Groomed cucumbers do not crawl into everything. Open integrated occupation for the middle group of the harvest from Prostokvashino

Lesson on the topic "Vegetables"

Make a serious occupation for a child entertaining - this is the task of initial learning.

K.D. Ushinsky

The purpose of the lesson:summarize and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about vegetables; attract to work in the lesson as many students as possible; Make a lesson to the creation of teachers and students.

Preparation for lesson

The teacher picks up a visual material (slides or drawings, filmstrip or natural or boutophy vegetables), writes the proverbs and sayings on the Watman sheet, to then read them in the lesson, finds short poems: "cucumbers", "dill", "beet", "potatoes" "," Zucchini "," melon "," pumpkin "," cabbage "and discharges them on cards, picks up riddles for the Wall newspaper" Our Garden ", writes them (like poems) on tight paper cards and distributes editorial board - nine Wishing or appointed students.

Pupils receive poems in advance, they teach them by heart or prepare expressive reading, and no one should know which poems from other students. The wall newspaper is hung in the class 2-3 days before the lesson. In it, each of the students writes on one riddle (unanswered).

What kind of creak, what kind of crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I … ( Cabbage.)

Although I'm called sugar,
But from the rain I did not twist.
Large, circle, sweet taste.
Did you find out? I … ( Beet.)

In summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in the barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess, well done,
What is their name? ... ( Cucumbers.)

Tied the bush to the peg.
On bush - balls:
Boca substituting the sun,
Blush from the heat. ( Tomatoes.)

Under the bush in the ground fruit -
Man for works. ( Potatoes.)

More than all of vegetables)
For vinaigrettes and boors
From the crop new
Lilk beauty. ( Beet.)

Water drinks - hurts himself,
And grows, and the leaves are saved.
Gains weight cube,
In the middle - a batch. ( Cabbage.)


Round, not a ball,
With tail, not mouse,
Yellow like honey,
And the taste is not that. ( Turnip.)

Red nose in the ground
And green tail - outside.
We don't need green tail
We need only a red nose. ( Carrot.)


Teacher. The theme of today's lesson is "vegetables." What kind of vegetables do you already know? Do you like fairy tales? Please remember Russian folk fairy tale, in which people and animals pull a huge vegetable out of the ground, but cannot be pulled out. What was this vegetable called? ( The fairy tale is called "repka", vegetable - turnip.)

Teacher. And who knows the fairy tale "The Adventures of Chipollino", which was written by an Italian teacher and writer Gianni Rodari? Help me remember the heroes of this fairy tale, whose names are the names of vegetables. ( The main character of the tales of Chipollino, his name in the Italian means "Lukovka"; Kum Pumpkin, Signor Tomato, Dr. Artichok, Professor Salato Spinato, Home Teacher Signor Parsley, Detective Mr. Carrots, Ogorodnik Leek Some, Girl Radish, Potatoes, Tomatik, etc.)

Teacher. About vegetables can be read not only in fairy tales of different nations. A lot of poems are written about them. Listen to the poem of the Polish poet Julian Tuvim, which is called "vegetables". (This poem is desirable to read by heart.)

The mistress once came from the bazaar,
The hostess from the bazaar home brought:
Petrushka and beets.

Here Vegetables Spores started on the table -
Who is better, delicious and need on Earth:
Parsley Ile Beckla?

Mistress in the meantime, the knife took
And it began to crumble with this:
Petrushka and beets.

Closed lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in cool boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And vegetable soup was not bad!

Teacher. Guys, tell me what vegetables the mistress bought. ( Answers.) Now you will hear some more poems about vegetables.

1st student

Cucumbers - Well done:
Do not crawl into all the ends.
How are the hands of children,
Stayed by the plenty.

2nd student

Not umbrellas guys
Uncovered in the rain -
Bloomed on our bed
Dill July Day.

3rd student

Did not plant, did not dry.
Greensheet again beets.
Because beet
Under the rain wet.

