On the paths along the mountains in the swamps. Arrangement of punctuation rules

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On the horizons along the mountains, the swamps and bushes. None. September 27 - International Tourism Day are tourists to unknown places ... "Song of tourists" Vasily Lebedeva-Kumacha, written in 1937, thundered from Moscow to the most before the outskirts. After a few decades, life added to the popular march to the Russian Turkish Russians, Egypt with Thailand, Europe - America. And he went, went-flew along the cities and weights of foreign countries, the Russian tourist, and his native country, and he knew well before, thanks to five-day trips and all sorts of cruises. A person in the blood is a passion for changing places, the desire to know what is there, beyond the horizon. In the 9th century, the princess Olga visited Byzantium. And what exciting travel merchants took! It is enough to remember the travel notes Athanasius Nikitina "Hozing for the three seas" ("walking in three seas"). In lengthy and most complex journeys in Jerusalem, Palestine, pilgrims sent to Athos. The king Peter I became an avid traveler and an example for the imitation. In the XVIII century, the idea was born. The first travel agencies began to appear, for example, in 1885, Leopold Lipson Enterprise in St. Petersburg, various circles and societies. Before the revolution, the most mass organization was the Russian touring club, subsequently the Russian society of tourists. The Russian tourist magazine was published, which played a huge role in the history of tourism. Quote from the article by January for 1901: "Our Russia is extensive, its various treasures are great, the story is rich in events, the people are numerous, the people are interesting and sympathetic. Do we know her, our homeland, learn it? But we not only do not study it, we do not even try to learn more of those places where we live. It is unforgivable. It is nonpatriotic. Meanwhile, however, it is not difficult to become a member in general work, which would be decent to the faithful sons of his homeland! " For a hundred years, the article, perhaps, begins to lose its relevance. We add that by the number of objects that make up tourist cultural resources, the Tyumen region is included in the first seven regions of Russia and comparable to countries such as Germany, Canada, Norway. Since April of the current year, a tourist information center has been earned on Tyumen Color Boulevard, where you can get information about the tour membershrutes of the region and the most interesting places. Good luck!

September 27 - International Day of Tourism

Tourists make their way to unknown places ... "The song of tourists" Vasily Lebedeva-Kumacha, written in 1937, thundered from Moscow to the most before the outskirts. After a few decades, life added to the popular march to the Russian Turkish Russians, Egypt with Thailand, Europe - America. And he went, went-flew along the cities and weights of foreign countries, the Russian tourist, and his native country, and he knew well before, thanks to five-day trips and all sorts of cruises.

A person in the blood is a passion for changing places, the desire to know what is there, beyond the horizon. In the 9th century, the princess Olga visited Byzantium. And what exciting travel merchants took!

It is enough to remember the travel notes Athanasius Nikitina "Hozing for the three seas" ("walking in three seas"). In lengthy and most complex journeys in Jerusalem, Palestine, pilgrims sent to Athos. The king Peter I became an avid traveler and an example for imitation.

In the XVIII century, the idea was born to establish an organized departure abroad: in the Appendix to the newspaper "Moscow Vedomosti" was published "Plan of the journey in other people's edges" for young nobles. The first travel agencies began to appear, for example, in 1885, Leopold Lipson Enterprise in St. Petersburg, various circles and societies. Before the revolution, the most mass organization was the Russian touring club, subsequently the Russian society of tourists. The Russian tourist magazine was published, which played a huge role in the history of tourism. Quote from the article by January for 1901: "Our Russia is extensive, its various treasures are great, the story is rich in events, the people are numerous, the people are interesting and sympathetic. Do we know her, our homeland, learn it? But we not only do not study it, we do not even try to learn more of those places where we live. It is unforgivable. It is nonpatriotic. Meanwhile, however, it is not difficult to become a member in general work, which would be decent to the faithful sons of his homeland! "

For a hundred years, the article, perhaps, begins to lose its relevance. We add that by the number of objects that make up tourist cultural resources, the Tyumen region is included in the first seven regions of Russia and comparable to countries such as Germany, Canada, Norway. Since April of the current year, a tourist information center has been earned on Tyumen Color Boulevard, where you can get information about the tour membershrutes of the region and the most interesting places. Good luck!

1. Point

The point is set:

1. At the end of the narrative offer: in the dead silence lay a steppe. Skoro got the sun. Light wind moved red burnt grass. (Shol.)

Including union and, but butIf they begin the independent proposal: the most risky operations are sometimes better than the most carefully prepared for surprise. But more often the largest cases fall due to one wrong step. (F.)

2. At the end of the wake-up proposal (with a calm tone of speech): write a letter. Let's go to.

2. Exclamation mark

An exclamation mark is set:

1. At the end of narrative and motivating proposals, accompanied by an expression of a strong feeling, for example: 1) how wide the expanses passed! (Surk.); 2) Stupid heart, do not beat! (EU.)

2. After: a) appeals: every work bless, good luck! (EU.); b) interjections: 1) boo! Spot somewhere in the forest. (A. N. T.); 2) Yeah! I saw. (P.); 3) I still can not forget two old old centuries, which, alas! not anymore. (); c) words and no facing before the proposal: no! I never knew I envy. (P.)

Note. Exclamations are the questionings that the letter can be transferred to the use of two signs - a questioning and exclamationable, for example: if you do not care if it is impossible to turn, then why does she remember?! (Isak.)

3. Question mark

The question mark is placed at the end of the question offer: 1) Whose horse tireless runs in the steppes unawarded? (P.); 2) What do you want to regret? (P.)

Note. After an indirect question, the question mark is not set: 1) Find out what we do; 2) I do not know if there will be a performance tomorrow; 3) I am often asked how I became a writer. An exception is the case when the question of everything is the complex proposal as a whole: do you really know when it was?

