Presentation "Organization of the methodological association of teachers of mathematics and computer science." Presentation of SMO Material on the topic Experience of the Methodological Association of Teachers Presentation

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The school methodological association is a collegial body that helps increase professional motivation, methodical culture of teachers and the development of their creative potential. Shmu -Tho is the union of teachers who teach one subject or several items within the framework of one educational area. SMO is created at school if there are at least three teachers on one subject or educational area.

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Chairman (head) Shmu

appointed annually by order by school at the beginning school year from among teachers who have a high professional category and high results of professional activities; enjoy the respect of their commodity colleagues, teachers, school administration; have a high communicative culture; Can be the leader.

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Increase the theoretical methodological and professional skill of teachers. Armament of teachers effective methods, techniques and technologies of the organization of urgent and extracurricular activities. Studying and efficient use in the activities of SMO fundamental regulatory documents on the subject. Study of achievements of advanced pedagogical experience achievements pedagogical science and practices. Development of the creative potential of the teacher, the ability to reflective the assessment of their achievements. Development of the positive professional motivation of the teacher and the desire for professional growth. Formation of teachers' need to enhance their professional culture. Improving the efficiency of the school lesson. Development of a community culture of the teacher. Formation of the reflexive culture of the teacher. Formation of culture of high-quality use information technologies at the lesson. Study professional achievements Pedagogues. Studying the efficiency of use by teachers-subjects of various technologies for the organization of the lesson. Study of the state of teaching subject. Development of professional interest of teachers to work in creative groups.

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The main directions of work SMO in the context of the modernization of education

Updating the content of school education; Formation of general educational and special skills; Diagnosis of training, trained and real educational capabilities of students; Search for paths, means, ability to reduce the cost of study time; Introduction of modern educational technologies; Development of systemological partnership.

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Local acts regulating the work of SMO

SHO position; Regulations on the creative group of teachers; Regulations on the subject week; Regulations on the school Olympiad; Functional duties of the head of SHOM;

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Documentation SHMU

Regulations on the methodological association. Data Bank of MO Teachers: Quantitative and Qualitative Composition (Age, Education, Specialty, Taked Item, Common Experience and Pedagogical, Qualification Category, Awards, Title, Home Phone). Analysis of work over the past year. MO tasks for the current school year. Subject methodical work, its goal, priority directions and tasks for the new school year. The work plan of MO for the current school year. Plan-grid work MO for every month. Information about the topics of self-education teachers MO. Perspective plan for certification of teachers MO. The schedule of certification of teachers MO for the current year. A promising plan for improving the qualifications of teachers MO. Schedule to improve the qualifications of teachers of MO for the current year.

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Schedule holding open lessons and extracurricular activities According to MO Teachers (approved by the School Director). Addresses of professional experience MO. Information about the professional needs of MO Teachers (according to the results of diagnostics). The plan for the methodological week (if MO conducts independently). Programs (author on the subject, elective, circles). Information about curriculumah and their educational and methodological support on the subject. Calendar and thematic planning (on the subject, according to individual, optional classes, circles on the subject). Work plan with young and newly arrived specialists in MO. The plan of the subject week. Results of intraschool control (express, information and analytical references), diagnostics. Protocols of MO meetings.

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Methodological Association Rights

Methodological association has the right: to prepare proposals and recommend teachers to improve the qualification discharge; put forward an improvement educational process at school; raise the question of publication of materials on the advanced pedagogical experience accumulated in the methodological association; raise a question before the school administration about the promotion of teachers of a methodological association for active participation in experimental activities; Recommend teachers various forms advanced training; apply for consultations on educational activities and education students to the deputy director of the School; make proposals for the organization and content of certification of teachers; To put forward from the Methodological Association of Teachers to participate in the competition "Teacher of the Year".

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The main forms of work of the methodological association.

Conducting pedagogical experiments on the problems of learning and education methods and the introduction of their results in educational process. "Round tables", meetings and seminars on educational and methodological issues, creative reports of teachers, etc. Meeting of methodological associations on the methods of training and education of students. Open lessons and extracurricular activities for the subject. Lectures, reports, reports and discussions on the methodology of training and education, issues of general pedagogy and psychology. Studying and implementing in the educational process of regulatory documents, advanced pedagogical experience. Conduct subject weeks and guidelines. Miscellaneous lessons.

