Ready tests surrounding. Presentation on the topic "Tests around the world"

Murzinskaya middle comprehensive school

Slide 2.

1. What is the name of the science of heavenly bodies? Conduct the desired letter.

a) story;

b) geography;

c) ecology;

d) Astronomy.

Slide 3.

2. How many planets rotates around the sun? Conduct the desired letter.

  • Slide 4.

    3. What is a historical source? Conduct the desired letter.

    a) a document whose validity period has long been expired;

    b) a source, a spring, in which water goes to the surface for a long time;

    c) what can tell us about the past of people.

    Slide 5.

    4. What could be a historical source? Crushing out too much.

    Ancient manuscript, coins, modern products, legends, proverbs and sayings, rules of behavior in the subway, monuments, buildings.

    Slide 6.

    5. Where is the Natural Zone of the Arctic Desert? Conduct the desired letter.

    a) on the islands of the Pacific Ocean;

    b) on the Islands of the Indian Ocean;

    c) on the cows of the North Ocean.

    Slide 7.

    6. Emphasize the unnecessary word in each row.

    a) oats, corn, sunflower, onions;

    b) cucumber, zucchini, garlic, cherry;

    c) pear, apricot, buckwheat, currants;

    d) Cabbage, Lily, Iris, Flox.

    Slide 8.

    7. Why bread - all head? Conduct the desired letter.

    a) bread is round, similar to the head;

    b) bread - the main food of the person;

    c) grain - main part Bread plants.

    Slide 9.

    8. Who opened America? Conduct the desired letter.

    a) Fernan Magellan;

    b) Christopher Columbus;

    c) Mikhail Lazarev.

    Slide 10.

    9. What rights has every person? Circle the letters of the correct answers.

    a) the right to freedom;

    b) the right to education;

    c) the right to free pass in public transport;

    d) rights to a decent life;

    e) the right to work.

    Slide 11.

    10. Installation compliance.

    A. Solemn musical work, adopted as a symbol of state unity

    B. A distinctive sign that can belong to man, city, states

    B. Attached to the shaft or cord of a cloth defined color or several colors

    Slide 12.

    11. In what order are the color stripes on the flag of Russia? Scrsion you need

    a) blue, white, red;

    b) red, blue, white;

    c) white, blue, red.

    See all slides

    Test around the world

    1 option

    Student ........................................................................................................................

    Chamomile, ruler, tile, machine, mountains, wardrobe, clay, bird, clouds, notebook, tree, house.

    2 . Uncess nature includes:

    3. And the wildlife includes:

      man, animals, plants, mushrooms, microbes;

      Sun, earth, air, water, man and everything that is done by his hands;

      Sun, sky, clouds, earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

    5. Life - this is:




      create boulevards and squares;

    10. What are these reserves?

    oak Boostinov Komar

    hedgehog Half Mole

    strawberry Deer Kit.

    bereza Borovik Kedr.



    "five" - 97-100%

    "four" - 77-96%

    "3" - 50-76%

    "2" - less than 50%

    1. Specify the names of natural objects:

    Chamomile , line, tile, machine, mountain, wardrobe,clay , bird, clouds notebook, wood , house.

    2.k, inanimate nature include:

      man, animals, plants, mushrooms, microbes;

      Sun, earth, air, water, man and everything that is done by his hands;

      Sun, sky, clouds, earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

    3. And the wildlife includes:

      man, animals, plants, mushrooms, microbes;

      Sun, earth, air, water, man and everything that is done by his hands;

      Sun, sky, clouds, earth, stones, water, rain, snow.

    4. Increased creatures differ from the objects of inanimate nature by the fact that:

      they breathe, eat, grow, bring offspring, die;

      they talk, run and jump, laugh and cry, grow, dying;

      they are moving, grow, change surrounding, dying.

    5. Life - this is:

      beasts, insects, snakes, plants, mushrooms, microbes;

      birds, beasts, fish, lizards, turtles, worms;

      birds, beasts, man, insects, plants, mushrooms.

