Perspective planning of physical education classes in the program Childhood. Perspective and thematic planning in the senior group on the educational field "Physical Development

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Electronic manual "Physical development. Perspective planning work on the development educational region Children 2-7 years old under the program "Childhood" "series" Pre-school development "was created to help instructors in physical culture, managers and methodologies of DOOs, teachers additional education.
The manual proposes planning reflecting the content of the work on the development of children 2-7 years of the educational region " Physical development"And compiled in accordance with the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, Approximate educational program Preschool Education "Childhood" T. I. Babayeva, A. Gogobheridze, O. V. Solntseva et al. (SPB., 2014).
A comprehensive approach to the choice of forms and methods for conducting classes provides mastery and development of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance), coordination of movements, spatial orientation, helps to strengthen the physical and mental health of pupils. Properties of occupation of health and game hours are proposed.

Detailed description

IN lately The preservation of children's health becomes a priority national problem. Preschool education is designed to provide not only a child training in school, but also to create the most favorable conditions for strengthening the health, harmonious physical and holistic development of each child's personality. Therefore, it is possible to speak about the full quality of education only when it is present in it a healthy-saving and health forming components. In this regard, a special role in preschool education is given properly organized physical education.

Electronic manual"Physical development. Perspective planning of work on the development of the educational region by children of 2-7 years under the program "Childhood" " Series "Pre-school development"it was created to help instructors in physical culture, managers and methodologies of DOOs, educators of additional education.

The proposed CD contains planning reflecting the content of the work on the development of children 2-7 years of the educational field "Physical Development" and compiled in accordance with the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, an exemplary educational program of pre-school education "Childhood" T. I. Babayeva , A. Gogoberidze, O. V. Solntseva et al. (SPB., 2014).

The disc is structured by sections:

"Educational Region" Physical Development "";

"Wellness-game Hour".

Section "Educational Region" Physical Development "" contains comprehensive planning for working with children 2-7 years, based on the experience of the municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten Combined Type No. 367 of the Krasnoarmeysky District of Volgograd". An integrated approach to the selection of forms and methods for conducting classes, reflected in promising plans, provides children's teaching of each age group with motor skills and skills, education of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance), the development of coordination of movements, spatial orientation and helps strengthen their physical and mental health.

In chapter "Improving and game hour" The abstracts of physical education in the form of improving and game hour are proposed. Classes consist of a set of mobile games and exercise, selected in accordance with the age of children, the tasks of physical development Approximate educational program of preschool education "Childhood" and SanPiN requirements To the duration of classes, GEF to.

Depending on the time of year, venues, weather conditions And the tasks assigned various options for building health and game hours:

- gaming exercises and mobile games;

- game exercises, mobile and sports games;

- sports games and gaming exercises;

- game exercises, game-playing;

- Gaming exercises, dance games.

The proposed CD is based on the printed benefits of the teacher's publishing house using software. The electronic form of the manual makes it possible to work more intensively and efficiently using all the advantages of the computer (editing, combining, search, print, etc.).


1. Physical development. Planning work on the development of the educational area by children of 2-4 years under the program "Childhood" / Avto-Sost. I. M. Suchkova, E. A. Martynova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. - 199 p.

2. Physical development. Planning work on the development of the educational area by children of 4-7 years under the program "Childhood" / Avto-Sost. E. A. Martynova, N. A. Davydova, N. R. Kislyuk. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. - 246 p.

organization of physical education in DOO

Physical education is that

provides health and adds



In the period from 2 to 7 years are laid out Fundamentals of physical and mental health of a person. Formation of children in children in conservation and health promotion is an important task facing preschooleducational organizations, in connection with which a special role in the DOW is given properly organized physical education. From early childhood, the child must be vaccinated The need for regular practices in physical culture that promote the development of its physiological systems, which determine the tempo and nature of the normal functioning of the growing body, stimulate the formation of mental functions.

The planning presented reflects the content of the work of the pedagogical team of MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 367. Volgograd" on the development of the educational field "physical development"children 2-7 years old, based on the integration of educational areas "Socio-Communicative Development", "Cognitive Development", " Speech development"," Artistic and aesthetic development "in accordance with the Federal State educational standard pre-school education and an exemplary educational program of preschool education "Childhood" T. I. Babayeva, A.G. Gogobheridze, O. V. Solntseva and others. (SPB: LLC"Publisher" Childhood-Press", 2014).

