Quarantine notebook in kindergarten template. Journal of medical observation of contact children (quarantine journal)

Preschool children are most often infected from each other with diseases transmitted by airborne droplets (when coughing, sneezing), and less often transmitted by close contact (through shared toys, mugs, spoons, plates, handkerchiefs, etc.). To exclude such situations in a preschool institution, quarantine is introduced with fixing information about the dates and activities in the journal.

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Quarantine in a preschool educational institution: order, journal, events, deadlines

The epidemic process of diseases is characterized by seasonal changes, outbreaks and emerging epidemics of varying intensity, which generally affect about 20% of pupils. If an infectious disease (flu) occurs in a preschool institution, then for the group that the sick child attended and in which the sick child is listed, the order and the journal reflect the timing of the event in the preschool educational institution. The main goal of quarantine in a preschool educational institution is to prevent the spread of the epidemic among children in kindergarten.

The duration of the quarantine is set on the basis of data on the longest duration of the incubation period of the disease. For example, quarantine for scarlet fever in kindergarten or influenza lasts 7 days, chicken pox, mumps, rubella quarantine - 21 days, meningococcal infection - 10 days, and viral meningitis - 20 days.

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The head of the kindergarten is responsible for enforcing attendance restrictions preschool(order, event, deadlines), keeping a quarantine journal in kindergarten (look for a sample in the system).

Download the actions of the preschool institution when an infectious disease is detected
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Article: 00818726
Year: 2019
Format: 297x210
Binding: Paperback
Bonding method: Clip

Setting up a block of pages

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (Recommended 60 pages )

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Paper density: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used to print newspapers or similar products. It has a low density and, accordingly, not high wear resistance. The advantage of such paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in home printers. The strength of such paper is much higher than the previous two types of paper. From such paper it is recommended to order magazines for industries (dust, dirt), catering units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 customers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order pagination


Pagination starts with title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located at the bottom corners of the magazine.


The block of the magazine is punched by two holes with a diameter of 6 mm, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, from the side of the spine in the middle of the magazine.


The lacing of the magazine is carried out with a special lavsan thread, threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secured with a cardboard insert and a sticker for printing.

Cover customization

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Sewing and adhesive bonding ? Sewing fastening

(makes binding stronger)

Sewing fastening in the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are bent, assembled into notebooks and sewn together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover consisting of cardboard with a density of 2.5 mm covered with bumvinyl is used). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a paper sheet. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the spine of the block, for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing on the cover, mainly gold foil is used (but silver, blue, red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can imprint it along with the name of the magazine

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books" Income and expense book for accounting forms of the work book and an insert in it and book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

Learn more about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and fast-produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2, according to your desire the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are stapled, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the binding is carried out on a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Due to its ease of execution and affordable price, softcover is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of binding.

Cover color: white

Laminate cover: ?
lamination- this is a coating of printed products with a film. Lamination will keep the attractive appearance of printed products for a long time and will reliably protect them from dirt and mechanical damage. We carry out one-sided and two-sided lamination up to A1 format on special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to crumple, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning, rain, snow. But experienced users are also aware of another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image "manifests" the colors become more contrasting and juicy. Thanks to the effect of "developing", inexpensive paper with lamination takes on the look of luxurious photo paper.

Municipal Autonomous Preschool

educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 99 of a general developmental type"



MADOU "Kindergarten No. 99"

issue number 3




(from experience

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 99"


Syktyvkar, 2010

Accepted: Approved:

at the pedagogical council Director of MADOU

Protocol No. ___ "Kindergarten No. 99"

dated "___" ________ 2009 ____S.V. Dushenkova

Compiled by: Ievleva T.S.


The collection includes guidelines for teaching staff preschool institution for the design and maintenance of group documentation in kindergarten. A list of documentation is defined, forms of group documentation are presented, and some methodological recommendations are given for the design and maintenance of group documentation.


The success of any activity largely depends on its proper organization. Educational and educational activities in a preschool institution are also no exception.

We believe that one of the ways of a full-fledged and high-quality organization of the educational process is the maintenance by educators of the necessary group documentation. Information about the families of pupils, planning activities, information about the state of health, etc. contribute to the creation of the necessary conditions for organizing a rational process of upbringing and education of preschool children.

The process of registration and maintenance of group documentation requires mental effort and a huge amount of time from the educator. The question arises: "How to organize this process without interfering with educational activities?"

We found a way out - to develop and distribute for educators forms of group documentation on a printed basis (diagrams, tables, etc.). This will help reduce time costs and facilitate the process of maintaining group documentation.

In this manual, we have presented a list of group documentation for the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 99 of a general developmental type" in Syktyvkar, guidelines for maintaining each component of group documentation, as well as samples of group documentation.

