Logic circle in dhow middle group planning. Mbdou krasoschekovsky kindergarten "kid"

Purpose of the program: Creation of conditions for the development of elementary logical thinking in preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies.

This program shows how, through special games and exercises, you can form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality.



municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten combined type No. 10" Teremok "

Working programm

circle for the development of logical thinking "We play and learn" for children 5-7 years old.

Psychologist Maksimova I.V.

for the 2016-18 academic year.


Explanatory note.

One of the most important tasks in the upbringing of a child is the development of his mind, the formation of such thinking skills and abilities that allow him to master new things. The educational system should help the child to acquire such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to the new conditions of society. Often, children entering the first grade can read, write, count and, it would seem, are fully prepared for school. However, teachers and parents are often faced with such a problem when, already in the first months of school, children find learning difficulties. One of the common reasons for this situation is insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking in preschool age. In the mental development of the child, the process of mastering logical relationships plays an essential role.

Recently, the emphasis has been on working with children who have difficulties in mastering the program. Children who have high level cognitive abilities were neglected. The developed program will eliminate this drawback.

Verbal - logical thinking is the highest stage of development children's thinking... Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words.

But why logic should a little preschooler? According to L. A. Venger “For five-year-old children, the external properties of things alone are clearly not enough. They are quite ready to gradually get acquainted not only with external, but also with internal, hidden properties and relationships that underlie scientific knowledge about the world ... All this will be beneficial mental development child only if training is aimed at developing mental abilities, those abilities in the field of perception, figurative thinking, imagination, which are based on the assimilation of samples of the external properties of things and their varieties ... ". The skills and abilities acquired by the child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." It will be more difficult for a child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking to solve problems; performing the exercises will require a lot of time and effort.

This program shows how, through special games and exercises, you can form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality. In working with preschoolers on the development of cognitive processes, one of the necessary conditions for their successful development and learning is consistency, that is, a system of special games and exercises with consistently developing and increasingly complex content, with didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Separately taken games and exercises can be very interesting, but using them outside the system it is difficult to achieve the desired learning and developmental result.

Relevance. Our time is a time of changes, Russia needs people capable of making cardinal decisions, and this is relevant. Those who are in kindergarten now will build our society tomorrow. Relying precisely on the logical following of thought, and not on their own desires or unexpected preferences, the doctor makes a well-founded diagnosis, the judge makes a reasoned verdict, the critic evaluates the film objectively. In order for our children to be knowledgeable doctors, sensible lawyers, honest critics, they need to learn to think logically, master simple and complex types of inferences, operate with affirmative and negative judgments. Logical thinking is an instrument of cognition of the surrounding reality, therefore, the formation of the basic forms and methods of logical thinking is an important factor in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. The relevance of the problem is determined by the importance of logical thinking for the development of the individual as a whole.

Purpose of the program : Creation of conditions for the development of elementary logical thinking in preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies.


1. To teach children the basic logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, serialization, semantic correspondence, restriction.

2. To develop the ability to operate with abstract concepts, reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships, draw conclusions.

3. To educate in children the need to mentally strain, engaging in intellectual tasks, interest in cognitive activity.

4. To cultivate the desire to overcome difficulties, self-confidence, the desire to come to the aid of a peer.

5. To convey to the parents the urgency of this problem and to involve them in active cooperation.

Timeframe for the implementation of the program- 2 academic years.

Amount of children- 8 children.

Activity Mode - 1 lesson per week in the afternoon for 25-30 minutes.

Forms and methods of work:didactic, educational, travel games, work with Dnesh's logical blocks, with Kuisener's sticks, solving logical and mathematical problems, guessing riddles, puzzles, considering, explaining, reading, entertaining questions, tasks - jokes, creativity, graphic dictation, physical minutes, finger exercises.

Lesson structure: warm-up; the main content of the lesson is the study of new material; physical minutes, finger gymnastics; consolidation of new material; game, drawing.

Working with parents:after each lesson, parents are offered speech material to consolidate knowledge outside of class: funny poems, fairy tales, stories, logical, mathematical and comic problems, linguistic and psychological games, riddles, crosswords and other entertaining materials.

A brief description of the sections. (Sections correspond to certain logical operations).

Comparison ... The goal is to teach mentally to establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential characteristics; develop attention, perception, improve orientation in space. Search for similarities and differences in two similar pictures.

Analysis - synthesis ... The goal is to teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them; teach mentally to combine parts of the subject into a single whole. Games and exercises for finding a logical pair. Complement the picture (pick up a patch, add a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites. Work with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

Generalization. The goal is to teach mentally to combine objects into a group according to their properties. Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, expand the everyday knowledge of children. Games and exercises for operating with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, trees, birds, etc.

Classification. The goal is to teach how to distribute objects into groups according to their essential characteristics. Consolidation of generalizing concepts, free handling of them.

Systematization. The goal is to teach how to identify patterns; expand the vocabulary of children, teach to tell from a picture, retell. Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures, arranging pictures in a logical sequence.

Limitation. The goal is to teach children to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain criteria. Develop children's observation skills. Games and exercises: "circle only the red flags with one line", "find all non-circular objects", etc. Excluding the fourth unnecessary

Inferences ... The goal is to teach judgments to make a conclusion. Contribute to the expansion of everyday knowledge of children. Develop imagination. Games and exercises: search for positive and negative in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it nourishes plants - this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Evaluation of the correctness of certain judgments (“The wind blows because the trees are swaying.” Is this true?) Solving logical problems.

Expected results:The activities of the circle will help children acquire the ability to solve problem situations, understand the proposed problem and solve it yourself. Having mastered logical operations, the child will be more attentive, will learn to think clearly and clearly, think, reason, will be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right time, which will lead to more successful and easier learning at school, which means both the learning process and school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction.

Used Books:

  1. "Development of logical thinking" LF Tikhomirov, AV Basov.

Ed. "GRINGO", 1995

  1. “Educational games for preschoolers. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl "Development Academy", 1996
  2. "I develop logic and intelligence" Y.B. Gatanov. "PETER", 2000
  3. The development of mathematical thinking in children 5-7 years old ”E.V. Kolesnikov. Moscow "Akalis", 1996
  4. "Intellectual Workshop" L.Ya.Bereslavskaya. LINKA-PRESS, 2000
  5. "Psychology. Entertaining materials ". (senior, preparatory group) L.P. Morozova. ITD "CORIFEY", 2010
  6. Aralova M.A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

Agreed: Approved:

Deputy Head for VMR Head of MBDOU d / s No. 10

N.V. Gordeeva ____________ L.V. Ganicheva

"______" ______________ 2016 "____" ____________ 2016

For the 2016-17 academic year



Lesson number 1

Monitoring. Execution of diagnostic tasks. 1. "Assessment of figurative-logical thinking:" Ridiculous pictures. " Confused Poems.

2. "Assessment of verbal-logical thinking."

To assess the level of development of figurative-logical, verbal-logical thinking in children.


Lesson number 2

1. Comparison training.

D / And "Let's compare", "Find the cut pieces",

2. Play with Gienesh blocks. Group the shapes by color, shape, size, thickness. 3. Interesting questions, riddles - jokes.

Learn to identify the common and distinctive features of the compared objects, to distinguish the essential insignificant features of the object. Develop attention, perception, thinking.


Lesson number 3

1. Analysis - synthesis.D / And "Complete the picture", "What is for what" 2. "How are they similar and how they differ"

3. Play with Gienesh blocks. Acquaintance with cards - symbols. 4. Solving logical problems.

Exercise in finding patterns and justifying the solution found, in a sequential analysis of each group of figures.


Lesson number 4

1. Generalization ... D / I "Logic train", "Name in one word" 2. "Logical chains". 3. Play with Gienesh blocks. Continue to introduce cards - symbols. 4. Placing pictures from counting sticks.

Learn to choose a generalizing concept for each group of words; explain your choice. Learn to find a logical connection between drawings located in the same row; draw the missing element; explain your actions in detail.


Lesson number 1

1. Classification. D / I "Universal store", "Divide into groups",

2. D / And "Pick and name". 3. Playing with Kuisener's sticks. 4. Learn to guess riddles.

Learn to mentally distribute objects into groups; connect in pairs suitable friend friend items, explain in detail their actions.


Lesson number 2

1. Systematization. D / I "Pictures are consecutive", 2. Game with blocks of Dienes.

"Where did the mouse hide?" 3. Graphic dictation.

To develop the ability to arrange objects in terms of quantitative and external signs and by meaning. Teach to independently find a pattern. Learn to write a descriptive story.


Lesson number 3

1. Limitation. D / And "Visiting the Fox",

2 "What is superfluous." 3. Game with Gienesh blocks "Find the treasure".

