Rounded Primorsky Territory. Rounded (Raspennensky District)

5 0 .

Rated card, Primorsky Krai

Raspanny - a large settlement in the Nadezhdan district of Primorsky Krai. Razdolnaya, Village Uzhinina, Terekhovka, the village of Olenevod, Alekseevka and other small settlements form a Razzolnensky rural settlement.

The village is 20 km from the river in the Amur River. The special attraction of the settlement is that it extended 14 km along the left bank along the riverbed River River River, which made it the most extended village of Russia.

Usuri federal highway passes through the settlement. The transdiebirsk highway is the station of the same name. By road to the village from Vladivostok, the distance is 58 km away, from Ussuriysk - 34 km.

How to get to a separate without a car? In addition to the car message, you can get here on the suburban electric trains. About 12 suburban electric trains are associated with Vladivostok. The schedule drawing usually changes due to changes in passenger traffic. Part of the electric trains follows from Vladivostok through a separate to Ussuriysk, part directly from the Cape Churkin, a routine. One electric train per day passes through the station to Sibirtsevo.

Long-distance trains are stopped at the station, following Vladivostok from Blagoveshchensk and Soviet harbor. How to get to the distance from the station you can see on the map.

Rounded on a detailed map with streets and house numbers

On a detailed detailed map with streets and house numbers, you can see a detailed location of more than 55 streets of the village, plan the route, find the required address by the house number. Through the detrunities, there are roads into several major turbases and the databases of the district. It is here that you can stay, stock products and fuel. Many buy country houses here because of the special beauty of these places.

The online service map allows you to pave the shortest route in the village.

Free Map of Razdanny, Primorsky Krai

You can use the service of the Razdarny Map absolutely free. The map of Razdolnaya in the Primorsky Territory will have an invaluable service if you need to get to these places or you will travel here. And also if you are within a lot of kilometers from this place and plan your trip, here you will find how to drive to a separate one.

: 45 ° 46'09 "p. sh. 33 ° 29'08 "in. d. /  45.76917 ° C. sh. 33.48556 ° C. d./ 45.76917; 33.48556. (G) (I)

Former names PGT S. Center height Climate type


Population Timezone Telephone code Postcode Postcodes Automotive code

Republic of Crimea: RUS 82
Crimea: AK, KK / 01

Official site
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Razdolly (until 1944 Ak-Sheikh ; Ukr. Rydolne, Crimean Tat. Aqşeyh, Aircraft) - urban-type settlement in the northwest of the Steppe Crimea. Center of the Razdannensky District of the Republic. The historical name, changed in 1945, after the deportation of the Crimean Tatars, Ak-Sheikh translates from Crimean Tatar as "White Sheikh".


The village of Ak-neck German, or Dayach-Ak-neck, was founded in the Kodjambak parish of the Evpatoria district in 2000 decishes of the Earth in 1897 by the Germans with evangelicals, immigrants from Berdyansky colonies. In 1914, 50 people lived in the village, a steam mill was operating, primary School. By Statistical reference book of the Tauride province. C.II. Statistical essay, release Fifth Evpatoria County, 1915In the Kodjambak parish of the Evpatoria County, the village of Ak-neck with a population of 113 people (in 1918-160) was listed. In April 1917, the Volos Public Committee was formed, in February 1918 the Soviet Power was established.

From November 7, 1921, the village was part of the Evpatoria County, from October 1923 - Ak-Moshetsky, from September 4, 1924 - the Evpatorial District, since 1935, Akshakh - district center of the same name. According to List settlements Crimean ASSR on the All-Union Census December 17, 1926, Ak-neck (German) village, with a population of 214 people, of which were 180 Germans, was the center of the Ak-Sheikh village council of the Evpatoria district. In 1933, MTS was founded in the village, in which 24 tractors were numbered.

In the 1990s. During the restructuring, the village began to lose its advantages, such as lighting and landscaping.

From 1996-2000, there was a complete devastation in the village.

From 2000-2012 In the village and in the area began the development of tourism, gardening of stems and park, the further development of the village.

From March 18, 2014, de facto as part of the Russian Federation (see the accession of the Crimea to the Russian Federation, the Republic of Crimea).


