov is dissatisfied, but eats everything. Osip with a servant carry dishes.
Phenomenon VII.
Osip enters and reports that Klezlekova wants to see the city. Khlestakov decided that he was imprisoned and now they will be swallowed. Pale and nusted.
Phenomenon VIII.
Dobchinsky hides behind the door. Gingerbread is included: "I wish he health!" After that, explains that he tries to take care of passing. Holetakov simultaneously justifies, promises to pay, complains of the innkeeper. Bobchinsky looks out of the doors. Gingerbread from the flow of complaints is robeth and offers Khleztakov to move to another apartment. Khlestakov refuses: he is sure that it means to jail. Screaming. Gingerbread is frightened. Klezlekova enters. He threatens to go straight to the Minister! "Mill, do not go away! Wife, children are small ... - Gingerbile in fear rises in bribery. - Well, before a non-commissioned officer wife, which I seemed to be carved, then it is a slander ... "Hollytakov himself quickly thinks with him, why would it come around about the widow ... no, he is not. We dare to catch! He will pay, but he has no money yet. Therefore, sitting here that there is no penny! Gingerbile decides that this is a cunning way to lure money from him. He offers them. "My duty to help passing," he adds. Khlestakov takes two hundred rubles (the city actually slipped four hundred). Well, if the auditor decided to be incognito, then the Gingerbread behaves accordingly. They lead a cute, increasingly relaxed conversation. For each word, the horstakov granted seeing some hint and winds on the mustache. Finally, the Gingerbile invites Horstkov to his home.
IX phenomenon
Capture with a servant about the account until the city will intervene: the servant will wait.
Phenomenon X.
Gingerbile invites Khlezkov to inspect the institutions of the city, and from the inspection of the prison of Khlestakov flatly refuses, and in the meantime Dobchinsky carries one note of the strawberry in an in-law establishment, and the other is to the wife of Governing.

Act of the third "auditor"

Room in the house of Governing
Phenomena I.
The wife and daughter are civilized by the news window. Finally, at the end of the street, Dobchinsky is shown.
Phenomena II.
Dobchinsky gives a note, justified for slowness. And that the auditor is real, then "I opened this first together with Peter Ivanovich." Linkingly talks about events. Anna Andreevna makes economic orders, make up to cook a room for the guest.
Phenomena III
Daughter and mother are discussing what toilets put on the arrival of the guest. It is clearly visible to rivalry between them.
Phenomenon IV.
Osip, together with the servant of Gulkov, drags the belongings of Khlezkov and finds out from him that his Barin is general. Asks something to eat.
Phenomenon V.
After a rich breakfast from the hospital, Hellestakov and granola surrounded by officials. Khlestakov very satisfied with all. It seems there were few patients ... Recovered, what, all? What he is responsible for what a man remains ten, no more. "Everything like flies are recovering," strawberries boast. Khlestakov wondered whether there were no entertainment in the city where it would be possible, for example, play cards? Gingerbread is in every way, but according to the gestures of his subordinates, it is clear that he plays.
Phenomenon VI
Gingerbread represented by Khlestakov wife and daughter. Him, courtesy with Anna Andreevna, tries to increase the price: "You may think that I only rewrite; No head of separation with me on a friendly leg. " He wanted to make a college astronor, yes, he thinks, why? Invites everyone to sit down. "I do not love the ceremony." He himself even tries to always slip unnoticed, but it does not work. His commander-in-chief accepted him. With Pushkin on a friendly leg. Yes, and he composes himself and puts into magazines. He has many works: "Figaro's marriage", "Norma" ... "Yuri Miloslavsky", for example, his essay, a timid objection to Marya Antonovna that the author - Zagoskin, stopped by mammy. Hellekova has the first house in St. Petersburg. It gives balls and techniques, so on the table, for example, watermelon in seven hundred rubles. And the Minister of Foreign Affairs, French Messenger, English and German Messengers played with him. He even writes "Your Excellency" on the packages. Once even managed the Department. And thirty five thousand couriers with requests! "I will now produce me now in the Feld Marsh ..." - these were the last words that came out of the mouth of Klezlekov before he was stacked.
Phenomenon VII.
Remaining officials in admiration. Bobchnsky suggests, not the general of whether the guest, but according to Dobchinsky, he may be generalissimus. Both are going, and the remaining strawberries says Luke Lukich that something is scared to him, why does not know himself.
Phenomenon VIII.
Mother and daughter are discussed, what, in their opinion, the man of Histakov. Rivalry. Each sure that he looked at her particularly.
IX phenomenon
Gingerbread in fear and experiences. The wife, on the contrary, is confident in the strength of her female charm.
Phenomenon X.
Gingerbread, wife and daughter are thrown to the published from the room of the Osp with questions about Barina - Gingerbread about her, women - about their own. Gingerbread generously giving Osipa, Anna Andreevna promises too, if it will go. According to Osip, "Barina has both graphs ... Chin is usually what ... order loves ... Most of all loves to be accepted well."
Phenomenon XI
Gingerbile puts on the porch of the Quarterly - Herporto and Svy-Stunov, so as not to be missed to the audio of the petitioners.

