The causes of the death of ancient civilization. "An antique culture crisis of an antique civilization crisis

An antique phase crisis, on the contrary, is removed and analyzed. In a very good approximation, the chronology of the post-quarterly catastrophe coincides with the late history of Rome. The fact that phase processes were tied to such an ephemeral structure as the state of imperial type, "to blame" antique globalization: Rome successfully structured the space of the "expanded Mediterranean" and created uniform life formats, education standards within its limits.

An antique crisis allows you to trace all the features of a phased collision of civilization with a phase barrier.

Roman civilization entered into its golden time in the era of Szipion of the African younger, that is, approximately in the middle of the II century BC. In this period, Rome joins Spain, destroys Carthage, creating a province of Africa in its place, which in the future will be one of the main sources of commercial grain. Forms and applies to the entire Mediterranean Roman world economy. The political system is strengthened.

But by the end of the century, the first "bell" is heard: the Unfortunate Yugurch War, the invasion of Kimvrov and Tevetonov (the first beat of the great resettlement of peoples). Gay Mubria due to its commander art, it is possible not only to reflect the invasion, but also to saturate the state markets by slaves (102 BC, Battle of Aquas Sextyev, 101 BC, Battle for Vercelles). The board turns out to be a civil war, the first in the list, and transcriptions. Blood pours almost a century, until the octaviana of August and the creation of a principle (27 years BC). During this period, the most significant Roman kinds are physically destroyed. Civil wars of the I century were to lead to the death of the Roman state and phase catastrophe. This did not happen to the efforts of Caesar and Octavian, who attached to Rome rich in the grain Egypt and discovered the field for expansion of the traditional phase of development in her higher form in Gallia and Britain.

When studying Roman history, it seems that the emperors represented themselves with a phase barrier and made huge and thoughtful efforts to keep the generation to keep the eternal city from the total catastrophe.

By the third century, the impulse that the economy of Rome received after the accession of Gaul was exhausted, the phase crisis is manifested in the trends of the decline of agriculture and the rapid reducing of the middle class, independent peasants manufacturers. Since the latter were the social base of Roman statehood, like voters, taxpayers and warriors, the standard of living, and the level of security in Rome began to quickly decline. This led to a progressive depopulation and caused the need to attract barbarians to the public service in the empire.

At the first stage, we are talking about the adoption of individual non-citizens, primarily in the army. Varvarization of military team posts applies quickly enough, and the emperors of barbaric origin appear. This process is accelerated by the permanent political crisis of the third century: Civil War 193-197, Murder of Gethees (211), Caracallas (217), Macrina (218), Elagabala (222), Alexander North (235), after which the period of the Imperial Czechhard begins . The whole third century can be denoted as one continuous iconic event.

The empire was collapsed. Some order managed to restore diocletian and later Konstantin, in which the Christianization of Rome began: practically it was about the most important element of the phase transition - the installation of a fundamentally new Christian transcendence. The price was the creation of Dominat, that is, the refusal of all the remnants of the republican political system, the section of the Empire (293) and the transfer of its capital to the East, to Constantinople (330).

It deprived Rome of the status of the capital of the world and put under a straight blow.

The emperors with the greatest art protect the hopeless position, but the phase problems increase faster than it is possible to resolve them. From the middle of the third century a sharp financial crisis is diagnosed. The decline of agriculture forces the emperors to formally attach free peasants to the ground, there is a feudalization of the dominant agricultural sector of the economy.

The demographic degradation of the Roman people and the Varvarization of the ancient space continues. There are years - self-governed barbaric colonies, scattered among the Roman population. Letya formally subordinate to the central government, but they use autonomy, retain national law and tradition.

By the end of the III - the beginning of the IV century, the population of the Great Steppe increased dramatically. First of all, this was due to a change in moisture regime, and in the second - distribution of Roman forms of organization and culture. As a result, the barbaric world came into motion, creating pressure on Roman defensive positions on Rhine and the Danube.

The barbaric tribes of the border, while in close contact with Rome, rapidly raised, which entailed the growth of social organization - the transition from a complete anarchy to the solid unions of tribes and germs of statehood. Together with an increase in the level of agricultural development, this led to a leading increase in the population of Lymes - barbaric periphery, directly adjacent to the Romanesque lands.

Rome is forced to conduct an increasingly large-scale relocation policy. The barbaric leaders are federative agreements on which they were recognized by the Allies (federals) of the Roman people. According to these treaties, Varvara receives for the resettlement of the empire and money content, taking upon themselves vassal obligations: they were obliged to keep loyalty to the emperor and protect the state from the invasion of other barbarians. According to the Federal Treaties, Rome did not refuse rights to any land: Barbarians, being quartered by the will of the emperor within his state, were for the Roman administration only with the auxiliary troops, taken with wives and children on the Earth's Earth and related special status.

The federals preserved not only their own laws, but also independence and political organization; The leaders they recognized the national kings who were alone in front of the emperor, and he in turn paid them the established content.

