What is bilingual training in school. Modern problems of science and education

Sections: Foreign languages

Modernization of school education in our country is due to a number of objective circumstances and, above all, a change in geo-economic and geocultural situation. Under conditions, when a person should be able to coexist in a polycultural space, a language is probably the only tool with which mutual understanding and interaction between representatives of various linguity commutcies becomes possible. From here it is quite obvious the need to pay special attention to the problem of formation in students ability to effectively participate in intercultural communication. Under the conditions of a secondary school, one of the most appropriate ways to solve this issue is the orientation for bilingual linguistic education.

Concept bilingval Language Educationit assumes "interrelated and equivalent mastering students with two languages \u200b\u200b(native and non-vectors), the development of native and non-rigid / foreign-speaking culture, the development of a student as a bilingual and bio-cultural (polycultural) personality and awareness of their bilingual and biocultural affiliation."

In this regard, the practical objectives of bilingual language education can be defined as:

  • mastering subject knowledge using two languages \u200b\u200b(native and foreign);
  • formation and improvement of intercultural competence of students;
  • development of communicative competence of students in the native and studied foreign language;
  • the development of students in the ability to receive additional subject subject (non-language) information from different spheres of functioning of a foreign language.

It is significant to implement these goals - it means to form a student's linguistic personality, that is, the person who can generate and understand speech statements. The following components are usually included in the content of the linguistic personality:

  • value, ideological component Education contents, i.e. System of values, or life sense. The language provides an initial and deep view of the world, forms that language image of the world and the hierarchy of spiritual ideas that underlie the formation of a national nature and are implemented in the process of language dialogue;
  • cultural component. The level of culture of culture as an effective means of improving interest in language. Attracting the facts of culture of the studied language associated with the rules of speech and nourishing behavior contribute to the formation of adequate use skills and effective impact on the communication partner;
  • personal component. That individual, deep, which is in every person.

Thus, although it is impossible to conduct straight parallels with a national character for a language identity, but the deep analogy between them exists. It is impossible not to mention that even the Great German Linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt considered the language as a certain spiritual energy of the people, as a special vision of the picture of the world. Therefore, it seems possible to interpret the linguistic person as a deeply national phenomenon and to consider in connection with a specific language - a specific linguistic personality, (for example, Russian language is Russian personality).

In relation to the study of a foreign language, it is necessary, along with the concept of "language identity", to consider the linguodidactic category of "secondary language identity", which is understood as a combination of human abilities to adequate interaction with representatives of other cultures. In this case, the use of native and foreign languages \u200b\u200bis carried out in parallel on a parity basis.

In accordance with the concept of a secondary linguistic personality, the awareness of itself as a secondary linguistic personality provides:

  • awareness of itself as a linguistic person in general, including the motivational level, lingvocognitive level and semantic level;
  • the ability to use the language in textual activity - communications;
  • the ability to self-development, to ensure creative text activity.

Currently, physiology and psychology data allow us to make a fairly reasoned conclusion that mastering the second language is not just accumulating the language material as a result of the selection of lexical units, situations and the assimilation of grammatical forms and structures, and the restructuring of human speech mechanisms for interaction, and later and parallel use of two language systems. In the first stages of assimilation, it is necessary to form the skill of switching from the language into the tongue, and at later - to neutralize one system to create more favorable conditions for the functioning of the other.

That is why one of the priorities of bilingual language education should be considered the creation of a bilingualism mechanism.

Considering the essence of the formation of the bilingualism mechanism, it should be noted that it lies in the "excitation of iconic, denotative (semicological) or situational relations of lexical units in the conditions of necessity or the possibility of choosing between two language systems." All who start learning a foreign language, there are denotative or situational relations of lexical units of the native language. They know at the required limits, as denoting one or another subject, a number of phenomenon, which speech units to respond to the emerging situation. When studying the lexical units of the second language, each new foreign language lexical unit binds not to one way or another the act of reality, but with the corresponding word of the native language and only through it with the denoted themselves. At the same time, there is a danger of creating false significant links in the event that new foreign word It does not have a full equivalent in his native language.

R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev highlights some features of the formation of the bilingualism mechanism. The ability to create false significant links between the lexical units of two languages \u200b\u200bis the first feature of this mechanism.

The second feature of the formation of the bilingualism mechanism is due to a foreign language with a native, which causes his connection with the corresponding semantic system that is formed around any lexical unit.

Its third feature is associated with the rule of dominant language, which suppresses the second and other languages \u200b\u200band is the cause of not only lexical, grammatical, but also lingu-resistant interference.

The above features of the formation of the bilingualism mechanism indicate the need for its formation already at the initial stage of training. At this stage of formation, the formation of the student's personality, identification and development of its abilities occurs. Mastering a new language, the child expands not only its horizons, but also the boundaries of their worldview and minigration. At the same time, how he perceives the world and that he sees it is always reflected in the concepts formed on the basis of the student's native language and taking into account the diversity of the inherent in this language. expressive means. The phenomena of other cultures are always evaluated by a child through the prism of cultural norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in the native linguosocyium, through the prism of the MODEMINATION model.

Therefore, we are talking about, on the one hand, to prevent the creation of false significant links between the speech units of native and foreign languages, and on the other hand, to contribute to the establishment of a new national system of concepts correlacing with the system of concepts of the native language. This is possible when implementing the following tasks:

  • fixing the iconic connections of foreign language speech units with their equivalents in their native language;
  • development of situational relationships of a foreign language cliche;
  • braking the process of creating false significant links between lexical units and second-language structures;
  • development of a switching mechanism from one language to another;
  • creating conditions for the generation of foreign language statements regardless of the structures of the native language.

The practical implementation of the above provisions is possible when used already at the initial stage of the following teaching techniques:

  • presentation of foreign language lexical units, taking into account their semantic fields, i.e. Explanation of the boundaries of its meaning, as well as significant connections with in other words;
  • systematic exercises for the creation and consolidation of iconic phrases by their translation, primarily from the native language to foreign;
  • development of speech microscopes for creating and securing speech cliché situational relations;
  • exercises in reading, recordings for dictation, digital designation of numeral, names of the days of the week, months;
  • the use of visual subjective code as means of learning monologic speech limiting the impact of the native language. To this end, students get a task to write down the content of foreign language text by any conditional signs, including drawings, but without using the words of the native language. Based on their records, students build a monologue statement. Working with the "Personal Code" is of great interest and contributes to an increase in motivation.

The creation of a bilingualism mechanism at the initial stage of training will also be facilitated by exercises aimed at the formation of associated speech mechanisms:

  • repetition of foreign language text, varying in the tempo of speech and time period (backlog from the speech of the master, measured in the number of words);
  • patters learned language;
  • audition of foreign language text with a support for text in the native language;
  • complex audience (listening to simultaneously with reading another text);
  • spectative perception of text with a score, etc.

At the initial stage of training in the conditions of bilingual linguistic education, techniques are played by techniques that form not only the mechanism of bilingualism, but also the interest of students to the study of native and foreign languages, contributing to the deeper comprehension of native and foreign language culture. One of the most effective is the reading of the text in the native language, in which new lexical units are given in a foreign language, and the value of which can be guessing by the context or reading of text in a foreign language with the inclusions of phrases in their native language. For example, at a slow pace, the teacher reads the text in the native language, replacing some words in foreign language:

My Birthday (1) - January 5th. We are Celebrate (2) it in the family Circle (3). Mom Cooks (4) Festive dinner. He is very tasty (5). Dad BUYS (6) Large Cake. His decorate with candles. I get (7) a lot of gifts. etc.

