Natural and public in man EGE plan. Test on topics: "Natural and public in man", "Social structure of society: elements and subsystems" Social Score Test (Grade 10) on the topic

The tradition developed in our literature makes it possible to use the expression "the problem of biological and social" in a very wide and, unfortunately, quite an indefinite sense. Therefore, the clarification of aspects of the attitude of the biological and social is a pressing methodological and science and science. Its solution is complicated by the lack of sufficiently strict bases of classification, a qualitative manifold of what is commonly related to biological or social elements of reality, multiplicity of links of these elements.

In accordance with the characteristic of K. Marx, the essence of a person as a set of social relations, he appears to be a social. However, a person is part of nature. From this point of view, people belong to the highest mammal, forming a special kind of Homo Sapiens, and, consequently, a person turns out to be a biological creature.

As well as a biological species, Homo Sapiens is characterized by a certain set of species signs. Each of these signs from various representatives of the species may vary in fairly large limits that in itself normally. Statistical methods allow you to identify the most likely, widespread values \u200b\u200bof each species feature. Social processes can affect the manifestation of many biological parameters of the species. For example, the average "normal" life expectancy of a person, according to modern scienceis 80--90 years, if it does not suffer inheritance and will not be a victim of external causes of death, such as infectious diseases or diseases caused by abnormal state of the environment, accidents, etc. Such is the biological The constant of the form, which, however, is changed under the influence of social laws. As a result, the real life expectancy increased from 20--22 years in antiquity to about 30 years in the XVIII century, 56 years in Western Europe by the beginning of the 20th century and 75--77 - in the most developed countries at the outcome of the XX century.

Biologically due to the duration of childhood, mature age and the old age of man; Age is given in which women can give birth to children (on average 15--49 years); The relationship between the birth of one child, twins, Troyen, etc. is determined. The sequence of such processes in the development of the human body is biologically programmed, as the ability to absorb various types of food, master the language at an early age, the appearance of secondary sexual signs and much more. According to some data, it is transferred by inheritance, that is, biologically determined, and giftedness different people In various activities (music, mathematics, etc.).

Like other biological species, the type of Homo Sapiens has stable variations (varieties), which are indicated when it comes to a person, most often the concept of race. Racial differentiation of people is associated with the fact that groups inhabiting various areas of the planet have adapted to the specific features of their habitat, and this has expressed in the emergence of specific anatomical, physiological and biological signs. But, belonging to the Single Biological Assembly of Homo Sapiens, a representative of any race has such a biological parameters inherent in this type, which allow him to be successfully involved in any of the life of human society.

If we talk about human prehistory, then the kind of Homo Sapiens is the last of today's levels of the development of the genus Homo. In the past, our predecessors were other species of this kind (such as Homo Habilis - a person capable; Homo Erectus is a man and pr.), Science does not yet give the unequivocal genealogy of our species.

Biologically, each of the ever-living or living human individuals ever-living, the only thing, for unique, the set of genes obtained by him from parents (the exception is single-time twins inheriting identical genotype). This uniqueness is intensified as a result of the interaction of social and biological factors in the process of individual development of a person, because each individual has unique life experiences (even one-time twins as aggregated are becoming something different from each other).

The uniqueness of each person is the fact of paramount philosophical and ideological importance. Recognition of the infinite manifold of the genus of human, and, therefore, the infinite diversity of abilities and taking people, which people may have one of the fundamental principles of humanism. At the time of the cult of the personality of Stalin in our country, as you know, it was in the course of the statement: "There are no indispensable people." It was used to substantiate attitudes towards a separate person as a "cantic" of a huge machine, to justify the rights of the rights and dignity of man. The recognition of the same uniqueness and intrinsicness of each human being is exactly the opposite of such an understanding of a person and such anti-human practices.

The above examples talk about difficulties, if it is not impossible to unambiguously decipher the phrase "the ratio of biological and social". Obviously, only a specific subject and the purpose of the study can set the boundaries of its accurate values. To prevent the semantic confusion, it should first of all, distinguish with a specific scientific and philosophical aspects Problems of biological and social.

The most clear examples of a specifically scientific aspect give those disciplines that deal with border challenges lying on the junction of public and natural Sciences, and especially those whose subject is formed by the imposition and interaction of the spheres of social and natural. These are many industries of geography, medicine, agricultural sciences, etc. On a number of knowledge branches can be said that a certain cut ratio of biological and social is their specific subject. The traditional sciences of this kind - psychology, human genetics, anthropology - today you can add ergonomics and human ecology, or medical environment.

The biological and social forms of motion of the Matter "Neighboring" in the evolutionary picture of the world: In the course of the progressive development of matter on the basis of its biological form, a qualitatively new phenomenon arises - society. Therefore, the interaction of the patterns of these levels of reality creates a complex complex of problems relating to the role and place of each of them in various spheres of social. As a result, the richest gnoseological soil for metaphysical and idealistic errors are formed, which are supported and fixed by class interest and are included in the ideological appeal. The most common of these errors is associated with such information (reduction) of social to biological, which leads to the substitution of the first second. It often lies at the heart of the inherent in the bourgeois philosophy of a non-historical approach to person and social reality in general.

Today, anyone who speaks with the thesis on the biological superiority of one race on another will be assessed by public opinion, at least as a reactionary, and we consider the categorical rejection of this thesis natural to every sensible person. Meanwhile, such a look at things is the historical conquest of humanity, and with the conquest of relatively recent. Even in the last century, the conviction was common in the superiority of the "White race" above all others, and ideas that today we estimate as racist, in certain forms, they did not expressly expressed by reactors, and people are quite progressive views. So, the German biologist E. Hekkel, a zealous propagandist of the teachings of Ch. Darwin, wrote in 1904: "Although significant differences in mental life and the cultural situation between the highest and lower races of people, in general, are well known, nevertheless, their relative life value It is usually understood incorrectly. What raises people so high above the animals ...-- This is a culture and a higher development of reason, making people capable of culture. For the most part, however, it is only characteristic of the highest races of people, and the lower races of abilities are poorly developed or not at all ... Therefore, their individual significance should be assessed completely differently. " Note that such views in many quite peacefully can get along with feelings of compassion and pity against the people of the "lower", that is, deprived of the nature itself of races, even with interest in their exotic businesses and customs.