Edict Honoria dated February 6, 398 ordered to settle the barbarians on the order for quartering, highlighting it to them a third of the house and arable land, as well as slaves on the terms of use (hospital, a stranger, temporary settler). Ostrogota this third and limited to, Westges and Burgundy reached two thirds, but within the framework of the law.

The federals, of course, robbed everything that could, in the areas transferred to them and sometimes committed robbery on other territories of the Empire, but, no matter how paradoxically, they really defended Rome from the barbaric invasions. The fact is that "real barbarians", not yet numbered, they considered not only as competitors, but also as ideological enemies.

In the middle of the fifth century, barbarians fight with barbarians in the heart of Gaul (Battle of the Catalaun fields of 451). Three years later, another significant event occurs - the murder of aietia, the last great Roman.

There are even too many iconic events: the death of emperors. The lost battles, Rome's robbery, Reduce Augustu Romulus ... We can almost accurately indicate the beginning of the phase catastrophe - the moment of the collision of Rome with a post-year (industrial) barrier, but the final is lost in the unknown. The fact is that Rome failed to switch the industrial barrier, but created a number of mechanisms and institutions adequate to the following industrial development phase. And above all, we are talking about the Christian religion and the organizing structure of the Roman Catholic Church. In the future, this structure will be deployed to the system of monasteries, and later - universities will give rise to universities, religious orders, including Franciscan, natural philosophy and science, "beloved daughter of the church." The presence of the Roman Catholic Church led to the preservation of certain political and moral unity into critical for century civilization. To a certain extent, the Western Roman Empire did not die in 476, she simply changed the title and title people. Since the end of the fourth century, a strange and unsubstantial balance is established: in essence, the traditional phase of development is dead, industrial - has not yet been born (the barrier is not transferred), and the onset of the dark centuries prevents the conjunction created by Christianity. And yet - the inertia of large systems.

But in the end, civilization still did not survive. In the sixth century, the aqueducts are destroyed. Epidemics and hunger drive people from cities, literacy almost disappears, the world crumbles on the patchwork of the feud.

It took several centuries in order for the Roman church to realize their duty and their right to act an integration force and proclaim the overall hike of the West against the East. And two more centuries to exhaust in the crusades of the shrinking knighthood passionate. And two more to build the altitude of the Middle Ages, bring the line under the dark centuries and in general, to reach the level of living of the Romans of the Golden Age, surpassing them in terms of life, education, development intentions.

At this point, a plague comes to Europe, marking the last act of ancient phase disaster.

Conditionally taking for the beginning of the phase transition of the battle of the battle of sextiev (102 g. BC), and for its ending - the opening of the Columbus of America (1492), we obtain that the phase transition between the traditional and industrial phase occupied in Europe without a small 1600 years . On the one hand, this testifies to the talent of the Romans who won three and a half of the historical need. On the other hand, about the depth of the phase waste after the occurrence of the catastrophe. The revival of civilization demanded a whole millennium, even today the Roman world is restored only in general, and the Mediterranean transport ring remains unlocked.

This, however, did not prevent the installation in the European world-economy of the industrial phase of development and the acquisition of this phase of a planetary nature. The industrial phase of development has reached its full development, before the beginning of World War II.

This period is characterized by a deep crisis of culture and an ancient type society covering all areas of life - from religious to political. Attempts to get out of it are made by many emperors of the Roman Empire, which transform the management system, make Christianity by the state religion, but all this only for a while gives the fall of the ancient world for a while. On the borders of the empire with each decade, the onslaught of barbaric tribes increase, while in the V century AD The "great resettlement of peoples", destroying the Western Roman Empire begins. Eastern Empire, increasingly called Byzantium, resulted. On the territory of the former Western Roman empire, several barbaric kingdoms were formed, in which a new socio-economic structure is born - feudal. The dominant religion in these kingdoms is Christianity, the spiritual center of which is considered to be Rome in the West. In general, we can assume that during this period the foundations of modern Western European civilization are laid.

Setting the dominate regime in the Roman Empire. The split of the empire on Western and Eastern. The invasions of the barbarians and the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The long period of political stems and troubles, characteristic of most of the III century AD, when there were completely random people on the throne at times, the owners of certain parts of the army turned out, ended with the focus of Emperor Diocletian (284 - 305), which spent a whole A number of reforms. As a result, the Mode of Dominat was established in the Empire, in which all the remnants and rituals of the Republican era were finally eliminated, the emperor became the self-abandoned ruler of all of his subjects, which on the general reasons paid taxes to the state treasury and carried a lot of state contestants, which had not yet applied to Roman citizens.

It can be said that the period of dominates against the state and personality finally broke with the ancient traditions - even the ghostly remnants of freedom, which persisted in previous periods disappeared. The ideals of antiquity continued to manifest themselves in the cultural and religious spheres. Essential changes occurred in the economic sphere: the use of labor of colons came to replace the preferential operation of slaves, when slaves ripped to Earth, providing them with agricultural inventory and a visible part of the crop. Legally, colons remained the full property of the slave owner, but by the type of operation they approached the fortress peasants of the Middle Ages. Unlike slaves, colons were much more interested in the results of their labor. The cities disappeared the last remnants of self-government: inherited from the era of classical antiquity city magistrants became a tool for collecting taxes and control over the population, less opportunities have become among subjects of the empire to change their place of residence. The tax press of the state has practically overwhelmed by all excess production. Only such hard financial policies could ensure the functioning of a huge apparatus with numerous officials and a large permanent army. According to the type of power and model of the relationship between the individual and the state, the Roman Empire has more and more reminiscent of Eastern despoty.

