Language families and peoples of the world. Language families, their education and classification

Language families - This is the term applied in the classification of peoples by language sign. The linguistic family includes languages \u200b\u200bwith related links among themselves.

It is manifested in the similarity of the sounds of words denoting the same subject, as well as in the similarity of such elements such as morphemes, grammatical forms.

According to the theory of monogenesis, the linguistic families of the world were formed from the Praevka, which was talked by ancient peoples. The separation occurred due to the predominance of the nomadic lifestyle tribes and their remoteness from each other.

Language families are divided as follows.

Title of language family

Family Languages

Regions of distribution


India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Fiji

India, Pakistan

Countries of the former USSR and Eastern Europe


United States, United Kingdom, European countries, Canada, Africa, Australia


Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy


France, Tunisia, Monaco, Canada, Algeria, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg


Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Brazil, Macau


Bengal, India, Bangladesh



Tatarstan, Russia, Ukraine


Mongolia, PRC


Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Central Asia


Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Romania, USA, France, Sweden


Bashkar, Tatarstan, Urdmutia, Russia.


Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, PRC



Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Slovenia


Mordovia, Russia, Tatarstan, Bashkortan


Russia, China, Mongolia

Finland, Sweden, Norway, Karelia


Karelia, Finland



Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran


Abkhazia, Turkey, Russia, Syria, Iraq


Chechnya, Ingushetia, Georgia, Dagestan



PRC, Taiwan, Singapore


Laos, Thailand,



Tibet, PRC, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan


Myanmar (Burma)



Arab countries, Iraq, Israel, Chad, Somalia,


Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Niger, Egypt, Mauritania

From this table, it can be seen that the languages \u200b\u200bof the same family can be distributed in the most different countries and parts of light. And the very concept of "language families" was introduced to facilitate the classification of languages \u200b\u200band compiling them genealogical tree. The most common and numerous is the Indo-European Language Family. Peoples speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family can be found in any Hemisphere of the Earth, in any at any mainland and in any country. There are tacki languages \u200b\u200bthat do not include any language family. This is artificial.

If we talk about the territory of Russia, then the most different language families are presented. The country inhabits people more than 150 different nationalities that can consider their own language from almost every language family. The territorially linguistic family of Russia is distributed, depending on which country, one or another region is bordered, which language is most common in the country bordering the region.

Some people since ancient times occupied a certain territory. And at first glance, it may seem strange why these language families and languages \u200b\u200bprevail in this region. But there is nothing strange in this. In antiquity of the migration of people, the search for new hunting land, new land for agriculture, and part of the tribes simply led a nomadic lifestyle.

A considerable role is played by the forced resettlement of entire peoples during the USSR. The most fully in Russia is presented languages \u200b\u200bfrom Indo-European, Ural, Caucasian and Altai families. Indo-European family occupies Western and Central Russia. Representatives live mainly in the northwest of the country. The Northeast and the Southern regions occupy predominantly Altai Language Groups. Caucasian languages \u200b\u200bare represented mainly in the territory lying between the Black and Caspian seas.

Term language familyi first heard from my neighbor. The most interesting thing was that he himself did not know what it was and applied for help to me. Feeling awkwardness, I replied that I myself do not know what is a language family, but promised to figure out.

What is a language family

Language family, or rather, - Language families (since there are many of them) association of related languages. And all these large groups of related languages \u200b\u200btake start from one language ( language - ancestor). The relatives of the languages \u200b\u200bbegan to study in eighteenth centuryand they began with the study of an ancient language of India - Sanskrit. Language family is divided into councils and groups.

Special science Comparative linguistics discovers historical ties of languages. It is likely that thousands of years ago there were only one language, which was told by people of that time. There is a special map of language families around the world. Linguistic scientists have found about hundreds of language families. So, the main one includes:

  • Indo-European(The largest, from Europe to India, includes about four hundred languages).
  • Afro-Asian(Afghanistan, Egypt,).
  • Altai(Russia, ).
  • Sino-Tibetan(, Kyrgyzstan).
  • Ural(Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian).
  • Austro-Azhasian( , ).