List of group documentation in the preschool educational institution

In our preschool institution, a list of group documentation has been defined, which must be drawn up and maintained in each age group of the kindergarten.

In accordance with the list approved by the order of the head of the preschool institution, educators are responsible for the execution and maintenance of the following documentation:

1. In all age groups of preschool:

- "attendance",

- "Social passport of families of pupils",

- "Hardening",

- “Payment for kindergarten”,

- "Payment for additional services",

- "Minutes of parent meetings",

- "Quarantine Notebook",

- "Perspective- thematic planning»,

- "Calendar and thematic planning",

- "Notebook of health",

- "Comments and suggestions",

- Interaction with experts

- "Planerki",

- Learn with us.

2. In groups early age and in the first junior group (from 1.5 to 3 years) are added:

- "Morning Reception"

- Chair card.

All components of group documentation (with the exception of "Reviews and Suggestions", "Planerki", "Learn with us", "Interaction with specialists") are issued in the form of magazines on a printed basis of A4 format.

General requirements:

Group documentation is stored in groups of a preschool institution in a specially designated place (preferably on the desktop of educators),

Entries in the documentation are made in a timely manner, accurately and legibly,

Educators are personally responsible for the maintenance and aesthetic appearance of group documentation,

At the request of the administration, educators must provide for verification all the components of the group documentation,

Twice during the academic year, group documentation is subject to mandatory control by the administration.

for the preparation and maintenance of group documentation
1. "Attendance"- this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis, which allows you to track the attendance of kindergarten students, as well as the reasons for the absence (passes) of children.

The form of the pupils' attendance control log is presented in Appendix No. 1.

Records must be kept in a timely, legible and accurate manner.

In the table, weekends are highlighted for each month (using a pencil or colored pens),

The notebook is filled out daily after the morning reception of children as follows: in the cells with the letter "n" children who did not come to kindergarten on that day are marked, the rest of the cells remain empty,

During the day, the reason for the absence of the child is established by phone and indicated in the journal on the corresponding page in the table - on the back of each month; thus, the reason for each absence of kindergarten by a child is noted,

At the end of the list, the attendance of the educators of the group and their working off are noted (on those days when the educator was absent, the letter “n” is put, when he worked in 2 shifts, the number 2 is put).

2. "Social passport of the families of pupils" - This is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format magazine on a printed basis, which allows you to collect information about the family, housing and social status of the families of pupils, as well as about the place of residence and contact numbers of parents.

The form of the journal "Social passport of families of pupils" is presented in Appendix No. 2.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

The social passport contains information about the families of all pupils of the group (based on the payroll),

All columns are filled in the table, without exception: the surname, name, patronymic of the pupil, his date of birth, medical policy number and birth certificate number are entered in the first column; the second column reflects information about the place of residence of the pupil's family (city, street, house number, apartment number, home phone number, type of housing, number of rooms in housing); the third and fourth columns reflect information about the mother and father separately (last name, first name, patronymic, place of work and position, date of birth, education, contact numbers (cellular and work), number of children in the family), information is entered in the last column about the close relatives of the pupil (for example, grandmother - last name, first name, patronymic, contact phone number, etc.),

Entries in the social passport must be made accurately, legibly and in a timely manner,

If there is no information (no home phone, one of the parents is missing, etc.), then a dash is put in the corresponding column,

The social passport must contain reliable information and be updated annually, as well as as necessary (when any data changes).

3. "Hardening" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis, which allows you to reflect information about the hardening procedures in the group.

The form of the journal "Hardening" is presented in Appendix No. 3.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

The journal is issued daily by the educators of the group after the hardening procedures,

Hardening is carried out according to the Speransky system (according to the principle of air contrasts), therefore, it is necessary to monitor temperature regime: before and during daytime sleep, by airing the group, a mode of 19 ° is set, while in the bedroom, with the help of heating devices, the air temperature rises to 25 °. At the end of daytime sleep, children in shorts and T-shirts run from one room for 5-8 minutes to another along the “health paths” (children preparatory groups 6 times, senior - 5 times, medium - 4 times, second junior - 3 times, first junior - 2 times), thereby being subjected to contrasting air influences. Once a week the temperature drops by 1°. Thus, the temperature gradually decreases in the preparatory and senior groups to 13°, in the middle and junior groups to 15°. Having reached the maximum mark, the procedure starts again (from 19◦).

Entries in the journal are made neatly, legibly, in a timely manner as follows: "n" - was not in kindergarten, I - a healthy child, II - sparing regimen (children are divided into 2 groups: 1 - healthy children, 2 - frequently ill and those who came after an illness ). Frequently ill children and children, after illnesses, establish a sparing regime - corrective gymnastics is carried out in the bedroom. After an illness, the child does corrective exercises for 5-7 days together with the 2nd group of children. If the child was ill for a long time and with complications, then the sparing regimen is extended to 2-3 weeks.

