Alphabet page 7 Love all living things. Abstract Lesson Literacy List

In myths Ancient Greece The events taking place by the will of the gods are described. Heroes of myths are the production of gods and mortal women. They showed themselves in the exploits, destroyed the mythical monsters, led the internecine wars. The walls of the city of Ilion began the Great Trojan War, and all the heroes who gave the earth, killed each other.

The city of Malaya Asia "Ilion", he also "Troy", was located at the shore of Dardanell. That is why the Greek poem about the Great War is called "Ilia". Blind singer Homer one of the first wrote a poem about Trojan War, Prior to that, transmitted in the legends of the people from the mouth to the mouth.
War, the length of nine years old gathered a lot of great warriors under his banner: The ruler of the city of Argos is one of the strongest kings of Agamemenon with his brother Melas - the sake of brother began war, hot-tempered Domed, Great Ajax, Sly Odyssey, Wise Old Man Nestor, Son of the Marine Goddess Fetis - The most brave warrior Achill with his friend Patrox. At the head of the Trojans was the wise king of Priam, his army led the son of Hector and Brother Paris, because of which the war began. Numerous Asian allies helped them. The Supreme God Zeus watched the fights, God Apollo helped the Trojans, Goddess Gera and Athena - Greeks.

The Trojan war was playing after at the wedding of the marine goddess Fetold and the mortal pan, the goddess of discord threw the Golden Apple for the most beautiful. Apple wanted to get Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Trojan Tsarevich Paris was instructed to resolve the argument of three goddesses. Paris did not wish to become the king of the whole world -by the proposal Gera and the sage and hero - at the suggestion of Athens. He decided to become her husband of the most beautiful woman and gave an Aphrodite apple. By his decision, Paris made Athena and Gera with the worst enemies of Troy. As promised Aphrodite, the wife of Paris became beautiful Elena, the daughter of Zeus, the wife of Tsar Menel. Once hena from all famous grooms Greece chose Menel. Now all the former grooms, led by Menel, unleashed the war against Paris, the new chosen one "the most beautiful". Only Achille took part in the battle for valor and glory. Sarbedon, the last of the sons of Zeus, together with Hector, headed the Troyans. Greek ships under the threat of burning. Gera wants to help the Greeks, distracts Zeus, having a magic Aphrodite belt, causing passion. At the top of Ida Zeus, the love of love, connects to the hero, falling asleep exhausted passion. Then a short time, while Zeus slept the Greeks gave back to the Trojans. Gera is afraid of the anger of Zeus, but he assures her: "I will be able to endure: everything will be in yours, and the Greeks will win the Trojans, but not earlier than Achilles will dock anger and go into battle: so I promised the goddess fetide."

Instead of Achille, in his armor on the chariot, his friend is sent to the battle. Achille asks him to save ships from the Trojans, but not to pursue them. Trojans, deciding that Ahill moves on them, rushed into the run, and Patrole rushed after, despite the warning of a friend. Son Zeus, Sardanon moved to him to meet him. Zeus wants to help his son, but Gera does not allow him to intervene. Sarpedon falls, Patrole rushes to the goal of Troy, Achilles shouts: "Away!", But he does not hear. Apollo, wrapped by a cloud, knocks down a hero from his feet, Hector finishes unarmed ptroke. Dying he promises that Ahill will revenge for him.

The lifeless body was taken out of friends, Hector dressed in the armor of Achille, the Greeks run from the Troyans. Achilles rust into battle, but powerless without armor, he screams so much from despair so that the enemies shuddered and retreated. At night he mourns a friend. Mother Achille, Fetida, asks the Chrome God - Kuznez Hepesta to post her son Divine armor: shell, helmet, ledge and shield with the image of the whole world. In the morning, having to go into armor, Achilles collects comrades. He proposes a truce with his former enemy Agamemenon and agrees. Achilles wants to take revenge on the hectober for a deceased friend. In the fourth battle with the permission of Zeus, the gods take part: Athena fights with Ares, Gera with Linen Artemida. Poseidon, coming down with Apollo, decide that they should not fight because of people. Ahill is trying to kill Eney, but he saves the gods. Eney will still survive them all. In anger, Achill kills the Trojans, throwing the corpses into the river. The river god of the bokemore, indignant, attacks Achille, whom Hephaestus saves. Achilles pursues hetero, who is fascinating behind him, tried to save others. Zeus still wants to help hector, but Athena tells him: "Let the fate be happened."

Zeus recalls Apollo and asks Athen to detain the hetero. Achilles and Hector converge in battle. Hector asks not to touch his body if he wins, but Ahill is angry that he confuses him for the padrocle and drink his blood. Hephaesta armor constrain the blows of the heaker, and he dies from the hand of Achilla. But before Hector throws the word that Achilles will also die. The winner tied the dead hetero to the chariot and drove his horses around the three. Twelve Trojans kill the body of the deceased friend of the deceased friend, arranged a lush funeral. The anchill's anchillo does not subside, the Hector's body three times a day is dragged around the Kurgan Patrole. If it were not for Apollo, who had protected the Hector's body, nothing left of the corpse. Zeus decides to intervene. He pacifies Achilla, ordering to take a redemption and give the body to the parents of Hecector for the burial. The king of Priam with a redemption under the cover of the night comes to the Greek camp. Priam on the knees begs to regret it and sympathize with his father's sorrow. He reminded Achilla about the father of Peleya, and the heart of the angry warrior was eliminated. Taking the gifts, he returns the Hector's body and promises to the burial not to attack the Troyans. The scene of the burial of the sons of Troy ended "Iliad".