The task of students is to record the Russian equivalent of foreign language words. Then they read the text in a foreign language without experiencing difficulties in understanding the content. After that, the following work is proposed: Students read an input text in which activated lexical units are translated into a native language. Students need to replace them with foreign language by choosing a list from the teacher proposed.

When working with poems, it is possible to use such a reception: students must collect a poetic product from scattered passages. By completing this task, they receive a literary translation for this poem and, comparing with the obtained option in a foreign language, make the necessary changes. Or, having gathered a poem in a foreign language, students get poetic text in their own language. The presence of Russian text gives them the opportunity to trace its logic and make the necessary adjustments. Only after that students get the original poem.

Working with simple foreign text, you can use the following admission: reading it with his eyes, read in the native language out loud. At first it will be difficult to do, but soon students will fit and you will be able to extract the meaning of foreign text, despite the oral account. After reading such a text, it is necessary to tell what is written there, and then you can check yourself, contacting the text again.

The formation of a bilingualism mechanism also requires work on speech technique, in the process of which students work out various patters in a foreign and native language, choose adjectives to nouns, expand a simple proposal, pronounce short monologues on a given topic, etc.

Summing up all the above, you can draw the following conclusion: For modern language education, interdisciplinary integration, multi-levelness, variation, orientation to the intercultural aspect of mastering the language are necessary.

Language culture is an integral and essential part of a human culture as a whole. There is no doubt that the correctly delivered linguistic education is the only way to create a higher culture.

Bilingual linguistic education is, on the one hand, best tool For the knowledge of the native language, and on the other - for the philosophical overcoming it and for the development of dialectical thinking.

"Students all running classes are taught not to slide on their usual phenomena of their native language, but notice different shades of thought, still not seen in their native language. This can be called overcoming the native language, out of its magic circle. "

According to many professionals, it is quite seized by a native language - i.e. Assess all its capabilities, it is possible only by studying some foreign language. Nothing can not be known without comparison, and the unity of the language and thinking does not give us the opportunity to separate the thought from the ways of its expression. Bilingual language education gives us this opportunity, helping to open a variety of expression tools both in foreign and in their native language.


1. Galskova N.D., Koryakovtseva N.F., Musnitskaya E.V., Nechaev N.N. Training on a bilingual basis as a component of in-depth linguistic education // Foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school. - 2003. - № 2. C.12-16.
2. Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. The mechanism of the bilingualism and the problem of the native language in training foreign // Foreign languages \u200b\u200bat school. - 1991. - № 5. p.15-16.
3. Scherba L.V. Language system and speech activity. L., 1974. p.354.

Currently, the establishment of a new system of education-oriented into the world educational space. This process is accompanied by substantial changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. There is a change in the educational paradigm: other content, other transitions, other law, other relations, other behavior, other pedagogical mentality are proposed.

· Traditional information methods - oral and written speech, Telephone radio communications is inferior to computer learning tools, the use of global telecommunication networks.

· The most important component of the pedagogical process becomes a personal-oriented interaction of the teacher with students.

· Increases the role of science in creating pedagogical technologies, adequate to the level of public knowledge.

IN russian education Today, today the principle of variability, which makes it possible to choose pedagogical teams to choose and construct a pedagogical process for any model, including author. The process of education is also underway: the development of various options for its content, the use of the possibilities of modern didactics in increasing the effectiveness of educational structures, scientific development and practical substantiation of new ideas and technologies.

At the same time, the organization of a kind of dialogue of various pedagogical systems and teaching technologies, testing in the practice of new forms - additional alternative state education system, use in modern russian conditions Holistic pedagogical systems of the past. Under these conditions, the teacher needs to be focused on a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, directions, not to waste time on the opening already known. One of these innovative technologies is bilingual training, the essence and mechanism of which we will consider below.

The problem of the native language invariably occurs every time in the development of methods of teaching a foreign language. The complexity of this problem was reflected in the well-known methodological principles of training, such as supports in the native language, its accounting or exclusion of their educational process. And so far, no authoritative solutions can change the real state of affairs: all speech mechanisms of students are formed and working into the native language and reflect the national vision of the surrounding reality. As a result, the first steps to master a foreign speech, the student makes through the native language, connecting new lexemes not with the objects of reality, but with the words of the native language.

In the first phases, the so-called subordinate type of bilingualism is created. And only later, at a higher level of proficiency, coordinated bilingualism with two concepts, each of which is associated with one language begins. This is an objective process, and the solution to the problem of the native language should be sought in the formation of the bilingualism mechanism.

Currently, physiology and psychology data allow us to make a fairly reasoned conclusion that the mastering of the second language is not just accumulating the language material as a result of the selection of lexical units, situations and the assimilation of grammatical forms and structures, and perestroika speech mechanisms A person for interaction, and later, and parallel use of two language systems, which in the first phases of the learning of the language requires the formation of a switching skill from a language into a language, and at later the neutralization of one system to create more favorable conditions for the operation of another system.

That is why when teaching a foreign language creating a mechanism bilingualism It should be considered priority task techniques. The essence of the bilingualism mechanism is the initiation of iconic, denotative or situational relations of lexical units in the conditions of necessity or the possibility of choosing between the two language systems. When studying the lexical units of the second language, regardless of the learning method, each new foreign language lexical unit appearing in the field of view of the student, is not associated with one or another subject of reality, but with the corresponding word of the native language and only through it with the denotes themselves. At the same time arises the danger of creating false signs In the event that a new foreign word has no full-fledged equivalent in his native language. This danger is first feature The mechanism of bilingualism.

Second feature The formation of the bilingualism mechanism is indicated not only about the need for its formation from the first steps of training, but also clarify the strategy and tactics of the work of the teacher in relation to the native language. Moreover, they allow you to identify effective approaches to the choice and development of a foreign language learning technique. To prevent the creation of false significant links between speech units of native and foreign languages, the following should be implemented tasks:

Fasten the iconic connections of foreign language speech units with their equivalents in their native language;

Develop situational relationships of situational clichés of a foreign language;

prevent the creation of false significant links between lexical units and second and first language structures;

Develop a switching mechanism from one language to another;

Create conditions regardless of the structures of the native language of the generation of foreign language statements.

The practical implementation of these provisions involves the development and use of the following teaching techniques:

Introduction of foreign language les taking into account their semantic fields. Almost this means not only the introduction of the word, but also an explanation of the boundaries of its meaning, and the main thing that is essential for him with in other words;

Systematic exercises for the creation and consolidation of iconic phrases in the form of their translation, mainly from the native language to foreign: to study at school, go to school, late to school, end school, etc.;

Development of speech microscopes for creating and securing speech cliché situational relations;

Linguistant commentary on foreign language lexical units and phrases with the national lexical background;

Intensive exercises with precision words, that is, with numerical, names of their own, days of the week of the week, months. Exercises are reading, records for dictation, in digital designation of numeral. Days of the week (for example: Monday - 1, Thursday - 4, September - 9, December - 12, etc.), solving out loud arithmetic examples. Work on precision words contributes to the establishment of the switching skill and the creation of parallel (bilingual) denotative bonds;

Use of visual subjective. When as a means of learning a monologue speech, limiting the influence of the native language. This refers to the assignment to record the content of the input text with any conditional signs, including drawings, but without using the words of the native language. At the same time, the translation speed, symbols and rules for the location of entries that help quickly and economically enjoy the basic information contained in the text are widely used. Based on these records, students give rise to a foreign-speaking statement, gradually freeing from the grammatical and lexical imperatives of the native language. In addition, working with the "personal code" causes great interest to students and contributes to an increase in motivation.