An integrated approach to the selection of forms and methods for conducting classes, reflected in promising plans, provides children's teaching of each age group with motor skills and skills, education of physical qualities (dexterity, speed, endurance), the development of coordination of movements, spatial orientation and helps strengthen their physical and mental health.

Structure of physical education:

1. The introductory part (warm-up).

2. Main part (generalizing exercises, basic types of movements, mobile game).

3. Final part (game of small mobility).

Classes are held 2 times a week in the gym. In addition to these classes, a third physical culture occupation is conducted according to the requirements of SanPiN, which is recommended to be held on the street in the form of a health and gaming hour.

The benefits proposed abstracts of health and gaming hour hours, which are organized by the educator on a daily walk and aimed at optimizing physical education and recreationalworks in the DOW due to the satisfaction of the vital need of a child in motion and rehabilitation of it by staying in the fresh air in combination with the physical activity organized in the game form. All natural factors are used for this: water, air, sun, earth. Harding events need to be carried out all year round, but their appearance and technique, of course, should vary depending on the season and weather. In drawing up the abstracts of the wellness-gaming hour hour, the emphasis was on an increase in the duration and intensity of motor activity, enrichment of the content of classes and an increase in the number of main movements, a pronounced trend took into account the increase in motor activity in the spring-summer period and its decline in the autumn-winter period.

Structure of health and gaming hour:

1. Health workout (various types of walking, running, jumping; imitation movements; exercises for the prevention of flatfoot and the formation of proper posture).

2. Improving and developing training (the development of physical qualities, the formation of skills to interact with each other and execute the rules in the movable game).

The number and content of tasks and exercises vary depending on the age of children, weather conditions, motor activity and formed certain skills and skills.

Designed physical instructorsupbringing, leaders and methodologies of pre-school educational organizations, educators of additional education; Recommended by students Facultyconcessory education of higher and medium-sized pedagogical and physical education institutions.

Explanatory note

Explanatory note

Recently, the preservation of children's health becomes a priority national problem. Health promotion is not only not so much the task of medical workers as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Perennial studies of psychologists confirm the need to start this work with preschool ageSince it is by 5-6 years old the child begins to accumulate his own life experience, in many ways spontaneous and unconscious. But the child is quite long, knowing the rules, does not fulfill them. Psychologists speak only about creating prerequisites for a conscious attitude towards health during this period of life. In order for such prerequisites, it is necessary to master the "common arbitrariness of their behavior" (L. S. Vygotsky), "Sports of the motives of its actions" (A. N. Leontyev), which is achieved in the process of mastering the rules of moving and other types of games. This requires a targeted systematic work on the formation of a conscious relationship of children to health. Pre-school educational institutions play in this process. Preschool education is designed to provide not only a child training in school, but also to create the most favorable conditions for strengthening the health, harmonious physical and holistic development of each child's personality. Therefore, it is possible to speak about the full quality of education only when it is present in it a healthy-saving and health forming components. INcommunication with this special role in preschool education is given properly organized physical education.

From the earliest childhood, the child needs to instill the need for regular practical culture. Movement is necessary for a child, as they contribute to the development of its physiological systems and, therefore, determine the tempo and nature of the normal functioning of the growing organism, stimulate the formation of mental functions.

The manual provides planning work on the development of children 2-7 years of the educational field "physical development" in accordance with GEF tothe objectives of the approximate educational program of preschool education "Childhood" from the experience of the municipal pre-school educational institution Kindergarten of the Combined type No. 367 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd.

purpose This manual is to help instructors in physical culture of pre-school organizations to organize a systematic work on the physical development of children.

Tasks: promote stimulating and enhancing the activities of physical culture instructors in the physical development of preschool children, use modern forms and methods of organizing classes on the physical development of preschool children, the dissemination of work experience among teachers of pre-school educational organizations.

Conceptual provisions:

- Improving the methodological support of pre-school organizations on the physical development of preschool children;

- Improving professional mastery of instructorsin physical culture in the directions related to the physical development of children;

- organization of the physical development of children who meets the age capabilities and individual features of children of preschool age;

- implementation of targeted selection of gaming methods and forms of organizing classes on the physical development of preschool children.

