Open intensive learning systems. Extensive and intensive education intensive education

A. B. Khramtsova


The purpose of this article is to formulate the problem of foreign language education students of non-language specialties. Ways of achievements are considered educational results In the form of integrative characteristics - language identity. Proves the relevance of intensive education as a type educational process, enhancing the international competitiveness of high school graduates, relieving language barriers; The priority of the communicative method is established when teaching communication in a foreign language and an intensive method activating the communicative, interactive, perceptual function of communication. Theoretical provisions are confirmed by pedagogical practice.

Key. the words

intensive education, active methods, language barrier, intensive method, language identity


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In this question we will consider open intensive learning systems. Based on intensive learning Innovative technologies that should be considered as a tool with which new technology can be opened for a wide range of people. For the development of innovative technologies, there are a number of principles that are based on the systemic requirements of intensive learning. Consider them in more detail:

- the principle of the integrity of the technology, which represents the didactic system;

- the principle of reproducibility of technology in a specific environment, which allows to achieve the goal;

- the principle of nonlinearity of pedagogical structures and the acquisition of those factors that directly affect the mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation of pedagogical systems;

- the principle of potential redundancy educational informationwhich allows you to create optimal conditions for the formation of generalized knowledge. For a deeper and complete application of these principles in the implementation of the educational process, open intensive learning systems use. Such systems give students the opportunity to choose the appropriate learning technology and develop individual plan Programs for the formation and actualization of the individual. To implement the synthesis of open intensive learning systems, a number of conditions must be observed. Consider these conditions in more detail:

- comprehensive accounting for the characteristics of the pedagogical environment in which the learning process will occur;

- compliance with the principle of adapting the learning process for each student;

- Accelerating the individual development of students in general scientific and special knowledge, skills and skills, which is carried out through the design of the "logical construct" of the discipline in which the basic knowledge is given in the rolled form.

Consider the design algorithm of the generalized logic construct discipline:

- drawing up an algorithm for the relationship of the elements of the content for the allocation of basic concepts;

- design of basic knowledge in graphical, symbolic or other form;

- systematization of the model of basic knowledge for a clearer formation of knowledge and selection common concepts and systemic links between them;

- the creation of the main structures of cognitive activity, which characterize this area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge;

- Creating a system of private tasks that will be used to solve typical tasks. The assimilation of knowledge of one or another discipline requires a student of cognitive activity, which will be adequate to the principles of structuring, namely:

- allocation of general relations, key concepts, ideas of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge;

- modeling of these relationships;

- mastering the transition procedure from the common to the private, from the object to the model and vice versa.

Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that the development and synthesis of open intensive training systems are one of the most promising areas of development. educational technologieswhich contribute not only to the intensification of learning, but also self-organization, the formation and self-actualization of the individual.


IN last years The concept of "computer technology" began to displacing the concept of "information technology", although all information technologies are associated with computer learning. To implement them, it is required:

- create technical specifications, a system of computer technology, telecommunication systems that will ensure the fulfillment of the required conditions;

- create a base for production in the framework of the international division of the labor of national competitive information technologies and resources;

- ensure the priority development of the advanced production of information and knowledge;

- form a comprehensive introduction of information technologies into science, culture, etc.

To create a transition to information technology international educational institutions Develop new activities:

- Improve the basic knowledge of students, students of medieval educational institutions, universities on computer science and new information technologies;

- the retraining of teachers in the field of new information technology training is underway;

- informatization of training and education occurs;

- the equipment program is being developed educational institutions technical means of informatization;

- A new information sphere is created and gradually introduced into the field of education institution;

- Program of creation is performed on the basis of new information technologies of the unified system remote education in Russia.

IN modern world There is a question about the introduction of Russia to the world information system and to ensure access to modern information supermarkets, international data banks in the field of education, science, industry, culture, health care.

the Internet It was created in the USA in the 70s., And now this is a system consisting of address schemes and distribution signs, which has been widespread among higher Schools and research institutions. Initially, the Internet was needed to exchange information between scientists, as well as to communicate students of various educational institutions. Now students can use multimedia Internet capabilities.