Learn to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain criteria.


Lesson number 4

1. Inferences. D / I "Because ...", "Logic". 2. Game with blocks of Dienesh "Cat and mouse".

3. Linguistic problems.

To teach with the help of judgments to make inferences. Develop imagination.


Lesson number 1

1. D / And "Why did it happen." 2. Draw what should be in the empty cells. 3. Logical mosaic.

Learn to find the cause of events. Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.


Lesson number 2

1. Semantic correlation.D / And “What fits”, “Does it happen”.

2. Coming up with fables. 3. Draw the same shape on the right.

Learn to find connections between objects, phenomena, based on essential signs and properties.


Lesson number 3

1.Game with logic blocks Dienesh "Guess - ka"

2. Name and show from which figures these objects are composed.

3. Solving logical problems. 4. Graphic dictation.

To develop the ability to identify, abstract and name the properties (color, shape, size, thickness) of objects, to denote by the word the absence of any specific property of the object.


Lesson number 4

1 Playing with Kuisener's sticks. "Dish Dexterity". 2. Tasks - jokes, entertaining questions.

3.D / And "What to do"

To develop in children the idea of ​​number based on counting and measurement; spatial relationships. Make an independent conclusion on the basis of two judgments.




1. Solving the crossword puzzle2. Interesting questions, riddles - jokes.

Learn to find connections between objects, phenomena.

Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.




1 "Comparison".

D / And "What has changed."

2. Play with Gienesh blocks. We group objects according to an essential feature. 3. Exciting tasks.

To consolidate the ability to identify common and distinctive features of compared objects, to distinguish essential insignificant features of an object. Develop attention, perception, thinking.


Lesson number 1

1. Analysis - synthesis.D / And "Tell Dunno"

2. "Why and why"

3. Play with Gienesh blocks. 4. Solving logical problems.

To consolidate in the ability to find patterns and justification of the solution found, in a sequential analysis of each group of figures.


Lesson number 2

1. Generalization ... D / And "Logical chains".

2. Play with Gienesh blocks. 3. Laying out pictures from matches, buttons, bulk materials.

Improve skills in generalizing concepts for each group of words; explain your choice. Strengthen the skill of finding a logical connection between pictures.


Lesson number 3

1. Classification. D / And "Question - answer", "Pick and name".

2. Playing with Kuisener's sticks. 3.Learning to solve puzzles.

Strengthen the ability to mentally distribute objects into groups; connect in pairs matching objects, explain in detail their actions.


Lesson number 4

1. Systematization. D / I "Continue a series of items." 2. Play with Gienesh blocks. "Where did the mouse hide?" 3. Graphic dictation.

Improve the ability to arrange objects in terms of quantitative and external signs and meaning, compose a descriptive story.




1. Limitation. D / And "Find fragments of images." 2.Playing with Gienesh blocks

3.Learning to solve Krasswords.

Strengthen the ability to select one or more items from a group according to certain criteria.




1. Inferences. D / I "Think what the picture looks like, finish painting it."

2. Playing with Gienesh blocks

3. Solving riddles

Strengthen skills with the help of judgments to make inferences. Develop imagination.




1. Establishing causal relationships.D / And What should be in the empty cells, finish drawing. 2. Logical mosaic.

Improve the ability to find the cause of events. Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.




1. Semantic correlation.D / And "Both good and bad."

2. Coming up with fables. 3.Graphic dictation

Strengthen the ability to find connections between objects, phenomena, based on essential signs and properties.


Lesson number 1-2

Perspective work plan of the circle "We play and learn"

For the 2017-2018 academic year






"Wrong pictures"

To develop the child's elementary figurative ideas about the world around him and about logical connections.

Develop the ability to reason logically.


"What is a pencil good for?"

Develop originality of thinking.

Cultivate communication skills



"Noisy, tasty, round red!"

Development of figurative and logical thinking.

Learn to change one property of an object without changing its other properties.

Develop fine motor skills, graphic skills.


"Animated figures"

Develop creative thinking.


"Who is stronger: bear or dad?"

Build communication and improvisational skills.


"What's in an empty cage?"



"And the carriage is fabulous, and the wand is magic!"

Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

Develop fine motor skills, artistic ability.


"The letters were found"


"The letters are hidden!"

Develop visual perception, attention.


"Unusual Orchestra"

Develop imagination; encourage children to improvise.

Expand the ability to use non-standard items.

Foster partnerships, respectful relationships



"Exit from the labyrinth"

Develop the ability to plan for action and behavior.


"Wet cucumber in a jar"

Develop creative thinking.

Develop creative imagination, imagination, artistic ability.


"Not patterns - lovely sight!"

Develop visual perception, attention.

Develop mental operations: comparison, semantic correlation.


"Call it funnier"

Develop words.-logical thinking.

Enrich your vocabulary.

Develop creative imagination.

To foster communication skills.



"There are only dots on the leaflet"

Develop visual perception.

Develop mental operations: comparison.

Develop fine motor skills, c. Skills.


"Papuan Pavel"

Develop visual perception, attention.

Develop mental operations: comparison, semantic correlation.

Consolidation of knowledge about letters and sounds.


"Mysterious Riddles"

Develop imagination, logical thinking, initiative.

Encourage children to feel joyful and emotional.

To foster communication skills.


"Where did the drawing go?"

Develop mental operations: inference, systematization.

Develop fine motor skills, c. Skills.



"Doll, umbrella, sparrow, unite!"

Develop generalizing functions of thinking.

To develop the ability to see not only the obvious, but also the hidden properties and signs of objects.



Develop creative thinking,

creative imagination, fantasy.

Encourage children to improvise.

To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, partner qualities.

№ 3-4

Monitoring. Execution of diagnostic tasks.

Assess the level of development of logical thinking in children.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Krasnoshchekovsky Kindergarten"Bell"

Work program for the development of logical thinking in older children preschool age

"Logic alphabet"

Olga G. Shipilova


2013 g.

Explanatory note

Successful teaching of children in primary school depends on the level of development of the child's thinking, the ability to generalize and systematize their knowledge, to creatively solve various problems.

In modern psychology greatest value received the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, in which the genesis of thinking proceeds from the visual-effective to the visual-figurative and further to the verbal-logical.

Logical thinking gives the child the opportunity to analyze objects and phenomena, highlight their main essential properties and relationships, consistently reason and draw independent conclusions. All this contributes to the development of important psychological qualities of a preschooler - the acceptance of the position of a student, mastering the ability to learn.

A child who comes to school does not have these qualities. In favorable conditions, he acquires them in the very course of schooling.

Six-year-old children are characterized by:

  • the predominance of the game as the main, leading type of activity;
  • figurative nature of cognitive processes;
  • practical attitude child to the tasks set (trying to achieve end result, and not understand its essence, what is being done);

In this regard, within the framework educational process it is necessary to create conditions for the development of cognitive abilities, ensuring emotional comfort, volitional behavior of the child.

Successful teaching of children at school depends on the level of development of cognitive processes (thinking, memory, attention, imagination). Let's dwell on this in more detail. When teaching children, special attention is paid to the development arbitrary attention, since the success and clarity of the work of consciousness, therefore, the conscious perception of the material being studied, depends on the level of its development. Naturally, all tasks and their sequence are subordinated to the didactic requirement of gradual complication and ultimately lead to the successful development of voluntary attention, which serves as the basis for the development of other cognitive processes. The child can find differences between objects, perform tasks on his own according to the proposed pattern, find several pairs of identical objects.

Among the tasks for the development of memory, preference is given to visual and auditory dictations and exercises, in the content of which mathematical symbols, records, terms, geometric figures and their location on a sheet of paper. Great importance in the development of verbal-logical memory, didactic games involve the development in children of methods of semantic grouping of the presented words or phrases.

A distinctive feature of the program is the organization of educational activities, as a result of which there is an active development of the basic cognitive processes in children, priority among which are imagination and thinking. That is why much attention is paid to the development of such mental operations as comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, classification, analogy.

Analysis is a process of dividing the whole into parts, as well as establishing connections, relationships between them.

Synthesis is the process of mentally connecting parts of an object or its features, obtained in the process of analysis, into a single whole. Analysis and synthesis are inextricably linked with each other and are one of the main mental operations.

Comparison is the mental establishment of the similarity and difference of objects in terms of essential or insignificant characteristics. A child of older preschool age is able to compare, first highlighting the most significant signs of similarity and difference, and also to see the difference between signs of similarity and signs of difference. The development of the skills to make a comparison is practiced with the help of complicating tasks: first, these are tasks in which it is supposed to compare two objects, while the result of the comparison is expressed graphically; then they compare groups of objects, their images, and then proceed to the comparison of simple plot pictures or compositions.