Significant changes occurred with the entry into the throne of Emperor Konstantin I (306 - 337). Unlike Diocletian, who pursued Christians, Konstantin publishes Milan Edict, establishing violence. In 325, the Nicene Cathedral took place, which was headed by Konstantin, who approved the Canon of Faith, in particular, the list of the Holy Books of Christians, and condemned Arianism. Since the reign of Konstantin, who he himself was baptized himself, Christianity becomes a dominant religion, and attempts to revive paganism during Julian's reign of apostate (361-363) could no longer change this situation.

The end of the era of antiquity affected in the field of money circulation: it fell into decay, the economy of the empire becomes increasingly natural, to a considerable extent, the fiscal policy of the state itself, the reduction of the content of precious metals in coins, has led to the disappearance of a full-fledged coin. It came to the point that even a salary to officials and soldiers was paid in kind.

After the death of the emperor Feodosia (379 - 395), the empire was divided into two parts - Western and Eastern, the latter with the capital in Constantinople is called Byzantia.

In recent decades, the existence of the Western Roman Empire increases the pressure of the barbarians on its borders, such a pressure has experienced and Byzantium, but she managed to resist. It should be noted that not only the strength of the Varvarov themselves, but also the rebirth of the Roman army, in which the same barbarians as ammunition often played, in the fall of the Western Empire; There is practically nothing left of the previous army with its discipline and specific techniques of combat operations. In 410, Rome for the first time after the Gallic invasion of 387 BC. Was taken and looted by the enemy -evsky Westgoth King Alarich. From the beginning of the V century, in fact, the collapse of the Western Roman Empire begins: in 420, Vandals are strengthened in Spain, in Gala and Spain, the Kingdom of Vestography is formed. In 455, the vandals under the leadership of Gensen take Rome, and in 476 the mercenary in the Roman service, the leader of the German tribe of Skirov Odacre shifts from the throne of the Minor Emperor Romulus Augustus and refers to the imperial insignificance to Constantinople, which is formally confirmed by the cessation of the existence of the Western Empire.

This is customary to complete the history of the ancient world, the last millennium of which in the Mediterranean region was marked by the development of ancient civilization, which became the basis of modern Western European and Eastern Orthodox civilizations. During this period, science appears, the main categories and concepts of political culture used so far; The main forms of power and the political structure of most countries of the world originate in the ancient era.

Late Empire (Dominat) (IV-V V.N.).

Royal period

In the VIII VI centuries. BC. Separate villages located on the place of the future Rome are gradually growing and combined into a major union, in which the mass of ordinary communities of the plebs, opposed the generic (gential) to know the patricians. The leaders of this union, called the kings, ruled with the help of the Council of Elders (Senate) and the People's Assembly.

Starting with the VI century. BC, the state gradually forms in Rome. King Serviy Tully (578,534 BC) divided all Romans into several property discharges and precisely on them, and not by the generic units (Kuria), as it was before, began to set the army and convene the national assembly.

Dissatisfied with these patricians overthrew at the end of the VI century. BC. royal power. The duties of the king and his servants are now performed annually elected from the number of patricians, high officials magistrates.

The main content of the royal period is the transition of Roman society to civilization and statehood.

Early Republic

After the expulsion of the kings, Plebei, who suffered from small-earth and abuse of patriotic magistrates, begin a stubborn struggle for land and equality. Since the Roman army mainly consisted of plebeans, and Rome constantly led hard wars, the patricians had to make concessions, and at the beginning of the III century. BC. Plebei achieved the fulfillment of their main requirements: the endowment of their land, disheveled in neighboring peoples, the abolition of debt slavery and free access to the highest highways.

Gradually, from the descendants of the richest and influential plebeans and patricians, who occupied higher graduates, a new Roman is formed to know the nobilyat. As a result of the victory of the plebeian, they become full citizens, and the Rome of the mature civil community (polis).

The strengthening of the unity and cohesion of citizens strengthened Rome's military power. He subordinates the cities of the state and the tribes of Italy, and then begins to lead overseas conquest. The cohesion of the Roman civil team and the strength of connected to Rome with subordinate cities and tribes of Italy passed a harsh inspection at the end of the III century. BC. During the hardest in the history of Rome of Hannibal War, which is considered a milestone separating the early republic from late.

The main content of the early republic period is to transition of Rome to a special antique path of historical development, the formation of the society and the state of the ancient type there.

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In Roman history, two important borements related to the evolution of Roman citizenship and an ancient civil team can be distinguished.

