Prevention and prevention of disease in ancient China. The history of vaccinations and their creators

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Without a doubt, medicine always existed, since the human body is imperfect and subject to various diseases. The first foci of medicine received the greatest rounds of their development in those areas of the Earth, where the formed peoples, countries, civilizations appeared before all. One of these areas is China.

Chinese medicine is a concept known to almost every person. At the same time, unlike modern European, this type of medicine still remains mysterious and unexplored to the fullest.

This, in turn, attracts special attention to him, as the followers of this direction promote special methods of treatment, which are radically different from modern. Chinese medicine originated in distant antiquity. In the history of the healer of the ancient China, two large periods differ: the Tsarsky (XVIII - III century BC), when the oral tradition prevailed, and the Han Empire (III century BC-- III century. N.E .) When the chronicles of the Hanskoye - dynasty were compiled and medical writings came up to us. There are significant differences in the philosophy of traditional medicine, which we are accustomed to, and ancient Chinese medicine. First of all, Chinese philosophy considers a person part of the world around the world. In fact, this is true. At the same time, the human body itself is also a single integer. You can not consider separately heart, kidneys, lungs and other organs and organ systems. They function and interact in complete harmony and harmony. And when harmony is broken, it arises any disease. Of course, the beginning of the disease is preceded by certain "thin" symptoms, for which we, as a rule, do not pay attention. Since the body is a single whole, then with the disease of any organ, it is necessary to treat a disease, but the person himself. Chinese philosophy suggests that there are channels and points in the body, when exposed to which can be cured even the most hopeless patient. When the energy flow over a specific channel is blocked, it is blocked, it violates the functioning of the entire body, which is why it is ill. The task of a physician who is familiar with the methods of Chinese medicine, open these channels, affecting them and on the point of man by various methods and means. This philosophy has several thousand years, but now it does not lose relevance.

1. Origin

The origin of Chinese medicine is shrouded in legends. Her founder is the Emperor Shen-Nun (approx. 2700 BC), which, according to legend, was the first herbalist with a description of more than 100 healing agents. It is also considered the inventor of the technique of acupuncture. The most ancient and great Chinese medical work - the treatise Najin (Canon Medicine) - is attributed to the Emperor Juan-di (2698-2599 BC); Genuine time to create it is unknown.

Sources on the history and healing of ancient China: medical monuments; Writing (from the III century BC), these archeology, ethnography, monuments of material culture. One of the founders of Chinese medicine (6th century BC) Ban Tsyao traveling around the country, acquainted with the experience of traditional medicine. He owned by all the diagnostic techniques known at that time (inspection, questioning, listening, the study of the pulse, etc.), he was a therapist and surgeon (used as medicinal plantsso surgical instruments). He is the author of the oldest medicine book "Nan Jin" (a book about difficult).

In the period of the Empire Qin (3 century BC) an essay of "Travnik Shen Nuna" appeared. This ancient pharmacopoeia included 365 drugs, of which 240 - vegetable origin. All means were divided into 3 groups:

Neyovy drugs (rejuvenating) - about 120 drugs, the reception of which was not limited to a period nor dosage;

Toning medicines - about 120 drugs, the use of which required compliance with certain rules;

Toxic drugs - about 125 drugs that have a beneficial effect on the body when applying certain amounts of short time.

In the herbal, such dosage forms are mentioned as powders, pills, decoctions, tinctures, plasters, etc.

Under the emperor, Shen Nune was drawn up the most ancient Herbarium in the world, in which more than 100 plants with healing properties were presented.

The first multi-volume history of the ancient China "Shi Ji" ("Historical Notes") was drawn up in I B. BC. Outstanding Chinese scientists, Suma Zyansey (145--86 BC). It is widely used by the chronicles of the Han dynasty, which also reports on the successful applications of the Zhen-Qi and pulse diagnostics method. The oldest of the medical texts of the ancient China who came to us, the treatise "Juandi Nay Jing" ("Canon of the Yellow Ancestor"), who is briefly referred to as Nay Jing ("Canon Healing"). It was compiled in the III century. BC e. In line with the tradition in the form of a dialogue between the healer and the legendary ancestor of the Chinese people - Shauandi, who is attributed to the authorship of this treatise. However, according to researchers, Nay Jing is the result of collective labor of many authors of various eras. "Nay Jing" consists of 18 books. The nine first ("Su Wen") are devoted to the structure and life of the body, recognition and treatment of diseases. In the nine latter volumes (Lin Shu) is described ancient method Zhen-Tszyu. This canon provides names (about 900) and synonyms of plants, botanical descriptions, collection time, geographical distribution, microscopic description of raw materials, pharmacological effect and application.

In the 2nd century AD. In ancient China, for the first time in world practice, records of the course of the disease and destination were introduced, which were made to the patient. Nowadays, these records are called the names of the disease.

The study of the action of plant raw materials made it possible to enrich having herbalists, and in 502 in China a new pharmacopoeia "Shen Nun Bain Cao Jing" was drawn up. It consisted of 7 volumes and included more than 700 species of medicinal plants.

Handbook "Min Beay Lu", compiled by TOU Hong Jing (452-536) contained about 16,000 recipes and is currently enjoying great popularity among Chinese doctors and pharmacists.

An essay of Xu Dzi Tsy "Lan Gunn Yao Dui", which appeared in 550 for the first time classified all medicines in their action. All drugs were divided into 10 groups: wind turntables, strengthening, diuretic, binders, laxatives. Pilot, relaxing, softening, soothing and alternative.

Sun Miao Sun (581-673) occupies a prominent place in the history of China's medicine. His studies were devoted to pharmacology. His main labor was "Jiang Jin Fan" (a thousand gold recipes), which made a valuable contribution to China's medication. Essaling data included 30 volumes. From the first to the fourth volume were devoted to female diseases and were called "female diseases and their treatment." The fifth volume was devoted to childhood diseases and their treatment. From 6 to 21 Tom called "Private pathology and therapy", 22-24 volumes - "poisoning and antidote", 25 Tom - " Urgent Care", 26 and 27 Tom -" diet therapy ", 28 volume -" Teaching about the pulse "and the last 29 and 30 volume -" acupuncture and cavity ".

Later, Sun Sun Miao wrote another 30 languid continuation to his work, which in the aggregate was a medical encyclopedia for China, which not only Chinese healers used, but also Japanese, Korean and many others.

The feature of the development of Chinese medicine in the 7th century was the emergence of writings dedicated to individual medical specialties, individual diseases and methods of their treatment. During this period, China's medicine was divided into 7 industries: adult diseases; Child diseases; eye and ears; diseases of teeth and oral cavity; external diseases; massage science; Spells.

The specialties of the healers were less: adult diseases; Child diseases; eye and ears; diseases of teeth and oral cavity; external diseases; Science massage.

2. Culture of healing

Chinese medicine was originally magical; However, the empirical knowledge of the medicines of plant origin has been accumulated. The basis of the medical theory was an abstract teaching about five elements and about the opposite forces Yin and Yang, that is, the female and male principle. In the violation of equilibrium or harmony between them, the main cause of the disease was seen. Chinese doctors believed that a person is a space in miniature, acting under the influence of the same forces that dominate nature. They developed the doctrine of the confrontation and the relationship of two life began "Yin" - the dark, female, inert and yang - light, male, active. All the processes in the body were reduced to the interaction of these 2 life began and participating 5 of the first elements (cosmic elements) metal, water, fire, wood, land. The idea of \u200b\u200blife principles has led to three new therapeutic techniques that attached Chinese medicine a special color. This is Moxa, massage, acupuncture. So, the correct ratio of these principles has determined health, incorrect - leads to diseases. To restore the disturbed ratio, the Chinese came up with three titles.

Moxa - consists in causing a sore place or distant from this place a point of bunches of burning grass. The purpose of this event is to strengthen the movement of the start "Yin". To this receipt, the Chinese came, based on a fantastic presentation, but it turns out that there is a practical meaning; Takes of local exposure to the sick organism not only in high sensitivity zones. But the points distant from these zones in a wide variety of forms are also applied and now (diathermy, electric spark), although on other theoretical foundations.

The second reception is a massage. The doctors of the ancient China also used it in order to strengthen the movement of the beginning of the "yin". Over time, the fantastic meaning that the Chinese gave massage, was forgotten, and only what is called rational in this therapeutic reception is left.

The third reception - acupuncture - was in the introduction of the needle to the organ, considered the patient, or into some kind of body distant from him. The needle was usually immediately removed from the body, but sometimes left it for a day or more, because The essence of the disease was considered a violation of the proportion between the beginnings "Yan" and "Yin". That needles were made by hollow inside in the case that some of these began to be in excess and then, this excess will be able to exit via the needle channel. On the contrary, if the lack of the beginning of "Yan" is assumed, it was possible in the form of heated air to introduce into the body through the same channel. To carry out this therapeutic operation, it was necessary to know the points in which injections should have done in each individual case. For admission to the acupuncture, an exam was arranged: the mannequin, with the holes done in it, was blocked by paper, and paint poured inside it. Having an exam through paper was to enter the needle at the appointed point; Proof of good luck was the expiration of paint from the needle channel.

The Chinese did not practice openings, their anatomical and physiological ideas were rather fantastic. Based on the same ideas about the principles of "yin" and "Yan", Chinese doctors contributed to the medicine another most important moment: they began to explore the pulse of their patients and created the doctrine of the pulse, although in other countries at that time it did not receive distribution. Based on the pulse, the Chinese conducted various treatments that consisted in purifying blood and juice, strengthening the stomach, gases removal. For this, it was used in large quantities of laxatives, vomit, anti-shine drugs.

