Argument sunshine. "Sunflow", the analysis of the story of the Bunin

Analysis of 6 chapters dead souls and got the best answer

Answer from music lover [Guru]

Chichikov, approaching the village, sees many wilds and streets. But he notices some special dilapidation of peasant houses: rotten logs, flush roofs. The Delician House also left the best impressions, since "some strange castle looked with disabled disabled person": two windows of all were open, and even then fallen. Only the garden "one was quite picturesque in his picture launch." Nature takes its own, everything is free and beautiful in it.
But from the contemplation of natural beauty, Chikchiku had to be abandoned to switch to the presented house and the host itself. Near the house was still sadder than published. Time was bothering him on the glory: "nothing noticeably was a reviving picture - neither dismissed doors, nor who came from somewhere, no living hassle and worries at home!". All this was rather strange and amazing for Chichikov.
However, Pavel Ivanovich was surprised even more when he saw the "Kleisant" figure, which sent him to the house. But it was not the last thing that surprised the guest.
The mess in the rooms was extraordinary. There were a lot of things, starting with the furniture and ending with "many all sorts of all": "Lemon, all dried", a glass with some kind of liquid and three flies, a piece of somewhere raised rags and the other, not the necessary trash. All this resembled a storage room: "There was no way to say that a living being in this room was inhabited."
However, nothing compares with the shock, which he experienced Chichikov when he learned that this "key manner" is actually a rich landowner Plushkin. Having learned this, our hero involuntarily retreated back.
From the portrait characteristic of Plushin, we learn that it was a thin old man, except that his chin was noticeable forward: "Little eyes have not worn around and ran out of high-grown eyebrows like mice."
The clothes did not differ from Nishchenskaya. It was easy to think that this is the impoverished landowner. But we see the eyes of Chichikov everything is good, literally flooded Plushkin rooms. In addition, this landowner had about a thousand souls, the barns were broken from the abundance of goods. Only here everything has long been gone.
Chichikov did not know where to start a conversation. He got used to start like this: "Heard about the virtues and the rare properties of the soul, the database is praised personally, the tribute to ...". However, it was not the case. No "rare properties of the soul" could not be speech, as Plushkin is the most remarkable soul. "Savings" and "order" - that's where I decided to start chikchiki. Although the house in Plushina reigned, of course, stamina and mess.
Plushkin immediately made it clear that the uninvited guest should not count on the treat and even on the hay for the horse. The business conversation was quite exactly the business conversation, although at first the Offer Chichikov surprised Plushkin.
It is interesting to trace the change in the expression of the old man. "Joy, so instantly that seemed on his wooden face" from the realization that Chichikov is willing to pay gravity for dead peasants, replaced by a concerned expression. Finally, the hero began to glance at Chichikov with suspicion. But nevertheless, he calmed down, though not for long. Each thing in Plushkina's house argued that greed it was not borders: it is a tenant limbo, and a paper candle, and a candle replaced by rauchinka, and a tear to which chikchiki naturally did not touch.
How could a person get to this? The answer is in the history of the life of Plushkin. It should be noted that Gogol in his poem gives biographies only two people: Chichikova and Plushkin. Chichikov - the main thing actor In the poem. And what is the plushkin here? It's just that the last stage of the death of a person, when there is a misappropriateness for himself.

The work of Gogol "Dead Souls" was written in the second half of the 19th century. The first volume was published in 1842, the second volume was almost completely destroyed by the author. And the third volume was never written. The plot of the work was suggested by Gogol. The poem tells about Mr. Middle Hearts, Pavel Ivanovich Chikchikov, traveling in Russia to buy the so-called dead souls - peasants, which are not alive, but who are still lying alive on documents. Gogol wanted to show the whole of Russia, the whole Russian soul in his latitude and immensity.

Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" In summary of chapters, you can read below. The following version describes the main characters, highlight the most significant fragments, with the help of which you can make a holistic picture about the content of this poem. Read online "Dead Souls" Gogol will be useful and relevant to 9 classes.

main characters

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov - the main character Poems, the college adviser of the average years. Traveling across Russia to buy a dead soul to find an approach to each person than constantly uses.