Hypertext systems in computer technologies are one of the components of information technologies, which is used to develop reference systems, collective decision-making systems, electronic documentation systems, diagnostics. The use of hypertext systems led to a new stage of using information technology in education - this is the creation electronic books, electronic encyclopedias.

Since 1995, there has been a distance education system in Russia that complements full-time and absentee forms of training.

Thus, information technologies contribute to the formation of a single educational space Within the framework of the whole society. Information technologies have an impact on the identity, which contributes to the development of self-regulation, stimulates educational activities of students; The consequence of the foregoing is to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

Innovative training

Currently got up the problem of changing the educational paradigm.

The existing contradiction of the modern system of education is in contradiction between the rapid pace of the formation of knowledge, which must be obtained by a student, and the limitations of the ability to assimilate this material by each student individually. The consequence of this contradiction is the refusal to the absolute educational ideal, which is a comprehensively developed personality, and the transition to a new ideal is the maximum development of human abilities to self-regulation and self-education.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that in the first place in innovative training is the development of abilities based on education and self-education.

The main features of the new paradigm of formation forms fundamentality, which is directed along with integrity and focus on the satisfaction of the interests of the personality.

For comparison, we give the formula of education 1960-80s. and modern. In the 1960-70s. The formula of the formula was as follows: "To know everything about a little and a little about everything." Nowadays, we see small changes and formula of education sounds like this: "To know about the essence of everything to know the new entity." The essence of the formula remains the same, but the tasks are already put by others.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that the purpose of the modern student, especially the student, is to know the essence, that is, the essence of the multitude of disciplines and a large abundance of information in each discipline.

The essential approach involves the synthesis of natural, humanitarian, technical sciences.

The essential approach implies a systemic, synergistic approach, which means that all teachers must act in one direction of the development of students' abilities, during which systemic knowledge is formed with the establishment of interdisciplinary connections and holistic ideas.

The acmeological approach is closely associated with an essential approach.

Aqmeology - A new area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge, the object of which is a person in the dynamics of its self-development, self-improvement, self-determination. The subject of acmeology is the creative potential of the student, patterns and conditions for achieving a person of any results, development creative potential, vertices of self-realization. The task of acmeology is to teach the learner to work professionally in the field of its activities. Work professionally - it means working without breakdowns, gross mistakes, misses.

Essence this approach It is to study a person in the dynamics of its development, self-development, self-improvement, self-determination in the individual spheres.

All students need to develop a habit of self-development, self-improvement, self-control, as it is the main factor for achieving in an akmeo-logical approach.

Summarize. Innovative education is a personal approach, fundamental education, creative beginning, essential and acmeological approaches, synthesis of two cultures, using the latest information technologies, and most importantly, in professionalism.

Intensive teaching methods in foreign languages

Task for self-execution:make a lecture on the topic by adding it after the sign? Based on theoretical material from the corresponding information block and / or mentioned in the reference of literary sources.

Short abstract lectures

1. The concepts "intensity" and "intensification". Intensification of learning as the basis of intensive methods.

Essence of intensive learning, varieties of intensive methods.

1.1. The creation of an intensive method of learning Iia was caused by the social need, public and public interest, as well as the development of such sciences as social psychology, psychology of personality, psychology of communication, psycholinguistics. The expansion of scientific, economic, cultural, tourist connections contributed to the emergence of the need for short time To master the idea of \u200b\u200ba communicative level, which would allow to communicate with his carriers abroad and in his country (without a translator) if there are phonetic, lexico-grammatical errors in the speech, which do not interfere with communication. The temporary factor in mastering Ia became leading when determining the training method: it was called intensive. providing primarily large learning educational material In a short time.