Action Fourth "Auditor"

Phenomena I.
In full parade and uniforms, carefully, almost on tiptoe appear Judge Lyapkin-Tipkin, strawberries, postmaster, Luka Lukich, Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky. Lapkin-Tadkin builds all in a military. Decides that it should be presented and giving bribes one. Everyone knows that you need to give, but roby. E-mailmaster, for example, suggests to say that, they say, they came by mail unknown whose money ... Offer the first to start Luke Lukich as an enlightener of youth. He resists with all their might. At this time, the steps in the Klezlekov room are heard. All crowds at the exit, the tying of each other come out.
Phenomena II.
Entering the sleess of the whip. He liked him here. And the daughter is governing very thorough, and the mother is such that you can still ...
Phenomena III
Lyapkin-Treipkin is first and appeared in all form. At the invitation of Khlezlekova sits down, something answers his questions, and the thought is only one thing: "And the money in the fist, and the fist is all on fire." Inadvertently loses money on the floor. Having frozen from fear helps his Hollytakov himself - he easily asks for this money loan. He sighs with relief and removed.
Phenomenon IV.
Included, stretching, postmaster Shhekin. With readiness gives xles of money.
Phenomenon V.
On the door pushed Luka Lukich. He is clearly represented, sits down, trying to smoke the sigar offered to him, without success, is also not successful in conversation about the ladies. Khlestakov, seeing that he could not achieve a sense, asks for a three hundred rubles. Luca Lukich flies like on wings.
Phenomenon VI
Strawberries poop others. It is accepted to supply the bosses of denunciations on colleagues and turns out, going to leave. But no, so he will not leave. Khlestakov asks strawberries, does he have a loan money. Naturally, there is ..
Phenomenon VII.
Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky come together and are clearly represented. Histakov without any ceremony requires a thousand rubles. But in stock only sixty five. Let so, Helpovakov agrees. Dobchinsky asks for the legalization of his son, and the Bobchinsky request is even easier: "How to go to Petersburg, tell everyone there Vellasas different: senators and admirals, that, your beggar or excellency, lives in such a city Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky. With that, both go.
Phenomenon VIII.
Khleztakov understands that he was mistaken for a government official. Decides Write a letter to His friend Raguccin, a large iszov. Local officials Khlestakov like: they gave him more than a thousand rubles!
IX phenomenon
Osip advises Khlestakov to get out of the town not today, so tomorrow: even he realized that Khlezkov was accepted for someone else. Yes, and the father will be angry. Klestakov decides to first send a letter to the friend. Osip requires the best troika. Beyond the door, the voices are heard - the quarter holds back the crowd of merchants-petitioners. Khlestakov demands to let them.
Phenomenon X.
The merchants who concluded offerings complain of the city, who robs them. Khlestakov from the goods refuses - money takes, not forces and a silver tray. He says that she will try. The merchants go. Women's voices are heard.
Phenomenon XI
Participated with the request of the Unter-Officer's wife - she was illegally carved - and the lady, whose husband is illegally, without turn, took into the soldiers, and the seizures managed to pay off. - A non-officer's wife demands that a fine will be paid to her. Khlestakov promises everything, everything, everything.
Phenomenon XII.
Khlestakov flirts with Marya Antonovna, who is also not off. That, however, it is afraid that the wage guest just laughs at her. He convinces her in the opposite. Khlestakov kisses the girl in the shoulder, she portrays outrage, and Khlestakov - repentance and love. Falls on your knees.
Phenomenon XIII.
This sees the incoming Anna Andreevna. Rocks daughter. Khletstakov again rotes on his knees: "Madam, you see, I burn with love." Moving Volo-going for Mama. Well, that, that married. "Your hands, I ask!"
XIV phenomenon
Maria Antonovna runs. Screws from surprise. Mother makes suggestion daughter. Khlestakov enough for the hand of Marwe Antonovna: "Anna Uondreyevna, do not oppose our well-being, bless the constant Rübov!" Maman in amazement. The daughter scolds again.
Phenomenon XV
Having killed, fattening, the city begging Khlezkov "Do not destroy it." The merchants, Unter-Officer - all the liar. Here Anna Andreevna reports that Ivan Alexandrovich asks his daughter's hands. Gingerbile does not dare to believe his happiness. Satisfied parents bless young. Gingerbile jumps from joy.
XVI phenomenon
Osip reports that horses are ready. Khlestakov rides - but only one day - to a rich uncle. And tomorrow. Gingerbread offers more money on the road, Helpakov takes. It says goodbye to everyone very friendly.

