Creative topics for self-education in the Dow. Self-education plan of the teacher of the Dow on GEF

Here are exemplary topics for self-education of educators. Click on the link highlighted in blue, and go to the desired self-education theme.
Attention! Plans are not for each topic!
If this information helps someone, I will be very glad!
So, the list of topics:

17. Methods for the formation of proper posture and prevention
violations from preschoolers.

19. Enrichment of social experience of preschoolers in conditions kindergarten and families.

20. Improving gymnastics after day sleep, its meaning.

21. Organization of work in the Dow on Patriotic Education.

22. Patriotic education of preschoolers by means
visual arts.

23. Retelling artistic works With the help of pictures.

24. Mobile game as a means of developing the physical qualities of children (middle, senior) preschool age.

26. Road traffic rules for preschoolers.

27. Receives intensifying mental activities in the process
familiarize children with nature.

28. Project activities with children of the younger (middle, senior)
preschool age.

29. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.

30. Educational games as a means of forming cognitive
abilities of children of preschool age.

31. Development of dialogical communication of children in the multi-year group
(4-7 years).

32. Development of gaming activities in children early age.

33. Development of communicative abilities of senior preschoolers through

communication with nature.

34. .

35. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children
through gaming activities.

36. Development of small motors of preschoolers.

38. Development of cognitive activities of preschoolers.

39. Development of the search and research activities of preschoolers
in the process of experimentation.

40. Development of the speech of children of early and younger preschool age.

41. Speech development - rhetoric lessons and speech etiquette.

42. Development of sensory abilities of preschoolers.

43. Development of sensory abilities through
didactic game.

45. Development creative abilities preschoolers means
puppet theater.

46. \u200b\u200bSpeech development of preschoolers

47. The role of motor regime for preschoolers.

55. Theater - as a means of forming a coherent speech of preschoolers.

56. Theatrical activity as a means of developing creative
personality of the child.

57. Physical development of children in gaming activities.

58. Physical and wellness work with children.

59. Formation of communicative qualities in children
junior (middle, senior) preschool age.

60. Formation of communicative qualities in children of senior
pre-school age through communication with nature.

61. Formation of health culture in preschool children.

62. The formation began the ecological culture of preschoolers.

65. Formation of children's speech in gaming activities.

67. The artistic and speech development of children through joint
theatrical activity of children and parents.

68. Environmental education of children in kindergarten.

69. Environmental development of children in the youngest (middle, older)
age group.

The teacher's profession belongs to those requiring comprehension of current pedagogical techniques, tendencies of educational work, the specifics of the psychophysiological development of children, since obsolete working methods may interfere with the harmonious development of preschoolers.

Initiative to awareness of the need for self-education should come from a pedrattlehip, which is assisted by the Methodists and the Children's Garden Administration.

New knowledge of teachers are obtained at advanced training courses. All the pedraticles at least once every three years have been obliged to undergo them. The easiest way to learn remotely without separation from work. We suggest to consider two ways and choose the one that suits you more.

As a result of systematic work, an image is formed:

  1. competent professional;
  2. a specialist who is capable of self-improvement and active study of the new;
  3. educator who achieves high results in educational activities;
  4. communicable and responsible teacher.

Self-education plan of the teacher of the Dow on GEF

The teacher must constantly learn to transmit experience and knowledge to his pupils - in this principle of continuous self-education. regularly updated with new techniques and technologies, new textbooks are published, new ways are being developed. pedagogical activityThe legislative framework changes. Knowledge and skills that have been received for a long time are forgotten, and since the process of social development does not stop for a second, do not do teachers in kindergarten without plan of self-education of the teacher in Dow according to GEF.

Improve competencies in learning and raising children. Come to advanced training courses at the Education Manager School. Here you can sign up for training in the program "Competence of the educator." According to the results of training, I will issue a certificate for you to improve the qualifications of the established sample.

Self-education is a systematic process independent study new pedagogical techniques, technologies and principles, creative and cognitive activities of the pedrattlehip, which involves creative interpretation and the introduction of a new one in pedagogical practice; Purposeful work on the deepening and expansion of knowledge luggage, improving tested and acquiring new professional skills.