Other characters

Manil - A landowner, the elder. In the first minute you think only pleasant about it, and after - you don't know what to think. His household difficulties do not care; He lives with his wife and two sons, femistocleus and alkid.

Box - Elderly woman, widow. Lives in a small village, herself leads the farm, sells products and fur. Skuping woman. The names of all the peasants knew himself by heart, no written account was led.

Sobesevich - The landowner, in everything is looking for benefits. With its massiveness and clumsiness reminded the bear. Agree to sell chikchikov dead souls even before he spoke about it.

Nozdrov - A landowner who can not stop at home. Love to kut and play cards: Hundreds of times he played in fluff and dust, but still continued to play; He was always the hero of any story, and the master himself to tell the unprecedencies. His wife died, leaving the child, but the nostril family affairs did not care at all.

Plushkin - An unusual person, in the appearance of which it is difficult to determine what class it belongs. Chichikov first accepted him for the old key. Although one lives, although before his estate was boiling.

Selifan. - Kucher, servant Chichikova. He drinks a lot, often distracted from the road, loves to reflect on the eternal.

Volume 1.

Chapter 1

A brickeleton is entering the city of Nn, nothing noticeable. He settled at the hotel, in which, as often happens, it was poor and dirty. Luggage Mr. A Selifan was introduced (low man in Tulup) and parsley (small years 30). The traveler almost immediately headed to the Tavern to find out who occupies senior positions in this city. At the same time, Mr. tried not to speak about himself, nevertheless everything, whoever spoke Mr., managed to make it the most pleasant characteristic. Along with this, the author very often emphasizes the slightness of the character.

During the dinner, the guest will learn from the servant who in the city is the chairman who governor, how many rich landowners, the visits did not miss any detail.

Chichikov gets acquainted with Manilov and clumsy dog, whom he quickly managed to charm with his manners and the ability to stay in public: he could always support the conversation on any topic, was polite, attentive and causing. Friends with him people responded about Chichikov only positively. At the card table, he was herself as an aristocrat and a gentleman, even argued somehow particularly pleasant, for example, "you were ignored to go."

Chichiki hurried to put visits to all officials of this city to arrange them to themselves and witness their respect.

Chapter 2.

Chichots lived in the city for more than a week, spending time behind a turntable and pearts. He started a lot of dating useful for him, was a welcome guest on various receptions. While Chichikov spent time at the next guest dinner, the author introduces the reader with his servants. Petrushka walked in a wide surpetue from the Bar's shoulder, had a large nose and lips. The character was silent. He loved to read, but he himself liked the reading process much more than the reading item. Parsley always wore a "his special smell" with him, ignoring the requests of Chichikov to go to the bath. Couteron Selifan also did not describe the same, they say, he belonged to too low class, and the reader more like the landowners and columns.

Chichiki went to the village to Manilov, which "few could lure their location." Although Manilov said that the village is just 15 wizards from the city, Chichikov had to drive almost twice as much. The manifers at first glance was a man prominently, the features of his face were pleasant, but the too wellness. From him will not raise any live words, maniles as if he lived in the invented world. Manilova had nothing his own features. He spoke little, most often reflected on high matters. When the peasant or the clerk about something, the Barin asked, he answered: "Yes, thoroughly," without worrying about what will happen next.

In the office, Manilova lay a book that Barin was read for the second year, and the tab, once left on page 14, remained in place. Not only Manilov, but the house itself suffered from a lack of something special. The house was always not enough of something: the furniture is expensive, and the upholstery was not enough for two armchairs, there was always no furniture in another room, but it was always going to put it there. With his wife, the owner spoke touchingly, gently. She was under the husband - a typical picer of the guesthouse for girls. She was trained in French, dance and playing a piano to delight and entertain her husband. Often they talked gently and flutterously, as if young beloved. It seemed the impression that the spouses did not care for household trivia.

Chichotes with Manilov, a few minutes stood in the doorway, flowing each other forward: "Make mercy, do not worry so for me, I'll go after", "do not work out, please do not work out. Please pass. " As a result, both have passed at the same time, sideways, taped each other. Chischiki agreed with Manilov, who tipped and governor, and the police officer, and others.