4. Dot

Motion is set:

1. To express the incompleteness of the statement, as well as the break inside the sentence: I will have to say goodbye to you. Help me gather ... And then I'll sit at the time together, how they were sometime ... for a long time ... (F.)

2. To designate the pause when describing rapidly alternating phenomena: Rain flows ... I burned the angular hail ... spin, we go, we sworn trees, crowded clouds ... Lightning! We are waiting for a blow ... Zagoznat and rolled thunder. Stronger rain ... (T.)

3. In quotations - to indicate skipping words and proposals: Belinsky wrote: "From these poems, we clearly see at least the fact that Onegin was neither cold, nor dry, no chases that ... in general he was not from Numbers of ordinary, dozen people. "

5. Smeans

The comma is set:

1. To separate homogeneous membership members:

a) if they are not connected by unions: 1) An old man, bald, low growth, shoulder and tight met on the verge of leaves. (T.); 2) The Ivanovna Pulcher Room was stitched with chests, boxes, boxes and chests. ()

Notes: 1. Are not homogeneous two definitions, if the first one applies to the entire subsequent phrase from the definition and nouns, for example: a long commodity train went. (C.)

2. Are not homogeneous and not separated by a semicolon two verbs, the same in the form and the following one by one, if they form one sense, for example: I will go to know what's the matter. Go look at the guys.

b) if they are connected by the opponent unions a, but yes (\u003d but): 1) And the child grows there not by day, but by the hour. (P.); 2) She spoke little, but intelligently. (T.); 3) Mal Spool, yes (\u003d But) Roads. (Last);

c) if they are connected by repeating connecting or dividing unions and ... and nor ... neither, yes ... yes, or ... or, or ... either, then ... then, not that ... not that: 1) forgive the hot young years and young fever, and young nonsense. (P.); 2) He fell in love with thick, privacy, silence, and night, and stars, and the moon. (P.)

Notes: 1. Before single connecting and divided unions and, yes (\u003d and), or, orstanding between homogeneous members, the comma does not put: 1) the days were warm and affectionate. (F.); 2) We sat on the steps of the porch or on a pile of bric. (M. G.); 3) From spring to late fall, the grandfather took the mushrooms yes (\u003d and) berries. (N.)

2. If homogeneous members are connected in pairs, the comma is placed between pairs of homogeneous members: on infinite, on a free spacious shine and movement, roar and thunder. (Tyutch)

3. Are not separated by the semicolons of frozen expressions formed from words with the opposite value connected by repeating unions and ... and nor ..., for example: None neither, and day and night, and old and young, and laughter and grief, nor alive either dead, no fish meat;

d) if homogeneous members are connected by double unions, the comma is put in front of the second part of the Union (i.e., between homogeneous members): he knows both Russian and German.

2. To highlight appeals: Where so, the bitterness, you run without looking back? (Cr.)

Note. Particle aboutfacing appeal is not separated by the comma from the appeal: about the Volga, my cradle! Did anyone love you like me? (N.)

3. To highlight input words and introductory proposals: 1) it seemed to him, apparently, strange. (P.); 2) You, I see, nice small. (T.)

4. To highlight interjections: 1) Oh, how soon the night passed! (Gr.); 2) How I love the sea, Oh, how I love the sea! (C.)

Note. From the interjections it is necessary to distinguish with amplifier particles well, well, oh, oh etc. They are not separated from the subsequent word, as interjections, but, on the contrary, merge with it; After these reinforcement particles, the punctuation marks are not put, for example: 1) Well, Onegin? You are yawning? (P.); 2) Oh, you are Goy Ecu, King Ivan Vasilyevich! (D.); 3) Well, the heat!

5. To highlight words yes, of course, okay etc., denoting the statement, words notdenoting denial and words whatused for the question, for example: 1) Yes, there were people in our time. (L.); 2) No, early feelings are cooled in it. (P.); 3) Do you remember Katyusha in aunt Mary Ivanovna? - How, I taught it to sew her. (L. T.); 4) "What, scared divecha?" Asked Father, pushing me. (M. g,)

6. To allocate separate secondary members:

a) Definitions, especially involved turns: 1) Mazepa, in the Duma shipped, looked at the battle, surrounded by the crowd of rebellious Cossacks. (P.); 2) The sky, gold and the bugger, reflected in the water. (C.); 3) I plunged into reflections, mostly sad. (P.); 4) Tired, she silent. (M. G.); 5) Encouraged by the signs of universal pleasure, the row all swung at all. (T.); 6) Varvara Pavlovna, in a hat and shawl, hastily returned from the walk. (T.); 7) The whole village, quiet and thoughtful, with the gates of Iwami, Buzina and Ryabina, had a pleasant look. (C.)

b) applications: mighty lion, thunderstorm of forests, lost its strength. (Cr.)

Note. Applications can be entered by words by name, name, nickname, on nickname, nickname, etc.: This student, named Mikhalevich, the enthusiast and poem, sincerely loved Lavretsky. (T.);

c) circumstances expressed by verbalism and consistent turnover: 1) Rarrock, flew through the Black Raven Vataga. (P.); 2) I left the Simbirsk, not slipping with my teacher. (P.); 3) His horse, I exhausted snow, trotting somehow. (P.);

d) common circumstances expressed by nouns with pretexts: 1) Despite all my efforts, I could not fall asleep. (T.); 2) The old and gray-working Yanush, for the lack of an apartment, sheltered in one of the castle basements. (Cor.);

e) clarifying circumstances: 1) not far from us, shot for two, was Aul Hunzakh. (L. T.); 2) Once on Saturday, early in the morning, I went to the garden of Petrovna to catch bullfires. (M. G.);

e) add-ons entered by pretexts except besides, instead, over, except And Dr.: 1) Besides the Wheel, the soldiers of my platoon warmed near the fire. (L. T.); 2) Heaster the horses, instead of twelve drops, poured forty. (T.)