The first turning era is associated with events I c. BC, the content of which was determined by the struggle of ITALICS for Roman civil rights. The allied war did not solve this problem, but only made it from external in relation to the team of Roman citizens by his internal problem. All the main events of the era of the republican crisis - from the dictatorship of Sulla and the uprising of Spartacus to the "conspiracy" of Caesar's campus and dictatorship - were determined by this problem. The emergence of the principle was only a political form, which was able to ensure the most complete resolution of this social problem.

The result of endowment of ITALICS rights of Roman citizenship was the sealing of an ancient social field in Italy. Caesar's municipal law was intended to unify civilian structure of Italian city communities. As a result, this process got a resonance in the Western provinces. It caused, it would seem, the unmotivated conquest of Caesar in Gaul. A little later, the municipalization process began to develop in South Gaul and especially in Spain. The Western Center of Civilization strengthened its social potential in the face of the History of the Eastern History of Rome in the sociocultural relationship. Ed. Ivanova A.G. M. 2007. P. 246 ..

At the same time, the Eastern Center demanded that his potential attention adequate to his potential. The figure of the princex turned out to be convenient at the head of the republic because as the leader (leader) of Roman citizens, he answered the interests of the Italian Center, and as the ruler (emperor) of the subjects, he was obliged to take care of the interests of the Eastern Center of Civilization. The duality of the public structure gave rise to the dual character of its gun. The eastern question, as is known, occupied the most famous persons began the imperial era: Pompey, Caesar, Mark Anthony, Germany, possibly, Kaligulu, Nero. Although in historiography, each of them left his trail, all of them unites the sad personal destiny, which does not seem at all. Italian know carefully followed the Eastern Policy. Only Vespasian managed to find the necessary form of Eastern problems, while maintaining loyalty to the Roman community. But by this time, the ratio of forces between civilizational centers was shifted towards more or less sustainable balance of the culture of ancient Rome. In 2 t. M.: Science, 2005. P. 183 ..

The nomanization of the Western provinces during the century was targeted during the century gave its results. The Roman municipal system turned out to be no less common than the Greek polis. Romans, who communicated to civilization, the West obviously followed in the fairway of their social and cultural policy. In II century Roman know no longer afraid to go to the east of his emperors. The secret Ellinofobia was replaced by a calmer and suspended attitude. By this time, the East itself came to the political dependence on Rome, the generations are aware of the secondaryness of its public life compared to Roman. A cultural championship remained in highlighted for intellectuals. The approved division of the population of the empire in Roman citizens and the rejoints gave rise to two trends. Conformists sought to get Roman citizenship and thus feel like people of the first grade. For this, not only merits in front of the Roman state were required, but also an introduction to the standards of Roman life. Those who were unavailable or prematched, rose to the path of passive confrontation. Christianity became uniting such naturally developed the ideology of non-conformism to the Roman domination and the spread of Itali traditions in the East. As a kind of state in the state, it united around his ideas of anyone who turned out to be on the side of the official social life. This trend has evolved regardless of the presence or absence of Roman civil rights among the outsiders, which, on the one hand, the oppositionality of Christianity has grown, and on the other, has increased its vitality. Ideologically, this teaching was always ready to change the social polarity that caused him to life for a more tolerant for the power of the pre-war Izmailov G.V. The history of the ancient worlds. Minsk. "Era". 2006. P. 174 ..

Two forces slowly, but correctly spread their influence towards each other - Roman citizenship, which united the beginning of which was the state, and the Christian ideology, as a unifying began the church represented by the Church. The presence of the Adepts of the Christian religion among Roman citizens and thirsting to become Roman citizens among the overhears, including Christians, sometimes darkens the essence of the processes that happened. But theoretically, their initial principal confrontation is obvious. Both forces objectively sought to one goal - to combine the entire population of the Empire in their ranks. Each of them was formed in the opposition other environment: Roman citizenship in politically dominated Italy, Christianity - in the areas of subordinate areas of the once Hellenistic world. Two centers of ancient civilization fought with each other for leadership using different guns. Therefore, this struggle seems to be invisible to modern researchers.

The second turning era in the development of Roman civilization falls on the III century, the beginning of which was marked by a new expansion of the range of Roman citizens. With the transformation of provincials in Roman citizens, the buffer layer almost disappeared, separating the civil team from the barbaric periphery. The social life of citizens entered immediate contact with the barbaric. The social field, generated by ancient citizenship, previously crushing his potential on the provincials, now it became more powerful to affect the barbarians. Therefore, the tribal system of the barbarians became particularly noticeable in Roman politics and in sources from the second half of the II - the beginning of the III century. His pressure was felt on the empire itself, stimulating the processes of consolidation of subjects with citizens in it. This shift of emphs in relations with the barbaric periphery, usually expressed by the formula of the "Transition of the Empire to Defense", was already manifested in the Board of the Avrellium.

