Causes of differences in races Racial differences in intelligence

In modern humanity, three main races are distinguished: the Europeanid, Mongol-Indian and Negroid. These are large groups of people who are distinguished by some physical signs, such as facial features, skin color, eyes and hair, hair shape.

For each race, the unity of origin and formation on a certain territory is characteristic.

The European-like race includes the indigenous population of Europe, South Asia and North Africa. Currents are characterized by a narrow face, strongly protruding nose, soft hair. The skin color in northern European views is light, the southern - mostly dark.

The mongoloid race includes the indigenous population of Central and East Asia, Indonesia, Siberia. Mongoloids are distinguished by a large flat-widespread face, eye cut, hard straight hair, dark skin color.

In the Nero-shaped race, two branches are distinguished - African and Australian. For a neotroid race, dark skin color, curly hair, dark eyes, wide and flat nose.

Racial features are hereditary, but at present they do not have significant importance for human vital activity. In addition, in the distant past, racial signs were useful for their owners: dark skin of blacks and curly hair, creating around the head of the air layer, protected the body from the action of sunlight, the shape of the face skeleton of the Mongoloids with a more extensive nasal cavity may be useful for Heating of cold air before it enters the lungs. According to mental abilities, i.e., the abilities for knowledge, creative and in general work, all races are the same. Differences in the level of culture are not connected with the biological characteristics of people of different races, but with social conditions The development of society.

The reaction essence of racism. Initially, some scientists confused the level of social development with biological characteristics and tried among modern peoples to find transitional forms, binding a person with animals. These errors used racists who began to talk about the allegedly existing inferiority of some races and peoples and the superiority of others to justify merciless operation and direct destruction of many peoples as a result of colonization, the seizure of foreign land and unleashing wars. When European and American capitalism tried to conquer the African and Asian peoples, White Race was declared the highest. Later, when the Hitler's Hordes stepped in Europe, destroying the captured population in death camps, the highest was declared the so-called aryan RaceTo which the fascists ranged German peoples. Racism is a reactionary ideology and policies aimed at justifying human exploitation by a person.

The failure of racism is proved by the present science on races - the emission. Distoping studies racial features, origin, formation and history of human races. The data obtained by the emission indicate that the differences between races are insufficient in order to consider races by various biological species of people. Mixing races - mohethisation - happened constantly, as a result of which interim types, smoothing differences between races occurred at the boundaries of representatives of various races.

Will races disappear? One of the important conditions for the formation of races isolation. In Asia, Africa and Europe, it to some extent exists today. Meanwhile, the recently populated regions, such as North and South America, It can be compared with the boiler in which all three racial groups are interposed. Although public opinion in many countries does not support interracial marriages, there is almost no doubt that the mixture of races inevitably, and sooner or later will lead to the formation of a hybrid population of people.

