What is a legal tram. About the modern approach to legal trading transport

The authorities determined the movement mode for the high-speed tram line of the Moscow region. The compositions will walk on a schedule with a minimum time interval, General Director of Anno "Directorate of the Moscow Transport Knot" Alexey Petrov.

He explained that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe clock movement was decided to refuse. Instead, high-speed trams will go on schedule. The interval will be more than at the metro trains and MCC, but not much - that the passenger does not leave without waiting for transport.

Petrov added that the trams themselves according to the characteristics will be similar to the "swallow", but with a smaller load on the axis. Negotiations are being conducted with top manufacturers of rail transport - Siemens (Germany), Bombardier (Canada), Sinara, CNR (China), Alstom (France), Transmashholding and many others.

"The composition should develop a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, quickly accelerate and quickly slow down, like the metropoter, in the car will be at least three doors to quickly go out and enter. Under the rolling stock will be laid a standard track - 1520 mm. Movement will be tied to Scheduled, "Petrov said.

In the suburbs intend to actively develop rail transport. The length of the lines of the lung metro in the Moscow region will be 246 kilometers. The new transport network will combine more than 20 major cities: Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Odintsovo, Podolsk, Domodedovo, Ramenskoye, Kotelniki, Lyubertsy, Balash, Mytishchi and others. For this, in the Moscow region it is planned to build about 50 stations. The project speed of trains will vary from 45 to 100 km / h. In March 2016, the power of the Moscow region with a length of 74 kilometers.

"With a regular schedule, the following intervals are not always complied with"

The movement interval of the high-speed tram area should not exceed twenty minutes, considers proBok.net Expert Release Center Alexander Chekmarev.

"The need for the frequency of motion is determined by the passenger traffic in peak periods to provide maximum bandwidth. Therefore, the intervals should not exceed 20 minutes even in the evening. If you wait too long, then the person will leave the stop on the alternative type of transport," says Chekmarev.

The tram project should be well worked, he added. "This project is still not quite thought out, because the route passes mainly by areas where there is practically no residential building. Also quite well-planned transplant nodes. For example, at the intersection in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city Domodedovo between the high-speed tram and the Paveletsky direction of the MF, there are no transfers But there is an uncomfortable intersection with the aircraft station, "said the specialist in a conversation with the site.

At the same time, the expert believes that the clock schedule for passengers is still more convenient. "The clock schedule is convenient because it has certain periods of time, through which the tram comes each time. For example, a composition will arrive at the stop. With a regular schedule, the following intervals are not always followed, and the schedule can move, and it will be inconvenient for passengers" , "Signed the interlocutor.

Capital land transport, metro and Moscow central ring go through a clock schedule. At the same time in the city

The legal tram (LRT), which is also called the "easy metro" is perhaps the most ambitious and promising transport project in the Moscow region, which is planned to be implemented in the near future. To the "Easy" tram lay high hopes: he must unload flying highways and railway branches, as well as simplify the inhabitants of the Moscow region access to airports and neighboring areas of the region. How it is planned to "scammer" the Moscow region with the help of LRT and what is envisaged in the project of the first start-up complex, I found out Riamo correspondent.

Without arrival in Moscow

The keyword here is chords. As the Minister of Transport of the Moscow Region, Mikhail Oleinik, noted in an interview with Riamo, the main transport problem of the region - in the overload of radial passenger areas, that is, to get from one satellite city to another, the inhabitants of the Moscow region are often forced to go to the Moscow Ring Road and return to the area again. The launch of the LRT must solve this problem due to the construction of the chord lines of the passenger message.

According to the press service of the Main Directorate of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Moscow Region, the officially stated objective of the LRT is an improvement in the transport service of residents and the economy of the Moscow region.

In fact, there are serious figures for such a generalized wording: a reduction in transport load on highways by 25%, providing communication between 20 major cities of the Moscow region, a reduction in time on the way from accommodation to the places of employment from 2 hours to just up to 35 minutes.

Ring tram

Siemens high-speed train for easy metro

The basis for the creation of a unified system of rail speed passenger transport of the Moscow region and Moscow is a "ring tram".