Structure of physical education:

I. Introductory part.

Workout, which is given to 1 min(Group early age) , 1.5 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min

II. Main part.

Includes overall exercises, main types of movements,movable game. The main part of the classes is given10 min (early child group), 12.5 min (Junior Preschool Group), 17 min (middle preschool age group), 20 minutes (senior preschool group)22 min (Preparatory group of preschool age).

III. Final part.

The game of small mobility, which is given to 1 min(Early, younger and middle groups preschool age), 2 minutes (senior preschool group), 4 min (Preparatory group of preschool age).

In an early age group, it is planned to carry out work on the physical development of children by educators in conjunction with the instructor of physical culture. A special place in the planning system is given joint activities with children, where the content of educational work is reflected outside of classes. It is advisable to plan this work weekly. Starting with the younger preschool group, the physical development of children is conducted by an instructor of physical culturetour.

Classes are held 2 times a week in the gym.



1. Vavilova, E. N. Development of basic movements in children 2-3 years: work system / E. N. Vavilova. - M.: Publishing House "Scripture 2003", 2007.

2. Vetrov, V. V. What to play with a child up to 3 years / V. V. Vetrov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009.

3. Galanova, T. V. Educational games with babies up to three years: a popular benefit for parents and teachers / T. V. Galanova. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

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5. Games With young children: method. Recommendations / Sost. M. A. Aralova. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

6. Casina, O. B. The best sports activities, holidays and entertainment in kindergarten / O. B. Casina. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2009.

7. Kirillova, Yu. A. Integrated physical culture and speech classes for preschoolers with ONP 4-7 years / Yu. A. Kirillova, M. E. Lebedeva, N. Yu. Lykova. - St. Petersburg. : Childhood press, 2005.

8. Kodina, D. N. Gaming classes with children 2-3 years / D. N. Kodina. - M.: TC Sphere, 2010.

9. Complex classes in the first youngest group of kindergarten: Pratte. Manual for educators and methodists DOU / Sost. T. M. Bondarenko. - Voronezh: Teacher, 2004.

10. Constor, M. M. Moving games in kindergarten / M. M. Kontorovich, L. I. Mikhailova. - M.: State Educational and Pedagogical Publisher of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1957.

11. Kostrkina, L. Yu. Kids, Physical Council! System of work on the development of the main movements of young children / L. Yu. Kostrkina, O. G. Rykov, T. G. Kornilova. - M.: Publishing House "Scripture 2003", 2006.

12. Lisane, S. Ya. Physical education For kids / S. Ya. Lisane. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987.

13. Litvinova, M. F. Physical sessions with young children: the third year of life: Pratte. Manual / M. F. Litvinova. - M.: Iris-Press, 2005.

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15. Mahaneva, M. D. Game classes with children from 1 to 3 years: method. Manual for teachers and parents / M. D. Mahaneva, S. V. Roshikovov. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005.

16. Nikishina, I. V. For health in kindergarten / I. V. Nikishin. - Volgograd: OJSC Alliance Yugpolygrafyzdat, 2009.

17. Penzulaev, L. I. Moving games and playing exercises for children 3-5 years old / L. I. Penzulaev. - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center "Vlados", 2003.

18. Penzulaev, L. I. Physical sessions with children 4-5 years old / L. I. Penzulaev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

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20. First Steps. Materials of the Moscow City Competition "First Steps" (model of early childhood education) 2001-2002 / Sost K. White. - M.: Link Press, 2002.

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24. Collection games to the "Program of Education in kindergarten" / Sost. E. G. Baturin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1974.

25. Silberg, J. 125 educational games for children from 1 to 3 years old / J. Silberg; Per. from English P. A. Samsonova. - Minsk: Popourry, 2004.

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27. Timofeeva, E. A. Moving games with children of junior preschool age / E. A. Timofeyev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

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Explanatory note

Explanatory note

In the period from 2 to 7 years old, the foundations of the physical and mental health of a person are laid. therefore Preschool educational organization its main strategic task considers the preservation and strengthening of children's health, improving the quality of medical and social conditions, because the child is almost the entire day The day spends in the children's institution.

For this purpose, all natural factors are used: water, air, sun, ground (walking barefoot in summer). Harding events need to be carried out all year round, but their appearance and technique should vary depending on the season and weather.