Exercises with precision words and the use of subjective when the learning tools have not yet found more widely, except for the teaching of oral translation into translation faculties. Meanwhile, their effectiveness to create a bilingualism mechanism has long been proven to practice training in a number of higher educational institutions.

Listed teaching techniques are not limited to the process of creating a bilingualism mechanism. It will also be promoted by exercises aimed at the formation of related speech mechanisms. To such exercises Refer: Repetition of foreign language text, varying by the temporal period tempo; Different types of patter on the language studied, an intrinsic translation (transfer of the same content with various means of the native language); audition of foreign language text with a support for text in the native language; complex audience; Spectative text perception with a score and some others.

Let us dwell on the concept of bilingual (bilingual) learning on its forms and models, as well as on the experience of foreign schools.

Bilingual learning has long been one of the forms of training in schools of national minorities. There is another so-called bilingual method in teaching foreign languages, which in German-speaking countries is associated with the name V. Butzukamma. Bilingual learning is one of the most effective reform of the teaching of a foreign language at school and is in last years The focus of teachers.

In 2000, bilingual learning is considered as a very promising direction. This is reflected in "Homburg Recommendations" 1979, according to which a foreign language should be taught in the pre-school stage in elementary school.

Many scientists advocate the introduction of bilingual learning in a foreign language. Frondentein For example, it believes that it can be introduced at any school for students of the age group at 11 years and older. BUT Plexensees in bilingual gymnasiums of Eastern European countries with their richest experience a suitable model for reforming a foreign language learning system in Western European countries.

In Eastern Europe, for example, in Russia and Bulgaria, already from the 60s there are bilingual schools in which intensive learning Foreign language in Western European countries.

In Eastern Europe, for example, in which foreign language training is carried out. In Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, such schools survived the boom, since the late 80s.

So, what is understood under the terms "Bilingvism" or "Bilingualism".

"Bilingualism" - This is the possession and application of more than one language, and the degree of ownership of one or another language can be quite different. The functional distribution of languages \u200b\u200bin a particular sphere may be unequal. Individual bilingualism is a phenomenon, which manifests itself, above all, where there are linguistic minorities. It also uses the term "Natural bilinguality"To distinguish between bilingualism purchased in the language environment and in the process of learning a foreign language.

Under bilingual learning Accordingly, such an organization of learning is understood when it becomes possible to use more than one language as the language of teaching. The second language, therefore, not only the object of study, but also at the same time a means of communication, the language of teaching.

A bilingual method should be distinguished from bilingual learning. We are talking about a specific method of teaching a foreign language, comparable from about a grammatical and transferable or with an audiovisual method developed by K.Dodon and V. Buttskamm. In its theory, the same-missy Butzkamm dismays a significant role with the native language when explaining the value and structural exercises. Thus, upon presentation of a student foreign language material, its equivalent is issued at the same time in such a way to avoid incorrect interpretation of the word value.

Return now to bilingual teaching. For several decades in the US, there is a clearly organized bilingual school education. And from the late 1960s, bilingual education in public schools for children of ethnic minorities was introduced.

This is how the official bilingual education system in the United States is formed in Office of Education: " Bilingual education - This is the use of two languages, of which one is English, as a means of learning for the same group of students on a well-organized program covering the entire curriculum or only part of it, including the teaching of the history and culture of the native language. "

The most radical model of bilingual learning is a monoise training in a foreign language from the very beginning of study at school. This is the "Early Total Immersion" model, which is used in Canada from the mid-60s by the English-language majority in the study of French as a language of a smaller population.

These immersion models of immersion models in the language have had a significant impact on the way of reforms in the method of teaching a foreign language.

Bilingual learning programs in second language can be grouped by three different models: the enrichment program, the transition program and the language of language conservation program.

Progress program It is an arbitrary set of objects and is focused mainly on children standing on the social staircase above others. The second language is studied on a more intense and efficient system rather than by the usual program. And this is done in the atmosphere of using a foreign language as the language of teaching, thus, for example, a dive is carried out in the study of French in Canada or German in bilingual schools of Hungary. In the language of immersion, there is a training for the basics of the second language, that is, in school curriculum, foreign and native languages \u200b\u200bchange places.

The most common forms of bilingual learning children of national minorities are known as "TRANSITIONAL BILINGUAL EDUCATION", - so called transition programs. From the very beginning, training is conducted within a certain framework, oh there are 50% of items in the main language, and the rest under the program of bilingualism or multilingualism in order to follow the complete integration of children after some time in the same-speaking learning process in a multilingual school.

The purpose of such programs is the involvement of children of national minorities to the language of the prevailing population.

Finally, the third type of learning programs include language Save Programs. They are focused on both children of dominant language groups and children of national minorities and set the goal of reconstructing the initial culture of ethnic immigrant minorities, as well as cultures under threat of extinction. At the initial stage of training, classes are created with their native language, in which the second language plays a subordinate role in order to in such a way to ensure sufficient socialization of the language of national minorities.

Bilingual learning as the most effective form of training in foreign languages \u200b\u200bapplies to the type of training under the enrichment program. Here, too, there are various models of bilingual learning, but having one general trait:

A foreign language is not an object of study, but a means of obtaining knowledge, and as a result, the double effect is simultaneously purchased new knowledge and language skills (such a concept in the history of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bis not new. The so-called "conversational method" in the XVII-XVIII centuries was in particular Subject training). At the same time, the scope of use of this method extends from the maximum program (full immersion in the language) to the consistent application of a foreign language as a worker in small groups when teaching individual subjects or one object.

Water - A prominent researcher of learning problems in the German-speaking countries and a supporter of this method of study gives such a definition immersion: "A foreign language is not used as a subject of study, but as a language of teaching subjects, for example, mathematics, biology, geography." The effectiveness of the method is that from the very beginning of study at school, the teaching is conducted in a foreign language, and the basics of the second language are also laid. And only later, the native language as the language of learning will strengthen its influence. If the dive in the tongue begins on the third or fourth year of study at school, then in this case there is a place mid step Dive, but if on the fifth or sixth year, then it is later dive.

Depending on whether this method covers all items or not, Voda speaks of full or partial immersion. It puts one level partial immersion and bilingual training, which is that the training of a foreign language begins in the usual way, and only then, when the corresponding level is reached, other items will be taught by immersion.

In concept Nando Mashawho participated in the development of the German-French education system (he was the director of one of the bilingual schools and at the same time the Chairman of the Gymnasium Working Group with the Bilingual German-French Program in Germany), bilingual training or bilingual subject formation differs from the Pure Immersion Method so far, because in bilingual Learning native language is given an important role. The emphasis falls here to bilingualism. " Bilingual subject learning - This is bilingual teaching of the subject. Both languages \u200b\u200b(foreign and native) are used in teaching as auxiliary learning languages. "

As for the selection of objects for bilingual teaching, the choice of social and political disciplines has fully justified itself, which, on the one hand, it is explained by the proximity of the terminology of these subjects to the communication language, on the other hand, the relationship of these disciplines with a foreign language culture. If, first of all, we are talking about the impulse of language skills, then there are more disciplines for this, the teaching of which can be made visual. Such ancient objects relates mathematics, natural sciences, geography. In bilingual schools, there is a certain set of items that are taught on a bilingual system, also provides for the use of a native language and foreign, as teaching languages, which makes it possible for combining. For a significant number of school students of each other and European schools, we are actually about the types of immersion learning, and in bilingual gymnasiums of our Eastern European neighbors and Germany, just only about limited bilingual teaching of objects.