The line of the "ring tram" will be held at the most populated places of the Moscow region, where there are more than 4 million people - 7 municipal districts, 9 urban districts.

In addition, the LRT line will connect among themselves international airports of the Moscow Aviation Knot, which annually transport about 50 million passengers, connect 8 stations of the Moscow Metro: "Kotelniki", "Volokolamskaya", "Myakinino" and planned to the opening "Nekrasovka", "Chelobityevo" , "Story", "Stolbovo", "Communard".

First launcher

Press service of the GU architecture and urban planning

According to the main management of architecture and urban planning of the Moscow region, the overall planned length of the ring tram line is 246 kilometers, of which 192 kilometers throughout the territory of the Moscow region are 54 kilometers.

The LRT line will consist of four launchers - chord. The length of the first start-up complex - the two-way branch of Podolsk - Domodedovo - Ramenskoye will be 74 kilometers. The first start-up complex consists of two construction queues: Podolsk - Domodedovo Airport 36 kilometers (Podolsk - Klimovsk - Domodedovo - Domodedovo Airport) and Domodedovo Airport - Ramenskoye 38 kilometers (Domodedovo Airport - Konstantinovo - Ramenskoye, including Zhukovsky Airport.

The first startup complex will be held only on the territory of the Moscow region in the urban districts of Podolsk, Domodedovo, Zhukovsky, city settlement Ramenskoye, as well as rural settlements Konstantinovskoye, Chulkovskoye, Sophiine, Sabwan Ramensky district and will provide transport links from Domodedovo and Zhukovsky airports.

It is important that the line will connect the cities of Podolsk and Ramenskoye among themselves, in which there is a shortage of jobs, with Domodedovo and Zhukovsky airports where an excess place of the application of labor. The construction of 8 transport and transplant nodes (TPU) on the LRT line will provide 27 thousand new jobs for 2030 and 56 thousand employment places by 2045, follows from the project.

The population in the serviced areas and cities of the first start-up complex is expected to increase from 850 thousand to 1.3 million people by 2030.

Eight new TPU

Project TPU "Kuznechikov"

Press service of the GU architecture and urban planning

In total, in the framework of the first starting complex, it is planned to build 8 transport and transfers (TPU): "Grasshoppers", "Spring", "VSM Podolsk", "Big Domodedovo", "Domodedovo Airport", "Konstantinovo", Ivanovka and Ramenskoye "

The line of the first start-up complex will begin in the Kuznechik microdistrict in Podolsk. According to the plan, the TPU "grasshoppers" with a total area of \u200b\u200b2.5 hectares will be located along the October Prospectus in Podolsk, in the area of \u200b\u200bLeningrad Street. Residents of the microdistrict the grasshoppers will be able to get to the TPU to urban public transport - by bus or trolleybus.

The entrance to the TPU will be from the Oktyabrsky Avenue. The TPU in the area of \u200b\u200bthe station and stopping trolley buses and buses is planned to build a pedestrian crossing in different levels through the October Prospect.

The construction of the TPU "Spring" with a total area of \u200b\u200b12.2 hectares is planned in the southern part of Podolsk, at a distance of about 7 kilometers from the TPU "Kuznechiki" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Spring Kursk Direction Platform. For the organization of the entrance, construction of travels with a total length of 1.4 kilometers with two strips of movement is provided. The entrance to the TPU will be from the Starosferopol highway (only entry), from the Street of the factory (entry and-departure).

The project planning project provides for the transfer of public transport stops at the Starosferopol highway and a pedestrian crossing device at different levels through the highway connecting the eastern and western part of the TPU.

The TPU "Domodedovo Airport" will be located on the airport in the same level with a passenger overpass in the departure zone. Stopping points are provided at a distance of 2-3 kilometers from TPU. To ensure the safety of pedestrian movements in the area of \u200b\u200bstops and TPU on the line of the first trigger complex of the LRT, it is planned to build 9 pedestrian crossings.

