Formation of the educational environment. Specificity of the educational environment of basic secondary education (middle level) Specificity of the educational environment of primary secondary education

The introduction characterizes the social significance and scientific relevance of the topic. The introduction should justify the choice of the topic, its relevance, reflect the reason for the research interest in it, formulate a scientific problem, show the degree of its development in domestic and foreign science, reveal the goals and objectives of the work; describe theoretical and methodological foundations work, define the object and subject, formulate a research hypothesis.
Main part
The main content of the work is located in the chapters between the introduction and conclusion. The main part, as a rule, cannot consist of only one chapter, it consists of two chapters.
The first chapter in terms of content is a theoretical part, which should have its own title. In this chapter, it makes sense to dwell on approximately the following aspects of the studied psychological and pedagogical phenomenon:
· Designation of a problem or a group of problems considered by educational psychology on this issue;
· Definition of basic concepts;
The history of the study, the main views on the phenomenon in educational psychology and, possibly, in other branches of psychology, other sciences;
· Functions of the phenomenon;
· Types of phenomenon;
· Structure of the phenomenon;
· Connection with other phenomena;
· Formation and development of the phenomenon (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages);
Manifestation of the phenomenon, etc.
The proposed scheme is given only for orientation and the final structure of the first chapter will depend on the chosen topic, the availability and accessibility of literature, the structure of the work as a whole.
When presenting ideas that have authorship, it is necessary to follow the citation rules: the quoted text is given accurately, without distortion, omissions in the author's text are indicated by dots; the text is enclosed in quotation marks, then the author's surname, the number in the list of references and the number of the cited page are indicated in brackets.
After working on the first chapter, the conclusions of the chapter should be summarized.
The second chapter involves the development of a model of developmental educational environment(according to V.A. Yasvin) taking into account the methodological foundations.
The model of the developing educational environment of the institution (according to the topic) can be presented in the form of a picture, or described in the text of the 2nd chapter.
Based on the results, conclusions are also drawn.
Conclusion contains summary of all work and own thoughts in connection with the problem presented in the work. You can dwell on the main results obtained in the course of the work, present prospects further work, over the problem, formulate some recommendations.
In general, we can say that the introduction and conclusion serve as a kind of semantic framework for the main part of the work: the introduction precedes knowledge, and the conclusion demonstrates a new qualitative step in understanding the problem.
List of sources used

The psychological component of the educational environment is, first of all, the nature of communication between the subjects of the educational process, against the background of which needs are realized, interpersonal and group conflicts arise and are resolved.

In this process, the hidden meaningful situations of interaction between people acquire a distinct character.

This component bears the main burden of providing opportunities for meeting and developing the needs of subjects. educational process in a sense of security, in maintaining and improving self-esteem, in recognition by society, in self-actualization.

Psychological characteristics educational environment is, first of all, a complex, multi-layered "fabric" of interpersonal communication of its participants: teachers, children, parents, school administration - all those who are now commonly called subjects of the educational process. It is this component that carries the main socio-psychological load and, in our opinion, is central among others. structural elements educational environment of the school.

Information and didactic or organizational and methodological component of the educational environment

Role and opportunities modern technologies in the organization of the educational environment

The specifics of the educational environment of a preschool educational institution.

The educational environment of a preschool educational institution (DOE) is the most important factor that determines the conditions for the success of upbringing and teaching preschoolers in the framework of a personality-oriented and competence-based approach. The main goal of the educational environment is to maximize the development of the inherent creative potential in the child.

The main thing to look for when designing an educational environment preschool- this is the development of social and personal competencies of preschoolers, which is an invariable condition for the development and formation of a harmonious and integral personality, and also becomes a priority task enshrined in the Law Russian Federation"On Education", Federal State Educational Standard preschool education... (FSES DO)

At the same time, it is necessary to note the particular importance of the correct organization of the educational environment, acting as that general factor that would contribute to the formation and development of creativity children preschool age, self-development of the individual as a whole. For preschool educational institutions highest value represents an ecological-personal model of the educational environment, which is presented as a set of all the possibilities for training, education and personal development, and not only positive, but also negative. In other words, the educational environment presupposes the formation of a personality according to a given model, taking into account all the possibilities of its development, which are in a social and spatial-objective environment. At the same time, the educational environment should have a developmental effect, and this requires a set of opportunities for the development and self-development of students.

The specifics of the educational environment of primary secondary education (primary school).

The specifics of the educational environment of basic secondary education (middle level).

The specifics of the educational environment of secondary general education(senior classes).

The specifics of the educational environment of an additional educational institution.