Generalization is the process of mentally combining objects and phenomena into one group according to their main properties. A senior preschool child is able to generalize objects based on their essential features, independently highlighting these features.

Classification is the distribution of items into groups, usually according to essential characteristics. It is very important to choose the right basis for classifications. Often, children are guided by secondary signs.

The main objectives of the program:

To develop the logical thinking of children 6-7 years old at an elementary level through the methods of comparison, generalization, classification, systematization and semantic correlation.

To promote the acceleration of the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking in older preschoolers through specially organized classes.

Objectives of the program:

  1. The development of the mental abilities of children through mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling.
  2. The development of the ability to make a group of individual objects, dividing them according to characteristic features and purpose.
  3. The development of the ability to classify objects on various grounds.
  4. Teach children to compare objects and images.
  5. The development of the ability to correlate a schematic representation with real objects.
  6. Encourage children to draw independent conclusions.
  7. Teach children to fully answer questions, make inferences.
  8. Development of the ability to establish causal relationships.

Age and quantitative composition of the group.

This program is designed for implementation with children 6-7 years old.

The content of the program is implemented in a holistic educational and educational process: specially organized educational activities (in the afternoon).

The program is implemented within 1 school year in the amount of 36 teaching hours. In kindergarten, it is optimal to conduct subgroup classes for 8-10 children, once a week in the afternoon. The duration of one lesson is 35 minutes. Classes are held in the group premises.

Content of the program.

A brief description of the sections and topics of the lesson (the sections correspond to a certain logical operation, which we will develop in the lesson):

Analysis-synthesis. The goal is to develop in children the ability to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them; teach mentally to combine parts of the subject into a single whole.

Games and exercises: finding a logical pair (cat-kitten, dog-? (Puppy)). Complement the picture (pick up a patch, add a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites (light-heavy, cold-hot). Work with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

Comparison. The goal is to develop in children the ability to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential characteristics; develop attention, perception of children. Improve spatial orientation.

Games and exercises: consolidation of concepts: large - small, long - short, low - high, narrow - wide, higher - lower, further - closer, etc. Operating with the concepts of "the same", "the most". Search for similarities and differences in 2 similar pictures.

Limitation. The goal is to develop in children the ability to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain criteria. Develop children's observation skills.

Games and exercises: "circle only the red flags with one line", "find all non-circular objects", etc. Exclusion of the fourth superfluous.

Generalization. The goal is to develop in children the ability to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, expand the everyday knowledge of children.

Games and exercises for operating with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Systematization. The goal is to develop in children the ability to identify patterns; expand the vocabulary of children; learn to compose a story from a picture, retell.

Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures, arranging pictures in a logical sequence.

Classification. The goal is to develop in children the ability to distribute objects into groups according to their essential characteristics. Consolidation of generalizing concepts, free handling of them.

Inferences. The goal is to develop in children the ability to draw conclusions with the help of judgments. Contribute to the expansion of everyday knowledge of children. Develop imagination.

Games and exercises: search for positive and negative in the phenomena (for example, when it rains, it feeds the plants - this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Evaluation of the fidelity of certain judgments (“the wind blows because the trees are swaying.” Right?). Solving logical problems.

Basic forms of work.

  • subgroup lessons, including specially selected games, exercises, tasks.
  • Games;
  • Exercises;
  • Independent activities of children;
  • Travel game;
  • Consideration
  • Reading fiction.
  • Intellectual quizzes ...

The structure of the lesson.

To achieve the expected result, it is more expedient to adhere to a certain structure of classes:

  • Warm up.
  • The main content of the lesson is the study of new material.
  • Dynamic pause.
  • Securing new material.
  • Educational game.

Warm up in the form of a riddle, acquaintance with a fairy-tale character allows you to activate the attention of children, to raise their mood, and helps to tune in to productive activity.

The main content of the lesson is a set of games and exercises aimed at solving the assigned tasks of this lesson.

Dynamic pause allows children to relax, switch from one activity to another, promotes the development of large and fine motor skills.

Securing new material gives the teacher the opportunity to assess the degree of children's mastery of new knowledge.

Educational game, coloring "smart" pictures on the topic at the end of the lesson is a kind of reflection, the logical end of the work done and serves as an incentive for its continuation.

Planned results of the development of the program by children.

  1. Able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.
  2. The child finds patterns in phenomena, knows how to describe them.
  3. The vocabulary is expanding, he can make inferences with the help of judgments.
  4. Mental processes develop: attention, memory, logical thinking.
  5. Possesses the skills of cooperation, knows how to work in pairs and microgroups.
  6. The individual abilities of the child develop.
  7. Able to prove his point of view.

Calendar-thematic planning

(preparatory group)

Section, topic of the lesson, duration.

Number of lessons


1.Exercises for the development of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention, perception, imagination.

  • "Help Dunno" - September,
  • "Hedgehog went out for a walk" - October,
  • "Fish, where are you sleeping?" - November,
  • "Our friends - Smeshariki" - December,
  • "Robots" - January,
  • "Our defenders" - February,
  • "Sign Contest" - March,
  • "The sunny bunny is our guest" - November,
  • Octopuses - September
  • "Sly Crow" - October.

Teach children to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential characteristics;

Develop attention, perception, imagination,

2.Exercises on the spatial arrangement of objects and their parts (inside-outside; arrangement in space; arrangement on a plane);

  • "The fly is clean" - September,
  • "Cat's Problems" - October.

Teach children to mentally combine objects into groups according to their properties;

To consolidate generalizing concepts, freely operate with them.

Improve spatial orientation.

3. Exercises to develop characteristic qualities of thinking: flexibility. Causality, consistency, spatial mobility.

  • "Warm-up for young sailors" - February,
  • "We are cartoons" - November,
  • "Dog's Joy" - October,
  • Brainstorming - March,
  • "Brave Travelers" - March,
  • "The Adventures of Pick Mouse" - December,
  • "In Search of the Treasure" - April,
  • "Button addiction" - April,
  • "About the mischievous boy and the stars" - November,
  • "Little Christmas tree has fun in winter" - December

Teach children to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain criteria;

Develop children's observation skills.

4.Exercises to highlight the features of an object, subject:

Color, its shades;

Size, shape.

  • Smart Cubes - January,
  • Snowman and Children - January.

Develop the ability to master sensory standards, their mutual combinations.

Teach children to make inferences with the help of judgments,

Contribute to the expansion of the vocabulary of children.

Develop imagination.

5. Exercises for the formation of methods of mental actions: serialization, classification, comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis, limitation.

  • "Santa Claus and Santa Claus" - December,
  • "The Adventures of Luntik" - September,
  • "Snowflake on the palm" - January,
  • "There is a goby, swinging ..." - May,
  • "Russian Bogatyrs" - February.
  • "Today we are the rescuers" - February,
  • "Butterflies are different ..." - May,
  • "Help us, handkerchief, show the way to knowledge ..." - April.
  • Contest "Logic labyrinths" - March,
  • "Space Transformations" - April.

Teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them;

Learn to mentally combine parts of the subject into a single whole.

Teach children to identify patterns;

Contribute to the enrichment of the vocabulary of children, expand everyday knowledge,

Teach children to mentally distribute objects into groups according to their properties;

To consolidate generalizing concepts, freely operate with them

6.Exercise to highlight the quantitative characteristics of sets of objects (visual recognition of quantities, one-to-one correspondence, equalization of quantities).

  • "One-flower, two-flower" - May,
  • « Magic wands- counting "- May.

Develop logical and mathematical abilities; the ability to prove your point of view.

Study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the program.

To study the effectiveness of the implementation of the program, a study of the level of development of logical thinking and its operations is carried out, for
which the following techniques are used:
1. "Non-verbal classification".
2. "Consecutive pictures".
3. "Exclusion of unnecessary".
4. "Place the shapes."
5. "Generalizing word".

Final forms of accounting and control.

The final open classes;
... Monitoring (intermediate (January) and final (May)) the level of mastering the operations of logical thinking.


Child cipher

(Name or symbol)

September January, May

The child owns basic logical operations.

Follows the instructions of the teacher.

Knows how to establish the similarities and differences of objects on the basis of essential characteristics.

Knows how to combine and distribute objects into groups.

Operates freely with generalizing concepts.

Knows how to divide the whole into parts and form the whole from parts, establishing a connection between them.

Can find patterns in phenomena, knows how to describe them.

It is oriented in space and on a sheet of paper.

Can make inferences with the help of judgments.

Has a fairly large vocabulary, a wide range of everyday knowledge.

Knows how to work in pairs and micro groups.

Knows how to memorize, reproduce the material learned, prove, reason.

Interested in the results of my work.

Criteria for evaluation:

3 points - shows awareness, activity, independence, purposefulness.

