Financial University Master of Entrance Tests. What to do in the magistracy: we give advice together with the financial university


University of Continuing Education Institute
O.E. Kutafina (MGU)

Offers for learning in magistracy

2 Practical oriented master's programs

Master of Law in the Financial Sphere

A financial lawyer is a specialist in lending and investment issues, capital management, solving issues with tax authorities, legal analysis of financial activities and contractual work.

The competence of a financial lawyer includes a wide range of issues, the most important of which are: a legal analysis of financial documentation; resolution issues related to the application of tax legislation and related to the field of banking legal relations; legal analysis of financial activities; Legal monitoring of the state of financial markets; Legal analysis of investment projects.

Judicial and other forms of rights
Business entities

The program is unique, since it allows you to form comprehensive and deep knowledge of the applications by the courts, other jurisdictional authorities of substantive law in the process of protecting entrepreneurs' rights. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the material law (content), and to procedural law, non-judicial procedures (form) as two components in the mechanism of judicial and non-judicial protection of the rights and interests of business entities. The purpose of the program is not only civil and legal ways to protect business, but protection against public agencies; Protection of an entrepreneur from unreasonable, illegal actions, interventions, abuses from the actions of public bodies.

Our program as a compass will allow future masters to navigate in law enforcement practice and use them in their work.

Judicial and other forms of protection of entities of entrepreneurial activities

Program Manager - Doctor
Legal Sciences, Deputy Chairman
The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region,
Professor Civil Department
and administrative proceedings
University named after O. E. Kutafina (MGU)

Andrei Aleksandrovich Soloviev

View Profile

The goal of the master's program. The program is unique, since it allows you to form comprehensive and deep knowledge of the applications by the courts, other jurisdictional authorities of substantive law in the process of protecting entrepreneurs' rights. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the material law (content), and to procedural law, non-judicial procedures (form) as two components in the mechanism of judicial and non-judicial protection of the rights and interests of business entities.

Master can carry out its activities as a representative in the implementation of judicial and non-judicial forms of the protection of the rights of entrepreneurial activities in the courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, arbitrariness courts for civil, administrative, criminal cases (legal advisers, lawyers, representatives, mediators), work as assistants of judges , and in the future get the status of the judge.

1. The philosophy of law;

1. Subjects of entrepreneurial activity;
2. Actual problems contractual law;
3. Protection of the rights of the parties to the organizational commitment: theory and practice;
4. Legal regulation of accounting and auditing;
5. Actual problems of the judicial form of protection of rights and legitimate interests entrepreneurs;
6. Corporate disputes in business activities;
7. Protection of entrepreneurs in administrative proceedings;
8. The arbitration proceedings of civil cases in Russian Federation;
9. Tax disputes in business activities;
10. Features of protection and representation of the interests of entrepreneurs in criminal proceedings;
11. Protection of business entities in the antimonopoly sphere;
12. Claimed and other pre-trial procedure for resolving disputes of business entities;
13. Considering by arbitration cases of cases of administrative offenses;
14. Judicial protection of the rights and legitimate interests of entrepreneurs in the field of intellectual property;
15. Prosecutor's supervision of compliance with the legislation in the field of economics and the rights of entrepreneurs;
16. Features of the qualifications of entrepreneurial crimes;
17. Features of the qualifications of crimes related to the legalization of cash or other property acquired by criminal means;
18. Technology of the negotiation process.

Leading teachers:

deputy Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, D.Yu.N., A. A. Soloviev;
Judge of the Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region, K.Yu.n., Associate Professor T. V. Dokuchaeva
Honored Lawyer, D.Yu., Professor of the Russian Federation N. G. Ivanov;
Deputy Head of the Territorial Department of the Federal Property Management Agency in the Moscow Region, K.Yu.N. Yu. A. Modezheko;
D.Y.N. E. E. Bogdanova;
Advisor to the Director General on Legal Issues ResourSenergoeugol LLC, K.Yu.n. D. Yu. Ionova;
K.Yu.N. E. B. Ponneza; K.Yu.N. Associate Professor I. Z. Ayusheva, etc.

Master of Law in the Financial Sphere

Program Manager - Doctor
Legal Sciences, Professor,
Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation,
First Vice Rector of the University named after O.E. Kutafina,
Head of the Department of Financial Law

Elena Yuryevna Gracheva

View Profile

The goal of the master's program. The master's program is focused on a modern model of training lawyers in the field of financial law, combining in itself as an in-depth study. theoretical foundations legal regulation of the financial sector market and applied skills of legal activities in the field of functioning of financial institutions, which will allow graduates immediately after the completion of training to start practical activities.

