The beginning of war Narva Confucius. Petrunin Yu.P.

At the end of November, 1700, the first major battle occurred during the Great Northern War between Russia and Sweden, which ended in the defeat of the troops of Peter I and entered the story as a battle near Narva. The reasons that led to such an unsuccessful start of the military campaign were then analyzed and prompted the king to conduct a comprehensive modernization of the army and to reorganize it on the European sample.

Creating an antiswalie coalition

The impetus to the beginning of the Northern War was the entry of Russia in 1699 to the Northern Union, shortly before this was educated by the Commonwealth, Saxony and Dania. All participants in this coalition united certain territorial claims to Sweden, and, starting war, they expected that a very young eighteen-year-old King of Karl XII (his portrait is given below) will not be able to give them a decent fire.

Based on the contract concluded with the Polish king of Augustime, in the event of victory to Russia, the territory that the Leningrad region takes place in our day. In those days, it was called Swedish Ingermanlande and had important strategic importance, since it provided her to the owner to enter the Baltic Sea. In August 1700, the Russian army spoke in August, immediately after receiving Peter I reporting the conclusion of the Constantinople peace treaty with the Ottoman Empire, who unleashed his hands to active actions in the north of the country.

Two opposing armies on the eve of the war

The main enemy citadel on the territory of Ingermanland was the fortress of Narva, located on its north-western border, the seizure of which was the indispensable condition for the further development of hostilities. By the beginning of the Northern War, Russia had a sufficiently numerous army, according to a number of estimates, which had more than 200 thousand people, of which about 40 thousand became participants in the battle of Narva, 1700. However, as Peter I himself noted, for victory, they lacked due dilution, material support and discipline.

The Swedish army was a well-organized structure created on a semi-professional basis at the beginning of the previous century by the King of Gustavi II Adolf. Her cavalry parts were formed exclusively from the contractors, and infantrymen, though they were acquired by forced mobilization, but each of them received good salary and free public housing for his family. It was a perfectly armed army, compared to the same rigid discipline based on the ideology of Lutheranism, the adherents of which was most of the Swedes.

Start of the sorting path

The approach of the Russian troops to the Narva Fortress was very difficult in that, together with martial groups, there was a traffic, consisting of 10 thousand carts, transported to the place of the forthcoming battle, powder, powder, as well as hand pomegranates, bombs and other military suppresses.

The weather in that year was rainy, which is why many carts stuck in impassive dirt and broke. The supply at the same time was organized so bad that the soldiers were constantly starved, and among the horses there was a paddle from nonsense. All this is the most negative effect on the upcoming battle under Narva.

Under the walls of Narva

Before the troops of Peter I stood a very difficult task. Since the Narva Fortress, located on the West Bank of Narva River (in those years called the rompom), was connected to the bridge with another, well-fortified citadel ─ Ivan-city, then as a result, I had to precipitate both fortresses at the same time.

The battle near Narva Peter 1 was going to lead personally and therefore rejected the proposal of the Polish king of Augustime II to send him an experienced specialist in conducting such operations ─ Lieutenant General L. N. Allarta. According to his order around the precipitated fortress, the garrison was about 1,300 hiking and 200 equestrian warriors, 284 guns were established. The upcoming outcome of the battle did not make concerns, since the numerical advantage of the forces was on the side of the Russians.

First failures

In the last days of October 1700, the Russian canonians began to regularly fire a fortress. However, when after two weeks, the entire margin of charges was spent, it turned out that there was no significant damage to the fortress walls. The reason for such a low efficiency was that the shelling was solely from small-grained guns, which prevailed in the Arsenal of the Russian Army to the beginning of the Northern War. In addition, they are all, as well as artillery powder and the cores were extremely low quality.

At that time, things were not better at the Allies of the Russian Tsar. The Danish army very quickly capitulated and began negotiations about the world with Sweden, and the Polish-Lithuanian troops were forced to remove the siege of Riga. These successes allowed Karl XII to send the entire freed contingent for the help of a precipitated Narva.

Strengthening the Swedish troops

In mid-October, the king personally arrived with a ten-year-old detachment in Perron (the old name of the city of Pärnu) and, before throwing it into battle, gave soldiers and officers to relax to relax after the sea. Meanwhile, he went to Revel, where, promising additional benefits in the event of the accession of their city to the Swedish Empire, received reinforcement from them in the form of 5 thousand militia.

Tangible damage, Russian troops suffered even before the start of a decisive battle near Narva. Having learned about the landing in the pennov of an additional contingent of the Swedish troops, Peter I sent them to the interception of the numerous cavalry squad of Count Boris Sheremetyeva. In the Purez Fortress area, some of these strength was attacked by the Swedish avant-garde under the command of General Velling and almost completely destroyed. Main forces who arrived on them on force although slowed down the promotion of the enemy, but could not influence the overall course of events.

