Hector Message. Hector, leader of the Trojan troops in the war with the Ahetans killed by Achille

The name of this Trojan princess translates as "fighting with her husband", although in ancient Greek mythology It chants as a sample of the faithful and loving spouse. Its difficult fate is described by antique playwright with Euripid in the tragedies of Trojan and Andromaha. Homer admired the power of the love of this woman in his famous Iliad. The scene, when Hector and Andromach say goodbye, is considered one of the most emotional moments of the poem. The tragic story of lovers and the Homerovsky syllable inspired not one generation of artists. Ancient masters such as Vergilius, Annie, Ovid, Neva, Seneca and Sappo also wrote about Androma. And the tragedy of Jean Batista Rasina has long become a favorite product of theatrical playwrights.

Political Soyuz

Antique myths say that Andromaha, the daughter of the Kilician king Eethion and the wife of Heckers, the heir to the throne of Troy, lived in those distant and most cruel times when the world was spreading the grip wars. In order to defend its independence, many states have to conclude political unions with other strongest kingdoms and principalities. And the marriage of the heirs of the throne, the bonding states also with blood bonds, was one of the most common political tools. The union of the daughter of the Eethion and the heir of the throne of King Priama, who was the ruler of the influential state of Troy, gave the people of Kilicia to the hope of supporting the famous Trojan army in the event of aggression from another state.

Fall kilicia

The myths tell that the famous heir to Priama immediately praised the passion for his chief and now Andromache, as Hector's wife and his beloved, had the opportunity to influence the politics of Troy in the interests of his homeland. So it was, while on the military stage did not appear the famous hero of Ahill with his warriors Mimmidonians. He accepted the proposal of Greek and entered his army by making it invincible. Kilicia fell and was looted, and the King Eethion himself and seven of his sons died from the hands of Achille. Despite the fact that Andromaha has influenced the political mood of the king of Priama as the wife of Hector, Troy could not come to the help of Kilicia, since the new alignment of the forces questioned her own security. Priam was forced to look for serious allies to resist Agamemnon.

Sparta as an ally of Troy

Contrary to family tragedy Andromache was happy with his favorite Hector. She expected the birth of the firstborn and hoped that her husband was glorified in battles would not have to take up the weapon defending Troy. News that in a short time hector and his younger brother Paris will have to go to Sparta for negotiations on the conclusion of the military union, disappeared its inevitable separation from his beloved. But the wise of Androma, as the wife of Hector - the future king of Troy, understood the whole importance of this mission, so he released her husband with a heavy heart and promised to meet him with her son. And perhaps the Union with Sparta could stop the invasion of Troy, but love intervened. Tsarevich Paris and the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel Elena loved each other. Paris Thai took the beloved from Sparta, and instead of the ally Troy received the Troya Menalah, who fell on the side of the Greeks.

Trojan War

The king of Priam did not refuse the son of Paris and Helena, despite the impending war, and Troy prepared to the siege. Hector's wife knew what the Greeks were capable of, and fearing for his life, and the son of Astianacti asked to influence her husband at Priama and to give lovers to the Spartans, but Hector responded with refusal. In the meantime, Agamemnon's troops and Menela approached the uncomplyful walls of the Troy. The chances of surviving the troops of Priama were quite high, besides, he played a discord between Agamemnon and Achille, because of which the latter refused to participate in the war.

Everything changed the case: the best friend of Achille Patrole decided to participate in the battle against the Troy and, putting the armor of the famous hero, led Mirmidontians into battle. Before the battle of Androma with his son, heector begins the heaker, who heads the troops, to pay off and pay Paris with the beloved in the hands of the Spartan king. After all, the flight of Elena in Troy was put forward by Agamemnon as the main cause of war. Hector does not make a prayer for his wife's plenty and entries the fate of the kingdom and his gods. In the first battle, the Trojans win the victory, and Hector kills the throttle in the fight, having accepted him for Achilla because of the latter armor.