Teacher.You probably know that every person has its own biography, i.e. the history of life. "Biography" is also every vegetable. Here, for example, potatoes. We are so accustomed to him that we cannot present our lives without this vegetable, we consider it almost the most ancient product on our table. But it is not so.
Motherland potatoes is South America (they had Indians). In the middle of the XVI century. Potatoes were brought to Europe. Here he began to spread with enviable speed. And when did he appear in us, in Russia? It is believed that the first bag of potatoes sent Peter I. Mass acquaintance between Russians with potatoes, which was called "Earth Apple", held after one of the founders of Russian agronomic science, writer, participant in the seven-year war with Prussia Andrei Bolotov (1738-1833 ), Returning to his estate under Tula, grabbed potatoes for landing.
Gradually, in a number of provinces of Russia, potatoes began to give good crops. However, it was in the main townspeople, because Peasants, spontaneously rejecting everything that was introduced from above (power), and the new vegetable was hostile. And in the XIX century, during the reign of Nicholas I, which forcibly entered the planting of potatoes, did they even organize the so-called potato riots? Tsarist troops these riots were suppressed.
Today, potatoes are one of the most important foods of the population of many countries of the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are poems about this vegetable.

4th student

Crop, crumbbed, Bela,
It came to the table with the fields.
You are situated to her a little.
After all, truth, delicious potatoes?!

Teacher.To other vegetables, there were no offensive, the guys will read poems and about them too. ( Three student read on one stanza from the poem about Zucchka.)

5th student

Zucchini, fat man
Golden barrel,
He is on our site
More newcomer.

6th student

I planted him,
And watered, and covered,
So first
Under a thin film energized.

7th student

To the strength gained,
No Mesz Zucchini.
So that it is full of pouring
Under the sun bar.

8th student

And this is a poem about Dinin Melon.

At the gate the people are noisy:
"Where is the Dinin Garden?!"
Premonly Melon
Dina raised:
Hide behind the melon -
And do not see Dina.

Teacher.Late in the fall and winter is especially useful to pumpkin. From pumpkin fruits are prepared salads, juices, drinks, baked pancakes, boil porridge, soups, mashed potatoes, caviar, jam, jacket, tutati, it is added to the dough, baked bread products. And in France, not only the fruits of pumpkins are eating, but also the ends of young twisters. Purified and welded in salted water, they seek asparagus to taste.

9th student. I will read the poem about the pumpkin.

Very much pumpkin
Drinking water used.
Pumpkin on sunny days
Little to the shade.

Teacher. Every time we eat carrots or radishes, cucumbers or tomatoes, parsley or cabbage, we, not suspect, "swallow" a lot interesting stories From the "biographies" of these vegetables. Judge for yourself. For example, cabbage was mentioned in ancient legends and legends. Our ancestors learned about her from the Greco-Roman colonists living in the Black Sea region, because Ancient Rome Cabbage was grown and used in food very wide.
Over time, people learned how to prepare from cabbage many different dishes: salads, soup, pies with cabbage, saltwear, borsch; They learned to salt the cabbage and quasch ... Already then they noticed that the cabbage is not only very tasty, but also extremely useful for the human body. Later scientific research Scientists confirmed this. So, cabbage. Listen to one of the councils to all gardeners.

10th student

To grow faster cabbage
And there was a tasty cabbage,
To great value
Curval kochens
Fall her all summer
Do not regret water
And she will pay generously
All your works.

Teacher.The "cabbage family" is very numerous. It has white cabbage, blocked, Savoy, Brussels, Beijing, Kohlrabi, colorful ...

Right, bad heat is harmful
For cabbage for color:
Hides white heads -
Like snowballs.
Leaves associated cleverly -
This is an umbrella from the heat.

Vegetables can be found in encyclopedias and textbooks, books and magazines. Vegetables can be seen in the paintings of artists. The number of world masterpieces include pictures of the Italian artist Giuseppe Archimbold (1527-1593) "Gardener", "Summer". Near the picture it seems something like the embodiment of the dream of a greenman. But if you look closely, the outlines of the human head arise, which is completely composed of summer fruits and vegetables.
There are a large number of folk proverbs, sayings and mysteries about vegetables. Here are just a few examples of folk wisdom.

    Each vegetable has its time.

    Every day with vegetables, but not every day shams.

    Love is not potato - you will not throw in the window.

    Cabbage loves water yes good weather.

