The translator of Maria Spivak died. What she was known and why her did not like Potteromans

The new book is the text of the play Joan Rolling, the premiere of which. The Publisher "Azbuka-Attikus", which possesses the rights to the work, reported Life that Maria Spivak will be translated.

Its an option to adapt to Russian saga about young mage is known in the fan environment as an alternative. The translator itself published it for free on the network. On the wave of dissatisfaction with the official version of books from another publishing house "Rosman" interested readers who do not know English tried to read books in the localization of Spivak. Mary was found and displeased with free translation: since the release of the first book.

The network has repeatedly appeared dissemination of the translation of Spivak. Readers confuse her literary style. Trying to adapt the light rowling language, the translator does not happen to be spacious expressions. In addition, many, but not all the names and surnames of the heroes are literally literally translated into Russian and be originated as a pun.

Member of the Forum "Hogsmid" in 2010 held a detailed and eaten analysis of the first translation of Spivak. Problems arise from the first sentence. We bring unchanged the analysis of the first two paragraphs "Harry Potter and the Philosophical Stone":

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, inhabitants of the house number 4 Biryuchin Alley 1, were very proud that they could declare at any time: we all, thank God, completely normal. It was impossible to imagine that such people would be involved in something unusual, and even more so mysterious - they could not tolerate all sorts of nonsense.

Mr. Dursley worked as the director of the company called "Grugging", which produced rolling. Mr. Dursley, large meaty man 2, almost completely absent Neck, but under the nose grew a very long mustache 3. Mrs. Dursley, Lyudaya Blonde, possessed the neck of the double length 4, what was likewise, because this lady 5 adored looking for other people's fences and spy for their neighbors. Dursleyev had a small son named Dudley - according to the parents, the child was not more beautifully born more beautifully born. "

  1. PRIVET DRIVE. in original. Privet is translated as "Biryuma", everything is true. But did it make sense to translate it with nothing noticeable Magglovskoy name?
  2. Well, do not talk about people "fleshy"!
  3. Sorry, but where else can the mustache grow?! And why are they long? Large Moustache is rather lush mustache.
  4. Singing phrase, not in Russian.
  5. Call MRS Dursley "Lady" is a bust.

Suggested translation solutions appear further:

The list of names edited by Spivak also became popular in social networks:

  • Madame Trick - Madame Samogy. In the original character called Madam Hooch., literally "Madame Mogon."
  • Klyumokryl (he is Krylloklyv) - Konkur . Spivak beat the complex name of the hypogriff, mythical creature, a mixture of a horse, lion, and an eagle. The words "jump" and "horse" were used, but in the original everything is much more complicated, his name was BuckBeak, from the words buck - "jerk" and beak - wings.
  • Neville Dolgopups - Neville Longoppp. Both translations look comical, given the fact that the parents of Neville in the plot are martyrs: they were tortured while they were crazy. Both Dolgupsa-Longoppa live in the hospital.

There are more simple cases in which the Spivak decided to change the name:

  • Severus Snape - Zlodeus Azley. In the last book, it turned out that Zlodeus is a real hero, and his "evil" name sounds absurd.
  • Dudley - Dudley.
  • Batilda Bezeshot - Batilda Zhuppuk. "Zhukpuk" has already become a none name of the translation of Spivak.
  • Guilder Lockhart - Skarole Charuald. The name of Harry's self-breather teacher from the second book is reailed completely.
  • Mirtl's Plaks - Melancholny Mirtl. In the name of the ghost, a word non-existent in Russian appeared.
  • Distributing hat - sorter hat.

Even despite the fact that deserved translators sometimes

On July 20, 2018, a 55-year-old writer died and books about the Garry Potter Mary Viktorovna Spivak. The head of one of the publishing houses Alla Steinman said about her death. Information about the death of a talented Russian writer confirmed Olga Warshaver and its other colleagues.

Biography and personal life of Maria Spivak after the translation of books about the worship began to interest the press. The author's translation called for citizens of Russia and fans Harry Potter incredible criticism. The fans of the Correce boy even created a petition in which the requirement for removing the Russians from the translation of the original text was announced. For the removal from the translation of the book "Harry Potter and the damned child" voted more than 70 thousand people. Now the media discusses the death of Spivak and the dates of the farewell ceremony.

Biography and personal life of the scandalous translator Mary Spivak

Maria Viktorovna has become popular thanks to the successful 10 translations of the books Joan Rowling. More than 20 texts of other authors were also translated into Russian. In addition to the transfers, Russian woman wrote its own novels. The most famous steel "Year of the Black Moon" and the English book "Peace elsewhere". Nine years ago, Spivak received the "Unicorn and Leo" award. This reward was awarded for the best transfer of Irish and British texts.