Another example of how sometimes quickly and sharply change in the history of the perception of biologically determined differences between people is a social relationship between men and women. The difference between two floors belonging to the number of the most fundamental biological differences between people, in diverse forms is reflected in social relations and in the culture of society. For many centuries, this difference was understood by people through the prism of the categories of the "highest" (to which the male began) and the "lower" (female). The struggle for the equality of women began on historical standards most recently - just 100 - 150 years ago. And although today there are still many unresolved problems in this area, and the movement of women for their rights acquires sometimes exotic and even extremist forms in Western countries, it is impossible to not be noted how active women in the lives of modern society have become more active. In any case, now in public opinion it is increasingly approved by the understanding that the difference in floors should be understood not in terms of their opposition as allegedly "the highest" and "lower", but in terms of their completion and one of the important sources of the diversity of human nature - Diversity, which ensures its wealth.

A person as a subject of knowledge of his versatility is comparable to the world. In his life, he embodies all the best sides of the world. This feature of a person expressed in his definition a representative of the Italian humanism Pico the case of Mirandol. "A person is a microcosm," he says on the dispute "about the dignity of a person," - connecting all three parts of the cosmos: the world of earthly, heavenly and divine - surveillance. " Numerous attempts to identify a person were reduced to the allocation of a sign, distinguishing a person from other creatures. "Man," the German philosopher of the XVIII century I. Gerder, - is located on the highest level of development because the person goes directly - there is no reason. " The complexity of human nature is not able to display any definition. This variety can find more adequate reflection in the concepts corresponding to the scale of the human world. This is the concepts of "being", "essence", "existence", "human nature", etc.

The question of the nature of man, its origin, appointment, life and activity, place in the surrounding world is the most significant in the system of knowledge of society. Human studies different sciences: sociology, psychology, physiology, pedagogy and many others. There is also a special section of philosophical knowledge - anthropologyengaged in the study of the phenomenon of a person.

In the history of human thought there were many answers to the question: who is such a person and for which he came to this world. The person is complicated and contradictory. It gets along both high inspired impulses that encourage him to create masterpieces of art, make moral actions and low-lying passions, vices pushing into monstrous crimes. The writer Maxim Gorky claimed: "A person - it sounds proudly." With this statement, it is not always possible to agree. Sometimes people make such monstrous actions that they involuntarily ask for a question, to which depth of falling people can reach the man, as far as it is low, Rough, cruel, inhuman, and his sin is involuntarily reflected in many and many other people. But is it possible to apply the estimates "good" or "bad" in relation to the nature of a person as such?

Complex and discussion to our time is the question of the origin of the human race - anthropogenesis and, the formation of human society - sociogenesis. Scientists emphasize that the occurrence of a person, his allocation from the animal world, just as ambitious races in evolution, as the emergence of a living from the inanimate. The prehistory of mankind until now remains in many ways. One thing is clear that the anthroposocionesis is a long stage in which several stages can be distinguished.

Marxist scientists are supporters of the so-called labor hypothesis, arguing that the main role in the human evolution was played by the work that determined the emergence and development of rational thinking, self-regulatory speech, social relations. However, we emphasize the idea that the work itself in turn evolves in cooperation with the development of society, consciousness, moral norms.

One of the key issues social knowledge is the question of the "human nature", that is, certain constant qualities of any human personality. Using this concept, scientists emphasize the principal difference of a person from animals. American Sociologist John Dewey believes that all the variety of values \u200b\u200bof the concept of "human nature" can be reduced to four: 1) Human nature is a congenital biopsychic constitution inherent to man as a species; 2) Human nature is something that defines the eternal and unchanged aspirations and desires of people; 3) the human nature is devoid of innate motivations and aspirations, it is simply a specific method of reaction to the outside world, the method of perception of the world; 4) human nature is not congenital, on the contrary, it manifests itself in the fact that a person is able to create independently cultural values, moral ideals, norms.

Some scientists understand under human nature a complex of basic abilities providing people to satisfy its biological needs and tool to the environment. What affects human nature: Heredity, Environment, Society?

The whole life of the animal world is determined and controlled by instincts. Always the same in the same unchanged way of beavers build their dams, swallowing nests, squirrels produce products for the winter. This is the manifestation of an instinct - a certain congenital way to respond inherent in all biological species.

But the person knows hundreds of ways, both the construction of housing and satisfying food, security, etc. Consequently, a person becomes a man not so much by birth as it becomes them in the course of socialization, that is, the process of mastering the ways of activity, rules and norms developed by society, the development of culture.

Experience shows that only in society a person can find his human essence. If it is formed outside the society, for example, among the beasts, it becomes a beast.

A person is fundamentally different from animals with its intelligence that allows you to restrain and control bodily attractions and instincts. Due to mind, he comprehends the laws of the universe, opens science, transforms nature and creates a new habitat. In addition, only a person has faith in supernatural forces, the distinction of good and evil, awareness of the limbs of its existence in the world, their mortality, the memory of the past, and not only its own, but also other people, faith in the future. A man has a rich emotional world. He can cry and laugh, love and hate, compare someone else's misfortune and, on the contrary, to show worn and cruelty, to give assessments and make judgments about certain phenomena, create a new one who has no analogues in nature, create.

Many thinkers of different eras noted such a specific feature of a human being as incompleteness, openness. Man from nature is not endowed with instincts providing survival. He has no scary claws, fangs, imperceptible color, which helps animals avoid danger. As a biological being, a person is weaker than many animals and nevertheless, thanks to his mind, he became the most powerful force on Earth.

The Russian philosopher B.V. Markov emphasizes that the nature of a person is not something given, but is built in every culture in its own way.

"The awareness of the duality of its nature is the fundamental property of a person. On the one hand, like any animal, it obeys the physical and biological survival conditions, but on the other hand, it is determined by social norms, it has consciousness of freedom and seeks to execute the spiritual ideals of good, justice, beauty and truth ...

A person is not born, but become, but what is a person and who he should become - every historical epoch is this mystery in its own way. Therefore, there is no reason to talk about congenital aggressiveness or vice versa of solidarity, since natural deposits that every person have successfully suppressed or intensified by society. People just need to learn everything, and everything that they know is a product cultural Development, upbringing and education. A person is not born, but become. "

J.P.Sartr wrote: "The essence of a person does not precede its existence, he designs himself and is doomed to freedom and responsibility that can no longer shift on God."