Unsuccessful beginning of the battle

The beginning of the battle near Narva was preceded by two more events that occurred in the camp of Russian troops and also affected her outcome. The first of them was the betrayal of the commander of the bombardir company Captain Yakov Gummert, who fled to Narva and transferred it to the commandant to Colonel Horn important information. In addition, the sudden departure of Peter I itself became a surprise for all, the reasons for which the disputes do not subscribe and so on. As a result, the command of the troops carried out the Saxon Feldmarshal Duke de Cru.

The decisive part of the battle under Narva began on November 30, 1700. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon, taking advantage of heavy snowfall, extremely limited visibility, the Swedes managed to imperceptibly come close to the positions of the enemy and suddenly attack them. Despite the numerical advantage of Russian troops, their line of defense was stretched by more than 6 kilometers and, in view of this, was not enough. During the first hour of the battle, the Swedam managed to break through it in several places and break into their camp.

Defeat and disorderly retreat

Such an unexpected turn of events caused panic among the defendants, which, in turn, served as the cause of their messy flight. Cavalryrs Count Sheremetyeva tried to escape, overcoming the river to the Narov. Many, and including the Count itself, it was possible, but about a thousand people drowned, I could not get to the opposite shore.

The infantrymen, escaped from an inevitable death, rushed to the pontoon bridge, which collapsed, not to withstand the huge accumulation of people, and those became hundreds sinking in cold autumn water. Aggravated the situation abandoned by someone: "Germans ─ traitors!" As a result, the soldiers began to beat their foreigners officers, many of which, including the Commander-in-Chief ─ Duke de Crook, to avoid death, were forced to flee to the enemy.

Sad finale battle

The result of the battle under Narva was the capitulation of Russian troops. The bitterness of the defeat was only due to the fact that the prince of Yakov Dolgorukov managed to achieve an agreement with Karl XII on the exit of the environment of all the surviving soldiers and officers with weapons, banners, but without artillery and coz. The entire subsequent night, the Swedish and Russian sappers jointly proved a panton crossing over the Narov River, after which the Swedish coast left the defeated bank.

Failure, comprehended Russian troops, brought the Swedes rich prey. In their hands, there were 210 banners captured by them in battle, 284 guns, 20 thousand muskets, as well as the royal treasury, which contained a huge amount of 32 thousand rubles in one time. Losses from the Russian side amounted to 7 thousand people killed, wounded, drowned in the river and switched to the side of the enemy, while the Swedes died 677 people and 1200 was injured.

Lesson learned from defeat

The defeat under Narva in 1700 strongly undermined the prestige of the Russian state in the international arena. For a long time, the rulers of European states did not perceive the country as a serious military force. However, as the time has shown, the events of the tragic days indirectly had for Russia and positive consequences.

The first of them was the incredible self-self-conceit of Charles XII, which has believed that never more Russians, broken under Narva, will not be able to withstand Sweden. This erroneous conviction greatly led him after 9 years during the Poltava battle-ended for him.

At the same time, the defeat suffered under Narva was for Peter I was a difficult, but a useful lesson, thanks to which he fully realized the need for large-scale military reforms and put the maximum effort to prepare domestic highly professional military personnel. It helped him in August 1704 to capture the fortress of Narva and, thus, take revenge for the defeat suffered earlier.

Imperial Russia Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich

"Narva Confucius"

"Narva Confucius"

Narva turned out to be a strong nutrition. Her siege was dragged to late autumn. By postponing the fortress from all sides, the Russian troops waited a long time when siege guns would bring. Without them, the powerful strengthening of Narva was impossible. The blurred roads prevented quickly to deliver heavy guns on the shores of Narov. Only on October 20, 1700, Peter managed to shoot the fortress for the first time from the Mortira. But artillery preparation was only the beginning of all siege - a complex military.

Meanwhile, the situation for Russian troops every day was becoming more and more disturbing. Many siege guns and powder were bad, three times the assault of rather weak fortifications of Ivan-Cities failed, infectious diseases began in the camp. Even worse things were the allies. Under Narva, it became known that on July 14, 1700, the Swedish squader bombarded Copenhagen, and then Karl XII landed with the landing ashore and surrounded the Danish capital. It was so unexpectedly that Danes who did not expect such acne from the young king of the Swedes, immediately requested the world. He was signed in the German castle of grassland. Danish King Frederick IV fulfilled all the wishes of Karl: Denmark came out of the war and ruined the Northern Union. Anxious news came from the camp of August II under Riga. Fearing Karl's approach, he went to Poland. Russia remained alone with his opponent. In early October, the Russian command learned that the selected Swedish troops headed by the king was landed in Perneu (Pärnu) and headed for Relin (Tallinn). November 18 Karl XII attacked the horse's army B. P. Sheremeteva and forced him to retreat from the road to Narva. It became clear that Karl moves to the precipitated fortress to help out her garrison. Against the Swedish 2.5 times over the number of soldiers in the siege camp, which was 2.5 times the Swedish, Charles had one weapon - speed and onslaught.