racial Differences) Classif. Starting with Lynneevskaya, there were differences between "races" if it was possible to determine the differences from the members of the groups from each other with high accuracy. Reliable setting differences requires that some races differ from the other specific frequency of alleles of some genes affecting the features available to observing. This criterion can be adopted in respect of most subgroups of humanity as a biologist. species. The most widely used classif. CAP subdivides them on the European-like, Mongoloid and Negroid race. Dr., Thinner differentiation of humanity as a species, include 9 Garna Garna and 7 main Ras Levontina. All people, regardless of racial, have common story Evolution. Represents B. high degree It is unlikely that the selection factor varies significantly from the group to the group. All people have come across the same common problems throughout the almost all of their history of evolution. OK. 6% of genetic discrepancies in humans as the species are explained by racial, 8% - differences between populations within racial groups and over 85% - differences between individuals of the same populations within racial groups. In zap. The world division into races is often based on skin color. However, another Charles Darwin reasonably noticed that "the color is usually assessed by naturalist-systematics as an insignificant sign." Differences such as morphology, physiol are much more important. And behavior. Phys. Differences may be result natural selection, mainly due to adaptive evolution. For example, most groups inhabiting high arctic latitudes are distinguished by a chorey torso and short limbs. This type of body leads to an increase in its mass attitude to common Square Its surfaces and, therefore, to a decrease in thermal energy loss while maintaining the body temperature. High, thin, long-legged representatives of the Sudan tribes that support the same body temperature as the Eskimos, but inhabitants in extremely hot and wet climatic conditions, Developed a physique, which suggests Max. The ratio of the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe body to its mass. This type of body best meets the methods of heat dissipation, which would otherwise lead to an increase in body temperature above the norm. Dr. Phys. Differences between groups may arise due to non-adaptive, neutral with t. S. Evolution of changes in different groups. For most of its history, people lived in small generic populations (Dimami), in which the random variability of the gene pool, provided by the founders of this Dima, became fixed signs of their offspring. Mutations arising within Dima, if they were adaptive, spread first within the limits of this Dima, then in neighboring Ditsa, but probably did not reach spatially remote groups. If we consider R. r. with t. S. Physiol. (metabolism), a good example of how the genetic influence on the differences between races can be explained, there will be a sulfur-cell anemia (SKA). SKA is characteristic of the Black Population Zap. Africa. Since the ancestors of black Americans lived in Zap. Africa, this disease is subject to the Blue Population of America. People suffering from them live less. Why is the likelihood of SK disease so high only for certain groups? Allyson discovered that hemozygous hemoglobin S (one gene from this pair causes the cremp of erythrocytes, and the other is not) people turn out to be quite resistant to malaria. People with two "normal" genes (i.e., hemoglobin a) genes are exposed to a significantly higher risk of malaria, people with two henam "sickle cells" suffer from anemia, and with heterozygous genes are undergoing much less risk of even other diseases. This "balanced polymorphism" was formed independently - presumably as a result of the selection of random mutations - in a number of different racial / ethnic groups In infected malaria regions. A variety of types of anemia arising due to sickle cells are not genetically identical in various racial / ethnic groups, but they all have the same basis - the advantage of heterozygility. Since we still do not have all the facts, such information is as it were for the warning signal: despite the fact that R. r. They may exist, the reasons for these differences require comprehensive and thorough research. Estimated genetic differences may be in their origin. - or exclusively - due to media factors. It has long been known that black Americans get lower indicators over intelligence tests (IQ) than white Americans. At the same time, it was repeatedly reported that Asian's faces show higher results on the tests of intelligence than white ones, these tests b. h. have been standardized. The question of at least about the differences between black and white is not that there are differences in their test indicators, and in whether there may be the causes of these differences. The controversy in relation to IQ again aggravated after a certain period of the clutch as a result of the publication of Arthur Jensen article. Although Jensen accurately outlined in his article the data available to him in relation to the intragroup inheritance, later research. It was found that intragroup differences are much less susceptible to genetic control than Jensen considered. In addition to this, Hirsch et al. Showed that even if the intragroup differences have a genetic basis, these differences are in reality are not relevant when evaluating the degree genetic influence On the differences between groups. De Fris and others published an article, about the movie it is especially appropriate to recall in this context, as it shows that the differences between generations of the same ethnic groups are close to the magnitude of the difference between black and white Americans. Differences between generations and sexual differences are well consistent with changes in status (eg, the formation of parents, profession), which came from generation to generation, is a strong argument in favor of a significant impact of the environment for cognitive tests. Personality characteristics are harder to measure than the level of intelligence. The results of personal tests that assess the actual characteristics are potentially fuzzy, due to changes in mood, emotions and behavior. R. r. In personality features (eg, aggressiveness, caringness) may exist. It is usually considered that these differences are associated exclusively with the effects of the medium. However, it seems that it is an overly simplified look at things. Friedman and Friedman presented data proving the existence of genetically determined R. r. In terms of person. Dr. Data indicate the presence of the genetic component of variability of personal traits inside the racial / ethnic groups studied. Group differences may exist, although rather on the subgroup than at the racial level. The initial package of Sovr. Research in the region R. r. It is that R. r. There really exist and can have a genetic basis. However, the differences between races are smaller than the differences between their subgroups, and differences between races, as well as between their subgroups (whether they are due to genetic factors, environmental factors, or their interactions or relationships) are, in turn, insignificant in comparison with Differences between individually included in them. See also Cross-Cultural Psychology, Instruction, National Character S. Yuene