According to B.G. Ananyva, the unity of biological and social in man is manifested in the unity of these characteristics as an individual, personality, subject and individuality.

The biological carrier in man is mainly an individual. A person as an individual is a totality, genetically determined properties, the result of the development of which is the biological maturity of a person.

Social is represented in man through personality and subject activity. At the same time, it is not about opposing the biological and social, because it is in the process of interaction with the company that the individual acquires certain properties, quality, that is, is socialized. On the other hand, the person and the subject of activity can be only in the presence of certain, specified nature of the qualities.

Each person passes his life path, interacting with other people, his social maturity is formed. Russian psychologist V.A.Averin defines the person as a set of social relations: economic, political, legal.

Averin emphasizes that a person is not only an individual and personality, but also a carrier of consciousness, a subject of activity, producing material and spiritual values.

The basis of the subject activity of a person is labor, and therefore it acts as a subject of labor. The basis of theoretical or cognitive activity is the processes of knowledge and therefore a person appears as a subject of knowledge. The basis of communicative activities is communication, which also allows us to consider a person and as a subject of communication. The result of the implementation of various types of human activity as a subject becomes the achievement of mental maturity.

Thus, each person appears in the form of integrity - as an individual, personality and subject, due to the unity of biological and social.

Obviously, all people differ in their appearance, abilities, nature, interests, behavior style. Therefore, another one is added to the characteristic of a person - individuality. Under the individuality in science it is understood as a unique combination of his features and qualities as data from nature and acquired during his life in society. Man as an individual, personality and subject of activity can be attributed to certain groups, types. But as an individuality, it is unique, it has only one inherent properties. Each of us is an individual. It is like the individuality of a person seeks his goals in life, implements its needs and interests.

Genesis of man

Human being is the most general category philosophical anthropology. It reflects all manifestations of man, its individual and generic signs. According to its generalness and methodological potential, the human being is comparable to the Being World. The human being is a fragment and the highest level of the world, it is the Genesis of the world. But while the human being, both individual and generic, is limited in time and space, with the inevitability turns into non-existence, the Being of the world is forever in time and infinitely in space. The world was yesterday, there is today and will be tomorrow. Knowing this fact is a source of optimism, confidence in the future. A huge variety of finite, transient types of being cannot exhaust the infinity of the life of the world. At the same time, the world needs the life of a person as in its highest manifestation. Although the Being of a person is temporarily and transient, in his face the world acquires consciousness and takes its development in their hands. Without a person, the world would be unfinished, limited and meaningless. The meaning of the human being in giving the meaning of the birth of the world.

With the transition of a separate person to non-existence, the world is comprehended by another person, in the existence of subsequent generations. In the infinite change of generations, in the transfer of a person's existence to other space objects - the key to the immortality of mankind, the meaning of a person's life as a representative of the genus.

Being the highest step of being of the world, the human being is characterized by qualitatively new compared to the natural signs of the ascending world. Differentiation of human existence on individual forms opens the way to know those qualitative features of a person who, growing out of natural forms, high-qualityly exceed them in many respects, bringing new paints into a multicolor picture of the world. As part of the course of the course "Man and his needs", the allocation of species of being of a person will play the role of the original methodological principle for the implementation of the classification of needs, their mutual influence and transformation. Scientists allocate three types of human being: the biological, social and being of a person as a spiritual phenomenon. From clarifying the relationship and subordination of these three species implies the definition of human essence.

1.1 Natural and public in man (person as a result of biological and socio-cultural evolution)

How we knowhuman problem is one of the main philosophy . Great importance To understand the essence of a person, his development ways has to clarify the question of its origin.

The theory of the origin of a person, the essence of which is to study the process of its occurrence and development, was called anthropogenesis (from gr. Anthropos - man and genesis - origin).

There are several approaches to solving the issue of human origin:

    Religious theory (Divine; theological). It implies the divine origin of a person. The soul is a source of human in man.

    Theory of Paleyovoisitis . The essence of the theory is that a person is a creature extraterrestrial, aliens from space, visiting the Earth, left human beings on it.

    Charles Darwin Evolution Theory (materialistic). A person is a biological species, its natural, natural origin. Genetically connected with the highest mammals. This theory refers to materialistic theories (natural scientific).

    Natural Science Theory F. Engels (materialistic). Friedrich Engels declares that the main reason for the appearance of a person (more precisely, his evolution) is a work. Under the influence of labor, a person has formed consciousness, as well as language and creative abilities.

Thus, about the reasons that determined the formation of a person actually can only be assumed.

The effect on its psychophysical state of cosmos energy, electromagnetic waves, radiation and other effects is enormous.

Man is the highest level of development of living organisms on Earth. Biologically, a person belongs to mammals of hominids, humanoid creatures that appeared about 550 thousand years ago.
A man in its essence has a biosocial being. It is part of nature and at the same time inextricably linked to society. The biological and social thing in man is merged together, and only in such unity it exists.

Biological nature of man - It is its natural prerequisite, the condition of existence, and sociality is the essence of man.

    Man is a biological creature. A person belongs to the highest mammal, forming a special kind of Homo Sapiens. The biological nature of a person is manifested in its anatomy, physiology: it has a blood, muscular, nervous and other systems. Its biological properties are not rigidly programmed, which makes it possible to adapt to various existence conditions.

    Man is a social being. Inseciously linked to society. A person becomes a man, only having entered into public relations, to communicate with others. The social essence of man is manifested through such properties as the ability and willingness to socially useful work, consciousness and mind, freedom and responsibility, etc.

The absolutization of one of the parties to the essence of a person leads to biology or sociology.

The main differences of a person from the animal:

    A person has thinking and a self-parting speech. Only a person can reflect on his past, critically assessing it, and think about the future, building plans. Communicative features have some types of monkeys, but only a person is able to transmit objective information about the world around others. You can add other ways to reflect the surrounding reality, such as music, painting, sculpture, etc.

    Man is able to conscious targeted creative activities:

Simulates its behavior and can choose various social roles;

It has prognostic ability, i.e. the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions, the nature and focus of the development of natural processes;

Expresses the value attitude to reality.