2 points - shows situational interest, partly does it with the help of an adult.

1 point - shows weak interest, does not do without the help of an adult.

Methodological support.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Development of logical thinking and speech in children 5-8 years old), Moscow: Sphere, 2005.
  2. V. Buzunov Think, Guess, Draw, Color! AOZT Publishing Group NEKO, 1994.
  3. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.: AST, 2006.
  4. Vagurina L.M. Getting ready for school. Logical operations. Test tasks... M .: Linor, 1999.
  5. S.E. Gavrin. A large book of tests for children 6-7 years old. Counting, reading, acquaintance with the world around, development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills of the hand. Development Academy, 2007
  6. Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. We develop logic. M .: Linor, 1999.
  7. Zavodnova N.V. The development of logic and speech in children. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005.
  8. Karpenko M.T. Collection of riddles. Moscow: Education, 1988.
  9. Konovalenko S.V. The development of cognitive activity in children from 6-9 years old. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists. Moscow, 2000.
  10. Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children to read, mathematics, Russian language. - M., AST: Guardian, 2008.
  11. Mamaichuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help of a psychologist to a child. SPb: Speech, 2006.
  12. Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. - M .: Sphere, 2003.
  13. Tikhomirova L.F. Logic for preschoolers. Yaroslavl.: Academy of Development, 2006.
  14. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate (parts 1-4). M., 1998.
  15. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to my self. M., 2001.
  16. Chistyakova G.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M., 1990.
  17. L.V. Cheremankina Development of children's attention. -Yaroslavl, 1999.
  18. Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in senior group... M.2003.

« Logics»

Circle leader: I.V. Pozhidaeva

Program type developing


Methods used :

- practical(play);

- development;

- research;

- experimentation;

- modeling;

- recreating;

- transformation;

- construction.

Program implementation form : regulated educational activities within the circle« Logics».

Development environment :

Modeling sticks. Educational tabletop- printed games.




Simple pencils.

Set of colored pencils. .

Conditions for the implementation of the program the child's natural environment in kindergarten mode.

Verbal and logical thinking is the highest stage in the development of children's thinking. Reaching this stage is a long and difficult process, because the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words. Mathematical literacy, developed logical thinking is the key to successful education of a kindergarten graduate at school.

The skills and abilities acquired by the child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for acquiring knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking will find it more difficult to solve problems, performing the exercises will require a lot of time and effort. As a result, the child's health may suffer, interest in learning will weaken or completely fade away. The program includes game and entertaining tasks for the development of spatial representations, the development of mathematical design skills, for the expansion of knowledge about the size, shape, size of objects.

Targets and goals

Target: mastering by children of preschool age at an elementary level the methods of logical thinking through the system of lessons of the cognitive orientation of the circle "Logic".


1. The child should be able to find differences and similarities between two pictures (or between two toys).

2. The child should be able to fold the building from the constructor model.

3. The child should be able to put together a cut picture from 2-4 parts.

4. The child should be able to complete the task for 5 minutes without being distracted.

5. The child should be able to fold the pyramid (cups, putting them into each other) without assistance.

6. The child should be able to insert the missing fragments of pictures into the holes.

7. The child should be able to call a group of objects with a generalizing word

(a cow, a horse, a goat are domestic animals; winter, summer, spring are the seasons). Find an extra item in each group. Find a match for each item.

8. The child should be able to answer such questions as: Is it possible to go sledding in the summer? Why? Why wear warm jackets in winter? What are windows and doors in the house for? Etc.

9. The child should be able to select the opposite words: the glass is full

The glass is empty, the tree is tall - the tree is low, walking slowly - walking quickly, a narrow belt - a wide belt, a hungry child - a well-fed child, cold tea - hot tea, etc.

10. The child should be able to memorize a pair of words after reading by an adult: a glass of water, a girl-boy, a dog-cat, etc.

The child should be able to see incorrectly depicted objects in the picture, explain what is wrong and why.

The circle program is built on the basis of the basic principles that solve modern educational problems, taking into account the needs of the future:

1. The principle of activity includes the child in the cognitive process.

2. The principle of a holistic view of the world in an active approach is closely related to the didactic principle of scientific character. Children develop a personal attitude to the knowledge gained and the ability to apply it in their practical activities

3. The principle of creativity (creativity) assumes maximum focus on creativity in the activities of children, their acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.

The effectiveness of the circle is achieved through the use of modern educational technologies.

The work uses the following teaching technologies:

health-preserving technologies (physical education during classes to strengthen the muscles of the eyes, neck, spine);

problem learning (using exercises to find independent way solutions);

technologies personally - oriented approach(children receive tasks according to their individual development);

Expected results

V :

highlight the properties of objects, find objects that are similar and different in appearance;

compare, classify, generalize, systematize objects of the surrounding reality (highlight the properties of objects, find objects that are similar and different in appearance); navigate in space, distinguish between objects on the right, left, above, below;

split the set into subsets characterized by a common property;

match parts and whole for objects and actions; name the main function (purpose) of objects; arrange events in the correct sequence;

perform the listed or depicted sequence of actions;

apply any action in relation to different objects; describe a simple procedure for achieving a given goal;

find errors in the wrong sequence of simple


draw an analogy between different subjects;

memorize, reproduce the acquired material, prove, reason.

work in pairs, subgroups; show goodwill

to a peer, listen, help if necessary.

Educational thematic training plan .

Program theme name

Number of hours

P\ P

Kolobok's birthday

Rubik's Cube

Visiting the Gnome.

Magic sticks.

Mysteries of Autumn.

Learning to reason.

Search for patterns.

Fabulous labyrinth.

Puss in Boots.

Forest animals.

Learning to compare.

Cheerful account.

Collecting pictures.

Orientation in space.

Geometric design.

Miraculous transformations (geometric

Vitaminka travels.

We are inventors.

Logical chains.

Up or down.

Scientist cat.

Traveling by train.

Dunno helpers.

Vegetables and fruits.

Maya the bee.

Animals from Africa.

Riddles are jokes.

Fabulous labyrinth.

Colors of rainbow.

One chamomile, two chamomile (cheerful account).

Let's help Cinderella get dressed.

We build from colored shapes.

Why is that.

Riddles and puzzles.

Final lesson "We can do everything."

Total: 35 hours.

1. Readers .


2. Math riddles .


3. Graphic drawing .

Development of fine motor skills of hands, work with stencils. Objects of nature; Houseware; buildings and machines.

4. Numbers and numbers .

Figures in poems and fairy tales. Numbers within5. Comparing numbers within5.

5. 5. 5. Math poetry - jokes .

jokes. 6. Rebus . Puzzle .

Rebusthe numbers, addition of pictures, finding a logical pair. , , collecting puzzles.

7. Geometric figures .

Colors of rainbow. Their order. Straight line.

. 8. Comparison of quantities .

Concepts« less», « more», « heavier», « easier», « longer», « shorter», « above», « below». Search for opposites, search for similarities and differences on pictures.

9. Chopstick quests .

, mosaic. Add tasks, withdrawal of sticks. .

10. Tasks in verse .

Addition problems, increase, 5.

11. Solving topological problems . Maze .

Construction of labyrinths, exit from the labyrinths. Number operations.

Comparing numbers. Solving problems. Magic square.

12. .

Triangle. Conditions for its construction. . . . Working with stencils.

13. .

Orientation on a plane. . Concepts: « follows», « preceded by», « above», « below», « stands between» and t. d.

14. Mathematics in fairy tales .

15. .

Physical education, finger gymnastics, lacing games.

16. .

: furniture, tableware, transport, vegetables, fruit, etc.. P.

17. Exercises for the development of speech

, logical chains.

18. Final lesson .




Mug program additional education "Logic"

Circle leader: I.V. Pozhidaeva

Informational part of the program

Program type - developing

The composition of the trainees- constant

Methods used:

  • practical (play);
  • development;
  • research;
  • experimentation;
  • modeling;
  • recreation;
  • transformation;
  • construction.

Program implementation form: regulatededucational activities within the circle"Logic".

Development environment:

Modeling sticks. Educational tabletop- printed games.

Small constructors and building material with a set of samples.

Geometric mosaics and puzzles.

Tasks from a notebook on a printed basis for independent and collective work.

Simple pencils.

Set of colored pencils. Pattern with geometric shapes.

Conditions for the implementation of the program– natural for the childliving environment in kindergarten mode.

Verbally - logical thinking is the highest stage in the development of children's thinking. Reaching this stagelong and complicated process, T . To . the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words. Mathematical literacy, developed logical thinkingthis is the key to successful education of a kindergarten graduate at school.

