Educational technologies according to GEF. The use of modern educational technologies in training and education efficiency of using modern pedagogical technologies

Methodology Evaluation of Efficiency of Use pedagogical workers modern educational technologies in the educational process.

Contemporary comprehensive school Diverse and complex, it changes continuously. School update involves solving a number of systemic tasks, paramount of which is the task of achieving a new quality of education. The new quality of education is the orientation not so much on the assimilation of the learning certain amount of knowledge, skills, as for the development of the personality. Educational institution Must form key competencies of students. This is possible through the use of modern educational technologies.

The use of modern educational technologies in the practice of learning is a prerequisite for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students.

In connection with the use of modern technologies, it is necessary to assess the effectiveness of their use of educators. This technique creates the basis for identifying difficulties, contributes to the awareness and search for optimal paths to overcome, allows you to determine the strengths of the teacher in the work in this direction.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of using the pedagogical workers of modern educational technologies in the educational process is carried out according to the following criteria:

Criterion No. 1. The level of ownership of modern educational technologies and techniques.

Criterion No. 2. The effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies.

Criterion # 3. Personal contribution to improving the quality of education based on the use of modern educational technologies.

Criterion No. 1.

The level of owning modern educational technologies and techniques.

  • 0- Low level;
  • 1- average level;
  • 2- high level.

Technology application

Supporting documents

Evaluation of the indicator

Problem learning

Abstract lessons

Multi-level learning

Availability of didactic tasks test work Multi-level

Project method

Availability of abstracts, reports, presentations

Technology modular and block - modular learning

Abstract lesson

Gaming technology: role, business and other types of educational games

The presence of didactic material

Training in collaboration (work in small groups)

Abstract lesson

Technology "Debates" (lessons - conference, lectures, etc.)

Abstract lessons, data development

Information -



The number of presentations developed by the teacher, students, the presence of a media-fund, the number of Internet lessons with reference to the resources posted on the Internet.

Heating technology

Abstracts of lessons, the presence of materials, in healthy-savings and Sun, Physkultminuts

Maximum possible amount of points - 10

Criterion number 2.

The effectiveness of the use of modern educational technologies.


Municipal stage

1b. - participation

2b. - victory

Regional stage

2b. - participation

3b. - victory

Federal stage

3b. - participation

4b. - victory

The maximum ball is exhibited (taken into account regardless of the number of winners and the number of participants)


Up to 40% - 1b.

Up to 60% - 2B.

Over 60% - 3b.


Supporting documents

Evaluation of the indicator

Dynamics of academic performance

Report per year

Achievement of students in contests (municipal, regional, federal stages)

Copies of diplomas



Sections: School administration

The school is an open socio-pedagogical system that is created by society and is designed to perform socially significant functions. As the Company is updated and the School change changes and the school is changing. The fundamental state documents of recent years are key in the ideology of a new school called the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopment, highlighting three important postulates:

  1. the school is an essential personality development factor;
  2. the school should turn into an effective promising factor in the development of Russian society;
  3. the education system and school must be constantly developed.

School development without mastering new ideas is impossible, an innovative process is needed.

Installation on personal development involves the allocation as the main criteria for innovative educational system Next:

- free access of students to information, attachment to culture, creativity;
- preservation of life, physical, mental and moral health of students;
- the ability of the education system to include not only cognitive, but also social programs aimed at solving life problems students;
- the ability of the innovative educational system to adapt to the needs of each child, individualize training and education; ensure the moral and psychological comfort of students;
- Democratic structure of students of students and teachers.

These criteria for an innovative educational system are reflected in the school development program for 2006-2010 academic years. One of the tasks successfully solved by the school team is the use of modern educational technologies, which are a prerequisite for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students.

What is the effect of using modern educational technologies?

To do this, deal with the meaning of the term "effect".

The effect is a means of receiving to create a certain impression, as well as the very impression itself; The results of any reasons. Thus, the effect is an action, impression. Therefore, it is necessary to find out how to produce this impression. The meaning of the laid in this concept is to deepen allowing single words. For example, effective, which means productive, productive, productive.

Often the problem of measuring efficiency is limited by the definition of quality assimilation, although it is obvious that the concept of effectiveness of a particular educational technology depends on its potential, on its orientation. Therefore, the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Schools identified criteria for determining the efficiency of use of innovative technologies:

  1. The level of use of modern educational technologies.
  2. Equipment level of computer equipment and PC hold.
  3. The level of readiness of teachers to innovative, experimental activities.
  4. The level of development of the cognitive sphere of students.
  5. Level of motivation for learning.
  6. Participation of students in project activities and creative competitions.
  7. The formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle.
  8. The degree of satisfaction with the school life of students and parents.

For the analyzed period (3 years), there is a positive dynamics of the use of modern educational technologies. During the diagnostics, the following system effects were noted.

100% of teachers own information on modern pedagogical technologies.

The school team uses:

Developing learning technology - 82%

Efficiency of use: the formation of skills and desire to learn, the development of initiative, interest in teaching. Comprehensively harmonious child personality development.

Problem technology - 78%

Efficiency of use: Mastering the ways of independent activities, the ability to see the problem, search for solutions, form conclusions.

Multi-teaching technology - 95%

Efficiency of use: involvement in the training activities of all students, training in accordance with individual capabilities.

Project technology - 72%

Efficiency of use: the formation of research, information, communicative competencies. Creating conditions for organized activities and cooperation.

Gaming technology - 84%

Efficiency of use: realization of the identity needs in self-expression. The formation of a creative attitude to reality.

Training technology in collaboration - 82%

Efficiency of use: the development of intercrevious, the ability to learn due to their own opportunities with the support of their comrades.

A healthy-saving technology is 100%.

Efficiency of use: creating and strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Information and Communication Technology - 85%

Efficiency of use: Improving the efficiency of the lesson by using multimedia funds, Internet technologies. Formation of information and communicative competencies.

Computer literacy of teachers.

Efficient use of ICT tools by all participants in the educational process, possibly with appropriate training. 60% of teachers were trained on the use of ICT. In school for teachers, courses and consultations on the topics "Creating Tables and Charts", "work on the Internet. Email "," Work with interactive equipment. " In order to improve the efficiency of the work, the school makes a bet on the formation of its own personnel policy that promotes the creation of a team of teachers who are ready for creativity and innovation. Accidental attention is paid to the issues of certification of pedagogical personnel.

The composition of teachers with the WCC increased by 11%, which is evidence of the effectiveness of methodical work.

A teacher who is capable of and ready to implement innovation in school will be able to take place when he realizes itself as a professional, has an installation on the creative perception of the existing innovative experience and its necessary transformation. On the basis of the school in 2007, a regional experimental platform was opened on the topic: "Integrated information and educational environment in cognitive activity of students." We encountered the problem of readiness of teachers to participate in experimental activities. Therefore, the kernel of the diagnosis of OER was the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying and studying the innovative potential of the teacher, which determines its readiness to improve its pedagogical activities and confirms the presence of funds and methods that ensure this willingness.

The level of readiness of teachers to innovative, experimental activities.

The advanced pedagogical experience of teachers is generalized and applies to school, region, region through open lessons, master classes, speeches at conferences. Only in this academic year Teachers performed at regional conferences: "A competence approach in education as the basis for the implementation of second-generation standards: from the theory of practice," "Professional portrait of a teacher", conducted open lessons in the framework of regional advanced training courses, the district seminar was held on the basis of school "Features of the UMC Harmony " etc.

Over the past three years, the number of publications of teachers disclosing effective pedagogical technologies used in school has increased.

Publications of teachers.