Currently, in almost all preschool institutions, an effective system of physical education and recreational activities has developed, including a variety of forms of work with children. Conducting physical education in the form of a wellness-game hour contributes to optimizing physical culture and recreation work due to the satisfaction of the vital need of a child in motion, rehabilitation by staying in the fresh air in combination with the physical activity organized in the game form.

Purpose: Help teachers organize physical education in the fresh air in a game form.

Classes consist of a set of mobile games and exercise, selected in accordance with the age of children, the tasks of physical development Approximate educational program of preschool education "Childhood" and SanPiN requirements To the duration of classes, GEF to.

Principles of detention:

Score and accessibility - preschoolers get scientifically based modern knowledge in the field of physical education; Physical education and rehabilitation of preschoolers are carried out in an affordable form corresponding to their age.

Systemity - It is implemented by the system of physical education and development of children in preschool institutions and in the fresh air.

In drawing up the abstracts of the wellness-gaming hour, it was taken into account: the duration and intensity of motor activity, enrichment of the content and an increase in the number of major movements, a pronounced tendency to increase the motor activity in the spring-summer period and its decline in the autumn-winter period.

Structure of health and game hours:

I. Improving workout.

Prepares the body to physical exertion. The game form uses various types of walking, running, jumping, imitation movements, exercises for the prevention of flatfoot and posture.

II. Improving and developing training of a certain type of physical skills and skills.

Exercises and games are used, aimed at the development of physical qualities, the formation of skills to interact with each other and execute the rules in the movable game.

The number of tasks in the first and second parts depends on the age of children, weather conditions, motor activity and skills. To improve interest in the execution of the specified exercises, different mobile games and play exercises are used.

The dominance of gaming forms when conducting a health and game hour is based on the fact that the game is the leading activity of children of preschool age.

It is recommended to use folk games in work with preschoolers. Properly organized and systematically conducted, they form character, will, raise patriotic and international feelings.

Depending on the time of year, the venues, weather conditions and the tasks set various options for building a health and gaming hour:

- gaming exercises and mobile games;

- game exercises, mobile and sports games;

- sports games and gaming exercises;

- game exercises, game-playing;

- Gaming exercises, dance games.

The health and game hour is organized by the educator on a daily walk in accordance with the grid of classes and the proposed abstracts of classes according to plan. You can replace one or more structural units With the obligatory preservation of the motor load, taking into account the interests of children, the peculiarities of the natural and climatic conditions on the day of the 3rd physical education (health and gaming hour).

Tatyana Egorovna Oleneva
Perspective scheduling in the senior group on the educational field "physical development"


Software tasks:

« Physical development»

Promote harmonious development of children. experience all kinds of exercise, outdoor Exercises with a big ball. To form initial ideas and skills in sports games and exercises. Teach children to analyze, control and evaluate their movements and movements of comrades in gaming activities. : overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through throwing bags in the hoop, jumping in length, throwing bags in the hoop, jumping in length. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical improvementThrough walking, running in the column one by one with a stop on the signal, in equilibrium, with a support on the palm and between the knees. Teach children to analyze, control and evaluate their movements and movements of comrades, overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through throwing ball, climbing on a gymnastic bench, running exercises. Develop Coordination of movements, with an equilibrium in crawling along a gymnastic bench, walking on socks, heels, in half-graced, hands forward with advancement, equilibrium in crawling along a gymnastic bench, walking on socks, heels, in half-graced, hands forward with progress.

"Socio - communicative development» To form primary ideas about road movement games. Formation of the basics of safe behavior in the gym, playground. To form primary ideas about kindergarten, autumn, through the moving games.

"Cognitive development» Development of intereststhrough game activities

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience: seek aware, active, with due muscular tension Execution outdoor Exercises with gymnastic sticks. Teach children to analyze, control and evaluate their movements and movements of comrades. Develop physical qualities in children: overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through throwing balls, throwing bags in target, jumping in length from running out, throwing stuffing balls, throwing bags in target, jumping in length from running. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical Improvement by walking, running in jumping with Promotion. Develop Coordination of movements, using equilibrium on a rope, with the change of hands, with commands, with running for long distances.

"Socio - communicative development»

To form primary ideas about people in rolling games, sportswear, about things, about fleeting birds, through game activity. Formation of skills and skills in cleaning sports equipment. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of transport in rolling games.

"Cognitive development»

Formation of primary ideas about themselves, through conversations, in gaming activities. ABOUT diversity In the world of sportswear. Develop curiosity to sports activities.