    Sadovaya head (So: cabbage kochan, i.e. inconsistent, non-painted, awkward person, ruin.)

    Language cabbage is not bold.

    Simply paired turnips (i.e., very simple).

    Cheaper turnip paired (i.e. very cheap).

    Onions from seven ailment.

    Onion yes the bath will be corrected.

    Mount onion (i.e., unlucky, clumsy man; Template).

    Who has some taste: who loves melon, and who are watermelon.

    Bow with garlic - native brothers.

    Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (that is, an evil person).

    The radish fell: "I'm good with honey!"

    Tired of bitter radish.

    Tired worse than bitter radish.

    Carrots adds blood.

    Eat and carrot, if there is no apple.

    In the sea, the cucumbers plant (i.e. exaggerate, deceive).

Teacher. Guys, let's remember where the hostess bought vegetables from the poem Julian Tuvim "Vegetables". ( Pupils are responsible.)

Teacher.Yes, the hostess bought vegetables at the bazaar (market). Vegetables can be bought in the store. And they can be grown by themselves on the garden bed. Here is a poem about it.

What grows on our bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for samples.
There are radish and salad -
Our bed is just a treasure.

And now be careful and try to guess the riddles that we will call "riddles with beds".

How about our bed
Riddled riddles -
Juicy yes large
These are such round,
In the summer weeze
By autumn blusted.


And on this garden
Bitter riddles
Thirty three clothes,
And everything without a fastener.
Who undresses them -
Tears sheds.

(Onion.) (Y. Cherny)

I grew up on the garden,
The character is my ugly:
Wherever I come,
All to the tears will bring.

(Onion.) (A.Rabrevenskaya)

Only ride cucumbers
On ordinary beds,
And on this - Green
Played in hide and seek
Because thin
They were covered with a film:
And does not blow and warm
And transparent like glass.

(Greenhouse.) (V.Musatov)

Played hide and seek
Guys with a garden
And straight from the bed
Hit the bags.

(Cucumbers.) (V.Musatov)

Everyone will learn well done
What grows on the bed:
He is more cucumber
Thick he and smooth
Also keeps off ...
Come see.

(Zucchini.) (V.Musatov)

So much arr.
Grows in beds,
And to shine
It is impossible guys.

(Onion.) (V.Musatov)

Teacher. Tell me, where are the beds usually come? ( In the garden.) But the gardens are different. Here, listen to the poem- \u200b\u200b"tease" of the poet Ivan Demyanova:

Darashka hands not soap.
The month did not go to the bath.
So much dirt, so much abrasion!
We put onions on the neck,

Turnip - on the palms,
On cheeks - potatoes,
On the nose, carrots will go -
There will be a whole garden!

Do you like a similar garden? I - no. Better imagine such a picture: outside the window - the December stop, the snow was so much that neither the land of the earth is visible. And in the apartment hanging the capers of cucumbers, painted, as if the balls on the New Year tree, redobocy tomatoes, green on the windowsill dill, onions, parsley ...
This is not a fairy tale, but the reality, the fruit of the painstaking Labor of a vegetable - amateur household farming. And this is not a fad of today. Such a lesson is an old business, a long time known in Russia. Russian experiences adopted abroad.
Famous Writers Alexander Tvardovsky, Sergey Smirnov, Konstantin Powhovsky, Fale Square, Sergey Konyenkov, Sculptor Sergey Konenkov, were successfully engaged in homemade farming.
Homemade farming can also do you guys. You need to start with the simplest, for example, grow green onions. The benefits will be double: and vitamins all year round, and the ability to better explore the plant world.
And now - attention! Let's write to remember it better, the names of some vegetables.

Vegetable Slika

1. Artichoke.
2. Eggplant.
3. Melon.
4. Zucchini.
5. Cabbage.
6. Potatoes.
7. Onions.
8. Carrot.
9. Cucumber.
10. Patsson.
11. Pepper.
12. Parsley.
13. Radish.
14. Radish.
15. Rope.
16. Salad.
17. Beet.
18. Celery.
19. Tomato (tomato).
20. Pumpkin.
21. Dill.
22. Garlic.
23. Spinach.
24. Sorrel.