On this, the Trojan war does not end. For the help of the Trojans came the peoples of Malaya Asia. The ethiopian leader Memnon turned out to be the most terrible, Achilles and his defeated, and then went to Troy. He was laid by the Arrow of Paris, directed by Apollo. Having lost the Achilla, the Greeks were not despair, they went to the trick. A wooden horse was brought to the city, the Greeks were sitting inside. They destroyed Troy and returned back. This story will be described in detail with versgil in the poem "Eniida".

Please note that it is only a summary literary work "Iliad". In this brief content Many important moments and quotes are missed.

Iliad Homer is a myth or invaluable document of the heyday of ancient culture.

I read Iliad since childhood. But only in 50 years I thought, did I understand, and did scientists and writers understood the writers, before me, who and why wrote this poem?
Why do children from Siberia, how am I in the 80s, put on her puppet performances?

When an understanding came, I realized all the wildness of the relationship of the 19th century scientists to the heritage of Homer and all of their blindness to the self-evident truth lying on the surface, slandered by absurd epithets "myths" and "legends" of ancient Greece.

What kind of myth, legend can we talk if the author mentions such material details that the sense of its own presence in the field of the battle of the Trojan War is involuntarily made away ..
Achilles shield is dedicated to a separate description of 2 pages. But the author of the work itself was a warrior. He, rather, the artist and priest, serving the deities of beauty and abundance.

He writes about war after many years, but has a complete detailed description the most important, though not all for ten years, episodes of the Trojan conflict of Greek island states

The author shows the awareness of the level of the princess court source, enriched with the elements of the mythological consciousness of ancient priests.
Moreover, thinking about who wrote to whom this man was, I come to the conclusion that he himself was not a king or a prince, was not a high-ranking warrior, and judging by the book on a constant receipt by a description of the phenomenon of a variety of Greek gods, who could write this text was Ancient Greek priest, which we know that the priests were closely related to the centers of writing and literature.

In ancient times, they were chroniclers of events, studied history and after dozens of years amounted to the most important texts of the ancient world that had reached us.

The material world of these Greeks is photographically detailed. Awareness with eyewitnesses, the author knows not only who converges on the field of Brahi, but even every moment of time, even lists relatives and their classes, the details of what is happening from all sides even from the dead. If with all the details, the author literally scientifically studied that war.

According to eyewitnesses and participants, he is obviously affordable, Homer did a great job. And he had a lot of time and even a medieval attitude towards the forgotten details of that historical time.

The psychology and peace of perception of ancient priests are brightly represented in the works of Homer. And I am convinced that Iliad was created by the priest, who had a poetic gift, strengthened experience in studying the poetry of that era.

Iliad and Odyssey support and strengthen the cult of the ancient Greek gods, because even the heroes are shown not free from the will of the Great and Eternal Gods and their predestination of fate of death, everything is decided in heaven. This work was definitely based on the priestly intellectual literary consciousness.

The author had a lot of time on education, the historical scientific description of the events of antiquity, it is necessary to compare the facts of the facts preserved on the pages, from the possible sources of these facts, ranging from eyewitnesses and ending witnesses from the remaining relatives from any texts that later For centuries, and died, and lost or destroyed.

The war is described on both sides with an unbiased opinion, with marginal objectivity, which suggests a third-party, not internecine, not a place, and the European look at the war that occurred relatively recently and people who told her, who knew her heroes themselves and did not lose Sympathy and heat in relation to the dead heroes and winners.

The mystery of the oriades are undecked. And it is ashamed for information societyhaving a huge potential of investigating such historical reins.

The big riddle seems to be grief to the origin of Homer, all paralyzes the fact that twenty Greek cities claim the title of the Motherland of the Great Poet. But twenty cities is also almost almost that in small Greece all cities at the same time. But turn on the logic, open as science in the same Greece.

All cities mean no one. Homer was not a Greek or, at least, did not live in Greece, so that the indisputable evidence of him there is habitat in the form of local legends.
It was this fact that tried to hide the Greeks, for which they staged this endless carousel of rumors about his native cities.

The emergence of such a major person in ancient culture logical only large centers of priest culture, which was a bit in ancient world.
It is quite possible to assume that the author was in a certain powerful cultural Center Antiquities where the information about the Trojan War is flocked from all sources.

In such a place, the Alexandria library could be, and Alexander Macedonian campaigns, other Mediterranean culture centers with a large library and their time.

Otherwise, we will have to assume the existence of extensive memoir literature about the Trojan War, which has not reached us, or existed in the only copies, and did not copy as often as the texts of famous antiquity authors.

I can argue that Iliad is a serious chronicle of events, although in a literary form with a great influence of the Greek cult consciousness, but with a huge actual material that is not characteristic of a primitive early epic. No stylization of the images of heroes, no exaggeration and distortion of reality, we do not find Homer and were surprised by his loyalty to the facts and a slender style of an impartial presentation of the events of the tragic period of war.

Returning to the question of the origin of the Homer or the geography of the mature period of his life, here may be a hint of Odyssey's poem - she could be created the most expensive among the stories of the hero himself, the very odyssey of the cunning.

Two projects, because Iliad is the meaning of Odyssey and her stone pedestal, her hero's pedestal - Odyssey. In Iliad, the small king of Odyssey is equal to almost Agamemenon, he opens his gate to the invincible three, because, in fact, the siege long in 10 years - a lost siege. Agamemnon's power is powerless and only the trick of his ally Odyssey saves the war of the son of Atreya from inglorious retreat.

And of course, look for a woman, yes not a simple, but Tsaritsu, the Tsarce, a little to the queen, the strongest sorceress, she is to blame for everything, and wondered and fell in love with himself, and for many years she detained in his palace ...