The use of modern educational technologies made it possible to prepare a contingent of students who have the opportunity to study at an elevated level of requirements. The school is being implemented by prefigure and profile training, which made it possible to create conditions for personal and professional self-determination of schoolchildren, new curricula (economics, right, information modeling) are tested, and elective courses are developed. To form a sustainable motivation to learning activities and the formation of vocational guidance, an elective course is underway "in search of your vocation". At the elder stage, a socio-economic profile is being implemented, which is the most popular in the neighborhood. By implementing this profile, the school actively cooperates with higher education institutions: Russian State Social University, Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance.

The number of graduates of the school enrolled in universities.

The number of students in schools 10-11 students studying according to individual plans has increased from 10% to 16%.

An important component of the pedagogical process should be a personal-oriented interaction of the teacher with students, where there would be a comfortable psychological well-being of training and students, a sharp decline in conflict situations in the lessons and during educational activities, where favorable prerequisites were created to increase the level of general cultural training, a favorable microclimate was created. in class and school. According to the results of psychological studies in three years, the level of school anxiety decreased by 10% and the level of motivation for training increased by 8.5%.

Today, as hundreds and thousands of years ago, there are teacher and student. Between them - the ocean of knowledge and reef contradictions. And this is normal. Any ocean contradicts, prevents it, but overcoming it - expects constantly changing landscapes, the reluctance of the horizon, the hidden life of his depths, long-awaited and unexpectedly growing bank.

Creative success and efficient work.

Modern pedagogical technologies in secondary school

And the future has come
Robert Jung

"Everything is in our hands, so you can not omit them"
(Coco Chanel)

"If the student at school did not learn to do anything himself,
That and in life it will only imitate, copy "
(L.N. Tolstoy)

Feature federal states educational standards General Education- their activity, which puts the main task of the development of the student's personality. Modern education refuses the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and skills; GEF wording indicate real species activities.

The task requires the transition to a new systemic activity The educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with the fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implemented by the new standard. Education technologies, the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) also change the extensive opportunities to expand the educational framework for each subject in a general education institution, including in mathematics.

Under these conditions, the traditional school that implements the classical formation model has become unproductive. In front of me, as in front of my colleagues, there was a problem - to turn traditional training aimed at the accumulation of knowledge, skills, skills in the process of developing the identity of the child.

Care from the traditional lesson through the use of new technologies in the process of learning allows to eliminate monotony educational environment And the monotony of the educational process, will create conditions for changing the activities of students, will allow to implement the principles of health. It is recommended to make a choice of technology depending on the subject matter, lesson purposes, the level of training of students, the possibility of meeting their educational queries, the age category of students.

Often, pedagogical technology is defined as:

. The totality of receptions is the area of \u200b\u200bpedagogical knowledge reflecting the characteristics of the depth processes pedagogical activity, the peculiarities of their interaction, which ensures the necessary effectiveness of the educational process;

. A combination of forms, methods, techniques and means of transmitting social experience as well technical equipment this process;

. A set of ways to organize an educational and cognitive process or a sequence of certain actions, operations related to the specific activity of the teacher and aimed at achieving the goals set (technological chain).

In the conditions of implementing the requirements of GEF LLC, the most relevant becomes technologies:

v Information - Communication Technology

v Critical Thinking Technology

v Project technology

v educational technology

v Heart-saving technologies

v Problem Technology

v game technologies

v Modular technology

v Workshop technology

v Case - Technology

v Integrated Training Technology

v pedagogy cooperation.

v Technology Level Differentiation

v Group technologies.

v Traditional technologies (classroom system)

one). Information - Communication Technology

The use of ICT contributes to the achievement of the main objective of education - improving the quality of training, ensuring the harmonious development of the individual oriented in the information space, introduced to the information and communication capabilities of modern technologies and with information culture, as well as to provide existing experience and identify its effectiveness.

Achieving the goals I plan through the implementation of the following tasks:

· Use information - communication technologies in the educational process;

· To form students of sustainable interest and desire for self-education;

· To form and develop communicative competence;

· To send efforts to create conditions for the formation of positive motivation to teaching;

· Give students knowledge defining their free, meaningful choice of life path.

IN last years increasingly raising the issue of applying new information technologies in middle school. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The introduction of ICT to the pedagogical process increases the authority of the teacher in the school team, as the teaching is carried out at a modern, higher level. In addition, the self-assessment of the teacher himself is growing, developing their professional competencies.

Pedagogical skill is based on the unity of knowledge and skills corresponding to the modern level of development of science, technology and their product - information technology.

Currently, the ability to receive information from different sources, use it and create it yourself. Widespread use of ICT opens up new opportunities for the teacher in teaching its subject, as well as greatly make it easier for its work, improve training efficiency, allow you to improve the quality of teaching.

ICT application system

The ICT application system can be divided into the following steps:

1 Stage: Detection of educational material requiring a specific feed, analysis educational program, thematic planning analysis, the choice of topics, the choice of the type of lesson, identifying the characteristics of the material of the lesson of this type;

2 Stage: selection and creation of information products, selection of ready-made educational media resources, creating your own product (presentation, training, training or controlling);

3 Stage: Application of information products, application in lessons different types, Application in extracurricular work, application when managing scientific research activities.

4 Stage: Analysis of the efficiency of ICT use, study of the dynamics of results, studying the rating on the subject.

2) Critical Thinking Technology

What is understood under critical thinking? Critical thinking - The type of thinking that helps critically refers to any allegations, do not take anything to faith without evidence, but be at the same time open new ideas, methods. Critical thinking is a necessary condition for freedom of choice, quality of forecast, responsibility for their own decisions. Critical thinking, so, in fact, some tautology, synonymous with high-quality thinking. It is rather the name than the concept, but it is under this name with a number of international projects in our life, those technological techniques that we will lead below came.
The constructive basis of "critical thinking technology" is a basic model of the three stages of the organization of the educational process:

· At the stage call From the memory "is called", the existing knowledge and ideas about studied are updated, personal interest is formed, the purposes of consideration of a particular topic are determined.

· On the stage comprehension (or the implementation of the meaning), as a rule, the student comes into contact with the new information. It is systematized. The student gets the opportunity to think about the nature of the object being studied, learns to formulate questions as the age of old and new information. There is a formation of its own position. It is very important that already at this stage, with a number of techniques, you can already track the process of understanding the material.

· Stage reflections (Reflection) is characterized by the fact that students fix new knowledge and actively rebuild their own primary ideas in order to include new concepts in them.

In the course of the work within this model, schoolchildren seize in various ways of integrating information, learn to develop their own opinion on the basis of understanding various experiences, ideas and ideas, build conclusions and logical evidence chains, express their thoughts clearly, confidently and correctly towards others.

Functions of the three phases of the technology of development of critical thinking


Motivational (prompting to work with new information, awakening interest in the topic)

Information(call "on the surface" of existing knowledge on the topic)

(Conflectuous exchange of views)

Conference content

Information(Receiving new information on the topic)

Systematization(Classification of information received by categories of knowledge)


Communication (Exchange of opinions on new information)

Information(acquisition of new knowledge)

Motivational(prompting to further expand the information field)

Estimated (correlation of new information and knowledge available, its own position,
process evaluation)

Basic methodological techniques for the development of critical thinking

1. Reception "Cluster"

2. Table

3. Training assault

4. Intellectual warm-up

5. Zigzag, Zigzag -2

6. Reception "Insert"

8. Reception "Ideas Basket"

9. Reception "Compilation of Synkievins"

10. The method of control issues

11. Reception "I know ../ I want to know ... / I learned ..."

12. Water circles

13. Role-out project

14. Yes - no

15. Reception "Reading with Stopping"

16. Reception "COMMUNICATION"

17. Reception "Celebrated logical chains"

18. Reception "Cross Discussion"

3). Project technology

The project method is not fundamentally new in world pedagogy. He arose at the beginning of this century in the United States. He was also called the method of problems and was associated with the ideas of humanistic directions in philosophy and education developed by the American philosopher and teacher J. Deweyas well as his student V. Kilpatrick. It was extremely important to show the children of their personal interest in acquired knowledge, which may and should come in handy in life. This requires a problem taken from real life, familiar and meaningful for the child, to solve which he needed to attach the knowledge gained, new knowledge that has yet to be purchased.