7. To highlight comparative revolutions: 1) Pond places like steel, sparkled in the sun. (T.); 2) From somewhere pulled the plungy of dampness, exactly from the cellar. (M.-S.)

8. For the separation of complex suggestions with alliances: Rain Capal, the wind fell sadly, and with him, in the darkness, the night has crossed the clock. (P.)

Note. If in a complex sentence with alliances a, yes (- and), or, or There is a general secondary member relating to both suggestions, or a general appendage proposal, the comma does not set: 1) in thoughtful, longing fields can make a desert wind and darkens the shadow from the wrath clouds. (Boone); 2) Despite the raging thunderstorms, travelers continued to go ahead and no one wished to stop. (ARS.)

9. To separate the departing offers from the main thing: 1) you need to build such a life so that everything is spacious in it. (M. G.); 2) Who lives without sorrow and anger, he does not like schisming his. (N.); 3) what was, not to be. (P.)

Note. The coented (homogeneous) departies, connected by alliances and, or, are not separated by commas: the children listened to their breath, as the gates turned around, how the wheels are rustled in the yard and how someone drives up to the porch. (Cor.)

10. To separate proposals included in the non-union complex proposal, if they indicate simultaneously or consistently occurring events and if they do not contain comma inside; Such proposals are pronounced by the tone of the listing, as homogeneous members: horses moved, the bell stuck, the kibitka flew. (P.)

6. Point with comma

The comma point is set:

1. To separate common homogeneous members without unions, especially if there are already commas inside them: 1) Every day we needed two times to visit the grove and inquire how the races are sitting on the eggs; It was necessary to listen to their renormal clicks; It was necessary to see how the leaves were deployed on the sirens and how they produce the nine brushes of future colors ... (AKS); 2) But dolls even during these years Tatiana did not take; I did not learn about the fashion of the conversation with me. (P.)

2. To separate proposals that are part of a complex supply and written union associated unions ( but, and, and et al.) Or without unions, if they are very common if there are already commas, or if they are sufficiently independent of meaning: 1) I had only blue paint; But despite this, I started drawing a hunt. (L. T.); 2) In the quiet July days, paints are all softened, light, but not bright; Everything is a stamp of some kind of turf and tenderness. (T.);

3. For the separation of very common coined (homogeneous) departures: there was that target hour when the outlines, lines, paints, distances are erased; When another daylight is confused, it is inextricably clutching with the night. (Shol.)

7. Colon

The colon is set:

1. Before homogeneous members of the sentence after generalizing words: 1) We were two: brother and me. (P.); 2) a large fish beating, somehow: Pikes, Soma, Jerekhi, Sudakov. (AKS); 3) The real person must be real in everything: both in verses, and in life, and in every little thing. (Paust.)

Note. The colon is put before the listing and in the absence of a generalizing word, if you need to warn the reader, what follows some list: from under the hay you could have been visible: samovar, an ice cream clip and another attractive nodules and boxes. (L. T.) The colon in the absence of a generalizing word is more often found in business prose, for example: at the meeting they performed: Fedor Milling, engineer Kubarev and director of the Kuzmin plant.

2. Before proposing, denoting the cause, proof or revealing the content of the previous one and attached to him without unions: 1) I am angry with myself: myself is to blame. (P.); 2) The picture has opened quite entertaining: a wide sack that the roof relied on two wigged post, was full of people. (L.); 3) I know: there is pride and direct honor in your heart. (P.)

3. In front of other people's words or thoughts, sayings, quotes, etc., when they follow the words of the author without subordinate unions and allied words: 1) The Swiss struck him with the words: "Not ordered to take." (); 2) In March 1820, the poet Zhukovsky presented A. S. Pushkin with an inscription: "Winner-student from a defeated teacher."

8. Tire

The dash is set:

1. Between the subject and faithful, if the name is expressed by the name, the numerical, uncertain form of the verb and the bundle is absent (zero):

1) the book is a source of knowledge; 2) three times three - nine; 3) Learning is the mind to sharpen. (Last); 4) Our task is to learn.

Notes: 1. If the word is inserted between the subject and the tamers (nouns) inserted the word this is or here, the dash is put in front of him:

1) Poetry is a fiery gaze of a young man, boiling by excess forces. (Bel.); 2) Romanticism is the first word, the announced Push of the kings. (Bel.)

2. If before the fague, pronounced nouns in the nominative case, is worth denial not or comparative union ( how as if like etc.), then the dash is usually not put, for example: 1) poverty is not a vice; 2) Our garden is like a passing courtyard. (C.); 3) The sky is accurately savan. (T.)

2. After homogeneous members of the sentence to a generalizing word: 1) Hope and swimmer - all the sea swallowed. (Cr.); 2) In the field, in a grove, in the air - everywhere reigned with silence.

3. To highlight input words and proposals, as well as inserted structures inserted into the middle of the proposal in order to explain or add-on it: 1) How suddenly - about a miracle, about shame! - spoke Oracle nonsense. (Cr.); 2) Here - to do nothing - friends kissed. (Cr.); 3) I heard - however? - As if the judges in the judges were seen. (Cr.)

4. Before the legend, between the faithful or between offers (in the non-union complex sentence) to express the speed or in front of an unexpected thought: 1) Left, Leveva and with the Wall in the ditch. (Cr.);

2) stepped - and the kingdom conquered. (Hold.); 3) I woke up - five stations ran back. ()

5. To express a sharp opposition: 1) I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am God. (Hold.); 2) Falcon takes off, it takes to the ground. (M. G.)