During III century. The leveling of the social field in the Empire, which is expressed in the spread of Roman forms of public life and Roman law to the provincial citizenships. This process actively unfolded in the territories, where the carrier of civilization was Rome, that is, mainly in Western provinces. The social forms of the Hellenistic East spent the previous centuries did not allow the Roman influence to penetrate deeply into the crowd of public life of this part of the empire. Therefore, the opposition of both centers of the empire continued to be saved. In the III century. Their fields of socio-cultural influence came to direct contact, and thus the prerequisite for decisive fights for leadership in the population (empire) was formed. During III century. The opposition of two ideological systems was actively developed: an official imperial cult and all the more persecuted Christianity. Both the main forces of the empire gradually managed to move their struggle to a single, suitable for contractions, the field. Such a field became ideology. Imperial cult, gradually from the Roman civilian cult of the genius of the emperor, who took the form of the Hellenistic cult of the monarch, was designed to rally together the citizens and the subjects of the empire based on official ideology. His perception of folk masses filled with his features close to the archaic ideas about the sacred royal authorities, in accordance with which the kings were considered as mediators between the worlds of gods and people and cosmic governors for the latter. In the III century. The imperial cult has become actively growing with the cult of the Sun, accumulating the reverence of the heavenly shine in various local forms from Spain and Italy to Egypt and Syria. The sun in imperial ideology symbolized power over space, and the emperor was considered as his representative (messenger) in the world of people. Similar installations, but in other forms, developed and Christianity with his one God and the History of Rome born by God, and Bogochlorovek Christ. Ed. Ivanova A.G. M. 2007. P. 179 ..

The outcome of the struggle of the two centers of ancient civilization for leadership was predetermined by the initially greater strength of the Ellin antique sociocultural forms. The organicity of the ancient society of the Eastern Mediterranean was determined by the fusion of both taxonomic levels of its culture (ethnic and civilizational). Long-term dominance of Italy was determined by the military-political domination of Rome, which made only Roman civil standards as socially significant. After the equation in the civil rights of the entire population of the empire in 212 and the restoration on this basis, the ancient public forms of Diocletian, the social field of the empire acquired formal homogeneity. As soon as it happened, both civilization center were in equal terms, and the Eastern Center began to quickly increase its advantage, enjoying it into a political and ideological form. Historically, as you know, this process was expressed in the politics of Emperor Konstantin and his premniki. The capital of the Empire, that is, the formal center of the population, was moved to the east to Constantinople, which is by the end of the IV century. Developed to a real alternative to Rome with all his citizenship and state apparatus. At the same time, Christianity, having ceased to be a persecution of the opposition ideology to the official society, at Feodosia I turned into a dominant religion of the Empire.

Thus, during the IV century. There was a concentration of the main instruments of manipulating the population field - the political apparatus and the ideological system - in the hands of the Eastern Center of Civilization. At the same time, the loss of Italy qualities of the center of civilization (population) began. The density of the population field in Western, which have now been removed from the real center of civilization, the provinces began to decline. The competitor of the city community (municipality) in the West was a major rural estate, the quasi-municipal nature of the organization of which contributed to the transformation into the center of attraction of the surrounding population. In the field of social norms of the Western world, lacunas are beginning to appear, filled with nonantic barbaric content. This contributed to the penetration of the tribal groups in the zone of its attraction. The distinction between these barbarians and the Romans of Celto-Iberian or other origin in the IV-V centuries. It was not so essential as the difference between the Germans and the Romans in the Caesar and Tacita era. The self-consciousness of the provincials was trying to approve this estacious face with increased attention to his "Romans" status, but this attempt was not fueled by a real basis. At the same time, the density of the population field in the Eastern Mediterranean rose, and the difference between goths and peers and the Romaine had a real basis. Paradoxically, by the end of the lateantic era, both center of ancient civilization changed their tools: political institutions were in the East, and the West "was content with" Christianity.

The Roman World Power managed to a certain extent to unify socio-economic structures of numerous (peoples in the process of nomanization of provinces, combine authoritarian methods of ancient anti-monarchy and methods of polis-community republics. But Roman imperial society was at the same time heterogeneous.

At the end of II century There were symptoms of the crisis, and III century. Universal crisis broke out). An attempt to withdraw an empire from the crisis took the northern dynasty, which strengthened the army; Reforming the state apparatus, turning it into a well-established bureaucratic machine; enhancing the role of the princex right up to the absolutization of the monarchy; The ruling mass of the subjects (all the free population living within the borders has become civil).

However, after the restraint of the northern dynasty, the Roman society has entered the strip of an even more cruel crisis of state power. The army released from under control dictated its conditions with numerous "soldier" emperors. The consequence of the weakening of the central authorities was the strengthening of local separatism and the growth of popular movements in different parts of the Roman Empire. The participation of the army in political straits reduced its military power, facilitated barbarians breakthrough of the borders of the Empire. The political crisis showed deeper economic and social contradictions. To the III century. The Roman slave-owner system has exhausted its capabilities and has accumulated defects, the inhibited economic development of society: the total number of slaves has decreased, agriculture has come to be launched, many areas are abandoned; From the intensive industries in agriculture there is a waste to extensive; Hard control of the state apparatus leads to a reduction in handicraft production, deterioration of the quality of products; Reduction of commodity treatment and disorder of money circulation and inflation Izmailov GV The history of the ancient worlds. Minsk. "Era". 2006. P. 163 .. As a result, the decline of cities and the outflow of the population in rural areas begins. Here is the strengthening of the type of latifundia, a little associated with the city producing agricultural products and handicraft products for internal use. The population turned into the protection of the latifundists, which turned into the leasers-colon. The change in economic life affected the social structure of society. Reduced the role of slave class. The main manufacturer becomes a column - tenant. Gradually reduces the class of free manufacturers, since the rural population depends on the latifundist. The flavored latifundists are now the top of society. A deep crisis of classic slavery in the middle of the III century. Put the Mediterranean Empire on the edge of the decay.