Population size
1979 1989 2001 2009 2010 2011 2012
6915 ↗ 7845 ↗ 8175 ↘ 7330 ↘ 7312 ↘ 7300 ↗ 7326
2013 2014 2015 2016
↘ 7320 ↗ 7352 ↗ 7375 ↗ 7386

Economy and Social Sphere

On the territory of the village there are bakery, oil refinery, management of irrigation systems, ripipo, bubble, SPMK-73, OX, DTEK, Rose, agricultural management.

Now in the village - 2 secondary schools, kindergarten for 350 seats; Central District Hospital, Children's Consultation, Dental Cabinet, Emergency Department, Surgery, Blood Transfusion Station; District House of Culture, Music School, Local Lore Museum; shopping complex, tax inspectorate; There are 53 enterprises and organizations.

In the village there are monuments of Lenin, the soldiers, liberators, initinal soldiers who participated in the Afghan conflict 1979-1989.

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  1. This settlement is located on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, most of which is the object of territorial disagreements between Russia and Ukraine. According to the Russian Federation, actually by the controlling Crimea, the subjects of the Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal value of Sevastopol are located on its territory. According to the administrative and territorial division of Ukraine, the autonomous Republic of Crimea is located on the territory of Crimea and the city with special status Sevastopol.
  2. According to the administrative and territorial division of Russia
  3. According to the administrative and territorial division of Ukraine
  4. . Ministry of Communication of Russia. Checked July 24, 2016.
  5. . Crimelecom. Checked July 24, 2016.
  6. Some documents used the options for attacks, ak-neck, Ak-Sheik.
  7. Dieselnd, Viktor Friedrikhovich. . - Moscow: Public Academy of Sciences of Russian Germans, 2006. - 479 p. - ISBN 5-93227-002-0.
  8. , from. 245.
  9. . Checked on April 27, 2013.
  10. . Checked November 17, 2014..
  11. . Checked on September 1, 2014.
  12. . Checked on September 1, 2014.
  13. . Checked on September 6, 2015.
  14. . Checked on August 6, 2015.
  15. population Russian Federation According to municipalities on January 1, 2016


PGT Novoselovskoye Razdolly

Aurora Bakhchevka Berezovka Botanical Chickenpox Volochevka Funnels Zimino Kamyshnoye Chestnutovka Kickle Communar Kotovskoye Krasnoarmeysky Kropotkino Kukushkino Kumovo. Maksimovka Dairy Niva
List of broken links:

An excerpt characterizing the separated (Raspennensky district)

- Stupid ... stupid! Death ... False ... - He said it firing. Nesvitsky stopped him and took his home.
Rostov with Denisov was lucky by the wounded dolokhov.
Shelokhov, silently, with closed eyes, lay in the sleigh and did not answer the questions that he did; But, having entered into Moscow, he suddenly woke up and, with difficulty lifting his head, took Rostov who was sitting with his hand. Rostov struck completely changed and unexpectedly enthusiastic expression of the face of Dologov.
- Well? How do you feel? - asked Rostov.
- Splly! But not the point. My friend, "said the Shard voice to the intermittent voice, - where are we? We are in Moscow, I know. I am nothing, but I killed her, killed ... She will not take it. She will not happen ...
- Who? - asked Rostov.
- My mother. My mother, my angel, my adorable angel, mother, - and Solohov I cried, squeezing Rostov's hand. When he calmed down somewhat, he explained Rostov, which lives with his mother, that if the mother sees him dying, she will not take it. He begged Rostov to go to her and prepare her.
Rostov went forward to fulfill the order, and he learned to great surprise that she had learned that, this Buyan, the Brener of Solohov lived in Moscow with the old woman and a humpbed sister, and was the most gentle son and brother.