The teacher can suggest sources of information, and may simply direct the idea of \u200b\u200bstudents in the right direction for self-search. But as a result, students should solve the problem independently and in joint efforts, applying the necessary knowledge sometimes from different areas, get a real and tangible result. All work on the problem is thus acquiring the contours of project activities.

Purpose of technology - Stimulate students' interest in certain problems involving the ownership of a certain amount of knowledge and through project activities involving these problems, the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained.

The method of projects attracted the attention of Russian teachers in the early 20th century. The ideas of project training arose in Russia almost in parallel with the development of American teachers. Under the leadership of the Russian teacher S. T. Shatskyin 1905, a small group of employees was organized, which was trying to actively use design methods in the practice of teaching.

Later, already under Soviet power, these ideas began to be quite widely implemented to school, but not sufficiently thought out and consistently and the decision of the Central Committee of the CSP / B / In 1931, the project method was convicted and since then until recently in Russia no longer undertaken any serious Attempts to revive this method in school practice.

In the modern Russian school, the project system began to revive only in the 1980s - 90s, due to the reform of school education, the democratization of relations between the teacher and students, the search for the active forms of cognitive activity of schoolchildren.

Practical application of project technology elements.

The essence of the project technique is that the student himself should actively participate in knowledge. Project technology is practical creative tasksrequiring students their application to solve problem tasks, knowledge of material for this historical stage. As a research method, she teaches to analyze a specific historical problem or a task created at a certain stage of the development of society. Having mastered the design of the design, the schoolboy tears creatively to think, to predict the possible options for solving tasks facing it. Thus, the project technique:

1. It is characterized by high communicativeness;

2. implies the expression of students of his own opinion, feelings, active inclusion in real activities;

3. The special form of the organization of communicative and note of schoolchildren in the lesson of history;

4. Founded on the cyclical organization of the educational process.

Therefore, as elements, so actually the technology of the project should be applied at the end of the study of the topic on a specific cycle, as one of their species of a repeated generalizing lesson. One of the elements of this technique is a project discussion, which is based on the preparation method and project protection on a specific topic.

Stages of work on the project

Activities of students

Teacher's activities



The choice of project theme, the definition of its goal and tasks, the development of the implementation of the idea plan, the formation of microgroups.

Formation of the motivation of participants, counseling on choosing the subject and genre of the project, assistance in a selection of necessary materials, developing criteria for assessing the activities of each participant at all stages.


Collection, analysis and systematization of collected information, recording Interviews, discussion of collected material in microgroups, nomination and testing of the hypothesis, design of the layout and poster report, self-control.

Regular advisory on the content of the project, assistance in systematization and processing of material, advice on project design, tracking the activities of each student, assessment.


Project registration, preparing for protection.

Preparation of speakers, assistance in project design.


Evaluation of your activity. "What gave me work on the project?"

Evaluation of each project participant.

four). Problem technology

Today under problem learningit is understood by such an organization of training sessions, which involves creating a teacher of problem situations under the leadership of the teacher and active independent activities of students to resolve them, resulting in creative mastering professional knowledge, skills, skills and development of mental abilities.

The technology of problem learning assumes the organization under the leadership of the teacher of independent search activities of students to address learning problems, during which students have new knowledge, skills and skills, develop abilities, cognitive activity, curiosity, erudition, creative thinking And other personally significant qualities.

The problematic situation in training has a learning value only when the proposed student has a problem assignment corresponds to its intellectual possibilities, contributes to the awakening of the student desire to exit this situation, to remove the resulting contradiction.
As problematic tasks, training tasks, questions, practical tasks, etc. However, it is impossible to mix the problem task and the problem situation. The problem task in itself is not a problem situation, it can cause a problem situation only under certain conditions. The same problematic situation may be caused by various types of tasks. In general, the technology of problem learning is that there is a problem with the right to participate in the teacher directly or independently investigate the paths and ways to solve it, i.e.

v build a hypothesis

v outlined and discuss ways to verify its truth,

v Are argued, conduct experiments, observations, analyze their results, argued, prove.

According to the degree of cognitive independence of students, problem learning is carried out in three basic forms: problematic presentation, partially search activities and independent research activities. The inegencies of the informative independence of students take place when problematic presentation: the message of the new material is carried out by the teacher himself. After putting the problem, the teacher reveals the path of her decision, demonstrates students to the course of scientific thinking, makes them follow the dialectical movement of thought to the truth, makes them as if accomplices of scientific search. In terms of partially search activities, work is mainly sent by the teacher with the help of special issues encouraging Training to independent reasoning, actively searching for a response to individual parts of the problem.

Problem technology, like other technologies, has positive and negative sides.

Benefits of problem learning technology: Promotes not only the acquisition by students the necessary system of knowledge, skills and skills, but also by achieving high level them mental Development, the formation of their ability to independently mined knowledge by their own creative activity; develops interest in learning work; Provides strong learning results.

Disadvantages:large time spent on achieving planned results, weak manageability of students' cognitive activity.

five). Gaming technologies

The game along with difficulty and teaching is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence.

A-priory, the game - This is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which the self-government is also improved.

Classification of pedagogical games

1. In terms of application:





- Psychological

2. Software (characteristic) character of the pedagogical process:








3. By gaming technology:



- Role




4. According to the subject area:

-Mathematical, chemical, biological, physical, environmental



- export


5. By gaming environment:

-Bez objects

- with objects


- single




- cyclic, with movement means

What tasks solves the use of such a form of training:

It is more free, psychologically liberated knowledge control.

- Search the painful reaction of students for unsuccessful answers.

- The approach to students in learning becomes more delicate and differentiated.

Training in the game allows you to teach:

Recognize, compare, characterize, reveal the concepts, justify, apply

As a result of the application of game learning methods, the following objectives are achieved:

§ Cognitive activity is stimulated

§ Activates mental activity

§ spontaneously remember information

§ Associative memorization is formed

§ Strengthens motivation to the study of the subject

All this indicates the effectiveness of learning in the game process, which is professional activities having features like teachings and labor.

6). Case - Technology

Case technology combine both role-playing games and project method, and situational analysis. .

Case technology is opposed to such types of work as a repetition of the teacher, answers to the teacher's questions, the retelling of the text, etc. Cases differ from conventional educational tasks (tasks, as a rule, one solution and one correct way, leading to this solution, cases have several solutions and many alternative paths leading to it).

The case of the actual situation (some input data) is analyzed in the case technology, the description of which simultaneously reflects not only any practical problem, but also actualizes a certain complex of knowledge, which must be assimilated in the resolution of this problem

Case technology is not a repetition of the teacher, not retelling a paragraph or article, not an answer to the teacher's question, this is an analysis of a specific situation that makes raise the layer of knowledge gained and apply them in practice.

These technologies help to increase students' interest to the subject studied, develops such qualities from schoolchildren as social activity, sociability, the ability to listen and competently express their thoughts.