Having lost a friend, Achill returns to the banner of Agamemnon with the intention of destroying the hector, which carries out, causing the heir to the priama to the duel. Having killed Hector, Achilles for more humiliation of the Trojans tied his body to his chariot and extended along the walls of the Troy in the eyes of the king of Priama and killed androma killed, and then three times around the grave of the throttle. To bury the hetero with the honors, incorporated Tsarevich, I had to agree with Achille and pay large spill. For a while, the funerals military actions were discontinued, which gave the opportunity to the Greeks to come up with a cunning plan for penetration into the walls of the city. Using a tree from some of their vessels, they built a huge figure of a horse, which included in the story called "Trojan horse".

Drop Troy

After the funeral, the Trojans discovered the mill enemy empty, and in his place - a huge statue of the horse. Having perceived this as a gift of the gods, they dragged her into the city, eligible themselves to death. Inside the statue was a shock detachment of the Greeks, which, at the first opportunity, interrupted the security and opened the Troops of Agamemnon the gate of the city. Troy fell, and those citizens did not died, became slaves. Hector's wife, captured, also did not avoid this fate. The Trojan Trojan became the slave of the son of Achille Neopolmem, and her son Astianact was reset from the walls of the city.

Further fate of the Trojan princess

Unhappy Andromache wished death, but instead was forced to carry out the existence of concubine and give birth to sons to his lover enemy. It must be said that neopopheme, ruled by Epir, very much loved his slave and sons of Molly, and Piece and Pergamus, which caused a terrible jealousy legitimate, but a childless spouse Hermione. She tried to destroy Andromaha and her children, but the father of Achille Ply came to the rescue, which fed attachment to the great-grandfather. After the death of the neopolis from the hand of Ores in the battles under the Delphi Hermione moved to the side of the enemy of her husband. Andromach again married a relative of Hector Helena and remained to rule the epirome as the queen and the mother of the legitimate heirs of the throne.

Hector, leader of the Trojan troops in the war with the Ahetans killed by Achille

Hector Greek. - Son of Priama and Hugeba, the leader of the Trojan troops in the war with the Ahetis.

The Trojan people called him a shield of their city and read as God. Hector was not only the most powerful and brave Trojan warrior, he was also distinguished by the beauty and nobility of the Spirit. In all Hector was higher than the leader of the Ahasey troops, and the Hero Achille was superior to him only by force.

If Agamemenon led to the three hundred thousand Greeks under the walls, then hector was fifty thousand at the disposal, the majority of the Trojan allies, fought only for mining or money. The army of the Trojans themselves, defended their native city, had only ten thousand. Nevertheless, under the leadership of the hetero, they were successfully resisted to the Ahetians. Hector was not limited to defensive battles, perfectly realizing that the attack is the best kind of protection. During the sealing, Hector always fought in the forefront, with his example of fascinating all the Trojan army. Even the enemies recognized the greatness of his feats. At the very beginning of the war, he was not afraid of a tenfold advantage of Ahetsev and entered into battle with them in order not to fall ashore. If he retreated, then only in order to preserve his army for new defensive fights. For nine years of war, the Ahaseians suffered such losses that they fell in spirit and were ready to remove the siege of the Troy, to conclude an honorary peace and return to their homeland.

Frames from the movie Troy: Hector (left) and his brother Paris. In the role of Hector - Actor Eric Bana.

When, on the tenth year of war, the Trojan ally Pandar broke the truce, and Hekewar had to lead a war against the consecrated oath of the contract, he did not despair and his courage again won the favor of the gods. Skirfully using a draw between Agamemnon and Achille, because of which Ahill stopped hostilities, Hector pushed the Greeks for the walls of their camp, broke the gate, broke to the Greek ships to burn them. He was not confused and then when the Trojans went out in the afternoon, frightened by the appearance of Patrole in the armor of Achille. Hector again closed the ranks, spoke out against Patrole and killed him in martial arts.