To maintain the line of the first start-up complex, the project provides for the placement of the tram depot of the north airport "Domodedovo" within the borders of the urban district.

As clarified in the materials of the architecture and urban planning materials, the TPU "VSM Podolsk" is planned to be built in the western part of Chulpanovo city district Domodedovo, TPU "Big Domodedovo" will be located in the western part of Domodedovo, TPU "Konstantinovo" will be located in the rural settlement Konstantinovskoye Ramensky district, TPU "Ivanovka" - on the territory of a rural settlement Sofjin Ramensky district, Ramenskoye TPU - in the Ramenskoye platform area in the central part of Ramenskoye.

Work began

Project of the new Terminal of Domodedovo Airport

Press service of the GU architecture and urban planning

Line of the light tram "Podolsk - Klimovsk - Domodedovo - Domodedovo Airport - Konstantinovo - Ramenskoye crosses in different levels roads and streets, water objects through tunnels, overpasses, overpass and bridges in 37 places. In particular, 48 kilometers of the LRT line will be held along the earthen canvase, 26 kilometers - using artificial structures.

"We proceeded from the potential passenger traffic and the possibility of the most painless trace line. Plus it is necessary to take into account that Domodedovo Airport will develop. In addition, in the foreseeable future, the opening of the fourth airport "Zhukovsky" is scheduled, which will also form a significant passenger traffic, "commented on the work on the first launcher of Oleinik.

The project planning project for the construction of a row tram line line from Podolsk to Ramensky has already been approved by the Decree of the Government of the Moscow Region.

According to Oleynik, the construction of the LRT line is assumed in the format of public-private partnership. In 2016, it is planned to conclude an agreement with the concessionaire, which will further develop this project.

Anton Shamarin

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Log trail

Locker transport (also "light rail transport", LRT, from English. Light Rail) - urban railway public transport, which is characterized by smaller than the omnipolycene and railway, and large than the usual street tram of the message speed and bandwidth. A variety of legal tram is a high-speed tram including an underground tram and an urban railway). At the same time, the differences between such legal systems from the metro, the urban railway (S-Bahn), are oddels, which often becomes the cause of terminological errors. In general, this term, as a rule, is used to designate high-speed electrified railway systems (for example, tram), isolated from other transport streams to most of the network, but allowing the system and single-level intersection, and even a street movement (including tram Pedestrian zones). Unlike a light metro, closer to the usual metro, easy-to-carry transport closer to the tram.

Outacador transport

Outacada transport, headband (eng. Elevated Railways, in the US abbreviated: EL) - City rail speed high-sufficient separate system or part of the system of urban railways (S-Bahn), metropolitanis, lobelle transport (depending on the execution, quantity of cars and mass -gabit parameters of rolling stock), laid above the ground on the overpass.

Safety on railway transport.

To date, during transportation on railway transport, there are a number of major problems related to potential security with this type of transport:

seizure of rolling stock by terrorists;

ignition of rolling stock;

gathering rolling stock;

collision of trains;


faults of paths;

striking factor in a collision (injury);

failure to comply with passenger safety rules.

Personal safety requirements are the same as for other vehicles. But there are some features:

buying tickets, you need to give preference to medium wagons. In the case of disaster, they suffer less than the head and tail;

choose seats against train movement;

do not fall asleep if travelers cause distrust;

do not turn off the light in the coupe, keep the door of the compartment closed, documents and wallet to keep in a safe place, and the briefcase is closer to the window; Special attention must be paid to your things at intermediate stops.

The train movement becomes dangerous when he faces another train, with another vehicle on moving or when the rolling stock comes off from the railway. In these cases, astounding factors arise, which create a threat to the life and health of passengers, staff of railways, the population, for the integrity of cargo and objects of the external environment.

The increased risk of railway transport is associated with the wide use of combustible materials, as well as with the danger of cargo being transported. The main causes of accidents and catastrophes on railway transport - pathways, rolling stock, alarm, controllers errors, inattention and negligence of machinists. Most often occur the gathering of rolling stock with rails, collisions, races on obstacles on the move, fires directly in the wagons, erosions of railway tracks, collaps, landslides, floods happening much less frequently. When transporting dangerous goods, such as gases, flammable and explosive substances, explosions and fires occur.