Exit from the crisis at the end of the III century. It was associated with the activities of Emperor Diocletian. With it, new forms of unifying links were found in the state corresponding to the changed socio-economic structure. In contrast to the principle, permeated by polis traditions, the new political system was named - Dominat is an absolute monarchy. The ruler is God and Mr. Over all. Diocletian, and after him, Emperor Konstantin, laid the foundations of Roman absolutism and conducted a series of reforms to strengthen the foundations of Roman statehood. A system of tetrarchy was created - i.e. the territory of the state was divided into two parts (Western and Eastern), and then each of them for another two. At the chapter of two parts of the empire, emperors stood - co-gelators - August; Their deputies and receivers - Caesari managed 1/2 from the western or eastern part of the empires. The Senior August (Diocletian) possessed absolute power and rules with the help of the Imperial Council, whose members could not even sit in the presence of the emperor. A significant increase in the bureaucratic apparatus was due to the emergence of new departments serving the emperor. The imperial economy is converted to the public sector of the economy; His wealth is becoming the basis of power in absolutia. In administrative control, there was an integration of provinces - their number increased to 100. Several provinces were combined into a diocese - 3 diocese into the prefecture; There were 4 prefectures. Each province, diotacenesis, prefecture had the Office, the apparatus of which controlled all sides of life. The system of provincial management replaced existing in II century. Economic communications of the Mediterranean. The impact of the imperial bureaucracy was so great that it resolved the activities of the monarch to some extent.

The army reforms were reduced to: the introduction of a compulsory set for military service; separation of troops into two parts - military colonists and moving corps; Reducing the role of infantry and strengthening the role of cavalry. All this was withdrawn from the crisis the army and raised its combat capability.

Instead of numerous indirect taxes on the subjects of the empire, a single taxable tax was introduced for rural residents and the polls in the cities. There was a transition to natural taxation, simultaneously taking into account the lands and labor. Attempts have been attempted monetary reforms to stabilize the economy.

Favorable consequences of reforms allowed to conduct legal registration of the position of the estate. Columns dependent from the latifundist - attached to the place of residence; Smokers (residents of the city), artisans - to cities. It was the process of universal attachment to the place of residence.

The religious life of the empire has become more complicated. Diocletian undertook a general-ampic persecution of Christians, not seeing strength and perspective in this religion. His attempt suffered a complete failure. Emperor Konstantin in 313 equalized Christians in rights with other pagan cults. From 325g. - Christian religion became the dominant.

All of these events of the end of the III - the beginning of the IV centuries. revived the empire. However, socio-economic stabilization was temporary. New social relations were born in the exhaustion of all the possibilities of the slave-owned system. By the end of the IV century. It is planned to break the empire. In 395, after the death of Emperor Feodosia, there was a final political division of a previously unified Mediterranean empire into two state entities: the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium). The process of historical development in the West and the East began to acquire different forms and went on different ways. The weakening of the central authority of the Western Roman Empire led at the beginning of the V c. To capture Rome Westges led by Ala Riche. In V c. Politically independent barbarian kingdoms were formed on the territory of the Empire: Vandals, Anglo-Saxons, Burgundians ... The constantly declining Roman Empire was doomed and in 476. After the deployment of the last emperor Romul August, the Western Roman Empire ceased to exist. 476 became the most important border - the end of the ancient world and the beginning of the medieval period of European history.

crisis Antique Civilization

Short description

The purpose of the test work: to consider the crisis of antiquity and the emergence of Christianity.

Tasks of test work:

1. Reveal the reasons for the crisis of ancient civilization.

2. Consider the origin and distribution of Christianity.

3. Changes in ideology and public organization, their influence on the fall of the Roman Empire.

1. Crisis of an antique civilization
2. The origin and distribution of Christianity
3. Changes in ideology and public organization
4. Falling the Western Roman Empire
List of used literature

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With the advent of Christianity inside the Roman Empire, there was no matter the state in the state. The Christian community (church) developed its own moral and legal norms, one of whose features was opposed to the Roman state. And the state could not feel it - the persecution of Christians began.