With development modern technologies Significantly expanded opportunities for self-education. If there is a computer or tablet, you can acquire new knowledge without separating from work. For example, at the school manager school. On this portal collected online training courses on any of the subject. Choose a suitable course and log in here.

It's believed that best topic For the self-education of the teacher, which is the subject of acute interest of a specialist or causes certain difficulties. To discover gaps in knowledge, you should consult with colleagues and learn to comprehensively analyze the topic studied. The educators of the kindergarten consciously plan to work on self-education, given the actual directions of training:

  • changes in legislative Baseconcerning preschool education;
  • study of innovative methodological recommendations and educational and methodical literature;
  • awareness in matters of advanced achievements of pedagogical thought, age psychology and physiology of preschoolers;
  • acquaintance with relevant time with pedagogical technologies, partial programs, advanced experience of other kindergartens;
  • improving the general cultural level, worldview and outlook.

Terms of efficient self-education process:

  • possession of the technique of self-knowledge and knowledge;
  • implementation of the need for professional-personal growth;
  • the ability to reflect, comprehending its own feelings, successes and actions, as objectively assessing its activities;
  • practical application of experience and knowledge obtained in the process of self-education, which allows you to secure the result and determine the horizons for further work above oneself.

To increase the level of pedagogical skills, caregivers use all available forms of self-education, including free and those that require assistance to colleagues or additional funding:

  • work with monographs and periodic, library fund;
  • formation of their own thematic card files;
  • mutually beneficial cooperation with colleagues and methodologies in the context of trainings, seminars or scientific conferences;
  • consulting in professional training centers of advanced training, at the departments of specialized universities;
  • interaction with the regional center of educational and psychological and diagnostic techniques.

Planning work on oneself aim to achieve certain results self-education of the teacher of the Dow on GEF:

  1. The growth of pedagogical skills confirmed by specific indicators.
  2. Development of innovative means and methods of pedagogical activities.
  3. Writing reports, master classes, speeches, preparation of seminars and exhibitions.
  4. Creating guidelines and tutorials, various programs and copyright developments.
  5. Prodes of educational events and open lessons.
  6. Formation of a set of developments and updating already existing educational materials.

Self-education for educators of kindergarten according to GEF: planning principles

Planning self-education, the educator is enough to stop its choice on any aspect of professional activities, which causes difficulties; on one of the tasks of DW for the current year; On the topic in which new skills and knowledge can be added to the extent and achieved result.

In terms of planning work on self-education, teachers assist staffing methodologists or senior educators. It is they who help to formulate the topic of work, to determine the tasks and goals, organize the work of the educator in the near future or for the long term (for several years), to make a plan for self-education teacher of the DOW and promote its implementation, and after - to evaluate the results of the work done.

Self-education for teachers of kindergarten according to GEF Must be carried out consciously and voluntarily. The educational process for educators is conditionally divided into five stages of work.

Determined themes of self-education according to GEF, recreation in Dow It may encounter a number of difficulties, however, with the right approach, you can find a solution to each of the problems.

1. If it is difficult to choose and formulate the topic, it is worth identifying the subject matter in the near future, and the idea of \u200b\u200bformulating the theme to learn from state Standard or curriculum.

2. If it is difficult to choose the methodological literature by contacting the library or a methodological office, it is worth paying attention to annotations and a table of contents that will help to promptly navigate in the content. To simplify the search for literature, it is fairly clear to formulate questions within the framework of self-education.

3. If it is difficult to understand the methodological material, you should use key theses and aspects of read, carefully systematize information, identifying important concepts, basic facts and values. New terms are better extinguished using reference books and dictionaries.

Choosing the topic of self-education teacher of kindergarten according to GEF

Preparation for writing a self-education plan begins with the choice of the topic, to determine which the educator will help the methodologist or senior educator. If the teacher is confident in his abilities, it can independently analyze the practical significance and the relevance of the chosen topic.

