Rich Earth Alsace and Lorraine. Regions of France: Alsace and Lorraine

Alsace and Lorraine are two regions, which today are officially recognized by the French territory, but the struggle for possession of which was carried out between Germany and France for several centuries.
During the entire period of the Middle Ages, the province of Alsace and Lorraine became part of the same kingdom, then another and only at the end of the 18th century, Alsace became part of the French kingdom, and Lorraine joined him as a result of the results of the thirty-year war. But despite this, the inhabitants of these lands were not going to abandon their customs and local dialects, which were similar to the Swiss dialect of German.
In 1870-1871 in the course of full-scale battles that unfolded in these territories because of the Franco-Prussian war, they became part of Hermann Empire. This happened for the reason that the capital of Lorraine was surrounded by the soldiers of the Prussian army and fell after several months of defense. As a result of the conclusion of the Paris world at the end of the war, the Earth was enshrined behind the Germans. Since the Western Mountains are located on the territory of Alsace, Germany under control was the plain way to France. Consequently, this state felt a constant danger. In turn, Germany decided to firmly consolidate these regions as part of imperial lands. Huge funds were highlighted for post-war recovery of the regions, the work of the university was resumed, the castles were reconstructed, but at the same time, the use of French, separatist sentiment was stopped strictly forbidden.
In 1873, as a result of the fact that one of the episcopes of the city remaining as part of France, the inhabitants of the inhabitants pray for the return of the controversial regions, the German Chancellor insisted that the French authorities punished him. They refused, and because of this, a diplomatic crisis arose, a little bit in a full-scale war.
In 1875, France conceived to expand the number of their troops. In response to this, Germany began to take pre-war measures. And only thanks to the efforts of diplomats of leading states of that time, the catastrophe did not occur.
In 1879, Germany secured the status of imperial and united them into the unified region of Alsace Lorraine for the controversial lands.
The territorial conflict between the two states has become one of key reasons The beginning of the World War in 1914, according to the results of which Alsace and Lorrargany became new to French regions.
In 1940, in the midst of the war of the Second World War, these regions were occupied by German troops. And only as a result of the completion of this war and signing peace treaties Alsace and Lorraine were recognized and included in France.
In modern historical context Strasbourg - the historical capital of Alsace was the symbols of Europe, which does not focus on national borders. In addition, it was this city that became the location of many pan-European organizations. In particular, the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights are sitting there.

Alsace and Lorraine"It's the East of France, where two people live together - the Germans and the French. These peoples have a mixture of cultures, cooking and MN.

Northeast France takes a small region of Alsace. Its terrain consists of a large plain of the valleys of Ilya and the Rhine, forest zones, mountain pastures and swampy reserved places of Rieceda. Strasbourg is the capital of Alsace. It stands on the Ile River and therefore it takes a profitable location in the center of the transport line on the Rhine. The capital contains the European Court (on human rights), and the Council of Europe. The list of cultural heritage of UNESCO is a historic corner of the capital - Grand Ile. Strasbourg Cathedral (spire 142 m) can be seen from any corner of the city. The city you can walk on excursions on numerous museums that are known to the whole world. Here, in the Palace of Rouen there are collections of museums of decorative and elegant arts, and in the mansion building the Cathedral of Notre Dam - Archaeological Museum. On the Embankment (San Nicola) there are still museums (Museum of Contemporary Art, Historical and Alsatian Museums). A wonderful look opens with famous covered bridges - these are old bridges with towers. There are many tourists who stand for a long time and admire these amazing decorations of the city of the XIV-XVII centuries.

The Western Valley of the Rhine (near the city of Strasburg) became famous for its vineyards and hundreds of wine cellars with first-class wines. The local climate is simply created for growing grapes.