6. In the non-union complex sentence:

a) If the first sentence indicates a condition or time: a lot of snow is a lot of bread. (Last);

b) if what is said in one sentence, compared with the content of the second: 1) the word - the word - the nightingale sings; 2) look - the ruble will give;

c) If the second proposal enters into itself the result of that or the conclusion from what is said in the first: praise is bait - how not to wish them? (Cr.)

7. To highlight the words of the author, when they are included in direct speech or when they follow a direct speech: 1) "Listen to me," said Nadia, - someday to the end. " (C.); 2) "What are you doing here?" - I said the bazaars, sitting near Fuenches. (T.)

8. Between the replicas of dialogue: "But I wish you: how much benefits brought?" - "Yes, our ancestors Rome saved." - "Everything is like that, yes, what did you do this?" - "We? Nothing!" - "So what are you good in you?" (Cr.)

9. Between the two words denoting the place, time, quantity. Here the dash means "from ... to": on the line Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow walks comfortable boats.

9. Brackets

The brackets are introductory words and suggestions, as well as plug-in structures, which are added as an additional remark, and in general, various explanations or additions to the thought of thought: 1) in the roast summer morning (it was in the outcome of July) woke us with a sister before ordinary. (AKS); 2) Sadly (as they say, automatically) Tatiana silently leaned, the head is inclined. (P.); 3) Kalinych (as I found out after) every day went with a baryon for hunting. (T.)


Quotes are set:

1. To highlight a direct speech: Mighty Oleg head smoke and thinks: "What is the fortune?" (P.)

2. To highlight words used in an unusual or ironic value; For the first time offered or, on the contrary, outdated: as a person experienced, the G. Zverkov began to instruct me on the "way of truth." (T.) Early in the spring, as soon as the snow comes down and will be able to succeed with "veil", i.e. Last year's grass, begins "paals", or forest fires. (AKS)

497. Spish, put instead of || Point, ellipsis, question or exclamation mark. Orally explain the production of these signs (see the rules, sections 1-4).

1) "Well, Barin, - shouted the thing, - trouble: Buran ||" (P.) 2) No, you just look, Valya, what is the miracle || Charm || Exactly sculpture - but from which wonderful material || " (F.) 3) "Great, guinea ||" - "Go to myself by ||" - "It hurts you are Grezden, as I will see || Where did the roadrovka || " - "From the forest, leading ...| Father, you hear, rubit, and I assume "|| (N.) 4) Thunderstorm passed || How does the sky clear || How the air sounded and soul || How resting voluptuous on every branch each sheet || (T.) 5) Then she will ask: "So you haven't forgotten me || It's true || " (Kav.) 6) How branches Sweet whisper || (OD.) 7) "Hey, a yamper || I shouted. - Look: what is black there || " (P.)

498. Spish, arranging the missing commas. Explain the formulation of punctuation marks.

I. 1) tourists to unknown places are made through the horizons along the mountainous mountains and bushes. (L.-k.) 2) The dark formidable cloud was gone far and took a thunderstorm with him. (Ch.) 3) On the edge of a young oak forest grew up a beautiful gray house. (Mac.) 4) I want to make a call on the phone Comrade. 5) Do not judge and on affairs. (Went.) 6) There is an initial short but marvelous time in the autumn. (Tyutch.) 7) Major language and all the body owns. (Ambassador) 8) No, let him serve in the army and pulls the strap Yes, I'll sniff powder, there will be a soldier and not Shamaton. (P.) 9) Not yet walking along the Nevsky Granite Ile to the ball, to rack the parquet or ride the riding in the steppes of Kyrgyz. (P.) 10) Or weave either to spin or sing songs. (Pob.) 11) In the familiar Sakle, the fire was fluttered, then again Gas. (L.) 12) Through the noise of the waves before them did not reach the sighs, not the quiet gentle shouts. (M. G.) 13) Dog Leo Yes, a wolf with a fox in the neighborhood somehow lived. (Cr.) 14) This wind will rain or snow.

II. 1) On the globe there are not only forests but also steppes and deserts and mountains and tundra and sea and lakes. (Ilyin) 2) Dishes about the old man-sea Give the shelter my wave! (L.) 3) Old man standing nor either dead. 4) With others, I am so and with you, I say that. (Gr.) 5) Professor immediately showed me all the necessary tools as for catching butterflies and for folding them. (AKS.) 6) Roll off smart wander your head? (Cr.) 7) To the regret, I could not participate in the cock. (AKS.) 8) The boy is peering into the rattling sky and does not seem to notice his trouble. (Ch.) 9) Deniska overtake the neighbor and should be satisfied with it. (Ch.) 10) Fortunately, Pechorin was immersed in thought and it seems at all in no hurry on the road. (L.) 11) With a pinch of course I have seen every day. (P.) 12) Are you really recently in the Caucasus? (L.) 13) But maybe you want to know the end of the story of the Bail? (Ji.) 14) Ugh Lord Sorry. Five thousand times told the same thing! (Gr.) 15) Yes complete-s. (Gr.) 16) Yes, there is no sleep as I will see. (Gr.) 17) Oh no hopes I have little spoiled. (Gr.) 18) Now there is no light. (Gr.) 19) Oh, you comfortable my cute! (M. G.)

499. Spish, arranging where you need, commas. Explain the formulation of punctuation marks.

I. 1) The sun is magnificent and bright rising above the sea. (M. G.) 2) A huge crimson sun seemed surrounded by a mound. (Ch.) 3) Limin Zelers and Snorry covered by the morning sun. (Ch.) 4) The cuckoo crucifated in the side. Careful and grunting she did not sit on the spot, then the matter sneaks from the branch on the branch and the tail of the tail rimmed up the tail. (ARS.) 5) Intended and bloody, we got to a wooded forest and fell on the warm land in the thickets of the valley. (Paust.) 6) White Lun flew a big lover of bird eggs. (Enter.) 7) This picture is drawn by watercolor, that is, water colors. 8) Kucher, a young redhead guy sked in a bracket in a bluish Armenian and a low lamaway hat, the belt spidered with a relatively sitting next to him. (T.)