It is believed to choose themes of self-education teacher of kindergarten according to GEF 7 key factors affect:

  • Daily information of information - the educator needs search, learning and analyzing new information During the training for classes, general events, parental meetings or speeches on the pedsow.
  • Creative gust - creative person It needs innovations because it cannot work for many years for a single plan or methodology. The work of the teacher will give pleasure if he constantly want more.
  • The development of society is all changes that occur in the life of society are primarily reflected in children who form the image of a modern teacher.
  • Competition is the prestige of the educator, its professional reputation is largely determined by the group's camp, therefore the teachers work in their name so that in the future it attracted pupils to him.
  • Material incentive - pedagogical skills and qualifications affect the qualification category, appointing award, premium, municipal or government awards.
  • Public opinion - the question of the prestige and perception of the teacher surrounding important for the educator (no one wants to be a non-professional).
  • Personal interest is the need to receive new knowledge.
  • studying the practice of carrying out constructive work;
  • learning basic level pedagogical skill;
  • awareness of the importance and significance of the implementation of the developing concept and the individual model of education and education.

For teachers, Dow with experience more than five years of self-education associated with:

  • development methods for predicting the educational process in order to increase qualitative indicators within the framework of variable education;
  • disclosure of creative talent;
  • application of educational and methodological knowledge in practice.

Pedagogues with extensive experience and high levels Professional skills often choose topics affecting:

  • development of professional flexibility, adjusting professional activities under the realities of modern society;
  • practice mentoring and helping young professionals;
  • disclosure of creative opportunities;
  • research work based on your own long-term experience.

Predictors of the Dow, which has no profile education, are offered topics:

  • study of the basics of methodical work with preschoolers of junior groups;
  • adaptation to the educational and educational process in DOU;

Conditionally themes are divided into two types: short-term (implemented during the year) and long-term (implemented from three to five years).

Topics of self-education teacher of kindergarten according to GEF: basic difficulties

Self-education topics for educators in kindergarten in GEF are formulated depending on the direction of the development of children: socio-communicative, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, development of speech and physical form.

Self-forming of the teacher in Dow: themes on GEF

The choice of teacher GEF pre-school education offers a number of topics:

Notebook for self-education teacher of kindergarten Garden

Finishing school year The educator is reported on self-education work, filling the reporting documents, giving open classes, master classes or reporting activities, speaking with a report at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council. One of the reporting forms is notebook for kindergarten according to GEFThe content of which reflects all stages of work on the self-improvement of pedagogical skills of a specialist:

  1. Name of the topic, its relevance, goals and objectives of the work.
  2. Methods and ways to solve the problem issued ( methodical work, interaction with parents and pupils, work with a regulatory framework and methodical literature).
  3. The output of the topic.
  4. List of used literature.

In the reporting documentation, information confirming the improvement of professional knowledge and knowledge, the introduction of innovative techniques and pedety technologies in practice, analysis of self-education work, systematized conclusions.

By the administration Dofore the results The self-education of the educator is summed in the form of observation and control over the implementation of the educational process, the dissemination of best practices at the meetings of the pedsovet and in the media, the presentation of the process of self-education at the local level.

If the self-education process was organized correctly, the teacher will celebrate the deeper development of the personality, the specificization of knowledge, the growth of professional competence, the ability to analyze work with children, the effective search for priority techniques of interaction with pupils and adults, mastering research and diagnostic activities, the formation of thinking flexibility, the disclosure of creative potential .

Learn more about the self-education of educators in the Dow can be in articles:

