UMCD on digital electronic systems and appliances. Report on "Electronic Educational and Methodical Complex"

IN modern world The specialist should be widely erudite, versatile professional, own the methodology of scientific creativity, the latest information technologies, methods of processing, receiving and fixing scientific information. The use of information technologies in the educational process of medium-sized professional organizations should be considered a priority, since they correspond to the logic of education in our country.

Today, the informatization of the educational process is a real necessity, because Most modern students do not think their lives without a computer. They are not interested in studying on wall tables, record lectures, sometimes even listen to the story of the teacher, perform practical work In the notebook. It is not by chance that the majority of students, especially the technical profile of training, consider the disciplines of the economic cycle secondary. How to develop interest in them?

Electronic (digital) educational resources (EOR) are unique in their capabilities of training, contribute to the development of the professional and social and labor competence of students, as well as their information culture. The use of electronic educational resources makes it possible to carry out the learning process at a new quality level (full of its informatization), allowing you to multiply the possibilities of the teacher and the student in the process learning activities.

One of the most sought-after ways to use EOR, in order to inform the educational process when studying the disciplines of the economic cycle, I consider the use of electronic educational and methodological complexes (Eumk) on the disciplines of the economic cycle. Eumk is a category of electronic educational publications, which can consist of the following modules: lectures, methodical instructions on the implementation of practical training, guidelines for performing extracurricular independent work, instruction material, self-control means, etc.

In the center of our attention, the introduction of Eumk on the disciplines of the economic cycle as a means for educational activities of students. Eumk is a programmic multimedia-product of the study, which ensures the continuity and completeness of the didactic cycle of the learning process and containing organizational and systematized theoretical, practical, controlling materials built on the principles of interactivity, information openness, remoteness and formalizations of knowledge assessment procedures. In other words, Eumk is a system in which applied pedagogical software products, databases, as well as a set of methodological means and materials supporting the learning process.

I have developed electronic educational and methodological complexes on the disciplines "Entrepreneurial activities" for students of 4 courses of specialties of a different learning profile, "Organization of research activities", "Personnel Management" for students 2 and 3 courses of specialties of the socio-economic cycle. Each, of which contains the following didactic modules: Module No. 1 Work program, Module No. 2 Introduction to the subject, Module No. 3 Lectures, Module No. 4 Methodical guidelines for the implementation of practical training, Module No. 5 Methodical recommendations on the organization of extracurricular independent work of students, Module No. 6 Didactic material for self-control of knowledge on the subject. The basis of such a training program is some learning algorithm, which contributes to the structure of Eumk.

Eumk in classes are used in studying the above disciplines systematically at all stages of classes. Classes are carried out using an interactive board, a prerequisite for the presence of a mobile device, a tablet, a laptop to ensure the individual work of students. Each topic of lecture and practical occupation includes the text of Eumk. Each topic ends with questions and assignments for self-control, consolidation.

To study a new material, apply, first of all, in the case when, along with the text there are photos, graph schemes. For example, when studying the management documentation package, the unified forms of these documents can be demonstrated, on an interactive board, arrange these forms, based on the design sample (which is represented in the instructional material Eumk).

To provide a learning process with visual materials, I also use the electronic catalog "Documentation Management". This allows students to independently issue any managerial document of the teacher's assistance database. And most importantly, it is better to remember and assimilate material lectures and practical classes. And also, as a result, students have a subconsciously clear picture, which knowledge, skills and skills (that is, competencies) received earlier, they possess what to strive for. As a result, students can receive a subsequent task on the implementation of a cross-cutting problem, which is necessary for the formation of a learning portfolio on discipline. In the future, this competence (skills and skills) are used in the study of professional modules.

A prerequisite for effective management of cognitive activity of students is to obtain feedback (information) on the course of the study process, or monitoring the level of their knowledge, skills and skills, i.e. Formed certain competencies. The use of electronic educational publications and resources allows and provides a teacher to operational feedback. The advantage of all electronic educational and methodical editions (EUMK) is the presence of materials for control, which make it possible to carry out primary, refinery and final control, eliminate the accumulation problem and objectivity of estimates.

For self-control in Eumsk, we suggest the test tasks of different types and levels, cryptograms, to make a cluster of concepts, syncewing on the topic of training sessions.

Control of the knowledge gained by means of electronic tests allows:

Reduce time to test knowledge;

Reduce emotional stress;

Increase the objectivity of knowledge control, provide 100% student coverage;

Informatize the process of assessing knowledge;

Implement one of the most important forms of control - self-control.

The result is not only an increase in students 'interest in the study of disciplines, but also improving the quality of students' knowledge. Of course, it is more interesting to work with students who seek to improve their end result, increase professional competence, be a versatile knowledgeable and developed specialists.

Students must necessarily own the terminology. Many socio-economic terms are difficult to memorize, so they try to fix the terms at each occupation. Glossary Thermines Eumsk helps students choose the optimal distribution to memorize, and the compiled "cluster" of concepts consolidate these terms and use when forming a conceptual apparatus in the next lesson. There is a positive dynamics for the assimilation of terms.

Extensive is the use of guidelines for the implementation of practical tasks and recommendations on extracurricular independent work by students of all courses and specialties, making this process not only cognitive, but also fascinating. For example, when performing an advanced task associated with research (project), the program provides for a mini study, which is carried out in the process of extracurricular independent activities by students, therefore, guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of this type of activity will help to fulfill this task, to prepare it for protection and Protect.

It should also be noted that the result of the pedagogical impact of electronic educational and methodological complexes is not only the acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills, and the disclosure of the intellectual potential of the student, the formation of its readiness for creative activities, education in it culture to extract and apply knowledge, developing critical thinking .

Eumk has a target purpose:

1) for the participants of the educational process, i.e. for a teacher and student;

2) for academic discipline.

Advantages of Eumk:

Helps students to realize the target picture of the discipline material under study;

Facilitates the assimilation of the material;

The correct selection of educational material;

Individualizes training and facilitates the conditions for professional self-development and self-realization of the person;

Active independent activity of the student to master the material;

Rational dosage of its feed;

Ensuring the possibility of each student to work with the speed peculiar to it;

Constant monitoring of students and its results;

Improve control and self-control;

Increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

The main advantages of Eumk are high degree Visuality, compact exposition of educational material, orientation on the differentiated level of preparation, adequate evaluation of the student. Visuality and concreteness of the presentation of the material is provided by interactive demonstration means; Differentiated approach - means of electronic workers "Cases"; The adequacy of the student's assessment is using multi-level tests and invariant tasks. The organization of audit and extracurricular learning activities, built on Eumk, contributes to the preparation of students for further professional activities.