In Austria from 1991-1992 school year There is a model Graz International Bilingual School- general education school working on the Austrian plan with teaching on english language. At the beginning of the school year, the intensive phase of studying a foreign language was determined when students should study it as an essential source of culture, after which special attention is paid to teaching other subjects in this language. At the same time, the transition to the prevailing use of English should be gradual. A similar model was tested in one of the schools in Admont and in the gymnasium in Ment. In September 1992, a start in Vienna was another beginning - Vienna Bilingual Schooling: Starting with a bilingual group of kindergarten and school, a program has been created with German and English as teaching languages, including senior classes.

Another, increasingly often practiced in schools and gymnasiums of bilingual learning, which means the use of English as a working language. Principle Here is the following: from the periodic application of a foreign language in regular subject training before its long-term and continuous use in the subject learning of one of many disciplines throughout the entire education system. When developing various immersion programs, a wide range of concomitant studies was carried out, fairly lighted in the Bibliography of Endta - one of the best experts in this area in German-speaking countries. Questions, former subject of research Such:

How do students assign a foreign language in comparison with the usual program?

How does the competence of students in their native language change?

What is the level of knowledge acquired by immersion, on various subjects?

How does the cognitive activity of students and what are their attitude towards the culture of the studied language?

Studies conducted within 12-13 years are particularly indicative when comparing the knowledge of students of immersion groups with English-speaking groups (if we are talking about English-language and French) and additionally with French-speaking groups (if we are talking about French) to find out the level of knowledge of the native Language.

The level of knowledge of the native language in the first years of study, judging by the results, was significantly lower in a formally grammatical plan, but not in the audience and in the skills of oral speech. After a year of study, the general students of immersion groups have already achieved the level of control groups.

In mastering French, as expected, students exceeded other groups in all aspects. Even in auditing and reading they were no worse than Frank-speaking students.

Tests on natural-scientific subjects and mathematics have shown that the knowledge of students of immersion groups was as high as the control group, although there was a slowdown effect on time.

Cognitive abilities of students of immersion groups developed as successful as in control groups and even partially with even greater effect. This is explained by the fact that students thanks to bilingualism were accustomed to more accurately different from another, which in turn leads to an increase in intellectual potential.

In general, research speaks in favor of immersion-oriented programs. At the same time, pays great attention to the functional differentiation of languages \u200b\u200band the communicative needs of students.

In the United States and Canada, for more than two decades, foreign languages \u200b\u200bhave been successfully used as working languages \u200b\u200bin the most various forms. With all the diversity of curriculum and programs, including a combination of objects studied in a foreign language, for these schools is characterized by aspiration for use methods of monolingvism, that is, an attempt to teach some disciplines in a foreign language without support to the native language.

Training Foreign languages \u200b\u200bon this technique are aimed primarily on formation of general-language communicative skills. According to the concept of bilingual education, language skills are significantly deepened due to the study of special items in German and Russian. Consequently, in such classes, students master the language skills, knowledge of subject vocabulary, knowledge of special subjects.

For the organization of bilingual education, separate activities are envisaged, the purpose of which is the integration of bilingual school learning In the Russian education system as its software component. Such a learning system can be implemented only if the goals are taken into account when preparing teaching staff in pedagogical educational institutions And if the school will be provided with the necessary educational materials with the relevant requirements of bilingual learning.

Taking into account that in the future, the purpose of schooling will be the above-mentioned in-depth language competence for the Saratov project, the appropriately the following model of the Bilingval School with German is presented.

Regardless of how the Russian school system will be formed in the future, one can proceed from the fact that bilingual learning is fundamentally possible in all existing types of schools.

The prerequisite for conducting classes on special subjects on the bilingual method is the initial knowledge of the German language as the foundation of the communicative cognitive activity of students, it is necessary to study the German language already at the initial stage. According to Saratov model, bilingual learning is carried out as follows:

The teaching of the German language begins in the first grade of primary school. In addition, music and physical education lessons are built on a bilingual basis.

In the third grade, the study of environmental education is introduced and the teaching of music and physical education continues in 2 languages.

On medium and older steps there is bilingual training in several subjects (biology, history, literature).

Training in German, along with parallel bilingual teaching of special items, continues to develop and deepen language training of students, contributes to the formation of knowledge, terminological vocabulary and communicative skills. It must be emphasized that the center of the bilingual study of objects should always be their meaningful aspects. The classes should be used both Russian and German terminology, in order for students to host the knowledge of the corresponding subject and its terminology in both languages.

Currently there is an analysis of curricula and programs of Russian and German schools and the development of new programs for bilingual training, language immersion and bilingual learning. Especially in Canada, these models have been studied in detail by scientists. Most findings speak in favor of these methods. In this way, a higher level of mastering with the tongue is achieved than the usual methodology, there are no concerns for the fate of individual aspects. The results of immersion studies make the relative postulate on the benefits of the native language as a worker. Bilingual learning has several advantages at least because the teaching of objects in a foreign language thanks to intensive receptions saves time, that is, leads to intensification of training.

A striking example of bilingual training in Russian schools can serve "Saratov project."

Since 1990, the Saratov Pedagogical Institute develops and measures are being developed, due to which german It may take its durable place as the second native language in the education system, especially in those regions where the Compact accommodation of the Germans is observed.

The present concept of bilingual education at school is the preliminary results of the joint developments of the Saratov Pedagogical University with the University of Essay.

Purpose The project is the creation of a bilingual German-Russian learning system, which, under certain conditions, can be considered as a model for use in different regions.

Among the variety of training techniques, the so-called specialized schools occupy a special place in which foreign languages \u200b\u200bare taught on an in-depth program from the second class. In some schools, a number of objects in a foreign language are taught, usually on materials representing the transfer of the appropriate textbook in Russian.

The unconditional achievement of special schools is an early and in-depth study of foreign languages, as well as their use as a means of learning.

Development of methodic and didactic materials

There are currently no educational materials for bilingual German-Russian training in schools. Such educational materials are developed by the Working Group of the Saratov Pedagogical Institute in collaboration with the University of Essen.

For this, curricula and programs of Russian and German schools are analyzed, new programs for bilingual education are being developed. The view about the possibility of using the German curriculum programs in Russian schools is incorrectly erroneous, since the content of bilingual learning must comply with the content of training in Russian schools. It seems inappropriate to also use the available Russian textbooks to translate them into German, since it is practically impossible to preserve texts in the form that will correspond to the language features of special training texts, that is, texts may lose the authenticity.

Therefore, the basis of the bilingual learning on individual subjects should be the original materials developed by the proposed bilingual procedure.

For this are envisaged the following types of work:

1) Russian training programs are processed and educational and methodical instructions German federal lands;

2) the curriculum and curriculum of bilingual learning on subjects are approved;

3) Textbooks for German schools are processed for their compliance with newly compiled programs;

4) Themes and texts from German textbooks are brought in line with the content of new curricula. If necessary, the translation of unfamiliar vocabulary is given. Texts are accompanied by tasks and comments in Russian;

5) Materials are tested on bilingual classes on special subjects at school.