Classif., Starting with Lynneevskaya, there were differences between "races", if it was possible to determine the differences between the members of the groups from each other. Reliable setting differences requires that some races differ from the other specific frequency of alleles of some genes affecting the features available to observing. This criterion can be adopted in respect of most subgroups of humanity as a biologist. species. The most widely used classif. CAP subdivides them on the European-like, Mongoloid and Negroid race. Dr., Thinner differentiation of humanity as a species, include 9 Garna Garna and 7 main Ras Levontina.

All people, regardless of racial, have the overall history of evolution. It is extremely unlikely that the selection factor varies significantly from the group to the group. All people have come across the same common problems throughout the almost all of their history of evolution. OK. 6% of genetic discrepancies in humans as the species are explained by racial, 8% - differences between populations within racial groups and over 85% - differences between individuals of the same populations within racial groups.

In zap. The world division into races is often based on skin color. However, another Charles Darwin reasonably noted that "the color is usually assessed by naturalist-systematics as an insignificant sign." Differences such as morphology, physiol are much more important. and behavior.

Phys. Differences may be the result of natural selection, mainly due to adaptive evolution. For example, most groups inhabiting high arctic latitudes are distinguished by a chorey torso and short limbs. This type of body leads to an increase in the ratio of its mass to the total area of \u200b\u200bits surface and, therefore, to a decrease in thermal energy loss while maintaining the body temperature. High, thin, long-legged representatives of Sudan tribes, supporting the same body temperature as Eskimos, but inhabitants in extremely hot and wet climatic conditions, developed a physique, which implies Max. The ratio of the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe body to its mass. This type of body best meets the methods of heat dissipation, which would otherwise lead to an increase in body temperature above the norm.

Dr. Phys. Differences between groups may arise due to non-adaptive, neutral with t. S. Evolution of changes in different groups. For most of its history, people lived in small generic populations (Dimami), in which the random variability of the gene pool, provided by the founders of this Dima, became fixed signs of their offspring. Mutations arising within Dima, if apparent, spread first within this Dima, then in neighboring dits, but probably did not reach spatially

remote groups.

If we consider R. r. with t. S. Physiol. (metabolism), a good example of how the genetic influence on the differences between races can be explained, there will be a sulfur-cell anemia (SKA). SKA is characteristic of the Black Population Zap. Africa. Since the ancestors of black Americans lived in Zap. Africa, this disease is subject to the Blue Population of America. People suffering from them live less. Why is the likelihood of SK disease so high only for certain groups? Allyson found that hemozygous hemoglobin 5 gene (one gene from this pair causes the cremp of erythrocytes, and the other is not) people turn out to be quite resistant to malaria. People with two "normal" genes (i.e. hemoglobin a) genes are exposed to a significantly higher risk of malaria, people with two sickle-shaped genes suffer from anemia, and with heterozygous genes are at least less risks of the other disease. Diseases. This "balanced polymorphism" was formed independently - presumably as a result of the selection of random mutations - in a number of different racial / ethnic groups in the infected malaria regions.

A variety of types of anemia arising due to sickle cells are not genetically identical in various racial / ethnic groups, but they all have the same basis - the advantage of heterozygility.

Since we still do not have all the facts, such information is as it were for the warning signal: despite the fact that R. r. They may exist, the reasons for these differences require comprehensive and thorough research. Repeated genetic differences may be represented by their origin. - or exclusively - due to media factors.

It has long been known that black Americans get lower indicators on the tests of intelligence (10) than white Americans. At the same time, it was repeatedly reported that Asian's faces show higher results on the tests of intelligence than white ones, these tests b. h. have been standardized. The question of at least about the differences between black and white is not that there are differences in their test indicators, and in whether there may be the causes of these differences.