    6. What is there less forests on earth?

      due to fires and natural disasters;

      due to climate change on earth;

      due to the construction of cities, roads, cultivation of fields.

    7. What is the air and what water is necessary for the life of plants, animals and man?




    8. What is water polluted in rivers and lakes?

      from the use of water in everyday life;

      from the use of water in production;

      from plum wastewater Plants and factories, uncleanness with farms.

    9. What are people doing wildlife to save?

      create reserves, botanical gardens;

      create boulevards and squares;

      create farms, apiary and poultry farms.

    10. What are these reserves?

      reserves are plots of land where all nature is under strict guard;

      reserves are plots of land where rare plants from all over the world are grown;

      reserves are plots of land where a large variety of animals, birds and insects lives.

    11.Tutor excess in each column:

    oak Boostinov Komar

    hedgehog His mole

    strawberry deer whale

    birch Borovik cedar

    12.k. inner world Persons include:

      dreams, growth, age, character, weight;

      knowledge, mood, character, thoughts, dreams;

      hands, eyes, hairstyle, age, mood.

      13. Connection lines and the corresponding definitions:

    ability to think imagination

    ability to store information thinking

    the ability to imagine what no perception is

    ability to receive information about the surrounding memory

    Test No. 20 on the topic:« ».

    Option I.

    1. Main Area Rome:

    a) forum;

    b) capitol;

    c) Palatin.

    2. "Dwelling" for the gods in Ancient Egypt:

    a) the temple;

    b) sarcophag;

    c) Pyramid.

    3. Pharaoh's tomb in ancient Egypt:

    a) the temple;

    b) pyramid;

    c) Sphinx.

    4. The coffin, where the dead pharaohs were put in ancient Egypt:

    a) sarcophag;

    b) pyramid;

    c) mummy.

    5. The Egyptian state appeared on the shores of this river

    a) Neal;

    b) amazon;

    c) Don.

    6. Who, according to Legend, founded the city of Rome?

    a) Rem;

    b) Romulus;

    c) Mars.

    Test No. 20 on the topic:« Middle Ages: the time of knights and locks ».

    Write on a leaflet name Name to task

    Option II.

    1. A creature with a body of a lion and a head of a person, "guarding" the sobls of the Egyptian pharaohs:

    a) Sphinx;

    b) apice;

    c) Heops. .

    2. God of wisdom in ancient Egypt, who learned people to read and write:

    a) amon-ra;

    b) Ehnaton;

    in that.

    3. Egyptian Pharaoh, which was built the largest Pi-Ramida:

    a) Ehnaton;

    b) cheops;

    c) Tutankhamon.

    4. Who, according to the legend, was the first king of Rome?

    a) Rem;

    b) Romulus;

    c) Numitor.

    5. What events were held in the Rome Amphitheater?

    a) gladiator fights;

    b) theatrical performances;

    c) horse runs.

    6. The hill in Athens, where the main temples of the city were:

    a) Acropolis;

    b) agora;

    c) Academy.

    Write on a leaflet name Name to task

    Option I.

    1 What Mongolian Han led his troops to the river UGR?

    a) Mamay;

    b) past;

    c) Ahmat.

    2. What river did the Kulikovsky battle occurred?

    A) Ufa;

    b) don;

    c) Volga.

    3. The battle on the coil field took place ...

    b) in the summer of 1380;

    c) in the fall of 1480.

    4. The main temple in Russia:

    a) Trinity Monastery;

    b) the grain chamber;

    c) Assumption Cathedral.

    5. Relations of scattered principalities in Russia - this task was at the board ...

    a) Dmitry Don;

    b) Ivan Kalita;

    c) Ivan III.

    Test №21 on the topic: "Wizards of Prints".

    Write on a leaflet name Name to task

    Option II.

    1. The dependence of Russia from the Horde ended ...

    a) in 1480;

    b) in 1380;

    c) in 1242.