Decide to translate the original of famous books about the writer decided at the beginning of the two thousand years. The first 4 books about the wizard were translated by Maria Viktorovna for two years, and they were published on the Harry Potter website. Critics ambiguously appreciated the work of the Russian translator. Nevertheless, the Spivak was in the Long-Sheet of the "Small Booker" premium. At the end of 2002, Mary came a letter from copyright holders, after which she could not be transferred to the literature of foreign authors under their initials.

After a decade, the Azbuka-Attikus publishing house has contacted Spivak, who received the right to publish Joan Rowling books in the Russian Federation. They offered for a good fee to publish translations of talented Russians. Three years ago, the publisher published the translation of the original book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Previously, the Russian translation of this literature did not enter the Internet.

Literary critics in unpleasant shock from translation Spivak

After the text was online, Mary began to come letters with threats and blackmail. She was told that her translations were far from the original source and were not entitled to existence. Also, the fans of the Correction boy noted that many names in the books of Spivak changed beyond recognition. Two years ago, one of the Russian publishers, despite the scandals around the person of Mary Viktorovna, decided to publish it the translated literature "Harry Potter and the damned child".

The fans of the sensational bestseller criticized the work of Masha because of the nicknames of the main characters: "Dumbledore", "Dursley", "Professor of Sumogoni" and others. Also, the readers of the translations of the 55-year-old Russians condemned Spivak for a hurry translated and lack of any editors.

Vladimir Babakov, Translator Rosman, said that he would soon publish a normal translation of the book and would distribute it through torrents. There are not many privacy and biography of translator. The funeral date is not yet known.

As soon as the Russian publishing house "Mahar" reported that he was preparing to reprint all books about Harry Potter translated Mary SpivakThe editorial was literally covered with angry messages and accusations. The Internet boiled when the supporters of the translation of Spivak were woken up ... Reporter website DE Gray decided to remember why at the beginning of the two thousandths he, like many other readers and critics, chose the translation of Spivak to the official publication from Rosman.

First of all, I note that the comparison of the translations of Poterian from Marina Litvinova and its team (Rosman) and from Mary Spivak is not a new phenomenon in RuNet. Always compared: the texts were written on this topic. Mute: from school essays and notes on forums to newspaper articles and diploma works. Literary criticism, which personally seems to me quite naturally, consistently preferred the translation of the Spivak. The most famous example is a quote from the newspaper "Power", which analyst noted that the translation of Mary Viktorovna possesses all the advantages of which the publication from Rosman is deprived. In 2001, the translation of Poterians from Mary Viktorovna was even nominated for the "Small Buker" premium (in addition, in the piggy bank, the Silver Prize of the United Nations Prize for the translation of Roman Nicholas Draison).

It is quite predictable, discontent first of all caused the solution of Spivak to adapt the names of its own heroes. Moreover, the most frequent argument against its solution was such a statement: "Names are never translated! This rule is!" The strangest thing is that some of the writing lines are called themselves graduate translators or students of philological faculties. The author of this article will not boast of a diploma, although not alien to translation activities at all. Nevertheless, I reserve the right to perplex where it could take such a rule. Perhaps this is comrades, your personal beliefs. However, to issue their beliefs for laws at least strange.

Take from your bookshelf any book that is a recognized classic of worldwide literature for children (and "Harry Potter", which is not said, it was written first for children, and the fact that he is interesting and adult audience, only talks about the author's talentedness And the possibility of producing a work in one row, say, with Alice in Wonderland). Here, by the way, about Alice. Is someone embarrassing that trail and drill instead of the original tweedum and twidldy appear on the pages of the classic translation of Demurova? It confuses that the girl from the "Chicken" villa is known to us as Peppi Longs, and not as Peppi Langusmmp? And we still have a thumbnail, Cinderella, Captain Hook ...

Why is it worth lifting so much noise around Rita Vrizer, Alastor Chmuri or Scharuald Opechal? Some options for adapting names and names in spirits are real finds. Drinking death, turquoine street, "At Crew and Klyaktsa", Usield ... Many readers who were with Harry Potter from the very beginning, could not help but feel in these options for localization Romantic Corridors Castle Hogwarts. The opponents begin to ironize: why not to call Harry Potter Igor Gorshkov? And because the translation of the names for the spirits is not an end in itself. It translates them only when it seems necessary to transfer the shades of meaning that Rowling invests in a particular name, or in order to adequately transfer the calabura and the game of words.