The controversy in respect of 10 again aggravated after a certain funeral period as a result of the publication of Arthur Jensen article. Although Jensen accurately outlined in his article the data available to him in relation to the intragroup inheritance, later research. It was found that intragroup differences are much less susceptible to genetic control than Jensen considered. In addition to this, Hirsch et al. Showed that even if intragroup differences have a genetic basis, these differences are not in fact relevant when evaluating the degree of genetic influence on differences between groups.

De Fris and others published an article, about the movie it is especially appropriate to recall in this context, as it shows that the differences between generations of the same ethnic groups are close to the magnitude of the difference between black and white Americans. Differences between generations and sexual differences are well consistent with changes in status (eg, the formation of parents, profession), which came from generation to generation, is a strong argument in favor of a significant impact of the environment for cognitive tests.

Personality characteristics are harder to measure than the level of intelligence. The results of personal tests that assess the actual characteristics are potentially fuzzy, due to changes in mood, emotions and behavior. R. r. In personality features (eg, aggressiveness, caringness) may exist. It is usually considered that these differences are associated exclusively with the effects of the medium. However, it seems that it is an overly simplified look at things. Friedman and Friedman presented data proving the existence of genetically determined R. r. In terms of person. Dr. Data indicate the presence of the genetic component of variability of personal traits inside the racial / ethnic groups studied. Group differences may exist, although rather on the subgroup than at the racial level.

The initial package of Sovr. Research in the region R. r. It is that R. r. There really exist and can have a genetic basis. However, the differences between races are smaller than the differences between their subgroups, and differences between races, as well as between their subgroups (whether they are due to genetic factors, environmental factors, or their interactions or relationships) are, in turn, insignificant in comparison with Differences between individually included in them.

See also Cross-Cultural Psychology, Instruction, National Character

There are already about 6 billion people on Earth. There are no among them, and not

maybe two completely identical people; Even twins developed from

one eggs, despite the huge similarity of their appearance, and

the inner structure, always some small features differ from each other

friend. Science, which studies changes in the physical type of man, is known for

the name "Anthropology" (Greek, "Antropos" - a man). Especially noticeable

bodily differences between the territorial groups of people remotely removed

from each other and living in different natural geographic setting.

The division of the type of homo sapiens on the race occurred two and a half century ago.

The origin of the term "race" is definitely not established; It is possible that he

represents the modification of the Arabic word "RAS" (head, beginning,

root). There is also an opinion that this term is connected with Italian Razza that

so the "tribe". The word "race" is about the sense as it is used

now, there is already a French scientist Francois Bernier, who

Races are historically established groups (groups of population) people

different numbers characterized by the similarity of morphological and physiological properties, as well as the generality of the territories they occupy.

Developing under influence historical factors and belonging to one type

(H.Sapiens), Race differs from the people, or an ethnic group, which, possessing

a certain territory of settlement may contain several racial

complexes. To one and the same race can belong a number of nations and

media of many languages. Most scientists converge in the opinion that

there are 3 major races that in turn disintegrate to more

small. Currently, according to various scientists, there are 34 - 40

races Races differ from each other by 30-40 elements. Racial peculiarities

inheritance and are adaptable to the conditions of existence.

The purpose of my work is to systematize and deepen knowledge about

human races.

    Races and their origin.

The science of races is called misunderstanding. Distoping studies racial

features (morphological), origin, formation, history.

1.1. History of human races

The existence of races people knew even to our era. At the same time were undertaken

and the first attempts, explain their origin. For example, in the myths of the ancients

greeks The emergence of people with black leather was explained by the negligence of the Son

god Helios Phaeton, who approached the solar chariot

Earth, which has burned white people standing on it. Greek philosophers B.

explanations of the causes of the occurrence of Rasual importance were given to climate. IN

accordance with the biblical history of white, yellow and black

races were the sons of Noah - the beloved by the God of the Yafet, the sim and damned by God Ham


Desire to systematize the ideas about the physical types of peoples,

inhabiting the globe, date back to the XVII century, when, relying on differences

people in the structure of the face, skin color, hair, eyes, as well as language features and

cultural traditions, French physician F. Burney for the first time in 1684

divided humanity on (three races - the Europeanoid, innocent and

mongoloid). A similar classification offered K.Linney, which, recognizing

humanity as a single species, allocated an additional (fourth)

pACY - Lapland (population of the northern regions of Sweden and Finland). In 1775.

j. Blumenbach divided the genus Human to five Caucasian

(White), Mongolian (yellow), Ethiopian (black), American, (red)

and Malay (brown), and in 1889 the Russian scientist I.E. Deniker - on

six basic and more than twenty additional races.