After the victory over the Patrole of Hector, I was waiting for the last feat: death on the battlefield. Forgetting about the old resentment, Achilles rushed into battle to take revenge on the death of a friend. He turned against all the Trojan army, made his way to the urban walls and was ready to break into three through the skier gate. No one dreamed of standing on his way except Hector, subjugated by the field of honor and duty. Despite all the prayers of parents, spouses, the rest of the Trojans, he remained alone before the locked gate and caused Achilla to a fight not for life, but to death, with the condition that the body of the defeated would be given to friends for the burial. Achille rejected this condition and rushed to the hepor. The fear was engaged in Hector, and he lied three times around the urban walls, fleeing his Achilla. Not only people, but also the gods tensely followed the duel. Finally, Zeus threw the golden bowls of the scales of fate two lots of death, the lot Hector lowered - his fate was solved.

Athena, who stood on the side of the Ahetsey, descended from Olymp to Earth and, adopting the image of DeiFoba, his beloved brother, hector, began to decline the Trojan hero to martial arts with Achille. But as soon as Hector threw his spear in Achilla, Athena disappeared, giving to understand the hectober that he would leave the gods. Hector did not shy away from his fate: "Mount! To the death of me almighty gods Called! ../ But I am not dead, in the dust I am not without glory; / Something I will do that and the descendants will hear! " In the cruel battle worthy of the greatest heroes, Hector finally fell from the hand of Achilla. Finding a place not protected by armor, Ahill pierced him with a spear.

About further sad events told in the article "".

"Of all acting persons "Iliad" Hector raises the greatest sympathy, both by its character and its actions, "the researchers" Iliad "say, and they are right. It is he who is devoted to the best episodes of the Homerovsky epic: the farewell of hector with and son, the hector's duel with Achille and Molver Priama about the extradition of the body of the heaker belong to the highest heights of world poetry.

Even best Images Hector in sculpture and painting are far from their expressiveness from the image of this hero in the presentation of Homer. In ancient plastic and vases, plots were distributed: "Farewell to Hecector with Androma", "Hecloh's fight with Achille", "Fight with Ajax", "Achille, the worst of the hector". From the works of European masters it should be noted the marble relief of Torvaldsen "Farewell to Hecector with Androma" (1837) and a picture of J.L. David "Dead Hector" (1788).

At the end of the 18th century The tragedy "Hector" wrote Ya. B. Prinjin, in 1780. I. F. Schiller wrote a poem "Farewell to Hector".

Despite the greatness and tragedy of his fate, Hector did not become the main character either an ancient drama, nor poetic work. Yes, and in modern authors it happened less often than the image of the heaker deserves. Nevertheless, for almost three thousand years, he has been acting as a genuine knight without fear and reproach in all works dedicated to the Trojan War - from Gomer to the present day.

, Gelese

Sisters: Claus, Lodica, Polyken, Cassandra, Ilion Hector Hector

The acting face of the tragedies of Euripid "Alexander", Pseudo-Euripid "Res", Astidamant Jr. "Hector", the tragedy of the NEMI "Hector Occurs."

In honor of Hector, the asteroid (624) Hector opened in 1907 is named.

In mass culture IN medieval FranceWhere modern playing cards appeared in the XIV century ("Classic", or "French"), "pictures" (cards with characters - kings, ladies and currencies) were associated with those or other historical or legendary characters. Bubnic current matched hectober.

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Excerpt characterizing Hector

On the same evening, as the prince gave orders to Alpathić, the desal, demanding from the princes Mary databa, told her that since the prince was not entirely healthy and does not take any measures for his security, but according to the letter of Prince Andrei, it is clear that staying in the Bald Mountains It is unsafe, then he respectfully advises her to write with Alpatha to the head of the province in Smolensk with a request to notify her about the state of affairs and as far as the danger that bald mountains are exposed. The desala wrote a letter to the governor, which she signed, and this letter was given to Alpathić with the orders to submit it to the governor and, in case of danger, return as soon as possible.
Having received all orders, Alpatych, accompanied by homemade, in a white fluff hat (princely gift), with a stick, as well as the prince, went to the leather kibechka, laid down the top three saves.
The bell was tied, and the puments are laid with pieces of paper. Prince did not allow anyone in the Bald Mountains to ride with a bell. But Alpatych loved bells and bubber bubber in the far road. Court Alpatić, Zemsky, Butter, the cook - black, white, two old women, boy Cossack, Couter and various yard accompanied him.
The daughter lay behind the back and under it the stente down pillows. The old woman was tapering the knot. One of the coofers attacked him at hand.
- Well, well, women fees! Baba, women! "Puffy, said the patter of Alpatych exactly as the prince said, and sat down into kibitka. Giving the last orders about the work of the Zemsky and in this, without imitating the prince, Alpatych took off his hat with a bald head and crossed him three times.
- You, if that ... you go back, Jacob Alpatych; For the sake of Christ, we will have a chance, "the wife shook him, hinting for rumors about the war and the enemy.
- Baba, women, women fees, "Alpatych said to himself and drove, looking around himself around himself, where with yellowed rye, where with dense, still green oats, where there are still blacks that were just beginning. Alpatych was driving, admiring on a rare harvest of the Svorovoy this year, looking at the strips of rye peel, on which someone where they began to heal, and did their economic considerations about sowing and cleaning and whether the princely orders were not forgotten.
Two times feeding the road, in the evening of August 4, Alpatych came to the city.
On the way, Alpatych met and overtook the sumports and troops. Handing to Smolensk, he heard distant shots, but these sounds did not hit him. It was stronger than the fact that, approaching Smolensk, he saw a beautiful field of oats, which some soldiers mowed, obviously, for food and in which they stood a camp; This circumstance struck Alpathić, but he soon forgot him, thinking about his business.
All the interests of Alpatić's life have already been limited by one will of the prince, and he never came out of this circle. All that did not touch the prince's orders, not only did not interest him, but did not exist for Alpathy.
Alpatych, having arrived in the evening of August 4th to Smolensk, stopped behind Dnipro, in the Gauchenian suburb, at the inn of the courtyard, at the Ferrapontov janitor, who has already had a habit of stopping. Ferapontov Twelve years ago, with the light hand of Alpathić, having bought a grove by Prince, began to trade and now had a house inn And a flour shop in the province. Ferapontov was a fat, black, red forty-year-old man, with thick lips, with a thick shadow nose, the same cones over black, frowning eyebrows and a thick belly.
Ferapontov, in the vest, in the Sitzu Rubach, stood at the shop, which went outside. Seeing Alpatić, he approached him.
- Welcome, Jacob Alpatych. People from the city, and you are in the city, "said the owner.
- What, from the city? - said Alpatych.
- And I say, the people are stupid. All the French is afraid.
- Baby Sensules, Baba Sensules! - Alpatych said.
- So I judge, Jacob Alpatych. I say, the order is that they will not be allowed, "he also, right. Yes, and men of three rubles from the submission asked - there is no cross on them!

Hector, in ancient Greek mythology one of the main characters of the Trojan War.
The hero was the son of Heekba and Priama - Troy Tsar. Hector had 49 brothers and sisters, but he was famous among the sons of Priama with his strength and courage. According to legend, Hector struck the death of the first Greek, which pulled into the land of Troy, - Tessel.
The hero was especially famous for the ninth year of the Trojan war, having caused Ajax Telavonid to fight. Hector promised his enemy not to desecrate his bodies in the event of a defeat and not to take off his armor and demanded the same from Ajax. After a long struggle, they decided to stop the fight and in the sign of mutual respect they exchanged gifts.

