History of the Russian Guard. Guard is the elite of the army

"... in order to revive and develop domestic military traditions, raising the prestige of military service and in connection with the 300-year anniversary of the Russian Guard decree:

From the Decree of the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin

The co-service has always been the most honorable and respected in Russia. And this is not by chance, because during the thousand-year history of the Russian state, our ancestors constantly accounted for weapons to defend the independence and integrity of their country.

The heroes of the battles always occupied a special place among the armed defenders of the Motherland, who did not immediately defend the freedom and independence of the Fatherland. From such people and the Russian Guard was created. Without exaggeration, we can say that for more than a three hundred years of the history of its existence, the Guardsmen entered the most memorable pages in the routine chronicle of the Russian state.

The guards traditionally called the selected, privileged, better than other trained and equipped part of the troops. The word "Guard" basically has an ancient fever root, which means "suture, defend, protect". It was the core of the army, armed groups, held directly at the monarch, often performing the functions of his personal guard.

The Guard in Russia was established at the beginning of the reign of Peter I from the "funny" Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments. The first mention of the Russian Guards Parties is provided in the historic chronicle russian army In connection with the fighting campaigns of Petrov troops under Azov and Narva. In the archive of Semenovsky Regiment, there is information that he already in 1698 was called Semyan Life Guard. In 1700, during the Narva "Confucius", two Guards Regiment held back the Natisk Swedes for three hours, for which the Ober-officers of these regiments were awarded a special silver sign of differences (the most ancient in Russia) with the inscription: "1700, November 19".

In the reign of Peter I, the Guard was replenished mainly by nobles. Officers enjoyed privileges and had a seniority of two ranks compared to army. Only after significant combat losses in the guards parts began to admit recruits and translations of military personnel from other parts for dunklement.

In the royal guard, recruits-soldiers were selected in appearance: in the Preobrazhensky regiment - the highest and blonde, in Semenovsky - blondes, in Izmailovsky - brunettes, in Life-Events - easy addition with any color of the hair. So the soldiers of the Life Guard of the Moscow Regiment were red, Grenadier - Brunette, Pavlovsky - red and smoky.

From the end of the XVIII century, in Russia, the sign of the Guards Regiment began to serve the banner (previously they were considered an intermediate affiliation). From this time, the Guards Banner becomes a symbol of military honor, valor and glory. History has kept a lot of examples of heroic exploits under the guards signs.

The first naval part of the Russian Imperial Guard - Guards crew - was officially formed in 1810 by decree of Emperor Alexander I. For completions from the fleet, the most worthy sailors and officers were taken from the fleet, such a translation was made as a reward for the differences on the personal order of the emperor. In fact, in Peter I, the first court rowing team was formed, which was subsequently converted to an increase in the status and addition of new features in the Guards crew.

In battles Patriotic War 1812, the Guardsmen covered themselves with disadvantaged fame, which is an example of the true ministry of the debris. Blood entered into the military history of the Fatherland feat of the Self-sacrifice of the Kavaleargrads in Austerlitsky Battle on November 20, 1805, when they went to the right death, saving the bleeding Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments from the significantly superior forces of the French cavalry. The sea guards crew in the mountainous troops also participated in the most significant battles: for Smolensk, under Borodino, under Dresden and Leipzig. In the historic Borodino battle on August 26, 1812. At the walls of Moscow, the seafarers-guards destroyed the division of the division General Disson and their artillery thickened the soldiers of the French Marshals Davu, Neya, Juno and Cavalry Murat.

The first ship of the Guards crew of Russia was the 74-gun sailing linear ship "Azov", which was commanded by the captain of 1 rank M.P. Lazarev, in the future is a famous fleet. On October 8, 1827, in the famous Navarino battle of the united fleet of Russia, England and France against the Turkish-Egyptian fleet, fighting simultaneously with five Turkish ships, "Azov", destroyed four, and the fifth, 80-cannon linear ship under the flag of the commander of the enemy fleet, Made to throw stranded. In this battle, Aziz officers were especially distinguished: Lieutenant P.S. Nakhimov, Michman V.A. Cornilov and Gardemarin V.I. Istomin. The highest award for successful fighting in this battle and was pleased with the "Azov". At the end of the Crimean War, all crews of the Black Sea Fleet (from 29th to 45th) were awarded by St. George bannyable flags with the inscription: "For the defense of Sevastopol from September 13, 1854 to August 27, 1855."

So the combat glory was created and the traditions of the Russian Guard were laid.

It was quite natural that the Russian Guard, which ceased to exist in 1918, was revived in the Terrible years of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

In fierce battles, the fighters and commanders of the Red Army demonstrated the world the love for their Fatherland, their people, loyalty to the military oath. On the battlefield, they acquired combat experience and disappeared the intentions of the invaders. So during the Smolensk battle, which launched in mid-July 1941 in the Western Strategic Direction, the Soviet troops forced the enemy for almost two months to go to the defense and detained his promotion to Moscow. It was the first strategic success of the Soviet Armed Forces. It is here, in the battles on the approaches to Moscow, subholenny, in 1941 the pride of the army - Guard - received his second birth. In the harsh, reflection of the fascist aggression, the need to revive the tested by the time of the glorious tradition of the Russian army was the creation of the most skilled and brave fighters of the shock parts, which were example for all soldiers and support for the command. The Soviet Guard was heading to the most difficult areas of the front and everywhere performed combat missions. No wonder in the war they said: "Where the Guard is coming, - the enemy does not resist. Where the Guard defends himself, the enemy does not pass. "

In September 1941, the concept of "Guards Part" was introduced in the Red Army. For military personnel of the Guards Parts On May 21, 1942, the guard sign "Guard" was established, and for the fleet guardsmen - a rectangular plate with an orange mug ribbon with black longitudinal stripes. At the same time, the Guards military ranks were introduced in the current army.

The first ships received the title of Guards on April 3, 1942. Order No. 72 of the People's Commissar of the Navy Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsova Guards became four submarines of the Northern Fleet: D-3 "Krasnogvardets", submarine "K-22", "M-171" and "M-174". From the composition of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, the first Guards ships were the Squaded Martyr "Resistant", the Mint Barrel "Marty" and the Gafel Flower. And the largest and most powerful combat ship of the Black Sea Fleet - the cruiser "Red Caucasus - was awarded the Guards title. For a decisive contribution to the heroic defense of Sevastopol, by order of the NK NK NCM No. 138 dated June 18, 1942, the 1st separate artillery division of the Coastal Defense of the Black Sea Fleet, which for that period the 30th and 35th armored batteries were awarded, the Guards rank was assigned. On the walls of the victim in the unequal battle of the 30th battery, enemy soldiers wrote "... the most powerful fortress of the world." High-cost courage and self-sacrifice warriors Award did not always find heroes. According to the memories of the last defender of the 14th coastal battery of the 2nd separate artillery division of the coastal defense of the main base of the ChF - Comandore of the gun №3 Matros, Teslenko G.I. - In the last days of June 1942, the 14th Sniper Coastal Battery was presented to the title Guards, but the idea, apparently, was lost in the fire of the flaming Sevastopol.