An animal in his behavior is subordinate to the instinct, its actions are initially programmed. It does not separate himself from nature.

    A person in the process of its activity transforms the surrounding reality, creates the necessary material and spiritual benefits and values. By implementing almost transforming activities, the person creates a "second nature" - culture. Animals are adapted to the environment, which determines their lifestyle. They cannot produce indigenous changes in their existence.

    A person is able to make workers of labor and use them as a means of manufacturing material goods. In other words, a person can produce guns with the help of previously done products.

    A person reproduces not only his biological, but also a social essence and therefore should satisfy not only its material, but also spiritual needs. Satisfying spiritual needs is associated with the formation of an internal (spiritual) human world.

Thus, a person is a unique being ( open peace, unique, spiritually unfinished); a universal creature (capable of any type of activity); The creature is holistic (integrates (connects) in itself a physical, mental and spiritual principle).

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "The biosocial nature of man". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


1. Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution. .

2. What does the biological nature of a person manifest?

a) functioning of internal organs and systems;

b) primary (physiological) needs;

c) human genotype and heredity mechanisms.

3. Social in man:

a) social needs;

b) interests;

c) volitional qualities;

d) self-awareness;

e) worldview, etc.

4. The unity of biological and social in man:

a) the role of heredity in human development;

b) the possibilities of modern society in the fight against hereditary diseases;

c) Implementation and satisfaction of biological needs in social forms.

5. The problem of the ratio of biological and social in man (different approaches).

The absence of any two of 2-4 points of the plan (submitted in the form of paragraphs or subparagraphs) in this or close formulation will not allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Answer: none

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "worldview, its types and forms". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


1. The concept of "worldview".

2. The structure of the worldview:

a) knowledge;

b) principles;

c) beliefs;

d) spiritual values, etc.

a) spontaneous;

b) conscious.

a) mythological;

b) religious;

c) philosophical;

d) scientific.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal the topic "Socio-demographic problems of modernity". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

- compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

- the presence of paragraphs of the plan pointing to understanding the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

- The correctness of the formulation of points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1) The concept of global problems of modernity and their types:

a) demographic;

b) ecological;

c) the problem of the North and South, etc.

2) The essence of the demographic global problem:

a) uncontrollable birth growth;

b) uneven settlement, etc.

3) the negative impact of the demographic global problem on the life of society:

a) mass hunger, illness, illiteracy, lack of normal housing;

b) unemployment;

c) mass migrations;

d) Assimilation problems of visitors.

5) ways to overcome socio-demographic problems:

a) solving the problem of regulating the number of population;

b) implementation of thoughtful demographic policies;

c) international cooperation in solving socio-demographic problems.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Integrity and contradiction of the modern world". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The diversity of the world and the unity of mankind:

but) modern world and integration;

b) globalization of the economy and the development of world trade;

c) Modern communications (Internet, etc.).

2. The contradictory consequences of globalization:

a) the standards of globalization in the economy, culture;

b) Ecological, demographic crises, AIDS, drug addiction, international terrorism, problems of economically backward countries, etc.

3. The main ways to overcome the contradictions of the modern world:

a) the creation of global regulatory institutions;

b) the formation of planetary consciousness, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 1, 2, 3 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Morals in the system of social norms". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of paragraphs of the plan to disclose the content of this topic on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. Types of social norms:

a) moral;

b) legal;

c) religious;

d) etiquette, etc.

2. Features of the norms of morality:

a) oriented on values, samples of behavior;

b) are informal;

c) are regulated by public opinion, a conscience of a person;

d) have historical character.

3. Structure of morality:

b) principles;

4. Moral functions:

a) regulatory;

b) estimated, etc.

5. Morality and morality.

6. Ethics - science of morality.

7. The relationship of morality and other regulators.

Lack of 1, 2, 3 points of the plan in this or close wording will not allow to disclose the content of this topic essentially

Using social science, make up a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "Society as a system". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of paragraphs of the plan to disclose the content of this topic on the merits;

Correctness of the wording of the plan

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

a) the presence of subsystems;

b) the relationship of elements;

c) the mutual influence of the elements.

b) Social institutions.

a) dynamism;

b) complexity;

c) openness, etc.

a) progress;

b) regression.

a) the development of science and technology;

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "The problem of the North and South and the way to solve it". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

The correctness of the formulation of the points of the plan in terms of their compliance of the given topic;

Fullness of the reflection of the main content in the plan;

Compliance with the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1) The problem of the North and South is one of the global problems of modernity.

2) Other types of global problems:

a) ecological;

b) demographic;

3) Essence of the problem of the North and South:

a) "demographic explosion";

b) hunger, poverty, illiteracy, illness;

c) unemployment and migration into economically prosperous countries of the world.

4) ways to overcome economic retardation, poverty and poverty of the "Third World" countries:

a) exercise a thoughtful demographic policy;

b) the establishment of a new global economic order;

c) international cooperation in solving the problems of the North and South.

Possible other quantity and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-clauses of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2, 3, 4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic essentially

Using social science, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Global problems of modernity". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

a) ecological;

b) the problem of the North and South;

a) scale;

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal the subject "Freedom and Responsibility". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

1. The concept of freedom.

2. Approaches to understanding freedom:

a) absolute freedom;

b) freedom as disabled;

3. The reasons for the impossibility of absolute freedom:

a) a person is limited in his actions with existing social norms;

b) a person is limited in his actions by physical laws;

c) a person depends on the level of scientific and technological progress, etc.

4. Concept Free Society, its main models:

a) society where the priority of the rights and freedoms of individual personalities is dominated;

b) society is based on collectivism and mutual assistance;

5. The relationship of responsibility and freedom.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2-4. The points of the Plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "Science and responsibility of scientists". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

1. The concept of scientific knowledge.

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

e) special language.

a) Humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of scientific knowledge:

b) ideological;

d) prognostic.

5. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical;

b) theoretical.

6. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b. description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) scientific modeling, etc.

7. Specificity of modern science:

a) increased opportunities for nature and society;

b) complex technical and technological potential;

c) direct impact on the lifestyle and nature of labor

d) the possibility of studying micro and macromirov.