Traditionally, most of all from dissatisfied with the poor Professor angry (so Spivak adapted Snape's surname). By the way, the localization of his surname was subjected to official Western translations (Rogue - in France, Piton - in Italy, Kalkaros - in Finland ...).

It is already undoubtedly a matter of taste. The taste can be called all this from the names. However, I still cannot understand the perturbing. After all, any dissatisfaction can still buy books in Rosman, who suddenly many began to extol as the best (for whom he left us!), Although there really have many claims to him. Well, finally, the original always remains.

Enough about names. Let's talk about the more serious dignity of the translation of Mary Viktorovna. As she herself said in an interview to our portal, "My translations most accurately convey the" Spirit and the letter "of Rowling works." And this is true truth. Spivak really managed to drive the author's style of Mom RO. If you read Pecterian in the original, they could not help but notice how simple the rowling language: there is no hint of excessive flowery, there is no heap of verbal structures, there is no inappropriate computers and sympathy (all of the above features, however, for some reason are present in translation from Rosman).

Narration Rowling is a lively, fluttering butterfly, to moderate bright and therefore elegant. Litvinova's translation is an attempt to put this butterfly on the needle and dry. Moreover, her wings were still painted by markers: it is known that Litvinova periodically rewritten, the dealership of the Rowling proposals, and sometimes they added those that were not in the original. On the metaphor with a butterfly, I may inspired the name of the publishing house "Mahar". In this case, it, like the names of the heroes Rowling, speaking. Translation of Spivak, perhaps not ideal, but he spared our butterfly.

Probably, over the years of disputes, all these "Arguments for Spivak" were brought more than once. But learning how many complaints about the decision "Mahaon" to publish the "Potter" to this particular translation, I considered it reasonable to remind the Potteromans these very arguments. And in completion, I note that me, like many others, this decision was extremely delighted. This is truly "Harry Potter", which we waited so long.

Potteromans waited! Publisher "Mahar" produces books about Harry Potter in the long-awaited translation of Mary Spivak. Successfully underlined speech features of the characters, the game of words, speaking surnames and thin humor preserve the spirit and ease of the original, so that the book is read in one breath ....

In the first three days after the appearance on the counters of the book Joan Rowling "Harry Potter and the fatal power" ("Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows") sold several million copies of this publication. Internet-shop Barnes & Noble 48 hours after the start of sales reported that he sent buyers ...

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Site comments

    As for me, I am an ordinary Rosmenovets. I didn't even see Mary Spivak with one eye with one eye (unless he heard an evil angry). But now, after reading this article, a desire awailed to evaluate this option.

    In psychology there is an important concept of "imprinting", i.e., fixing the first impression.
    Unfortunately, in the area of \u200b\u200bperception of works of art, the majority of people dominate stereotypes.
    Claimed thinking is one of the sadest properties of the human psyche. People who accept one naming system will instinctively resist another, it is inevitable.
    But those who will be able to overcome this, waiting for many joyful discoveries)
    For my part, I also, because I am waiting for this new edition of G. P., that I was very upset for the previous one. In my opinion, the covers are very unsuccessful, do not correspond to the spirit of the book, and the publication is negligent, made without love.
    And forzens? Tell me, in the Mahaon edition also empty mousetsies?
    (artistically decorated forcedes I consider a sign of a book published with love, and if another first forcedation differs from the last - then this is an indicator of a very good taste of the publisher))

    Now published a book sales rating in the largest Moscow bookstores.
    The new translation of the "philosophical stone" entered the top ten best-selling books.
    So until the forecasts were justified that the book would not be bought.

    Mani SPEVAK (I can also conquer her name, how is she - the heroes of Rowling?) They are afraid of those who do not want their children after reading the children's book to "build ice cream", did not name the group of strangers "crowd of assholes" or "a bunch Idiot ", dressed in the" Creatant fashion ", did not ask, nine-year-old:" Mom, what is the "moonshine"? What does it mean "cranked"? ", I didn't say" Give you, if you want to kiss ...
    In short, those who respect the Russian language and understand that the quality of speech \u003d the quality of the mind.

    It seems to me that the names are best not to translate at all, to preserve the coloring of the original, and in notes, for example, give their translation, or meaning.
    Rowling names most often have the meaning or some mythological and other connotations.
    So evil started the one who called Snape for some reason Snowm, Longbottom Dolbupps and so on.