So beautifully tells the cuney king Odyssey about the reason for the long stop on the island of Queen's Tsaritsa. But local people are remembered, and it turns out that the princes of the little island had a different opinion about the siter Odyssee and their son, born probably from the violent and unscrupulous marriage of politicians, at all appeared on the iteak to also rob and cause "by negligence" and "by chance" The death of his mother to the Mother of His mother, who had no troops to drive the foul guests of the pirates and had to endure them for many years, for the sake of political decency.

It looks very similar to that Odyssey guessed that it was so easily lost to the detachment of military guests and their leadership of the Queen of the Island of Covarna and exposes him and soldiers to chronic poisoning, mixing an unknown poison into wine. And I had to raise sail again. And their son, vengeful television, remained on the island and later the father.

Homer was the only salvation, light at the end of a terrible tunnel with a tragic result - the loss of all - and the authorities over Itataka, and the wife of Penelope and himself, the former hero of the Trojan war Odyssey inchohydrate, and hence the multi-shaped global fortifications, world sorrow, which is all sad The music of the planet, about which Armenian Duduk cries us ... Listen to him ... And you will present yourself a sunset Odyssey ... Returning to the question of the origin of Homer or the geography of the mature period of his life, here may be a tip of the poem Odyssey - she could be created or rather In total, according to the stories of the hero himself, the very odyssey of the cunning.

But since he lived on a small losing island of the Mediterranean, then it can be assumed that Homer was closer to Odyssey and to his island - Ithaca.

Such small kings are described in oriad dozens, but no one has been awarded the poem in his honor, is not strange?

And now let's think, and why Odyssey did not go to oblivion as others, and Odyssey appeared, almost the only document of that era, except for Aerid Vergil.

Let us imagine the little on the resources of the island king, for which all means of influence are good.

From Odyssey, we learn that he disappeared after taking Troy for eight years or more, plus, with Itaks, he sailed for ten years under Troy, which is at least 18 years old, the islanders did not know where their king.

And this is with greedy neighbors who are ready to attack and not disappearing for decades, but real? It is strange that Odyssey generally could return from the myth to the story.

That is, even after return, the power of Odyssey was extremely weak and part of the people became his enemies or could seriously doubt it. How in such conditions, generally strengthen his shaky position and his heir?

Moreover, it is necessary to consolidate both at the Ithaca itself and in the international situation so to speak to justify and quiet from the shame of disappearance.

And Odyssey is looking for the best poet and finds Homer as the most talented of the priests of Apollo, and instructs him to create two grand state projects - not in reality, which is not on the island, and in the consciousness of contemporaries and descendants.
Two projects, because Iliad is the meaning of Odyssey and her stone pedestal, her hero's pedestal - Odyssey.

In Iliad, the small king of Odyssey is equal to almost Agamemenon, he opens his gate to the invincible three, because, in fact, the siege long in 10 years - a lost siege. Agamemnon's power is powerless and only the trick of his ally Odyssey saves the war of the son of Atreya from inglorious retreat.

The winner of Troy Odyssey and his son, the descendant, receives all the rights and eternal power in her ITAK. Here is a specific meaning of Iliad and the reason for the ancient world of the midst of the role of the king of the kings of Agamemnon, more implanted in Iliad than glorified, filled with the disadvantages of the self-director, according to Homer. At least a suspicious assessment given by the poet through Achilles.

Odyssey is not afraid even Agamemnon, because long ago, he found a weak iteke of the most powerful ally hero and king Achilles!

Which only because of Odyssey participates in the conflict, limits the Honor and the claims of Agamemnon, being a killer of killers, Bugimen and the superkiller of the ancient world. Power is only a part of life, and taking life, take away and power.

Moreover, emerging and born from the Great Iliad, the strange and magical Odyssey creates a halo, the image of the king, in its own way, leading to those political technologies.
Odyssey You are not Agamemnon, Fat and greedy, Odyssey is the best of its dominant class, an indispensable and invincible leader, that there is Ithaca, and in the world who did not find opponents of equal.

And there are no half-hearts in the workplace of the king - yes forget, so the king was necessary, all the fabulous beings of Greece, the sorcerer and the monstrous storms prevented him from sailing to the iteak about three hundred kilometers and did not go for a couple of weeks, but almost twenty years.

Probably create the whole set of male excuses for 18 years of absence it was easier than to confess to the real and bitter causes of the disappearance of Odyssey.

As a person, I can assume a person in war where the veterans of great wars disappear. Imagine 10 years of siege in the coastal camp of the Greeks. Psychological trauma An endless 10 year old slaughter, life on a scanty soldering, without a family, all this gives rise to a huge depression, even a brief bright victory, not curable.

From here and the destruction of the hated Troy. Atrochements in Three, born of this depression, sexual violent orgies after the victory, combined with wild-swords - all this dismissed the heroes of war.

The warriors are brought and cut off for these ten years of war. Imagine a longing of a military camp, where all the anecdotes are already told and tired of everyone - and sleep and battles, and conversations in the evenings, except for wine ... And the answer is a grave alcoholic dependence of everyone ...

We know from Iliad that part of the troops left the walls of Troy to ruin the surrounding cities, getting slaves and turning the country into the desert.

And the wisdom says - in many wisdom a lot of sadness ...

And Odyssey itself is the wisdom of antiquity, her quintessence - as a result, the Black Great Depression of the king for many years, and in reality, a non-digestion of the undiluted wine from the ships. And maybe piracy in order to produce wine supplies and overload them for a quick ship ...

All this had to be covered with a decent use, a fig leaf of poetry, and many other circumstances ...

Homer was the only salvation, light at the end of a terrible tunnel with a tragic result - the loss of all - and the authorities over Itataka, and the wife of Penelope and himself, the former hero of the Trojan war Odyssey inchohydrate, and hence the multi-shaped global fortifications, world sorrow, which is all sad The music of the planet, about which the Armenian Duduk cries us ... Listen to him ... And you will present yourself a sunset of Odyssey ...