See how diverse vegetable crops. Vegetables are a valuable food product and animal feed (there are forage varieties), vegetables are vitamins and medicines. They can be grown not only in the fields and vegetables (that is, in the open soil), but also in greenhouses and greenhouses, and even at home.

In the final word Teacher:

- gives an assessment not only the preparation of children to the lesson, but also to participate in it;
- It suggests to consolidate knowledge on the topic "Vegetables" on the page of the school (class) themed album: to write down the topic, 2 poems and 2 proverbs; Stick pictures with a picture of vegetables or make a collage; calls the responsible (volunteer or appointed) and determines the period of work;
- writes creative homework on the board:

Who wants,
Invent the riddle yourself.
Draw the answer.
Show mom.

Open integrated occupation for the middle group

"Vintage from Prostokvashino"

Purpose: to summarize kids on the topic: "Vegetables"

Systematize knowledge about vegetables, their names, color, form.

Secure the presentation of children about vegetable crops and their benefits to human health.

Develop the ability to recognize vegetables taste.

Activate vocabulary. Attention and memory of people.

Continue to arouse interest in the modeling, using the previously learned attacks, smoothing the surface.

Empty independence, activity.


Natural vegetables: raw and boiled carrots, cucumber, tomato, cabbage, radishes, garlic, boiled and raw crumpled, bow, eggplant, pepper; Big Pan, Two Baskets, Pattern "Prostokvashino Village", Trays, Napkins, Spirals, Saladers, Cups, Magic Wand with Autumn Leaf, 4 Baskets with Multicolored Punches, Plasticine, Blanks of Cardboard Vegetables for Each Child, 2 Boxes of Natural Vegetable Juice ( Tomato, carrot), "Thank you for work" medals for each child, masks - rims from vegetables for each child, letter and parcel from the village of "Prostokvashino", modeling for modeling, imitation of the garden, poster "To be healthy, strong to be needed to love vegetables "

Heroes: Postman Pechkin, a wizard - autumn, children in the costumes "Vegetables", cook.

Literature: Children's poems about vegetables.

Travel course:

Educator: Magician - Autumn.

Children: Vegetables.

The wizard - autumn comes with children to the group, and become in a circle. Waving magic stick, He speaks:

I am a wizard - autumn and now I will turn you into small seeds of vegetables, sneeze. Warm sun Spring seeds, watered the rain. Seeds grew, grew and became plants. Slowly raise your hands, stretch to the sun. Feel the tension. He strongly charged the sun, our plants started. Relax, drop your head, hands, lower your shoulders and torso. Source to the floor. Wallowed rain cheerful, naughty and came to life, and stretched to the sun. Wonderful vegetables rose on the garden. Picture "fatty" vegetables, turn into a "Hordecers" vegetables.

Educator: Appares to children with a request to name their vegetable.

Children are alternately called.

Well done, - says the teacher.

I have baskets, but not simple, but with multi-colored bottoms, - says the teacher.

Task This: Take the baskets with such a bottom, what color you have a vegetable.

I know that the guys have prepared poems. Get out: Swabs, peas, potatoes, tomato, carrot, cucumber.

What beautiful, interesting poems about vegetables you told, - says the teacher.

There is a knock at the door. The postman Pechkin from Prostokvashino comes. --- Hello guys! - says Pechkin

it kindergarten "Birch"? - asks Pechkin

Yes, the children answer.

Group number 10? - asks Pechkin

Yes, - respond to the kids choir.

So I was not mistaken, "says the postman to children.

I brought you from Prostokvashino a letter, please get and lay down. The tutor comes to the postman Pequin signs and takes the letter.

Thank you and say goodbye to the postman Pequin. Children stand next to the educator.

He reads a letter to children:

"This year in the village of Prostokvashino grew by a large harvest of vegetables. Very please help us. We have prepared interesting tasks for you. With respect

Uncle Fedor, the ball and cat Matroskin. "

Guys, what are offered to collect our heroes?

Vegetables - children respond.

And what vegetables do you know?

Children tell the names of vegetables.

And who knows where vegetables grow? (In the garden, in the garden)

What time of year is the harvest? (autumn)

The tutor together with the children fit the dude to the dough. Children view a vegetable garden, harvest and vegetables are laying out in 2 baskets. The first basket is put vegetables that grow in the ground, the vegetables are put in the second basket, which grow over the ground.