Trains are always autonomous in the way, often removed from places where it is possible to assume the necessary assistance in an accident or fire. The reasons for hazardous failures of technical (hardware) funds are an insufficient margin of the strength of their elements due to errors of developers and designers, manufacturers errors when choosing technological processes and materials, as well as production defects. The list of causes of the accident also includes violations of technologies for the operation of technical means, leading to premature development of resources, and violations of maintenance and repair technologies, leading to incomplete and untimely restoration of strength. These reasons include the degradation of technical means due to chemical and physical processes in the materials of the elements, even subject to the technologies of operation, maintenance and repairs, as well as the effects of the external environment, including its natural, technological and social components. The reasons for dangerous software errors are developer errors, as well as errors of railway personnel during operation and support programs.

For reasons of dangerous errors, railway personnel include:

professional selection errors and insufficient training of specialists;

low level of technological discipline;

errors when using medical preparations;

acceptance of alcoholic and narcotic substances;

the deterioration of the physical or psychological state, including under the influence of the external environment.

Analysis of generalized data on injuries for the period 2003-2005 showed that the main causes of accidents on railways are:

transition, moving railway tracks in unidentified places or in front of a closely walking train - 65-75% of all victims;

non-compliance with safety rules at railway stations and platforms - 25-35%;

personal carelessness of passengers when landing and disembarking from the train - 8-9% of cases;

suicide is about 1%.

The number of injuries from year to year does not decrease.

if possible, do not sleep while driving traffic;

pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious items, about their discovery to report the conductor, on duty at the station or militiamen;

do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after stopping the composition and access of passengers, try to sit in cars in the middle of the composition;

if an explosion or fire occurred, it is necessary to close the mouth and the nose with a handkerchief and lie on the floor of the car or the cabin, so as not to suffocate;

dressed neutral, carelessly, avoid military uniforms and military colors of clothes, a large number of jewelry;

do not talk to political topics, not read pornographic, political or religious publications, so as not to provoke terrorists, extremists or hooligans;

do not drink alcohol.

Modern management of transportation of transportation on the Railways Railways Railways network provides a very high level. At the same time, it is possible due to an increase in the efficiency of management to reduce the number of devices of rolling stock and collisions of trains.

As it became known from the communication of the Governor of the region of Andrei Vorobyeva with journalists of the PMEF 2017, the Government of the Moscow Region suspended the design of the lines of legal trains (LRT), which was announced back in 2013. During the Forum, the governor voiced the cause of the start of construction period shifts:

"A more detailed study of the project is needed for the interaction of LRT with the Moscow Metro and other types of suburban transport"

This, in particular, is about the prospects for the integration of a new project into the Moscow metro system. In particular, about the operating stations "Myakinino", "Volokolamskaya" and "Kotelniki", as well as about the stations "Chelobityevo" and "Nekrasovka", the construction of which is scheduled for the near future.

So, let's understand what fate is waiting for a light metro in the suburbs, and what news about promising construction should be expected in 2018?

According to Governor Andrei Vorobyeva, all roads connecting the city of Moscow region are going through the Moscow ring road, which gives great inconveniences, both residents of satellite cities and residents of the capital. This project is designed to unload highways and suburban railway transport, provide additional convenience when moving people.

The construction of a lung metro will ensure the strategic development of the Moscow region. According to the calculations of specialists, the implementation of only the first plot, which will connect Podolsk and Domodedovo Airport, will take four years and 57 billion rubles. Two years for design, two for construction and commissioning. At the assurances of representatives of the press service of the Ministry of Transport, already in 2022, the first passengers will be able to use high-speed tram.

In the same year, it is planned to start the construction of the second plot of LRT Domodedovo-Ramenskoye from races in the air harbor "Zhukovsky". The length of this branch will be about 35 km.