Target audience Iliad

In the ancient world, there are still few literature, few competent people and enjoy writing can only rich man, priest, court, citizen, a successful artisan or warrior.

And creating an oriad Homer perfectly takes into account the requests of these categories of readers. For the Priests, he gives big inserts with the participation of the gods in the events of the war, the court royal affairs and the details of the royal meetings, the warriors examples of courage, patience and military tricks of Odyssey and other heroes.

For all this we see the plan. Odyssey or herda based on it is designed for influential and rich people of all kinds to approve the strengths and wisdom of the Greeks, their gods and a particular king of the Great Tsar Itaka Odyssey as national Hero and pet.

Who could give considerable funds for the creation and obligatory in those times the replication of such a huge even for the modernity of the text on the road of the parchment skins of special tales?
I think the grand ordia and Odyssey was created and replicated from five to ten years.

I note that it does not contain any comments of Homer himself, quite admissible in the independence and freedom of the author and fully understandable with an important royal order, designed to read with the courts of kings throughout the ancient world.

Homer does not report any strings about himself and the goals of such a huge work, but even in the gospel of Luke we read at the beginning of the name of the author Luka and the Customer of Ferofila.

It can be assumed the inappropriateness of the circumstances of the creation of this new ideological weapon and the project.

Fate of Itaks and the authorities of the Odyssey dynasty

The threats of Odyssey's power on Ithaca were more than real, because today, tourists see only the foundation on the site of the modest palace of the local ruler on the site of the archaeologists.

Obviously, the King Odyssey dynasty was not long, one of the lesions became fatal. Hate to someone the palace was demolished, the walls with frescoes were broken into the fragments, and wealth were looted so that we read about the most famous king of Greece only in those 2 books that I suppose he decided to order himself.

And the enemies do not need to look for a long time, Odyssey in facts from the end of the poem "Odyssey" with military cruelty cut more than a dozen noble applicants for the throne of the island of Itaca and what, none of their relatives conceived revenge with a hated tramp and a bloody pirate?

But in ancient times, revenge was served cold and tens of years have passed. While embittered neighbors united and attacking the weak army of Ithaca, erased the memory of the hero of Troy. And so that on the island, another such karek, deprived administrative independence and attached to another kingdom just like the territory, without the right to the local office.

Why am I so sure?

He himself knew how to choose best people His time, chose the best of the kings of Tsar Agamemnon. Entered into the union with him, and in military necessity invited the best warrior of King Achilles to the allies, and it was logical to create a poem about the war, and in the hidden essence of himself, invited the best Poet of Gomer.

In antiquity, the books were intended, first of all, the kings, then nobility and kings, manuscripts accumulated in libraries. The cost did not allow them to have a simple people.
For a simple Luda, street singers performed, obstellers, and at the loss of vision, and Homer himself in the old age blinded, worked as the street fulfillment of his poems - Iliad and Odysseas.

The blind fell was invited to ancient corporate parties - multi-day peers and he opposed the poem with parts a couple of hours a day, and so during the week.

To be continued…

To be continued…

"Iliad" is one of the most famous works in the world, inferior in its importance and influence on the world culture except for the Bible. This is an oldest literary monument of ancient Greece, created approximately in the XI-VIII centuries BC. e. The author of "Iliad" traditionally consider Homer - an antique poet and the narrator. Unfortunately, historians cannot say anything about the personality of Homer. Information about his life is very fragmentary and few. However, it would be wrong to argue that "Iliada" is the result of the creative plan of one person would be wrong.

"Iliad" has absorbed many folklore legends and epic legends. The basis of all these works is the plot of the Trojan war of the XIII-XII centuries to N. e. The name of the poem goes back to one of the names of Troy - Ilion. The Gomeovsky Epos is the most complete collection of such stories built into a single narrative cloth.

By the end of the XIX century, historians considered the Trojan war with a real historical fact. The real sensation of the world of archeology was excavations conducted by an archaeologist-amateur Henry Schliman in 1870-90. On the shore of the Aegean Sea in the territory of modern Turkey, Schliman discovered ancient citywho, in his opinion, was the legendary Ilion. To date, several cultural layers are found on the site of the excavation, the most ancient of which belongs to the neolithic. The study of a layer relating to the period of the Trojan War showed that the city was really subjected to an enemy invasion. On the streets were discovered unobedy remains of people and numerous arrows.

However, despite these finds, modern researchers tend to believe that the Trojan War is rather a mythological mapping of such a global and long-term process as conquest and violent colonization of small Asia ancient Greek tribes.

Prehistory of events described in Iliad

The events that led to the Trojan War took the beginning on Olympus where the Greek gods lived. Olympians celebrated the wedding of the goddess Fetold and Tsar Mimmidontians - Pelia. According to the prophecy, the son of Fetyda was to surpass many times at the strength of his father, so it was dangerous to issue her to marry someone from the gods. Therefore, it was decided that the husband of Fetold would become although very powerful, but still a mortal person.

All gods were invited to the wedding feast, except Erida - Goddess hosts. A vulnerable goddess threw a precious apple to the feast room with the inscription "Beautiful". The apple was the cause of a quarrel of three goddesses: Gerse - Zeus's wife, Athens - Goddess Mudrosti and Aphrodites - Goddess of beauty and love. Each believed that the apple was intended to her. To solve his dispute, the clarifiers turned to Paris - the son of the Trojan Tsar Priama. Each of them watched the young man. Gift: Gera - wealth, Athena - Wisdom, and Aphrodite is the most beautiful woman in the world. Paris, almost without thinking, gave an Aphrodite apple.