Eumk on the disciplines of the economic cycle is being introduced into the pedagogical practice of the GBPOU PM "Saransky State Industrial and Economic College" and not only since 2013 as part of the implementation of the GEF SPE. Their expediency is confirmed by the results of expert opinions of the GBOU DP (PC) with the Mordovian Republican Institute of Education (No. 665 of March 20, 2013, No. 794 of 12.11.2014). Eumk on the discipline "Organization of Business Activities" by the decision of the editorial-publishing council of the GBOU DPO (PC) with MRIO (Protocol No. 9 dated December 23, 2014) is recommended for the publication.

In the electronic version, electronic educational and methodological complexes are posted on the teacher's personal website ( in the "Electronic Library: to help the student" and on the College Portal (, in the network folder " Methodical association Teachers of the Social Economic Cycle "in the section" Methodological support of GEF SPO ".

In conclusion, I would like to note that the informatization of the educational process through the introduction of electronic educational publications and resources should be perceived as a givenness and necessity in which we all turned out to be and live. This is due to the rapid development of computer technologies. Plus, the information has become more affordable even to students (via the Internet). Therefore, the teacher has opportunities at less time to give a greater volume of knowledge, to ensure a greater practical direction of learning. Activating the activities of the teacher, passionateness of the subject, the use of new learning tools allow students to feel their significance in the educational process (motivation), ensure the interest of students, activate their mental activity, provide the opportunity to show individual abilities, assess their growth.

But we should not forget that the electronic educational publication, even the best, can not and should not replace the printed version of the book. Also, the screening of the literary work belongs to another genre and the electronic edition belongs to a completely new genre of the work of the study. And just as watching the film does not replace the reading of the book, on which it is delivered and the presence of an electronic textbook not only should not replace reading and studying the usual textbook, but on the contrary, to encourage the student to sit behind the book.


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Electronic educational and methodical complex on the discipline "English"

Mineeva Olga Aleksandrovna
Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. K. Minina
candidate pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Interactive Professional Communication

This article is devoted to the description of the electronic educational and methodological complex "English", developed in the Moodle information educational environment and implemented by teachers of the department of foreign language professional communication of the NGPU. K. minina.

Electronic Educational-Methodical Complex "Russian for Student of Non-Linguistic Faculties"

Mineeva Olga Alexandrovna.
PhD in Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor of Chair "Foreign Language Professional Communication"

The Experience of The Use of Moodle Resient In English Language Teaching Is Pressed on The Examplesis of Development of the Electronic Educational-Methodical Complex "English for Student of Non-Linguistic Faculties" At Minin State Pedagogical University Of Nizny Novgorod.

Introduction of new educational standards in the system higher education Russia is focused on improving the quality of education and provides for the creation of new curricula and new educational and methodological complexes. In this regard, there is a redistribution of training load by reducing the watches allocated to audit classes, and increasing the share of independent work of students. Therefore, to ensure due quality of the educational process in universities, along with traditional training funds, information and communication technologies are being implemented, electronic educational and methodological complexes (EUMK) disciplines are being developed and used. Electronic educational and methodical complex (Eumsk), this is a "structured set of electronic educational resources containing interrelated educational content and intended for joint use in the educational process."

In the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. K. Minin is carried out work on the development and use in the process of training electronic educational and methodological complexes, which are based in the Moodle virtual educational environment.

The effectiveness of teaching the English language students of the undergraduate of nonlineuistic specialties in the conditions of a small number of hours, allocated to the audit work, to a large extent depends on the methodically competently composed Eumk on discipline. Essential support in full-time learning Serves Eumsk "English", developed by teachers of the Department of Intelligent Professional Communication NGPU. K. minina. Next, we consider the structure and content of the above course.

The structure and educational content Eumk "English" were determined by the specifics of the foreign language learning discipline, the requirements of educational programs and other regulatory and documents. The learning subject "English" is studied by students in the first year in the first and second semester and in the second year in the first semester.

The main objectives of the development and implementation of Eumk "English" appeared:

- organization of accompaniment of the educational process on the discipline "English" by educational, educational, methodological, reference and other materials in electronic form, improving the quality of student training;

- improving the efficiency of managing independent work of students;

Eumk "English" has thematic structuring and includes:

instructive block organizational and methodical nature. In this block are located:

- Abstract Eumsk, indicating the developers of Eumsk, the target group, approaches, principles and teaching methods;

- goals, tasks and educational results. The goal of the discipline "English" is to form a foreign-language communicative competence of students, allowing them to be integrated into an international professional environment and use a foreign language as a means of intercultural and professional communication. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: - to form students a system of knowledge about the characteristics of the language studied (phonetic, lexico-grammatical, stylistic, cultural and cultural languages) in comparison with their native language; - to teach students to find, perceive, and process in accordance with the task of various information in a foreign language obtained from printed and electronic sources within the framework of the socio-cultural and professional fields of communication; - to form students and skills and skills competently, argued and logically to build oral and logically written speech in English in situations of interpersonal and intercultural interaction; - to form students' willingness to use a foreign language as a means of general cultural development, self-education and professional self-improvement;

- Instructions for working with Eumk, which is a complex of recommendations that help the student organize the learning process in an optimal way;

- The student rating plan, developed in accordance with the curriculum of discipline and determining the procedure for studying the elements of the discipline in accordance with the plan for conducting training sessions of all types and control measures. It includes the timing of the study of the curriculum through specific activities, reporting forms and types of control;

- in training unit The disciplines include specially selected and well-structured didactic materials, which are a set of diverse educational materials and means to optimize the process of interaction between the teacher with students. The didactic unit is represented by the combination of theoretical and practical materials of the discipline. Consider them:

Theoretical material on the studied themes is represented using the Moodle element lecture. The content of lectures is directed to the efficiency, accuracy, completeness and depth of studying the educational material: a lecture is divided into parts, accompanied by control issues at the end of the lecture. In the text of the lectures there are links to illustrations and borrowed material (textbooks, benefits), hyperlinks are placed inside the text at presentations, video, audio materials and other educational resources.

Practical materials include practical and independent work, contain a complete didactic description, including the purpose of classes (work), educational results and / or formed competencies, issues and / or tasks (tasks) submitted to occupation (work), references and / or Hyperlinks to resources and literary sources necessary to prepare responses or performing tasks (tasks), as well as indicators and criteria for assessing the task (work) of a study in class if they are included in the rating plan. Practical materials also include training tests containing open correct answers and explanations to them.

- in block control included means of checking knowledge and materials for the input, current, frontier control; Materials for intermediate student certification (credit / exam).

Materials for the interim certification of students are presented: - Recommendations for the preparation for the exam (offset); - control questions for the exam (offset), where the list of issues is represented in a given sequence and in full compliance with the stated content of Eumsk; - typical practical tasks for the exam (credit), algorithms and / or examples of performing these tasks are given; - training and / or control tests all over the content of Eumk; - criteria and indicators of evaluation of student response on the exam (standings).

- in information and reference The block presents resources to explore the course. Information and reference materials include:

- a dictionary of basic words and expressions, as well as terms, covering the theoretical and practical material of the whole Eumk and made using the element "Glossary" and the function of the auto-binding of objects;

  • Daricheva M. V. Experience in the application of information and communication technologies in training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the non-language university // Bulletin of the University of Mininsky. 2013. № 1 (1). P. 14.
  • Karpenko i.e. Structuring a distance course on foreign language In the context of the learning credit system // Knowledge. 2015. № 11-1. P. 104-109
  • Cheremisina Harrer I.A. The use of information technologies when learning a professionally oriented of English language // Bulletin of Tomsk State pedagogical University. 2014. No. 8 (149). P. 71-74
  • Regulations on e-learning and remote educational technologies of the NGPU them. K. Minin [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (Date of handling: 15.12.2016)
  • Mineeva O.A., Klopova Yu.V. Using LMS Moodle to organize independent work of students in a foreign language // Modern scientific research and innovation. 2016. No. 8 [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of handling: 11/20/2016).
  • Mineeva O.A., Daricheva M.V. Organization of testing in the Moodle system in teaching a foreign language // Scientific and pedagogical review. 2016. №3. P. 81-86
  • Number of views of Publication: Please Wait.


    1.1. This Regulation on the electronic educational and methodological complex (Eumk)

    in a private educational institution of higher education "Taganrog

    compliance with current documents federal Level in area

    education and local regulatory acts of the Institute.

    1.2. This Regulation on the electronic educational complex complex

    the disciplines defines its composition and establishes the basic requirements for EMOM elements, the procedure for developing, approving and modernization, and also defines the quality control system for materials and use in the educational process.

    1.3. This provision is mandatory for use in the educational activities of the Institute, as well as for planning and organizing work on improving the educational and methodological base.

    1.4. This provision comes into force from the moment of its approval by the TiеE rector and is valid until its cancellation.

    2. Objectives and objectives of Eumk

    2.1. The electronic educational and methodological complex is an electronic resource that supports all types of occupations on discipline containing information, theoretical, practical, methodological, instrumentation, as well as elements of information interaction (survey, forum, chat) prepared using the electronic system Moodle learning.

    2.2. The purpose of the creation of Eumsk is to achieve the necessary quality of training in all areas of learning, including training with elements of remote educational technologies (DOT) in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards (GEF); Creating a unified structure and database of educational and methodological materials of the institute.

    2.3. The main task of Eumsk is the equipment of the educational process by educational, methodological, reference and other materials that promote the qualitative training of specialists, the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies and active learning methods to teach learning discipline, proper planning and organizing independent work of students, control the results of their training.

    3. Regulatory documents

    GOST 7.60-2003 "System of standards according to information, library and publishing. Terms and Definitions".

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 09.01.2014 No. 2 "On approval of the procedure for applying by organizations that carry out educational activities, e-learning, remote educational technologies in the implementation of educational programs" (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia 04.04.2014 No. 31823).

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2013 №1367 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs, magistracy programs."

    Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 13.05.2010 No. 03-956 "On the development of universities of the main educational programs" (together with the "explanations of the developers of the main educational programs for the implementation of federal state educational standards of higher professional education").

    TiеE Standard "Regulation on the organization of the educational process on basic educational programs in accordance with the requirements of federal educational standards" SMK-P-2-02.03.2014. Introduced by order of the rector of 10.12.14. №118.

    TiUE Standard "Regulations on the fund of evaluation funds for monitoring the quality of education of students under the main educational program" SMCP-2-02.10.2014 introduced by order of the rector of 10.12.14. №118.

    4. The composition of the electronic educational and methodological complex of Principle

    4.1. Educational and educational materials included in Eumsk should reflect the modern level of development of science, provide for a logically consistent presentation of educational material, use modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply develop educational material and receive skills to use it in practice and in future professional activities.

    4.2. The mandatory composition of Eumsk includes the following materials:

    the working program of discipline developed in accordance with the requirements of the GEF and takes into account the direction and profile of the educational program (according to the approved template).

    electronic lecture course to support the theoretical component of discipline, including questions on each topic / section for self-control;

    means of supporting practical (laboratory) classes, if provided for by the curriculum;

    practical guide to perform the tasks of independent work of students (the task with examples of solving problems, settlement and graphic work, manual for the creation of projects, databases, etc.) and guidelines for their implementation (including requirements for registration);

    current control schedule;

    list of independent I. test workincluded in current control;

    means for intermediate knowledge control (tests; questions for preparing for a test / exam).

    4.3. Additional materials may be included in Eumk by a teacher's solution:

    electronic resources (electronic textbook, computer workshop, computer simulator, etc.);

    presentation of lectures; video track;

    additional multimedia accompaniment (audio and video materials;

    training films);

    tasks for practical training in electronic form;

    working notebooks;


    chesttomatia, reference books, regulatory documents;

    additional discipline tests (for training testing);

    links to network resources in open access containing databases, reference systems, electronic dictionaries, reference materials, periodicals, scientific literature and other materials recommended for use in the educational process).

    4.4. Requirements for the design of electronic materials included in Eumk are given in Appendix 1.

    5. The procedure for developing and conducting examination Materials

    5.1. Eumsk is being developed by the teacher of the department (team of teachers), providing teaching discipline in accordance with the curriculum in the direction and level of training for all forms of training.

    5.2. Responsible for the organization of the development of Eumk is the head of the department, behind which discipline is fixed.

    5.3. Eumk should be developed in full no later than the semester preceding the semester in which this discipline is studied. The development of Eumk, the author (authors) is established by the department, behind which discipline is fixed, recorded by the minutes of the meeting of the Department.

    5.4. Preparation of EMOM elements is included in individual plan Works of the teacher (Section Educational and Methodological Work).

    5.5. Developed Eumk (electronic version) and a set of accompanying documents (Appendix 2), including title page Eumk, a list of materials Eumk and a list of changes, are submitted to the department for conducting a meaningful examination. The results of meaningful examination are approved at the next meeting of the department. On the title page Eumk, the head of the department is affixed by the visa "recommended". The author receives an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Department.

    5.6. Eumk is agreed with the head of the OOP, within which discipline is implemented; The visa appreciation is affixed on the Tutular Sheet of Eumk.

    5.7. Eumsk is approved at a meeting of the Methodological Council of the Institute, which is confirmed by the discharge from the minutes of the meeting.

    5.9. Approved Eumsk and the set of accompanying documents are provided to information and analytical management (IAU) for conducting a technological expertise, which determines the performance of individual elements of Eumk. An Eau employee checks the correspondence of the EMOM elements submitted to the list and fills the registration card.

    5.10. With positive expert assessments Eumk is placed in an electronic educational environment (EOS) by the author and / or Eau employee.

    5.11. After placing Eumk in the Institute's EOS, an EUU employee is inspected by the technical readiness of Eumk to use in the educational process;

    the date is fixed in the registration card.

    5.12. Approbation of materials Eumsk is carried out during the first year of the implementation of Eumk. The main task of approbation is to check the quality of information cells of the discipline, the assessment of the learning material learning and the degree of adequacy.

    5.13. Eumk can be adjusted or supplemented. In this case, the changes are discussed at the meeting of the department, confirmed by the discharge of the meeting of the department, are made to the list of changes and are approved by the head of the OOP.

    6. Main Quality Criteria Eumk

    6.1. Compliance with the requirements for educational, educational, methodological, methodological materials: scientific, informational saturation, relevance, practical orientation, the use of innovative technologies in education.

    6.2. Compliance with the requirements for the qualification characteristics of the graduate established by the GEF of the highest and secondary vocational education at the appropriate direction / level and the competences indicated in the matrix of the educational program (OP).

    6.3. Compliance with the requirements of the OP and the passport of the specialty (execution of labor functions corresponding to the level of preparation).

    6.4. Compliance with the objectives of the implementation of the OP at a specific direction / level.

    6.5. Compliance of the content of the assessment funds on the discipline matrix of the Competence of the OP (current control / intermediate control).

    6.6. Compliance with the list of primary and additional literature specified in Eumsk, a list of literature available in the TiWE / EBS library.

    6.7. The correspondence of the structure of Eumsk List of the main elements specified in paragraph 4 of this Regulation.

    7. Accounting Eumk

    7.1. Eumk must be developed, approved and posted in the Institute EOS in accordance with this Regulation.

    7.2. The EUMK registry is drawn up by the head of the OP in strict accordance with the current working curriculum (RUE) for each educational program of the direction and the level of training students at the Institute.

    7.3. The Eumsk registry is transmitted to the developers of Eumk and in Eau.

    7.4. Accounting Eumk and their changes are conducted:

    on the Department under the control of the head of the OP;

    at the departments of the developers Eumsk;

    in informational and analytical management.

    7.5. The exclusion of Eumes from EOS is carried out on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty due to the termination of the functioning of the discipline.

    7.6. An appropriate entry into the registry is made to the register on the termination of the implementation of EMC indicating the reason.

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    Requirements for electronic materials included in Eumb Requirements for lectures in electronic form

    1. Structure requirements

    Title page (university, department, name of the course of lectures, F.I.O. lecturers, etc.);

    brief abstract lectures;

    at the end of each topic, a list of control issues;

    2 Technical requirements

    3 Requirements for registration

    3.1 Requirements for the location of the material on the pages of the single style of placement of the educational material (headers, tables, drawings and the main text). The location of the headers and the main text on each page should be the same.

    Explanation of illustrations (drawings, diagrams, diagrams, etc.) should be located under them, the names of the tables must be located above the formula tables. It is advisable to place in the center of the screen (for clarity, it can be highlighted with an insertion (italic, bold)) the main text should not go out Beyond the page. Text in tables, diagrams, figures, diagrams should not go beyond the limits of their area in cells. Tables should use spelling-correct transfers. Large tables are able to break into several smaller.

    3.2 Requirements for font design Single font for basic information, while it is necessary to take into account the readability of the font. Fonts without sites (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma) are more readable in electronic texts.

    When making the main text, only lower case (Eliminate the writing of the entire text and the size for the titles of one level), while you need to consider the readability of the font (for example, ARIAL 14 PT.).

    3.3 Color design requirements It is necessary to observe a single style (template) of text design within the same lecture or all the abstract it is necessary to comply with the unity and harmony of the stylistic design for all elements within the same lecture or the entire abstract (text, tables, schemes, diagrams, etc. .)

    3.4 Requirements for the allocation of educational material To highlight key information, it is necessary to use a bold font in order to allocate key information not allowed to underline text, as it is associated with hyperlinks, definitions, formulas, conclusions are recommended in italics to structuring and visibility to text, it is advisable to use numbered and Marked lists (you should select a single number format and / or marker sign for registration of all list items, including for a multi-level list) hyperlinks must be clearly indicated by underline

    Requirements for presentations

    1. Structure requirements

    Title slide (university, department, name of lectures, Fm.o. author, etc.);

    All material must be carefully tested for the absence of spelling, grammatical and stylistic errors.

    2. Technical requirements

    Quality graphic images (photos, drawings, diagrams, charts, illustrations, etc.) should be high, fuzzy materials are unacceptable.

    It is necessary to take into account the validity of the use of personal computer resources (the volume of embedded objects should not be resource-intensive).

    3. Requirements for registration

    3.1. Requirements for the placement of material on slides. Unified style of placement of educational material (the entire design should be built by general scheme zoning: title and basic text). The location of the headers and the main text on each slide should be the same. It is desirable that the headlines are present on each slide the optimality and ease of information distribution on the screen (the training material should take no more than 2/3 of the space of the entire slide) information (text, tables, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, etc.) should not accumulate on one side of the screen logic groups The information should be thought out on the slide explanations to the illustrations (drawings, diagrams, diagrams, etc.

    P.) must be located under them and as close as possible to them. Explanation of the tables should be located above them. It is advisable to place in the center of the screen (for clarity, they can be highlighted with a fill or in an insertion (italic or bold)) the main text should not go beyond the slide frame and overlap the title. Text in diagrams, drawings, schemes, tables should not go beyond the limits of their area information presented in the form of a table must be visual and readable.

    The text should not go beyond the borders of the table. Specographic-correct transfers should be used in cells. Large tables should be broken into a slightly smaller way.

    3.2. Requirements for font design Unified font for basic information, while it is necessary to take into account the readability of the font. Fonts without sites (Arial, Verdana, Tahoma) are more readable in electronic texts.

    For the design of the main text, it is necessary to use only the usual font screening (not to use bold stacking, italics and underlined).

    When making the main text, only lowercase letters should be used (eliminate the spelling of the entire text in the uppercase letters) when typing headers, the use of capital letters is allowed.

    Single font and font size for headers on each slide, and it is necessary to take into account the readability of the font (for example, ARIAL at least 24 PTs.).

    When making text and lists, paragraphic indents must be the same.

    The main text is desirable to align in width.

    3.3. Color design requirements It is necessary to observe a single style (template) of the text design within the same lecture to use the total color gamut (all the headers of the same color, the entire main text of the same color, all lists of the same color, etc.) It is necessary to comply with the unity and harmonicity of the stylistic design. For all elements within the same lecture (text, references, tables, schemes, diagrams, etc.) The color of the hyperlink must be combined with the style of the entire course of lectures and differ from the main text.

    3.4. Class Material Allocation Requirements To allocate key information, it is necessary to use bold font and / or another color to highlight the key information. Text is not allowed, as it is associated with hyperlinks to highlight headers can be bold, color, or large font size, definitions, Formulas, drawings, conclusions can be highlighted in other color to struggle and clarity text. It is advisable to use numbered and marked lists, but you should not forget about uniformity when it is designed (you should select a single number format and / or a marker sign for designing all list items, including For a multi-level list) hyperlinks must be clearly indicated by underscore and / or color

    3.5. Requirements for the use of interactive and multimedia objects Ease of navigation (buttons of transition to content and between slides, if present, should be located in the same place) when using sound accompaniment (voice speaker, music inserts, etc.) must be taken into account Relevance and quality. Sound support should be included in difficult-to-understand places of educational material when using the video footage (videos, movies) it is necessary to take into account his relevance and quality. Video frames should display and simulate real events, facts, phenomena and processes that are impossible or difficult with a sufficient degree of clarity to explain the student with other means of learning when using animation objects it is necessary to take into account their relevance and quality. Animation should be applied in order to dynamically simulate various processes, natural phenomena, the operation of the algorithm, etc.

    The relevance of the use of animated effects of text, graphic images and when changing slides (effects should be used only in cases where it is necessary to concentrate the attention of students on any formulas, definitions, diagrams or when the material is ported). It is unacceptable to use excessive animation effects leading to the rapid fatigue of the organ of vision.

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    Electronic educational and methodical complex

    The name of the discipline on the discipline of the base (variable) part of the module (specify) direction of preparation (indicates the code and direction of the direction) Total labor intensity in Ze, in the clock Author (s) Eumk: (surname, name Patronymic, Degree, title, contact email address)

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    Approved by the Methodological Council of the Institute Date "____" ______ 2015, Protocol No. ___ _____________ ________________

    Scientific Secretary Method. Council Signature Signature Decryption

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    The composition of Eumsk on the discipline _______________________________________________

    Block 1. Information

    Annotation of the working program of discipline Block 2. Software Working program for discipline / module / interdisciplinary courses / learning practice in the discipline Calendar-thematic plan schedule of current control

    Block 3. Theoretical

    Abstract (course) lectures

    Block 4. Practical

    Tasks for independent work Workshop (computer, laboratory) Collection of tasks / exercises / incidents

    Block 5. Methodical

    Methodical instructions on the implementation of independent work of students Requirements for the implementation of test written works

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    Block 6. Course survey control

    Test work, essay (solution solution) test tasks list of questions to test / exam

    Additional resources

    Educational / educational and methodological manual First-sources, Reads, reference resources Links to resources Internet presentations, audio, video files, training films, etc.

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

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    Development of electronic

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    Development of an electronic educational and methodological complex: method. Recommendations / N.D. Ambrosenko, O.G. Malysheva, S.O. Potapova, V.A. Filkin; Krasnoyar. State Agrar. un-t. - Krasnoyarsk, 2008. - 35 s.

    The main concepts and stages of the development of Eumk, techniques of the organization of educational material and examples of the construction of a modular structure are given. The requirements for the design of textual and graphic components of educational materials are set out.

    Designed for teachers Krasgau.

    © Krasnoyarsk State

    agricultural University, 2008


    The intensive development of information technology education areas causes the introduction of electronic educational and methodological complexes (EUMK) to support the educational process using remote educational technologies (DOT) for all the forms of education (full-time, part-time, correspondence) for the law of the Russian Federation "On Education" or with a combination of these forms, to improve the skills of specialists, according to additional professional educational programs, etc.

    In our university and its branches, Eumsk are created by authors and copyright teams of the Department, as well as teachers who lead classes at the Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining Persons Krasigau. The beginning of this work was put by order of the rector Krasigau No. O-273 dated September 6, 2002 "On the creation of the Krasgue information system."

    The increasing relevance of the use of EUMK in the process of implementing the main and additional educational programs for training specialists in our university aroused the need to draw up guidelines for the authors for the organization and design of educational and methodological materials included in Eumb.

    1. Basic concepts, goals of creating Eumk

        Basic concepts

    Set of educational and methodical materials In discipline is a set of materials (working programs, lectures, workshops, methodological benefits, tasks, knowledge control tools, reference books, applications, etc.), in full providing teaching of this discipline. The preparation of a set of educational and methodological materials is the first stage in the preparation of methodological support of the discipline.

    Educational and Methodical Complex (UMC) - The second phase of preparation of discipline methodological support. Its difference from the kit is that the CMD has a clear structure that gives the student the opportunity to independently study this discipline. This is ensured by inclusion in the initial set of educational and methodological materials of the methodological recommendations for the organization independent study student of the educational subject. In these guidelines, the procedure for working with teaching materials is described: What, how much and in what order a student will have to work at each stage. Based on these recommendations, the content of the UMC is created by which the student sets the trajectory of movement on educational materials (more details will be considered in paragraph 3 of these guidelines). CMD can be created both on paper and on electronic media.

    Electronic educational and methodical complexrepresents the implementation of the CMD in electronic form. Eumk can be used both in the network and in casing variants depending on the needs and capabilities of students. The use of Eumk in the teaching process allows you to largely use the huge opportunities provided by modern telecommunication technologies.

    Eumsk is protected by copyright law. Copyright to work arises due to the fact of its creation. For the emergence and implementation of copyright, no registration of the work, other special design of the work or compliance with any formalities is required. At the same time, the owner of exclusive copyright for alerts on their rights can use a copyright security sign, which is placed on each copy of the work and consists of three elements:

    - Latin letters "C" in a circle: ©;

    - name (name) owner of exclusive copyright;

    - the year of the first publication of the work.

    The copyright of the work created in the order of serving duties or official task of the employer (official work) belongs to the author of the service work. Exceptional rights to the use of official work belong to the person with whom the author is in labor relations (employer), if otherwise provided in the contract between him and the author. More detailed information on copyright protection can be learned from the Law on Copyright and Related Rights.

    1.2. Goals of creating Eumk

    The creation of Eumsk will make it possible to form a unified information system of all educational materials of the university and the author's developments of teachers. The presence of such a system will expand the possibilities of using computerized learning, under which it is usually understood the possibility of accessing educational materials through the local network of Krasgau or the Internet or the use of CDs on a student PC. In this case, the learning process stops harshly depend on the location of the trainee in space and in time. In other words, electronic educational resources developed by the authors can be used to support the educational process using remote educational technologies (DOT).

    Remote educational technologies are beneficial from traditional technologies next to features.

    Flexibility - The ability for learning to do at a convenient time, in a convenient place and pace.

    Parallelism - Parallel S. professional activities Training, i.e. without separation from production

    Coverage - Simultaneous appeal to many sources educational information (electronic libraries, data banks, knowledge bases, etc.) of a large number of students. Communication via communication networks with each other and teachers.

    Economy - Efficient use of training facilities, technical means, vehicles, a concentrated and unified presentation of educational information and multi-access to it reduces the cost of training specialists.

    Manufacturability - Use in the educational process of the latest achievements of information and telecommunication technologies that contribute to the promotion of a person to the world post-industrial information space.

    Social equality - Equal possibilities of obtaining education, regardless of the place of residence, health, elitism, and the material security of the student.

    INTERNATIONALITY - Export and import of global achievements in the educational services market.

    The introduction into the educational process of the DOT allows you to expand and update the role of the teacher, which should coordinate the cognitive process, constantly improve the courses taught by them, increase creative activity and qualifications in accordance with innovation.

    The dot has a positive impact on the student, increasing his creative and intellectual potential due to self-organization, desire for knowledge, the ability to interact with computer equipment and independently accept responsible decisions.

    Thus, the development of remote educational technologies allows you to constantly improve the quality of education in our university through the involvement of an outstanding personnel faculty in the process of creating electronic educational and methodological complexes and use in the educational process of the best educational and methodological publications and controlling tests for one or another disciplines. .

    2. Stages of creating Eumk

    The electronic educational and methodical complex is created in stages as a result of the development of the author (or the team of the author's team) of the courses on discipline. Together with the specialists of the Center for Distance Learning (CDO), the CMD is carried out into a format suitable for use through modern telecommunication technologies.

    Stage 1 - Preparation of educational and methodological materials on discipline. Order No. 137 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2005 introduces the procedure for the development and use of remote educational technologies (Appendix A), in paragraph 8 of which it says that it should include CMC on discipline (as on paper and on electronic media). The CMD should include: the educational institution's curriculum, training curriculum, subject program (discipline, training course), textbook on the subject (discipline, training course), workshop or practical manual, test materials for quality control of material, guidelines for learning According to the study subject (discipline, training course), self-monitoring organization, current control, training (didactic) benefits and tasks. In addition, the educational complex may, if necessary, supplemented with the educational institution with reference publications and dictionaries, periodic sectoral and socio-political publications, scientific literature, readers, references to databases, sites, reference systems, electronic dictionaries and network resources.

    At this stage an important issue is the organization of the authors. In real conditions, given the greater loading of teachers, several authors usually take part in the preparation of baseline materials for Eumk. In this case, the general editing of materials is required. The editor should achieve not only the strict conformity of the workflow prepared materials, but also ensure the unified form of their presentation, to correlate the volume of individual themes of disciplines, eliminate the repetition of the material or the divergence of the same provisions. Such a task forces only experienced highly qualified teacher.

    When used in the content of the work of other authors, it is necessary to indicate sources of borrowed materials (articles, photographs, illustrations, drawings, audio and video files and pt). This also applies to information received via the Internet.

    The lack of information on the author (authors) does not exempt from liability for unauthorized use of these creations, as well as for plagiarism. Regardless whether the requirements for the use of materials were expressed in an explicit form, the author should be specified during reprint. If you have only addresses in the Internet, specify links to them.

    2 stage - drawing up a single content (structure) of the UMC. The names of all content fragments should clearly match the sections headers in the table of contents. In addition, the headlock hierarchy should be taken into account. The author must clearly formulate all the nuances of the structure; He must understand that a programmer who will deal with the creation of an electronic version is most likely not a specialist in this discipline and its task is not to understand the "pieces" of educational and methodological materials and giving them a holistic structure. Details The creation of the UMC structure is described in paragraph 3.

    3 stages - Drawing up the accompanying note, which is created in any electronic text format, is attached to the materials of the UMC and should explicitly contain:

      the full name of the UMC (in accordance with the specialty curriculum);

      cipher and the name of the specialty and specialization;

      the name of the educational discipline (or its section);

      the volume of the clock is only full-time training;

      date of creation and date of the last update;

      specifying the volume of material - the number of typewritten pages of the text, decorated in the Times New Roman font of 12 ° C by half an interval with 2.0 cm fields from all sides (the tables use the same interval);

      information about the author (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, place of work and position, e-mail). In addition to these necessary information, you can include additional information about the authors, for example, the name of the educational institution, in which the author has studied, a circle of scientific interests, significant publications, a list of disciplines taught, social work etc. It is also desirable to also include a photo of the author.

    4 stages - Approval of the Department of the Methodological Commission of the Faculty. After drawing up the CMD and the creation of its unified structure, the author represents it at the department and at the Faculty Methodological Commission for approval. In an extract from the decision of the Methodological Commission, the following information must be reflected:

    - a list of specialties, to prepare for which this UMC is intended;

    - the total volume of materials included in the CMC - the number of text pages decorated with Times New Roman font with a size of 12 PT through a semi-second interval with 2.0 cm fields from all sides (if materials are included in the UMCs from tutorials published with griffs, then specify in including the volume of included fragments in the pages in the above format);

    An example of registration of an extract from the decision of the Faculty Methodological Commission is given in Appendix B.

    5 stage - Delivery of materials of the CMD in the CDO. On any information convenient for the author, the electronic media (diskette, CD, USB flash drive, etc.) of the CMD, along with the discharge of the decision of the Methodological Commission of the Faculty, is handed over to the head of the CDO at the address: Peace Ave., 90, Aud. 2-29 (tel. +7 (391 2) 23 22 05; E Mail: cDO.@ kGAU.. ru).

    The CDO specialist checks the presence of the structure of the UMB (for details about the structure of the UMC, see paragraph 3) and the compliance of the curriculum of this methodological guidelines, contributes to a single database of ready-made UMCs and transfers to the development of programmers.

    6 stage - work programmer. At this stage, the programmer creates an electronic version of the UMC (Eumk) in a format suitable for using dot - a single design is created, navigating training materials, self-control tests are converted into an interactive version, etc. In the process of operation, the programmer works closely with the author who is obliged Clarify its position on incomprehensible moments, control the correctness of the presentation of the material and navigation on it. The author in the process of developing Eumk is entitled to make recommendations for its design.

    7 stage - Placing ready-made Eumk. All those proven by the author and the head of the CDU ready to use Eumk are placed in the database on the Kraspau server and the method of access to them is determined. Access can be:

      locally open (all users of the local network of Krague may have access to EMOM materials);

      locally open according to the password (all users of the local network can have access to EUMK materials in the presence of an account),

      open by password (all users of the local network of Krasigau and the Internet can have access to Eumb in the presence of an account);

      open (All users of the local network of Krasrau and the Internet can have access to EMOM materials).

    By default, it is assumed that all the resources presented by teachers in the Central University can be placed on the local network of Krasigau in free access. If another option of publishing on the network of its work is preferable to be more preferable, then it should be notified about it by a service note on the name of the IET supervisor (an exemplary application note form is given in Appendix B).

    When assigned to open an account resource, it should be borne in mind that the name and password may consist of at least four characters - the letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and permitted punctuation marks (point, hyphen, underscore sign). It should also be borne in mind that the name can be stored on the server explicitly, and the password is stored in encrypted form; Therefore, the author needs to take care of not to forget the account created by him. To provide access to the resources posted on the server that requires authorization, an account for opening them reports to students by Away.

    In addition, any AMUK according to the author's prior application may be recorded on the CD, if students are more convenient for this option of using Eumk.

    8 stages - Monitoring. After creating and placeing Eumk on the server, the author monitors the relevance of its content, constantly improves courses taught. All the necessary amendments or additions, he rents in CDO and controls their placement in Eumk.

    3. Creating an Eumk structure

    Structuring of teaching materials - very important for the author stage of work on the UMC. The need for clear structuring of the material (more rigid than in the traditional textbook) is dictated at least two reasons:

      organizational. The breakdown of educational material on blocks does not only make it easier for his student to study in the absence of a teacher, but also allows to regulate the procedure for the interaction of the student and the teacher;

      functional. The implementation of hypertext transitions in the development of Eumk should assume the separation of semantic fragments.

    As was presented above (see paragraph 2.1), order No. 137 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2005 provides for inclusion in UMC Methodical Recommendations for studying on the organization of its independent work with MEDI materials. In these recommendations, the teacher describes in detail that, in what volumes and in what sequence, the student will have a step by step to study on one or another stage of work.

    When creating Eumk, an UMC structure can act as such methodical recommendations, which is similar to the actual sequence of the study material - it sets the learning trajectory of the training of training resources.

    When creating the structure of UMK, educational and methodological materials are grouped into themes. This selection includes:

      presentation of the theory (for example, the corresponding fragment of the textbook, the content of the lecture);

      control questions (questions for repetition);

      sample made of the task with the explanations of the teacher;

      tasks for independent execution by a student;

      fragment of workshop or practical manual;

      other supplementary materials depending on the topic.

    If several topics are different aspects of a single question of the question, then such topics are combined into the module. The module is a fragment of the educational material completed in a logical plan. It seems appropriate to prevail the study of the module by setting goals and tasks (installation of the type "you will study: ..", "After studying, you can: .."), and at the end of the study of the module to sum up (for example, you learned: .. "," These knowledge you will need: .. "). In addition, some fragments relating to the topics included in it can be combined into the module: control questions, self-control tests, a list of recommended literature, etc.

    In addition, it should be borne in mind that if the discipline is studied for two or more semesters, then, first of all, calendar modules are distinguished in the structure of the UMC, which include all the material studied during each of the semesters, including materials for the referential control of knowledge .

    The introduction to the discipline as a whole should briefly describe the object, the goals and objectives of the study of discipline, its place in the educational process. Conclusion sums up working with the CMD and, perhaps, denotes new directions of movement to knowledge. Introduction and conclusion must be extremely brief (usually within 1-2 screen pages). At the same time, key points of the material should not be missed. With this in mind, it can be recommended to write an introduction to the module or to the UMC as a whole after the completion of work on them.

    When creating the UMC structure after the distribution of training materials on topics and modules, various kinds of methodical instructions remain, which cannot be attributed specifically to a particular topic. Such materials are entered into the "Additional Materials" section. It can be:

      methodical instructions for students of correspondence formation;

      methodical instructions for independent work of students (provided it is about additional topicsrecommended for independent study only);

      glossary (in terms of terms and definitions);

      of different kinds of applications;

      samples of the title leaf of coursework, thesis or abstract works;

      nominal pointer;

      list of illustrations and other materials.

    In addition, the content of the CMC is also included common list Recommended for studying the discipline of literature (on which references from themes and modules are made).

    "Reference", suitable for any discipline of the UMC structure, does not exist, but the set of possible components, taking into account the hierarchy, is presented in Appendix G.

    4. Requirements for registration
    teaching materials

    Recommendations for the design of all materials are described in detail in the Regulations for the design of the text and graphic part of educational and scientific work, adopted at a meeting of the SCIENCE Council of FGOU VPO "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University" May 19, 2006 (Minutes No. 9) and published in 2007 in these Recommendations We also give only those requirements that will facilitate the work on the translation of MDCs in a format suitable for use through modern telecommunication technologies.

    Electronic educational and methodical complex as the main electronic educational resource

    The development of professional educational standards of a new generation, the active introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies and the rapid development of info and telecommunications equipment requires a system of professional education to improve electronic educational resources, their more active use and application on training activities in order to form professional competencies of future specialists and workers.

    Currently professional education Significant changes related to the implementation of new generation standards, using innovative pedagogical and information technology development. Professional educational programs Reoriented to the competence declared by employers.

    A special role in the implementation of this process is given an information and training environment that more and more uses didactic funds based on high-tech computer, multimedia and communication technologies. Such an approach to the organization of the educational process opens up fundamentally new educational opportunities, requires identifying reasonable criteria for the selection of such funds, their classification, the development of appropriate quality assessment techniques.

    The electronic educational resource (EOR) is a product having an electronic representation format that can contain information of different types: presentations, drawings, diagrams, charts, audio and video files, tests, simulators, etc.

    Electronic training editions (EUI) - educational publications used in the educational process and presented in electronic form on digital media (CD, DVD): textbooks, educational and educational and methodological manuals, educational and methodological complexes and other educational materials.

