Elective course in physical culture. The role of elective courses in physical culture in the formation of social competence and adaptability of students of the university

A. A. Somkin, S. A. Konstantinov

"Elective courses in physical culture" as a motivational value component in student classes in SPbgikit

The formation of a sustainable need for permanent and systematic classes of physical culture and the cultivation of the so-called "fashion for an active and healthy lifestyle" are the most important tasks of such educational disciplines, as "physical culture" and "Electric courses in physical culture" in the highest educational institutions Russian Federation. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education "3 Plus" (GEF in 3+) Students of full-time education at the St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television (SPBGIKIT) on the base part of the block 1 "Discipline (modules)" of the undergraduate programs in physical Culture pass the following training disciplines:

- "Physical Culture" in the amount of 72 Acad. h (16 h - lectures; 16 h - practical, seminar classes; 20 h - independent classes) in the first year;

- "Elective courses in physical culture" in the amount of 328 Acad. h (practical classes) in the first third courses.

"Elective courses in physical culture" suggest a gradual transition to SPbgikit from mandatory forms of training sessions to the individual choice of the form of physical culture and sports activities themselves. As elective courses at the department physical education SPBGIKIT Students are offered:

First, standard training classes in accordance with the schedule (twice a week in two academic hours);

Secondly, various forms Sectional classes that are focused on the non-commercial sports of higher achievements, Physical Conditional Sports, Applied Disciplines, Recreation-OnNo Rehabilitation Forms of Motor Activity, Intellectual Sports.

The first plan for the organization of educational and sectional classes on the discipline "Elective courses in physical culture" comes out of the so-called motivational value component, which should form a positive emotional attitude to classes and a sustainable desire to apply full-conscious volitional efforts aimed at Physical improvement of personality. Consider the main forms of sectional classes at the Department,

oriented, among other things, on students belonging to their health to the preparatory or special medical group.

1. The non-profit sport of higher achievements implies a successful performance at high-level competitions, but without obtaining a significant financial remuneration. For students, Spbgikit, specializing in martial arts of Wushu Santa, is the championships of Russia, major and prestigious international tournaments, including in China, on the "homeland" of this sport. Wushu Santa is a combined view of martial arts that entered the best technique from Chinese martial arts. With a high level of training leading athletes-students of the Institute of Santa (technical, functional, physical, tactical), they are capable of a certain adaptation of the training process to submit a national team of the Institute on various "related" disciplines - shock, wrestling and mixed martial arts.

2. Physical consumption (or so-called "mass") Sport is the type of publicly available (ordinary) sports, directed mainly on physical education and sports training, which contribute to the preservation of the physical form acquired earlier (at school) with strictly regulated participation in competitions . Here, the target result of the activity is not focused on the maximum possible result, but the level of physical and spiritual development necessary for each person to maintain his capacity and adequate state of health. At the same time, the cost of time on classes is optimally minimized and do not interfere with the main socially necessary type of student activities receiving higher education. Sectional classes on the following sports are organized in SPBGIKIT on a regular basis:

Sports Games - Volleyball, Basketball, Table Tennis;

Martial Arts - Kickboxing, Taekwondo, Sambo, Judo;

Athletic sports - arm wrestling and gire sports;


Of the best students attending these sections, national teams of the institute are formed, for which the main competitions are the Olympics of higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg.

3. Applied disciplines. The problem of individual self-defense of a person in a modern metropolis is currently becoming extremely relevant. Therefore, it is not by chance that the fact that students (both boys and girls) are very popular with students (both boys and girls) who do not have the desire for

gully train to participate in competitions, sections on applied disciplines are used:

Self-defense - on the basis of the technology of traditional wushu schools;

Kenpo - a real hand-to-hand fight;

Aikido, including using weapons;

SGBBR - a system of so-called functional circular workout using exercises from various martial arts (Boxing, Taekwondo, Judo, Sports-combat sambo).

Classes in such sections as self-defense and aikido, as a rule, do not require students from high levels of developing their physical abilities and the development of complex technical techniques.

4. The next group of sections is conditionally combined by recreational and rehabilitation forms of the motor activity of students. In the process of classes in these sections, exercise and some elements of sports are used in affordable and simplified forms to solve the following tasks: maintaining and promoting health; active, healthy rest; switch to another type of activity; restoration of health; Organization of emotionally saturated leisure; Improvement of students belonging to their health to the preparatory and special medical group.

The fitness section is aimed at students who do not have deviations in their health state. Fitness classes are carried out in the form of so-called "mixed classes" - refers to the presence of both aerobic and power exercises present in the program of classes. For students related to the results of an in-depth medical examination (UMO) to the preparatory and special medical groups, the Yoga section was organized. The first day of the week is a lesson for beginners (mostly first-year students) and relevant to their health to the preparatory or special medical group. The second day of the week is a lesson for students (Mr. Courses), having previous experiences of yoga, for example, in the first year.

5. Sections on intellectual sports - chess and checkers, - to hosting students who have deviations in a state of their health or freed from practical exercises. From the best players, according to the results of control training, team teams of the Institute for these sports, which regularly participate in district and city tournaments, as well as in the Olympiad of higher educational institutions in St. Petersburg, are formed.

Thus, the introduction of new GEFs in higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation in 3+ and isolation in block 1 -

the basic part of the "discipline (modules)" - the subject "Electric courses in physical culture" in Spbgikit allowed us to move from traditional forms of practical classes in physical culture to a personal-oriented health program; From mandatory training sessions to the individual choice of the form of physical cultural and sports activities themselves.


1. Kondakov V.L. System mechanisms for the design of physical education technologies in educational space Modern university: Monogr. - Belgorod: Litkaravan, 2013. - 454 p.

2. Matveev L.P. Reflections on sports // Sports management. -2004. - № 1. - P. 16-21.

3. Matveev L.P. General sport theory and her applied aspects. - 4th ed., Act. and add. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2005. - 384 p.

4. Somkin A.A., Makarov O.R. Development of mixed martial arts "Wushu Santa" in a non-specialized higher educational institution // Modern condition and prospects for the development of psychology and pedagogy: Sat. Articles of international scientific practice. conf. (February 28, 2015, Ufa). - Ufa: Atendany, 2015. - P. 165-170.

V. G. Sotnik

Modernization pedagogical education In Russian federation

In the XXI century, the Russian education system undergoes cardinal changes.

In the Russian Federation, a number of regulatory documents were adopted (a new law on education, federal state educational standards), and therefore the need to transition from a valued educational paradigm to competenced. Consequently, students need significant independence in the implementation of active cognitive activity.

What will be the education in the XXI century, depends on the teacher, its life position, professionalism, competence. Research competence in education is considered as the main component of the vocational competence of a biology teacher.

A competence approach is considered by some authors as a peculiar answer to the problem situation in education, resulting from the contradiction between the need to ensure modern quality of education and the inability

Nonzedilov Mikhail Anatolyevich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education, FGBOU VO "Kuzbass State technical University them. T.F. Gorbachev ", Kemerovo [Email Protected]

The role of elective courses in physical culture in the formation of social competence and adaptability of students of the university

Annotation.V. modern education Attention increased to the formation of social competence and the adaptability of future specialists. Rolvuza is to ensure the conditions for the inclusion of students in such activities under which the process of socialization proceeds is not spontaneously, but purposefully. However, the author of the article considers the collective formurganization of the study activities of students at which Along with other disciplines, physical culture is played an important role. In particular, the author refers to the requirements FGHOSTO, there is a googhow about the need to hold student supports to use the methods and means of physical culture to ensure full social and professional activities. The purpose of this article to identify the role of practicing physical culture in the formation of social competence and adaptiveness-breeding specialists. According to the author, one of the decisions of this issue is the introduction of elective courses in physical culture aimed at the implementation of individual and differentiated approaches to learning. The author claims that the introduction of elective courses in physical culture into the educational process of the university allows you to create conditions for the inclusion of students in such activities in which, on the one hand, their independence, self-organization, their interests are being implemented, on the other hand, interpersonal is implemented Interaction in groups of sports preferences, which, as a result, contributes to the formation of their overall social competence and adaptability. Keywords: social competence of university students, adaptability, socialization, collective form of organization, telecommunication, elective courses

Some social tensions and the need to quickly respond to changing living conditions in Russia in Russia explain the interest of domestic and foreign psychological science to the problem of personality socialization. In modern education, attention has significantly increased to the formation of social competence and the adaptability of future specialists in various professional areas. Role of higher educational institution in the formation and development of the social status of the future specialist in the formation of a high, the arrogant period of learning knowledge and experience is invaluable, but, getting into new educational conditions, significantly Different from the former, reportedlyclinks with the problem of adaptation. In the highest educational institution from a big independence in mastering the educational material, the need for establishing interpersonal relationship In the emerging team, it is possible to complete or partial change in the wind-firedinisterster and the formation of new ones. This difficult period of adaptation of the former schoolchildren of new conditions and interpersonal communication is complained by their age crisis. Requirements for the possession of the necessary Misocial competence, presented to modern students, are set out in the Federal State Educational Standard Standard Education in the direction of the preparation of undergraduate. The most important role of the university in the implementation of the requirements of the FGOSVO is to ensure the inclusion of students into such activities in which the socialization process proceeds is not spontaneously, but purposefully and contributes to the development of the ability of future-specific projectively to solve the nomitizeli and tasks.