Based on the results of the study of blood antigen (serological

differences) W. Babydom in 1953 was allocated in humanity five races.

Despite the presence of modern scientific classifications, in our time

the division of mankind on European winds, innochids is widespread.

mongoloids and Australoids.

1.2. Hypotheses about the origin of races

Representations of the origin of races and primary foci of reducing

refilled in several hypotheses.

In accordance with the hypothesis of polycentrism, or polyflia, the author of which

is F. Wateriah (1947), there were four focus of reasons - in

Europe or anterior Asia, in Africa south of Sahara, in East Asia, in southeart

East Asia and the Big Stern Islands. In Europe or Front Asia

the focus of reasal formation, where on the basis of European and overseas

neanderthals arose Europeanoids. In Africa from African Neanderthal

neurodides were formed, in East Asia, Sinanthops gave the beginning of the Mongoloids,

and in Southeast Asia and in the Big Stern Islands Development

peteitrontrops and Javanese Neanderthal led to the formation

australoids. Consequently, the European phikes, Negorids, Mongoloids and Australides

have their own foci of reoccupation. The main thing in the merger was

mutations and natural selection. However, this hypothesis causes objection. In-

first, in evolution do not know cases when identical evolutionary

the results were reproduced several times. Moreover, evolutionary

changes are always new. Secondly, scientific evidence that every race

it has its own focus of reoccupation, does not exist. Within

polycentrism hypothesis Later than G. F. Kezdez (1950) and N.Toma (I960) proposed

two options for the origin of races. According to the first version, the focus of the Rask formation

cores and African blacks existed in front of Asia, while

the focus of the Mongoloid and Australide reoccupation was timed to the eastern and

South-East Asia. Core winderoids moved within the European

mainland and adjacent areas of Front Asia.

According to the second option, the European, African Neurodes and Australia

make one barrel of reoccupation, while Asian Mongoloids and

americanoids are different.

B in accordance with the hypothesis of monocentrism, or. Monophilia (Ya. Yroginsky,

1949), which is based on the recognition of the generality of origin, social

mental development, as well as the same level of physical and

mental development of all races, the latter originated from one ancestor,

one territory. But the latter was measured by many thousand square

kilometers assumed that the formation of races occurred in the territories,

Eastern Mediterranean, Front and, possibly, South Asia.

2. The mechanism of education races.

Mix four stages of reasons (V.P. Alkseev, 1985) on the first

stage took place the formation of primary foci of reoccupation

(territories on which this process takes place) and major racial

stems, -Caspad (Core Winderoid, Neurodides and Australides) and Eastern

(Asian Mongoloids and Mongoloids and Americanaanoids). Chronologically that

falls on the epochs of the lower or middle paleolithic (about 200,000 years

back), i.e. Coincides with the emergence of a modern person type.

Consequently, the main racial combinations in Western and Eastern regions

Old light was addressed simultaneously with the design of signs inherent

modern person, as well as with the relocation of humanity in a new

Shine. In the second stage, the selection of secondary foci

rasking and formation of branches within the basic racial trunks.

Chronologically, this stage falls on the upper Paleolithic and partly mesolithic

(about 15,000 - 20,000 years ago).

At the third stage of the reoccupation, the formation of local races occurred. By

time is the eve of Mesolitis and Neolithic (about 10,000 - 12,000 years ago).

At the fourth stage, quaternary foci of reoccupation arose and

claimed populations with in-depth racial differentiation, similar

sinking. It began in the era of bronze and early iron, i.e. in IV-III

millenniums BC.

