The myths of the ancient Greece Poem Homer Iliad Odyssey. Ancient Greece History, Iliad and Odyssey, culture, myths, authorities - the main brief

. Nine years have already held the Greeks under the Troy among the battles and raids. The fateful tenth year comes, the year of the decisions of the departed city (see the Trojan War), as Suddenly, Agamemnon's quarrel with Achille, for the possession of an excellent prisoner, Brysida gives a new turn to the course of affairs. Insubpeded in the feeling of honor and love, an angry Achill remains with its ships at the sea coast and does not go over to the battle with the Trojans. With tears, he complains of his mother, the goddess fetide, on the underwent insult, and the pray for the heavenly king of Zeus will send the victory to the Trojans until the aheitsa will be honored to honor her son. Zeus as a sign of consent nods his head, - nods so that his fragrant curls and Olimp's darling are trembling and shaking.

Trojan War. Iliad. Video Tutorial

The Trojans, who were led by the glistening Hector, soon take the top over the enemies of the Greeks; They not only oppose those in the open field near the walls of their city, they push them even in a ship mill, fortified moat and shaft. Threatened by death, it is Hector from the RVA itself and eager to overcome the last stronghold of the enemy.

In vain now the leader of the Greeks Agamemenon Stretches the hand of reconciliation angry Achillu; He is ready to give him Brispean, with seven other girls and various jewels in addition. Achille remains unshakable: "Suggest he, at least all the treasures, folded in the rich orkhomen or in the philas of Egyptian, and then not to change the intention, while he does not like my shame," he answers the Messengers of Agamemnon.

Everything is closer than enemies. No matter how hard workers are protected by the strengthening, Hector finally crushes the gate to a huge stone block. How the coarse ashs are lying by the Ahaeis under the blows of the Trojans. Already standing on fire the ship Hero Dzhailaya and threatens to light the rest of the Ellin Fleet. The confusion and noise fill the entire Ellinsky Stan.

Then the best friend hurries to Achillu Patrokl. "You," says Patrole, "didn't give birth to the light and fetis, you made a dark sacrine and cliffs surfaced: you have an insensually, like a stone." With tears, he asks for the Achilla permission to take his armor and go with her to fight at the head of his tribe, Mimmidonyan, so that the Trojans, having accepted him for the Pelid himself, they dare to drink more on the ships. Ahill agrees, but so that Patrolers only driven the enemy for the fortress, and then returned immediately.

In the heat of battle, Patrole pursues running Trojans to the most urban walls and arranges terrible devastation. But the disarmed and reacted by the patron saint of Troy, God Apollo, pierced by the Hector's spear, he falls into dust. It is hard to save his corpse and bring to the Greek Still; Weapons and armor of Patrole become the prey of the winner.

The infinite sorrow of Achilla about the fallen comradist, meek, mild the heart of the hero. Achille wants to steal next to the friend in the gravestone Kurgan. With fear hears fetis in the depths of the marine sorrowful cry of an expensive son and hurries with his sisters to the Trojan coast. "Didn't the Zeus committed you for you, about what you prayed for him?" "She says to the crying son." And he responds that both his life is not sweet until the Hector falls in front of him in the dust pierced by his heavy spear.

Achille burns thinking. While Fetis hurries to Hephasta, to get a new weapon from him for his son, the battle again approaches ships. But Ahill shouts three times through the ditch to his diverse voice, and the frightened Trojans immediately appealed to flight. Contrary to the advice of the polydam, the Trojans, by the call of the hector, spend the night at guard lights in the open field.

At dawn, Achill, in new armaments and with a low-shield of work, rushes onto their mill, waving a heavy spear from a strong ash. The destroyer is terribly raffled among the Trojan regiments: it fills the corpses by the River Scheman, so that the waves are saturated with blood and bug. At the sight of such trouble, Trojan king Priam Melting the guard to turn around the gate by the running, but not to produce stems from the hands, so that Achilles did not break into the city. One Hector remains beyond the gate, without leaving the requests of the praying parents who look at him from above the tower. However, when Achilles appears with a terrible ash spear on the mighty shoulder, the heart shudders at the hetero, and he falls in fear three times the Troy wall.

Zeus becomes sorry pursed by Achille Vityaz: Hector has always honored him with sacrifices and plenty. Zeus plays the lot of both on the golden scales of fate, but the head of the heaker goes down. Outstanding that Ahill, pierces a spear through, binds his legs to the chariot, so the wonderful head of the heaker is kept in dust, and drives horses to ships among complaints of screams from the walls of Troy.

Achilles wants the Hector's body to be squeezed unacceptable, and the Patrole suits the magnificent funeral, burning together with his body on the fire for twelve prisoners of the Trojans for the fallen hero.

Achilla keeps the body of the murdered heaker

Once again, takes out Achilles your anger on the idle geek; He pursues his corpse three times around the grave of the comrade. But the gods pour pity in his heart. At night, the father of Hecorth, Priam, is in a tent to Achillu with rich gifts, and hugging his knees, reminds that he also has an old man's father.

Tosca and grief mastered the soul of the Greek hero. Tears and deep sadness about the lots of all the earthly facilitate the burden of grief about the Patrole, which Dotola pressed his chest. Achilles gives the elderly to a legend of the earth the body of the Son, which gods have retained from strain.

Ten days mourge the Trojans of their hero in monster songs, and then burn his body, they collect ash in the urn and lower it into the grave molar.

Myths of most nations are myths primarily about the gods. Myths of ancient Greece - an exception: in a greater and better part, they are not talking about the gods, but about heroes. Heroes are sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the gods from mortal women; They made feats, cleared the land from monsters, punished the villains and kesti their strength in civil wars. When the Earth became hard of them, the gods did so that they themselves interpret each other in the greatest war - Trojan: "... and the walls of Ilion / the tribe of the heroes died - Zeusov Will had accomplished."

"Ilion", "Troy" - two names of the same mighty city in Malaya Asia, near the coast Dardanwell. On the first of these names, the great Greek poem about the Trojan war is called "Iliad". Until her, there were only short oral songs about the exploits of heroes like epic or ballad. A large poem made up the legendary blind singer Homer, and folded very skillfully: he chose only one episode from a long war and unfolded it so that all the heroic age was reflected in it. This episode is "Achilla's anger", the greatest of the last generation of Greek heroes.

Trojan war lasted ten years. Dozens of Greek kings and leaders on hundreds of ships with thousands of warriors gathered on Troy: The list of their names occupies several pages in the poem. The main leader was the strongest of the kings - the ruler of the city of Argos Agamemenon; With him were the brother of His Meneli (for which the war began), the mighty Ajax, an ardent Diomed, a cunning oddyssey, an old wise Nestor and others; But the most brave, strong and dexterous was the young Achill, the son of the marine goddess of Fetyda, who accompanied his pockets. The Trojans of the Rules of the Gray King Priam, at the head of their troops stood the valiant son of Pria Hector, with him his Paris's brother (because of which the war began) and many allies from all over Asia. The gods themselves participated in the war: the Trojans helped Srebroluca Apollo, and the Greeks - the Heavenly Queen of Gera and the wise warrior of Athena. The Supreme God, Thunder Zeus, followed the battles from High Olympus and peak off her will.

War began. The wedding of the hero of Pelia and the sea goddess Fetyda - the last marriage between the gods and mortals. (This is the most marriage from which Achilles was born.) On the feast of the goddess of discord threw a gold apple, intended for the "most beautiful." Due to the apple, three: Gera, Athena and the goddess of Love Aphrodite. Zeus ordered to judge their dispute to the Trojan Trojan Tsarevich Paris. Each of the goddesses promised him his gifts: Gera promised to make him the king over the whole world, Athena - hero and sage, Aphrodite - the husband of the beautiful of women. Paris gave an apple Aphrodite. After that, hera with Athena and became the eternal enemies of Troy. Aphrodite helped Paris to seduce and take away the most beautiful of women - Elena, the daughter of Zeus, the wife of Tsar Melanaya. Once the best warriors from all over Greece were woven towards her, so as not to remember, they agreed like this: let him choose who he wants, and if anyone tried to beat her in his chosen, everyone else would go on him war. (Everyone hoped that the chosen was he.) Then Elena chose Menel; Now he was offended by Menel Paris, and all the former grooms went to him war. Only one, the youngest, did not swallow to Elena, did not participate in the general perspective and went to the war only to shine to the valve, to show power and turn the glory. It was Ahill. So so that neither none of the gods interfered in the battle. The Trojans continue their Natisk, headed by Hector and Sardon, the son of Zeus, the last sons of Zeus on Earth. Ahill from his tent is coldly watching how the Greeks run, as the Trojans approach their very camp: That's about now they set fire to the Greek ships. Gera from the embroidered also sees the flight of the Greeks and in despair is solved on deception to distract the severe attention of Zeus. It appears in front of him in the magic belt of Aphrodites, exciting love, Zeus flashes passion and connects with her on top of the Ida; The gold cloud envelops them, and the land around flourishes with saffron and hyacinths. A dream comes for love, and while Zeus sleeps, the Greeks are going with the Spirit and suspend the Trojans. But sleep is a non-national; Zeus awakens, Hera trembles in front of his anger, and he tells her: "I'll try to endure: everything will be in yours and the Greeks will win the Trojans, but not earlier than Achilles will be aspiring anger and go into battle: so I promised the goddess fetide."

But Achilles are not yet ready to "fold anger", and his ptrolls come to the aid of the Greeks instead: he hurts him to look at his comrades in trouble. Achilles gives him his warriors, his armor who was accustomed to being afraid of the Trojans, their chariot, harnessed horses, able to speak and perfect. "Reflect the Trojans from the camp, save the ships," says Achilles, "but do not be pursued, do not expose yourself danger! Oh, let everything and the Greeks and Trojans died, - we would be alone with you in the two! " And really, seeing the armor of Achilla, the Trojans were drown and turned reversed; And then the Patrole could not resist and rushed to pursue them. To meet him, Sarpedon, son of Zeus, and Zeus, looking from height, fluctuate: "Does the Son not save?" - And unreleased gera reminds:

"No, let the fate come!" Sarpedon collapses like a mountain pine, the battle boils around his body, and the cartridges rushes further, to the target of Troy. "Away! "Apollo shouts him," I'm not destined to take you or even Achillu. " He does not hear; And then Apollo, wrapped around, hit him on his shoulders, the cartridge deprived of his strength, drops the shield, helmet and spear, Hector inflicts him the last blow, and Patrole, dying, says: "But you yourself are falling from Achilla!"

Before Achilla, the news comes: Patrole died, in his, Achille, armor bangs Hector, friends struggled from the battle the dead body of the hero, the triumphant Trojans pursue them on the heels. Achille wants to rush into battle, but he is unarmed; He comes out of the tent and shouts, and this cry is so terrible that the Trojans, shuddering, retreat. Night falls, and all night Ahill mourns a friend and threatens the Trojans of terrible letters; Meanwhile, at the request of his mother, the fetis, the chrome god-blacksmith Hephaesty in his copper blacksmith pumps a new wonderful weapon for Achilla. It is a shell, helmet, leaked and shield, and on the shield is shown the whole world: sun and stars, land and sea, peaceful city and warming city, in a peaceful city court and wedding, before the warring city of ambush and battle, and around - the countryside, plowing, harvest, pasture, vineyard, rustic holiday and dancing dance, and in the midst His is a singer with a lilap.

Morning comes, Achilles goes into divine armor and convenes the Greek army to a gathering. His anger is not ugas, but now he is not addressed on Agamemnon, but on those who destroyed him a friend - on the Trojans and Hector. Agamemenon, he suggests reconciliation, and he takes it with dignity: "Zeus and fate blinded me, and I myself am innocent." Brispeid returned to Achilla, the rich gifts are made to his tent, but Ahill does not look at them: he rushes into battle, he wants to take revenge.

The fourth battle comes. Zeus removes prohibitions: Let the gods themselves be fighting for whom they want! Athena ladies converges in battle with fierce Ares, Hermmeida, the sea poseidon, should fall apart with Apollo, but he stops him with sad words: "Will we fight with you because of the death of people? / The leaves are short-lived in the oak, the sons of human sons: / now they bloom in force, and tomorrow lie hopeless. / Stick with you I do not want: let them eat yourself! .. "

Achilles are terrible. He grabbed Eneem, but the gods snatched Eney from his hands: Enai is not destiny to fall from Achille, he must survive and Achilla, and Troy. Frightened failure, Ahill ruins the Trojans without an invoice, the corpses climb them the river, the river God scanner attacks him, dying shawls, but the fireman Hephaestus parses the river.