Pierre B. lately Rarely seen his wife with an eye on the eyes. And in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow, their house was constantly full of guests. The next night after a duel, he, as he often did, did not go to the bedroom, but remained in his huge, fatherly office, in the very one in which the Count of the Beggar died.
He faced the sofa and wanted to fall asleep, in order to forget everything that was with him, but he could not do this. Such a storm of feelings, thoughts, the memories suddenly rose in his soul that he not only could not sleep, but could not sit on the spot and had to jump from the sofa and walk around the room with rapid steps. It was presented to him at first after marriage, with open shoulders and tired, passionate look, and immediately next to her seemed beautiful, brazen and firmly mocking face of Dolokhov, how it was at dinner, and the same Face Dologov, pale, trembling And suffering how it was when he turned and fell on the snow.
"What was there? - He asked himself. - I killed the lover, yes, killed his wife's lover. Yes, it was. From what? How did I come to this? - Because you married her, - answered the inner voice.
"But what am I guilty? He asked. - In the fact that you married not by loving her, in the fact that you deceived yourself and her, - and he was brought together that moment after dinner at Prince Vasilla, when he said these words that could not be called: "Je Vous Aime". [I love you.] Everything from this! I then felt, he thought, I felt then that it was not what I had no rights to it. So came out. " He remembered the honeymoon, and blushed with the memories. Especially lively, the memories of how one day, shortly after his marriage, he was 12 meters of the day, in a silk coat came from the bedroom to the office, and found the head of the head of the manager, who thoughtfully wondered, looked at Pierre's face, on his bathrobe and smiled slightly, as if by expressing this smile respectful sympathy of the happiness of his principle.
"And how many times I was proud of it, I was proud of her great beauty, her secular tact, he thought; It was proud of the house in which she took the entire Petersburg, proud of its inaccessibility and beauty. So what am I proud of?! I then thought I did not understand her. As often, thinking about her character, I told myself that I was to blame that I do not understand her, I do not understand this ever-sughment, satisfaction and absence of any addiction and desires, and the whole impact was in that terrible word that she is a depraved woman: said myself is a terrible word, and everything became clear!
"Anatole traveled to her to take money from her and kissed her into her bare shoulders. She did not give him money, but allowed to kiss himself. Father, joking, excited her jealousy; She, with a relaxed smile, said that she was not so stupid to be jealous: let him do that she wanted, she said about me. I asked her once, whether she feels signs of pregnancy. She laughed contemptuously and said that she was not a fool to wish to have children, and that she would not have children from me. "
Then he remembered the rudeness, the clarity of her thoughts and the vulgarity of expressions inherent in her despite her upbringing in the highest aristocratic circle. "I'm not some kind of a fool ... I'll try myself ... Allez Vous Promener," [Get out,] she said. Often, looking at her success in the eyes of old and young men and women, Pierre could not understand why he did not love her. Yes, I never loved her, I told myself Pierre; I knew that she was a depraved woman, he repeated himself, but did not bother to admit it.
And now she is, here he sits on the snow and forcibly smiles, and dies, maybe she pretends some youth responding to my repentance! "
Pierre was one of those people who, despite their external, so-called weakness of character, are not looking for an attorney for their grief. He recycled one in himself his grief.
"She is in all, in everything she is one to blame," he said himself; - But what of this? Why did I associate myself with her, why did I say to her: "Je Vous Aime", [I love you?] That was a lie and worse than a lie, he said himself. I am guilty and must carry ... What? Shame name, misfortune? Uh, all nonsense, "he thought," and disgraceful name, and honor, everything is conditionally, everything regardless of me.
"Louis XVI executed for what they said that he was dishonest and the criminal (came to Pierre's head), and they were right from their point of view, as well as the right and those who died with a martyr's death and ranked him saints. Then Robespierre executed for being despot. Who is right, who is to blame? No one. And alive and live: tomorrow you will die, as I could die the hour ago. And is it worth it to suffer when it remains to live one second in comparison with eternity? - But at that moment, as he considered himself soothered by this kind of reasoning, he suddenly appeared to him and in those moments when he was stronger than him to her insincere love, and he felt a tide to his heart, and had to get up again, move, And breaking, and tear things on his arms. "Why did I tell her:" Je Vous Aime? "He repeated himself. And repeating the 10th time this question, he occurred to Moloitho: Mais Que Diable Allait Il Faire Dans Cette Galere? [But for what Chort suffered him to this gallery?] And he laughed himself over him.
At night, he called the chamener and ordered to fit into St. Petersburg. He could not stay with her under one roof. He could not imagine how he began to talk to her now. He decided that tomorrow he would leave and leave her a letter in which she would declare her intention to fively with her.
In the morning, when the Camnediner, bringing coffee, entered the office, Pierre lay on the gathering and with a revealed book in his hand slept.
He woke up and looked around for a long time, unable to understand where he was.
- Countess ordered to ask, is your shy at home? - asked Campner.
But I still didn't have time to decide on the answer, which he will do, as the Countess herself in a white, satin bathrobe, seats silver, and in simple hair (two huge spit en diademe [in the form of diadems] went two times its adorable head) entered the room calm and majestically; Only on the marble somewhat convex of her forehead was wrinkle anger. She did not speak with his all-keeping tranquility in the valet. She knew about the duel and came to talk about her. She waited until the Camper was installed and came out. Pierre Robko, too, glasses looked at her, and, like a hare surrounded by dogs, pressing her ears, continues to lie in mind his enemies, and he tried to continue reading: but he felt that it was pointless and impossible and again looked at her again. She did not sat down, and with a contemptuous smile looked at him, waiting for the Campner.



