Come up with an offer with an exclamation mark. What are the proposals for the purpose of saying and by intonation? Types of proposals for the purpose of saying

Exclamation offer is an offer characterized by emotional painting and increased expressiveness. Exclamation proposals are distinguished by the specific intonation of timbre color; Wed: Fire! Girl! They are often present interjections, particles, exclamation plane words; Wed: Ay yes well done! Oh, these assistants! So he said to you! And rain! What a scientist is there! Who he just did not ask!

Exclamation proposals can be built according to special syntactic models with lost or weakened grammatical and lexical values components; Wed: This motorcycle has given you! I found the time to dream! For many exclamation purposes, the reverse (inverse) word order is characteristic; Wed: Walked my head! He will understand you! How sweet southern wind! IN written speech At the end of the exclamation offer is an exclamation mark.

As exclamation proposals, all communicative types can be used: narrative, motivating and questionative. In this case, the total content of the proposal to one way or another is modified. In some cases, the exclamation is used to express a high degree of sign and enhance the degree of categorical state of approval or will; Wed: What a heavy rain! He will come tomorrow! Return immediately! When it happened! In other cases - with other intonation - an exclamation offer can be understood in the meaning opposite to the one who is transmitted to the literal meaning of words.

Thus, the affirmative narrative exclamation proposals acquire a negative value or express a negative attitude of the speaker to the reported; Wed: I will get upset because of him! (\u003d not); She will go with you! (\u003d will not go); Many you understand! (\u003d Do not understand anything). The similar importance of expressively painted denials can also express questionative in the form of non-negative proposals; Wed: Why only he went there! (\u003d No need to walk); What kind of gardens are! (\u003d these are not gardens); Who needs it!(\u003d no one needed); How do I know! (\u003d I do not know), while negative exclamation of exclamation of expression expressively painted approval; Wed: Who does not know this! (\u003d everyone knows); Where he was not! (\u003d Everywhere was).

According to the degree of emotional color, the proposals are classified into two types: exclamation and non-visible. The ability to correctly determine which one is suitable for a particular case, will allow us to correctly understand the essence of the proposal, read it with the necessary intonation and put the required sign of punctuation at the end.

Non-promotional proposals are called those that imply a mobular, everyday tone and the absence of a bright emotional component. At the end of such proposals a point is set. For example: it rains all day today. On the schedule, the train will arrive in two hours.

Exclamation proposals are such suggestions that transmit strong feelings and emotions of the speaker.

For example: we have great joy!

At the end of these proposals an exclamation mark is set, and their grammatical means of registration are as follows:

  1. Intonation, expressing joy, delight, sadness, surprise, anger, excitement, fear and other pronounced feelings. Pronunciation Exclamations is carried out with a tone higher, with an emphasis on a word, which is more like an emotional color.
  2. Interdomitia.
  3. Exclamation particles of placed, noutay or intermediate origin, giving the utterance of a characteristic emotional color: Oh, well, well, as, where how, what is yours, what other.

Using three exclamation marks usually with the help of 3 exclamation marks at the end of the sentence author expresses high degree Emotional excitement. So you can express joy or delight, anger or indignation. Offers "Leave VoN !!!" Or "Leave and not return !!!" They talk about the deep feelings of the person who expresses them.

During the classes

1. Repetition of the material passed

a) Work on cards in pairs.

- Remember the fact that yesterday they taught so diligently.

(Task on the card.)

Connect the arrow of part of the statement.

For the purpose of statement proposals may be:

1) narrative (contain a question)
2) questionnaire (contain an order or request)
3) motivating (contain a story, narration)

b) check (on the board circuit - assistant)
c) self-esteem (C.1)

2. Formulation of the lesson theme and formulation of educational tasks

(Offers recorded on the board.)

Read about yourself what is written on the board.

1. Autumn came to visit us.
Autumn came to visit us!

- What is written on the board?
- Prove.

(The proposal contains complete thought, at the end of the proposal is the signs of punctuation: (), "!" Or "?").

- Guess what proposal will read ...?

- How did you guess?
- And now read the offer at number 1.

- Diffuses these proposals for what a person wants to say? (No, in both sentences, the same thought is expressed, the guests came to visit us.)

- Is these proposals for these proposals? (Yes, both of these proposals for the purpose of the statement are narrated, as it contains a message that autumn came to visit us).

- What are the difference between these suggestions? (The 1st sentence is pronounced calm, and 2nd with a special feeling).

- Has anyone guessed that we would be interested in today in the lesson of the Russian language?

(In the lesson, we will be interested in the proposals that are pronounced calmly and with a special feeling.)

- Can anyone hear, what are the proposals that are pronounced with a special feeling?

- Let's open books and compare if we defined the subject of the lesson. Read.

- And in which block will we work today? (How is our language.) What task is solved in the lessons indicating this block?

(In the lessons, with an indication of the block "how our language" we open the laws for which Russian language lives.)

- So what do we actually do today?

- Return to the textbook. We read on with. 60 rubric, tell me how it is called?

- Do you understand the words in the text? What new learned?

- In this text I met the word intonation. How do you understand it? Read the prompt.

- You know that I really like to doubt the importance of this or that topic theme. But today I have such doubts: does the values \u200b\u200bof the intonation in the life of people? Wragge. Give examples.

- Proof can serve as a poem, which we read at the lesson of the surrounding world.

(Reading a poem with different intonation: contempt "FI!", Discontent "Fu!", Surprise "Well!", Admiracy "Way!".)

She said aunt:
- Fog, Football!
Mom said:
- Fu, Football!
Sister said:
- Well, football!
And I replied:
- in, football!

- Do you agree with the fact that in the intonation of a person you can determine how it applies to you?

- How do you understand the statements of psychologists, what is more likely to intonation more often than information?

4. Fisminist on attention and on fixing the studied material

- If I delivered the right statement, then you make tilts, and if the false hand to the side, forward, up.

A) The proposal is always pronounced or written with some kind of purpose. (B)
B) Suggestions I can be questionnaire and motivating. (H)
C) proposals for the purpose of statements may be: narrative, questionnaire and motivating. (IN)
D) In \u200b\u200bthe intonation, the same proposals are 2 types - exclamation and non-visible. (IN)
E) If you turn the narrative exclamation of an unkonsectant, then the purpose of the proposal will change. (H)
E) If you turn the narrative exclamation of an unkonsessive, then the sign at the end of the sentence will change. (IN)

5. Primary fixing new material

- UPR.1. Work yourself.
- I would like you to figure out why was it supposed to?

Check.Why is it given?

- And now I suggest you to work in a pair.

Take out and justify it.


The task. Read offers, determine the purpose of the statement of each sentence and the intonation of proposals. Take a conclusion: What proposals on the purpose of the statement can be pronounced with exclamation intonation?

Good in the autumn forest!
Go to the forest and admire the beauty of Nature!
Do you like the autumn forest?!

Check. Output. Compare with a textbook.

6. Charging on an optician

- Look at the door, on the window, on the ceiling, on top of each other, on the board.

7. Differentiated work.

Work in constant composition groups.
Task 1-2 group.

Read. Write proposals according to the scheme. Set the desired punctuation sign.

Woodpecker knocks on the tree (.!?)
Young aspen whispering quietly (.!?)
How good gold leaves in the rays of the autumn sun (.!?)
You like in the forest (.!?)


The rest are working on the textbook Ex CR.3 p. 62.

After orally, the children sign up for their readiness (green circle) and sit in writing, pre-make a thumbnail massage using a cube.

Check. 1, 2 groups you have self-test (distribute the right version)

1 Execution option

Do you like in the forest?
Woodpecker knocks on the tree.
Young aspen whispering quietly.

2 Options.

Do you like in the forest?
Young aspen whispering quietly.
Woodpecker knocks on the tree.
How good golden leaves in the rays of the autumn sun!

8. Left outcome

What new mystery of the language did we have to open a lesson?
What did you especially like?
What would you change in the lesson?
Look your sheets of success.

9. Reflection

- What mood end a lesson?
Coloring "Fluffy", which has the same mood as yours.

10. Homework

I can not set d / s. Well, if someone really wants, if there is a desire and time, you can pay attention to UPR 4.S.62.

According to the degree of emotional color, the proposals are classified into two types: exclamation and non-visible. The ability to correctly determine which one is suitable for a particular case, will allow us to correctly understand the essence of the proposal, read it with the necessary intonation and put the required sign of punctuation at the end.

Non-promotional proposals are called those that imply a mobular, everyday tone and the absence of a bright emotional component. At the end of such proposals a point is set. For example: It rains all day today. On the schedule, the train will arrive in two hours.

Exclamation proposals are such suggestions that transmit strong feelings and emotions of the speaker. For example: We have great joy!

At the end of these proposals an exclamation mark is set, and their grammatical means of registration are as follows:

  1. Intonation, expressing joy, delight, sadness, surprise, anger, excitement, fear and other pronounced feelings. Pronunciation Exclamations is carried out with a tone higher, with an emphasis on a word, which is more like an emotional color.