    So evil started the one who called Snape for some reason Snowm, Longbottom Dolbupps and so on.
    And Maria Spivak further aggravated. I also believe that it was not worth translating the names at all, then this translation in the footnotes.

    Here many looked at the names.
    So let's be objective.
    Translation from Rosman, the name of colleges was saved Slytherin and Gryffindor.
    And Rovnklo (in honor of the founder of Rovnovko, and not Candida Kogtevran) for some reason renamed
    Cogtevran. And Haftlpafe was renamed Pufendui (I would have been renamed in the hound)
    And these people accuse Maria Spivak for the alteration of names? All prosecutors are 10 psak.
    Or, for example, the name of Hermione in English is pronounced "Hermina"
    So what was it removed in Hermione? BUT? Thrings. And such examples can be given a set.
    One "whale lover" what is worth. "Wallands of Death" - How do you? Instead of Voldemort.
    And the professor of the Mudi (original in the English. Moody - Gloomy). Why was it transferred, redesigned to "Gryuma"?
    And what "chmuri" worse? Hmuri at least keeps consonant with the original.

    P.S. I am very glad that the publication is released in Maria Spivak.
    I am pleased to get to the collection.

    Spivak - amateur translator. She has no special education to deal with such a responsible matter. She is unfamiliar with life of the British, with their kitchen, geography (not only English, but in general). She even does not distinguish the feet from meters. How can it be called a translator at all, and how can it be selected for printing?
    But the problem is not only in this. With the Russian language in spirits, too, problems. Its offers is illiterately, and punctuation signs as they are placed in the original. Even puts a dash instead of dot. Apparently, the Spivak does not know that Russian and English punctures differ. And how many lapels have because of the fact that it does not know the meaning of the words? Confused frost with frost, Cape with a pier, carpets with tapestries ... Say, little things? Well, if you want your children to have grown as illiterate, with a calm conscience, close your eyes.

    Now about why we decided that the names cannot be translated. Where did you see it in the real world? If, for example, in the news talk about some Mr. Brown, it is not translated into Mr. Brown. And if a man arrives in Russia by the name Smith, he does not become Kuznetsov.
    Yes, such names, like a thumbnail and Cinderella translated. But these are fictional names, and they are more like nicknames, so this is normal. But the last name Lockhart Realna! Why is it possible to remake it in Lokason or Charuaeld? In addition, due to all these Russified names, the feeling disappears that the action takes place in England. Here you are, dear author, do you believe that the Englishman can call the overtrome?

    And it is not necessary to say that the split translates the names to convey some meaning there. Because in this case it is not clear why the last name Malfoy was meaningless for her, but I needed to remake Wood for some reason. What is the logic here? Do you think Rowling hinted that Oliver is wooden? The Minister of Fadge Spivak did not touch, but Madame Pins for some reason called Madame Plisz. This is a librarian! And here there are nippers? And she has no nobody there!
    And that's what I don't understand at all, this is what logic of Spivak chose the end for all these surnames with Russian roots? What nationality, in her opinion, Madame Samogy? If it took to Russify, so let it do it completely: Motherogonkin, Moonshine or better simply moonshine.

    Yesterday, the Mahanon version of the GP was viewed in a bookcourt with a classmate. Horrified. In addition to the design of the covers, we did not please anything in these books.
    Absolutely agree with non-neither-no!
    To be honest, I'm shocked by the translation of Spivak. More precisely, it decided to translate names and names. Tell me why such dramatic changes? It is clear that most rose in the Rosman version. Yes readers of two translations, discussing the book, simply not even be able to understand each other! The adventure lovers of Sherlock Holmes are divided into those who say "Watson", and those who say "Watson", but also the fact that it is obvious that we are talking about one person. Therefore, Dumbldora can still be survived, but why did Snape be changed for angry? What for? I do not see a special reason in this. It would be possible to replace the Snowhead on Snape, and it would be more than enough.
    Rosmenovskaya version is also not ideal, however, as Mr. Lord is not-so-no, the Spirit of Britain there is at least noticeable. These Russified alterations are incomprehensible. What for? It is a feeling of them that the action takes place in the same universe with our Domoenkom Kuzey.
    If Spivak noticed speaking names and decided to translate them, why do you need to forget about sound expressiveness? Zlodeus evil is not perceived by Russian readers just like Severus Snape British. I am such an interpretation of the name reminds Creaging Spring from the famous book. In general, much in the translation of Spivak resembles the realities of the Universe Tanya Grotter. But in contrast to the new GP, there are quite appropriate names and names there, the rumor does not cut and organically pour into one row with a Baba Yaga or won the immortal (which, by the way, in English is also called). In short, the Spivak had a mixture of two cultures.
    I still do not like this replacement of sound "A" on the sound of "y", as in Dumbldore, Maglas, Fuja ... You might think, all the characters from Manchester ... I do not understand the feasibility of such changes. Although here I can just find fault ...
    In general, thank God that I have the opportunity to read in the original, for I can never accept the translation of the Spivak.

