The general states of France did not enter. Consistenrative monarchy in medieval France

General States In France (Fr. États Généraux.) - Higher Corporal Establishment in 1302-1789.

The emergence of general states was associated with the growth of cities, the exacerbation of social contradictions and class struggle, which caused the need to strengthen the feudal state.

The predecessors of general states were expanded meetings of the Royal Council (with the involvement of urban supports), as well as provincial assemblies of the estates (which posted the beginning of the provincial states). The first general states were convened in 1302, during the conflict of Philip IV with Pope Bonifacim VIII.

The general states were a deliberative body convened on the initiative of royal power into critical moments to assist the government. The main function was the quotation of taxes. Each class is a nobility, clergy, the third estate - focused in general states separately from others and had one voice (regardless of the number of representatives). The third estate was represented by the top of the citizens.

The value of general states has increased during a century of war 1337-1453, when the royal power especially needed money. During the folk uprisings of the XIV century (Paris Uprising 1357-1358, Jacqueria 1358), general states claimed an active part in the country's management (such requirements expressed the general states of 1357 in the "Great Martov Ordonance"). However, the lack of unity between cities and their irreconcilable enmity with the nobility made fruitless attempts by the French general states to achieve rights who managed to conquer the English Parliament.

At the end of the XIV century, general states convened more and more often and were often replaced by the assembly of notables. From the end of the 15th century, the institute of general states came into decline in connection with the developed by the development of absolutism, during 1484-1560 they did not make out at all (the known revival of their activities was observed during the period of religious wars - general states convened in 1560, 1576, 1588, and 1593 years).

From 1614 to 1789, general states again were never collected. Only on May 5, 1789, in the conditions of an acute political crisis, on the eve of the Great French Revolution, the king convened general states. On June 17, 1789, the deputies of the third class declared themselves with the National Assembly, on July 9, the National Assembly proclaimed himself Constituent meetingwho became the highest representative and legislature of revolutionary France.

In the 20th century, the name of general states accepted some of the representative meetings, considering actual political issues and expressing broad public opinion (for example, the Assembly of general states for disarmament, May 1963).

The emergence of general states was associated with the growth of cities, the exacerbation of social contradictions and class struggle, which caused the need to strengthen the feudal state.

The predecessors of general states were expanded meetings of the Royal Council (with the involvement of urban supports), as well as provincial assemblies of the estates (which posted the beginning of the provincial states). The first general states were convened in 1302, during the conflict of Philip IV with Pope Bonifacim VIII.

The general states were a deliberative body convened on the initiative of royal power into critical moments to assist the government. The main function was the quotation of taxes. Each class is a nobility, clergy, the third estate - focused in general states separately from others and had one voice (regardless of the number of representatives). The third estate was represented by the top of the citizens.

The value of general states increased during a century of war - when the royal power especially needed money. During the folk uprisings of the XIV century (Paris-uprising -, Jacceria), general states claimed an active part in the country's management (such requirements expressed the general states of 1357 in the Great Martov Ordonance). However, the lack of unity between cities and their irreconcilable enmity with the nobility made fruitless attempts by the French general states to achieve rights who managed to conquer the English Parliament.

At the end of the XIV century, general states convened more and more often and were often replaced by the assembly of notables. Since the end of the 15th century, the General State Institute has decline in decline in connection with the development of absolutism, during -1560, they did not convene at all (the known revival of their activities was observed during the Religious Wars - general states convened in ,, and 1593).