Pulse played a major role in diagnostics. It was measured at 11 points, each time using three different pressure powers. Two hundred varieties of the pulse were known, 26 of them mean the approach of death. Therapy was based on the laws of interaction of Yin and Yang and used many magical means. The doctrine of "signs" (signatures) was especially popular: Yellow flowers were used to treat jaundice, reminiscent of the renal form of beans - for kidney diseases and so on. At the same time, some of almost 2000 recipes of traditional Chinese medicine were really very valuable and kept their meaning so far. Thus, iron salts were used for anemia, arsenic with skin diseases, mercury for the treatment of syphilis, rhubarb and sodium sulfate as a laxative, and opium as narcotic. In China for 1000 years BC The preventive measures were used against smallpox, for this, the nostrils were invested by cotton wool impregnated with the contents of the human missing stamp. As a measure of the prevention of obso-like diseases, self-insulation was used, leaving the man of emerged places with epizootia of rodents (rats and mice).

In 502, the first Chinese pharmacopyrian in the world was created, in seven books of which given a description of 730 types of medicinal plants. In ancient China, there were institutions that are called pharmacies today.

However, all the works of the drugs have come down to us were not drawn up in ancient (slave-owned), but in feudal China, i.e. During the middle ages - the time of the rapid heyday of traditional Chinese culture and medicine.

The first special medical schools appeared in China also only in the Middle Ages (from the VI century). Prior to this, the knowledge of traditional healer was inherited or in a narrow circle of dedicated to.

The development of operational treatment in ancient China (as well as the autopsy of human corpses) was constrained by religious prohibitions that arose in recent centuries BC. In connection with the statement of Confucianism.

The largest surgeon of the ancient China is considered Hua (141-208), which became famous for the skillful diagnosis of the expert of Zhen-Tszy therapy. He successfully treated fractures, performed operations on the skull, chest and abdominal cavities. In one of the ancient Chinese books described the case of recovery of a patient, to whom Hua deleted part of the spleen. For anesthesia during Hua operations, Mafusan, Mandragor, as well as the acupuncture method, reaching the desired result by the introduction of one or two needles.

The strength of the ancient Chinese medicine was the prevention of disease. Even in the treatise, Nay Jing was noted: "The tasks of medicine are to heal the patients and strengthen health health." There were important medical and preventive activities in ancient China were massage, medical gymnastics in Sin or (translated from whale Preservation of health and achieving longevity.

3. Features of Chinese philosophy, its impact on the development of medicine

The ideological basis of the ancient Chinese philosophy was the doctrine of two opposing and inseparable beginnings of Yin and Yan, which initially denoted quite material, sensually perceived opposite phenomena, quality or properties inherent in one event, subject, object. Later, such an understanding of Yin and Yang expanded and deepened and began to hug strength and functional principles that generate all substances and objects in the universe, acquired a wide symbolic nature. Thus, Yin and Yang became manifestations of the universal "energy" of Qi, which was the cause and beginning of any movement and changes in the universe.

The physiological and psychological processes of the human body were considered the result of the action of special "energy" - the vital qi, the manifestations of which were also character or yin, or Yan. In Chinese medicine, the Yin and Yang model was applied both to the structures and the functions of the human body and became the basis of physiology, diagnosis and treatment.

The philosophical category Yin and Yan means that any single as an item and phenomenon, in this world consists of two opposite beginners, rival and complementary each other. Each of them has its own characteristics and properties. Initially, Chinese thinkers are all that preserves immobility, descends down, is a vague, hidden, passive, dark, cold, weak, and the like, attributed to Yin; And all that moves, rushes up, which is clear, actively, light, hot, strongly and the like, - to Yan. The sky corresponds to Yan, and the earth - Yin; Water is yin, but the fire is Yan.

Yin-character have a moon, earth, female, weak, cold, soft, dark, heavy, low, small. Short, sad, inner, thin, etc.

Yan-character have the sun, sky, male, strong, hot, solid, light, lightweight, high. Large, long, joyful, external, full, etc.

The action began Yin-Yan is as follows:

Each of them seeks to suppress the other;

Both starts are in close mutual communication and can turn (cross) one to another, and everyone contains both principles - Yin has Yan, Yin is in Yan;

The struggle and mutual transformation of Yin and Yan are the source of any movement, development, changes and transformations;

Violation of harmony and equilibrium between Yin and Yang leads to a violation of all movement and development;

Yan turns into qi (function), Yin forms the form (structure).

The functions of the organs (YAN) arise due to the consumption of food (yin), and the increase in Yan and the weakening of Yin occurs. At the same time, the exchange of substances obtained with food products (yin) requires consumption of a certain amount of energy (YAN); Then the yin and weakening of Yan occurs. Under normal conditions, these processes are in equilibrium. If the weakening or amplification goes beyond the scope, then an excess Yin or Yan arises, which leads to the emergence of pathology, illness. It is also necessary to take into account that both beginnings can be both the cause and consequence.

Yin-Yan model serves as a base not only theoretical representations Eastern medicine, but also the basis for diagnosis and treatment. The fundamental state of the human body is the balanced state of Yin and Yan, full of their harmony. The violation of this equilibrium leads to pathological condition, illness and is expressed either in predominance, or in the weakening of Yin or Yan.

4. Methods of treatment of Chinese medicine

The art of diagnosis in ancient China was based on the following methods of patient examination: inspection of the skin, eye, mucous membranes and language; determining the general condition and mood of the patient; listen to sounds arising in the human body, determining his smells; Detailed patient survey; Pulse study; pressure on active points. According to legend, these methods were introduced by the legendary healer who lived in the XI century. BC. and known under the pseudonym Svian Qui (Little Forty); His genuine name is Qin Juezhen. Historical chronicles of the Han dynasty narrate wonderful healingwho carried out Bian Qui and his disciples, skillfully applying acupuncture and migration, massage and local drugs.

One of the greatest achievements of the philosophical thought of ancient China is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe circular motion of the blood, set out in the most ancient medical treatise of China - "Iay Jing": "The vessels communicate in a circle. There is no beginning and there is no end. Blood in the vessels circulates continuously and circularly, and the heart holds over blood. " "Without a pulse, blood distribution is impossible for large and small vessels. It is the pulse determines the blood cycle and "pneuma". You look forward, you look back - everything goes from the pulse. The pulse is the inner essence of a hundred parts of the body, the most subtle expression of the inner spirit. " Ancient Chinese doctors believed that the pulse is a product of continuous tide and low blood and vital spirits. Any change in the mechanism of blood and air leads to the appropriate changes in the pulse, according to which the doctor recognizes the condition of blood and air and, therefore, the condition of the body. Through the pulse, the doctors diagnosed diseases from exhaustion, lack of blood and vital spirits or from the accumulation of spoiled juices. The rules for the study of the pulse were set out with the greatest details. Chinese doctors spoke about the existence of 7 external and 8 internal pulses. The middle pulse in an adult was considered 80 blows per minute, in old men - 76, in children - 96.

A characteristic feature of traditional Chinese medicine is Zhen-Tszy therapy (Keith Zhen - acupuncture; Lat. Acupunctura; Kit. Tszyu - cavity). The first detailed presentation of the theory and practice of this method is given in the treatise "Nay Jing", especially in its second part of Lin Shu (it is called "Canon Acupuncture"), where "life points" are described, channels, along which they are located, collather, Needles and methods for their introduction, indications and contraindications for applying acupuncture and cavity. The first needles for acupuncture were stone. They had the finest hole (like a syringe needle), according to which, as they believed, the beginning of Yang was moving. Subsequently, the needle began to make not only silicon or jasper, but also from bone, bamboo, and later from metals: bronze, silver, gold, platinum and stainless steel. With the development of this method, the specialization of the needle and their division on species.

In ancient China, there were several methods of moxibustion. Direct cavity was carried out at the immediate vicinity of the burning cigarette from the body. When the method of indirect cigarette was at some distance from the point of exposure, and medicinal substances could be placed between the cigarette and the body. Calculation with warm needles combined in itself and acupuncture, and cavity: the cigarette was twisted around the needle and lit up when the needle was in the tissues; Thus, a combined effect was achieved (the effect of the needle and glowing medicinal plant).

Diseases originating from the cold were treated with warmth, and from overheating - cold. Blooding was rarely used, more often leeches were used. Special attention was paid to strict diet, water procedures, sunbathing, medical gymnastics. China was a carrier of high sanitary crop, the most acute problem was food: "People, although they eat, but I see it rarely and not enough."

The medication of the ancient China was the most extensive in the world. In explaining the action of drugs, the ratio of color, taste of drugs to five elements and to organs played a major role. Green and acidic medicines correspond to the "tree" element and therefore act on the heart, yellow and sweet drugs correspond to the element "Earth" and act on the stomach, white and sharp drugs correspond to the element "Metal" and the lungs act, and black and salty medicines correspond to the element " Water "and act on the kidneys.

Thus, ancient China was a unique example of the stability of the traditional system and traditional medicine, which is largely due to the locality of the Chinese civilization, due to the causes of the geographical, socio-economic and political nature.