Sample threads of self-education educators

1. Activation of the dictionary of children younger age group.
2. Eveling directly educational activities on the game
early children.
3. Oral effect folk creativity on the development of children's speech 3-4 years.
4. Education of preschoolers through labor activity.
5. Education of the moral qualities of children of preschool age
through Russians folk fairy tales.
6. Didactic game as a form of study of young children.
7. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.
8.Thow-moral education of preschoolers.
9.Tho-moral education of children by reading
10.gra as a means of communicating preschoolers.
11. Game activity of children at the stage of transition from early
to pre-school childhood.
12. Use of health-saving technologies in the first
younger (second younger, middle, older) group.
13. Using the developmental game in mathematics
with children of the younger (middle, senior) preschool age.
14. Using a variety of techniques of non-traditional drawing
in working with children 2 - 3 years.
15.Finth-oriented entry in the education of preschoolers.
16.Methodical formation of correct posture and its prevention
violations from preschoolers.
17.G. Movable games in physical education of preschoolers.
18. Restricted gymnastics after day sleep, its meaning.
19. Organization of work in the Dow on Patriotic Education.
20.patriotic education of preschoolers by means
visual arts.
21. The perform of artworks with the help of pictures.
22.Mapping game as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children
junior (middle, senior) preschool age.
23. State Research Activities in the implementation
educational Area "Cognition"
24.The road traffic for preschoolers.
25.Frees activation of mental activity in the process
familiarize children with nature.
26. Business activities with children of the younger (middle, senior)
preschool age.
27. Project method in spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.
28. Development of the dialogic communication of children in the multi-year group
(4-7 years).
29. Developing gaming activities in young children.
30. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children
through gaming activities.
31. Development of petty motors of preschoolers.
32. Development of small motors in preschool children through
unconventional drawing technique.
33. Development of cognitive activities of preschoolers.
34. Development of the search and research activities of preschoolers
in the process of experimentation.
35. Development of the speech of children of early and younger preschool age.
36. Development of sensory abilities of preschoolers.
37. Developing sensory abilities by
didactic game.
38. Developing creative abilities of children in the visual
39. Development of creative abilities of preschoolers by means
puppet theater.
40.rechy development of preschool children
41. Role motor regime for preschoolers.
42.Rol games B. physical Development and strengthening the health of the preschooler.
43.roll riddles in the development of a preschooler.
44.Rol family in educating children of preschool age.
45.Track as a means of spiritual and moral education of preschoolers.
46. \u200b\u200bThe modern approaches to the implementation of the tasks of the educational region
47.Theater - as a means of forming a connected speech of preschoolers.
48.Teatrical activities as a means of developing creative
personality of the child.
49.Fysical development of children in gaming activities.
50. Physical and wellness work with children.
51. Forming communicative qualities in children
junior (middle, senior) preschool age.
52. Formation of communicative qualities in children of senior
pre-school age through communication with nature.
53. Formation of health culture in preschool children.
54. Formation began the ecological culture of preschoolers.
55. Forming the foundations of pedagogical skills.
56.Forming patriotic feelings from preschoolers.
57. Formation of the speech of children in gaming activities.
58. Humidated literature as a means of comprehensive development
59.Greated-speech development of children through joint

Self-education - an integral component professional growth and improving a specialist of any profile. Not exceptions are and time does not stand still: new pedagogical trends appear, the author's methods, the libraries are replenished with modern methodical literature. And the teacher who seeks to improve in his profession, cannot remain aside. That is why an important component pedagogical process is the self-education of the teacher in the Dow. The younger group, as well as the preparatory, needs to introduce modern innovation and pedagogical techniques. In our article, we will help the educator to organize work on self-development, we note the important components of this process, we will offer a list of topics for the teaching of the teacher in the younger groups of kindergarten.

Objectives and tasks of self-education teacher

First of all, it is necessary to clearly realize the educator. This is a teacher's ability to independently receive new professional knowledge and skills. What is the purpose of such work? This is an improvement in the educational process by increasing the level of theoretical and practical skill of the teacher.

The self-education of the educator in the DOU (younger group) involves the formulation of the following pedagogical problems:

  • assessment of the age characteristics of children, the determination of problem points in working with babies;
  • familiarization with the methodological novelties;
  • the use of modern pedagogical trends in practice, the organization of the educational and educational process, taking into account the current requirements and the use of innovative technologies;
  • improving and raising professional skill.

How to choose a topic for self-education tutor younger group?

Why start self-education educators in Dow? The youngest group of kindergarten is the kids from two and a half to four years. Therefore, it is recommended to begin the self-development of the teacher with an assessment of the possibilities of children of this age category, their psychological and physiological features. It is also important to be noted actual problems In working with this group of pupils, determine the prospects for subsequent work. Only then can be distinguished by several topics that require professional research and diagnosis.