The surviving Trojans crowds flew to fall into the city; Hector one, in yesterday's achillovy armor, covers the retreat. Achilles flies on him, and Hector turns to flight, free and unwitting: he is afraid for himself, but he wants to distract Achilla from others. They robbed the city three times, and the gods look at them from heights. Again Zeus fluctuates: "Will he be saved?" - But Athena reminds him:

"Let the fate be happened." Again, Zeus raises the scales on which two lots lie - this time Hectors and Achilles. The bowl of Achilla took off the swell, the head of hector leaned toward the underground kingdom. And Zeus gives sign: Apollon - leave Heckers, Athena - come to the rescue Achille. Athena holds Hector, and he converges with Achille face to face. "I promise, Achilles," says Hector, "if I kill you, I'll take your armor with you, and the bodies are not a throne; Promise me the same and you. " "There is no place to promise: for the Patrole, I myself will be confronted with you and drink your blood!" - Screaming Achilles. Hector's spear strikes the shield in Hephestov, but in vain; Achille's spear strikes the hector throat, and the hero falls with the words: "Fear of revenge of the gods: And you fall after me." "I know, but before - you!" - Achilles answers. He binds the body of the dead enemy to his chariot and drives her horses around Troy, jumped over the dead, and on the urban wall crying about Hector's old attachment, cries the widow of Androma and all the Trojans and Trojans.

Patrolets resented. Achilles suits a friend a magnificent burial, kills over his body twelve Trojan prisoners, copes the commemoration. It would seem that the anger should calm down, but he does not subside. Three times a day, Achilles drive his chariot with the tied hector's body around the Kurgan's Patrolov; The corpse would have broken the stones, but invisibly defeated Apollo. Finally, Zeus interfers - through the marine fetide, he announces Achillu: "Do not fervent heart! After all, and you have no longer left to live. Be humane: Accept the redemption and give the heaker for the burial. " And Achill says: "Objects."

At night, a decrepit king of adam comes to the tent of Achilla; With him - a wagon, full of redemption gifts. The gods themselves gave him to go through the Greek camp unnoticed. He falls to the lap of Achille: "Remember, Achilles, about your father, about the pee! He is also old; maybe it is tested by enemies; But it is easier for him, because he knows that you are alive, and hopes that you will come back. I am alone: \u200b\u200bfrom all my sons I was hopeful to me only Hector - and now it is no longer. For the sake of my father, I wake me up, Achilles: Here I intent your hand, from which my children fell. " "By speaking, he sorrows about the father opened in him and tears - / both were crying loudly, in the shower about their remember: / Old man, shifting at the feet of Achilla, - about Hector Herbrom, and Achilles, then about a nice father, then about Four Patrole ".

Equal grief brings together enemies: only now subsides a long anger in the Achille Heart. He takes the gifts, gives the hector's body to Priaim and promises not to disturb the Trojans until they betrayed their hero. Early at the dawn, an appointment with the body of the son in Troy returns, and mourning begins: the old mother is crying over Hector, the widow of Andromaha, Elena cries, because of which the war began. The burial fire is lit, the remains are collected in the urn, the urn is lowered into the grave, kurgan poured over the grave, a memorial feast is coping with a hero. "So the warriors of Hector Troy Sons of Breaking" - "Iliad" ends with this line.

Until the end of the Trojan war, there were still many events. Trojans, lost hector, no longer dared to go beyond the city walls. But others came to the rescue and beat with Hector, increasingly distant peoples: from Asia Minor, from the fabulous land of Amazons, from far Ethiopia. The most terrible was the leader of Ethiopians, the black gigner of Memnon, the son of the Goddess; He fought with Achille, and Achilles is not led. It was then that Ahill rushed to the attack of the Troy - then he died from the arrows of Paris, which Apollo sent. The Greeks, who lost the Achilla, was no longer hoped to take the same force - they took her cunning, forcing the Trojans to enter into the city of a wooden horse, in which the Greek Vityazi was sitting. This will later tell the Roman poet Vergil in his "aneida". Troy was a stir from the face of the earth, and the surviving Greek heroes went back in the opposite way.


When we talk about ancient Greece, we first remember Homer and his great poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey". The first is said about the military campaign of the Ahetseians (one of the main ancient Greek tribes) on Troy (the city on the Peninsula, Malaya Asia), in the second on returning home one of the participants in Odyssey, Tsar Itaka. These poems were familiar with all the inhabitants of Eldlas. Already in the VI century, the Nativity of Christ in Athens was adopted by regular execution of Homer's poems.

In the Middle Ages there were few people who knew an ancient Greek language and could read these poems. In the era of the Renaissance in Europe, there was a particularly popular antique mythology, but the gomer's poems began to be treated as fairy tales. Gradually, their beauty and expressiveness attracted the hearts of people. Friend A. S. Pushkin N. Galotov translated into Russian oriada. He wrote: "The creation of Homer is the excellent encyclopedia of antiquity." Many poets used Homer's images to create their poems.

What an ancient poet wrote Iliad and Odysse?

The question as to which an ancient poet wrote Iliad and Odyssey is historical, because these works are not only the first monuments of the ancient Greek literature, but also the first in the literature of Europe.

What an ancient poet wrote Iliad and Odysse? Who could under power to create such ambitious works? They contain a sufficiently large number of different legends applying for historical. Moreover, these works are quite large, which makes doubt on the authorship of the same person.

Nevertheless, a generally accepted answer to the question: what an ancient poet wrote Iliad and Odysse? - The statement that the author is Homer, who was blind from birth.

Assuming that these two works are written in one author, then he wrote based on the centuries-old folk creativity. Modern science saw in these works a reflection of different periods historical Development Greek culture.

Iliad and Odyssey first recorded in the second half of the 6th century to our era. However, the material for the poems was created even earlier, at least three centuries before the first record, because in Homer's poems, even earlier periods of Greek culture are reflected. That is why there are often disputes on historians and linguists on the topic, which an ancient poet wrote Iliad and Odyssey. But an ancient Greek story, except for Homer, does not allocate as outstanding and ingenious masters of the literary word. Therefore, it is believed that Homer was recorded after all. Not being a witness described historical events, he described them based on existing legends and myths.

The scene of the Homer's poem oriad laid various events of the Trojan War. The Greeks for a sufficiently long time waged war in Malaya Asia. But it was the period of the war with Troy began to take a special place in the hearts of the ancient Greeks. Three began to devote many different literary works.

For a fairly long time, the events described in Homer's poems were considered simply fiction, colorful myths and legends that ented magic poems that do not have a completely no real basis.

"Iliad" and "Odyssey"

Early in the morning, when the goddess of Dawn Eos took off on the sky and the east caught fire, Zeus-Rubezzts, collecting the gods on the bright Olympus, said to them: - Listen to me, immortal gods! Let none of you dare today to go from a high Olympus to help or the Greeks or Trojans. The breath, I will minudge to the deepest abyss of Tartara, to know how much I am stronger than the gods of the immortal. If you want to give my strength, then take the chain of the Golden, lower it to the earth and try to draw me from Olympus. I'll take this chain and sum up all the land with the seas. I am hit by fear of grozny's speech Zeus. Zeuszu goddess Athena answered Zeus: - O Great Thunder, we know all that you are impossible to your power, but we all grieve about the Greeks. Are they doomed to death? "My daughter," -Adged Zeus, "I don't intend to destroy all the Greeks." Having said it, picking Zeus to the chariot of Zlatogry's horses, picked up a golden beach and, dressed in malicious clothes, stood on the chariot. He quickly drove the horses, and they rushed between the ground and the sky for a high go. There villages Zeus on the top of the top and began to look at how the Greeks and Citizens of Troy are preparing for the battle. Speed \u200b\u200btroops in the field and quickly agreed. Again began a terrible battle. It has come noon. Zeus took gold scales and weighed the lots of Trojans and Greeks on them. The lot of Troyans rose to the sky, Sulley to them, the lot of the Greeks dropped to the earth itself, the death of threatening many of them. The Thunder of the Great Zeus rushed from Ida, and he threw a sparkling zipper into the army of the Greeks. Horror smoked warriors. Only Nestor remains in the field. One of his horses was wounded by an arrow of Paris and squeezed on the piles. In vain, Nestor trunks the harness of the horse, he did not succeed. It was already approaching him Hector on his chariot. An old man would die, but arrived at him to help Domed. He called and Odyssey to help, but did not hear the Odysseus of his call. He took Nestor to his chariot.


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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

MBOU SOSH D.Mokshino


In the discipline "Literature"

on the topic:

"Myth and reality in the poem of Homer Iliad"

Performed: Grade 6 student,

Novozhilov Denis.


Knitnitsyn N.A.

d. Mokshino, 2012

Trojan War

The French say: "Look for a woman." This phrase has not only purely household meaning. It carries a deep philosophical component, once again emphasizing that the root cause of historical collisions and many tragedies should be sought in weakness and viciousness of human nature, her tendency to selfish, caustic and enjoyment. The woman, in itself, is only a consequence of the manifestation of such unsightly qualities that many representatives of the human race are endowed with the birth.

A striking example of unbridled passions, unattricated desires, deeply insulted vague, who does not know the boundaries of the largerness and is the Trojan war, felt in "Iliad and Odysse" a great homomer (approximately lived in the VIII century BC. E.).

The existence of this historic figure is under great doubt, but the excavations of the ancient Troy show: in the first half of the XIII century BC. e. The city was subjected to a long siege and was completely destroyed.

The reason for such a sad end can be written off on "peoples of the sea" They destroyed ancient civilization Eastern Mediterranean (only one resistAncient Egypt ) Just in the XIII century BC e. And they marked the beginning of the ancient world, which we call ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

At the same time, states and peoples that have existed long to Ellinov are mentioned in the poems. From here, we can conclude that the Trojan war has become a sad consequence of civil strife, and the truth of their reason was just a woman.

Causes of the Trojan War

Apple of discord

If you take the narrative of the gomer for the original, it all started on the wedding feast. The fiance was Argonaut Peel, the bride was the sea nymph of the Fedita. All so-honors were invited to the celebration. They went around only Erid - the goddess of contention, the daughter of Nite itself (the goddess of the night).

The insulted female pride invented a sophisticated revenge. In the midst of the feast among guests there was a cereal friendly boyfriend. In his hands, he kept a golden tray with a rosy ruddy apple lying on it. The young man paid attention to those present when it came to three proud beauties standing aside from celebrating and leading a leisurely conversation.

With a bow, the boy set up a tray and offered to take an apple with the most beautiful of women. Three goddesses stared at the appetizing fruit. One of them is Gera - the patroness of marriage, having consisted that ripe fruit rightfully belongs to her, stretched out his hand. Athena also thought - a warrior, patronage of knowledge and art. Her graceful palm also hung over the apple. The third of women has not fallen behind them. She was Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love. With confident hand movement, she tried to pick up the fruit.

Three palms encountered ripe fruit. All those present frozen, understanding the awkwardness of the situation. Silence has come. The goddesses removed their hands, but none of them expressed the desire to give up an apple to two others. Women decided to turn to Zeus - to the God of Thunder and Zipper, so that he already ruled, to whom the apple belongs to right.

The mighty thumb ended in a difficult position. In order to leave the situation with honor, he shifted such a scrupulous question to Hermes - the God of Trade and Profit. The latter was distinguished by a large dexterity and ingenuity in solving all sorts of scrupulous affairs.

He did not take responsibility, and offered to appeal to an independent and unbiased judge who could objectively and impartially resolve such a scandalous matter. That God called Paris - the son of King Ilion (another name of Troy) Priama. Paris Pashe Sheep in the vicinity of Ilion (Troy) and at the moment when the goddesses accompanied by Hermes were on the stony lands of Malaya Asia, rested under the tree.

Court of Paris.

He listened to the god of trading and, even remotely not imagining what history could be in, readily agreed to help. But when it came to the case - confused. All three women were distinguished by unusual beauty. To give one of them "Palm Championship" was simply not possible. Paris clearly hesitated in the choice. Thin female natures felt the indecision of the latter and became under the favorable pretext to disclose the son of the king aside.

A business tone, each of them began to offer all imaginable and unthinkable benefits to the heir to the throne. Proud Gera promised power over all the coast of Malaya Asia until the end of his days. The arrogant Athena stated that he would make a better commander from a man and a commander - on the battlefields he gloves his name for the century. Charming Aphrodite assured Paris, which will give him the love of the woman that he will choose.

After such tempting proposals, the heir to the throne chose Aphrodite and handed the ill-fated apple in her hands. This, in fact, was the prelude that the Trojan war soon broke out. She continued for a long ten years and was squeezed in "Iliad and Odyssey", captured on artistic canvases and served as a subject of long disputes among historians: whether she really had a place in those distant times or not.

Finds of Schliman

Schliman was born in a small German town. Another little boy became interested in legends about the exploits of Homer's heroes, then he did not believe that no one knows where there was such a powerful city as three. Heinrich gave himself a word that when he grows up, he would definitely find Troy. This word Heinrich restrained.

Schliman studied many languages, including ancient Greek, in order to read "Iliad" in the original. Having been engaged in commerce, he managed to braid a decent state, but Schmeman suddenly threw everything and in 1863 he went into the world journey. After several years of travel, guided primarily by the instructions of "Iliad", in 1870, Schliman began excavation on the Gissarlyc Hill in Malaya Asia. The works of Schlaman were crowned with success. In the upper layers of the hill, he managed to detect the ruins of the city and various utensils, but the most remarkable was that under the upper ruins, Schliman found other ruins - only nine cultural layers. Schliman found that the second and third layers from the bottom - this is the Troy of the Tsar Priama. When on the last day of the excavation in 1873, Schliman discovered the golden products in these layers, he called this finding "Tream". However, modern scientists are inclined to the fact that the Troy described in Homer was in the sixth cultural layer, which means that the treasure found to be found could not belong to the Slamman.