Then the children together with the fall, the collected vegetables are laid out on the table.

Guys, and who grows vegetables? (human)

Children take vegetables in hands, view, sniff. They call each vegetable that collected. Describe what color, what form of vegetables.

Vegetables differ from each other, what are they different? - asks the tutor.

Color, shape, sizes, alone solid, other soft, are children.

Well done, what are you broken! - Says autumn.

A knock on the door, the cook comes with a kitchen.

Hello guys! - says the cook.

Hello! Children answer.

Tell me, didn't you collect vegetables from the garden? - asks the cook.

Yes, the children answer.

Share, - children respond.

We need: cabbage, swallow, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomato - says cook.

Children all the named vegetables are laid in a saucepan, he checks whether everything is correct.

I see that you are excellent assistants. Thank you very much for your help. I go cook soup for lunch. Goodbye! - says the cook.

Autumn talks to the guys: "What can be seen in the distance? Let's look at our binoculars (mimic the hands of binoculars).

And here is the village of Prostokvashino.

The educator together with children is suitable for a picture with an image of the autumnal village of Prostokvashino. They consider and discuss the plot of the paintings. The educator listens to the answers of children.

Educator: Our friends have breakdown to work. And they are waiting for zeal from us, hard work, care.


Go to the garden, harvest will collect, march

We are carrots to be nataly, we drag

And potatoes scum, dig

We cut the kochan cabbage cut

Delicious, very tasty.

For curly braid tilting forward

Her mink will drag

Sorry Narva slightly well

And back on the track. Marshma

And now we will rest, sit on the chairs. Let's play with you in the game "Guess, what ate?"

The teacher offers children with closed eyes, guess which vegetable he tried (given to children boiled vegetables: carrots, potatoes, swallow. Tomato, cucumber).

Game "Nazis Laskovo".

Children should call the name of the vegetable gentle. For example, tomato - tomato, cucumber - cucumber and others.

Then children along with autumn go to the tables, perform plasticine painting.

Guys, Uncle Fedor painted vegetables for us, but the rain from the capricious torment washed away all the colors. And they became colorless, "says autumn.

Want to help vegetables to become bright again? - offers an educator.

We want, the guys answer.

On the tables are cooked coolers for modeling, plasticine and samples of vegetables. Children way "Nalep" make their vegetables bright. Filed vegetables lay out on a tray.

To get a good harvest, you need to work a lot, "says autumn.

Knock on the door. The postman Pechekin comes.

You came to the parcel, get, lay down, says Pechkin.

Thank you, - Children say.

Autumn opens the parcel with children, in it the boxes with vegetable juices. The teacher distinguishes the juices into the cups and says: "Guys, try juices and tell me what vegetables they are made?" (tomato and carrot)

And you still have a ball and Matroskin sent medals for your good job. They are written "Thanks for the work."

Thank you very much guys, for your work and for work - says autumn.

Cucumbers - Well done: do not crawl into all the ends. As the knobs, children hold for the plenty.

Did not plant, did not dry. Greensheet again beets. Because the beetlapod of the rain wet.


Crop, crumbly, Bela, on the table it came from the fields. You are situated to her a little. After all, truth, delicious potatoes?!

I'm so pretty,

Green boys

Unless want

Mix with peas grate.

About me the story is not long.

Who does not know vitamins?

Pei always carrot juice

And hernia carrot

Will we always have a friend, strong, strong, dexterous.

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          Russian lesson in 4 "a" class

Make a serious occupation for a child entertaining - this is the task of initial learning.

K.D. Ushinsky

The purpose of the lesson:summarize and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren about vegetables; attract to work in the lesson as many students as possible; Make a lesson to the creation of teachers and students.

Preparation for lesson

The teacher picks up a visual material (slides or drawings, filmstrip or natural or boutophy vegetables), writes the proverbs and sayings on the Watman sheet, to then read them in the lesson, finds short poems: "cucumbers", "dill", "beet", "potatoes" "," Zucchini "," melon "," pumpkin "," cabbage "and discharges them on cards, picks up riddles for the Wall newspaper" Our Garden ", writes them (like poems) on tight paper cards and distributes editorial board - nine Wishing or appointed students.