Northeast France occupies Lorraine. Its territory is almost the whole plain, so German countries (more than 15 years) were constantly introduced here. Here everything reminds of wars. The border city of Metz is the capital of Lorraine. The capital has undergone a lot of destruction, more than other cities of France. Saint-Ealten de Metz Cathedral is considered the most excellent attraction. The night view of the illuminated cathedral simply shakes its greatness. The capital, drowning in a well-groomed greenery of medieval palaces, looks like in a fairy tale. There are many museums, galleries and theaters. It is interesting to see the huge double gate of Pore-de-Alemala (halo-Roman period). Around the capital is just a sea historical places. The famous Verden along with the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the Center of the World and Law (Palace of the Bishop), the underground moves of the Citadel - just move people in the Middle Ages. Another city of Lorraine is the city of Nancy. it ancient city (VI-VIII century) was not touched by wars since 1870) as a magnet attracts tourists to oldest city. His street curves and remnants of fortress walls are interesting for visitors. Several museums (Aquarium Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Lorraine and Museum Ecole) are located in the old palaces.

After the Franco-Prussian War of 1871, almost the entire Alsace and the northeastern part of Lorraine in the Frankfurt Treaty were moved by Germany. The disputed areas whose historical belonging is ambiguous, changed their owners more than once, personifying the symbol of interstate conflict. Today, Alsace and Lorraine are located in East France. They became the main intersection of Europe, where many international organizations and pan-European institutions are accommodated.

Between France and Germany

The richest history of two areas located between France and Germany can hardly give clear answers to their accessories. At the turn of our era, the population of Alsace and Lorraine consisted of Celtic tribes. At the invasion of the German tribes in the IV century, the territory of Lorraine went under the power of Franks, and Alsace was taken by Aleasan. The conquered local population has undergone language assimilation.

In the era of the board of Karl, the Great Possession of the Frankish kings were combined into a single large state. However, after the death of King Aquitania (Karl's successor), in 840, the kingdom was divided between his sons, which later led to the division of Lorraine in accordance with the Merced Treaty. Alsace entered the East-Franksky state, which was transformed into Germany.

From the X to the XVII century, as the story shows, Alsace and Lorraine were under German influence (mainly through dynastic bonds) and were part of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation. However, in the XVII-XVIII century, France again managed to gradually join their territories the main lands of the ancient Austility. This period was especially difficult to Alsace, who became the theater of hostilities in the confrontation of several states at once.

In 1674, the French troops manage to take 10 imperial cities. A few years later, through political manipulations and intimidation, brings the oath of France and Strasbourg. And in 1766, Lorraine entered its composition.

As part of the German Empire

The Franco-Prussian conflict of 1870-1871, provoked by Prussian Chancellor O. Bismarck, ended with a complete defeat of France. After signing the peace treaty in Frankfurt, Alsace and part of Lorraine moved to the German Empire, proclaimed by the United Hermann State.

The new section of the borders gave the Empire Military-Strategic Superiority. Now the border with France, thanks to Alsace, was transferred to the Rhine and the Western Mountains and in the case of an attack was a difficult obstacle. Lorraine has become a convenient bridgehead if necessary on France.

The German government, ignoring the protests of the population, tried to thoroughly consolidate the selected areas as part of the empire. Huge resources were allocated for post-war recovery, work was resumed at Strasbourg University, destroyed castles were reconstructed. Along with this, the use of French is strictly forbidden, the press came out only on german language, Renamed terrain. There was a tough persecution of separatist sentiment.

Status of imperial lands

The German Empire, finally consolidated by the controversial territories the status of imperial in 1879, connected them to a single region. Previously, Alzatsians and Larringians were invited to independently choose, in the territory of which state they wish to live. More than 10% of the population preferred to French citizenship, but only 50 thousand people were able to emigrate to France.

Administrative division of Alsace Lorraine included three major districts: Lorraine, Upper Alsace and Lower Alsace. In turn, the districts were divided into areas. total area The region amounted to 14496 square meters. km. With a population of over 1.5 million people. Former city France - Strasbourg - becomes the capital of imperial land.

It should be noted that Germany did not leave attempts to conquer the sympathy of the inhabitants of the affiliates and demonstrated the care of them. In particular, infrastructure has been improved, and paid great attention to educational system. However, the imposed regime continued to cause discontent among the population of the region, brought up in the spirit of the French Revolution.