Action Fifth "Auditor"

The same room in the house of Governing
Phenomena I.
Gingerbread and Anna Andreevna dreamed of muttered happiness. Gingerbread is going to firmly press everyone who complained about him, orders notify everyone about his luck. Of course, they will move to St. Petersburg, and the Gingerbread will become General.
Phenomena II.
Crowding, come in merchants. Gingerbread scores them, recired many fraud, they are bodied, bowed to your feet: "Do not go anyhow!"
Phenomena III-VI
Gingerbile takes congratulations to subordinates. Gradually meets all local society.
Phenomenon VII.
The latter appears with the congratulations to the private attractive and quarterly. Gingerbread asks everyone to sit down. The family tells the history of walling. Officials are asking the owners not to forget them with their Milosts, when they will move to St. Petersburg. It feels that they all envy them. Gingerbile does not hide her desire to become a general. Anna Andreevna dreams of a higher society and does not want her husband to patronize "every small melon." Words do not remain untouched. Guests are offended.
Phenomenon VIII.
A breathless mailman appears with a printed letter in hand. This is a letter of Klezlekova rag. It turns out that the kennels are no auditor. Shpekin reads passages from the letter: "Gingerbread is stupid, as a blue Merin ..." Strawberry snags a letter, reads: "Epothermaster, a scoundrel, drinking bitter ..." Next reads Kankkin: "Strawberry - a perfect pig in Ermolka," and so everyone and everyone . It is impossible to catch up with Klezlekov - he was given the best horses. Among the rising guilt, Gingerbread himself speaks with him: how could it happen to spend it, a fraudster from scammers ... "That's truly, if God wants to punish, it takes before the mind. Well, what happened in this heteropram similar to the auditor? There was nothing!" Everyone is thrown on Dobchinsky and Bobchinsky, crushing rumors about the auditor-incognito.
Phenomenon Last
It includes gendarme and announces that an official who arrived from St. Petersburg requires a government to himself. These words are like a thunder among the clear sky. All petrify.

As an epigraph to the play "Auditor", the genre of which the author determined as a comedy in 5 actions, Gogol used the proverb "On the mirror of Necha, beating, if Ryzh Kriva." That is, the author emphasized the typicity of the characters depicted, reliability. There is no dramatic conflict in the play as such, the writer occupies an emborative genre. "The Auditor" is considered to be a socuracial and political comedy.

Comedy actors:

  1. Anton Antonovich Snovenik-Dmukhanovsky, Gingerbread.
  2. Anna Andreevna, his wife.
  3. Marya Antonovna, his daughter.
  4. Luka Lukich Flap, caretaker school.
  5. His wife.
  6. Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin-Tipkin, Judge.
  7. Artemy Filippovich Strawberry, trustee of godly institutions.
  8. Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin, mailmaster.
  9. Peter Ivanovich Dobchinsky, Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky, city landowners.
  10. Ivan Alexandrovich Khlestakov, official from St. Petersburg. Osip, servant it.
  11. Christians Ivanovich G. G. Lebid. Fedor Andreyevich Lulukov, Ivan Lazarevich Rastakovsky, Stepan Ivanovich Korkkin, retired officials, honorary faces in the city.
  12. Stepan Ilyich Ukhukhertov, private attracting. Svistunov, Pugovitsin, Derportord, Police. Abdulin, merchant.
  13. Fevronia Petrovna Podvekkin, Merchasar, wife of the Unter-Officer.
  14. Bear, servant Governing.
  15. The servant is intractable.
  16. Guests and guests, merchants, mothers, petitioners.

Gingerbile reports "the most presets of the news" gathered in his home officials - an incognito auditor arrives in the city. Officials are horrified - in the city everywhere riots. There are assumptions that, perhaps, will soon be war, and the auditor is sent to find out if the treason is not in the city. Gingerbage is objected to this: "Where did the treason come from in the county town? Yes, at least three years old, you will not have any time to come to any state." Gingerbread insists that each of the officials brought order on its subordinate site. That is, in the hospital you need to write in Latin of the disease, to issue pure caps, in court - remove geese from the reception room, etc. Corresponds to the subordinate that those were mocked in bribery. So, for example, Judge Lapkin-Treipkin takes a bribe puppies.