    "As she herself said in an interview to our portal," My translations most accurately report the "Spirit and the letter" of Rowling works. "And this is the true truth. Spirling really managed to convey the author's style of Mom RO. If you read Percean in the original, they could not Do not notice how simple is the Rowling language: there is no hint of excessive flowelysis, there is no heap of verbal structures, there is no inappropriate computers and a question (all of the above features, however, for some reason are present in translation from Rosman). "

    I sincerely understand the "spirit and letters" without flowering, verbal structures and jets from Rosman "A. Maria Spivak - an amateur translator who does not cope not that with the translation, but also with his native language, as above noticed. Sharp , in a word.

    Not-not-the most and right with him, subscribe to every word.

    Translation Spivak - IMHO dead translation.
    I did not read on the first 2-3 pages (I can not read it at all), so I can not say anything in part of the vocabulary, but according to the general reviews of "Creatin", "idiotic", "assholes" and so on - this book is never It will be on my shelves. This is not a Russian literary, this is a yard pamper, sorry. Who are the people who like it, and they sing to him?

    Translation of the names of your own ... For a minute, your own names are really not translated. This rule, but as always in great and mighty - not without exceptions. However, an example with a long-suffering Alice is an extremely bad example. Alice translations are not alone, not two, and not three (in which even she herself was sonia, and anne), until a more or less qualitative, meaningful translation, which does not violate seriously English ideas, nor Russian vocabulary. But this translation appeared through such work and sweat, which did not dream of Spivak - this time, two - it was made by a high-class professional, which analyzed the history of previous translations and conducted his own study of the English-speaking book. Do you really find that these translations are correlated?
    Let's remember another thing too, from England - works J.R.R. Tolkien "A. That's really something close to Harry Potter - also a cult thing that has changed the worldview of the infinite number of a person who also has no ultimate qualitative translation. And how many disputes were there? How many discussions? But among the usual household reader (and for whom we , in fact, translate, if not for him?) The best translation is a translation without translating the names of our own (places with the closure of the eyes on the vocabulary), despite the fact that the professor himself recommended to translate, but it led only to what you open a 1st volume - There is Torbins, Kolobrhrod, Razdol, open the 2nd volume - there Sumakins, the wanderer, Rivendel ... who is where? The plot has become unknown - that's all the beauty of the transformation of the names of your own and only. Why produce names when you already have a well-established option? I'm still Could understand if it were not, but he is, and he fixed. Everything. Basta!
    And okay, if the Spivak all the names were honest ... But where is there? What is justified by Severus Snape (yes, long-suffering, for M.S. I did it? Why zeleous evil (or how is it there?) Why not harsh uryupinsk, for example? Severus \u003d harsh, and Snape - the name of the village ... So there will be a translation honestly, by the way. \u003d) And is logically, not far from the truth: whether the professor is severe? Severe! And what are the associations with Uryupinsky in Russia? Also not the most positive (well, or let's take Chelyabinsk))) and even better - Chernobl !!! It is generally perfect).
    SAMAGONI - this is what? What is it like? Is it for whom? for kids? Seriously?
    (P.S. Is it true that Hog became cokewort ???? ._. I didn't believe my eyes when I read)

    Next, refer to France, Italy and other countries "and here they did it!" - This is even a bad option. What will be relevant there is not necessary to be relevant here - I am talking about it in terms of literature. History has already argued this for a thousand times, but we still have a finger than your way, justifying any of your stupidity. What for?
    And especially pleases the proud "Spirit and the letter" ... Another literary rule - never translate literally! Never! Well, their vocabulary with ours does not fit, they have a literary himself - another, quite, in general. Rosman, you see "overpowering the offer", "completed", "rewrote". And for the literary translation, this is normal, you did not know? As for "no and a hint of excessive floweness, there is no heap of verbal structures, there is no inappropriate computers and sympathy," then vice versa, I see it at MS, but not Rosman who swallowed in one breath ... The 5th book was read In just 20 hours, literally swallowed, and nowhere, I have not stumbled on some difficult designs, excessive patte and outfit. Where? Examples? And since we are talking about M.S. - Double examples. Compare literature.
    Based on all this, a big question, who "has planted a butterfly on the needle"?
    Undoubtedly, M.S. There are positive moments in the text (sighed over the "Voldemort", stressed the soft sign and smiled), but they are not more than that of the same Rosman, but for the overwhelming number of readers, all possible advantages are fat for the transfer of names.
    (P.P.S. Why "overwhelming"? Let's look into the fan fiction ... Zleysh, I did not see any one there, but this is still the indicator of the existing well-established names for names for names)
    M.S. Issued a book on one side for one age ("children's" names of the heroes), and on the other - for another (abnormative vocabulary). Thus, the first (up to 16-18) the book cannot be given, and the second (18+) it is already simply not needed, because it is complete-child. Well, and what to do with it now?