II. 1) Paving with us, the young man smiled nodded the head of the captain. (L. T.) 2) Funny Fogging and wringing slipped around the crowded cliffs. (L.) 3) Davydov stood not moving, then frowning then surprised the burnty eyebrows. (Shol.) 4) The voice was deeply given to the dungeon and franticed somewhere in distant, invisible corners. (Fish.) 5) In school, despite the evening coolness was unbearable stuffy. (Shol.) 6) There are two women in tea beyond the tea table. (PAUST.) 7) On another day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Pierre and Nesvitsky arrived in Sokolnitsky Forest. (L. T.) 8) The word despite any difficulties needed to be able to inherit the apartment of the nephew. (Bulg.) 9) Secrets are dying as night butterflies burned arc lights. (PAUST.) 10) As if in the spring of the morning, the fussy tanks were crying in the old knit. (Paust.)

500. Spish, arranging punctuation marks (see the rules set, section 5, p. 9, 10). Make a scheme 1, 4, 6, 10, 11th offers.

1) Autumn approached and in the old garden was quietly sad and dark shadows lay on the alleys. (Ch.) 2) The last shadows merged yes the mold looked blindly immense yes behind the mound dashed the dead glow. (Seraf.) 3) By the end of the day, the rain stopped and the wind began to be removed. (Ch.) 4) It is completely sparkled and the pale moon lit a blue magnificent night. (Leek.) 5) The life of this dark kingdom so developed that the eternal enmity dominates between his inhabitants. (DOP.) 6) Where the eye could not distinguish the field from the sky brightly mercated the light from the sky. (C.) 7) Where the river is deeper there it is less than noise. (Ambassador) 8) Sky in the autumn breaths even less often the sun shone shorter than the day ... (P.) 9) She [Natasha] looked so loud and ringing that all even a spherical countess against their will laughed. (L. T.) 10) The boat sailed on the other side but can not return since the strong wind blows and high trees go along the river. (Ch.) 11) Parished unbearable and an hour later we were so wets from sweat that at least squeeze. (KUPER.) 12) But the smile did not decorate the faces of faith as it usually happens opposite her face it became unnatural and therefore unpleasant. The eldest, faith, was good was the slugg. She studied perfectly well brought up his voice had a pleasant what she said was fair and appropriately but a strange thing, and guest and countess, looked at her as if they were surprised why she said it and felt awkwardness. (L. T.)

501. Spish, arranging missed punctuation signs (dash, colon, comma, quotes). Explain (orally) use of each sign (see the set of rules, sections 5, 7, 8, 10).

I. 1) Pleasant Duma Duma dressed memories are in memory of a quiet dance; This dance in the shower as white crests of waves on the sea. (M. G.) 2) In the steppes behind the river on the roads were empty everywhere. (L. T.) 3) Drivers drove small carts at the iron move. (A. N. T.) 4) I wanted to draw the brushes fell out of the hands. I tried to read his eyes slid over lines. (L.) 5) Do you love to ride love and sosa shots. (Ambassador) 6) Only once and even then at the very beginning there was an unpleasant and sharp conversation. (Furm.) 7) Cossacks from Chigirin from the Swamp from Baturin from Glukhov from the lower side of the Dnieper and from all its top and islands. (G.) 8) Andiri looked around in front of him Taras! (G.) 9) Do not catch up with a mad troika horses full of fasteners and fighters. (N.) 10) Freaks along the thick grass along the ravine I watch the forest ended several Cossacks go out of it to the Polyana and now my Karagioz pops up. (L.) 11) Two minutes they were silent, but Negin approached her and you wrote to me not unlock me. (P.)

II. 1) My interlocutor officer. (M. G.) 2) On all, there is still shadows of the seating and anywhere in houses in the houses and streets are not noticeable noticeable by any signs of awakening. (Lesk.) 3) In the pale light, the dawn stood a little birch in the tub and I suddenly noticed almost all of it overnight. (PAUST.) 4) For a long time I could not fall asleep and listened to the night sounds of the cow and a horse somewhere strongly and sigh sought the quail shouting in rosy oats squeezed with its wooden squeak tireless Dergach. (KUPER.) 5) You will go on skis so far sprinkle around unbearable whiteness! (S.-M.) 6) Coast is getting closer and closer and closer to the rowers work more fun little with the soul falls the severity and when it remains no more than three mines to the shore, it is suddenly easily fun. (C.)

502. Read. Explain the meaning of the title text. In which values \u200b\u200bthe word of the lights acts in it? Find the trails in the text, determine their role in the work. Spish, arranging the missing punctuation signs.


Somehow a long autumn evening happened to me to swim in the sullen Siberian river. Suddenly, on the rotation of the river ahead under the dark mountain flashed.

Flashed brightly very close ...

Well, thank God, I said with joy close to the night.

The rower turned looked over his shoulder on the fire and again apathetic on the vest.

I did not believe the light and stood speaking forward from indefinite darkness. But the rower was right indeed far.

The property of these night lights approach the winning darkness and sparkle and promise and attain their proximity. It seems here about two or three blows in the paddle and the path is over ... and meanwhile far.

And long we also sailed in the dark as the ink river. Gorge and cliffs flew out and walked left behind and lost seemed to be infinite, and the fire was all stood in front of overflowing and the man is just as close and still far ...