Self-education of the teacher in the DOU (junior group): themes of work

As already noted above, the subject of pedagogical activity is determined in each particular case, taking into account individual characteristics children's team And the educator itself (its priorities, views and methods of work, as well as the relevance of the problem in a particular DOU). We offer only approximate themes that can be used to plan an activity on the teacher's self-development:

  1. Use of interactive learning and education methods
  2. Modern Early Development Methods: Forms, types, efficiency.
  3. For children of the younger group: Preparation and holding.

You can choose a topic for self-education within the framework of the NEW Plan, it is recommended to consult a methodologist educational institution. It is important that the question is relevant, corresponded to the general orientation of the kindergarten.

Work forms

The self-education of the caregiver in the Dow (Junior Group) involves the work directly independent, with parents, children and colleagues. It is important to consider the alleged forms of work. So, the teacher's independent work consists of:

  • analysis of methodical literature;
  • sharing pedagogical experience;
  • the introduction of the resulting theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • estimates of the results of activities;
  • outcomes.

In working with parents you can use such forms of work as consulting, round tables, pedagogical trainings and others.

It is distinguished by a variety and work with children. It is possible to carry out activities on the chosen educational process directly during the educational process, as well as when organizing leisure kids. It is important to take into account the age of pupils, planning the self-education of the caregiver in Dow: 2 youngest group older than the first one for a year or even six months, but the older pupils have already adapted to kindergartens, managed to get a certain amount of knowledge and skills in the program. While 1 youngest group only adapts to new conditions.

In order to effectively organize the self-education of the teacher in the DOU (1 youngest group and 2 youngest group), you should streamline and consider the sequence of work:

  1. Select a topic.
  2. Put goals and objectives.
  3. Determine work forms.
  4. Place a work plan.
  5. Examine theoretical material on the selected topic.
  6. Analyze pedagogical experience.
  7. Develop practical activities.
  8. Apply knowledge in practice.
  9. Present the results.

Registration of the Self-forming Plan of the Educator

How to make an independent activity of the teacher correctly? We offer as an example the following plan:

  1. Front page. The first page indicates the title: "Self-forming of the teacher in the DOU (2 youngest group)", the name of the teacher, education, experience, experience, category and other.
  2. The topic, set goals and objectives of the work is indicated.
  3. Forms of work with parents, children, educators are determined.
  4. The list of literature is issued.
  5. The specific practical activity of the teacher on the selected topic is described indicating the dates.
  6. Materials are invested: crafts of children, research results, own methodical development and other.
  7. The forms of the presentation of the results are indicated.

The self-education plan of the teacher of the Dow in the younger group involves conducting cognitive events, as well as involvement in the work of parents and other family members.

Registration of the results of work

Completed by summing up work on the topic "Self-forming of the teacher in DOU". 1 Younger group can only carry out the specific tasks under the guidance of the educator. While 2 youngest group can already demonstrate their own crafts and independent work, Helping the educator to collect the necessary practical material. How to make the results of the work on the teacher's self-development? You can apply such forms:

  • thematic seminar;
  • round table;
  • pedagogical master class;
  • open occupation;
  • creative marathon;
  • entertainment and cognitive activity and others.

Unfortunately, the teachers are not always aware, for which it is necessary to compile a plan for self-education of the teacher of the Dow in the younger group. After all, the children of this age category are completely kids, is it possible to do something with them, experiment, use pedagogical innovations, explore? In fact, not only possible, but also need! Since these children are our modern generation. Outdated, familiar to the experienced educational methodology, simply will slow down the development of these babies.

In the work it is extremely important to introduce pedagogical innovations, keeping up with the times in order to upbringing the generation that answers modern requirements societies. In our article, we suggested an approximate plan for self-education of the educator DOU (2 youngest group and 1 youngest group), told about possible forms of work and organization of activities. But the work of the educator is primarily creativity and fantasy. It is important to approach activities non-standard, creatively - only then the work of the teacher will be effective and interesting for kids.

Working with children in a preschool educational institution (DOU) requires high professional staff. And good education, love for kids - key components of pedagogical skills. However, there is another aspect of activity that plays the role of an eternal engine in working with the younger generation. We are talking about the self-education of the teacher - constant self-development and improving the techniques used and working methods.

