Who is Bismarck M What did. German Reich

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Shenhausen (it. Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismarck-Schönhausen; 1815 (1898) - German statesman, Prince, first Chancellor of the German Empire (second Reich), called the "Iron Chancellor".

Otto Bismarck Bismark was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of small noble nobles in Schönhausen, in the Brandenburg province (now - the land of Saxony-Anhalt). All generations of the Bismarkov family served the ruler of Brandenburg in a peaceful and military field, but they did not show any special behavior. Simply put, the bismarcks were Junkers, - descendants of knights-conquerors who founded settlements on the lands east of the Elbe. Bismarcks could not boast extensive land tenure, wealth or aristocratic luxury, but were considered noble.

From 1822 to 1827, Otto studied at the Plamman School, in which a special emphasis was made on physical development. But the young Otto was not pleased, about whom he often wrote to his parents. At the age of twelve, Otto left the plamina school, but he did not leave Berlin, continuing his studies in the gymnasium named after Friedrich the Great in Friedrichstraße, and when he was fifteen years old, he went to the gymnasium "At the Gray Monastery". Otto showed himself a medium, not an outstanding student. But he studied French well and german languages, getting involved in reading foreign literature. The main interests of the young man lay in the field of politics of past years, the history of military and peaceful rivalry different countries. At that time, the young man, in contrast to his mother, was far from religion.

At the end of the gymnasium, the mother identified Otto to the University of George Augustus in Gottingen, who was located in the Kingdom of Hannover. It was assumed that there, the young Bismarck would study the right and, in the future, will go on a diplomatic service. However, Bismarck was not tuned to serious studies and preferred her entertainment with friends, whom a lot appeared in Gottingen. Otto often took part in the duels, in one of which he was injured in the first and only time in his life - from his wound on his cheek he remained a scar. In general, Otto Bismarck's background at that time did not differ much from the Golden German Youth.

Bismarck did not complete his education in Gottingen - life on a wide leg turned out to be burdensome for his pocket, and, under the threat of arrest from the university authorities, he left the city. For a whole year, he was listed in the new metropolitan University of Berlin, where he defended his thesis on philosophy and political economy. On this, his university education ended. Naturally, Bismarck immediately decided to start a career on a diplomatic field, to which his mother lay great hopes. But the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia refused to young Bismarck, advised to "search a place in some administrative institution within Germany, and not in the sphere of European diplomacy." It is possible that the minister's decision was influenced by rumors about the stormy student life of Otto and his addiction to clarifying relations through a duel.

As a result, Bismarck went to work in Aachen, which quite recently entered Prussia. In this resort city, the influence of France and Bismarck was also felt, mainly dealt with problems associated with the accession of this border territory to the Customs Union, in which Prussia was dominated. But the work, according to the Bismarck himself, "was highly" and he had a lot of time to read and enjoy life. In the same period, he had many lovely presence with visitor's visitors. Once he even almost married the daughter of the English parish priest Isabelle Lorein-Smith.

Paving in disfavor in Aachen, Bismarck was forced to enter military service - in the spring of 1838 he signed up in the Guards Battalion of Hierahi. However, the mother's disease reduced his service life: For many years of worries about children and the estate undermined her health. The death of the mother put a point in the thumbnails of Bismarck in search of the case - it became quite clear that he would have to manage his orange estate.

Settling in Pomerania, Otto Bismarck began to think about the ways to increase the profitability of their places and soon won the respect of his neighbors both theoretical knowledge and practical successes. Life in the estate disciplined Bismarck greatly, especially if we compare with the student years. He showed himself a rapid and practical landowner. But still, the student chants gave themselves to know and soon the surrounding junckers nicknamed him "mad."

Bismarck became very close to his younger sister Malvina, who finished learning in Berlin. Between his brother and sister arose spiritual proximity caused by similarity in tastes and sympathies. Otto introduced Malvin with his friend Armeni, and a year later they got married.

Bismarck never stopped considering himself believers in God and follower Martin Luther. Every morning he started with reading excerpts from the Bible. Otto decided to make the engagement with the girlfriend of Mary Johannna von Puttkmer, which was achieved without any problems.

At about the same time, Bismarck first had the opportunity to enter politics as a deputy of the newly educated United Landtag of the Prussian Kingdom. He decided not to lose this chance and on May 11, 1847, he took his deputy place, postponing his own wedding. It was the time of the most acute confrontation of liberals and conservative pro-royal forces: Liberals demanded from Friedrich Wilhelm IV of the Constitution and large civil liberties, but the king was not in a hurry to bestow He needed money for construction railway from Berlin B. Eastern Prussia. It is for this purpose that he convened in April 1847 by the United Landtag, consisting of eight provincial landscapes.

After his first speech in Landtag, Bismarck acquired scandalous fame. In his speech, he tried to disprove the approval of the Liberal deputy on the constitutional nature of the war for the liberation of 1813. As a result, thanks to the press, "mad" Juncker from the book turned into a "mad" deputy of the Berlin Landtag. A month later, Otto earned himself a nickname "Pershestor Finke" because of his permanent attacks on the idol and the horn of the Liberals of George Fish. In the country, revolutionary sentiment gradually ripe; Especially among the urban bases, dissatisfied with the increase in food prices. Under these conditions, Otto Bismarck and Johann von Puttkmer finally got married.