Nineteenth November 1700 Swedes rapidly attacked the Russian camp. They managed to break through the fortifications and make a panic in the ranks of the opponent. Russian soldiers rushed to the bridge over Narov, the crush began, the floating bridge collapsed, thousands of people were in ice water. B. P. Sheremeteyeva succumbed to panic. She rushed to Narov and, having lost a thousand people, crossed the safe right bank. Only Guards Shelves - Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky - Da Lefortov Regiment adequately met the enemy and managed to keep their positions. At night, the Russian command decided to capitulate. Giving the winners of the banners and Artil Leria, the Russian troops began to switch to Narov on a huddenly restored bridge. The Swedes did not hold back the word and began to take the weapons from the Russian soldiers, rob the calls. They were also detained by many generals and officers of the Russian army. They were taken to Sweden, where they conducted in prison for many years.

Taking Narva in 1704

By this time, Peter himself was no longer among those who were fulfilled near Narva. Literally the day before the Narva drama, he taking with him the commander-in-chief of the Troops F. A. Golovin and his favorite A. D. Menshikov, hastily left the camp and left for Veliky Novgorod. There is no reason to accuse Peter in cowardice - under the walls of Azov, he showed himself from the best side. Perhaps not knowing the military talents of Charles, he thought that he would not decide to immediately attack the superior forces of the Russians, and would maneuver, seek the opportunity to connect with the precipitated garrison. Perhaps Peter, leaving the camp near Narva, decided not to risk it, because with the surrender or death of the king of the war would be irrevocably lost. Despite all his courage, Peter always avoided unnecessary risk.

The news of the terrible defeat was inspired by Peter in Novgorod. But the king did not fell into despair, did not show weaknesses. On the contrary, as often happened to him in difficult moments, he gathered and began to act. About the decisiveness and purposefulness of Peter speaks his letters and orders close.

Singing in Novgorod, Peter I sought to cover the road to Moscow who remained in the rank of troops and at the same time instructed Sheremetev to disturb the enemy on its territory. However, everything depended on the further behavior of the Narva winner. Karl, unlocking Narva and overturned the Russian troops, did not develop success and stopped at the wintering under Derptom (Tartu). From here there were two roads: one to Russia, at Pskov, Novgorod and Moscow, the other in Liflandia, in Riga. Broken Peter I did not seem to king dangerous. Therefore, he decided to deal first with August - because Saxon troops stood in Liflandia and represented a serious danger for Swedish possessions in the Baltic States. In addition, Karl felt some vengeful feeling for the imputy, prone to the luxury of the Polish king, whom he wanted to humiliate, "teach." Therefore, to Riga, and not to Pskov turned his troops in the spring of 1701. Peter could thank God - he was a delay. He had the opportunity to restore the crushed army and resume military actions.

Despite the failures, the king sought to preserve the Northern Union, who gave the crack after the defeat of the allies. In February 1701, Peter met with August II in the Lithuanian city of Birzi and achieved the conservation of the Union Treaty. For this, Russia went to the victims: promised to help August and soldiers (remember Palkuly). But in the summer of 1701, the king received a new grieving news - Karl broke the bodies under Riga, and the Russian Auxiliary Corps of General A. I. Repnin, without providing an ally of assistance, departed in the Pskov road. And again Karl, having seen the hasty retreat of the Russians, did not pursue them. His goal was the sharp desire to defeat August II, whom he considered the dishonest and unworthy of respect for the sovereign.

1701 and 1702 passed for Peter in hard work. The Russian troops who were commanded by Feldmarshal B. P. Sheremethev, carried out the plan that the king chained in a letter to him, namely, continuously ruined the ownership of the enemy. Sheremetyev took advantage of the lack of large Swedes' forces in Liflaland and Estland and began consistently and carefully to make bars and raids in Swedish possessions. His numerous troops ruined the richest provinces: burned cities, villages and farms, destroyed crops, invited the local residents. The purpose of these cruel shares was to intimidate the population, as well as to deprive the Swedish army of reserves and convenient bases. For 1701-1702, the Russian army took 8 small fortresses and cities and burned more than 600 villages and myz.

Look at the source

In those memorable difficult days of November-December 1700, Peter began to restore the forces of the army. He was seriously afraid of the approach of the Swedes to Pskov and Novgorod. These fortresses were hastily strengthened - all, including the elderly Novgorod Metropolitan of Jobs came to earthworks. From all sides, by the will of the king, the nobles, which were included in the Novgorod regiment. To the fifth of December 1700 Peter wrote B. P. Sheremetev, who brought his splashing cavity from near Narva. Apparently, Sheremetev suggested that a common break in hostilities during the winter had occurred and was counting on vacation. But it was not there. Peter warned Sheremetyev and aiming him to continue the war even in winter:

"It's not a mark, with misfortunes, all the sake of the sake of you are in charge of being taken and begun to be, that is, over the Connection ... Bear to the nearmost places (for subsequent time) and the end of the distance, for Loutchago harm to the enemy. And there is nothing to dissuade, in short, the people are pretty, just as rivers and swamps frozen ... "

This dedication and determination became the main features of Peter and for the next years.