The most beautiful of the mortal women was the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel - Elena. Once the famous heroes of Greece and the richest kings were woven to Elena. So that there were no discord among the grooms, the men decided that Elena herself should choose her husband. If someone dares to repel Elena at her chosen one, the rest should go to the insolence of war. In order to fulfill its promise to Paris, Aphrodite brought on Elena Chara and that was fell in love with the Trojan Tsarevich, which gave advantage at the time in the Spartan court. Paris hid Elena on one of his ships and hunched her in Troy.

Meneli was angry and began to call for the rescue of other Greek rulers, many of whom were once failed grooms Elena and gave an oath to take care of her marriage. It should be noted here that in the era described by Homer, Greece was a combination of small kingdoms formed by different ancient Greek tribes: Ahetis, Ionians, Dorians, Aeolians and others. In the Homer Epos, the word "Greeks" is absent. Instead, the names "Ahaeis" and "Danaitsa" are used. Apparently, in the Homeric Epoch, many called the Ahaseits of all residents of the Peloponess Peninsula.

Many Ahasey kings responded with Mellaya's call, first of all, his brother is the Mikhana King Agamemenon. He became the commander of all the Ahase troops. In addition to Menela and Agamemnon, other talented warriors were both in the Ahasey village:

  • argos Tsar Domed;
  • salaminsky Tsarevichi - Brothers Big Ajax and Tevr. The first was famous for his huge powerand the second was an unsurpassed arrow of onion;
  • Small Ajax - the leader of the lifelong archers and the prangeators;
  • tsar Pilos - Amerator Nestor, by virtue of age, he did not participate in battles, but helped Agamemnon with advice;
  • son of Nestor - Antilch;
  • cretan King and the Great Hopeburg Idomena;
  • argonaut Philoctet, to whom the dying heracle presented his bow with poisoned arrows;
  • sly king Ithaca Odyssey.

Before the campaign, the leaders of the Ahaeis turned to Oracle. He predicted that Ilion never falls if the son of the Ahetis would not fight the son of Fetold and Pelei - Achilles. The fate was assured that Achilles either live to deep old age in silence and peace, or would die very young on the battlefield, but acquires immortal glory. To protect the Son, Fetida hid him on the island of Skyros. There he had to live among the daughters of Tsar Likameda and wear women's clothing. Deliver Achilles to the camp of the Ahase soldiers instructed Odyssey. To find Achilles, the king of Itaks changed clothes, arrived at Skiros and began to show his goods to the daughters of Likamed - jewels and fabrics, among whom they would accidentally lay a spear and shield. At the signal Odyssey, his people began to play under the walls of the palace the noise of the battle, depicting the attackers to the ownership of the Likameda enemies. All girls ran away, and Achilles grabbed the weapon, thereby giving out himself. After a short conversation, Achilles agreed to oppose Troy along with other aheeis.

The king of Ilion at that time was the old attachment. He himself could not fight, so the Trojan troops headed his eldest son - Hector. Also in the Trojan, there were such warriors as:

  • king Darudania - Eney - Son Aphrodite;
  • lycian king Sarpedon - son of Zeus;
  • relative and co-citizen of Sarpedon - the Glavk;
  • elena's kidnapper - Tsarevich Paris, a magnificent arrow from Luke.

A certain arrangement of forces occurred on Olympus. Most of the gods: Gera, Poseidon, Hermes, Athena and Hepestus supported the Ahaseians. And Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Summer and Artemis - Troyans. Zeus tried to preserve the neutrality in the war unfolded on earth.

The huge flotilla of the Ahetsey sailed from the Avlud to Three. All the battles of the Trojans and the Greeks unfolded on a wide field near the city. 9 years old, the Greeks could not take Troy, but periodically they robbed the surrounding islands and fortresses.

Chapter first. Mor. Anger

"Iliad" begins with the description of the tenth year of war. The poem opens the episode, which tells about the anger of Achilles.

The leader of the Ahetsev - Tsar Agamemenon - kidnaps the girl named Chryside, who was the daughter of Christ - Apollo Priest. Upset father asks Agamemnon to return the daughter, but he drives him. Christ appeals to Apollon with a request to take revenge on his insult. God is sitting on the army of the diseases of the disease and many other troubles. The Greeks demand that Agamemnon immediately returned the daughter of Christ home, only then Apollo will change anger to mercy. Agamemenon agrees, but with the condition so that instead of Christide he was given to Brisadis - the favorite slave of Achilles.

Hazardous Achilles, having heard the words of the Mysensky king, wants to kill Agamemnon on the spot, but the Athena who appeared to him asks not to make a weapon on his leader.

Achilles is forced to obey the will of the goddess, but curses the ahaseans and ceases to go to the battlefield. He addresses the fetide so that she helped the Trojans to win the top while Agamemnon returns Brispe. Fetida Molite Zeus on the obsolence of his son's resentment, and Studerzitz agrees to support the Trojans, while Agamemenon does not apologize for the insult they inflicted.

The conversation of Fetold and Zeus will recognize Gera, who, after the decision of Paris, performed decisively against the Troyans. She is trying to convince the spouse, which leads to a quarrel of the divine couple.

Chapter Second. Sleep. Test. Bottia, or List of Ships

Zeus sends a fraudulent dream on Agamemnon, after which the Myckeus King begins to believe that the Trojans can be defeated without Achilles. He convenes the people's assembly, but first decides to experience his fighters and declares that the further siege of Ilion is meaningless and it's time to sail home. People tired of the war rushes to their ships, but on their way the Odyssey gets up. Threes and admonitions, he managed to clean up the Ahasey Mill. Two armies converge on the battlefield at the Batimi Hill.