2.1. Factors of omegenesis.

Among the factors of the ougersis, the greatest role belongs to the natural selection,

especially in the early stages of reoccupation. For skin color responsible

skin cells containing pigment called melanin. All people for

the exception of albinos, have melaninine in skin cells, the number of which

determinised genetically. In particular, the formation of pigment is determined

the presence of a gene controlling tyrosinease that catalyzes

tyrosine conversion to melanin. However, in addition to tyrosinase on skin pigmentation

it affects another enzyme for which another gene is responsible,

melanin. When this enzyme is synthesized, melanin is formed in small

the quantities and skin is white. On the contrary, when it is missing (not

synthesized), then melanin is formed in large quantities and skin is

melanin, stimulating hormone. Thus, in color control

skin take part at least three pairs of genes.

The importance of skin color as racial attribute is explained by the connection between

solar illumination and vitamin D products that are required for

maintaining in the body of calcium balance. An excess of this vitamin

accompanied by calcium deposition in the bones and leads to their fragility, then

as a lack of calcium, Rahit has a consequence. Meanwhile, the number

vitamin D, synthesized normally, is controlled by a sunny dose

irradiation that penetrates the cells that are deeper by the melanin layer.

The more melanin in the skin, the less light he misses. Before the period

when methods of artificial enrichment of food vitamin D were developed,

people were dependent in vitamin D products from sunlight. To

vitamin D was synthesized in optimal quantities, i.e. Sufficient for

maintaining a normal balance of calcium, people with light skin should have been

to dwell on a certain geographical latitude away from the equator where

solar radiation is weaker. On the contrary, people with black skin should have been

to be closer to the equator. As can be seen, territorial distribution of people

with different skin pigmentation is a geographical latitude function.

The enlightenment of the skin in Europeanoids contributes to the penetration of sunlight

deep in human tissue, which speeds up the synthesis of anti-radiation vitamin

D, which is usually slowly synthesized in a shortage of solar

radiation. Migration people with intense pigmented leather to remote

from equator ladies, and people with not enough pigmented skin - to

tropical latitudes could lead to the deficit of vitamin D in the first and excess

second with consequences. Thus, in the past, skin color had

selective value for natural selection.

Significantly protruding narrow nose in the European winds lengthens the nasopharynk

the path due to which the cold air heats up, which protects against

precooling larynx and lungs. The development of mucousse contributes to the greater

heat transfer. Curly hair better protect their heads from overheating, so

how to create an air interlayer. Extracted High Head too

it is heated weaker than wide and low. Undoubtedly, these signs

are adaptive. Thus, as a result of mutations and natural

selection Many racial signs arose as a device to the conditions

geographic habitat.

Draffes of genes, insulation and mixing also include


Gene drift, controlling signs, is able to change genetic

population structure. It is estimated that as a result of the drift of genes

populations may change over 50 generations, i.e. about 1250 years.

The essence of the genetic drift is that in isolated

populations where almost all marriages endogan are significantly increased chances

meetings in allelic pairs of recessive genes, the level is reduced

heterozygency and the concentration of recessions in homozygous increases


In populations (demos), where for many generations marriages are concluded

mainly inside its group, over time they can occur

notable changes in racial features that lead to the fact that

initially, similar populations are different. Appearance

such differences that are not adaptive is the result

shifts in the frequency of the appearance of individual signs. They lead to the fact that

some features can completely disappear, while others get very

wide use.

Insulation of populations was manifested in various forms and volumes. For example,

geographical isolation of primitive teams in the Paleolithic Epoch

accompanied by differentiation of their genetic composition, interruption

contacts with other teams. Various geographic barriers

influenced not only on the genetic differentiation of populations, but also

on the concentration of cultural traditions.

Mixing populations was due to the distant past and even greater importance

When forming young races. In the distant past, more progressive forms

met with archaic, which led not only to the extermination of the latter, but also

to mohetisation. Among the "young" races is most characteristic

north American Color Race (US Negro Population), which

arose as a result of mixing the forest neoside race with races bow, and

also northwestern European, alpine, Mediterranean and,

perhaps other races South African colored race arose on the basis of

bantu, Buschmen and Gottentotov. Currently on the Hawaiian Islands

a new racial group is formed due to the moisting of the European en.

mongoloids and Polynesians.