When using Case -Technologies in elementary school in children occurs

· Development of analysis and critical thinking skills

· Connection of theory and practice

· Representation of examples of decisions

· Demonstration of various positions and points of view

· Formation of alternative evaluation skills in uncertainty

The teacher is faced with the task - to teach children both individually and as part of the group:

· Analyze information

· Sort it to solve a given task,

· Detect key problems

· Generate alternative solutions and evaluate them,

· Select the optimal solution and form programs of action, etc.

In addition, children:

· Get \u200b\u200bcommunication skills

· Develop presentation skills

· Formed interactive skills, allowing to effectively interact and take collective solutions

· Acquire expert skills and skills

· Learn to learn, self finding the necessary knowledge to solve the situation problem

· Change the motivation for learning

With active situational learning, the analysis participants are presented with facts (events) associated with some situation at its state at a certain point in time. The task of students is the adoption rational solution, acting in the framework of the collective discussion of possible solutions, i.e. Gaming interaction.

The methods of case-technologies activating the learning process include:

· Situation analysis method (method of analyzing specific situations, situational tasks and exercises; case-stages)

· Incident method;

· Method of situational roles;

· Method of parsing business correspondence;

· Game design;

· Discussion method.

So, the case-technology is an interactive learning technology, based on real or fictional situations, aimed at the development of knowledge as to the formation of students with new qualities and skills.

7). Technology of creative workshops

One of the alternative and effective ways to study and extract new knowledge is workshop technology. It is an alternative to the classroom - the urban organization of the educational process. It uses pedagogy of relations, comprehensive education, training without harsh programs and textbooks, project methods and immersion methods, the exclusive creative activity of students. The relevance of the technology consists in the fact that it can be used not only in the case of studying a new material, but also when repetition and consolidation of the previously studied. Based on his experience, I concluded that this form of lesson is aimed at both the comprehensive development of students in the learning process and the development of the teacher himself.

Workshop - This is a technology that suggests such an organization of the learning process in which the teacher - the master introduces his students to the process of knowledge through the creation of an emotional atmosphere, in which the student can show himself as a creator. In this technology, knowledge is not given, but are built by the student themselves in a pair or a group with a support for your personal experience, the teacher - the master only provides it with the necessary material in the form of tasks for reflection. This technology allows the personality to build its knowledge itself, in this its great resemblance to problem learning. Conditions are established for the development of creative potential and for a student, and for a teacher. Communicative qualities of the individual form are formed, as well as the subjectivity of the student - the ability to be a subject, an active participant in activities, independently determine the goals, plan, carry out activities and analyze. This technology allows you to teach students independently formulate the objectives of the lesson, find the most effective ways to achieve them, develops intellect, promotes the acquisition of group activities.

The workshop is similar to project training, because there is a problem that needs to be solved. The teacher creates conditions, helps to realize the essence of the problem over which it is necessary to work. Students formulate this problem and offer options for its solution. Different types of practical tasks can be performed as problems.

The workshop necessarily combines individual, group and frontal forms of activity, and training comes from one to another.

The main stages of the workshop.

Induction (Behavior) is a stage that is aimed at creating an emotional attitude and motivation of students to creative activities. At this stage, the inclusion of feelings, subconscious and the formation of a personal attitude towards the subject of discussion is supposed. Inductor - everything that encourages the child to action. As an inducer, a word, text, subject, sound, drawing, shape - all that is able to cause the flow of associations is possible. It may be a task, but an unexpected, mysterious.

Deconstruction - Destruction, chaos, inability to task with existing means. This is working with material, text, models, sounds, substances. This is the formation of the information field. At this stage there is a problem and is separated from an unknown, work with information material, dictionaries, textbooks, computer and other sources is carried out, that is, an information request is created.

Reconstruction - Recreation from the chaos of his project to solve the problem. This is the creation of microgroups or individually its world, text, drawing, project, solutions. The hypothesis is discussed and put forward, the ways to solve it are created, creative works are created: drawings, stories, riddles, goes to fulfill the tasks that the teacher gives.

Socialization - This is a relationship with students or microgroups of its activities with the activities of other students or microgroups and the presentation of all intermediate and final labor results to assess and detect their activities. One task is given on the whole class, it works in groups, the answers are communicated to the whole class. At this stage, the student learns to speak. This allows the teacher to master the lesson in the same pace for all groups.

Placement - It is hanging, a visual representation of the results of the Master and students. It can be text, scheme, project and familiarization with them all. At this stage, all students go, discuss, allocate original interesting ideas, protect their creative work.

Break - sharp increment in knowledge. This is the culmination of the creative process, the new allocation of the subject of the subject and awareness of the incompleteness of his knowledge, prompting to a new deepening in the problem. The result of this stage is insight (illumination).

Reflection - This is awareness of the student of oneself in its own activity, this is an analysis of the student of their activities implemented, this is a generalization of the feelings arising in the workshop, this is a reflection of the achievements of your own thought, their own worldview.

eight). Modular learning technology

Modular learning arose as an alternative to traditional learning. The semantic meaning of the term "" Modular Learning "is associated with the international concept of" Module ", one of whose values \u200b\u200bis a functional node. In this context, it is understood as the main means of modular learning, a complete information block.

In its original form, modular training originated in the late 60s of the 20th century and quickly spread in English-speaking countries. The essence of him was that studying with a small help of a teacher or completely independently can work with his proposed individual curriculumwhich includes the target action plan, the Bank of Information and the Methodological Guide to achieve the didactic goals. The functions of the teacher began to vary from the information and controlling to the advisory-coordinating. The interaction of the teacher and studying in the educational process began to be carried out on a fundamentally different basis: with the help of modules, a conscious independent achievement of the student defined level of preliminary preparedness was provided. The success of modular learning was predetermined by compliance with parity interactions between teacher and students.

The main goal of the modern school is to create such a system of learning that would provide the educational needs of each student in accordance with its inclinations, interests and opportunities.

Modular learning is an alternative to traditional learning, it integrates all the progressive, which is accumulated in pedagogical theory and practice.

Modular training, as one of the main goals, is pursuing the formation, students, skills of independent activities and self-education. The essence of modular learning is that the student is completely independently (or with a certain dose of assistance) reaches specific goals of educational and cognitive activity. Training is based on the formation of the mechanism of thinking, and not on the operation of the memory! Consider the sequence of actions to build an educational module.

The module is a target functional node, which combined: learning and technology mastering them into a high-level system of integrity.

Algorithm for building an educational module:

1. Formation of the block-module content of theoretical educational material theme.

2. Detection of educational elements theme.

3. Detection of connections and relationships between the educational elements of the topic.

4. Formation of the logical structure of educational elements theme.

5. Determination of levels of learning the learning elements.

6. Determining requirements for the levels of learning elements of the topic.

7. Determination of awareness of the assimilation of the educational elements of the topic.

8. Formation of the block of algorithmic prescription of skills and skills.

The system of actions of the teacher to prepare for the transition to modular training. Develop a modular program consisting of KDC (complex -dactic objectives) and a set of modules that ensure this purpose:

1. Structuring learning content to certain blocks.
CDC is formed, having two levels: the level of assimilation academic content Pupils and orientation on its use in practice.

2. From the CDC is allocated by the IDC (integrating doedactic objectives) and modules are formed. Each module has its IDC.

3. The IDC is divided into CDC (private didactic goals) on their basis, UE (educational elements) is allocated.

To manage students' teaching, the principle of feedback is important.

1. Before each module, to conduct input control of ZUN students.

2. Current and intermediate control at the end of each UE (self-control, or interconnection, reconciliation with a sample).