There are also certain differences in communication between deaf and hard of hearing students. They are reflected mainly in the use of types and forms of language. Thus, the deaf among themselves, as a rule, use sign speech, accompanied by articulation or dactylology, and the hearing impaired turn to oral speech.

By the beginning of training in shift educational institutions, individual students, mainly deaf, have specific features. assimilation of knowledge typical of school age. A clear confirmation of this is the nature of mastering concepts: illegal narrowing or expansion of their volume (for example, parallelograms are referred to as rectangles); the choice of the basis for the classification of objects only if the most noticeable features are similar or if there is a purely external similarity difficulties in analyzing the same object in different aspects; errors in establishing hierarchy scientific concepts(mathematical, natural history, historical).

A positive prerequisite for the success of teaching adult students with hearing impairments in comparison with students of children's special schools is that they have a sufficiently rich stock of everyday knowledge and practical skills, as well as more high level development of cognitive abilities. In addition, they have motives that actualize their needs for general educational knowledge and are conditioned by the understanding of the importance of continuing education as a guarantee of the success of future self-realization in society. Many of them define the importance of education for themselves in terms of the real possibility of improving and enriching the existing speech experience, including the skills of pronunciation and auditory-visual perception of speech, which, in their opinion, is important for independent communication with hearing people.

Features of the organization of the educational environment

Changes in the nature and content of modern production place high demands on the general educational training of workers with a hearing impairment, which should include the ability not only to reproduce knowledge, but also to think logically, operating with it in various production conditions. Studies of deaf teachers (A.P. Rozova, 1986; G.L. Zaitseva, 1988; I.V. Tsukerman, 1998) indicate significant potential opportunities for students who have chosen this option for obtaining a general secondary education. However, the quality of their training depends on the creation of adequate conditions

viy learning. These include: room illumination, availability and quality of electro-acoustic equipment, conducting classes (daytime, evening) at a time convenient for working youth. But students are required to attend classes regularly and prepare effectively for them.

Teachers of evening and open (shift) educational institutions clarify the content of basic and variable general education with the obligatory preservation of the invariant of secondary education, laid down in State standard... The requirements of this regulatory document are reflected in the curricula and programs of various academic disciplines. In the course of training, deaf and hard of hearing students are provided with correctional and pedagogical assistance. It provides for the development of speech hearing as the basis for the acquisition of knowledge and the use of auditory perception and oral speech in life situations and in production activities; teaching the pronunciation side of speech to ensure the correction and automation of speech skills. In the content of teaching the pronunciation side of speech, work is presented on various components of oral speech - voice, pronunciation of sounds, rhythmic-intonational structure, tempo. When planning correctional assistance, one proceeds from the program requirements, data on the state of oral speech of each, and also from the fact that the development of oral speech of deaf students requires more time than for the hearing impaired. Classes are conducted with electro-acoustic equipment, and certain types of work - without it. Training pronunciation side speech and its oral perception is based on the polysensory analytical-synthetic method.

We present the main provisions that reveal the features of the organization of the educational environment for students in evening \ (shift) or open (shift) educational institutions

I Research Institute.

The focus of training on the relationship between general education and polytechnic training in order to ensure the assimilation of educational material in more short time and to a greater extent provides for an increase in the scientific and practical level of academic disciplines, their enrichment with polytechnic content. The current I curricula and programs include technical and technical |, Nological information that constitutes the basis for the functioning of I production. For example, in physics lessons, students get acquainted with the main directions of scientific and technical progress I sa, learn what physical laws lie at the basis of certain physical devices, in which professions, Out knowledge of the studied phenomena and laws is necessary. Scientific: theoretical knowledge is explained and refined in practice

situations associated with the solution of specific production problems, and become the basis for the formation of polytechnic skills - labor and production. Such skills are versatile and flexible in use. The intellectual component prevailing in polytechnic skills makes it possible to generalize and transfer them widely from one field of activity to another. So, in the labor activity of students, a significant place is occupied by functions of a preparatory and testing nature, reading and drawing up technical documentation, measuring and monitoring, regulating, maintaining complex mechanisms, that is, functions in which elements of mental labor prevail. For their successful implementation, a versatile polytechnic, general educational knowledge and polytechnic skills and abilities are required.

The methods of studying a number of general education disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc.) are being restructured in order to create conditions that provide a conscious and purposeful assimilation of educational material through its practical study. At the same time, tasks with a production orientation are widely used.

For example, in mathematics lessons, when studying the sections of geometry (area, volume, side and full surfaces of figures), the solution of practical problems is used to ensure mastery of the methods of activity necessary for turners, locksmiths and other specialists, as well as the solution of "everyday" problems (how to wallpaper a room , how many pieces of wallpaper of different lengths and widths are needed for this), etc.