1.2. "Under intensive learning It is customary to understand the training of a foreign (and generally non-rigid) language, aimed mainly on mastering a living speech and its understanding (that is, communication in the language studied), based on the psychological reserves of the individual and activities of students in common training, especially - On the management of socio-psychological processes in the group and the management of a teacher's communication with students and students among themselves, and usually implemented in a short time (2 weeks, 1 month, a few months) and with a large daily concentration of hours (4-5 hours). "

1.3. G.A. Khigorodskaya: "Methodists define intensity As an increase in the speed and quality of learning, as the amount of work performed at specified intervals. This understanding clearly reflects the quantitative parameters of the intensity, and intensification It is understood as a process aimed at increasing quantitative indicators of learning success. "

T.I. Kapitonova, A.N. Schukin: ... Efficiency of learning is achieved by its optimization. ... Optimization and intensity learning correlate as target and means. ... under optimization The educational process is understood as its organization in which the maximum possible effectiveness of solving the tasks has been ensured with the minimum necessary cost of time, effort and funds from the teacher and students. ... Intensifythe educational process is to increase the amount of material being worked in class and ensure the strength of his assimilation per unit of time, i.e. achieve more high Quality Training, maximum performance pedagogical process. .

1.4. T.I. Kapitonova, A.N. Schukin allocate the following methodical factors intensification: 1) the concentration of academic time and the continuity of the occupation (especially on initial stage); 2) Ensuring the density of communication in classes, saturation of lessons with species and forms of work, which require students of activity and participation in the act of communication; 3) installation on the communicative activity of students and a teacher, the maximum approximation of the learning process for real and professional communication conditions; 4) the authority of the teacher's personality; 5) Accounting for individual psychological characteristics of students; 6) support for semantic, and not mechanical memory, striving to meet the cognitive interests of students; 7) the presence of language medium and its methodologically correct use; 8) systematic work with clarity (visual and auditory).

2. Analysis of the Suggestopean method of Lozanova.

At the heart of all types of intensive learning techniques, the Suggestopeed method (SPM) of Lozanova, which arose in Bulgaria in the 60s was lied. XX century The creation of SPM is associated with the need of society in an accelerated study of the IA and, above all, in mastering oral speech and reading. The name of the method comes from the Latin word suggestio.suggestion. The suggestion in social psychology is considered as the initial form of relations (relationships) between people. Suggestia - Admission of information to a person by indirect suggestion. By definition of G. Lozanova, " suggestology - This is a science of suggestion. Suggestopeedia - This is the section of Suggestion dedicated to the issues of practical, theoretical and experimental development of suggestion problems in pedagogy. "

IN methodical literature know several options for intensive methods: 1. Hypopedia; 2. Relaxwords; 3. Rhythmopedia; 4. Method "Immersion"; 5. "Express method"; 6. Emotional-semantic method I.Yu. Shekhter; 7. Intensive learning method oral speech adult students L.Sh. Gegechkin; 8. Suggestokybernetic integral method of accelerated learning adults V.V. Petrusinsky and others.

See inf. Block 1.5, 1.6?

3. Characteristics of intensive methods.

Principles of the method of enhancing reserve capabilities of the personality and team G.A. Khigorodskaya(see File "Seminar Session 6") ?

4. Ways to intensify learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bin high school.


1. Kapitonova, T.I. Modern methods of teaching the Russian language of foreigners / T.I. Kapitonova, A.N. Schukin. - 2nd ed., Pererab. and add. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1987. - P. 153-197.

2. Kharygorodskaya, G.A. Methodical fundamentals of intensive training in foreign languages \u200b\u200b/ G.A. Chinese. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow Un-Ta, 1986. - 176 p.

  1. Collection of articles on foreign language learning issues in modern school / Sost: I.V. Pinyuta, Yu.V. Pinyt. - BOD, 1993. - 156 p.

Psychology and pedagogy

Washier or deep into? Extensive and intensive education

There are two fundamentally different from each other. educational approaches In mastering new knowledge. The first way extensive, proposes to expand the horizons, know everything gradually, allocates quantity, not quality. The second approach, intense, implies excellent results, but only in one area. Can it be combined to get the maximum result?