Currently, the Saratov scientific team is working on educational materials for the lessons of environmental education in elementary school and on the preparation of curricula on biology.

We now turn to consideration methods of work on bilingual programs.

IN lately Increasingly, and more often talk about bilingual education.

Such an education implies an active learning practice in two languages \u200b\u200bimmediately, is applied, most actively, for example, in the educational institutions of countries where several languages \u200b\u200b"reign" in society. And this may be such a situation, when two languages \u200b\u200bare state-owned (for example, speaking of domestic education, it is worth remembering that in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, the state language except Russian is also the Adyghesky, Altai, Udmurt, Karachay-Balkarsky, Tatar, Tuvinsky, Chechen, Erzyansky and many other languages) and the situation, when the language component of national minorities is expressively present expressively (here you can mention, for example, training in the Baltic States).

In addition, bilingual programs increasingly accompany schools, colleges and universities, where great attention is paid to the study of a foreign language, foreign crops, and where the task of creating conditions for maximum immersion in the intercultural linguistic environment is raised. However, bilingual training is currently possible to meet in preschool children's institutions (schools early Development, kindergartens). A huge contribution to the popularity of the development of bilingual education at an early stage was, for example, the world-famous project "Light", actively supported by such countries as Germany, France, Austria, Finland. It is believed that bilingual training, "submitted" at an early age, most effectively. After all, children are more open new. They still do not have all sorts of barriers and stereotypes.

However, bilingual education has supporters and opponents. After all, bilingual education can be found both the pros and cons.


  • bilingual education allows the student or student to feel comfortable in a multilingual world;
  • training built on this principle is the ability to receive education at one of the world languages, without losing ties with ethnic language affiliation (this moment can be observed, for example, if the student goes to learn abroad, in addition, this example is very characteristic of learning emigrants);
  • bilingual training expands the "borders" of thinking, teaches the art of analysis;
  • bilingual programs allow a person to not be afraid of the barrier of misunderstanding a foreign language and make students and students more adapted to the study of other languages, develops a speech culture, expands the lexical stock of words;
  • training immediately in several languages \u200b\u200bcontributes to the development of communicative abilities, memory, makes a student or student more mobile, tolerant, flexible and liberated, and hence more adapted to difficulties in the multi-faceted and difficult world.


  • sometimes under the guise of language integration, a person who studies on the programs of the bilingual education can actually be subject to assimilation, lose contact with the native culture. On the one hand, a certain cosmopolitanism appears, and the other side knowledge of the language is scattered;
  • alas so that billingval programs really worked correctly, it is important not only for their presence, but also the professionalism of teaching. Otherwise, about the disciple, it turns out a kind of educational marriage, because of which the non-coordinated "loop" stretches for the billing - the opinion: "Yes, it is not really the fact that foreign, but also does not know the native language!"

Thus, definitely, the pros of bilingual education is much more than minuses. But that the scale of the scales does not stick to the wrong side, it is necessary to treat a bilingual education very deliberately, delicately and, most importantly, professionally. Amateurism is not acceptable here!


The article contains an analysis of the effectiveness and progressiveness of bilingual learning. The authors justify in detail the need to introduce bilingual learning into the educational process. A number of factors are investigated, within which the proposed ways of working with foreign language material on a bilingual basis are particularly relevant. The article substantiates the need and admissibility of the use of the Active Gerglish system. The authors carried out serious work to determine the feedback of the Active Gerglish system. The authors have developed and implemented innovative linguodidactic approaches to the formation of a bilingual linguistic personality in an integrative educational environment. In the traditional and interactive learning methods have been disclosed in the Active Gerglish system. The presented language material is used by teachers as a reference material, as it contains a complete list of instructions to be assimilated.

bilingual learning

innovative strategies

lingvodidactic approaches

interactive methods

1. Abramova N.V. Training in foreign language business communication in the legal admission // Foreign language in the system of average and higher education: Materials international scientific and practical conference. - Penza - Moscow - Solt: Scientific and Publishing Center "Sociosphere", 2011. - P. 209-211

2. Abramova N.V. Theoretical foundations of training of foreign language speech communication in a non-language university // Language and the world of the studied language: Sat.Nauch.st. - Vol. 4. - Saratov: Publishing House of Sarat.In-Tu RHTEU, 2013. - P. 95-99

3. Yessein I.Yu., Semenova E.V. Features of teaching English in a legal admission // Foreign language in the system of secondary and higher education: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference October 1-2, 2013, Prague: VEDECKO VYDAVATELSKE Centrum "Sociosfera-CZ", 2013. - P. 182-263

4. Yessein I.Yu., Efimova I.I. Practical issues of scientific translation // Actual problems of modern linguistics and linguodidactics. Materials of scientific practical international online conference (Saratov, April 2, 2013). - M.: Ed. Home Science Education, 2013.

5. Chubukova D.I. Training on a bilingual basis as a basic component in the system of modern language education [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://rspu.edu.ru/li1/journal/tschubukowa.billing.htm.

6. Essina I.Y., Abramova N.V. An Innovative Strategy of Studying Legal English // European Journal Of Natural History. - 2013. - № 5. - P. 38-40.

Modern society He experiences a greater need for specialists who own one or more foreign languages \u200b\u200bnot only within everyday communication, but also at the level of professional activities. Knowledge of at least three languages \u200b\u200btoday is a very common phenomenon in many European countries. People owning several languages \u200b\u200bhave more opportunities to leave abroad in order to obtain education or work. In September 2003, Russia joined the Bologna process, and now the Bologna movement covered all the largest Russian universities. The goal of the Bologna Declaration is to create conditions so that all its citizens capture at least three European languages: native and two foreign. To fulfill this idea, it is necessary to implement and expand the range of activities to study languages. In this regard, the motivation to the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bhas increased dramatically. However, difficulties in the way of mastering a foreign language did not fail, still the main one is a non-advantageous attitude towards learning a foreign language and the lack of experience in the transition teachers from one language culture to another, lack of interest among students in multilingualism. We consider it appropriate that Russian universities take all the best that there was and is available in Europe created their own education system. In this regard, interest in the problem of bilingual education increases. Modern society needs a person who is focused on a dialogue in family, social, political, national relations. Future - for bilingual education.

There are many bilingual training in recently many, but understand this term in different ways. In this paper, there is a problem of bilingual training from the point of view of bilingual education in a foreign language, under which such an organization of the educational process is understood when it becomes possible to use more than one language as the language of teaching. The second language, therefore, not only the object of study, but also at the same time a means of communication, the language of teaching. In recent years, there is increasingly discussing the problem of bilingual learning, the relevance and progressiveness of this technology is confirmed. Education in the conditions of bilingualism is recognized by many scientists of one of the possibilities of the most effective formation of a foreign language teaching in high school and therefore is currently the focus of researchers. The relevance of biilingual-based training is determined primarily by the universal tendency to integrate in the economic, cultural and political spheres, which in the educational sector determines the tendency to integrate objective knowledge, the reference to the knowledge of the holistic picture of the world. Taking into account these tendencies, training on the Active Gerglish system proposed by us provides a wide access to information in various subject areas, obtaining new information in accordance with individual needs, possibilities continuing educationWhat in turn creates additional chances to compete in the pan-European and world specialists market. Along with this, bilingual-based training contributes to the improvement of general language training and foreign language in special subject purposes, deepening subject preparation and expansion of intercultural training, as well as an increase in the motivation in the study of a foreign language, the modernization of higher education, which is held in our country, is associated First of all, with updating content, with the provision of its activity, developing, cultural nature, with its introduction to the diverse and multidirectional requirements of modern life, with the requests of the modern labor market on professionally mobile, communicative and competent and creatively thinking professionals. IN modern approach An installation on professional communication appeared to the study of a foreign language, which not only does not limit the level of ownership of a foreign language, demanding knowledge of special terminology, but also implies the ability to use it in its socio-professional environment, which, in turn, is impossible without intercultural communication. Special attention is paid to the creation of conditions for the development of bilingual personal potential.