Skills, abilities, acquired by a child in the preschool period, will serve as a foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age- at school . And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking., ability " act in the mind". To kid , not mastered the techniques of logical thinking, it will be more difficult to solve problems, doing the exercises will take a lot of time and effort. As a result, the health of the child may suffer., interest in learning will weaken or completely fade away. The program includes game and entertaining tasks for the development of spatial representations, development of mathematical design skills, to expand knowledge about the value, form, size of items.

Targets and goals

Target : mastery of preschool children in elementarythe level of the methods of logical thinking through the system of lessons of the cognitive orientation of the circle"Logic".

Tasks :

1. The child should be able to find differences and similarities between two pictures ( or between two toys).

  1. The child should be able to fold according to the model of the building from the constructor.
  1. The child should be able to fold the cut picture from 2-4 parts.
  1. The child must be able to, without distraction, within 5 minutes to complete the task.
  1. The child must be able to fold the pyramid(cups, putting them into each other) unaided.
  1. The child should be able to insert the missing fragments of pictures into the holes.
  1. The child should be able to call a group of objects with a generalizing word

(cow, horse, goat - Pets; winter, summer, spring - seasons). Find an extra item in each group. Match every item.

  1. The child should be able to answer questions such as: Is it possible to go sledding in summer? Why ? Why wear warm jackets in winter? What are windows and doors in the house for?? Etc. etc.
  1. The child should be able to pick up opposite words.: glass full
  • the glass is empty, the tree is tall - the tree is low, go slowly - go fast, the belt is narrow - the belt is wide, child is hungry- the child is well-fed, the tea is cold - the tea is hot, etc. etc.
  1. The child must be able to memorize a pair of words, after reading for an adult: glass - water, girl - boy, dog - cat, etc. etc.

The child should be able to see incorrectly depicted in the picture items, explain, what is wrong and why.

The circle program is built on the basis of basic principles, who solve modern educational problems, taking into account the needs of the future:

  1. The principle of activity includes the child in the cognitive process.
  1. The principle of a holistic view of the world in an active approach is closely related to the didactic principle of scientific character. Children develop a personal attitude to the knowledge gained and the ability to apply it in their practical activities
  1. The principle of creativity(creativity) assumes maximum orientation towards creativity in the activities of children, the acquisition of their own experience of creative activity.

The effectiveness of the circle is achieved through the use of modern educational technologies.

  • work uses the following learning technologies:

health-saving technologies(physical education during classes to strengthen the muscles of the eyes, neck, spine);

problem learning(exercise use, allowing you to find an independent way of solving);

technology personally– oriented approach(children receive tasks according to their individual development);


Expected results

  • as a result of the lessons of the circle, children will be able to:

highlight properties of items, ;

compare , classify, to generalize, systematize items ety surrounding reality(highlight properties of items, find objects that are similar and different in appearance); navigate in space, distinguish between objects, on the right, left, top, bottom;

split a set into subsets, characterized by the common property;

match parts and whole for objects and actions; call the main function(purpose) of items; arrange events in the correct sequence;

perform the listed or depicted sequence of actions;

apply what - or action in relation to different objects; describe a simple procedure for achieving a given goal;

find errors in the wrong sequence of simple


draw analogies between different subjects;

memorize, reproduce learned material, prove, reason.

work in pairs, subgroups; show goodwill

  • peer, listen, help as needed.

Educational - thematic training plan.

Program theme name

Number of hours

n \ n

Kolobok's birthday

Rubik's Cube

Visiting the Gnome.

Magic wands.

Mysteries of Autumn.

Learning to reason.

Search for patterns.

Fairy maze.

Puss in Boots .

Forest animals .

Learning to compare.

Cheerful account.

Collecting pictures.

Orientation in space.

Geometric design.

Miraculous transformations(geometric


Vitaminka travels.

We are inventors.

Logical chains.

Up or down.

Scientist cat.

Travel by train.

Dunno helpers.

Vegetables and fruits .

Maya the bee .

Animals from Africa.

Riddles are jokes.

Fairy maze.

Colors of rainbow .

One chamomile, two chamomile (cheerful account).

Let's help Cinderella get dressed.

Building from colored shapes.

Why is that.

Riddles and puzzles.

Final lesson"We can all do it."

Total: 35 hours.

1. Readers.

Readers with mathematical content.

2. Math riddles.

Math riddles with numbers within 5.

3. Graphic drawing.

Development of fine motor skills of hands, work with stencils. Objects of nature; Houseware ; buildings and machines.

4. Numbers and numbers.

Figures in poems and fairy tales. Numbers within 5. Comparing numbers within 5.

Actions with numbers within 5. Solving problems with numbers within 5. 5. Math poetry- jokes.

Ways to solve math verses- jokes. 6. Rebus. Puzzles.

Rebus - numbers addition of pictures, finding a logical pair. Puzzles with different objects, games to eliminate the fourth excess, collecting puzzles.

7. Geometric figures.

Colors of rainbow . Their order. Straight line .

Closed and open curved lines. 8. Comparison of quantities.

The concepts of “less”, “more”, “heavier”, “lighter”, “longer”, “shorter”, “higher”, “lower”. Search for opposites, search for similarities and differences on pictures.

9. Chopstick quests.

Drawing geometric shapes, mosaic. Add tasks, withdrawal of sticks. Construction of figures according to the sample and verbal description.

10. Tasks in verse.

Addition problems, increase , decrease in the number is not a few units within 5.

11. Solving topological problems... Labyrinth.

Construction of labyrinths, exit from the labyrinths. Number operations.

Comparison of numbers. Solving problems. Magic square.

12. Geometric design.

Triangle . Conditions for its construction. The simplest design from the sample. Constructing from a contour object. Constructing by representation. Working with stencils.

13. Solving problems for the development of spatial representations.

Orientation on a plane. Orientation in space... Concepts: “follows”, “precedes”, “above”, “below”, “stands between”, etc. etc.

14. Mathematics in fairy tales.

15. Exercises for rest and fine motor development.

Physical education, finger gymnastics, lacing games.

16. Tasks to expand the horizons and vocabulary of children.

Games and exercises for operating with generalizing concepts: furniture, tableware, transport, vegetables, fruit, etc.. P.

17. Exercises for the development of speech

Coming up with pictures of stories, logical chains.

18. Final lesson.

Staged performance with math heroes.






Working programm

circle for the development of logical thinking

« Entertaining logic»

Educator: Shaikhutdinova O.V.


  1. Explanatory note.
  1. General information about the mug
  2. Goals and objectives of the circle
  3. Forms of organization of children
  4. Forms of work with children
  5. Working methods
  6. Relevance of the mug
  1. Information about the leader of the circle
  2. Time of the mug
  3. Prospective-calendar work plan of the circle

4.1 children 5-6 years old

  1. Software and methodological support for the work of the circle
  2. Expected results
  3. Monitoring
  1. Explanatory note

1.1. General information about the mug

The work program of the circle "Entertaining logic" MADOU №23 provides the development of logical thinking of children aged 5 to 6 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics... The program ensures that pupils achieve school readiness.

Parents of pupils are social customers of the activity of the "Entertaining Logic" circle.

Clarification of the needs of parents is carried out on the basis of the results of the questionnaire. This information made it possible to determine the directions of the circle's activities to meet the needs of the parents:

Intellectual development of children

Preparation for schooling (Development of an arbitrary sphere, development of logical thinking, attention, memory)

Classes in each group are held 1 time a week, 4 lessons a month, 36 lessons a year. Duration of classes in the senior group is 20 minutes.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the circle "Entertaining logic"



1. Development of children's independence and initiative, instilling in each child a sense of self-esteem, self-esteem, striving for vigorous activity and creativity.

2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children.

3. Enriching the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers.

4. Formation of readiness for schooling, towards a new social position of the student.

1.3. Forms of organization of children

  • Individual
  • Subgroup
  • Group

1.4. Forms of work with children

  • The game
  • Situational conversation
  • Conversation
  • Story
  • Reading
  • Integrative activities
  • Problem situation

1.5. Methods for working with children

  • Verbal.
  • Visual.
  • Practical.

1.6. Relevance of the mug

Characteristics of thinking

Thinking is the highest cognitive process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality.

Thinking is the most important cognitive process. With the help of thinking, we gain knowledge that the senses cannot give us.

Thinking correlates the data of sensations and perceptions, compares, distinguishes and reveals the relationship between the surrounding phenomena even in their absence.

The result of thinking is thought expressed in words. Thus, human thinking is closely related to speech and is impossible without it.

Thinking exists in three basic forms: concept, judgment and inference.

In the process of mental activity, a person uses special techniques or operations: analysis (mental decomposition of the whole into parts), synthesis (mental union of parts into a single whole), comparison (establishing similarities or differences between objects), abstraction (highlighting the essential properties of an object and distracting ), generalization (mental association of objects according to their characteristics).