State Device Alsace Lorraine

At first, administrative power in the subject territory carried out the Ober-President appointed by the emperor, who has the right to maintain order by all means, not excluding military force. At the same time, Elsace Lorraine did not have organs local governmentsShe was offered 15 seats in the German Reichstag, and the first decades they completely belonged to the candidates of the Levoburzhuaznaya Commercials. In the Union Council of the Empire, representatives of the region were absent.

In the late 70s of the XIX century, relaxation came, and the military regime softened. As a result of the reorganization of the Office, a local representative body (Landenceshus) was formed, and the post of Ober President changed the governor (Chatganger). However, in 1881, the situation tightened again, new restrictions were introduced, in particular concerning the use of French.

On the way to autonomy

In Alsace-Lorraine, the voices of the autonomy of the region as part of the German Empire were gradually gaining voices. And in the elections in Reikhstag in 1893, the protesters of the party had no longer had their own success: 24% of the votes were given to the Social Democratic Movement, which a lot contributed to the Germanization of the population. A year earlier was canceled by dictatorship-paragraph of the Law of 1871, and from that time imperial lands began to be under the action of common law.

By 1911, Alsace Lorraine received some autonomy, which provided for the presence of a constitution, local legislative body (Landtag), his own flag and anthem. The region received three places in Reichsrat. Nevertheless, the policy of numbers and discrimination of the local population did not cease, and in 1913 he led to serious clashes (Tsaban Incident).

Industrial province

On the territory of Alsace Lorraine, there was one of the largest iron ore pools in Europe. However, Bismarck and his associates were not greatly puzzled by the development of the local industry; The priority was to strengthen the union between the German lands using this region. The Chancellor of the Empire shared local coal mines among the governments of German lands.

The Empire tried to artificially restrain the development of Alsasian fields in order to prevent competition for companies of Westphalia and Silesia. The provinces entrepreneurs systematically met refusals from the German authorities to their petitions on the organization of railway branches and waterways. Nevertheless, Alsace Lorraine contributed well economic Development Germany B. late XIX. - early XX century. And the influx of German capital helped bring the local bourgeoisie with German.

"Without us!"

The territorial conflict of Germany and France became one of the reasons for the early World War in 1914. The restlessness of the latter to compete with the lost areas eliminated all the possibility of reconciliation between them.

With the beginning of hostilities, Elsassans and Larringans categorically refused to fight in the German army, in every way ignoring universal mobilization. Their motto becomes a laconic phrase: "Without us!" After all, for them, this war, for the most part, seemed to be a fratricidal, as the members of many families of the provinces carried the service both in the German and in the French army.

The empire introduced into imperial lands a rigid military dictatorship mode: the absolute ban of French, the tough censorship of personal correspondence. The soldiers of this region were constantly under suspicion. They were not involved in advance, they barely be released into dismissal, they cut the time of vacations. In early 1916, Soldiers of Alsace Lorraine were sent to the Eastern Front, which led to aggravation of problems with this area.

Liquidation of the Imperial Province

The Versailles Mirny Treaty of 1919 became the official conclusion of the First World War of 1914-1918, where Germany recognized its complete surrender. One of the conditions of the world was the refund of France of previously selected areas - Alsace and Lorraine - to their borders of 1870. The long-awaited revenge of the French has become possible thanks to the Allied troops, including the United States of America.

On October 17, 1919, Alsace Lorraine as the Imperial Province of the German Empire and an independent geographical unit was eliminated. Territories with the mixed German-French population entered the French Republic.

Alsace Lorraine on the map of the German Empire Capital Strasbourg Languages) German, French Currency unit Mark, Frank Area 14522 km² To: appeared in 1871 to: disappeared in 1918

Imperial Earth Alsace Lorraine (it. Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen, FR. Alsace-Lorraine.) - "Imperial Earth" of the German Empire, located on the territory of today's Eastern France, consisting of Alsace and Eastern Lorraine, related to the overall history.

State device


  • Strasbourg (FR. Strasbourg., it. Straßburg.).
  • Metz (Fr. Metz., it. Metz.).
  • Colmar (Fr. Colmar., it. Kolmar.).