The practice of introducing a bilingual system of teaching a foreign language has gained widespread in Germany. Under the terms, bilingualism or billingwisms are usually understood by the possession and application of more than one language, and the degree of possession of one or another language can be quite different. The highest degree of bilingualism occurs when the speaker recognizes his own second language. Individual bilingualism is rather a phenomenon that manifests itself, above all, where there are linguistic minorities. The functional distribution of languages \u200b\u200bin a particular sphere is not very often most often. In fact, bilinguals use each of the languages \u200b\u200bthat own, in various social contexts and are not able to use each of the languages \u200b\u200bknown to them in all contexts equally.

Bilingual-based training includes:

  • learning subject and mastering students in a particular area based on the interconnected use of two languages \u200b\u200bas a means educational activities;
  • training in a foreign language in the process of mastering a certain objective knowledge due to the interrelated use of two languages \u200b\u200band mastering foreign language as a means of educational activities.

The language with such training is considered, first of all, as a tool for admission to the world of special knowledge, and the learning content is distinguished by the combination of substantive and language components in all units of the educational process. Our system within the framework of the competence approach provides for the formation of 3 major competencies in students: linguistic, communicative, intercultural, concerning life in a policular society, develops communicative exercises aimed at solving a solid task requires intellectual voltage in the process of studying a foreign language, shows a comparative analysis of the search and research work of students with independent planning of the material and the use of a variety of vocabulary sources.

Language material, which is used by teachers of a language non-retires as a reference material, as it contains a complete list of instructions to be assimilated, leads language samples and examples, phenomena expressing them, develops independent thinking and the corresponding legal worldview, i.e. The need to think certain legal categories through outline, disinfect, quoting, annotation, reviewing, drawing up a legal document from one language to another or from two simultaneously, drawing up a formal logical pattern, verbal-schematic thesaurus, compilation of ideas matrix - comparative characteristics phenomena in manuscripts, legal affairs.

The proposed ways of working with foreign language material on a bilingual basis are relevant and due to a number of factors: the need to maintain legal information in time; expansion of spatial and temporal fields of the communicative process; on the inclusion of the visual channel of perception of legal information into the language communication system; change of the formula of interpersonal relationships of lawyers and individuals; The urgent need to use a foreign language as an additional means of professional communication and as a means of general education of a bilingual personality.

Innovative strategies in the Active Gerglish system proposed by us determine and methodologically argue prerequisites for the use of a complex of language tools and an adequate mechanism of translate and translastic development of a read activity; The basic concept of "lingvodidactic approaches" is distinguished, consider various aspects of the essence of innovative foreign language activities, disclose the concept of "professional activity" as a holistic integrative education formulated as a result of the unity of consciousness and activity; Develop optimal conditions for the development of a bilingual personality in the Active Gerglish System project.

To achieve the goal and solving the tasks of the tasks, we use the following complex of research methods based on theoretical and practical approaches: a theoretical analysis of philosophical, cultural, psychological, pedagogical, linguocultureological problems of the study; studying the advanced experience of teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bin the highest school; analysis and synthesis of theoretical generalization of the results of the study; Questioning, observation, conversations, quality monitoring speech activity students. To solve the task, the method of the conceptual interpretation of heterogeneous factors affecting the linguistic person is applied. Traditional and interactive learning methods are activated: Typeshiping situations, Case Study Project Through Fairy Tales, Method of Analysis of Incidents, Method for Development of Business Correspondence ("Basketmetomethod"), Action Learning (Action Learning), Diagnostic (Aggution of Diagnostic Methods, Criteria, Indicators and Education Levels A Bilingual Personality in the Active Gerglish System project. The Active Gerglish system builds training with two languages \u200b\u200bat the same time, who is clearly observing the block pyramid of statements, words, idioms, expressions learned by playing to each other (Play Long).

In our project, the Community Language Learning (Community Language Learning) is a significant role, which suggests the full independence and collegiality of students in the selection of the proposed material (students work in groups, behind a round table opposite each other and lead a discussion on the problem submitted, exchange decisions, make adjustments In your actions on three languages \u200b\u200bat the same time). The advantage of this method in the absence of stress and complete emotional stability. This method, which implements a behaviorine and structural approach, is based on the provisions of structural linguistics. Education based on this method involves learning and mastering grammatical patterns that are built in a certain sequence, but with conscious means of expression for free recreation. This structure of mastering the language material provides for a Suggestic method (Lozanian method), which reveals the backup memory capabilities, activates the intellectual activity of the student, contributes to suggestion and memorizing volumetric material per unit of time. Our work is built on a communicative approach as the main objective of training using the following components of communicative competence: linguistic, sociolinguistic, discursive, strategic, socio-cultural, social, educational and educational.

By introducing formed conditions and linguodidactic approaches, the successful preparation of the bilingual linguistic personality in the integrative educational process.

Through the introduction of the translate and translastic learning mechanism, taking into account the cyclic construction of the curriculum, there is a language mixing, taking into account the switching code (Code Switching) as a mandatory component of the educational process.

Given the development of interactive learning methods, we implement innovative linguodidactic approaches to the formation of a bilingual linguistic personality in an integrative educational environment based on creating an information field of two Active Gerglish languages.

The bilingual language identity is a specialist who is not only professional, but also creatively approaching the tasks of social and scientific and legal nature in their organic unity.

A number of scientists, such as Schpelmann A., Gumperz, examined the alternation of various language options in bilingual and multiliting speakers, depending on the need for the communicative situation. We investigate this problem in order to make teaching more efficient, and biilingual-based training would have acquired a wider use perspective.

Practical use of copyright educational benefits; program on theory and practice of translation; system exercises for the development of foreign language speech activities; The compilation of language cards of the Active Gerglish project of each stage passes step-by-step examination through a group discussion and is methodically accompanied by linguodidactic approaches of speech communication, and also passes a step-by-step methodological examination of this project. The starting point of this project is to issue a discussion. Since a group discussion, which represents a very common method of interactive learning, the Active Gerglish System language cards help to conduct a joint analysis of the legal problem, which causes the active interaction of all participants in the educational process. Communication in this case is not so much the exchange of information that has been informed how much persistent desire to change the position of opponents. Students through this work are being implemented such important skills to develop cooperation, as the ability to allocate and express their own and someone else's position, subordinate to the general rules and develop on this basis schemes and rules for adequate self-assessment and self-regulation.