G. Schliman died suddenly in 1890. Excavations of the town of Shliman were of great importance - they marked the origin of the archaeological study of the oldest stage in the history of Greece.


After ten years of the exhaust war and the siege in one beautiful morning, the Trojans, not believing with their own eyes, saw that the camp of the Greeks was empty, and on the shore there is a huge wooden horse with a dedication inscription: "In gratitude for the future, a safe return home, the Ahaseians are dedicated to this gift at the Athena" . Ancient people belonged to the sacred gifts with a large pitue, and, by decision of the king of Priama, the horse was introduced into the city and Watervores in the Citadel dedicated to Athena. With the arrival of the night, the armed aheitsy, sitting in the horse, got out and attacked sleeping inhabitants of the city. So, thanks to the horse, the Troy was captured, this ended the Trojan war.

Nowadays, this legend is known to everyone, and the Trojan horse himself has long become a nominal concept - our ironic contemporaries even called him the name of a destructive computer virus. The fact that the Troy fell from behind the horse is perceived as an axiom. But if someone ask someone, and why the cause of the death of Troy was the horse, - a person most likely finds it difficult to answer.

And in fact, why?

It turns out that this question was asked already in antiquity. Many ancient authors tried to find a reasonable explanation for legend. A wide variety of assumptions were expressed: for example, the Ahetans had a combat tower on wheels, made in the shape of a horse and upholstered by horse skins; Or that the Greeks managed to penetrate the city through the underground move, whose doors were drawn a horse; Or that the horse was a sign for which the aheitsa in the dark differed each other from opponents ... It is now taken to believe that the Trojan horse is an allegory of some military tricks applied by the Ahaseians when taking the city.

Versions a lot, but, confess, none of them gives a satisfactory answer. Probably it would be naive to believe that in this short study we will be able to fully respond to such an "old" question, but it is still worth trying. Who knows - perhaps, the Trojan horse slightly dispels our mystery.

So, let's try to enter the position of the Ahetseians. Imitating the withdrawal of the siege, they had to leave something under the walls something such that the Trojans would simply be obliged to take into the city. Most likely, the leading gift to the gods should play this role, because to neglect the sacred gift from the point of view of an ancient man meant to impose an insult to the Divine. And with the angry deity, the jokes are bad. And so, thanks to the inscriptions on the side, the wooden statue receives the status of the gift of the goddess of Athena, patronizing and the Ahaseians, and the Trojans. What to do with such a dubious "gift"? He had to (albeit with some caution) to bring to the city and establish in a holy place.

However, almost any sacred image could play the role of the dedication gift. Why was the horse chosen?

Troy has long been famous for his horses, because of them merchants came from all the edges of the world, because of them, raids were often made to the city. In the "Iliade" called "Hippodamoi", "horses", "horses", and legends say that the Trojan king Dardan had herd of magnificent horses, leading her origin from the northern wind Borea. In general, the horse was one of the closest creatures in the ancient horse breeding, agricultural and military culture. From this point of view, for the Ahase warriors was quite natural as a dedication gift, under the walls of the Troy horse.

By the way, the images for sacred statues and sacrificial gifts were not accidentally chosen. Each deity had animals dedicated to him, their appearance could take: so, Zeus in myths turns into a bull, Apollo - in Dolphin, and Dionysh is in the Panther. In the cultures of the Mediterranean, the horse in one of his aspects binds to the fertility of the fields, with a rich harvest, with Mother-Earth (in the ancient mythology, the Goddess Demeter sometimes turned into a mare). But at the same time, an excellent freedom-loving animal was often associated with a bright, spontaneous and uncontrolled force, with earthquakes and destruction and in this capacity was the sacred animals of the god Poseidon.

So, maybe the key to the randering of the Trojan horse - in the "Earth's oscillator" Poseidon? Among the Olympians, this god was distinguished by an unbridled character and a tendency to destruct. Yes, and with Troy he had old scores. Perhaps the destruction of the Troy horse is only an allegory of a strong earthquake that destroyed the city?

It turns out that it really happened. But it was just with another three.

Before Priama, the Troy ruler was the King Laomedont, famous for his stupidity and cunning. Once punished by Zeus gods Apollo and Poseidon were given to him. Apollo Pass herd, and Poseidon failed as a builder: unlocked invulnerable walls around the city. However, after the expiration of the gods did not receive remuneration for their work and were thrown out with threats. Then they enjoy the epidemic and the sea monster. Saving Troy from the monsters volunteered Hercules and successfully implemented his company, but the greedy king and here regretted the reward - did not give the magic white horses. Then Hercules gathered an army, returned under the walls of Troy, destroyed the city before the foundation and killed Laomedont, and the Priama was planted for the kingdom ("Priam" means "bought": he really was bought from his sister's slavery).

Modern archaeologists believe that the legendary Troy of Laomedonta has its own historical analogue - the so-called Troy Vi, who died from a strong earthquake shortly before the events of the Trojan War. But the earthquake, as is known from mythology, sent in the anger "the oscillator of the land" Poseidon. It is possible that the destroyed city of the cataclysm adopted an allegorical form of Poseidon's wrath in the Trojan. In addition, white horses, his sacred animals, formally served as a catastrophe. (Troy seemed to persecute some kind of rock: twice being destroyed because of the horses!)

Unfortunately, the divine anger was unlikely to have attracted to the Trojan horse. Troy Priama fell not because of the cataclysm (it is proven by archaeologists), and was captured and looted by the ahaeis. In addition, in the Trojan war, Poseidon takes the side of the Trojans, and the idea to penetrate the city with the help of a horse suggests his eternal rival of Athena.

So, Poseidon symbolism horse is not exhausted ...

In some, especially archaic, traditions, the horse symbolizes the transition to another space, to another qualitative state, in an inaccessible place for ordinary funds. At a horse on eight legs, the shaman makes his mystical journey, the horse has a soul of the dead in the underground kingdom, the wonderful horse tolerates Muhammad on the sky. Yes, to go far - remember our horse-hunchback, which tolerates Ivanoshka and in the Thifood Kingdom, and to visit the sun and the moon.

You ask, what does this have to do with three? The most immediate one. According to Homer, the Trojan war lasted for almost ten years, for ten years, the Ahaseians could not take the walls of the city, built, according to myth, the God of Poseidon himself. In fact, the Troy from the point of view of the myth was a "inaccessible" place, a kind of "enchanted city", which could not be defeated by ordinary means. In order to get into the city, heroes needed not even military trick, but a special, magic "carrier". And such a carrier becomes a wooden horse, with the help of which they carry out what was unsuccessfully tried to do ten years (naturally, speaking of a wooden horse carrier and a "enchanted city", we mean not historical, but mythological reality).

But if you follow this version, the Troy described by Homer gets very much importance. It is no longer about a small fortress on the shore of Ponta and not even about the capital of an ancient smallness state. Homerovskaya Troy receives the status of a certain transcendental place for which the battle is conducted. And the battles occurring under the walls and in the walls of this triple are by no means vendetta between the two tribes, but the reflection of events receiving world importance. The Troyansky horse opens the last act of this global drama.

By the way, this is confirmed by the scale of the war. Archaeologically Troy is just a small fortress. Why, for her taking, according to Homer, ships are sent from 160 cities-states of Greece - from 10 to 100 ships, that is, the fleet at least 1600 ships? And if you multiply 50 warriors at each - this is an army of more than 80 thousand people! (For comparison: Alexander Macedonsky took about 50 thousand people to conquer all Asia.) Even if it is the author's hyperbole, it indicates that Homer attached to this war exceptional importance.

What happened under the walls of the Homer Troy?

It is usually believed that the war began with the famous Pir of the gods at the wedding of Pelle and Fetis, the parents of Achille, at which the goddess of the discord threw the apple with the inscription "the most beautiful" and three goddesses - Athena, Gera and Aphrodite - argued between themselves for the right to receive it. Their dispute resolves the son of Priama, Paris, who, seduced by the prospect of having the most beautiful spouse in the world (Elena), awards an Aphrodite apple (then Paris kidnaps Elena, and the war is played).

But, in fact, the war began much earlier: when Zeus, tired of the maternal land complaints, which the human race caused suffering with his displeasure, decided to destroy the part of humanity, but not with the help of a cataclysm, and the hands of people themselves. The goal of the "world drama" is clear, it's the main acting persons.

Then, Elena, perfect beauty, for which the entire heroic world will fight, are born from the marriage of Zeus and Nemmon. From the marriage of Pelia and the fetis, the last greatest one of the mortals is born - Hero Achilles. Finally, the "instigator" himself is born, Paris with the prediction that he will destroy the Trojan kingdom. So, all the actors have, Elena's abduction occurs and the war is unleashed, the real purpose of which is to destroy the two great kingdoms and the best of the heroes of the ancient world.

And the conceived Zeus is happening: almost all the heroes, and the Ahaeis, and the Trojans die under the walls of Troy. And from those who survive in the war, many will die on the way home, someone, like the king Agamemenon, will find death from the hands of loved ones, someone will be expelled and will hold life in wrapping. In essence, this is the end of the heroic century. Under the walls of Troy there are no winners and no defeated, heroes go into the past, and the time of ordinary people comes.

By the way, it is curious that the horse is symbolically connected with birth and death. A horse from a tree fir, having trimmed something in his womb, symbolizes the birth of a new one, and the Trojan horse is made just from the firboards, and armed warriors are sitting in his gender. It turns out that the Trojan horse carries death for the defenders of the fortress, but at the same time means the birth of something new.

Modern researchers date the Trojan War approximately 1240 BC. (Archaeologically, this date accounts for the death of Troy VII). At about the same time in the Mediterranean there was one more significant event: One of the great relocations of peoples began. From the north, the tribes of Dorians, the barbaric people who completely destroyed the ancient mycke civilization moved to the Balkan Peninsula. Only after a few centuries, Greece will be reborn and it will be possible to talk about Greek history. Destruction will be so great that the whole Dodorian history will become myth (so much that only from the middle of the XIX century scientists will seriously talk about Mycena Greece and about three, and before that they will be considered a fairy tale). Of those 160 Greek states, which are mentioned by Homer in the "catalog of ships", half will cease to exist, and the greatest, mixes, tyaring and pylon will turn into small villages. The Trojan War will become a kind of line between the ancient and the new world, between Mycena and Classical Greece.

From the heroes who fought under the walls of Troy, only two were survived: Odyssey and Eney. And it is not by chance. Both of them have a special mission. Eney will go to create his own "new three" and put the beginning of Rome, civilization of the upcoming world. And Odyssey ... "Multi-loss and long-suffering" Hero will make a great travel home to find his land promised. In order to lose and recover everything in his journey, everything is expensive, including his own name. To reach the borders of the inhabitable world and to visit countries that no one seen and where no one returned from. To go down in the world of dead And again "resurrect" and long wander around the waves of the ocean, the great symbol of the unconscious and unknown.

Odyssey will make a great journey, in which the "old" man will symbolically die and will be born "Hero of the New Time". He will postpone the great suffering and wrath of the gods. It will be a new hero - energetic, insightful and wise, curious and clever. To know my indestructible desire to know the world, to solve problems not with physical strength and valor, but he does not look like the heroes of the "old" world. He will come into confrontation with the gods, and the gods will be forced to retreat in front of a person.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that therefore Odyssey will be the ideal of the upcoming era - classical Greece. Along with Troy, the old world will irrevocably leave, and something mysterious and intimate will take something. But something new will be born. It will be the world, the hero of which will be a person: a master and traveler, a philosopher and a citizen, a person who is no longer dependent on the Rock forces and the Games of the Gods, but creating their destiny and its history himself.