I often remember now and this dark river shaded by the rocky mountains and this live light. Many lights before and after Maniili, not one proximity to me. But life flows everything in the same sullen shores and the lights are still far away. And again you have to lean on the vest ...

But still ... Still, ahead of the lights! .. (V. Korolenko)

- But from which wonderful material ... 3) "Great, the guy!"

- "Go for yourself by." - "It hurts you are Grozen, how I will see ...

Where did the firewood from? " - "From the forest, internally. Father, you hear, chop, and I take ... "4) Thunderstorm passed ... as the sky is clear! How the air sounded and soul! How resting voluptuous on every branch each sheet! 5) Then she will ask: "So you have not forgotten me? It's true?" 6) How sweets whispering sweets ... 7) "Hey, a bember! I shouted. - Look: what is black? "

No. 439. I. 1) On the paths, along the mountains, tourists to unknown places are made through the swamps and bushes. 2) Vitrably flashes the river in the predawed haze, leaving along coastal pebblemags. 3) the Dark Terrible Cloud went far and carried a thunderstorm with him. 4) On the edge of a young oak forest grew up a beautiful gray house. 5) I want to go call a comrade. 6) Do not judge, but on affairs. 7) There is an initial short, but wonderful time. 8) Major language, and all the body owns. 9) No, let him serve in the army, and he pulls the strap, and it sniffs gunpowder, and there will be a soldier, and not Shamaton. 10) Not yet walking along the Nevsky Granit, Ile to lower the parquet on the ball, or ride the riding in the steppe Kyrgyz. 11) Or weave, either sprinkle or sing songs. 12) In the familiar sakle, the light flutter, then again Gas. 13) Through the noise of the waves before them did not reach the sighs, not the quiet, gentle writing cries. 14) Dog, Leo Yes, a wolf with a fox in the neighborhood somehow lived.

15) This wind will bring us rain or snow.

II. 1) on the globe there are not only forests, but also the steppes, and the deserts,

and mountains, tundras, and sea, and lakes. 2) Dispose, orately-sea, give Studyport shelter my wave! 3) The old man standing nor dead. four). With eating, I speak with you incurred. 5) Professor immediately

the hall is all the necessary tools both for fishing and for folding them. 6) Roll off, smart, you wander your head? 7) To my regret, I could not participate in the cock. 8) The boy is inspired by the Syak in, the rattling sky and, apparently, does not notice his trouble.

9) Deniska overtake the neighbor and, must be satisfied with this.

10) Fortunately, Pechorin was immersed in thought and, it seems, it was not at all in a hurry on the road. 11) With a pinch, of course, I saw every day. 12) You, right, recently in the Caucasus? 13) But maybe you want to know the end of the story of Bale? 14) Ugh, Lord, sorry. Five thousand times told the same thing! 15) yesfull-s.

16) Yes, there is a dream, as I will see. 17) Oh no, I have a little spoiled by hopes. 18) No, now the light is not so. 19) Oh you, comfortable my sweet!

No. 440. I. 1) The sun, magnificent and bright, rose over the sea. 2) A huge crimson sun seemed to be surrounded by a light mound. 3) Limin Zelers and Svorov, covered by the morning sun. 4) The cuckoo crucifated aside. Careful and buggy, she was not sitting on the spot, then the case was sneaking from the branch on the branch and nodded his head in the tact. 5) washed and bloody, we got to the wooded forest and fell on warm land

in thickets of the valley. 6) A man came out of the hut, an old, but strong, with a silent beard, strong wrinkles, with angrily sealing eyebrows. 7) White Lun flew, a large amateur bird eggs. 8) This picture is drawn in watercolor, that is, water colors. 9) Kucher, young red-grained guy, crossed

in the bracket, in the Bluena Armenia and the Low Bange of the header, subjected to the belt, respectfully sat with him next.

II. 1) Having grew up with us, the young man smiled, nodded his head captain. 2) Fogs, sebble and wriggling, slipped along the wriggles of the neighboring rocks. 3) Davydov stood not stirred, he was frowning, then the burnt eyebrows were surprised. 4) The voice was deeply given to the dungeon and, frantic, sank somewhere in distant, invisible corners. 5) At school, despite the evening coolness, it was unbearable stuffy. 6) In tea, besides me, two women drinking tea at the table. 7) On another day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Pierre and Nesvitsky arrived in Sokolnitsky Forest. 8) The train rushed him south, to the sea, thoroughly from raw, rainy autumn to the warm banks of the Crimea. 9) Secrets die like night butterflies, burned arc lights. 10) As if in the spring, in the morning, the fussy dwarfs in the old knitted knights were shouted in the old knit.

StudyPort No. 441. 1) Approached autumnAnd in the old garden was quiet. , Sad R U, and on the alley lay dark shadows. , and, and. 2) last shadows

i merged, yes, the mole looked, blind, immense, yes, behind the mound darkened the dead glow. 3) By the end of the day, the rain stopped and the wind began to merge slowly. 4) completely squeezed, and the pale moon illuminated the blue magnificent night. , and. 5) The life of this dark kingdom has so much that the eternal enmity dominates between its inhabitants. 6) where the eye could no longer be distinguished in the darkness field from

ba, brightly mercedile light. [, (where ...),]. 7) where the river is deeper, there she

less noise. 8) the sky in the autumn breathe, it was even less likely that the sun was shone, in short, it became a day ... 9) She [Natasha] looked so loud and ringing that everything, even a primary countess, were laughed against their will. 10) the boat sailed to the other side, but can't come backSo it blows a strong wind and high trees go along the river.

, (Since. ...) and (...). 11) Parished unbearably, and in an hour we would

whether so wets from sweat, which even squeeze. , So what…). 12) But the smile did not decorate the faces of faith, as it can usually happen, on the contrary, her face became unnatural and therefore unpleasant. The eldest, faith, was good, was a slider, he studied fine, was well brought up, her voice was pleasant; What she said was fair and appropriate, but, a strange thing, everything, and the guest and the Countess, looked at her as if they were surprised why she said it, and felt awkwardness.