Feldmarshal Boris Petrovich Sheremetev.

In the summer of 1701, Sheremetev was obsessed with the first noticeable victory over the Swedes in Southern Estland, in the village of Ryapina. In January 1702, he won a new victory - in the village of Erestple, and then at the village of Flying in Estlandia. These modest victories achieved mainly by the ability, and the number conducive to the moral lifting of the Russian army, who had not yet come to themselves after the defeat near Narva. In addition, newly acquired soldiers received invaluable combat experience in battles and skirmishes.

Look at the source

After Sheremetyev's troops finished the campaign and began to get up for winter apartments, the Dutch de Bruin wrote from Moscow: "On September 14, about 800 Swedish prisoners, men, women and children led to Moscow. At first they sold many of them on 3 and 4 Guldenon for their heads, but a few days later the price was raised to 20 and even up to 30 guilders. With such a cheapness, foreigners willingly bought prisoners, to the great pleasure of the last, for foreigners bought them for their services only at the time of the war, after which they returned them freedom. The Russians also bought many of these prisoners, but the unfortunate of them were those who fell into the hands of the Tatars, who taught them to their slaves in the unfortunate - the most planning position. "

In general, the position of the prisoners - both military and civilians - in those days was terrible. Until the seven-year war in the Russian troops dominated the ancient custom, according to which the captive warriors and residents of the conquered countries were trophies of the winners along with their property, livestock and other things. Under this law, all the prisoners became "all-rounds", it is simpler - slaves, regardless of the former status of a person, the living property of the soldier or officer who has seized their soldiers or officers. The murder of the captive crime was not considered, and the separation and sale of captured families, violence against women and children were in the usual phenomenon.

In the summer of 1701, it was possible to repel and attack the Swedish squadron at Arkhangelsk. The Swedes plan to ruin the main port of Russia, through which the goods necessary for it came from the West, failed for the pilot of Lotsmana Ivan Ryabov, who planted the two Swedish vessels right under the guns of the Novodvinskaya fortress and thereby did not allow the Swedish fleet to go to the city-port.


Feldmarshal Boris Sheremetev

Almost all of the Northern War, he was the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, her the oldest Feldmarshal, a respected, born aristocrat. Sheremetev with young nails faithfully served as a sovereign, was a hereditary professional military and diplomat. A large, even fat, with a pale face and blue eyes, Sheremetev stand out among other nobles by degree, with his noble, calm manners, courtesy and pupil. Peter, the sovereign despotic, prone to obscene vanity, never allowed themselves to do them with the old warrior, although sometimes joked with him very cruel. Sheremetev visited abroad, knew the Western customs well and before Peter's reforms was dressed in fashionable European clothes and brill face.

However, with all his merit, Sheremetev was not an outstanding person, remained a personally ordinary, neuropa, without imagination and spiritual quest. "I have no feeling spirit," he admitted in a letter to his friend F. M. Apraksin. But it was that solid reliability that inspires subordinate confidence and gives courage even in the hottest battle. Perhaps, therefore, Peter also introduced him to his army, although he was always unhappy with Sheremetyev's slowness. But at the same time, Peter did not hurry to part with Sheremetyev, did not send him to resign, for he knew for sure that the old horse would not spoil and that the Russian cunctator would not be risked, would not rush to adventures. And Sheremetev was led that Peter himself does not like risk and protects the army - the only ally of Russia. In addition, in the military environment there is always a certain "account", and on him Sheremetyev was undoubtedly the first: by origin, knowledge, experience, seniority. He led the "non-German", but rational war, as far as it is possible in Russia: Slowly, with a huge advantage of strength to move forward, consolidate and wait for new orders of the sovereign.

In general, the life of Field Marshal was severe, exhaustive. Terrible for enemies, he was attached to terrible responsibility: all the time was afraid not only for the army given to him, but for himself. Peter, using the ability and experience of Boris Petrovich, did not trust him as a representative of an old boyars, he was alien to him and did not let go to his nearby circle, sending Soglyatayev to Feld Marshal headquarters. In this unstable, unreliable position of Sheremetev, he was always afraid of nourishing the king, lose his grace, sucks and praise. He died in Moscow on February 17, 1719. Until the end of Sheremetyev had neither will, nor spiritual and physical peace. The royal service devoured all his time all his life. The richest landowner of Russia, he rarely visited his possessions. He has repeatedly rummaged. "My God," he wrote to his friend Apraksin, - to save us from the attack and let me evenly deceased to excite from the light, although they live a little. " He tried to go to Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. But Peter raised Boyarin on laughter and instead of the tonsion ordered him to marry a young woman. Heavy ill in 1718, Sheremetev asked for a will to bury him in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery - could not live there, so I would at least lie in the holy place! But the sovereign decided otherwise. Sheremetyev buried in Alexander Nevsky Monastery. So, even the death of an old Feldmarshal, as well as life lived in eternal fear and captivity, served as the highest state goals - the basis of the famous necropolis.