One of the important conditions for the formation of social competence, in our opinion, is the collective form of the organization of educational activities of students, in which, along with other disciplines, possessing this formalcyal, the physical culture is played by an important role. In terms of the need to hold student emphasis, Methods and means of physical culture to ensure full social and professional activities (OK8). We believe that the field of physical classes is culturally cultivated by one of the key abilities of socially competent specialists. Problems for team education and interaction inside the formed collective. how academic discipline Physical culture contributes to a long and fairly complex process of formation of social competencies through the application as a means of physical education of team sports games and the formation of certain group of sports preferences. But it is worth noting that the interaction of the productive-broad-mixing of such groups is often complicated by the problem value of the load and control standards, taking into account the type of constitution, level physical development and the state of health of students, their interests and needs. Agreement results of the All-Russian sociological industry, conducted by students of higher educational institutions in 2016, the most common activities in physical culture activities are exercises (97.5%). Athletics (92.1%), mobile and sports games (85.4%), gymnasticities of acrobatics (72.8%) are most often practiced from sports. But it was revealed, which is revealed by practitioners sports do not meet the interests and needs of all losses. A significant part of the respondents that the current sports are not practiced in classes, new fitness plants. It was revealed that in organizing physical education in higher educational institutions, such forms of physical activity as hockey, bullet shooting, handball, Hard athletics, rugby, lapta, yoga, crossfit, swimming, table tennis, sports orientation, which, according to the results of the survey, the most attractive students. It was also determined that a significant proportion of students who participated in the vocational survey attracts tasks on simulators (86%), assessing the state of their body and performance (72.7%). Methodological justification of studied in practical training is obtained only 73.9% of students. When presenting the theoretical material, computer technologies, visual drugs, presentations and other additional materials (23%) are rarely applied. In theoretical work for respondents an attractive use of modern technical means (watching movies and movies and Presentations are interested in 48.8% of respondents, performing tasks on a computer -31.2%). In general, all types of activities traditionally used in physical culture practices are interested in about 8% of respondents. In this regard, regardless of the peculiarities of the health status, most of the student respondents showed a sufficiently high motivation of their interest in improving the teaching of physical culture. In our opinion All the above-mentioned problems are established by the search for new-order forms of the organization of the educational process in physical culture. By the solution of the data, we believe that the introduction of elective-kours in physical culture in the educational process, aimed at the realization of individual differentiated approach to learning. "Elective" (from LAT. ELECTUS-chosen) means "selective". Electric courses - Courses, contributing to the deepening of individualization and differentiation of training and designed to satisfy the educational records (interests, inclinations) of students. "Elektile will be crucialized by the most important means of building individual educational programs, as the most related to the choice of every student-based education, depending on its interests, abilities and subsequent life plans," we believe that there is no volatile courses. activity. ElektromethiShisThisThe Whether the ability to choose the use of occupations, modelification education, a group of interests, taking into account their individual characteristics, both on the base-traditional and modern sports directions (a group of general physical training, section a group of a certain sport) within a common schedule. Strengthening and competitive components of occupying posolatile commodity communities, the ability to organize effective communication, work in a team and ensures the competition.

Executive classes are also a consistent and detailed methodological explanation of the physical exercise technique and the applicable effect, providing students to track these effects in conjunction with the teacher and independently, including the assessment of the state of their body and performance during the exercise. Active application of modern information-friendly technologies of reactive courses, the use of active and Interactive working methods, interactive electronic teaching benefits of the new generation, multimedia visual materials, analysis of sports news and modern trends in the field of physical culture and sports create conditions for improving the efficiency of mastering the theoretical part of the program. Of course, it is necessary to take into account that the introduction of elective courses in physical culture into the educational process of the university will require modernizing the infrastructure and the maintenance of compliance with sanitary-epidemiological requirements, landscaping and showers and showers, equipped facilities with the necessary modern equipment and equipment. In general, elective courses are focused on the basis of which the company's underlie social needs, the possibility of used competencies of everyday and professional activities, developingproofessional significance and skills, such as dedication, concentration on the process, self-control and excerpt. Elective courses in physical culture are focused on the preparation of individual exercise complexes to meet their own needs in physical improvement, the development of ancaded regime of the day and a balanced diet; selection of recommendations for the strengthening of immunity by means of physical culture and sports, the formation of health-friendly, which is a positiveness of future professional activities. And acquired In the process of practicing the physical culture of knowledge, skills and skills (within elective courses) will allow the student to further take into account individual characteristics Physical, gender of age-related development, apply them during regular independent activities with physical education and sports, to make individual regime exercises with different orientation. The implementation of elective courses in physical culture in the university makes a significant contributing of the formation of the formation of the formation of healthyness, the strengthening of health, the prevention of bad habits. We believe that the introduction of elective courses in physical culture into the educational process of the university allows you to create the terms of inclusion of students in such activities in which, on the one hand The development of their independence, self-organization is developed, their interests are being implemented, on the other hand, interpersonal interaction in groups of sports preferences is carried out, which, as a result, contributes to the formation of their overall social competence and adaptability. The introduction of elective courses becomes an effective organizational-generational condition for stimulating the socialization of students through physical culture-effectiveness and promotes both cognitive and motor activity, as well as a condition in achieving personality needs, maximum results in physical and personal improvement.

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An elective coursework (defense and sports profile) addresses teachers in general educational institutionsexercising the implementation of specialized schoolchildren training.

Nikiforov A.A..

head of the Cabinet of Physical Culture and Technology BELRIPKPPS


methodist of the Cabinet of Physical Culture and Technology Belripkpps

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education of Russia)

Department of General I. preschool education

№ 14-51-277 / 13 dated November 13, 2003

Elective Courses in Profile Training

Elective courses (optional courses) play an important role in the system of specialized education at the eldest school stage. Unlike the optional courses existing now at school, elective courses are mandatory for high school students.

In accordance with the Russian Ministry of Education "The Concept of Profile Training on the Elder Steps general Education»Differentiation of the content of high-grade training is carried out on the basis of various combinations of three types of courses: basic, profile, elective. Each of the courses of these three types makes its contribution to the solution of the objectives of profile learning. However, you can select the range of tasks, priority for courses of each type.

Basic general education courses reflect the invariative part of education for all schoolchildren and are aimed at completing the general educational training. Profile courses provide an in-depth study of individual items and are oriented, first of all, to prepare school graduates for subsequent vocational education. The elective courses are associated primarily with the satisfaction of individual educational interests, the needs and inclinations of each student. They are essentially the most important means of building individual educational programs, because The most related to the choice of each schoolchild in the content of education, depending on his interests, abilities, subsequent life plans. Elective courses seem to "compensate" in many ways quite limited possibilities of basic and specialized courses in satisfying various educational needs high school students.

This role of elective courses in the specialized learning system determines the wide range of their functions and tasks.

By destination, several types of elective courses can be distinguished. Some of them may be a "superstructure" of specialized courses and provide for the most capable schoolchildren an increased level of study of a particular study subject. Other electrical devices must ensure interdisciplinary communications and provide an opportunity to study related educational items on profile level. An example of such elective courses can be courses: "Mathematical statistics" for schoolchildren who have chosen economic profile, "Computer Graphics" for an industrial-technological profile or "History of Arts" for a humanitarian profile. The third type of elective courses will help a schoolboy learning in a profile class, where one of the training items is studied at the base level, will prepare for surchase EGE on this subject on increased level. Another type of electrical courses can be focused on the acquisition of educational results for schoolchildren for successful promotion in the labor market. An example of such courses can serve as "Customs Production" or "Business English", courses for preparing for work in the service sector, etc. Finally, the cognitive interests of many high school students can often go beyond traditional school items, spread on the field of human activity outside the circle of their chosen learning profile. This determines the appearance of elective courses that are "uncomplicated" or "sufficient" in senior. An example of such courses can serve as electrons of the "Fundamental Fund" or "Pipe Preparing".

Assessing the possibility and pedagogical feasibility of the introduction of certain electrical courses should be remembered about such important tasks, as the formation of the skills and methods of activity to solve almost important tasks, the continuation of the virtue work, awareness of the possibilities and methods of implementing the selected life path, etc. d.

Elective courses are implemented at school due to the time drawn by the component of the educational institution.

Introducing elective courses to school education, it is necessary to take into account that it is not only about their programs and training aids, but also on the entire methodological system of teaching these courses in general. After all, profile learning is not only differentiation of the content of education, but, as a rule, a different educational process. That is why in the exemplary curricula of individual profiles as part of the time drawn by electric courses, watches are provided in 10-11 classes on the organization training practices, projects, research activities. These forms of training, along with the development of independent learning activities of students, the application of new learning methods (for example, distance learning, training business games, etc.), will become an important factor in successful conducting classes in electrical courses.

The proposed organization of learning causes the need to divide the class, at least two subgroups.