All operations appear in close connection with each other. On their basis, more complex operations are distinguished, such as classification, systematization, etc.

Age features of thinking in preschoolers

During the growth and development of a child, his thinking undergoes significant interdependent changes. Children discover the first signs of thinking by the end of the first year of life. They begin to notice the simplest connections and relationships between objects and use them to achieve a specific goal. These relationships are sorted out by children through practical trial and error, i.e. with the help of object-oriented thinking, which is the main type of thinking in a young child. In addition, the child begins to understand that some things and actions can be used to designate others, serve as their substitute. So a drawing can represent a toy, and a toy can represent what is drawn. The ability to substitute is formed - the ability to use conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena in solving mental problems. In the future, this ability will enable the child to master reading, writing, modeling, schematization, etc.

As experience accumulates, the child's thinking is increasingly based on images - ideas about what the result of this or that action may be. The main type of thinking inherent in a preschool child is visual-figurative thinking.

Thanks to this, the preschooler can "do" real action in the mind. At the same time, he operates only with isolated judgments, since he is not yet ready for conclusions.

In older preschool age, begins to form verbal-logical thinking.

Thinking is complex mental process, and its formation should begin from the first months of a child's life. Mastering mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction) will be successful if it is carried out in the child's direct activity and is accompanied by speech - the basis of abstract-conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking.

The highest form of thinking development is the ability to think in abstract concepts. This is precisely the purpose of the lessons with children.

  1. Information about the leader of the "Entertaining logic" circle
  1. Time of the mug

Wednesday / Thursday 15.30

  1. Prospective calendar plan

For children 5-6 years old


A week

Material for the lesson



  1. Exercise "Ring"
  2. Game "Realize Quickly"
  3. Mystery
  4. Comparison task
  5. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 173

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 6, no. 2;

"All preschool program... Thinking ", p. 4.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 4


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm"
  2. Game "Antonyms"
  3. Mystery
  4. Comparison task
  5. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 174

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 7, no. 3;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 5.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 5


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm".
  2. Game "Sticks"
  3. Mystery
  4. Comparison task
  5. Logic tasks

"Developers" p. 173

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 8, no. 4;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", page 6.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 6


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant".
  2. Mystery
  3. Comparison task
  4. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 175

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 9, no. 5;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 7.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 7



  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop cabbage".
  2. Mystery
  3. Comparison task
  4. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 182

L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, no. 6;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", page 8.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 8


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum".
  2. Gyenesh Block Quests
  3. Logic tasks
  4. Comparison task

"Developers", p. 187

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, no. 7;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", page 9.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 10


  1. Gyenesh Block Quests
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Comparison task

"Developers", p. 223

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions", p. 11


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Gyenesh Block Quests
  3. Logic tasks
  4. Comparison task

"Developers", p. 223

L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, no. 8;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 10.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in the preschool educational institution.", P. 11



  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Comparison task

"Developers", p. 223,

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 22, no. 21;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 11, 12.

E.N. Panova “Didactic games and classes at the preschool educational institution. Older age ", p. 14


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Mystery
  3. Comparison task
  4. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 226

L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 42, no. 38;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 13, 14.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 10


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Mystery
  3. Comparison task
  4. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 227

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 15.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 11


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Mystery
  3. Classification task
  4. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 194

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p.16,17.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 35



  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Mystery
  3. Classification task
  4. Logic tasks

"Developers", p. 227

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 18,19.

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 36,37


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Dienesh Blocks and Kewisner's Wands Quests
  3. Classification task

"Developers", p. 250

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 20,21.


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Dienesh Blocks and Kewisner's Wands Quests
  3. Logic tasks
  4. Classification task

"Developers", p. 259

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 41-42

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 22,23.

E.N. Panova “Didactic games and classes at the preschool educational institution. Older age ", p. 18

simple pencil

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 38,39



  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Gyenesh Block Quests
  3. Logic tasks
  4. Classification task

"Developers", p. 260

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 40

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 24,25.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in the preschool educational institution", p. 15

simple pencil

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 40,41


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Gyenesh Block Quests
  3. Logic tasks
  4. Classification task

"Developers", p. 263

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 41

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 26,27.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 17

simple pencil

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 42


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Classification task

"Developers", p. 139

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 28,29,30.

simple pencil

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 44


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Pattern assignment

"Developers", p. 260

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 31,32,33.

simple pencil

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 45,47



  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Pattern assignment
  4. Attention tasks

"Developers", p. 169

L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 64, no. 77;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 31,32.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", page 10.


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Pattern assignment
  4. Attention tasks

"Developers", p. 170

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 80, no. 101;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 33,34.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", p. 11,12.


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. Logic tasks
  3. Pattern assignment
  4. Attention tasks

"Developers", p. 171

L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 85, no. 109;

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 35,36.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", p. 13, 14.


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. We work with Gienesh blocks
  3. Pattern assignment
  4. Attention tasks

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 38, 39.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", p.15.16.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 20



  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. We work with Gienesh blocks
  3. Pattern assignment
  4. Attention tasks

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", p. 40,41.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", p.17.18.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 21


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  2. We work with Gienesh blocks
  3. Inference task
  4. Attention tasks

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 42,43.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", p. 19,20.


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".
  1. We work with Gienesh blocks
  2. Inference task
  1. Attention tasks

“The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 44,45.

“The whole preschool program. Attention ", p.21,22.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 25


  1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop".


The development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of substantively effective and visual-figurative cooperation.

Software and methodological support

List of programs and technologies

Education and training program for childrengarden / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 5th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007 - 2008 p.

NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasiliev. Basic general education program preschool education"From birth to school." - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010 - 224 p.

List of benefits

E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems" - Sphere, 2010. - 48p.

E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in kindergarten", - Voronezh, 2007 - 78 p.

L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers". -Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999. - 256 p .: ill. - (Series: Developmental training).

I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers." - M: ARKTI, 2008, - 68 p.

V.M. Doskova, A.G. Prokofiev "Educational games for children",

  1. Expected results

By the end of the study program of the "Entertaining Logic" circle, children have formed:

Ability to analyze objects using visual, tactile and auditory perception

Ability to focus on objects and phenomena (attention)

Arbitrary memory

Thinking, the ability to reason, make inferences in accordance with the laws of logic.

Creativity, the ability to express your feelings and ideas about the world in different ways.

Interest in the surrounding reality, the image of "positive self".

Children can:

1. highlight the most essential in objects;

2. to see the ratio of them to each other and the ratio of their parts;

3. use different schemes and plans;

4. to reason,

5. make inferences in accordance with the laws of logic.

  1. Monitoring.

Monitoring of the development of forced logical thinking in children is carried out once a year (May).

The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree of mastering by the child of the additional education program for the development of logical thinking "Entertaining logic"