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience develop the accuracy of movements, outdoor Exercises with hoop. Develop physical qualities in children: overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through the arc subject, straight, sideways, possession of the ball, jumping through items, chopping the ball about the floor with one hand in place. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical improvement, in general collaborating exercises, games with running. Develop Coordination of movements, with the help of equilibrium on a rope, with the change of the position of the hands, with teams, with running long distances, subject to arc, climbing on a gymnastic bench from various positions.

"Socio - communicative development» To form ideas about professions in relay, games. To form ideas about wild and domestic animals in relay, games. To form ideas about what is good and what is bad in relay, games.

"Cognitive development» To form ideas about healthy lifestyle in relay, games.

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience: to seek conscious, active, with due muscular voltage by performing all types of exercises, main movements, outdoor Exercises with flags. Develop physical qualities in children: Shared endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through jumping through cords, throwing a ball with two hands up and fishing with two hands. Lazain on the gymnastic wall, crawling on all fours between kegs with pushing the ball head. Develop Coordination of movements, with a walk on a bench with a bag on the head with an appropriate step.

"Socio - communicative development» To form ideas about what is homeland in relay, games. To form ideas about winter in moving games to form ideas about fire safety in rolling games.

"Cognitive development» Develop An idea of \u200b\u200ba small homeland with the help of a conversation, games. Develop curiosity, activity in gaming and sports activities.

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience: seek conscious, active, with due muscular voltage outdoor Exercises with cubes. Develop physical qualities in children: overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through jumping from foot to foot with a forward move, throwing a ball with two hands from the bottom, because of the heads in pairs, crawling on all fours with pushing the ball head on a gymnastic bench. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical improving walking, running in Colon one by one with the preservation of the distance, with breathing exercises. Develop Coordination of movements, with a walk with overpanding through the cubes, set at a distance, with an appropriate step.

"Socio - communicative development» Form ideas about flight birds, about artistic creativity, on folk traditions in gaming activities. To form ideas about gender education in gaming activities.

"Cognitive development» Develop Activity in conversations, games about boys and girls.

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience: seek conscious, active, with due muscular voltage outdoor Exercises with objects, flags. Develop physical qualities in children: overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through throwing bags in target, kegles, climbing on a rope, in high jumps through objects. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical Develop Coordination of movements, with a walk with overpanding through the Cuba, set in one row.

"Socio - communicative development» Form ideas about Russia; about the defenders of the Fatherland; On the rights and obligations in gaming activities.

"Cognitive development» Develop Activity in conversations, games about Russia. Develop curiosity, activity, through conversations about the defenders of the Fatherland.

Software tasks:

« Physical development»

Form and improve motor experience: seek conscious, active, with due muscular voltage outdoor Exercises for musical accompaniment. Improve ideas and skills in sports games and exercises. Improve the skills of children to analyze, monitor and evaluate their movements and movements of comrades in the main movements, general collaborating exercises. Develop physical qualities in children: general endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through the improvement of jumping in height, length from place, running. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical Improving in running exercises, improve walking skills, rebuildings.

"Socio - communicative development» »To form ideas about your mother's festival; About Maslenitsa, about music in gaming activities.

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience: seek conscious, active, with due muscular voltage outdoor Exercises with gymnastic sticks. Develop physical qualities in children: overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through jumps in a straight line, with alternating legs; throwing the ball, bags in the target, beat the ball, throw it in pairs to each other from different positions. Develop Coordination of movements, with the help of a bench with shifting the ball from the hands of an appropriate step.

"Socio - communicative development» To form ideas about theater in gaming activities. To form ideas about health in gaming activities. To form ideas that the family and kindergarten are united in gaming activities.

Software tasks:

« Physical development» Form and improve motor experience: seek aware, active, with due muscular voltage by performing all types of exercises, outdoor Exercises with a big ball. Develop physical qualities in children: overall endurance, speed, strength, coordination, flexibility, through throwing bags in the hoop, jumping in length. Form a conscious need for motor activity and physical improvementThrough walking, running in the column one by one with a stop on the signal, in equilibrium, with a support on the palm and between the knees.

"Socio - communicative development»

Form ideas about behavior in nature; about the road alphabet,

about books in gaming activities.

Themed weeks (see in the previous planning) .