Traditional Chinese medicine has developed isolated from other cultures for a long time. globe. So, in Europe, information about it was penetrated only in the XIII century. In the modern world, traditional Chinese medicine plays an increasing role. The scientific study of her heritage is essential for the development of modern scientific medicine.

The object of Chinese medicine is a person, and not only his illness. And this is one of the main features of Chinese national medicine. As Chinese doctors think, the disease is only an indication of the existence of an imbalance in a person. Similar principles underlie the entire life of a person (accommodation in some external environment, life rhythms, food that he prefers or avoids, his personal relationship, his speech and gestures) - All this is a tool for a better understanding of his diseases and suggestions of methods treatment according to human residence. When the imbalance is detected, it can be adjusted, and the balance of energy (and, consequently, human health) will be restored. In addition, the categorical basic principle of Chinese therapy is to control the movement of body energy.

Many discoveries in medicine were made precisely with the help of the synthesis of traditional and modern science in China, which, in turn, led to the discovery for a whole world of a number of new medical methods and diagnostics for the treatment of the most complex diseases.

ancient Chinese healer philosophical


1. Sorokina TS History of medicine. - M.: PAYAMS, 1994. - 384С.

2. Lisitsyn Yu.P. History of medicine. - M.: Gootar-Honey, 2004. - 400C.

3. Egorov V.A., Abdulmanova E.L. History of pharmacy. Tutorial For students of pharmaceutical universities. - Samara: GP "Perspective"; Samgm, 2002. - 320c.

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Healing in ancient China

Healing in ancient China (mid-2 millennium BC. E.- 3 in. N. Er)

The state of the state of China's oldest in the history of China (subsequently called Yin) was formed in the middle of the II millennium BC. e. In the Huanghe Valley (Yellow River) (Fig. 33). By this time, the creation of a Chinese hieroglyphic writing. Ancient Chinese texts were recorded on turtle panels (shells), bamboo plates, bronze ritual vessels, stone drums, and then on silk and paper, which was invented in China in I B. BC e. Ancient China gave the world silk and porcelain, paper and mascara for writing, compass and powder.

For millennia, China was a unique example of the stability of the traditional system and traditional medicine, which is largely due to the locality of the Chinese civilization, due to the reasons of geographic, socio-economic and political nature.

Periodization of history and healing

In the history of the ancient China, four stages are distinguished: the Shang (Yin) period (XVIII-XII century BC), when the first in the history of China, a slave-owned state formed; The period of the Zhou dynasty (XI-III centuries. BC), when there were many states in China; The period of the Empire Qin (III century BC), when the country was combined into a single empire (during this period at the first chinese emperor Shi-Huangdi (246-210 BC) began the construction of the Great Wall of China), and the period of the Han Empire (206 BC. E. - 221 N. E.) - Time of the highest heyday of ancient China . In the III-IV centuries. There were feudal relations in China, which remained until the XX century.

In the history of the healer of the ancient China, two large periods differ: the Tsarsky (XVIII-III century BC), when the oral tradition was prevailed, and the Han Empire (III century. Before and. E.- III century.) When the chronicles of the Hanskoye-Pardique were compiled and medical writings came up to us.

Sources on the history and healing of ancient China: medical monuments; Writing (from the III century BC), these archeology, ethnography, monuments of material culture.

The first multi-volume history of the ancient China "Shi Ji" ("Historical Notes") was drawn up in I B. BC e. An outstanding Chinese scientist Suma Zyansey (145-86 BC. e.); In it, "The Chronicles of the Han dynasty chronicles are widely used, in which the successful applications of the Chen CSS method and the pulse diagnostics are also reported. The oldest of the medical texts of the ancient China who came to our medical texts - Huangy Nay Jing treatise (" Canon Yellow Ancecle Healing "), which is briefly referred to as Nay Jing ("Canon Healing"). It was drawn up in the III century. BC. er in line with tradition in the form of a dialogue between the healer and the legendary ancestor of the Chinese people -Huandi, who is attributed to the authorship of this treatise. However, According to researchers, Nay Jing is the result of collective labor of many authors of various eras. "Nay Jing" consists of 18 books. Nine first (Su Wen)) are devoted to the structure and life of the body, recognition and treatment of disease. In the nine latter volumes ( Lin Shu) describes the ancient method of Zhen-Tszyu.

Philosophical Basics of Chinese Medicine

The original Chinese philosophy passed the long path of formation and development: from the cult of nature (land, mountains, sun, moon and planet) to religious and philosophical systems (Confucianism and Taoism with the VI century. BC er, other exercises) and philosophy of natural materialism (Naturofilosophy), which was formed in China by the middle of the first 11th millennium BC. e. and "Semi-Chila Development in the writings of Chinese scientists in the era of ancient empires.

The teaching of the ancient Chinese philosophers about the material world is set out in an anonymous natural philosophical treatise IV-III centuries. BC E, "SI TSY Zhu-An": the United Matter Taiji generates two opposing substances - Women's (Yin) and Male Start (Yang); The interaction and struggle of these began five elements (in Sin): water, fire, wood, metal and land, of which there is a variety of material world - "ten thousand things" (Wan from), including a person. Five elements are in constant motion and harmony, mutual generation (water creates a tree ,. wood - fire, fire - land, ground - metal, and metal - water) and mutual overcoming (water extinguishes fire, fire melts metal, metal destroys the tree, Wooden, and the earth falls asleep water) (Fig. 34). The objective world is learned and is in constant motion and change. A person is part of nature, part of the Great Triads of the sky - a man - the Earth, and is in harmony with the outside world.

Among the prominent representatives of spontaneous materialism in ancient, China was a philosopher and doctor of Vanchun (27-97), the author of the monthly treatise "Lun Han" ("Critical reasoning"). He recognized the unity, eternity and materiality of the world, developed the doctrine of the "grain" (atomistic) structure of the substance, fought with superstitions and prejudices of his time, opposed the Taoist ideas of immortality. "Among the beings who carry blood in their veins, he wrote," there are no such that would not die. " The development of natural materialism in ancient China was held in a difficult struggle against Confucianism and the Taoist religion.

The spontaneous and materialistic views of the ancient Chinese philosophers (with elements of dialectics) formed the basis of traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine

The main theoretical provisions of the ancient Chinese medicine withstood the test of time and are maintained in their main features for three thousand years.

Knowledge about the structure of the human body began to accumulate in China in deep antiquity, long before the ban on the opening of the bodies of the dead (about II century. BC), which is associated with the approval of Confucianism as an official religion. This is evidenced by the preserved anatomical tables of a later period (VI-VII centuries).

The ideas about diseases and their treatment in ancient China had a natural philosophical basis. Health "was filmed as a result of equilibrium started Yin and Yang and five elements in Sin, and the disease - as a violation of their proper interaction. The various ratios of these violations were combined into several syndromes, which were divided into two groups: excess syndrome - Yang and lack syndrome - Yin. The variety of diseases was explained by the breadth of the body's interaction with the outside world and nature, the characteristics of the organism itself (in the treatise "Nay Jing" five temperatures are described; the time of time it coincides with the period of formation of similar ideas in ancient Greece), long stay in one of the emotional states (anger, joy, sadness, thinking, chagrin, fear and fear) and other natural reasons.

The art of diagnosis in ancient China was based on the following methods of patient examination: inspection of the skin, eye, mucous membranes and language; determining the general condition and mood of the patient; listen to sounds arising in the human body, determining his smells; Detailed patient survey; Pulse study; pressure on active points. According to legend, these methods were introduced by the legendary healer who lived in the XI century. BC e. and known under the pseudonym Svian Qui (Little Forty); His genuine name is Qin Juezhen. The historical chronicles of the Han-Dynasty are narrated by the wonderful healings that were carried out by Bian Qui and his disciples, skillfully applying acupuncture and cavity, massage and local drugs. (For comparison, we note that the diagnostic methods owned by the doctors of the classical period of the history of Greece V-IV centuries. BC er, in many respects similar to those listed above the ancient Chinese methods.)

One of the greatest achievements of the philosophical thought of ancient China is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe circular motion of the blood, set out in the most ancient medical treatise of China - "Iay Jing": "The vessels communicate in a circle. In it, there is no beginning and there is no end ... blood in vessels circulates continuously and circle ... and the heart holds over blood. " "Without a pulse, the blood distribution is impossible for a large and small vessels ... It was the pulse that causes the blood cycle and" pneuma "... you look forward, you look back - everything goes from the pulse. Pulse is the inner essence of a hundred parts of the body, the most subtle expression of the inner spirit ... "

Ancient China's healers came to these conclusions empirically (in Europe, a scientifically based blood circulation theory was formulated in 1628.G. Garvet, see p. 186). Examining the patient, they studied the pulse at least in nine points and distinguished up to 28 species of the pulse; Of these, ten were considered the main: superficial, deep, rare, frequent, thin, excessive, free, viscous, tense, gradual.

The ancient method of pulse diagnosis was constantly improved by many generations of Chinese healers and over time turned into a slim doctrine of the pulse, which was the peak of the diagnosis in ancient China. It is most fully stated in the work of the famous Chinese physician III century. n. e. Van Shuheh - "Mo Jing" ("Treatise on Pulse", 280 g) (Fig. 35).

Outside the ancient China, the doctrine of the pulse has spread relatively late. In the ancient Indian treatises for chambers (I-II centuries) and sushu-ruta (IV century) about "pulse is not mentioned. This fact is explained by the relatively late establishment of mutual contacts between China and India (trading paths -Os II century BC. e., the spread of Buddhism in China - from the i century. n. e.). In the Middle Ages, the pulse diagnostic method penetrated into the territory Central Asia: Theoretical substantiation of the study of the pulse in the "Canon of Medicine" of an outstanding physician of the medieval East Ibn Sina (980-1037) is in many ways similar to the provisions of the ancient Chinese medicine.

A characteristic feature of traditional Chinese medicine is Zhen-Tszy therapy (Keith. Zhen-player; Lat. Acupunctura; Kit. Tszyu - cavity). The empirical roots of this method go into deep antiquity, when it was noted that injections, cuts or injuries at certain points of the body lead to the healing of some ailments. For example, the compression of the central hole of the upper lip allows you to derive a patient from the condition of the fainting, and the introduction of the needle at the base of the first and second fingers from the back side of the hand brushes heals from insomnia. Thus, on the basis of long observations, the philosophers and healers of the ancient China came to the conclusion about the existence of "life points", the irritation of which contributes to the regulation of life processes. They believed that through the holes done in the "life points", the disturbed equilibrium Yin-Yang began to start the yang from the body of the patient in the case of excess or enters the body in the event of its lack, as a result of which the disease disappears. Historical chronicles of the Han dynasty report on certain cases of successful use of acupuncture by the doctors of Bian Qui (XI century BC), Fu Ven (I - II centuries. BC), Hua (II century) .) and others.

The first detailed presentation of the theory and practice of this method is given in the treatise "Nay Jing", especially the second part of it "Lin Shu". (It is called "Canon Acupuncture"), where "life points" are described, channels along which they are "located, the number of them, the needles and methods of their introduction, indications and contraindications for the use of acupuncture and cavity.

In the III century. n. s. The doctor Huangfu Mi (215-282) systematically summarized the achievements in the area of \u200b\u200bZhen-Tszu for the previous 4-5 centuries and compiled an extensive compiler work "Zhen Jia Jia and Jing" ("Classic Canon on Accessories and Culgging", 265), which He remained the main source of knowledge in this area until the XI century and was known outside the China, starting with the V c.

The first needles for acupuncture were stone. They had the finest hole (like a syringe needle), according to which, as they believed, the beginning of Yang was moving. Subsequently, the needle began to make not only silicon or jasper, but also from the bone, bamboo, and later from metals: bronze, silver (Fig. 36), gold, platinum and stainless steel. With the development of this method, the specialization of the needle is their division for species.

In the treatise "Nay Jing" described nine varieties of needles: Needle with a honeycomb for surface duct, rounded needle for massage, stupid needle for tapping and pressure, sharp triangular needle for venous puncture, saber-shaped needle to remove in pus, sharp round needle for quick introduction, Fit-shaped needle (used most often), a long needle for piercing thick muscles, a big needle for the treatment of joints.

A rich variety of needle speaks of the breadth of acupuncture in antiquity: it was used to treat and prevent diseases, for pain relief during operations, as well as in combination with massage and migration method, i.e., thermal exposure to "life points" by means of lit cigarettes, Started with dry leaves of medicinal plants.

The most often, for this purpose, the WGA plant was used (Russian, Russian ordinary; Lat. Artemisia \\? Ulgaris). Moreover, it was believed that the effectiveness of the Mokus increases over the years of storage. So, for treating the causticity of the disease, which arose seven years ago, was recommended that IOC-I; A, collected three years ago.

In ancient China, there were several methods of moxibustion. Direct cavity was carried out at the immediate vicinity of the burning cigarette from the body. When the method of indirect cigarette was at some distance from the point of exposure, and medicinal substances could be placed between the cigarette and the body. Calculation with warm needles combined in itself and acupuncture, and cavity: the cigarette was twisted around the needle and lit up when the needle was in the tissues; Thus, a combined effect was achieved (the effect of the needle and glowing medicinal plant).

Medicinal "Healing in ancient China has reached high perfection. From the folk Chinese medicine included global practice: from the plant-shop, lemongrass, camphor, tea, rhubarb, resin; from animal products origin - deer mart, liver, gelatin; from minerals - Iron, mercury, sulfur, etc. In 502, the first of the world famous Chinese pharmacopoeia was created, in seven books of which there was a description of 730 species of medicinal plants. In ancient China, there were institutions that are called pharmacies today.

Nevertheless, all reached before. For us, the works of drugs were drawn up not in ancient (slave-owned), but in feudal China, i.e. during the middle ages - the time of the rapid heyday of the traditional Chinese culture and medicine (see p. 166).

The first special medical schools appeared in China also only in the Middle Ages (from the VI century). Prior to this, the knowledge of traditional healer was inherited or in a narrow circle of dedicated to.

The development of surgical treatment in ancient China (as well as the autopsy of human corpses) was stex. Nanno religious prohibitions that have arisen in recent century BC. e. In connection with the statement of Confucianism.

The largest surgeon of the ancient China is considered Hua. (141-208), which became famous as a skillful diagnostic. And the expert of Zhen-Tszy therapy. He successfully treated fractures, performed operations on the skull, chest and abdominal cavities. In one of the ancient Chinese books described the case of recovery of a patient, to whom Hua deleted part of the spleen. For anesthesia during Hua operations, Mafusan, Mandragor, as well as the acupuncture method, reaching the desired result by the introduction of one or two needles.

The strength of the ancient Chinese medicine was the prevention of disease. Even in the treatise, Nay Jing was noted: "The tasks of medicine are to heal the patients and strengthen health health."

There were important medical and preventive activities in ancient China were massage, medical gymnastics in Sin or (translated from whale Preservation of health and achieving longevity.

The Chinese chronicles are reported to the improvement of the ancient cities from the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. (Bridge, sewage, water supply). There are data on the broad introduction of variolations in order to prevent the disease of the PCOS. So, by legend in the XII century. BC e. During the epidemic of the Shaw, Chinese healers tried to prevent the dissemination of the disease in the nostrils of healthy children of crusts of obsolete pustula (girls in the right nostril, and the boys in the left).

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed for a long time isolated from other crops of the globe. So, in Europe, information about it was penetrated only in the XIII century.

In the modern world, traditional Chinese medicine plays an increasing role. The scientific study of her heritage is essential for the development of modern scientific medicine.

- I heard that many centuries ago people knew how to defend themselves from sieves.
- It is true and wrong.
- But they vaccinated themselves with the help of variolations!
- But this is completely incorrect. They did not vaccinate themselves, but they infected the lax dose of the virus. With variolations, a contagious street virus is used, taken from the patient. At vaccination - a weakened vaccine virus obtained from a sick cow.

Still in ancient China and India Doctors have developed a method for protecting people from smallpox by so-called variolations for this was collected by the siled crusts of the patient dried them and rubbed into fine powder. This powder was rubbed into the skin with a special spatula or a needle, which was covered with the surface of the skin, and sometimes blown into the nose to a healthy person, hoping to cause a light shape of his illness.

ReallyViolation defended many people. But since the natural smallpox virus was used for her, the variolation often caused severe illness and even death. The main trouble was that in the future the patient could infect people who were contacted with him, and even cause an epidemic outbreak of smallpox.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, when the OSAP spread widely throughout Europe, began to look for ways to protect the population from this infection. Members of the London Medical Royal Society decided to discuss all the "for" and "against" the method of variolation about which many travelers reported.

"Conversations about viruses", A.Sornodintsev

Periodization of history and healing

In the history of the healer of the ancient China, two large periods differ: the period of formation (XVIII - III century BC), when the oral tradition was dominated, and the period of the Han Empire (III century. Before and. E .-- III century . er), when the chronicles of the Han dynasty were compiled and the medical essays came up to us.

Philosophical Basics of Chinese Medicine

The teachings of the ancient Chinese philosophers about the material world gives rise to two opposition substances - female (yin) and male beginnings (Yang); The interaction and struggle of these began five elements (in Sin): water, fire, wood, metal and land, of which there is a variety of material world - "ten thousand things" (Wan from), including a person. A person is part of nature, part of the Great Triads of the sky - a man - the Earth, and is in harmony with the outside world.

The spontaneous and materialistic views of the ancient Chinese philosophers formed the basis of traditional Chinese medicine. Body structure - each organ corrected with the substances of Yin and Yang. Internal bodies perform the F-AI conservation and do not give the bodies stored in themselves and Organs Yang on the contrary (for example, the stomach, intestines). Anatomical knowledge was modest, as the openings were banned by the adoption of Confucianism. The idea of \u200b\u200bhealth - health is a state of equilibrium Yin and Yang in the body and the disease is a violation of this ratio. There is a difference relationships of these disorders, they were combined into several syndromes, which were divided into two groups: excess syndrome - Yang and lack syndrome - Yin. The variety of diseases was explained by the breadth of the body's interaction with the outside world and nature, the peculiarities of the organism itself, a long stay in one of the emotional states (anger, joy, sadness, etc.) and other natural reasons.

Traditional Chinese medicine

The art of diagnosis in ancient China was based on the following methods of patient examination: inspection of the skin, eye, mucous membranes and language; determining the general condition and mood of the patient; listen to sounds arising in the human body, determining his smells; Detailed patient survey; Pulse study; pressure on active points. Historical chronicles of Han-Dynasty are narrated about the wonderful healings that were carried out by Bianziu and his disciples, skillfully applying acupuncture and cavity, massage and local medicines. One of the greatest achievements of the philosophical thought of the ancient China is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe circular motion of blood and pulse. The test of the patient, they studied the pulse at least in nine points and distinguished up to 28 species of the pulse. In time, the method of study of the pulse turned into a slim doctrine of the pulse, which appeared Top diagnosis in ancient China.

A characteristic feature of traditional Chinese medicine is Zhen-Tszy therapy (Keith Zhen - acupuncture; Lat. Acupunctura; Kit. Tszyu - cavity). The empirical roots of this method go into deep antiquity, when it was noted that injections, cuts or injuries at certain points of the body lead to the healing of some ailments. Thus, on the basis of long observations, the philosophers and healers of the ancient China came to the conclusion about the existence of "life points", the irritation of which contributes to the regulation of life processes. They believed that through the holes done in the "life points", the disturbed equilibrium Yin-Yang began to start the yang from the body of the patient in the case of excess or enters the body in the event of its lack, as a result of which the disease disappears.

The first needles for acupuncture were stone. They had the finest hole in which they believed, the beginning of Yang was moving. Subsequently, the needle began to make not only silicon or jasper, but also from the bone, bamboo, and later from metals: bronze, silver (Fig. 36), gold, platinum and stainless steel. With the development of this method, the specialization of the needle is their division for species. In the treatise "Nejsin" described nine types of needles.

A rich variety of needle speaks of the breadth of acupuncture in antiquity: it was used to treat and prevent diseases, for pain relief during operations, as well as in combination with massage and migration method, i.e., thermal exposure to "life points" by means of lit cigarettes, Started with dry leaves of medicinal plants.

In ancient China, there were several methods of moxibustion. Direct cavity was carried out at the immediate vicinity of the burning cigarette from the body. When the method of indirect cigarette was at some distance from the point of exposure, and medicinal substances could be placed between the cigarette and the body. Calculation with warm needles combined in itself and acupuncture, and cavity: the cigarette was twisted around the needle and lit up when the needle was in the tissues; Thus, a combined effect was achieved (the effect of the needle and glowing medicinal plant).

Medicinal heal in ancient China has reached high perfection. Of the people's Chinese medicine included global practice: from plants - --enzhen, lemongrass, camphor, tea, rhubarb, resin; from animal products - deer panta, liver, gelatin; From mineral substances - iron, mercury, sulfur, etc. In 502, the first Chinese pharmacopoeia known in the world was created, in seven books of which given a description of 730 species of medicinal plants. In ancient China, there were institutions that are called pharmacies today.

The first special medical schools appeared in China also only in the Middle Ages (from the VI century). Prior to this, the knowledge of traditional healer was inherited or in a narrow circle of dedicated to.

The development of surgical treatment in ancient China (as well as the autopsy of human corpses) was stex. Nanno religious prohibitions.

The largest surgeon of the ancient China is considered Huago. (141--208), which became famous for the skillful diagnosis of the Expert of Zhen-Tszy therapy. He successfully treated fractures, performed operations on the skull, chest and abdominal cavities. For the anesthesia during Hua operations, the acupuncture method was used, achieving the desired result by the introduction of one or two needles.

The strength of the ancient Chinese medicine was the prevention of disease. Even in the treatise "Nejsin" noted: "The tasks of medicine are to heal the patients and strengthen healthy health."

He has long been an important medical and preventive events in ancient China were massage, medical gymnastics, based on the imitation of Aist, Monkey, Deer, Tigra and Bear, respiratory gymnastics, which was used in the people to preserve the health and achievements of longevity.

There are data on the broad introduction of variolations in order to prevent the disease of the PCOS. So, by legend in the XII century. BC e. During the epidemic of the Shaws, Chinese healers tried to prevent the dissemination of the disease with rubbing in the nostrils of healthy children of crusts of obsolete pustula.

About the emergence of medicine of ancient China in the middle of the 3th millennium BC. Tell legends and chronicles. The treatment methods developed by Chinese doctors influenced Japan and Korea medicine, Tibet and India. The doctrine of life canals and active points on the surface of the body of a person is one of the foundations of reflexotherapy - modern method diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The art of healing in ancient China, as in other countries, included knowledge about the set of medicinal products of plant and animal origin.

4.1. Narget of medical knowledge in ancient China

One of the first Chinese drugs who lived about five thousand years ago is considered the mythical emperor Shen Nun, who used all sorts of herbs to treat. According to legend, he compiled a description of about 70 poisons and antidces, died at the age of 140 and began after the death of the pharmacist deity. He is considered the author of one of the oldest "Canon on roots and herbs" in the world, containing a description of 365 medicinal plants. Preparing medicines from plants and the inhabitant of forests, the God of the longevity of Show-Sin, sending many years of life, not with dyeing diseases. His pet-satellite was a deer, giving high ranks and great salary. For the treatment of diseases also used numerous substances of animal origin and minerals.

According to ancient literary monuments, there have been four sections in Chinese medicine for three thousand years ago - internal diseases, surgery, dietary and veterinary medicine. In the X century, much earlier than in other countries of the East and the West, Chinese-Daoi monks who lived with hermits in the mountain caves, learned to make vaccinations against smallpox. The source of the vaccine material was observed crusts taken from the nose of the opposite person. To prevent the disease, they were injected into the nostrils on a cotton swab. Significantly later there was a method of applying a missing material on a scratch.

Ancient legend says about the appearance of vaccinations against smallpox. In the time of the Sun dynasty (at the end of the X century), all the sons of Wang Dana, the first minister of the emperor died from the shopping center. When he aged, he had another son, whom Wang Suh called. Fearing that this boy will die of smallpox, Wang Dan invited the best doctors to the court and declared them that when his son had an OSP, they would have to appear to him and cure a child with joint efforts. "There is only one doctor who can defeat OSPU. - The doctors answered, is a woman nun. She lives in a hut on the top of the mountain. The surrounding inhabitants bring to her patients with smallpox children, and all of them are recovering. " Immediately sent for the nun. Seeing the little Wang Suh, she put her hand on his head and said: "This child can instill an OPU: his air and blood are good, and the ancestors had indisputable virtues." The nuns took dry shelled crusts, pre-torn into powder, caused them to wet wadded tampons, lined with a red thread, and introduced them to the baby's nose in such a way that the thread hung outside. This allowed to easily remove the tampons and not give them to leave too far when inhaled air. After about an hour, the tampons were removed.

After 7 days, the child began in the child, and then showed signs of smallpox, which lasted 12 days and ended with complete recovery. Wang-Dan was delighted with such happiness and wanted to generously award a monk. However, she abandoned gold and instead he asked to provide benefits to the emperor in managing the state, after which he returned to her mountain hut.

Historical parallels: In Europe, vaccinations from smallpox became known much later. The emergence of them is associated with the works of the English doctor E. Jenner (1749-1823). He developed an off-position vaccine and in 1796. For the first time, Imply instilled in an eight-year-old boy. Attempts to infect this boy with smallpox at first in a half, then - five months after the vaccination did not give results. The vaccination made a boy immispusable to the disease.

Chinese doctors knew how to save gambling crusts in such a way as to weaken the danger of infection without losing grafting efficiency. This is how it outlined this ancient art in 1741. The famous Chinese doctor Zhang Yan in his work "On the vaccination of smallpox": "Method of storage of material. Carefully wrap the scratched crusts in paper and put in a small bottle. Tightly block it so that the crusts do not lose their activity. You can not hold a bottle in the sun or heat it. Better for some time wearing her for yourself so that the crusts dried naturally. On the bottle should clearly mark the date of the test of the patient.

In winter, the material has the power of Yang, so it retains activity for 30-40 days. In the summer, Yang is saved for about 20 days. "

What kind of "power yang" argues Zhang Yan? Let us dwell in detail on those aspects of Chinese medicine whose roots are in the natural philosophy of the ancient China.

4.2. Philosophical Aspect of Medicine Ancient China

Chinese medicine is rooted in a deep past and is associated with an ancient philosophy, according to which there is a great triad: the sky-earth. The unity of two starts - land and sky (Yin and Yang) is the source of all things in the universe, their combination and interaction determine the alternation of cosmic phenomena. Yin - Women's Beginning, its quality - immersion, fall, peace; Yang - Male Start, His Quality - Spawling, Lifting, Movement. These views were reflected in classical Chinese poetry:

And man lives

Between heaven and this earth

So frantically as if

He is a wanderer in the far path.

As a stream like a stream

Always moving Yin and Yang,

The term released to us

Like the morning dew.

Initially for interpretation of the essence of yin and yang used phenomena everyday life. For example, Yin marked the darkened side of the subject, Yang - illuminated; Yin - right side Body, Yang - left; Yin - Cold, Jan - Heat. Yin and Yang could not exist isolated from each other: "If Yang retreats, the yin increases, and if Yin retreats, an increase in Yang". Harmony Yin and Yang symbolizes widely known graphic image Dark and light started in the circle - Tai Ji (Kit. - "The Grand Limit", "Great One"). Sometimes this symbol is called a monad.

Tai Ji.

Thai Ji and the human body man obeys the same laws as the Universe, so his life and health are determined by the relationship with the outside world, in particular, with the time of year. "Install the harmony with Yin and Yang," says the ancient Chinese treatise, it means to establish harmony with four time of the year. If you argue with them, you will destroy life; If you live with them in harmony - forget about the disease. " With Yin and Yang, an idea of \u200b\u200btwo types of diseases - "hot", originating from an excess of inner heat, and "cold" caused by its disadvantage. Diseases emanating from the cold were treated with "warm" drugs, and "hot" is cold. Parts of the human body, its internal organs are divided into two groups - Yin and Yang, in accordance with the symbol of Thai Ji.