Work program of the circle for the development of logical thinking "Umnyash" of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the compensatory type of kindergarten No. 66 "Zabavushka" in the city of Nizhnevartovsk educator of the highest qualification category Hildebrandt Oksana Petrovna Contents 1. Program passport 2. Explanatory note. 2.1. General information about the mug 2.2. Acquisition of the group 2.3. Goals and objectives of the circle 2.4. Forms of organization of children 2.5. Forms of work with children 2.6. Working methods 2.7. Relevance of the circle 3. Time of the circle 4. Prospective-calendar work plan of the circle 4.1. For children 5-6 years old 4.2. For children 6-7 years old 5. Software and methodological support for the work of the circle 6. Expected results 7. Monitoring PASSPORT OF THE PROGRAM Name of the program "Umnyash" work program of the circle for the development of logical thinking Requisites of the educational institution Municipal preschool educational institution "compensatory kindergarten" No. 66 "Zabavushka" 628617, Russian Federation, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi autonomous region- Yugra, city of Nizhnevartovsk, Permskaya street, house 11. Contact phones: 46-97-06; 46-45-77 Fax: 46-97-06; Email: [email protected] Basis for the development of the Program 1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation"2. Federal target program for the development of education for 2011-2015, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.2011 No. 61; 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 dated 23 November 2009" Federal state requirements to the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education "; 4. Order of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region - Ugra until 2020 ", 5. Resolution of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated 07/08/2010 No. 160-p" On the target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "New School of Ugra for 2010-2013" (as amended ), 6. "On target programs of the city of Nizhnevartovsk", order of the city administration "On approval of the long-term target program" Development of education in the city of Nizhnevartovsk for 2012-2014 "dated 06.07.2011 No. 742; 7. Development program of MDOU DSKV No. 66" Zabavushka " for 2012-2014 Customer of the Program Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution Author-compiler Oksana Petrovna Hildebrandt educator of the highest qualification category The goal of the program Development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of substantively effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Program objectives 1 Development of children's independence and initiative, fostering in each child self-esteem, self-esteem, striving for an active child flax and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children. 3. Enrichment of the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of readiness for school education, for a new social position of the student. The expected results of the implementation of the Program - to highlight the most essential in the subjects; - to see their relationship with each other and the ratio of their parts; - use various schemes and plans; - to reason, to make inferences in accordance with the laws of logic. The program implementation period is 2013-2015. Program execution control system Program implementation control is carried out by the administration of MBDOU I. Explanatory note 1.1. General information about the circle The work program of the circle "Umnyash" MBDOU DSKV №66 provides the development of logical thinking of children aged 5 to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The program ensures that pupils achieve school readiness. Parents of pupils are social customers of the activity of the "Clever" circle. Clarification of the needs of parents is carried out on the basis of the results of the questionnaire. This information made it possible to determine the directions of the circle's activities to meet the needs of parents: Intellectual development of children Preparing for schooling (Development of an arbitrary sphere, development of logical thinking, attention, memory) The complex thematic plan is designed for 2 years. The first year is for children 5-6 years old, the second is for children 6-7 years old. Classes in each group are held 1 time a week, 4 lessons a month, 36 lessons a year. Duration of classes in the senior group is 25 minutes, in preparatory group - 30 minutes. 1.2. Acquisition of the group. No. Group according to the age of children. Occupancy 1 Senior group 10 2 Preparatory group 10 1.3. Goals and objectives of the "Clever" circle Goal. The development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of substantively effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Tasks. 1. Development of children's independence and initiative, instilling in each child a sense of self-esteem, self-esteem, striving for vigorous activity and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children. 3. Enrichment of the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of readiness for school education, for a new social position of the student. 1.4. Forms of organization of children * Individual * Subgroup * Group 1.5. Forms of work with children * Play * Situational conversation * Conversation * Storytelling * Reading * Integrative activity * Problem situation 1.6. Methods of working with children * Verbal. * Visual. * Practical. 1.7. The relevance of the circle Characteristics of thinking Thinking is the highest cognitive process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Thinking is the most important cognitive process. With the help of thinking, we gain knowledge that the senses cannot give us. Thinking correlates the data of sensations and perceptions, compares, distinguishes and reveals the relationship between the surrounding phenomena even in their absence. The result of thinking is thought expressed in words. Thus, human thinking is closely related to speech and is impossible without it. Thinking exists in three basic forms: concept, judgment and inference. In the process of mental activity, a person uses special techniques or operations: analysis (mental decomposition of the whole into parts), synthesis (mental unification of parts into a single whole), comparison (establishing similarities or differences between objects), abstraction (highlighting the essential properties of an object and distracting ), generalization (mental association of objects according to their characteristics). All operations appear in close connection with each other. On their basis, more complex operations are distinguished, such as classification, systematization, etc. Age characteristics of thinking in preschoolers During the growth and development of a child, his thinking undergoes significant interdependent changes. Children discover the first signs of thinking by the end of the first year of life. They begin to notice the simplest connections and relationships between objects and use them to achieve a specific goal. These relationships are sorted out by children through practical trial and error, i.e. with the help of object-oriented thinking, which is the main type of thinking in a young child. In addition, the child begins to understand that some things and actions can be used to designate others, serve as their substitute. So a drawing can represent a toy, and a toy can represent what is drawn. The ability to substitute is formed - the ability to use conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena in solving mental problems. In the future, this ability will enable the child to master reading, writing, modeling, schematization, etc. As experience accumulates, the child's thinking is increasingly based on images - ideas about what the result of this or that action may be. The main type of thinking inherent in a preschool child is visual-figurative thinking. Thanks to this, the preschooler can "do" real actions in the mind. At the same time, he operates only with isolated judgments, since he is not yet ready for conclusions. In older preschool age, begins to form verbal-logical thinking. Thinking is a complex mental process, and its formation should begin from the first months of a child's life. Mastering mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction) will be successful if it is carried out in the child's direct activity and is accompanied by speech - the basis of abstract-conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking. The highest form of thinking development is the ability to think in abstract concepts. This is precisely the purpose of the lessons with children. II. Club time Wednesday / Thursday 15.30 III. Prospective calendar plan 4.1. For children 5-6 years old Month Week Content of the lesson Material for the lesson October 1st 1. Exercise "Ring" 2. Game "Quickly figure out" 3. I / u "Connect the same pictures with lines" 4. I / u "In each row circle the same objects" 5. I / u "Find the house of each animal and lead a path to it "." Developers ", p. 173 Album for coloring with logic games (p.1,2,3), a simple pencil 2-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" 2. Game "Antonyms" 3. I / y "Choose parents for each baby" 4. And / y "Choose for each animal his favorite treat". 5. I / y "In each row, circle general subjects and give them the general name "Educational", p. 174 Album for coloring with logic games (p. 4, 5, 6, 7), a simple pencil 3. 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm". 2 . Game "Sticks" 3. And / y "Find an extra object." 4. And / y "Find suitable objects and circle them with a line. 5. D / and" Where is my shadow? " (p. 8,9,10,11,12,13), simple pencil "Educational tools" p. 173 Cards "Where is my shadow?" 4th 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant ". 2. The game" It happens or not. " 175 Album for coloring with logic games (p. 14,15,16), a simple pencil by E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logic problems", p. 4,5 November 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib- palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop the cabbage. "2. Game" One - several "3. And / u" Where is my shadow "4. Educational game" Choose according to the shape "5. D / u in workbook "Color it right" "Educational games", page 182 Educational game "Where is my shadow", D / and "Find a pair" cards Е.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 72-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum". 2. Game "What's inside?" 3. I / u "What will work out" 4. I / u "Find objects that are opposite in taste" 5. I / u "What is behind what?" "Development", page 187 N.V. Ermolaeva "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", p. 1 3rd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "What's around us?" (by color) 3. And / y. "Find light and heavy objects" 4. I / u "What is the balloon afraid of" 5. I / u "What did the artist forget?" Ermolaeva "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", p. 2 Recipe 4-I1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "What's around us?" (according to the form) 3. I / u "Unite by attribute" 4. I / u "Find the same clowns" 5. A / u in the workbook "Color the same objects" "Educational", p. 223 N.V. Ermolaeva "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", page 3 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 8,9 December 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Flies - does not fly" 3. And / y "Show it correctly" 4. And / y "Find the same", "Compare objects" 5. D / and "Take the pattern" "Developers", p. 223, Copybooks "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 1,2 "Developing by playing. Pick a pattern" 2-nd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Parts of the body" 3. I / y "Show it correctly" 4. I / y "Help to find the fish", "Color the stars" 5. D / and "Take the pattern" "Developers", page 226 Recipe "Funny tasks. Logic in pictures ", p. 3,4" Developing by playing. Pick a pattern "3rd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Forbidden movement" 3. And / u "Show it correctly" 4. And / u "Whose headdress?", "Name in one word" 5. D / and "Take the pattern" "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 5,6 "Developing by playing. Pick a pattern" 4th1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Santa Claus" 3. And / y "Show it correctly" 4. And / y "What is superfluous?", "What happens together?" 5. D / y in the workbook "Find the mistake" "Educational", page 194 Copybooks "Funny tasks. Logic in pictures ", p. 7.9 E. V. Kolesnikova" I solve logic problems ", p. 36-37 January 2nd 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage " , "Drum", "Do not drop." 2. Game "Forbidden movement" 3. "Show correctly" 4. "Find a rhyme" 227 Recipe "Fun tasks. Logic in pictures ", p. 10 Cards" What is superfluous? " Game "Movement with words" 3. D / and "What is superfluous?" 4. I / y "What will come out?" "D / and" What will happen? " "Drum", "Do not drop." 2. Game "Finish the phrase" 3. D / and "What's superfluous?" Developers ", page 259 E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logic problems ", pages 41-42 February 1st 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum "," Do not drop. "2. Game" Tongue twisters "3. D / y in the workbook" Inferences "4. I / y" Connect with arrows "," Call in one word "5. D / and" Find parts "" Developmental ", p. 260 E. V. Kolesnikova" I decide l logical problems ", pp. 44-45 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", Pp. 23, 26; split attachment 2-i 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "And I remember everything" 3. I / y "Find and color the part that is missing" 4. I / y "Color correctly" 5. I / y "what first, what then?" "Developers", p. 263 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", Pp. 45, 58 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 3; N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 143 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "Kids" 3. I / y "Find and paint the part that is missing" 4. I / y "What first, what then?" 5. I / u "Find a place for things" "Developers", p. 139 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", Pp. 64, 68; N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", pp. 16, 234 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Tongue twisters" 3. And / y "What first, what then?" 4. I / y "How do I color the balls further?" "5. I / u" Color by model "" Developmental games ", page 260 NG Salmina" Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2 ", pp. 15, 16, 24, 50 March 1-st 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop the cabbage "," Drum "," Don't drop ". 