Surprised Chikchikova Children of Manilov, two sons of six and eight years, themistocleus and alkid. Manilov wanted to boast of their children, but they did not notice any special talents. After dinner, Chichikov decided to talk to Manilov about one very important case - about the dead peasants who are still lying on documents - about the dead souls. To "save Manilov from the need to pay taxes," Chichikov asks Manilov to sell him documents on already non-existent peasants. Manilov was somewhat discouraged, but Chichikov convinced the landowner in the legality of a similar deal. Manilaov decided to give the "dead souls" with a gift, after which Chichots hastily began to gather towards the companion, satisfied with a good acquisition.

Chapter 3.

Chichiki was driving to a companion in a raised mood. Selifan, Kucher, argued with a horse, and, fucked by reflections, stopped watching the road. The traveled trades.
Brica rushed for a long time off-road, until she hit the fence and did not turn over. Chichiki was forced to ask the night of the old woman, who launched them only after Chichikov told about his noble title.

The hostess was an elderly woman. It can be called crumbling: there were many old things in the house. Dressed woman was tasteless, but with a claim for elegance. Lady called the box Nastasya Petrovna. She did not know any manilov, from which Chichots concluded that they were listed in decent wilderness.

Chichikov woke up late. His lingerie was dried and washed with a fussy boxer box. Pavel Ivanovich was not very ceremony with a box, allowing himself rudeness. Nastasya Filippovna was a college secretary, her husband had long died, so all the farm was on it. Chichikov did not miss the opportunity to ask about the dead souls. He had to persuade a box for a long time, which was also traded. The box knew all the peasants is trimmed, so there was no written record.

Chichiki is tired of a long conversation with the hostess, and was pleased rather than he received less than twenty souls from her, and the fact that this dialogue ended. Nastasya Filippovna, glading selling, decided to sell flour, fat, salt, fluff and honey. To hide the guest, she ordered the maid to lent the pancakes and pies that the chisters were glad to eat, but from other purchases politely refused.

Nastasya Filippovna sent a little girl with Chichikov, so that she showed the road. Bricchka was already renovated and chichotes went on.

Chapter 4.

Barge drove to the restaurant. The author confesses that Chichikova had a otned appetite: the hero ordered a chicken, veal and piglet with sour cream and horseradish. In the restaurant Chichikov asked about the owner, his sons, their wives, and at the same time he learned where he lives what a landowner. In the restaurant, Chichikov met Nozdrova, with whom she had dined with the prosecutor. Nozdrov was cheerful and drunk: he reworked back to the card. Nozdrov laughed at Chichikov's plans to go to the Schemevich, persuading Pavel Ivanovich first to visit him. Nozdrov was a sociable, soul of the company, Kutila and Govorogo. His wife died early, leaving two children, the upright of which nozzles did not do absolutely. For more than a day, he could not stop at home, his soul demanded a peer and adventure. For acquaintances, Noszdrova had an amazing attitude: the closer it came up with a man, the more Nedplez told. At the same time, the nostril was able to no longer quarrel with anyone.

Nozdrov loved the dogs very much and even kept a wolf. The landowner was so packed with his possessions that Chichots were tired of inspecting them, although the nostril attributed even a forest to his lands, which could not be his property. At the table, Nozdrov was poured to the guests of wine, but he added a little. In addition to Chichikov, Nozdrova, he had his son-in-law, in which Pavel Ivanovich did not decrease to talk about the true motives of his visit. However, the son-in-law was immediately launched home, and Chichikov, finally, was able to ask Nozdrova about the dead souls.

He asked Nozdrova to translate the dead souls on himself, without giving his true motives, but the interest of the nostril from it only enhances. Chichikov is forced to invent different stories: supposedly the dead souls are needed to acquire weight in society or to successfully marry, but nozzides feels false, therefore allows themselves rude statements to Chikchikov. Nozdrov offers Pavel Ivanovich to buy a stallion, a mare or a dog, in the kit with which he will give the soul. Just to sell the dead souls Nozdrov did not want to give.