1848 brought a whole wave of revolutions - in France, Italy, Austria. In Prussia, the revolution also broke out under the pressure of patriotic liberals, which demanded the associations of Germany and the creation of the Constitution. The king was forced to accept requirements. Bismarck initially frightened the revolution and was even going to help lead the army to Berlin, but soon his dust was cooled, and only the despondency and disappointment remained in the monarch, who went to concessions.

Due to the reputation of an incorrect conservative, Bismarck there was no chance to go to the new Prussian National Assembly, elected by the general voting of the male part of the population. Otto was afraid for the traditional rights of junkers, but soon calmed down and admitted that the revolution was less radical than it seemed. It did not have anything left, except to return to his estates and write to the new conservative newspaper "Croyzzaytung". At this time, there is a gradual strengthening of the so-called "Camarilla" - a block of conservative politicians, which included Otto Bismarck.

The logical outcome of the strengthening of Camarilli was the counter-revolutionary coup of 1848, when the king interrupted the meeting of the parliament and introduced the troops to Berlin. Despite all the merits of Bismarck in the preparation of this coup, the king refused him in the ministerial post, camp with the "avid reactionary." The king was not completely configured to unleash his hands to reactionaries: shortly after the coup he published a constitution that combined the principle of the monarchy with the creation of a two-chamber parliament. The monarch also reserved the right of absolute veto and the right to manage with the help of emergency decrees. This constitution did not meet the aspiration of liberals, but the Bismarck still seemed too progressive.

But he was forced to accept her and decided to try to nominate to the lower chamber of parliament. With great difficulties, Bismarck managed to go through both rounds of elections. He took his place of deputy on February 26, 1849. However, the negative attitude of Bismarck to the German Association and the Frankfurt Parliament strongly hit his reputation. After the dissolution of Parliament, the king, Bismarck practically lost the chances to be re-elected. But he was lucky this time, for the king changed the electoral system, which delighted the Bismarck from the need to lead the election struggle. On August 7, Otto Bismarck again took his deputy place.

A little time passed, and a serious conflict arose between Austria and Prussia, which could grow into a full-scale war. Both states considered themselves the leaders of the German world and tried to draw small German principalities into the orbit of their influence. At this time, Erfurt became a stumbling block, and Prussia had to be given in, concluding the "Olmutsky Agreement". Bismarck actively supported this agreement, as it believed that Prussia could not win in this war. After some oscillations, the king appointed Bismarck by the representative of Prussia to the Frankfurt Union Seimas. In Bismarck, the diplomatic qualities had not yet been necessary on this post, but there was a natural mind and political insight. Soon Bismarck met the most famous politician of Austria Clement Metternal.

During Crimean war Bismarck resisted to Austria's attempts to make the mobilization of German armies for war with Russia. He became a Yarym adherent to the German Union and an opponent of the Austrian domination. As a result, Bismarck became the main supporter of the Union with Russia and France (even recently fought with each other), directed against Austria. First of all, it was necessary to establish contact with France, for which Bismarck served in Paris on April 4, 1857, where he met with Emperor Napoleon III, who did not make a special impression on him. But because of the disease of the king and sharp reversal foreign Policy Prussia, Bismarck's plans were not destined to come true, and he was sent to the ambassador to Russia. In January 1861, the King of Friedrich Wilhelm IV died and his place was taken by the former regent Wilhelm I, after which Bismarck was transferred to the Ambassador to Paris.

But in Paris he stayed for a long time. In Berlin at that time, the next crisis between the king and parliament broke out. And in order to resolve it, despite the resistance of the Empress and Kronprint, Wilhelm I appointed Bismarck by the head of the government, having transferred him posts of the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs. The long-term era of Bismarck-Chancellor began. Otto formed his office from conservative ministers, among which there were practically not bright personalities, except for Ron, who headed the military department. After the approval of the Cabinet Bismarck made a speech at the Landtag's Landtag's Balant, where the famous phrase said about "Blood and Iron" pronounced. Bismarck was confident that there was a good time to rivalry Prussia and Austria for German lands.

In 1863, the conflict broke out between Prussia and Denmark on the status of Sliew and Holstein, which were the southern part of Denmark, but in which ethnic Germans prevailed. The conflict of the tel has long been long, but in 1863 he aggravated with a new force under the pressure of nationalists on both sides. As a result, at the beginning of 1864, Prussian troops occupied Schleswig-Holstein and soon these dukes were divided between Prussia and Austria. However, it was not the end of the conflict, the crisis in relations between Austria and Prussia constantly telle, but did not fade.

In 1866 it became clear that the war was not avoided and both sides began to mobilize their military forces. Prussia was in close alliance with Italy, which pressed on Austria from the south-west and sought to occupy Venice. Prussian armies pretty quickly took most of the northern German lands and were ready for the main campaign against Austria. The Austrians suffered one defeat after another and were forced to adopt a peace treaty imposed by Prussia. Hessen, Nassau, Hannover, Schleswig-Holstein and Frankfurt were moved to it.