It is possible that all families are not all families in this list, but at least their main part. Scientists still cannot decide on this issue.

Tongues areolates or isolated languages

it language with unproved affiliation. They are called another lonely language. For example, residents of Spain and France speak Basque. This is a different dialect from all European languages. Linguistic scientists compared it with all possible languages \u200b\u200bon which Europe, America and the Caucasus speak, but absolutely no connection was found.

At the end of the answer, I want to tell about the Pondean. This language is also called Creole. He is the result of colonization when local children start talking in two languages \u200b\u200bright away. In the native and language of the colonizer country. As a result, one appears mixed Language.

There are a large number of language families and diverse languages \u200b\u200bin the world. The latter exists more than 6000 on the planet. Most of them belong to the world's largest language families, which are allocated on lexical and grammatical composition, kinship of origin and in common geographic location their carriers. However, it should be noted that the community of residence is not always an integral factor.

In turn, the linguistic families of the world are divided into groups. They stand out by a similar principle. There are also languages \u200b\u200bthat are not related to any of the selected families, as well as so-called isolated languages. Also, scientists are made to allocate macros, i.e. Group of language families.

Indo-European family

The most fully studied is the Indo-European language family. It began to highlight it in ancient times. However, a relatively recent work began on the study of the proto-indeside language.

Indo-European language family consists of groups of languages \u200b\u200bwhose supports live in the vast territories of Europe and Asia. So, they belong to the German group. The main languages \u200b\u200bof it are English and German. Also the numerous group is the Romance, which includes French, Spanish, Italian and other languages. In addition, the Indo-European family includes the Eastern European peoples speaking the languages \u200b\u200bof the Slavic Group. It is Belarusian, Ukrainian, Russian, etc.

This language family is not the largest language in the number of languages. However, in these languages \u200b\u200bis almost half of the population of the Earth.

Afro-Asian Family

Languages \u200b\u200brepresenting Afro-Asian Language Family are used by more than a quarter of a million people. It includes Arabic, Egyptian, and Hebrew, and many others, including extinct languages.

This family is customary to divide five (six) branches. This includes the Semitic branch, Egyptian, Chadskaya, Kushitskaya, Berbero-Libyan and Omotskaya. In general, the Afro-Asian family includes more than 300 languages \u200b\u200bof the African continent and part of Asia.

However, this family is not the only one on the continent. In large quantities, especially south, in Africa there are other languages \u200b\u200bthat are not related to it. Allocate them at least 500. Almost all of them were not presented in writing to the XX century. and applied only orally. Some of them to this day are exceptionally oral.

Nilo-Sugar family

Language Families Africa also includes the Nilo-Sugar family. Nilo-Sugar Languages \u200b\u200bare presented with six language families. One of them is Songai Zarma. Languages \u200b\u200band dialects of another - the Sugar family are common in Central Sudan. There is also a mother of Mamba, the carriers of which are inhabited by Chad. Another family - Four - also spread in Sudan.

The most difficult is Shari-Nile Language Family. It, in turn, is divided into four branches, which consist of language groups. The last family is a coma - distributed in Ethiopia and Sudan.

Language families represented by Nilo-Sugar macro have significant differences between themselves. Accordingly, they present a greater complexity for linguistic researchers. In the languages \u200b\u200bof this macros, the African Asian macro was greatly influenced.

Sino-Tibetan Family

The Chinese-Tibetan language family has more than a million native speakers. First of all, it became possible due to the large number of Chinese people speaking in one of the branches of this language family chinese. In addition to him, Dungan language is included in this branch. They are formed in the Chinese-Tibetan family a separate branch (Chinese).

Another branch includes more than three hundred languages, which allocate as a Tibeto-Burmese branch. The carriers of its languages \u200b\u200bmake up about 60 million people.

Unlike Chinese, Burmese and Tibetan, most languages \u200b\u200bof the Sino-Tibetan family do not have a written tradition and are transmitted from generation to generation solely orally. Despite the fact that this family was deeply and for a long time, she still remains insufficiently studied and hides many not yet disclosed secrets.

North and South American languages

Currently, as you know, the overwhelming majority of Northern and South American languages \u200b\u200brefers to Indo-European or Romanesque families. Calm the new light, European colonists brought with them their own languages. However, the adverbs of the indigenous population of the American continent did not disappear at all. Many monks and missionaries who arrived from Europe to America recorded and systematized the languages \u200b\u200band dialects of the local population.

So, the languages \u200b\u200bof the North American continent of the north of this mexico were presented in the form of 25 language families. In the future, some experts have revised this separation. Unfortunately, South America was not studied as well in the linguistic terms.

Language families of Russia

All the peoples of Russia speak in languages \u200b\u200brelated to 14 linguistic families. In total, Russia has 150 different languages \u200b\u200band dialects. The basis of the country's linguistic wealth is four basic linguistic families: Indo-European, North Caucasian, Altai, Uralskaya. At the same time, most of the country's population speaks in languages \u200b\u200brelating to the Indo-European family. This part is 87 percent of the total population of Russia. Moreover, the Slavic Group takes 85 percent. It includes the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian, which are the East Slavonic Group. These languages \u200b\u200bare very close to each other. Their carriers can almost easily understand each other. This is especially true of Belarusian and Russian languages.

Altai language family

Altai language family consists of Turkic, Tunguso-Manchurian and Mongolian linguistic groups. The difference in the number of representatives of their carriers in the country is great. For example, Mongolian is represented in Russia exclusively by Buryats and Kalmyks. But several tens of languages \u200b\u200bare counted to the Turkic group. Among them, Khakassky, Chuvash, Nogai, Bashkir, Azerbaijani, Yakut and many others.

To the group of languages \u200b\u200bof the Tunguso-Manchurskaya include Nanayan, UDEGY, Evensky and others. This group is under threat of disappearance due to the preferences of their native speakers to enjoy the Russians on the one hand, on the other - Chinese. Despite the wide and long-term study of the Altai language family, it is extremely difficult for specialists to decide on the reproduction of the Altai Protep. This is due to the large number of borrowing of his carriers from other languages \u200b\u200bdue to close contact with their representatives.

Ural family

Ural languages \u200b\u200bare represented by two large families - Finno-Ugric and Sami. The first of these includes Karelians, Mariers, Komi, Udmurts, Mordva and others. In the languages \u200b\u200bof the second family, they say Enzi, Nenets, Selkup, Nganasans. The carriers of the Ural macros are largely the Hungarians (more than 50 percent) and Finns (20 percent).

The name of this family comes from the names of the Ural Range, where, as it is believed, the formation of the Ural Praäthazy took place. The languages \u200b\u200bof the Ural family had some influence on neighboring Slavic and Baltic. In the same way, the languages \u200b\u200bof the Ural family are more than twenty both in Russia and abroad.

North Caucasian family

Languages \u200b\u200bnations North Caucasus Presents a huge difficulty for linguists in terms of their structuring and study. In itself, the concept of the North Caucasian family is quite conditionally. The fact is that too little studied are the languages \u200b\u200bof the local population. However, thanks to the painstaking and deep work of many linguists studying this problem, it became clear how disunity and complex are many of the North Caucasian lawlessness.

Difficulties relate not only to the generally grammar, structure and rules of the language, for example, as in Tabasaran language - one of the most complex languages On the planet, but also the pronunciations that sometimes is simply not available for people who do not speak these languages.

A significant obstacle to the studies of their specialists is the inaccessibility of many mountainous regions of the Caucasus. However, this linguistic family, despite all the contradictions, is customary to divide into two groups - Nakh-Dagestan and Abkhazo-Adygh.

Representatives of the first group inhabit mainly areas of Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia. These include Avarians, Lezgins, Laksi, Darginians, Chechens, Ingush, etc. The second group consists of representatives of related peoples - Kabardians, Circassians, Adygetsi, Abkhaz, etc.

Other language families

Language families of the peoples of Russia are not always extensive, uniting many languages \u200b\u200bin one family. Many of them are very small, and some are even isolated. Such people first live in Siberia and Far East. Thus, the Chukotka-Kamchatka family unites Chukchi, Itelmen, Koryakov. Aleuts and Eskimos speak Aleuto-Eskimo.

A large number of nationalities scattered through the enormous territory of Russia, being extremely few (several thousand people, and even less), possess their own languages \u200b\u200bthat do not enter into any well-known linguistic family. As, for example, the Nivhi, inhabiting the shores of Amur and Sakhalin, and Kets, located in the Yenisei.

However, the problem of linguistic extinction in the country continues to threaten the cultural and linguistic diversity of Russia. Under the threat of disappearance, not only individual languages \u200b\u200bare provided, but also entire language families.

All languages \u200b\u200bon which they speak on the planet have an approximately identical structure of complexity. According to researchers, primitive dialects do not exist. Each adverb is ideally adapted to reflect and express the culture speaking people.

To say for sure how much today there is no harmony. The question of how the development of the language occurred is also unresolved. In addition, there is no confidence that all the adverbs that exist on Earth are known to science. According to some minimal estimates, the number of idioetical languages \u200b\u200bpresent in the world varies from two and a half to three thousand. In accordance with the maximum estimates, the number of dialects several times more.

There are basic dialectical families. This classification includes traditionally allocated linguistic groups. They are divided in accordance with geographic associations. At the same time, they indicate the main or all branches and subgroups, as well as the most well-known dialects.

The first established by the comparative historical method was an Indo-European family. After Sanskrit was opened, many researchers (Russian, French, Italian, German, Danish and others) took up an active study of signs of kinship in various dialects of Asia and Europe, similar toes. German researchers called this grouping "Indoberman" (and sometimes continue to be called it). However, in other countries, this term does not apply.

Separate language groups included in the Indo-European family first are Greek (which represents only Greek dialects), Iranian, Indian (Indoary). This includes the Italian branch. It was originally subsequently formed by numerous descendants of this branch. So, the modern Romanesque, Celtic, Baltic, German, Slavic language group is formed. This also includes insulated Albanian and Armenian dialects. These language groups have generally accepted related traits. In this regard, mixed dialects are distinguished. For example, there are Indo-Iranian,

The Indo-European family is inferior in the number of dialects included in it, other families. However, it is the most common geographically and largest speakers (even if not to take into account all people who use Spanish, French, English, Russian, Portuguese and many others as a second language.

The Ural family includes two branches. The number of dialects included in this family is more than twenty, if you take the Sami language one. If the Sami dialects are considered separately, then the total number of adverbs is about forty.

The Finno-Ugric language group is considered large enough. The total number of speakers is about twenty million people. This includes the Baltic-Finnish (Estonian and Ugorskaya (Hungarian, Mansiysky, Khanty), Finno Volga (Mari and Mordovsky dialects), the Perm subgroup (Komi-Zyryansky and Komi-Permytsky, as well as Udmurt Languages). The Sami dialect occupies a special place.

The second branch of the Ural family is selfish.

It should be noted that some language groups that are part of this family are at the dying stage. These, in particular, include small Baltic-Finnish dialects (except for Veps). One of the four self-language languages \u200b\u200bremains one - Nenets. It is likely that the water dialect has already disappeared.

According to the majority of researchers, the language has formed about half a million years ago. However, some authors call other numbers. At the same time, the process of educational education itself remains unclear.

Language family

Language family

Language family is the largest unit of classification of peoples (ethnic groups) on the basis of their linguistic relationship - the general origin of their languages \u200b\u200bfrom the alleged base language. Language families are divided into language groups.
The largest in size is the Indo-European language family, which includes language groups:
- Romanesque: French, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, Moldovans, Romanians, etc.;
- German: Germans, British, Scandinava, etc.;
- Slavic: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, etc.
The second largest is the Chinese-Tibetan language family with the largest Chinese language group.
Altai language family includes a large Turkic language group: Turks, Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Kazakhs, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Yakuts, etc.
The Ural language family includes the Finno-Ugric Group: Finns, Estonians, Hungarians, Komi, etc.
The Semitic Group includes the Semitic Group: Arabs, Jews, Ethiopia, etc.

Synonyms: Family nations

See also: Ethnic groups Languages

Financial Dictionary Finams.

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