The cost of the first start-up complex is estimated at 107 billion rubles. For the start of the program, settlements are selected:

  • Podolsk;
  • Domodedovo;
  • Ramenskoye.

The choice is not accidental. It's all about the maximum movement intensity in the southern part of the Moscow region. Annual passenger traffic through Domodedovo Airport is now about 30 million people and in the near future, it will only grow. The construction of a lung metro will allow passengers and airlinkers to enter the departure zone.

In addition, in transport and transfers, the lines of the lung metro will be close to train stations, Kursk, Ryazan and Paveletsky directions.

The commissioning of the LRT will allow passengers to transfer to other types of transport still at the entrance to the capital. For 2018, the lung metro scheme in the Moscow region, solves the transport problem in the following directions:

  1. In the south-western plot, the new branch of LRT, unite the cities of Podolsk and Odintsovo.
  2. In the southeastern direction, direct communication between the cities of Zhukovsky, prominent, Lyubertsy and Domodedovo will begin.
  3. In the northeast direction, it is planned to establish a direct message between the settlements: Balashikha, Korolev, Ivanteevka, Mytishchi and Fryazino.
  4. In the north-west, LRT line will connect Khimki, Dolgoprudny and Krasnogorsk.

The Podolsk-Domodedovo branch will include 10 stations, five of which are intended as large transport hubs. The entire construction program of the lung metro in the suburbs is designed for 11 years. Until 2028, it is planned to commission about 50 stations.

Easy metro in Moscow region 2018: Project and construction scheme

An annular metro ring line, a length of 241 km, will connect the largest settlements and airports of the region.

High-speed trams that will run on LRT are a railway composition consisting of -3 dual wagons equipped with the most modern standards: Wi-Fi, heating and air conditioning systems, video surveillance. The speed of movement of the silent composition between the stations will reach 80-100 km / h.

If now the residents of Podolsk only to Domodedov, spend at least 90 minutes, then when commissioning LRT in the Moscow region, the time on the way will be reduced to 15-17 minutes. Capacity tram to 500 people, which will provide an annual passenger turnover of up to 60 million people.

Financing and project cost

According to experts involved in the design of LRT in the Moscow region, the cost of each kilometer of the line will be from 1.5 to 2 billion rubles. The total cost of the project, in the first approximation, will be 250 billion, which even for the capital is quite large amount.

This project attracted many investors. More than 10 foreign and Russian companies are ready to invest about 20% of the necessary funds in the construction and launch of the rail communication system between Moscow and near Moscow. Sources of return investment will not only pay for travel.

According to the project calculations, the cost of the LRT ticket will not exceed the price set by the train in the transport of the suburban message.

Basic money Investors will receive from the development of the territories adjacent to LRT. According to the creators, there will be shopping and business centers near the stations. Conducting design surveys and redemption of land is carried out for state funds. All other expenses will fall on the shoulders of investors, among which a number of large Chinese, French and German companies. According to the official from the Moscow region of the government, the interest of the project also stated Russian banks and companies:

  1. Sberbank
  2. Uralvagonzavod, etc.

Investing money in the "Easy Metro" is ready and the Holding Group "Morton", which companies are engaged in the construction of housing in the Moscow region visible. The developer expressed the desire to stretch the branch of LRT to its new buildings. In an interview, the head of the Morton Group of Companies, Alexander Strochhev reported that the estimated cost of this line would be 280 million cu

Unlike a light metro, closer to the usual metro, easy-to-carry transport closer to the tram.

Related to the legal tram, implemented in Russia, a high-speed tram system in Volgograd and other and existing SNiP 2.05.09-90 "Tram and trolleybus lines" is its own concept and do not correspond to the West concept of the LRT due to the extrafiguration requirements of the high-speed part of the tram network, from other tram routes.

This type of transport was widespread abroad - over the past 15 years, about 80 LRT systems were built in the world, and about 100 LRT systems are currently at various stages of design and construction.