In some disciplines, the volume of hours for laboratory work and workshops is increasing. When conducting them, special attention is paid to solving practical problems, performing exercises that provide for the assimilation of specific skills and abilities. So, at a physics workshop, measuring skills are being worked out: setting up measuring instruments; working with them; performing computational operations.

Connection of training with professional and production activities is carried out through interaction with the management and collectives of educational and production plants, on the basis of which professional training unemployed young people with hearing impairments. For example, in separate shift educational institutions, in agreement with the educational and production complexes, they prepare for the profession of a plasterer-painter-tiler. At the end of such educational institutions the administration assists graduates in finding employment in a given working specialty. The teachers of such schools pay great attention to relations with production, where graduates work, which

allows employers to be informed about their academic success. When the qualification grades of young workers change, the advancement takes into account the previous achievements in general educational training.

In the conditions of the educational environment, it is constantly carried out systematic work on the development of oral and written speech of students. It permeates lessons across all academic disciplines. In addition, group and individual sessions on the development of auditory perception and pronunciation correction. At the same time, the characteristics of the speech development of students influence the choice of means of communication and teaching. In general education lessons, the leading is the auditory-visual perception of speech.

A large place is given to the development of written speech, which is widely used in the process of mastering knowledge when acquiring the skills of literate verbal speech. Mastery written speech presupposes, on the one hand, an understanding of verbal speech expressed in writing, on the other hand, the ability to use it to convey one's own thoughts. This requires knowledge and adherence to certain language norms, connectivity, consistency, completeness of presentation. As a result of purposeful work, students acquire the necessary skills and abilities, which primarily relates to written and oral speech, in addition, they master specific speech symbols - dactyl and gesture.

Using sign speech in teaching deaf students is one of the methods and means of pedagogical interaction.

Specific speech systems are used depending on the specific conditions of communication, the features of the functional purpose and the linguistic structure of each of them. People from impaired hearing, as a rule, use both types of sign speech - spoken and tracing, but the level of proficiency in them may be different.

In the course of training, depending on the tasks and content of the educational [Material, on the methods used (verbal, visual, practical), the teacher determines the possibilities of using sign speech and the purpose of referring to this language forum (source of information, the way of its consolidation, generalization and? Control) , as well as options for combining tracing and colloquial speech. When conducting classes (collective lectures, conversations) in a room where the distance between the teacher and the deaf Students makes it difficult to read from lips, auditory-visual or tactile perception, use tracing or conversation- (Naya sign speech. During individual conversations on about events at school, in the family, to achieve mutual understanding and confidentiality of the conversation, spoken sign speech can be used.


The introduction characterizes the social significance and scientific relevance of the topic. The introduction should justify the choice of the topic, its relevance, reflect the reason for the research interest in it, formulate a scientific problem, show the degree of its development in domestic and foreign science, reveal the goals and objectives of the work; describe the theoretical and methodological foundations of the work, define the object and subject, formulate a research hypothesis.

Main part

The first chapter in terms of content is a theoretical part, which should have its own title. In this chapter, it makes sense to dwell on approximately the following aspects of the studied psychological and pedagogical phenomenon:

· Designation of a problem or a group of problems considered by educational psychology on this issue;

· Definition of basic concepts;

· The history of the study, the main views on the phenomenon in educational psychology and, possibly, in other branches of psychology, other sciences;

· Functions of the phenomenon;

· Types of phenomenon;

· Structure of the phenomenon;

· Connection with other phenomena;

· Formation and development of the phenomenon (factors, conditions, mechanisms, stages);

Manifestation of the phenomenon, etc.

The proposed scheme is given only for orientation and the final structure of the first chapter will depend on the chosen topic, the availability and accessibility of literature, the structure of the work as a whole.

When presenting ideas that have authorship, it is necessary to follow the citation rules: the quoted text is given accurately, without distortion, omissions in the author's text are indicated by dots; the text is enclosed in quotation marks, then the author's surname, the number in the list of references and the number of the cited page are indicated in brackets.

After working on the first chapter, the conclusions of the chapter should be summarized.

The second chapter involves the development of a model of a developing educational environment (according to V.A. Yasvin), taking into account the methodological foundations.

The model of the developing educational environment of the institution (according to the topic) can be presented in the form of a picture, or described in the text of the 2nd chapter.

Based on the results, conclusions are also drawn.

The conclusion contains a summary of all the work and own thoughts in connection with the problem presented in the work. You can dwell on the main results obtained in the course of the work, present the prospects for further work on the problem, formulate some recommendations.

In general, we can say that the introduction and conclusion serve as a kind of semantic framework for the main part of the work: the introduction precedes knowledge, and the conclusion demonstrates a new qualitative step in understanding the problem.

List of sources used