3. Output control after completing the module. Purpose: Reveal the gaps in the assimilation of the module.

The introduction of modules to the learning process must be made gradually. Modules can be inserted into any system of training and thereby strengthen its quality and efficiency. You can combine the traditional system of learning, with modular. Well fit into a modular system of learning. The entire system of methods, techniques and forms of the organization of UPD students, the work is individual, in pairs, in groups.

The use of modular learning has a positive effect on the development of independent activities of students, on self-development, to improve the quality of knowledge. Students skillfully plan their work, know how to use educational literature. Well owned by general educational skills: comparisons, analysis, generalizations, allocation of the main, etc. The active cognitive activity of students contributes to the development of such qualities of knowledge, as durability, awareness, depth, efficiency, flexibility.

nine). Heating technology

Providing a student opportunity to preserve health for the period of training at school, the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills on a healthy lifestyle and the use of knowledge gained in everyday life.

Organization of training activities with consideration of the lesson with a complex of health-saving technologies:

· Compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements (fresh air, optimal thermal regime, good illumination, cleanliness), safety regulations;

· The rational lesson density (time spent by schoolchildren on learning work) should be at least 60% and not more than 75-80%;

· A clear organization of academic labor;

· Strict dosage training Load;

· Change of activities;

· Training, taking into account the leading channels of perception of information by students (audiovisual, kinesthetic, etc.);

· Place and duration of TSO;

· Inclusion in the lesson of technological techniques and methods that contribute to self-knowledge, self-assessment of students;

· Building a lesson, taking into account the performance of students;

· Individual approach to students taking into account personal capabilities;

· Formation of external and internal motivation of students' activity;

· Favorable psychological climate, success situations and emotional discharges;

· Prevention of stress:

work in pairs, in groups, both on the ground and at the board, where the slave, more "weak" feels support for a friend; stimulation of students to use various ways to solve, without fear of mistaken and get an incorrect answer;

· Conducting physical attachments and dynamic pauses in the lessons;

· Focused reflection during the entire lesson and in its final part.

The use of such technologies helps preserve and strengthen the health of schoolchildren:, prevention of overworking students in lessons; improving the psychological climate in children's teams; the acquisition of parents to work to strengthen schoolchildren's health; increasing the concentration of attention; Reducing the incidence of children, anxiety level.

10). Technology integrated learning

Integration - This is a deep interpenetration, merging, as far as possible, in one educational material of generalized knowledge in a particular area.

The need for occurrenceintegrated lessons is explained by a number of reasons.

  • The world surrounding children will learn them in every diversity and unity, and often the objects of the school cycle, aimed at studying individual phenomena, will crush it into fragmented fragments.
  • Integrated lessons develop the potential of the students themselves, encourage active knowledge of the surrounding reality, to understand and find causal relationships, to develop logic, thinking, communicative abilities.
  • The form of integrated lessons is not standard, interesting. The use of various types of work during the lesson supports the attention of students at a high level, which makes it possible to talk about sufficient efficiency of lessons. Integrated lessons reveal significant pedagogical capabilities.
  • Integration in modern society explains the need for integration in education. Modern society requires high-class, well-trained specialists.
  • Integration makes it possible for self-realization, self-expression, teacher's creativity, contributes to the disclosure of abilities.

Advantages of integrated lessons.

  • Contribute to an increase in the motivation of the exercise, the formation of cognitive interest of students, holistic scientific picture peace and consideration of the phenomenon from several sides;
  • More than ordinary lessons contribute to the development of speech, forming the skill of students to compare, summarize, draw conclusions;
  • Not only deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject, the horizons expand. But also contribute to the formation of a versatile developed, harmonically and intellectually developed personality.
  • Integration is a source of finding new bonds between facts that confirm or deepen certain conclusions. Surveillance students.

The patterns of integrated lessons:

  • the whole lesson is subordinate to the copyright,
  • the lesson is combined by the main thought (lesson rod),
  • the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of a whole,
  • stages and components of the lesson are in logical-structural dependence,
  • selected for lesson didactic material Corresponds to the plan, the chain of information is organized as "this" and "new".

Teachers interaction can be built in different ways. It can be:

1. Parity, with equal shared participation of each of them,

2. One of the teachers can act the lead, and the other - an assistant or consultant;

3. The whole lesson can lead one teacher in the presence of another as an active observer and guest.

The technique of an integrated lesson.

The process of preparing and conducting an integrated lesson has its own specifics. It consists of several stages.

1. Preparatory

2. Executive



2. organization of a creative group,

3. designing the content of the lesson ,


The purpose of this stage is to bring part of students to the topic of the lesson, to its content.. Methods for challenge the interest of students can be various, for example, a description of a problem situation or an interesting case.

In the final part of the lesson, it is necessary to summarize everything that has been said in the lesson, to summarize the disconsiders, formulate clear conclusions.

At this stage, an analysis of the lesson is carried out. It is necessary to take into account all his advantages and disadvantages.

eleven). Traditional technology

The term "traditional training" implies primarily the organization of training in the XVII century on the principles of didactics formulated by Ya.K. Komensky.

Distinctive features of traditional cool-term technology are:

Students of approximately one age and the level of preparation are a group that maintains mainly permanent composition for the entire period of study;

The group works on a single annual plan and program according to the schedule;

The main unit of classes is a lesson;

The lesson is devoted to one training subject, the topic, by virtue of the group students work on the same material;

The work of students in the lesson is managing the teacher: he evaluates the results of studies in its subject, the level of training of each student separately.

School year, school day, class schedule, educational holidays, breaks between lessons - attributes of a cool-manner system.

According to its nature, the goal of traditional learning represent the education of the personality with the specified properties. According to the content of the goals, they are primarily focused on the assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills, and not on the development of the person.

The traditional technology is primarily an authoritarian pedagogy requirements, learning is very poorly connected with the inner life of the student, with its diverse requests and needs, there are no conditions for the manifestation of individual abilities, creative manifestations of the individual.

Learning process as activity in traditional learning It is characterized by the lack of independence, weak motivation of educational labor. Under these conditions, the stage of implementation of educational purposes turns into labor "from under the stick" with all its negative consequences.

Positive sides

Negative sides

Systematic training

Ordered, logically correct feeding material

Organizational clarity

Permanent emotional impact of the teacher's personality

Optimal resource costs with mass training

Template building, monotony

Irrational distribution of lesson time

On the lesson is provided only by initial orientation in the material, and the achievement of high levels is shifted to homework

Students are isolated from communicating with each other

No independence

Passivity or visibility of students' activity

Weak speech activities (average student speaking time 2 minutes per day)

Weak feedback

Averaged approach
No individual learning

Passing levels by pedagogical technologies


On practice


Knows the scientific foundations of various PTs, gives an objective psychological and pedagogical assessment (and self-esteem) of the effectiveness of the application in the educational process

Purposefully and systemically applies technologies of learning (COM) in its activities, creatively simulates the combination of various things in their own practice


Has an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent PT;

Reasonably describes the essence of its own technological chain; actively participates in the analysis of the effectiveness of the learning technologies used

Mainly follows a learning technology algorithm;

Owns techniques for the design of technological chains in accordance with the goal;

Uses a variety of pedagogical techniques in chains and methods


Formed general, empirical idea of \u200b\u200bPT;

It builds individual technological chains, but the desire can not explain their intended purpose within the framework of the lesson;

Evade discussion

questions related to PT

Applies PT elements intuitive, episodically, uninterrupted;

Adheres to any activity of any one learning technology;. Permits violations in the algorithm (chain) learning technology

Today there is quite a large number pedagogical technologies learning, both traditional and innovative. It is impossible to say that some of them are better, and the other worse, or to achieve positive results it is necessary to use only this and no more.

