What is the educational environment of the school and how to identify it? The formation of the educational environment The specificity of the educational environment of secondary general education.

The introduction characterizes the social significance and scientific relevance of the topic. In the introduction, the choice of the topic should be justified, its relevance, to reflect the reason for research interest in it, formulate a scientific problem, show the degree of its development in domestic and foreign science, reveal the goals and objectives of the work; Describe theoretical and methodological basics of work, define an object and subject, formulate a hypothesis of the study.
Main part
The main content of the work is located in chapters between the introduction and the conclusion. The main part, as a rule, can not consist of only one chapter, it consists of two chapters.
The first head chapter is a theoretical part that should have a heading. This chapter makes sense to stop approximately the following aspects of the studied psychological and pedagogical phenomenon:
· Designation of the problem or group of problems considered by pedagogical psychology on this issue;
· Determination of basic concepts;
· Study history, the main views on the phenomenon in pedagogical psychology and, possibly, in other industries of psychology, other sciences;
· Functions of the phenomenon;
· Types of phenomena;
· Structure of the phenomenon;
· Communication with other phenomena;
· Formation and development of phenomena (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages);
· Manifestations of phenomena, etc.
The proposed scheme is given only for orientation and the final structure of the first chapter will depend on the chosen theme, the availability and accessibility of literature, the structure of work as a whole.
When presenting ideas that have authorship, it is necessary to comply with the quotation rules: the cited text is given exactly, without distortion, the passes in the author's text are denoted by ellipsis; The text is taken in quotes, then the author's name is indicated in brackets, the number in the literature list and the number of the category of the page.
After working on the first chapter, the conclusions should be briefly set out.
The second chapter implies the development of a model of a developing educational environment (according to Yasvin V.A.), taking into account the methodological foundations.
The model of the developing educational environment of the institution (according to the topic) can be represented as a pattern, or described in the text of the 2nd chapter.
Following the conclusions are also made.
Conclusion contains summary All work and your own thoughts in connection with the problem presented in the work. You can stay on the main results obtained during the work, submit perspectives further workOver the problem, formulate some recommendations.
In general, it can be said that the introduction and conclusion perform the function of a certain semantic framework of the main part of the work: the introduction precedes knowledge, and the conclusion demonstrates a new high-quality stage in understanding the problem.
List of sources used

Educational program MOU Ponestical secondary school has been developed on the basis of state educational standards and exemplary educational programs (typical provision on general education institution, clause 36). The pedagogical team is guided by the requirements of regulatory acts that determine the obligatory regulatory minimum content and requirements for the training level.

The educational program of the MOU Ponestical secondary school is a regulatory and management document, which characterizes two aspects of its activities: the specifics of the content of training, education and development of students and the characteristics of the organization, personnel and methodological support of the pedagogical process and innovative transformations of the pedagogical (didactic and educational) system. The school has created a promising educational program. Article 9 of the Law "On Education" consolidated the need for such a document and gave it a definition:

« Educational program - regulatory and management document, on the one hand defining, sodthe strings of education corresponding to the levels of the orientation, and on the other hand, characterizing the specifics of the content of education and the peculiarities of the educational process and the administration of this educational institution. "

The project "Educational program" is a long-term project of social and educational type.

Pedagogical system Schools are designed as an open system.

The school is part of the entire social system, and its livelihood is largely due to the impacts coming from the widespread environment. School can actively influence its activities environment, that is, act as an adaptive system and at the same time adapting.

The formation of an educational environment

Section 1.

Purpose of school. The main means of implementing the purpose of OU.

Pustish secondary school, being a municipal general educational institution, is focused on training, education and development of students, taking into account their individual (age, physiological, psychological, intellectual and other) features, educational needs and opportunities, personal inconsistencies. This is achieved by creating an adaptive pedagogical system in the school and favorable conditions for mental, moral, emotional and physical development Each student. The pedagogical system is based on the early detection of inconsistencies, interests, natural children's deposits. Leading directions of training, upbringing and development are aesthetic, moral and physical improvement of students.

School management is carried out on the basis of democracy, publicity, co-control. Direct management of the pedagogical process is implemented by the school principal and its deputies for educational, educational and economic work.

Educational program Schools are a holistic system for humanization and humanization measures, differentiation and individualization of training and education of schoolchildren, taking into account the needs of students, their parents, the public and society.

The school is located on the territory of the MO "Pustyskoye", twenty kilometers from the district center of Mozhga. In the school microdistrict are located preschool institutions "Rugged" - kindergarten № 1 and "protemat" - kindergarten number 2; House children's creativity; Children's school of art; hospital; Poskaya library. Parents of students work in agriculture, in social sphere, in enterprises located on the territory of the village, the city of Mozhga. Many people work in the city of Izhevsk and go beyond the territory of the Udmurt Republic (work by the Watch method).

Most families live in separate landscaped apartments, create conditions for the successful learning of the child.

8. Orientation in the values \u200b\u200bof domestic and world culture.

Natural science

1. Scientific explanation of nature phenomena observed in everyday life, forgetting the initial worldview of the world and the environment.

2. Chemical literacy.

3. Environmental literacy.

4. The ability to establish causal relations between the phenomena of nature.


1. The ability to distinguish works of art from works of pseudoism.

2. Orientation in the main historical and cultural monuments of countries studied languages.

3. Orientation in the values \u200b\u200bof domestic and world culture.

4. Free orientation in monuments and centers of the culture of habitat.

Physical education

1.Valeological literacy (observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, the ability to provide first aid to yourself and other, knowledge and observance of the norms of a healthy lifestyle).

3. Regulation of its physical and psychological state with special exercises.


1. Technical literacy (use of household appliances).

2. The ability to use a personal computer as a means of obtaining the necessary information.

"The content of competence"

Education area

Communication competence and elements of the requestofessional and metodoologic competence


1. The ability to keep a dialogue in English in standard life situations

2. The ability to analyze the artistic work, taking into account its genre specifics; Realize the personality of the author and the work in the context of culture, the era of modernity.

3. Finding essential and sufficient conceptual grounds for comparison artistic works At the level of intra and interprete relationships.

4. Use dictionaries with reference books of various levels, including the Internet.


1. Free orientation in basic mathematical concepts.

2. The ability to predict the answer answer and evaluate the result.

3. Knowledge of the place of mathematics as science in the history of human development.

4. The ability to apply the techniques for solving mathematical tasks when solving problems in various areas of knowledge.

5. The presence of ideas about information, its types, properties, measurement and information processes.

6. Owning technology processing various types of information.

Social science

1. Mastering scientific knowledge about a person and the ability to operate for self-knowledge purposes, self-improvement.

2. Awareness of the role of a person in conversion activities and awareness of the possible consequences of human activity against himself.

3. The assimilation of the knowledge system about universal humanistic values, the perception of them as the most important life criteria.

4. Knowledge of the laws of micro and macroeconomics, orientation in the world of consumer values.

5. Ability to work with periodic printing, scientific publications.

6. Active civil position.

7. Compliance with the rules, norms of behavior and laws of society.

8. Orientation in the world of professions, knowledge of their professional opportunities.

Natural science

1. Application of knowledge gained, skills for awareness of compliance with the rules of environmental behavior.

2. Using generalized and systematized knowledge for transfer to new life situation, To solve new life problems.

3. The ability to plan and conduct observations and experiments, predict their results, systematize data on various reasons (tables, graphs, charts), formulate theoretical conclusions.

4. Ability to apply the knowledge gained in everyday life (the choice of vitamin and mineral complexes and drugs, food, treatment chemicals, selection of cosmetics, etc.)