see also


  • Khachaturian N.A. The emergence of general states in France. - m., 1976.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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The emergence of general states marked the beginning of a change in the form of the state in France - turning it into a consonant-representative monarchy.
The emergence of general states as a special state body was preceded by expanded meetings of the Royal Kuria (Consiliums, etc.), which took place in the XII-XIII centuries. The convening of the general states by King Philipp IV beautiful in 1302 (the name "Etats Generaux" began to be used later - from 1484) was completely specific historical reasons: an unsuccessful war in Flanders, serious economic difficulties, a king dispute with the Roman dad. But the creation of a nationwide varying institution was and a manifestation of objective patterns in the development of a monarchist state in France.
The frequency of the convening of general states was not established. This question resolved the king himself depending on the circumstances and political considerations. Each state convocation was individual and was determined by the extremely discretion of the king. Higher clergy (archbishops, bishops, abbanks), as well as large secular feudal feudals were invited personally. The general states of the first convocations did not have elected representatives from the nobility. Later is approved by the practice, according to which the average and petty nobility elects his deputies. Elections were also conducted from churches, convepluses of monasteries and cities (2 to 3 deputies). But the townspeople and especially the legists were sometimes elected from the classes of the clergy and the nobility. Approximately 1/7 part of the general states were lawyers. Deputies from cities represented their patrician-burgher tip. Thus, general states have always been a body representing the natural layers of the French society.
Questions submitted for the consideration of general states and the duration of their meetings were also determined by the king. The king resorted to the convening of general states in order to obtain support for the estates in different reasons: the fight against the Order of the Templars (1308), the conclusion of the contract with England (1359), religious wars (1560, 1576, 1588), etc. . The king requested the opinion of general states in a number of bills, although formally, their consent to the adoption of royal laws was not required. But most often the reason for the convening of general states was the need of the king in money, and he applied to estates with a request for financial assistance or permission to another tax, which could only be collected within one year. Only in 1439, Karl VII received consent to challenge the constant Royal Talia. But if it came to establishing any additional taxes, as before, the consent of general states was required.
General States treated a king with requests, complaints, protests. They had the right to make proposals, criticize the activities of the Royal Administration. But since there was a certain connection between the requests of the estates and their vote on the requested subsidies, the latter in some cases inferior to the general states and issued an appropriate order at their request.
The general states in general were not a simple royal tool, although objectively they helped her strengthen and strengthen their position in the state. In some cases, they opposed the king, evading the decision-making decisions. When the estates showed disadvantage, the kings were not collected for a long time (for example, from 1468 to 1484). After 1484, the general states almost stopped gathering (until 1560).
The most acute conflict of general states with the royal authority occurred in 1357 at the time of the rebellion of citizens in Paris and the French king of John the British. The general states whose work was held mainly by representatives of the third estate, put forward a program of reforms, the name of the Great March Ordonance. Instead of the provision of royal power subsidies, they demanded that the collection and spending of funds were made by the General States themselves, which should have been collected three times a year, and without convening their king. "General reformers" were elected, which were given to the authority to control the activities of the royal administration, dismiss individual officials and punish them, up to the use of the death penalty. However, the attempt of general states to consolidate the permanent financial, controlling and even legislative powers was not successful. After the suppression in 1358, the Paris Uprising and Jacceria, the royal power rejected the requirements contained in the Great Martov Ordonance.
In general states, every estate was collected and discussed questions separately. Only in 1468 and 1484. All three classes held their meetings together. The voting was usually organized on parliaments and sednesses, where deputies were elected. If differences were found in the position of the estates, the voting was carried out for estates. In this case, each class had one voice and in general feudals always had a turn over the third estate.
Deputies chosen to general states were endowed with an imperative mandate. Their position on issues submitted to the discussion, including voting, was associated with the instructions of voters. After returning from the meeting, the deputy was supposed to report before voters.
In some regions of France (Provence, Flanders) from the end of the XIII century. Local estate and representative institutions arise. At first they were called "Consilium", "Parliament" or just "three classes". By the middle of the XV century. began to consume the terms "States of Burgundy", "Dofina", etc. The name "provincial states" fixed only in the XVI century. By the end of the XIV century. There were 20 local states in the XV century. They were practically in every province. In the provincial states, as well as in general states, the peasants were not allowed. Often, the kings opposed individual provincial states, as they were under the strong influence of local feudal feudalists (in Normandy, Languedoc), and carried out separatism policies.

More on the topic General States.:

  1. Is it possible to oblige a general contractor under the contract of the General Contractor in the case of its liquidation to translate its warranty obligations on subcontractors?
  2. Many subcontract contracts contain a condition that the remuneration is paid by the subcontractor after the general contractor receives the appropriate remuneration from the Customer. Is the condition right? The customer does not produce calculations with the general contractor on time. Can a subcontractor apply to the court with the claims on the payment of work performed by him at the same time to two entities: the general contractor and the customer?
  3. The customer and general contractor are affiliated companies, because The founder of both legal entities is the same person. Is it appropriate to include in the agreement of the general contract the conditions for the provision of a bank guarantee and (or) about the warranty retention?