The war with Austria strongly wound the chancellor and undermined his health. Bismarck took a vacation. But he had to rest for a short time. From the beginning of 1867, Bismarck stubbornly worked on the creation of the Constitution of the Severogoerman Confederation. After some concessions to Landtag, the Constitution was adopted, and the North-German Union was born. Two weeks later, Bismarck became Chancellor. Such a strengthening of Prussia strongly agitated by the rulers of France and Russia. And, if relations remained with Alexander II, the French were tuned to the Germans very negative. Passion was heated by the Spanish crisis of the Preconsession. One of the applicants for the Spanish throne was Leopold, who belonged to the Brandenburg Dynasty of Hohenzollers, and France could not allow him to an important Spanish throne. In both countries, patriotic sentiment began to rule. War did not make himself wait long.

The war was defeated for the French, a particularly crushing defeat under the sedan, which they remember this. Very soon the French were ready to capitulate. Bismarck demanded from France the province of Alsace and Lorraine, which was completely unacceptable both for Emperor Napoleon III and the Republicans founded the third republic. The Germans managed to take Paris, and the resistance of the French gradually went to no. German troops stated along the streets of Paris. During the Franco-Prussian War in all German lands, patriotic sentiments increased, which allowed the Bismarck even more to rally the North-German Union, announcing the creation of the Second Reich, and Wilhelm I accepted the title of Emperor (Kaiser) of Germany. Bismarck himself, on the wave of universal popularity, received the title of Prince and the new estate Friedrichsruhe.

In the Reichstag, in the meantime, a powerful opposition coalition was formed, the core of which was the newly created Centrist Catholic Party, which united with parties representing national minorities. In order to withstand Clericalism of the Catholic Center, Bismarck went on rapprochement with national liberals that had the greatest share in Reichstag. Began "Kulturkampf" - Bismarck Fighting with the Catholic Church and Catholic Party. This struggle negatively affected the unity of Germany, but it became a matter of principle for Bismarck.

In 1872, Bismarck with Gorchakov organized a meeting of three emperors in Berlin - German, Austrian and Russian. They came to the agreement together withstanding revolutionary danger. After the Bismarck had a conflict with the German Ambassador in France, Arnic, who, like Bismarck, belonged to the conservative wing, which removed the chancellor from conservative junkers. The result of this confrontation was the arrest of Arima under the pretext of the wrong handling of documents. A long struggle against Armenius and the irreconcilable resistance of the centrist party of Windhorst could not affect the health and moral chancellor.

In 1879, Franco-German relations worsened and Russia in an ultimative form demanded not to start from Germany new war. This testified to the loss of mutual understanding with Russia. Bismarck was in a very serious international situation, threatened with isolation. He even resigned, but Kaiser refused to accept her and sent the Chancellor to a permanent vacation, which lasted five months.

In addition to the external danger, the danger internal, namely the socialist movement in the industrial regions, was becoming more and more. To combat him, Bismarck tried to adopt new repressive legislation, but he was rejected by centrists and liberal progressors. Bismarck increasingly spoke of "Red Threat", especially after the attempt on the emperor. The Berlin Congress of the leading powers was opened in this difficult for Germany in Berlin to consider the results of the Russian-Turkish war. Congress was surprisingly effective, although the bismarck had to constantly lavish between representatives of all the great powers.

Immediately at the end of the Congress in Germany, elections were held in Reichstag (1879), on which conservatives and centrists received a confident majority at the expense of liberals and socialists. This allowed the bismarck to spend a bill of socialists through the Reichstag. Another outcome of the new defold forces in Reichstag was the opportunity to spend protectionist economic reformsTo overcome the economic crisis that began in 1873. With these reforms, Chancellor managed to disorient the national liberals strongly and attract to his side of the centrists, that several years earlier it was simply impossible to imagine. It became clear that the period "CulturCampf" was overcome.

Fearing the convergence of France and Russia, Bismarck in 1881 resumed the Union of Three Emperors, but the relationship between Germany and Russia continued to be stretched, which was aggravated by the strengthening of contacts between St. Petersburg and Paris. Fearing the speeches of Russia and France against Germany, as opposed to the Franco-Russian Union, in 1882 an agreement was signed on the creation of a three-way union (Germany, Austria and Italy).

The election of 1881 in fact became for Bismarck by defeat: conservative parties and liberals of Bismarck gave way to the "Center" party, progressive liberals and socialists. The situation has become even more serious when opposition parties have merged into order to cut the cost of maintaining the army. Once again, the danger that Bismarck will not hold in the chair of the Chancellor. Permanent work and unrest undermined the health of Bismarck - he was too frustrated and suffered from insomnia. Health helped him to return Dr. Schwenniger, who planted the Chancellor on the diet and forbade drinking strong wines. The result did not make himself wait - very soon to the chancellor was returned to the cellulle, and he took up cases with a new force.

This time a colonial policy came in his field. During the previous twelve years, Bismarck argued that the colony is the increasing luxury for Germany. But during 1884, Germany acquired huge territories in Africa. German colonialism neighboring Germany with her eternal rival France, but created tension in relations with England. Otto, the Bismarck background managed to draw the colonial affairs of her son Herbert, who was engaged in resolving issues with England. But there was enough problems with the son too - he inherited from his father only bad features and drunk.

In March 1887, Bismarck managed to form a sustainable conservative majority in Reichstag, which received the nickname "Cartel". On the wave of a chauvinistic hysteria and the threat of war with France, the voters decided to rally around the chancellor. This gave him the opportunity to spend the law on the seven-year service through the Reichstag. In early 1888, Emperor Wilhelm I died, which did not foretell anything good Chancellor.

The new emperor became a fatal sick cancer of the throat of Friedrich III, who by that time was in the terrible physical and mental state. After a few months, he also died. The throne of the empire took young Wilhelm II, who treated the chancellor cool enough. The emperor began to actively interfere with politics, pushing the elderly bismarck into the background. Particularly strong differences caused an anti-socialist bill in which social reforms were hand in hand with political repression (which was very in the spirit of the Chancellor). This conflict has led Bismarck for resignation on March 20, 1890.

The remainder of the life of Otto von Bismarck spent in his estate Friedrichsruhe near Hamburg, rarely leaving him. In 1884 his wife Johann died. IN last years Bismarck is pessimistically assessed by the prospects for European politics. Several times he was visited by Emperor Wilhelm II. In 1898, the health of the ex-Chancellor deteriorated sharply, and on July 30, he died in Friedrichsruhe.

Today marks 200 years since the birth Otto von Bismarka. Since I found out about it only today in Mobile Wikipedia, then there is no time to write treatises. Just a few words o women and genealogy Otto von Bismarck.

Otto background Bismarck-Shenhausen (1815-1898). Since 1865, the Count, since 1871 - the prince, since 1890 - the Duke. The man who united Germany, the first chancellor of the German Empire.

"Iron Chancellor" Otto

Otto von Bismarck Born on April 1, 1815 in the family of small noble nobles, in Brandenburg. All generations of the Bismarkov family served the rulers on a peaceful and military field, but they did not show any special behavior. Bismarcks were junkers - descendants of knights-conquerors who founded settlements on the lands east of the Elbe River. Bismarcks could not boast extensive land tenure and wealth, but were considered noble.

Otto Wilhelmina mother was a powerful and ambitious woman. It is believed that it was thanks to her Otto became the one who became. From his father, he inherited pride ancestors, and from mother - practical thinking, talent to analyze and convince. And to Mother Otto treated restrained, and his father loved. Mother felt targeted from him a "high official."

Wilhelmina von Bismarck, mother Otto:

At the request of the mother, he entered the Plaminan gymnasium in Berlin where many sons of officials studied. In the gymnasium above all revered Prussian values \u200b\u200b- discipline, order and physical hardening. For most of the subjects, Otto was a rather mediocre student, was interested in only history and politics. The five years spent in this "prison" (from 7 to 12 years old) he considered out of his childhood.

Young Otto fot Bismarck:

He received a maturity certificate in the humanitarian "gymnasium with a gray monastery," where he was allocated mainly by eloquence and interest in politics. After the plane gymnasium with her Mutter, the second seemed simply by paradise.

He then studied the right and political science at the University of Gotenna, from where he was "asked" for eternal problems with alcohol, women, cards and debts. He died and received a diploma he was in Berlin University.

He had a lot of novels .... with Laura.Russell (supposedly niece of the duke of Cumberland), with Isabella Laurage Smith ....

On beauties Isabelle Laurage SmithBismarck almost married:

To dispel after a break with one French passion (who was by the way her older), Otto in 1837 made a trip to Germany with a young Englishman, the girlfriend the aforementioned Laura Russell - and instead of 14 days of the left vacation spent 5 weeks with her, for which he was dismissed From the court, where he served at that time.

(Lower the description of his career, which was very successful, because after a rapid Beras, he was still formed)

With actress Paulina Lucca:

His young friends remembered that Bismarck could "change" anyone, while maintaining a sober mind. Also from the young age he loved and knew how to be the center of attention.

Otto was in love with Marie Background Taden-Trigoff- Bride of his school friend Moritsa. Marie answered him reciprocity, but did not decide to terminate the engagement. Yes, and Bismarck did not decide to sacrifice his career with the personal happiness, quarreling with a friend and influential Marie family.

Marie Background Taden-Trigoff

Bismarck's biographers say that most likely Marie Background Tadden-Trigoff was his only true love. It's not by chance that he later called Marie.

At the wedding of Marie and Moritz, he was planted near the 20-year-old girlfriend of the bride Yogan PuttkaMmer. He liked the girl ... modest, from a good family.

He subconsciously looking for a woman who would be the opposite of his mother. Such to be a faithful wife, the mother of his children, supported her spouse in everything and kept in his shadow. This in his opinion was Yohanna.

But he did a proposal only two years after the sudden death of Marie. Otto von Bismarck wrote the Father Yoganna a very exquisite letter and asked his hands his only daughter. The wedding took place in 1847.

The insightful Otto did not lose. His wife turned out to be a selfless wife and taking care of her mother. She provided "rear" and contributed to the career growth and success of his spouse. With a modern discussion of the role of a woman in politics and economics, it is safe to say that Johann von Bismarck played an important role for the German Empire.

The spouses were born three children:

  • Marie (1848-1926) ∞ Count Kuno background Rantzau

  • Herbert Prince von Bismarck (1849-1904) ∞ Countess Margarita Hoyosh

  • Wilhelm Graf von Bismarck (1852-1901) ∞ Shibil Background Arnim-Kerkhlandorff

Children of Bismarkov:

Hard, hard, volitional - Throughout his life, Prussia's Minister and German Chancellor Otto Fot Bismarck skillfully created such an image from others. For the Iron Will, he tried to hide a deep mind and natural quiet. Everything that this man did, he did reliably.

Principles of strong power

Less than nine years needed Bismarck to unite crushed Germany. He created by the empire he ruled 19 years. Its state system was characterized by stability and development ability, reliable international regulations. In its "thoughts and memories", Bismarck formulated the principles on which his power held.

Principle 1: The force above right.

Having come to power, Bismarck introduced the system of total submission vertically: King (Kaiser) - Chancellor - Ministers - officials. Only with such a unit of state power and you can create a strong state. Any opposition was erased into powder. The force above right, considered the chancellor.

Principle 2: Good to any means, if it serves as the interests of the state.

If the requirements of the current moment are such that the war is needed, it means to be war! So, to encourage South Germany to the Union with Prussia, Bismarck was to provoke aggression from France. In helica diplomatic moves, he completely launched Napoleon III, annoyed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France of Gramon, calling that fool. Then reduced the letter of Wilhelm I by the French king (the so-called "Emskoy Development") in such a way that it took a completely offensive nature for France. This document Bismarck ordered to publish in all newspapers and sent to all European missions. As a result, France found himself offended and declared war (which Reichskancler sought).

Principle 3: In the first place should always be necessary, and even then desirable.

Wise politician must firmly go to the target target. But at the same time, to be flexible, see "for several moves ahead," to understand and feel that it is preferable in this situation, to be able to adapt to the circumstances and benefit from everything.

Principle 4: After the victory over the enemy, the main thing is "not to pass a stick."

If possible, war should be avoided. But if it is inevitable, then it must be won and convince the subjects in her need, justifying his actions. We only need to be able to transfer formal responsibility for its emergence to the enemy. But the main thing is "not to pass a stick," do not engage in punishing justice. Bismarck, in principle, respecting the interests of other European powers. The defeated people should not feel offended and enslaved, otherwise he will be an unreliable ally.

Principle 5: It is necessary to feel responsible for their subjects and give them at least a minimum of social benefits.

An important concern for Reichskanzler was to ensure the development of Germany. He succeeded - by the end of the XIX century. At the pace of development, Germany was inferior only to the UK. In 1872-1875 At the initiative of Bismarck, laws were adopted on the deprivation of the clergy of the right of supervision of schools, about the abolition of the articles of the Constitution, which provided for the autonomy of the Church. In 1881-1889 He conducted a number of "social laws": about the insurance of workers in case of illness and injury, on pensions in old age and disability. Insurance, which now exists almost all over the world, was an innovation of the Iron Chancellor.

About politics and politicians

It is assumed that the statesman can make a plan for a long-term prospect and consider for itself the fact that he would take a year later, two or three years, it would not mean not to understand the essence of politics ... In politics it is impossible to make a plan for a long period and blindly follow it .

The government should not fluctuate. After choosing the road, it should, without looking at the right and left, go to the end.

One can only in general, adhere to the selected direction; His, however, you need to adhere to unshakimy, but the paths for which we go to the goal are not always familiar to us. The State Avestigator is similar to the traveler in the forest: he knows the route of the campaign, but not the point in which it will come out of the forest. Also, the politician must lay the roads in order not to get lost.

Politics There is art to adapt to the circumstances and benefit from everything, even from what is pretty.

Who calls me a shameless politician, even if one will experience his own conscience on this bridgehead.

Never fight on two fronts!

The only sound basis of a large state, and this is significantly different from the small, is state egoism, and not romance, and unworthy of the great country to negotiate a matter of business that is not included in the scope of its own interests.

Opposite glances, without bringing any benefit, can, in any case, bring harm, for they can cause doubts and indecision, but in my opinion, any policy is better than the policies of oscillations.

For the calculation policy in the first place is always necessary, and only then desirable, i.e. Initially, the equipment of the house, and only then its expansion. And the ability to wait, watching the development of events, is a prerequisite
practical policy.

If we do not take on the role of hammer, it can easily happen that there will be only the role of anvil.

About officials and ministers

The official is similar to the musician in the orchestra: for no matter how the tool it is sitting in the first violin or for a triangle, - he must, not covering everything in general and not trying to influence him, to fulfill its part as it should be. I want to perform such music that I myself admit good, or no at all.

There is no case confusing so much so that its kernel cannot be deprived in a few words.

With bad laws and good officials, it is quite possible to rule the country. But if the officials are bad, they will not help the best laws.

For each entrusted business should be answered alone, and only one, man.

It is unacceptable that the king has two foreign ministers.

The minister's debt is to be in my mind, first of all, to be a faithful adviser to his sovereign, to provide funds to fulfill his intentions and, this is the main thing, to maintain his image flawless in the eyes of the world.


With a gentleman, I will always half a great gentleman, with a fraudster - half a large fraudster.

In the student years, Bismarck acquired a reputation between the walks and Satams. For 18 months, he participated in 27 duels and won everything, having received 28 noting, and some of the dules were Menzuras. With this version, the duelists stand still against each other at a distance of less than the blade and strike off. Although the most important bodies are protected, wounds can still be terrible. The legend became the ability of Bismarck not drunk. He did not lose any alcoholic fight. Young Bismarck used to notify friends about his arrival shots in the ceiling. One day he appeared in the living room of a neighbor and led him on a leash, like a dog, frightened fox, and then for the loud hunting shouts let her go. For the bright temper, neighbors nicknamed his "Mad Bismarck". He recalled: "I use among the neighboring landowners with some authority, because ... I smoke very strong cigars ... and with polite cooling we solder your friends." Despite this lifestyle, the Buksmark managed over the years during which he ruled his generic estate, increase its value by more than a third. He managed to even withdraw a successful breed of Ulm Dog (Bismarckus), crossed by Danish dogs with German mastiffs.

You can learn more about the life and activities of the Great Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in just half an hour after reading the mini-book "Thoughts and Memories" Otto Bismarck's background in the library "Home Thought".

As a result of the defeat of the French in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871 French emperor Napoleon III was in captivity, and Paris had to survive the next revolution. And on March 2, 1871, there was a gravity and humiliating for France of the Paris Treaty. The territory of Alsace and Lorraine, the Kingdom of Saxony, Bavaria and Württemberg was attached to Prussia. France followed the winners of 5 billion contributions. Wilhelm I returned to Berlin with Triumph, despite the fact that all merits in this war belong to Chancellor.

The victory in this war made it possible to revive the German Empire. Back in November 1870, the South Germanic states occurred within the framework of the transformed from the Northern Unified German Union. And in December 1870, the Bavarian king was made a proposal to restore the German Empire and German Imperial Dignity, in his time destroyed by Napoleon Bonaparte. This proposal was accepted, and Reichstag sent to Wilhelm I request to adopt the imperial crown. On January 18, 1871, Otto Bismarck (1815 - 1898) was proclaimed the creation of the Second Reich, and Wilhelm I was proclaimed by the emperor (Kaiser) of Germany. In Versailles in 1871, inscribing the address on the envelope, Wilhelm I indicated the "Chancellor of the German Empire", thus approving the Bismarck's right to manage the created empire.

The Iron Chancellor, who operated in the interests of absolute power, managed the newly formed state in 1871-1890, from 1866 to 1878, using the support of the National Liberals party in Reichstag. Bismarck carried out global reforms in the field of German law, as well as he did not pay attention to the management system and finance. The conduct of educational reform in 1873 served as a reason for the conflict with the Roman Catholic Church, although the main cause of the conflict was to revise the mistrust of the German Catholics (which were almost a third of all residents of the country) to the Protestant population of Prussia. In the early 1870s, after the manifestation of these contradictions in the work of the Catholic Party "Center" in Reichstag, Bismarck had to take action. The struggle with the dominance of the Catholic Church is known as the "Culturcup" (struggle for culture). In the process of this struggle, many bishops and priests were sent under arrest, and hundreds of dioceses were left without managers. Subsequently, church appointments should be coordinated with the state; Church servants were not allowed to occupy official positions in the state apparatus. There was a branch of schools from the church, the Institute of Civil Marriage was created, and Jesuits were expected at all from Germany.

In the construction of foreign policy, Bismarck was repelled from the situation that was in 1871 due to the victory of Prussia in the Franco-Prussian War and the receipt of Alsace and Lorraine, turned into a source of continuous voltage. Using a complex system of unions, which made possible provision of Isolation of France, rapprochement of the German State with Austria-Hungary, as well as supporting good relations with the Russian Empire (Union of Three Emperors: Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary 1873 and 1881; The existence of the Austria-German Union 1879 year; conclusion of the "Triple Union" between the rulers of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy in 1882; "Mediterranean Agreement" of Austria-Hungary, Italy and England of 1887, as well as the conclusion of the "reinsurance contract" with Russia in 1887), Bismarck supported World throughout Europe. During the reign of Chancellor, Bismarck, the German Empire turned into one of the leaders in the international political arena.

Building foreign policy, Bismarck made a lot of effort to consolidate the conquests received as a result of the signing of the Frankfurt World in 1871, sought to ensure the diplomatic isolation of the French Republic and tried any ways to prevent the formation of any coalition if it could become a threat to German hegemony. He preferred not to participate in the discussion of claims to a weakened Ottoman Empire. Despite the fact that the "Triple Union" was concluded against France and Russia, the Iron Chancellor was firmly confident that the war with Russia could be extremely dangerous for Germany. The presence of a secret treaty with Russia of 1887 is the "reinsurance contract" - shows that Bismarck was not bent to act behind the backs of his own allies, Italy and Austria, in order to preserve Status Quo both in the Balkans and the Middle East.

And Bismarck until 1884 did not give a clear definition of the course of colonial politics, the main reason for this was friendly relations with England. Among other reasons, it is customary to be called the desire to maintain government capital, minimizing the expenditures of the government. The first expansionist plans of the "Iron Chancellor" were met by the energetic protest of each party - Catholics, socialists, the Movies, as well as among his own class of Junkers. Despite this, it was during the Board of Bismarck, Germany becomes a colonial empire.

In 1879, Bismarck was gap with liberals, in the future believed only to support the coalition of major landowners, military and state elite, industrialists.

At the same time, the Chancellor Bismarck managed to ensure that Reichstag adopt a protectionist customs tariff. Liberalov outed out of great politics. The direction of the new course of the economic and financial policies of the German Empire reflected the interests of large industrialists and agrarians. This union managed to take the dominant position in the field of public administration and political life. Thus, there was a gradual transition of Otto von Bismarck from the policy of "Culturcup" to the beginning of persecution of socialists. After what happened in 1878, the attempt on the life of the sovereign Bismarck was held through the Reichstag "Exceptional Law", directed against the socialists, as he forbade activities by any social democratic organization. The constructive side of this law was to introduce a system of state insurance in the event of a disease (1883) or injury (1884), as well as to ensure old-age pensions (1889). But even these measures were not enough so that the German workers move away from the Social Democrats Party, although it distracted them from the revolutionary ways to solve social problems. However, Bismarck resolutely objected to any version of the legislation, which would resolve the working conditions of the workers.

During the reign of Wilhelm I and Friedrich III, which was ruled by no more than six months, the position of Bismarck could not be shaken to shake a single opposition group. A secondary role to the ambitious and ambitious kaiser was pretty, and on the next banquet in 1891 he stated: "There is only one lord in the country - I will not fail." Shortly before this Wilhelm II was made a hint of the desirability of the resignation of Bismarck, whose statement was filed on March 18, 1890. After a couple of days, the resignation was adopted, the title of Duke of Launburg and awarded the title of Duke of Launburg and awarded the title of Colonel Cavalry General.

After removing in Friedrichsruhe, Bismarck did not lose interest in political life. Especially eloquent criticism from his part was submitted by the newly appointed Reichskancler and the Minister-President Count Leo von Karivi. In Berlin, in 1894 there was a meeting of the emperor and already aging Bismarck, organized by Chlodvig Gogenloe, Prince of Shillingfurest, the successor of Caprivi. In the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Iron Chancellor in 1895, the entire Germanic people participated. In 1896, the prince of Otto von Bismarck was able to attend the coronation of the Russian emperor Nicholas II. The death of the "Iron Chancellor" on July 30, 1898 in his estate Friedrichsruhe, where he was buried.

April 1 marks 204 years since the birth of Otto Bismarck, one of the most influential and conflicting politicians in history.

Yuri Doroya

Otto Bismarck. A person who united Germany with the help of three bloody wars, consisting before this, more than thirty small kingdoms, dukes and principalities. A convinced monarchist, in fact, 20 years old alonely managed the country and retired by a young emperor who did not want to be in his shadow. Kumir Adolf Hitler.

One of his name is in the mind of a hard, strong, gray-haired chancellor with a military straightening and steel gloss in the eyes. However, Bismarck sometimes was not at all like this image. He was often overwhelmed by passion and experiences characteristic of ordinary people. We offer several episodes from his life, in which the whip of the Bismarck is revealed as it is impossible.


"Strong always right."

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismark-Shehenhausen was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of Prussian landowner. When a little Otto turned 6 years old, the mother sent him to Berlin to the Plamin School, where children of aristocratic families were brought up.

At 17, Bismarck enters the University of Göttingham. High, red-haired Otto does not climb in the word in his pocket and in the heat of disputes with his opponents fiercely defends monarchical views, although at that time among young people in fashion were liberal views. As a result, a month after arrival, his first duel happens, on which Bismarck earned his scar on his cheek. After 30 years, Bismarck will not forget this incident and says that the enemy then did dishonestly, hitting the cheat.

Over the next nine months, Otto had another 24 duels, of which he invariably went out by the winner, won the respect for classmates and receiving 18 days of Gaupvakta for a malicious violation of the rules of decency (including public drunkenness).


Surprisingly, Bismarck did not even consider the option of a military career, although his older brother went exactly this way. Having advocated the post of official in the Berlin Court of Appeal, quickly hated the Scripture of the Infinite Protocols and asked for a transfer to an administrative position. And for the sake of this brilliantly endured a strict exam.

However, falling in love with the daughter of the English parish priest Isabella Lorein-Smith, he collapses with her and simply ceases to come to the service. And he declares: "My pride requires you to command, and not fulfill other orders!" As a result, decides to return to the family estate.

Mad landfill

"Stupidity - Dar of God,
But you should not abuse. "

In the early years, Bismarck did not think about politics and indulged in all sorts of vices in his estate. He drank without a measure, Kutil, lost significant amounts in the card, changed the ladies and did not leave the peasant daughters. Zadira and Halp, Bismarck with wild leishes, brought his neighbors to white crown. He woke up friends, shooting the ceiling so that the plaster was filled. Moved for other strangers on his huge horse. Flot on targets. In the area where he lived, there was a saying; "No, still little, says Bismarck!", And the very future Reichskanzler there was no other than the "wild Bismarck". Hosting energy required wider scales than the life of the landowner. In hand, he played the turbulent revolutionary sentiment of Germany 1848-1849. Bismarck joined the Conservative Party formed in Prussia, putting the beginning of his dizzying political career.

The beginning of the way

"Politics is an art to adapt
To circumstances and benefit
Of all, even from what is pretty. "

Already in her first public speech in May 1847 in the United Landtag, where he was present as a spare deputy, Bismarck, not Creven, crushed his opposition with his speech. And when the perturbed buzz of votes filled the hall, said calmly: "I don't see the arguments in the inseparable sounds."