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Chapter 3. Narva Confucays August 22, 1700 Peter spoke out of Moscow to Narva with five regions of the "New Building", just eight thousand people. Two days later, the main forces of Russian troops moved there. September 23, Russians were besieged by Narva. According to different information, the number of precipitated was

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Narva Confuciusy from the Bustion of the Swedish Fortress of Narva On September 9, 1700, it was possible to observe the troops moving from the north-east - this is the almost 40,000th Army of Peter approaching the Swedish fortress on the Border River with Russia, the Narov River. So for Russia began

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Chapter 2. Narva Confucalization At the end of July 1699, the Swedish embassy arrived in Moscow, the purpose of which was the confirmation of the Cardis Peace Treaty of 1661. However, the ambassadors were answered that the king went to Voronezh for several weeks to Voronezh and Azov, and they had to lead to

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13. Narva Confucciation Returning from European Westerns, Peter began negotiations about the Union with the Danish Ambassador Gaines. They were purely secretly, all meetings took place with an eye on the eyes. For the negotiations, Danchanin had to even ride in Voronezh. And soon it was time to Moscow

§ 104. The Great Northern War. The first years of war

From 1699 Peter began preparations for war with the Swedes. He entered into an alliance with August II, the Saxon-Polish king and Kurfürst, and with the Danish King of Christian. The allies convinced him that a very convenient time had come for action against Sweden, since the Swedish throne was too young and frivolous King Karl XII. However, Peter did not dare to start a war with Karl until the world was concluded with the Turks. In August 1700, he received the news that his ambassadors have achieved peace in Constantinople with the assignment of Azov Moscow, and the immediate Moscow troops were moved to the Baltic Sea. Began the famous Swedish war - for the whole 21 years.

In his desire to master the shores of the Baltic Sea, Peter was the successor of the policies of all those preceding the Moscow kings. A terrible struggle for the Baltic coast, Ivan Grozny (§62) resistant. What was lost in Grozny from the Russian lands on the sea bank, Retaped Moscow Tsar Fedor Ivanovich (§63) and again lost Vasily Shui (§70). Sovereigns of the XVII century. They did not forget this loss approved by the Stolbov Treaty of 1617 (§77). With Tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich A. L. Ordin-Nachchokin especially insisted on the thoughts about the need to break through to the Baltic Sea, precisely to the Riga Bay, for immediate maritime relations with Central Europe. But at that time, the implementation of this age-old dream of the Moscow patriots was still impossible: the king of Alexei was only more connected by the Malorossey affairs and the struggle with the speech of compolit and Turkey. With Peter, the relationship in the south was established, and he naturally turned his impulse to the Baltic shores, obeying the natural desire of Moscow to the West.

Peter directed his troops to the Finnish bay and besieged the Swedish fortress Narva. But at that time it was found that the young and frivolous king of Karl XII has tremendous energy and military talent. As soon as the allies started war against him, he collected his cash forces, rushed to Copenhagen and forced Danes to the world. Then he headed for Russians to Narva and attacked them as quickly and unexpectedly, as on the Danes. Peter under Narvoy had all his regular army (up to 40 thousand people). It stood a fortified camp on the left bank. Narov. Karl burst from the west to this camp, crumbbed and drove the Russians to the river (November 19, 1700). Having only one bridge on Varov, the Russians saved the climb and gibbles. Only "funny" shelves of Peter (Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky) arched at the bridge and with honor switched the river after the rest of the army fled. Carlo got all artillery and the whole camp of Moscow troops. Satisfied Easily Victory, Karl found Petra's strength destroyed, did not pursue the Russians and did not invade the Moscow limits. He went to his third enemy of August and did a large mistake: Peter quickly recovered and restored his army; Karl himself, according to Peter, for a long time "stuck in Poland", where August was hidden from him.

Peter before the battle himself was nonor and saw all the restlessness of his troops. It was little trained, poorly dressed and fed; It did not like those hired "German" generals, who were subordinated (Duke of Crash, etc.); For the siege there were little gunpowder and shells; Cannons were bad. When Karl Peter approached Novgorod in confidence that the Swedes will invade Russia and that they need to prepare Russian fortresses for defense. The defeat of the army under Narvivoy did not lead Peter into despair. On the contrary, just like after the first Azov failure, he showed huge energy and during the winter of 1700-1701. I managed to collect a new army and cast up to 300 new guns, for which, for a disadvantage of copper state, even church bells took. After sawing with his ally king Augustus (in m. Exchange), Peter concluded a new agreement with him on how to hold together against Karl.