Theoretical aspects of the process of self-education

The Federal State Educational Standard (GEF) self-education (in some sources - self-development) is determined by the process of constant cognitive work of the teacher who has the nature of the methodological improvement of knowledge, skills and skills of interaction with children, parents and colleagues.

It is interesting. Despite the fact that the concepts of self-education and self-development in pedagogical sources are often interchangeable, there are differences between them. In particular, distinctive feature Self-development is that this work may include not only the educational component, but also physical self-improvement. While self-education involves only the expansion of the boundaries of the cognitive sphere.

Self-education accompanies the entire period of professional activities of the teacher

Self-forming of the teacher: goals and objectives

Replenishing your own methodological developments of members of the pedagogical team of kindergarten sets the following goals:

  • acquaintance with innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies, their development and search for optimal combination methods with those that are already applied in work;
  • improving the quality of education in multi-time groups due to the systematization of advanced methodological and psychological and pedagogical experience of colleagues;
  • creating suitable conditions for the comprehensive physical, mental development of kids, as well as to educate creative personalities.

To achieve the objectives of self-education designated above, the teacher in the work decides a number of tasks:

Thus, the tasks of work on self-education are successful in nature, that is, from year to year the teacher highlights the same complex of issues, but on the relevant age of children levels.

Principles of self-development

The process of work on improving existing pedagogical developments is based on 4 principles:

  • Continuity. As already mentioned, on the basis of one complex of topics, the teacher chooses this or that topic, develops it for one academic year, less often than two. It turns out that self-education accompanies the entire period of pedagogical activity of the caregiver in the DOU.

    The work on self-education begins from the first days of professional activity and, as a rule, does not have a cardinal shift of the trajectory of consideration of the originally selected problems.

  • Relationship. The principle directly related to the first. For example, considering questions speech Development Baby 3-4 years old, the teacher will not be able to fully reveal the topic without taking into account the developments on this topic in the previous year, that is, in working with the kids for 2-3 years. Therefore, quite often, such issues are treated in the framework of the United States Groups: "Speech development of children of the first and second younger groups DOU"Or" Development of shallow motility in senior groups in the aspect of the preparation of the hand to the letter. "
  • Compliance of the direction of disclosure of the chosen theme of the overall strategy of the educational process in kindergarten. For example, in 2016, GEFs were recommended topics related to inclusive education in the Dow, although earlier this topic was the prerogative of an exceptionally defectologist. So, if there are children with disabilities in development in the group, the issue of self-education may include either individual aspects of working with such kids, or to be fully dedicated to the practice of engaging the child-disabled educational and educational process, working with families of such babies, etc.
  • Availability. This principle concerns, firstly, practical implementation Self-education project. Simply put, if the teacher examines unconventional drawing techniques in the first youngest group, then the finest activities will fully comply with the level of development and perception of guys, in contrast to, for example, creating pictures with soap bubbles. And secondly, one of the forms of reporting to implement the self-education program is the presentation of experience with young colleagues. This is the representation of its own developments, which should be clear to others not only with a methodical, but also from a general cultural point of view. Do not frighten the audience of complex terms, space-scale projects, etc.

    The principle of accessibility concerns not only working with children, but also with parents, as well as colleagues, including in the framework of the mentoring Institute

Work forms

Educational activities of the Dow implies the interaction and interconnection of all who take part in the learning, development and education of the younger generation. This is a pedagogical team as a subject of the educational process, kids and their parents as objects of activity. Therefore, the forms of work on the self-cultivation of pedagogical skills, one way or another, include all the designated categories of persons.

Program of work on the theme of self-education

The organization of the process of illumination of the issue depends on how carefully and methodically work will be enabled.

Select the topic

At this stage, which is usually falling in August-September, the teacher formulates the topic of research, depending on the topical issues with which it faces in its activities.

The location of the kindergarten near the roadway determines the relevance of the choice of one of the topics relating to the technologies of health conservation associated with the study of road rules at an affordable age level.

Difficulties can concern the choice of individual forms of working with children of certain age.

The list of topics is common to educators of all groups, differences are determined by the peculiarities characteristic of the age of the wards. For example, in junior groups, the development of small motility will be focused on choosing the optimal list of finger exercises, and in the senior emphasis is on training tasksaimed at preparing the hand to the letter.