    For example: He did so hard! From the excursion, we stayed in complete delight! No one expects such a development of events! She was not afraid of a joke!

  2. Interdomitia.

    For example: Wow, what a beauty! Oh, I am amazed to the depths of the soul! Oh, and we were so close to the goal!

  3. Exclamation particles A prisoner, noutay or intermediate origin, which give the statement a characteristic emotional color: Oh, well, well, as, where, how, what is yours, what other.

    For example: What an extraordinary house! Oh, that's yes! Well, well, this is a surprise! Fu, what a madness!

Using three exclamation marks

Usually, with the help of 3 exclamation marks at the end of the sentence, the author expresses a high degree of emotional excitement. So you can express joy or delight, anger or indignation. Offers "Leave VoN !!!" Or "Leave and not return !!!" They talk about the deep feelings of the person who expresses them.

The proposal is a speech unit, which is a set of interrelated words. It contains a certain informational promise, the question or encourages any actions. Grade 3 - the time from which the school begins to study this section. Consider what are the proposals for intonation and the purpose of the statement in our language, we give examples.

Types of Proposals for intonation

Allocate the following types of defencing proposals. According to emotional color, the statements are exclamation and non-obscent. The choice of one type or other depends on the emotional state of the speaker. The most common is non-promotional. They are pronounced moderately, calm. Most often this story.

Types of Proposals for intonation

The non-challenging statement may look like this:

  1. Too for too long to sit at the computer is harmful to your health: try to get up more often from the table and perform exercise.
  2. The tired puppy after a long game fell asleep right on the knees of the child.
  3. Yesterday's hurricane was so terrible that he threw a high neighboring tree, which the window broke down.

A non-surcharge offer, examples of which are given above, in rare cases may have an interviewal or even incentive intonation (example: let the children fit to sleep, and I'll sit down).

Exclamation proposals (examples are presented below) transmit emotionality and feelings of the speaker. Usually exclamation statements are an urge.

  1. Finally you got!
  2. Be careful!
  3. What interesting news I'll tell you now!

Exclamation phrases are pronounced in a special way. The speaker increases the voice, allocates words that express his feelings and emotions.

Groups on the purpose of saying

Three types of phrases are distinguished for the purpose of the statement, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics:

  • narrative;
  • prompting;
  • question.

Types of proposals for the purpose of saying


The purpose of the message is to inform about a certain eventphenomenon. Speaking by the choice of such speech means transmits some information to the interlocutor. The statement of fact is a narrative offer.

  1. According to statistics, eME results The country is improved annually, which can be said about the quality of education for each subject.
  2. Weather in some regions of Russia remains windy and rainy throughout all year old months.
  3. Two new hospitals built in our city, as well as one veterinary clinic.

IN oral speech Such a statement is pronounced Rivne, calm. On one of his members, the voice rises, and by graduation - decreases. At the end there is a point or an exclamation mark.

Note!All texts are based on narrative statements. In this regard, the latter are much more common than encouraging and questions.

Narrative phrases have several features.

  1. They are unprofitable (only the main members) and common (main members plus secondary). Examples: Father returned. He brought with him a little puppy.
  2. The structure may be doubled or monosight. In doubles there are two main member, in one-point - only one. Examples: Cat lazily opened his eyes and reached out. On the door knocked.
  3. The phrases under consideration are divided into simple and complex. Simple consist of one grammar Basics, complex - from two or more. Example: the child sadly bent over the textbook. On the street, the scorching sun, heard the voices of the children playing football.

What is narrative offers

Moving statement

The motivation expresses some kind of speaking. It is pronounced in order for the addressee (to whom to contact) performed some action that the address is required by him (the one who pronounces speech). The motivation is used in cases where the speaker expresses his wishes regarding something, orders or asks.

Also, the objectives of the motives in some cases are achieved by using special particles "Let's", "Let" and the forms of the imperative inclination of the faugibles.

  1. I am urgently going and come out, otherwise we will be late at the airport!
  2. Going me in the evening, please, today I will stay late at work.
  3. So that I never heard more such words from you!

Examples of wake-up proposals


Through question deals, the speaker wants to receive any information that he does not possess.

There are two varieties of the designs under consideration.

  1. The general question: set to obtain confirmation of some information or its denial. A single answer may be given to such a question: "Yes," no. " Examples: You performed homework? Have you seen a neighbor yesterday? When did you come back yesterday night, was it still light?
  2. Private question: set in order to get information about the phenomenon, event, face. A single answer to such a question will not be able to give. Examples: Why are you so late today? What do you feed your pet? For what reason does he not want to talk to me?