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  • Vodovozov V.V. . // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • Zvyaginsev E. A. ,. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Vodovozov V.V. . // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

An excerpt characterizing Alsace Lorraine

- Nothing. Fend a book, "said passing. The servant filed a book that seemed to Pierre spiritual, and passing deepened in reading. Pierre looked at him. Suddenly, passing postponed the book, laid off her and, again, closing his eyes and climbing his back, sat down in his previous position. Pierre looked at him and did not have time to turn away, as the old man opened his eyes and stated his firm and strict look right in the face of Pierra.
Pierre felt embarrassed and wanted to deviate from this glance, but brilliant, senile eyes irresistibly attracted him to themselves.

"I am a pleasure to speak with the Count of Duzuhim, if I'm not mistaken," said leisurely and loudly. Pierre Silently, looked questioningly through glasses on his interlocutor.
- I heard about you, - continued passing, - and about you, my sovereign, misfortune. - He as if stressed the last wordAs if he said: "Yes, misfortune, as you call, I know that what happened to you in Moscow was misfortune." - I am very sorry about my sovereign.
Pierre blushed and, hastily knocking his legs from bed, bent down the old man, smiling unnaturally and timidly.
- I did not mention it out of curiosity about it, my sovereign, but at more important reasons. - He paused, not releaseing Pierre from his gaze, and moved on the couch, inviting this Pierre gesture to sit beside himself. Pierre was unpleasant to join the conversation with this old man, but he involuntarily conquering him, approached and sat down beside him.
"You are unhappy, my sovereign," he continued. - You are young, I am old. I would want to help you with my strength.
"Oh, yes," said Pierre with an unnatural smile. - Thank you very much ... Do you please learn from? - The face of passing was not affectionately, even cold and strictly, but despite the fact, and the face of the new acquaintance of the new acquaintance was attractively acted on Pierre.
"But if for some reasons you have a unpleasant conversation with me," said the old man, "then you say, my sovereign." "And he suddenly smiled unexpectedly, a delicate smile."
"Oh no, no, there is no, on the contrary, I am very happy to meet you," said Pierre, and, looking once again on the hands of a new acquaintance, he looked closer to the ring. He saw on him Adam's head, sign of Masonry.
"Let me ask," he said. - Are you a Mason?
"Yes, I belong to the fraternity of free landing people, said Perezzhiy, getting deeper and deeper into the eyes of Pjar. - And from myself and from their name I stretch you with a fraternal hand.
"I'm afraid," said Pierre, smiling and hesitating between the confidence, inspired by the personality of the Mason, and the habit of mockery over the beliefs of the Masons, - I am afraid that I am very far from understanding, how to say, I am afraid of my way of thinking about everything. The universe is the opposite of your way that we will not understand each other.
- I know your image of thoughts, "said Mason," and the same image of the thoughts you are talking about, and which seems to you the work of your mental work, there is an image of the thoughts of most people, there is a single fruit of pride, laziness and ignorance. Sorry me, my sovereign, if I would not know him, I would not speak with you. Your image of thoughts is a sad misconception.
"In the same way, as I can assume that you are in delusion," said Pierre, smiling weakly.
"I will never dare to say that I know the truth," the Mason said, more and more hitting Pierre's own certainty and hardness of speech. - no one can reach the truth; Only a stone behind a stone, with the participation of all, millions of generations, from the plaque of Adam to our time, the temple, which should be a decent housing of the Great God, - said Mason and closed his eyes.
"I have to tell you, I don't believe, I believe in God," Pierre said with regret and effort, feeling the need to express the whole truth.
The Mason looked attentively on Pierre and smiled, as the rich-holding rich, who kept millions in his hands, the poor man, who would tell him that he had no, had a poor man, five rubles that could make his happiness.
"Yes, you do not know him, my sovereign," said Mason. - You can't know him. You do not know him, because you are unhappy.
- Yes, yes, I am unhappy, I confirmed Pierre; - But what should I do?
- You do not know him, my sovereign, and because you are very unhappy. You do not know him, and he is here, he is in me. He is in my words, he is in you, and even in those blasphemest speeches that you said now! - A strict trembling voice said Mason.
He paused and sighed, apparently trying to calm down.
"If it was not," he said quietly, "we wouldn't talk about him with you, my sovereign." What are we talking about? Who did you deny? He suddenly said with enthusiastic rigor and power in his voice. - Who invented him, if it was not? Why was the assumption that there is such an incomprehensible creature? Why did you and the whole world suggested the existence of such an incomprehensible being, the creatures of the Almighty, eternal and endless in all of their properties? ... - He stopped and was silent for a long time.
Pierre could not and did not want to interrupt this silence.
"He is, it's hard to understand it," the Mason spoke again, looking at the face of Pierre, but before him, with his senile hands, who could not remain calm from the inner excitement, turning out the books of the book. - If it was a man, in the existence of which you would doubt, I would lend to you that man would take him by the hand and showed you. But as I, an insignificant mortal, I will show all the omnipotence, all the eternity, all the goodness of him who is blind, or who closes his eyes, so as not to see, do not understand him, and not see, and not understand all your abomination and viciousness? - He paused. - Who are you? What are you? You dream of yourself that you are a sage, because you could pronounce these blasphemes, "he said with a gloomy and contemptuous grin, - and you are more stupid and increhensive than a small child who, playing parts skillfully made hours, would dare to say that Because he does not understand the appointment of these watches, he does not believe in the master who did them. It is difficult to know it ... We are centuries, from the plaque of Adam and to this day, we work for this knowledge and indefinitely far from achieving our goal; But in misunderstanding, we see only our weakness and his greatness ... - Pierre, with a fading of the heart, looking with brilliantly eyes in the face of the Mason, he listened to him, did not interrupted him, and he did not ask him, and with all his heart he believed that he had told this someone else. Whether he believed in the Speech of Mason, or believed how they believe the children of intonations, conviction and heartiness, which were in the speech of Mason, trembling a voice, which was sometimes almost interrupted by Mason, or this brilliant, senile eyes, and The same conviction, or the calm, hardness and knowledge of his destination, which glowed from the entire creature of the Mason, and which were particularly struck him in comparison with their omitting and hopelessness; "But he wanted to believe with all his soul, and believed, and felt the joyful feeling of calm, updates and return to life.