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The procedure for the work of the methodological association

Heads the Methodological Association The Chairperson appointed by the School Director from among the most experienced teachers in coordination with members of the methodological association. The work of the methodological association is carried out in accordance with the work plan for the current school year. The plan is drawn up by the Chairman of the Methodological Association, is considered at a meeting of the Methodological Association, coordinated with the Deputy Director for Methodological Work and is approved by the Methodological Council of the School. Meetings of the methodological association are held at least once in a quarter. On the time and place of the meeting, the Chairman of the Methodological Association is obliged to inform the Deputy Director of the School on Methodical (Educational) work. For each of the issues discussed at the meeting, recommendations are made that are recorded in the protocol log. Recommendations are signed by the Chairman of the Methodological Association. When considering issues affecting the subject or interests of other methodological associations, their chairmen (teachers) must be invited to meetings. Monitoring of activities MO is carried out by the school principal, its deputies for methodical, educational work in accordance with the planms of the methodical work of the school and intra-school control.

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Recommendations for the analysis of the work of the school methodological association

Analysis is a logical method of cognition, which is a mental decomposition of the subject (phenomena, process) on the part, - elements, signs, their comparison and consistent study in order to identify essential, that is, the necessary and certain qualities and properties. Analysis is the collection and processing of a certain, relevant information to deepen the understanding of reality, as well as to prepare and adopt certain management decisions on this basis. Problem Analysis is a special type of analysis aimed at development. educational system Based on identifying and evaluating problems (breaks between the results of the life of the system desired and required in the future, and the results that are currently currently), as well as to identify and explain the causes of these problems (breaks) so that, ultimately, ensure solving problems and general improvement of the results of the system. In the process of analysis, the answer should be received to the question: what problems need to be addressed to increase the efficiency of school methodological association.

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SCHO analysis sources:

regulations; recording analysis of visited lessons, protocols; Results Diagnostic test work, educational monitoring, student certification; The results of certification of teachers; Results of the advanced training of teachers; teacher survey materials; statistical documents; Systematized data for each type of activity (tables, charts, graphs, qualitative characteristics).

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Requirements for the analysis of SMO:

1. The analysis must be concrete; 2. The analysis should ensure the completeness of identifying significant problems (shortcomings), which do not allow to achieve higher results of SMO. 3. Analysis and assessment of the situation should be reasonable. 4. SMO's activities identified during analysis should be ranked in importance and highlighted the most priorities of them for an urgent decision. 5. The analysis should be prognostic. 6. The problems identified during analysis should not be not just stated, but to obtain an explanation that allows you to understand (and then eliminate) their reasons, predict what can happen if the problem is not eliminated in the foreseeable future.

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Approximate scheme of the self-analysis of the teacher's activities on the results of the school year

5. The performance of qualifications and pedagogical skills during the school year: the topic of self-education, its implementation in the current school year; Methodical literature, which was studied during the year; Seminars, conferences, master classes, round tables (different levels), in which they took part; participation in competitions of professional skills; Publications.

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6.Nighting activities: participation in experimental activities; Approbation of new programs, textbooks; Approbation and introduction of modern pedagogical technologies. 7. Wear a sentence on the organization of the educational process and methodical work in the new academic year: Administration OU; Head of MO; Colleagues

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Approximate analysis scheme of school methodical association

I block analysis of conditions. II block - analysis of the state of teaching, quality of knowledge, skills and skills of students. III block - tasks over which the methodical association will work in the future academic year.

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1Block- analysis of conditions

1) Analysis of pedagogical personnel (in comparison with last year): by education, by experience, by age, by qualifying category, advanced training (exchange rate training, including in other regions of Russia, its effectiveness), awards, participation in contests Professional skills, publication and participation in methodical competitions. Information about the publications of teachers and their participation in the Methodological Competitions Certification of teachers (how many teachers should have undergone certification in accordance with a promising schedule, how many actually passed, what conditions were created for utmost teachers), analysis of the difficulties of teachers.

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2) Analysis of work on educational and methodological support for the educational process on the subject. Analysis of curricula and textbooks used in educational process (basic, profile, in-depth levels; elective courses, special courses).

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3) analysis of work on one methodical theme. Analysis of the activities of school associations of teachers (how many sessions were held during the year, the forms of these meetings were considered, what issues were considered on SCO and what decisions were taken, the work of members of SMOs over themes of self-education, participation in the work of MO).