At the present stage, the future of races is determined by a number of applicable in our

the time of factors. The increase in the population of the globe continues,

it increases its migration, the frequency of interracial marriages increases.

Assume that thanks to the last two factors in the distant future

a single race of humanity will begin to form. At the same time, it is possible and

another consequence of interracial marriages associated with the formation of new

populations with own specific combinations of genes.

2.2 The role of environmental conditions on the formation of races.

The influence of natural conditions for the development of human races is undoubtedly.

Initially in ancient humanity it was probably stronger, in

the process of formation of modern races affected weaker, although so far

pores in some with signs, for example in pigmentation of the skin,

it is detected with sufficient clarity. The impact of all complex aggregate

living conditions obviously had the most important meaning for occurrence,

formation, weakening and even disappearance of racial signs.

At the settlement on the ground, people fell into different natural conditions. But these

conditions so strongly affecting the types and subspecies of animals could not

and with the same intensity to act on high-quality races

mankind, more and more useful nature and transforming it in

the process of social labor.

In the evolution of different human groups, many racial features,

undoubtedly had a well-known adaptive value, but later in

sometimes they lost it in connection with the increase in the role of factors

public and gradual weakening, and almost complete

termination of natural selection. Initially important

for the development of races had resettlement on new areas, so many

groups of people, hitting different natural conditions, existed for a long time

separately from each other. The power of them is respectively differentiated.

Later, however, as the number of humanity increases, more and more

increased the contact of racial groups, which led to the process of their

mix each other.

3. Ringing and genetics.

Previously, there was a view, according to which every individual

bars signs of a certain race. It got the name of typological

care concept. This name is associated with quite clear and practically

the only task of racial analysis is the determination of racial type

individual. The basis of the typological concept of the race was a hypothesis

inheritance of racial signs, according to which they are transmitted from

generations to generation with a whole complex. This means that racial properties

hereditly coupled, racial feature genes are located in one or

several close chromosomes and any racial characteristic of physiologically

it is inextricably linked with all the others. But physiological relationship between

racial signs actually either completely absent or very

lack. What is indicated by low correlation coefficients between racial

signs. There is a group of scientists, which claims to independent

inheritance of racial signs, their first major postulate is an individual

there is a carrier of racial properties. The second postulate is a population and race (as

group of populations) is not an amount, but a set of individuals;

inside the population and races there are certain patterns of variability.

Racial variability - group, and not individual, and it makes sense

speak, starting with a population level. Similar morphologically I.

genetically populations that form one or another racial community associated

nothing accidentally among themselves, but by virtue of origin or some other

historical reasons. Race, any racial community consists of individual

historically organized elements, but it is, however, not individuals (as

thought before), and the population. Mosaic racial variability develops from

mosaic population variability. Both they are in aggregate and create all

wealth variability of the human type. Every population began to study

not as an amount of individuals, but as a unique combination in its specificity

group properties. Population concept relies on achievements

population genetics, new biometrics, mathematical theory of evolution

Racial differences Racial Differences

Classif., Starting with Lynneevskaya, there were differences between "races", if it was possible to determine the differences between the members of the groups from each other. Reliable setting differences requires that some races differ from the other specific frequency of alleles of some genes affecting the features available to observing. This criterion can be adopted in respect of most subgroups of humanity as a biologist. species. The most widely used classif. CAP subdivides them on the European-like, Mongoloid and Negroid race. Dr., Thinner differentiation of humanity as a species, include 9 Garna Garna and 7 main Ras Levontina.

All people, regardless of racial, have the overall history of evolution. It seems to be extremely unlikely so that the selection factor varies significantly from the group to the group. All people have come across the same common problems throughout the almost all of their history of evolution. OK. 6% of genetic discrepancies in humans as the species are explained by racial, 8% - differences between populations within racial groups and over 85% - differences between individuals of the same populations within racial groups.

In zap. The world division into races is often based on skin color. However, another Charles Darwin reasonably noted that "the color is usually assessed by naturalist-systematics as an insignificant sign." Differences such as morphology, physiol are much more important. and behavior.