Distinctive features

The main distinguishing feature of the lobeshell transport, as follows from the name, is a smaller permissible load on the axis, in contrast to the metro (15 tons). In addition, the fundamental difference of layer-skate transport systems is the permissibility of single-level intersections with non-intensive transport flows, subject to the priority of the LRT. In practice, this principle is achieved at the expense of such methods, such as the control of the phases of traffic lights, depending on the mode of operation of the LRT. On the average, without the organization of such sites, the speed of communication for legal trading transport is 36 km / h with a combination of about 20,000 passengers per hour. The minimum economically reasonable passenger traffic is 1.5 thousand passengers per hour [ quote is not given 3246 days ]. Due to smaller network isolation and smaller load requirements for the axis (and therefore to the structure of the path), the cost of construction for LRT is 5-10 times less than for the subway.

In places of intersection of lines of lines of lines, tunnels, pedestrian bridges can be built with stress transport streams, etc. In the LRT line, there may be few used areas of the railway canvas, in some cases, it is possible to exit the compositions of LRR equipped with the appropriate power type on suburban railway lines ( Technology "Tram Train"). At the same time, the lines are usually constructed without a rolling rings - with a turnover of rolling stock in dead end. Platforms are constructed at the level of the floor of the rolling stock, which can act as low-profile tram wagons. Depending on the city planning conditions, the plots of lines can be equipped as trunk (speed up to 90 km / h with the exception of single-level intersections); ordinary (up to 60 km / h with single-level intersections); Tram-pedestrian zones (up to 15 km / h). On local conditions, the type of arrangement of the upper structure of the path is selected: open rail-padded lattice; Floating lawn; Laying paving slabs and others.

LRT systems

In the world

The French automated VAL system was widespread, as well as other similar lung metro systems and a high-speed tram.

  • The fourth line of the Busan Metro (Busan, Republic of Korea)
  • Log Traveling Transport Busan - Kimha (Busan, Kimhe, Republic of Korea)
  • Light-skate transportation Yijonbu (Yijonbu, Republic of Korea)
  • Everline (Jonyin, Republic of Korea)
  • Edmonton LRT (Edmonton, Canada)
  • Docking Metro Metro (London, United Kingdom)
  • C-Train (Calgary, Canada)
  • O-Train (Ottawa, Canada)
  • Line "Gayavata" (Minneapolis, United States)
  • Metropolitan Mystery and Wira (Tyne and Wear Metro (eng.)russian) (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
  • Manchester MetroLink (Big Manchester, United Kingdom)
  • Tren De La Costa (Tren de la Costa (eng.)russian) (Big Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Kelana Jaya Line (Kelana Jaya Line (eng.)russian) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • Skytrain (Vancouver) (eng.)russian) (Vancouver, Canada)
  • River Line (New Jersey Transit) (eng.)russian (New Jersey, USA)
  • Tram Tenerife (Tranvía de Tenerife (PS.)russian) (Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain)
  • Light Metro Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

In Russia

In Russia, today, there is no definition of the concept of legal trail and systems corresponding to this concept in the generally accepted sense. At the same time, part of the lines in a number of existing tram systems (Volgograd, Stary Oskol) belong to its variety - high-speed tram. Currently, in Russia at various stages of training and implementation, the following high-speed tram construction projects are located:

  • Voronezh (project of the first line "Bus station - Airport")
  • Yekaterinburg (project building line to the area academic)
  • Tula (project of the Tula metrotrum of companies "VTG" and "Orlcoma Metromezhtrans")

Often, the Bovic line of the metro in Moscow and Monorails is incorrectly belonging to legal transport. However, the first is carried out on the norms of the metro, with the appropriate network insulation and the permissible load on the axis, and the second is not at all the railway transport.

see also

  • Passenger traffic in high-speed noncommunication transport of Moscow

Write a review about the article "Little Neckline Transport"



  • V. F. Veklich New technical solutions on city electric transport - K.: Budiselnik, 1975. - 60, p. : IL.