No. 442. I. 1) Pleasant Duma, Pestro dressed memories are in memory of a quiet dance; This dance in the soul, like white crests of waves on the sea. 2) In the steppe, behind the river, on the roads - everywhere was empty.

3) Drivers drove up - small carts on the iron move.

4) I wanted to draw - the brushes fell out of the hands. I tried to read - the eyes slid him over the rows. 5) Do you like to ride, love and sanochos. 6) Only once, and even then at the very beginning, an unpleasant and sharp conversation occurred. 7) Cossacks rose from everywhere: from Chigirin, from Posravan, from Baturin, from Glukhov, from the lower side of the Dnieper and from all the upper and islands. 8) Andiri looked around - in front of him Taras! 9) Do not catch up to you with a mad triple: horses are full, and strong, and bricks. 10) I'm walking along the thick grass along the ravine, I see: the forest ended, several Cossacks go out of it to the glade, and now my karagez popping up to them. 11) Paul feels:someone's fingers touch his hand above the elbow. 12) I hear: at the gate, quietly, the car stops. 13) Mi-

Studyport chickpeas two were silent, but Negin approached her and Milns. : RU "You wrote to me, do not unlock."

II. 1) My interlocutor is an officer. 2) Everyone still is the shadows of semi-clutch, and nowhere: nor inside houses, nor in the squares and streets are not noticeable noticeable of awakening. 3) In the pale light, the dawn stood a little birch in the tub, and I suddenly noticed: Almost all she is desirable. 4) For a long time I could not fall asleep and everyone listened to night sounds: cows and horses somewhere strongly and sighs sighs, cripes shouted in rosy oats, squeezed with their wooden squeak tireless twigs. 5) You will go on skis - such spurry around unbearable whiteness! 6) Coast is getting closer and closer, the rowers work more fun, little little from the soul will lose weight, and when no more than three seats remain to the shore, it becomes suddenly easily, fun.

No. 443. Somehow for a long time, a dark autumn evening happened to me to swim in the sullen siberian river. Suddenly, on the rotation of the river ahead, under the dark mountains, the light flashed.

Flashed brightly, very, very close ...

Well, thank God! - I said with joy. - Close overnight. The rower turned, looked over his shoulder on fire and again apart

triced on the oars.

I did not believe: the light was stood, speaking forward from uncertain darkness. But the rower was right: it turned out, indeed, far.

The property of these night lights is to approach, defeating the darkness, and sparkle, and promise, and make your proximity. It seems that is about, two more and three blows in the oars, and the path is over ... and meanwhile far.

And long we also sailed on dark as ink, river. Gorge and cliffs were floating, having fallen, and walked, remaining Nazada and lost, it seemed to be given in the endless, and everything stood in front, overflowing and man, everything is just as close and still ...

I often remember now and this dark river, shaded by the rocky mountains, this living light. Many lights before, and after Maniili, not one proximity for me. But life flows everything in the same sullen shores, and the lights are far away. And again you have to lean on the oars ...

But still ... still ahead lights! ..

Plan: StudyPort 1) The secret of the charm of the performances of Chekhov's plays. .ru

2) Attempts to put Chekhov on stage.

3) A new approach found by the Art Theater and his success.

I do not take to describe the performances of Chekhov plays, as it is not

possibly. Their beauty is that not transmitted by words, but hidden under them or in pauses, or in the views of actors, in the emission of their inner feeling. At the same time, dead objects on the stage come to life: and sounds, and scenery, and images created by artists, and the mood of the play and the whole performance. The thing is here in creative intuition and artistic feeling.

The line of intuition and feelings are suggested to me Chekhov. To open the inner essence of its works, it is necessary to make a kind of excavation of its spiritual depths. Of course, the same requires every artistic work with a deep spiritual

content. But it applies to Chekhov to Chekhov, since there are no other paths to it. All theaters of Russia and many Europe tried to convey Chekhov with old techniques of the game. And what? Their attempts were unsuccessful. Name at least one theater or a single performance that would show Chekhov on the scene using conventional theatricality. But for his plays they were taken by someone, but the best artists of the world, who can not be refused in talent, nor in the technique or experience. And only the artistic theater managed to move something to the stage of something that gave us Chekhov, and, moreover, at a time when the artists of the theater and troupe were in the formation stage. It happened due to the fact that we were lucky to find a new approach to Chekhov. He is special. And this feature is our main contribution to dramatic art.

No. 445. Thilly thinking, I lit a place in the shadows, I dragged there a new mat, the type of which it seems to file the first idea to sleep here, and with enormous pleasure stretched out on it. Close your eyes tired of sunlight was very nice. I had to, however, half open them to unbutton the shubbins, dissolve the belt and put something under the head. I saw that the natives became a semicircle in some distance from me, probably wondering and making assumptions about what would happen next.

One of the figures I saw before closed my eyes again, it turned out to be the very native, who almost wounded me. He stood not far and looked at my shoes.

I remembered everything that happened and thought that all this could

ending very seriously; I flashed the thought that, maybe Studyport to be, it is only the beginning, and the end is still ahead. Woke up. , Feeling myself very refreshed. Judging by the position of the Sun, should have been

be at least the third hour. So I slept two hours with terns. Having opening his eyes, I saw several natives sitting around the mats of steps in two from me, they spoke in a low voice. They were without weapons and looked at me no longer sullenly.

Digitched, stretched, tired, unbutton, distance.