The postmaster is still afraid that the arrival of the auditor can marvel the early start of the war with the Turks. At this granitious asks him about the service - print and read every letter coming to the mail. The mailmaster is happy agreed, especially since this occupation is to print and read other people's letters - a matter of a long time friend and a hot loved one.

They are Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, who report that, apparently, the auditor settled in the hotel. This man - Khlestakov Ivan Alexandrovich - lives for a week and money for accommodation has not been paying for a week. Gingerbread decides that he should be visited to this man.

Gingerbile Melting Quarterly Appears All Streets of Dapper, then gives the following order: put the neighborhood in the city, remove the old fence, in the event of asked the auditor to answer that the church has burned down (in fact it was removed).

The wife and daughter of Governing from curiosity appear. Anna Andreevna sends a servant for her husband's trees. She wants to learn everything on the auditor on their own.

A servant Klezlekova Osip lies with a basic bed hungry and argues about how he and Barine drove from St. Petersburg two months ago, as the Barin lost all the money in the card, as he lives not at the means, as it leads an unbelievable life because it does not deal any .

Khlestakov comes and sends an Osip to the owner of the hotel at lunch. The servant does not want to go, reminds Barina that he has not been paid for the stay for three weeks and that the owner threatened to complain about him.

Khlestakov is very hungry and entrust the innocent servant so that he asked the dinner at the owner on credit. Khlestakov dreams that he in a luxurious Petersburg costume rolling down to the gate of the parent house, which he delivers visits to the neighbors.

A restaurant servant brings a very modest dinner, which whipping is very unhappy. Nevertheless, he eats everything brought.

Osip informs Khlestakov that the granitious arrived, who wishes to see him. Gingerbread and Dobchinsky appear. Bobchinsky throughout the phenomenon overhears under the door. Khlestakov and Gingerbread justify each other. The first promises that he will pay for the post, the second - that the city will be invisible. Khlestakov asks for money from Gullary, and he gives them to him, while gives two times the requested amount. Gingerbage is swearing that he went just to check the passing, as this is a common occupation for him.

Gingerbread advises Khlestakov to postpone the calculations at an indefinite time with a restaurant servant, which he does. Gingerbile invites Khlezkov to inspect urban establishments in order to assess the order supported in them. He himself sends his wife a note with Dobchinsky, in which he writes that she cooked a room. Sends a note and strawberries.

In the house of Governing Anna Andreevna and her daughter, Maria Antonovna sit at the window waiting for any news. Appeared Dobchinsky retells the ladies what he saw in the hotel, reports Anna Andreevna a note. She gives orders to servants. Governing wife and daughter are discussing toilets that are going to put on the arrival of an important guest.

Osip brings Klezlekov's things and graciously "agrees" to taste simple dishes - porridge, pies.

Gingerbread, xles and officials appear. Khleztakov had breakfast in the hospital, he really liked everything, despite the fact that the patients were all unexpectedly recovered, although they are usually "recovering like flies."

Klezlekova is interested in card establishments. Gingerbread life is that never played in his life, there are no such institutions in their city that he uses all his time to serve the state.

Gingerbread Presents Kleskova Wife and Daughter. The guest is drawn before the ladies, especially before Anna Andreevna, assures her that the ceremonies cannot tolerate and that he is on a short foot with all St. Petersburg officials. It is easily communicating with Pushkin, but one day I even composed "Yuri Miloslavsky." Khlestakov praises its best home in St. Petersburg, in which he gives lunches and balls. For lunch, he is given by "watermelon in seven hundred rubles" and soup "in a saucepan from Paris". Khlestakov diverges to the fact that he says that the minister himself comes to him and once he managed the whole department at a request of 35,000 couriers. That is, Khlestakov freezing at all. Gingerbread offers him a rest.

The officials gathered at the Governs are discussed by Klezlekov and come to the conclusion that if at least half of the fact that he said is true, the situation of their very deplorable.

Anna Andreevna and Mary Antonovna are discussing Khlezkov, and each of them is confident that the guest drew attention to her.

Gingerbread afraid is not a joke. His wife, on the contrary, is confident that its irresistibility will produce proper impact on the hollek.

Those present ask the Osip about what is his barin. Gingerbread gives a servant of Kleskov not only "for tea", but also "on the ram". Osip says his Barin loves order.