According to this agreement, all subsequent years Peter led the war in two different fields. First, he helped August in the speech by compulcient with money, bread and army. The Russian army more than once went to Poland and Lithuania, and the case did without defeat, but, however, and without great success. It was important that I managed to detain Charles XII in Poland and prevent it from the final celebration over August. On this theater of the war, Petra's favorite was especially distinguished from his "funny" Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, who Peter got all his troops here. Secondly, Peter, separately from its ally, took the conquest of the Finnish coast and in general the old Livonian lands (Estland and Liflandia), using the fact that the main forces of Charles were distracted into Poland. In 1701 and the following years, the Russian cavalry under the head of Field Marshal, Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev "Trouble" in these areas: Sheremetev ruined the country, broke two times the Swedish corps of General Shlippenbach (in Erestfer and Gumbafe) and took the old Russian city of Yam and Koporye. Peter himself in the fall of 1702 appeared at the origins of p. Neva and took the Swedish fortress Noteburg, who was standing on the site of the old Novgorod nut. Resumeing strengthening this fortress, Peter called it Shlisselburg, that is, the "key-city" to the sea. In the spring of 1703, the Russians descended to the Nevsky settlements and took, when pushed. Ohta in Neva, Swedish fortification of Nienshanz. Lower this strengthening on the Neva, in May 1703, Peter laid down the Petropavlovsk fortress and founded the city under her walls, who received the name "Peterburg", or St. Petersburg.

It was for Peter fortified exit to the sea, which he immediately took advantage. On the Lake Ladoga (more precisely, on the river. Sviri) was built for hopping ships and in the same 1703 were already launched on the water. In the autumn of this year, Peter has already started working on the Kotlin-Island for the construction of the marine fortress of the crison (the predecessor of the current Kronstadt). This fortress has become a harbor for the new Baltic Fleet. Finally, in 1704, the strong Swedish fortresses Derpt (Yuriev) and Narva were taken. Thus, Peter not only acquired for himself to enter the sea in his "paradise" of St. Petersburg, but also defended this exit near Liddin from the sea (Kroneshlot) and from Sushi (Narva, Yam, Koporye, Derpt). Allowed Peter to such success, Karl made an irreparable mistake he had conceived to rod then only when he coped with his other enemy, August.

Narva Confucius - so called one of the first battles of the Russians and Swedes during the war 1700-1721. The event ended with a complete failure of the Russian army. Narva Confucius, the date of which is November 1700, is of great importance in history. It was after this defeat that the Russian autocrat was engaged in the reorganization of the army and formed it on European standards. Consider in more detail what Narva Confucius under Peter 1.

Interests of the country

At that time, Russia had three main tasks in the field of foreign policy:

  • access to the Baltic;
  • access to the Black Sea;
  • reunion of lands.

Peter began its international activities with the struggle for entering the Black Sea. Baltika was attractive from the point of view of trade routes with Europe. European countries could help Peter in the implementation of the plans for the technical development of Russia.

In a wish, possess the banks of the Baltic Peter continued the policy of the predecessors' kings. For the Baltic Coast, Ivan Grozny fought, he lost part of the lands. Fyodor Ivanovich returned Russia, but they were again lost in Vasily Shuisky. All subsequent kings could not forget about the loss. However, Alexey Tsar was engaged in relations with Poland and Turkey. With Peter, the relationship from the south side was established, and Peter decided to engage in the Baltic issue.

And Peter, and August, the King of Poland, had territorial claims to Sweden. Peter wanted to be returned to Sweden disheveled in the 18th century of the Earth. The Russian kingdom presented claims to Ingria (Ingermanland), the territory, which in our time corresponds to the Leningrad region. Narva fortress as the center of Ingermanland has become the main object of the attack of Russians.

Preparatory stage

To prepare for war with Sweden Peter began in 1699. He entered into an alliance with Polish and Danish kings. Augustus and Christians convinced Peter that was a good time for the storming of Sweden, because the inexperienced ruler Karl XII was raised on the throne.

But Peter did not hurry to fight. He sought to first establish peace with Turkey. In August 1700, Russian ambassadors reached the world in the Ottoman Empire, after that Peter immediately began active actions. The years of the Northern War - 1700-1721.

Initial period

The allies of Peter have already entered the War with Sweden. For Russia, the war has arrived in August 1700. As soon as Peter influenced the conclusion of the world with the Turks, he immediately moved troops to Narva.