Elective courses as the most differentiated, the variable part of school education will require new solutions in their organization. A wide spectrum and diverse character of electives can put a separate school into a predicable position determined by the lack of pedagogical personnel, the lack of relevant teaching and methodological support. In these cases, the network forms of interaction between educational institutions are particularly acquired. Network forms include association, cooperation of the educational potential of several educational institutions, including institutions of primary, medium, higher professional and additional education.

A special role in the successful introduction of elective courses will play preparation literature For these courses.

The ministry currently conducts work in this direction. On the task of the Ministry, the National Foundation for the training of personnel held a contest educational and methodical manuals on electrical courses. As a result of the competition, programs, training and methodological materials on 8-10 electrical courses for each learning subject were prepared. In the coming months, a publication of a collection of programs for these electrons is being prepared, which will be sent to the management bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The work of the author's teams on the recommendations of educational and methodological benefits and in early 2004 their publication is planned.

We emphasize that as educational literature on electrical courses, training aids on optional courses, for circular work, as well as research and popular literature, reference editions can also be used.

The experience of a number of regions involved in the experiment on profile training shows that at the institutions of advanced training, pedagogical universities, in the schools in the fields are created their own versions of elective courses. Many of them are of interest and deserve support. In this regard, it can be recommended to regional and municipal education management authorities to create data banks on electrical courses, organize information support and exchange of experience in introducing elective courses.

The general education institution makes a decision and is responsible for the content and conduct of elective courses in the manner determined by the founder.

Creating elective courses is the most important part of ensuring the introduction of profile training. Therefore, their development and implementation should be part of regional programs for the transition to profile learning.

The experience of creating and implementing elective courses, the issues of educational and methodological support of electrical sections will be widely covered in pedagogical press, primarily in the Russian Ministry of Education and Russian Academy Education, Profile School magazine.

P rogram Kursa

Methods of teaching the fundamentals of theory and

methods of physical education and sports

Ildar Latypov, Ph.D. RGUFK. Moscow

Explanatory note

Elective course "Methods of teaching the foundations of the theory and methods of physical education and sports" is oriented for students of 10-11th grades on the profile level

The purpose and task of the course

The content of the specialized training program in the field of physical culture at the eldest level of general education involves the study of the main issues of the theory and methods of physical education and sports. The subject "Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports" is a rod in the curriculum of training specialists in universities of the physical culture profile, since mastering the content of this academic discipline serves as a necessary theoretical basis for mastering knowledge, skills and skills of sports and pedagogical disciplines.

That is why in the 10-11th grades of a sports-pedagogical profile it is advisable to introduce an elective course "Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical education and sports", designed for 68 school hours.

The study of this course will reduce the knowledge of students in the field of physical culture, to understand the features of the formation of motor skills and skills, upbringing motor abilities in the process of physical education.

At the same time, the course contents have a pronounced propaedence, which implies a particularly thorough adaptation of a complex theoretical material in relation to the level of training of students of the sports and pedagogical class.

The goal of the course is the development of knowledge of physical culture, its relationship with physical education and sports training and the formation of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe professional activities of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports.

Course tasks:

- Weathered by knowledge on the method of teaching engine actions, health physical and sports training;

- knowledge with the basic forms of professional activity of the teacher of physical culture and coach of sport;

-Working the initial skills and skills of pedagogical activity.

Training material includes theoretical (lectures), practical classes and seminars. The content of seminars includes material to deepen the knowledge and development of cognitive, creative abilities of students, checking their knowledge. In these classes, educational discussions on problematic issues, business training games are also actively held; Teaching and educational tasks are solved.

In practical classes, students are learning to pedagogical skills and the skills of professional activity of a physical culture. Students master the methods of training and training, forms of organization of classes, ways to use physical exercises in order to aimed at the functions of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole.

The course of the theory and methods of physical education and sports ends with educational and methodological practices aimed at the formation of pedagogical skills and skills, familiarization with the basic forms of professional activity of a physical culture teacher at school.

Educational and thematic study plan
"Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical education and sports"

Topic 1. The basic concepts of physical culture.

The tasks of the course "Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical education and sports".

Basic concepts: "Physical Culture", "Physical Education", "Physical Development", "Physical Training", "Physical Perfection", "Sport". The overall characteristic of physical culture. Functions of physical culture. Basic physical culture. Rereactive physical culture. Professionally applied physical culture.

1. Let the definition of the concept of "physical culture". Tell us about her connection with the culture of man and society.

2. The content of the concepts of "physical education" and "Sport".

3. Name varieties and structure of physical culture.

Topic 2. The system of physical education in Russia.

The idea of \u200b\u200bphysical education as a system. The purpose and objectives of the modern system of physical education. Structure domestic system physical education. The main directions in physical education: general physical training, professional and applied physical training, sports training. Fundamentals of physical education in Russia.

Principles of physical education. Communication of physical education with education and upbringing. Organizational forms of physical education: pre-school educational institutions, general education schools, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, universities, institutions of additional education of sports ordeal (DUKFP, DUSSH, etc.), sports clubs and associations. Physical education in the army and the fleet.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1.Realize the essence of the physical education system in Russia.

2. Name the goal and the main tasks of physical education.

3. Name the general socio-pedagogical principles of physical education.

Topic 3. Funds of physical education.

The overall concept of physical education. The varieties of physical education are as a holistic exposure system. Basic and auxiliary means of physical education.

Exercise is the main and specific means of physical education. General characteristics of exercise. Classification of exercise. Games, gymnastics and tourism as a means of physical education.

Natural forces of nature and hygienic factors as physical education agents.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. What is the physical exercise?

2. How to make significant differences in physical exercises from other forms of motor activity (labor, daily household, etc.).

3. Name other means of physical education.

Topic 4. Methods of physical education.

The overall concept of physical education methods and their structural basis. Classification of teaching methods: Common goodsAgological and practical methods. Method of using the word. Visual perception method: showing motor action, demonstrating visual aids, sound and light alarm. Practical methods: method of strictly regulated exercise, game method, competitive method.

Methods of teaching motor actions and methods of upbringing motor abilities.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the methods of physical education.

2. What is the training technique? Name the learning methods.

3. What is the essence of gaming and competitive methods?

Theme 5. The overall characteristic of the physical education of schoolchildren.

The value and tasks of the physical education of schoolchildren. Regulations on the physical education of secondary school students.

Physical education of children younger school age. The purpose and tasks of physical education. Tools of physical education. Features of the technique.

Physical education of middle school children. Goal and tasks. Tools of physical education. Features of the technique.

Physical education of children of senior school age. Goal and tasks. Tools of physical education. Features of the technique.

Physical education of students attributed for health to a special medical group. Tasks of physical education. Tools of physical education. Features of the technique.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Take the essence and the main tasks of the physical education of schoolchildren.

2. How does physical education in school?

3. Put the fixed assets and methods used in the organization of cultural leisure and healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren.

Topic 6. Fundamentals of teaching motor actions.

Training motor actions. Motor skills and skills. Value of motor skills. Laws of the formation of motor skills and motor skills. Training structure. Stages of teaching motor actions: the stage of familiarization with the motor action, the middle stage, the stage of improvement. Use of learning methods at various stages of teaching motor actions. Features of learning motor actions in accordance with the solution of educational, educational and wellness problems.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. What is understood as the concepts of "Motor Skill" and "Motor Skill"?

2. Name the stages of learning motor actions.

3. Transfer the basic rules for self-mastering of motor actions.

Topic 7. Physical qualities. Education of the motor abilities of school-age children.

Determination of the concept of "physical qualities". Classification of physical qualities, their characteristics. Strength as a physical quality. Speed \u200b\u200bas physical quality. Flexibility as physical quality. Endurance as a physical quality. Age development of physical qualities. The concept of sensitive (sensitive) development periods. Implementation of physical qualities in motor actions.

Power abilities of children and methods of education. Tasks, means and methods of raising high-speed abilities. Features of upbringing flexibility in school children. Endurance and methods of its development. The main components of the loads in the development of endurance. The coordination abilities of schoolchildren and the method of their improvement. Features of the methodology for the development of motor abilities in school age children.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Let the definition of the concepts of "physical qualities" and "motor abilities".

2. Put the main physical qualities.

3. What is the feature of the methodology for the development of motor abilities of schoolchildren?

Topic 8. Forms of organization of classes in physical culture.

Classification of classes in physical education. Forms of organization of physical education of schoolchildren. Forms of physical education in school day. Gymnastics before classes. Physical traffic and physical education pauses. Games and exercise on change. Athletic hour in GPA. Extracurricular exercise classes. Forms of extracurricular activities. Organization and conducting tourist campaigns with students. Out-of-school forms of organizing classes in physical culture.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the form of physical education at school.

2. Take the value of the morning hygienic gymnastics, its main tasks.

3. What are the physical attacks and physical education pauses?

Theme 9. The lesson of physical culture is the main form of organizing the physical education of schoolchildren.

The lesson of physical culture is the main form of organizing the physical education of schoolchildren. The unity of the educational, educational and wellness orientation of the lesson of physical culture. Characteristic features of the lesson of physical culture and general requirements for it. Structure and content of the lesson of physical culture. Defining the tasks of the lesson. Organization of students in the lesson. Preparation of the teacher to the lesson. Organization and conducting lesson. Load dosing in the lesson. Total and motor density lesson. Assessment of students in the lesson. Homework in physical culture.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Why is the lesson of physical culture is the main form of physical education of schoolchildren?