Pupils receive poems in advance, they teach them by heart or prepare expressive reading, and no one should know which poems from other students. The wall newspaper is hung in the class 2-3 days before the lesson. In it, each of the students writes on one riddle (unanswered).

What kind of creak, what kind of crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I … ( Cabbage.)

Although I'm called sugar,
But from the rain I did not twist.
Large, circle, sweet taste.
Did you find out? I … ( Beet.)

In summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in the barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess, well done,
What is their name? ... ( Cucumbers.)

Tied the bush to the peg.
On bush - balls:
Boca substituting the sun,
Blush from the heat. ( Tomatoes.)

Under the bush in the ground fruit -
Man for works. ( Potatoes.)

More than all of vegetables)
For vinaigrettes and boors
From the crop new
Lilk beauty. ( Beet.)

Water drinks - hurts himself,
And grows, and the leaves are saved.
Gains weight cube,
In the middle - a batch. ( Cabbage.)


Round, not a ball,
With tail, not mouse,
Yellow like honey,
And the taste is not that. ( Turnip.)

Red nose in the ground
And green tail - outside.
We don't need green tail
We need only a red nose. ( Carrot.)


Teacher. The theme of today's lesson is "vegetables." What kind of vegetables do you already know? Do you like fairy tales? Please remember the Russian folk fairy tale, in which people and animals pull a huge vegetable from the ground, but cannot be pulled out. What was this vegetable called? ( The fairy tale is called "repka", vegetable - turnip.)

Teacher. And who knows the fairy tale "The Adventures of Chipollino", which was written by an Italian teacher and writer Gianni Rodari? Help me remember the heroes of this fairy tale, whose names are the names of vegetables. ( The main character Tales Chipollino, his name in Italian means "Lukovka"; Kum Pumpkin, Signor Tomato, Dr. Artichok, Professor Salato Spinato, Home Teacher Signor Parsley, Detective Mr. Carrots, Ogorodnik Leek Some, Girl Radish, Potatoes, Tomatik, etc.)

Teacher. About vegetables can be found not only in fairy tales of different nations. A lot of poems are written about them. Listen to the poem of the Polish poet Julian Tuvim, which is called "vegetables". (This poem is desirable to read by heart.)

The mistress once came from the bazaar,
The hostess from the bazaar home brought:
Petrushka and beets.

Here Vegetables Spores started on the table -
Who is better, delicious and need on Earth:
Parsley Ile Beckla?

Mistress in the meantime, the knife took
And it began to crumble with this:
Petrushka and beets.

Closed lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in cool boiling water:
Parsley and beets.
And vegetable soup was not bad!

Teacher. Guys, tell me what vegetables the mistress bought. ( Answers.) Now you will hear some more poems about vegetables.

1st student


Cucumbers - Well done:
Do not crawl into all the ends.
How are the hands of children,
Stayed by the plenty.


2nd student


Not umbrellas guys
Uncovered in the rain -
Bloomed on our bed
Dill July Day.


3rd student


Did not plant, did not dry.
Greensheet again beets.
Because beet
Under the rain wet.


Teacher. You probably know that every person has its own biography, i.e. the history of life. "Biography" is also every vegetable. Here, for example, potatoes. We are so accustomed to him that we cannot present our lives without this vegetable, we consider it almost the most ancient product on our table. But it is not so.
Motherland Potato is South America (they had Indians). In the middle of the XVI century. Potatoes were brought to Europe. Here he began to spread with enviable speed. And when did he appear in us, in Russia? It is believed that the first bag of potatoes sent Peter I. Mass acquaintance between Russians with potatoes, which was called "Earth Apple", held after one of the founders of Russian agronomic science, writer, participant in the seven-year war with Prussia Andrei Bolotov (1738-1833 ), Returning to his estate under Tula, grabbed potatoes for landing.
Gradually, in a number of provinces of Russia, potatoes began to give good crops. However, it was in the main townspeople, because Peasants, spontaneously rejecting everything that was introduced from above (power), and the new vegetable was hostile. And in the XIX century, during the reign of Nicholas I, which forcibly entered the planting of potatoes, did they even organize the so-called potato riots? Tsarist troops these riots were suppressed.
Today, potatoes are one of the most important foods of the population of many countries of the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are poems about this vegetable.