Threading by the end of the war in his rank over four thousand formations, the Guard was a powerful avant-garde of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Already 76 years old separates us from the September days of 1941, when the first Guards Divisions appeared in the Red Army.

In the postwar years, the Soviet Guard continued the glorious traditions of the preceding generations of the Guardsmen. And although in peacetime, the transformation of formations in the Guards was not made, in order to preserve the combat traditions, the guards ranks of parts, ships, connections and associations during re-formation were transferred to new military units and compounds with direct continuity on personnel. Thus, the tank canhemirovskaya division was created on the basis of the famous 4th Guards Channel Corps. She was saved by the honorable name and transferred to the cabinet guards banner. The same thing happened with the 5th Guards Mechanized Division, whose servicemen later adopted their military debt in Afghanistan.

Guards parts and compounds were mainly in advanced borders in groups of troops and border districts, and divisions whose features received special recognition were deployed in major cities and the capitals of the Union republics. The newlywalkee soldier, coming to serve in the Guards part, with great pride took the breastplate sign "Guard" from the hands of the commander and swear not to post the memory of fathers and grandfathers.

The memory of their predecessors and the guards warriors who had to participate in various local wars and conflicts abroad of our Motherland. So, in February - October 1950, to reflect the raids of the Khomintan Aviation on the city of the People's Republic of China, in accordance with the Treaty between the USSR and the PRC of February 14, 1950, a group was operating soviet troops Anti-air defense. The group, along with other parts, included the 29th Guards Fighter Aviation and 1st Guards Zhenitamito-Floctory Shelves. I had to participate the guards pilots and in the Korean War 1950-1953. Guards raques demonstrated their best qualities in July - October 1962, when during the Operation "Anadyr, in the most difficult climatic conditionsThe Cuba creates a group of troops, capable of preventing a likely invasion of the US Armed Forces to the island.

The Guard of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was the successor and successor of the combat traditions of his predecessors. Guards Motor Soldering Taman, Guards Tank Cantemirovskaya, 20th Guards Motor Soldering Carpathian-Berlin Division; Guards connections of airborne troops; Guards Stalingrad-Corsun Motorized Reluce Regiment ... These names will still be remembered, inspired and oblige.

The current generation of guardsmen adequately continues the age-old traditions of selfless service of the Motherland and loyalty to the oath.

It clearly manifested itself during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus. The feat of the Pskov Heroes-paratroopers is akin to the feats of Kavaleargrads in Austerlitsky Battle of 1805 and the Heroes-Panfilovtsev in the winter of 1941 on March 1, 2000. In the Argun Gorge, the 6th parachute Rota of the 104th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th air The landing division accepted a cruel fight with many times superior forces of mercenary militants. The paratroopers warriors did not get drunk, did not retreat, fully fulfilled their military debt, the cost of their lives was blocked by the enemy, showing courage, courage and heroism. The heirs of the rich fame mined the predecessors under the walls of Narva, under Borodino, in the Shipkin pass and Dubosekovo, they could not do otherwise: the guard did not give up and does not retreat. From August 10 to August 23, 2008, the Guards Rocket Cruiser "Moscow" as part of the ship connection of heterogeneous forces participated in ensuring the peacekeeping operation "Forced to the Mire", while in the eastern part of the Black Sea. Being the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia, "Moscow" is actively involved in combat training of the fleet and combat services in a variety of corners of the World Ocean. And paratroopers, and sailors today with honor fulfilled their military debt, did not dismiss the Guards title.

Times are changing, people, the names of military units are changing, but traditions remain unchanged. The inseparable unity of the past, the present and the future was and remains one of the main sources of force and the validity of the Russian military.

Guard (translated from the Italian "Protection, Protection") from those times when humanity began to lead wars. From the athletes awarded by honorary wreaths on folk games, - she was set in the strongest and enduring young men in ancient Sparta. Selected privileged part of the troops existed in Ancient Greece (sacred squad), in Ancient Persia ("Corpus of Immortal"), in ancient Rome (Pretorians). And everywhere during hostilities, they performed the most difficult and responsible tasks.

In Russia, the Guard (Life Guard) was created by Peter I from the funny troops as part of the Preobrazhensky and Semenovian regiments, officially called the Guards in 1700. Liebe's prefix (from the German "body") in the name of the first and all subsequent Russian guards parts and compounds until 1917 meant: the part has its chief of a member of the Imperial House.

The first combat baptism of the Russian Guard received 1700 - 1721 in the Northern War. On the morning of November 19, 1700, the Russian shelves did not attack the Swedish troops in the Narvian battle, and forced them to retreat them to the bridge across the Narva River. But the bridge collapsed, and the troops lost the crossing. Life Guard Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky shelves, acting on the flanks of the army, the wall began to the upcoming Swedes and three hours, carrying losses, beat them off their attacks. Thanks to the courage and dedication of the Guards, the part of the army was saved. For this feat, officers of the regiments were awarded a breast name with the inscription "November 1700". After that, the battle Peter I commanded the guardsmen to carry instead of green stockings red in the sign that they fought at the knee of knee in the blood.

Later, the Guards Shelves participated in other victorious battles. In 1702, the Guards were taken by Noteburg (nuts), next year the Swedes were divided into Russian guards at the village of Kalinkina, B; 1704 - near Narva. Guardsmen distinguished themselves and under Poltava in 1709.

Along with the active participation in hosting guards before education military-educational institutions It was actually the only school of training and education officer personnel. Here served as ordinary soldiers of the noblemen who received the officer rank. Subsequently, they were sent to various shelves. Peter I also also wore the Preobrazhensky uniform - the soldier, the scorer, officer, depending on the climbing the stairs of military ranks. The nearest colleagues of Peter I - Menshikov, Bruce, I gaza have come out of the first Guards regiments.

But not only those who have passed in the regimental rows of a combat school, could call themselves guardsmen. There was such a reward for special merits in Russia: the person was distinguished by the high rank generals, the sovereign was assigned the honorary chin of the lieutenant colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment, while he was spoiled in this shelf by Colonel. Such a reward, for example, in 1790 was awarded for taking the fortress Izmail A.V. Suvorov.

Until 1722, the Guard did not have any advantages in the ranks. However, after approval of the table of ranks, the officers of the Guards regiments received seniority in two ranks against army.

Guardsmen, using the special confidence of the highest and most influential persons in the state, were a serious political force.

During the reign of Paul I, the numerical composition of the Guard increased significantly. Life Guard Artillery and Hsenther battalions were formed, as well as shelves: Life Guard Gusar, Life Guard Cossack and Cavalgardian. Of the lower ranks unable to the field service, the Life Guard garrison battalion was made.

In 1813, a young guard is established by Lamo Old Guard. This name was originally assigned to two Grenadier and one Kirassirian regiment for military differences in the Patriotic War of 1812. The officers of these regiments had an advantage in one rank in front of the army. In 1829, the Life Guardian Finnish rifle battalion was assigned to the composition of the Young Guard. Soon, he, as well as the regions of the Life Guard, Grenadier and Pavlovsky, for the differences in the war with Poland, the rights of the old guard are given.

In subsequent years, the number of guards parts continues to increase. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian Life Guard was 12 infantry, 4 rifle and 13 cavalry regiments, 3 artillery brigades, a sapper battalion, a fleet crew and several ships. Guardsmen were directly involved in almost all military events of the Russian state. They deserve the fame of their durability and courage not only in their fatherland.

The guards troops were especially distinguished in the Russian-Turkish War of 187nd - 1878. When taking the piers, the first assaults were unsuccessful. The Russian army was forced to move to a systematic siege. For the full blockade of this strategically important city, it was necessary to master a number of settlements. This task was assigned to the Guards Corps. The Second Guards Division, the Guards Rifle Brigade and the Guards Supper battalion attacked Mountain Dubnyak, while the first Guards Division and the Guards Cavalry covered the attack by the spine. The 30 soldiers of the Finnish regiment managed to break into a small redhead and held it before the reinforcement approach. Then the company of the rifle Guards regiment by throw took the Turkish fortifications before the moat, covering the big tweet of the enemy, and with the onset of twilight in the bayonet attack he captured them. Guardsmen and later heroically fought for the liberation of the Bulgarian people from centuries-old Turkish slavery, showing examples of courage and courage. So, in December 1877, the Guards Changer, covering the passage through the mountains, only 511 people lost in battles in battles, but did not step away.

A serious test for the Russian guard was the first world war that the Guardsmen with honor withstanding. This is what the famous military historian Anton Kershnovsky wrote about them: "The feats of the guard in the past wars were surpassed by her grandparents in the world war. Tarnwalk, Krasnostov and Trynka eclipsed not only the mountain Dubnyak, Warsaw and Varna, but also surpassed Franland, Borodino and Cool ... "So in harsh tests, the fighting traditions of the Russian guard were born.

Since the creation of the Guard, the military uniform of the guardsmen was a symbol of honor, dignity, discipline, and the expression "Honor of the Mundira" was the identical concept of "honor deserved on the battlefield." The guardsmen, the only one in the Russian army, were granted not only the red stockings, but also the White Cant. He was considered to belong to the seafarers and reminded the Guards infantry about her valiant participation in Peter's marine battles. In memory of the Narva Victoria, the officers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenov regiments wore special places.

Holy guard guardsmen honor their regiment, his ancient traditions. The name of the regiment was concerned about the battle banner and was the subject of the special, pride of the entire personnel, and the name of the name in memory of combat merits was considered an outstanding event. The first duty of each guardsman was for silence. That military banner regiment. These and other glorious traditions of the Russian Guard continued the Soviet and Russian Guard.

guard Soviet Army Battle

Exactly 75 years ago, August 30, 1941, the Yelninsky offensive operation began. During her, the troops of the Red Army liberated the city of Yelny and eliminated the protrusion threatened with Western and backup fronts. The Soviet Guard was born in these battles - this title was awarded four divisions who took part in the battle.

Fierce resistance enemy

Three of August at 7.30 am, the position of the German troops tried the explosions from the breakdowns of shells, including jets. After 30 minutes, immediately after the end of art preparation, Soviet infantry went to the attack.

The 24th Army of General Konstantin Racutino comked from the south, north and east. It was assumed to grab the Yelninsky protrusion, and then divide it in half. Despite the powerful gun shelling of enemy trenches and trenches, in which all 800 stem artillery participated, the offensive initially developed difficult.

The opponent was fiercely resisted and the places passed into the counterattack. The Germans understood perfectly well than the success of the Soviet offensive threatens them, and did not want to be surrounded. Therefore, until September, the success of rifle divisions of Rakutin were modest - in the depths of the German defense, it was possible to move no more than 2 kilometers.

The edge of the German Taran fucked

The fights in the area began in mid-July 1941, when the Army Group "Center", Tarana troops of the Western Front, rushed to the east. After Yelni was taken, the small district city of Smolensk region, the Germans tried to continue further offensive. However, 18 kilometers east of the settlement occupied by them stumbled upon a strong defense of the Soviet troops and stopped.

The edge of the Taran of the 2nd Tank Group of General Heinz Guderian in the form of the 10th Tank Division fastened. For the first time since the beginning of the war, the Germans had to go to the defense on the main, Moscow direction. The Yelninsky ledge was formed, who was deeply intimidated in the position of the Red Army and threatened with her new onset.

Understanding this, the command of the Red Army ordered to immediately destroy the enemy bridgehead. The task was instructed by the recently formed reserve front under the command of General Army George Zhukov. For George Konstantinovich, the battles have become the first independent operation after the post of chief of the General Staff of the Red Army.

In the traditions of the First World War

Like bone throat: three years of defense of LeningradLeningrad, who Hitler planned to take three weeks after the start of the war against the USSR, was defended three long years. The history of the opposition of Soviet and fascist troops in the area of \u200b\u200bLeningrad resembles Sergey Warsaw.

However, the Germans did not sleep, having time in a fairly short time to turn the occupied territory into a strengthenon - with a carefully thought out tranche system for infantry, trenches for tanks and assault guns, as well as positions for guns and leads.

As a result, for the 24th Army, the Yelninsky bridgehead turned out to be a strong nutrition. Fights of the end of July - mid August 1941 were distinguished by fierce and reminded at times the positional war of the First World War.

Fighters and commanders learned to beat the enemy. And not only they. He studied to command and the 39-year-old Major General Rakutin. Konstantin Ivanovich, despite his experience in participating in the Civil and Soviet-Finnish wars, was a border guard until the beginning of the Great Domestic experience Commands of the hostworm did not have.

Secretly prepare a decisive offensive

Remembering these battles, Zhukov recognized that the fire system of German defense was not completely detected. As a result, Soviet artilleryrs and mortar people often labeled the fire is not real, but according to the alleged firepoints of the enemy. This time with the breakdowns of their infantry attacks.

The Second World War began on September 1, 1939. Look at the archival frames, why neither Munich agreements nor the Moscow non-aggression treaty could prevent the World War War.

After consulting with the villains and his commander of the birth of troops, Zhukov decided to postpone the new offensive for 10-12 days. During this time, it was necessary to study the front edge of the enemy, pull over two or three fresh divisions and artillery, to provide troops with ammunition and fuel-lubricant materials.

So that the Germans are not suspected of anything, it was decided to reduce them with a permanent artillery, mortar, machine gun and rifle cladding. In the meantime, to prepare the operation secretly, regrouping troops in the right directions.

Last reserve Guderiana

The assault of the approach to Yelo pursued several goals. First, return the busy city back. Secondly, in the scale of the Smolensk battle, it is prevented that the Guderian's troops finally closed the ring around the 16th Army and the 20th Army, which General Pavel Kurochkin exercised General Guidelines.

German tank workers were forced to beat fierce attacks of the Soviet troops in the Elninsky direction, where even the last reserve of Guderian - Rota was thrown into battle, guarding his command post.

Heavy losses incurred by the subordinate German general were forced to demand it from the higher command of the removal of their troops.

It was about the 10th tank division, the parts of the Reich and the Great Germany, which were part of the 46th corps. However, the command of the Army Group "Center" rejected his request.

German casting

As a result, the operational group of General Konstantin Rokossovsky managed to discharge surrounded parts of the 16th and 20th armies.

The situation for Guderian changed only by the end of August 1941. Then the 2nd tank group was overseen from Moscow

directions for Kiev, together with the 1st Tank Panel of General Evald von Claysta, to sneak ticks around the Soviet South-Western Front.

As a result of the German castling, the infantry divisions of the 20th Army Corps were taken to the new decisive occurrence of the 24th Army. Soviet troops also have the basic force of small divisions. Aviation on both sides was almost no applied because it was involved in other directions.

Five commander of the same army

This time the offensive of the backup front was conducted by two armies. Racutinsky still attacked the ill-fated protrusion, but it was south of him, on Roslavl, the 43rd army occurred.

The last chronically was not lucky with the commander. For the period from August to September 1941, five generals changed in this post. Such a checkll was explained by the fact that some Comandarmov were moved to more complex areas of the Soviet-German front, others were removed due to dissatisfaction with the success of the compound.

During the Yelninsk offensive operation, the 43rd army did not show herself. Her troops moved forward with difficulty, and some divisions were surrounded and almost completely destroyed, as, for example, the 109th tank or 145th rifle.

Taking an opponent in the ring

Much more successfully walked on the 24th Army. On September 3, 1941, she resumed the offensive and blows from the south and the north sharply narrowed the corridor, with the help of which the Yelninsky protrusion supplied.

The commander of the 20th building General Friedrich Materna was an experienced warrior. He fought at the First World War, passed the Polish 1939 and French campaigns of 1940. He was awarded the Higher Order of the Third Reich - the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. The general immediately realized that the environment threatens his troops, and gave an order to the departure.

Hiding behind strong assholes, the Germans began to retreat with suddenly raised area. On September 5, the 100th Infantry Division of General Ivan Ruscsova went around Yelny from the north, and the 19th division under the command of General Yakov Kotelnikov began the assault on the city itself.

Birth of the Soviet Guard

On September 6, Yeland was released, and to the end of September 8, the Elninsky protrusion finally ceased to exist. The losses of Soviet troops were killed, injured, prisoners and missing amounted to more than 30 thousand people. The Germans lost about 10 thousand soldiers and officers.

After 10 days, September 18, 1941, the decision of the TGC rate, two small-scale divisions, distinguished in battles in the Elninsky direction, were awarded the title of Guards. These were the first compounds of the Red Army, awarded this high rank.

The leadership of the country highly appreciated the results of the Elninsky operation, which in the midst of the most powerful German offensive on all fronts, became the first symptom of the future victory of the Soviet Union.

Russian Guard. The history of the formation and tradition of the Russian guard

The Russian Guard is the color and pride of the domestic armed forces, the personification of the disadvantaged military power, mass heroism and the ratherness. Her fighting traditions serve as a model of a sample of loyalty to military duty and Fatherland.

The history and traditions of the Imperial Guard

"Guard" translated from Italian - guard, guard, selected privileged part of the troops. She arose with the emergence of slave-owned states, when special security (bodyguards) appeared during monarchs and military leaders. For example, in ancient Greece, it was called the "sacred detachment", in ancient Persia was a 10-thousand corps of "immortal", in the army of Alexander Macedonsky - a 6-thousand building, which included heavy infantry (giracists) and a heavy convention (heteretners). In ancient Rome, Guy Mary had a cogat of Pretorians.

In the Middle Ages, special detachments of selected warriors existed in many armies. They had commander of Byzantium, Karl Great, Genghis Khan and others.

The term "Guard" first appeared in the XII century in Lombardy (Italy). Initially, he indicated the selected military detachment, guarding the state banner. With the creation of permanent armies, the Guard was divided into the palace (for the protection of the monarch) and the military (elite parts of the army). It existed in almost all European countries - in France, Italy, Prussia, England and others.

The Russian Guard (Russian Imperial Life Guard existed from 1721 to March 1917. It was created by Peter I in the 1696 -1700 years on the basis of the Preobrazhensky and Semenov "funny" regiments. The Russian Guard received his fighting baptism in the Narvian battle of 1700, where he saved the Russian army from full destruction. For this feat, officers of the regiments were awarded a breast name with the inscription "November 1700". Peter I commanded the guards to wear instead of green stockings red as a sign that they fought knee-deep in the blood.

In the XVIII century, the Russian Guard participated in all wars Russian Empire. Guards shelves were preparing officer's staff for the whole army and completed almost exclusively nobles for which the military service was mandatory. From the mid-30s of the XVIII century, the ordinary composition of the guard begins to replenish the recruits from the submitted classes, and after the exit in 1762, the manifesto on liberty is nobility, this method has become the main one. The social composition of the guard provided it with a large political influence. Guards support predetermined the success of all palace coup that time. Being an elite part of the Russian army, the Guard enjoyed large privileges. For example, on the table of ranks of 1722, the guard officers had a seniority to army officers in two ranks. With the formation of the Young Guard in 1813, her officers received seniority in one rank. Such an order existed until the end of the XIX century, when Alexander III cut the privileges of the guard.

In the XIX century, the Guard at full speed participated in all wars, which Russia led with Napoleon. She especially distinguished itself in Austerlitsky (1805) and Borodino (1812) battles, in the battles at Culme (1813) and Mountain Dubnyak (1877).

At the beginning of the 20th century, individual parts of the Guard took part in the Chinese campaign (1900) and the Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905). In the First World War (1914 - 1918), the Guard's troops were successfully operating in the Galician battle, Warsaw-Ivangorodskaya, in Lodz some operations. In the summer of 1916, as part of a special army, the Guard participated in Brusilovs-Kommersant.

During World War II, significant changes have occurred in the guard organization. In connection with serious losses in personnel composition, representatives of the peasantry and the working class were called to replenish it. The soldier's masses of the guard carried the war on a par with the whole Russian army and ceased to be a stronghold of tsarism. It seriously influenced political moods in the Guards Environment. As a result, after the victory of the February Revolution of 1917 and the renunciation of the king, the Guard did not even attempt to intervene in the course of events. The temporary government retained it by abolishing the "Lab" console and the name "Imperial". After imprisoning in 1918 Brest Mira And the demobilization of the old royal army Guard was dissolved.

During the revolution of 1917, the Red Guard appeared in many major cities of Russia. It was completed from workers on a voluntary basis on a territorial principle (at the factories) and was the main power of the country of the Soviets. On the basis of the detachments of the Red Guard in early 1918, the first units were formed and the compounds of the working and peasant red army, many fighters and commanders of which subsequently became; prominent Soviet military leaders. After introducing on July 10, 1918, the Red Guard's mandatory military service as the form of the Organization of Armed Forces gradually abolished.

The military uniform of the guardsmen has always been a symbol of honor, dignity, discipline, and the expression "Honor of the Mundir" was the identical concept of "honor deserved on the battlefield." After all, they, the guardsmen, the only in the Russian army, not only red stockings were granted, but also the White Cant. He was considered the belonging of sailors and reminded the guards infantry about her valiant participation in the naval battles of Peter I. In memory of the Narva Victoria of 1704, the officers of the Preobrazhensky and Semenov regiments wore special blles.

It should be noted that when introducing new samples of weapons in the army, they first came to the guard. So, in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Guards shelves have already been in service with an improved rifle of Berdan No. 2, while the army parts were armed with another old rifles.

Holy guard guardsmen honor their regiment, his ancient traditions. The name of the shelf was concerned about the battle banner and was the subject of the special pride of the entire personnel. Assignment of the name regiment in memory of combat merit was considered an outstanding event. The first duty of each guards was the protection of the military banner regiment. These and other glorious traditions of the Russian Guard continued the Guard Soviet.

History and traditions of the Soviet and Russian Guard

The Soviet Guard was born not in the thunder of salutes and honors. The first guards compounds arose during the 1941 Smolensk battle - at the time of death for fragments of danger, in the most difficult, most difficult stage of the Great Patriotic War, when our army in unprofitable conditions stubbornly, the price of incredible efforts and great victims held back sudden, treacherous, Imprivated by the prepared invasion of the enemy. There, under Yellow, as a result of the counterdard of Western and reserve fronts, a large grouping of the enemy was defeated for the first time, and the city was released.

On September 18, 1941, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR issued an order No. 308, which marked the special military valor of the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161th rifle divisions that showed mass heroism in battles for their homeland, samples of courage, courage, discipline, organization, high military mastery of personnel. By this order, distinguished compounds who were commanded by Major General I.N. Russcian, Colonels A.Z. Akimimko, N.A. Gagen, P.F. Moskvitin, were renamed to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards Rifle Divisions. At the same time, the formation of guards mortar parts was launched by the decision of the NGC rate.

One of the first in the Red Army on November 18, 1941, the title of 8th Guards received the legendary 316th Infantry Division under the command of General-Major Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilova, courageously fought with the German fascist invaders on the approaches to Moscow on the Volokolamian direction. 28 Panfilov's heroes made an unparalleled feat of the Dubosek's Travel, stopping the promotion of 50 enemy tanks. And the words Politruka V.G. Klochkova: "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!" Steel synonymous courage, heroism and resistance.

The Soviet Guard was constantly strong and man in all kinds of armed forces and childbirth of the troops. The name "Guards" received parts, ships, compounds and associations, distinguished in the battles and battles of the Great Patriotic War, as well as newly formed by special states. In the four years of the Great Patriotic War, the honorary name "Guards" was awarded 11 general and 6 tank armies, dozens of rifle, cavalry, tank, mechanized, aviation buildings, divisions and individual parts, 18 warships.

Guard of the Great Patriotic War is a Pleiad of Heroes, whose names will never fade. Among them, Yuri Vasilyevich Smirnov, the junior commander of the Red Army, who committed a heroic feat of the 77th Guards Rifle Regiment of the 26th Guards Rifle Division, forever enrolled in his lists. On the night of June 24, 1944, being in the composition of the tank landing in the breakthrough of enemy defense in the Orsha direction in battle for the village of Shalashino, he was seriously injured by the opponent. During the interrogation, despite the cruel torture, the courageous warrior did not give out the enemy of military mystery. The angry nitrogenants crucified it on the wall of the dugout, the body is tolen with bayonets. For manifested courage, loyalty to the soldiers' duty, military oath and heroism he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

The guardsmen were full Cavalers of the Order of Glory, the heroes of the Soviet Union Guard Senior Lieutenant Ivan Grigorievich Drachenko and Guard Starin Pavel Christforovich Dubinda. IG Dracheko is a talented air fighter-attack aircraft, after the loss of one eye named by the air admiral Nelson, fought as part of the 140th Guards Assault Aviation Fragment of the 8th Guards Assault Aviation Division. PK Dubinda fought after escaping from captivity first commander of the department, then the commander of the platoon of the 293rd Guards Rifle Shelf of the 96th Guards Rifle Division on the 1st and 3rd Belarusian fronts.

They all revived and introduced the best fighting traditions of the Russian guard. In routine exploits of their ancestors, our Guardsmen filed high examples of persistence and fearlessness, loyalty to their people. For successful actions, many guards parts (ships), compounds, associations have repeatedly noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander, were awarded state awardsAwarded honorary items for taking cities, river forcing.

For military personnel of the Guards Parts in May 1942, the breastplate sign "Guard" is established. IN Navy Fleet Until 1943, they served as a rectangular plate (gold-plated for the superior composition and silver plated for an ordinary) with a moored ribbon of orange color, with black longitudinal stripes. The sailors and the elders of the Guards Ships were worn on the Muarovaya ribbon concoctions. For all military personnel of the guards parts, ships and compounds, distinctive military ranks were established, which were formed by adding the word "Guard" before the relevant military rank, they were established an increased salary of monetary content.