2. Tell me about the structure of the lesson of physical culture.

3. What is the total and motor density of the lesson?

Topic 10. Independent student studies in physical culture.

The concept of independent activities. Methods of learning schoolchildren with independent classes. Content of independent activities. Training students in the classroom of physical culture with independent exercise classes. Hometasks. Features of the planning and content of independent activities on the physical training.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1.Recerate the content and direction of individual independent practices in the physical culture in the day.

2. Note the main physical exercises and regimes of individual loads for independent activities for the development of physical qualities.

3. What is the feature of homework in physical culture?

Topic 11. Planning and control in physical education.

Essence and value planning. Requirements for the compilation of plans. Forms and stages of planning. Academic work planning. Planning extracurricular work on the physical education of schoolchildren. Requirements for the organization of extracurricular work on physical education. School team of physical culture. Sport Club.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. How planned academic work Teacher physical culture?

2. How is the planning of extracurricular work on physical education at school?

3. What is the team of physical culture and School sports club? What are they created for?

Topic 12. Basics of general physical and sports training.

The concept of "physical training". General and special physical training. Physical activity of man. An idea of \u200b\u200bphysical training. Exercises for general physical training.

General view of training in sports. The concept of "sports training". The main tasks and system of sports training. Characteristics of the system of sports training. The many years of training athletes.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Let the definition of the concepts of "physical preparation" and "sports training".

2. What is meant under general physical training and physical fitness?

3. Name distinctive features Classes for general physical training. Tell us about their focus on health promotion.

Topic 13. Sports training as a multi-year process.

Training as an integral part of the training in sports. The role of training in the preparation of athletes. Factors defining the effectiveness of sports training. The main sections of the preparation of a young athlete during the training process. Technical preparation. Physical training. Tactical training. Psychological training. Theoretical preparation. Funds and methods of sports training. Principles of sports training. Structure of building the training process of young athletes. Features of sports training young athletes.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the main sections of the young athletes sports training.

2. Name the main methods of sports training.

3. Sex about the principles of dosing load, frequency and duration of exercise, depending on the level of physical fitness.

Topic 14. Basics of building training classes.

The overall structure of training sessions. Pedagogical direction of classes. Types of classes. Loads in the lesson. Organization of classes.

Workout as a structural component of training session: Essence and task. General bases of building a warm-up. Structure and warm-up content. Features workout before competition.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. How are the features of building young athletes training?

2. What is the difference in physical culture lesson from training session?

3. What do you need a warm-up? Name the general foundations for building a warm-up.

Topic 15. Sports competitions as a basis of sport.

Competitions - the basis of the existence of sports. System of sports competitions. Views of sports competitions. Regulation and ways to conduct competitions. Determining the result in competitions. Regulations on competitions. Competition rules. Competitions in the training system of young athletes. Organization and conduct of sports competitions at school.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the types of sports competitions.

2. What is the role of competition in the system of training athletes?

3. How are the main documents regulate the organization and conduct of the competition?

Topic 16. Sports orientation and selection.

The concepts of "sports orientation" and "sports selection". Sports and deposit. Sports talent and sporting gifts. Criteria for sports orientation and selection. Choosing a sport. Sports orientation in kindergarten. Meaning I. general characteristics Sports selection. Objectives, tasks and selection functions. Selection in a long-term system of training athletes. Selection levels. Organization of selection. The main stages of the selection in the DUSSH.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Let the definitions of the concepts of "sports orientation" and "sports selection".

2. What is the basis of the choice of sport?

3. Keep the main stages of the selection system to sports school.

Topic17. Injury and disease in sports. Security rules in exercise classes.

The main causes of diseases and injuries in sports. Acute and chronic injuries. General and specific risk factors. Prevention of injuries and diseases in exercise and sports. Safety rules for physical culture and sports at school. First aid for injuries and accidents. Means of restoration and stimulation of working capacity in the system of physical and sports training.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. In case injuries occur during physical culture?

2. How to avoid injuries and diseases in the process of physical education and grade?

3. What is the first assistance in injuries and accidents?

Topic18. Modern systems of wellness and conditioned physical workout.

The concept of improving and conditioned physical workout. The focus and maintenance of the health physical training. New types of physical education and sports activities.

Aerobics as a means of physical education and as a sport. Features of the ATT on aerobics.

Arm wrestling.

Bodybuilding as a means of physical education and as a sport. Exercise technique.

Powerlifting: general characteristics. Exercise technique. Familiarization and training technician Rods Lying. Acquaintance with the appliances of squatting and teaching it. Acquaintance with the technique of becoming traction and teaching it.

Stretching. Terms and technique of exercise. Features of the IPT on Stretching.

Shaping. Meaning of shaping shaping to strengthen the health and improvement of the physique. Exercise technique. Selection of exercises and learning them in the lessons of physical culture.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Let the definition of the concept of "Health Physical Training".

2. Name the wellness effects of exercise classes.

3. What is the features of the technique of occupying rhythmic gymnastics and athleticism?

Topic19. Material and technical support of physical education and sports.

Sports inventory and equipment. Requirements for sports inventory and equipment. Non-standard equipment. School sports grounds. Marking of the gym. Device and fill rink at school. Ski equipment: selection and preparation. Manufacturing inventory and equipment. Simulators in the system of physical and sports training. Ensuring security in sports facilities (rules of behavior and action in emergency situations).

Basic requirements for student preparedness

In the course of studying the course, students must learn:

- make money, methods and forms of classes to solve specific tasks of physical education, dose physical exertion;

- offer basic work plans and keeping accounting in various units of physical education;

- create plans for sports events, provisions on competitions, organize and conduct competitions;

- addictive results of students, their successes, coordinate and direct independent work engaged;

- Creating and use technical training and non-standard equipment.

Exemplary lesson plan number 1 in the 10th grade (2 hours)

The subject of the lesson: "The basic concepts of physical culture"

1.1. Characteristics of the course "Theory and Methodology of Physical Education and Sports"

The theory and methodology of physical education as a scientific and educational discipline in the education system is designed to form a set of fundamental knowledge that determine the quality of the professional activity of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports.

The theory of physical education is a dynamic system of the most modern scientific regulations reflecting the essence of physical education. The theory of physical education allows us to create the prospect of improving the process of physical education as a whole, summarizes the private laws of physical education and makes them the property for all methods of physical education. The methodology of physical education means a system of receptions and methods that ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of physical education.

1.2. Physical culture as one of the forms of culture

The concept of culture and its forms. Physical culture as a type of activity; its values \u200b\u200band relationship with other forms of culture. The concepts of "physical culture", "physical education", "physical development". The essence of physical culture.

Physical education with its functions, objectives, tasks includes an integral part in a broader concept - physical culture as a process and the result of human activity to transform its physical nature. Only through physical education, we can rise to a certain level of physical culture.

Physical culture is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon, expressed in human activity on the "cultivation" of its own nature, to develop and implement psychophysical abilities laid in it. This activity is associated with physical education, sports, physical recreation, motor rehabilitation (therapeutic physical culture and physical culture for persons with limited motor capabilities).

Particularly close relationship is observed between the culture of physical and spiritual, which are formed in the man itself, making it a common culture, and the basis of their interpenetration are scientific knowledge, skills, skills, ethical and aesthetic values. And these are very important cultural values.

Sport (from English. Sport is a game, fun, entertainment) manifests itself in a specific (competitive) activity of a person aimed at achieving the highest level of their psychophysical abilities and in a special (through sports training) preparations for it. Some of their parties sport goes beyond physical culture. This includes, for example, to the so-called great sport, to technical sports (aircraft model, auto racing, etc.), sports that are not directly related to high motor activity (shooting, chess, etc.). That is why it is often possible to meet the expression "Physical Culture and Sport".
Sport as a component of physical culture. Sport B. modern society. Functions of modern sports. Mass sport (sport for all). Children's and youthful sport. Sport of higher achievements (Olympic Sport). Professional sport. Sports for disabled.

Physical education is a pedagogically organized process associated with the activities for the transfer and assimilation of the values \u200b\u200bof the physical culture of society within the system of "Training - Education". In physical culture theory, these values \u200b\u200band specialized processes of their acquisition are reflected in the concepts of "physical development", "functional preparedness", "physical fitness", "physical preparation" (general and special).

Physical development is the process of changing the morphological (from Greek. Morphe - form) and functional (from lat. Functio - execution) of the human body properties during his life. The external quantitative indicators of physical development, which are mainly characterized by the human constitution, are changes in growth, weight, the magnitude of the life capacity of the lungs and others. Qualitatively, physical development is characterized, first of all, significant changes in the functionality. It is expressed as in changing the level of individual physical qualities of a person - speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, and in general, in the level of physical performance and depends on the functioning of all organism systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, etc. .). Therefore, the concept of "functional preparedness" is distinguished.