4th student


Crop, crumbbed, Bela,
It came to the table with the fields.
You are situated to her a little.
After all, truth, delicious potatoes?!

Teacher.To other vegetables, there were no offensive, the guys will read poems and about them too. ( Three student read on one stanza from the poem about Zucchka.)

5th student


Zucchini, fat man
Golden barrel,
He is on our site
More newcomer.

6th student

I planted him,
And watered, and covered,
So first
Under a thin film energized.

7th student

To the strength gained,
No Mesz Zucchini.
So that it is full of pouring
Under the sun bar.


8th student

And this is a poem about Dinin Melon.

At the gate the people are noisy:
"Where is the Dinin Garden?!"
Premonly Melon
Dina raised:
Hide behind the melon -
And do not see Dina.


Teacher.Late in the fall and winter is especially useful to pumpkin. From pumpkin fruits are prepared salads, juices, drinks, baked pancakes, boil porridge, soups, mashed potatoes, caviar, jam, jacket, tutati, it is added to the dough, baked bread products. And in France, not only the fruits of pumpkins are eating, but also the ends of young twisters. Purified and welded in salted water, they seek asparagus to taste.

9th student. I will read the poem about the pumpkin.

Very much pumpkin
Drinking water used.
Pumpkin on sunny days
Little to the shade.


Teacher. Every time we eat carrots or ratis, cucumbers or tomatoes, parsley or cabbage, we, without knowing, "swallow" many interesting stories from the biographies of these vegetables. Judge for yourself. For example, cabbage was mentioned in ancient legends and legends. Our ancestors learned about her from the villagers of the Greco-Roman colonists who lived in the Black Sea region, because in ancient Rome, the cabbage was grown and used in food very wide.
Over time, people learned how to prepare from cabbage many different dishes: salads, soup, pies with cabbage, saltwear, borsch; They learned to salt the cabbage and quasch ... Already then they noticed that the cabbage is not only very tasty, but also extremely useful for the human body. Later scientists have confirmed this. So, cabbage. Listen to one of the councils to all gardeners.

10th student

To grow faster cabbage
And there was a tasty cabbage,
To great value
Curval kochens
Fall her all summer
Do not regret water
And she will pay generously
All your works.


Teacher.The "cabbage family" is very numerous. It has white cabbage, blocked, Savoy, Brussels, Beijing, Kohlrabi, colorful ...

Right, bad heat is harmful
For cabbage for color:
Hides white heads -
Like snowballs.
Leaves associated cleverly -
This is an umbrella from the heat.


Vegetables can be found in encyclopedias and textbooks, books and magazines. Vegetables can be seen in the paintings of artists. The number of world masterpieces include pictures of the Italian artist Giuseppe Archimbold (1527-1593) "Gardener", "Summer". Near the picture it seems something like the embodiment of the dream of a greenman. But if you look closely, the outlines of the human head arise, which is completely composed of summer fruits and vegetables.
There are a large number of folk proverbs, sayings and mysteries about vegetables. Here are just a few examples of folk wisdom.

· Each vegetable has its time.

· Every day with vegetables, but not every day shams.

· Love is not potato - you will not throw in the window.

· Cabbage loves water yes good weather.

· Sadovaya head (So: cabbage kochan, i.e. inconsistent, non-painted, awkward person, ruin.)

· Language cabbage is not bold.

· Simply paired turnips (i.e., very simple).

· Cheaper turnip paired (i.e. very cheap).

· Onions from seven ailment.

· Onion yes the bath will be corrected.

· Mount onion (i.e., unlucky, clumsy man; Template).

· Who has some taste: who loves melon, and who are watermelon.

· Bow with garlic - native brothers.

· Heart with pepper, soul with garlic (that is, an evil person).

· The radish fell: "I'm good with honey!"

· Tired of bitter radish.

· Tired worse than bitter radish.

· Carrots adds blood.

· Eat and carrot, if there is no apple.

· In the sea, the cucumbers plant (i.e. exaggerate, deceive).