Christians really fell under the action of a number of prohibitive laws of the Empire. They were an association - a board, although only funeral collegiums were allowed under the law (poor people bury each other), the Christians arranged prayer meetings, they arranged meetings at night that stricter was paid. But first of all, from the point of view of the Roman state, Christians were "bad" pagans, and not only in relation to Jupiter or Venus, but also (which was simply unacceptable) in relation to Roma-August, that is, the existing emperor-God. In fact, Christians were indeed the most dangerous enemies of the empire, as they opposed slavery, bureaucracy and generally restrictions of spiritual life.

The repression against Christians passed two periods: folk and government persecutions. Initially, Christians were little, and it was easy to raise an ignorant people on them, thus written off, so all crimes and mistakes. However, the number of Christians decreased insignificantly, the repression only rallied truly believers around the bishops, Christianity continued to spread. And soon, many people turned out to be a neighbor Christian, which was not easy to remember something bad. Then popular attitude towards Christians became more sympathetic, and the state had to act independently, causing the silent disapproval of the persecution of the pagans. The most cruel persecution of Christians belong to the III century. n. e. - Mass executions in circus.

3. Changes in ideology and public organization

As a result of Diocletian reforms, the Roman state strongly strengthened and centrally. A strongly structured monarchy came to replace the republican. Militarization of power, its approach to provinces temporarily increased management efficiency, but could not solve the difficult problems of society. The most difficult was the crisis of ideology. Konstantin tried to re-hold a syncretic reform and, only victim defeat, turned to the possibilities of the Christian organization.

Meanwhile, one by one, the stages of its formation, the church should have avoided serious dangers: to adopt an uncontrollable ecstatic nature or become part of an antique pagan science (Gnosticism). By 314, when religion was recognized as "permitted" Christians themselves needed an organization, from the point of view of the state, since each part of the empire existed their own sacred books, and there were many differences in the service system. Therefore, by order of Constantine, the first universal cathedral was convened in Naja in 325, which established the general rules for the behavior of Christians and mandatory prayer - a symbol of faith. These decisions of the Council made it possible to make Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire.

As soon as it happened, the gradual process of eliminating ancient culture and civilization began. This process was associated, on the one hand, with the development of monastic movement, on the other hand, the pagan temples, statues and libraries were destroyed by the order of the emperor. But inside the Christianity itself, the struggle for the centralization of ideology and organization took place.

The struggle on the essence of Christ has unfolded. She acquired the greatest sharp in Alexandria. The center of these disputes was the local presbyter Ary, who taught that Christ is creation, and not the true God and that his divine dignity is based on moral merit. A local bishop Alexander played against such an opinion in defense of Orthodoxy. But the serias of Aria were more popular, because in them he used the melodies of famous songs of his time. The dispute on the issue of Arianism was made on a specially convened first universal cathedral. Cathedral meetings ended with an expulsion of Aria. But Aria had friends in the sacred bitter, so he soon returned and expelled Alexander.

The dispute within Christianity tried to use Roman priesthood. In 363, Emperor Julian came up with the priests. Understanding that violent actions will not lead to anything, he wrote a book against Christianity, trying to split a new faith. But in the first military campaign, he was killed and more attempts to restore an antique religion was not undertaken.

The Roman state after the official recognition of Christianity, in a short time has changed much. Of particular importance was the development of monasses in accordance with the teachings of St. Anthony and the Great Pahomy. The cities were allowed and ruined, taxes were collected less and less, the army became a hired, "barbaric" in composition. In society, the trend towards a corporate organization based on attaching a person to the nature of life and actions appeared in society. The population has now been divided into three main categories: "Purest" - know, high-ranking people; "People of honor" - the prosperous population; "Small people." These categories have been established legislatively. The transition from one category to another was prohibited. Residents were not allowed to move from place to place, change the occupation. Now every person must be assigned to a particular corporation: praying; peasants; artisans; Officials. This, the new structure of society was sharply different from the previous and characteristic of the whole for the starting period, for the history of the Middle Ages.

4. Falling the Western Roman Empire

At the end of the III century. In Central Asia, due to climate change, a strong drought began, which led the local people in motion - Gunnov. Forced to look for pastures, they moved to the West, starting the great resettlement of peoples. In IV century They went north of the Caspian Sea and, moving on to the West, forced the German peoples to move to the borders of the Roman Empire. The Roman state turned out to be forced to reflect the almost continuous Natik of the Germans. Christians sometimes refused to participate in wars and wearing weapons, and the Romans often had to hire the same Germans to reflect external blows.

In 378, under the blows of the Huns, the border of the empire crossed the tribes is ready (the German people, originally lived in the territory of modern Sweden). The Romans could not stop their onslaught. They had to agree that the goths would live on their territory as allies - federals. Romans promised them to help food. But, without having received anything, Goths rebelled. The emperor himself moved against them. The decisive battle occurred not far from the town of Adrianopol. In this battle, Roman legions were defeated, the emperor Valent died. Tens of thousands of Germans immediately crossed the border in many places. With great difficulty, the Ferodosius was able to restore order. He recognized all the advocated Germans.