Both approaches bring their useful fruits. If we consider these principles in other industries, the effect will be the following. For example, intense agriculture is engaged in the development of the performance of a certain piece of the square, giving it all strength and attention. With him will definitely gather a wonderful harvest. While the maximum expansion of the area under sowing is included in the task of extensive agriculture. The crop will be collected much if we take into account the territory as a whole. However, on each individual plot, the indicators will be low. So what direction is most effective: deep into or stitching?

Encyclopedia Man: The ideal of a philosopher

Antiquity. In the time of Aristotle, the Greek philosophers confidently reasoned on any topics. The same wise speeches have been pulled both about state laws and art issues, both about the exact sciences and about being in general. Aristotle himself, creating a comprehensive philosophy system, touched upon many areas of human development: actually philosophy, politics, sociology, logic, physics. In addition, it includes works on rhetoric, botanic, zoology, drama theory. Aristotle considered: "There is the same difference between the person formed and uneducated the same difference as between alive and dead." Such "comprehensive coverage of knowledge" was observed in Hellenistic education - if you are developed, it is developed in everything.

Revival.Renaissance philosophers continued the ancient principles of personality formation. The latitude of the horizons and skills is the norm of any educated person. Great Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. Its field of activity included classes with sculpture, architecture, music, anatomy. Yes Vinci was a naturalist, writer and inventor. Now this seems incredible for us, ingenious, but in that epoch, every humanist owned several languages, wrote the works, paid attention to the exact sciences and art.

Education. This era gave rise to this "Human Encyclopedia". A scientist was impossible to deal with a specific direction in science, devote himself to studying one problem. No, the thinker is obliged to understand the science as a whole. And even if the division into the study of the spirit and science of nature was observed, the scientist could not restrict himself to know only one part.

Classicism.Classical education readily picked up the model comprehensively developed man - As A. S. Pushkin wrote: "We all studied little by something and somehow." The skills of the arsenal of fine arts also necessarily poured in each educated person. Young people and girls from society were able to "only gradually": the poems were greeted, painted, musicated, danced. Boys fencing and riding horses.

Modernity: expansion of views and creative approach

The end of the twentieth century brought with them new trends: science has become more complicated, and the formation began to become interdisciplinary. In the times of classical education, it was assumed that the thinker carrying knowledge in the mass will bring these very knowledge simply and easily. But over time it became clear that much in our world relatively, and everything is not as easy as I would like. Quantum physics, neurobiology will generate more questions than answers.

Currently creative skills And the creativity "raised the head" from the slaughter. If earlier there was a certain "sharpening" under the specific task, and the professions became narrow-controlled, now it took a fresh jet. Every year the number of courses on the development of creativity, trainings promising to teach thinking non-standard are growing. The idea of \u200b\u200bfree arts built on an individual trajectory is becoming a popular independent work, discussions and feeling in this world.

A person who wants to succeed in a career is constantly improving. , Courses, studying the subtleties of your profession makes it an excellent practice, but interferes with the expansion of the horizon. We gradually loses the ability to see all the facets of one problem, as his knowledge is too gone deep into. That is why an integrated approach becomes more and more urgent, which would reduce the difference between professional regions and allowed "to expand the look."

There was some synthesis of expansion and deepening. Now the fields of knowledge are moving away, absorb the maximum, but also a deep study of a particular subject does not disappear anywhere.

Education Without Borders: Each person as a source of knowledge

At the time of antiquity, the disciples ate philosophers on feasts and meetings. In a new time, followers of German thinkers visited their wise speeches. Pupils followed their teachers. But since then much has changed. Now, to get new knowledge, it is not necessary to even leave your own home. On the Internet, we can absorb any complete information discussed from different sides. However, there is a problem here. For whom to follow and who to learn?

Now literally everyone can write articles, blog, be a coach (sometimes independently invented discipline), edit information in Wikipedia. The very concept of encyclopedia (albeit virtual) distorted.

The encyclopedia man connected with the very idea of \u200b\u200bfree arts. School and Institute teach the ability to look for information, choose the necessary, form your own opinion and issue non-standard solutions. A real synthesis of the encyclopedicity of a person, who seeks to develop stylish and deep into the developing new ideas.