Professional graduate activities, employment. Master can exercise professional activities as employees and managers of state and municipal authorities, in particular, as part of the divisions of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service and other services carrying out tax activities as the main type of activity; as employees and managers of state and territorial extrabudgetary funds; as employees and heads of the apparatus of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Accounts Chambers in the subjects of the Russian Federation, including as auditors of the Chambers; as employees of audit organizations; As lawyers specializing in the protection of violated rights and interests of taxpayers.

The disciplines of the negotiation cycle:

1. The philosophy of law;
2. Organizational and managerial activity of a lawyer;
3. Foreign language in law;
4. Business foreign language;
5. History of political and legal exercises;
6. History and methodology of legal science;
7. Comparative legal state.

Professional cycle disciplines:

1. Actual problems of financial and banking law;
2. Budget control in the Russian Federation;
3. Tax control and tax audits;
4. Tax disputes;
5. Legal support of accounting in the Russian Federation;
6. Legal regulation of auditing activities;
7. Legal regulation of financial control and supervision;
8. Problems of legal regulation of a bank loan;
9. The system of state authorities, carrying out financial control;
10. Financial supervision of the activities of payment systems.

Optional disciplines:

Currency control; Tax accounting and examination; Basics of legal regulation of national payment systems; Legal problems of turnover of electronic cash; Problems of legal regulation of bank accounts and deposits; Responsibility for violation of financial legislation; Calculations by payment bank cards; Forensic expert support of financial control.

Leading teachers:

d.Yu.N., Professor E. Yu. Gracheva,
D.Yu.N., Deputy Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region A. A. Soloviev,
D.Y.N. L. L. Arzumanova,
D.Yu., Professor N. M. Artemov,
D.Yu.N., Professor S. A. Golubev,
K.Yu.N., Associate Professor A. B. Bell,
K.Yu.N., Associate Professor A. V. Kartashov,
K.Yu.N., Associate Professor Yu. K. Tsaregdskaya,
K.Yu.N., Associate Professor I. V. Petrova,
K.Yu.N., Associate Professor I. V. Lagkuyev
and etc.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow - one of the prestigious economic universities of the country. His students dream of becoming many schoolchildren from all regions of the country, as well as neighboring countries. The university offers a huge variety of master's programs. The following is given all the necessary information about admission.

List of master's programs and training deadlines

Master's programs in the financial university are designed for a certain period of study - 2 years. If earlier students who have learned on the programs of the specialist, studied 5 years, then today receiving higher education divided into 2 stages: undergraduate - 4 years and magistracy - 2 years. Form of study: daytime.

Consider in more detail the programs offered by the university. Applicants have the ability to study the following graduate programs based on the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies:

  1. Data analysis and machine learning in economics and finance.
  2. Technology blockchain and cryptocurrency.
  3. Intellectual information Technology in economics and finance.
  4. Information security of financial and credit institutions.

On the basis of the Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security named V.K. Senchagova proposes the following master's programs:

  1. Compliance control in the activities of the business entity.
  2. Financial investigations in organizations.
  3. Emergency economy.

It is worth noting that the above directions are among the programs of two diplomas.

Based on the faculty government controlled and financial control is being trained in master's programs:

  1. Economic forecasting and planning.
  2. Controlling in the public sector.

The International Finance Faculty also offers applicants to enter two diplomas in the field of finance (training is conducted exclusively in English).

List of entrance tests

For admission to the magistracy of the Financial University, it is necessary to successfully pass the introductory tests that consist of 2 exams. The number of which includes a profile subject (depending on the selected direction), as well as another additional exam. Applicants are given the right to choose the view of the exam from several offered.

For receipt of the faculties such as economics, management, public administration, business informatics, finance and credit, state audit, personnel management and tourism, it is necessary to pass entrance tests on economic theory and foreign language. The applicant has the right to choose one of the selection of examinations on economic theory: a written form (conducted as a computer test), a federal Internet exam for bachelors (FIEB), GMAT, GRE. The applicant also gets the opportunity to choose one of the selection of foreign language exams in writing (computer testing) or by providing an actual international certificate.

Introductory tests in the magistracy of the financial university at the Faculty of Sociology: General Sociology (to choose from - a written form or a federal Internet exam for bachelors), a foreign language (written form in the form of computer testing or providing an international certificate).

It is also important to consider the compliance of the test results carried out directly in the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation in Moscow, and the examinations of the international sample. The compliance of the results of GMAT (Verbal Section) and the university entrance exam: 41-51 corresponds to the result 100, 36-40 corresponds to the result 90, 27-35 corresponds to the result 80. The full list can be found on the official website of the University in the "Master's" section.

Minimal amount Points, which should gain an applicant to participate in the competition for admission to the magistracy in the financial university - over 20 points for each exam. This number of points makes it possible to participate in the general competition, but does not guarantee admission.

Control checks

Every year in the magistracy of the Financial University you can enroll in various areas of training both on the budget basis and paid. The "Audit and Financial Consulting" stands out 14 budget seats and 10 paid. Next, publish a list of directions and control numbers of reception - budget / contract:

  • business Analytics 14/7;
  • accounting and legal support of business 10/6;
  • international accounting and audit 14/6;
  • financial analysis and assessment of investment solutions 14/10;
  • securities and financial engineering 11/6;
  • international Finance 20/20.

It is also worth considering the control numbers to the correspondence form of the magistracy of the financial university:

  • management accounting and controlling 4/10;
  • financial management and capital market 2/12;
  • management of human resources - / 10.

Previous Years Acceptance Statistics

In order for applicants to assess their own forces, the university annually publishes the results of admission of students last year. The passage point in the magistracy of the Financial University on the direction of "Audit and Financial Consulting" in 2018 was 125, on the "Business Analytics" - 155, to the direction of "Financial Technologies in Business" - 168, on "International Finance and Banks" - 173.

Paid-based training cost

The cost of learning in the magistracy of the financial university depends on the selected direction. The cost of studying in 2019/2020 at the Faculty of International Financial is 360 thousand rubles, at the Faculty of Taxes and Taxation - 335 thousand rubles. The full list can be found on the official website of the university in the "Master's" section, as well as obtain this information in reception Commission.

Additional Information

Receive additional information, for example, about the Civil Department in the magistracy of the Financial University, you can open doors, as well as on the official website of the highest educational institution. It is worth noting that all applicants can contact the Admission Commission on the contacts specified on the site and ask all the questions you are interested in.

Master Training. Master of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Selection of the program, directions and form of training.

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the oldest universities of the Russian Federation, the history of the university began more than 95 years ago. The university prepares the personnel of the financial and economic sphere. Graduates of the Financial University occupy high posts in business and politics, government bodies and power.

Today, at the University under the Government of the Russian Federation, more than 84 thousand students are being prepared annually on undergraduate programs, specialties and magistracy, as well as on MBA programs.

As part of the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, 12 institutes, two educational and scientific laboratories, two high Schools, 36 branches in the Russian regions. Twenty-one branch is preparing for VPO programs, fifteen by SPO programs.

Master of Financial University

Master of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation teaches students 61 program. The "Banks and Banking" programs are particularly popular with the Magistrasture of the Finniversite, as well as the "banking". The university use interactive learning techniques, work with cases, computer simulations, role-playing and business games.

The rating of the famous Russian company "Expert" has shown that the final (according to surveys of representatives of scientific and academic circles, employers, graduates and students) entered the hundreds of the best universities. For the quality of education, the university is included in the "Top 10 the best universities Russia.

Additional highlighting the faculty of the Faculty of Finance and Banking Ranjigs

Additional opportunity - training modules in English in the IAE NICE business school (France) and receiving two diplomas of MBA - Russian and French.

Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS) - Multidisciplinary University, founded in 1965 in the city of Nice (France). He has branches of Cannes, Menton and Grass. He is a key player in the Sophia Antipolis technological cluster.

FFB Rowhigs has signed an agreement on cooperation with the Institute for Administration of Enterprises of the University of Nice - Sofia Antipolis on the implementation of the MBA program. Headers of MBA programs of FFB have the opportunity to study on a program of two diplomas together by Ranjigsis + UNS.

Listeners have the opportunity to enroll on the program of magistracy simultaneously with the arrival of MBA programs, to master both programs for 2 years and get a master's degree simultaneously with the degree of MBA. Listeners of the program "Digital Banking and Finance" can choose the master's program "Banks, Finance, Investments", and the students of the program "Business, Ektounting and Law" - the Master's Program "Finance: Accounting, Analysis and Audit".


The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is the International Association of Managed Accounting Specialists. Strategic management accounting combines accounting, finance and strategic management in order to successfully conduct business. Bachelor's students have the opportunity to obtain the basic qualifications of CIMA CERT BA on special conditions, having received rerial on two of four exams. Preparation for the delivery of other base-qualification exams is carried out in the framework of basic training on undergraduate.

LCCI is one of the leaders in the international certificate market in the field of English language for business. LCCI exams are recognized in more than 120 countries and are known for more than 100 years. During the year, the team of English teachers FFB conducts intensive training of students to the international exam, which takes place at the Independent Test Center. With the successful examination of the exam, depending on the total number of points scored by the candidate, certificates are issued with the results: "PASS" - handed over, "Pass with Merit" - Delivered or "Pass with Distinction" - Delivered.

Certificate Association of Charted Certified Accountants

ACCA is an international professional association that unites specialists in the field of finance, accounting and auditing. The Faculty of Finance and Banking, together with ACCA, implements a number of master programs, at the end of which the Master can receive a diploma of the ACCC International Professional Qualifications. Thanks to cooperation, FFB students have the right to rerial definite exams necessary to obtain this international qualifications.

Together with the financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation - one of the leading economic universities in the country - we will give a few useful Soviets For those who are going to enter the magistracy in this academic year.

Participate in the Olympics

The main goal of student Olympiads is to identify capable and talented students. Usually, success in the student Olympiad gives additional points when entering the magistracy, and the victory guarantees or almost guarantees enrollment.

In some universities, success at the Olympics can also give a simple competitive advantage in equality of points with other participants - fortunately for students, such universities in the minority.

Olympiads are used not only universities, but also employers. A pleasant bonus for a good result in the Olympics can be an internship invitation to a prestigious company.

In a financial university, two Olympics are held at once for the magistracy: "Magic Magistracy. Connect science and practice! "And FinContest. The first guarantees winners and prize benefits and discounts when entering the magistracy, and also includes several preparation directions: Economics and management, jurisprudence, political science, sociology and information technology.

Fincontest is more specialized and is conducted for future financial markets. Her winners, in addition to benefits upon admission, also get the opportunity to deliver the Moscow Stock Exchange.

Make a portfolio of your activities and achievements

Additional points upon admission are given not only for success at the Olympics. Usually universities also take into account personal achievements of students - from speeches on student conferences before articles in scientific journals.

Lists from all accounted activity can be found on the websites of universities that you have chosen. Make your own portfolio from all over the unbearable work of intellectual property, which remained after study.

Feel free to include in the portfolio and those achievements that are not listed in your university. Your profile will in any case will study, and in conditions of increased competition they will help leave a good impression - you never know what!

Under international tests

Another thing that will definitely make you hardworking superstudent in the eyes of the admission committee is diplomas with the results of international tests, such as Language TOEFL and IELTS or GMAT for managers.

In some Russian universities, you can buy English or other items through these certificates. But even if there is no such option, they can add points for admission as a personal achievement. In any case, such certificates will definitely not be unnecessary, especially if you keep the opportunity to continue learning abroad in your head.

Prepare for writing a motivational letter

The motivational letter is the final bar for your image to the commission. It is worth paying special attention to it, because to write a good motivational letter simply, but to spoil the impression by a bad letter - even easier.

Although the motivational letters of students learning, for example, sports management and plasma physics will differ, follow the general advice to everyone.

Write concise, clear and short offers, without emotions. Examine examples of good motivational letters on the Internet (just do not think to copy the text, even pieces, it will notice). By the way, the norms of the motivational writing almost do not differ from those from the accompanying letter to the vacancy, so you can see our on this topic.

Worst of all, when students write what, in their opinion, they want to hear from them. Make a letter so as to interest the commission by your ideas and aspirations, and not convince in our own superiority.

Do not tighten

The Council looks banal, but still do not pull to the last. This deprives all the advantages described above: opportunities to have time to participate in student activities for the sake of cherished additional points, pass the international exam, try yourself at the Olympics.

The Olympiad of the Financial University will start now - at the end of 2018. Registration on the Olympics "Magic Magistracy. Connect science and practice! " Starts in December. At the first stage you need to send a motivational letter.

Registration on FinContest has already begun and will last until mid-January. The final stages of the Olympiad will be held in March, and in April - four months before the exams - the results of the competition will already be known.

Try your hand!