On June 11, 1943, a sample of the Guards Red Banner was established, which was a sign of combat differences. In the position of the Guards Red Banners it was said: "The Guards Red Banner obliges the entire personnel of the Guards armies and buildings to be a model for all other parts and units of the Red Army." The guards sign ceremony included a new tradition - an oath of the personnel of the Guards Banner. Not knowing fear, the heroic fought under their banners Guardsmen.

The creation of the Soviet Guard has become one of the important activities in the field of military construction. It played a huge role in strengthening the combat capability of the army and fleet. Guards shelves, ships, divisions, hulls and army applied crushing strikes on the enemy, served as a model of selfless devotion to the Motherland, unshakable will to victory, persistence and perseverance. The Soviet Guard was heading to the most difficult areas of the front and everywhere performed combat missions. No wonder in the war they said: "Where the Guard is coming, - the enemy does not resist. Where the Guard defends himself, the enemy does not pass. "

People of high duty - those were the front-line guardsmen. Such seek to be those who are entrusted to serve in the guard and in our day. With their own difficult labor, they continue the glorious traditions of the preceding generations of guardsmen and make a worthy contribution to strengthening the power of the Russian Armed Forces.

In peacetime, the transformation of military units and connections to the Guards are not produced. In order to preserve the combat traditions, the guards ranks of parts, ships, connections and associations during re-formation are transferred to the new military units with direct continuity of personnel.

So, in October 1986 he returned to his homeland, exercising his international duty in Afghanistan, the Guards Motorized Reluctural Order of the Regiment, the commander of the company in which he served as the hero of the Soviet Union Senior Lieutenant N.M. Akramov. During the Great Patriotic War, the regiment's warriors in the famous 13th Guards Rifle Division, which was commanded by General A.I. Rodimans stood to death in Stalingrad, participated in the Kursk battle, forcing Dnipro, distinguished themselves when the Polish city of Czestochowa was released and greeted the Victory Day in Prague.

Children and grandchildren of Frontovikov had the opportunity to provide international assistance to the Afghan people. The root work of young guardsmen was not easy. During his stay in the Republic of Afghanistan, the regiment, guarding the columns, which are visiting the cities and kisheki fuel and food, removed and destroyed more than two thousand Drain Mines and Fugas. Many soldiers, sergeants and officers of the part are awarded by Soviet and Afghan orders and medals.

Samples of courage and heroism showed the guards warriors in the performance of international debt in Afghanistan. At a critical moment, they deliberately sacrificed themselves to save the subordinates entrusted to them. So, saving the life of soldiers of the company, Guard Senior Sergeant Alexander Grigorievich Mironenko and his two subordinates entered into battle with dusts. The moment came when the cartridges ended. Twice wounded, Alexander lay with a grenade in his hand over a stone. He waited when the dusts are suitable closer. He blew himself and enemies the last grenade. For this feat, perfect on February 29, 1980, the deputy commander of the platoon of the reconnaissance company of the Guards Parachute Regiment A.G. Mironenko was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. He is forever enrolled in the lists of the Guards Military Part.

And will we forget ever about the feat of the contemporaries -6th company of the 104th Guards Parachute-landing shelf under ulus-kert? He is in the new history of the Armed Forces of Russia in the new history of the Armed Forces, in the centuries-old chronicle of her guard.

In the battles for the freedom and independence of the Motherland, guards combat traditions have developed, which for more than a decade have been helping the commanders to bring up courageous and skilled fighters, and the Guard of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the successor and the successor of the combat traditions of their predecessors.

Guards parts and ships are genuine combat experience laboratories: creative jerking, unrelated search of new techniques of fighting, the effective use of weapons is, which always distinguishes the guardsmen. Serve under the banners of the Russian Guard is a high honor, and great responsibility.

The traditions of the Russian guard, her non-worn fame - the inheritance and heritage of each warrior, all our parts and ships. To serve in Guards today - it means to have the highest combat qualifications, masterfully owning equipment and weapons. The covenant of the front-line guardsmen - keep powder dry, be prepared at any moment to enter the battle and heroically fight for freedom and the independence of fraud - should be the main for the current defenders of the Fatherland.

When preparing for the lesson, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the materials on this topic, published on the pages of the "Landmark" in the past years, to prepare a selection of literature. The occupation will pass much more interesting if you spend it in the museum or room of military glory part, to invite veterans-guards.

In the opening of the word, it is necessary to emphasize the important role of the guard throughout the military history of Russia, the importance of its contribution to the country's defense capability.

When considering issues, it is necessary to dwell on the main stages of the development and development of the Russian guard, its combat traditions from Petrovsky times to the present day.

The saturation and completeness of the material will be given to the show of the distinguishing badges of the "Guard" for military personnel of the land forces and
Navy, photos with samples of the military form of the guards parts, show fragments of art and documentaries, telling about the courage and heroism of the guards warriors, which proven combat traditions of the Russian Guard.

1. Military encyclopedia. In 8 tons. T. 2. M., 1994. - P. 366 - 368.

2. Vasilyev N. Born in battles. M., 1966.

3. Kuzmichov A. Soviet Guard. M., 1969.

4. Xinkelev A., Dumpling D. History of the formation of the Russian guard // Landmark. - 2008 - № 5.

Lieutenant colonel
Dmitry Dumplock
candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Lieutenant Colonel
Alexey Kurshev

Guard (Ial. guardia. Guardianship) - selected privileged part of troops.

The guards traditionally called the selected, privileged, better than other trained and equipped part of the troops. It was the core of the army, armed groups, held directly at the monarch, often performing the functions of his personal guard.

The first mention of the Russian guards parts is provided in the historical chronicle of the Russian army in connection with the combat rates of Petrovsky troops under Azov and Narva.


Guard was established at the beginning of the reign of Peter the Great from the regiments of Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky.

In the archive of Semenovsky Regiment, there is information that he already in 1698 was called Semyan Life Guard. In 1700, during the Narva Confucius, two Guards Regiment held back the Swedes for three hours, for which the Ober officers of these regiments were awarded a sign of differences (the most ancient in Russia, continuing and so far) with the inscription: "1700, November 19".

Under Peter I.

In the reign of Peter I, the Guard was replenished mainly by nobles; Only after significant losses in battles began to allow translations from the army and reception of recruits.

Each nobleman, who received military service, was before to deal with an army officer, had to enter ordinary in one of the Guards regiments and to serve in this rank until the sovereign would approve him to the officers on which production was founded in the ranks.

Until 1722, the Guard did not have any advantages in the ranks, but on January 22 of this year, a table of ranks was approved, according to which the officers of the Guards regiments received a seniority of two ranks against army.