1. The ability to interpret art types taking into account their artistic language.

2. Interpretation of works of art based on their holistic perception.

Physical education

1. The ability to take responsibility for their health and health around.

2. Aesthetic body culture.

3. Self-regulation of its physical condition.


1. Knowledge of modern information society.

2. Owning technology processing various types of information using a computer.

Integration of regions

1. Tolerant attitude to reality (in judgments, behavior, evaluation of events).

2. The ability to self-esteem.

3. The ability to work in computer networks and own Internet technologies.

4. Ability to choose an adequate model of your behavior.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region

State autonomous educational institution

secondary vocational education of the Tyumen region

"Tyumen Pedagogical College №1"

PC Pedagogy and Psychology

Course work

050146 Teaching in primary classes

Comparative analysis of primary general education systems of Russia and Finland

Scientific adviser:

Kukuev O.F.

Student term paper

SHO-12-01-2 groups

specialties "Teaching in primary classes"

Miroshnikov V.M.

Tyumen, 2014.


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of primary general education

1.1 Specificity of primary education as the first stage general Education

1.2 Some facts from the history of the emergence and development of primary education

1.3 age features of younger school age

Chapter 2. Comparative analysis of primary general education systems of Russia and Finland

2.1 Specificity of the initial general formation of Finland

2.2 Specificity of primary general education of Russia

2.3 Comparative analysis of primary general education systems of Russia and Finland


Bibliographic list

primary education junior schoolboy


The student is never I will surpass the teacher if it sees a sample in it, not an opponent.Belinsky V.G.

The relevance and practical aspect of the study is that Russia is looking for new ways to develop education, on the basis of experience of other foreign countries.

To match high standards And the requirements of the modern era, a person needs extensive knowledge, as well as the ability to master new and new ways of knowledge and activities. With the help of high-quality education, you can grow a person of a thinking, creative, creative and humane. The task of the school is to give a child a momentum to creativity, self-development, to reveal its taming.

Everyone who uses the concept of "quality of education" invests its meaning in it, which is associated with the relevant needs, requests, expectations. Circle of "consumers" imposing requirements for school wide. This is primarily the participants in the educational process - teachers, students and their parents, educational institutions of vocational education, employers, government agencies and structures, society as a whole. The participants of the education process are its equal, active subjects with their values, beliefs, will, features. That is why the role is so great (and this should be reflected in the design of intra-school quality systems) of self-analysis, self-assessment, self-government. Not only teachers and students, but also the school as a whole as a social system can be subject to subjects of education.

An objectresearch - primary general education systems of Finland and Russia.

Subject of study - Benefits of the Finnish education system over Russian.

Purpose of the study: Comparative analysis of primary general education systems in Finland and Russia.

To achieve the goal, the following were delivered Research tasks:

1. Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic.

2. To examine the specifics of primary education in Russia and Finland

3. The comparative analysis and determine which countries the highest level of development of the initial general education system

The following has been used during the study. methods:

1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature

2. Method of quantitative and high-quality data processing

Course work consists of two chapters, each of which, in turn, is divided into three paragraphs:

· In the 1st paragraph of the 1st chapter, the specificity of primary education at the first stage of general education is presented

· In the 2nd paragraph of the 1st chapter, some facts are given from the history of initial education.

· In the 3rd paragraph of the 1st chapter tells about the age characteristics of primary school age

· In the 1st paragraph 2 of the chapter, information on the specifics of the initial general education of Russia is given.

· In the 2nd paragraph of the 2nd chapter, information on the specifics of the initial general formation of Finland is given

· In the 3rd paragraph of the 2nd chapter, a comparative analysis of the initial general education systems of Finland and Russia is presented

CHAPTER1. Theoretical foundations of primary general education

1.1 Specificity of primary education as the first level of general education

Stagnaskol - Self-Fully, a fundamentally new stage in the life of a child: It begins to systematically study in an educational institution, the scope of its interaction with the outside world is expanding, social status changes and the need for self-expression increases.

Primary education has its own characteristics, distinguish it from all subsequent stages of systematic school Education. During this period, there is a basis for educational activities, cognitive interests and cognitive motivation; Under favorable learning conditions, the formation of self-consciousness and self-assessment of the child occurs.

Education in elementary school is the base, the foundation of all subsequent training. First of all, this concerns the formation of general training skills, skills and methods of activity on which there is a significant proportion of responsibility for the success of learning in the basic school. The level of their development determines the nature of the cognitive activity of the schoolchild, its ability to organize it and purposefully organize speech activities and ways of working with information, etc.

Based on natural children's curiosity, the need for independent knowledge of the surrounding world, cognitive activity and initiative, in elementary school is created an educational environment that stimulates the active forms of knowledge: observation, experiments, discussion of different opinions, assumptions, training dialogue, etc. Younger schoolboy must be provided For the development of the ability to assess their thoughts and actions, as it were, "from the side", relate the result of activities with the goal, to determine their knowledge and ignorance, etc. This ability to reflection is the most important quality determining social role Child as a student, schoolchildren. A feature of the content of modern primary education is not only the answer to the question: that the student should know (remember, reproduce), "but also a set of specific ways of activity - the answer to the question: that the student should do to apply (extract, evaluate) acquired knowledge. Thus, along with the "knowledgeable" component (the functional literacy of the younger school, the ability to read, write, consider), the activity component must be presented in the training software, which will allow you to comply with the "balance" of the theoretical and practical components of the learning content. In addition, the definition in the content programs of those knowledge, skills and methods of activity that are "above subject", that is, they are formed by means of each study subject, makes it possible to unite the efforts of all learning items to solve the general learning tasks, approach the implementation of the "ideal" education objectives . At the same time, such an approach will prevent the Nero object in the selection of education, ensure integration in the study of different parties to the world.

In the younger school age The socio-personal development of the child continues. This age period is characterized by the emergence of a fairly conscious system of ideas about people around people, about themselves, about moral and ethical standards, based on relationships with peers and adults, close and strangers. Self-assessment of the child, remaining quite optimistic and high, becomes more objective and self-critical. The formation level of all these personal manifestations fully depends on the direction educational process on the organization of the experience of diverse practical activity Schoolchildren (cognitive, labor, artistic, etc.). This determined the need to allocate in exemplary programs not only the content of the knowledge that should be brought to the student (mandatory minimum) and are formed in it (requirements), but also the content of practical activity, which includes the specific skills of schoolchildren on the organization of various activities, according to the creative use of knowledge, Elementary self-education skills. It is this aspect of exemplary programs that gives grounds for the approval of the humanistic, personal-oriented oriented formation of the education process. junior schoolchildren.

1.2 Some facts from the history of the emergence and development of primary education

The emergence of the school was on the era of the transition from community-generic system to a socially differentiated society. Despite the fact that the ancient civilizations, as a rule, existed apart from each other, they were guided by the fundamentally general foundations in the field of human formation. According to ethnography, the completed (Pictured) period ended approximately by the 3rd millennium BC. And there was an emergence of a clinox and hieroglyphic writing as methods of transmitting information. It was the emergence and development of writing that made the most important factor in the genesis of the school. Since the letter became technically more in a difficult way Information transmission, inspection, it required special training.

The first educational institutions who studied diploma received various names. For example, "houses of tables" were called the schools of diplomas in ancient Mesopotamia, and during the heyday of the Babylonian state they turned into the "House of Knowledge".

In the ancient Egypt, schools arose as a family institution, and in the future they began to appear at the temples, the palaces of the kings and nobles.

In the ancient India, family schools and forest schools appeared at first (his faithful disciples gathered around the guru-hermit; training took place outdoors). The Buddhist era has emerged Schools of Vedas, training in which secular and custom. During the revival of Hinduism in India (II - VI century), two types of schools are organized with temples - initial (only) and higher-level educational institution (Agraharhar).

In the Roman Empire, trivial schools were made, the content of the formation of which was represented by trivium - grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, and grammar schools - educational institutions of a higher level, where they were taught by four subjects - arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, or quadrivium. The trivium and quadrivium constituted the program of seven free arts. In the 6th century, rhetorical schools appeared, which mainly prepared speakers and lawyers for the Roman Empire.

Already at the beginning of the i century christian church It began to organize our own schools of CateHumen. Subsequently on their basis, Catechism schools were created, in the future transformed into the catfed and episcopal schools.

In the era of the formation of a three-stage education system in Byzantium, grammatical schools (church and secular, private and state-owned) appeared. Grammar schools influenced the program of seven free arts.

There are two levels of education in the Islamic world. The initial level was given religious schools with mosques opened for children of artisans, merchants, wealthy peasants (Chinese). In the period of the Middle Ages (XIII - XIV century) from the student system in Europe, shops and guild schools were originated, as well as schools of the account for children of merchants and artisans, in which training was conducted in their native language. At the same time, urban schools for boys and girls appeared, where teaching was conducted both on their own and in Latin, and the training was applied (except Latin studied arithmetic, elements of office work, geography, technique, natural Sciences). In the process of differentiation of urban schools, Latin schools were distinguished, which gave rise to elevated type and served as if the link between primary and higher education. For example, in France, such schools received the name of the colleges. From the middle of the 20th century, the college was organized at universities. Over time, they have grown into modern colleges or general educational institutions.

The development of the Western European school in the period from XV to the first third of the XVII century is closely related to the transition of feudal society to the industrial. This transition has had a certain impact on the formation of three main types of schools, respectively, oriented on elementary, general increased and higher education.

The number of urban schools of primary training, established by the authorities and religious communities grew in Catholic and Protestant countries. For example, small schools in France, corner schools in Germany. However, the Roman Catholic Church lags from Protestant in the process of organizing elementary learning. Therefore, in all Catholic arrives, Sunday schools were opened for the lower layers of the population and primary schools for nobility. And also created pious schools for the poor. Throughout the XV - XVII centuries, the priest teacher's place in elementary school gradually occupies a professional teacher who has received special education and training. In this regard, the social status of the teacher will change. He used to live on coming from the community and parishioners. From the end of the XVI century, the teacher's work paid for the community. At the same time, there were improvements in the organization of the educational process: textbooks and school boards appear in the classes.

In the period from the XVII to the XVIII century due to the increased influence of secular education, the main form of training was the school of classical type. First of all, the classic school focused on the study of ancient languages \u200b\u200band literature:

In Germany - the city (Latin) school (hereinafter - the real school) and the gymnasium;

In England - grammatical and public (boarding houses for children Elite Society) School;

In France - College and Lyceum;

In the USA - grammatical school and academy.

In the process of developing school education, each type has been enriched and improved in the pedagogical plan, and also acquired national traits and features.

In the XIX century in Western Europe And the United States laid the legislative foundations of the new school. Thus, the class of industrial bourgeoisie, dominating in society, sought to strengthen its position in the future of the future. In the leading industrial countries, the formation of a national system of schooling and the expansion of the participation of the state in the pedagogical process (its management, in the relationship between the private and public school, in solving the issue of the school from the church) was carried out. Government bureaus, advice, departments, committees, ministries of education were created to the results. All educational institutions were subject to state control. During the XIX century, differentiation was carried out on schools of classical sample and modern.

In England, there are two types of secondary school - the initial (from 6 to 11 years) and the average (from 11 to 17 years). Children under 14 are trained free. In France, two primary education structures were formed: free training from 6 to 14 years old, with a practical bias, and paid training from 6 to 11 years, with a continuation of education in high school.

Russia has two school systems - state (free) and private schools. By the end of the XX century, the following school system was formed:

Primary education starting with 6 or 7 years. In terms of the main educational systems in Russia, mass educational schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, school-laboratories, boarding schools (for gifted children or children with development deviations) are functioning in Russia.

1.3 age features of younger school age

The younger school age is called the peak of childhood. The child retains many children's qualities - frivolity, naivety, look at the adult from the bottom up. But he already begins to lose his child's directness in behavior, he has another logic of thinking.

The famous Children's Pediatrician Benjamin Spock writes: "After 6 years, the child continues to love his parents deeply, but she tries not to show it. He does not like when he is kissing, at least with other people. The child is cold and refers to other people, except for those whom he considers "wonderful people." He does not want to love him like a property or as a "charming child." It takes a feeling of self-esteem and wants to be respected. In an effort to get rid of the parent addiction, he increasingly appeals to the ideas and knowledge to adults outside the families who he trusts ... What did his parents taught not forgotten, moreover, their principles of good and evil settled so deep in his soul that He considers them with his ideas. But he is angry when parents remind him what he should do, as he knows himself and wants to be considered conscious. "

The teaching for it is a significant activity. In school, he acquires not only new knowledge and skills, but also a certain social status. The interests, values \u200b\u200bof the child are changing, the whole way of his life.

However, it is necessary to take into account that increased physical endurance, improving performance are relative in nature, and in general, children remains characteristic high fatigue. Their performance is usually sharply falling in 25--30 min lessons and after the second lesson. Children are very tired in the event of a visit to the extended day group, as well as with increased emotional saturation of lessons and events.

During this period, life in all its diversity, not illusory and fantastic, and the most real, real, always surrounding us - that's what acts about it. In this period, the child has little to pick up the illusory world in which he lived before. Dolls, soldiers lose the original charm. Naive faith in their needs, needs disappear. Own metamorphosis is in the rider, then in the baker, the doctor or merchant is no longer captured completely. The child is K. real life. He is no longer a mystic and a dreamer. He is a realist.

The interest is also attracted to the fact that it does not have to be given in the personal, present or past experience. Other countries, other nations and their activities attract schoolchildren's attention to a strong extent. There is a tremendous expansion of the mental horizon. It is at this age that a passion for traveling, which is sometimes poured into such forms as a tendency to vagrancy, escape from home, etc.

The immediacy of children's reactions and insatiable impressionability at this age are most noticeable in an out-of-school setting. In situations where children feel good enough, they almost involuntarily satisfy their curiosity: run closer to what they are interested in; Everyone seeks to experience themselves.

They like to apply new names for them, notice out loud that it seems beautiful and that unpleasant. During walks and excursions, they pronounced the desire and ability to grab unusual, new and imprint. Sometimes they begin to express fantastic judgments out out loud. But they themselves do not attach importance to their comments. Their attention is jumping. They cannot not peerate, do not listen, and their exclamations and assumptions seem to help them in this.

pupils primary classes Often we find a tendency to talk: to tell about everything that they read that they saw and heard at school, on a walk, on TV. At the same time, they usually turn out a long story with many mentions, unattended for outsiders. Himself such a story clearly gives pleasure, for them is undoubted the significance of everything that happened to them.

Impressions from poems and stories performed in an expressive artistic form, from the theater performance, from the song, from the musical play and the movie can be deep and persistent in children of 8-10 years of age. Feelings of pity, sympathy, indignation, excitement for the well-being of the beloved Hero can achieve a large intensity. However, in the perception of individual emotions of people, young schoolchildren allow serious mistakes and distortion. In addition, a small schoolboy may not understand some experiences of people, and therefore they are not interested in him and are not available for empathy.

The emergence of broad realistic interests makes the child pay attention to the experiences of others, understand their "objectively", not regarding them from the point of view of only the meaning they have for him in this moment. He begins to understand someone else's suffering as suffering as the unpleasant experience of this person, such as his comrade or mother, and not only as a source of any inconvenience for himself. If the previous era is usually characterized as a selfish, then a new stage of life can be considered as the beginning of altruistic manifestations.

The younger schoolboy can show sympathy with someone's grief, to experience pity for a sick animal, to show readiness to give something expensive for him. He may, upon resentment, caused by his comrade, rush to the rescue, despite the threat of older children. And at the same time, in similar situations, he may not show these feelings, but, on the contrary, laugh at the failure of a comrade, do not feel feelings of pity, treat with indifference to misfortune, etc.

Similar "zyibility" of the moral appearance of a small schoolboy, expressed in the impermanence of its moral experiences, a non-permanent attitude to the same events, is due to the fact that the moral provisions that determine the misdembleness of the child do not have a sufficiently generalized nature and still not enough Sustainable property of his consciousness.

At the same time, his immediate experience tells him what is good, and what is bad. Therefore, making unauthorized actions, it is usually experiencing shame, repentance, sometimes fear.

Younger school age is a classic time for making moral ideas and rules. Of course, a significant contribution to the moral world of the child carries with me and early childhood, but the print "Rules" and "laws" to be executed, the idea of \u200b\u200b"norms", "debt" - all this typical features of moral psychology are determined and drawn up just in the younger school age. The child is typically "obedient" during these years, he with interest and enthusiasm takes into the shower different rules and laws. He is not able to form his own moral ideas and seeks to understand what "need" to do, experiencing pleasure in the device.

The teacher is important to remember that when the youngest schoolboy learns about the norms of behavior, he perceives the words of the teacher only when they emotionally hurt him when he directly feels the need to do so, and not otherwise. One young teacher was indignant about the "insecuality" of the student of the 2nd class: "I am twenty minutes to tell her that she behaves badly. And she stands and yawns! " And the girl is because she yawned that she was very long and moreover, the moral tone was talked about her misdeed.

It should be noted that for younger schoolchildren, high attention is characterized by the moral side of the actions of others, the desire to give a moral assessment. Borrowing the criteria for moral assessment in adults, younger schoolchildren begin to actively demand from other children of relevant behavior.

Such a new role for the child is a conductor of adult claims - sometimes has a positive effect on the fulfillment of the requirements themselves. However, in a significant part of cases, the requirement of a first grader to others and his own behavior differ quite strongly. His behavior continues, mainly determined by immediate motifs. And the contradiction between the desire to act "correctly" and real behavior does not cause a child of displeasure to themselves.

Consciously accepting the rules and "teaching" to them others, he himself says that it really corresponds to this pattern, and in the event of a contradiction with reality it easily consults itself by the fact that he "did so by chance", "did not want", "more will not be".

Junior school age is a very favorable time to assimilate many moral norms. Children really want to fulfill these norms that, with the right organization of education contributes to the formation of positive moral qualities.

Danger represents the moral rigorism of children. As you know, younger schoolchildren are judged on the moral side of the act not by its motive, which is difficult for them, but by the result. Therefore, the act dictated by the moral motive (for example, to help mom), but the endless of the disadvantaged (broken the plate) is regarded by them as bad. The child belongs to the moral norm as the law. And you should rather the "letter" than the "spirit" of this law. Moral actions can lose their specific meaning for a small schoolboy - the meaning of action in the interests of other people.

Since the roots of "moral rigorism" - in the age characteristics of the schoolchildren, in particular in the peculiarities of his thinking, in the younger school it is unacceptable for the use of such pedagogical admission as a discussion of the child's behavior. It is known that V.A. Sukhomlinsky called for special caution when used in the upbringing of children of public opinion of peers, believing that the one who made a mistake and the team was morally injured.

As for religious life (unless of course we are talking about believing children), according to Professor Protoirey V.V. Zenkovsky, the time of younger school age for her is generally unfavorable. The amazing mysticism of early childhood disappears, spiritual sensitivity to the city world weakens, but the vital images of religion become much closer. Christianity, the revealing life of the Savior and the Mother of God, the life of the saints and their feats, becomes especially nutritionally in this earthly side, touching, deep, but earthly. Religious consciousness becomes a decisive source of moral life, eating and warming moral sphere. Extremely simple and naturally children at this time go to religious activity - visiting the temple, especially serving it, the execution of rites and compliance with church requirements becomes natural and understandable.

The problem is that the spiritual world of the child, living and developing, still loses its most significant feature - the living Tomorrow of the soul about infinity. It is this tom "that forms the most basic and creative trait of spiritual life. And therefore, the period of younger school age with his inflow to the world of earth can be fruitful only as a transitional period as the growth of sobriety and realism, but if he continued for too long he could completely kill the main sources of spiritual insight. The younger school age is spiritually incredible, one-sided, it is in him the beginning of possible spiritual curvatures. The younger school age is in a spiritual plan especially fragile and, due to the fact that the child is already possessed, but it is not yet aware of its meaning, its authorities, its volume. The child is even easily allowed at this time of the oppression of freedom - but the reverse reaction will come in its time and in an acute form on the eve of adolescence and during it.

In this way, theoretical basis Primary general education is sustained that special institutions (primary schools) were created to organize the training of primary school age. Primary education is the first step of the general form of a child who has its own specific features. Getting primary education, children acquire the first knowledge of the world around the world, skills in communicating and solving applied tasks. At this stage, the identity of a child is being formed and begins to develop.

CHAPTER2 . Comparative analysis of primary general education systems of Russia and Finland

2.1 Specificityprimary general formation of Finland

The role of education and educational reforms in building a modern economy, civil society and solving more general problems of the development of society as a whole is best to study, in my opinion, on the example of countries where such reforms are not only purposefully conducted, but also turned out to be successful. One of the most striking examples of such a development is recognized by Finland. In the situation of a deep systemic crisis, it was an education that became the core of the new concept of "state of welfare" - the driving force for the development of the economy and society. Today we see the fruits of this development - the result of a successful implementation of systemic and thought-out reforms: the level and quality of education in Finland is one of the best in the world. The secret of success is a thoughtful educational policy of Finland, which is important, to achieve modern research on pedagogical psychology and new didactics, which allowed to develop an adaptive learning system. Such a system takes into account as far as possible, the level of development and features of students. The adaptive learning system operates in the "zone of the nearest development", and since all children are different, in practice, a system of such training means individualization and internal differentiation of the educational process. It is this idea that underlies the new pedagogical culture, which provided Finland such high results in international studies.

One of the sources of the modern theory of adaptive learning are the ideas of an outstanding Russian scientist L.S. Vygotsky. However, the provisions expressed by him about the attitude of training and development are understood in modern pedagogical psychology otherwise than this took place in the Soviet theories of the 1960s -1970s.

As a result of large-scale empirical studiesconducted by B. different countries, and acute disputes between the authors and supporters of various theories and identified a number of factors and variables that allowed politicians and managers to use levers for making decisions, adequate to new goals that have advanced a rapidly developing economy. This led to reforming curricula and didactics aimed at bringing the latter to meet a new understanding of training and teachings and new education goals. These processes accounted for years in our country, when we did not have the opportunity (in the conditions of the Iron Curtain) to study in detail the directions of education in Western countries. This did not see any particular need, as it was believed that we are both in theory and in practice - far overtake the countries of the "reinstalling" capitalism.

Today we are experiencing great difficulties in understanding reforms in economically developed countries. For modern condition and development in these countries, including training programs, funds and methods of training, assessment systems, are the results of long-term development, which began in the 60s. The situation is aggravated by the fact that due to the fatest Stalinist decree on pedological perversions in the system of drug addiction of the study in the field of pedagogical psychology and sociology of education were prohibited in Russia, studies of Russian scientists conducted in the same direction as abroad were in the 30s The years are minimized. By 20 -30, domestic science was not inferior to foreign. Russia had different opposing schools, point of view, methodological approaches. It is this disconnect and not satisfied with the party and the government. It was announced that the differences in the results of training between children from educated and wealthy families and the children of workers were found in studies and workers' children are the fruit of Western Lzhenauki - testing (bourgeois sociologism). The differences caused by hereditary factors also began to refer to false bourgeois ideas justifying inequality (biologism). The only permitted factor was the training and education in government agencies, understood as the formation of a person on a predetermined pattern (the concept of a new man). In line with this basic concept, the main domestic theories of the poststalinsky era, built on Marxism and claimed that we are able to form everything that we want if we find the right technology. The program of the general educational Soviet school was based on the model of the German gymnasium and the real school.

The latter were built on the German didactics of the XIX century. In general, this didactics remains with us so far. To make understandable education reforms in economically developed countries, as well as modern school evaluation systems and their role in the development of education, you need to highlight two aspects:

Firstborn didactic reformsand revision of training programswhen moving to universal one for all population education. In the first part of this work will be shown what basic theories and approaches these reforms relied; Made and justified the conclusion about the relevance of such reforms and for our country;

Second - this is the school evaluation system , adopted in Finland. Modern quality assessment systems are not only a form of tasks, but also a network of relations, management mechanisms and structures that provide positive development.

Numerous national and international studies have shown that a significant improvement in learning achievements went parallel to the measures undertaken in the country to reform and develop education. The two next main trends are obvious.

The first trend shows that the refusal to the parallel school system and the transition to a single common school for all did not lead to a decrease in the level of academic achievements, which the critics of a single school system were afraid, on the contrary, the structural reforms of the school system together with pedagogical reforms led to a continuous improvement in learning achievements.

The second trend proves that the conducted educational policy and pedagogical changes led to outstanding results compared to other countries:

READING:the achievements of Finnish schoolchildren already as part of the first reading study were good, but in the early 90s of the 20th century, Finland reached the first place among all countries in the group of 9-14-year-olds and was able to maintain this position in the study (Fig. 1);

Fig.1. "Achieving Finnish schoolchildren in reading"

MATHEMATICS:finns in the first study of mathematics, in which 7 countries participated, in all groups showed results significantly lower than the average (in the age group of 13-year-olds they were in the penultimate place, and among the applicants are third from the end). In the second international mathematical study, the achievements of Finns were average in comparison with other participating countries, but in the group of applicants achievements were a little better. In the third international study, the Finns showed the results significantly higher than the average. In recent studies in Finland, leading positions (Fig. 2);

Fig.2. "Achieving Finnish schoolchildren in mathematics"

These results show that the relative position of Finland compared to other countries has improved comprehensively. In other words, changes are not accidental, they occur at all levels and cannot be explained only by sociocultural features. An explanation of these changes should be sought in the fact that the entire education system at all levels has been constantly developed and reformed in accordance with the basic idea of \u200b\u200bequal access to high-quality education for all. We are talking about the national doctrine of education within the framework of the "State of Welfare" model, the implementation of which began in the 60s of the 20th century and, as a result, included the entire political system, policy planning authorities in the field of education, teachers and schools. As many analysts emphasize, only the activities associated with reforms are not enough to explain in detail all the achievements and their dynamics, but the nature of the reforms makes the common successes of Finnish schoolchildren. Small differences between schools and between different regions of the country can be partially explained by the fact that the update of the education system and pedagogical restructuring from the late 1960s were widespread: no school and no village could evade reform. Therefore, explanations in which the autonomy of schools and the leadership of local municipalities are not enough.

Thus, the principles of reform became an integral part of the pedagogical practice of schools, regardless of the location of the school. Because of this, there is no dramatic difference between the "center" and "periphery" or between urban and rural schools, since the periphery thanks to the public and regional requirements of equality was constantly the subject of political interest. For example, the reform of the main school began in the weakly-plated northern part of the country and only on the final phase, in the late 70s of the 20th century, reached Helsinki. Changes in the training system in Finland reflect the stages of the development of modern pedagogical psychology, the newest achievements of which were immediately introduced into practice.

Structural changes in the education system and change in the form of pedagogical thinking. The general initial reform of the education system was the principle that education policy is a central part of social policy and that, consequently, its principles should be formulated in accordance with the objectives of social development. Target installations The social policy of the state of welfare was in Finland, in line with the educational doctrine of the OECD member countries, in which the importance of education as a means of economic growth and development of production. As the basic principles of reforming the structure and content of education, it was primarily considered by those that were focused on the prospect of future development:

1) the principle of equality: the central purpose of education is to contribute to the development of equality in society and in the upbringing;

2) an increase in the overall level of education of the entire population: for all children of one year of birth, a single, sufficiently long (nine years) is a general education that makes up the basis for specialized learning;

3) Elimination of barriers and ensuring the continuity of the path of education: structure educational system In general, it should develop in such a way that in all its sectors it has become possible to promote the next, higher level of training on the principle " continuing education"Without" dead-end branches ";

4) Overcoming difficulties in learning: at all levels of education, special attention is paid to students with learning problems.

So, the transition to a single primary school meant that all children of one year of birth will finish a nine-year-old School in the same amount and with a single level of requirements. All necessary for study - training, educational materials, Special studies for students with learning issues, school food, transport (for students living next to five kilometers from school) - provided to schoolchildren for free.

Despite criticism, subsequent development has shown that the interpretation and practical implementation of the principle of equality involved aspects that have been crucial for training achievements.

1. For training at the main stage, clear, common learning goals for all students, the so-called main goals were developed. They were developed taking into account the specifics of individual items and were specified in the methodological guidelines for teachers. The consequence was that the principle of equality with respect to learning results led to the development of curricula, in which the level of requirements for students of each class was completely accurately recorded. The similar processes were held in Sweden, which also abandoned the "High achievements" courses, implied the division of students to different flows.

2. The embodiment of this goal demanded a significant change in pedagogical thinking and pedagogical culture of schools. The culture of differentiation, segregation and selection, characteristic of the parallel school system, should have given the place of the culture of unity, equality of isocal responsibility.

3. Equality in relation to the results of training assumed a powerful concentration of resources on students with weak achievements, those who have an unfavorable family climate or a negative attitude towards studying in the family, or those who generally have any problems in learning.

It is very surprising that the fact that in Finland managed to reach consensus with respect to this reform direction between different parties: political and pedagogical principles of reform were formulated under the leadership of moderate liberals, and the right-wing forces in the end supported the reforms that began "new left". Such a consensus of parties is absolutely necessary for educational reform, which requires a long time.

Thus, in the country, this methodology of program development corresponds to the theory of the theory of revision of Currikulum S. Robinson was ensured by the continuity of long-term educational policy.

New estimation system. The principle of equality and the struggle against learning problems, of course, put forward new requirements for the practice of assessing the achievements of students. The traditional estimation based on the comparison and selection of students contradicted the radical interpretation of the equality and the principle of overcoming difficulties in training.

The central aspect in the evaluation of academic achievements was the evaluation of the student regarding his own learning objectives. This idea has been formulated already in the curriculum of the primary school in 1970, but especially emphasized in the basics of the curriculum in 1985: "With a positionary assessment, the role of feedback should play and inform about its successes when achieving his goals, stimulating it to continuously learning. and self-development. ... When evaluated in all subjects it should be abandoned from relative estimation based on the comparison of students with each other. Thus, the raising mark of the student does not depend on the marks of other schoolchildren. Such an estimation system may be called an assessment oriented target. When exposing points to achieving students, they are not compared with the achievements of other schoolchildren, as it happens when evaluating, oriented on a comparison. "

Such an estimation is aimed at supporting the learning process and school assistance in organizing timely additional classes with students who have problems learning. Although learning programs Finnish basic school was repeatedly updated, in this respect did not have principled changes: in all curriculum programs, the estimation function is considered as a means of facilitating the learning process and stimulating continuous training, and not to the means of discrimination and student selection.

The relevance of Finnish experience for the development of the Russian education system. In the USSR, the basis of the general education school was the model of the German gymnasium and the real school, inherited by the Soviet Union from the pre-revolutionary time. Until 1945, when an idea of \u200b\u200buniversal eight-year education appeared, this type of school functioned in the same way as in Germany: the selection was carried out at the end of the fourth grade, access to further education was received only successfully surrendered the exams exams. The rest were chipped in different kinds of handicraft schools, school factory education schools, etc. In other words, in the USSR, as in Finland, Germany and other countries, existed parallel system. For clarity, we give the following figures: In 1940, 5 million people were trained in the fourth grades, in the eighth grades -1.28 million, and graduated from high school 808 thousand students!

Comparison shows that in all countries where the transition to universal average education was carried out, curriculum and didactics were radically revised, as seen on the example of Finland. In our country, the transition was carried out purely by order decisions and decisions. As a result, it turned out that the high level of students on students who had a perspective for admission to universities provided for by the traditional model of gymnasium and real school was to be concluded for all students. Further development went along the path of even greater radicalization of this model. Since a significant part of high school students did not cope with the requirements of training programs, a tendency arises to increase the requirements for previous stages of learning for younger school and then down. Development in this concept was understood as the result of training, determined them, while other factors were not taken into account. Hence, the tendency to judge the quality of work of kindergartens and schools exclusively in terms of training achievements.

Basic principles for assessing the quality of schools of Finland:

Politics of confidence in teachers and school . The principle of confidence in educational policies and education management is becoming more supporters in European countries. The policy of confidence does not contradict the principle of reporting, supervision, quality control of education. But all these elements are reporting, monitoring and development of the school - with policies based on trust, acquire other forms and a specific embodiment, expressed in different parts of the system. According to many analysts, positive development for a long term is possible only on the basis of confidence policies.

General features of the system for assessing the quality of schools in Finland. Features of the evaluation system are as follows:

· There are no uniform exams for the whole country upon completion of the steps or test workcarrying out parallel verification level of knowledge;

· 100-120 schools are considered to be a representative sample, which is 5-8 thousand students of the same age;

· Representative sample is carried out on economic, regional, social and sexual criteria, participation for certain schools is mandatory.

Despite this, about two or three times more schools participate in the quality assessment voluntarily (the result of the confidence policy!);

· Mathematics, native language and literature are evaluated every year, replacing each other, and other items are presented. Approximately every 5 years the quality of each subject is checked;

· It is important that from the moment of preparing for assessing the quality of schools, approximately 18 months passes before providing results (schools receive a reduced version of the results a little earlier);

· Schools are sent to a specific instruction for assessing quality, while analyzes feedback from teachers: how much, in their opinion, the test reflects the level of knowledge and skills of students according to their subject (prerequisite - all teachers understand how training goals are being formed and tracked promotion of a student); "Diagnostic competence" is an integral part of the professional skills of teachers;

· Schools and founders of educational institutions should apply the results of quality assessment and their analysis for school development.

Thus, the achievements of Finland in the Didactic area are that in the country it was possible to provide a system of adaptive learning to didactic materials and create an educational environment that meets the requirements of adaptive learning; In addition, to build assessment procedures that ensure the necessary adjustment of the educational process. In other words, training is adapted to the needs and requests of specific students of a particular school.

2.2 Specificity of primary general education of Russia

In the modern elementary school, priorities are changing the objectives of primary education. She puts forward the goals of the upbringing and development of the child's personality on the basis of the formation of his study activities. At the same time, attention does not decrease to the assimilation of the younger schoolchildren of objective knowledge, skills, skills.

The initial education standards system involves work to improve the initial learning method. Based on the prioritization of primary education purposes, the development of the content of learning - a variety of programs, curricula, more fully and precisely taking into account the mental features and the possibility of various age groups of younger students, the sensitive periods of their development. It is this that ensures the effective implementation of the problems of humanization and humanitarianization of primary education, overcoming its redundant ideology and politicization, which formed, especially in the younger school age, the incorrect representation of the child about the world around the world, distorted morality. In this regard, the standard introduced the requirements for the assimilation of ethical norms, culture of behavior, showing the level of graduate educational elementary school. For each academic subject, conscious participation in this process is assigned, and achievements in their implementation act as real standards of primary education.

Thus, the formation of various faces of human culture is achieved: physical, intellectual, aesthetic, etc.

Primary general education is the first stage of general education.

In the Russian Federation, primary general education is mandatory and publicly available.

The federal component of the state standard of primary general education is aimed at implementing a qualitatively new personal-oriented developing model of the mass elementary school and is intended to ensure the implementation of the following main goals:

· Development of the personality of a schoolboy, his creative abilities, interest in teaching; Formation of desire and ability to learn;

· Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional value positive relationship to himself and the world around;

· Mastering the knowledge system, skills and skills, experience in the implementation of various activities;

· Protection and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

· Preservation and support of the child's personality.

The priority of primary general education is the formation of general educational skills and skills, the level of development of which largely predetermines the success of all subsequent training.

Allocation in the standard of interdimensional relations contributes to the integration of objects, prevent subject disunity and overload of students.

The development of personal qualities and abilities of younger schoolchildren relies on the acquisition of the experience of a variety of activities: educational and educational, practical, social. Therefore, in the standard, a special place is assigned to the activity, practical content of education, specific ways of activity, the application of acquired knowledge and skills in real life situations.


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Modern educational environment as a factor in ensuring the quality of the educational process.

The creation of a developing environment for teachers and students is one of the most important activities of educational institutions involving the provision of sanitary and hygienic conditions of the intraschool environment, creating conditions for training and education, creating psychological comfort.

The basic principles underlying the creation of a developing environment in an educational institution:

  1. Democratization (distribution of rights, powers and responsibility between all participants in the educational process).
  2. Humanization (equating for each personality Choosing level, quality, education, method, nature, and form of its receipt, satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process to the identity of the student).
  3. Humanitarianization of educational programs (the ratio and combination of training subjects and information, the use of such teaching technologies that provide the priority of universal values, integrity, sequence, continuity and advanced training).
  4. Differentiation, mobility and development (provision of students as they are cultivated, social formation and self-determination of the possibility of movement: Class Claim, Choice of Profile, Education orientation).
  5. Openness of education (providing general education on any level, any level: base and optional).

All these principles become leadership in school, where one of the main directions is the creation of a developing environment for a teacher and a student. At the same time, the main function of the modern school is targeted personality socialization: the introduction of it into the world of natural and human relations and relations, immersion in material and spiritual culture by transferring better samples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of vital activity. The implementation of this function assumes, on the one hand, the satisfaction of the needs of the individual, group, society, on the other - the formation of the general culture of the personality, its social orientation, mobility, the ability to adapt and successfully function.

In order to evaluate how successfully the process of creating a developing environment for teachers and students is underway, the following performance indicators are analyzed:

  1. Innovative activity of the school is to update the content of education (basic and additional components, training programs and education); Updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work (programs for the development of programs, the predominance of individual or group forms of organizational activities over general school).
  2. Organization of the educational process - self-government, cooperation of teachers, students and their parents in achieving learning, education and development purposes; joint planning and organization of the student and teacher as an equal partner; division of responsibility for the results of OHP between the student and the teacher; high level of motivation of participants in the pedagogical process; Comfortable environment for all participants in the holistic pedagogical process; The right to choose content, profile, forms of education by students.
  3. The effectiveness of the educational process is a comparison of the conformity of the final results planned (the degree of educational and student training, their readiness and the deep knowledge of any field of science, the attitude of study, work, nature, public standards and laws, attitude towards themselves).

The school's activities in the creation of a developing environment for all participants in the educational process makes it necessary to determine new approaches and management. The leading place is occupied by stimulating motivational management activities of both students and teachers. Along with moral incentives, it is necessary to apply and material remuneration (prizes for students, the allowance for the salary of teachers for innovative educational activities and etc.). The character of control changes. Hard control from above is moving into self-control mode. The new content of school management functions becomes driving force that allows you to convert activities from functioning to developing.

The creation in the school of the developing medium contributes:

  1. School Development Concept and Program.
  2. Modeling UFF as a system that helps self-development.
  3. Holding an innovative research work at school.
  4. Completed community community team teachers and students.
  5. Organization of the optimal control system.
  6. The system of effective scientific and methodological activities.
  7. Educational base sufficient to form a developing environment.
  8. A set of alternative educational services in accordance with the needs of the participants in the pedagogical process.

School activities in the creation mode of the developing environment involves the special management actions of the administration. This may be, for example, studying the educational needs of children, parents' desires; the possibilities of the pedagogical team work in new innovation conditions; identifying the zone of the nearest development of each participant in the pedagogical process; Selecting a system (technology) of training, education and development for each stage, etc. Creating such conditions will allow the disciple to realize their right to education in accordance with its needs, abilities and capabilities. The teacher will be able to develop his professional and personal qualities. It provides the conditions for the transfer of a child from the object into a subject of education, gives the child the opportunity to be himself, does not teach, but organizes educational and educational activities. The team works in creative search mode.

Main directions

to create a developing environment.

Parents are facing the choice of educational institution for their child.

It is very important that from the first day of the young student surrounded by a comfortable development environment, the ability to develop its individual personal abilities, caring and sensitive teachers who create a favorable psychological climate for children.

If conditions for the teacher and the student will be created for the development of the personality in the social, mental and physical aspects of development, the developing environment for teachers and students in a general education institution will be created.

Creating a developing environment in OU assumes

for teacher:

  1. the presence of the concept of continuous training and retraining of frames;
  2. compliance of the goals and objectives of the development of education in school goals and objectives of the development of the creative potential of teachers;
  3. creating conditions for the successful formation of the creative potential of teachers (material, legal, sanitary and hygienic, etc.);
  4. creating conditions for pedagogical studies, experiment and scientific creativity;
  5. creation in the pedagogical team of a psychological atmosphere, which provides every teacher psychological comfort and optimal intellectual regime, a cultural level of pedagogical labor;
  6. ensuring school teachers by psychological service (psychological training, counseling on personal and professional issues, weapons with psychological knowledge);
  7. the implementation of such a pedagogical team management, which is motivated to the success of each teacher;
  8. satisfying the needs of teachers in ways pedagogical activityaimed at success (providing opportunities to train on new technologies, use in pedagogical activities to audio, video equipment, computer, develop copyright programs);

for a student:

  1. organization of an educational process based on:

Identifying the characteristics of the student as a subject;

Recognition of subjective student experience as identity, intrinsicness;

Constructing pedagogical impacts with a maximum support for the subjective student's experience;

2. Education of schoolchildren in accordance with the model of a developed personality in psychological (high consciousness, developed thinking, a large inner and moral force, prompting to action), social (moral self-sufficiency, adequate assessment of his "I", self-determination), physical (normal activity of the body , support for mental and mental development) aspects;

3. The presence of a system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the results of which are based on personality oriented learning schoolchildren;

4. Development from schoolchildren skills independently mined knowledge;

5. Creation in the student team of a psychological atmosphere, which provides every child psychological comfort and optimal intellectual regime, a cultural level of student labor;

6. Creating conditions for the successful development of schoolchildren;

7. Creating conditions for development in children of social adaptation, vital protection, effective representation in the world today and tomorrow.

The creation of a developing environment involves the formation of the Center for Additional Education at School. It is based on the model that implies the organization of students in the afternoon of group, various in areas (cognitive, creative, educational) activities, forms of organization and age.

Thinking about creating a comfortable developing environment for the student is still necessary before the child's admission to school. For this purpose, a comprehensive target program for the implementation of continuity between kindergarten and elementary school, elementary school and middle link is being developed. When drawing up this program, the following areas of school activities are possible:

Study of the psychological capabilities of children of preschool and junior adolescence;

Comparison of the content of studied objects and coordination of basic software topics, providing conditions for repetition of educational material;

Coordination of methods and teaching techniques in the 4th and 5th grades, providing the conditions for the "soft" adaptation of students of 5 grades to new forms of training;

Creation of favorable conditions for adapting students of 1st grade;

Analysis of the adaptation period, identifying difficulties, developing measures for their overcoming.

The importance of the problem of continuity between kindergarten and elementary school, primary and middle link is determined by the transition to the 1st and 5th classes of schoolchildren begins a difficult period of adaptation, which is associated with changes in the organization of training, with the change of its forms and methods , day mode, increase load, etc.

Primary school teachers need to know well early Development personal qualities. This will ensure an easy and natural transition of a child to school.

At the same time, the primary school teacher, working with fifth-graders, often underestimate those psychological and physiological changes that occur with the younger teenagers during this period. The fact is that they begin the first period of puberty and the processes occurring often adversely affect the cognitive activity of children. Thus, the five-graders read more slowly, they write, they need more time to solve logical tasks, the amount of memory, attention is somewhat reduced. Many adolescents become irritable, inadequately react to adult comments, whirlpooling show. All this teachers and parents often consider the manifestation of the child's corruption, begin to "educate" him, which further aggravates the negative behavior of the teenager. What to do? It is necessary to try to understand the child, provide him with the right to solve the problem itself, do not react violently on the manifestation of its stubbornness and incontinence. It is very important not to increase immediately training load Schoolchildren of grades 5-6, otherwise, taking into account their psychological state, stress may come and have a negative attitude towards studying.

To eliminate the difficulties associated with adapting students when moving from kindergarten to primary school and from elementary school on average, a psychological service has been created at school. For the same purpose, a comprehensive target program of continuity between kindergarten elementary school, elementary school and middle link has been developed.

In the last decade, the central idea in modern society is to preserve the health of the younger generation, as a fundamental factor of the future welfare of the state. A prerequisite for creating a developing environment for the teacher and the student in an educational institution for a teacher and a student is to determine the unified approach to solving issues of formation, preserving and promoting health, based on the scientific substantiation of the health, educational process, organized taking into account the individual and age adaptive features and educational capabilities, Socially hygienic, the sanitary and epidemiological situation in which the school is in other words, to promote the creation of a health-saving medium, taking into account the indicators of physical, mental and social health.

The formation of the health of the saving medium is possible only subject to the broad integration of institutions of basic and additional education, a targeted social policy of administrative and management structures based on the accumulated scientific and practical and organizational experience on the use of modern information technologies, means and methods for preserving, strengthening physical, mental and social and social Health of students and teachers, their adaptation to the educational and educational process, profiling, accompanied by the socialization of the personality.

IN lately Certiously changed priorities in learning. The purposeful and intensive complex development of the abilities of the child becomes one of the central tasks of the educational process. The modernization of education orienses school not only for the assimilation of the student definite amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities.

New information Technology - A fairly strong factor of influence on the development of an educational environment. The processes of information informatization as a whole are subject to undoubted reflection in the practice of modern school. The phenomenon that only outlined at the end of the 18th century, when the number of socially significant information has increased significantly during one human life and the processing of all this information has become almost unbearable for one person, has acquired a comprehensive nature today. The "informational explosion", which S.L. wrote, became the daily reality of each person. Creating a developing environment for both the teacher and the student is impossible without informatization of the school. This is a natural continuation of the work of the School of Development Program, first of all, and the reflection of the changing conditions for the functioning of education in modern society. We work in one of the main directions - the development of pedagogical culture: the use of modern technologies and teaching methodologies providing for subject-subject attitudes aimed at humanization of training, sending partnerships to ensure their own educational activities of all participants in education focused on competencies.