8. Factors of increasing the responsibility of scientists for their research:

a) the dual purpose of a number of inventions (the creation of new types of weapons of mass lesion);

b) moral ambiguity of a number of studies (cloning of living organisms);

c) negative, delicate effects of a number of scientific research on nature;

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2, 7, 8 points of the plan in this or close formulation will reduce the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal the topic "Cognition as a type of activity." The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of knowledge.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Views of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

6. Features of scientific knowledge:

b) objectivity;

7. Empirical and theoretical levels of scientific knowledge.

8. Mature forms of unscientific knowledge:

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art and others.

9. Features of social knowledge.

10. Results of knowledge:

a) truth;

b) misconception, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 3-6, 8 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Society as open system" The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. Connecting an open system.

2. Characteristics of society as a system:

a) a dynamic social structure;

b) challenge;

c) openness, etc.

3. Refloitation of society, the influence of nature on society:

(a) Natural conditions have a significant impact on the public division of labor;

b) natural factors play an important role in people's life (geographical determinism);

c) Nature forms a natural human habitat.

4. Conducting continuous exchange with the environment and environmental problems of modernity:

a) greenhouse effect;

b) acid rain;

c) seas and oceans pollution;

d) an atmosphere pollution;

e) soil pollution;

e) Reducing the amount of water suitable for drinking.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science, make up a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "The influence of nature per person and society". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1) Nature and society as part of a single material world.

2) The significance of nature for human society:

a) nature - pantry resources;

b) nature is a natural habitat of a person and human communities;

c) nature is a source of aesthetic feelings, a source of beauty;

d) Nature as a recreational environment.

3) the main directions of the impact of natural factors on the human society:

a) influence on the speed and pace of social development;

b) influence on the nature of the production of productive forces;

c) the effect on the socio-cultural and socio-mental environment;

d) influence on the political system;

4) The modern stage of the interaction of human society with nature:

a) the environmental crisis and its causes;

b) ecological coevolution.

5) ways and ways of constructive interaction of human society and nature:

a) the creation of natural parks and reserves;

b) the creation of resource-saving environmentally friendly industries;

c) the development of "green energy";

d) restoration of populations of hotel species of animals;

7) Problems of transition to the coevolution of human society and nature

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms. The presence of any two of 2, 3 and 5 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal the topic of "human activity". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


PPRE answers takes into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted when evaluated

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic.

1. The concept of human activity.

2. Structure of activity.

a) the subject of activity

b) object of activity

d) methods and means

e) process

e) result

3. Activity needs:

a) biological

b) social

c) Ideal

4. Types of activity

b) Communication

c) doctrine

5. Classification of activity:

a) on objects and results (material and spiritual);

b) on the subject of activity (individual and collective)

c) by character activity (reproductive and creative)

d) depending on the spheres of society (economic, social, political, spiritual);

e) in accordance with the moral norms (moral and immoral);

6. Characteristic features of activities:

a) conscious character;

b) transforming nature;

c) productive character;

d) social character;

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms.

Irina Yun. 30.10.2013 17:29

Tell me, please, where you can find a plan on the topic "Activity and Thinking"

Valentin Ivanovich Kirichenko

Write me on the soap, I'll cut you. Or in the brochure preparations for the exam 2013, E.L. Rutkovskaya et al. Page 228

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the theme "Culture, its shape". The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

1. The concept of culture.

2. Material and spiritual culture.

3. Culture functions:

a) adaptive;

b) regulatory;

c) socialization, etc.

4. Culture forms:

a) folk;

b) elitar;

c) mass.

5. Features of mass culture:

b) replicability;

c) entertaining form;

6. Positive influence of mass culture on the spiritual life of society:

7. Negative impact of mass culture on the life of society:

8. Features of elite culture:

b) complex in content;

9. Features of folk culture:

a) anonymous;

b) simple content;

10. Mature of crops:

a) subculture;

b) counterculture.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 3, 4, 8-10 points of the plan in this or close wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic " Scientific knowledge" The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

1. The concept of scientific knowledge.

2. Distinctive signs of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) systematicity and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

e) special language.

3. Modern Classification of Sciences:

a) Humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of scientific knowledge:

a) informative-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformative;

d) prognostic.

5. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical;

b) theoretical.

6. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b) description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) scientific modeling, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will reduce the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "Environmental crisis as a global problem of modernity." The plan should contain at least three items, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

a) ecological;

b) the problem of the North and South;

c) international terrorism.

2. Lubility of the global environmental crisis:

a) the disappearance of biological species;

b) Pollution of the atmosphere, soil, the world's ocean;

d) global warming, etc.

3. Causes of the Global Environmental Problem:

a) the increase in the scale of the economic activities of people.

b) consumer attitude towards nature.

4. Signs of the global environmental problem:

a) affects the interests of all countries and peoples;

b) requires immediate decision and combining the efforts of all mankind, etc.

5. Ways to overcome the environmental crisis:

a) change the attitude of people to nature;

b) science in the service of ecology;

c) international cooperation in solving environmental problems.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Cognitive activity". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of knowledge.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

3. The problem of the heart of the world:

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Views of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

a) systemicity and validity;

b) objectivity;

c) the presence of special methods of knowledge;

d) use of a special language of science and others.

6. Empirical and theoretical levels of scientific knowledge.

a) life experience and common sense;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art and others.

9. Results of knowledge:

a) truth;

b) misconception, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Society and Nature". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

The presence of paragraphs of the plan, mandatory for disclosure of the proposed topic;

The correctness of the formulation of the points of the plan in terms of their compliance of the given topic;

Compliance with the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type. The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

1. The concept of society and the concept of nature.

2. The impact of nature (environment) on social processes:

a) the pace and quality of social dynamics;

b) placement of productive forces and economic specialization;

c) the features of mentality, the globility and the nature of people;

d) natural cataclysms and their social consequences.

3. Impact of society on the natural environment:

a) change in landscapes under the influence of human activity;

b) the use of non-renewable and renewable natural resources;

c) the use of flora and fauna;

d) the creation of a natural environment converted by a person.

4. The significance of nature for man and society:

a) pantry resources;

b) natural habitat;

c) the source of inspiration and beauty.

5. The specifics of the interaction of nature and society at the present stage of social development.

Possible other quantity and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-clauses of the plan. They can be represented in the calling, questioned or mixed form.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "The problem of international terrorism as a global problem of modernity." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic.