In my opinion, the choice of this or that technology depends on many factors: the contingent of students, their age, the level of preparedness, the subject of classes, etc.

And the most optimal option is to use a mixture of these technologies. So the educational process for the most part represents a cool-term system. This allows you to work according to the schedule, in a specific audience, with a specific permanent group of students.

Based on the foregoing, I want to say that traditional and innovative learning methods should be in a permanent interconnection and complement each other. Do not give up the old and completely switch to the new one. You should remember the statement "All new it is well forgotten old."

Internet and literature.

1) .manvelovs.g. Designing a modern lesson. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002.

2). Larina V.P., Khodireva E.A., Okunev A.A. Lectures in the classroom of the creative laboratory "Modern Pedagogical Technologies". - Kirov: 1999 - 2002.

3). Petrusinsky V.V. IRGU - training, training, leisure. New School, 1994

four). Gromova OK "Critical thinking, how is it in Russian? Technology of creativity. // BSh № 12, 2001

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The effectiveness of the application of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process

Famous Didakt, one of the leading developers of the problem of forming interest in the process of study, Schukin G. I. believes that an interesting lesson can be created due to the following conditions:

    teacher's personality (even boring material explained by the favorite teacher is well absorbed);

    content of educational material;

    applications of modern training technologies. If the first two points are not always in our power, the last one is the field for creative activity of any teacher.

Today in school education there are significant changes that cover almost all parties to the pedagogical process. Personal interest is a decisive factor in the education process.

I consider one of the main tasks, is to increase teacher's pedagogical mastery by the development of modern educational technologies of training and education. Pedagogical technology is the design of the educational process based on the use of a set of methods, techniques and forms of organizing training and training activities that increase the effectiveness of training, the use of which has a clearly specified result.

With the mastering of any new technology begins the new pedagogical thinking of the teacher: clarity, structurality, clarity of the methodical language.

Applying new pedagogical technologies in the lessons, I was convinced that the learning process can be viewed from a new point of view and master psychological mechanisms Forming a person, achieving better results.

To improve the effectiveness of the educational process when conducting lessons in elementary school, using the following modern educational technologies:

1. Problem technology

Herthe relevance is determined by the development of a high level of motivation to learning activities, intensifying the cognitive interests of students, which becomes possible when resolving emerging contradictions, creating problem situations in the lesson. Overcoming the staff difficulties, students experience a constant need to master the new knowledge, new methods of action, skills and skills. The effectiveness of this technology is confirmed not only by my own observations, but also the results of the survey of students, their parents, the dynamics of improving the quality of learning.

"Tell me, and I will forget.
Show me, - I can remember.

Let me do it yourself,
and I will learn. "

( Confucius)

This technology has attracted me to the new possibilities of building any lesson, where students do not remain passive listeners and performers, but are transformed into active researchers of educational problems. Training activities becomes creative. Children better assimilate not what they get in the finished form and Zzububut, but what they discovered and expressed in their own way. To study on this technology did not lose the principle of scientific relations, the findings of students necessarily confirm and compare with the rules, theoretical provisions of textbooks, vocabulary, encyclopedic articles. The technology of problem dialogue is universal, as applies to any subject content and on any level of learning, easily and accessible to E.L. Melnikova in the book "Problem lesson or how to discover knowledge with students."

1) I will give an example of using this technology onthe lesson of the Russian language on the topic "unprofitable consonants".

On the board recorded the word herald. Teacher: - Read this word spelling, orthoepically. (Bulletin, [B, E? CH, IR].) - What surprised you? (Letter t. in the word is written, and when reading the sound [t] is not pronounced.) - What question do you have? (Why do some consonant are written where the sound is not pronounced? How to find out or check if you need to write the letter in the Word, denoting a consonant sound if we do not hear it?) So, the children themselves went on new topic And put the purpose of the lesson. The term "unprofilable consonants", as in general, all terms and facts, the teacher can report in the finished form. I always give the opportunity to offer my own names, and then compare them with scientific terms. IN this case Pupils can be closer to the correct name: - The sound is not pronounced, so called ...

2) Russian lesson.

The word "Mukholovka" is written on the board. It is necessary to highlight the root in the word. There are different opinions. Based on the word-forming analysis, children come to a new way to highlight the root (in difficult words).

3) The introduction of mathematical concepts also provides many opportunities for organizing problem situations in the class.

for example , the student received tasks: "K 2 add 5 and multiply 3." And other: "K 2 add 5 multiplied by 3". You can record both tasks and calculate as follows:

2 + 5 * 3 = 21
2 + 5 * 3 = 17

Such a record is surprising in children. After analyzing actions, students come to the conclusion that two different results can be correct and depends on which order to perform addition and multiplication. There is a problematic question how to record this example to get the right answer. The question encourages children to find, with the result that they come to the concept of brackets. After fitting brackets, the task takes the form:

(2 + 5) * 3 = 21
2 + 5 * 3 = 17

2. Research work .

This approach allows us to translate a student from the listener in an active participant in the learning process.

Research behavior - One of the most important sources of receiving ideas about the world. Explore, open, learn - it means to take a step in the uncharted and unknown. Children in nature are their researchers and participate with great interest in various research affairs. The success of the study depends largely on its organization. It is very important to teach children to observe, compare, ask questions and develop a desire to find answers. And, it means that you need to read additional literature, learn to put experiments, discuss the results, listen to someone else's opinion. When conducting research, children learn to think, draw conclusions.

3. Heating-saving technologies .

In my class, it includes: conducting thematic fisminooks at every lesson, dynamic pauses, participation in sports competitions of the school and the district, holding parental meetings on the topic "Day of the day at school and at home", "How to preserve the health of a child", "Computer and Child ", the organization of hot nutrition at school for all students, a series of meetings with a general practice doctor, the organization of mobile games on change. I think that our task today is to teach a child to various techniques and methods for preserving and strengthening their health, then, going to high school and then, the guys can already apply them. I try to build your homework, putting it in itself this purpose: how to make a lesson in the health-saving saving?
I use various funny physical attacks in the lessons, gymnastics, "singing" sounds and much more.
At different classes, I propose a challenge with a healthy content :


Decide the task .
Petya on the holiday ate 6 cupcakes, and Vasya is 2 less. How many cupcakes have eaten both boys?
(Children make a brief record and write the solution of the problem)
- Can you eat so many cupcakes? Why?

- What rule must be observed? (Eat right)

Literary reading

Reading and discussing read with conclusions about the right life and health.

For example:

« Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka »

    For drinking can only be used clean water. In open reservoir, water can not be clean, it must be boiled.

    If the water is transparent, beautiful, is it clean?

    Not. It may be invisible by the eye living organisms, microbes that cause intestinal diseases.

Finger massage, preparation of them for written work. Showing a finger massage, accompanying him with the words:


One, two, three, four, five.
(Split your fingers from the fist one by one, starting with the thumb.)
Fuck your fingers walk.
(Rhythmically we split all your fingers together.)
One, two, three, four, five.
(Alternately compress the widespread fingers into the fist, starting with the mother's Mizinz.)
In the house hid again.
(We return to the starting position.)

Locking palm

The scarker of palms is strong
Every finger twist
(Rubbing palms, capture every finger at the base and rotational movement to reach the nail phalanx.)
Say hello to him strongly
And pull it out.
I will wash your hands
(Lost palm about palm.)
I will introduce my finger in my finger
On the lock they close them.
(Fingers in "Castle".)
And warm in a wake.
I will release fingers,
(Thumbs up and sort out the fingers.)
Let them run like bunnies.