Hector hoped to defeat the Greeks, despite the prediction of Cassandra. It was under his leadership that the Trojans burst into the fortified camp of the Ahetsev, approached the military fleet and even managed to set fire to one of the ships.
The legends also describes the hector battle with the Greek Patrokl. The hero defeated his opponent and took off his armor of Achille.

Gods took a very active participation in the war. They were divided into two camps and helped each of their pets. Hector patronized Apollo himself.
When Patrole died, Achilles, obsessed with revenge for his death, tied the defeated dead hepotor to his chariot and dragged him with the wolf around the walls of the Troy, but the body of the hero did not touch neither the Tlen nor the bird, because Apollo defeated him in gratitude for the fact that Hector In lifetime, he repeatedly helped him. Based on this circumstance, the ancient Greeks concluded that Hector was the son of Apollo. According to the myths, Apollo on the Board of the gods persuaded Zeus to issue the body of Hector Trojans to be buried with honor. The Supreme God ordered Achillu to give the body of his deceased to his father.

Since, according to legend, Hector's grave was in the philas, the researchers suggested that the image of the hero has a beeotic origin.
Hector was a very honored hero in ancient Greece, which proves the fact of the presence of its image on ancient vases and in antique plastic. Usually they portrayed the scenes of the goodbye heaker with his wife Androma, the battle with Achille and many other episodes.

Greek myths call the hecutor son of the last king of Troy Priama and his wife Hugeba. In addition to Hector, they had a few more sons and daughters: Paris, Dephob, Cassandra, Polyken, and others.

Homer in his "Iliade" showed heaker as one of the main characters of the Trojan War. A young warrior killed one of the friends of Achilla, Tessel, who first stepped on Trojan Earth. However, this happened at the very beginning of the siege.

Some time about the activities of the hector in the poem did not mention. He managed to become famous only in the tenth year of the siege, when Hector, as the eldest son of Priama, was appointed leader of the Trojan troops.

Hector was not only intelligent and cunning commander, but also a powerful warrior. He was not afraid to face forces with the enemy in open battle. Two times he went on a fight with Ajax Telavonid, who was considered the strongest and fearless warrior after Achille.

Under the leadership of Hector, the Trojans broke one of the fortified enemy camps. Then they came to the ships on which the Ahaseians sailed to the walls of the Troy, and set fire to one of them. Then the Hector in front of the troy goal fought with the Patrole, who, by order of Achilla, went to battle in his armor. Hector captured the armor of invulnerable Achilla, thinking that they would also make him invulnerable. However, soon the good luck turned away from the hector. He was coming to fight with the Achille himself. Hector ordered the mother to commit a sacrifice to the goddess of Athena. Haguba performed the request of the Son, but he received the prediction that her son would die. She told about it to her husband, king to commission, and together they tried to dissuade the hector from the battle. However, Hector did not listen to them: he put on the armor of Achilla and was confident that his light victory would be awaited. To this day, an amphora was preserved, decorated with painting called "Weapon Hector": in the center the Hector himself is depicted, to the right of him - his mother Hekaba, on the left - Priam. Perhaps the painting tells about this last conversation with his parents. Hector came out in the field and fought with Achille one on one. Achille was angry at Hecutor for the death of a friend and killed him. However, before his death, Hector repeated Achillu Prediction, which he already knew: the life of Achille would be short, and soon he was destined to fall in battle.

J. L. David. "Andromach at the body of hector"

Still with dusty revenge, Achill tied the body of a dead hetero to his chariot and traveled on it around the Troy. But even this act did not satisfy Achilla, and he continued to desecrate the body of the killed opponent. Finally, he threw the dead body to eat wild beasts, but they did not approached the remains of the heaker, they did not touch them and the Tlen, since the body defended God Apollo, patronizing hectober and in life. Help Apollo has repeatedly attached to him in battle. The victory in the battle with Ajax Telavonid got the hectober also thanks to the promotion of Apollo. And only in a fight with Achille, God could not help him defeat him, because, according to the lot of fate, hector was destined to die.

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