Events in front of the Trojan War

It all started with the fact thatJupiter I decided to marry onnimfeFetide. But oracle the pre week is that the Son from this marriage will be stronger than the Father, and Jupiter decided to give up marriage with Fetid and give her marriageargonauta and his grandsonPelia. At the wedding Pele and Fetydathere were all gods, except the goddess of contentionErides.. She declared a wedding without invitation and provokedapple split dispute between Junooy, Minervoy and Venère. The judge of this dispute was TrojanParis (son Priama), for whom the anger of the Juno and Minerva and Minerva collapsed. And Venus (in gratitude for the victory in the dispute) promised Paris the most beautiful girl -Elena. Paris stole Elena Her husband has Mellaya and took her in Troy, which was postponed by the reason for the Trojan War

Events of the Trojan War

Trojan Vaughn lasted ten years. Moreover, the first nine years no one of the parties had advantages - the Greeks, despite her bravery, could not take three, and the Trojans, despite their bravery, could not drive the Greeks. Main events:

Page 1 of 8

Song first

Muse, tell me about a hyperthere, which,
Wearing a long time from the day, how the Holy Ilion is destroyed
Many people in the city visited and the customs saw
Many and heart grumbled on the seas, about saving
His life and return to the depreciation of the sophisticated; in vain
There were, however, care, he did not save the sopaternists:
Death they brought themselves with sacredness, madness,
Elevate the bulls of Helios, we have a walking God, -
He was kidnapped by the day of return. Tell me about it
Something we, about Zeusov daughter, favorable muse.
All the others died the faithful avoided, were
At home, avoiding and brave and the sea; Its only, separation
With a cute wife and frayous, in a deep grotto
Light Nymph Calypso, goddess goddesses, arbitrary
I kept strength, in vain wishing to be her spouse.
But when, finally, we have reversed the times
Year in which he returned the gods
In your house, in Itaca (but where and in the arms of faithful friends he
Everything is not avoided against the alarms), filled with pity gods
Everything; Poseidon was only a single persisted to drive Odyssey,
The god-like husband, until he reached the depreciation.
But at that time he was in a remote country of Ethiopians
(Extreme people of Dwildren settlers: Some where descends
GOD LIGHTON, OTHER, WHERE WILL), So that there from the people
Lush fat bulls and rams to take a hechatone.
There he, sitting on a feast, having fun; Other gods
Toyo, sometimes there were collected in the titles of Zevezov.
With them, people and immortal father begins a conversation;
In his thoughts, he was eurasis unwitting (his same atrides
Son, famous Orest, killed); And think about him,
The word to the collapsed gods draws Zezes Olympian:
"Strange, as mortal people for all of us, the gods, blame!
Evil from us, they say; But whether it is often
Death, fate, contrary to yourself, are enthusiastic?
So and the auspices: not the fate of him in spite of his spouse atridge
Took, after killing himself when returning to the depreciation?
Death he looked correct; From us was sharply
Ermy, the desire of Argus, Nisposlan, so that he is for killing
My husband did not bother to encroach and refrain from marriage with his wife.
"Revenge for an atridge is a handle of the Oreste when he
To the house to join the house, making up as heir, wants, "so it was
It is said by Hermita - in vain! did not touch the eiyish heart
God is a favorable advice, and since he paid for everything. "
Zeus said: "Our father, Chronon, Supreme Lord,
True, he deserved destruction, and so yes will die
Each similar villain! But now crushes my heart
With a gravity, his fate of Odyssey is cunning; For a long time
He suffers, in separation with their own, on the island, weaving
Baste the widespread sea, wooded, where the nymph is owned,
Daughter of the Atlanta Causes, to whom the locations of the sea
All depths and which one supports the bulk
Longogromed pillars spreading the sky and earth.
By the power of Atlantov daughter Odyssey, lingering tears,
Holds the magic of insidious words about iteke
Memory Hope to destroy it. But, in vain wanting
See even smoke, from the native shores in the distance
Death is one pray. Easiel will not be compassion
In your heart, Olympic? You are not quite gifts
He honored in the Trojan Earth, in the middle of the ships there are Ahasey
Victims to you? Why are you angry, Chronon?
"She objected, responded to clouds of collector Kronion:
"Strange, my daughter, the word from the mouth flew out.
I forgot Odyssey, an immortal like her husband,
So distinguished in the sitmon of people and mind and diligent
Surrence of the gods, the infinite sky of the Lords?
Not! Poseidon, the valve of the Earth, he stubbornly enjoy him,
Everything is indigrant for the fact that the cyclops polyfe
They are blinded: the strongest of the cyclops, Foosoy Nymph,
Forka daughter, desert-salt sea lords,
He was born from her with Poseidon Union in a deep
Grote. Although the oscillator of the land Poseidon Odyssey
Death to betray and do not dominal, but by sea everywhere chasing,
Everything from Itaks it will take him. Think together together
How would I get schism him. Poseidon refuse
Must from anger: one with all the immortal in the dispute,
Eternal gods, despite, without success, will be angry. "
There is a light flock zeus daughter afinea pallad
Zeus said: "Our father, Chronon, Supreme Lord!
If you please the blessed gods to see the depression
He could have a cunning one, then Hermy Argusuby
The will of the gods performer, let it be on Ogig's island
To the nymphs of the beautifulness novoslan from us to heal her
Our sentence is constant that the time has come to return
In Earth, his Odyssey, in the troubles constant. I am
Right in Itacu go to excite in Odyssev son
Anger and braveness to his heart to convene
He is on the Council of the Gustasy Aheyan and in the house of Odysseev
The entrance banned the grooms, he has mercilessly sponging
Small cattle and bulls curved and slow.
Sparta and Plos of Sandy will visit he, to do,
Are there any rumors about a nice father and his return,
Also, so that in people a good glory approved. "
Cut, she tied the gold soles to the feet,
Ambrosive, everywhere above the water and above
Lone of the Earth is boundless light wearing wind;
After took a combat spear, a complicated copper,
Solid hard, they also fight in anger
Forces of the heroes she, a rivocal god of birth.
Burly from the top of Olympus to Ithacked goddess.
There on the courtyard, at the door threshold Odysseeva at home,
She became with a copper-built spear, clothed in the image
Guest, Tafiyans of the rulers, Mentes; collected together
All the grooms, multiply husbands, there is a goddess of progress;
In the dice playing, they sat before the entrance on the skin
By killed bulls; And heralds, the table is institution
Together with the slaves, we ran: they poured
Water with wine in peer crater; and those nosed
Sponge washing tables, they were shifted and, of different meat
Sliced \u200b\u200ba lot, they were spread. Goddess Athena
Before other TV glasses have seen. Regributed
Heart, in the circle of the groom he was sitting, about one though:
Where is a noble father and how, returning to the depreciation,
Predators he accelerates his dwelling around his whole
Power perceives and will be again Mr.
In the thoughts of such a groom sitting, he saw Athena;
Immediately he got up and went to the entrance, rejuvenated
In the heart, that the wanderer was forced to be forced about the threshold; approaching
He took for the right hand of the aliel, he accepted his spear,
The voice then elevated his own and threw the winged word:
"Rejoice, wanderer; enter us; you are welcome to you;
Well we will declare our own, rushing our food. "
Evil, he went ahead, behind him Athena Pallada.
With her, it gets into the pyrov chamber, to the column is high
Right with a spear, he approached and hid him there in the post
Smooth-covered, where they are locked in the same time
The spears of King Odyssey, in the troubles constant, were.
To the chairs rich, skillful work, tighten Athena,
Her sitting in them invited her, covering them onto their patterned
Cloth; For the feet there was a bench; Then he set
Chair carved for himself in the remote from others so that the guest
The noise of the funny buoyo crowd did not spoil lunch,
Also, so that in secret to ask him about the father remote.
Here I brought a silver hand on Lokhani wash them
Full Water Student Golden Slave Watcher,
Smooth then pushed the table; put on him
Bread home key with different edible, from stock
Issued by her willingly; on dishes by lifting them high
The meat of various kichery brought and, offering it,
Cups are silent on a brand table in front of them.
He began to see if wine was filled more often
Cup. Grooms, multiply men, and sat down
Rank on chairs and chairs; Heracky filed water
Hand wash them; slave bread brought them in baskets;
The rallies to the edge of them poured a light beer to the edge.
Raised their hands to the cooked food; when
Hunger was hunger by their petroleum food, they entered them
In the heart of other - the desire of sweet pegs and dances:
Peir they decorate; and ringing citra herald
Femistry filed, singer, in front of them
Sing forced; In the string hitting, he frowned perfectly.
Here, gently told Telelas by Svetlocya Athena,
Head to her with her, so that others do not heard:
"My guest is not angry with me for my frankness;
Here are having fun; They are on the mind only music yes singing;
It's easy: devouring someone else's fee, wealth
Husband whom white bones perhaps il rain
Somewhere wetted on Brega, Ile waves ride on the seaside.
If he suddenly appeared in front of them in Ithaka, he would be
Instead of sapping and clothes and gold, steel
Only only praying, so that their legs were faster.
But he died, comprehended by angry destiny, and the glands
No us, although they sometimes come from the people of earthy
Whether he will return, he will not be a refund.
Who are you? What kind of tribe are you? Where do you live? Who is your father?
Who is your mother? On what ship and some expensive
Arrived in Itak and who is your ships? In the edge of our
(This, of course, I know myself) did not come on foot.
Also, tell me frankly, so that I could lead the whole truth:
In the first time you visited Ithaca, Il here is already
Guest Odyssev? In those days of ingenians, a lot of people
In our house: with people the session loved my parent. "
"Everyone will tell you everything; I so the king of Anhyala
Wise son, calling me agen, rightfully
Veloly-loving tails; And now my ship in Itaca
Together with my people I brought, traveling dark
By the sea to the peoples of a different language; I want me in tears
Copper mined, having exchanged brilliant iron on it;
I put my ship under the slope of Neayon to the wooded
On the field, in the pier Retre, far from the city. Our
Ancestors have long been considered to be each other; this is,
Maybe you hear often and you yourself, when you visit
Grandfather hero Laerta ... And he, they say, does not go
More in the city, but in the field lives far away, depressed
Hard, with an old woman servant, who, older rest,
His food reinforces when he gets tired, worst
On the field back and forth in the midst of its grapes.
I have because you said to me that your father
At home ... but it can be seen that his gods were detained on the way:
For not died on the Earth Odyssey noble;
Somewhere, the abyssa maritime surrounded, on a wave-meat
Island locked alive he is Eli, maybe he is injured in captivity
Vicious predators, violently mastered them. But listen
What I will predict that I am almighting gods
In the hearts invested, which inevitably come true, as I myself
I believe, although it is not a prophet and in the birds to guess inexpector.
It will not be long with a cute grazing in separation, at least

Connected by Iron Uzami was; But home return
The faithful means will find: he is heathrome for fiction.
You tell me now, not hiding anything from me:
Genuinely see the Son Odysseeva in you? You are wonderful
His head and eyes are beautiful; Ya
I remember him; In the old days, we have often seen each other;
It was before sailing in Troy, where from Aheyan
The best of its ships with him in the crop-bocks rushed.
With the same pore, he never met with him anywhere. "
"Good guest," the judicial son of Odyssev answered, -
Everything will tell you frankly, so that you can lead the whole truth.
Mother assures that son I am, but I myself do not know:
To lead about who our father is probably impossible for us.
Better b, however, I wanted to me not so ill-fated
Husband was a father; In the possessions of his own, he is before old age
Lived. But if you believe, he, from the living
The most unhappy now, my father, as people think. "
Daughter Svetlokyaya Zeus Athena answered him:
"Can be seen, pleased with the immortal, so that it was not without glory in the coming
Your house, when Penelope is like you, granted
Son. Now I tell me, not hiding anything from me,
What is happening here? What is the collected? Give Lie
Holiday, Ile Wedding are pouring? Not a folding feast here, of course.
It seems that guests are unbridled in your
The house is not true: all decent in society with them
Be sounder, shameful their behavior of seeing ".--
"Good guest," the judicial son of Odyssev answered, -
If you wish you, then I will tell everything frankly.
Once full of wealth was our house; He was respect
All at the time, as the husband was incredible here.
Well, otherwise they decided hostile gods, covering
Fate to him impregnable for the whole light;
Less would be about him, I conquer, whenever he died:
If in the Trojan Earth, he died between comrades died.
Il with friends in her arms, postpone the war, here passed away,
The hill of the coffin would have been fucked by the Ahase people,
The son of great glory for all times he left ...
Now Garpii took him, and he disappeared,
Light forgotten, frags, one crushing and screaming
Son inheritance leaving. But I'm not only one about him
Crying; Another great mountain gods sent me:
Everyone who is different from our islands is famous and strong.
The first people of Dulihia, Zam, Forest Zakynthus,
The first people of Italian Rocky mother Penelope
Wide stubbornly to marriage and our estate robbing;
Mother or married Hate does not want to join, not from marriage
Funds have no escape; and they devour merciless
Our good and I will finish the very soon. "
The goddess Athena answered his wrath of his greatness:
"Mount! I see how much your father is remote
Need, so that a strong hand with the grooms shamelessly sorry.
Oh when he entered into those doors, returning suddenly,
In the helmet, the shield is a poverty, in the hand two spears copper-resistant! ..
So for the first time I saw him at a time when he
We had fun in the house, visiting on the air
El, Mermer Son (and that side of the remote
King Odyssey reached his ship at his ship;
Poison, mortal people, I was looking for, in order to send them
Arrows their composed copper; But I refused
Give him poison, the alluring gods to irritate fearing;
My father got him in great friendship with him).
If in the form of such Odyssey, the groom suddenly appeared
There was a marriage to them, the fate of the inevitable comprehended, Gork.
But - that, of course, we do not know - in the Lon of the Immortal
Hidden: appointed more than him, returned, destroy them
In this housing, Ile is not. We are now cumulative,
How would you from the robbers your home clean it.
Listen to what I say, and notice to yourself, what you hear:
Tomorrow, convening the Council of Noble Aheyan, before them
All declared you, in the witnesses of the truth, called upon immortal;
After the demand, so that all grooms on the houses went through;
Mother Well, if the marriage of her heart is not disgusting,
You suggest that the father has returned to the father,
A cute daughter, as decently, he will give it away.
Also, I also advise you if the Council is mine you will accept:
Durable ship with twenty-equipped rowers, go
Himself for his remote father to spend what