Teacher. Guys, let's remember where the hostess bought vegetables from the poem Julian Tuvim "Vegetables". ( Pupils are responsible.)

Teacher.Yes, the hostess bought vegetables at the bazaar (market). Vegetables can be bought in the store. And they can be grown by themselves on the garden bed. Here is a poem about it.

What grows on our bed?
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for samples.
There are radish and salad -
Our bed is just a treasure.

(V. Corkin)

And now be careful and try to guess the riddles that we will call "riddles with beds".

How about our bed
Riddled riddles -
Juicy yes large
These are such round,
In the summer weeze
By autumn blusted.


And on this garden
Bitter riddles
Thirty three clothes,
And everything without a fastener.
Who undresses them -
Tears sheds.

(Onion.) (Y. Cherny)

I grew up on the garden,
The character is my ugly:
Wherever I come,
All to the tears will bring.

(Onion.) (A.Rabrevenskaya)

Only ride cucumbers
On ordinary beds,
And on this - Green
Played in hide and seek
Because thin
They were covered with a film:
And does not blow and warm
And transparent like glass.

(Greenhouse.) (V.Musatov)

Played hide and seek
Guys with a garden
And straight from the bed
Hit the bags.

(Cucumbers.) (V.Musatov)

Everyone will learn well done
What grows on the bed:
He is more cucumber
Thick he and smooth
Also keeps off ...
Come see.

(Zucchini.) (V.Musatov)

So much arr.
Grows in beds,
And to shine
It is impossible guys.

(Onion.) (V.Musatov)

Teacher. Tell me, where are the beds usually come? ( In the garden.) But the gardens are different. Here, listen to the poem- \u200b\u200b"tease" of the poet Ivan Demyanova:

Darashka hands not soap.
The month did not go to the bath.
So much dirt, so much abrasion!
We put onions on the neck,

Turnip - on the palms,
On cheeks - potatoes,
On the nose, carrots will go -
There will be a whole garden!

Do you like a similar garden? I - no. Better imagine such a picture: outside the window - the December stop, the snow was so much that neither the land of the earth is visible. And in the apartment hanging the capers of cucumbers, painted, as if the balls on the New Year tree, redobocy tomatoes, green on the windowsill dill, onions, parsley ...
This is not a fairy tale, but the reality, the fruit of the painstaking Labor of a vegetable - amateur household farming. And this is not a fad of today. Such a lesson is an old business, a long time known in Russia. Russian experiences adopted abroad.
Famous Writers Alexander Tvardovsky, Sergey Smirnov, Konstantin Powhovsky, Fale Square, Sergey Konyenkov, Sculptor Sergey Konenkov, were successfully engaged in homemade farming.
Homemade farming can also do you guys. You need to start with the simplest, for example, grow green onions. The benefits will be double: and vitamins all year round, and the ability to better explore the plant world.
And now - attention! Let's write to remember it better, the names of some vegetables.

Vegetable Slika

1. Artichoke.
2. Eggplant.
3. Melon.
4. Zucchini.
5. Cabbage.
6. Potatoes.
7. Onions.
8. Carrot.
9. Cucumber.
10. Patsson.
11. Pepper.
12. Parsley.
13. Radish.
14. Radish.
15. Rope.
16. Salad.
17. Beet.
18. Celery.
19. Tomato (tomato).
20. Pumpkin.
21. Dill.
22. Garlic.
23. Spinach.
24. Sorrel.

See how diverse vegetable crops. Vegetables are a valuable food product and animal feed (there are forage varieties), vegetables are vitamins and medicines. They can be grown not only in the fields and vegetables (that is, in the open soil), but also in greenhouses and greenhouses, and even at home.

In the final word Teacher:

- gives an assessment not only the preparation of children to the lesson, but also to participate in it;
- It suggests to consolidate knowledge on the topic "Vegetables" on the page of the school (class) themed album: to write down the topic, 2 poems and 2 proverbs; Stick pictures with a picture of vegetables or make a collage; calls the responsible (volunteer or appointed) and determines the period of work;
- writes creative on the board homework:

Who wants,
Invent the riddle yourself.
Draw the answer.
Show mom.