    In general, I look at the new books with longing and I understand that the only thing I can is to do with them the same thing that Potter did with the Book of Prince-Half-Blood: Hold out the text of the Spiper and glue the translation of Rosman ... Only not a fact that coincides in dimensions.
    Covers are very sorry - high-quality (
    P.p.p.s. I do not declare that Rosman translated ideal (3 part, it seems, did not pass the corrector or editor at all), but their translation is definitely better than M.S.

Maria Spivak is known for a wide circle of readers controversial and rapidly discussed translation of the Books series about Harry Potter, which is actively discussed on Internet forums to this day. And at the time of the exit, literally divided fans of a cult fantasy novel into two camps.

What else can I remember the life and work of the translator?

Biography Mary Spivak

Maria Viktorovna Spivak was born in Moscow on October 26, 1962. Already in childhood she knew that he would like to be a translator. I read a lot, early learned English. Fate ordered otherwise: Maria Spivak graduated from one of the technical universities and found a job on its engineering and mathematical specialty.

Return to chosen as a child, the crisis of the 90s. In the 98th, the future writer is deprived of work and instead of enhanced searching new decides to try himself in translation.

The first translations of Mary Spivak were made exclusively for a narrow circle of acquaintances. According to the author, for Harry Potter, she appealed earlier than the official version of the first book in Russian was published. Its transfer has acquired a wide popularity on the Internet, readers have repeatedly treated to continue the publication of the heads of history about the boy, which survived.

After the complete series of "Harry Potter" in the version of Spivak was printed, the translator received a huge number of critical reviews. Several times she came with letters from aggressively customized fans of the work with insults and threats. According to loved ones, it became one of the reasons for the early leaving of the writer from life - she died of a serious illness at the age of 55.

A family

Translator Maria Spivak was born in an intelligent and prosperous family. Parents considered it important to give daughter good education. She studied German in the language school, and English - independently and on individual classes, which was somewhat unpreicious in the USSR during the years of her childhood, taking into account the current political situation.

Family life

In 2009, the translator divorced her husband, which was not easy for her.


On the account of Spivak Ten Translation Books Rowling:

  • "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone";
  • "Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets";
  • "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban";
  • "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire";
  • "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix";
  • "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince";
  • "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows";
  • "Fantastic beasts and their habitats";
  • "Kviddich from antiquity to this day";
  • "Harry Potter and damned child."

And more than 20 translations of other works of British authors.

Maria Spivak awarded the "Unicorn and Lion" premium.


After some time after the appearance on the Internet of the translation of Mary Spivak Books "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" with a woman, the owners of the rights for text were contacted by prohibiting publication. However, fans responded instantly, placing a work on another site and under a different name. So the comic alias of Mary Spivak - Em Tasaya appeared.

Ten years later, when the Publishing House Rosman transferred the right to the publication of Saga "Mahaonu", they turned to the Spivak with a proposal to acquire its translations for a worthy fee.

Probably, Spivak could not even imagine how many disputes will unfold around her works.


The translation that initially had popularity in the network, expected a squall of critics after familiarizing with him a huge audience of the book fans.

It is worth noting that for the translation of M. D. Litvinova, published by Rosman, the fans also have always been a lot of complaints, the main one of which is not enough advanced style and syllable J. K. Rolling.

In the work of Mary Spivak, the readers had the greatest discontent with the readers caused the translation of the names of his own.

According to the rules, the names and names need to be left unchanged as in the original or adapt if in the case of the Russian language, they are discrepancies. But even those names that Spivak did not translate into Russian, it sounds not entirely as required by the rules of reading.

For example, Dumbledore became a Dumbledore, although the English letter "U" usually denotes the sound "A", and the soft sign between the two consonants in English does not happen. Mr. And Mrs. Dursley turned out to be Dursley (in the original Dursley).