1. The concept of global problems, their types:

a) ecological;

b) the problem of the North and South;

c) international terrorism.

2. Causes of international terrorism:

a) a gap in the levels of economic and social development between countries and regions of the world;

b) the aggressive introduction of values \u200b\u200band norms of Western society into an unmarried world, the oppression of non-wobble cultures and values;

c) political dominance of Western countries in the global world.

3. Features of international terrorism at the present stage:

a) proper character;

b) the use of modern network technologies and resources;

c) the availability of significant financial, intellectual, human resources;

d) the use of religious and sociocultural software installations.

5. The main activities of international terrorists:

a) the organization of psychological attacks using media technologies;

b) preparation and conduct of terrorist acts;

c) Organization of attacks on the Internet for large financial centers, banks.

6. Ways and ways to struggle the world community with terrorists.

7. The role of the Russian Federation in countering terrorist threat.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-5 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "Content and form (species) of spiritual activity." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of spiritual activity.

2. Types of spiritual activity:

a) prognostic;

b) value-estimated;

c) cognitive.

3. Features of spiritual activity:

a) aims to change the consciousness of people;

b) involves creating spiritual values.

4. The concept of spiritual values \u200b\u200band their specificity:

a) ideality;

b) objectivity in content, subjectivity for perception;

b) signs and symbols, etc. play a major role.

a) feelings;

b) emotions;

c) knowledge;

d) beliefs, etc.

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art and others.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Source: EGE according to social studies 06/10/2013. Basic wave. Centre. Option 6.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "The problem of the cognition of the world." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of knowledge.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

3. The problem of the heart of the world:

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Views of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

5. Features of scientific knowledge:

a) systemicity and validity;

b) objectivity;

d) use of a special language of science and others.

7. The variety of forms of unscientific knowledge:

a) life experience and common sense;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art and others.

8. Features of social knowledge.

9. Results of knowledge:

a) truth;

b) misconception, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 3-5, 7 points of the plan in this or close wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Source: EGE according to social studies 06/10/2013. Basic wave. Far East. Option 2.

Using social science, make up a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "Society as a system". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of paragraphs of the plan to disclose the content of this topic on the merits;

Correctness of the wording of the plan

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1) The concept of society in a broad sense.

2) Characteristic features of society as a system:

a) the presence of subsystems;

b) the relationship of elements;

c) the mutual influence of the elements.

3) the main elements of society as a system:

a) spheres of public life (political, economic, spiritual, etc.);

b) Social institutions.

4) Signs of society as a system:

a) dynamism;

b) complexity;

c) openness, etc.

a) progress;

b) regression.

6) Public Progress Criteria:

a) the development of science and technology;

b) the development of productive forces;

c) Humanistic criteria and others.

7) Society Functions as Systems:

a) production and distribution of economic benefits;

b) reproduction and socialization of people;

c) control and managing people, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Source: EGE according to social studies 06/10/2013. Basic wave. Siberia. Option 2.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "Forms and varieties of culture". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

1. The concept of culture.

2. Culture forms:

a) folk;

b) elitar;

c) mass.

3. Features of the mass culture:

a) the focus on massive sale and profit;

b) replicability;

c) entertaining form;

d) Designed for a wide viewer.

4. Positive effect of mass culture on the spiritual life of society:

a) approves simple and understandable ideas about the world around;

b) directly focused on the interests of society;

c) differs by democratic;

d) meets requests in vacation, psychological discharge, etc.

5. Negative impact of mass culture on the life of society:

a) is focused on mass tastes;

b) leads to standardization and unification of culture;

c) is designed for passive consumption;

d) imposes myths in the minds of people;

e) forms artificial needs, etc.

6. Features of elite culture:

a) focused on a narrow circle of lovers and experts;

b) complex in content;

c) has a non-commercial character.

7. Features of folk culture:

a) anonymous;

b) simple content;

c) is usually limited to the national framework.

8. Diversity of crops:

a) subculture;

b) counterculture.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2, 3, 6-8 points of the plan in this or close formulation will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Source: EGE according to social studies 06/10/2013. Basic wave. Ural. Option 6.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Problem of public progress". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

1. Concept of social progress.

2. Specifications of social progress:

a) inconsistency;

b) relativity;

c) contributes to the transition of society to more perfect forms of social organization.

3. The inconsistency of progress:

a) the inactivity of progress in various fields;

b) Progress in some spheres is accompanied by regress in others.

4. Public progress criteria:

a) the development of science and technology;

b) the growth of person's personal freedom;

c) the development of the human mind.

5. Forms of social progress:

a) revolution;

b) evolution;

c) reforms.

6. Concept of social regression.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-5 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "The influence of mass culture on the spiritual life of society." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

- compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

- the presence of paragraphs of the plan pointing to understanding the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

- The correctness of the formulation of points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concepts of "culture" and "spiritual life."

2. Culture forms:

a) elitar;

b) folk;

c) mass.

3. Causes of mass culture.

4. Distinctive features of the mass culture:

a) the focus on massive sale and profit;

b) replicability;

c) entertaining form;

d) Designed for a wide viewer.

5. Positive impact on the spiritual life of society:

a) approves simple and understandable ideas about the world around;

b) directly focused on the interests of society;

c) differs by democratic;

d) meets requests in vacation, psychological discharge, etc.

6. Negative impact on the life of society:

a) is focused on mass tastes;

b) leads to standardization and unification of culture;

c) is designed for passive consumption;

d) imposes myths in the minds of people;

e) forms artificial needs, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 4-6 points of the Plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "The role of human activity." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

- compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

- the presence of paragraphs of the plan pointing to understanding the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

- The correctness of the formulation of points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. Concept activity.

2. Structure of activity:

a) subject;

b) object;

d) motives;

e) actions;

e) result.

3. Activities:

4. Motives of activity:

a) needs;

b) interests;

c) beliefs, etc.

Signs of activity:

a) conscious character;

c) instrument character, etc.

6. The concept of needs and their types:

a) biological;

b) social;

c) spiritual.

7. Classification of needs by A. Maslow:

a) physiological;

b) existential;

c) social;

d) prestigious;

d) perfect.