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4) Analysis of working with young professionals (if any) in the framework of the school methodological association (the organization of mentoring, individual consultations, visits to lessons, etc.). 5) Analysis of the activities of creative groups operating within the framework of the school methodological association (the purpose of the creation, composition, forms of work for the year, result).

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6) Analysis of innovation: in the field of content (profile training, copyright programs, testing of textbooks, etc.); use of modern pedagogical technologies; New forms of assessing the quality of students' knowledge (EGE, exam in new form For students of 9 classes, a portfolio, an urgent estimation system, etc.).

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7) Identification, generalization and introduction of current pedagogical experience in practice. 8) Analysis of the use of educational sites in the educational process on the subject

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II block - analysis of the state of teaching, quality of knowledge, skills and skills of students.

1) Analysis of the educational process on the subject (according to the results of visits to lessons, administrative control and slicing verification work, testing, final certification, including in a new form and in the form of the USE). 2) Analysis of extracurricular work on the subject. 3) Analysis and results of working with gifted children. Results Olympics, scientific and practical conferences

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Planning the work of the school methodological association

Plan (from Latin - plane) is a pre-planned order, a sequence of any program, performing work, activities; Confusion, project, the main features of any work. The plan is and a way to consider, building, approach to something.

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Planning is a set of actions such as analyst research, etc., in order to find a complex of solutions aimed at achieving the objectives of any personality, organization, a number of organizations or all citizens and organizations in the region, country or in the world. Planning assumes, first of all, the ability to think with ahead, systematicity and orderliness in work. Planning far from improvisation, it requires analytical thinking

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Sources of drawing up a work plan for school year

Regulations. Recommendations of the City Methodological Association, Scientific and Methodological Information Center, Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Vocational Training of Education Specialists. Plan of the educational institution. Problem-oriented analysis of SMO activities for the previous school year. Analysis of the difficulties of teachers SMU. The work plan for the academic year is drawn up by the head of SHOM, is coordinated with the Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work, discussed and approved at the SMO meeting in August.

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the work plan of SMO must comply with the needs of a general education institution; The implementation of the tasks must be traced in events; The plan should be real and achievable; The plan should reflect the clear and real time limits for the implementation of a particular event; For each result, a specific person must be answered.

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Work plan for school methodical association

The work plan for the school methodological association for the school year is drawn up on the main activities of SMO and includes the following sections:

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2. Information work SMO:

Study of regulatory documents; Study of novelties of psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature, the most valuable pedagogical experience; Study of new pedagogical technologies; The formation of data banks in various areas of activity; Information work with parents, students.

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3. Methodical (scientific and methodical) work SMO:

SMO meetings; Assisting in the development of adaptive and copyright programs; Work with relevant pedagogical experience; Work with young teachers; Conduct subject weeks; Open lessons of teachers SMO; Preparation of guidelines; Preparation of articles for publications; Approbation of modern pedagogical technologies.

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4. Diagnostic and analytical activity:

Studying the difficulties of teachers SMO; Analysis of the level of student training (based on the results of tests, final assessments, exam results); Primary examination of adapted and copyright programs; Analysis of activity.

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Meetings of the school methodological association

The meetings of the school methodological association are held in accordance with the work plan as needed, but at least 1 time in a quarter. Forms of organizing meetings of SMOs can be the most diverse depending on the purpose of the meeting, the preparedness of teachers, traditions of general education institutions.

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Forms of organization and holding meetings of SMO:

1. The theoretical seminar - this form of meetings is most suitable in cases where it is necessary to get acquainted with the regulatory documents, the latest achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience. The head of SHOM, the subject teachers pre-prepare reports, reports on identified issues. The theoretical seminar requires great preparation: individual consultations, conversations, studying relevant literature. It is possible to carry out the theoretical seminar to attract the deputy director of the school, specialists of the PC.

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2. Seminar workshops, on which teachers get acquainted not only with theoretical issues, but also study the implementation of theoretical issues in practice (through open lessons, classes electile courses, extracurricular activities, etc.). The obligatory condition for this form of the meeting of the meeting of the SMO is the relationship of theory and practice. For example, a workshop on the topic "The formation of common technological skills and skills in the lessons of history and public disciplines" includes two blocks - theoretical and practical. Teachers get acquainted with the types and structure of general educational skills, experience of individual teachers in the formation of these skills (visiting open lessons, presentation of the work system, representation of work experience, master class), etc.