Plios first visiting, do you find out that the divine nestor
Will say; Then Menali Fight Zlatovlasm in Sparta:
He arrived home. He is the last of all medial aheyan.
If you hear that your parent is alive, that he will come back,
Wait for his year, patiently demolishing the oppression; when

In honor of him the hill of the coffin here is a mound and ordinary magnificent
TRIZNU is performed on it; Penelope won on a marriage.
After when the proper order arrange the whole thing,
Firmly deciding, the mind of a careful revealed means
How would your groom who captured forcibly your house
In it to destroy Il deception, Ile explicitly; you same
You can not be a child, you came out of children;
You know, what Divine Fatterns Orest before
The light was decorated with an honor, starving a aetist
Was his mosquired parental parent killed?
Must be solid, so that your name and descendants praised.
Time, however, I'll get back to my fast ship
To the satellites, waiting, of course, me with impressive and boredom.
Well, you take care of yourself, respecting what I said. "---
"My guest is," the judicial son answered Odyssev, -
I wish you use, you say with me, how with son
Good father; I did not forget about what you advised.
But wait, although they are in a hurry; here is cool
Bath and members and souls are refreshing, return
You're on the ship, to the pleasitude of the heart is a rich gift
Taking from me to keep me with my memory, like a custom
There is between people, so that, forgiven, Got each other. "
Daughter Svetlokyaya Zeus Athena answered him:
"No! You do not hold me, I hurry out immensely on the road;
Your gift promised to me so welcome to you
Returning to you, I will take gratefully and took home
As a gift, having received expensive and expensive himself. "
With the words of Zevez, the daughter of Svetooky was disappeared
Fast invisible poultry suddenly rushing. Settled
Hardness and courage She in the telemakhov heart, more
Remember forcing him about the father; but he penetrates soul
Mystery and felt fear, guessing that he was talking to God.
Here to the grooms he, the divine husband, came up; In front of them
Sang famous singer, and sat down with deep attention
Silently they; about the sad aheyan from the Troy return,
I once established by the goddess of Athena, he sang.
In the upper rest, heard inspired sneaking
Down the steps high hastily disassembled Penelope,
Elder Icaria Multiple daughter: together they gone with her
Two of her servants; And she, deity between his wife,
In that chamber, entered where her grooms were drank,
Beside the pillar, the ceiling there is a high one, has become
Cheeks closing their head covered brilliant;
On the right and left respectfully became the maid; queen
With cry, then turned to the singer inspired word:
"Femuses, you know so many other admiring soul
Songs folded by singers in the glory of gods and heroes;
Sing of them, before the meeting sitting, one; And in silence
Guests will be heated by wine; But Pringvi started
Sad song; Heart in the chest freezing when I
I hear her: I got out of all the most severe grief;
Husband is so deprived of this, I will grieve about the dead,
Such a fill with his own and ELLADE and ARGOS .--
"Cute Mother," Odysseyev's reasonable son objected, -
How do you want a singer to prohibit in pleasure our
That chasing that the heart awakens him? Guilty
That is not a singer, but the guilty of Zeus, sending over
People of the High Spirit in the will of their inspiration.
No, do not hinder the singer on the sad return of Danayev
Sing - with the praise of the Great People of the Song hit
Every time she, as new, his soul admiring;
You will find no sadness in it in it, but sorrowfully forced:
Was not one of the gods sentenced to lose the day of return
King Odyssey, and the other famous died quite a few.
But they succeeded: do the order of the economy,
Yarn, cloth; Watch that the slaves are diligent in work
Were yours: it's not a female thing, but the case
My husband, and now mine: I have one Lord. "
So he said; Lossing, Penelope went back;
To the heart of the word multiplicate son accepted and alone
Upper her shifting, in the circle of approximate maids
Cried bitterly she's about his Odyssey, as long as
Sweet sleep did not reduce her in the eyes of the goddess of Athena.
Those sometimes the groom in the darkened ward noise,
Arguing about who of them with a penelop of the bed will be divided.
Flying to them, said the judicial son of Odysseyev:
"You, the grooms Penelope, in charge of the brown,
Become calm now having fun: interrupt your noisy
Dispute; We are decent to the attention to the songwriter, who,
The rumor is our captive, the gods are inspired highly like.
Tomorrow in the morning you invite you all to gather on the square.
There is always in my face I will tell you that you can clean up

Everything; But I will prize the gods on you; and zeus will not slow down

He fell silent. Grooms, borrow with the annoyance of the lips,
His boldly affected by the word, he was surprised.
But the antinea, the son of Evptites, he answered, objection:
"The gods themselves, of course, you, telemons, taught
Be so sick and bold in words and trouble to us when you
In the wave-assembly itha, by the will of the Cronon, you will
By our king, having on the birth and right! "
"Ancient friend, do not be angry with me for my frankness:
If the dominion gave me Zeus, I would be happy.
Or do you think that the royal share of all worse in the world?
No, of course, the king is not bad; Wealth in Tsarev
The house climbs soon, and he himself in honor of the people.
But between the Ahaeans, ITAKA waving
Many worthy authorities and old and young; between them
You choose when the king of Odyssey really became.
In my house I am one lord; Here is like me
Power over slaves, for us Odyssey produced in battles. "
Here, Eurons, the son of Polybiev, so answered Telemakhu:
"On Telemis, we do not know - then in the Lona immortal hidden, -
Who over the Ahetans weaving ITAKA are appointed
Reign; In my house, you are, of course, one Lord;
No, there is no, until the inhabitant is Ithaka,
There is no one who would bother to hurt your treasure.
But I would like to know my kind, about the present Guest.
What is his name? What kind of his fatherland famous
Earth? What kind of genus and tribe? Where he was born?
With the news to you about the welcome father, he came?
Il visited us, in his own need to go to Itak?
Suddenly he disappeared from here, without waiting, so that with him at least a little
We reviewed; there was a person not simple he, of course. "-,
"A friend of Eurons," the judicial son answered Odyssev, -
Day of Sidania with Father forever lost me; I will not
More believing either rumors about his return,
Below in vain about it, the darisians, to which, appearing
In the house your gadels, the mother resorts. And our current guest
Was a Odyssevo guest; He comes from Tafos, Mentes,
The son of Anhyla, King Multiple, rules the people
Globile Tafiwits. "But, so speaking, I am convinced
In his heart, that the goddess of the immortal saw.
The same, again contacting the dance and sweet sheen,
Began to make noise waiting again; when
Black night in the middle of their fun noise came,
Everyone went home to go to bed carelessly.
Soon itself, the telemists in his high drawing (on the beautiful
The courtyard turned was face he with an extensive pre-windows view),
I spent all, I went, reflecting on myself about many things.
Torch burned bearing, in front of him with careful zero
Eurorscea walked, a reasonable daughter of the OPS singers;
Bought in the years of blooming Laerts she - he paid
Twenty bulls, and her with a unlawful wife
In the house of his own, he respires on the par, and did not allow himself
Lodge to touch her, fearing the jealousy of female.
Torch carrying, Eurorslee led Telemach - Behind him
Since childhood she walked and he pleased with him a diverse
Other slave. In the rich bedroom she challenged
Doors; He sat down on the bed and, thinly removing shirt,
In the hands of the old woman threw her; Caution
In the folds folding and angry, on the nail of Eurorslee shirt
Beside the bed, skillfully accurate, hung; quiet
Came out of the bedroom; Silver hand did the door;
Tightly pulled the belt tightened; Then retired.
He is all night on a bed covered with soft
In the heart pondered the path established by the goddess Athena.