8. Relationship of needs and activities:

a) the needs are the motive of activities;

b) the satisfaction of needs is the goal of activities, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2nd paragraphs of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Source: EGE according to social studies 05.05.2014. Armchair wave. Option 2.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal essentially the topic "worldview and its role in human life." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

- compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

- the presence of paragraphs of the plan pointing to understanding the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

- The correctness of the formulation of points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of "worldview".

2. The structure of the worldview:

a) knowledge;

b) principles;

c) beliefs;

d) spiritual values, etc.

3. Ways of formation of the worldview:

a) spontaneous;

b) conscious.

4. The main types of worldview:

a) mythological;

b) religious;

c) philosophical;

d) scientific.

5. The role of the worldview in a person's life.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to reveal the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Activity and Thinking". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

- compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

- the presence of paragraphs of the plan pointing to understanding the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

- The correctness of the formulation of points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. Concept activity.

2. Structure of activity:

a) subject;

b) object;

d) motives;

e) actions;

e) result.

3. Activities:

a) game, teaching, work, communication;

b) spiritual, practical (material), etc.

4. Motives of activity:

a) needs;

b) interests;

c) beliefs, etc.

Signs of activity:

a) conscious character;

b) converter;

c) instrument character, etc.

6. Concept and types of thinking:

a) verbally logical;

b) visual-shaped;

c) Visniously effective.

7. The relationship of thinking and activities:

a) thinking as the basis of rational knowledge;

b) thinking and speech, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will reduce the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "The needs and interests of a person in the structure of activity." The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of human needs.

2. Classification of human needs:

a) human biological needs;

b) social needs;

c) ideal needs.

3. Human activity structure:

a) needs and motives;

c) funds;

d) result.

4. Activities:

b) teaching;

d) communication.

5. The interests of a person as a motive of its activities.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be presented in a popular, questioned or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2, 3, 4 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

1. The concept of scientific knowledge.

2. Distinctive signs of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) systematicity and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

e) special language.

3. Modern Classification of Sciences:

a) Humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Functions of scientific knowledge:

a) informative-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformative;

d) prognostic.

5. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical;

b) theoretical.

6. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b) description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) scientific modeling, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of globalization.

2. Economic globalization:

a) global division of labor;

6) activities TNK;

c) international financial system;

d) World trade, etc.

3. Migration of the population in the modern world:

4. Inter-ethnic dialogue.

5. Development of communications, information technology.

6. Globalization in the field of culture:

a) the distribution of mass culture;

6) Westernization;

c) the integration of national educational systems;

d) integration and coordination of scientific research and others.

8. Global problems of modern society:

a) ecological;

b) the problem of the North and South;

c) international terrorism, etc.

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

a) as a social institution;

c) as a knowledge system.

2. Distinctive signs of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) systematicity and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

e) special language.

3. Modern Classification of Sciences:

a) Humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Science functions:


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of knowledge.

2. Subject and object of knowledge.

3. The problem of the heart of the world:

a) optimism;

b) skepticism;

c) agnosticism.

4. Levels of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

5. Views of knowledge:

a) scientific;

b) unscientific.

5. Features of scientific knowledge:

a) systemicity and validity;

b) objectivity;

B) the presence of special methods of knowledge;

d) use of a special language of science and others.

6. Empirical and theoretical levels of knowledge.

7. The variety of forms of unscientific knowledge:

a) life experience and common sense;

b) mythology;

c) religion;

d) art and others.

8. Features of social knowledge.

9. Results of knowledge:

a) truth;

b) misconception, etc.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 3-5, 7 points of the plan in this or close wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal the topic "Religion as a Social Institute". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of religion.

2. Religious organizations:

a) church;

3. Religious functions:

a) ideological;

b) educational;

c) regulating;

d) compensatory;

e) communicative, etc.

4. Types of religions:

a) world (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam);

b) national or regional, etc.

5. Norms Regulatory relations within the Religion Institute:

a) formal;

b) informal.

6. The status-role-playing system operating within the framework of the Institute of Religion:

a) clergy;

b) laity, etc.

7. Freedom of conscience.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of the 2-6 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will reduce the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social scientific knowledge, make a complex plan, which allows to reveal the subject "Education as a Social Institute". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of plans pointing to understand the examinations of the main aspects of this topic, without which it cannot be disclosed on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

1. The concept of education.

2. Education functions:

a) the transfer of knowledge and cultural experience of society;

b) socialization of new generations;

c) ensuring the needs of the development of society and the state, etc.

3. Education system:

a) general education;

b) vocational education;

c) additional education.

4. Trends in the development of modern education:

a) humanization;

b) informatization;

c) internationalization;

d) humanitarianization, etc.

5. Norms Regulatory relations within the Institute of Education:

a) formal;

b) informal.

6. The status-role system operating within the framework of the Institute of Education:

a) teachers (teachers);

b) Students (students), etc.

7. Constitutional guarantees of citizens' right to receive education.

8. Value of education throughout life.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

1. The multi-faceted concept of "science":

a) as a social institution;

b) as a special form of activity;

c) as a knowledge system.

2. Distinctive signs of scientific knowledge:

a) objectivity;

b) rationalism;

c) systematicity and orderliness;

d) verifiability (verifiability);

e) special language.

3. Modern Classification of Sciences:

a) Humanitarian;

b) natural;

c) social, etc.

4. Science functions:

a) informative-explanatory;

b) ideological;

c) production and transformative;

d) prognostic.

5. Science as a factor in the development of post-industrial society.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic

1. The concept of global problems.

2. Types of global problems of modernity:

a) ecological;

b) the problem of the North and South;

c) the threat of the Third World War, etc.

3. Features of global problems that determine the specifics of finding ways to solve them:

a) scale;

b) affects the interests of all countries and peoples;

c) defining the impact on the development of society;

d) exposure to the influence of only the united efforts of all mankind.

4. Ways to solve global problems of our time:

a) the creation of international organizations, whose activity aims to solve global problems;

b) appeal to the search for universal values;

c) Developing effective forms cooperation, which would allow all countries to act together, despite the difference in social and political, religious, ethnic and other ideological orientations;

d) Support for certain basic value orientations (for example, humanism).

5. The solution of global problems as a condition for the preservation of civilization is the common cause of all mankind.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in the popular question or mixed forms.

The presence of any two of 2-4. The points of the Plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will allow to disclose the content of this topic on the merits.