Feodosius briefly restored control over the state. In 395, dying, he finally divided the empire into two parts - Western (hesper) and Eastern (Romania). This section led to the fact that each part of the Roman state has developed its fate. The noveliness survived, because on its territory there were rich agricultural regions (especially Egypt). Therefore, commercial cities, taxes and militia are preserved here. Hesperia did not have large economic centers, so the economy was largely destroyed, and hesperia existed after a separation of less than a hundred years. Both of these empires no longer had Rome's capital. Since 321, Constantinople was the capital of Romanopol, and the city of Ravenna, located in swamps, among the impassable forests.

In 410, the detachments are ready under the command of Alarich was siege to Rome. The ten-thousand army is ready to capture the city. Rome's fall shocked contemporaries. After 410, Rome could no longer be recovered, especially since civil workers continued in Gherryia.

In 451, the huge army of the Huns and their allies crossed the borders of the empire and in the vicinity of the city of Chalon, in the catalaunoic fields, met with troops, which was able to collect the dying Western Roman Empire. Gunnov led the famous Attila, whose troops were about 60 thousand people. But, although the Roman Empire was experiencing a crisis, the commander of the acetia armed the German tribes of the Federated and put the Gothic detachments against Hunnov. There was a decisive battle for the future of Europe. Natisk Gunnov was terrible. The Gothic ruler died. As a result of the counterattack, Goths pushed the Huns to the Attil Camp. Attila saved from the faithful death of aieties, who feared the victory of the allies is no less than the defeats from the Huns. He convinced ready to retreat, quarreling them among themselves. Gunns escaped defeat.

A few years later, Rome was siege to the vandals under the command of Geyseserich. The emperor promised to marry heizerich his daughter, but changed his mind, which led to war. In 455, from Africa, where the Vandalov state was located, a huge fleet was arrived in 200 ships. Rome was taken storm and destroyed to the ground. The city was looted. Works of art are destroyed. Rome turned into a pasture and launched for many years.

But the state of Heperia with the capital in Ravenna still existed. In the early 470s. The sick Romulus Augustus was erected to the throne. In 476, the head of the Pretorian Guard, Odacre selected the signs of the imperial power (insignia) and, since he himself did not want to become an emperor, ordered them to send them to Constantinople. Events 476. It is customary to be considered the end of the Roman Empire.

The Roman state was the highest achievement of the first stage of the history of mankind. It was based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "World City", relied on the laws preserved to date, but the pagan religion and antique culture gradually exhausted the possibility of their development. A Christian Church, which carried a different culture and statehood, was shown to replace the Roman powers. Changing Public Development Paradigms, as always, turned out to be very painful. The exchange of the Empire came the "barbaric" kingdoms, unable to preserve the achievements of antiquity and are too weakly organized in order to spread the Christian faith among the population.


Christianity arose in I. AD In the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire. In that era, the crisis of the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Roman world was observed, the decline of public morality, the alternative to which could be religious and moral searches that manifested in the emergence of various religious groups and ethical teachings. There were ideological prerequisites of Christianity and his evolution.

Ranovich believed that the emergence of Christianity is associated with a deep crisis of slave-ownership . For the characteristics of this crisis, he led in his book passages from sources relating not only to the first centuries of our era, but also to the II-I centuries. BC, when civil wars took place in Rome, which ended with the fall of the republic and the establishment of the empire.

Currently, scientists consider the civil wars mentioned as a manifestation of the crisis of an ancient civil community, and not the whole slave-ownership society. Roman conquest III-II centuries. BC, who turned the extensive areas of the Mediterranean to the dysfunctional province of Rome, led to the complex socio-economic and political consequences that were caused by the non-compliance with the organizational forms of the civil community by the needs of the "global" powers. Of course, in the crisis of the Roman Republic II-I centuries. BC. The aggravation of class and social struggle played a big role, including powerful rising rebellions. However, the economy of the Roman state was multi-way, and the form of class struggle is very diverse.

In five centuries, followed by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the overwhelming majority of the population of the Roman Empire, including emperors, becomes Christian. In 312, Emperor Konstantin Great took this faith, his example was followed by three of his sons, which also became emperors. Attempting the nephew of Constantine, Emperor Julian (called "apostate"), to revive paganism (in 361-363) failed. By the end of the 5th century. Christianity became the state religion of Armenia, the Christian communities appeared in the Persian Empire, in India and the German peoples on the northern frontiers of the Roman Empire.

Among the causes that prompted the majority of the population of the Roman Empire to adopt Christianity, it is possible to name the following: 1) the gradual decomposition and decline of the Greco-Roman culture; 2) adoption of the Christian faith by Konstantin and his successors; 3) the fact that in Christianity people of all classes and nationalities were taken into a single, common fraternity and that this religion could be adapted to local folk customs; 4) the uncompromising commitment to the Church with its beliefs and the high moral qualities of its members; 5) Heroism of Christian Martyrs.

The emergence and distribution of Christianity was not connected directly with some economic phenomena in the Roman Empire. It was due to changes in ideology and social psychology: the search for a single universal deity, which would be a carrier of higher justice, a defender of offended, the fall of the authority of the ancient local gods, the patrons of the city or a tribe, the destruction of traditional relations between people - community, civilian, family-run.