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3. The discussion is a targeted exchange of judgments, opinions, ideas of members of the SMO for some kind of problem that requires the search for truth. A small number of teachers (up to 10 people) participate in the discussion, thanks to this, everyone may not just express their opinion, but also to justify and prove it.

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4. The round table is a conversation, up to 10 teachers who share their experience are involved in it, who share their experiences, express their opinions on the general problem.

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5. Conference, which is carried out to summarize the work (for example, over a single methodical theme, on the topic of the experiment). Reports of the conference participants must be accompanied by tables, video recordings, photographs, multimedia presentations and other means of clarity. The speeches of the speakers are limited to the temporary framework and are necessarily discussed (after the speaker will answer questions). Following the conference, a decision is made.

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6.Dell game is a form of a session of the SHO, in which the teachers master the real experience, learn to actively solve problems, and not be third observers. The playback should be as close as possible to the real situation, relevant for most MO members. After the instruction, the roles between the participants are distributed, at the end of the game summarizes the results (counting points, declaring results). However, self-assessment of the actions of the players, the correlation of the gaming situation with reality, the definition of the significance of the results obtained to form the professional interests of teachers

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7. The music reports - this form of the session of the SMO can be used to organize teacher reports on self-education topics.

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8. Master class is a form of a session of SHO, which seems to be pedagogical experience, the most interesting and efficient ways of teaching. This form assumes that the teacher ("Master") transmits its experience to other teachers by direct and commented on to the work techniques. In front of the teacher who is preparing for a master class is the task - to find adequate forms and ways of presenting your experience. It may be written theoretical and methodological developments with which the master class participants can and should get to know in advance, and methodical illustrations in the form of flowcharts, tables, presentations, fragments, or elective courses.

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9.Mometic ring - this form implies a contest of methodical ideas in the implementation of the same problem. For example, the methodical ring on the "Activation of cognitive activity of students in the lessons of the Russian language" involves the competition of the following methodical ideas: the use of game technologies, the organization of group cooperation, increasing the role of independent work of students, etc. Separate teachers (or group) protect their ideas. Analysis group (Deputy Director for OIA, head of SHO, invited experts) assess protection. The competition of methodical ideas is completed by the generalizing conclusion.

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Types of homework:

modeling lesson (fragment or entirely); selection of literature on a certain issue, problem; drawing up the didactic material; drawing up control works, tests; preparation of a presentation on the problem, the matter; Representing your own experience on the problem; Preparation of the message.

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Decorated meetings SHMU

The meeting of the school methodological association is necessarily recorded by the secretary and is certified by the head of SHO. Protocols Shmu S. decisions made are the official and reporting document. They can be stamped into a separate folder or decorated in a notebook.

See all slides

MBOU Ulyanovsk School School The role of a school textbook in preparing for the lesson. Effective techniques and forms works with a textbook. Formation of general educational skills and skills while working with a textbook.

SMU speech prepared

teacher primary classes

Lazareva I.A.

3 groups of work techniques 1 group - techniques for working with orientation apparatus in the content of the textbook: introduction, table of contents, conditional designations for tasks, instructions "How to use the textbook"; 2 Group - Taking Works with Text; 3 Group - Acceptance of work with the apparatus of assimilation educational material and the organization of educational activities of students: questions, tasks, illustrations, instructions for practical work.

In the process of learning, you should use such techniques to work with the textbook, which: - carry out the implementation of the basic functions of the textbook (training, raising and developing) and contribute to the formation of students' major knowledge, training skills and positive relationship to the world surrounding; - aimed at the development of independence in the mining of knowledge; - Complete the close relationship between mental and concrete practical academic activities; - Publishing students to self-education.

Traditional teaching techniques: - allocation of the main thought of the text of the textbook, - drawing up a text plan, - Filling circuits, tables based on textbook text and others that ensure the assimilation of knowledge and skills of reproducing, performing activities, when the student is focused on strong memorization and text reproduction of the textbook.

For transforming activities, it is characteristic:

independent production of knowledge from the textbook,

rebuilding previously gained knowledge and skills,

the implementation of broad transfer of formed methods for solving new training practical problems,

the possibility of developing the desire for self-education is laid in the content of education.