Song Two

Lodge left the lover son of Odyssev;
Dress Nodev, sophisticated his sword on his shoulder he hung;
After, the soles are beautiful to bright legs attached,
He left the bedroom, the face of the radiant God like.
Ringwheat heads of the royal convening, he commanded
Click them to click on the square to assemble the density aheyan;
They clicked those; Gathered on the area Others; when
Everyone gathered them and the meeting was full,
With copper in his hand he spent a spear before the sit
There was not one, two dashing dogs came running.
The image of his unspecified redness of Athena,
So there are people, his suitable seeing.
The elders were handed over to him, and he sat down in place by fathers.
The first word then uttered the noble Egyptians,
An old man, bubbing and in life, who had denied a lot;
The son of his anti-pope speaker with the king odysse
In the curtain three for a long time in the ship Krotobok
Sailed; It was killed by a polyfemy fierce in deep
Grote, the last, kidnapped them for evening food.
Three remained Starta: one, Evrian, with grooms
Effect; Two helped the father processing the field;
But he could not forget about the dead; He's all crying about him,
Everything crushed; And so, crushed, he said to the people:
"Listen to my word I invite you, people of Itaks;
We did not meet the council once since it from here
King Odyssey in high-speed his ships retired.
Who collected us now? Who in that sudden need?
Will young man flourishing? Does the husband, ripen?
Did you hear the message about the enemy strength going on us?
Would you like to break us, in advance everything in detail?
Or what is the benefits of folk What to offer us intend?
He must be honest citizen; Glory to him! Yes help
Zeus thoughts to make it successfully. "
Cumshot. With the words of him was pleased with the son of Odysseyev;
Stand up and to the meeting it was decided to turn immediately;
He spoke before people, and to him, to them, in hand
Skipteter invested the singeser, herald, a reasonable adviser.
To the old man first turning, he said: "Noble
Old man, he is close (and soon you will know), who are you here
Collected, - I myself, and sadness to me now.
I did not hear about the enemy strength going on us;
I do not want to laugh, I won everything in detail,
Also about the benefits of people now offer does not intend.
Now about your own, my house is comprehended, I say misfortune.
I have two attacks; One: My father is lost me,
Former king and always, like children, loved you;
More than an evil other attack from which our whole house
Soon, everything that is in it will be depleted to the end,
The one is pursued by the mother of the groom relentless, our
Citizens of the most important, gathered here, sons; They are disgusting
Right in Ikariev House to apply for their suggestion
Listened to the elder and daughter endowed with generously dowry,
Gave on his own will to someone who is more pleasant to the heart.
Not; It is more convenient for them, our crowd is breathing in the house,
Our bulls, and the rams, and the goats are fattened to cut,
Eat up to fall and bright our wine mercilessly
Spend. Our house is ruined, because it is not so
My husband, what is Odyssey, to get rid of it from curse.
We ourselves are noble now, evenly and after
We will, worthy of pity, at all without any protection.
If the power was, then I myself would find the board;
But unbearable resentment becomes; House Odysseev
Grab shamelessly. Do not worry you conscience? At least
We are adjacent, the gods are frightened by the gym, so that anger
You did not comprehend yourself, indigrant to your inappropriate.
Well I call the Olympic Zeus, I call for the Femis,
Strict goddess, husbands of husbands of the establishment! Our
The right admit friends, and I am alone to crushed
Leave grief. Ile, maybe my noble parent
What insulted here the intentionally copper-overall aheyan;
Maybe the insult on me you are intention
Rob our house by exciting others? But wanted better
We, so that the cattle is our lively and underlying stock our ourselves
Force took; Then the hope would be preserved for us:
We would do the streets on the streets, praying you
Our give us, as long as I would not have been given to us;
Now you are my heart hopeless torment grief. "
So he said in anger and plunged his scepter to Earth;
Tears from the eyes rushed: the people of compassion penetrated;
All motionless silence sat; Nobody decided
A dizard word to respond to the son of King Odyssey.
But the antinea rose and exclaimed, I objection:
"What did you say, Telemakh, unbridled, is barding?
Using us, do you impose on us and blame us?
No, you are not accused of us, the grooms, before the Ahase people
Must now, and his cunning mother, Penelope.
Three accomplishments of the year, the fourth
Since we have playing, she gives us hope
Everyone, and every brother promises himself, and lead
Good sends to us, misfired in the heart for us plotting.
Know what she treacherously invented a trick:
Staniginsky in the chambers of delivering their started there
Thin wide cloth and, collect us all, we said:
"Young men, now my grooms, - cast in the world
No Odyssey, - I will post our marriage until the time
My work is complete, so that the fabric has not disappeared to me for nothing;
Older Laert Pokrov Cool cook I want me
Before he is in his hands forever of a sleeping death
Parks given, in order not to dare the Ahasey wives
I am punished that rich so my husband is buried without cover. "
So I was told, and we were submitted to her with a masculine heart.
What? The whole day she spent behind the cloth, and at night,
The torch burned, herself decouraged everything in the afternoon.
Three years lasted deception, and she was able to convince us;
But when the reversal of times was given was the fourth -
We all of us one of the ministers who knew the secret, opened;
Ourselves then we caught her for a flushed tissue;
So it was nobody reluctantly to finish his work.
You are listening to us; You answer, so that you can do everything
Himself and so that everyone evenly with you and Ahaeis:
Mother moved away, led her immediately, agreed by marriage,
Select among us who is your father and her own.
If Share will play with the sons of Aheyan ...
Mind generously gave rise to Athena; Not only
In different shellary skill, but also a lot
Heaths knows who are unheard of ancient days and Ahasey
Wives of beautiful unknown; that neither alkmen
Ancient, neither tyir, nor a magnificent and wedded princess michene
It was not part of the mind, then now a sorty of penelope
I have invented harm; But its inventions are vain;
Know, you do not kill your house to ruin us as long as, as long as
It will be stubborn in their crumbs, her gods
In the heart of nested; Of course, she herself in great glory
It will turn, but you pay for wealth;
We, I say, do not go from you any home or in other
Place while Penelope happens between us ".--
"On Antina," the judicial son of Odyssev answered, -
I'm not bothering and threatened to be told to remove
The one who gave birth and focused me; My father is far;
Lie, she died, - I do not know; But it will be difficult with Icaria
I will pay for a penelope from here forcibly
I'll send it - then I will be anger of my father and drilling
Demon: Terrible Erinia, His house leaving, account
My mother is on me, and the shame before people I will finish eternal.
No, I will never dare to tell her the word.
You, when at least a little conquer you conscience, leave
My house; Other pions establish your own, and not our
Hatting on them and a turn watching in their treats.
If you find you, what is for you and pleasant and easier
All one to ruin arbitrarily, without fee, - burn
Everything; but on you I will prize the gods, and Zeus will not slow down
You hit you at a lie: then all of you are inevitably
Just without fee, die in the house, looted by you. "
So told Telem. And suddenly Zeus Thunder
Over it, two eagles sent off the mountains stony;
Both first, as if raging, flew
Nearby they, widespread huge wings;
But, damaged to the middle of the meeting, full of noise,
Began to quickly circle with incessant wingspins;
The eyes of them, on top of the heads looking, sparkled the mischief;
Then, then, swallowing each other and chest and neck,
They were brought to the right, flying over the collected and hail.
All, amazed, birds were accompanied by eyes, and each
Thought that their phenomenon foreshadowed in the coming.
The people of Alifers, a highly diffused elder, spoke here.
Son of Mastorov; From the peers of all he is one flight
Birds was skillful to guess and propheted the coming; full
"Listen to my word I invite you, people of Itaks.
Before, however, in order to make grooms forming, I say
They are that trouble is inevitable rushing to them, which is not long
Will be in separation with the family of his Odyssey, which is already he
Somewhere close, and death and dying preparing
All of them, as well as many others from those living in Itha
The mining disaster will be. Mench, as if
On time we curb them; But better, of course, when
They themselves died; then now we would have useful
It was for them: it is not clear so I say, but probably
Knowing what will happen; came true, argue, and all I am
It was predicted here before you went by ships aheitsa
In Troy and with them, the Multi-Mature Odesey went. In many
Disasters (I said so) and satellites of all lost,
All unfamiliar, in the outcome of the twentieth year in the depression
He will return. My prediction is happening now. "
Cumshot. He was answered by Eurons, the son of Polybiev: "Better,
Old narrator, home back and your juvenile
Children prophesiate there, so that they did not happen to them.
In our case, or rather, I am a prophet; We are pretty
We see flying in the light rays of Helios
Birds, but not all fatal. And King Odyssey in the remote
The edge died. And you would die with him together! Then if
Here you did not predict such fiction, exciting
Anger in Telemache, already irritated, and, right, hoping
Something as a gift from him get for myself and home.
Listen, however, - and what you hear, will be right, -
If you're this young man with your old mexicat
You will be empty words to excite anger, then, of course,
This in a publy grief will contact himself;
Against us all he will not have time to do anything.
Well, a reckless old man, bring the punishment for yourself,
Trying heart: we will harbing you bitterly.
Now I am Bole helpful advice I will offer to Telemakhu:
Mother let him lead to the Ikaria to return to the house,
Where, having prepared everything necessary for marriage rich
A cute daughter, how decently she is her in, he will give it away.
Otherwise, I think, we, sons of noble aheyan,
To torment it is not pressed by his walling. No one here
We are not afraid, nor full sound speeches of the telech
Below the prophecies you have a gogar
All you do, - you are from hateful; And the house of them
We will ruin all we are on our feasts, and we will raude from us
They have no time for the desired us
The marriage will not be solved; expecting daily who will
She finally preferred from us, we contact others
Medilim brides, to choose, as follows, wives between them. "
The sensible son of Odysseyev was answered Krotko:
"About Eurons, and you are all, the grooms are famous, more
I do not want to convince and forward you will not tell you a word;
The gods are all done, all the noble aheitsa is known.
You me a durable ship with twenty more priviless
By sea, swim by rowes now gear: I want me
Sparta and Plos sandy first visit to spend,
Are there any rumors there about a nice father and what
In people of Molva about him, Ile to hear about him a dirty
Osse, always repeating people of Zevezovo word.
If I find out that he is alive, he will return, he will
Wait for his year, patiently demolishing the oppression; when
Will say that he died that he died, that there is no place for him alive,
Then, immediately in the cute land of fathers returning,
In honor of him the hill of the coffin here is embanking and proper
TRIZNU according to it; Penelope is linked to the marriage. "
Cut, he sat down and cleaned. Then he rose unchanged
Satellite and friend Odyssey, king of a bewritten, mentor.
Hedded him Odyssey when sailing a house, be submissive
Starta Laert and all to save the commanding. And full
Thoughts of good, turning to fellow citizens, so he said:
"Listen to my word I invite you, people of Itaks:
Meek, good and friendly to be ahead
Tsar Skiptronee should not, but, the truth from the heart of the driven,
Each way purses people, without fail,
If you could forget Odyssey, which was our
The good king and the people loved their own, as the Father is complacent.
I do not need to accuse the grooms of the unceasing and daring
In the fact that they, self-leveling here, plunder thin.
They themselves play their heads, ruin
House Odyssey, whom, think, we will not see.
You, Citizens, ITAKI, I want to shape: here, gathering,
You are indifferent sitting and words do not speak against
A small crowd of grooms, although you yourself are the number and big. "
The son of Evenor then, Leopritis, indigrant, exclaimed:
"What did you say, a reckless, fearful mentor? To humble us
You suggest citizens; But we speak with us, which
Also a lot, the feast is difficult. At least suddenly
Odyssey himself, the ITAKA of the rulers, appeared and strength
Us, grooms noble, in his funny house,
Expelled out from there, his return to the depression
It was a wife, gone for so long on it, not to joy:
The evil destruction would have befeated when we were many
He decided to overcome he; A stupid word said you.
Well you are disgusted, people, and everyone went home
Business. And Mentor let and sage an elofers, Odyssey
Loyalty to their preserved, in the path shells televoha;
For a long time, however, I think it will sit here, choosing
Lead; It will not be able to make a way to him. "
So he says, dismissed the self-confidence of the people.
Everything, I deleted, in our way went to the houses; Grooms
In the house of Odyssey, the king of noble, returned again.
But the leaders went lonely on the sandy seaside.
Hands Salted moisture washed, he headed to Athena:
"You, visiting my house yesterday and in the foggy sea
Slow told me, so that I bring, traveling, whether
Rumors about a nice father and his return, goddess,
Help me favorably; Ahaeitsa my path makes it difficult;
Pagers of other grooms are multi-free, full malice. "
So he said, praying, and before him in the blink of an eye,
Similar with the mentor, the view and speech appeared athena.
Voice elevated, the goddess of the winged threw the word:
"Bold, Telemis, and Speakements you will be when you have
Toyu Great strength, with what and word and business
All your father that I wanted to commit; And reached desired
Goals, erecting your way without seeking; when not direct you
Son Odyssev, not the son of Penelopin straight, then hopes
Rarely be like the fathers of the sons; EVERYTHING
Part of worse fathers and few better. But you will be
You, telemis, and shatter and bold, alone is not at all
You are the Odyssee forces of the Great Lained; and Nadezhda
There is for you that successfully accomplish the business business.
Let the groom, impose, evil plot - leave them;
Mount insane! They are blindness unfamiliar with the truth
Your death is not foreseen, nor black fate, daily
It approaches them closer and closer to suddenly destroy them.
You can travel your journey immediately;
Being friend your father to your father, I
A quick ship for you and the last you for you.
But come back now to the grooms; And you on the road
Let them prepare edible, let them fill the vessels;
Let both the fault and flour, navigatse
Nutrient dinner, in leather, dense furs will prepare.
I sometimes have rowers to gain; ships in Ithaka,
We are armed, many and new and old; between them
Best I will choose myself; And immediately he will be
The path is made, and let it with the sacred sea. "
So said Athena, Zevez daughter, Telemakhu.
The voice of the goddess heard, he left the shore immediately.
In the house, returning to the sadness of a cute heart, he found
There are mini grooms: some robbed in the rest
Goats, and others, having killed pigs, they were paled in the yard.
With the neck with a grin to him approached Antinea and, forcibly
By the hand of holding it and named by name, Milns:
"Juniorly hot, angry govorun, telemons, do not care
Bole to harm us Il in the word, Ile Del, and better
Friendly with us without worries have fun, as it happened.
Will you do not slow down the aheitsa to execute: you will get
You and the ship and selected rowes, to achieve more
In Pilos, kinds of gods, and learn about the father remote. "
The sensible son of Odysseyev was answered Krotko:
"No, antinea, indecent to me with you, arrogant, together
Against the desire to sit at the table, having fun carelessly;
Be satisfied with the fact that the property is best
You, the groom, ruined, as long as I was young.
Now, when, mandaring and advisors listening smart,
I found out and when I was awakened by vigor,
I will try on the neck of the park inevitable to stick,
Is it really, otherwise, whether going to Pilos, Ile here found
Means. I'm going - and my way will not be in vain, although I
Food with a fellow worker, for (so it was arranged by you)
Here I have to have your ship and rowers impossible. "
So he said and his own antineyess hand
I snatched. Meanwhile, the groom, abundant lunch establishing,
With many pricky heart, he was insulted by speeches.
So they said one of the scolders of the bold and arrogant:
"Telem tremers are not perfect for a joke; perhaps,
Many of him to help himself will lead from the sandy pylos, many
Also from Sparta; Aboutve he, we see, cares much.
Can happen rich land Ether
He will visit, to, mined there, mud, mortal people,
Here to poison them with crater and once to destroy all of us. "-
"But," answered others mockingly first, "who knows!"
It can happen easily that he himself, like a father, he will perish
Long fermentation in the seas far from friends and home.
For those, of course, and we will concern us: then we will have to
All divide their property among themselves; The house is gone
We are Penelope and her husband chosen by her between us. "
So the groom. Telemah went to the storeroom fathers,
The building is extensive; Zlata and copper there are heaps lying;
There are many dresses there in grats and soul oil kept;
Kufa from clay with wine Perennial and sweet stood
Near the walls, concluding a divine-clean drink
In subsoil deep, in case Odyssey returns
In the house, undergoing heavy sorrows and multiple changes.
Double doors, twice closed, in that pantry
The entrance was served; Right and Veskovo
There, with a highly solenoy, dyeing in order kept
All Eurorsleia, a reasonable daughter of the OPS singerenoride.
In that pantry calling Eurorsle, told Telelam to her:
"Nanny, Amphoras Fill the Blagovonal Wine, delicious
After the expensive, which here is taking you,
Remembering him, about the unfortunate, and all that is said that in the house
King Odyssey will return, and death and park avoiding.
They are twelve filled with amphors and amphoras.
Also leather, dense fur cook, Orzhany
Full of flour; and so that in each of them the twenty
Measures; But you know about it alone; Collect all the supplies
In a bunch; For them I will come to enter I, at the time when
Penelope will go to the upper rest, thinking about the dream.
Sparta and Plos of Sandy want to visit to spend.
Whether there are no rumors about a nice father and his return. "
Cumshot. He is Eurorsleia, a zealous nanny, whining,
With loud sobbing, the winged threw the word: "Why are you
Cute our child, you will answer such crumbs
A heart? Why in the remote, alien land are trying
Are you comforting our united? Your parent is yours
I met the end of the nations hostile from home far;
Here, as long as you will be walked, they will arrange cunning
Cove to lime and you, and your all wealth will share.
Better stay with our own; Neither the slightest need
In the terrible sea you are on troubles and on the storms to go. "
She answering, said the judicial son of Odysseyev:
"Nanny, my friend, do not worry; not by the gods I decided
On the road, but swear to me that the mother does not know anything from you
Before, until the eleven days are happening, Ile twelve,
Or as long as she will not ask about me, Il another who
Secrets will not say, - I'm afraid, so that it does not face it
Freshness of the face. "Eurikle's gods became the great
To swear; when I looked and did my oath,
Immediately she, incense wine all amphoras are singing,
Leather dense fur cooked, full of flour.
He, he returned home, left there with grooms.
Smart thought was born here in the heart of Pallada Athens:
Type of Telemach, she entered the whole city;
To each oncoming affectionately about the appeal, gather
She invited him to enter the vehicle speed.
After, I will come to NONEM, a reasonable foamy son,
Give her asked for a ship - NONEM agreed eagerly.
Easy ship on salty moisture dropping and reserves,
Necessary to every solid ship, assemble, at the very
The exit to the sea from the bay placed his goddess.
People came together, and in each she opened her already appeal.
The new thought was born here in the heart of Pallada Athens:
To the house of Odyssey, the king of noble, enclosed, goddess
Sweet dream on the piring grooms there brought, poked
Thoughts of drinkers and pulled the cups from their hands; Venchyu
Sleep sowing, they went home and not long
They waited for him, he did not slow down to fall on tired defenders.
Here the light flock of Zeus's daughter Telemakhu said,
Calling it from the arranged lunutly chamber of the dining room,
Similar to the mentor view and speech: "It's time, telemons, we;
Everyone gathered our light satellites;
Sitting at the fun, they expect you to be impatient;
Time to go; It is not suitable for us to postpone your path. "
Evil, Pallada Athena went ahead of Telemach
Rapid step; Hurryly went by telelands for the goddess.
To the sea and to waiting for their ship the approach, they are there
Satellites of the dense-shoes found from the sandbrag.
They turned to them then Telemakhov Power Holy:
"Brothers, bring hurried way stocks; they are
Everyone is cooked in the house, and the mother did not hear anything;
Also, nothing and slave says; Mystery alone only
He knows. "And quickly went ahead; behind him all others.
Take stocks, they are on the firmly arranged ship
They walked, as the beloved son of Odysseyev commanded them.
Soon he himself joined the ship for the goddess Athena;
Beside the corn of the ship it fit; with her near
Villages, and rowers, bother hastily ropes,
Also climbed the ship and sat on the shops at the cheerful.
Here Svetookaya Zeusova daughter gave them the wind passing,
Fresh raised marshmallows, darning dark sea.
Cheerful rowers exciting, ordered the telelaims rather
Tackle to arrange; He obeyed, pine mast
Raised at once they and, deep into the nest lodging,
It was approved by her, and the ropes pulled out from the sides;
White then tied straps wicker sail;
Wind filled, he rose, and purple waves
Sound under the kille of the ship drowned in them;
He ran through the waves, raking his way in them.
Here ships, black fast ship arranged,
Bowls filled with sweet wine and, praying, created
Due to the eternal, immortal gods inspection,
Pagers Other Svetloko goddess, Great Pallad.
The vessel is all night and all morning calm your way.