    2. With what prince Russia completely freed from the dependence of the horde?

    a) Ivan Kalita;

    b) Dmitry Donskoy;

    c) Ivan III.

    3. New brick walls and towers of the Kremlin were erected.

    a) Ivan Kalita;

    b) Dmitry Donskoy;

    c) Ivan III.

    4. Relations of scattered principalities in Russia - this task was at the board ...

    a) Dmitry Don;

    b) Ivan Kalita;

    c) Ivan III.

    5. The battle on the sticker field took place ...

    b) in the summer of 1380;

    c) in the fall of 1480.

    Test №22 on the topic: "Pages of history".

    Write on a leaflet name Name to task

    Option II.

    1. The commander-in-chief of Russian troops was appointed ...

    a) M.I. Kutuzov;

    b) A.V. Suvorov;

    c) F.F. Ushakov.

    2. Borodino battle occurred ...

    3. What decision took Kutuzov after the Borodino battle?

    but) Leave Moscow;

    b) Take another battle under the walls of Moscow;

    in) Recognize Napoleon the winner.

    4. The war of 1812 is called domestic because ...

    but) The main battle occurred near Moscow;

    b) All the people rose to war;

    in) Napoleon's invasion brought vast disasters to Russia.

    5. The French army invaded Russia in ...

    a) 1821;

    b) 1818;

    c) 1812.

    Test №22.

    Test with answers to the surrounding world (Grade 3)

    Noscova Natalia Yurevna
    Position and place of work: teacher primary classes MBOU - Up-Tuly School No. 14 Novosibirsk region
    Description: I propose to your attention the surrounding world test. He will enable the primary school teacher to check the knowledge of students on the topics covered. These issues are intended for grade 3 students.
    Purpose: Material to help teachers of primary classes.
    Purpose: Checking knowledge of students around the world.
    Tasks: - Check and deepen the knowledge of students on the topics covered
    - develop memory, thinking
    - produce interest in the subject
    - to bring up independence in performance (Choose the correct answer, make it a sign V)

    1. What studies science biology?
    a) non-living nature
    b) live nature
    c) our planet
    2. Magnifying device is ...
    a) thermometer
    b) microscope
    c) compass
    3. What does science psychology studies?
    a) the external structure of man
    b) internal structure man
    c) human peace
    4. The head of the state whom the people choose ...
    a) president
    b) King
    c) Queen
    5. What studies science ecology?
    a) live nature
    b) the links between alive creatures and the environment surrounding them ...
    c) human peace
    6. Wandering dove, sea cow it ...
    a) rare
    b) disappeared people
    c) saved by man
    7. What is the reserve?
    (Choose the most correct answer.)
    a) a plot where hunting is prohibited
    b) plot of land where all nature is under strict guard
    c) plot of land where it is forbidden to collect berries and mushrooms
    8. Substances consist ...
    a) from pieces
    b) from the smallest, invisible eye particles
    c) from grains
    9. The largest gaps between the particles ...
    a) in solid bodies
    b) in liquids
    c) in gases
    10. What does science chemistry studies?
    a) natural bodies
    b) artificial bodies
    c) substances
    11. How to determine whether starch contains in a particular product?
    a) by smell
    b) to taste
    c) with the help of iodine tincture
    12. What substances can be very caustic?
    a) mineral salts
    b) Stachmal
    c) acid
    13. Air is
    a) emptiness
    b) substance
    c) a mixture of gases
    14. What live creatures do air cleaner?
    a) Plants
    b) animals
    15. If it is clearly visible to the water in the water. This suggests that water ...
    a) transparent
    b) colorless
    c) does not smell
    16. To clean the muddy water, it is necessary ...
    a) pour into another vessel
    b) Skip through a funnel
    c) skip through the filter
    17. When turning into ice water ...
    a) shrinking
    b) expands
    18. Water steam is ...
    a) transparent colorless gas
    b) white fog
    c) small water droplets
    19. To protect the reservoirs from pollution, build ...
    a) Cleaning facilities
    b) Channels
    c) reservoir
    20. Upper fertile layer Earth is ...
    a) Clay
    b) sand
    c) soil
    21. The main property of the soil ...
    a) looseness
    b) fertility
    c) Dark color
    22. What is Botany?
    a) animal science
    b) science of plants
    c) science about trees
    23. Coniferous plants include ...
    a) Mak.
    b) Bereza
    c) larch
    24. Flower plants include ...
    a) sea cabbage
    b) Juniper
    c) fern
    d) clover
    25. What is necessary to germinate seeds ...
    a) soil
    b) heat, water, air
    c) light
    26. Fern, shepherd bag, yarrow - these are plants ...
    a) rare
    b) medicinal
    c) disappeared by the fault of people
    27. What is zoology?
    a) wildlife science
    b) science of plants
    c) animal science
    d) science of beasts
    28. Insects include ...
    a) spider
    b) Shrimp
    c) snail
    d) fly
    29. Frog, Toad, Triton - this is ...
    a) Presbysey
    b) amphibians
    c) fish
    30. The mammal includes ...
    a) Sea Yozh
    b) crocodile
    c) protein
    31. Milk feed cubs ...
    a) fish
    b) Presbysey
    c) birds
    d) beasts
    32. Power chains begin ...
    a) from plants
    b) from herbivan animals
    c) from insectivore or predatory animals
    33. Crawler - this ...
    a) worms
    b) a special group of insects
    c) larvae butterflies
    d) larvae beetles
    34. Flinks are ...
    a) in frogs
    b) in insects
    c) among fish
    d) in birds
    35. Beaver, Sable - these are animals ...
    a) people disappeared due to the fault
    b) people saved
    36. Applicable mushrooms include ...
    a) Magnifier
    b) Champignon
    c) pale leaf
    37. Refers to the inedible mushrooms ...
    a) autumn fees
    b) Champignon
    c) bile mushroom
    38. The structure of a person studies science ...
    a) Anatomy
    b) physiology
    39. What is the sense of smell?
    a) Language
    b) leather
    in the eyes
    d) ears
    d) nose
    40. What is the sign of the touch?
    a) Eyes
    b) nose
    c) leather
    d) ears
    e) Language
    41. Protection of the inner parts of the human body from damage, from the cold and heat, from pathogenic bacteria is a job ...
    a) Skeleton
    b) muscles
    c) skin
    42. The skeleton consists of ...
    a) bones
    b) muscles
    c) head and spinal cord
    43. The main building material for the human body is ...
    a) fats
    b) vitamins
    c) proteins
    D) Carbohydrates
    44. In the lungs, blood takes away from the air ...
    a) oxygen
    b) carbon dioxide
    c) nitrogen
    45. The respiratory authorities do not include ...
    a) lungs
    B) trachea
    c) bronchi
    d) blood vessels
    46. \u200b\u200bInfluenz viruses are transmitted from a sick person to healthy ...
    a) through dirty hands
    b) through various subjects
    c) with droplets of saliva when talking, sneezing, cough
    47. Nicotine is a dangerous poison that is contained ...
    a) in alcoholic beverages
    b) in tobacco smoke
    c) in polluted water

    Answers to test questions:

    5 B
    24.b, in, g
    25.B, B.
    Dear, colleagues, glad I will, if the test finds the application in your work.

    Total test per academic year

    Option 1

    A1. Name objects of inanimate nature?

    1) pine 3) chamomile

    2) air 4) sparrow

    A2. What belongs to natural phenomena?

    1) reading newspaper 3) snowfall

    2) house construction 4) meeting with friend

    A3. What phenomenon relates to precipitation?

    1) Thunder 3) Rainbow

    2) rain 4) wind

    A4. Which group of animals includes frogs?

    1) to amphibian 3) to insect

    2) to beasts 4) to the fish

    A5. What does the lung industry produce?

    1) Machines 3) Wool

    2) Clothes 4) Cinema

    A6. What type of transport is the helicopter?