Even more difficult, the case was with the names that were converted. Much said about the comic effect, which is created when replaced by "Oliver Tree", and "Batilda Bagshot" on "Batilda Zhuppuk".

Well, and not accepted by the audience, the names proposed by Maria Spivak the names of their own, which are designed to characterize the character in a certain way and are selected only by consonant with original. So, a huge indignation caused the name of the Snowhead Severus, which is called the villain evil. This name has extremely little attitude towards the English version and is not consistent with the character of the character, which does not at all personify the evil, but is extremely contradictory and ambiguous, besides, by many of the hero.

The disputes flared up even more after the interview with the writer, who says that its quality translations are better than the Rosman published. She emphasizes that the translation of the book does not boil down to the adaptation of the names and encourages readers to pay attention to the rest of the text.

However, there are quite a few complaints from readers to the readers. First of all, many annoying frequent and usually the inappropriate use of jargonal expressions. For example, Mr. Dursl calls the magic community of the GOP company, and Hagrid in the presence of children says that Filch is "bastard."

Potterian's external admirers continue to find voice, grammatical, stylistic errors and inaccuracies in the publisher books.

Those who remember the first transfers of Maria Spivak laid out on the network say that their quality was significantly better before making editorial editor (editor of Mahar - A. Gryzunova). Spivak itself very restrainedly commented on these changes, noting that they are inevitable by the editor.

Even after the death of the translator discussions continue. Fans find all the new advantages and disadvantages of the text of the Spivak, actively comparing it with Rosmanovsky. One way or another, Currently, Maria Spivak is the author of the only officially published translation of the famous Saga.

A few days ago, a small "bomb" exploded among the inhabitants of the Runet of Runet, when the enthusiast group began to collect signatures against the transfers of Percerans for the authorship of Mary Spivak. When I wanted to insert my five kopecks from the side for this bucca.

I will make a reservation, the following is a purely personal opinion. Not the position of the magazine "World of Fiction", not a view of the editor of the book section of this magazine. And just the opinion of the fan of fiction with a very solid experience of reading.

First a bit of history. When Rosman started the release of Rowling books in Russia, the cycle was already an international bestseller, but the total world madness around him just began. Only echoes came up to us, because it seems that the publisher feared that the series "won't go." Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the best forces were not attracted to translate the potential mega-hit. After all, there are truly outstanding translators from English in Russia, whose account has many brilliant work. Likhacheva, for example, or kindness-majkova. There are a lot of others. But it is clear that the work of a high-quality translator costs money. And for the translation of the "cat in the bag" such an attract simply does not make sense. Probably, the books about Potter were considered exactly the "cat", because the teenage fantasy in those days did not quoted. It is enough to say that the first circulation of the book was modest for such a hit of 30 thousand. This was later printers - almost half a million, not to mention numerous reprints.

In general, Rosman some "left" manifolds to work on the "philosophical stone" of Igor Oransky, a sports journalist, who at the same time was balung by the translation of fantastic stories. Orange himself noted that Rowling was absolutely indifferent to the text. As a result, the book was simply not interesting to read. The whole hype around the novel and the cycle in the West was completely incomprehensible. What are they there, cried? Why is this safe and naive garbage close to the world bestseller?

From these books, many began to get acquainted with Harry Potter

The past potter fan base (after all, in English, we read a lot of people) literally exploded! Oh, what storms raged on the network! With a big desire (after all, the Internet remembers almost everything) you can dig in these ancient records of 2000 and enjoy ... The translation of Orange just crucified, and although a number of errors in further publications were corrected, the "black label" firmly secured this work. The most funny that even this controversial version had a solid success, although, probably, the world hysteria contributed to the noise around Ptterian.

And on this background, "folk transfers" began to appear in the network - both the first and others who have already released in the west of Tomov. They were terrible - actual confineers, who edited anyone who is not too lazy. And one of these samopals was the translation of Masha Spivak, which, against the rest of the rest, was highlighted as a diamond among cobblestones.

Moreover, Poterian from the Spivak (and she began to gradually translate the rest of the books) among the fans, it was quoted much higher than official versions from Rosman! Although starting from the second volume, the publisher attracted solid forces. "The Secret Room", "Prisoner of Azkaban" and partly the "Cup of the Cup" translated the famous philologist-professional Marina Litvinova. And in the work on subsequent books, a whole brilliant team participated, among which there were such stars of the domestic literary translation, like Viktor Golyashev, Vladimir Badkov, Leonid Motaleva, Sergey Ilyin, Maya Lakhuti. Although L'pai met here. For example, the final romance of the cycle, the "death gifts" turned out to be crumpled. For the sake of operationality, the book was translated at once - Ilyin, Lakhuti, Sokolskaya, why Roman stylistically released very heterogeneous. It was for the sake of correcting such flaws and there is a literary editor, which, it seems that this edition simply was not ...