Excerpt characterizing legal traveler

- Why, you can.
Likhachev stood up, rummaged in Blades, and Peter soon heard the warlike sound of steel about the bar. He got a wagon and sat down to her edge. Cossack under the truck sharpened a saber.
- And what, well done sleep? Said Petya.
- Who sleeps, and who is.
- Well, and boy what?
- Spring then? He is there in the sense, fell away. With fear sleep. I was glad too.
Long after that, Peter was silent, listening to the sounds. The steps were heard in the dark and a black figure appeared.
- What do you sharpen? - asked the man, coming to the wagon.
- But Barina is saber.
"A good deal," said the man who seemed to Pete Husar. - Do you have, what a cup stayed?
- And won the wheel.
Gusar took a cup.
"I would not soon soon," he said, yawning, and went somewhere.
Petya would have to know that he was in the forest, in the party Denisov, in the vest from the road that he was sitting on a wagon, beat off the French, near the horses, that the Cossack of Likhache was sitting under it and sweat him a saber that a big black spot To the right - Karaulka, and a red bright spot below left - aved bonfire, that a person who came to the cup is hussar who wanted to drink; But he knew nothing and did not want to know it. He was in the magic kingdom, in which nothing was similar to reality. A large black spot maybe exactly the Karaaulka, and maybe there was a cave that led to the detention of the earth. The red spot maybe there was a fire, and maybe the eye of a huge monster. Maybe he is exactly sitting on a wagon, and it may very much that he is not sitting on a wagon, but on a terribly high tower, with which if you fall, then to fly to the Earth all day, a whole month - to fly everything and never do it . It may be that under the car sits simply the Cossack Likhachev, and it may very much that this is the kindest, brave, the most wonderful, the most excellent person in the world, whom no one knows. Maybe it accurately passed the hussar behind the water and went to the hollow, and maybe he just disappeared from sight and completely disappeared, and it was not.
Whatever see now Petya, nothing would surprise him. He was in the magic kingdom, in which everything was possible.
He looked at the sky. And the sky was the same magical as the Earth. In the sky, it cleared, and the clouds fled to the tops of the tree quickly, as if discovering stars. It sometimes seemed that in the sky I cleared and showed black, clean sky. It sometimes seemed that these black spots were tuchs. Sometimes it seemed that the sky was high, high rises above his head; Sometimes heaven went down at all, so you could get it with your hand.
Petya began to close his eyes and scold.
Droplet drip. It was a quiet talk. Horses rusted and rushed. Saved someone.
- Vigory, Zig, Veiga, Zig ... - Whistling saber. And suddenly Petya heard a slim chorus of music, playing some kind of unknown, solemnly sweet anthem. Petya was musted, as well as Natasha, and more Nicholas, but he never studied music, did not think about music, and therefore the motives that unexpectedly came to his head, were especially new and attractive for him. The music played everything heard and heard. Entry has grown, passed from one tool to another. It happened what is called Fuga, although Petya did not have the slightest concept of what a fugue is. Every tool, then like a violin, then on pipes - but better and cleaner than violins and pipes, - every tool played his own and, without having lost the motive, merged with another, who started almost the same, and on the third, and fourth And they all merged into the same thing again scattered, and again merged into solemnly church, then brightly brightly and victorious.
"Ah, yes, because I'm in a dream," walking around, Petya said himself. - This is my ears. And maybe this is my music. Well, again. Welly my music! Well!.."
He closed his eyes. And from different sides, as if from afar, the sounds were fluttered, they began to fly, scatter, merge, and again everything was connected to the same sweet and solemn anthem. "Ah, this is lovely what is! How much I want and as I want, "Petya said. He tried to lead this huge instruments choir.
"Well, quieter, quieter, freeze now. - And the sounds obeyed him. - Well, now it is more complete, more fun. Even more joyful. - and from an unknown depth rose amplifying, solemn sounds. - Well, voices, praise! " - ordered Peter. And first from afar hearing the voices of men, then female. Voices grew, grew in a uniform solemn effort. Pet scary and happily it was to run them extraordinary beauty.
The song was merged with a solemn victory march, and droplets dripped, and Vizhh, Zig, Zhig ... whistled a saber, and again came up and rushed horses, without breaking the choir, and entering it.
Petya did not know how long it continued: he enjoyed, all the time was surprised at his pleasure and regretted what to tell him. He was awakened by the tender voice of Likhacheva.
- Ready, your wellness, put on Hranzuza molten.
Petya woke up.
- Light, right, lights! He cried out.
Neumless first horses have become visible to the tails, and through the bare branches seen a watery light. Petya shook, jumped up, pulled the virgin from his pocket and gave Likhachev, waving, tried his checker and put it in the sheath. Cossacks dismissed horses and pulled up the lips.
"So the commander," said Likhachev. Denisov came out of the boxula and, having called Petya, ordered to gather.