Using social science knowledge, make a complex plan, allowing to reveal essentially the topic "Man - an object and a subject of knowledge". The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more detailed in subparagraphs.


When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

Compliance of the structure of the proposed response plan of a complex type;

The presence of paragraphs of the plan to disclose the content of this topic on the merits;

The correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, having an abstract-formal nature and not reflecting the specifics of the theme, are not counted during evaluation.

One of the options for the disclosure plan of this topic:

1. The concept of knowledge.

2. Types of human cognitive activity as a subject of knowledge:

a) scientific knowledge;

b) unscientific knowledge (ordinary, aesthetic, etc.)

3. Levels of human cognitive activity as a subject of knowledge:

a) sensual;

b) rational.

4. The structure of cognitive activity:

a) Subjects of knowledge (person, group of persons, etc.)

b) objects of knowledge (man, nature, society, etc.)

c) Methods and means of knowledge.

d) the results of knowledge (truth, error, etc.)

5. Man as an object of knowledge:

a) the diversity of approaches to the study of man;

b) natural and social sciences about the biological nature and social essence of man;

c) science and religion about the spiritual world of man.

6. The meaning of knowledge in the life of a person and the development of society.

Other quantities are possible and (or) other correct formulations of points and sub-items of the plan. They can be represented in a call, questionnaire or mixed forms.

The absence of 2 - 5 points of the plan in this or close in the meaning of the wording will not allow to disclose the content of this topic essentially

Many people live on our planet, but not many wondered about their origin. This question is quite complicated, many famous scientists think over him. But neither one did not come to some general opinion. Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution is considered by such science as anthropogenesis. Although thanks to her, the types of previously lived people are distinguished, but the main problem remains a mystery to us.

At the moment, the most popular four theories are distinguished:

  1. Darwin's theory that a person (mammalian class) began his origin from the monkey and evolved in a modern person.
  2. The theory of the creation of God, which states that God created two like his likeness, they became the progenitors of all modern people.
  3. The theory of interventions from space (alien created a person and settled land).
  4. The theory of spatial anomalies, which lies in the interaction of matter, energy and aura.

The concept of modern man

Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution is a living creature that meets several requirements, such as:

  • sociality;
  • part of historical activities;
  • part of the culture.

What is the modern person differs from other beings living on our planet? In the fact that it has consciousness and is able to think and make any analytical conclusions and make its own decisions. Based on this, each person is responsible for their actions.

In addition, a person has many qualities and abilities that nature awarded only him:

  • making tools of labor;
  • speech gift;
  • ability to use fire;
  • plasticity of behavior and many others.

There is not a single creature on the planet, which would fully correspond to a person to a reasonable (Homo Sapires).

Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution is able to change himself, and the world around him. It is he who creates his story and culture, traditions and values. There are still questions: who created a man, what is his purpose? This issue is engaged in many sciences, including philosophy and religion.

The concept of evolution

Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution is considered by science called Anthropogenesis. If we translate from the Greek language, then it will be "the origin of a person." Anthropogenesis studies the formation of modern people for many thousands of years. In addition, it is this science that allocates the main theories of the origin of the person who will discuss a little later.

Despite the variety of points of view, the majority still adheres to the theory of Darwin, that is, evolutionary. Why exactly this hypothesis causes special confidence in scientists? Because it is confirmed by a number of scientific data as archaeological and biological.

Let us consider in detail in the "Evolutionary Theory" paragraph. Here I would like to add about itself to finally eliminate all the gaps in our knowledge. So, evolution is the development of living organisms on Earth and in general nature. This process is accompanied by genetic changes, adaptation, appearance of new species and extinction.

Human Origins

As we have already briefly noted earlier, there are currently four basic theories of human origin on Earth. It is also worth adding that biological and humanitarian sciences are also engaged in this problem.

Between the two directions, discussions are continuously underway, new assumptions and models are put forward. Now everyone is inclined to the fact that a person is a combination of both biological, and social components. There is even a science that is looking for boundaries between biology and human specifics. It has the name of sociobiology and also deals with the issue of human origin.

Evolutionary theory

One of the most exciting issues at all times is the origin of a person on Earth. They put forward and put forward to this day, but none is not fully proven. This suggests that no one will be able to give an accurate answer to the question. And yet, who created a man?

Even at the end of the eighteenth century, Charles Darwin suggested that we received our origin from the usual monkey. Evolutionary theory became the brainchild of this scientist. He dedicated his life to writing scientific work, in which convincingly proved the origin of a person from a human-like monkey. Charles Darwin led very convincing arguments, allocated a lot of similarities and a modern person.

This theory could not find like-minded people even in scientific circles, despite the fact that it was the only one who had at least some evidence, while others are based exclusively on assumptions and may be equally both false and true. The best version does not exist at present.

Darwin's merits are definitely great. He systematized all living organisms living on Earth allocated their similarities. But I did not find one hundred percent proof of the origin of a person, which led to the emergence of new and new concepts that we will talk about right now.


In a different way, this version is called the "religious origin of a person." She also takes place. This theory argues that God created the Earth and all living on our planet, including a person. This idea was built on the basis of Christian biblical scriptures.

In principle, this theory is quite possible, because no one has yet been able to explain the origin of the human soul. Also in creativeism allocate several flows, most popular of them:

  • brotherly;
  • elder-earth.

Consider what their differences are. The first implies that God created the land in a literal sense for six days, and the second considers the question a little deeper. The day there matters not a specific day, but a certain indefinite period of time, perhaps quite long. And yet, who created a man? God or alien mind, or yet we happened from the monkey? Probably, it will remain forever for us a mystery.

Outdoor intervention

Many consider humanity as a result of the biological and sociocultural evolution, which Charles Darwin suggested. But, despite this, there are other concepts, for example, external intervention, the lifetime of the alien reason.

It is assumed that the first bacteria were listed from the space, and here the person appeared due to the experiments of aliens. For what they did it, maybe they need slaves? It remains unknown.

Spatial anomalies

This theory suggests that all universes develop and form an atmosphere according to the same principle, this path as it would be programmed at the level of aura.

If the planet is suitable for life, then the mind is formed on it. The theory of Darwin and this is very similar to each other, the only difference is the faith of the latter in the fact that there is a program that, along with random factors, manages evolution.