"Harry Potter" from Rosman: "Black Series"

By that time, the translations of the Spivak were already prohibited, because they were officially considered pirated. The story of the hunt for them is a separate song! And as soon as the fans did not disquire, struggling with the system, "Em. Tasaya "became the actual meme ...

And now, when the rights to the publications of Potterians moved to other hands, "Mahaon" and "Azbuka-Attikus" used precisely translations of Spivak (understandable case, strongly edited in comparison with network versions). While it was about the reprints of books, which, apparently, were almost in every home, it did not cause much noise. However, with the advent of the new Potter book, the situation has changed. Everyone who is the fanatel from Ptteriana will probably want to buy a new novel - but after all, the overwhelming majority "covered" by Rosmanov's translation, and the version from the Spivak seems to them alien. So the hype is clear.

I do not undertake to judge the comparative advantages and disadvantages of Rosmanovskaya and the afflicted versions in terms of factology, for example. Moreover, soon we will have a thorough article on this topic. I will give only your opinion as a person who read both versions. Personally, I like Poterian from Spivak much more, and that is why.

Spivak Flood clearly grabbed the spirit of Ptterians. Her translation is often reproached in "Childhood", but, raise, the cycle is also written mainly for children! In the first novel, the hero is only eleven, with each book he matures, which is happening with his readers. And the selected Spivak approach is completely justified. Before us, first of all, fascinating fairy tales "with meaning", and with each new volume of fabulousness, it becomes less, and the point is more and more. The novels about Potter version of the Spivak is the sane synthesis of charming fabulousness, children's immediacy, external fascination and quite serious semantic filling. This is not enough Rosmanovsky translation - author's magic, without which there would be no such crazy success of the series, there is simply no! Translation made serious people who worked professionally and responsibly. But no moreover ...

Although the main miscalculation is, perhaps, in the fact that the Rosman version totally translated as many as twelve people! The situation could be corrected by one liter-actor, which would give a disturbed translation to a common denominator. Well, as it did, for example, Alexander Zhikarentsev, at one time he overspending in the "Eksmo" transfers of Terry Pratchett - there, too, a lot of people worked, and not all translations were equally good. But alas.

Translations of spirits in this sense are much more solid. From the first to the last word series, one person was engaged in the translation, which was also sincerely passionate about the original and worked with the whole of the soul. And this is also important ... It is the "souncestness" attracts in the version from Spivak - the rowling text lives and plays, breathing and glitters. You read it with pleasure, with joy, he truly "tasty", like a package of multicolored candies from under the New Year tree ... Against this background, the Rosman version looks a dense and satisfying dinner from the first second-third. Four, useful - yes, perhaps. Only, alas, sad.

In Makhaeon, this is such a gorgeous edition of Harry Potter

Perhaps the main disadvantage of the version of Spivak, which has become a stumbling block, is the translation of the names of its own and a number of titles. Here, perhaps, you can partly agree with dissatisfied. If in the initial, most carefree and fabulous volumes of the "talking" cycle, the names still looked and exotic, but more or less appropriate, then in more gloomy books their frank childhood looks just ridiculous. The anostus is evil, Brrr ... On the other hand, in Rosman translations, too, there are such pearls that you download, - Dolgupus, for example. Probably more appropriate would not be able to translate names at all, limiting the footnotes or detailed glossary. But what is done, then done - in both options.

However, if you donate names and terms (especially since many of them quite successfully reflect the essence of characters, names and objects), the other claims for translations of the Spivak are simply scattered in the dust.

Moreover, I am sure of a hundred percent: if Rosman was released from the very beginning to Ptterian in translating the Spivak, then all those who are now with foam at the mouth screaming to them "Atu!", With the same heat-heat they would be protected . Because the question is not at all about the real quality of translations. The right of the birthright and the case of habit is the secret. The overwhelming majority of readers of Pecterians became acquainted with the books in the translation of Rosman - and simply got used to him. Whether he is at least a million times worse than the translation of Spivak - the first love is not rust ...

But those who only meet Rowling books, I advise you: read it yourself and give your children this cycle exactly "from Spivak". Get much more sincere pleasure! And the rest will have to come to terms or go on the launched path of the "zero" fans, creating sites with the "folk translation" of the eighth volume series ...