Five originated the universe

Yin and Yang - sources of five originated the universe: "... Yang changes and Yin is always with him. So water, fire, wood, metal and earth occurs. Of them consist of all the diversity of things in the universe. The philosophers of ancient China believed that the elements are constantly in motion and relationships. So, for example, the tree generates the fire and overcomes the land, water generates a tree and overcomes the fire.

Historical parallels:

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe elements - the primary elements of nature was characteristic of the natural philosophes of ancient India, Greece and Rome. Later they were borrowed by Arab and European medicine. It is interesting to compare the time of the appearance of the elements in China and Greece. One of the first statements of the exercise about the five elements in ancient China belongs to the philosopher of Tzu-Si (V-IV centuries. BC). In Greece, the formation of ideas about the four elements-initial (fire, water, earth, air) is connected with the Miletsky school VI-vee. BC. (Falez, Anaximen, Heraclitis) and EmPedoclom from Agrigent (VV. BC). This theory received a classic completion in the works of Aristotle (IV. BC).

Five initially - the initial elements of the cyclical Chinese calendar, which had favorable and unfavorable days to use certain methods of treating diseases. The sixty-year-old cycle of this ancient calendar is still adopted in many nations of the East. Every year it receives name for one of 12 animals: mice, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snakes, horses, sheep, monkeys, roosters, dogs and pigs. In addition, the color symbolism of five elements is taken into account. Therefore, for example, we say: "Year of the Black Horse", "Year of the White Dragon".

Historical parallels: so far is connected with this oriental calendar

astrology in the countries of the East. She plays a big role in Chinese, Indian and Tibets

what medicine, prescribing the dates of preparation of drugs and predicting the course of diseases.

The basis of the medical astrology of the East also differs from medical astrology

The West, as a cyclic oriental calendar differs from the traditional Western with its orientation on zodiac constellations.

The entire system of publicity of the person and the universe was taken into account by Chinese doctors in the appointment of methods for treating diseases and making medicines. The system of magical numbers played a big role, a special place among which belongs to Number 5. The five elements corresponded to the doctrine of five categories of human character, about five temperaments. Power and human health Feed five plants: rice, millet, barley, wheat and soybeans. The movements of Chinese gymnastics were likened to "Games of five animals" - lion, deer, bear, monkeys and birds. Recipes of drugs made of medicinal plants were compiled in such a way that they achieved the right combination of five tastes. The Chinese lemongrass was called the "fruit of five tastes" and revered by doctors precisely because all tastes are kept in the fruits of this plant: it is sweet, the flesh is sour, the seeds are bitter and tart, and the tincture of them has a sillous taste.

Folk medicine associated the appearance of diseases with the influence of evil spirits embodied in animal images. Their quantity was often determined by a magical number 5:

- Snake, a thousandbrow, scorpion, toad and lizard personified 5 types of evil influences, especially dangerous for children. It was believed that when they were expelled from the house with a shovel and a broom, then diseases are driven;

- Fox, ferret, rat, Yozh and Snake embodied 5 generations of evil magicians who sent diseases to people.

For the protection of diseases sent by evil spirits and demons, they treated gods-guardians.

Five elements associated the structure of nature (macrososmos) with the structure of a person (microcosm). This connection is reflected in the table below.

Historical parallels: the relationship of the structures of Macrocosmos and Microcosmos wrote philosophers of many countries of the Ancient East. Such ideas are also characteristic of Medicine of Greece and Rome, the European Middle Ages and the Renaissance Epoch. We will get acquainted with them in the relevant sections.

Analogy of macrocosmos and microcosmos in Chinese natural philosophy

NATURE (MacroCosmos)

Fivefirst elements(Elements)

HUMAN (microcosm)


Five influencesnature.

Five sidessveta












the change





leather Ivolosi.





Pay attention to five emotions. Chinese medicine attributes to them, as well as five virtues, an important role in treating diseases. Here is an ancient testimony of the famous doctor of the kingdom of Song (IV century BC) Wen Zhi. His name is known to us from the medical text shown in S.51-52.

The King Qi appeared sores. We sent people to the kingdom of Sun for Wen Zhi. He appeared and, looking at the sores of the king, told the heir: the royal disease is healing, but for this will have to kill me, Ji. " The heir asked what is the reason. The doctor replied: "It is impossible to heal this ailion, if not to brush the king. If I warm it up, I will have to die. " Then the heir, leaning in front of him, began to beg for: "If the king is recovering, I am my mother with all my might ask for you in front of my father, and the king, of course, will decline to our Molubas. I ask you, do not doubt. " Wen Ji said: "Good. Since you insist that I save the king at the cost of my own life ... ".

And he began to come to the royal son at all times and with him to be together to the king. After he did it three times, the king fell into a strong anger. Then Wen Ji came to the king again, climbed with his legs to the royal bed and inquired about the course of the disease. The king from anger could not extract a word. And Wen Ji intentionally talked to unpain the king even more. Then the king cursed, got up, and his ailments passed. But he was in such anger that she ordered live a doctor to cook.

The heir to the mother crushed him to cancel the order, but did not achieve anything. Wen Zhi began to boil in Tagan, boiled three days and three nights, but he did not even change in his face. Finally, he said: "If you really want to kill me, close the tagan with a lid to interrupt the connection between the forces of Yin and Yang." The king ordered to close Tagan, and Wen Zhi died. So, following the medical debt, one of the great doctors of the ancient China finished his life.

"Qi" - life force

In a conversation about the philosophical aspect of the medicine of ancient China, it is impossible not to mention the concept of qi. "All creatures," wrote in V c. BC. The great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu is, they carry Yin and Yang in themselves, filled with qi and form harmony. " Qi is the vital force associated with blood and breathing, the characteristic of the rhythmic work of the human body as a whole, the totality of all its systems. Under the action of yin, it moves down, under the action of Yang - up and is constantly in the process of thickening or dispersion. All things in the world, including the person - filled with qi. Congacious, it forms visible things, in a state of limiting dispersion is emptiness.

Historical parallels: literally qi means "gas", "ether". Sometimes this concept is translated as "pneuma". The meaning of his close to the interpretation of the pneuma by Egyptian doctors. "When qi is thickening, - teaches the Chinese treatise XI century. "Zheng Meng" ("instructions are unreasonable"), - it becomes obvious and bodily forms arise. When qi dissipates, it is no longer obvious, and there are no bodily forms. "

These arguments resemble the teaching of the Greek philosopher Anaximman, the representative of the Miletsky school (VI century. BC), who considered the primary world the infinite air. All things in the world, in its opinion, are formed from air by increasing or thickening. The result of air loss - fire, thickening - fog, water, stones, earth and all things in the world. The air is in a continuous movement: if he was immobile, he, as Anaximen considered, could not be modified and generate a variety of things.

Qi determines the human energy. For a doctor there are quite specific sources of qi in the body. Their three:

- hereditary (mortgaged from birth)

- caused by the features of breathing,

- caused by food.

Historical parallels:

Let us remember the legend known to us about the origin of the vaccinations from smallpox (p.67). Putting a hand on the head of the child, the nun said the following words: "... his air and blood are good, and the ancestors had indisputable virtues." They concluded the characteristic of qi. According to the ideas of doctors of ancient China, the heredity received by a person from birth includes first of all the state of health of the ancestors, but their moral qualities, "indisputable virtue." In various philosophical schools of the ancient China qi meant morality, the moral spirit, the desire for the truth.

Chinese medicine pays so much attention to respiratory gymnastics precisely because breathing forms qi. Food is considered as "nutrition of five primary elements" in the human body and does not at all reduce dietary prescriptions depending on a certain disease. These three sources form the so-called inner qi, and the outer qi circulates through the life channels on the body surface. We will talk about them in more detail in the next section.

Historical parallels:

Currently, a Chinese system of treating diseases, health and extension of life has been widely known. Literal translation of this name is "work with qi". The goals of this work may be different: the accumulation, moving qi, managing it with the help of thought on the principle "The thought leads qi, qi leads blood." There are many types of qigong: workouts for the purpose of treating and general strengthening the body, use in military art and religious practice. In Beijing in 1989, an international society was established to study the art of qigong, capable of regulating the metabolism in the human body, increase the resistance of diseases, to warn and treat diseases, slow down aging and extend their lives.

With ideas about five elements, about the energy of Qi and two origins of Nature Yin and Yang connected popular in our days the art of Feng Shui ("Water" and "Wind"), which arose in China about 5000 years ago. His goal is to achieve the optimal effect of the healing energy of Qi on the health and well-being of a person.

4.3. The treatment method of Zhen-Tszyu (acupuncture and cavity)

In ancient times, the main method was born, with the help of which Chinese doctors were treated with patients - "Zhen-Tszyu". What it is? "Zhej" - acupuncture, "Tszyu" - cavity.

Art acupuncture

The legend binds the appearance of acupuncture with the name of the famous sage fu-si who lived at the beginning of the III Millennium BC. The tradition attributes to him the first observation of heavenly luminaries and the invention of the doctrine of Yin and Yang - the two principles of all things in the universe. According to legend, he taught people to build houses and bridges, catch the fish with a network and care for five pets - a horse, bull, chicken, pig and a ram. Fu-si was a great healer. He compiled a prescription on how the cold was watched in winter, and in the summer - the exhaust heat, how to maintain healthy air and good blood in the body. But its main achievement in medicine was the creation of the teachings on life channels and active points located on the human body.