    Among the entire combination of electronic educational resources, in demand by modern pedagogical practice, electronic educational and methodological complexes (Eumk) are the greatest interest.

    The electronic educational and methodological complex is a programming multimediaproduct (educational electronic edition), ensuring the continuity and completeness of the didactic cycle of the learning process and containing organizational and systematical theoretical, practical, controlling materials built on the principles of interactivity, adaptability, information openness and remoteness.

    The use of such a means in the process of independent training of students is changing a typical situation in educational systemWhen the learning function fully belonged to the teacher. Electronic educational and methodological complexes make it possible to the student on their own most flexibly manipulate offered by curriculum in accordance with their individual abilities, while part of the educational functions of the teacher goes to the student. The teacher only supports the student, orients in the streams of educational information and helps in solving emerging problems.

    According to the "Regulations on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline", the teaching complex of discipline is a set of interrelated educational materials on various media of information on academic discipline A specific curriculum of the direction (profile, specialty) necessary for the organization and implementation of the educational process. Electronic educational and methodical complex of discipline - a teaching complex of discipline, all components of which are electronic documents or electronic publications.

    Ideally, the electronic educational and methodical complex must include:

    Title page and output

    Explanatory note to Eumk

    Working program

    Bibliographic list, list of primary and additional literature, list of basic designations, indexes and abbreviations

    Explanatory Dictionary of Terms (Glossary)

    Methodical instructions on the implementation of practical / laboratory work

    Evaluation Criteria and Individual Student Vedas

    Questions and tasks for test work, credit, exam

    Test for intermediate certification by discipline

    Themes of coursework / diploma research works / projects and methodical recommendations for the implementation of coursework / diploma research / projects

    Lecture Abstract / Electronic Textbook, Presentation Material, Graphic Material

    The mandatory minimum composition of the electronic educational and methodological complex of the discipline includes the following components:

    - Title leaf Eumk discipline;

    - Working program of academic discipline;

    - technological map of study of discipline;

    - Abstract lectures and lecture presentations (preferably);

    - Methodical instructions for practical (seminars) classes;

    - descriptions of laboratory work;

    - options for individual settlement tasks, guidelines for their implementation and the reference sample of the execution of one of the options;

    - the subject of abstracts and methodical instructions for their design and form form;

    - Theme of exchange projects and works Methodical instructions on their implementation and the reference sample of the implementation of one of the options;

    - controlling materials in accordance with working program Disciplines: test tasks, test questions, colloquiums, homework, questions and tasks, submitted on credit and exam, exam tickets.

    Advantages of Eumk:

    1. A variety of information presentation forms implies the use of audio, video, graphic information, schemes, drawings, etc.

    2. Differentiation of learning, which lies in the separation of tasks in terms of complexity, accounting for the individual characteristics of the student

    3. Intensification of independent work of students, which consists in strengthening the activities of self-learning, self-control, self-assessment of the student.

    4. Improving motivation, interest and cognitive activity due to the diversity of work forms, the possibility of including the game moment and the use of various forms of information presentation

    5. Timely and objective assessment of student activities

    The use of Eumk in the organization of the educational process is substantiated by a number of advantages compared to traditional student learning means:

    Guaranteed access to educational materials from any geographic point;

    Timely delivery of electronic materials;

    Simplifying the search for materials, facilitating exam preparations;

    The possibility of using educational materials in the workplace, at home and on the way with connecting to the Internet and mobile devices;

    Timely and prompt update of electronic materials

    Depending on the scale of the inclusive subject area, electronic educational and methodological complexes are distinguished on a separate academic discipline (EMCD) and electronic educational and methodological complexes in the specialty (direction) (EMKS).

    When creating an electronic educational and methodological complex, you should pay attention to some important points.

    The structure of the electronic educational and methodological complex should consist of logically interconnected elements or modules. Each individual module must open in a separate electronic window, have its own target installationaimed at solving private tasks.

    The Eumk interface is built in such a way that it has a strict and expressive appearance, visual toolbars, was easy to master the technology of working with it. The EMOM software execution must take into account the possibility of technologically easy to improve and modernize the content of the training course in the future.

    Eumb must be the most interactive as possible, contain a sufficient number of multimedia data, have convenient tools for finding the necessary information.

    This is only a small list of requirements for the development of Eumk. There are criteria for evaluating ergonomics and design, content and volume, placement of material, color and font design, and much more.

    In recent years, the technological basis of Eumk has changed significantly. To change the complexes containing textographic information, multimedia and interactive complexes containing sound, animation, video, virtual laboratory workshops, search and expert system modules and exercising through internal software-doedactic algorithms, nonlinear interaction student - teacher - educational material.

    The software and technical support used to create Eumk may be diverse, it is determined by the capabilities and objectives implemented by the teacher in the substantive part of Eumk.

    When using programming languages, developers team participate in the development of Eumk, including the authors of educational material, methodologist, designer, programmer. In the limiting case, the developer team may include only two people: the author-methodologist and programmer-designer.

    It is no secret that one of the main problems arising in the development of similar products is the problem of interaction of individual developers groups: the authors of training materials in the overwhelming majority do not own the skills of programming or the use of specialized software products (for example, copyright development environments), and programmers are not Specialists in various subject areas of the studied discipline.

    Currently, with the use of programming languages, Eumsk has been developed for a number of disciplines, taught in college: a drawing, professional Kazakh language, Russian literature, higher mathematics, physics and many others.

    Using specialized software, the teacher himself without the participation of the developer team, is able to create his Eumk.

    The most common for simplicity is Microsoft Power Point, as well as programs with the basics of the Hypertext markup language (HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language), applied to find, receiving and transferring the necessary information in the International Internet Network.

    The initial data in the development of Eumb are the materials presented in the standard Microsoft Word format and containing a special markup, which is understandable for the shell.

    Marking of the educational material involves the allocation of the Microsoft Word text editor to the standard editor or the Power Point Program of Power Point Basic Structural Units (section, theme, question, tasks, control questions, etc.), references to the glossary, auxiliary material, etc.

    With the text editor of Microsoft Word it is possible to create a full-fledged educational complexesUsing the concept of hyperlink. The only condition is that each document needs to be saved in format.html. The main complexity may arise in the correct organization of the navigation system according to your educational and methodological complex.

    When creating Eumk using the Site Designer technology, you need to go through the following steps:

    Site designer is a software package to create, update and conduct electronic editions on the Internet and on CD (sites, e-courses, benefits, etc.). The e-learning manual in this program is created by the type of Web site.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer is to use typical elements, as well as typical design templates for creating and editing sites.