Later, this, far from the laws of diplomacy, manner of behavior will manifest itself not once. So, for example, Count Avula Andrassi, Austria-Hungary Foreign Minister, remembering the negotiations of the Union with Germany, said that when he resisted the requirements of Bismarck, he was ready He was strangle him in the literal sense of the word. In June 1862, being in London, Bismarck met with Dizraeli and during the conversation posted him his plans for the future war with Austria. Later, Dizraeli will say one of his friends about Bismarck: "Beware of him. He says what he thinks! ".

But it was true only in part. Bismarck could throw thunder and zippers, if it was necessary to intimidate someone, but he could have been emphasized, if it was promised the outcome of the meeting for him.


"Never lgut so much like during the war,
After hunting to the elections. "

Bismarck was a supporter of power methods for solving political issues. He did not see a different way to unite Germany, except for the "iron and blood". However, everything was ambiguous here.

When Prussia won a crushing victory over Austria, Emperor Wilhelm wished to solemnly enter Vienna with the Prussian army, which would certainly lead to the looting of the city and the humiliation of the Duke of Austrian. For Wilhelm, a horse was already submitted. But Bismarck, who was an inspirer and strategist of this war, unexpectedly began to discourage him and arranged a real hysterical. Falling into the legs to the emperor, he grabbed his boots with his hands and did not let out of the tent until he agreed to abandon his plans.

The War of Prussia with France Bismarck provoked, falsifying the Emsk Development - a telegram sent through him Wilhelm I Napoleon III. He corrected it so that the content became offensive for the French emperor. A little later, Bismarck published this "secret document" in central German newspapers. France responded properly and declared war. The war took place, and Prussia won, annexing Alsace and Lorraine and receives an end to 5 billion francs.

Bismarck and Russia

"Never accumulate anything against Russia,
For any of your trick she will answer
With his unpredictable nonsense. "

From 1857 to 1861, Bismarck was in the ambassador of Prussia in Russia. And, judging by the stories and statements that came to our time, managed not only to learn the language, but also to understand (as far as it is possible) a mysterious Russian soul.

For example, before the start of the Berlin Congress of 1878, he said: "Never believe Russian, because the Russians do not even believe themselves."

The famous "Russians are harvested for a long time, but quickly go" also belongs to Bismarcku. With a quick ride of Russians, the case that happened to the future Reichskanzler on the way to St. Petersburg is connected. Honeying the cab driver, the background Bismarck doubted whether the skinny and half-hearted klyachi would be able to carry enough quickly, which I asked the cab.

Nothing ... "- handed out the one who accelerate horses in a bumpy road so quickly that Bismarck could not resist the next question.
- Yes, you will not fall out?
"Nothing about ..." said a rocket, and soon Sani overturned.

Bismarck fell into the snow, having fun in the blood. He has already swung on the driver ran to him, a steel cane, but never hit, having heard how he calmly sentenced, wiping blood blood from the face of the Prussian ambassador:
- Nothing ... nothing ...

In St. Petersburg, Bismarck ordered a ring from this cane and ordered to engrave one word on it - "nothing". After he said, hearing an overlooking the unnecessarily to Russia: "In Germany, only one I say" nothing! ", And in Russia - all people".

Russian words periodically slip in his letters. And even being the head of the Prussian government, it continues to sometimes leave resolutions in official documents in Russian "prohibited", "Caution", "Impossible".

With Russia, Bismarca was tied up not only work and politics, but also suddenly broken love. In 1862, at the resort of Biarritz, he met the 22-year-old Russian princess Katerina Orlov-Trubetskoy. A stormy romance has fallen. Princess's husband, Prince Nikolai Orlov, who recently returned from the Crimean war with a heavy wound, rarely accompanied his spouse in her swims and forest walks than and used 47-year-old Prussian diplomat. He considered his duty to even tell his wife about this meeting in the letters. And did it in the enthusiastic colors: "This is a woman to whom you could experience passion."

Roman could end sadly. Bismarck and his beloved almost drowned into the sea. They are saved by the Lighthouse Lighthouse. And Bismarck took the happening as an unkind sign and soon left Biarritz. But until the end of the life, "Iron Chancellor" prevented a farewell gift of Katerina in a box from cigars - olive branch.

Place in history

"Life taught me to forgive me a lot.
But even more - search for forgiveness. "

The dismissed by the young Emperor, Bismarck continued to take a meeting in the political life of the united Germany. He wrote a three-volume "Thoughts and memories". The death of his wife in 1894 pledged him. The health of the former Reichskanzler began to deteriorate sharply, and on July 30, 1898 he died at the 84th year of life.

In almost every major city of Germany, a monument to Bismarck is installed, but the attitude towards him varies from admiration for hatred. Even in German history textbooks, the assessment (wording, interpretation) of the role of Bismarck and its political activity changed at least six times. On one cup of scales - the union of Germany and the creation of the second Reich, and on the other - three wars, hundreds of thousands of dead and hundreds of thousands returned from the battlefields. It aggravates the situation that the example of Bismarck turned out to be infectious, and sometimes the way to seize the new territories laid by "hardware and blood" seems to politicians as effective and more glorious than all these boring negotiations, signing documents and diplomatic meetings.

For example, Adolf Hitler may have remained an artist, not inspired his heroic past Germany and directly Reichskancler Otto von Bismarck, whose political genius he triggered. Unfortunately, some words of Bismarck his followers forget:

"Even a victorious war is evil, which should be prevented by the wisdom of peoples."