1) In France, the body of the Clarification (clergy, nobility, the third estate) at the king, created by Philip IV beautiful in 1302 from the XIV century. The main function is to approve new taxes and cash subsidies for state needs; 2) in the Netherlands from 1463. Higher estate and representative institution.

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General States

Franz. ? TATS G? N? Raux, Gol. STATEN-GENERAAL) - the highest body of the Clarification (clergy, nobility and cities) in Feed. France and the Netherlands. The emergence of G. Sh. It was associated with the growth of cities and internal. Market, with complication of social contradictions and aggravation of class. Fight that demanded the strengthening of the feud. State-Wa - creating t. n. The estate monarchy. For the organization of charging add. Earlings on the advanced meetings of the Royal (Duccian) Council began to invite the representatives of the mountains along with the feudals. tops. So gradually donated G. Sh. - Consistent. The body convened in emergency circumstances to strengthen the Royal (Ducal) authority and to solve Finance. questions. In France, the first to be considered G. Sh. 1302 (referred to in the chronicles in connection with the conflict of Philip IV with Pope Bonifacim VIII), although they differed a little from the similar meetings of the 13th century. Term "Sh." It appeared later, and their status was never defined. To gray 15 V. G. Sh. It was often convened (on the initiative of the king), separately for Langedoyl (North) and Languedok (South). Prelbs, knights, and sometimes mountains. Magistrates received personal invitations, but elections were practiced in the cities (from among the members of the patrician). Cities, Queen Allies. The authorities in its struggle with major feudalities played a prominent role in G. Sh., By-rye during this period were a reliable support of the king and contributed to the strengthening of the feud. Monarchy and centralization of the country. Especially increased significance. During the century of war 1337-1453, when they turned into real power and sometimes claimed an active part in the country's management. In 1355-58, in the conditions of state. Weakness, lesions in Poitiers (1356) and Nar. Rebells (Paris Uprising 1357-58, Jacceria, 1358), Sh. Langedoyl, representatives of citizens in the chronic dominated on the reasons. With Paris, they met almost continuously. Apogee Power Franz. G. Sh. There was a period of the Paris uprising headed by E. Marsela, when Sh. Provided the approval of the Great Martov Ordonance, collected taxes, spent finances and controlled the entire state. apparatus. However, in general, the lack of unity between cities and their irreconcilable enmity with the nobility made fruitless attempts by Franz. G. Sh. conquer yourself the rights similar to the Rights of the English. Parliament. After 1359 sh. convened less often and were often replaced by assembly of notables. The last time on the initiative of the king, they were convened in 1468. In 16 - beginning. 17 centuries. Initiative convocation G. Sh. belong to the feud. Nature that was in opposition to the absolute power of the king. The period of decline of G. Sh., Predetermined by the transition from the estate monarchy to absolute when G. Sh. Only prevented the progressive development of the country. 