Quickly in the semitime disassembled horses, pulled up the litters and sorted out by teams. Denisov stood at the Karakulk, giving the latest orders. The infantry of the party, sputtering a hundred legs, went ahead along the road and quickly disappeared between the trees in the predawn fog. Esaul ordered the Cossacks. Petya kept his horse in the occasion, looking forward to the orders to sit down. Washed cold water, his face, in particular the eye burned with fire, chills ran down his back, and in the whole body something quickly and evenly trembled.
- Well, ready you all? - said Denisov. - Let's horses.
Horses filed. Denisov was angry at the Cossack for the fact that the grooves were weak, and, lambing him, sat down. Petya took over the elder. The horse, in a habit, wanted to bite him with his leg, but Petya, without feeling his gravity, quickly jumped into the saddle and looking at the hussar trident in the dark, drove up to Denisov.
- Vasily Fedorovich, do you charge me something? Please ... for God's sake ... - he said. Denisov seemed to forgot about the existence of Petit. He looked at him.
"On one of you" OSHA, "he said strictly," obey me and nothing to do anywhere.
In all the time of the move of Denisov, no word spoke more with Peter and was driving silently. When drove up to the edge of the forest, it was noticeably brightened in the field. Denisov talked something in a whisper with Esaul, and the Cossacks began to pass by Petit and Denisov. When they all drove, Denisov touched their horse and drove under the mountain. Sitting on the boards and sliding, the horses went down with their saddlers in the hollow. Petya rode next to Denisov. A trembling in all his body intensified. It became all lighter and lighter, only the fog hide distant items. Having gone down and looking back, Denisov nodded the head of the Cossack standing beside him.
- Signal! - he said.
Cossack raised his hand, he ran away. And at the same instant, he was heard of the Topot in front of the ride horses, screams from different sides and still shots.
At the same moment, how the first sounds of the hiking and screaming, Petya, hitting their horse and releasing the reins, not listening to Denisov, who screamed at him, rushed forward. Pet seemed that suddenly exactly as a middle a day, brightly dawned at that moment, as the shot heard. He prompt to the bridge. The Cossacks are jumping ahead on the way. On the bridge, he encountered a retained Cossack and crushed further. There are some people ahead - it must have been the French, they fled on the right side of the road to the left. One fell into the dirt under the legs of the Petina Horse.
The Cossacks crowded at one hut. From the middle of the crowd heard a terrible cry. Petya rolled up to this crowd, and the first thing he saw was pale, the Frenchman's shaking lower jaw, who kept the peaks on him.
- Hooray! .. Guys ... Our ... - shouted Petya and, giving the reins of the helped horse, rowed ahead along the street.
The shots were heard ahead. Cossacks, hussars and Russian dangling prisoners who fled on both sides of the road, everything loudly shouted something. Molded, without a hat, with a red frowning face, the Frenchman in Blue Sineli fought off the bayonet from the hussar. When Petya prompted, the Frenchman already fell. Again, late, flashed in the puti's head, and he crushed there, where the frequent shots were heard. The shots were distributed in the yard of that Bar ashore, on which he was last night with Doolokhov. The French quilted there behind the shoulders in a dense, overgrown with the nurses of the garden and shot in the Cossacks, crowded at the gate. Driving to the gate, Petya in the powder smoke saw Dologov with a pale, greenish face, screamed something like people. "In a detour! Infantry wait! " He shouted, while Petya drove up to him.