The basis of the economy The village is agriculture, animal husbandry, as well as mining and spilling mineral water (Lotos). The village also has a temple, a female monastery, orphanage, the center of the temporary content of wild animals. Next to the village is the seaside KTPC. It was founded in 1958, the first relaylation in 1928. The center of the center is more than 400 hectares. Broadcasts to the Primorsky Territory, and almost the entire territory of the countries of Southeast Asia. Two transmitters and four antennas are functioning in the center.


Razdolny is one of the oldest Russian settlements in the territory of the Primorsky Territory. Historian Amir Khisamutdinov wrote: "Selu in a detailed ... put the beginning of a post, founded in 1860, consisting of the 3rd linear battalion." The Razzolnensky garrison was enhanced, here the rifle battalion was located here, transformed into the arrival of Zesarevich Nikolai in 1891 in the 1st Rifle of his imperial Majesty regiment, the East-Siberian company spark telegraph, 1st, 2nd, 3rd bats, 6 -Ith construction military commission, Primorsky Dragunsky regiment. During the First World War in the village of Razdolnaya, prolonged prisoners of the enemy powers lived, mainly from Austria-Hungary.


There is a female monastery in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1998 next to the 1914 temple.


  • Monument to Heroes Hasan.
  • Monument to those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

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  1. . Checked on August 31, 2013.
  2. . Checked on August 17, 2013.
  3. . Checked January 2, 2014.
  4. (Rus.). Demoscope Weekly. Checked on September 25, 2013.
  5. (Rus.). Demoscope Weekly. Checked on September 25, 2013.
  6. (Rus.). Demoscope Weekly. Checked on September 25, 2013.
  7. . .
  8. . .
  9. | "Tree" is an open Orthodox encyclopedia.

An excerpt characterizing the separated (Primorsky region)