2. The game "Choose the words" 3. I / u "Continue the row" 4. I / u "What first, what then?" Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2 ", pp. 54, 562nd 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum "," Don't drop. "2. Game" One word "3. I / u" Continue the row "4. I / u" Think about "5. I / u" Find two identical objects "" Educational ", page 170 Cards from the set" Think about "(No. 2 , 4,8,14,37) Cards with objects 3rd 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop." 2. Game "Name objects "3. I / u" Continue the row "4. I / u" Consider "5. Games with a rope" Combine according to the principle ... " No. 69, 82,83,84) Ropes for each child, geometric shapes, small toys 4th 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop. "2. The game" Guess the riddle "3." Continue the row " 98) Blocks Dienes April 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib -Palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum "," Do not drop ". 2. The game "More - less" 3. I / u "Continue the row" 4. I / u "Consider" 5. We work with blocks of I. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 52 Cards from the set "Consider" (No. 104,106,112,119) Blocks Dienesh2-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Show in different ways" 3. "Continue the row" Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 52 Cards from the set "Consider" (No. 115,120) Blocks Dienesh3-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Listen and Show" 3. I / y "Continue the row" 4. D / y "Continue the row" 5. We work with the blocks of I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 53 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 34-35 Blocks of Gienes 4-I1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Who knows, let him count further" 3. I / u "Continue the row" 4. And / u "Draw the missing figure" 5. We work with the blocks of I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 54 E.V. Kolesnikov "I Solve Logical Problems", pp. 20-21 Gienesh Blocks May 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Cars and pedestrians" 3. I / y "Continue the row" 4. I / y "What first, what then?" 5. We work with the blocks of I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 55 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 59 Blocks Dienes 2-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Fifteen" 3. "Continue the row" 4. "Fill in what you need" 5. We work with IV Dienesh blocks. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 56 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 14-15 Blocks Dienes 3-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "I know five names of boys" 3. D / y in the workbook "Inferences" 4. D / y "Making a fairy tale" 5. We work with blocks of Dienes Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 46-47 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 40 Blocks of Dienes 4-I1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Imagine and Show" 3. I / y "Color the pattern according to the sample" 4. I / y "Fill in what you need" 5. We work with blocks Dienes.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", page 29 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 15-16 Gienesh blocks 4.2. For children 6-7 years old Month Week Content of the lesson Material for the lesson October 1st 1. Exercise "Ring" 2. Game "Think quickly" 3. Riddle 4. Assignment for comparison 5. Logic problems "Educational", page 173 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 6, no. 2; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", page 4. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 42-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" 2. Game "Antonyms" 3. Riddle 4. Assignment for comparison 5. Logic problems "Educational", page 174 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 7, no. 3; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", page 5. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p.53-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm". 2. Game "Sticks" 3. Riddle 4. Assignment for comparison 5. Logic problems "Educational games" p. 173 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 8, no. 4; "All Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", page 6. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 64-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant". 2. Riddle 3. Assignment for comparison 4. Logic problems "Educational", page 175 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 9, no. 5; "All Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", p. 7. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 7 November 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage". 2. Riddle 3. Comparison task 4. Logical tasks "Educational games", page 182 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, no. 6; "The Whole Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", page 8. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 82-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum". 2. Tasks on the Gienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Comparison task "Educational", page 187 LF Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, no. 7; "All Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", p. 9. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions", p. 103-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks on the Gienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Comparison task "Educational", p. 223 LF Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, no. 8; "The Whole Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", p. 10. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 114-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks on the Gienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Comparison task "Educational", p. 223 LF Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, no. 8; "The Whole Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", p. 10. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in the preschool educational institution.", Page 11 December 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks and Kewisner's sticks 3. Logic tasks 4. Comparison task "Educational", p. 223, L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 22, no. 21; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 11, 12. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes at the preschool educational institution. Older age ", p. 142nd 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop the cabbage "," Drum "," Do not drop. "2. Riddle 3. Assignment for comparison 4. Logic tasks "Educational", p. 226 LF Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 42, No. 38; "The entire preschool program. Thinking ", p.13,14. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical problems ", p.103-i1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum "," Don't drop it. "2. Riddle 3. Assignment for comparison 4. Logic tasks" Educational ", page 227" The entire preschool program. Thinking ", p.15. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical problems ", p.114-i1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum ", “Don't drop it.” 2. Riddle 3. Classification task 4. Logical tasks “Educational”, page 194 “The entire preschool program. Thinking ", p.16,17. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical problems ", p. 35 January 2nd 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum "," Don't drop it. "2. Riddle 3. Classification task 4. Logic tasks" Educational ", page 227" The entire preschool program. Thinking ", p. 18,19. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical problems ", p. 36,373-i1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage "," Drum "," Don't drop it. "2. Tasks on Dienesh Blocks and Kewisner's sticks 3. Classification task" Developers ", p. 250" The entire preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 20.21. EN Panova" Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions. Older age ", p. 18 4th 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop the cabbage "," Drum "," Don't drop. " 3. Logical tasks 4. Classification task "Educational", p. 259 E. V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 41-42 "The whole preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 22,23. EN Panova" Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions. Older age ", p. 18 simple pencil E. V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical problems ", p. 38,39 February 1st 1. Exercises" Ring "," Fist-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" Chop cabbage " , "Drum", "Don't drop." 2. Tasks on the Dienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Classification task "Educational", p. 260 E. V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 40 "All preschool program. Thinking ", pp. 24,25. EN Panova" Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions ", p. 15 simple pencil EV Kolesnikova" I solve logical problems ", p. 40.412-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks on the Dienesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Classification task "Educational", p. 263 Е.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 41 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p. 26,27. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", page 17 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 423-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Assignment for the classification "Developmental", p. 139 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p. 28,29,30. simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", page 444-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Assignment on the patterns "Development", p. 260 "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 31,32,33. simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 45,47 March 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Assignment for patterns 4. Assignments for attention "Developmental", p. 169 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 64, no. 77; "All Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", pp. 31,32. "The entire preschool program. Attention", page 10.2-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Assignment for patterns 4. Assignments for attention "Developmental", page 170 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 80, no. 101; "All Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", pp. 33,34. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 11,12.3-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Assignment for patterns 4. Assignments for attention "Developmental", page 171 LF Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 85, no. 109; "All Preschool Curriculum. Thinking", pp. 35,36. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 13,14.4-I 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. We work with blocks of Dienesh 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p. 38,39. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 15,16. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions", p. 20 April 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. We work with blocks of Dienes 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p. 40,41. "The entire preschool program. Attention", p.17.18. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in preschool educational institutions", p. 212-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Working with Dienesh blocks 3. Inference task 4. Attention tasks "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 42,43. "The whole preschool program. Attention", p. 19,20. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 253-y6. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 5. Working with Dienesh blocks 6. Inference task 7. Attention tasks "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 44,45. "The entire preschool program. Attention", p.21,22. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in a preschool educational institution", p. 254-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Task for inference 3. Tasks for attention "The entire preschool program. Thinking", pp. 46,47,48. "The entire preschool program. Attention", p. 23,24,25. ... IV. Software and methodological support for the work of the "Clever" circle. Purpose The development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in the conditions of substantive-effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Program and methodological support List of programs and technologies Program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 5th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007 - 2008 p. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasiliev. The main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school". - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010 - 224 pp. List of benefits E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems" - Sphere, 2010. - 48p. Panova "Didactic games and classes in kindergarten", - Voronezh, 2007 - 78 s.L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers". - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999. - 256 p .: ill. - (Series: Developmental Education) I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers." - M: ARKTI, 2008, - 68 p. V.M. Doskova, A.G. Prokofiev "Educational games for children" V. Expected results By the end of the study program of the "Clever" circle, children have formed: the ability to analyze objects using visual, tactile and auditory perception; the ability to focus attention on objects and phenomena (attention); voluntary memory; thinking, ability to reason, to make inferences in accordance with the laws of logic. Creative skills, the ability to express their feelings and ideas about the world in different ways. interest in the surrounding reality, the image of "positive self". Children are able to: 1. highlight the most essential in objects; 2. to see their relation to each other and the ratio of their parts; 3. use different schemes and plans; 4. to reason, 5. to make inferences in accordance with the laws of logic. Vi. Monitoring. Monitoring of the development of forced logical thinking in children is carried out once a year (May). The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree of mastering by the child of the program of additional education for the development of logical thinking "Clever".