Gingerbread, the petitioners do not pass to Khlestakov, puts on the porch of two quarterly - Svistunov and Derportord.

In the room in the house of glooding on tiptoe includes strawberries, Lyapkin-Tipkin, Luka Lukich, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, E-mail. Lyapkin-Treipkin is in military builds all, decides that he orders Khlestakov to see the one and give bribes. Argue among themselves who go first.

Lyapkin-Treipkin comes to Khlestakov first, in his fist, the money he was clamped, which he inadvertently drops on the floor. It is thinking that he disappeared, but Khlestakov takes this money "loan." Lapkin-Treipkin is happy, leaves.

The next one comes to appear to be Epitemaster Shpekin, which only does that givesradaassu-waiting about the pleasant city of Khlestakov. The guest also takes "loan" by the postmaster, and he leaves a sense of accomplishment.

The came to appear onion Lukich trembles like an aspen leaf, he braids the tongue, he is very fright. Still, it managed to hand the money Khlestakov, leaves.

Strawberries at the auditor representation reminds of yesterday's breakfast, for whom Hollytakov thanks him. Strawberry is confident that the "auditor" favors it is to him, hends on other officials, gives a bribe. Khlestakov promises to understand everything.

When Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky come to appear, Hellekov directly demands money. Dobchinsky asks Klezlekov to recognize his son legitimate, and Bobchinsky asks the "auditor" at a convenient case to inform the sovereign, "that in such a city lives, they say, Peter Ivanovich Bobchinsky."

Histakov finally understands that he was mistaken for an important official. It seems to him very funny, what he writes in a letter to his friend Raguccin.

Osip advises her owner to get away from the city as soon as possible. Noise was heard on the street - the petitioners came. The merchants complain about the city, requiring gifts to their named twice a year, selecting the best product. They bring the Khlestakov products from which he refuses. Give money, whores take them.

A nonsenophycial widow appears that requires justice - it was carved for no reason. Then he comes to a lamp, complaining that her husband was taken into the soldiers out of any queue. Khlestakov promises to figure out.

Taking advantage of the moment, he confesses to love Marya Antonovna. She is first afraid that the guest mocks her, provincial, but Khlestakov gets his knees, kisses his shoulder, swear in love.

Anna Andreevna appears, who drives his daughter. Khlestakov gets knees and in front of her, says that he really loves her, but since she is married, then forced to make her daughter's proposal.

Granted, begging Klezlekova not to listen to what the merchants talk about him, and the Unter-officer widow flew herself. Histakov asks his daughter's hands. Parents call Marry Antonovna and bless young.

Khlestakov takes more money from the future test and leaves the city under the pretext of the need to discuss the wedding with his father. Promises to return soon.

Gingerbread and his wife are building plans for the future. They dream of how after the wedding daughter will move to St. Petersburg. Gingerbile tells the merchants about the upcoming wedding of his daughter with the "Auditor" and threatens them with violence for the fact that they decided to complain. The merchants are asking them to forgive them. Gingerbread adopts greetings of officials.

Delicious lunch in the house of Governing. He and his wife hold arrogantly, tell guests that soon they are going to move to St. Petersburg, where the Gardening will certainly receive the General Title. Officials are asked to not forget about them, to which the granitious condescendingly agrees.

Epitemaster appears with the shovel of Klezlekova's shovel. It turns out that the Khlestakov is not an auditor at all. In the letter, he gives caustic characteristics to urban officials: "Gingerbread is stupid, like a blue Merin ... E-mail ... drinks bitter ... Strawberry - Perfect Pig in Yermolka." Gingerbread fought news. He understands that it is impossible to return the Klezlekov, since the city himself ordered to give him the top three of the best horses. "What are you laughing?" Laugh! .. Oh, you! .. I still can not come to my senses. So, truly, if God wants to punish, it will take before the mind. Well, what was the helicopter similar to the auditor? Nothing There was no! That's just not like a single-margin - and suddenly everything: the auditor! Auditor! " Looking for a culprit who spread the rumor that Khlestakov is an auditor. Decide that it is Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky.

The gendarme appears, announces the arrival of the real auditor. Meal scene: everything is frozen in shock.

N. V. Gogol reflected almost all parties to the modern Russian reality. Masterfully author reveals on the example of an image of a civil contradiction between the external importance and inner insignificance. The main purpose of the writer is to portray the imperfections of society - abuse, the arbitrariness of officials, the idle life of urban landowners, the hard life of the mesh and so on. The author is not limited to a satirical image of one county city, the problems he considers both all-Russian.