In the same chapter, the ships of the Ahaeis, the peoples who were in the army of Agamemnon, the Greek leaders, as well as the Trojan army and its allies, are described in detail.

CHAPTER THREE. Oaths. Review of the Ahase troops from the wall. Martial Arts of Paris and Menel

The battle was decided to start with the fight of Paris and Menel. The winner gets Elena and the Treasures, which she took from Sparta. Elena, who saddowed at his own still house, rises to the Tower overlooking the Brani field. She tells the king to the Ahase residents about the leaders. Soon the duel of Paris and Menel begins. Paris was much weaker than the Spartan king, but at the very last moment of Aphrodite carries the Trojan Tsarevich from the battlefield in his chambers.

Meanwhile, Menelai and other aheitsa require the Trojans to fulfill a persuasion and gave them to Elena.

Chapter fourth. Violation of oaths. Agamemnonov bypass

On Olympus, the gods argue about what the outcome of war should be. In the end, the hero manage to convince Zeus again to unleash the opposition. The Trojans begin the offensive, and the Greeks are prepared for defense. Agamemenon circles his troops. Someone from the Ahase leaders he praises, who makes comments to someone. The gods descend on the battlefield to ignite the hearts of fighters.

Chapter Fifth. Feats of Diomeda

The Greeks successfully reflect the attacks of the Trojans. In the very thick of the battle is a Diomed, who is able to kill a lot of Trojan warriors and even wander with a spear Aphrodite and Ares.

Chapter Six. Meeting Hector with Androma

The sore agent of Gelen convinces the leader of the Trojan - Hector - in the fact that for victory over the Greeks you need to go to Athena. Hector returns back to the Palace of Priama, there he meets his mother - Queen Height. On the advice of the son of Hekaba with other noble Trojan women goes to the temple of Athens to bring the goddess rich gifts.

In the house of Priam Hector finds Paris and stakes his brother that he rests while their comrades defend their native city with a weapon in their hands. Already at the city gate, the Trojan commander meets his wife Andromaha and his son. There is a touching farewell of hector with his family. After that, Hector with Paris leaves the Troy to go into battle again.

Head seventh. Martial Arts of Heckers and Ajax. Burial burial

After the return of Hector and Paris, the Trojans begin to beat with new forces. Hector inspired by the gods, causes the strongest of the strongest of the Ahetans. Great Ajax comes against him. Fighters converge in the duel, but due to the occurrence of the night, its completion has to be transferred. The two sides conclude a truce in order to get buried the fallen warriors. The Greeks also apply their ships with moat and the wall than a lot of gods surprise.

Head of the eighth. Chopped battle

Zeus strictly prohibits all the gods to intervene in the course of events on earth. Exactly at noon, he descends to the battlefield, where the battle boils with equal success, and throws a zipper foreshadowing the defeat of the Ahaseians. From this point on, the Trojans begin to confidently push the Greeks to their ships.

At some point, Gera and Athena again try to intervene in the war, but Zeus stresses the goddesses and foreshadows the defeat of the Greeks.

Ninth chapter. Embassy to Achilles. Request

With the onset of night, frightened aheitsa hold a military council. Many are ready to run back to Greece. But the old man Nestor dissuades them from shame and offers to delight Achilles. Agamemenon promises to be returned to Briswide, as well as hand the rich gifts. An integer embassy is sent to Achilles, consisting of other famous heroes. But, despite all their requests, he remains adamant.

Chapter Tenth. Dolonia

In the morning, Odyssey and Diomed were sent to the Trojan camp. They are instructed to void the location of the Trojan troops and their number. With the same purpose, Ilion Bogatyr Dolon is coming from the Trojansky Mill in the direction of the Ahetsev camp. On the way Odyssey and Diomed are seen the bird sent by Athena, and understand that the goddess will support them. Suddenly, they meet Dolon, attack him and require him to give them all the available information. Dolon immediately tells the aheitsy all about the location of the Trojan troops, and also points out the place where the Camp of the Thracian tsar cut is an ally orion.

Odyssey and Domed kill Dolon, and then rushing to the camp of the cut, where they kill the Thracian king right in his bed.

Chapter eleventh. Feats Agamemnon

From morning the battle boils with a new force. Ahaeis are stubbornly coming on Trojan detachments. Especially in the battle, Agamemenon distinguished himself, who killed a lot of Trojan warriors. At some point, Ilion defenders manage to turn the situation and go to the offensive. Concerned Achilles asks his friend Patrole to learn about what is happening on the battlefield.

Chapter twelve. Fight at the wall

The Greeks are forced to depart by the wall surrounding their ships. Trojans are successfully moving forward, despite unscrupulous signs. Ultimately, they can even break through the wall that protects Greek ships.

Chapter thirteenth. Fight from courts

Zeus, confident in the victory of Ilion, is distracted by the battle than the Poseidon enjoys, sympathizing with the aheitsa. With the support of the god of the oceans, the aheitsy continue resistance.

Chapter fourteenth. Deceived Zeus

Gera to finally distract the thumbs up from the war, seduces Zeus. At this time, the Ahaeis, inspired by Poseidon, push the Trojans from their ships.

Fifteenth head. Reverse pressure from ships

Zeus, waking up from the spell of his spouse, very angry. He predicts that while the insult of Achilles will not be satisfied, the ahaeis will lose. Poseidon is removed from the battlefield. Instead, Apollo comes, restoring the forces of the Hector. Trojans come close to ships and are already preparing to set fire to them.

Chapter Sixteenth. Patrol

Seeing the impending catastrophe, Patrole runs to Achilles and reproaches it in cruelty. He asks the son of Fety to, at least, gave him his armor. So, the Patrole, who pretended by Achilles, could again inspire the ahetsev on the battle. Achilles agrees, but punishes the Patrole to take care of himself and get out of the battle, as soon as the Trojans go away from the ships.