76 years old (1484-1560) they did not convene at all. Reviveding in peculiar conditions of religious wars (gathered at 1560, 1576, 1588, 1593), they did not play it then. Roles. G. Sh. This period was distinguished from previous G. Sh. and in shape. The deputies were elected from all classes. Thanks to the system of multiplodge elections among the deputies of the third estate, the mountains still prevailed. tops. Not only asp. The mass of the population was not represented, but also an emerging bourgeoisie almost did not have access to G. Sh., t. Usually, the majority of the third estate deputies were officials. Deputies received punishes (Cahiers) from voters. During the work of G. Sh. Each class had one voice (regardless of the number of deputies), and because of the settlement of the estates of G. Sh. turned out to be powerless. From 1614 convocation of the city of sh. ceased for 175 years. G. Sh., Gathered on May 5, 1789, on the eve of Bourges. Revolutions, were convened by the king as consistent. Thesis body and in the Osn. According to the old procedure. But on June 17, 1789, the deputies of the third class (the part of the depth. Privileged estates later joined the part of the deputy. Privileged estates) was proclaimed. As a meeting (since July 9, I will establish a meeting), which turned into the Supreme Represents. and law. Organ revolution. France (before convening in October 1791 of the Legislative Assembly). Subsequently called. G. Sh. Take some kind of present. Assembly, meeting on topical issues of modern times and expressing broad societies. Opinion (Sh. Franz. Renaissance, June 1945, Assembly Sh. For Disarmament, May 1963). Sunday: MAYER CH. J., DES? TATS G? N? Raux et autres assembl? ES Nationales, P., 1788-89. Lit.: Picot G., Histoire Des? Tats G? N? Raux, 2? D., T. 1-5, P., 1888; Verlaque R .. Les? Tats G? N? Raux et le DROIT D'imposer, Th? SE, 1943; Thierry O., Experience of the history of origin and the success of the third class, in its book: EYM. Op., M., 1937; Alzon K., French general states 1614-1615. and their meaning, in Sat.: Middle Ages, 1961, in. 19. A. A. Lozinsky. Lviv. In the Netherlands sh. The first time was convened by the Duke of Burgundy Philippe Good in 1463 in Brugge. Deputies in Sh. elected by provincial states. In the Netherlands, where such a degree of centralization was not achieved as in France. G. Sh. continued to express interests off. provinces; Especially great was the influence of the Brabant. G. Sh. Netherlands, throughout their existence, firmly retained the right to spend taxes. Their influence has been particularly increased after the death of Karl bold (1477); Very broad powers presented G. Sh. "Great Privilege" (1477). G. Sh. continued to play a major role in the Habsburgs. In the 16th century They became the center of the Bourges. - noble opposition. absolutism. During the Netherl. Bourges. Revolution 16 V. G. Sh. All countries were convened in 1576; However, dominance. The position in them was taken by conservative noble elements and oranges, as a result of which G. Sh. Conducted a policy of searching for an agreement with Spain and the suppression of democratic. Movement (conclusion of "Gent's pacification" 1576, "Eternal Edict", etc.). With the separation of North. provinces and education rep. United Provinces G. Sh. became the highest permanent legislative body of the republic; Location in Sh. Steel Hague. Each province had in the city of sh. One voice ("general lands" of representation in the city of sh. did not have). In 1795, after the conquest of the Republic of the French, Sh. were eliminated. From 1814 sh. The Parliament of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is called. Sunday: Resolution Der Staten-Generaal Van 1576 TOT 1609, Door N. Japikse, DL 1-10, S'GravenHage, 1916-30; ACES Des? Tats G? N? Raux des Anciens Pays-B? S, Pt. 1, Par J. Cuvelier, Brux., 1948; Gachard L. P. P., ACTES Des? Tats-G? N? Raux des Anciens Pays-b? S, brux., 1866. LIT.: GACHARD L. P. P., DES ANCIENNES ASSEMBL? ES Nationales De La Belgique, Brux., 1838; ROULLET ED., Histoire Politique Nationale, T. 2, Louvain, 1892; Rirenne H., Histoire de Belgique, v. 2-5, brux., 1948-49. A. H. Chiosvonov. Moscow.