In the next morning, Nozrev led himself as if nothing had happened, offering Chichikov to play checkers. If the chichikov wins, the nostril will turn all the dead souls on him. Both played dishonestly, Chichikova strongly exhausted the game, however, the supportman came to the nostril, by saying that from now on the nostril is under the trial for the beating of the landowner. Using this case, Chichiki hurried to leave the nostril's estate.

Chapter 5.

Chichikov rejoiced to the fact that he left the nostril with empty hands. From his thoughts Chichikov distracted the accident: a horse harvested in the Bichal Pavel Ivanovich, messed up with a horse from another harness. Chichikov was fascinated by a girl who was sitting in another wagon. He was still thinking about the beautiful stranger for a long time.

The village of Sobesevich seemed to chikchiku huge: gardens, stables, sheds, peasant houses. Everything was done on the century. Sobesevich himself seemed to chikchikov like a bear. Everything from the Sobesevich was massively and clumsy. Each item was ridiculous, as if I said: "And I also look like a companion." About other people, Sobesevich expressed disrespectful and rude. From him, Chichikov learned about Plushkin, whose peasants mruh like flies.

The proposal for the dead souls was reacted quietly, he even offered to sell them before he spoke about it by Chichikov. The landowner behaved strangely, stinging the price, praising already dead peasants. Chichikov was dissatisfied with the deal with the Sobashievich. Pavel Ivanovich seemed that it was not he tries to deceive the landowner, but his companion.
Chichiki headed for Plushhina.

Chapter 6.

Immersed in his reflections, Chicchikov did not notice that he drove into the village. In the village of Plushina, the windows in the houses were without glass, bread - raw and moldy, gardens - abandoned. Nowhere has not been visible the results of human labor. Near the Plushkin's house there were many buildings that have grown green mold.

Chichikova met the keystitch. Barina was not at home, the key was invited by Chichikov in chambers. There were a lot of things in the rooms, it was impossible to understand what it was there, everything was in dust. It is impossible to say that there is no living person here.

In the rest entered a bent man, unshaven, in a stirable bathrobe. The face did not imagine anything special. If Chichikov met this man on the street, he filed him alms.

This man was the landowner himself. There was a time when Plushkin was a lean owner, and his house was full of life. Now, strong feelings did not reflect in the eyes of the old man, but the forehead issued a non-free mind. Plushkin's wife died, daughter escaped with the military, the son went to the city, and the youngest daughter died. The house became empty. Guests looked at the plush rarely, and see the escaped daughter, who sometimes asked for the father of money, did not see Plushkin. The landowner himself started talking about the dead peasants, because I was glad to get rid of the dead souls, although suspicion appeared in his glance.

Chichikov refused treats, being impressed by dirty dishes. Plushkin decided to bargain, manipulating his distress. Chichikov bought 78 shower with him, forcing Plushkina to write a receipt. After the transaction of Chichikov, as before, hurried to leave. Plushkin locked the gate for a guest, went around his possessions, storerooms and a kitchen, and after thought how to thank Chichikov.

Chapter 7.

Chichots already purchased 400 souls, so he wanted to finish things in this city faster. He considered and led everything required documents. All the peasants of the boxes were distinguished by strange nicknames, Chichikov was dissatisfied that their names occupy a lot of space on paper, Plushkina's note was different, the records of the Sobevich were complete and detailed. Chichikov thought about how every person had gone, building a guessed in the imagination and playing entire scripts.

Chichikov went to court to assure all documents, but there he was made to understand that without a bribe the case would go for a long time, and Chichikov would still have to stay in the city for a while. Sobachovich, who accompanied Chichikov, convinced the chairman in the legitimacy of the transaction, Chichikov said that he bought the peasants to withdraw, in the Kherson province.

Politzmeyster, officials and chikimov decided to complete the design of the documents with lunch and the game in Vist. Chichiki was cheerful and told everyone about his lands under Kherson.

Chapter 8.

About purchases Chichikova, the entire city shoulded: Why chikhikov peasants? Did the landowners sold the arrival so much good peasants, and not thieves and drunks? Will the peasants change on the new earth?
The more rumors about the wealth of Chichikov, the more they loved him. The ladies of the city of NN considered Chichikov a very attractive man. In general, the ladies of the city N themselves were presentable, dressed tastefully, there were strict in the neravas, and all their intrigues remained secret.