4. "Payment for kindergarten" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis that allows you to track information about paying receipts for kindergarten.

The form of the journal "Payment for kindergarten" is presented in Appendix No. 4.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

The presented table monthly reflects the surname and name of the child, the number of his personal account,

5. "Paying for Paid Extras" educational services» - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis, which allows you to track information on payment of receipts for paid additional educational services implemented in a preschool institution.

The form of the journal "Payment for paid additional educational services" is presented in Appendix No. 5.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Journal entries are kept monthly accurately and legibly,

The presented table monthly reflects the name of the circle, the surname and name of the child attending the circle, the number of his personal account; circles are registered one after another in the first column of the table, in the second the names and surnames of the children attending these circles are indicated,

After receiving the receipts, the educators of the group enter the amount of payment for the current month into the table and distribute the receipts to the parents,

After payment, parents mark in the journal the date of payment, the place of payment (which bank) and put their signature; the task of the educator is to monitor the timely and high-quality entry in the journal,

If there was no payment in the current month, then “no payment” is written in the columns, if there is an overpayment, then a dash is put in the columns.

6. "Minutes of parent meetings" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis that allows you to record information discussed at all group parent meetings during the school year.

The form of the journal "Protocols of parent meetings" is presented in Appendix No. 6.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Entries in the journal are made in a timely manner, neatly, legibly and in accordance with the presented scheme: those present, the agenda, the course of the meeting (listened to ... .. about ...., remarks of the meeting participants), decided ..., signatures of all those present at the meeting,

Records are made by the secretary of the meeting (one of the educators who is not directly involved in the course of the meeting); he records the entire course of the meeting in the minutes,

The date of the meeting, the protocol number, the names and signatures of those present at the meeting (including members of the teaching staff),

The progress of the meeting is recorded in detail with a description of all remarks.

7. "Quarantine notebook" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis, which allows, in accordance with the requirements of SanPin, to monitor the health of pupils during any quarantine.

The form of the journal "Quarantine Notebook" is presented in Appendix No. 7.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

At the top of each page, it is necessary to indicate the direction of quarantine, as well as the time period of quarantine on the group,

Entries in the journal are made in a timely, high-quality and accurate manner,

It is mandatory to check each pupil upon admission to kindergarten (depending on the direction of quarantine) and the presence of a parent's signature,

Every day, data on the health status of educators and the junior educator of the group is entered into the quarantine notebook (depending on the direction of quarantine).

8. "Perspective-thematic planning" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A 4 format journal on a printed basis, reflecting the distribution educational material according to the sections implemented in the preschool institution of the program for academic year.

The form of the journal "Perspective-thematic planning" is presented in Appendix No. 8.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Log entries are kept in a timely, accurate and legible manner,

Planning is carried out in accordance with the schedule of classes for a specific age group for the academic year, agreed with the SES,

On the first pages of the magazine there is a numbered list of literature on the sections of the program implemented in the preschool institution,

In planning, the topic of the lesson and the source of the lesson are reflected daily (compendium, Toolkit or source number and page from a numbered list, etc.),

If the lesson is conducted by a specialist, then in the planning it is written - according to the plan of the specialist,

9. "Calendar and thematic planning" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A 4 format magazine on a printed basis, reflecting the daily organization of educational - educational process in groups of a preschool institution: activities in the first and second half of the day, walks, classes indicating topics and main goals.

The form of the journal "Calendar - thematic planning" is presented in Appendix No. 9.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Log entries must be kept in a timely manner, neatly, legibly and in accordance with the distribution of activities for the week (planning scheme),

For each type of activity, it is necessary to prescribe in detail the goal,

In the column "classes" all classes are prescribed indicating the topic, purpose and necessary equipment,

Every month it is necessary to prescribe two complexes of morning exercises, work with parents and enrichment of the subject-developing environment in the group,

Planning is carried out daily by both educators of the group,

Planning for the implementation of the preschool program for traffic rules has already been entered into the journal, therefore, it does not require re-entry into the plans.

10. "Notebook of health" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis, reflecting information about the health status of pupils, as well as anthropometric data (height, weight) and their change during the school year.

The form of the journal "Health Notebook" is presented in Appendix No. 10.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

On the first page, twice a year, the results of an anthropometric study of pupils in each age group are noted, which are taken into account when selecting furniture for children,

On the following pages, the main medical diagnoses and contraindications of the pupils of the group are prescribed,

The "notes" column contains other information about the state of health of pupils, which is necessary for the organization of a high-quality and full-fledged process of education and upbringing.

11. "Morning reception" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A 4 format journal on a printed basis, used in early age groups (from 1.5 to 3 years old), reflecting the external health status of pupils (temperature, pharynx, skin, complaints, etc.) upon admission to kindergarten.