More general, in relation to the previous one, is the concept of "physical fitness". It is characterized by both physical development indicators and level of functional preparedness, as well as the degree of possession of various motor skills and skills. Moreover, the development of rational ways to manage their movements and the creation, thereby, the rich personal fund of motor skills and skills, as well as prerequisites for mastering any new motor actions - the most important side of physical fitness.

Specialized processes aimed at achieving a certain type of preparedness are called the same names, for example, "physical preparation", "psychophysical preparation". There are the concepts of general physical training aimed at achieving a certain level of development of all physical qualities and performance; Mastering the vital skills and skills, and special physical training, aimed at a certain type of activity, for example, special physical training in sports or for professional work. The latter is called professional-applied physical training. All listed specialized processes are parts general process physical education.

So, we have already, probably, we can understand that the essence of physical culture is in its effective opportunities to influence the nature of a person through the development of the natural forces of the body, through the transformation (indulging) of his personality, as a result, which can successfully implement themselves in a healthy and productive style. Life, professional and any other activities. In other words, its essence is in the principled possibility of forming an individual physical culture.

We have already emphasized the role of physical culture in the comprehensive formation and development of the individual. Deeper knowledge of everything you can learn from recommended literature.

Control questions

1. What is culture and what is its characteristic features?

2. Give the definition of the concept of "physical culture". Expand its connection with the culture of man and society.

3. Expand the content of the concepts of "physical education" and "Sport".

4. What characterizes physical education as an integral part of physical culture?

5. Dispose the concepts of "physical development", "physical training" and "physical fitness".


1. Balsevich V.K. Physical culture for all and for everyone. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 1988.

2. Maksimenko A.M. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture: studies. Manual for students of universities. - ed. 2nd, corrected and add. - M., 2001.

3. Matveev L.P. Theory and technique of physical culture: Introduction to the subject: studies. For higher specials. Fizk. studies. Cell. - 3rd ed. - SPb.: Lan, 2003.

4. Matveev A.P. Exam in physical culture: questions and answers. - M.: Publishing House Vlados-Press, 2003. (B-ka Teachers of Physical Culture).

5. Desktop book of physical culture teacher / ed. LB Kofman; Avt. Sost. G.I. Rogaza; Preport. V.V. Kuzina, N.D. Nikandrov. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 1998.

6. Platonov V.N., Sakhnovsky K.P. Preparation of a young athlete. - K.: Rad. Shk., 1988.

7. Talaga E. Encyclopedia of physical exercise / per. with Polish. - M.: Physical Education and Sport, 1998.

8. Theory and Methods of Sports: Tutorial for War / under total. ed. F.P. Suslova, J.K. Chill. - M., 1997.

9. Theory and methodology of physical education: studies. Manual for students ped. In-Tov and Pedaging on Spec. № 2115 "NCH. military. Preparation and Piz. Education "and №1910" Phys. Culture "/ B.M. Shyan, B.A. Ashmarin, B.N. Minaev and others. Ed. B.M. Shihan. - M.: Education, 1988.

10. Physical culture and sports in secondary school: Manual for teacher / V.P. Bogoslovsky, M.N. Davydenko, V.I. Drobyshev et al. Ed. MD Rips. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. (B-ka Teachers Piz. Culture).

11. Physical Culture: Tutorial to prepare for exams. - SPb.: Peter, 2004.

12. Physical culture. 9th and 11th graduation classes / Avt.-Cost. V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky. - M.: AST Press School, 2005. (Examination Questions and Answers. Exam for 5).

Course program

"Spiritual and psychological safety of personality"

T. Berseneva, Ph.D., Methodist Center for Obzh SPBPPO

Explanatory note

This course can be presented as a separate interprete elective course of prefigure training for students of 9 classes with basic level Knowledge, skills and skills, as well as enter the content course of life safety basics for any profile.

Course volume is 17 h (1 hour per week, one half year). The course program can be expanded to 34 hours (1 hour per week for school year) due to a deeper consideration of the proposed content.

purposecourse - Formation of students in a holistic idea of \u200b\u200ba person's device and the dangerous situations of psychological, mental and spiritual nature, which may arise in their lives, on the ways of recognizing and measures of protection against these consequences.

The formulated goal puts the following tasks of the course:

Familiarization of students with the dangers of psychological, mental and spiritual nature, threatening a person in modern life,

Study of methods and techniques for protection against spiritual and psychological impacts and allowing minimizing possible damage to personality, her health, life and well-being,

Development of the ability to resist destructive spiritual and psychological exposure.

The main methods of learning there are a problem-search method for presenting a new material aimed at creative understanding and the adoption of the positions described by the teacher, conversations with elements of discussions, interactive learning methods. It is advisable to group work with the subsequent presentation of the results of the discussion of certain problems and conclusions made by the Group. Classes for psychological safety when communicating, to make a decision and effortlessness to say "no" in the problem situation involve workshops, training situations and game modeling.

Forms of organization of activity students are traditional: meaningful hearing and answers to questions, work with literature, outlining - and innovative participation in discussions, performances in front of the class with reports, work in small groups.

Expected results can be reduced to a holistic representation of the person's device, as follows:

The development of the psychological culture of students in general and, as part of the development of the psychological aspect of the culture of life safety;

Acquisition of students in knowledge and practical skills to recognize and overcome dangerous situations of spiritual and psychological nature, which may arise in their lives, about ways and measures of protection against them;

Developing students of the ability to resist destructive spiritual and psychological effects on them on the basis of

Summing up and evaluating the activities of students can be carried out in the form of a credit classes: test, Poll, Testing, report on a given topic. The final result can be an open lesson with the invitation of the administration and teachers of the school, the final conference.

Educational and thematic plan

Lesson number

The name of the section and themes of lessons

Number of hours

Form of

Introductory lesson


How man's body works - Psyche - Soul - Spirit

Installations and human behavior how to educate in yourself

The concept of destructive mental influences

Mental security

Information Security

Consciousness manipulation techniques

Round table


Spiritual security

View film

Communication and psychological safety

The concept of tolerance, can a person say "no"

Decision algorithm

How to say "no" in a problem situation

Final lesson


Total hours


Lesson 1. Introductory lesson

General Provisions on the Prefillar Dress: Goals, Objectives, Organization of Work, Questions of Knowledge Check. The concept of psychological safety of the personality and the range of issues considered as part of the course. Motivation of students' interest on the study of the course and wishes to include those or other aspects of the topic.

Lesson 2. How the person works: the body is a psyche - soul spirit.

The concept of human trochemistry: bodily, mental and spiritual. How a psyche of man is arranged and why a person knows about it. Psychosomatics. Man's soul. Spiritual argen of man. Two approaches to understanding spirituality. The relationship of spiritual with mental and bodily. Hierarchy in the arrangement of man: what we choose. Freedom of our choice and the investigation of freedom of choice.

Lesson 3. Installation and human behavior: how to educate in yourself

What is the installation and how they affect the behavior of a person. Where are the installations come from. Installations, Consciousness, and conscious installations. To whom we like. Do I need to easily educate your character. How to raise your character. The concept of abstinence. Funds and ways of cultivation of character. The main landmark is the life of conscience.

Lesson 4. The concept of destructive mental impact

Installations that destroy the personality. Installations that destroy ideas about the present and future. What is "destructive, destructive mental impact." How to protect the mind and feelings from destructive mental information. What can be opposed to destructive mental exposure.

Lesson 5. Mental Security

What is understood under mental security. The main sources of danger to the psyche of the teenager. How to protect yourself from the danger emanating from them. How and from what to take care of your feelings. How and from what to take your mind. "The image can kill, the image can save." Examples of "pollution" of psyche.

Lessons 6-7. Information Security

Types of destructive information for adolescence. Ways to protect the psyche against destructive information and the form of its feed. Analysis of materials (audio and video products, printed publications, computer games, etc.) for destructive impact on the individual. Memo teenager to preserve the psyche from information influences.

Advertising appeals and reality. Significant information and disinformation. Consciousness manipulation to achieve certain goals. Workshop in identifying hidden advertising purposes. Goods and values. Basic advertising techniques. Advertising and lifestyle. Advertising and mass culture. Kitsch. Lifestyle that we choose.

Lesson 9. Consciousness manipulation techniques

What is understood by the manipulation of consciousness. To whom and for what to manipulate human consciousness. How not to become a toy in the hands of manipulators. The main techniques manipulate consciousness. Knowledge and life experience as a barrier for manipulating human consciousness.

Mental health: feelings health, mind health and healthy will. Tips for psychologist to preserve mental health in adolescence: Critical situations and search for exit from them. Strengthening will, raising the feelings and the development of thinking as a way to preserve mental health. Mental health health and mental health around people.

Lesson 11-12. Spiritual security

The concept of spiritual security. What spiritual dangers are waiting for a person. Where is the name with the latest pages of newspapers. Psychics, fortunewriters, astrologers. Religions of the world and sects. Spiritual enslavement (violence). The overall concept of the techniques of consciousness change. Protection against destructive spiritual effects. Prevention of spiritual and mental dependence.

Lesson 13. Communication and psychological safety

Do you need to be sociable. What is communication. Types of communication. How to understand the expression: My tongue is my enemy. Sins of "Language" and danger, of which are outgoing: mate, foul language; False; void and verification; Condemnation and sickness. How to overcome the sins of the "Language". Do not be touchy, learn to forgive. Vanity and pride. Envy.