4. Training B. collaboration (group work)

Group work plays a positive role not only in the first stages of training, but also in subsequent educational work. I try to introduce a group work methodology from the first days of learning a child at school. These may be lessons of technology around the world, where in the first stages before children are not the complex tasks of the analysis and synthesis of the material being studied. While other children know each other well, I suggest it to divide into groups of 5-6 people at will. I give a task to perform the work yourself to everyone, and then the same work, but everyone together.

For example, in a hand-learning class work with a plasticine, the theme "10 bulk apples". At first, everyone makes her apple, and then another 5 with the whole group and collectively decorated apple trees, sipped on her apple. Before you start working with children, we stipulate the rules of work: to call each other only by name and in conversation only polite words. Later, when children know each other well, I start working on the formation of groups on a quarter. The basic principle of selection is personal sympathies, the ability to communicate, the level of intellectual development of the child.

And since the group being created is one, then each child should be involved in the work. And therefore, the method of such work implies to distribute their responsibilities between children. The main thing in the group is selected commander. This child should be able to organize work, direct it in the right direction. The idea generator is the one who submits the idea allocates the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe material being studied. The lock is the one who records (preferably in the schemes) is all that the group involves. Critic - reveals shortcomings in the work, criticizes the proposed from the position of unacceptable under these conditions. Analyst makes conclusions, summarizes said. The main goal of working in the group is to get closer to the problem being studied together, regardless of your designated role.

Work in groups is very interesting to children, as they get closer to each other, learn to communicate, taking into account the interests of the comrade. The teacher, watching the guys, can conduct mini monitoring of the psychic features of the child (the ability to communicate in the microcollection, to summarize what has been said, express its opinion, determine the level of performance).

In such lessons, no child remains aside. Even children with low performance, which in the lesson prefer to be silent, attempts to engage in the work of the group. It is impossible to think that this work brings results from the first lessons. This requires a series of such lessons and painstaking teacher's work.

5. Gaming technologies

The game is a natural for a child and a humane form of training. Teaching through the game, we teach children not as us, adults, it is convenient to give training material, but as children are comfortable and naturally take it.

Games allow a differentiated approach to students, involve each student to work, taking into account his interest, tendency, level of training on the subject. Game exercises enrich students with new impressions, perform a developing function, removed fatigue. They can be diverse in their intended, content, methods of organization and conduct. With their help, you can solve any one task (improve computing, grammatical skills, etc.) or a whole range of tasks: to form speech skills, develop observation, attention, creative skills etc.

Gaming activity is used by me in the following cases:

    to master the concept, themes and even the section of the educational subject (the lesson-game "Traveling around the country of knowledge", the lesson is the play "Folk Holidays");

    as a lesson (classes) or its part (introduction, explanations, consolidation, exercises, control).

These are a variety of games - competitions, relay in which it is proposed to find the value of the expression, insert the desired sign, come up with an example, etc. Such games are indisputable in the assessment of the automatic skills and skills.

for example , in literacy learning lessons in the game "Who is more?" Children independently come up with words on a given sound. In the game "Find a word in the Word" students make up words from the letters of this word as a teacher. For example, a thunderstorm (rose, horn, mountain, etc.) with the same goal I use the game "Find a couple" (pick up synonyms for words), "Dopsy the word" and others.

For example: "Connect half words."

1) Make a few lists of words out of six letters broken in half into two columns. In each of them there may be the first and last half words:

(Answer: Optics, parquet, balloon, kuraga, chamber, cinnamon, tanker, peanuts, armada, dance).

2) Connecting the words to the half words with each other so that whole words come out.

3) In the lessons of mathematics, children are happy to "travel" to the country of fairy tales, in the threesteed kingdom and at a meeting with each hero are performed certain mathematical tasks.

For example:

An oral account in elementary school can be carried out on a fairy tale "Kolobok":

The teacher welcomes the fairy tale "Kolobok" and beats on a magnetic board. When meeting a kolobka with the heroes of the fairy tale, the goal is set to him: solve examples or task. - Guys, if a kolobok does not cope with his task, then it will eat his wolf, let's help solve the sample examples. (Children agree and decide the examples that are recorded on separate cards) ...

4) At the lesson literary reading You can spend the game "Proverbs-reversals":

I call the proverb-reversal, and you have to guess what proverb is actually a speech that exists in Russian folklore.

(On the thief the hat is burning)
2. The joy is gone - the door is swollen.
(Trouble came - Call the gate)
3. The cowardice of the village avoids.
(Cheek brings success)
4. Other people's pants on the legs.
(Its shirt closer to the body)
5. On your bread close-up.
(On someone else's loaf, mouth do not spoil)

6. Comrade is saved. And you throws you.
(Dye himself, and comrades will cut out)
7. Keep a lot of money, and do not be friends with anyone.
(I do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.)
8. Ruined work, sit at home and trembling from fear.
(Business before pleasure)
9. Duck cow girlfriend.
(Goose pig is not comrade)
10. Do not think, you have to try twenty times, do something.
(Seven times measure cut once)

But including in the process of learning children of games and game moments, the teacher must always remember their goals and appointment. We must not forget that the game is worth a lesson - it is acquainted with the new material, its fixation and repetition, it is working with a textbook and notebook.

All of the above techniques, new technologies used in the lessons and after-school time, make it possible to work creatively, contribute to the development of curiosity, increase activity, bring joy, form a desire to learn from the child.


    Andyukhov B. Case technology - tool for the formation of competencies / b. Andyuhova // Director of School. - 2010. - № 4. - p.61-65

    Yagodko L.I. The use of problem learning technology in elementary school / out. Yagodko // Primary School Plus before and after. - 2010. - №1. - p.36-38

    Zolotukhina A. Group work as one of the forms of students' activity in class / a. Zolotukhina // Mathematics. Newspaper ed. Houses "First of September". - 2010. - №4. - P. 3-5

    Andreev O. Roleplay: how to plan it, organize and summarize / o. Andreeva // School Planning. - 2010. - №2. - C.107-114

UDC 74.200.04

Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies in the process of modernization of general education

Fomichev Roman Sergeevich
Kemerovo State University
Interuniversity Department of General and University Pedagogy

The article examines the features of the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the process of modernizing general education, the classification of co-temporal pedagogical technologies is given. The author formulated criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of a number of modern pedagogical technologies at the present stage of the development of society.

The Criteria and Indicators of Use Effectivity of Modern Educational Technologies in Educa-Tion Modernization

Fomichev Roman Sergeevich.
Department of General and Higher Education Pedagogy

The article Investigates The Features of The Use of Modern Pedagogical Technologies In The Modernization Of Public Education, A Classification of Modern Educational Technologies. The Au-Thor Defines The Criteria and Indicators of the Effectiveness Its Implementation of Modern Educa-Tional Technology At The Present Stage Of Development of Society.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Fomichev R.S. Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies in the process of modernizing the general education // Humanitarian scientific research. 2014. No. 11 [Electronic resource] .. 03.2019).

The modern stage of development of domestic education is characterized by the active introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process.

Arguing on the subject of modernization of the field of education, E.D. Dniprov notes that the modernization of education is "a comprehensive, comprehensive update of all units of the educational system and all spheres of educational activities in accordance with the requirements of modern life, while maintaining and multiplying the best traditions of domestic education."

V.V. Putin, also notes that "... it is impossible to apply to education only as a knowledge accumulation. In modern conditions, it is primarily the development of analytical abilities and critical thinking from students. This is the ability to learn. The ability to perceive knowledge himself, to have time for change. "

Thus, the important task of modern school is to create the necessary and full conditions for the personal and cognitive development of each traine in, the formation of an active position, the subjectivity of students in the educational process.