Chichikov found an anonymous love letter, which is incredibly interested. At the reception, Pavel Ivanovich could not understand who he wrote to him from the girls. The traveler was successful in the ladies, yes so fond of secular conversations that I forgot to approach the hostess. The governor was at the reception with his daughter, whose beauty of Chichikov was captive - no lady was more interested in Chichikov.

At the reception of Chichikov, he met Nozdrov, who was Chichikova in an uncomfortable position and drunken conversations in his uncomfortable behavior and drunken conversations., So Chichikov was forced to leave the reception.

Chapter 9.

The author introduces the reader with two ladies, friendly people who met early in the morning. They talked about women's trifles. Alla Grigorievna was partly materialist prone to denial and doubt. The ladies were gossipped about visiting. Sophia Ivanovna, the second woman, dissatisfied with chikchikov, because he flirted with many ladies, and the box would not have talked about the dead souls, adding the story of how Chichotie deceived her by throwing 15 rubles to assignments. Alla Grigorievna suggested that thanks to the dead souls of Chichiki, he wants an impression on the daughter of the governor to paint it out of the house. Nozdrova Ladies recorded Chichikov's accomplices.

The city is buzzing: the question of the dead souls worried everyone. The ladies discussed more history with the abduction of the girl, complementing it with all imaginable and unthinkable details, and men discussed the economic side of the issue. All this led to the fact that Chichikov was not allowed to the threshold and did not invite more for dinners. As I called, Chichots all this time was in the hotel, because he was not lucky enough to get sick.

In the meantime, residents of the city have reached their assumptions before they told about the entire prosecutor.

Chapter 10.

Residents of the city gathered at the Politzmester. Everyone wondered who was such chischiki, where he came and whether he was hiding from the law. Epolemaster tells the story of Captain Copeikin.

This chapter includes the text of the "dead shower" the story of Captain Copeikin.

Captain Copeikin tearned his hand and leg during the military campaign of the 20s. Copekin decided to ask for help from the king. The man was amazed by the Beauty of St. Petersburg and high prices for food and housing. Copekin was waiting for the admission of a general about 4 hours, but he was asked to come later. The audience of Kopeikin and the governor was transferred several times, Vera Kopeykin in justice and the king every time it became less and less. The man ended the money for food, and the capital began to be confused because of Paphos and spiritual void. Captain Kopeikin decided to get into the receiving to the general to accurately get an answer to his question. He decided to stand there until the sovereign looks at him. The general instructed the Feldgereger to deliver Copeikin to a new place, where he will be completely in the care of the state. Copekin, glading, went with Feldheger, but no one saw more than Kopeykin.

All those present recognized that Chichiki could not be captain of Copeikin, because Chichikov had all the limbs in place. Nozdrov told many different non-pieces and, mad, said that she personally came up with the abduction plan of the governor's daughter.

Nozdrov went to visit Chichiku, who still sick. The landowner told Paul Ivanovich about the situation in the city and rumors who go about Chikchiki.

Chapter 11.

In the morning, everything went not according to plan: chischiki woke up later than planned, the horses were not counted, the wheel is faulty. After all, everything was ready.

On the way, Chichikov met the funeral procession - the prosecutor died. Next, the reader learns about the pavel Ivanovich chikchiki. Parents were nobles who had only one fortress family. One day, Father took a little Paul with him to the city to give the child to the school. Father punished his son to listen to teachers and please the heads, friends do not start, money take care of. In the School of Chichotes differed in addition. He since childhood, I understood how to increase money: I sold the patties from the market with hungry classmates, trained the mouse to show the tricks for the fee, looked out of wax figures.

Chichikov was on a good account. After some time, he translated the family to the city. Chichikova manila a rich life, he actively tried to break into people, but hardly fell into the official ward. Chichikov did not be gone to use people for their own purposes, he was not ashamed of such an attitude. After the case with one old official, on whose daughters Chichiki was even going to marry to get a position, Chikchikova's career sharply went up. And that official has long talked about how Pavel Ivanovich deceived him.