Lesson 14. Concept of tolerance: Can a person say "no"

About friendship and about the influence of peers. The concept of tolerance, patience and tolerance. What is the common and distinction of these concepts. Tolerance and freedom of human choice. A person can say no. Cases when a person must say no. Criteria for selecting situations when a person is advisable to say "yes" and when it is necessary to say "no".

Lesson 15. Decision Decision Algorithm

How to make the right decision. What does it mean "the right decision" for me. The decision algorithm: to understand what is the problem; What you need to know to make the right decision; Consider what options to solve the problem may be; what option do I like most; What "pluses" and "minuses" have this decision; Which of the close people affects my choice. My choice. The practice of mastering the decision algorithm.

Lesson 16. How to say no in a problem situation

Man's behavior styles: confident, uncertain, friendly, aggressive. Characteristic signs for each style of behavior. Eight ways to say "no" in a problem situation. How safe to say "no". The correlation of the answer "no" with the style of human behavior. Playing problem situations.

Lesson 17. Final lesson

Summing up the work on the course program and the estimation of students' activity: an open (credit) lesson with the invitation of the administration and teachers of the school.

Material and technical support:

1 Virtual aggression. Video film director Valentina Matveeva, Lennachfilm, 2001 for the show of students, parents, teachers.

2 Alcohol and narcotic aggression. Video recording Professor Zhdanov in Mr. Vice-Chairman of the Novosibirsk Society "For Sober Lifestyle"

3 Sahaja Yoga (part 2) Video film director Sofia Livandovskaya, Creative association "Crossroads", 1998.


  1. Dvorkin A.L. Sectology. Totalitarian sects. Systematic research experience. -3 edition, recycled and add. - N.Novgorod, 2003.
  2. Kuraev A.V. Adults about children's faith. School theology. 5 - E edition, add. - Rostov-on Don: Trinity words, 2002.
  3. Nikiforov Yu.B. Be fixed with the spirit and body. - M.: Ed. The digestonist center of St. Right. John Kronstadsky, 2003.
  4. Cyvlya-Olinter A.I. New religious associations of Russia destructive and occult nature: Handbook / Information and analytical messenger №1.- Belgorod, 2002.
  5. Peresypkin A.V. Teacher, Religion, Law: Toolkit. Belgorod: Polyterra CPI, 2004.
  6. Monthly information and scientific and methodological magazine "Obzh. Basics of life safety "№10, 2006
  7. Monthly information and scientific and methodological magazine "Obzh. Basics of life safety "2004-2007

Course program

"Know yourself"

A.A.Nikiforov, Head

cabinet of physical culture and

belrippps technology

Explanatory note

To study the influence of physical exercises on people engaged in the physical culture and sports of people, studies are conducted by the functional state of the body or its individual systems. For this purpose, functional samples and tests are used, with the help of which the adaptation of an athlete to one or another physical exertion, the recovery period, the level of performance and training effect are determined. The indicators of the functional state are the physiological parameters of cardiovascular and respiratory systems as the frequency of heart rate (heart rate), respiratory rate (CH), blood pressure (AD), maximum oxygen consumption (IPC), lungs (jerking), etc.

Elective course "Know yourself"allows students to get the necessary knowledge of expanding the horizons in the field of physical culture and sports.

The elective course is designed for 17 hours. Enough attention is paid to independent and practical work Children using technical training tools. The program addresses the issues of in-depth study of the physical development and evaluation of the functional state of the person.

The purpose of training - the formation of the physical culture of the student of a schoolboy by mastering the foundations of physical culture activities with general collateral.

In accordance with the purpose, form tasks Elective course:

Formation of knowledge of physical culture activities reflecting psychological and pedagogical and biological basis;

Ensuring a durable and conscious mastering by students with a system of special physical cultural and sports knowledge and skills;

Integration of basic and additional education in the field of physical culture and sports.

The material included in the program can be used for various groups (categories) of schoolchildren, and contains knowledge that cause cognitive interest to students and represent practical value to determine the integrated health assessment of the individual.

Educational and thematic plan

p / P.

Theme of classes




kie classes

form of control


Introduction Modern methods Man research (brief overview)







Test control


Functional tests




Lab. Work





Lab. Work


Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determining the motion age of schoolchildren




Lab. Work


Final lesson




Total hours




  1. 1. Introduction Modern research methods

General research methods. Theoretical research methods. Empirical research methods. Physiometric research methods.

  1. 2. Methods for research and evaluation of human functional state

The influence of physical exercises per person. Functional tests and tests. Indicators of the functional state of the person.

  1. 3. Functional tests

Functional samples: goals, tasks. Characteristics of functional samples. Martine test. Sample Kotova - Dyshin. Sample S.P. Letunov. Harvard step test. Determination of heart rate (heart rate). Ruffier test. Individual training pulse (ITP).

  1. 4. Methods for studying the physical development of man

Methods for measuring physical development indicators. Methods of outdoor person survey. Somatoscopy. Methods of instrumental study of the physical development of man. Anthropometry. Physiometry.

5. Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determining the motion age of schoolchildren

Testing. Ways to perform tests. Physical preparedness. The level of physical fitness. Physical activity. Motor age. Indicators of physical fitness. Age assessment standards. Motor Exercise Testing Protocol

This elective course is recommended to include in the school curriculum for students of grades 10-11 as part of both defense and sports and universal profiles. You can also use an elective course within the framework of the chemical biological profile, while increasing the topic "Methods of studying the physical development of a person" to 5 hours due to the topic "Assessment of an individual level of physical fitness and the determination of the motion age of schoolchildren."

For a qualitative conduct of the elective course, "Know yourself" is recommended in the lecture part (8 hours) include interactive learning, actively using multimedia equipment and video equipment.

For the practical part (9 hours), it is recommended to use information and training, medical equipment and technical training.

Control questions and tasks.

1. What are the basic general scientific research methods?

2. What does "physiometric research methods" mean?

3. What indicators determine the functional state of the person?

4. What does the term "functional test" mean?

5. Functional samples: goals, tasks?

6. What are the methods of studying the physical development of man?

7. List the main methods for measuring physical development indicators?

8. What does it apply to the methods of instrumental study of the physical development of man?

9. What is "Motor Activity"?

10. What does the term "physical readiness" mean?

11. How is the human motor age determined?

12. Describe the method of holding Harvard Step test?

13. Describe the test method of S. P. Letunov?

14. List the most common functional samples and tests?

Practical tasks

Exercise 1.The pulse frequency in the untrained adult is hesitated normally from 60 to 90 shots per minute.

Measure your pulse at rest. If its frequency is 41-60 UD / min - an excellent result; 61-74 - good; 75-9 - satisfactory; More than 90 UD / min- unsatisfactory (should be counted with the doctor).

Task 2.Perform a sample with squats.

Standing (legs together), count the pulse for 30 s. Then, at a slow pace, take 20 squats, raising your hands forward and keeping the torso straight, and knees ranging to the sides. After the squats again calculate the pulse.

An increase in the pulse indicates the state of the body: less than 25% - excellent; 25-50% - satisfactory; 75% and above - unsatisfactory.

Task 3.Climb the 4th floor of the stairs.

If after the rise easily breathes, there is no unpleasant sensation, you can consider the degree of your physical fitness good. The appearance of shortness of breath (rapidity and difficulty breathing) on \u200b\u200bthe 4th floor indicates the average degree of physical fitness, on the 3rd floor - bad. More accurate data from this sample can be obtained if you measure the pulse at rest, and then immediately after lifting the 4th floor. If after lifting the pulse 100 ice / min and below - excellent; 101 -120 - good; 121-140 - satisfactory; Above 140 UD / min - bad.

Task 4.Determine the condition of your posture. To do this, measure the width of the shoulders and the back arc. Measurement instructions are as follows. Schet the protruding bone points over the shoulder joints. Take a centimeter tape with your left hand for zero division and press it to the left. With the right hand, stretch the tape on the line of the clavicle to the right point. The resulting number shows the width of the shoulders. Then transfer the ribbon behind the head and stretch it on the top edge of the blade from the left point to the right. The resulting number indicates the magnitude of the back arc. Make a calculation by the formula:

shoulder width, cm

------------- x 100%

the magnitude of the back arc, see

Norm: 100-110%.

Indicator 90% He indicates a serious violation of posture. When declining this indicator to 85-90% or increasing before 125-130% We must refer to the orthopedic doctor.

Task 5.(for young men). Resect your level of physical fitness, compare it with the average norm and perform exercises to increase the level.

but) Force. Source position - focusing with hands lying on the floor. Perform the highest possible bending and extension of hands (pressing from the floor), while the body must be kept directly. The average for the young men is 16-17 years old - 15 times spray on the floor.

b) Rapidity. Source position - standing, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt. Quickly sit down and pull hands forward. Then get up, lift on the socks, the hands are omitted.

Source position - standing, legs apart, right hand at the top left at the bottom. Quickly change the position of the hands.