Phys. Differences may be the result of natural selection, mainly due to adaptive evolution. For example, most groups inhabiting high arctic latitudes are distinguished by a chorey torso and short limbs. This type of body leads to an increase in the ratio of its mass to the total area of \u200b\u200bits surface and, therefore, to a decrease in thermal energy loss while maintaining the body temperature. High, thin, long-legged representatives of Sudan tribes, supporting the same body temperature as Eskimos, but inhabitants in extremely hot and wet climatic conditions, developed a physique, which implies Max. The ratio of the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe body to its mass. This type of body best meets the methods of heat dissipation, which would otherwise lead to an increase in body temperature above the norm.

Dr. Phys. Differences between groups may arise due to non-adaptive, neutral with t. S. Evolution of changes in different groups. For most of its history, people lived in small generic populations (Dimami), in which the random variability of the gene pool, provided by the founders of this Dima, became fixed signs of their offspring. Mutations arising within Dima, if they were adaptive, spread first within the limits of this Dima, then in neighboring Ditsa, but probably did not reach spatially remote groups.

If we consider R. r. with t. S. Physiol. (metabolism), a good example of how the genetic influence on the differences between races can be explained, there will be a sulfur-cell anemia (SKA). SKA is characteristic of the Black Population Zap. Africa. Since the ancestors of black Americans lived in Zap. Africa, this disease is subject to the Blue Population of America. People suffering from them live less. Why is the likelihood of SK disease so high only for certain groups? Allyson discovered that hemozygous hemoglobin S (one gene from this pair causes the cremp of erythrocytes, and the other is not) people turn out to be quite resistant to malaria. People with two "normal" genes (i.e. hemoglobin a) genes are exposed to a significantly higher risk of malaria, people with two sickle-shaped genes suffer from anemia, and with heterozygous genes are at least less risks of the other disease. Diseases. This "balanced polymorphism" was formed independently - presumably as a result of the selection of random mutations - in a number of different racial / ethnic groups in the infected malaria regions. A variety of types of anemia arising due to sickle cells are not genetically identical in various racial / ethnic groups, but they all have the same basis - the advantage of heterozygility.

Since we still do not have all the facts, such information is as it were for the warning signal: despite the fact that R. r. They may exist, the reasons for these differences require comprehensive and thorough research. Estimated genetic differences may be in their origin. - or exclusively - due to media factors.

It has long been known that black Americans get lower indicators over intelligence tests (IQ) than white Americans. At the same time, it was repeatedly reported that Asian's faces show higher results on the tests of intelligence than white ones, these tests b. h. have been standardized. The question of at least about the differences between black and white is not that there are differences in their test indicators, and in whether there may be the causes of these differences.

The controversy in relation to IQ again aggravated after a certain period of the clutch as a result of the publication of Arthur Jensen article. Although Jensen accurately outlined in his article the data available to him in relation to the intragroup inheritance, later research. It was found that intragroup differences are much less susceptible to genetic control than Jensen considered. In addition to this, Hirsch et al. Showed that even if intragroup differences have a genetic basis, these differences are not in fact relevant when evaluating the degree of genetic influence on differences between groups.

De Fris and others published an article, about the movie it is especially appropriate to recall in this context, as it shows that the differences between generations of the same ethnic groups are close to the magnitude of the difference between black and white Americans. Differences between generations and sexual differences are well consistent with changes in status (eg, the formation of parents, profession), which came from generation to generation, is a strong argument in favor of a significant impact of the environment for cognitive tests.

Personality characteristics are harder to measure than the level of intelligence. The results of personal tests that assess the actual characteristics are potentially fuzzy, due to changes in mood, emotions and behavior. R. r. In personality features (eg, aggressiveness, caringness) may exist. It is usually considered that these differences are associated exclusively with the effects of the medium. However, it seems that it is an overly simplified look at things. Friedman and Friedman presented data proving the existence of genetically determined R. r. In terms of person. Dr. Data indicate the presence of the genetic component of variability of personal traits inside the racial / ethnic groups studied. Group differences may exist, although rather on the subgroup than at the racial level.