Effective solution to this problem, based on the federal state standard of general education, is impossible without meaningful implementation of teachers in the educational process of the school of modern pedagogical (including information computers) technologies.

At the same time, studying the positions of the teachers of the average general educational organizations suggests that, despite the sufficient number of theoretical justifications and methodological developmentsNone of the existing technologies fully satisfies at the same time the requirements of consistency and completeness, the unity of grounds.

In our opinion, at the present stage of the development of society, the problem of developing criteria and performance indicators of the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies, as well as providing conditions that would help educators effectively apply these technologies in practice.

The problem of ordering and systematization of pedagogical technologies was considered by such scientists as V. P. Bespalko, E. V. Rudensky, A. Ya. Savelyev, K. Selko, V. A. Slastin, V. T. Fomenko et al.,

V. P. Bespalko offers the classification of pedagogical technologies, which is based on the types of interaction of the teacher and training and allocate a number of signs of this interaction. The combination of these signs, according to Bespalnko, allows to identify a number of didactic systems (technologies):

Classic lecture learning;

Training with the help of audiovisual technical means;

System "Consultant";

Training with the help of an educational book - independent work;

System "Small Group" - group work;

Differentiated ways of learning;

Computer training;

The system "Tutor" - individual training;

Software learning for which there is a pre-drawn program.

The correctly composed classification gives a clear picture of the entire variety of classified objects, allows you to hold them in a single mental frame, it is easy to find for each of the newly discovered objects of the classified area the most particular and meaningful concept, which it can be supplied.

Analyzing the experience of scientists, we can conclude that the diversity of modern pedagogical technologies makes it possible to take into account the individual abilities of students, to disclose them creative potential, ensure the comprehensive development of the personality of students.

Summarizing scientists experience, we have developed a modern classification of pedagogical technologies:

Table 1 - Classification of Modern Pedagogical Technologies



Mechanism of implementation



Problem technology The development of cognitive activity, creative independence of students. Search methods, formulation of cognitive tasks, solving problem situations. Consecutive and targeted extension before studying problem tasks, allowing those trained actively assimilate knowledge, skills, skills.
Modular learning technology Ensuring flexibility, adapting it to individual identity needs, the level of its basic training. Separation of material on logical blocks - modules; Individual pace of learning. Independent work of students on an individual curriculum.
Technologies of educational training Comprehensive identity development and its abilities. Working with students involved in different kinds activities Orientation of the educational process on the potential human potential and their implementation.
Technology of differentiated learning Creating optimal conditions for identifying and developing the interests and abilities of students within the framework of the educational process. Use of individual and differentiated learning methods. The assimilation of software at various levels, but not lower than the state educational standard.
Technology of concentrated learning Adaptation of the structure of the educational process to natural psychological peculiarities Human perception. The use of methods that take into account the dynamics of the performance of students. In-depth study of the material by combining classes in logical blocks.
Information technology learning Development of learning skills to obtain the necessary knowledge with the help of modern technical training. Active use in the educational process of computer and Internet resources, computer testing, etc. Continuous phased development of the interest of students in educational aspects of the use of technical training.
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personality character of learning knowledge and skills.

Gaming learning methods that contribute to the involvement of students in creative activities. Independent cognitive activity aimed at finding, processing and learning knowledge.

According to E.S. Polat, "The problem of pedagogical technologies is the problem of transition from the theory of learning, to its methodological development, the system of pedagogical activity, since the construction of pedagogical technology reflects all the basic structures of the learning process, starting from the purpose of the goal, completing the diagnostics of the results obtained "

Thus, the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical technologies depends largely on the built system, which reflects the relationship of the signs of pedagogical technology and their implementation indicators.

The effectiveness of the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies can be determined by a number of criteria that need to be checked during the experimental work.

V.P.Bespalko argued that there are no "criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the didactic process as a whole." Modern societyThe world put forward special requirements for the quality of education, which is obtained at school.

In this regard, the effectiveness of pedagogical technology can be assessed by the following criteria:

  • the integrity of the reflection in the content of the tasks of education, education and development;
  • reflection in the content modern level development of science and technology;
  • compliance of the content of the age and psychological characteristics of students;
  • informativeness of educational material;
  • the diversity of using the methods and the variability of the implemented teaching techniques;
  • ensuring the principles of visibility and accessibility of training;
  • versatility of use and ease of operation of training tools;
  • the degree of help of teacher students in organizing their independent activities, etc.

The criteria listed above do not affect all aspects of assessing the effectiveness of the use of pedagogical technology, at the same time, they can serve as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of not only pedagogical technology, but also a traditional lesson.

The analysis allowed us to formulate criteria for the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical technologies:

  • technological culture of the teacher;
  • the presence of one's own experience of using teacher pedagogical technologies;
  • creative "finalization" and transformation of technology;
  • creating a situation of success in the process of joint activities of students and teacher in the implementation of technology;
  • organic interconnection of technology components;
  • opportunities of technology in updating, self-development of students and teacher;
  • notable changes in the state of students (in their motivation to activities, knowledge, skills, emotions, etc.) in the process of implementing a certain pedagogical technology.

To verify and the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to determine the indicators and indicators of the above criteria.

Table 2 presents the criteria for the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies, their performance indicators, as well as indicators that suggest that a certain criterion really affects the effectiveness of this or that pedagogical technology.

Table 2 - Criteria and performance indicators for the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies






Technological culture of teacher - Possession of teacher technological methods, techniques, means of training, their use in the educational process. - Periodic use of the teacher of modern pedagogical technologies in the course of the lesson,

Teacher's ability to find their relationship with classic pedagogical technologies.

Availability of own experience - generalization and systematization of practices for the use of modern pedagogical technologies (hereinafter - SPT) in the educational process; - ability to analyze and correct your own errors (shortcomings) in the process of using SPT - Publications: Monographs, brochures, books, methodical manuals, articles;

Participation in seminars, webinars, round tables for sharing experience with colleagues

Creative refinement and transformation of SPT

- the presence or lack of use by the teacher in the educational process of qualitative changes of a certain SPT - the presence of reviewed methodological developments, transformations of a specific SPT;

The presence of patents for the inventions of the teacher

Creating a situation of success in students in the process of using SPT

- implementation of the principle of feedback with students in the lesson process;

Motivating students to successfully solve problems

- increase the level of quality performance on the subject;

Increasing the number of participants in the competitive movement among students, their victories in contests of various levels

Interconnection of components technology

- obvious and periodically realizing in the educational circuit Communication of various components of the elected teacher technology - Conducting classes in which the interrelations of the components of the SPT are revealed and effectively

Technology as a factor of self-development participants in the educational process

- setting the teacher of the goals and objectives aimed at self-development,

the development of the personality of students, their cognitive abilities

- the transition to a new level of interaction of participants in the educational process - "cooperation" of the teacher and students;


Positive changes in the state of students

- Positive changes in the overall state of students - improving the level of progress;

Improving the level of motivation to activities (an increase in the number of participants and winners of the Olympiad, NPK on the subject, etc.)

Increase in the level of psychological comfort in the lesson (questionnaire);

Strengthening the health of students (parental reviews, school physician reports)

It should be noted that the specified criteria do not cover the entire diversity of pedagogical technologies, however, as we assume, it allows you to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of a number of modern pedagogical technologies at the present stage of modernization russian education. The criteria described above and performance indicators are currently undergoing testing in a number of educational organizations in Kemerovo and Kemerovo region.

  • Seleevko, G.K. Modern educational technologies [Text] /G.Celevko. - M.: Popular Education. 1998 -256 p.

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