Bagration looked off her retinue with his big, nothing non-disruptive, disassembled eyes, and an unwittingly survived from the excitement and hope of Rostov's childhood first rushed into his eyes. He sent him.
- And if I will meet His Majesty before the Commander-in-Chief, your clay? - said Rostov, holding a hand at the visor.
- You can transfer it to Majesty, - hastily interrupting Bagration, said Dolgoruki.
Replaced from the chain, Rostov managed to suck for several hours before morning and felt cheerful, bold, decisive, with the elasticity of movements, confidence in his happiness and in the arrangement of the Spirit, in which everything seems easy, fun and possibly.
All wishes were performed in this morning; The general battle was given, he participated in it; Moreover, he was an ordinary at the Brave General; Moreover, he rode with the instructions to Kutuzov, and maybe to the sovereign himself. The morning was clear, the horse under him was kind. He was joyful and happily. Having received the order, he launched a horse and crushed along the line. At first, he drove through the Bagration troops, who had not yet borrowed and stood motionless; Then he drove into the space occupied by the Cavalry of Uvarova and here noted here already movement and signs of preparations for business; Having drove the Cavalry of Uvarova, he already clearly heard the sounds of the cannon and gun shooting ahead. Shooting everything intensified.
In the fresh, morning air, it was already heard, not as before in unequal intervals, two, three shots and then one or two gunshots, and in the mountains of the mountains, ahead of the pratsen, the rifles of rifle flipped, interrupted by such frequent shots from the guns that Sometimes several cannon shots were no longer separated from each other, but merged into one common hum.
It was visible, as the flops of the flops of rifles as if running, catching up each other, and how the smoke guns were smoking, broke and merged alone with others. They were visible, in the brilliance of bayonets between smoke, motors of infantry and narrow strips of artillery with green boxes.
Rostov on the hillock stopped for a minute to consider what was done; But as he thwakes attention, he could neither understand anything or disassemble what was done: there were some people in smoke there, they moved and in front of any cans of troops; but why? Who? where to? It was impossible to understand. The type of this and sounds did not only be excited in it some kind of dull or timid feeling, but, on the contrary, they gave him energies and decisions.
"Well, still, still coming!" - He appealed mentally to these sounds and again it was started to jump along the line, farther and further penetrating into the area of \u200b\u200btroops already entered into the case.
"How it will be there, I don't know, but everything will be fine!" Thought Rostov.
Having traveled some Austrian troops, Rostov noted that the next part of the line (it was Guard) had already taken into account.
"All the better! I'll look nearby, "he thought.
He drove almost over the front line. Several riders rided towards him. These were our Liebe of Ulan, which upset ranks returned from attack. Rostov passed them, noticed the unwitting one of them in the blood and crushed further.
"I have no matter before that!" He thought. He did not have time to drive a few hundred steps after that, as to the left of him, in himself, he seemed to him all over the field a huge mass of cavalry officers on the raven horses, in white shiny uniforms that trotted straight on him. Rostov was launched a horse in fixes, in order to leave from the road from these cavalrymen, and he would have left them, if they walked all the same allyr, but they added all the stroke, so some horses were already jumping. Rostov everything is heard and more heard their trample and the bumping of their weapons and the more visible became their horses, figures and even faces. These were our guiltlegards, who went into the attack on the French cavalry, who had navigated to meet them.
Kavaloyarga jakali, but still holding horses. Rostov has already seen their faces and heard the team: "March, march!" Pronounced by an officer who released his blood horse in full swing. Rostov, fearing to be crushed or thrown into the attack on the French, grew along the front, which was urine from his horse, and still did not have time to pass them.

    Rounded (Raspennensky District of Crimea) - This term also has other meanings, see Razdolny. Urban-type settlement Razdanny Ukr. Rydolne Crimeskotat. Aqşeyh ... Wikipedia

    Razdanny, urban-type settlement in the Nadezhdan district of the Primorsky Krai RSFSR. Located on the left bank of the r. Raced. J. D. Station 70 km to S. from Vladivostok. Building materials plant ...

    Razdolly - Rapid toponym. Russia Altai Territory Ranched Village, Loktevsky District Razdranny Village, Rorseinsky District Amur region Razdranny village, Mazanovsky district Raznny village, Tambov district Razdranny village ... Wikipedia

    Rounded (Raspennensky District) - This term also has other meanings, see ak neck (values). This term also has other values, see Razdolny. Urban-type settlement Razdanny Ukr. Rydolne Crimeskotat. Aqşeyh ... Wikipedia

    Rounded (Primorsky Krai) - Razchnoye village ... Wikipedia

    Rounded (Crimea)

    Razdolny (pos. Mountains. Type in the Crimean region) - urban type village Razdranny Ukr. Rydolne Crimeskotat. Aqşeyh Country Ukraine ... Wikipedia

    Ranched (Starobashievsky district) - This term also has other meanings, see Razdolny. Village Rotdolna village ... Wikipedia

    Ranched (pos. Mountains. Type in Primorsky Krai) - Platform for discord Belarusian direction Moscow railway Date of opening 1927 Working cellular operators ... Wikipedia

    Razdolly - I-a separate urban-type village in the Nadezhdan district of Primorsky Krai RSFSR. Located on the left bank of the r. Raced. J. D. Station 70 km to S. from Vladivostok. Building materials plant. II Rounded Urban Type ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia