The emblem of the Armed Forces. Signs of the difference in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Designers of the department were guided by the traditions of the Russian army, in which the star for many years symbolized protection and safety. The sign "is a classic pentacle that crosses a confident horizontal, emphasizing stability, support and dignity," reports the press service of the Ministry of Defense. In general, the emblem denotes the desire for new goals and move forward.

The new sign "Army of Russia" was previously seen on military equipment at the Victory Parade on the Red Square of May 9 and souvenir products.

Political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov believes that Logo is humane and ascetic than the coat of arms of the Ministry of Defense - a double-headed eagle with a sword and a wreath, crowned with a crown, but some additional meanings are not in itself. "If you wish, you can see the transfer of an accent from the Russian past to Soviet, but it is if we look at the microscope at all under the microscope," he says.

Managing Director of the Creative Brending Agency Natalia Mesh explains that this is not a logo, and the sign and "it can be viewed from two sides: to look for a positive or deal that not so."
"From the point of view of positive, we always welcome when socially significant state institutions think about their face. It is important and good that they finally began to engage in their aidritis. The question is that our lead designer Sergey Tsarkov called "White Tsar on the blue sea of \u200b\u200bred Turks won," says Mes.

"White, blue, red - scheme of our flag, as we were taught from childhood, - she argues. - Since these colors are present and the code of state idki is clearly read, then in the arrangement of colors, we are looking for the same logic, but I bump into the Dutch flag - red, white, blue. "

"It is clear that the star would not work if white was on top. But in this case, apparently, they left in the star and splrew it as they could. It turned out an aggressively stable sign, which has the wings to the right and left. Inside the arrow that resembles a navigation sign and shows north or forward. On military equipment, on the camouflage coloring it will look good. The public shoots jokes about the Dutch flag and accustomed, "Natalia Mesus summarizes.

The new emblem of the Russian army visually reminds the American star, which adorns US Air Force.

Independent Military Expert Dmitry Litovkin with this disagree and says that a new symbol using the colors of the Russian flag is to continue waste from the stylistics of the Soviet Army.

Russian branding specialists are likely to achieve the possibility of commercializing army symbols, which helps increase the level of popularity of the armed forces. For example, in the US, products with the US Army emblem (land forces) and US NAVY (Navy) are one of the most sought-after people. Clothes with such Militari style emblems can be bought in specialized stores and even on military bases in open days For visitors. Pentagon cooperate large American clothing and shoes manufacturers. There are devices for the issuance of licenses for the production of military products in various types of troops, such as marine infantry.

"The American army, to which everyone refers, pays great attention to branding issues. I talked a lot with American officers, their work with the masses seriously affects the number of recruits, "said Ivan Konovalov, director of the center of strategic conjuncture.

The head of the Ministry of Defense was still actively involved in the convenience of form and stripes, he says. Work on the image The main lifeguard of the country continued in the Ministry of Defense: the officers, for example, two caps appeared - the casual and office, which resembles White Guard.

"When Sergey Shoigu came to the post of Minister of Defense, he paid attention not only to direct duties, but also branding, advertising. Unfortunately, the current generation of young people, brought up on computers and McDonalds, perceives innovations only through some brand, "Konovalov notes.

The sale of attributes with the image of army symbols is a "tool to promote the attractiveness of the Armed Forces in society", emphasizes in the recent report of the UK Ministry of Defense. In it, the military call on businessmen to offer goods for the possible application of army symbolism on them, but warn that if companies use army emblems without permission, they are facing prosecution.

The change in the image of the Armed Forces of Russia drew attention during the operation to access the Crimea. Many observers, including negatively advocated to the upcoming referendum, wrote about a new pixel form and modern uniforms of "green men". In February, the Internet was actively distributed on the Internet, as they say, not without the support of domestic political technologists and media professionals. In polite people nicknamed Russian military without identifying signs that guarded order on the referendum.

In May 2014, the brand based on Mem was monetized by Voentorg and the Ministry of Defense as a trademark on their own products. However, officials argued that the patent is more likely to work on the image than an attempt to earn.

The established ideas about the difficult conditions of life in the Russian army, poverty and grandfathers are trying to change, in particular, with the help of PR. In 2009, a series of five short rollers dedicated to contract workers was presented. Also on YouTube from time to time professionally sprocked rollers, the authors of which deny the direct order of the Ministry of Defense. One of the last - "This is ... The first day of your new life" - was made in the style of Hollywood blockbuster or screensaver to a computer shooter.

Continuity and innovation in modern military heraldry

The first official military heraldic sign is established on January 27, 1997 by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of the Emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the form of a golden double-headed eagle with open wings holding a sword in his paws, as the most common symbol of the Armed Defense of the Fatherland, and a wreath - a symbol of particular importance, Significance and honors of care. This emblem was established to indicate the belonging of servicemen, as well as weapons, military equipment and other property to the armed forces. However, this emblem is classically only the main figure of the coat of arms. In order for her in full sense to be called the coat of arms, an eagle with the characteristic distinguishing features of the activities of the armed forces depicted in the paws, it is necessary to put in the shield. Due to the fact that in our case the shield is placed on the Breast of the Eagle and it reflects more likely to belong to the structure of the state through the image of the rider who affects the Snake's spear by analogy with the state coat of arms, this image Can be classified as the average emblem.

It is important to note that the modern emblem of the Armed Forces has a pronounced external similarity with the military coat of arms, which appeared on banners and standards of Russian troops in 1800. The Eagle image was performed in the Prussian manner, but it was under such banners Russian troops showed the wonders of heroism in the Patriotic War. 1812 Perhaps the symbolic essence of Eagle so fully reflected the heroic content of this glorious period of the history of the Armed Forces of Russia and was associated with it that at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I state coat of arms acquired almost the same appearance.

Traditionally, in the Army of Russia, as well as most armies of the world, the coat of arms were modified by the emblem of the state, and sometimes completely coincided with him. These canons are also responsible for the current emblem of the Armed Forces.

Emblem of the Armed Forces

The total emblem of the armed forces in Russia did not exist. Such a single symbol in the form of a red five-pointed star appeared only in Soviet times. Exiting more than 70 years, he became a link between state and professional military emblems, and also predetermined the need to create a single military symbol in the Russian Federation.

State coat of arms of the sample of 1825

The historical analogy is also available in the principle of the creation and logical structure of the construction of military heraldic signs, which were created by increasing the number of species distinctive features reflecting the characteristics and specifics of military activities as the rank of military formation decreases.

Krasnoarmeysky breastplateCocardia icon 1918Cokard icon April 13, 1922 Cocardia icon July 11, 1922

Accordingly, there is a decrease in the size of the emblem of the armed forces as an integral part of the military emblems (coat of arms).

Military coat of arms placed on headlores in troops until 1917

The traditional perception of the shield as an integral part of the coat of arms led to the use of in military heraldry as the basic principles of state and territorial heraldry and the development of their own. In particular, it is necessary to note the importance of use and development in the interests of the armed forces of the idea of \u200b\u200ba large, medium and small state coat of arms. Russian Empire The second half of the XIX-early XX centuries. This idea was in demand, first of all, due to a variety of functional purpose of various categories of military heraldic signs and the features of their use.

Ground troopsAir Force Navy

Analysis of images of historical military coat of arms allows you to allocate the basic rules for their construction. When preserving the basis of the coat of arms in the form of an eagle to reflect special features of military activities, additional elements were used (guns, axes, etc.), which in one case replace the attributes of the caller's eagle, in the other, are located in the shield appearing in the eagle's paws. It was this principle that was the basis for the construction of a system of modern military heraldic signs. Moreover, the image of an eagle with additional elements in the paws is characteristic of warrior formations high leveldefining the overall structure of the Armed Forces (species, sort of troops, services, special troops).

Of course, it should be noted that historical corporate military coat of arms from the point of view of traditional formal heraldry, as a rule, differ radically from classic generic and territorial.

However, from the point of view of the effectiveness of the performance of the main distinctive function of the coat of arms according to the principle of "its own - alien", historic roots Their occurrence, psychological perception of their predecessors and contemporaries, the coat of arms of military officers have the right to exist. In addition, the image of urban coat of arms on the regimental banners of the Russian army began XVIII century. Indisperably indicates the relationship between military and territorial heraldry of Russia.

Cauren coat of arms The noble coat of arms of the Demidov XVIII century. Coat of arms of St. Petersburg

Large emblems (coat of arms) of military formations

Military Community of Moscow Separate Commandant Regiment Separate salute Division

Special features of the activities of specific military formations (army, division, regiment, etc.) are reflected by the small emblem placed in a special shape indicating the rank of military formation.

Big emblem (coat of arms) must carry practically full information About the status, specifics of the activities and tasks of military formation by means of heraldic elements: a traditional color, a metal device, recognizable contour shape, shape of a shield. Special features should be reflected by the heraldic elements depicted in the shield.

Variants of wreaths of military formations

Ministry of DefenseGeneral StaffAir force

These heraldic elements combined into a single artistic composition make up a small emblem, which is strictly individual for each military formation and reflects the characteristics of the functional purpose, service conditions, the history of military unit, etc. A small emblem can be used in the emblems of the low-level military formation, as an additional heraldic element.

The shield is framed by a wreath (common oak or special), which is composite to create a single visual number of military heraldic signs, thereby providing their recognition in the system of signs of other power structures.

The average emblem is created to expand the possibilities of using military heraldic signs. It is based on a large emblem by eliminating additional elements or composite combination of the emblems of the armed forces and the small emblem of the species of the Armed Forces (delivery of troops, services).

With the same purpose, more simple compositions are used, for example, the signs of differences in the functional purpose (pets) of labor of troops. These signs occupy a special place in the system, because Currently, the historical type of petrolery signs of the Soviet Army, depicting modern weapons or its elements, mainly retained, which does not allow them to fully fit into the system of coatless emblems, but they found their place in the banning-flaggy system as images on the flags of the types of armed Forces, childbirth troops (forces).

1 - ground troops; 2 - air force; 3 - strategic missile troops; 4 - airborne troops; 5 - motorized rifle troops; 6 - troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection; 7 - tank troops; 8 - automotive troops; 9 - road troops; 10 - rocket troops and artillery; 11 - Air defense troops; 12 - engineering troops; 13 - communication troops; 14 - service of military messages; 15 - fuel service; 16 - topographic service; 17 - legal service; 18 - medical service; 19 - Veterinary Sanitary Service; 20 - military-orchestral service.

In the case when the small emblem of the kind of troops and its petroke sign differ in appearance, they (or their elements) can equally be used as the basis for building signs of differences in affiliation to specific military formations. This approach, subject to the principles of construction and highly artistic design, allows you to create a significant variety of signs, while while maintaining a single style and visual series.

At the heart of building a vertical structure, the emblems of specific military formations as a whole is the principle of selecting heraldic elements depending on the functional purpose of signs, certain levels of values \u200b\u200band the degree of their severity in this sign.

Signs of belonging to specific military formations, must reflect:

1) place and value in the structure of military formations:

- subordination (the presence of emblems or their constituent parts of higher formations, a single color of the shield field for the entire vertical, a single style of the image of the outer shape of the shield framing, etc.);

- rank of military formation (shape of the shield);

2) specificity of functional purpose:

- emblems reflecting the specifics of the tasks and means applied;

3) Historical, Combat Traditions and Merit:

- historical Military emblems and coat of arms, as well as their components;

- historical sewing, instrument cloth and metal device;

- inscriptions of honorary items on the ribbon, elements of the coat of arms of the territories associated with the honorary name of the part, for the Guards Military parts - the Guards ribbons, the image of the Order of the Orel Ribbons in the violating signs.

Signs Differences on Functional Description(new sample)

1 - Ground troops (in the project motorized troops); 2 - tank troops; 3 - RHBS troops; 4 - air force aircraft; 5 - SIRV of the Air Force; 6 - RTV Air Force; 7 - airborne 8 - RVSN; 9 - kV; 10 - RVIA; 11 - military air defense; 12 - communication troops; 13 - road troops; 14 - railway troops; 15 - car troops; 16 - engineering troops; 17 - pipeline troops; 18 - topographic service; 19 - SERVICE SERVICE; 20 - medical service; 21 - Veterinary Sanitary Service; 22 - military orchestral service; 23 - legal service; 24 - Environmental Service.

However, it is necessary to take into account that the above characteristic features are reflected in various signs to varying degrees, and may be completely absent. The shield shows the minimum number of heraldic elements, composite and artistically components of a small emblem, which is predetermined by the principles of conciseness, feasibility and compliance with value priorities.

When building signs, it is necessary to determine first of all, for which, for what purpose is created, take into account the value priorities that need to be reflected in it, choose heraldic elements for their reflection, of which to create a single artistic composition.

Only in this case, the anniversary icons cannot be confused with orders, and on military clothing servicemen will not be located at once five to six eagles in various versions.

An example of a harmonious and laconic unity of heraldic elements, as fully reflecting the necessary symbolic content, is the Standard of the President of the Russian Federation (the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), built by the image of the main figure of the state coat of arms on the Public Flag Flowers. The basis of the construction of the Minister of Defense Minister of the Russian Federation was based on the principles of building a system of military banners of the beginning of the XIX century.

During this period, there was a departure from Prussian traditions, the image of an eagle changed (similar to the modern image of the emblem of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), the Moscow coat of breast appeared on his chest, the banners received strictly systematized colors and a pattern consisting of a cross, corners and a medallion in a wreath. The traditional image of the state coat of arms is also placed in the launches of the Standard. The color scheme of the standard is similar to the state flag, because The Ministry of Defense is the federal authority of the executive.

The color solution in building the Standard Chief of the General Staff also has a deep symbolic content. The corners of the standard repeat the colors of the most honorable order - the Military Order of St. George the Victorious, the awarding which will be carried out on existing legislation only for the feats shown in the defense of the Fatherland in the reflection of external aggression. This, in our opinion, symbolizes the readiness of the Armed Forces to the defense of the Fatherland and the desire for high achievements in the combat tuning of troops.

The emergence of the Standards of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation - the head of the rear of the Armed Forces and the Head of Construction and the House of Troops marked the revival of the historical tradition of the Army of Russia to use a silver metal device. It is silver that embroidered on these standards emblems and framing their wreaths.

The use of the standard as a particularly honorable personalized sign - the symbol of the authorities of the highest officials - has analogues in the history of Russia, and we consider it appropriate to its introduction for other officials, for example, the commander-in-chief of the types of armed forces, commander of the bodies of troops, etc. In order to strengthen the unity , raising the prestige and responsibility of officials for the entrusted matter. We all know that power, and even more so military power, is a serious burden for a person, and the labor of military leaders, their sole responsibility for decision Decent of the corresponding distinctive sign.

The need to promote the official activity of military personnel and military units is explained by the institution in December 1998. The first in the Russian Federation of collective award - Vimpel of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation for courage and military valor. Pennant was created as system element General complex of heraldic signs, taking into account the traditions of building a banners of the Russian army. The infunction of the pennant marks the beginning of a new stage in the development of premium military heraldic signs of the Armed Forces and the revival of the tradition of collective awarding of military personnel in the Russian army.

The wide possibilities of the best traditions of military heraldry were brightly manifested in the formation of a banning-flaple system of the Armed Forces. Establishment by federal law in December 2000, the banner of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the banner Navy The need to establish banners of the types of armed forces and other troops.

At the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, which the President of Russia and the Chairs of both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation were supported, changes in the banner of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation were adopted.

Banner of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The placement of a five-pointed star on the cloth of the banner is explained, on the one hand, its ancient symbolic meaning (the pentagram is a symbol of the overag, defense, protection and safety), fully reflecting the main purpose of the armed forces. On the other hand, this is the main heraldic element of the picture of the panels of the military banners of the military units of the USSR Armed Forces, received by the victorious glory during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

Martial red banner of the 1942 sampleStandard of the 46th Dragun Pereyaslav Emperor

Alexandra III regiment of sample 1883

These symbolic components are complemented and combined with almost two hundred years of practicing the use of golden five-pointed stars on the epaulets of Russian officers, thereby ensuring the implementation of the principle of psychological readiness of military personnel to the positive perception of this symbol.

The patterned border on the front and cooler side of the panel is similar to the paton of the banners of the Russian army of the sample of 1883 and reflects the historical continuity of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe defense of the Fatherland Warriors of Russia of all times.

The placement of the head of the host forces of the main element of the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation and the emblem of the Armed Forces is based on the requirements, respectively, the Federal Constitutional Law "On the State Arms of the Russian Federation" 2000 and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of a military heraldic sign - the emblems of the Armed Forces Russian Federation "1997

The heraldic tradition was fully implemented in other banners and a banny-flagged system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. So the banner of the Navy became Andreevsky naval flag, And the drawing of the Function Branches of the Air Force almost completely repeated the drawing of the first airfield flag. The prototype of the banners of other troops were the fighting banners of the Russian army XIX century. with multi-colored crosses and corners on the panels.

Problem-flaple system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Figure Flag Flag Flag In the form of a white cross, by analogy with St. George and Red-Blue Corners, is also executed in the development of the tradition of building combat banners, which, in combination with the colors of the State Flag of Russia and the emblem of the Ministry of Defense in the form of a silver double-headed eagle with open wings by analogy with State coat of arms of Russia began the XIX century. Allows heraldically to determine the flag of the Ministry of Defense as the flag of the federal executive body, the functions of which is primarily the protection of the state from external aggression. The same drawing of the flag of the rear of the armed forces, only the angles of raspberry-blue - in the color of the instrument cloth of military intentes.

Traditional priorities were based on the construction of other flags of the Armed Forces. The flags of the types of armed forces and labor of the troops almost retained the form traditionally used earlier. The flag of airborne troops was used in the 1980s. Limited contingent of the USSR troops in Afghanistan. The complex fate of the flag of the Space Forces, which since the early 1990s. Raised on cosmodroms when starting spacecraftIn 1996, it was officially established, and later in 1998 he was abolished in view of inconsistencies in the provisions of existing regulations and revived in 2000 by the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. The drawing of the Flag of the RVSN was built on the basis of colors of the difference in force operating since 1997.

In the center of all flags of the armed forces, the corresponding small emblems are depicted, which are simpler and at the same time diverse in shape, in connection with which they are better distinguishable on the panels.

An important part of the system of military heraldic signs is the signs of difference in the belonging, placed on the military uniform of clothing and intended for the designation of the characteristic signs of military activities. These signs are divided into two groups.

The first group is the signs of difference in affiliation to the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the types and childbirth of the armed forces, the rear of the armed forces, railway troops, the troops that are not included in the species and the kind of troops of the Armed Forces. They are intended to designate private signs of military activities and are violated stripes (placed on the right sleeve).

The second group is the signs of distinction on belonging to specific military formations. These are signs of difference to designate special signs of military activities. These include sleeve stripes (placed on the left sleeve) and metal breastplates (placed on the left side of the chest). The list of military formations for which the signs of difference differences are established to specific military formations are defined by the relevant order.

This is a violation signs in the form of fabric stripes in the form of a circle of color of instrument cloth with the edge of the color of the metal device of a consulting military formation. In the center of the violation sign - an image of a small emblem with additional elements. The diameter of the sign is 84 mm, the width of Kant is 2 mm.

In these signs, not only emblem images, but also the traditional colors of the instrument cloth and the metal instrument are used as additional heraldic elements.

Introduction Signs Differences

This reflects the essence of the modern sign of the difference in affiliation as a concentrated expression of the heraldic content of the traditional Russian military uniform. Such an approach to heraldic form and semantic content of the identity sign is dictated by the need to preserve the most important and significant for the psychological perception of the heraldic elements of the traditional Russian military uniform with a general modern trend of his unification, which is the only possible way to express its traditionality and uniqueness.

Thus, the historical black color of the instrument cloth of the uniforms of officers and the generals of the apartment furniture, along with a silver metal device and a specific shadow of sewing on the collars and the collaborators of these uniforms, became the basis for building a sewing sign of the General Staff. It was depicted in the shape of a circle of black with orange cant1. In the center of the sign, the emblem of the Armed Forces was previously placed, framed by a silver wreath in the form of a stylized traditional sewing, currently - the emblem of the General Staff. Chest signs - from the metal of golden, silver colors with enamel in the form:

1) a large emblem (coat of arms) having a stylized wreath;

2) the middle emblem.

On the back of the breastplate in the form of a large emblem (coat of arms) there is a screw for fastening to military clothing.

The size of the breastplate in the form of a large emblem (coat of arms): the height of the wreath is 45 mm, the width is 35 mm; Height of the heraldic shield - 28 mm, width - 25 mm.

MUVS of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 15 CNII MO RF Command of the aircraft

The breastplate in the form of the middle emblem is worn on a leather lining. On the back of the breastplate there is a fixture for fastening to the leather lining. The lining of the black color is pointed at the bottom, in the upper part has a loop for fastening to the button of the chest pocket.

Lining height - 75 mm, width - 35 mm. Height of the heraldic shield - 28 mm, width - 25 mm.

The signs of the differences of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are intended to designate merit shown in the performance of military debt, as well as differences in activities aimed at strengthening the armed forces and increase their combat readiness. The signs of differences include:

1 - "For combat differences"; 2 - "For military valor" I degree; 3 - "For Labor Valor", 4 - "For Demining"; 5 - "For diligence when performing tasks engineering"; 6 - "Admiral Kuznetsov", 7 - "Admiral Gorshkov"; 8 - "For the service in the marines"; 9 - "For the service in the underwater forces"; 10 - "300 years of the Baltic Fleet"; 11 - "For service in air force"; 12 - "General of the Army Margelov"; 13 - "General Army Hrulev"; 14 - "Major General Alexander Aleksandrov"; 15 - "200 years by the Ministry of Defense"; 16 - "Member of the march of June 12, 1999 Bosnia-Kosovo"; 17 - "For strengthening the combat community"; 18 - "For the difference in military service" I, II and III degrees.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense - the signs of differences for the designation of the highest form of recognition of merit to the armed forces.

Premium signs - signs of differences for the designation of merit shown in the performance of official and (or) special duties, high achievements of military personnel and civilian personnel personnel in various types of daily activities, their high combat and professional qualities. They are metal breastplates (for high achievements in various types of military activities, memorable, for victory in sports competitions.

From 1992 until 1995, along with some award-winning union, the USSR soldiers awarded the medal "For the difference in military service", due to the fact that this medal had a political treatment of heraldic design.

The first step in the work on the creation of the Subsystem of the departmental awards of the Ministry of Defense of Russia is associated with the preparation and publication of the Order of the 1995 Defense Minister No. 123 "On awards of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation". This order was established medals "for strengthening the combat community" (Fig. 17) and "for the difference in military service" of three degrees (Fig. 18).

The establishment of these medals was preceded by a large preparatory work. During this work, the historical experience of the development of the departmental awards of the Ministry of Defense and other ministries and departments of the former Union of SSRThe competition for the preparation of draft departmental awards and heraldic examination of the developed projects of awards has been developed, and the criteria of merit have been developed for awarding and provisions on these awards.

When building these medals, politically neutral heraldic elements were also used, symbolizing the purpose of the armed forces. Thus, the project of the medal "For the difference in military service" was built on the basis of one of the variants of the unified emblem of the armed forces (shield against the background of crossed swords, wings and anchors) and assumed enamel. In terms of heraldic design, established medals are difficult to call the top of medal art.

In order to reduce the cost of the project, the medal was released without enamel, which made it dim and inexpressive. The inconsistency of the traditionally used metal power of the medal is striking. Previously, the first degree of the medal "For impeccable service in the Armed Forces of the USSR" was made of silver and the star on her front side was covered with hot ruby \u200b\u200benamel. This highlighted this medal, made it more expressive and increased its significance.

The semantic content of the medal "for strengthening the combat community" of its heraldic design is also not accurately reflected. There is an unjustified combination of iconic signs and signs of the language system. Moreover, the name of the medal made by small font is not readable and as a result of this seems inexpedient. Drawings of medals were performed by A.A. Zhukov - artist NTK Tsaw Mo RF, presented to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army of P. Grachev and approved by him.

At the specified period, a number of departmental awards were developed at the Ministry of Defense. In particular, on the initiative of the awards department of the GUK of the Russian Federation, headed by Colonel V.S. Makarov, a draft order of the Minister of Defense about the establishment of the Cross "for the Military Valor" was prepared. The project of the Medal (Cross) was developed in the Department of Military Heraldry and Symbolism with the participation of V.N. Medvedev and AB Stepanova. The drawings were executed by Yu.A. Abaturov. However, after establishing a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on January 27, 1997, the military heraldic sign of the EMS of the Russian Federation, with a view to its use, which is quite justified, at the request of VS. Makarova in the drawings of the crosses were made by the author of the article.

However, the medal institution required financial costs in the amount of about 10 billion non-delimited rubles and insufficient financing of the Ministry of Defense did not allow this intention.

At the same time, it was keenly determined the need to significantly streamline work on the creation of premium signs of the Ministry of Defense. Such a necessity was a consequence of complex social processes in society and in the armed forces. The fact is that changes in the public self-awareness of Russian citizens, including servicemen, caused a natural process of creating military heraldic signs directly in military units. As a rule, the upcoming anniversaries of military units were served as a reason for the creation of these signs, or memorable dates. By the mid-1990s. In this process there were two explicit trends. The first trend was aimed at borrowing the principles of building the signs of military differences in the army of states Western Europe, United States, etc. This trend reflects the priorities of the European type of civilization development, and the characters characteristic of it, figuratively speaking, "tasted with fangs" Panther, Leopards and others who are not characteristic of Russia predators, allegedly symbolizing high combat qualities of military units and units. These signs carry the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualism, exclusivity, but do not contain the main idea - traditional for the "Christ-loving" military of the Russian sense of debt, selfless service of the Fatherland, humanistic principles and deep historical roots.

The second trend reflects the focus on the revival of the distinctive signs of the Russian army, established before 1917. A significant part of such signs was created using the historically established practices of creating awards and the principles of building military coat of army of Russia, which were perceived by our compatriots for almost two centuries as the symbols of military valve and honor I am confident that the signs of the regenerated on them will not be alien and warriors of the modern Armed Forces of Russia.

At that time, in the federal executive bodies in which the law provides for military service, there is a significant number of military heraldic signs, including premierable, which by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 27, 1997 are defined as "experimental".

Thus, in the history of the development of military heraldry, another historical period was determined in Russia (1992-1997) "Experimental Military Heraldic Signs". This period is characterized by several approaches to both the organization of military heraldic work and the creation of a system of military heraldic signs in various executive authorities.

The Ministry of Defense also developed a whole range of projects of departmental awards and other signs. However, the lack of direct financing of the development and manufacture of premium signs did not allow this intention.

At the same time, on the individual most important areas of the activities of the Armed Forces for various reasons, the need for awarding servicemen award signs was so high that financial obstacles were overcome. During 1996-1997 Signs were established: "For a long trick" 2, "Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1, 2, 3, 3 place)", "Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1,2,3)" 3, "For demining" 4

Sign "For Far Hike"

Sign for the personnel of surface ships and ships Sign for the personnel of submarines

In terms of heraldic construction, these signs, in my opinion, are quite logical and combine the principles of continuity and functional necessity. So the sign "For a far-ranking" is built on the basis of an existing previously, taking into account the changed symbolism of the Navy (the flag of the Navy of the Soviet Union is replaced by the Andreev flag). This sign is an example of organic unity of the best traditions of building the Falonimov of the USSR and the Imperial Russia and accounting for the interests of the development of modern armed forces. Especially I would like to note that the use of a true historical Navy symbol provided high degree Psychological readiness of military sailors perceive this sign as a high award.

2 See: Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1996 №123 "On the establishment of bad signs of the" ship commander "and" For Far Hike ".

3 See: Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of May 7, 1997 No. 175 "On the establishment of sports breastplates in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

4 See: Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of October 18, 1997 No. 378 "On the establishment of a breastplate" For demining ".

Sign "For Demining"

Signs "Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1, 2, 3th place)", "The Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (1, 2, 3, 3 place)" and "for demining" remained virtually unchanged. In them, the previously pronounced symbolism of the USSR was replaced by neutral general-official emblems. A common drawback for orders, established signs of this period was inaccurate and non-monotonous in terms of terminology of descriptions.

Premium signs established in 1998 reflect the growth of prestige and significance of the most important structures of the armed forces, primarily - strategic rocket troops. These are the signs of the difference: "The main marshal of artillery called", "For the service in RVSN", as well as "for military intelligence service", "Special Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

Sign "Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

Sign "Championship of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

Sign for first place sign for second place sign for the third place

The establishment of these signs was dictated by an acute official need for encouraging for the differences between military personnel in the conditions of extremely insufficient material incentives for their work. In terms of heraldic design, these signs can be characterized as not sufficiently thoughtful, developed with a large degree of subjectivism. Although in their construction you can already notice some systematicity and validity. All of the above is fully applied to the sign of the Z00 Years of Engineering Forces established in 1996.

Also, the need to promote the official activity of military personnel and military units is explained by the institution in December 1998. The first in the Russian Federation of collective award - "Vimpel of the Minister of Defense for Courage and Military Valor". Pennant was created as a system element of a common set of heraldic signs, taking into account the traditions of building a banners of the Russian army. Penflowan establishment marks the beginning of a new stage of development of premium signs and military heraldic signs in general.

Sign "S00 Years of Engineering Forces of Russia"

In terms of illustrations of a systematic approach as a fundamental principle of creating a system of military heraldic signs, in my opinion, it is possible to bring the institution of the "memorable sign of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation". The sign is made from Tompac with enamel and is a reduced copy of the minister of defense minister without a central medallion. In the center of the panel is the emblem of the Armed Forces. It is the use of common heraldic elements in developing various on the functional purpose of signs (signs of belonging to a specific military formation, commemorative, premium, officials) made it possible to embody the principle of a systematic approach to their construction and lay the foundation for the stratification of military heraldic signs.

The period of "experimental signs" differences and differences made it possible to summarize the experience of creating these signs and to determine the conceptual approach to solving the problem of creating a self-developing and self-sufficient system of signs of distinction of the Ministry of Defense, as the most important means of stimulating the service activities of the entire personnel.

The essence of the above approach is to develop on the basis of the analysis of the historical experience of awarding military personnel in Russia and abroad the principles of the formation and development of the sign of the signs of the Ministry of Defense, as well as determining the mechanism of its functioning and improvement.

  1. in logical plan - determination of the structure of the system of signs of distinction as a multi-level, covering both all the main areas of military service and special areas of operations of military servicemen;
  2. in the functional plan - the formation of the mechanism of functioning and improving the system of differences;
  3. in heraldic terms - the creation of a unified visual number of departmental signs of the differences in the Ministry of Defense, provided that pronounced criteria reflecting the stratification (multi-level) of the system and taking into account the traditional features of the development of a domestic award system.

Medals of the Ministry of Defense in the form are similar to traditionally adopted in Russia. They are made of silver metal (golden) color and have a circle shape with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex side on both sides.

Medal with a corner and rings are connected to a pentagonal block, covered with silk moored ribbon width of 24 mm. From the right edge of the ribbon, an orange strip of a width of 10 mm bordered with a black band of 2 mm wide, the left - the colors whose colors symbolize the purpose of the medal, as a rule, corresponding to the colors of the corresponding flags of the armed forces and the twisted signs of military personnel.

A characteristic feature of the departmental medal of the Ministry of Defense is traditional for russian medals Combined tape, the right side of which is a single: orange strip, bordered by a black stripe, which determines the purpose of the coin as a departmental award of the Ministry of Defense.

On the front side of the medal - the embossed image of the corresponding emblem, portrait or artistic composition reflecting the region of military activities.

For example, the image of the emblems of the Ministry of Defense and Engineering Forces, respectively, on medals "200 years of the Ministry of Defense" and "For Diligence, when performing the tasks of engineering support"; Portraits of Admirals Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova and this year. Gorshkova, General Army of Khrulev, General Marghelova, Major General Alexandrova is due to their outstanding personal merits in the development of the Armed Forces; The image of the main types of military equipment symbolizes the preparedness of all military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the fulfillment of military debt on the protection of the Fatherland.

On the back of the medal in the center - the embossed emblem of the Ministry of Defense (armed forces, species, or childbirth forces of the armed forces), which is a significant sign of the departmental sign of the difference, in a circle - the inscription: "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

The signs of the differences "For Merit" ("For Differences") of species, childbirth forces of the Armed Forces, the main departments of the Ministry of Defense - in the form of a direct equil-blank cross with expanding ends (concave at the ends to eliminate the similarity with state awards) with the corresponding enamel and heraldic color Elements in the center reflecting the area of \u200b\u200bmilitary activities. This is the traditional form of award signs of Russia.

Another shape of the cross is used in the presence of a reasonable symbolic content. For example, the shape of the "militia" cross in the GSOM GSOM sign - reflects the most important function of the management of the population in case of war, the form of the "Maltese" cross for GOU GSH - reflects the period of the founding of the apartment sector - Preview GS of the Russian Federation, etc.

The basis of the signs of the distinction of military districts, armies, the central administrations of the Ministry of Defense is the traditional element of premium signs - an oak wreath, whose branches are sent with a tape with the inscription "For merit" ("for the differences"). At the top of the wreath - the emblem of the Ministry of Defense (armed forces, species, or labor of the armed forces), in the lower - the corresponding emblem of the Military District, the army, central office Ministry of Defense.

The composition of memorable signs of the Ministry of Defense is determined by the cause of its institution. For example, memorable signs of the highest leaders of the Armed Forces are made in the form of an appropriate standard, which emphasizes the specific personification of an official with the right to present the sign. The second group of signs is based on similar historical signs, for example, a prototype of a memorable sign "200 years of the Ministry of Defense" was the sign of the 100th anniversary of the military ministry. The third group of memorable signs, which are established in honor of the anniversary dates, is developed on the basis of recognizable images having a stable association with an anniversary. These signs, as a rule, have a shape of a medal on a rectangular block, covered with silk moored combination ribbon 24 mm wide. The right edge of the ribbon is one for all premium signs - this is an orange strip of 10 mm width bordered by two black stripes 1 mm wide, the left of this strip is the colors that are corresponding to the colors of the appropriate anniversary.

The signs of the Ministry of Defense, which operates as a system self-developing and self-sufficient is intended to become an organic addition to the system of state awards of the Russian Federation and will help ensure that the award system of Russia as a whole has become an even more powerful effective means of motivating the official, industrial, scientific and creative activities of Russian citizens. Achieving this goal to a large extent depends on the effective solution of issues of heraldic support of the departmental awards.

An important factor in the effective functioning of the system of military heraldic signs as a whole is also a clearly defined procedure for using these signs. This is especially true of the problem of placement of signs on military clothing, compliance with the rules of wearing which is one of the features and spiritual foundations of military service, an important aspect of the formation of military traditions, high combat and moral qualities of warriors.

Topography of a military costume should clearly define the status of a heraldic sign. Only this approach will allow

To this end, the Ministry of Defense has developed and approved the concept of placing heraldic signs on a military suit. The essence of this concept is to minimum quantity Heraldic signs to reflect all elements of the military organizational system, in terms of positioning a serviceman in the system of state and social equipment, effective implementation They are their duties and stimulating official activities. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly define the categories of signs necessary for placement on military clothing and the degree of their representation (severity).

Scheme of placement of heraldic signs on military uniform (project)

So signs placed on military clothing are divided into the following categories: 1) state affiliation signs; 2) state signs differences; 3) signs of departmental affiliation; 4) departmental signs of differences; 5) other heraldic signs. The most common principles of placement of signs can be considered: first, the priority of state signs over the departmental, expressed in the placement of the first in traditionally honorable and prominent places; secondly, compliance with stratification military organization States expressed in the priority of signs of the higher authority of the military department (senior chief); Thirdly, the domestic traditions of building a military uniform costume and place the corresponding signs on it.

The enormous importance of the armed forces in the development of any state predetermines the recognition by the Company's importance to the society, the high social and moral status of military personnel - the defenders of the Fatherland, forms their feeling of pride for belonging to the rated class. It is this feeling that is the spiritual basis of military service and corporate unity of warriors.

A special form of manifestation of this corporateity is the presence of external distinguishing features, according to which civilians recognize the military, and the military distinguish each other. Another feature of these signs is to satisfy the needs of people whose service is associated with risk to life, have external distinctive signs that would reflect their merits to the state and symbolized the potential willingness to stand up on the protection of society. It is in this that the main purpose of military symbols: banners and flags, standards and pennants, signs of difference and differences, without which no army of the world can exist, and the entire combination of which, considered in development and interaction, is a system of military heraldic signs and combined The concept is "Military Heraldry".

The military heraldic signs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are built on the basis of a systematic approach, the principles of functional necessity, conciseness and traditionality. In combination with highly artistic performance, this makes it possible to harmoniously reflect the general, private and special signs of military activities, while maintaining a single visual series, which ensures their recognition among other heraldic signs. The deep symbolic content and compliance of the Russian military heraldic tradition allow us to ensure the psychological readiness of the servicemen to the right perception of these signs, makes them military regalia and shrines. We are trying to be reflected in our signs and the whole history of the armed forces, the glorious fighting traditions of Warfish Dmitry Donskoy and Miracle Bogatiy Suvorov, Fighters Skobelev and Brusylov, Heroes of Hassan and Khalkhin-goal, Great Patriotic War and Afghanistan.

This is the result of the painstaking work of the team of the military-heraldic service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, members of the Heraldic Commission of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military authorities. We are grateful for the assistance rendered to members of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, heraldists of power structures and public organizations, historians of many scientific institutions.

The effective functioning and development of the system of military heraldic signs is the most important means of raising the prestige and attractiveness of military service, stimulating the official activities of military personnel, the preservation and multiplication of glorious military traditions, cohesion of military teams.

There is information ...

From May 23, 1994, in connection with the decree of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation, wearing the differences that remained from the Soviet Army were considered illegal. From that moment on, Russia began the formation of a national system of national symbolism in terms of difference signs in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

History of the emergence of differences

Starting from the 16th and 16th centuries, in the Sagittaking troops, the commander was different from ordinary cover of his form, another type of weapon and herself a cane on which it was possible to understand the high status of the serviceman. In a regular army created by Peter the first, UNTER-Officers were allocated from the rest of the soldiers of the Golden Galun, which the hats were crushed. The officers of this material also were trimmed with camisole and caftan.

In addition, the officers had breastplate and other marks on the form. In 1801, epaulets were introduced into the form of servicemen. They identified numbers of parts and monograms of various types of troops. In addition to the challenge in army uniforms, there were eaps.

After the revolution, in the formation of the Red Army in 1918, a breastplate was released to designate belonging to it. It was made of metal in the form of a wreath consisting of two branches, laurel and oak. In the center of it there was a red star, a proletariat symbol. In the central part of the star, there was an image in the form of a plow and hammer.

On overcoats and gymnasters, buttercups were worn with the emblem of the corresponding certain kind of troops. In 1935, when personal signs of differences were introduced, an order was issued on the placement of them in accordance with the serviceman existing in the serviceman. On the form of the commander, they were located in the form of emblems and on the sleeves. For military personnel of the Navy, they were located only in the area of \u200b\u200bsleeves.

In 1943, the report by the Commander was returned to the epaulence, which, after the revolution, were canceled, as a relic of tsarism, and in 1969, for officers and top commanders, parade shoulder straps were introduced, made of silver and golden galun.

Modern signs of differences

Emblems and other distant signs can be divided into three main groups:

  1. By accessories.
  2. Personified.
  3. According to their functional purpose.

By belonging to childbirth

Signs of the Differences of the Russian Federation of the new sample of belongings are divided into four types: in relation to the military formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Russian Navy, Military Representation abroad, participants in peacekeeping activities. They are located on the sleeve in the form of emblems and are available in accordance with the birth of troops. Such emblems are made in the form of round or other forms, depicting the coat of arms of the Russian Federation on a color background. Each type of troops has its own color.

These emblems include:

  • civil defense troops;
  • internal troops;
  • railway troops;
  • ground troops;
  • suvorov and Nakhimovsky schools;
  • missile troops;
  • border Service;
  • communication troops.

The signs of distinction on belonging to childbirth include emblems and breastplate icons. They are made of metal and rocked on the chest or shirt according to the rules of wearing such signs, as well as the emblems on the shoulder.

These include divisional emblems in the form of stripes. Each division has its emblems that are obliged to wear the entire personnel of a certain military connection.

Charges Differences Personalized

Such can be attributed personal standards, personal and job signs. These signs mean the personal responsibility of the one who wears them. All top management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has such differences.

Standards are manufactured in a certain form and have strict rules of their application. They are made in the form of a flag that is installed in the office of the official or in the official transport of the official.

Personal standings are available at the following officials:

  • the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • at his deputies;
  • in commander of the districts;
  • the commander-in-chief of certain troops and other officials.

Functional Difference Signs

These include petal signs of differences. The Liners of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are intended for location on the collar of military personnel. These are paired emblems that have two types: for the front and casual field shape. In the first embodiment, they are made of metal and are attached to the collar of the form. In the second case, the loovers are protective and sewn on the form.

Purphering destination to identify the belonging of a serviceman to certain types of troops. There are loops for an ordinary and sergeant composition, as well as for officers. Perping signs for officer composition are made of golden threads and sewd to the edge of the collar.

Perping signs on the form reflect:

  • Place in the structure of military formations and the value of specific divisions.
  • The specifics of the purpose of these military formations.
  • Historical traditions that follow in the manufacture of a certain loop.

How to place stripes and chevrons on the form

With the adoption in the Ministry of Defense of the new office form, the requirements of the location of chevrons and stripes on it were changed. They should be positioned in this way:

  1. On the left side in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pocket Valve, the strip must be located, denoting the surname and initials of the military personnel.
  2. FROM right side The pocket should be located on the patch, on which there is an inscription "Armed Forces of Russia"
  3. On the left side of the left side should be the chevrons on the belonging of a serviceman to certain births of troops or the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  4. On the right side of the right side, Chevron should be located on belonging to a specific military unit.
  5. On the left chest pocket there is a bar for the location of premium signs on it.
  6. Over the valve right-hand pocket, signs of an end-end educational institution may be located.

Marks of Excellence

Such signs are awarded a soldier for merits in the fulfillment of military debt and in strengthening and developing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They are assigned to the Russian Armed Forces in the following cases:

  • With award. For military merit or for manifested skill in performing the tasks.
  • After learning. Such signs are assigned to graduates of military educational institutions.
  • Qualifying signs of differences. Issued in the case of good physical fitness or for success related to military specialty.
  • With memorable events. Such a sign of differences are awarded in honor of the holidays, anniversaries and other memorable events.

In the Russian army, such signs are worn as an element of form. Very often encourage the excellent implementation of military debt and other merits. The premium species include medals and orders. Chest signs must be located in a certain place on the form and are issued in accordance with the perfect servicemen. It can be a manifested courage or excellent indicators in military training.

Location on headlocks

On headlores are used such signs of differences like a cocardia. It is made of metal or has a cloth base.

Golden or silver cokards are always used on the main forms. For field outputs there are olive-green beams. In the Russian army, the cokardes are located on the heads of the entire personnel. Cokards have a single appearance for all types of troops.

In the IMF, such a sign has a black color with an anchor image in the center of the sign. Attach this icon you must smoothly in the middle of the head. Any difference sign over time loses the view, so it is necessary to have several copies of such symbols about the stock.

The legally armed forces of Russia exist from May 7, 1992 (Presidential Decree No. 466). Also, the legally Soviet Army ceased to exist on December 25, 1991 at the time of the entry into force of the Belovezh Agreement on the liquidation of the USSR. In fact, the Soviet army began to decay since the fall of 1989, when the former Union of the USSR republics one after another began to declare their state sovereignty. In this period, the actual creation of national armies began. The leadership of Russia and the Soviet Army undertakes weak attempts to preserve the Unified Army called the United Armed Forces of the Union of Independent States (CIS OV). However, to stop the disappearance process of the once mighty army for national apartments failed. Legally, the CIS CIS existed from 25.12.1991 to 07.05.1992.

The military personnel of the Soviet Army (ABS of the CIS) deployed in Russia from December 1991 to May 1992 continued to wear uniforms and signs of the distinction of the Soviet Army. From the moment of legalization Russian army On May 7, 1992, wearing uniforms and signs of the difference of owls. Armia, actually, is considered illegal. However, only on May 23, 1994, the Decree of the President of Russia No. 1010 is published on the introduction of uniforms and signs of the difference in the armed forces of Russia (including the Russian Army)

The uniform of the Russian army is quite significantly different from the Uniform of the Soviet Army. Significantly changed emblems. First of all, colored buttercups leave. Hakka's buttercups remain only on the shells of generals. Fools of caps are becoming the same color with a tulley. Disassemble the genus of troops on the colors of clothing elements becomes impossible. Colive range of uniforms since 1994 is represented for all land forces with color of khaki with red kants and lumen of officer pursuit (blueberries for airborne and military-cosmic forces); And in blue with blue karts and lumen of officers of the aircraft for aviation. For the first time since 1924, the infantry (motorized rifles) receive their own emblem. A new emblem of naval cosmic forces appears. Rereamed, canceled in the eighties, the emblem of the veterinary service.

Emblems of labor of troops, despite the disappearance of the loop, expands. On the left sleeve at the shoulder, all the servicemen on all types of clothing (except shirts) wear a stripe pointing to belonging to the Russian army (initially and fleet servicemen receive this stripe. Later it is replaced with its own stripe). This strip is legal. Without it, a person in military clothing at any other signs of differences is not considered to be a military personnel of the Russian army.

The emblems of labor of troops, which were previously located on non-ferrous buttercups, move into the corners of the collars, and on a number of military clothes on epaulets (shirts, overcoats (coats) and jackets demi-season with a fur collar, summer raincoat, wool jacket).

Emblems of labor of troops on collars and epaulets

Golden emblems on the front and casual shape of all servicemen, gray dull color on the field shape.

2-rocket troops of strategic destination. 2-generalized emblem. Designed for military personnel for whom the emblems of the kind of troops, service (rear services, financiers, administrative bodies, military commissariants, military offices, etc.) 3-troops of air defense are not identified. 4-air force. 5-airborne troops. 6-naval-cosmic forces. 7-motorized rifle troops. 8-tank troops. 9-rocket troops and artillery. 10-engineering troops. 11-troops of radiation, biological and chemical protection. 12-troops communications. 13-automotive troops. 14-road troops. 15-topographic service. 16 legal service. The 17-service military message (this emblem began to wear railway troops, which are not part of the Armed Forces of Russia, and are part of the civil ministry of messages). 18 fuel and lubricant service. 19-medical service. 20-veter-sanitary service. 21-Naval Orchestra Service

In addition to the emblems on the collars, you were introduced by twisted emblems of the delivery of troops. They are attached to the right sleeve of all types of clothing (except shirts) of all servicemen. Instead of violating signs, the emblem of a particular military district, compounds, parts, an emblem of belonging to elite parts and units (special forces, equipments, GRU, military intelligence, and soats, can be attached to the birth of troops in this place. The figure shows as an example of the emblem of three types of troops.

In addition to the vigorous emblems, a chest inscription is introduced with the emblem of the order of troops. This strip is attached on a field form above the right pocket.

By order of MO of Russia No. 210 dated 03.28.1997, multiple emblems are introduced by types of armed forces on the right sleeve, without canceling the emblems on the birth of troops.

1-central device MO of Russia.
2-rocket troops of strategic destination.
3-ground troops.
4-troops of the country's air defense.
5-air force.
6-navy fleet.
7-naval-cosmic forces.
8-Aviation of Ground Forces.
9-airborne troops.
10-Aviation of the Country Defense forces of the Country Defense.

The same order of Russia for military representatives of the Russian army abroad on the left sleeve instead of the standard emblem of belonging to the armed forces of Russia is introduced a special emblem. For military personnel performing duties in the composition of the peacekeeping forces abroad, a blue-colored stripe is introduced with a yellow inscription "MS" on the field shape over the left pocket.

By order of the Ministry of Defense of Russia in connection with the inclusion of military-space forces, the entire symbolism of the military-space forces is canceled - the emblem on epaulets and collars (6), the emblem is canceled (6), the emblem is broken (7).

Suit summer consists of a jacket and trousers. It is part of the all-season set of basic uniforms (WCTO). Suit from the mirage fabric (PE-65%, cotton-35%), with a high content of cotton - hygienic and comfortable in daily sock. Straight jacket. Collar - Rack, the volume is regulated by a patch on a textile fastener. The central fastener on the detachable zipper is closed by a plank on textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with valves on textile fasteners. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the blades. Sleeves are single-shoes. At the top of the sleeves, overhead volumetric pockets with valves on textile fasteners. In the elbow area, the lining-amplifiers with the entrance for the testers on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeve - a patch patch for the handles. Under the bottom of the sleeves of the cuffs with pats on textile fasteners for adjustment of volume. Pants straight cut. An isolated belt with seven borders under the belt. The volume of the belt is regulated with a cord with tips. Clasp on buttons. Two side cutting pockets. For side seams, two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a retainer. Inputs in pockets, decorated obliquely, hike hands are closed with valves on textile fasteners. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees, the overlaying amplifiers with the entrance for the testers on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers, overhead volume pockets with valves on textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is regulated by the braid. On the rear halves of the trousers two slit pockets with valves with a counteal fastener on buttons. In the seating area, the amplifier

Jacket: - Free Croes; - Zipper central onboard, windproof plank, on buttons; - coquette of finishing fabric; -2 slotted inclined pockets with a valve, on buttons at the bottom of the transfer; - on the sleeves according to 1 invoice inclined pocket; - in the elbow area reinforcing curly overlays; - the bottom of the sleeves on the rubber band; - Hood double, with a visor, has a pulling soup for adjustment by volume; - fitting on the waist with the help of the Kulis; Pants: - Casual; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the field of knees, on the rear halves of trousers on the seam seam - reinforcing lining; -2 lateral patch pockets with valve; -2 rear false figured pockets on buttons; - cut parts in the knee area prevents their pulling; - rear halves under the knee are collected by a rubber band; - belt on the rubber band; - bottom on the rubber band; - fastening robes (suspenders); - bumps under the belt; Wearing - both in shoes and an eye. Material: tent tissue; Composition: 100% cotton; Density: 270 gr.; Lining: Ripstope, Oxford; Cuffs: Yes; Sealing gum: Yes; Pockets Jacket / Pants: Yes / Yes; Optional: Lightweight summer version; High strength of fabric and seams; How to wash the costume of a slide.

Note - In this model, the warming of the fleece only in the jacket! Coloring: Khaki Jacket: - Free Croes; - Zipper central onboard, windproof plank, on buttons; - coquette of finishing fabric; -2 slotted inclined pockets with a valve, on buttons at the bottom of the transfer; - on the sleeves according to 1 invoice inclined pocket; - in the elbow area reinforcing curly overlays; - the bottom of the sleeves on the rubber band; - Hood double, with a visor, has a pulling soup for adjustment by volume; - fitting on the waist with the help of the Kulis; Pants: - Casual; -2 side vertical pockets; - in the field of knees, on the rear halves of trousers on the seam seam - reinforcing lining; -2 lateral patch pockets with valve; -2 rear false figured pockets on buttons; - cut parts in the knee area prevents their pulling; - rear halves under the knee are collected by a rubber band; - belt on the rubber band; - bottom on the rubber band; - fastening robes (suspenders); - bumps under the belt; Wearing - both in shoes and an eye. Material: tent tissue; Composition: 100% cotton; Density: 270 gr.; Lining: Ripstope, Oxford 0; Cuffs: Yes; Sealing gum: Yes; Seasonality: demi-season; Optional: reinforced inserts, removable Fleece Lining Anthers on trousers, suspenders included

Suit summer consists of a jacket and trousers. Straight jacket. Collar - Rack, the volume is regulated by a patch on a textile fastener. The central fastener on the detachable zipper is closed by a plank on textile fasteners. Two chest patch pockets with valves on textile fasteners. Pockets are located obliquely, along the way. Back with two vertical folds for freedom of movement in the blades. Sleeves are single-shoes. At the top of the sleeves, overhead volumetric pockets with valves on textile fasteners, with bubbin tape loops from the inside of the valves. In the elbow area, the lining-amplifiers with the entrance for the testers on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the sleeves - overhead pockets for the handles. Under the bottom of the sleeves of the cuffs with pats on textile fasteners for adjustment of volume. Pants straight cut. An isolated belt with seven borders under the belt. The volume of the belt is regulated with a cord with tips. Clasp on buttons. Two side cutting pockets. For side seams, two large patch pockets with three folds for volume. The upper part of the pockets is tightened with an elastic cord with a retainer. Inputs in pockets, decorated obliquely, hike hands are closed with valves on textile fasteners. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe knees, the overlaying amplifiers with the entrance for the testers on textile fasteners. At the bottom of the trousers, overhead volume pockets with valves on textile fasteners. The volume at the bottom of the trousers is regulated by the braid. On the rear halves of the trousers two slit pockets with valves with a counteal clasp on buttons. In the seating area, the amplifier pad fabric: Mirage-210, PE-67%, HL-33%

Jacket "Mountain-3" is recommended for outdoor activities (tourism, hikes), as well as as a field shape of the minority divisions of the RF MO, free cut, not constraining the movements of a hood with adjustment in three dimensions - by oval of the face, vertically on the head and adjustment of the side Points on buttons Adjusting the volume of the sleeve above the wrist with a hidden elastic on velcro elbows are protected by polyurethane foam removable insertion (comes in the kit) Pockets: Two lower volume pockets on buttons are closed with valves "Napoleon" pockets on the chest inclined pockets on the sleeves, closed valves on velcro Documents on Velcake Tights: on the waist cord on the bottom jacket jackets View all products by tag jacket Rubber cord Material: 100% cotton, new high-quality tarpaulin, superior analogues used by most other manufacturers New processing technology made it possible to significantly improve tissue resistance to fading and abrasion lob KI -100% Polyester Polyers See all products by tag polyester rip-stop ATTENTION! Before washing, remove the protective inserts into the knees / elbows from the corresponding pockets. Do not erase protective inserts in the washing machine. When washing in a washing machine of tarpaulin, it is possible to appear traces of failure. Size selection: Download Size Mesh (.xlsx) To accurately determine the required size Reviews: Overview from Survival Panda Discussion of this model on the forum You may be interested in:

The costume consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket with a central onboard fastener "Zipper". Before with the upper slop pockets with valves and leaves, fastened with textile fasteners and side sloping pockets in the "Frame", fastening on the "Lightning" bracket. Before and backing the jacket on the lining. The collar is postponed with a rack. Suit outdoor pile of cloth rip-stop with velcro. Back with coquette. Swallow sleeves, single, with amplifier linings in the elbow area, with dirty cuffs, fastened on a textile fastener - incision with puffa. For the attachment of removable shoulder pursuit in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder seams, there are bumps, perpendicular to the shoulder seam of disinterested loops. At the bottom of the jacket, the cutting belt, the volume of which is regulated by side areas with an elastic braid. Pants straight, with focused arrows and side pockets on the front half. Fastener front of a trouser with zipper "zipper". On the rear halves - the folds. On the right back half a slit pocket with a valve and a leaflet, fastening on a textile fastener. The belt is valuable, fastened on the loop and buttons. To regulate by volume, the belt is pulled by an elastic braid in the region of the side seams. Example of drawing material: Additionally, you can purchase:

Costume of the general official sample. The costume of the general-time new sample is made with the latest requirements for uniform and can actually be used all year round. Structurally, a suit is a slight jacket (cuitel) and pants of casual. It is made of hydro-resistant polyester complimentary material / cotton 70/30 density of 220 gr. On 1m2 of the statutory color "Digital Flora". The jacket is equipped with a zipper, which, in turn, is covered with windproof valve, reliably fixed textile fasteners, has a collar rack, which prevents the neck of the neck fighter armor, and five pockets. Two front, two overhead on sleeves and one internal, waterproof, for documents. The sleeves of the jacket are reinforced by a double layer of fabric, and securely fixed in the brush fasteners of Velcro. It is thought out to cut the jacket itself so that the insulation layers can be improved under it, wearing either refilled in the pants, or an eye. For a quick identification in an emergency, and the differences in the charter, the difference in the jacket is provided for six reliable points of attachment - three over the breast pockets, and three on the sleeves. Suite trousers are fairly free, so as not to constrain the movements of the fighter, the knees and other loaded parts are reinforced by the second layer of fabric, in the belt are sewn elastic bands for automatic volume control. This allows you to quite comfortably wear a warming layer and in critical cases do without a waist belt. To accommodate a minimum required fighter, pants have six pockets. Two overhead freight on the sides, two slit, and two rear. Under the bottom, the pantian is arched, which allow you to reliably fix the pants over combat boots, as well as slaves, they provide more accurate adjustment of growth, and make wearing trousers, refined in shoes are more comfortable. Color Pixel Key Features: Coloring Green Pixel Durable Material Collar Stand Velcro Under Stripes Inner Pocket Characteristics Suite Characteristics Material: Rip-Stop Composition: 70/30 Density: 220 gr. Cuffs: Velcro Sealing gum: Screws Pockets Jacket / Trousers: Yes / Yes Seasonality: Demi-season

Forse of the Ministry of Defense (office). The cap is made of ripstope fabric, the colors of Oliva. According to the Team Regulations No. 256/41/3101. On caps and caps placed a sign of difference in affiliation to the executive authorities, where the law provides for military service (golden color cocardium), the highest officers, in addition, the visor and the shaker of the cap with the sewing color.

High-profile windbreaker. Windbreaker Commonwealth is part of the new set of uniforms of the Russian sun, and is intended for operation throughout the year. It is made of Taslan, the material is 100% consisting of polyester, 180g density. 1m2, which provides increased wear resistance of the product and precipitation protection. The jacket provides a deep hood with adjustable screeds, two overhead pockets on the sleeves, two volumetric side slotted pockets and sealing gums along the edge of sleeves and a belt. Falsepogons provide a quick change of signs of differences from field on clearly distinguishable everyday and vice versa. To quickly identify a soldier, five floors with a textile fastener are provided. Two breastplaces for the name, the title of blood group and other necessary information, and three on the windbreaker sleeves, to accommodate the emblems of the order of troops, the tactical emblem of the part and the state affiliation of the military. Removable fleece lining allows you to use windbreaker with comfort at low temperatures. Color Green Digital Basic Features: Windbreaker Authorized Lining from Removable Flis Hood Characteristics Costume Characteristics Material: Taslan Composition: 100% P-E Density: 180 gr. Cuffs: Yes Sealing gum: Yes Pockets Jacket / Pants: Jacket Seasonality: Demi-season extra: Removable fleece lining

Winter jacket for ground troops, the Navy and the Air Force reliably protect against wind and snow. The insulation perfectly retains heat, it weighs little, not deformed, does not absorb moisture. The combination of membrane tissue and insulation ensures protection against severe frosts. Characteristics Cold Protection by authorized cut for military operations Only manual washing materials Rip-stop membrane insulation "Firebursoft"

Suit summer. Consists of a shirt and trousers. Straight shirt. Collar postponed central fastener on detachable lightning. Through the shoulder line of epaulets with removable pans (falsefogons) back with a coquette. Two chest patch pockets with valves on buttons. Two side pockets of rubber with leaves. At the bottom of the jacket, the cutting belt, the volume of which is regulated by side areas with an elastic braid. Swimming sleeves, short. At the bottom of the sleeves of wavelets with wasts on buttons. Pants straight cut. Cutting belt with five loops under the belt. The volume of the belt is regulated by side areas with an elastic braid. Zipper. Two side sloping pockets. On the right rear half pocket with a button on a button. The arrows on the front halves of the trousers are stopped. Fabric: "Panacea" Composition: 67% Polyester, 33% viscose 155 g / m2

Pants from a special costume of parachute parts on buttons The belt is adjustable in size using side rubber ovens for the convenience of carrying an ammunition on the belt of the loop to a wide waist belt reinforcing overlays with a mitigating insertion on the knees (PHOTO A) Mesh for ventilation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin area bottom trouser Cuffs at the bottom of the trousers are pulled by a braid that prevents garbage from entering shoes pockets: 2 side pockets and 2 pockets on the bemps with an inflexible riding, which prevents spontaneous loss of items 1 pocket for a knife 2 of the rear pocket Material: 100% cotton possible, you will be interested in: Designed for Parachute parts suit, turned out to be very convenient for tourists. Everything that is sharpened under the parachute is good and under the backpack. Durable dense tarpaulin fabric, pre-seated and having increased resistance to fading. The tarpaulin breathes, protects against wind and moisture, is not afraid of the fire (if not dried clothes on the bone cable) and does not contact insects. A free cut jacket does not argue movements and deprived of discovering details. Thanks to the absence of the lower pockets, it can be worn, both in the way and refilled in the pants. Characteristic for shaped buttons. The bottom of the jacket is adjustable in size. Two front pockets and side-friendly pockets on sleeves are protected by valves. The internal pocket for documents is made of water repellent tissue. Ventilation in the most overheating places in a jacket and pants provides a mesh tissue. The most stressful (elbows and knees) are enhanced by additional linings (kneeling with a softening insert). Pants with high adjustable rubber bands and strips for a wide belt are convenient and allow you to wear the necessary ammunition on the belt. The free cut, the tightened bottom of the pantian allows you to freely move in the most hard-to-reach places and protect the boots from getting inside the garbage. The restraint of the jacket with interest is compensated by an abundance of pockets on trousers. Curling pockets with side are simple and familiar, two rear pockets with valves, two front with valves ahead on the hips and pocket under the knife. You can place everything you need from salt, matches, cards, compass and GPS to horns from the machine. Durable, comfortable, breathable, unpretentious suit will be a reliable protection in the forest and in the air.

The Costume Masking "Border Guard-2" Summer Production of Prival is made of light mixed tissue, consists of a jacket and trousers. Perfectly suitable lovers of outdoor activities. In a suit, comfortable in hot weather, as well as, thanks to the free trick, you can wear on top of clothes as a protective layer. Jacket of casual lightning with a hood. 2 pockets on the jacket, 2 on trousers. Belt trouser on a rubber band with an additional fixation with a cord. Bottom pants on a rubber band. Packed in a compact case. Complete composition: Jacket / Pants Fabric: 65% Polyester, 35% viscose Color: Camouflage "Border Guard"

Male cloak for employees of the Ministry of Defense Direct Silhouette will provide a comfortable service and a presentable appearance at temperatures up to -15 degrees. A couch with a membrane in combination with the insulation works as wind and moisture protection. Characteristics Cold Protection Protection against Rain And Wind Statutory Current Only Manual Wash Materials Rip-Stop Membrane Heater "Firebursoft"

The jacket is bigger on size !!! If you wear 50 r you need to take 48 !!! Jacket from the costume of the winter field for military personnel of the Russian Federation of the Sample 2010. It differs from the original external wind and moisture protection fabric, lightweight non-removable insulation and a more comfortable central fastener outer fabric - Oxford PU (100% nylon). Unlike the mixture of the original does not floss, protects against wind and has high strength. Lining from lightly synthetic fabric The zipper is covered with an outside of the bar on the buttons (in the original - buttons). It is better protects from cold and wind, it is more convenient in work even in warm gloves for simplicity and convenience, the insulation (synthetone) is made non-removable. The number of insulation is less than in the original, the jacket is more demi-season to be reinforced with liners from the second layer of the cuffs, the cuffs are fastened onto a velcro velcro with a velcro fastener, are void on the shoulders (the location of the new sample). Falsepogons complete a high wide collar with a lining from a fleece. Flaked on Velcro Hood insulated layer fleece, removes the collar. It is pulled around the face, and in two dimensions on the back of the head. Occashed in front of Velcro waist is pulled by an elastic cord with two clamps on the wrong jacket of a loop-hanger on a collar with an inside of pockets: two lower false flat pockets with velcro valves Breast mortise pockets for heating hands. With an inclined entrance at a convenient angle, are insulated with a fleece internal pocket for documents with valve valve (from the heart), from the waterproof tissue, we strongly recommend using washing machines with frontal loading, in case you are the owner of the top loading machine, it is recommended Washing clothes and equipment in a special mesh bag for washing to protect against possible damage to the details of the washing machine drum. Before washing, you need to fasten all the zippers and claasures Velcro and completely relax all adjustments. If the top tissue is membrane, then wash the product better lining outwards (torn inside out). Wash in a delicate mode at 30 ° C with a double rinse cycle (it is better to use two rinsing cycles for confidence that all remnants of the detergent will be removed from the fabric and insulation) and spinning on medium turnover. It is permissible to use the drying drum at an average temperature (40-60 ° C) for 30-40 minutes or to completely dry, if the upper tissue is membrane, the product is better to dry the lining outward (torn inside out). You can dry the product in the suspension of the lining outward. To remove the hardwood spots before washing, you can handle contaminants with a special composition, such as Grangers Performance Wash or Nikwax Tech Wash, allowing the detergent to absorb during 10-15 minutes. Store clothing and equipment with a synthetic insulation better in polished (not compressed) condition. How to restore DWR processing on insulated clothes or DWR equipment is a special polymer applied to the surface of the fabric to give it water-repellent properties. DWR processing is not eternal. In the process of operation of the product, as well as after a certain amount of washes, the efficiency of the DWR is reduced. If water drops stopped riding from the surface of the fabric and wet the fabric even after washing, it's time to restore splash protection. We recommend using special compounds for restoring spray-proof treatment of tissues in the form of a spray, or fill in a washing machine, such as Grangers Clothing Repel or Performance Repel, or Nikwax TX.Direct Wash-in or Spray-ON. First you need to wash the product in accordance with the washing recommendations, then use the selected composition to restore splash protection, spraying it directly to the front side of the product, while it is still wet, or running the second wash cycle, pre-bay the required amount of Wash-in composition in a washing machine . It should accurately follow the manufacturer's instructions to restore splash protection, shown on the package. Many DWR recovery tools require thermal activation, so it is better to dry the treated clothing and equipment in the dryer drum or a drying cabinet at an average temperature (40-60 ° C) for 40-50 minutes or to completely dry.

Soft Shell suit is purposefully designed for the hard requirements of operators forces Special purpose. It is intended to maintain the comfortable temperature of the user's body in the cold season with active activity, in bad weather, with wind and rain. Suit can be used as the base 5th layer Ecwcs Gen.III. MPa-26-01 jacket: MPa-26-01 jacket is designed to maintain a comfortable body temperature in the cold season. Effectively assigns pairs from the body, does not allow moisture from the outside and reliably protects from the cold, wind and rain, taking into account intensive physical exertion. The demi-season jacket combines several layers of clothing due to the three-layer material of the softchell, consisting of an outer surface with the water-repellent impregnation of Teflon®, membranes and a fleece, departing moisture from the body. Cuffs on the sleeves are adjustable with textile fastener. The ventilation in the field of the armhop allows you to quickly "cool" and not overheat with enhanced physical activity and changing weather conditions. High collar rack protects the neck. The removable hood is regulated by volume and ovala face. The tactical jacket is equipped with 8 pockets on the "zipper": breast, side, rear at the bottom of the back and in the forearm area. For fastening chevrons at the top of the sleeves, fasteners are fasteners-well. -2 internal and 6 external pockets with access to when wearing together with tactical equipment; - ventilation holes are protected by a grid; - adjustment by the volume of the waist and bottom; - stand collar; - adjustable, leaving hood; - closed ventilation holes; - Skinny zippers. - Places for Chevrons on Velcro Fabric Soft Shell Breathes, does not break, does not wash, does not shy the movement! Composition 92% Polyester, 8% Spandex, Membrane, Fleece Season Spring / Autumn Category Jackets

MPa-35 suit is designed for comfortable work of the staff of the Ministry of Defense in hot weather. Consists of trousers and jackets with long sleeves. On the sleeves there are amplifying lining in the elbow area. The bottom jacket is adjustable by volume. Characteristics for hot weather by authorized cut for work in the headquarters Materials Materials Gabardine (100% n / er)

The costume consists of a jacket and trousers. Jacket with a central onboard fastener "Zipper". Before with the upper slop pockets with valves and leaves, fastened with textile fasteners and side sloping pockets in the "Frame", fastening on the "Lightning" bracket. Before and backing the jacket on the lining. The collar is postponed with a rack. Back with coquette. Swallow sleeves, single, with amplifier linings in the elbow area, with dirty cuffs, fastened on a textile fastener - incision with puffa. For the attachment of removable shoulder pursuit in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder seams, there are bumps, perpendicular to the shoulder seam of disinterested loops. At the bottom of the jacket, the cutting belt, the volume of which is regulated by side areas with an elastic braid. Pants straight, with focused arrows and side pockets on the front half. Fastener front of a trouser with zipper "zipper". On the rear halves - the folds. On the right back half a slit pocket with a valve and a leaflet, fastening on a textile fastener. The belt is valuable, fastened on the loop and buttons. To regulate by volume, the belt is pulled by an elastic braid in the region of the side seams. Additionally you can purchase.