Applying radical methods based on computer technologies, including the Internet network, online conference, trying to rebuild the entire educational process on a bilingual basis, we line up the entire educational process on a bilingual basis. The method of combinatorial makes it possible to build a lecture - dialogue, a seminar-controversy, Case Study Project-Conference. The developed strategy of Active gerglish system is rather balanced, combined with a variety of methods that activate the educational process. Our program introduces students to new knowledge. The process of implementing training on a bilingual basis is strengthened with appropriate correlates in native culture. The quality of admission to the second culture is directly dependent on the degree of ownership of the trained native culture. The content of biilingual-based training is structured in the form of thematic blocks based on targeted selected topics and sub-program enthricues included in other subjects. The assimilation of the trainees of this content is to acquire special knowledge of individual subjects, understanding a certain set of concepts, memorizing and accumulating the adequate terminological apparatus and other language material. The conceptual basis for determining the content of the program and training strategies of the bilingual development of students was the sociocultural approach to language Educationwhich is that communicatively-oriented training is closely related to the intensive use of it as an element of knowledge and the way to achieve intercultural understanding. And today it is especially important. All presented results are innovations, each development is born together with its testing in academic work.


Khizhnyak S.P., D. Fil.n., Professor, Head of the Department of English, Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov;

Rodionova O.S., D. Fil.n., Professor, Head of the Department of German and French, Saratov State Law Academy, Saratov.

The work went to the editors 11.04.2014.

Bibliographic reference

Abramova N.V., Yessein I.Yu. Innovative strategies in bilingual education // Fundamental studies. - 2014. - № 6-2. - p. 345-349;
URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id\u003d34162 (Date of handling: 05.01.2020). We bring to your attention the magazines publishing in the publishing house "Academy of Natural Science"

In determining the content of general education in world school and pedagogy, problems arise related to implementation bilingualism. Bilingualism (or bilingualism) is a possession of two and more languages. In the upbringing it is necessary to take into account that every people have a specific pragmatic speech and that socio cultural values Transmitted through the manner of conversation, the use of certain modal verbs, words-estimates related to ethical standards.

Bilingual learning is one of the most promising methods. effective education and education. In many countries with large variety of communities in the education system, bilingual, three-tailed and more training are installed: Australia, Belgium, Canada, USA, Finland, Switzerland, etc.

Bilingual training is an important condition for overcoming the linguistic barrier and the academic success of schoolchildren in a multinational class. Such training allows you to realize cultural, ethnic identities and diversity, to join national values. Thanks to this learning, communication of different ethno-speaking groups is being established, additional linguistic knowledge is acquired as one of the guarantees of social mobility.

Bilingual training provides a high-quality leap of students in cultural and mental development. Children accumulate cultural and language experience, allowing successfully adapting to other cultures and social surroundings. Bilingual training forms various levels and types of cultural and language competence: 1) Ownership from the very beginning of the development of speech at the same time in two languages \u200b\u200b(billingvism) or in several languages \u200b\u200b- multilingualism: 2) possession of the second language (bilingualism) along with the first (native) when the process occurs If the first (native) is already fully or partially formed.

In the course of bilingual learning, mutual influence, interpenetration, awareness of the general and specific carriers of different languages \u200b\u200band cultures occurs. Bilingwer's schoolchildren have a wider cultural outlook than the rest of their peers. They are much more open to cultural metabolism. This is especially noticeable when bilingual learning of gifted people. Schoolchildren from low social strata often perceive a non-rigid language as part of someone else's and incomprehensible culture. Such students do not receive decent education and education in any of the languages.

Bilingual learning should remove language problems, improve performance, develop oral speech skills. The main manifestations of bilingual learning are to support the study of the native language through a certain organization of training and training materials, the second language training, the creation of bilingual classes and schools. In different countries, the organization of bilingual learning has similarities and differences.

In the US, bilingual training is spread very widely and is carried out in a variety of options. Up to 8 million Americans do not consider native English. In general education institutions, 5.8 million schoolchildren from such families study. Third of them speak on spanish. Latin American and immigrants from Asia insist on bilingual learning. The popularity of bilingual training was the result of a complex of pedagogical and social reasons, including intentions of interethnic communication, the need to explore mandatory national languages, the needs of the preservation of local languages, multilingualism of urban civilization, growth of "language nationalism" (aspirations with the help of the language to preserve cultural roots), etc. d.

US laws (1967, 1968, 1974), in addition to the obligatory study and knowledge of the state (English) language, and bilingual training is also provided. Officially bilingual learning system is formulated as follows: "This is the use of two languages, one of which is English, as a means of learning for the same group of students on a well-organized program covering the entire curriculum or only part of it, including the teaching of history and culture of the native language. "

Bilingual learning is confirmed by the legislation of 22 states. In Hawaii, English and local languages \u200b\u200bare considered equal languages \u200b\u200bof learning. Bilingual training is supported by federal funds and programs. The federal authorities and individual states allocate special funds for bilingual training: training programs, teacher's personnel, scientific and methodological research, support for educational institutions (especially for Hispanic). Bilingual training is organized everywhere. So in 1994, in English and the language of one of the minorities were trained in Washington about 5 thousand, Los Angeles up to 50 thousand schoolchildren.

Programs and methods of bilingual training are variatives. The most common model called transition Bilingual Education (Transitional Bilingual Education). In this case, 50% of items are conducted in English, and the rest are under the program of bilingualism or multilingualism. Later, schoolchildren include in the same-speaking (Pa English) learning process in a multinational school. Training can be group and individual. Part of the programs and methodologies provides for the development of speaking skills in the non-English language. All programs also suggest that schoolchildren must acquire such competence in the language and culture of the majority, which will ensure the necessary level of communication in society. Three types of bilingual learning are distinguished. The first is the support of the ability to speak, read and write in your native language, while studying English. At first, the lessons are conducted in their native language, and English is studied as a foreign one. Therefore, therefore, the transitional use of the native language of minorities as a method of learning (especially in the first year of study) to supporting bilingual education in high schools. Then schoolchildren study in two languages. The second type of training does not aim to teach the knowledge of two languages. The native language is used as long as the schoolchildren do not admire English enough, after which the training is carried out only in this language. The third type of learning is addressed to classes consisting of English-speaking and non-English-speaking schoolchildren. Communication, children teach each other's languages.

Schoolchildren who do not speak official languages \u200b\u200breceive the lessons of the English and the language of the ethnic minority. At the same time, classes are created with teaching in their native language, on "simple" English, as well as mixed classes, where students do not have difficulties with English. Classes are divided into different levels, depending on the depth and volume of the material being studied.

In Canada, bilingualism, i.e. Training in two official languages \u200b\u200b- English and French - guaranteed by the Constitution. More than two thirds of children of "new immigrants" do not speak official languages, and for them is organized special learning in English and French. Ottawa provides financial support to the provincial authorities in organizing relevant multigital learning. As a result, from the late 1980s. Such training has become popular throughout the country.

In Canada, the second language teaching is widely applied from the very beginning of study - early Total Immersion (Early Total Immersion). The model is practiced in two versions. The first (enrichment option) is used by the English-language population when studying French. In this case, training is intensively in the atmosphere of using French as the language of teaching. The second (transition version) is that children from national minorities are gradually acquainted with French and English languages. At the same time, most of the curriculum is taught in official languages, and the rest is in the minority language.

The popularity of multilingual learning is due to the desire of ethnic communities of Canada to master their own cultural ideals, which is difficult without a good knowledge of the native language, as well as to achieve vitality, which is impossible without mastering state languages. At the same time, specific problems arise. So, the authorities of the French Quebec are concerned that new immigrants prefer French English. In this regard, it is initiated by a mandatory study of French in Quebec.