At the beginning of the XIV century in France, a new form of a feudal state is coming to the change of the senorial monarchy - the estate-representative monarchy. The formation of a film-based monarchy here is inextricably linked with the process of political centralization progressive for this period (by the beginning of the XIV, the territory of the country), the further elevation of the royal authorities, the elimination of the self-government of individual feudalists.
In the XIV-XV centuries in France, the restructuring of the class system was completed, expressed in the inner consolidation of classes.
The first estate in France was the clergy. It was recognized that the French clergy should live according to the laws of the kingdom and to be considered as an integral part of the French nation.
The second estate in the state was the nobility, although in fact in the XIV-XV centuries played a leading role in the social and political life of France. This class merged all the secular feudalists, which were now considered not just like the King's vassals, but as his servants.
To the XIV-XV centuries, the formation of the "third class" was mainly completed, which was replenished at the expense of the fast-growing urban population and an increase in peasant censorships. This estate was very distrilla in class composition, and practically united in itself the entire labor population and the forming bourgeoisie.
Three main reasons for the gain of royal power and overcoming fragmentation can be distinguished. This support of cities, small and medium nobility and the need to combat the enemy,
Senorial legislation was gradually disappeared, as well as by expanding the circle of cases constituting the "royal case", feudal jurisdiction was significantly limited. In the XIV century, the possibility of appeal to any decision of the courts of individual feudal feudalists to the Paris Parliament was provided, and the principle was finally destroyed, according to which the Senorial Justice was considered sovereign.
Along with the implementation of purely judicial functions, the parliament in the first half of the XIV century acquires the right to register royal ordinances and other royal documents. Since 1350, the registration of royal acts becomes mandatory. The lower courts and parliaments of other cities when making their decisions could be used only by registered royal ordinances.
A large role in the legal justification of the elimination of the deordal rights of feudalists and the increase in the authority and political weight of the king was played by the Legists - graduates of the law faculties of medieval universities, actively supporting the power of the king. With reference to the principles of Roman law, the legists argued that the king himself is a supreme law, and, therefore, can create legislation on its will.
By the beginning of the XIV century, built on a political compromise, and therefore, a durable Union of the king and representatives of different classes, including the third. The political expression of the Union of the King and representatives of various estates, in which each of the parties had its own specific interests, became special, estate institutions (assembly of the Clarification) - general states and provincial states.
The beginning of the work of representative assembly from the estates made it possible to consolidate all public forces advocated for the association of the country. The kings were able to seek support for estates, bypassing rulers of the largest senory. These meetings discussed issues of internal and foreign policy, but, above all, the introduction of new taxes. The introduction of permanent nationwide taxes allowed the royal authority to create a permanent professional army instead of the Knight's militia and the bureaucratic management apparatus.
For the first time, the Communistra Association of the estates was convened in 1302. He was called by the General States in contrast to the states (assembly) in individual provinces.
Each class was represented by a separate chamber. The first chamber consisted of the highest clergy. In the second - meeting elected from the nobility. Moreover, the most notable in the House did not enter, but took part in the work of the royal curia. The third estate, as a rule, consisted of representatives of urban councils (Eshvents). Each Chamber had one vote, and since decisions were taken by a majority vote, preferred estates had an advantage.
All questions were considered by the general states separately on the chambers. The solution was outlined by a simple majority of votes. The final approval of the decision was carried out at a joint meeting of all chambers, and each chamber had only one voice. Thus, the preferred estates (clergy and nobility) have always had a guaranteed majority.
The frequency of the convening of general states was not established. This question resolved the king himself depending on the circumstances and political considerations. Questions submitted to general states and the duration of their meetings was determined by the king. They convened to express the position of classes in connection with the announcement by the king of war, negotiations about Mile, the conclusion of contracts, the exacerbation of conflicts with the Pope and so on. The king requested the opinion of general states in a number of bills, although formally, their consent to the adoption of royal laws was not required.
But most often the reason for the convening of general states was the need of the king in the money, and he applied to estates with a request for financial assistance or permission to another tax, which could only be collected within one year.
General States convened on the initiative of the king, and he had the opportunity to impose a solution to them. But in 1357, during the deep political crisis, the royal power was forced to publish a decree, called the "Great Martov Ordonance". According to him, the general states gathered twice a year without a preliminary sanction of the king, had the exclusive right to introduce new taxes and control over government spending, gave consent to the declaration of war or the conclusion of the world, appointed King's advisers.
The king's power extended to the territory, almost equal to modern France. From the point of view of the ruling circles, the general states fulfilled their role. After graduating from century war with England, the value of general states falls, and from the XV century they cease to convening.
The emergence of a specifically representative monarchy and the gradual concentration of political power in the hands of the king did not subject the central bodies of the management of substantial reorganization. An important place in the Central Governance system was taken by the Council of Nable (from 1413 to 1497). This Council included legists, as well as 24 representatives of the highest secular and spiritual nobility (Princes, Pears of France, Archbishops, etc.). The Council was going once a month, but his authority was exclusively conscriptive.
Formally, the decision of the notable council was not mandatory for the king. However, he was forced to reckon with the opinion of nobility. With the consent of the notables, new taxes were introduced, which were gathered by the king officials. A numerous army appeared. As the Royal Authority enhances, the local government system is centrally.
In places, the country was divided into balusses and antipsychotics led by Balley and Preview, which carried out current management, tax collection and observation of judicial authorities.
In an effort to centralize local governance, the king introduces new positions of governors. They were appointed in the balsa, replacing the bald and getting broader powers: to prohibit building new castles, not allow private wars, etc.
In the XV century, such officials appear as Lieutenant General, appointed usually from princes of blood and noble nobility. Usually they managed by a group of baldizes or an administrative district, which at the end of the 15th century began to be called the province.
The centralization on the ground has affected the city life. The kings often deprived the city of the Commune status, changed the previously published Charters, limited the rights of citizens. Over the cities, an administrative guardianship system was installed.
In 1445, he received the opportunity to charge a constant tax (Royal Talut), King Carl VII organizes a regular royal army with a centralized leadership and a clear system of the organization. Along the state, permanent garrisons were founded, which were designed to stop any attempts of feudal troubles.
The royal administration conducted a policy of unification and in court case, somewhat limiting the church and displacing the senorial jurisdiction.
The activities of general states.