To prepare officers in the army cavalry shelves in 1721, the Kronshlotsky Dragunsky regiment was formed, which was commanded to consist of some nobles and be called the leiba regiment. This regiment, although he served as the basis for the Life Guards equestrian, but under Peter the Great did not have those rights and advantages used by the guard shelves.

Under Catherine I.

In Catherine I was established by Kavaleriginity, and, in addition, the Guards Guard ranked in the guardalion, which was in Moscow and compiled from the guards regiments unable to service.

With Anna Ioannovna

With Anna Ioannovna, the Life Regiment was renamed the Life Guard Equestrian Regiment, and the Guards Infantry Regiment was formed, named Izmailovsky.

The special guards detachment participated in the campaign against the Turks of 1737-39.

In Elizabeth

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna adopted the title of colonel of all Guards regiments, and the Grenaderian company of Transobrachters, who contributed to his introduction to the throne, expelled from the regiment and called the Lab campaign.

Under Peter III

With Peter III, the Lab campaign was abolished.

Under Catherine II.

Under Catherine II, the Moscow Life Guard Batalion was dissolved, which was established in return of which a disabled team in Murom, named Life Guard Murom (1764).

Guard took an active part in the Swedish war.

Under Pavel I.

Emperor Paul I strengthened the Guards Shelves, including the part of the troops in Gatchina (Gatchina troops) in their composition (Gatchina troops) to his advantage of the throne; The Life Guards Artillery Battalion, Life Guard Hsershai Battalion and Shelves were formed: Life Guard Gusar (1796) and Life Guard Cossack (1798), and the Life Guard Garboris Battalion was composed of the Guards Baltal Battalion.

Under Alexandra I.

Under the emperor Alexandra I from the Life Guard of Hergear Batalion, the Life Guard Hhesents Regiment was formed; In 1806, a battalion of the imperial militia was formed from the specific peasants to St. Petersburg, which received the rights of the Guard for the difference in the war of 1808; In 1811, the Life Guard was formed from it, Finland Regiment. In the same year, 1 battalion on the formation of the Life Guard of the Lithuanian Regiment, renamed Life Guard, renamed Life Guards, renamed in 1817, in the same 1817, in Warsaw, the shelves of the Life Guard Lithuanian and Life Guard Volyn Regiment were formed.

In 1810, the Guards crew was established, and in 1812 - the Sapier Lobe Guard battalion.

Separate Guards Corps (1812-1864) - April 3, 1812, the Guards Corps was formed, in December 1829 was renamed a separate Guards Corps. From February 3, 1844 to 1856, the Commander of the Separate Guards Corps is also subject to the Grenadier Corps, the Corps headquarters was reorganized into the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the Guards and Grenadier Corps, since 1849, the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the Guards and Grenadier Corses. In 1856, the headquarters of the Separate Guards Corps restored. At the headquarters of the corps, the Commission existed: "Guards barrage" in 1820-1836 and "on the repair of cavalry" (1843-1860). The building was abolished in August 1864 with the introduction of the Regulation on the Military District Control (milyutin reform). The headquarters of the corps is transformed into the headquarters of the guard of the guard and the St. Petersburg Military District.

In 1813, Leib-Grenadersky and Pavlovsky regions for the difference are attached to the guard, and their officers are given the advantage of one rank before army; These shelves formed a new one, or young Guard, unlike which the previous shelves were called old Guard.

In 1809, the Life Guard Dragunsky Regiment and the Life Guard Ulan Regiment was formed, and in 1814 - Life Guard Conneeration Regiment.

Warsaw was formed in 1817 by the Life Guard Podolsky Kirassira Regiment and the Life Guard Ulan Regiment of His Highness Cesarevich, and in 1824 (on the rights of the young guard) - Life Guard Grodno Gusarsky. In addition, Guardian Semi-Castron Guard (1815), Guard Connon-Pioneer Squadron (1819) and Life Guard Wheelchair (1824) were formed.

For the differences rendered in the war with the French, to the composition of the Young Guard (1813) of the Life Guard of the Kirassirian Majesty regiment. In 1805, the Life Guard Equestrian Artillery was formed, in 1811 - Life Guard Artillery Brigade in 1816 divided into 1st and 2nd Brigades.

In 1817, the Guards Battery Company was formed in Warsaw, which was included in 1821 to the consolidated Guards and Grenaderian Artillery Brigade.

Guard took part in all wars leading to the reign of Alexander I, except Turkish and Persian.

Under Nicolae I.

The Moscow detachment of the Guards Corps (March-November 1826) was formed in March 1826 to participate in the coronation of Nikolai I. consisted of two infantry brigades formed from the battalions of the Guards regiments, a special cavalry detachment, three batteries and the platoon of gendarmes. Commander detachment grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, Chief of Staff, General-Major General A. K. Geraua. Disbanded in November 1826.

Under the emperor Nicholas I, in 1829, the Finnish rifle battalion with renaming in the Life Guard, the Finnish rifle battalion, is counted to the composition of the Young Guard. Equally, as the regiments of the Life Guard Grenadier and Pavlovsky, were granted in 1831 for the differences in the Polish campaign of the right of the Old Guard. At the same time, the Grenadier regiments of the St. Petersburg King Friedrich Wilhelm III and the Kexgolm Emperor of the Austrian were commanded under the Guards Corps.

In 1827, the Life Guard of the Crimean Tatar Squadron and the Life Guard Caucasian-Gorsky Squadron was formed.

In 1831, the Life Guard of the Kirassirian His Majesty Regiment is connected from the Life Guard by Podolsky Kirassiri under the general name of the Life Guard of the Kirassirian His Majesty and with the Rights Guards. At the same time, the rights are given: the old guard of the regions of the Life Guard to the Conno-Hhesents and Grodno Gusar, and the Young Guard - the Ataman Cossack. Life Guard Dragunsky Regiment was renamed in the Life Guard of Connon-Grenadier, and the Life Guard Conno-Jersey - in the Life Guard Dragunsky.

In 1830, the Life Guards Don Conno-Artillery Rota was formed, and in 1833, all artillery companies were renamed in batteries. In the same 1833, the Guard was divided into two buildings: Guards Infantry (from infantry and walking artillery) and Guards reserve cavalry (from cavalry and equestrian artillery).

In the reign of Nikolai I Guard participated in the wars of Turkish and Polish.

Under Alexandra II.

Under the emperor Alexandra II in 1856, rifle companies were formed in all guards infantry shelves, one to the battalion, and at the same time, the first and second rifle battalions were formed again. The first of them in 1858 was named the Life Guard of the 1st Rifle Majesty Battalion.