Alsace Lorraine (it. Elsaß-Lothringen, FR. Alsace-Lorraine.) - "Imperial Province" of the German Empire, now in the territory of East France, consisting of Alsace and Eastern Lorraine, associated with the general history from 1871 to 1944.

1. General

On the territory of Alsace Lorraine, the Departments of the Rhine Upper, Rhine Lower and Moselle are located. The area of \u200b\u200bthe region is 14496 km².

2. in Germany

After the Franco-Prussian War, a significant part of Lorraine and almost all of Alsace were transferred to Germany. The names of the provinces were left for the same, but the German authorities immediately began to oppress french and french culture. The French resisted, and the French spirit failed to suppress the French spirit. At the same time, in France, the revengery movement was active in support of the treated provinces, in honor of Alsace and Lorraine in many cities of the country, the streets were called, in Nancy - the ancient capital of Lorraine, the remaining part of France - an allegorical monument to two provinces was opened.

In the first world war, Elzassans and Larring people refused to fight in the German army, their motto was a concise expression: "Without us!". In November 1918, the Alsatian Soviet Republic was proclaimed, but by the end of the war the allies took a significant part of Alsace and Lorraine. Under the conditions of the Versailles peace treaty, France returned these lands.

3. Further History

After the defeat of France in 1940, Germany again annexed Alsace and Lorraine. A significant part of the French population was angled into the concentration camps, many died there. In 1944, Alsace and Lorraine were liberated by the Allied Forces, and after the war, France officially returned.

4. Cities

    Strasbburg (FR. Strasbourg., it. Straßburg.).

    Metz (Fr. Metz., it. Metz.).

    Colmar (Fr. Colmar., it. Kolmar.).