As can be seen, as applied to Canada, you can speak not only about bilingual, but also multilingual learning. In addition to the fact that, in fact, it is necessary to study two national languages \u200b\u200b- English and French, multilingual learning is widespread in heritage classes, Where children from small subcultures are attached to the language of historical homeland. To obtain state financial support, students' heritage classes should demonstrate the effective mastering of the English and French sections of the program. Heritage classes are organized in a mass order in six provinces. They are taught, in addition to English and French, in the language of one or another small national group. Heritage classes operate in extracurricular time or within educational institutions.

In Western Europe, bilingual training is seen as an important condition for intercultural dialogue and confrontation of national intolerance, xenophobia. Educational language projects are prepared and launched by educational language projects: European Charter on regional languages \u200b\u200band minority languages (1992), Pluralism, diversification, citizenship (2001) And others. The introduction of projects should teach "to accept, understand and respect the views and persuasion, values \u200b\u200band traditions of representatives of other nationalities", "to promote learning languages \u200b\u200bof national minorities", "form students from the first days of study on linguistic and cultural diversity Europe.

In the documents of the European Union and the Council of Europe, it is referred to plans to disseminate educational materials on "all European state languages \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bof national minorities", the need for wide use in studying languages \u200b\u200bof modern communication and information technologies, about accounting for the starting level of ownership of non-standard, encouraging speech communication skills to communicate NOTOD LANGUAGE, etc.

In the educational institutions of Western Europe, the philological teaching scheme is as follows: students need to be seized in three languages: native, one of the working languages \u200b\u200bof the European Union, as well as any other state language of the European Community countries.

At a special place there is a problem of linguistic training of small national groups. Teachers have to overcome significant difficulties. Students from small subcultures often speak bad languages. Outside the class, in the family, they prefer to use their native language. In Germany, Switzerland, Finland is so coming from 54 to 66% of students. In general, no more than 6-10% of schoolchildren communicate in minority families in Europe in the family of minorities in the language of the dominant nation. Mastering the languages \u200b\u200bof dominant ethnocultural groups essentially facilitates indigenous and non-disconnected minorities to the assimilation of educational material, communicating with representatives of inocultures.

Bilingual teaching is considered as an important guarantee of the development of small national autochthonous groups. So, in Spain, such training is considered as a manifestation of not only the linguistic independence of Baskov and Catalans in the field of culture and education, but also as an important basis for their autonomy. The state guarantees the right to study in the Catalan language and the Language of Basque. The laws of Catalonia and Basquies are prescribed by mastering students of two languages \u200b\u200b(indigenous and Spanish). The teachers require knowledge of indigenous and Spanish.

In Catalonia, a certificate of common education It will be given only when a sufficient knowledge of the indigenous language is confirmed. Language learning language in general education institutions is chosen according to the wishes of the parents; In 99.9% of government primary schools, teaching is conducted in Catalan; In high school, studied training in Spanish. Other statistics in private general education. There are less schools where teaching is conducted in the Catalan language, and there has been a tendency to reduce the number of such institutions (from 1992 to 1997 from 70 to 58%). Basque also encourages the teaching of the indigenous language as a way to preserve ethnic identity. Eskoara (Basque language) on which 25% of the 2 million residents of the Basque Country are obliged to study the PA of all levels of education. The consequences of bilingual training in Catalonia and the Basque Country are distinguished. Catalansky language is distributed not only among the indigenous ethnos, but also among noncatalogians. In the Basque Country, the situation is different: the ECCOAR is difficult to study and cannot compete with Spanish as a tool of uniastoneial communication.

In primary schools of France from the mid-1970s. The law provides for the teaching of regional languages \u200b\u200b- Corsican, Catalan, Italian, Alsatian, Breton, Basque and Flemadian. Pedagogical prospects of bilingual learning confirms the experience of France's overseas departments. In New Caledonia and Tahiti French is official language, as well as the language of teaching. A significant part of the population consider the French native language. It is spoken by all residents, it serves for inter-ethnic communications. PA Tahiti, except French, the second official language is Taitian. Taitian bilingual training (French and Tahitian) is a long-standing practice. In New Caledonia, where up to 30 channel languages \u200b\u200bare distributed, teaching is carried out almost exclusively in French, and bilingual training - in French and Canakian languages \u200b\u200b- remains fragmentary. To change the situation, a bilingual learning model was proposed, according to which the native language (Canakian or French) initially serves as a learning language, and the "second language" (Canakian or French) is taught as a subject. The second language should be administered after full mastering native language (from 2-3 grade) and gradually turn into a learning language, while the native language is further taught as an object.

Wales (United Kingdom) is one of the samples of accounting for the educational needs of indigenous minorities by bilingual learning. Act of 1967 in Wales Welsh and English are equalized in rights. By the beginning of the 1980s. The number of residents who speakers in Welly, amounted to about 20% of Wales population (500 thousand). The number of students studying the school program on the Welsh language increases, the list of basic disciplines of secondary education, taught Pa to the indigenous language of Wales, are created special training centers To assist in learning this language. As a result, there is an increase in the speakers in the Welsh language of children under five.

Curious practice of multilingual learning can be observed in the tiny state - Andorra. As a result of the growth of the population of Andorran, the Catalan language for which is official, ceased to be an absolute majority. Pupils attend French, Spanish and Catalan schools. Along with teaching in Spanish and French mandatory is the study of Catalan and culture.

In Asia and Africa, bilingual training is distributed in the former colonies of European countries and the United States: in the local language and the language of the former metropolis (Maghreb, India, Madagascar, Malaysia, Philippines, South Africa, etc.). Local training contributes to indigenous culture. Training in the language of the former metropolis takes on Western and global cultural values, turns out to be a pedagogical means of national consolidation.

In Japan in some cases (in international classes) There is a bilingual training of foreign students. In several such classes in Canagaba Prefecture in the early 1990s. Bilingual textbooks were used (in Japanese and native languages) to support the language and culture of foreigners. Such classes were hampered by the lack of bilingual students who were assistants of teachers.

Australia is being implemented by the so-called poliosal project, within which bilingual training is addressed to students with minimal knowledge of English, as well as students who weakly know the native (non-English) language. Training is conducted in two languages \u200b\u200b(English and minority language) or in several languages \u200b\u200b(English and minority languages). Teaching attract teachers - representatives of national minorities, native language carriers. Australian teachers (D. Dempster, N. Hezl) Consider bilingual training as an important condition for preparing generations that are able to effectively act in a multicultural environment. Such training is intended, on the one hand, to organize a massive study by minorities of the native language and, on the other hand, increase the efficiency of learning in English for this population group.

Thus, bilingual training is played among the leading forms of educational activities abroad. His pedagogical and sociocultural consequences are ambiguous. Bilingual training in the pedagogical plan may be a means of encouragement or, on the contrary, braking sociocultural and intellectual development. Many schoolchildren fail to bring knowledge of not one of the languages \u200b\u200bto the level of a "natural native language". For children from poor, incomplete, disadvantaged families are not rare negative results. In general, nevertheless, the social and pedagogical effect of such training is positive. Bilingual training is not only a means of communication, but also a significant condition for understanding the identity of ethnopsychological and other features of inocultures. Mastering more than one language has a positive impact on students in linguistic, cultural and cognitive terms, makes it possible to improve the conditions for successful education. Students who are developing two languages \u200b\u200bat first are in a less profitable position compared to their single-tight peers. But barely starting to speak confidently in both languages, not only catch up with, but also distinguish them in intellectual development.