Song Third

Helios from the sea perfectly got up and appeared on the copper
Heaven to heaven to shine for immortal gods and for mortals
Rock subjects, on the ground of fruitful living.
I then sometimes I made a ship to Noteeva Grad
Lush, pylos. Sacrifice, the people brought there on Breg
Black Bulls Poseidon, Lazurno-child God;
There were nine benches there; on benches, five hundred on each,
People sat, and nine bulls before everyone.
Sweet tasted the womb, have already coited before God
The hips at the time as navigans entered the pier. Remove
Tackle and anchor shaky ship adjusted, to the ground
They came out; Telem, followed by Athena, also
Released. Following it, the goddess of Athena said:
"Son Odyssev, now you shouldn't be shy;
For then we are in the sea, to do, in what
The father of your fate is thrown and what he has undergone.
Boldly approach to the horses to the bounceandor to Northor; know us
Must, which in his soul he is concluded.
Boldly, I ask him to declare you all the truth;
A lie he, of course, will not say, well-gifted ".--
"But," the sensible son of Odyssev goddess answered, -
How to approach me? What am I telling the greeting, mentor?
Little still in conversations of reasonable with people I am skill;
I also do not know, decently younger thanks to the elders? "
Daughter Svetlokyaya Zeus Athena answered him:
"Much himself, telemis, you gues your mind;
Much daemon will open you a favorable; do not mind
Will be immortal, I think you were born and raised. "
Early, the goddess of Athena went ahead of Telemach
Rapid step; Behind her I went to the telemis; and hasty
They are suitable for the place, where the pilots, gathered, were sitting;
There with sons and Nestor sitting; their friends, establishing
The feast, fussed, sighed on the spit, fried meat.
Everything, ingenov seen, went to them towards and, hands
By sending them, they asked them to sit on friendly with the people.
The first, their meeting, Nestorors Son, Piscistratus noble,
Affectionately by the hands of both, on Brega sand
Place on soft dislayed leather to take them
Between the father of the elderly and brother, Frasimic.
Sweet womb to enjoy them by giving, he wines incense
Cup filled, wines calmed down and said Svetoly
Daughters Zeus Egidoderzhavtsa Pallada Athena:
"Wanderer, you should call Poseidon Lord: You are now
Arrived to us on the great holiday of him; committed
Here, as the custom tells, in front of him the inspired with prayer,
You and Comrade Cup with a drink Divine
Give him, I think I also pray to the gods, cast
We are all people, we have in the gods of benefactor.
He is younger than you and, of course, the same age with me;
That's why I and the Cup will offer you forever. "
Conching, he handed over the Cup with the wing ofcenary Athena.
She was pleasant to the deed of a reasonable young man, the first
She who has been offered the Cup with the wing of fragrant; and became
She calls loud voice to Poseidon Vladyka:
"Tsar Poseidon Agriculture, praying for you, do not reject
We, who relieve here that our desires will perform.
Nestor glory with his sons, firstly, give you;
After the rich mercy of Javi and others, favorably
Here, from the pilies, the Great now accepting the hecatombit;
Give us then, Telemakhu and me, come back, graduating
All for which we sailed here in the ship Krotobok. "
So prayer, I committed the inspection of the goddess itself;
After a bail cup, it was supplied to Telemac;
The black and lover son of Odysseyev was prayed.
Speak parts and started a mother of metoslavny; when
We were talking to visitors Nestor, Herraian hero:
"Wanderers, I will not even indecent to ask you
Who are you, so you have been pretty food, you enjoyed pretty.
Who are you, tell me? Where did they come from a wet road;
What is your work? Il without a business wander through everywhere
Back and forth in the seas, like freestairs free, rush,
Life playing his own and misguided peoples? "
Having gathered with the Spirit, on the judicial son of Odysseev
So, answering, said (and Athena he encouraged him
The heart so that Nesor could ask about the father remote
Also that in people a good glory approved about him):
Know you wish where we are from? I will say the whole truth:
We are from Ithaca, under the slope of the forest-lying neulation;
Profit to you not for the general folk, for your own business;
I am wandering, so that, I'm thinking about the father, to spend
Where Odyssey is noble, in the troubles constant, with whom
Towing together, you are elephant, they say, crushed.
Others how many of them were, against the Troyan fought,
Poorly, we heard, aside of the remote died
Everything; And his and death from us inexccessively clonion
Hidden; Where he found his end, no one knows: Lee on Earth
Solid, he fell over with evil enemies, is
The sea died, absorbed by the cold wave of amphitrite.
I hug your knees, so that you are favorably
The fate of my father opened me, declaring you
I saw Il's eyes that he heard by chance
Wanderer. Mother was born on troubles and on the mountain.
You, not sparing me and from pity for words is not mitigating,
All tell me in detail what you were an eyewitness.
If, than for you, my father, a noble one,
Whether the word, Whether could be useful in those days as with you
In three he was, where so many of you were underwhelmed, Ahaeis,
Remember this now and truly tell me everything. "
"My son, how much reminded you of me about the misfortunes, in the land of that
We meet, the aheeis, hard in the experience of strict,
Part when in ships led by vigorous pelid
We are for prey on the dark foggy sea chased,
Part when before a strong Priam hail with enemies
Furiously beat. From ours at the time all the best fell:
Lay there Ayaks ponons, there was Achilles and tips
Wisdom equal to the immortal Patrole, and is lying there my cute
The son of antiloche, bearing, brave and the same
Easy running, how was it a fearless fighter. And quite aim
Different others experienced the disasters of the Great, about them
Can everyone tell at least one of the mercenaries?
If used and for five years and six years you could be indispensable
Lead about the troubles that came to the cheerful aheitsa
You would not know everything, I was unhappy home returned.
Nine worked for years we will destroy them, fiction
Many tricks - Kronion decided to finish Nasil.
In smart councils, no one can do it alongside to be delivered.
With him: far ahead of all in the inventivity of many
Tricks king Odyssey, your noble parent if
A genuine son you are. I am looking at you with amazement;
With him and speeches you are similar; But who would have thought to be
Young man possible so much with him to come smart speech?
Well, I constantly, as long as the war we led, on the advice of
In the Sonme, the people, always at the same time spoke with Odyssey;
In the opinion, consonants, together we always, threw out strictly,
That only one elected that it was helpful.
But when, the city of Priama is noticed by the city,
We returned to ships, God separated us: Cronon
Poor way on the seas to cook was planted by the aheitsa.
There was not every bright reason, not all are fair
Were they - therefore he mounted the evil fate
Many, who accepted the daughter of the little terrible God.
The strong balance of the goddess Athena lit between the atrides:
Both, convene a rented people for advice, reckless
Gathered them not in normal timewhen it sat down
The sun; Ahaeis conceded the wine of the oxled; The same
They became one after another to explain to them the reason collected:
Demanded King Meneli, so that the argyss men in the opposite
The way around the wide sea ridge rushed immediately;
Then Agamemenon rejected: Ahaseians still keep he
Then thought so that they, hagging the holy hecto
Anger reconciled a terrible goddess ... Baby! He is still
It can be seen, I did not know that I could not be reconciling with her:
Eternal gods will not soon change thoughts in their thoughts.
So, reversing the offensive speeches to each other, both there
Brother stood; Collection of light-edged aheyan.
The cry was filled with violent, for two crashots.
All that we spent the night in hostile
Thoughts: I, for chasing, I prepared Zeus punishment.
In the morning alone on the beautiful sea again ships
(Taking and prey and maids, deeply gloomy) came out.
But half the other Aheyan remained on Breg
Together with the king of Agamemnon, a shepherd of many nations.
We gave the move to ships, and they ran through the waves
Quickly: God has been angry under them.
Soon came to Tendos, we brought the victim of the immortal there
Give us a depression praying them, but diy adamant more
Iced to allow a refund: he resents us secondary hostility.
Part of the king of Odyssey, the submitter of the wise councils,
In multi-place bending ships, rushed to the opposite
The path so that the Tsar Agamemnon's attire reappear.
I hurriedly with all the ships to me
Floored forward, guessed that the demon disaster prepared us;
I swam with all my and son of a pononic cue;
Later went to the path of Melani Zlatovlas: in Lesbos
With us, he caught up, nervous, what to elect us the way:
Abundant Hyos's cliffs
Edit it leaving her left hand, Ile below
Chios past the open wrestling winds of Mimanta?
Diya prayed for us to give us a banner; And, the banner is greeted
He commanded, so that, cutting the sea in the middle,
We walked to Evbay for the rapid trouble of the escauca;
The wind is passing, whistling, loose, and, fishery
Making the way easily, ships before gest preced
By the night; From many bulls we laid fat hips
There on the altar of Poseidonov, measuring the Great Sea.
The fourth day was accounted for when, devasting to Argos,
All ships of the Diomeda, horses of the curb, steel
In the pier. Meanwhile, I sailed in Plos, and never
The wind is passing, at first we sent to the diet, did not stuffed.
So I returned, my son, without any news; and Donyn
I could not have a dream who died from Aheyan, who was saved.
Well, we learned from others, living under home roofing,
Then you, as you follow, I will tell you without hiding.
We heard that with the stamps of the Achilles of the Great Son
All Mirmidones him, the spearman returned home;
Already, they say, Philoktt, Son Peaanov Beloved; Head
Idomena (no one from the sopapers, with him avoiding
Together the war, not losing the sea) Crete reached;
To you, of course, in far Earth reached atride
Hearing how home he returned, as the eisk was killed,
Like the auspices, finally, the delight of the reward.
Happiness when the deceased husband remains cheerful
Son to dismisse as Orest, hitting the eigist
His metoslav parent was killed!
So and you, my beloved friend, so perfectly matured,
Must be solid, so that your name and descendants praised. "
After listening to Nesor, so the noble telemists answered:
"Son of Notea, about Nestor, Great Glory Aheyan,
True, he missed, and terribly missed, and he from nations
The honor will be widespread and will praise from the offspring.
Oh when b and i gave me as much force
Gods, so that I can also dismiss the grooms appreciating
So much offense to me, insidiously died my plotting!
But the grace of great such not wanted to send
Gods neither to me, nor Father - and the lot of my patience from nowar. "
So Telemakhu responded Nestor, Hernee's hero:
"You yourself, my dear, about that I remembered me in my own words;
We heard that, your noble mother sneaking,
In the house of your grooms soldile make a lot.
I would like to want to: Do \u200b\u200byou demolish it yourself? People Lie
Your land hates you, according to the suggestion of God?
We do not know; It can happen easily that he himself
They, return, destroy, is one if the Aheyan is convened ...
Oh when b to love the sandy wadding of the deva pallad
I could also like her Odyssey loved
In the edge of Trojan, where there are many things we have undergone, Ahaeis!
No, never had such gods in love frank,
How frankly was with the odyssem of Pallada of Athena!
If it were with such a love and you were assigned
The most memory of marriage in many of them would disappear. "
Nerstor answered the judgmental son of Odyssev so:
"The elder, uncomfortable, I think the word is yours; about great
You say, and terrible to listen to you; Will not happen
Then never at the request of mine, neither by the will of the immortal. "
Daughter Svetlokyaya Zeus Athena answered him:
"The strange word from the mouth you, Telemakh, flew;
God is easy to protect us and issued, if he wants;
Well, I agreed B rather a disaster to meet, so that only
Sweet day of return to see than disasters avoiding,
To return to the house to fall before your hearth like a great
Agamemnon fell by the betrayal of his wife and aetist.
But it is impossible to gods from a common mortal hour
A nice person to spare when he is dedicated
In the hands of a forever of the swelling death will be a fate. "
So answered the judgmental son of Odysseev Goddess:
"Mentor, we will not talk about Tom, although I crashes us
Heart it; I will not see his return:
Black fate and death prepared gods for him.
I now, about another questioning, I want to contact
To Nerstor - the true and wisdom of all he is superior;
He was, they say, he king, the master of three generations,
The way with his brightest of his immortal God is similar -
The son of Notea, tell me, without hiding
How was the Agamemnon Satrode-Carving Atridge?