The form of the magazine "Morning Reception" is presented in Appendix No. 11.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Entries in the journal are made daily during the morning reception under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool institution neatly and legibly,

Every day, parents sign in the morning reception journal,

At the end of the list, the educator who carries out the morning reception is signed daily.

12. "Chair map" - this is a group documentation document, which is an A4 format journal on a printed basis, used in early age groups (from 1.5 to 3 years old), which allows you to track the nature of the stool of pupils visiting the group.

The form of the journal "Chair Map" is presented in Appendix No. 12.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Log entries are kept in a timely, accurate and legible manner.

13. "Reviews and suggestions" - this is a group documentation document, which is a notebook in which entries are made - reviews of the recommendations of parents, teaching staff, etc. on the organization of the educational process in the group.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

The notebook should be available to parents, teachers, etc.,

The notebook is located in the reception room of the group,

Entries must be made indicating the date, last name, first name, patronymic of the person who left the review or recommendation,

Educators need to organize the work of collecting feedback and recommendations.

14. "Interaction with specialists" - this is a group documentation document, which is a notebook that reflects the work on the interaction of specialists and educators of a preschool institution: recommendations based on the results of checking group corners, on individual work with pupils, etc.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

The notebook must be brought to each lesson of a specialist,

Specialists draw up a notebook according to the following scheme: date, direction implemented by a specialist, last name, first name and patronymic of a specialist, recommendations to educators, signature.

15. "Planerki" - this is a group documentation document, which is a notebook that reflects the plans of the preschool for the week. Notebook entries are made every week on Monday at the meeting of the teaching staff.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

Entries in the notebook are made in a timely manner, neatly and legibly,

Entries are made out according to the following scheme: the date of the planning meeting, the last names, first names and patronymics of the educators of the group present at the planning meeting, then the activities for the week are briefly prescribed.

16. "Teach with us" - this is a group documentation document, which is a notebook in which poems, songs, chants, etc. are entered. learned in a certain age group in a certain period.

Requirements for registration and maintenance:

The notebook is located in the reception room of the group and should be available to parents,

Entries in the notebook are made in a timely manner, neatly and legibly,

It is imperative to observe the principle of seasonality in the selection of the content of the material for learning,

Notebook entries are made weekly, taking into account program requirements.

From a sick person when hugging, touching their heads, through combs, hairpins, hats. Anyone can get infected, regardless of age. Children are at particular risk. Medical workers in kindergartens and schools are required to check the heads of their wards for the presence of lice, to identify the problem in a timely manner, and to keep an examination log for pediculosis F 278.

Lice in children

What is a pediculosis examination log

In each educational institution, a medical worker examines children once a month. For each group, class is assigned certain time disease detection. Children on the list approach the physician.

You need to examine in a well-lit place with a magnifying glass, a magnifying glass. Confirmation of pediculosis is the presence of live, nits. is pruritus. on the skin, scratching - secondary signs of the disease.


Filling form

There is a special form - the Journal of examination for pediculosis F 278. It is kept in paper form, electronic. The first is used for the initial entry of information, the second - for the formation of future reports on the work done.

On the title page of the paper form, the name of the document is indicated - "Journal of examinations of children for pediculosis and scabies." Name of the preschool educational institution, school, indicating the legal form, address. Below is the year of start, end, if the entire document is completed.

The next page starts with a table. Sample magazine F 278.

Date of inspectiongroup number (class)Number of examined childrenRevealedEvents held
1 2 3 4 5 6
02.04.2016 1 Dmitriev Alexander Petrovich Not found
02.04.2016 1 Stepanova Alina Vladimirovna+ Live specimens, nits were found. Recommended therapeutic measures, means.
03.04.2016 1 Kirilov Maxim Nikolaevich Not found

The medical worker is obliged to notify the results of the check class teacher, educator. If there is a case of head lice, they contact the parents. Recommended , . The child is not allowed to attend an educational institution until he is completely cured. A re-examination by a physician is carried out.

If parents refuse to take action, the entire responsibility for curing the child falls on the health worker. educational institution. The information may be included in the report. Such a child is under the close attention of medical personnel throughout their studies. The journal at school is kept by the nurse.

How to draw up a document

The design of the inspection log depends on the form of maintenance. The document is kept in paper form, electronic. All data is entered into a specially developed program. Reports are generated in it, the table is printed. You can separately select sick children, a list of activities. In the absence of a computerized program, all information is stored in a paper inspection log. According to, doctors keep a journal in kindergarten for several years, or start a new document every year.

Pediculosis is one of the diseases that are easier to prevent. Timely examination allows you to detect the problem in time, take appropriate measures, avoid problems with the health and psyche of the child. The main symptoms of the disease are severe itching, scratching, scratches on the head. Children of preschool institutions, primary school students fall into the risk zone. The form, the journal helps to classify patients, to determine the degree of prevalence.