Reading in classroom students loud under the guidance of the teacher.

Reading for yourself to prepare for reading out loud.

An independent reading of the articles in the textbook with the formulation of questions on the read material.

Reading about yourself and discharge from the textbook important places and new words.

Recording in your own words of conclusions from the read text.

Drawing up tables based on the readable material.

Reading may be accompanied by sketches in a notebook based on text or illustrations.

Gaming forms of classes:

one . Question answer.

2. Cheat sheet.

3. Matched student.

4. The text of the text (by roles).

5.Collective story.

6. Among the incredible.

The development of memory and the assimilation of the material being studied contribute to such techniques: - Find concrete details in the text (events, names, etc.)

- Choose statements most fully transmitting the meaning of the text.

- Eating a header for text.

- make a plan read, write a summary

- You can spend the game "Restore Text".

Up to use

Tutorial in lesson

The main directions when working with the textbook are the following points:

1. Work with a textbook;

2. Work with additional literature;

3. Master of the teacher and the school librarian.

  • Independent work of students with a textbook material.
  • Working with a textbook with the help of a teacher.

The following skills and skills are formed:

1. Be able to allocate the main thing in the text, the table, in the picture.

2. Compare, make generalizations, conclusions by text.

3. Draw up the text plan of the story.

4. Compile questions to the text.

5. Move the terms of terms on the topic.

6. Schemes, tables, graphics textbook textbook.

7. Prepare messages, write "mini-writings."

8. Consulting cards on the topics of the textbook.

9. The formation of skills covers the text as integrity.

Memo to the teacher to work with the textbook:

Check out S. approximate program And with the CMD ( educational and methodical set) To a certain class and its main component - a textbook (its content and structure).

Use various forms and techniques to work with the textbook when teaching reading, speaking, writing, solving examples, tasks, exercises.

Using the textbook material, teach students to work with the text of the textbook (to share it on the part, to draw up a plan for negotiating, set questions, look for keywords, draw up dialogues based on it, decide tasks, to draw up schemes, plans).

Make a student to an independent acquisition of knowledge, teach it to use footnotes, comments, dictionary, directory.

Differentiate tasks, taking into account the different level of students' training, in order to select those available for weak students.

Methodical union of primary school teachers

DOS No. 57.

Andrianova Irina Fedorovna - Head of SHOM, teacher of the highest qualification category, pedagogical title "Senior Teacher", work experience 30 years, theme: "Formation of language support for communicative competence of primary school students in lessons using ICT, as a means of improving the quality of students."

SHMO problem

"Creating conditions for the vocational growth of the teacher as one of the main conditions for the quality of education"


  • Promoting the introduction of modern educational technologies as a significant component of the content of education.
  • Create conditions to improve the qualification level of the teacher.
  • Focus on improving the level of self-education of each teacher.
  • Use information technology.
  • Develop the ability to design their own activities, describe their own pedagogical experience and experience of their colleagues, be able to work with modern pedagogical concepts and theories.

SMO teachers primary classes

In elementary school there was a stable multi-year pedagogical team of 5 people. 100% of teachers have the highest qualifying category. 2 people have the title of "Senior Teacher", 1 - "Methodist Teacher".

The main thing in work:




Model elementary school characterizes:

1. Creating conditions for the full stay of the child in an educational institution.

2. Successful implementation of the educational process.

3. Creating a health-saving medium.

4. High relevance of the content of extracurricular activities.

Work on the theme and problem was implemented through active forms of work:

  • A visit to the district Mo teachers of primary classes.
  • Participation in school pedsoves, seminars.
  • Open lessons and events.
  • Holding a week of primary classes.
  • Organization of working with gifted children.
  • The work of teachers over self-education topics.
  • Participation in creative contests.

ICT in elementary school

Two cabinets are equipped with computers, one projector - it allows students to acquire programming skills, creating computer presentations.