Historical parallels: the estimated lifetime of FU-SI, the beginning of the II civilian BC, coincides with the time of the life of the Egyptian patron of healing Imchotepa (p.35). Like him, Fu-Si was not only a doctor, but also - an astrologer and builder.

"In ancient times," the legend tells, "when China's Fu-Si rules, knowledgeable in many sciences, a head fell ill with one of his subjects." This man is so zalenogo that neither day or night did not find peace. Once, treating the field, he accidentally hit himself on his foot by a hoe and noticed a strange thing: the headache passed after that hit. Since then, local residents with headaches have become purposeless to hit themselves on the leg of a stone wreck. Having learned about this, the emperor tried to replace painful blows by stone with a stone needle, and the results turned out good. In the future, it turned out that such injections applied to certain places on the body help not only with headaches, but also with other diseases. It was observed that the impact on some points of the body leads to getting rid of pain or indisposition. For example, the compression of the central fifth of the upper lip allows you to derive a patient from the faint condition, and the introduction of the needle at certain points at the base of the first and second fingers is healing from insomnia.

Historical parallels: Methods of exposure to the active points of the body are also known in medicine of other peoples. Residents of South Africa, wanting to cure from many diseases, scratch sink certain points on the body; The arabs in the treatment of the radiculitis are migrated part of the ear with a heated metal rod; Eskimos apply injections by pointed stone.

In the field of biology and medicine there are many discoveries, but one complex riddle It is not possible to solve now for several thousand years. This is the mystery of "life channels" passing through the body surface.

Each channel is associated with a defined internal organ. The body channels, like the points on them, are invisible, however, they really exist, since between them and the internal organs there are constant mutual dependence. Impact on the internal organs through these points by acupuncture and causthing methods underlies one of the main treatments in Chinese medicine. The first literary data on the use of such a method belong to the VI B. BC. They are set forth in the "Canon's internal" ("Nay-Jing", about the II century. BC) - one of China's oldest medical books.

Historical parallels:

In modern medicine of the East and the West, the doctrine of life channels and active points located on the surface of the human body is widely used. With the help of various appliances in the field of active points (often they are called watt-biologically active points), electrical and magnetic phenomena were found, as well as radiation carrying certain information. Modern science It is inclined to consider the energy of qi, focused on these points, as a certain type of matter - electric, magnetic, acoustic, light.

The first needles were stone. Later began to produce them from silicon or jasper, from bone and bamboo, from metals: bronze, silver, gold, platinum, stainless steel. There were 9 forms of needles; Among them were cylindrical, flat, round, triangular, spear, needles with sharp and blunt end.

Such needles were intended not only for acupuncture, they also served surgical instruments. For example, the sharp "sweat" needle was used to open injections; The needle with a round end served to split muscle during operations; A thin needle with a blunt end was used to treat those patients who were afraid of injections: instead of injection, they simply pressed into the appropriate points. For the treatment of children, "skin" needles made with the help of which shallow, surface injections were applied. Modern needles are made, as a rule, of silver or higher grades of stainless steel. When administered, they do not destroy tissues because they have a very thin rod.


Active points were affected not only acupuncture, but also by cauterization. This method is sometimes mentioned in Chinese literature under such poetic names as the "wonderful needle with a thunder burn" or "Night hunting with torches." In the old days it was believed that the burning should cause a burn. "Irritation from outside, the effect inside" - says the old Chinese saying. The ignition was performed using a rolled metal stick, lit powder of sulfur, chopped pieces of garlic.

Modern doctors for treatment are usually used by Mox (wormwood), which gives

only pleasant warmth. Traditionally it is believed that the effectiveness of causticism increases with an increase in the storage period of the wet. For example, for the treatment of a disease that emerged 7 years ago, Mox was recommended, which was kept for at least 3 years. Cigarettes and cautions for moxibustion were stuck dried and tightly compressed wormwood; Sometimes other medicinal plants were added to it. Calculation as a method of prevention and treatment of diseases was widely distributed in Japan, Korea, Vietnam and many other countries of the East.

Learning art "Zhen-Tszyu"

Comprehension of the art "Zheny-Tszyu" was very difficult and demanded a long time. The student was supposed to explore not only the location of active points on "life canals", but also complex interrelations between them. "The needle needs to take as cautiously, how to approach the tigra," teaches an old Chinese saying.

First state institutionwhere traditional medicine was taught - the Imperial Medical School - originated in China only in the Middle Ages. The school had 20 students, 1 teacher with an assistant, 20 instructors and 20 masters for the manufacture of needles. Great importance For teaching, there was the creation of the two first bronze figures, which were cast in full human growth under the guidance of the Van Wei-and in 1027, on the surface of the figures, all points and their names were indicated. Each point corresponded to a deep channel for the introduction of the needle. Outside, the figure was covered with wax, and from the inside filled with water: if the student introduced the needle correctly, a drop of water was performed on the surface of the figure. A year before that, in 1026 Van Wei-and finished work on the "Atlas of Points" which was the first official acupuncture manual. From the XIII century. Copying figures began, the acupuncture method went beyond China and began to spread in other Asian countries, then penetrated into Europe and America. In Russia, the first message about it was made in the late 20s. XIX century

Traditional Chinese medicine is distributed in the modern world. The World Health Organization in 1980 recognized acupuncture by a scientifically substantiated method and recommended that it in the practice of treating various diseases.

4.4. Research Pulse

One of the great achievements of the doctors of ancient China is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe circular flow of blood. In the "Canon on the inner" it is said that the heart continuously drives blood in a circle, and about the movement of blood, the doctor can judge the pulse. "Pulse is the inner essence of a hundred body parts and the most subtle expression of the inner spirit." Chinese doctors distinguished more than 20 types of pulse. They concluded that each organ and each process in the body have its own expression in the pulse, and by changing the pulse at several points you can not only determine the human disease, but also to predict its outcome. This teaching is set out in the "Canon on Pulse" (III century. AD).

Sometimes the pulse was studied not by the hour, but by the breath of the patient, and each study of the pulse should have corresponded to nine full respiratory movements. In cases where the patient's breath is difficult or uneven, some medical essays offered to explore the pulse, using the doctor's breath instead of hours. The time required for a complete test of the pulse was about 10 minutes.

Historical parallels: the tradition of attentive study of the patient's pulse was characteristic of medical knowledge different countriesHowever, it was in Chinese medicine that it was developed most deeply. Later, the doctrine of the pulse was developed in the medical writings of Arabs and from Arab treatises passed into medicine of medieval Europe. We will listen to how the glorious Arabic doctor Avicene writes about this:

Fluctuated pulsations frequency,

How to recognize is not easy task.

One pulse from the artery one,

And another artery is different.

The irregularity of the pulse is also there,

Who are the hardest to take into account.

After all, they have a characteristic rhythm:

Behind the long sound occurs failure. -

For a strong weak impact,

To disassemble - a special gift is needed.

It happens the pulse is measured, chaotic,

Rhythm is quite different from rhythm.

Here are the pulses that we have been known for a long time.

Here each name is given:

"Mouse tail" is not known,

It goes like a tail.

Still eating a pulse, how quail sings,

There is a pulse, twice or more often beats.

It happens the pulse that cuts like a saw,

It happens a ringing, as if I saw.

High pulse and holly, like a wicker,

Intermittent and frequent as a check.

One is similar to the Soviet ants,

Another is similar to the racing waves.

Other friend is opposite more

Cell and deaf, trembling.

Chathing almost not distinguish

The decline of the forces comes with it.

All types of pulse are difficult to count,

Know many of them is a great honor.

The founder of the pulse diagnosis in China is considered the famous philosopher and a doctor Bian Qiao (VI century. BC). The story about him begins the next section dedicated to the great doctors of the ancient China.

4.5. Great doctors of ancient China

Bian Qiao

The name of this great doctor entered the saying. When in China, they want to say about the amazing mastery of the doctor, they say: "This is a living Bian Qiao." He considered the disease as a result of the violation of the ratio of the body with the external environment and believed that when prescribing treatment methods, the climate and character of a person should be taken into account, its feeding mode.

Most of the life of Bian Qiau spent on travels around the country, helping the patients get rid of ailments. It recommended that four methods of diagnosing diseases: inspection, survey, listening and researching the pulse.

Historical chronicles report that in childhood, Bian Tsyo met the monk-Daoist, he studied for 10 years and received an ancient book about the medical art as a gift from his teacher, who studied all his life. Many legends are folded about his extraordinary ability to see things through obstacles - through the wall, through the clothes and the skin of a person. This ability passed by him by the teacher made it possible to see pathological changes in the internal organs of a person who did not resort to conventional diagnostic methods. This is what one of the legends tells about it.

In the old days, China was not a single state, but consisted of a variety of principalities. During the wanderings, Bian Qiao arrived in one of them and the prince, heard about his medical art, left him as a courtheaster. Once the doctor appealed to the prince with such words:

- You got sick, the disease is in the skin. If you do not cure it, can be


The prince replied that he feels quite healthy, and when Bian Qiao retired, he told the court:

- This doctor seeks only to his own advantage: to achieve fame and

income, he treats those who have no disease.

Five days later, Bian Qiao said the prince:

- Your disease penetrated blood vessels. If not to treat it, there will be more

great complications.