He served in many departments, everywhere chitril and Zhulnichl, deployed a whole campaign directed against corruption, although he was a bribe. Chichiki engaged in construction, but after several years later the declared house was not built, but in those who led the construction, new buildings appeared. Chichiki began smuggling, for which he got under the trial.

He again began his career from the lowest stage. He was engaged in having passed the documents on the peasants to the guardian council, where he was paid for every peasant. But once Pavel Ivanovich was reported that even if the peasants died, but they were lying on the record alive, money will also pay. So Chichikova had an idea to buy the dead in fact, but alive on the documents of the peasants to sell the souls in the guardian council.

Volume 2.

The chapter begins with the description of nature and land owned by Andrei Tetenestikov, Barina 33 years old, who thoughtlessly spends his time: woke up late, washed away for a long time, "he was not a bad man, he was just the Sky Speaker." After a series of unsuccessful reforms aimed at improving the life of the peasants, he stopped communicating with the surrounding, completely lowered his hands, the miring in the same infinity of everyday life.

Chichikov comes to the tenterestov and, using his ability to find an approach to any person, remains from Andrei Ivanovich for a while. Chichiki was now cautious and delicate when it matches the dead shower. With Tetenechnic Chichotes did not yet spoke about it, but the Andrei Ivanovich was a little conversations about the marriage.

Chichikov goes to General Betrischev, a man of a majestic outforth, which combined a lot of advantages and many flaws. Beetrishchev introduces Chichikov with his daughter a good time, in which the tenterests loved. Chichiki joked a lot, which was able to achieve the location of the general. I use the case, Chichikov comprises a story about the old Uncle, who obsessed with dead souls, but the general does not believe him, considering it another joke. Chichikov hurries to leave.

Pavel Ivanovich heads to the Colonel Koshkarev, but he gets to Peter Petukhu, who cares completely naked during a sturgeon hunting. Having learned that the estate was laid, Chichikov wanted to leave, but getting acquainted here with Platonov's landowner, who tells about the ways to increase wealth than chikchiki inspired.

Colonel Koshkareva, who divided his lands to sites and manufactories, was also nothing to be reached, so Chichots accompanied by Platonov and Konstantongo rides to Hobuev, which sells his estate for a snot. Chichikov gives a deposit for the estate, lent the amount of Konstantanglo and Platonov. In the house Pavel Ivanovich expects to see empty rooms, but "was amazed mixed poverty with brilliant baubles of the later luxury." Chichikov gets dead souls from the neighbor of Lenizna, enchanting the ability to tick the child. The narrative is broken.

It can be assumed that since the purchase of the estate passed some time. Chichikov comes to the fair to buy a cloth for a new costume. Chichikov meets Hobuev. He is dissatisfied with Chichikov's deception, because of which the inheritance was almost lost. Chichikov detected denunciations on the deception of Hobuyev and the dead shower. Chichikova is arrested.

Muzzles, a recent acquaintance of Pavel Ivanovich, an otkupeker, who was fraudulent by himself a million state, finds Pavel Ivanovich in the basement. Chikchikov tears his hair and mourns the loss of a casket with securities: Chichikov was not allowed to dispose of many personal things, including a casket where there was enough money to give security for herself. Muzzles motivates Chichikov to live honestly, not to violate the law and not deceive people. It seems that his words were able to hurt some strings in the soul of Pavel Ivanovich. Officials, counting to get a bribe from Chichikov, confuse the case. Chichikov leaves the city.


In the "dead souls" shows a wide and true picture of Russia's life in the second halves XIX. century. Along with the beautiful nature, picturesque villages, in which the originality of the Russian man is felt, against the backdrop of space and freedom, greed, stubbornness and unfortunate desire of the profit are shown. Arbitration of landlords, poverty and missing peasants, a hedonistic understanding of life, bureaucracy and irresponsibility - all this is shown in the text of the work, as in the mirror. Meanwhile, Gogol believes in a bright future, because no wonder the second volume was conceived as the "moral cleansing of Chichikov." It is in this work that the Gogolian manner of reality reflection is most clearly noticeable.

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