Topics for self-education of narrow specialists will have some target specificity

It is interesting. Karl Orfa is a German composer and a musical teacher of the twentieth century. Its technologies are based on the fact that the main task of music is to liberate the individual creative forces of the child, develop its natural musicality, including through elementary muscy.

Table: Topics and Objectives of Self-Education of Muzbobnika, Instructor for Physical Education, Speech Path and Defectologist Teacher

SpecialistApproximate subjects of workGoal
Music worker
  • "Formation in children of aesthetic taste and the development of emotional responsiveness to music."
  • "Development of creative abilities through children's learning game for children musical instruments, introduction of game technologies into the practical activity of the music leader. "
  • "Development of creative abilities through the perception of music, a song, movement."
  • "Development of musical abilities of preschool children."
  • "Music and creative activity of health orientation."
  • "Development of a sense of rhythm in preschool children in the process of playing musical instruments."
  • "The development of the rhythmic hearing of preschoolers through the technologies of Karl Orfa."
  • "Development of creative abilities of senior preschoolers through theatrical activity."
  • "Development of choreographic skills in children of senior preschool age" (this topic is particularly relevant in Dow, where the Muzbarrotnik also performs the functions of the choreographer).
  • Deepen and systematize knowledge about the formation of creative skills in all kinds of musical activity.
  • Develop a positive emotional responsiveness to music.
  • Develop the skills of collective creativity.
  • Reliable respect for world cultural heritage.
Instructor for physical Education
  • "The use of non-traditional equipment in physical education and rehabilitation of preschoolers."
  • "Development of motor activity of children in the conditions of introducing FGT."
  • "Physical and health work in Doe outside of classes."
  • "Game technologies in the system of physical education of preschoolers."
  • "Modern approaches to the improvement of children in a preschool educational institution."
Objectives of self-education instructor in physical education correlate with federal government requirements (FGT), the basic principle of which is the integration of educational areas "Physical Culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization," Labor "," Cognition "," Communication "," Reading fiction "," Artistic creativity"," Music ".
  • Creating a comprehensive physical recovery system with children aimed at preserving and strengthening children's health.
  • Development of physical abilities of children.
  • Education from parents and guys responsible in maintaining their own health.
Speech therapist
  • "Development of articulation motility in children with a violation of speech as an effective means of correction of sound-proof."
  • "Dysarthria (violations in pronunciation due to lesions nervous system): Straightened or minimum forms of its manifestation. "
  • "The use of unconventional speech therapy technologies with older preschool children."
  • "The use of information and communicative technologies in the correctional work of the teacher-speech therapist".
  • "Methods for the development of small motorbers from senior preschoolers with underdevelopment of speech."
  • "Development of speech creativity from senior preschoolers."
  • "Kinesiological gymnastics (gymnastics for the brain) as a means of developing psychological processes in preschool children."
  • "Health-saving technologies in speech therapy work."
The emphasis of the work of the speech therapist is made to the involvement of parents in the process of correction of violations in the work of the child's speech apparatus.
  • To form a need for close cooperation with parents with a logop teacher to overcome speech disorders in children.
  • Show parents with the possibility of speech development of the child in the family.
  • To provide speech therapy assistance to preschoolers that have deviations in the development of oral speech.
  • To form the formation of a conscious child's relationship to the health and life of a person.
  • "The development of cognitive processes in children with disabilities in GEFs".
  • "Formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children with severe and multiple developmental violations."
  • "Development and implementation of individual-oriented development routes in children with disabilities."
  • Providing timely specialized assistance to students with ABS (limited health capabilities) in the development of the mandatory minimum of the content of education in a educational institution.
  • The creation of optimal conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of the child with complex structure Defect and the formation of its positive personal qualities.
  • Enlightenment of parents regarding the characteristics of the education of the child with HPV in the family.

Examples of non-education planners of narrow specialists

In the preparation of individual self-education routes, narrow specialists may consider the topic within its implementation in working with children of different ages at the same time.