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    The overall characteristic of the school ............................................... 3 Characteristics of the educational environment .............................. ..5 School management ..................................... ............... ..... 9 Resource support of the educational process ............... .... 14 results of educational activities ........................................................ ............................ 41.

1. General school characteristic

September 1, 2008 Teachers, disciples and parents began twenty-fourth for our school academic year. In 2007 - 2008 by the academic year, 1079 students studied in 45 classes of our school. The School is still the second in the city, the children living in different neighborhoods of the city are willing to learn to her. Victory in the priority national project "Education" in 2007, implemented since 2007 the development program "School of Communicative Competence" allowed the team to establish himself in understanding the correctness of the selected path. In 2007 - 08 academic year, 3 types of classes worked at school:

Type of class

Stage of learning

Number of students


    with in-depth study of English

    with interdisciplinary learning

Primary School

Basic School

Primary School

Basic School


high school


Primary School

Basic School

high school

By decision of the management of education, the CCM classes remained only on initial steps Schools of the city, and it forced us to disband such a class in parallels of the 5th grades and translate into the status of the baseline in the parallels of the 6th grades. By learning steps, the number of children was distributed like this: elementary school - 396 students in 15 classes; The main school is 464 students in grades; High school - 219 students in grades. Reception of children to school is carried out on the basis of the Law "On Education" and the Charter of the School. Children are accepted at the age of 6 and 6 months and older. School microdistrict over the past year has not changed, its development is stable, so the neighbors of the school remain the same: the pre-school educational institutions "Rosinka", "Golden Fish", "Ryabinushka", with which MOU SOSH No. 4 develops many years of cooperation. Also nearby MOU SOSH No. 5 is also near, and it forces the school team to be in constant competition when working on the image of the school for the sake of improving the attractiveness of the institution in the eyes of children and parents. The long-term history of the school links among themselves generation, and now the former students of the school teach their not only senior, but also younger children. These children are still different, from full families - 83% of students, from incomplete-17%. He studies at school of 11 children's guarded children, are known at school 5 large families, they all receive support in state institutions of social protection. 44 children lived in low-income families and also received state support. On urban accounting consists of 5 disadvantaged families, but there are 2 children in the OND, in KDNs - 1. With disadvantaged families, a lot of work is being done in the form of visits to apartments, conversations with parents and children, attracting parents to school to establish a child's relationship with family. The appropriate form of training was provided to 11 people with disabilities: 7 people received an education in a cool-in-form, 3 people studied individually, 1 student graduated from school in the form of external. The composition of the students is still multinational: Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis and others, but there were no conflicts on national soil over the past academic year. Probably, the scale of a small town makes the lives of children like and close to each other, and many of them know each other before entering school, having completed a kindergarten. Thus, only 8% of first-graders did not attend the Dow to school, 54% went to school early development, where there were pre-school training. In September 2007, it was planned to open a premiece for six-year children, but it did not take place, since only 5 people were wishing to be, of which 2 children went to Shrr, 2 - in the premisse of TsDD. In school, for many years, the "continuity" program has been working, which allows us to combine educational and educational forces of various institutions of both the main and additional education, as well as partner institutions: In addition, each schoolboy is given the opportunity for self-realization, self-affirmation, satisfying its interests. and the development of abilities in the school center "Find yourself."

Cooperation continues with the juice "Neftyanik" and within the framework of the curriculum: primary school students spend there lessons of physical culture.

The list of additional educational services is growing:

    English in high education classes

    Informatics and W.

    Early Development School

    Athletic gymnastics

    Second foreign language

    Study of objects in excess curricula

    Day care center

    Rehearsal exam.

Among the social characteristics of the life of the city last year, the population migration was largely reflected in the school: 60% of the children retired from the school went along with their parents outside the city and even the area. Basically, these are children from the gymnasium classes. This aggravated the question of the filling and did not allow to exit the required value quite a bit: the classes occlebation was 23.98 at the required 24 student in the classroom. But, nevertheless, this is higher than on average in the city. Thus, the functioning mode and implementation of the Development Program work in the MOU SOSH No. 4 with a large margin of strength, our school is a confident and fairly successful participant in the city educational process.

2. Characteristic Educational Environment

The organization of the educational environment has its own traditions that have established over a number of years in accordance with existing laws and regulatory acts. The institution works in two shifts. The duration of the school year is 34 weeks, in the first class - 33. The duration of the holidays during the school year is at least 30 calendar days, additional weekly vacations are provided for students in the first grades. The beginning of classes of the first shift - at 8.10, the second shift - at 14.15. One of the main tasks of the optimal organization and functioning of the institution is to preserve health and ensuring the safety of life. To strengthen communication between academic activities Schoolchildren and their psychophysical health, for the prevention of reducing the initial health potential of students in our school, the "Health" program has been developed and implemented. This program is a comprehensive system of preventive and wellness technologies, the implementation of which is carried out in respect of all age groups of school students under the control of health workers. All preventive and wellness technologies are carried out by doctors in close cooperation with the administration of schools, teachers and parents and are based on the results of annual preventive inspections of all students. School curriculas are designed according to sanitary standards. For the six-day school week students 9,10,11 and gymnasium classes, and in the five-day school week - all the first and basic classes. When drawing up the schedule of lessons, the development of the day, the administration is guided by SanPin, the age and individual characteristics of the body of children and adolescents are taken into account, as well as hygienic requirements for the maximum values \u200b\u200bof the impact on the schoolchildren of the educational process. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes, for first-graders - 35 min. Duration of change between lessons - 15 minutes, two big changes - for 20 minutes. The child's health is very strongly connected with the characteristics of the organization of the educational process, and only the trained teacher can argue correctly. Therefore, we paid much attention to improving the qualifications of teachers on health-saving technologies:


Specific weight (%) of the total number of teachers

Education specialists who own and apply in educational process Special health-saving technologies ( see Appendix 1):

Medical and hygienic technologies (MGT).

Physical and wellness technologies (Fot).

Environmental health-saving technologies (EST).

Life safety technology (TBZH)

The spectrum of services provided for this program has expanded:

Spectrum of services rendered

Share covered

Classes of physical culture and recreation

LFC groups / special honey. Groups



- "Athletic gymnastics",



Physical church

Health Days

School Olympics 5-11 CL

Autumn day trips of primary school students.

Holding sports holidays, sports shows

Conducting the school game "Protection"

Power Vitaminization.

Events for the prevention of viral diseases.

Planned medical examinations.

Vaccination of students and teachers.

Sanitary-educational work through the organization and conduct of the lecture honey. Workers and design stands.

Individual medical advice for students, teachers, parents

Proponial examination of students with screening tests

Individual consultations of psychologists for students, teachers, parents

Trainings for students, teachers, parents.

Work of the school parent lecture conducted psychological service.

Educational I. correctional work psychologists with students.

Trainings of psychologists for students, teachers, parents.

Monitoring the psychological state of students.

Maintaining preventive programs "Useful habits", "Useful choice", "Useful skills"

Conducting a course "Talk about proper nutrition"

(2-4 classes)

Children with weakened health (Special Medical Group) still on Tuesdays and Thursdays were engaged in physical culture according to their own program, there were 10 people. Traditional medical examinations were organized.


1 classes

5 classes

8 classes

Whole children in parallels

Passed honey. inspection

With pathology

Unfortunately, they show a decreasing number of healthy children who only come to school. But, nevertheless, a comparative analysis of the health of students makes a conclusion about the effectiveness of the use of health-saving technologies, although I would like to see a higher result:

A graduate in the direction of training "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" with qualification (degree) of the Master must have the following competences.