№ 446. I. Sea laughed. Under the easy breath of the hot wind, it shuddered and, covered with small ripples, dazzlingly reflective the sun, smiled by a blue sky with thousands of silver smiles. In the deep space between the sea and the sky, a cheerful splash of waves rushed, running out one for another for a gentle coast of sandy braid. This sound and shine of the Sun, a thousandthly reflected ripples of the sea, were harmoniously merged into continuous movement,

full alive joy. The sun was happily the fact that the shine, the sea - the fact that reflected his joining light.

II. In the sand of the braid, destroyed fish scales, wooden spears were stuck; On them hung a non-day, throwing a web of the shadows. Several large boats and one small stood in a row on the sand, waves, running ashore, accurately damn to themselves. Bagra, oars, baskets and barrels randomly lying on the spit; Among them, the slas, collected from the pruhms of Willow, Lubkov and Rogozh. Before entering it on a duct stick, stolen boots were sticking to the sky. And over all of this chaos, a long pole with a red cloth at the end, fluttered from the wind. In the shade of one of the boats lay Vasily Lebityev, a calauner on a spit.

Dunzing is sowing.

1. N.F. - Digger.

2. Fast. Signs: Nanice., Nodua., Wed. r., 2 SKL.

3. Non-night. Signs: TV. Pad., units h.

4. Under (than?) Dover.

While running -

1. From the verb to run.

2. N.F. - Boiled.

3. Fast. Signs: Act., POST. BP, Nesov. view.

4. Non-night. Signs: Rod. Pad, MN. h.

5. Waves (kaki x?) Skuffing.

Harmonious - adverb.

1. Instant acts.

2. Merged (how?) Harmoniously.

Studyport happily - arr. .ru 1. N.F. - Happy.

2. Post. Signs: Qualitative.

3. Nepha. Signs: Brief, im. Pad., units h. 4. The sun was happily.

Web - SUMS.

1. N.F. - Web.

2. Fast. Signs: Narice., Nodya., Women. r., 1 SKL.

3. Non-night. Signs: wines. Pad, un. h.

4. Hang, I throw a web of shadows.

Messibly - adverb.

1. Instant acts.

2. Lying (how?) Messabout . Sukhata - adj.

1. N.F. - Sukhaty.

2. Fast. Signs: Qualitative.

3. Non-night. Signs: Full, before. Pad., units h.

4. On a stick (what?) Succhatth.

These are places.

1. N.F. - This one.

2. Fast. Signs: index.

3. Non-night. Signs: TV. Pad., Husband. r., units h.

4. Above chaos (what?)that.

No. 447. I. Chichikov in a satisfied location was sitting in her Briton, which had long been in a pillaby road. From the previous chapter, it is already visible, which was the main subject of his taste and inconsistencies, and therefore it was not evidence that he soon plunged all into him and body, and soul. The assumptions, estimates and considerations, wandering around him, can be seen, were very pleasant, because he immediately left behind the traces of the satisfied smile. Busy, he did not pay any attention to how his kucher, pleased by the reception of Manilov's courtyard people, made a very sensible remarks by Chubar, a Valentine Horse, harvested on the right side.

II. So arguing, Selifan climbed, finally, in the most distant abstractness. If Chichikov listened, it would have learned a lot of details that were personally related to him, but his thoughts were so busy with their subject that one strong thunder thunder made him wake up and watch around himself: all the sky was completely taxed with clouds, and dusty postal road sprayed raindrops. The thunder strike was another time louder and closer, and the rain looked like from the bucket. First, accepting oblique

the Board, he told in one side of the kibita body, then in the friend - Studyport go, then, change the image of the attack and having done. completely

direct, drums at the top of the body.

No. 448. It was already dark in the ward. The doctor rose and, standing, began to tell that they write abroad and in Russia and what the direction of thought is now noticed. Reading and then go to bed, he is all

time was thinking about Ivan Dmitrich, and waking up the next day in the morning, remembered that yesterday I met a smart and interesting person yesterday, and decided to go to him again at the first opportunity.

Ivan Dmitrich lay in the same posture as yesterday, clasping his head with his hands and shook his legs. It was not visible.

- Hello my friend! - said Andrei Efimich. - You are not asleep?

First, I'm not a friend you, "Ivan Dmitrich said in a pillow, - and, secondly, you are in vain cotton in vain: you will not achieve a single word from me.

- Strange, - muttered Andrei Efimich in embarrassment. - Yesterday we talked so peacefully, but suddenly youfor some reason offended ...

Probably, I put it somehow awkward or, maybe I expressed my thought, disagreeable with your beliefs ...

- Yes, so I will believe you! - said Ivan Dmitrich, raising and looking at the doctor mockingly and with anxiety. - I realized yesterday, why did you come.

No. 449. You are absolutely right, loving old buildings, old things, - all that happened to a person in the past and accompanies him in his present life. All this not only entered the consciousness of a person, but itself, as if something perceived from people. It would seem that things are material, and they became part of our spiritual culture, merged with our inner world, which could be called our "soul". After all, we say "from the whole soul", or "I need it for the soul", or "done with the soul". Like this! Everything that is done with the soul comes from the soul, we need to go for the soul - this is "spiritual culture". The more people are surrounded by this spiritual culture, it is immersed in her, the more happier, the more interesting to live: life acquires meaningfulness for him. And in a purely formal attitude to work, to the teachings, to comrades and acquaintances, to the music, there is no this "spiritual culture" to art. This is "confusion" - the life of the mechanism, nothing that feels, unable to love, sacrifice themselves, to have moral and aesthetic ideals.

Let's be happy people, that is, having

danities loving deeply and seriously something significant, Studyport able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones and loved ones.ru Luna with all this - unfortunate, living boring

life dissolving itself in empty acquisition or small low-lying "perishable" pleasures. (dee Publicistic. People, style. )