Ahaeis, having seen their hero, again begin to rush into the attack. Patrole managed to displace them beyond the walls in the open field. In this battle, the Patrole kills the king of Sarpedon and breaks up with the battles to the most walls of Troy. Save the city is manifested by Hector, who struggled by his peak.

Chapter seventeenth. Feats Menel

The walls of Ilion flared up the battle for the body of the Patrole: the Ahaeis want to protect him to get buried with all the honors, and the Trojans are to pick it up on the crop. Zeus predicts hector death.

In the end, Meneli, Ayaksa and Christian Merion beat off the body of the Patrole and carry it to the ships. For them hurry the rest of the Ahaeis, pursued by the Trojans.

Chapter Eighteenth. Production of weapons

Achilles learns about a friend's death and flows into fury. He is ready to go into battle right now to take revenge on Hector. Fetida descends to Achilles from Olympa. She convinces her son to wait until she bring him armor and weapons.

Meanwhile, the second battle for the body of the Patrole flares not far from the ships. The angry Achilles unarmed goes to the Trojans, and one of his species makes all their army run back to Ilion. With the onset of the night, the Trojans begin to develop the plan of tomorrow on the Greeks, the Ahaseians are preparing for the funeral of Patrole, and Fetis comes to God Hephaest and asks him to make a better weapon for her son.

Chapter nineteenth. Renunciation of anger

At dawn, Fetis brings the son of the armor. At the meeting of the leaders, Agamemenon asks Achilles for forgiveness, Returns him by Brisadis and brings rich gifts. Indifferent to all this Achilles mourns the cartridge, and then goes to cut out before the battle. When he goes back to the chariot, one of the horses predicts Achilles to the ambulance.

Chapter twentieth. Battle of Gods

Two troops are becoming opposite each other for a decisive battle. There are also the gods and gods to support their pets. Hector and Achilles fight ahead of their armies.

Chapter twenty first. Battle of the river

More in the battle is raging Achilles. He kills two hector brothers and many other heroes.

Chapter twenty second. Murder Hector

Trojan army in fear runs to protect the walls of the city. Hector remains on the battlefield alone. Heroes come into a duel, during which Achilles manages to be fatally injured. Before the death of Troyansky Tsarevich asks his opponent about a worthy burial. But the angry Achilles refuses him and gives the body of Hector on the crop of the Ahetis. The death of hector mourns the whole three.

Chapter twenty third. Patrole games

After the return of Achilles in the Ahase camp, the funeral of the Patrole is beginning. Many victims were brought near the funeral campfire, including twelve Trojan boys. In honor of the deceased Achilles declares games. All night, the Ahase characters compete with each other in the control of the chariot, archery, run, fight and throw a spear.

Chapter twenty fourth. Redemption of hector

After the funeral, Achilles binds the Hector's body to the chariot and dragged him around the grave of the Patrole. The crouton is opposed by Apollo, the preserving body is unharmed all this time. Many gods condemn the act of Achilles and even begin to prepare for the abduction of the hector's body. But Zeus interferes with the situation. According to him, Fetis convinces her son to stop the ferociousness. At the same time, the goddess of Irida is. She convinces the old king to collect rich sentences and go beyond the body of Hector. Achilles, touched by Moluba Priama, gives him the body of the Son and kindly suggests to stay in the Ahasey camp for overnight.

In the morning, the hector's body returns to Ineon. To meet the fallen hero, all the Trojans come to the streets. With big honors of Hector betray fire. The description of his funerals and feasts at Priama, Homerovsky Epos ends.

Also in late XIX. The century epic poem of Homer "Iliad" was considered poetic fiction, the work of folk fantasy. "Iliad" was taught in schools, quoted, admired her like artistic work Deep antiquity, as a literary monument ancient culture. To admit that in "Iliad" are described truly former historical events, no one decided. But a German amateur-archaeologist Henry Schliman appeared, who glorified his name with excavations on the site of the ancient three, Mycene and Tirinf described by Homer. Skliman's excavations in the 70s and 80s of the last century unexpectedly shed light on the heroic era described by Homer. Schliman found the legendary Trous, opened an ancient Aegean culture, which until then the historians did not know anything, and his discovery advanced the knowledge of the history of all per thousand years.

Heinrich Schliman was the son of the poor Protestant pastor. Once in childhood he received from his father as a gift book " The World History For children, "where, by the way, the legendary Troy described by Homer was depicted with a flame. The boy immediately believed that Troy really existed that her huge walls could not be completely destroyed that they were probably hidden under the mountains of the Earth and garbage caused by centuries. And he decided that later, when he would become an adult, would certainly find and dangle Troy.

But the family of Heinrich was heleras, the boy had to quit school and go to work in a petty shop where he spent all days. Soon he fell ill with tuberculosis, could not work, but the dream of three did not leave him. The boy went on foot to Hamburg to go to work again, and hired Jung on the ship that sailed to America. In the German sea during a strong storm, the ship crashed, and Schliman barely saved from death. He found himself in Holland, in someone else's country, without any means of existence. However, found kind peoplewho supported him and arranged to work in one of the trading offices.

In the evenings, Schliman engaged in the free hours foreign languageswhat I spent half of my earnings. He lived in the attic, he fed a poorly, but stubbornly studied languages, including Russian.

In 1846, Schliman moved to St. Petersburg as an agent of a trading house, and soon began to conduct an independent trade. He got lucky; He was able to accumulate money and by 1860 he was already so rich that liquidated the case and decided, finally, to carry out a dream for him from childhood - to start looking for Troy. In 1868, Schliman went to Maly Asia to the coast of the Marmara Sea. Guided only by the instructions of "Iliad", he began excaving on the Hissarlyc Hill, a few kilometers from Gellespont, in the north-western corner of Malaya Asia.