The number of repetitions for 6 s is taken into account. The average for the young men is 16 years: squats - 6 times, change the position of the hands-16 times; for young men of 17 years; Squats - 7 times, change hands - 17 times.

in) Dexterity. Take two small objects, comfortable for grabbing with hand (tennis balls, smooth peels), and throw them up one after the other left left, and then right hand.

The duration of the continuity of the exercise of each hand is taken into account. Average dexterity for young men: 16 years old - 45 s. left and 75 p. right hand; 17 years old - 60 s. left and 90 s. right.

g. ) Flexibility. Source position is the main stand. Make a maximum tilt forward, while the legs are straight. If you were able to touch the floor with your palms of both hands, then you have good flexibility, if not, it should be developed.

The task6. Exercise self-control for health and physical development. Observations fix in the diary at least 1-3 times a week. The diary includes objective data, fixed by the instruments (length and weight of the body, the rate of the pulse, blood pressure, etc.), and the subjective sensations (mood, well-being, a decrease in performance, worsening sleep, appetite, discomfort and pain, etc.). It is also desirable to mark the content of classes.

The task7. Self-controlling performance objectively can be carried out on the sample of Rufa-Dixon, which is held

in the following way.

Lying on the back count for 15 with the pulse (P1) - then stand up and make 30 squats in 45 s. Lie again and immediately calculate the pulse for 15 s. For the first minute (P2) and for the last 15 s. From the same first minute (P3). Calculation of performance (a) is made by the formula:

A \u003d (P1 + P2 + P3) x 4 -200

Results are estimated as follows: 0-3 - good; 4-6 - medium; 7-8 - satisfactory; Over 8 - Bad

Task 8.Determine the heart rate (heart rate) at rest?

Task 9.Determine your individual training pulse (ITP)?

In order for the physical culture to benefit, everyone should know how to choose the load and control it. This can be done using the Kerwonen formula, which allows you to determine the individual training pulse (ITP) by simple mathematical calculations. To do this, you need to sit on the chair, count your pulse at rest for one minute and after a series of calculations to get the digital expression of the ITP.

1. From the figure 220 you need to take away the amount (your age in years plus heart rate at rest for 1 min.)

2. Multiply the resulting digit by 0.6 and add the pulse value to it alone.

Example: If you are 16 years old and the pulse alone is 66 ° C. / min, calculations will show that your ITP is equal to (220- (16 + 66) x 0,6 +66 \u003d 148 UD / min

Tasks 10.Specifying blood pressure (blood pressure) twice in the sitting position and name the maximum (systolic) blood pressure and the indicator of the minimum (diastolic) blood pressure.


1. Akhundov R.A. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: Tutorial. - Belgorod: Publishing House of Belga, 2001.

2. Quurashshin Yu.F. Physical Culture Theory: Textbook. - 2 - ed., Act. - M.: Soviet Sport, 2004.

3. Butin I.M., Bouda I.A. and others. Physical culture: 9-11 cl.: studies. Pupils for students. Installation. - M.: Humanit. Ed. Center Vlados, 2003.

4. Ashmarin B.A. Theory and Methodology pedagogical studies In physical education. - M.: Physical education and sports, 1978.

5. Vavilov Yu.N. Assessment of the individual level of physical condition // Physical education at school. - 1997. - №7.

6. Zheleznyak Yu.d. Smirnov Yu.I. Basics of scientific and pedagogical activities. Education. M.: 1996u

7. Guide to laboratory activities for the hygiene of children and adolescents: studies. Manual / Berzin V.I., Slepushkina I.I., Gloschchenko A.G. et al. - K. School School. Head Publishing House, 1989.

About the Introduction of the Aii-Russia Physical Culture

And Sports Complex TRP

N.N. Kalmykov, A.V. Yudkin, a.g. Nosov.

Various Alternative in The Russian Federation, Its Features, Goals, Tasks and Main Functions Are Considered on The LEGISLATIVE BASE OF THE WISC TRP, NORMATIVIVE AND LEGAL ACTS OF FEDERAL AND REGIONAL SIGNIFICANCE. The Main Proposals and Recommendations for Improving The Organization and Quality of Implementing This System in Educational Institutions are formulated. A statistical Observation of the Organization and Implementation of the Trp Has Been Carried Out. The Main Problems Connected with Informing The Population About This Complex Are Revealed.

Key Words: Sport, Health, GTO, Legislative Framework of The Gto, Statistical Observation, GTO Standards.

Kalmykov Nikolai Nikolaevich, Candidate Of Sociological Sciences, Director, [Email Protected], Russia, Moscow, Expert-Analytical Center of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration,

Yudkin Artem Vladimirovich, Advisor To the Chairman of the Board, [Email Protected], RUSSIA, NOVOSIBIRSK, SIBERIAN EXPERT CENTER "Modernization",

Nosov Alexander Georgievich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciencees, Teacher, [Email Protected], Russia, Saratov, Povolzhsky Institute Of Management Named After Stolypin Of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

UDC 796.011.1: 378.14

Formation of students' competences within

Elective course in physical culture

L.T. Kudasova, N.N. Wengerov

Identified problems in the content of the elective course on physical culture in order to form general cultural competencies in students. The methodology for organizing an elective course on physical culture in high school using physical education technologies, which takes into account the level of physical fitness and emotional states engaged and contributes to the formation of specially directed competencies in students.

Keywords: competences, an elective course on physical culture, physical and wellness technologies, physical development, physical fitness.

Modernization of higher education, in particular the introduction of profile training, opens up fundamentally new opportunities in the implementation of innovation activities in the university. In the conditions of profile training, in addition to the basic, new components are entered.

training - elective courses. Elective courses are the newest mechanism of updating and individualization of the learning process. With a well-developed system of elective courses, each student can get an education with a certain desired bias in a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. Elemental disciplines are essentially the most important means of building individual educational programs, because The most associated with the choice of each student content of education, depending on his interests, abilities, subsequent life plans. Elective courses mostly contribute to solving individual problems in the formation of the competences of the educational standard.

Speaking about the quality of training specialists in high school, not only acquired knowledge, skills and experience in the professional sphere, but also psychophysical suitability should be taken into account. There is no doubt that the labor reserves of our country should be not only highly qualified, but also possess good health. In this regard, as an indisputable position, in each educational standard, general cultural competences are prescribed to form a readiness to apply physical culture tools to increase their physical improvement in providing full social and professional activities.

In GEF in in various directions of training of bachelors and specialists, general cultural competences aimed at physical improvement are formulated in different ways: the student must have a "ability to maintain a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities, promotion of active longevity, healthy lifestyles and prevention diseases "; "The ability to use methods and means of physical culture to ensure full social and professional activities"; "The willingness to maintain the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full social and professional activities"; "The ability to apply methods and means of knowledge, training and self-control for intellectual development, enhance the cultural level, professional competence, maintaining its health, moral and physical self-improvement"; "Hosue by means of independent, methodologically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, willingness to achieve a proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities"; "The willingness to maintain the level of physical training providing full-fledged activities"; "The ability to apply methods and means of knowledge, training and self-control for their

intellectual development, enhancement of cultural level, professional competence, preserving its health, moral and physical self-improvement, etc., but the essence of them remains uniform.

Physical perfection, according to N.V. Reshetnikova, this is a historically determined level of health and the comprehensive development of the physical abilities of people, which meets the requirements of human activity in various areas of social labor, providing long-year-old human resources. In this context, physical perfection reflects such a degree of physical development of young people, students, their health levels that allow them to fully realize their creative opportunities. Therefore, physical perfection is not just the desired quality of the future specialist, but a necessary element of his personal structure.

It is physical culture that a leading role is given in solving issues of the development of physical abilities of students. The result of education at the end of training in the field of physical culture should be the creation of sustainable motivation and the need for healthy and productive lifestyle, physical self-improvement, the acquisition of personal experience of creative use of its funds and methods, achieving the established level of physical fitness.

Currently, the requirements of federal standards for the training process provide for the discipline "Physical Culture" allocation of hours in the base part (72 hours) and elective courses with compulsory academic hours (328 hours), but without specifying the means and methods of their implementation.

This puts a problem in front of sports and pedagogical science requiring theoretical justification and a practical solution. The implementation of the implementation lies in the search for effective, attractive and affordable for student youth tools, as well as in the improvement of the process of physical education. After all, the elective courses "compensate" in many ways quite limited the possibilities of basic disciplines in meeting the various educational needs of students, forming their individual educational trajectory.

For teachers in physical culture, the university appears in elective courses to make scientifically based changes and additions in the form of organization, content educational material, summarizing its development, taking into account regional, sociocultural, material and technical specifications, features of vocational training of students, availability and qualifications of pedagogical personnel.

Not only traditional physical culture remedies can be used: exercises of athletics, struggle, sports games, skiing, swimming, but also the latest modern physical well-being technologies.

At the moment, a significant number of different physical education systems have been formed in the practice of physical culture, designed to contribute to the preservation and promotion of public health, including young students. When using this variety of systems, it is necessary to take into account value orientations Modern youth so that the orientation for physical education and sports activities does not weaken.

In addition, the tools used physical culture should take into account the sexual agents of students and be aimed at developing them in the process of learning certain professionally significant physiological, physical and psychological functions, health, and their compliance with the nature of the professional requirements of the elected profession to form the relevant competencies.