From all sides, Peter heard that Narva has a weak fortification, it will not be difficult to take it. Notes about Carle Xii was not. The reserves of the Russian army were exhausted, the warriors were tired of the campaign, the cannons came to a dissent. Narva has accumulated 35-40 thousand Russians who opened fire. Narva burned several times, and the Russians waited that the fortress was about to surrender. But that did not happen.

Peter learned that Karl is located in Perne and moves to Narva. Peter had to go to Novgorod to send food to soldiers and personally agree with the king of August about the prospects. Sheremetyev noted Peter about the proximity of Karl. Peter appointed to lead the army of the Duke of Croa de Croi, and left himself.

Duke of Croa de Croi still in the Turkish war destroyed the Austrian troops and was fired from the army. Dating in the Viennese circles provided him with a good reputation, and Peter agreed to take the duke as a commander. Under the Narva, the duke was also not the best.

Crucial moment

As soon as Karl arrived, he immediately hit Russian troops. Duke of De Croi stretched out the positions of seven miles. The soldiers waited for the enemy for a long time. German uniforms are not racing them. The cold wind permeated the tired soldiers dispersed throughout. Meanwhile, Karl organized his troops to the Wedge and resolutely led them to the offensive.

Russian warriors were frightened, they had the idea that the German officers betrayed them. Russians shouted: "The Germans changed!" After this, the Russian soldiers began to beat their own officers. Then they began to run away.

While the soldiers were shipped through Narva, a huge set of them drowned. Karl was delighted. Previously, he was afraid of attacking from the rear, but now all the concerns disappeared. The Swedes began to drive running infantry. Shouts about the treason of the Germans sounded louder, as a result, the Duke of De Croi refused to fight and surrendered to the Swedes. Showing more courage, de Croi could win the battle, because the Swedes were not so much. But the duke was afraid to lose and did not want to justify in front of Peter.

Faithful warriors

The Swedes managed to hack central construction. Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments remained on the right flank and continued to shoot, as they could. They placed around themselves, armed with guns and guns. The officers managed to relieve panic among the soldiers. Firmly stood and detachment Wade on the left flank. However, both flank were not connected with each other.

Karl himself participated in the battle and changed three horses during this time. One of them drowned in a swamp, the second was killed under him, Carl moved to the third. The battle ended after the occurrence of darkness.

At night, the Swedes penetrated into the Russian camp, found wine reserves and began to smear to the loss of consciousness. Russians could use this successful moment and win, but there was no one to manage them. The generals did not possess information on where Preobrachters and Semenovtsy, in which state they are.

Carl was disturbed that the Russians are drawn that the Swedish army is not a few, and the siege of Narva will be able to fulfill. However, this did not happen.

Russian retreat

Feeding that the battle would resume with the dawn, and the Russian army will lose even more, the Russian generals began a dialogue with Karl on the retreat. Karl gladly perceived the idea of \u200b\u200bthe retreat of the Russians and allowed them to do it. But in the process of the event, Karl broke the agreement, began to take generals and select the weapon from the soldiers.

Violation of the contract Swedish ruler explained that the Russians took the treasury. As a result, Carl took the Russian army, artillery, guns. The victory of the foaming of a young ambitious king, which began to consider himself a hero.

In Europe, they started talking about the fact that the Russians do not know how to fight, calling the Russian army "barbarians". Narva Confucius has greatly hit the authority of Russia, primarily in a moral sense. All countries of the world Russia no longer considered the Great Power.

The value of the lesion

Analyzing Narva Confucusia, it is worth considering which events preceded this large-scale accuracy.

On the eve of the war, Peter began to collect an army. Its formation he began with the fact that he dismissed the detachments of the rebeling strikers, and with them all the Moscow shelves. In exchange, the ruler decided to create 29 other regiments - the same as he saw abroad.

To do this, the army began to call all those wishing, promising a high salary. Strumps rushed, poorly. Boyars Peter ordered to dissolve the panel. Numerous lackers remained not from affairs and also went to the army. Peter all dressed in German clothes. And he formed the command from his friends, recruited abroad.

Narva Confucalization revealed a number of shortcomings of the Russian army. Among them:

  • insufficient preparedness;
  • inconsistency of actions;
  • lack of supply.

The victory of the Swedish army became a serious event, but after it did not end the war. Peter engaged in the formation of a military for the European Example. He began to recruit new shelves, ordered to build plants that could provide the needs of the army. Schools were formed to study the officers. The battle of Narva became the most powerful impetus to the most important transformations.

Army restructuring

The backbone of the newly formed army amounted to the Preobrazhensky and Semenovian shelves. Peter established a recruitment duty: every class it was necessary to put forward a certain number of recruits.

As a result, by 1708, the army of 40 thousandth has become 113 thousand. Warriors were fine armed.

New plants were built to ensure the army. The first of them became metallurgical enterprises in the Urals. There were guns, kernels, flooded cast iron, iron. Plants producing powder mixtures, weapons, textiles for military needs were formed.