Areas of work

  • Civilian - patriotic

contributes to the education of citizenship, patriotism, national self-consciousness, the formation of the concepts of "citizenship", "symbols of the republic", the development of a sense of collectivism, mutual rights; mutual respect;

  • Spiritually moral

rises a good attitude towards the family, to traditions, homeland, historical, cultural and popular memory;

  • Informational - analytical

contributes to the development of speech in children, the ability to analyze, compare, to make the appropriate conclusions;

Areas of work

  • Educational - informative

increases interest in learning activities;

  • Artistically - aesthetic e.

contributes to the development of a sense of excellent, aesthetic taste;

  • Environmental, labor

education contributes to the development of love in children to nature, careful attitudes towards its wealth;

  • Sports and wellness

Competitions, Olympiad

The schoolboy acts as a "researcher."

Starting from first grade, students take part in the Internet - Olympiads, projects, contests ... occupy prizes.

Conducting Olympics of a different level allows children to reveal their creative and intellectual abilities.

Creating Own mini sites

We believe that

the system of work of our Mo allows:

move in different meaningful directions, given the different interests of children, their parents and teachers;

develop creative potential trainees;

apply the health-saving technologies.


The development of the student's personality involves the maximum implementation of its activity, initiative and independence in the learning process.

"Success Strategy"

  • In uniform and small grows,

  • during the separation and the greatest decay

  • Salvices Guy Crisp

  • Purpose:


  • Creating in the lessons and in the extracurricular work of positively and active situations that determine the ways of interest and success of children.

  • Expanding opportunities for diverse practical-oriented activities of students.

  • The formation of a positive motivation to their studies.

  • Individualization of working with gifted children.

  • The construction of a correct and good attitude towards students.

  • Self-education and self-improvement of teachers in a personal plan.

  • Expanding the range of interests, dating, friendship and discoveries that make up the creative biography of the methodological association.


  • Work planning:

    • analysis of the work of MO for the last academic year and approval of the new plan;
    • clarification training Load;
    • compilation thematic planning on subjects;
    • planning the work of optional, circles, special courses (elective).
  • Preparation of cabinets for the new school year.


  • Representation for approval of thematic planning on subjects.

  • Delivery plan work MO.

  • The beginning of the work of the electives, circles, special courses (electrical).

  • The beginning of work on preparing for participation in the Olympiads.

  • Planning research studies and its continuation.


  • MO meeting.

  • Analysis of the results of the first quarter and passing them into the study part.

  • Conducting and mutual aperture of open lessons and measures according to the plan of MO and the school plan of a single method. day.


  • Conducting school Olympiad on subjects.

  • Preparation for urban Olympiads on subjects and participation in them.

  • Participation in the Commissions for Checking Olympics.

  • Summing up the preliminary results of student performance of the 10-11 classes.


  • MO meeting.

  • Analysis of the results of the second quarter and passing them into the study part.

  • Conducting intermediate control cuts on subjects in 5-11 classes.

  • Conducting and mutual prospect of open lessons and activities according to MO plan.


  • Adjustment of the work plan of MO on the second half of the year.

  • Participation in the city scientific and practical conference.

  • Participation in the Republican Olympiad on History and Social Science, Geography and Economics, as well as in remote Olympiads on the subject

  • Conducting and mutual prospect of open lessons and activities according to MO plan.


  • MO meeting.

  • Participation in urban competitions in geography and rightfully.

  • Participation in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference.

  • Conducting and mutual prospect of open lessons and activities according to MO plan.


  • Analysis and delivery of the results of the third quarter.

  • Conducting intermediate control over objects in 8 classes.

  • Determination of approximate learning load for the next academic year.

  • Conducting and mutual prospect of open lessons and activities according to MO plan.


  • MO meeting.

  • Preparation of examination material, test tasks and control texts for student certification 9, 10, 11 classes.

  • Organization of work of sections of history, geography, rights and social studies in the framework of the school scientific and practical conference.

  • Conducting control cuts in 9, 10, 11 classes.


  • Interview with the school administration on the results of the school year and tasks for the next academic year.

  • Delivery of the written report on the work of MO in the past school year.

  • Analysis and delivery of the fourth quarter and academic year.

  • Looking offices.

  • Paperwork.


  • Consulting and examinations on subjects in 9, 10, 11 classes.

  • Outcome meeting MO.

  • Organization of summer research and development student.

  • Work with future oolemic

Diagnosing teachers' subject activity

  • Monitoring knowledge, skills and skills, student through intermediate and final control.

  • Interviews with the administration, personal advice.

  • Development and conducting survey of students and parents on the problem of quality of teaching history and geography.

  • Participation in the public examination of ICT use in project activities.