General States (Franz. Etats Generaux) in France, the Higher Cosal and Executive Institution in 1302-1789, which had the nature of the deliberative body. The general states convened a king into the critical moments of French history and had to provide royal free support of society. In his classic form, French general states consisted of three chambers: representatives of the nobility, clergy and the third, applied class. Each class fell in general states separately and endowed a special opinion on the issue under discussion. Most often, general states approved decisions on tax collection.
General States in France (FR. Ytats Gainraux) to the Higher Cost Representative Institution in 1302V1789.
The emergence of general states was associated with the growth of cities, the exacerbation of social contradictions and class struggle, which caused the need to strengthen the feudal state.
The predecessors of general states were expanded meetings of the Royal Council (with the involvement of urban supports), as well as provincial assemblies of the estates (which posted the beginning of the provincial states). The first general states were convened in 1302, during the conflict of Philip IV with Pope Bonifacim VIII.
The general states were a deliberative body convened on the initiative of royal power into critical moments to assist the government. The main function was to drain taxes. Each class fell in general states separately from others and had one vote (regardless of the number of representatives). The third estate was represented by the top of the citizens.
The value of general states has increased during the century of war 1337V1453, when the royal power especially needed money. During the period of the population of the XIV century (Paris Uprising 1357V58, Jacceria 1358), general states claimed an active part in the management of the country (such requirements expressed the general states of 1357 in the "Great Martov Ordonance"). However, the lack of unity between cities and their irreconcilable enmity with the nobility made fruitless attempts by the French general states to achieve rights who managed to conquer the English Parliament.
At the end of the XIV century, general states convened more and more often and were often replaced by the assembly of notables. Since the end of the 15th century, the Institute of General State has declined in connection with the beginning of the development of absolutism, during the 1484V1560, they did not convene at all (the known revival of their activities was observed during the period of religious wars in general states convened in 1560, 1576, 1588, and 1593) .
From 1614 to 1789, general states again were never collected. Only on May 5, 1789, in the conditions of an acute political crisis, on the eve of the Great French Revolution, the king convened the general states on June 17, 1789, deputies of the third class declared themselves to the National Assembly, on July 9, the National Assembly proclaimed himself to the Constituent Assembly, which became the highest representative and legislative body of revolutionary France.
In the 20th century, the name of general states accepted some of the representative meetings, considering actual political issues and expressing broad public opinion (for example, the Assembly of general states for disarmament, May 1963).
Great March Ordonance 1357
In 1357, the rebellion of Parisman forced the heir to the throne of Dofina Karl to agree to the publication of the Great Martov Ordonance. The general states received the right to meet twice and more a year, not expecting the royal enactment, to appoint royal advisers and allow them to be resolved. "Decisions The Council of the three estates is entirely and forever entered into force. Submows and subsidies were used exclusively for military needs. Challengement and distribution of taxes are not people of the king, but reasonable, honest and independent people who have received powers chosen and appointed for this three estates. " Charle's consent was forced. Running from Paris, he began to collect strength for violence with him. The great peasant uprising of 1358 came to the residue of Paris, Jacceria, pursuing anti-refortion chains. Meanwhile, the urban patrician, who led Paris, spoke against Jacceria. Definable support for cities, the peasants were defeated. Following the turn of Paris. With the victorious graduation of the Century War, the value of general states falls. One of the reforms of King Charles VII (1439) - - a direct constant tax was introduced, charged without the consent of the states (Talah). Another reform was created by the regular army contained at the expense of this tax. The general states were not abolished, but they were rarely going. Disappeared the need for them.