Officers were trained in special schools. Unter-Officers received education in 50 newly opened establishments. The nobles were sent to learn abroad. As soon as they returned, Peter had no need to hire foreigners.

The head of state issued statutes with the instructions, where the results of perennial hostilities were summarized: Northern War, Narva Confucius.

Much attention to the autocrat paid to the formation of naval forces. The fleet was built in the south, in the north and in the Baltic. In total, about 900 ships were built during the Petrovsky government.

Results of transformations

All changes were conducted during the years of the Northern War. The battles during this period did not stop. During this time, Russia has become a great naval power.

All efforts were not in vain. In 1702, Russian troops defeated the Swedes near Derpta. Then the Noteburg was defeated. By 1703, Neva was completely under the control of Russia. Peter laid the first stone of the Petropavlovsk fortress, where the history of the city of St. Petersburg was launched. Since that time, Russia has established himself in the Baltic. In 1704, finally managed to take Narva. And in 1709 the legendary Poltava battle took place, during which the Russians managed to defend the Swedes.

Thus, the initial failure of the Russian army in the battle of Narva led to transformations that provided the country's largest victories. The events of those years have shown the world turning the backward Moscow kingdom to the Great Power and turned Russia into formidable power.

11/19/1700 (2.12). - Battle of Narva; The defeat of Russian troops from the Swedish army King Charles Xii

Russia took part in to return to the Baltic Sea, lost in 1617 by the sealing Russian lands from Ivangorod to Lake Ladoga. Sweden at that time was the dominant power in Northern Europe and began the war near the victories over the succesons and the Danes. Russia was part of the Antishveda coalition and was obliged to start hostilities. Decided first of all to win the Swedes Narva and Ivangorod.

The first major battle between Russian and Swedes was the Narva Battle of November 19, 1700. In September, the 35-thousand Russian army under the command of the king was siegeized by Narva - a strong Swedish fortress on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. At first, the fortress had a garrison about 2 thousand people, and it could be taken, but in November, the Swedish army as part of 10 thousand led by King Karl XII was sent to the rescue. Swedes landed in the area of \u200b\u200bRevel and Pernova (Pärnu). But after that, the Russians were almost three times over the Swedes. However, the Russian parts were only recently formed and was not sufficiently prepared for the battle. The precipitating were stretched into a thin line of almost 7 km long without reserves.

The Russian intelligence raised the number of enemy sent towards the Swedes. Not assumed the Swedish offensive, Peter on November 18 left the head of the Russian troops of the Duke de Croa and left for Novgorod to accelerate the delivery of reinforcements. Early in the morning of the next day, the Swedish army under the cover of the blizzard and fog suddenly attacked Russian positions. Karl created two shock groups, one of which managed to break through the center. The absence of the king weakened the discipline. Many foreign officers of the Russian army headed by the Commander de Croa moved to the side of the Swedes. Treason of command and poor skiing led to a panic in Russian parts. They began a random departure to their right flank, where the bridge was located across the river Narva. Under the weight of the human masses bridge collapsed. On the left flank, the cavalry under the command of Sheremetyev's governor, seeing the flight of other parts, succumbed to a common panic and rushed across the river.

Nevertheless, there were persistent Russian parts, thanks to which the Narva battle did not turn into a closer. At a critical moment, when it seemed that everything was lost, the Guards shelves were entered into battle - Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky. They reflected the onslaught of the Swedes and stopped panic. Gradually, the remnants of broken divisions were joined to the seeds and transobraphors. The fight at the bridge continued for several hours. Karl Xii himself drove troops into an attack against Russian guardsmen, but to no avail. On the left flank of the Russians, the Division A.A. Wide. As a result of the courageous resistance of these parts, the Russians lasted until night, and in the darkness of the battle.

Negotiations began. The Russian army lost the battle, was in a difficult position, but was not crushed. Karl, who personally who experienced the durability of the Russian guard, apparently, was not fully confident in the success of a new battle and went on a truce. The parties concluded an agreement on which Russian troops received the right to free pass home. However, the Swedes violated the agreement: after the Guardian shelves and Division A.I. Golovin crossed through Narva, the Swedes disarmed Vaid's divisions and I. Yu. Trubetsky, taking off the officers. Russians lost in the Narva battle of up to 8 thousand people, including almost all the highest officer. The losses of the Swedes amounted to about 3 thousand people.

After Narva, Karl XII did not start the winter campaign against Russia. He found that the Russians are almost defeated. The Swedish army opposed the Polish king of Augustime, in which Karl Xii saw a more dangerous opponent. Strategically Charles XII acted quite reasonably. However, he did not take into account one - the enormous energy of Peter I. The defeat of Narva did not discourage him, and on the contrary, prompted the revenge. "When this misfortune was received," he wrote, "then there was an invalid of the taciousness, and forced to hard work and the art of the day and night."