At the student, the physical ripening of the body is completed. This period can be called the final stage of the progressive age development of the psycho-physiological and motor capabilities of the body. Young people during this period have great opportunities for intense work and social and political activities. In this age range, the body maintains relatively high performance, common high level Functional activity. At the same time, numerous studies indicate a low level of physical fitness, health from most school graduates. In addition, many have no elementary culture of movements, the ability to exercise vital motor quality and skills. Often, it is with such a level of preparedness in physical culture. Yesterday's schoolchildren become today's students, not to mention that all deviations in health that appeared in childhood are more often aggravated over the years.

Given all of the foregoing, we conducted research in the framework of the teaching of the discipline "Physical Culture (Elective Discipline)". In our experiment, the girls-students of the first course of SPbGEU took part.

The preliminary survey of students has shown that the leading positive motives to visit classes in physical culture for them are: the desire to improve the figure - 87%, the desire to support health - 10%, the need to get a test - 3%. Regularly attend training classes in physical culture wished 60.1% of respondents,

the same time, 39.9% of first-grandmothers indicate the lack of interest in physical culture.

The choice of most students involves the use of modern fitness technologies in the classroom: preference is given to fitness - 41.2%, Callanetics - 40.5%, aerobics -32.4%; Aqua aerobics - 25%.

When forming motor programs, within the framework of elective courses in physical culture, we used modern physical education technologies, given that female students prefer exercises associated with music, plastic, artistry. The use of dance exercises in recreation training plays a big role in preventing and removing stressful state, psychocomplexes, in general mental recovery, which is so necessary with the tense mental work of students. A variety of exercises, constant updating of logically built programs, a high emotional occupation background make it possible to effectively solve most of the tasks of physical education in the formation of relevant general cultural competencies.

In our research under the elective course on the physical culture of the first-year student, SPbGEU were engaged using physical education technologies: in the control group (kg), basic aerobics exercises were mainly used; Students of the experimental group (EG) were engaged in the inclusion of exercises of dance species of aerobics, Callanetics, Stretching, Pilates, Yoga. The experiment was carried out during the semester (four months). Classes in groups were held twice a week during the watches of classes on "physical culture (elective discipline)". The cycle of classes in the festival on aerobics has been completed.

To estimate the formation of competencies on discipline, a fund of evaluation funds is created, which is a set of test materials (estimates) and methods of their use intended to determine the level of achievement by the student of the established learning outcomes.

When creating a fund of evaluating funds in exercise classes, an effective system of monitoring physical fitness and development, physical health of students, the results of which allow the student to determine their level of physical fitness and develop individual programs aimed at the correction and formation of a healthy lifestyle. To estimate the level of physical fitness of students, exercises are used on the manifestation of basic physical abilities: high-speed-force endurance, static and dynamic strength, coordination, flexibility. These exercises should not significantly differ from

educational institutions used in the practice of educational institutions to assess the level of physical fitness of high school graduates, as well as the standards of the GTO of the 5th and 6th steps (according to the age group).

At the first stage of our research, information was collected on the physical condition of students, where it was revealed that the indicators of manifestation of physical qualities do not correspond to age-sex; The life capacity of the lungs (jerking) is 51.8% due vality; Indicators of the level of physical performance and physical condition correspond to the low level.

Indicators of changes in the level of physical fitness as a result of a pedagogical experiment conducted in the table.

Indicators of changes in the physical fitness of students during a pedagogical experiment

Indicator Stages Group Reliability

experiments ± t intergroup

mental difference

Eg n \u003d 26 kg n \u003d 28 1 p

Aerobic endurance - "Step test" (times / min) Start 83.51 ± 3.6 79.5 ± 3.6 1,713\u003e 0.05

End 86.1 ± 2.0 81.5 ± 2.4 0,651\u003e 0.05

1 \u003d 2.54; P\u003e 0.05 1 \u003d 0.68; P\u003e 0.05

Power stamina Start 32.0 ± 1.9 31.7 ± 1.9 0.102\u003e 0.05

- "lifting torso" end 37.3 ± 1.7 36.3 ± 1.6 0.414\u003e 0.05

(once / min) 1 \u003d 8.78; R<0,001 1=5,64; р<0,001

Power stamina Start 21.7 ± 1.7,05 ± 2.3 0,420\u003e 0.05

- "Flexing of hands at end 27.3 ± 1.9 26.1 ± 2.3 0.391\u003e 0.05

stop lying "(times / min) 1 \u003d 2.22; R<0,001 1=5,57; р<0,001

Flexibility "Tilt forward" (cm) Start 12.3 ± 1.4 13.7 ± 1.6 0.643\u003e 0.05

End 15.1 ± 1.25 16.1 ± 1.6 0,512\u003e 0.05

1 \u003d 12.88; R<0,001 1=4,16; р<0,001

In the experimental group, the power endurance of the muscles of the hands by 28% (p<0,001) и мышц брюшного пресса на 16 % (р<0,001), гибкость увеличилась на 22,2 % (р<0,001). Показатели аэробной выносливости улучшились на 5,6 % (р>0,05).

In the control group improved the power endurance of the muscles of the hands by 27.6% (p<0,001) и мышц брюшного пресса на 14,5 % (р<0,001), гибкость увеличилась на 18 % (р<0,001). Незначительно изменились показатели аэробной выносливости (р>0.05), which is explained, in our opinion, a small duration of the experiment.

As a result of the classes of the elective course on physical culture using physical education technologies for one semester in the control and experimental groups.

the level of physical fitness has changed in a positive side.

To study the influence of experimental classes on the emotional background of students before and after classes at the beginning and at the end of the experiment, the blanks of the responses of identifying self-assessment of reactive and personal anxiety were filled.

The average personal anxiety rate in the subject groups was in the zone of average values \u200b\u200b(36-37 points). The reactive anxiety of students at the beginning and end of the pedagogical experiment before the beginning of the lesson in our studies was also in the range of average values \u200b\u200b(36.9 and 37.1 points). This can be explained by the positive emotional attitude to the upcoming exercises of wellness aerobics.

Indicators of reactive anxiety in the control and experimental groups in our experiment tend to reduce both during the lesson and during the experiment. In the experimental group, these improvements are more pronounced. We did not find statistically reliable changes between the two groups that we explain the meaningful part of the classes, very close to the impact on the emotional and motor spheres of engaged in.

According to Yu.L. Khanina, only when dividing groups on high and low-gradual, reliable changes can be revealed when the means of physical education it is possible to optimize the emotional state in highly districted students.

The student survey at the end of the experiment showed that 90% of respondents as a result of occupied classes using physical education technologies improved the mood, 78% were to improve overall well-being, 63% specified on the correction of the figure; On the ability to move beautifully, 56% of respondents were influenced; They acquired new knowledge about the basics of a healthy lifestyle and health methods of 41%, the ability to draw up complexes for independent activities acquired 12% of respondents. Most students were happy to participate in aerobics festival with a test combination, which proves the feasibility of conducting final controls in the discipline "Physical culture (elective discipline)" in a competitive form.

Students who have mastered the elective course unanimously spoke in favor of the expediency of its introduction to the educational process of the University.

Thus, it can be argued that students thanks to the elective course on physical culture using physical education technologies raised their level of physical fitness, improved emotional state, forming specially directed competencies in the field of physical culture.


1. Reshetnikov N.V., Kislitsyn Y.L. Physical culture: studies. Manual for media students. prof. studies. establishments. M.: Mastery, 2002. 152 p.

2. Arvisto MA On the role and nature of value orientations in sports activities // Society and Sport: Sat. Scientific Tr. M.: GCOLIFK, 1976. P. 6-14.

3. Wengerova, N.N., Kudashaov L.T. Kinesiological construct of an elective course in physical culture in high school // European Social Science Journal (European. Zh. Social. Sciences) 2016. №4. P. 238-243.

4. Battarishev A.V. Basic psychological properties and identity self-determination: Practical guidance on psychological diagnostics. SPB.: Speech, 2005. P. 44-49.

5. Khanin Yu.L., Bulanova G.V. Emotional well-being of students in sports and training groups // Theory and Practice of Physs. Culture. 1979. No. 4.

Kudashova Lyudmila Timofeevna, Cand. Ped. sciences, ass., [Email Protected], Mail.Ru, Russia, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Economic University,

Hungarian Natalya Nikolaevna, Cand. Ped. sciences, prof., [Email Protected] RU, Russia, Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University of Economics


For Physical Culture.

L.T. Kudashova, N.N. Vengerova.

Problems in The Content of the General Cultural Competencies of Students Are Revealed. The Method of Organization of the telese on Physical Culture In The University with the Use of Physical Culture and Health Technologies is a pretented. IT Takes Into Account The Level of Physical Preparedness And Emotional State Of The Students Involved And Promotes The Formation of Specially Directed Competencies Among Female Students.

Key Words: Competence, Elective Course for Physical Education, Sports and Health Technology, Physical Development, Physical Fitness.

Kudashova Lyudmila Timofeevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor, [Email Protected], Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University of Economics,

Vengerova Natalia Nikolayevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, [Email Protected], Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Saint Petersburg State University Of Economics