The characteristic of the question in oral speech is a special intonation, a question mark after the end of the phrase.

Punctuation signs at the end of the sentence

Building a question looks like this: the first question is the question of the question, and then the remaining words relating to the topic of speech.

Interesting Facts:

  1. At the end of the question, there may be two punctuation signs - a question and exclamation (example: how could it be so inattentive?!);
  2. Three exclamation marks are put in a row if the degree of emotionality is particularly high (example: Tormezosi, pedestrian ahead !!!).

Helpful advice!Using punctuation marks, observe the feeling of measure, especially in Internet communication. Written phrases with a large number of exclamation marks cause irritation, and users try to ignore them.

We examined what are the proposals for intonation and which groups they are divided by the goal of the statement.

According to emotional color, supply is divided into exclamation and non-visible, which depends on spiritual state And the emotions of the speaker. Unknown phrases most often represent a story, but in exceptional cases are impulses.

Useful video: types of proposals for the purpose of the statement


Types of proposals for the purpose of the statement are as follows: narration, motivation and question. The first type is most often found: most of the texts are based on it. Each type of statement has its own characteristics and characteristics.

In contact with

In all languages \u200b\u200bof the world there are special offers - exclamation. Usually they are used to express strong emotions, which are delight, surprise, anger and others. Examples of exclamation purposes are often found in artistic literature, in poetry, in letters and diaries. IN scientific texts It is almost impossible to find them. In them, examples of exclamation offers are not found. Science articles They are written in a neutral emotional style.

Types of exclamation purposes

Exclamation and ellipsis

There are other combinations of signs at the end of the proposals. For example, in the literature, some authors use immediately exclamation and ellipsis. Such phrases should push the reader on deep reflections, in essence such proposals are extremely similar to rhetorical questions with exclamation. "And here in the doorway she arose! .. Plenilate the beauty of her, the face was lit with a smile, and the world around the whole world and joy, and happiness! .."

Wake-up exclamation offer

It is very interesting to use the use in the work. Such phrases differ from other things that practically do not have emotional color, but contain an order, request, invitation, greeting or proposal. Usually there are no subjects in these proposals. Intonational similar designs do not have to be pronounced with pronounced emotions. However, the sign at the end of the request or order indicates that this is an exclamation offer. Examples in Russian such structures are found quite often. They are present in the dialogues of the heroes of artistic works.

Order in an exclamation offer

In some structures, the formulation of punctuation marks is due not to an emotional coloring statement, but historical traditions. Therefore, in the case when the author of the artistic work uses an order, he draws an offer with an exclamation mark. Examples of such phrases can be pronounced tone and even with a whisper, but the use of an exclamation mark here is necessary. "To stand! - Shepota ordered Petrovich in front of him the prisoner Fritz. - Do not turn around! " Even if the order is given to a calm even tone, at the end of the phrase you need to put an exclamation mark. For example, "Detachment, Ok, Himper!" Or "Stand, the court goes!"

Please offer

Traditions explain some more features of punctuation in Russian. For example, a special emotional shade brings an exclamation mark in the end of the phrase.

Invitation and appeal to an exclamation offer

There is another point of punctuation. It dictates that often at the end of the invitation is an exclamation mark. This fact is a sign of elementary courtesy, a culture of written communication. Therefore, when reading a context with an invitation, such as a wedding or a picnic, does not at all use the intonation of the exclamation.

  1. "Natalia Pavlovna! Georgy Matveyevich! Come for the evening dedicated to the celebration of our silver wedding, in the restaurant "Cosmos"! "
  2. "Dear high school students! Come on October 23 to the "Autumn Ball", which will be held in the assembly hall of the school! "

Greeting and wish in an exclamation offer

The rules for writing letters is very important for ordinary peopleAnd for the authors of artistic works. To deal with the formulation of punctuation marks at the end of proposals, one should pay attention to one interesting feature: Very often a greeting or wish is expressed by the shape of the verb of the imperative ignition. These are the words "Hello!", "Be healthy!" Therefore, these offers are perceived as a request, at the end of which an exclamation mark is also historically put. Often, in a similar way, a farewell is issued on the letter. For example, "Goodbye, my dear!" Or "Good night, a dear friend! I wish you sweet dreams!"

Exclamation offers in Russian serve to enhance the emotionality of texts, messages, comments. Since to give an intonation color to the statements of characters in artwork You can only with the help of punctuation marks, then the authors remain anything else, how to take advantage of exclamation, question marks and their combinations.