In 1856, the Life-Guard Growth of the Imperial Familia, formed during the Eastern War of 1853-1856, was counted for the guard Guard (for the rights of the Young Guard). The battalions of these in 1870 are connected together with the Life Guard of the Finnish rifle battalion in one Guards Rifle Brigade.

Guards disabled brigade disbanded in 1859. From the Life Guard of the Garrison Batalion in 1873, a personnel battalion of the Life Guards of the backup infantry regiment was formed.

In 1856, the Life Guards of the Kirassirian Her Majesty regiment was given the rights of the young guard; For his own Majesty, the convoy was formed by 3 Life Guards Cossack Squadron (1 - in service, 2 - on benefit), and the Life Guard Crimean-Tatar squadron was disbanded.

Under the Emperor Alexandra II Guard participated in the campaign for the suppression of the Polish rebellion of 1863 and in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. At the end of this war, on April 17, 1878, the Life Guard of the Ataman Heir to Zesarevich, the regiment was given the rights of the Old Guard, and in 1884 the same rights received the Life Guard of the Kirassirian Her Majesty of the Regiment and the Life Guard of the 4th Infantry Imperial Battalion.

From 1864 to 1874, the Guard did not constitute corps or hull, in 1874 the Guards Corps restored.

The Guards Department of His Majesty's Honitude (1877-1878) was formed on May 11, 1877 for the protection of the main apartment during the stay of Alexander II in the Army in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. After his departure from the army in December 1877, the detachment consisted of the commander-in-chief of the army. The detachment included two inches of infantry, half-andcadron cavalry, half of the sappers and hiking artillery officers from the Guards and Suppound Emperor of the Army Parts. Commanded a detachment of the Flegel Adjutant P. S. Ozerov, K. A. Runov, P. P. von Eden. The detachment was disbanded on November 29, 1878.

Russian Imperial Guard by 1917

1st Guards Infantry Division

  • 1st Guards Infantry Brigade,
    • life Guard Transfiguration Regiment
    • life Guard Semenian regiment
  • 2nd Guards Infantry Brigade, dislocation - SPb. (02.1913)
    • life Guard Izmailovsky Regiment
    • life Guards Hhersk Regiment

2nd Guards Infantry Division

  • 3rd Guards Infantry Brigade, dislocation - SPb. (02.1913)
    • life Guard Moscow Regiment
    • life Guard Grenadier Regiment
  • 4th Guards Infantry Brigade, dislocation - SPb. (02.1913)
    • life Guard Pavlovsky His Majesty Regiment
    • leib Guard Finland Regiment

3rd Guards Infantry Division

  • 5th Guards Infantry Brigade,
    • life Guard Lithuanian Regiment
    • life Guard Kexgolm Emperor Austrian Regiment
  • 6th Guards Infantry Brigade, dislocation - Warsaw (02.1913)
    • life Guard St. Petersburg King Friedrich-Wilhelm III Regiment
    • life Guard Volyn His Majesty Regiment
  • Guards Rifle Brigade, 02/17/1915 - Brigade deployed to the division
    • life Guard 1st Runner His Majesty Regiment
    • lobe Guard 2nd Rifle Tsarskoil Regiment
    • life Guard 3rd Running His Majesty Regiment
    • life Guard 4th Infantry Imperial Families Shelves

1st Guards Cavalry Division

  • 1st Guards Cavalry Brigade,
    • Cavalgardian Her Majesty of the Empress Empress Mary Feodorovna Regiment
    • leib Guard Equestrian Regiment
  • 2nd Guards Cavalry Brigade, brigade headquarters - St. Petersburg. (02.1913)
    • life Guard Kirassirsky His Majesty Regiment
    • life Guard Kirassirsky Her Majesty State Shipper Empress Mary Feodorovna Regiment
  • 3rd Guards Cavalry Brigade, brigade headquarters - St. Petersburg. (02.1913)
    • life Guard Cossack His Majesty Regiment
    • life Guard Atamansky His Imperial Highness Heir-Cesarevich Regiment
    • life Guard Summary Cossack His Majesty Regiment
  • 1st Division Life Guard Equestrian Artillery
    • 1st His Majesty Battery
    • 4th of his imperial Highness Heir-Cesarevich Battery
    • 6th Donskaya Majesty Battery

2nd Guards Cavalry Division

  • 4th Guards Cavalry Brigade
    • life Guard Connon Grenadier Cesarevich Alexey Regiment
    • life Guard Ulansky Her Majesty State Dummy-Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Regiment
  • 5th Guards Cavalry Brigade
    • life Guard Dragun Great Princess Mary Pavlovna Regiment
    • life Guard Gusar His Majesty Regiment
  • 2nd Division Lobe Guard Equestrian Artillery
    • 2nd Great Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich Battery Great Prince Mikhaila
    • The 5th of his imperial Highness of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich Battery

Separate Guards Cavalry Brigade

  • life Guard Ulan His Majesty Regiment
  • life Guard Grodno Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich Hussar Regiment
  • The 3rd Imperial Highness of the Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Battery Life Guard Equestrian Artillery

guards Mortical Artillery Division

life Guard Sapier Battalion

Guards Fleet Ekipa

Guards Corps Aviation Detach Russian Imperial Air Fleet.

1st Military Road Troops Guard

Guards railway regiment

In the Guard, the recruits-soldiers were taken in appearance: in the Preobrazhensky regiment - the highest and blonde, in Semenovsky - blondes, in Izmailovsky - brunettes, in Life-Events - easy addition with any color of the hair. Life Guard Moscow Regiment - Redhead, Grenadier - Brunette, Pavlovsky - Redhead and Curbish, Finland - like Hheman.

The cavalry regiment is the highest blondes, bombing horses, Life Guard Equestrian-Grunette and Crane Horses, Kirassiy Majesty - Redhead in Red Horses, Kirassirsky Her Majesty - Blondes on Karakov (Navy) Horses.

Russian Guard in white movement

In 1918, the Guards Parts were abolished together with the disbandment of the Russian Imperial Army. However, almost all of them were restored during Civil War And they took part in the fight against the Bolsheviks as part of the White Armies. At the end of the Civil War in emigration, the Guards Association and the unification of the regiments of the Russian Imperial Guard were created, which became part of the Russian general military union ..

Guard of modern Russia

Today, in the composition of the Armed Forces of Russia are:

  • guards Tank Cantemirovsky Division
  • guards Motor Soldering Taman Division
  • guards Motor Soldering Carpathian-Berlin Division
  • guards Separate Motor Soldering Sevastopol Brigade
  • linear compounds of the aircraft
  • guards parts and ships NMF
  • guards parts of the SV and Air Force (in particular, the 159th Guards Novorossiysky Red-known Order of Suvorov III degree Fighter Aviation Regiment)