The very name of the hill suggested that it was necessary to dig here. Gisarlyk means the Turkish "place of Razvalin". Yes, and the terrain was very much like that, where, according to the description of "Iliad", there was a Troy: in the east mountain, in the west of the river, the sea was visible.

Schliman began excavation in 1871 on its own funds. The assistant was his wife-Greek, who also believed Descriptions of Homer. Energy, passion and endless patience, which was discovered by Schliman and his wife during excavations, are worthy of surprise: they put up with all the inconveniences of hiking life, transferred all sorts of difficulties, tolerated and struran and heat. Through the wooden slots of a house built by Schliman, blurred such a sharp wind that it was impossible to light the kerosene lamp; In winter, the cold in the rooms reached four degrees, sometimes even frozen water. Everything was worn, because they were all the time in motion in the air, but in the evening, as Schliman said, - "In addition to our animation to the great work of the opening of Troy, we did not have anything that would warmer us!"

Troy is not a legend, but reality

As it is now installed, nine cities or settlements that consistently arose on the place of the other were now installed on the hill of Gissarlyk. The higher the layer, the younger - the settlement. The topmost city was built at the beginning of our era. The question was the question: how deeply need to dig to reach the Troy Homer?

In Iliad, it was said that Troy burned down, and Schliman opened one layer after another, climbing everything deeper, but did not find any marks of fire. Finally, he reached a small settlement, surrounded by a low wall, where there were many burnt items. Schliman decided that this is the Homeric Troy. But he, all his life he dreamed of her opening, was mistaken. This settlement is likely to be attributed to the III millennium to our era. Apparently, Schliman was in a hurry to take care of the burned town, which on the road did not notice the genuine three and destroyed her walls. Only after the death of Cherman, the surviving antiquities of the overlying city, which belongs to his employee Durpfeldeld XVIII century BC and which can be identified with Troy Homer.

During the excavations, Schliman opened a large treasure called to them "Taste Priama". Workers during the excavations accidentally came across a gold subject. Schliman immediately guessed that an important find is close here, but he was afraid that workers can kidnap things. In order to save the find, he before ordinary ordered to go for lunch, and when everyone went away, he's own, with a danger to life - since the wall, under which he had to dig, mowed every minute to collapse - began to hit the excavation. And he really found and retained a rich treasure for science consisting of copper, silver and gold vessels of different shapes and magnitude. In one vase lay two magnificent tiaras and many, small golden things, headband, lots of gray and bracelets, two cups. The composition of the treasure, in addition, included bronze weapons.

Enclosures of buildings on Gissablik: 1 - original hill; 2 - an old city, adopted by Schliman for Troy; 3 - Homerovskaya Troja, open by Durpfelde; 4 - Greek city of the beginning of our era.

"Zlatomobile Mix"

In the legendary history of Greece, Mycenae play a prominent role. According to legend, the mythic hero of Perseus erected, and the builders were mythical giant-cyclops - with one eye on the forehead. All the poetic legends of the Greeks talk about the former glory, wealth and power of Mycenae, and Homer directly calls Micheen "zlatoota". According to legend, Micheen were the center of a strong and rich kingdom, which were ruled by powerful lords. Excavations of Schlaman all confirmed.

For a long time, the ruins of Mixen were already known: the remains of the walls folded from the colossal stones, with the famous "lion gates" and the dome-shaped grave, called the "Treasury of the King Atreya".

Schliman began its excavations on the site of the expected Acropolis, because the legends say that it was there that were the graves of the Mycena Kings. A few weeks after the first blows of the dressing were heard, inside the acropolis before the eyes of the shliman opened the whole world New, still unknown culture. In the graves lay up to seventeen buried bodies, which were literally littered with jewels. There were gold masks that covered the faces of the dead, diadems, bibs, digesters, gold places, decorated with clothes, rings, bracelets, weapons, many vessels of metal and clay, images of bullish heads and different animals, a few gold idols, swords with inlays and gold cups With images of bulls, birds and fish.

One golden cup on a high leg was decorated with two pigeons. Considering him, Schliman remembered that a similar vessel was described by Homer in "Iliad":

"The cup has put a wonderful, brought with him Nelid.
All golden nails are upholstered, he had four
Pens; and near each of the gold two doves
It would seek grain ".

Finds of Shliman have surpassed all expectations. What previously recognized only poetic fiction turned out to be reality! The legends of the wealth and power of Mycene not only found a complete confirmation, but were even weaker than reality.

Also significant and interesting were the excavations of Schliman in Tirinf - the city, called Homer "strong-walled". According to legend, tyrinf was also a conservation of cyclops. Having raised, Mycenae was eclipsed by his former glory. Tirinf's ruins were piles of stones, even more colossal than in the mixes.

Tirinf, like Mycenae, was built on a hill, the vertex of which was charged with thick fortress walls height of 20 meters. They were folded from stone blocks weighing from 3 to 13 tons. Splash the thickness of the walls reached 8 meters. In the walls there was a network of galleries and cameras with silicon embodiments that served for the wishboards of the province. In the Tirinf Palace, as in Myna, there was a central room where the meetings of the king were taking place with a lot of magnificent feasts, Homer called him the "Chamber of Peters". Then there was a male half of the premises, female half, a room that served as a bath, the floor of which consisted of a solid stone plate in 20 tons weighing. And here the clay pipes of the water pipeline were found.

Without inspired faith in what Homer described, Schlobe would not make his great discoveries! He could not commit what he did, could not raise the veil over ancient history! He opened a new horizon in front of us, opened another unknown Aegean culture only because he believed in the accuracy of the ancient legends!