However, the prince felt healthy and only laughed at the doctor. Passed five more days. Bian Tsyo said:

- Your illness is already in the stomach and in the guts, she became serious.

Nothing answered the prince for these words. And when he saw a doctor in another five days, Bian Qiao, looking at him, silently and left, without saying a word. Soon the prince felt ailment and sent for the doctor. When Bian Qiao led to the palace, he said the prince:

- when the disease was in the skin, it could be cured by therapeutic washing and

cavity mox; When the disease passed into the blood vessels, for cure

there was enough acupuncture; When the disease was in the guts and in the stomach, from her

it was possible to escape the presentation of medicinal herbs with vodka and vinegar. Now

the disease is already in the bone's brain. You could not even heal from her even the Spirit,

which manages life and death.

A few days later, the prince became very bad. The messengers sent by the doctor did not find it. Bian Qiao left the principality, and his ruler soon died.

Historical parallels: Bian Qiao is sometimes called "Chinese Hippocratic" (the great Greek doctor was his younger contemporary). The name of Bian Qiao enjoys respect and worship not only in China, but also in other countries of the East, it is mentioned in the legends and monuments of classical poetry. Here is one of the beautiful samples of the medieval poetry of Korea:

Just twelve months a year,

But every thirty days such as this

Where every hour and every moment

Filled sadness about you.

She lies in my heart

Similar to unknown illness:

Bian Qiao could not cope with her

And there is no medicine from it anywhere.

Bian Qiao used acupuncture and cavity in his practice, rubbing medicines, medicinal decoctions. In addition, he was a famous surgeon. It is believed that he carried out operations with anesthesia, for which a drink with narcotic substances was used. However, the genuine flourishing of Chinese surgery is associated with the name of the wonderful doctor Hua (II-III centuries. AD).


Hua was an excellent diagnostic, and for treatment, both traditional methods for Chinese medicine methods - acupuncture and migration and new - bloodletting, watering and their own gymnastics system, which is called classical Chinese gymnastics in our time. He offered to patients to imitate the possess of animals - pull the neck, raise his hands, lean, bending your legs. Here are examples of the name of the exercise in the style of "steaming crane": "Raising the wings and touch of water", "Deploying the wings and taning of water." Imitating the movements of the bear, the man climbed onto the tree and hung on the branch; Like Owl, he turned his head and looked back at the time that the whole body remained motionless.

The gymnastics invented Hua gym did not accidentally call the "game of five animals": the doctor wanted to present this therapeutic method as entertainment to distract the patient from thinking about the disease, make him forget about pain, increase the mood. He wrote: "The human body needs work and movement, but in moderation, for rational labor can help digestion, to force the blood to appear faster, and this will contribute to the prevention of a person from diseases. Compare this with the door king: it does not rot because all the time rotates. "

Historical parallels: The movements of the Chinese gymnastics, designed to form the right movement of the energy of Qi on the external and internal channels in the human body, look unusual for us. They are not at all similar to the traditional movements of the European gymnastics: some resemble plastic dances, others are similar to the receiving hand-to-hand contractions.

The various types of therapeutic and preventive Chinese gymnastics are now widely used, often in combination with a massage, which is produced not only by tassels and fingers, but also elbows, and even legs. The tradition of Chinese massage has more than two thousand years, it was already in ancient times, it was used to treat diseases associated with violation of movement and sensitivity. "If the nerves and blood vessels of the human body cleaned," the "Canon's inner" says, "and the human body is numb, then with the help of massage you can cure it."

Still, first of all, Hua was a surgeon. He became famous for the skill, with whom he spent the most difficult operations, used for stitching RAS Silk, jute and cannabis threads, fiber of a tight tree, tendons of tigers, calves and lambs. Before our time, there were legends on the art of Hua that in carrying out operations, among whom - the removal of half the spleen. Emperor's brother's cure has acquired greater fame famous commander Prince Guan Guna, who during the battle was injured in the hand of a poisoned arrow. During the operation, it became clear that the poison penetrated the bone: it became dark blue. However, Hua was removed the poison with the help of a miraculous powder prepared. Guan Gun not only did not lose his arms, but could bend and blend her, as before, without feeling any pain.

IN historical chronicles The mention of the extraordinary ability of Hua will be preserved to produce operations under general anesthesia, as well as process seams by a balm accelerating recovery. Unfortunately, we did not react information about his medicines and the details of its operating technology. It is believed that he used painful agents - the juice of Indian cannabis, Mandragore, Beadonna and others. "Hua, first gave a sick potion, inscribed on alcohol, from which he drove and lost sensitivity," the treatise III in., "After that, he was cut by the belly ... after stitching, the seams were lubricated with miraculous ointment, and after 4-5 days the wound. He was heal, and after a month, the patient recovered. "

All the life of Hua, like Bian Qiao, spent in the wanders. New, unusual treatment methods that he used, sometimes caused discontent and misunderstanding both from other doctors and from patients. There is a legend that the Grand Surgeon was executed in 208 by order of the cruel ruler of the Bay principality due to the fact that the proposed treatment was considered an attempt on the life of the prince. Hua was imprisoned and sentenced to death.

Song Smyao

Wonderful Chinese alchemist and doctor Song Smyao (VI-VII centuries. AD), known as the "Tsar of Drugs", lived for a thousand years later, Bian Qiao and five hundred and later Hua. He was the author of 30-languid medical work, which for centuries served as a kind of medical encyclopedia of the doctors of China, Korea and Japan. One volume is fully dedicated to the teaching about the pulse. A lot of amazing legends have been preserved about the art of this doctor. Here is one of them.

When the wife of the emperor got sick, Song Syuao was called to the capital and spent on the female half of the palace. Having heard about the coming visit of the famous doctor, the Empress decided to make fun and experience his art. According to the etiquette of that time, the doctor could not see her and even talk to her: she was separated from him with dense shirms. In order to explore the patient's pulse, the doctor asked to tie her wrist fine thread and stretch to him through the End of this thread. However, the Empress deceived Suna:. He was given a thread, the end of which was tied to the leg of the chair on which she was sitting. Sun took a thread, pulled and said: "I am misleading me; The thread is tied to a living being, but to the tree. " Then the thread was tied to the dog's paw. Sun again pulled the thread, carefully observed after the jersends, which she passed, and detectively said: "You are still experiencing me. Felt by me the pulse cannot belong to a person. This is the pulse of the animal. " The scientist affected by the wisdom, the Empress finally tied a thread to his wrist. "Now I feel the pulse of a woman," the doctor said, "I defined your illness and send you a medicine."

In the compositions and medical practice of Sun Symyao, the close relationship of Chinese medicine with alchemical art was reflected, with which doctors prepared numerous medicines from minerals and metals. One of the largest alchemists of his time, Song Syuao became famous for the invention of gunpowder, for which he received the nickname "Prince Powder". The composition of the gunpowders included three main components - nitrate, sulfur and charcoal. Sulfur and Selitra were widely used in China in the II century. BC. For medicinal preparation. They were also part of the "elixir of immortality", the receipt of which was the main goal of Alchemy Ancient China. With these substances, Smyao soup experiments conducted experiments. In his treatise "Canon about the search for Elixir Immorteration" ("Dan Dzzin") describes in detail the experiments in which the flame flame is obtained when influencing equal shares and nitrates with charcoal. The elixir of immortality also included various herbs and minerals, such as stamens and stalks of the lotus, flowers of chrysanthemum. They were used as rejuvenating agents.

Historical parallels: Chinese alchemy, unlike Western, first of all, the science of the ways to achieve immortality. It is very important to understand that the very idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality in China and in the West was different. For Chinese doctors and alchemists, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortality of a person was traditionally connected with an ancient religious teaching, recognizing only bodily, physical immortality. It was believed that immortal beings were "celestial" inwhelmed in various fields of the physical world, mainly high in the mountains or on distant islands. Already in IV-IIIIVV. BC. The kings sent their physicians there so that they find "immortal" there and recognized the recipe for the magic drug - "Elixir of Immersion." The goal of Chinese alchemy was formulated in Alchemical Treatise IIIV. : "Gold must be prepared so that I love him, a person could achieve eternal life and become one of the immortal." The name "Gold" combines many elixirs - "Golden Juice", "Golden Cinear" and others. The religious doctrine of the immortality of the soul came to China along with Buddhism from India through Central Asia in I B. However, after that, the traditional for the natural philosophy of the ancient China remained the idea that it was enough to fulfill the ritual and accept the "drug" to achieve immortality. It is bright and figuratively transmitted in the poem "Immortality" - one of the masterpieces of classical Chinese poetry. The author was an outstanding poet of Cao Ji (192-232)


Heavenly gate to me,

From the bird feathers, I put the dress;

Cutting the dragon, I am no reason

Where my fellows are waiting for me.

I am flying forward to the eastern side,

To the country of immortal at the borders of Panlay

You are a drug when they told me

And you will forever live, not dying.

With the elixir of immortality, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "lunar hare" is connected. The legend tells that when the Buddha suffered from hunger, the hare rushed into the fire to feed him. The Buddha reward sent him to the moon. There in the magic mortar from Agata, he throws the drugs, which are part of the elixir of immortality. The "lunar hare" sometimes is called "doctor", "wonderful hare" or "Agate Zaita". Mortar of agate, which came to European alchemy from the countries of the Ancient East, still enjoy the chemists of the whole world.