Where was Me Meal? What a spoofing agent
The cunning egish invented that it is more convenient to sing with the strongest?
Il without reaching Argos, he is still different people
Was the enemy of her thus drove on the evil murder? "-
"Friend - Telemakhu responded Nestor, Herneury hero, -
I will tell everything frankly, so that you can log entirely;
Truly so everything happened, as you think you yourself; But if B.
In the marriage, the residence of the aetica of the living found, returning
In the house, your own from Brahi Troyanskaya, Meneli Zlatovlas's atridge,
The corpse would not cover the ground the sobility
Painting birds and dogs would be confused, without honor
In the field far beyond the city of Argos of the Lying, Wife
Ours would not pay it - he accomplished the terrible case.
I sometimes, as we beat in the fields of Ilone,
It is in the safe corner of the Multicon Hoodie of Argos
The heart of the wife of Agamemnon Lestyla entangled cunning.
Before the cliques itself the Divine was disgusting
The case of shameful - she did not have thoughts;
There was a song to whom Tsar Agamemenon,
In Troy, preparing to sail, observed commanded for his wife;
But, as soon, the judine prevented her crime,
That songweds was exiled aetic to the island of Bessenger,
Where and left: and predatory birds of it confused.
He, he, who wished him with him, invited his house;
A lot of thighs on the holy altars, it fits before the gods,
A variety of deposits, and gold and tissues, temples decorated,
Audious thing is with an unexpected graduating success.
We, leaving the land of Trojan, floated together,
I and Mennel's Atridge, conjugate friendly friend.
We were before the sacred sun, Cape Attysky;
Suddenly Melaleva Feb Apollo believes invisibly
Quiet, the arrow killed: driving running
Vessel, faded kept the hype
Frontis, Son Onetors, Miscellaneous Oven
Mystery penetrated to own the ship in the coming storm.
The path slowed down, although in a hurry, Meneli, so that on Breg
Honor of the burial to a friend to pay proper with the celebration;
But when the cool boki on his ships again
In the dark sea went and high male males
Quickly reached - everywhere grazing chronon, idea
Death, hit him a multi-wind breath,
Raised mighty, grave, pea waves.
Suddenly shelted ships, he threw them to Crete,
Where kidona dwells in bright flows of Yextan.
Viden there is a sleek cliff, ascending on moisture salted,
In the dark sea, moving on the extreme limits of the gord;
Where Great Waves on the West Bank in Festa
Notes cattons and a small cliffs are crushing them, sweeping,
Those ships found themselves; Beneficiation was saved from death
People; The courts were killed, crashing about sharp stones.
Five other dammer ships, stolen storm,
The wind mighty and waves to the Egypt run.
There Meneli, collecting treasures and gold a lot,
I wandered between nations other languages, and at the same
Time aeiste made a challenge in Argos,
After Having Having to Having atridge, the people submitted silently.
In the whole seven years he ruled in a malicious mixer;
But on the area from Athens he returned to death
Godlike Orest; And he struck the killer who
His metoslav parent was killed.
Fearing the Great for Argivean, accomplished the burial
He and the Mother's Crimination along with the eisk of contempt.
On the most day and the atridge Meneli, the Caller in Blight,
Arrived, wealth gathered, how could fit in the ships.
You are not long, my son, in a remant of homeland,
Home and hereto of the father of noble leaning for a sacrifice
Cheeky robbers refractoring mercilessly; Roll out
Everything, and without benefit, the path perfect to you will remain.
But Menal Atridge (I advise, I demand) should
You visit; He recently arrived in Fatherland from alien
Countries, from people, from which no one listed
To them in the wide sea of \u200b\u200ba rapid wind, could not
Alive to return, from where and can not fly to us
Fast bird, - so scary in the bunch of space.
You will go from here Ile Sea with all your
Or, when you wish, earthy: horses with chariot
I will give me, and I will send my son to you, so that you guide you
The path to Lachedamon Divine, where Mennel Zlatovlas
Reigns; You can ask you for everyone to ask me;
A lie he, of course, does not say, the mind is gifted great. "
Cumshot. Meanwhile, the sun focused and darkness came.
To Northwood the word his turns, Athena said:
"The elder, your judicial speech, but I will not be slow;
Must cut now languages \u200b\u200band the king poseidon
Check out with other gods wine to create the clockwork;
Time to think about the bed of the deceased and the dream of the peacemaker;
Day at sunset UGAS, and I will not be decent
Here we sit for the meal of the gods; It's time to remove us. "
So spoke goddess; Delightened to her respectfully.
Here, for the washing of hands, the servants filed water;
Longs, bright crater to the edge Filling with a drink,
In the bowl, he was spawned, on the custom of the right began;
Throwing languages \u200b\u200binto the fire, they created the inspection,
Standing; When we created him and the wine enjoyed,
How much did the soul wanted, the kelves are noble with Athena
Steel to overlook on their high-speed ship to gather.
Nestor, keeping guests, said: "May not allow
Eternal Zeus and other immortal gods so that now
You have left the ship speeding!
Doesn't clothes do not find clothes? Is it really a beggar?
As if my house is neither covers nor soft beds
No, so I myself and my guests enjoyed the deceased
Bed? But there are pretty covers and soft beds.
It is possible that the son is so great husband so that the son of Odyssev
Chose a ship deck bedroom while I
Alive and my sons live with me under the same thing
The roof, so that everyone will complain to us, treat friendly?
Daughter Svetlokyaya Zeus Athena answered him:
"Smart Word said you, beloved elder, and should
Will to fulfill your Telemps: then, of course, decent.
Here I will leave him, so that the root is soothing
He spent the night. I myself on a black ship return
It should, so that our people are encouraging and telling them a lot:
I am our oldest sopauruct; they are
(All young, peers are all Telemakhu) by good
Will, from his friendship in his ship agreed;
That's why I want to go back on a black ship.
Tomorrow with a zareku to go to the people of brave cavacons
It is necessary that there are ancient, considerable people
Debt. Telemach, after you have a swim
With my son in the chariot you send, horses commanding
Give them more stronger in the run and the power of the most excellent. "
So saying to them, light flock Zeus's daughter retired,
Rapid eagle rushing; The people were amazed; I am amazed
A miracle seeing with your own eyes, Nestor.
By hand, taking a telemach, he said friendly:
"A friend, you, of course, and the heart is not timid and strengths of strong,
If you, young, so clearly accompany the gods.
Here from the immortal living in the abode of light Olympus,
There was not another who like Dieva is a glorious tritogen daughter,
Your father and your father distinguished in the village of Argyiyan.
Be favorably, goddess, and to us and great glory
Give me, and my children, and my spouse fragrant;
I am a telly for you annual, lbist, in the field
Woodly wandering, with IGOR still unfamiliar, sacrificing
Here I will bring her horns with gold clean. "
So he said, praying; And Palladoi was he heard.
Early, he went ahead of the sons and the eve of noble
In the house, his richly decorated Nestor, Herneury hero;
With Nesser in the royal richly decorated house and others
Also entered and sat down in order on chairs and chairs.
Old man then for the gathered Cup filled to the edge
Bright wine, after eleven years from amphora pillow
The key to the first time with the cherished amphora of that roof.
They made him from the Cup to the Unpossession of the Great
Daughters zeus egidowerzhavtsa; when and others
All, having done the inspection, the wine enjoyed pretty,
Everyone returned to himself, about the bed and a dream though.
Guest wishing calm, Nestor, Herraian hero,
Telemakhu himself, the rational son of King Odyssey,
In the bell-premium bed, the bed indicated the slit;
Lit's a lot of pcsistratus, spearing, husbands leader,
The former of the brothers is one unjieved in the dwelling fathers.
The same, in the inner royal house, rest
Less on the bed, replaced by gently king, Nestor.
Has got out of the darkness of mlauding with fingers purple EOS;
Soft rose bed and nevor, heero hero,
Write from the bedroom, he sat on the troughted, smooth, wide
Stones, at the door of high served sedale, whites,
Brightly shone, as if anointed oil, on them
Formerly, Nelva recresented, the Multitude of God like;
But long ago, he was not fate in the abode of Aida.
Now, on the stones of Notea Nestor, Skiptrusive
Pestun Aheyan. To him, sons gathered, from bedrooms
God like the Red Frasmed; Finally the sixth to them,
The youngest of the brothers came, the piscistrate is noble. And nearby
With Nervor, the Beloved Son of Odysseyev was invited.
The speech was turned here to the gathered Nestor, Herneury hero:
"Cute children, my command to fulfill a hurry:
I wish you other than others to bow on the grace of Athena,
Apparently, former with us on the feast of God is great.
In the field one for the telice run, to immediately from the field
Kicked her to us a shepherd, looking at herds; The other
Should go to the black ship of telemokhs and call us
All seaworthy people, there are only two; Finally
Third let it be immediately malicious Laerkos
It is called upon, so as the golden horns to be a telice.
Others All stay with me, commanding slaves
In the house to arrange abundant dinner, arrange ordinary
Chairs, firewood and bright water bring us. "
So he said; Everyone to take care began: from the field to the calf
Soon drove; came from the ship of telemakhov people,
With him overwhelmed sea; Hazelnikovnik came and
Need for forging metals Bringing a shell: anvil,
Hammer, gems of precious finish and everything that usually
He committed his own; Came and goddess Athena
Sacrifice to take. Here is the artist Nestor, horses curb
Gold pure gave; Obalov his horns he telitsa,
Digitiously, so that the sacrificial gift is pleased with the goddess.
They took the caliga then for the horns Stration and Exeffron;
Water their hands wash in the feasible flowers of Lohani
Delivered arretos from home, in the other hand he with barley
The box held; Frasmed, Ratoborets Mighty,
With sharp in the hand of an ax, to hit the victim;
The bowl substituted Perseus. Here Nestor, horses curb,
Hand washed, barley shying and throwing
Wool from her head on fire, prayed at the Athena;
Followed by him and others with a prayer Telitsa barley
Also shook. Nestor Son, Frasmed Multi
Muscles strained, hit, and deeply stuffed in the neck,
Costs ax crossed; The telice fell; Screw
Daughters are all, and daughter-in-law prince, and with them the queen,
A meek heart, Klimenova Senior Eurridic daughter.
The same telice, a straightened to the lane of the ground of the pulp,
Raised - when she stabbed her pcsistratus noble.
After when black blood was depleted and did not become
Life in the bones, laid down on her part, separated
Hips and on top of them (twice wrapped, as it should, bones
Fat) bloody meat pieces covered; together
Nestor lit on the fire and wine rang sparkling;
Those who have begun, substituting the grasp with five episodes.
Hips link and sweet womb tasted, the rest
Everybody was cut into parts and began to fry spins,
Sharp spins quietly in the hands over the fire.
I am sometimes Polycasto, the daughter of the younger
Nestor, was allocated for washing in a bath; when
Virgo him and washed and pure bitten with a bare
Easy putyely Chiton and rich in chlamyda,
He came out of the bath, by God, the face of radiant;
The place he took near Nestor, the shepherd of many nations.
The same, squeezing and with a spit removed the ridge meat,
Sat down for a delicious lunch, and carefully started servants
Run, pouring wine in the burst vessels; when
Hunger was pleasant to their sweet drink and ferment,
Nestor, Herrah Hero, told Sons Noble:
"Children, horses hustochriving harness to the chariot immediately
It should, so that he could have a teleceleum as desired to rush. "
That command of the royal was fulfilled soon;
Two dense horses burned into the chariot; in her same
The key to the bread and wine on the margin laid, with different
Food, what kings only, pets of Zeus, decent.
Here in the chariot brilliantly became a noble body;
Next to him Nestor Son Piscistratt, leader of peoples,
Became; Staying the brazda mighty hand, he hit
Strong beach across horses, and rushed fast horses
The field, and the pilos brilliant soon disappeared behind them.
The horses rushed all day, shaking the chariot drawby.
The sun in the meantime, and all darkened the road.
Travelers arrived in Fer, where Ortiloch son, Alfehem
Light born, his house had diocles noble;
By giving them a night, Diokles treated them welcoming.
He left the darkness of Mlada with the fingers of purple EOS.
Travelers, again in their chariot brilliant,
Quickly on it from the courtyard through the portico, a ringing was rushed,
Frequently horses chase, and horses hurts willingly.
Lush plains, abundant wheat, reaching, they are there
Finished the path perfect with mighty horses quickly;
The sun in the meantime, and all darkened the road.