    1) to water 3) to air

    2) to ground 4) to the underground

    A7. What functions do light?

    1) Breathing body 3) manage the work of the body

    2) the organ of digestion 4) chas the blood by body

    A8. Which phone can be called an ambulance?

    1) 01 3) 03

    2) 02 4) 04

    A9. What is the name of ground surfacewhich we see around yourself?

    1) horizon 3) land

    2) horizon line 4) open area

    A10. What are the recesses with steep slopes on the plains?

    1) Mountain 3) ravines

    2) hills 4) beams

    IN 1. What grows in reservoirs?

    1) lily of the valley 3) buttercup

    2) water lily 4) Voroniye eyes

    AT 2. What if the red traffic light signal caught fire and you did not have time to go through the road?

    1) quickly run

    2) Stand up on a special white island in the middle of the road

    3) return back

    4) carefully go through the machines

    IN 3. How can you help parents at home?

    1) repair the socket 3) to measure insects

    2) Repair 4) go for bread

    AT 4. How to behave in the bus?

    1) laugh loud

    2) push passengers if little space

    3) to give way to the elderly

    4) go on the bottom footboard

    C1. Name Russian cities?

    1) Paris 3) Novgorod

    2) Moscow 4) St. Petersburg

    C2. What rules must be observed to protect yourself from sunshine?

    1) As you can less often go out in the summer

    2) hide from sunlight

    3) Wear in sunny weather Panama

    4) sunbathe in moderation

    C3. What statements are correct?

    1) Moscow - the capital of Russia

    2) Hermitage is in Moscow

    3) Founder of Moscow - Yuri Dolgoruky

    4) Russian fleet was created by Peter I in Moscow

    Final test for academic year

    Option 2.

    A1. What applies to wildlife?

    1) Sun 3) Amanit

    2) air 4) boat

    A2. What is the natural phenomenon that is not associated with the change of season?

    1) strong wind 3) leaf fall

    2) melting ice 4) the appearance of the kidneys on the trees

    A3. Name the weather phenomenon?

    1) the flow of the river 3) sunrise

    2) Snowfall 4) arrive birds

    A4. Name the group of animals to which the butterfly belongs?

    1) insects 3) birds

    2) amphibians 4) beasts

    A5. What does not apply to agricultural work?

    1) harvesting 3) grazing

    2) Sewing 4) Sowing

    A6. Specify a special type of transport?

    1) Metro 3) Emergency Gas Service

    2) Airplane 4) Bus

    A7. What is the function of the stomach?

    1) Breath 3) there is a brain

    2) spreads blood on the body 4) the organ of digestion

    A8. Which phone call, if an unfamiliar man is trying to open the door?

    1) 01 3) 03

    2) 02 4) 04

    A9. Where should the Blue End of the Compass Arrow?

    1) south 3) to the west

    2) north 4) anyway

    A10. What do you call the river flowing into another river?

    1) source 3) influx

    2) mouth 4) sleeve

    IN 1. What will you take with you to the theater on the performance?

    1) binoculars 3) sandwich

    2) Dog 4) Cell Phone

    AT 2. What does this sign mean?

    1) Underground Pedestrian Transition

    2) Ground Pedestrian Transition

    3) input or output

    4) Pedestrian Transition

    IN 3. What kind of mainland is divided into two parts of the world?

    1) Australia 3) North America

    2) Eurasia 4) Africa

    AT 4. How will you behave visiting?

    1) talk loudly

    2) take any things if I want to see them

    3) calmly play with your friend

    4) Sit with offended person

    C1. What can I do in school?

    1) fight classmates

    2) go to the library

    3) learn lessons

    4) Listen to the teacher

    C2. What sights are in the capital of Russia?

    1) Louvre 3) Tretyakov Gallery

    2) Winter Palace 4) Church of Christ the Savior

    C3. What cities are not in Russia?

    1) London 3) Ryazan

    2) New York 4) Paris