The work of the speech therapist can wear the nature of the search for methods and receptions to solve the general problem of speech development, regardless of the age of pupils

Table: Fragment of the plan for self-education of the musical leader

AuthorVyrvina E.A., Music Director of the ICDOU "Firefly", p. H. Yurts, Tayshetsky district, Irkutsk region
Subject"Development of the creative abilities of children of preschool age and the emotional and cognitive sphere through various types of musical activity"
MonthThe content of the workForm of workPractical results
  • "Development of the emotional sphere" is informational and analytical activities.
  • Diagnosis of musical abilities.
  • Explore the literature:
    • "Emotional development of preschool children" / Edited by A.D. Wallet. - Moscow, 1985
    • Gasparova E. "Emotions of the child of early age in the game" // pre-school education. - 2001, №10.
  • Conduct diagnostics.
  • Consultation for teachers.
October"Formation of musicality at different age stages of preschool childhood" is informational and analytical activities.Examine literature: "Gifted child" / Ed. OM Dyachenko - Moscow; 1997.Consultation for teachers.
  • "Music as a means of aesthetic education of a preschooler."
  • "Visiting Beauty Fairies" (holiday script).
  • Examine literature: Praslova G.A. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children. St. Petersburg: Childhood - press, 2005. Make a summary.
  • Develop a script "Visiting Beauty Fairies" (Music and Aesthetic Education).
  • Report for the Pedagogical Meeting.
  • Holiday "Visiting Fairies Beauty."
  • "Travel to the country of knowledge" (graduation scenario).
  • Conducting the diagnosis of musical abilities of children of all age groups.
  • View with children preparatory Groups musical feature Film "Adventures of Buratino", talk about its content. Develop based on this film graduation scenario.
  • Conducting diagnostic research.
  • Graduation holiday "Journey to the Country Country".
  • Analysis of the results of diagnostics.

Table: Fragment of a plan for self-education instructor in physical education

AuthorKurakova N.V., Instructor on Physical Education of MCDOU DS №23 "Gusi-Swans", Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansiysk JSC
Subject"The development of the motor sphere and the manifestation of emotional states in it"
MonthForm of work
with kidswith teacherswith parents
  • September,
  • october,
  • november.
Participation in the fourth urban sports department among preschool institutions "Golden Autumn".Consultation on the development of the motor sphere.Preparation of children to competitions.
DecemberOFP.Creating cards-schemes of the game-playing game.Open showing of physical education.
  • Cheerful starts.
  • Ski race.
Consultation on the topic: "Eternal Movement: Motor Wellness Moses in Classes."Evening of questions and answers,
parental meetings.
  • Skiing of Russia.
  • Competitions "Gubernatorial competitions" among preschool educational institutions Khanty-Mansiysk District-Ugra.
  • Non-standard equipment, its use.
  • Master Class.
Leisure: Family Club "Wheaves" (the direction "Parental Culture" and "Press Center").

Table: Fragment of the Self-Education Plan for Logopeda

AuthorMitrakovich L.V., Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU DS №4 "Swanushka", Strezheva, Tomsk region
Subject"Kinesiological gymnastics as a means of developing psychological processes in preschool children"
MonthContentExpected Result
OctoberSelection of literature on the topicThe presence of literature ("kinesiotherapy of speech disorders").
NovemberTheoretical study of methodological developments on the topic
  • Increase competence.
  • The presence of theoretical I. methodical material. (The use of kinesiotherapy in the correctional work with children having onr and with dysarthria).
Development of recommendations and consultations for teachers and parents on the use of games in working with children
  • Availability of advice and recommendations.
  • The presence of practical material (card).
FebruaryPractical showing of classes using kinesiological exercises for parentsIntroduce parents with some directions and techniques of work.
Production of didactic materialPractical assistance to parents and teachers. The presence of didactic material.
MayAnalysis of self-education workAvailability of analytical reference.

Table: Fragments of the Defectologist Teacher Self-Education Plan

AuthorTroofimova A.P., Teacher-defectologist Madoouds №13 "Dolphinchik", Borb, Nizhny Novgorod region
Subject"Development of shallow motility in children of a compensation group"
Informational and analyticalStudying literature